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closed canopy
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2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 79-80
Mika Rizki Puspaningrum ◽  
Allan R. Chivas ◽  
Iwan Kurniawan ◽  
Unggul P. Wibowo ◽  
Yahdi Zaim ◽  

Sulawesi is known for its complex geological and biogeographic history, which is reflected in their extinct and extant faunal assemblage. Evidence of oldest terrestrial fauna in Sulawesi was found in the Early Pleistocene sediment and evolved since then. Despite being mostly isolated from the mainland Southeast Asia; four successive Proboscidean taxa have been found from the southern part of the island. The four taxa are: Stegoloxodon celebensis, Stegodon sompoensis, Stegodon sp. B, and cf. Palaeoloxodon namadicus, in which respective taxa are included in successive faunal stages. The aim of this research is to reconstruct the diet and palaeoenvironment of these Proboscidean taxa by incorporating stable isotope analysis with the fossil faunal record, geology, and stratigraphy. Stable carbon (δ13C) and oxygen (δ18O) isotope analysis were especially used in this study. Our result suggests that Stegoloxodon celebensis and Stegodon sompoensis were flexible feeders and were able to adapt to different niches, from closed canopy forest to open vegetation, while the diets of Stegodon sp. B, Celebochoerus heekereni and cf. Palaeoloxodon namadicus suggest that they were more specialized.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16

Summary The Udzungwa Forest Partridge Xenoperdix udzungwensis was discovered in 1991 in the geologically old and eco-climatically stable Udzungwa Mountains (hereafter the Udzungwas) in Tanzania - a global biodiversity hotspot in the Eastern Arc Mountains of East Africa. The partridge is categorised as globally ‘Endangered’ and this study aims at assessing its population status and habitat requirements in the two separate montane forests where it was discovered c.30 years ago and for the first time using systematic playback technique. We estimate the partridge population at c.2,800 individuals (1,680–3,860) confined to less than 150 km2 and now confined to a single forest and with a clearly declining distribution within the last few decades since its discovery. The species is confined to evergreen closed (semi-closed) canopy forest habitat with leaf litter and sedges on the forest floor for feeding and cover. The partridge has become an emblem for the high concentration of endemic species of the Udzungwa Mountains National Park. At the same time there is a risk that this species could go extinct without notice if the Tanzanian authorities do not tackle two envisaged main drivers, namely fragmentation of the evergreen forest area over the last few centuries and current illegal hunting. Hence it seems crucial to allow natural expansion of its forest habitat in the Udzungwas and to eliminate hunting in the other forest within its recently known distribution where the population has presumably been extirpated. The partridge is remarkable as its closest relatives are in South-east Asia and it is used as a flagship species for the Udzungwas, which has one of the highest concentrations of endemic species on earth.

Agriculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 1180
Meng Li ◽  
Ronghao Chu ◽  
Xiuzhu Sha ◽  
Feng Ni ◽  
Pengfei Xie ◽  

The scale effect problem is one of the most challenging issues in remote sensing studies. However, the research on the methodology and theory of the scale effect is scarcely applied in practice. To this end, in this study, 3 years of field experimental data of continuous water stresses on summer maize were used for this purpose. Furthermore, the Prospect and Sail models were employed to investigate the scale effects of reflectance characteristics and vegetation indexes. The results indicated that the spectral characteristics of canopy and leaf of summer maize were similar under continuous water stresses at various stages. The reflectance at the canopy level was distinct from that at the leaf level, considering the soil background differences. From leaf to canopy scales, with the increase in the leaf area index (LAI), the spectral reflectance of all treatments in the visible band decreased, but increased in the near-infrared band, and the reflectance was saturated when LAI increased to 5. The reflectance difference caused by LAI variation was enlarged as the drought stress intensified in the short-wave infrared band. The spectral reflectance in the near-infrared band was susceptible to leaf inclination angle (LIA) variation and changed significantly, especially in the closed canopy. With the increase in LAI, the difference vegetation index (DVI) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) values under each treatment showed a gradually increasing trend. With the increase in LIA, the DVI value decreased gradually, and the DVI value under the saturated canopy was significantly higher than that under the unclosed canopy. However, the NDVI values of all treatments did not change with LIA, mostly under the closed canopy. Overall, the results demonstrated that LAI had a more significant influence on canopy reflectance than LIA. In addition, NDVI was not able to capture the LAI and LIA information when the canopy was closed, but DVI performed better.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
Liliana Londoño Ortiz ◽  
Carolina Villagrán ◽  
Ismael Rincón ◽  
Luis Felipe Hinojosa ◽  
Giselle Andrea Astorga

