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Lalita Bhayal ◽  
Aakash . ◽  
M.P. Jain ◽  
Divya Bhayal ◽  
Kamlesh Meena

Background: Dryland is characterised by drought/dry spell (s) of 10 to 15 days and is the main reason for decline in soybean production. The aim of this study was to develop a strategy of drought amelioration by using foliar sprays and enhancement of yield, quality, energetics and carbon footprint. Methods: A field experiment was carried out at Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, College of Agriculture, Indore, (M.P.) during 2017-18 under spilt-plot design having two main plot treatments viz., foliar application at dry spell (F1), foliar application after dry spell (F2) and seven sub plot treatments i.e. different variants of foliar sprays (DVFS). Different growth, yield, quality, energetic and carbon footprint traits were recorded. The data were analyzed using standard statistical procedures. Result: The highest growth, yield, quality and energetic parameters were recorded for F1 as compared to F2. In case of DVFS, foliar application of water soluble complex fertilizer 19:19:19 (NPK) @ 0.5% + 0.5% ZnSO4 (T4) produced maximum values for growth, energetics, carbon footprint, oil (22.5%) and protein (43.1%) content as well as produced maximum yield.

Jurnal Agro ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-211
Titin Purnama ◽  
Hendri Hendri ◽  
Jumjunidang Jumjunidang ◽  
D Fatri ◽  
Andre Sparta

Pepaya Merah Delima berpotensi untuk dibudidayakan di lahan rawa lebak. Permasalahan lahan rawa lebak yaitu pH rendah dan ketersediaan hara dalam tanah rendah sehingga perlu diberikan pengapuran dan pemupukan tambahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan dosis kapur, pupuk P dan K terbaik untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan kualitas pepaya Merah Delima. Penelitian dilakukan di lahan rawa lebak TTP Siak, Kecamatan Sai Mandau (BPTP Riau) dari bulan Januari 2018 sampai Desember 2019. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Petak Terbagi dengan petak utama yaitu dua taraf dosis kapur (6 dan 9 t ha-1) dan anak petak kombinasi dari tiga taraf dosis pupuk P2O5 (100, 200, 300 g tan-1) dan tiga taraf dosis pupuk K2O (150, 300, 450 g tan-1), setiap perlakuan terdapat tiga ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian kapur dosis 6 t ha-1 dan kombinasi P dan K dosis 300 g tan-1+ 300 g tan-1 berturut-turut, dapat meningkatkan produksi pepaya Merah Delima sampai 51% dengan rata-rata produksi 98,00 kg tan-1, jumlah buah rata-rata 95,45 tan-1, bobot buah 1.031,30 g buah-1, PTT 11,81 oBrix, dan kekerasan buah 55,08 kg cm-2. Pemberian kapur dan tambahan pupuk P dan K efektif untuk memperbaiki sifat lahan rawa lebak sehingga dapat meningkatkan hasil tanaman pepaya Merah Delima. Papaya CV. Merah Delima is potential to be cultivated on tidal swampland. The problems of tidal swampland are low degree of pH and low nutrient availability in the soil, thus it needs additional liming and fertilization. This study aimed to obtain the best dose of lime, also phosphorus and potassium fertilizers to increase the productivity and quality of papaya cv. Merah Delima. The study was conducted at TTP Siak, Sai Mandau district (BPTP Riau) from January 2018 to December 2019. The study used a Split Plot Design with the main plot was two doses of lime (6 and 9 t ha-1) and the subplot was combination of three doses of P2O5 fertilizer (100, 200, 300 g plant-1) and three levels of K2O fertilizer (150, 300, 450 g plant-1), with three replications. The results showed the application of lime at dose of 6 t ha-1 combined by P and  K fertilizer of 300 g plant-1 + 300 g plant-1, respectively, could increase papaya production up to 51%, whereas average production 98.00 kg plant-1, average number of fruits 95.45 plant-1, fruit weight 1,031.30 g fruit-1, TSS 11.81 °Brix, and fruit hardness of 55.08 kg cm-2. Application of lime and additional fertilizer into the tidal swampland are effective to improve its characteristics and able to increase the papaya Merah Delima production.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (4) ◽  
pp. 540-554
Venkataravana Nayaka GV ◽  
Prabhakara Reddy G ◽  
Mahender Kumar R

