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sporting events
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2022 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Jeel Moya-Salazar ◽  
Hugo Rodriguez-Papini ◽  
Alejandro Opazo-Zamora ◽  
Vanessa Pineda-Vidangos ◽  
Victor Carpio-Quintana ◽  

  El objetivo de este estudio fuer presentar al Sistema de Vigilancia de Lesiones y Enfermedades (SVLE) del Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI) diseñado para eventos multideportivos como un insumo para la planificación de los recursos necesarios para competencias deportivas. Desarrollamos una revisión sistemática siguiendo la guía PRISMA considerando como criterio de inclusión los eventos multideportivos con implementación de la SVLE del COI. La búsqueda fue realizada en los principales buscadores científicos (PubMed, Scopus, Scielo, ScientDirect, LILACS, y Latindex), en servidores públicos de pre-publicaciones (bioRxiv, SocArXiv, medRxiv y Preprints) y en metabuscadores (Google Scholar y Yahoo!). En la selección inicial se obtuvieron 367 estudios, incluyéndose 19 estudios para su análisis, donde solo 4 fueron deportes unitarios como fútbol, atletismo y balonmano. El SVLE del COI se ha usado inicialmente a gran escala en los Juegos Olímpicos de Beijing 2008 en 7 idiomas, al día de hoy más de 56,063 atletas en 19 eventos deportivos. En Sudamérica este sistema fue empleado en el I Juegos Deportivos Nacionales de Chile, los Juegos Olímpicos de Verano y los Juegos Olímpicos Rio 2016, y en los Juegos Panamericanos Lima 2019. Esta revisión muestra la experiencia documentada del SVLE del COI a lo largo de más de una década de uso de este instrumento, demostrando que el SVLE representa una herramienta útil, sencilla y ágil para el monitoreo de incidencias sanitarias.  Abstract. The objective of this study was to present the Injury and Illness Surveillance System (SVLE) of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) designed for multi-sport events as an input for planning the necessary resources for sports competitions. We developed a systematic review following the PRISMA guide, considering multi-sport events with implementation of the IOC SVLE as inclusion criteria. The search was carried out in the main scientific search engines (PubMed, Scopus, Scielo, ScientDirect, LILACS, and Latindex), in public pre-publication servers (bioRxiv, SocArXiv, medRxiv, and Preprints), and metasearch engines (Google Scholar and Yahoo!). In the initial selection, 367 studies were obtained, including 19 studies for analysis, where only 4 were unitary sports such as soccer, athletics, and handball. The IOC SVLE has initially been used on a large scale at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games in 7 languages, monitoring today more than 56,063 athletes in 19 sporting events. In South America, this system was used in the I National Sports Games of Chile, the Summer Olympic Games and the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, and the Lima 2019 Pan American Games. This review shows the documented experience of the IOC SVLE throughout more of a decade of use of this instrument, demonstrating that the SVLE represents a useful, simple, and agile tool for monitoring health incidents.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Qi Zhou

Physical health promotion has always been a way for schools to pay close attention to and devote resources to their students’ development, physical fitness, and social adaptability. To promote the improvement of students’ overall physical quality, we must begin with the foundation and school physical education. This study proposes an improved K-means algorithm based on an analysis of the influencing factors of intelligent optimization of sports facilities and equipment on students’ health quality. Clustering analysis is carried out based on two groups of data classified as boys and girls, using the improved K-means algorithm. The findings reveal that the average change trend of physical fitness test items in each male cluster is generally similar, with a moderate change. The change in the average score of physical fitness test items for each cluster of girls in the group showed two distinct valleys, and the trend was complicated. This necessitates schools to invest funds to construct venues and purchase equipment in order to increase the number of sporting events.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Seomgyun Lee ◽  
Taeyeon Oh ◽  
Choong Hoon Lim

PurposeThis study sought to determine if environmental barriers (i.e. air pollution, temperature and precipitation) affect outdoor (i.e. soccer and baseball) and indoor (i.e. basketball) professional sport attendance in South Korea.Design/methodology/approachBy including actual air quality, temperature and precipitation data collected from each place where the sporting events take place, this study conducted a regression analysis to examine factors that influenced outdoor and indoor sport attendance.FindingsIn outdoor sports, the estimated results suggested that soccer and baseball attendance were not affected by air pollution. Indoor sport consumers did not change their consumption behaviors in attending sports despite the presence of air pollution. In addition, there was mixed evidence on the effect of weather-related variables on attendance. Average temperature had a positive effect on baseball (outdoor) and basketball (indoor) sport attendance, indicating that the warmer the temperature, the more likely those fans were to attend the games. Average precipitation was negatively associated with outdoor (soccer) sport spectators.Originality/valueThe present study contributes to the sport environment literature by examining the impact of environmental barriers on spectators' behaviors in the context of outdoor and indoor professional sports.

