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utrecht work engagement scale
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César Merino-Soto ◽  
Milagros Lozano-Huamán ◽  
Sadith Lima-Mendoza ◽  
Gustavo Calderón de la Cruz ◽  
Arturo Juárez-García ◽  

The objective was to determine the validity of the UWES-3, an ultrashort measure of work engagement lacking evidence in Hispanic populations. In total, 200 workers with heterogeneous positions and careers from Metropolitan Lima were enrolled via nonprobabilistic sampling. The UWES-3 and measures of external variables (work accidents, stress overload, and others) were used. Data were collected through a web platform. Items were analysed, nonparametric response theory methods (Mokken scale analysis and Ramsay curves) were applied to the items, and ordinal and linear regression were used to determine the relationships with external variables. The items had statistically similar distributional properties and monotonic associations with external variables but with fewer functional response options. The UWES-3 complied with the monotonic homogeneity model and invariant ordering of items; the scaling of the items, score (greater than 0.80), and reliability (0.94) were high. With the effects of age and sex controlled, the UWES-3 significantly predicted minor accidents at work and job satisfaction and revealed effects of stress overload and perceived efficacy. The theoretical implications of the UWES-3 as a brief unidimensional measure integrating the three original dimensions of the instrument and the practical implications of its use for research and professional practice are discussed.

Piotr Bereznowski ◽  
Aleksandra Bereznowska ◽  
Paweł A. Atroszko ◽  
Roman Konarski

Abstract This study aimed to investigate direct relationships of work addiction symptoms with dimensions of work engagement. We used three samples in which work addiction was measured with the Bergen Work Addiction Scale and work engagement was measured with the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. One sample comprised responses from working Norwegians (n1 = 776), and two samples comprised responses from working Poles (n2 = 719; n3 = 715). We jointly estimated three networks using the fused graphic lasso method. Additionally, we estimated the stability of each network, node centrality, and node predictability and quantitatively compared all networks. The results showed that absorption and mood modification could constitute a bridge between work addiction and work engagement. It suggests that further investigation of properties of absorption and mood modification might be crucial for answering the question of how engaged workers become addicted to work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 320-328
Luisa Fernanda Ocampo Álvarez ◽  
Eliana Fernanda Quiroz-González ◽  
Erika Villavicencio-Ayub

Introducción: El engagement y el optimismo aportan a la salud mental, por tanto, es importante avanzar en la investigación de estos fenómenos psicológicos poco estudiados en Colombia. Objetivo: Analizar la relación entre el engagement y el optimismo en un grupo de trabajadores colombianos, e identificar el papel predictivo de la edad y la antigüedad en la organización en el engagement y el optimismo. Materiales y métodos: Se utilizó una estrategia asociativa donde participaron 298 trabajadores (M=124-H=174) de una organización del sector telecomunicaciones. Se aplicó un cuestionario sociodemográfico, el Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-17 y el Life Orientation Test. Las hipótesis se probaron mediante correlación de Pearson, análisis de varianza y modelo de regresión lineal múltiple de pasos sucesivos. Resultados: Las dimensiones del engagement se correlacionaron con el optimismo vigor (r=0,42, p<0,01), dedicación (r=0,26, p<0,01) y absorción (r=0,20, p<0,01)). Conjuntamente, se encontraron diferencias en la dedicación en función de la edad (p=0,01) y la antigüedad (p=0,04). Los modelos predictivos reportaron asociaciones entre edad y vigor (β=0,25, t=4,2, p<0,000), dedicación (β=0,202, t=3,38, p<0,001) y absorción (β=0,145, t=2,4, p<0,017). Conclusiones: Existe una relación positiva entre engagement y optimismo. En este estudio la edad es un predictor del engagement, pero no del optimismo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. e1542
Ricardo Jorquera Gutiérrez ◽  
Felipe Guerra Díaz