Shortage of water in rice cultivation is major problem in India. To safeguard and sustain food security in India, it is quite important to increase the productivity of rice under limited water resources. To investigate the performance of rice cultivars under the best method of irrigation and system of cultivation in new condition an experiment was conducted to study the "productivity and water use efficiency of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars under different irrigation regimes and systems of cultivation" on clay loam soils of Indian Institute of Rice Research (IIRR), Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Telangana during the kharif seasons of 2017 and 2018. The treatment comprised of two irrigation regimes viz., AWD and saturation as main plot treatments, three establishment methods viz., system of rice intensification, drum seeding and TP as subplot treatments and four cultivars namely DRR Dhan 42, DRR Dhan 43, MTU-1010 and NLR-34449 as sub-sub plot treatments summing up to 24 treatment combinations laid out in split-split plot design with three replications. Among the irrigation regimes, AWD irrigation practice recorded higher grain yield (5755, 5952 and 5854 kg ha-1 in 2017, 2018 and pooled means, respectively) than saturation. Among the different systems of cultivation, the SRI recorded significantly higher grain yield (5953, 6129 and 6041 kg ha-1 during 2017, 2018 and in pooled means, respectively) over the TP method. Among the different rice cultivars, DRR Dhan 43 registered remarkably higher grain yield than other cultivars during 2017 and 2018.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Ferdifta Wahyu Anggita ◽  
Puji Harsono ◽  
Retno Wijayanti ◽  
Supriyono Supriyono

Sorghum is a versatile, drought-resistant cereal crop. Increasing sorghum production needs special attention, although Indonesia has the potential for sorghum development. Irradiated chitosan can be used as a plant growth promoter and organic fertilizer to improve the performance of sorghum. This study aims to provide recommendations for sorghum varieties that are suitable for development and planting in dry land and are known to be able to control pests organically with the application of chitosan irradiation with optimum concentration. The experimental design was a separate plot with sorghum varieties (Numbu, Keller, and Kawali) as the main plot and the irradiated concentrations of chitosan (without irradiation, 2, 4, and 6 ml.L<sup>-1</sup>) as subplots. The results showed that the sorghum variety and the optimum chitosan irradiation concentration of 2.76 and 5.15 ml.L<sup>-1</sup> increased the dry weight of stover per plant by 93.04 g per plant and increased the sugar content of sorghum with Brix 15.03%. The varieties of Numbu, Keller, and Kawali significantly affected plant height, number of leaves, weight of 100 seeds, and plant fresh weight per plot or forage of sorghum.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (6) ◽  
pp. 3031-3039

The present experiment was conducted at private farm during 2018/19 and 2019/20 seasons. The investigated area lies within the extremely arid belt, having long hot summer and short warm winter. The main goal of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of different sowing methods on yield components of wheat, using split plot design with three replications. Sowing methods in main plot were broadcasting method, row spacing 10, 15 and 20 cm apart). Nitrogen fertilizer levels in sub plot were 60, 75 and 90 kg N fed-1 (fed = 4200 m-2). The increase percentage due to row spacing at 20 cm apart (M4) compared to broadcasting method (M1) were (23.30 & 26.74%) for spike length; (5.11 & 6.94 %) for 1000 grain weight and (8.02 & 7.74%) for grain yield and according ally (3.07 & 3.08%) for harvest index in both seasons, respectively. Overall, from the present study the sowing method in rows with 20 cm apart and the optimum N fertilizer rate (90 kg fed-1) for durum wheat production in the soils of Qasir, Dakhala oasis on silt loam soil was the best treatment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 85
Sri Minarsih ◽  
Sri Karyaningsih ◽  
Samijan Samijan ◽  
Agus Supriyo ◽  
Yulis Hindarwati ◽  

<p>Rice (<em>Oryza sativa </em>L.) is the most important and strategic food crop in Indonesia, but low productivity in tidal paddy fields is a serious problem that must be overcome. The application of ameliorant would be worthy to increase the growth and yield of rice in tidal paddy fields. The study aimed to investigate the effect of ameliorant application on growth and yield of rice varieties in tidal paddy fields. The study was arranged in a split plot design with five replications. Rice varieties tested were Inpari 34, Dendang, Inpara 9, Inpari 35, and Ciherang as the main plot, and ameliorant types studied were humic acid, gypsum, zeolite, and organic fertilizer as the subplot. The results showed that the use of different rice varieties and amelioran types significantly increased the growth and yield of rice. Inpara 9 produced 7.6 t.ha-1 dry milled grain (DMG) or increased by 33.3% compared to Ciherang variety. Humic acid application at 25 kg ha-1 increased grain yield by 21.3% higher than that without ameliorant treatment. The best treatment to increase the growth and yield of rice in tidal paddy field was a combination of humic acid 25 kg.ha-1 and Inpari 34 which produced the DMG of 8.6 t ha-1 or 41% higher compared to Ciherang without ameliorant.</p>

