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educational paradigms
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1044-1061
Lynn A. Wilson

This chapter offers commentary on adaptation and resilience to stresses on water systems in a potentially catastrophic future. While considering futures studies as an integral part of science education is not new, reorganizing knowledge and its deployment to equip future leaders to address the complexity, paradox and unpredictability of problem requires new educational paradigms. Youth are poised as agents of change in a collaborative, networked, and complexity-embracing future. Through exploring the changes in waters due to climate change and human activity, and what those changes may mean for developing and maintaining resilience in the postnormal future, a complex adaptive systems (CAS) framework guides new alternatives for education and water policy action in these changing times and within the broad goals of sustainability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 179-194
Tatiana Victorovna Ermolova ◽  
Natal’ya Vasil’evna Savitskaya ◽  
Ol’ga Vital’evna Dedova ◽  
Alexandra Victorovna Guzova ◽  

Introduction. The article presents a retrospective analysis of tools for teaching foreign languages in the context of changing educational paradigms, as a reaction to the dominance of the new approach formulated as a result of the evolution of the digital model within foreign language instruction. The purpose of the article is to justify the choice of universal tools for teaching foreign languages, relevant to the modern educational paradigm, the main characteristic feature of which is responsible self-education (learner autonomy). Materials and Methods. To achieve the aim of the study, the following research methods were used: general research methods including dialectical, analysis and synthesis of scholarly literature, comparisons and analogies, reviewing, summarizing information obtained from modern academic sources, and special research methods containing system and comparative analysis, etc. The study was carried out in line with the concept of informatization of education and followed communicative, competence, contextual, learner-centered and activity-based approaches to foreign language instruction. Results. Firstly, the author substantiated the need for accepting the fact that in the conditions of mass industrialization, the educational ecosystem is transferring to a new educational paradigm, consequently, it is necessary to transform the very mechanism of organizing educational process, in particular, foreign language instruction. Secondly, a retrospective analysis of foreign language teaching tools in the context of changing educational paradigms has been conducted, as a reaction to the dominance of the new approach formulated as a result of the evolution of the digital resource model within foreign language instruction, namely SCALL-, MALL- and RALL-approaches. Thirdly, the author has put forward a hypothesis about a universal tool for teaching foreign languages, relevant to the modern educational digital competence paradigm. Conclusions. The author argues that at the present stage, virtual (electronic) educational platforms can be adopted as universal tools for teaching foreign languages relevant to the modern educational paradigm, the main characteristic of which is responsible self-education (learner autonomy), the practice of using those is quite common for Russia, including conditions of autonomous education. In the medium term, mobile training tools can be considered as universal, however, it is necessary to systematize the practice of testing them in educational settings of various levels. In the long term, products ‘generated’ by RALL evolution, including learning tools with artificial intelligence, can be considered as universal tools for teaching foreign languages. Taking into account the fact, that such products as chat bots are just beginning to be used for educational purposes, it is assumed that they will become understandable, adaptive and, as a result, universal digital tools of foreign language instruction including autonomous learning only in the distant future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
Svetlana Latysheva ◽  
Lyubov Bogodelnikova

Irkutsk National Research Technical University has recently launched a number of English-taught educational programmes with the paramount objective to transform the educational landscape of the university. Delivering the programmes in a foreign language gives the university significant competitive advantages in the higher education market, and also enhances the standards of education by attracting foreign experts, professors and students. The purpose of the study is to identify specific didactic tasks that will determine the design of English-taught educational programmes. Having analysed the experience based on language training of undergraduate and graduate students who study in multicultural groups and take English-taught courses, we conclude that the academic status of foreign languages within the programmes of Baikal School of BRICS differs from classical educational paradigms. The implemented lingua-didactic approach when delivering the disciplines focused on language performance is based on the principles of intercultural reflection, acceptance of linguistic and cultural diversity, generation of common meanings and values of education and academic cooperation within the studied subjects, and it contributes to the development of adequate educational technologies resulting in appropriate learning outcomes of students. The results of the study can be used to evaluate and develop similar educational products.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 674
Adriana Pereira da Silva