Introducción: El UWES es uno de los instrumentos más utilizados en el ámbito mundial para medir el compromiso académico. Objetivo: del presente estudio fue describir y comparar las propiedades psicométricas del UWES 17S y el UWES 9S en estudiantes universitarios chilenos. Método: participaron 541 estudiantes de una universidad chilena, quienes contestaron de forma voluntaria los instrumentos señalados. 61,6% de ellos cursaban primer año y un 38,4% niveles superiores. Resultados: al comparar siete modelos estructurales, los mejores indicadores de ajuste fueron encontrados en el UWES 9S de acuerdo con un modelo de tres factores y a un modelo bifactor (X2 /df=2.316; CFI=.977; TLI=.952; RMSEA=.071). El UWES 9S mostró indicadores de confiabilidad ω de McDonald entre .67 y .83 en sus tres factores, demostrándose también la invarianza de su estructura de tres factores según sexo y en distintos niveles de estudio. Discusión: se concluye que el UWES 9S presenta adecuadas propiedades psicométricas que avalarían su uso para medir el compromiso académico en estudiantes universitarios chilenos.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 393
Riska Umami Lia Sari ◽  
Raja Oloan Tumanggor ◽  
P. Tommy Y. S Suyasa

Self-perception of academic ability is outlook that students have about their abilities in terms of learning activities or in completing school assignments. One of the reasons for the importance of self-perception of academic ability is to be a factor that can motivate students in learning activities. This study aims to determine whether self-perception of academic ability is predicted by the role of student burnout and student engagement. This study was conducted using convenience sampling on high school students during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The number of participants was 96 Tangerang City Senior High School students, aged 16 to 18 years. This study uses the School Attitude Assessment Survey-Revised to measure self-perception of academic ability, the Burnout Inventory to measure student burnout and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-9 to measure student engagement. Based on the test results using the multiple regression method, it was found that self-perception of academic ability was predicted significantly by student burnout (β = -0.242) and student engagement (β = 0.564). With the results of this study, it is hoped that educators can anticipate learning activities to foster student engagement. With higher student engagement, students' self-perception of academic ability will be more positive. For students, the results of this study are expected as initial information to be more aware of the burnout conditions experienced. Burnout conditions can predict students' view of academic ability to be negative. Self-perception of academic ability merupakan pandangan yang dimiliki siswa mengenai kemampuan dalam hal kegiatan belajar atau dalam menyelesaikan tugas – tugas sekolah. Salah satu alasan pentingnya self-perception of academic ability yaitu menjadi faktor yang dapat memotivasi siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah self-perception of academic ability diprediksi oleh peran student burnout dan student engagement. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan convenience sampling pada siswa SMA di Masa Pandemik Covid-19. Jumlah partisipan sebesar 96 siswa SMA Kota Tangerang, berusia 16 hingga 18 tahun. Menggunakan alat ukur School Attitude Assessment Survey-Revised untuk mengukur self-perception of academic ability, alat ukur Maslach Burnout Inventory untuk mengukur student burnout dan untuk alat ukur Utrecht Work Engagement  Scale-9 digunakan untuk mengukur student engagement. Berdasarkan hasil uji dengan menggunakan metode regresi berganda didapatkan hasil bahwa self-perception of academic ability diprediksi secara signifikan oleh student burnout (β = -0.242) dan student engagement (β = 0.564). Dengan hasil penelitian ini diharapkan para pendidik dapat mengantisipasi dalam kegiatan belajar untuk menumbuhkan student engagement. Dengan student engagement yang semakin tinggi, self-perception of academic ability pada siswa akan semakin positif. Bagi siswa hasil penelitian ini diharapkan sebagai informasi awal agar lebih waspada terhadap kondisi burnout yang dialami. Kondisi burnout dapat memprediksi pandangan siswa terhadap kemampuan akademik menjadi negatif.