Ingrid Fonseca ◽  
Jayson Bernate ◽  
Diego Tuay

The impact of sporting events is related to social, economic, environmental and political aspects that affect the development of communities through social integration. The aim of the study was to examine the current state of research on sporting events and corporate social responsibility. The research design is a systematic review of the scientific literature (SLR) of 268 documents in the Scopus, SportDiscus, Proquest and Dialnet databases. After the filtering process, 26 articles were selected that met the inclusion criteria. According to this review, it is concluded that in sporting events it is necessary to have the interest groups from the moment of planning the event, generate initiatives to avoid environmental damage in the construction of stages, seek economic sustainability, and give conscious use to the sports infrastructure built and leave a long-term positive legacy. El impacto de los eventos deportivos está relacionado con aspectos sociales, económicos, ambientales y políticos que inciden en el desarrollo de las comunidades por medio de la integración social. El objetivo del estudio fue examinar el estado actual de las investigaciones sobre los eventos deportivos y la responsabilidad social corporativa. El diseño de investigación es una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica (SLR) de 268 documentos en las bases de datos Scopus, SportDiscus, Proquest y Dialnet, posterior al proceso de filtrado se seleccionaron 26 artículos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. La principal conclusión de este estudio es que en los eventos deportivos se debe contar con los grupos de interés desde el momento de planificación del evento, generar iniciativas para evitar daños ambientales en la construcción de escenarios, buscar sostenibilidad económica, dar uso consiente a la infraestructura deportiva construida y dejar un legado positivo a largo plazo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 82-89
Tinashe CHUCHU ◽  
Eugine Tafadzwa MAZIRIRI ◽  
Tarisai Fritz RUKUNI ◽  

The Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19), like no other pandemic has taken the world by storm, affecting all and any spheres of life. This effect has also impacted global sporting events such as the 2020 Summer Olympics that were scheduled for the 24th of July 2020 to the 9th of July 2020 in Tokyo, Japan. Historically, the Summer Olympics have been cancelled 3 times due to war but the postponement that occurred in 2020 is unprecedented. The socio-economic implications are still yet to be fully explored and realised. The purpose of this research is to therefore examine the impact of COVID-19 on the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics. The study will adopt a systematic literature review of material on the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to sporting events and statistical inferences will be conducted based on publicly accessible secondary data sources. Considering that the pandemic is still an ongoing phenomenon the findings and analysis cannot be conclusive, a snapshot based on current data and scientific predictions will be provided on what COVID-19 meant to global sporting events. A broad analysis of the pandemic’s impact on sport will be provided despite the focus being on the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics. Last, this study serves as a template for further research on COVID-19’s impact on sporting events in general, preferably studies conducted post the pandemic for reflection purposes based on more conclusive data.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (10(6)) ◽  
pp. 1811-1827
Ayanda Mchunu ◽  
Siyabulela Nyikana ◽  
Tembi Maloney Tichaawa

This study examined the pro-environmental behaviour that is associated with small-scale sporting events in the context of South Africa. To achieve this aim, the study employed a mixed-method research strategy, wherein face-to-face questionnaire surveys (n=316) were conducted with small-scale sporting event attendees. These were complemented by in-depth, semi-structured interviews with key informants who are involved in the organisation and management of such events (n=9). The key findings indicated that small-scale sport event attendees are environmentally conscious and practice pro-environmental behaviour at small-scale sport events to a large extent. However, the study observed certain nuances relating to behavioural differences at different events, with regards to environmental management. Moreover, there seemed to be a misalignment of environmental management from the event organisers and environmental behaviour by the attendees of small-scale sporting events, especially when looking into intended future behaviour at the events. The study advocates for a more comprehensive planning and management approach for small-scale events, particularly from the viewpoint of the organisers in order to promote responsible behaviour by attendees of the events going forward.