O artigo objetiva evidenciar a influência da concepção crítico-libertadora e seus fundamentos sobre o direito à EJA, é observada na ação política da Educação Popular, tratada como um paradigma educacional, reconhecido como um conjunto, de ideias e propostas, que disputam um formato de direito à EJA. O estudo está fundamentado em dois autores de espectro critico: Freire (1986, 2006, 2010) por meio das categorias “politicidade”, “ser mais”, “conscientização” e em Dussel (2007) na abordagem da “ética humana”. A pesquisa filia-se a uma investigação qualitativa, estruturada em um estudo de caráter bibliográfico e de documentos que permite evidenciar as categorias citadas e compreendê-las numa experiência. Os resultados da pesquisa levaram a concluir que o direito à EJA pode ser influenciado pela concepção critico-libertadora, a qual se concretiza em paradigmas educacionais, os quais marcam um compromisso do Estado com o direito à educação, sob a ética humana que demanda respeito as especificidades, diversidades dos sujeitos jovens e adultos da EJA.Palavras-chave: Concepção crítico-libertadora; Direito à EJA; Paradigmas orientadores.The influence of the critical-liberating conception on the right to EJA: paradigms in disputesABSTRACTThe article aims to show the influence of the critical-liberating concept and its foundations on the right to EJA, it is observed in the political action of Popular Education, treated as an educational paradigm, recognized as a set of ideas and proposals that dispute a format of right to EJA. The study is based on two authors of critical spectrum: Freire (1986; 2006; 2010) through the categories “politicity”, “being more”, “awareness” and on Dussel (2007) in the approach of “human ethics”. The research is affiliated to a qualitative investigation, structured in a bibliographic and document study that allows to highlight the mentioned categories and understand them in an experience. The research results led to the conclusion that the right to EJA can be influenced by the critical-liberating conception, which is materialized in educational paradigms, which mark a commitment of the State with the right to education, under the human ethics that demand respect for specificities, diversities of young and adult subjects of EJA.Keywords: Critical-liberating conception; Right to EJA; Guiding paradigms.La influencia de la concepción crítico-liberadora sobre el derecho al EJA: paradigmas en las disputasRESUMENEl artículo pretende mostrar la influencia del concepto crítico-liberador y sus fundamentos sobre el derecho a la EJA, se observa en la acción política de la Educación Popular, tratada como paradigma educativo, reconocida como un conjunto de ideas y propuestas que disputan una formato de derecho a EJA. El estudio se basa en dos autores de espectro crítico: Freire (1986; 2006; 2010) a través de las categorías “politicidad”, “ser más”, “conciencia” y en Dussel (2007) en el enfoque de la “ética humana”. La investigación está adscrita a una investigación cualitativa, estructurada en un estudio bibliográfico y documental que permite resaltar las categorías mencionadas y comprenderlas en una experiencia. Los resultados de la investigación llevaron a la conclusión de que el derecho a la EJA puede verse influido por la concepción crítico-liberadora, que se materializa en paradigmas educativos, que marcan un compromiso del Estado con el derecho a la educación, bajo la ética humana que exige el respeto a la educación. especificidades, diversidades de sujetos jóvenes y adultos de EJA.  Palabras clave: Concepción crítico-liberadora; Derecho a EJA; Paradigmas rectores.

Mykhailo Martyniuk ◽  
Volodymyr Mykolaiko ◽  
Oleksandr Pidhornyi ◽  
Valentyn Khytruk

A brief overview of the results of theoretical and experimental research on the selection and structuring of educational materials in the context of the ideas of humanization and fundamentalization of the content of school science is presented including physical education. The paper shows that when constructing the content of such educational materials, it is necessary to present them in the context of historical development and formation of relevant knowledge, and the proposed content structures provided not only scientific and integrity content of school science education but also the development of the personality of a school-age child.The specific task of this article is to substantiate the new content of teaching the basics of the special theory of relativity in general secondary education and in the methodological system of training future physics teachers. The results obtained in the process of theoretical and experimental research can be used by students of general secondary and higher pedagogical education, graduate students, teachers and methodologists. Keywords: natural education; personality-oriented content of education; critical thinking; study of the basics of special relativity; expected (predicted) learning outcomes.

2021 ◽  
pp. 121-137
Ainhoa Cusácovich Torres

Las circunstancias de la sociedad globalizada que nos rodea nos hacen vislumbrar nuevos paradigmas educativos, una innovación necesaria en los procesos, instrumentos y metas de la educación. Esta última pregunta está en la base de las teorías del Aprendizaje Servicio, el enfoque del "por qué", que encuentra su respuesta en iniciativas que mejoran el entorno social, más o menos cercanas al alumno. El uso de los conocimientos académicos para resolver problemas sociales es una gran motivación para los estudiantes, profesores y los socios del proyecto TradAction, de traducción solidaria. Combina, como analizaremos en este artículo, todos los elementos presentes en el blended learning: asincrónico y sincrónico, formal e informal, individual y colaborativo, teórico y práctico. Padlet se propone, por sus posibilidades de intercambio, como herramienta de gestión de este proyecto cooperativo. The current situation of the globalized society makes us consider new educational paradigms, a necessary innovation in the processes, instruments and objectives of education. That latter point is the basis of the theories on Learning-Service, the “what for” approach, finding an answer in initiatives that improve the social environment close to the student. The application of curricular knowledge to solve social problems is a great motivation for students, teachers and partners of the TradAction project of solidarity translation. It combines, as we will analyse in this article, all the characteristics of hybrid learning: asynchronous and synchronous, formal and informal, individual and collaborative, theoretical and practical. Padlet is proposed, due to its exchange possibilities, as a management tool for this project based on cooperation. Les circonstances de la société mondialisée qui nous entoure nous font envisager de nouveaux paradigmes éducatifs, une innovation nécessaire dans les processus, les instruments et les objectifs de l'éducation. Cette dernière question est à la base des théories sur l’Apprentissage par le Service, l'approche du «pourquoi», qui trouve sa réponse dans des initiatives qui améliorent l'environnement social, plus ou moins proche de l'étudiant. L'utilisation des connaissances académiques pour résoudre des problèmes sociaux est une grande motivation pour les étudiants, les enseignants et les partenaires du projet TradAction, de traduction solidaire. Il combine, comme nous l'analyserons dans cet article, tous les éléments présents dans l'apprentissage hybride: asynchrone et synchrone, formel et informel, individuel et collaboratif, théorique et pratique. Padlet est proposé, en raison de ses possibilités d'échange, comme outil de gestion de ce projet basé sur la coopération.