Fathur Rahman ◽  
Siti Aminah ◽  
Yuli Nurmalasari

Work engagement is one of the dimensions that contribute to the development of professional identity. This article aims to describe 1) the level of work involvement of the counselor, and 2) the influence of work experience and educational background on counselors' work engagement. The research method used is comparative. A total of 211 school counselors participated as online-incidental sampling respondents. The research respondent was asked to be involved by sharing the invitation link to several counselor social media groups in Indonesia. The instrument used is a work engagement scale adapted from the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. The results of the instrument reliability test showed a score of 0.88. The data were analyzed by inferential statistics using a two-way analysis of variance (two-way ANOVA). The conclusions of this study are the average work engagement of 211 respondents in this study is in the high category and there is no effect of work experience and educational background on counselor work engagement. The results of this study serve as preliminary findings of a complete framework for further research on the professional identity of school counselors in Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-140
Alice S.M. Gleichmann ◽  
Arum Etikariena

Work engagement to private sector workers during the Covid-19 pandemic has been stationary or experienced a decline.  One of the antecedents of work engagement is personal resources construct. One derives personal resources construct is psychological capital based on the Job Demand Resources (JD- R) model. This research aims to prove the moderating role of age diversity to private sector workers in connection between psychological capital and work engagement referring to the theory of “Conservation of Resource” (COR). This research involves 127 Jabodetabek employees that works in private sectors. The measuring instrument used is Utrecht Work Engagement scale (UWES)-9, Psychological Capital Questionaire (PCQ-24) and age diversity that is categorized in 4 groups. The result of the research shows that there is a significant positive connection between psychological capital and work engagement of private sector employees.  In other side, age diversity does not have a moderation effect, there is insignificant interaction effect between psychological capital and age diversity to work engagement, who the majority of participants in this study have already led to the stage of maintaining (age 41- 60 years old). With regard to the second most participants entering the advancement stage (ages 27–40 years old). In addition, this research proves employee who has high psychological capital; resulting in an increase of work engagement

2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (11) ◽  
pp. 2519-2523
Rocio Glaria Lopez ◽  
Cristhian Perez Villalobos ◽  
Paulina Ortega Bastidas ◽  
Berta Schulz-Banares ◽  
Angela Pino-Zuniga

Objective: provide new background in relation to the factor structure and reliability of the factors identified from the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale – Student (UWES-S) in students of health careers in Chile.Methods: A quantitative study with relational analytical scope was carried out, through a non-experimental cross-sectional design through a survey. 898 university students selected through non-probabilistic sampling by groups belonging to Medicine, Kinesiology, Pharmacy and Speech and language therapy. The students responded the UWES-S and a sociodemographic questionnaire. The total sample was randomly subdivided into two subsamples. With the first one, an Exploratory Factor Analysis was performed, using the method of extraction of the Main Axis Analysis. With the second one, a Confirmatory Factor Analysis was performed, using the maximum likelihood method and the following indices: Comparative Fit Index (CFI), Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) and the Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA). Also the Cronbach alpha reliability of each item was calculated. For data processing STATA 11 SE statistical package was used.Results: Kaiser-Guttman criterion and the Horn’s Parallel Analysis aimed to the existence of two factors called Involvement with studies and Enthusiasm for the career. CFI, TLI and RMSEA show that this is one of the solutions with best fit.Conclusion: Two factors were identified called Involvement with studies and Enthusiasm for the career. Neither the solution obtained nor the previous solutions showed an adequate adjustment to the data. The confirmatory factor analysis showed that this is one of the solutions with best fit. Continuous...

Vidnay Noel Valero Ancco ◽  
Katty Maribel Calderon Quino ◽  
Miryam Pari Orihuela ◽  
Uriel Arpasi Mamani

La presente investigación se guio por el objetivo de establecer si los factores socio- económicos como el acceso a la tecnología, servicio de internet y la condición  laboral  se relacionan con el engagement académico (EA) en estudiantes universitarios en contextos de educación remota.  El  trabajo se enmarca en  el  tipo  no  experimental  con diseño correlacional transversal y explicativo. La muestra fue conformada por 253 estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, específicamente 222 damas y 31 varones, seleccionados por un criterio no probabilístico. Para recoger la  información se empleó la técnica de la encuesta a través del cuestionario sociodemográfico y el cuestionario de Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-17) administrado vía Google Forms. Los resultados encontrados indican que no existe relación entre el acceso a la tecnología, servicio de internet y la condición laboral con el EA en universitarios en contextos de educación remota.

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