This study examines the new fossiliferous site Huapilacuy II of Mid-Holocene age (7,344±51-6,865±58 cal years BP.) located in the northwestern coast of the Isla Grande de Chiloé. This area was not affected by the successive Pleistocene glaciations, and therefore it presents a biogeographic relevance as a potential area of refugia and stability for the vegetation. The presence of plant macrofossils contained in a sedimentary sequence of ca. 300 cm thick, confers a special interest to the site, due to the scarce information available on this type of indicator in paleoenvironmental studies of southern Chile. Additionally, several pollen-based reconstructions from the southern Lake District of Chile (40-44˚ S), document the Holocene sequence of recolonization by the different temperate rainforests types that today occupy this region, although there are non-Holocene records for the Pacific coast of the region. The aim of this study is to reconstruct the local environmental conditions and paleoecology based on the stratigraphic context and the analysis of plant macrofossils at the site Huapilacuy II. In addition, based on the pollen analysis of the deposit, we provide new information to reconstruct the regional characteristics of the vegetation during the Middle-Holocene. In particular, the plant macrofossil record of marsh species contained in the sediments of the lower section of the studied sedimentary sequence, together with the pollen analysis of the same sequence, document a first phase of plant colonization at 7,344±51 cal yrs. BP, with predominance of Poaceae, ferns, and trees with regeneration capacity in open areas, such as Embothrium coccineum and Drimys winteri. The analysis of leaf macrofossils and palynomorphs recovered from several intercalated layers, from the middle section of the sedimentary sequence, show the local and regional development of dense and very humid forests dominated by Aextoxicon punctatum, associated with several species of Myrtaceae. The presence of soil moisture indicator species, such as Luma chequen, Myrceugenia sp. and Myrtaceae Blepharocalyx-type is consistent with the sedimentary environment and the local development of swamp or riverine forests. This hygrophile forest environment is also consistent with the assemblage of fossil mosses, dominated by species that grow today in dense closed-canopy forests, such as Weymouthia, Ptychomnium, Rigodium, Porothamnium and Eucamptodon. The regional correlation of the pollen spectra from Huapilacuy II and other records from the Lake District allows us to establish latitudinal and longitudinal differences of tree composition in the temperate-rainforests that expanded during the Early to Mid-Holocene. In particular, this study established for the northwestern coast of the Isla Grande de Chiloé the presence of the coastal association of the valdivian forest (As. Lapagerio-Aextoxiconetum), currently distributed along the Chilean coastline between 30˚- 43˚S. In contrast, the Valdivian associations recorded in other areas of the region exhibit the dominance of Eucryphia cordifolia, Caldcluvia paniculata, Weinmannia trichosperma and different species of Nothofagus. Despite the differences in tree composition, the fossil bryophyte species recorded in several of the sites compared are common with those reported for Huapilacuy II, thus showing the wide ecological range of Chilean bryophytes associated with closed-canopy temperate-rainforests.

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 1596
Xiaobo Yang ◽  
Long Li ◽  
Xiaobo Lv ◽  
Wenqi Luo ◽  
Donghai Li ◽  

The successful establishment of many plants in tropical forests often depends on species-specific adaptations related to light availability and forest successional stage. Species that are present in early successional stages generally do not occur in later successional stages. In this study, we documented the diversity, distribution, and abundance of terrestrial invasive plants across the (sub)tropical island of Hainan, China, and tested the germination of specific invasive plants in forested environments. In 97 transects positioned randomly across the island, we found nine invasive herb and shrub species were present in all human-modified habitats but not in intact forest interiors. In separate forest-specific transects, we documented a sharp drop in the abundance of invasive plants >5 m into the forest. High numbers of invasive plant seeds germinated from the soil seed bank sampled at the forest edge, but very few seeds germinated from soil sampled any distance into the forest. Finally, in experiments with four focal invasive plant species, overall germination rates were low; and much lower in shaded sites compared to full gap sites. In conclusion, our findings demonstrated that invasive herbs and shrubs do not yet form a serious threat to native species in the closed-canopy forests of Hainan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Sarah Ponte ◽  
Nancy F. Sonti ◽  
Tuana H. Phillips ◽  
Mitchell A. Pavao-Zuckerman