Bayrta B. Mandzhieva ◽  

Introduction. In the system of artistic and visual means, the epithet occupies one of the important places. To create a heroic image, the narrator uses epithets that characterize the status of the hero, age and heroic merits of the heroes. Goal and tasks. The purpose of the article is to study artistic-identifying combinations - epithets in the recordings of the song “Shara Gyurgyu” at different times, to identify their preservation and change over time. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were solved: epithets were identified in three different-temporal texts of the song “Shara Gyurgyu” (1862, 1970, 1971), a comparative analysis of artistic-identifying combinations in the texts of different dzhangarchi was carried out. Method. To study the poetical and stylistic texture, we applied the comparative method. The material of the research was records of different times: 1) “The Song about how the famous Ulan Shovshur of the mangas khan of the Ferocious Shara Gyurgyu reproached the Maloderbet cycle of 1862; 2) an audio recording of “Songs about the duel of a lion [-the hero] Ulan Khongor the Beautiful with the Ferocious Shara Gyurgyu” by Jangarchi Telty Lidzhiev 1970; 3) audio recording of “Song of Shara Gyurgyu” by jangarchi Mikhail Mandzhiev 1971. Results. The study of epithets in recordings of the song “Shara Gyurgyu” at different times showed that over more than a century that has passed since the first recording, the epic text in its artistic embodiment has undergone changes. The song “Shara Gyurgyu” of the Maloderbet cycle of 1862 is distinguished by an abundance of epithets, while in the recordings of the late tradition of the epic, there is a transformation of the artistic level of the text. Storytellers Teltya Lidzhiev and Mikhail Mandzhiev adhere to the main plot structure in the process of performance, without sharpening attention to poetic tropes. Observations of the texts of different storytellers at different times show that Dzhangarchi, having a wider epic knowledge, performs the song in accordance with the criteria of fidelity of reproduction, following the tradition of the epic school to which he belonged. A comparative analysis of recordings of the song “Shara Gyurgyu” at different times allowed us to identify constant units at the level of textual embodiment, which accumulate the poetical and stylistic basis of the epic narrative and mark the key links of the epic narration of the Kalmyk heroic epic “Dzhangar”.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Fitri Rachmawati ◽  
Dedeh Siti Badriah ◽  
Budi Marwoto