Ana R. Arias ◽  
Diego Soto ◽  
Camino Ferreira

This study aims to address the characteristics presented by the co-educational models that have been put into practice in school handball, showing a general overview, after providing a systematic review of the literature on the topic published over the last ten years on co-educational paradigms in the practice of handball as a school sport. For the description and recording of the process of selection and filtering of documentary sources to be analyzed, use was made of the PRISMA flowchart. After the elimination of duplicates and entries not compliant with the criteria for time limits and type of document, the final sample surveyed was composed of thirty academic articles. The results considered (n = 26) showed a presentational pattern divisible into three segments or groups. These were: technical and sporting aspects of handball, highlighting the benefits of this sport in schools relative to other options (n = 7), co-education (n = 8), and results based on differences between the sexes (n = 11). Co-education stresses significant improvements in skills, together with perceived effort, enjoyment, and participation. These lead to improvements in the social climate and group cohesion, thanks to the practice of sports. Handball within schools, seen from a co-educational angle, should be approached with an eye to its predisposition for the development of social and civic skills. These include respect for the rules of a game, teamwork and solidarity, fair play, commitment, and responsibility. This paper lays out precisely and exhaustively the lines of investigation undertaken in the area of co-education, and, more specifically, how this is handled within the practicing of a confrontational team sport like handball.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 6347-6358
Marcel Oswaldo Méndez-Mantuano ◽  
Amanda Yolanda Lozada Valdez ◽  
Jorge Christian Plaza Quizhpi ◽  
Danny Rafael Plúas Rogel ◽  
Karla Vanessa Ochoa Ladines

Alrededor del mundo se perciben cambios acelerados en todos los ámbitos que forman la cotidianidad, quienes modulan las nuevas estructuras relacionales entre personas y de éstas con su entorno. Estos cambios germinan de la acelerada transformación tecnológica, de la masificación de los medios de producción y de la globalización económica y social. Sin embargo, el ecosistema educativo parece haber sufrido una parálisis evolutiva, o al menos sus cambios no son percibidos con la misma intensidad que los derivados de los aspectos antes mencionados. Por lo tanto, es necesario dar una lectura aproximada de las nuevas realidades que se despliegan en la educación contemporánea. La presente investigación trata de abordar las ideas principales que se desarrollan en el libro “La educación en su laberinto: análisis y propuestas para una salida”, el mismo que esboza las concepciones del denominado “Nuevo Mundo Educativo”. Estos postulados representan la propuesta para el desarrollo de un modelo educativo que sea adaptable a los diferentes paradigmas educativos, sin llegar a denominarse una nueva teoría educativa. Se analizó la disputa hegemónica de la educación actual, la pedagogía que representa un equilibrio entre las nuevas ignorancias y los nuevos aprendizajes, y el detalle de la reconstrucción de la biografía docente.   Accelerated changes are perceived around the world in all the areas that make up daily life, which modulate the new relational structures between people and between people and their environment. These changes germinate from the accelerated technological transformation, from the massification of the means of production and from economic and social globalization. However, the educational ecosystem seems to have suffered an evolutionary paralysis, or at least its changes are not perceived with the same intensity as those derived from the aspects. Therefore, it is necessary to give an approximate reading of the new realities that are unfolding in contemporary education. The present investigation tries to approach the main ideas that are developed in the book “Education in its labyrinth: analysis and proposals for a way out”, the same one that outlines the conceptions of the so-called “New Educational World”. These postulates represent the proposal for the development of an educational model that is adaptable to the different educational paradigms, without being called a new educational theory. The hegemonic dispute of current education, the pedagogy that represents a balance between new ignorance and new learning, and the detail of the reconstruction of the teacher biography were analyzed.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 83-99
Andrey Teslinov ◽  

There are insufficient resources to continue with the existing educational paradigm. This article analyses the natural dynamics of educational paradigms and sets out an educational model for the near future. The research examined basic educational patterns and their current state of development, and investigated the barriers to improving the quality of education and how they may be overcome. It offers a criticism of existing educational paradigms and how they have changed over time, and then constructs proposals for a number of features of a new educational paradigm. This leads to the formulation of a new educational paradigm for the near future with a number of distinctive features. At its centre are ideas of transformation ‘gates’ of education and their functional invariants. The notions set out in the article are intended for developers of educational systems, environments, and programs for rapidly maturing students and adults. This will enable us to overcome the deficiencies in current approaches to education, and focus on advanced mastery of the future, in which the current educational standards are extremely out of date.

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