AbstractThe hydrological functioning of urban trees can reduce stormwater runoff, mitigate the risk of flood, and improve water quality in developed areas. Tree canopies intercept rainfall and return water to the atmosphere through transpiration, while roots increase infiltration and storage in the soil. Despite this, the amount of stormwater that trees remove through these functions in urban settings is not well characterized, limiting the use of urban forests as practical stormwater management strategies. To address this gap, we use ecohydrological approaches to assess the transpiration rates of urban trees in different management settings. Our research questions are: Do transpiration rates of trees of the same species vary among different management contexts? Do relationships between environmental drivers and transpiration change among management contexts? These management settings included single trees over turfgrass and a cluster of trees over turfgrass in Montgomery County, MD, and closed canopy forest with a leaf litter layer in Baltimore, MD. We used sap flux sensors installed in 18 mature red maple (Acer rubrum L.) trees to characterize transpiration rates during the growing season. We also measured soil volumetric water content, air temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation at each site. In agreement with our initial hypothesis, we found that single trees had nearly three times the daily sum of sap flux density (JS) of closed canopy trees. When averaged over the entire measurement period, JS was approximately 260, 195, and 91 g H2O cm−2 day−1 for single trees, cluster trees and closed canopy trees, respectively. Additionally, single trees were more responsive to VPD than closed canopy and cluster trees. These results provide a better understanding of the influence of management context on urban tree transpiration and can help to identify targets to better manage urban forest settings to reduce urban stormwater runoff.

2021 ◽  
Vol 69 (4) ◽  
pp. 1189-1203
Rosa Lina López-Álvarez ◽  
Mario Luna-Cavazos ◽  
Juan Ignacio Valdez-Hernández ◽  
Edmundo García-Moya

Tree structure and diversity at the protected natural area La Martinica, Veracruz, México. Introduction: The Humid Mountain Forest (HMF) has the largest number of plants per unit area, which vegetation grows in heterogeneous environmental conditions and has a high variation flora, physiognomy and structural. The conservation of the HMF is important due to the biodiversity it harbors and the environmental regulation services it provides. Objective: This work evaluated the effect of the direction of sun exposure (aspect) of the terrain and the density of the forest canopy (canopy opening type) on the structure and tree diversity in La Martinica Protected Natural Area, in Veracruz, Mexico. Methods: stratified sampling was performed in four aspects of the terrain and two canopy density conditions. In total, 25 20 x 25 m sampling units were considered (subdivided into 10 x 5 m units), in which the normal diameter (ND), total height and the largest and smallest diameters of the crown of the individuals with a ND ≥10 cm were registered. The diversity was estimated by means of rarefaction curves and the structure was analyzed through the importance value index and the forest value index. Results: We recorded 37 species belonging to 30 genera and 24 families, Zenithal and South aspects had the highest floristic similarity. Greater diversity was observed in the North aspect and in the Closed canopy. The tree species with the highest structural values were different between aspects and canopy types; Carpinus tropicalis presented the highest values in the Zenithal aspect, Lippia myriocephala in the East and South aspects, and Liquidambar styraciflua in the North. In both types of canopy Lippia myriocephala obtained the highest values in the Importance Value Index (IVI) and only Forest Value Index (FVI) in the Open canopy; Carpinus tropicalis reached a higher FVI in the Closed canopy. Conclusions: The tree structure was different in the four aspects studied, as well as in the two conditions of the canopy. The greatest difference in species composition and diversity was observed between the North and East aspects, of these, the North presented the highest richness values, equally frequent species and dominant species.  

2021 ◽  
Ly Lindman ◽  
Erik Öckinger ◽  
Thomas Ranius

Abstract While climate change has increased interest in the influence of microclimate on many organisms, species inhabiting deadwood have rarely been studied. Here we explore the relationships between characteristics of forest stands, deadwood and microclimate, and analyse how the microclimate inside deadwood affects the occurrence of wood-living organisms, exemplified by the red-listed beetle Tragosoma depsarium. Some of the measured deadwood and forest variables explain much of the variation in temperature, but little of humidity aspects of the microclimate within deadwood. Several variables known to influence habitat quality for deadwood-dependent species were found to correlate with microclimate viz.: warmer conditions in standing deadwood and open canopy than in downed logs and under a closed canopy; higher humidity and more stable daily temperatures in shaded habitats and in downed and large-diameter wood, than in sun-exposed locations and standing, small-diameter wood.T. depsarium occupancy and abundance were negatively correlated with daily temperature fluctuations, and positively related to spring and summer temperature and humidity. This can explain why the species occurred more frequently in deadwood items with characteristics associated with these microclimatic conditions, i.e. downed large-diameter logs occurring in open conditions. Since microclimatic conditions are important for T. depsarium and related to several habitat characteristics, we expect the effects of these characteristics to interact with each other, and for species’ habitat requirements to vary due to local and regional climate conditions, and to changes due to climate warming.

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