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sedimentary dynamics
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2022 ◽  
pp. SP523-2021-85
Ángel Puga-Bernabéu ◽  
Juan Carlos Braga ◽  
Julio Aguirre ◽  
José Manuel Martín

AbstractThe approximately 350 m-thick stratigraphic succession of the Zagra Strait records an important oceanographic phase of basin interconnection between the Atlantic Ocean (Guadalquivir Basin) and the Mediterranean Sea through the Betic Cordillera (southern Spain) during the early Tortonian. The Zagra Strait developed as a narrow structurally-controlled marine corridor. The sedimentary dynamics of the Zagra Strait was interpreted from the sedimentological features observed in six sections at well-exposed outcrops. Large-scale (>10 m high) compound and compound-dune complexes moved parallel to the strait margins under strong tidal currents generated by tidal amplification at the strait entrance and exit. Dune distribution can be divided in three sectors with different palaeocurrent migration, lithological and topographical characteristics. The northern and central sectors were separated by a deep depression (>75 m water depth) where tidal currents were weaker and dunes were not generated. The southern sector records a relative decrease in current strength compared with the northern and central sectors, and a significant increase in the bioclastic content in the sediment. Terrigenous content generally increases towards the strait margins, and reciprocally, carbonates towards its axis. The closure of the Zagra Strait resulted from tectonic uplift of that part of the Betic Cordillera before the late Tortonian.

2022 ◽  
pp. 235-259
Elhoucine Essefi ◽  
Soumaya Hajji ◽  
Mohamed Ali Tagorti

The Sidi El Hani Wetland is located in Eastern Tunisia. It represents the natural outlet of an endorheic system, Mechertate-Chrita-Sidi El Hani, and it collects all the eroded sediment from this watershed. In this chapter, the visual core description focused on three reference sandy bands and on the concept of grey scale variability in order to infer the clay pan response to the climatic variability and erosion during the last two millennia. First, in the uppermost part, the stage Warming Present (WP) stretches from (1954-80= 1874) to 1993, i.e. ≈120yrs; the establishment of modern conditions is characterized by stable conditions with high grey scale. Added to a small salt crust, this period is dominated by a clayey sedimentation. Second, the stage C4 is called the Late Little Ice Age (Late LIA); it stretches between the 80yrBP and 400yrBP, i.e., 320yrs. It is characterized by intermediate GS values; the clayey sedimentation makes up the twofold and threefold laminates. Based on laser granulometer, the genetic approach shows the interplay of eolian and hydraulic erosion.

2022 ◽  
pp. 197-214
Elhoucine Essefi ◽  
Soumaya Hajji

In this chapter, cores were the object of descriptive classifications of the grain size distribution, which were meant to describe the grain size continuous variability within cores and to correlate between them. The statistical treatment of the crude data was done on the basis of two different methods (the method of moments statistics and the method of inclusive graphic statistics) to compute statistical parameters of the grain size distribution such as mean and median. The correlations between cores were done on the basis of sand/silt/clay percentages. Even though it has given special care to test different methods of studying the grain size distribution, this study has not deviated from its primary purpose of investigating the filling of the playa; correlations between different cores were meant to infer their sedimentary dynamics.

2022 ◽  
pp. 252-266
Elhoucine Essefi

This work aimed to study the cyclicity of the geochemical chemical parameters and the carbonate percentages along a 59 cm core from the sebkha of Mchiguig, Central Tunisia. In fact, from the bottom upwards, six climatic phases were recorded including the Warming Present (Great Acceleration), the Late Little Ice Age (Anthropocene), the Early Little Ice Age, the Medieval Climatic Anomaly, the Dark Age, and the Roman Warm Period. In fact, the spectral analysis of the studied parameters visualized many cycles. Those cycles are related to sun activity, oceanographic, and atmospheric factors. Solar activity generated 500 yr cycles; however, the oceanographic circulation generated other cycles of 1500 yr and 700-800 yr. The 1500 yr cycle may be the result of the solar activity and NAO-like circulation.

Boreas ◽  
2021 ◽  
Nathan Stevenard ◽  
Jean‐Carlos Montero‐Serrano ◽  
Frédérique Eynaud ◽  
Guillaume St‐Onge ◽  
Sébastien Zaragosi ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (4) ◽  
A. E. López-Pérez ◽  
B. Rubio ◽  
D. Rey ◽  
M. Plaza-Morlote

AbstractSurficial sediments on the seafloor from passive continental margins can provide insight into recent Late Quaternary sedimentary dynamics acting over offshore sedimentary systems. This work focuses on the study of some particular ferruginous tubular structures resembling bioforms (FTB) located in the distal Galician Continental Margin (NW Iberian Margin) at water depths between ~ 1550 and ~ 2200 m. The characterisation of these structures made it possible to study in depth their formation environment and subsequent sedimentary evolution during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. The FTB consist of goethite with a framboidal texture. They were interpreted as formed by an initial pyrite precipitation in reducing microenvironments conditioned by the activity of sediment-dwelling organisms during the early diagenesis. This is followed by the oxidation of pyrite by a combination of hydrothermal fluids and erosional processes, which triggers the formation of the framboidal oxyhydroxides. The data allowed obtaining a comprehensive understanding of the environmental context and the significance of these ferruginous tubules, as there are no previous studies in the scientific literature that describe these structures in a source-to-sink sedimentary system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Wenzhe Lyu ◽  
Tengfei Fu ◽  
Zhangxi Hu ◽  
Ying Zhong Tang ◽  
Guangquan Chen ◽  