2021 ◽  
Vol In Press (In Press) ◽  
Mina Karami ◽  
Zohreh Rafezi ◽  
Maryam Sadat Motavalli ◽  
Nader Ayadi

Background: Pain is a pervasive and disabling barrier for the injured athlete threatening his/her ability to participate in sporting events and professional goals. However, psychological factors in the treatment process of chronic diseases are an important factor in involving the patient in treatment and making treatment decisions. Objectives: This research aimed to investigate the relationship between emotion regulation and pain self-efficacy with psychosocial adjustment in athletes with chronic pain, considering the mediating role of mental fatigue. Methods: The statistical population of this descriptive correlational study was all athletes with chronic pain referred to the Iranian Sports Medicine Federation. Using the convenience sampling method, a total of 200 injured athletes were selected as the sample size. For data collection, Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale (PAIS), Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ), Pain Fatigue Scale (PFS), and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ-short) were used. Descriptive statistics, correlation matrix, and path analysis (structural model) were used to analyze data. Also, SPSS (v21) and AMOS (v23) software were used to analyze the data. Results: According to the results, pain self-efficacy (β = 0.18), adaptive emotion regulation (β = 0.27), and mental fatigue (β = -0.19) had a direct positive and significant impact on psychosocial adjustment. Also, the direct effect of pain self-efficacy (β = -0.19), maladaptive emotion regulation (β = 0.17), and adaptive emotion regulation (β = -0.12) on mental fatigue was significant. In addition, the indirect effect of pain self-efficacy and maladaptive emotions on psychosocial adjustment via mental fatigue was significant. Conclusions: Mental fatigue plays a good mediating role between pain self-efficacy and emotion regulation with psychosocial adjustment of athletes with chronic pain.

Revista Prumo ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (9) ◽  

A adesão ao planejamento estratégico e a realização de mega eventos esportivos no Rio de Janeiro contribuíram para a reconstrução da imagem global da cidade no século XXI, configurando novas formas de ocupação do território. Este artigo pretende refletir sobre o conceito de terrain vague, ou terreno vago (SOLÀ-MORALES, 2002), a partir da análise do Píer Mauá, atracadouro originalmente construído em 1948, na região portuária, e que se tornou objeto de disputas urbanas desde os anos 1990 até a construção do Museu do Amanhã, inaugurado em 2015. O presente estudo levanta a hipótese de que planejamento urbano e mídia se tornam fatores essenciais para nortear o pensamento arquitetônico. Investigaremos as principais propostas realizadas para o local (projetos dos anos 1990, Guggenheim Rio e Museu do Amanhã) em conexão com os respectivos planos urbanísticos (Rio Sempre Rio, Porto do Rio e Porto Maravilha) e com as imagens dominantes veiculadas pela mídia (Brasil + 500, Novo Milênio e Sustentabilidade). Palavras-chave: Terreno vago; Píer Mauá; Guggenheim Rio; Museu do Amanhã. ABSTRACT Strategic urban planning and mega sporting events in Rio de Janeiro have contributed to the reconstruction of the city’s global image in the 21st century, configuring new ways of occupying the territory. This article aims to reflect on the concept of terrain vague (SOLÀ-MORALES, 2002) by analyzing the Mauá Pier, a wharf originally built in 1948 at the Rio Port area, and which had become a target of territorial disputes since the 1990s until the construction of the Museum of Tomorrow, inaugurated in 2015. This study will raise the hypothesis that both urban planning and media become fundamental factors for the architectural design thinking for the Maua Pier. Therefore, we will investigate the main architectural designs (including the proposals of the 1990s, Guggenheim Rio, and Museum of Tomorrow) connected to the respective urban plans (Rio Sempre Rio, Porto do Rio, and Porto Maravilha) and to the dominant images broadcasted by media (Brazil + 500, New Millennium and Sustainability). Keywords: Terrain vague; Píer Mauá; Guggenheim Rio; Museu do Amanhã.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Rosyid Ridho ◽  
Uswatul Khasanah ◽  
Martha Eri Safira

Women's participation in sports matches has increased every year, not least in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. In the worldof sports, it does not escape some of the controversies that surroundit. Kontroversion is meant here is in terms of the uniforms that athletes wear in competing. One of them was a gymnastics athlete from Germany as well as a Norwegian handball team who were subject to penalties. The case shows that there is discrimination against women through regulations in the use of uniforms.. Looking at this, the authors were interested in researching and analyzing how women's sportswear is viewed from Islamic law and sexism theory, how it impacts and the solution of both theories. The results of this study can be concluded that if it is reviewed from the point of view of hifz al-'ird, the awarding of fines to the athlete is considered unable to meet the protection of honor, especially in the care of dignity and dignity of women As for the actions of female athletes who refuse to wear sports uniforms have been in harmony with the concept of hifz al-'ird. In the view of hifz al-'ird, the uniform worn by athletes must be a uniform that can protect the honor of the athletes while when viewed from the glasses of sexism, it is very clear that there are uniform rules that make women more objects of sexuality in sports.. Supposedly, auniform of a female athlete should be based on the comfort of the athlete who will wear it at sporting events. Keyword: Uniform, hifz al-'ird, sexism

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