<p><strong>(<em>The Effect of Explant Types and Amino Acids on Embryogenic Callus Initiation and Proliferation of Phalaenopsis Var. ‘Raiza Agrihorti’</em>)</strong></p><p>Penyiapan kalus embriogenik (KE) yang optimal memiliki peranan penting dalam menghasilkan benih bermutu Phalaenopsis skala komersial. Kendala utama yang dihadapi ialah inisiasi dan proliferasi KE yang masih rendah, serta akumulasi fenolik yang tinggi. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan Balithi dari Agustus 2019 hingga Juli 2020. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) pola split plot dan faktorial dengan lima ulangan. Percobaan-1: jenis eksplan (pucuk, pangkal, dan daun plantlet) sebagai petak utama dan perlakuan asam amino (tanpa asam amino, L-Proline, L-Glutamine, L-Cysteine, dan Casein-Hydrolisate) dengan konsentrasi 150 mg/l pada medium PC1 (1/2 MS + 1,0 mg/l TDZ + 0,5 mg/l BAP + 20 g/l sukrosa) sebagai anak petak. Percobaan-2: faktor-1 ialah jenis asam amino (L-Proline, L-Cysteine; L-Glutamine, dan Casein-Hydrolisate) dan faktor-2 ialah konsentrasi asam amino (0, 75, 150, 225, dan 300 mg/l). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa inisiasi KE Phalaenopsis var. ‘Raiza Agrihorti’ terbaik didapatkan dari pangkal plantlet dan 150 mg/l L-Glutamine dengan waktu inisiasi 18,3-24,0 hari, 80-100% pembentukan KE, dan ukuran KE 0,4-0,5 cm3. Proliferasi KE terbaik ditemukan pada L-Glutamine dengan konsentrasi 150 mg/l. Proliferasi KE mencapai 100% dengan penambahan berat segar sebesar 0,39 g, tingkat multiplikasi (MR) 4,55 kali dan pencokelatan 4,0%. Hasil penelitian ini berpotensi tinggi untuk diterapkan pada kultur starter Phalaenopsis hibrida lain.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong></p><p>Phalaenopsis hibrid; Asam amino; Inisiasi; Kalus embriogenik; Proliferasi</p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>Setup of the optimum Phalaenopsis embryogenic callus (EC) is an important role in producing qualified-seedlings of Phalaenopsis in commercial scale. The main constraints that are still being faced are the low rate of culture proliferation and high phenolic accumulations. The research was carried out at the Tissue Culture Laboratory-Indonesian Ornamental Plants Research Institite, from August 2019 through July 2020. The split plot and factorial designs were arranged using a Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with five replications. Experiment-1: explants type (shoot tip, basal part, and leaf of plantlet) was used as main plot and amino acids (amino acids free, L-Proline, L-Glutamine, L-Cysteine, and Casein-Hydrolisate) with 150 mg/l concentration on medium PC1 (1/2 MS + 1,0 mg/l TDZ + 0,5 mg/l BAP + 20 g/l sukrosa) as subplot. Experiment-2: the first factor was amino acids type (L-Proline, L-Cysteine; L-Glutamine, and Casein-Hydrolisate) and the second factor was amino acids concentration (0, 75, 150, 225, and 300 mg/l). Results of the studies revealed that the best EC initiation of Phalaenopsis var. ‘Raiza Agrihorti’ was produced by basal part of plantlet and PC1 medium containing 150 mg/l L-Glutamine with EC Initiation time was 18.3-24.0 days, 80-100% of EC formation and size of 0.4-0.5 cm3. The best proliferation of EC was found in L-Glutamine with 150 mg/l concentration. EC proliferation reached 100% with 4.55 EC multiplication rate, 0.39 g EC fresh weight added, and EC browning as low as 4.0%. The established method is high possibly applied for other Phalaenopsis hybrids.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 113-119
Vladimir V. Tikhomirov

The comedy “Rich Brides” by Alexander Ostrovsky and the novel “The Idiot” by Fyodor Dostoevsky are close in staging the main plot move – the fate of a woman who sinned due to life circumstances. The main characters of both works fell victims to wealthy patrons who were going to marry them off. They have different personalities, and the heroine of “Rich Brides” Valentina Belyosova, unlike Fyodor Dostoevsky's heroine Nastasya Barashkova, at first glance seems frivolous, but the women, being accused of immorality, transformed, as female pride and a desire to defend themselves awakened in them. Impressed by Yuriy Tsyplunov's bitter emotional accusations, Valentina Belyosova is imbued with respect for him and even confesses her love. The characters in “Rich Brides” are melodramatic and comic with unexpected turns of events. Alexander Ostrovsky does not parody or imitate the author of the novel “The Idiot”, but the metamorphosis that occurred in the feelings and behaviour of Valentina Belyosova (partly in Yuriy Tsyplunov) testifies to the playwright's ability to portray complex characters, which brings his talent closer to Fyodor Dostoevsky's ability to artistically represent the dialectic of personality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 244-247
Rina Srilestari ◽  
Suwardi Suwardi

Koja is a widely known variety of bananas but the availability of high-quality seeds has not been able to meet the market demand. This problem is overcome by using tissue culture, meanwhile, the success of the culture is largely determined by the acclimatization stage or adaptation of plants from heterotrophs to autotrophs. Therefore, this study aims to determine the interaction between the concentration of foliar fertilizer and the length of containment as well as the appropriate concentration for the growth of Koja banana plantlets. This is a field experiment carried out with a 2-factors split-plot design. The main plot was the foliar fertilizer concentration namely M1 = 2 ml/L; M2 = 4 ml/L; M3 = 6 ml/L, while the subplots were the length of containment namely E1 = 10 days; E2 = 20 days; E3 = 30 days. Based on the results, there was an interaction between the concentration of foliar fertilizer 4 mL/L and the length of containment of 20 days on the height, root volume, as well as fresh and plant dry weight.

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