The mud areas of East Asian marginal seas record considerable information about regional environmental evolution. However, debate continues regarding the relative importance of the major factors in regional sedimentary dynamics, i.e., the East Asian summer monsoon, East Asian winter monsoon, and oceanic circulation. In this study, we investigated the characteristics of grain size from a gravity core obtained in the South Yellow Sea to reveal changes in sedimentary dynamics since 6,000 years BP, and to elucidate the relationship between the East Asian summer monsoon and the East Asian winter monsoon. We found that the mean grain size was in the range of 6.9–7.8 Φ, the sediment was poorly sorted within a small range (1.2, 1.5), and the M values from 4.7 to 6.7 μm and most of the C values from 24 to 65 μm suggested pelagic suspension transport. Results indicated that the intensity of both the East Asian summer monsoon and the East Asian winter monsoon showed a fluctuating trend of decrease after approximately 6,000 years BP, and that the relationship between them was generally anticorrelated. Based on these results, we suggest that positive correlation between the East Asian summer monsoon and the East Asian winter monsoon usually results in the fall or establishment of ancient dynasties in the Central Plains of China and that negative correlation between them is controlled by strong solar radiation. Weakening of solar radiation diminishes its control of the intensity of (and thus the correlation between) the East Asian summer monsoon and the East Asian winter monsoon, at which time the North Atlantic Oscillation plays a modulating role.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Ross N. Mitchell ◽  
Thomas M. Gernon ◽  
Grant M. Cox ◽  
Adam R. Nordsvan ◽  
Uwe Kirscher ◽  

AbstractThe snowball Earth hypothesis—that a runaway ice-albedo feedback can cause global glaciation—seeks to explain low-latitude glacial deposits, as well as geological anomalies including the re-emergence of banded iron formation and “cap” carbonates. One of the most significant challenges to snowball Earth has been sedimentological cyclicity that has been taken to imply more climate dynamics than expected when the ocean is completely covered in ice. However, recent climate models suggest that as atmospheric CO2 accumulates, the snowball climate system becomes sensitive to orbital forcing. Here we show the presence of nearly all Milankovitch (orbital) cycles preserved in stratified banded iron formation deposited during the Sturtian snowball Earth. These results provide evidence for orbitally forced cyclicity of global ice sheets that resulted in periodic oxidation of ferrous iron. Orbital glacial advance and retreat cycles provide a simple mechanism to reconcile both the sedimentary dynamics and the enigmatic survival of multicellular life during snowball Earth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 676
Brendo Benato Rutyna ◽  
Carlos Roberto Soares ◽  
Carlos Augusto Wroblewski ◽  
Eduardo Vedor de Paula

A segurança à navegação é um fator primordial para garantir aos navios acesso aos portos. Obras de dragagens são necessárias para a manutenção dos canais de navegação diante do processo de assoreamento em regiões estuarinas. Entretanto, o volume, em metros cúbicos dragados, na região portuária do Complexo Estuarino de Paranaguá (CEP), aumentou ao longo do tempo. O presente estudo se restringe aos setores que interessam à navegação e às instalações portuárias, isto é, o eixo E-W do CEP, que abrange os trechos do canal de acesso aos portos paranaenses nas baías de Paranaguá e Antonina. O total de sedimentos realocados entre 1999 e 2018 nos trechos do canal foi da ordem de 42.517.662,79 m³. A manutenção destes setores é extremamente onerosa, uma vez que mais de 4.000.000 m³.a-1 de material sedimentar são retirados atualmente para garantir acessibilidade aos navios. Ao estimar a produção de sedimentos na área de drenagem do CEP, obteve-se o valor anual de 197.017,23 ton. Dessa forma, torna-se necessário desenvolver estratégias para a retenção de sedimentos nas áreas fonte, a fim de garantir a prosperidade das atividades portuárias nos próximos anos. Recomendações à expansão dos portos na região foram apresentadas ao final.  Silting in the Bays of Antonina and Paranaguá - PR: Integrated Analysis of Sedimentation Sources and Dragging WorksA B S T R A C TSafety in navigation is a primordial aspect to the ports. Dredging works are necessary for the maintenance of the navigation channels before the process of silting in estuarine regions. However, the volume in cubic meters dredged in the port region of the Paranaguá Estuary Complex (CEP) has increased over time. This study is restricted to sectors that are of interest to navigation and to port installation, in other words, the E-W axis of the CEP that includes the sections of the access channel to the ports of Paraná in the bays of Paranaguá and Antonina. The total of relocated sediments between 1999 and 2018 in the canal segments is of the order of 42.517.662,79 m³. The maintenance of these sectors becomes extremely costly, since more than 4.000.000 m³.a-1 of sedimentary material is removed to guarantee accessibility to the ships. When estimating the sediment production in the CEP drainage area, the annual value of 197,017.23 tons is obtained. Thus, it becomes necessary to develop strategies for retaining sediments in the source areas, in order to guarantee the prosperity of port activities in the coming years. Recommendations for expanding ports in the region were presented at the end.Keywords: Hydrographic Units. Sedimentary Dynamics. Sedimentary Disposal. Port Environmental Management.

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