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southeastern atlantic
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2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-77
Sabrina P. Cochrane ◽  
K. Sebastian Schmidt ◽  
Hong Chen ◽  
Peter Pilewskie ◽  
Scott Kittelman ◽  

Abstract. Aerosol heating due to shortwave absorption has implications for local atmospheric stability and regional dynamics. The derivation of heating rate profiles from space-based observations is challenging because it requires the vertical profile of relevant properties such as the aerosol extinction coefficient and single-scattering albedo (SSA). In the southeastern Atlantic, this challenge is amplified by the presence of stratocumulus clouds below the biomass burning plume advected from Africa, since the cloud properties affect the magnitude of the aerosol heating aloft, which may in turn lead to changes in the cloud properties and life cycle. The combination of spaceborne lidar data with passive imagers shows promise for future derivations of heating rate profiles and curtains, but new algorithms require careful testing with data from aircraft experiments where measurements of radiation, aerosol, and cloud parameters are better colocated and readily available. In this study, we derive heating rate profiles and vertical cross sections (curtains) from aircraft measurements during the NASA ObseRvations of Aerosols above CLouds and their intEractionS (ORACLES) project in the southeastern Atlantic. Spectrally resolved irradiance measurements and the derived column absorption allow for the separation of total heating rates into aerosol and gas (primarily water vapor) absorption. The nine cases we analyzed capture some of the co-variability of heating rate profiles and their primary drivers, leading to the development of a new concept: the heating rate efficiency (HRE; the heating rate per unit aerosol extinction). HRE, which accounts for the overall aerosol loading as well as vertical distribution of the aerosol layer, varies little with altitude as opposed to the standard heating rate. The large case-to-case variability for ORACLES is significantly reduced after converting from heating rate to HRE, allowing us to quantify its dependence on SSA, cloud albedo, and solar zenith angle.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-46
Sarah J. Doherty ◽  
Pablo E. Saide ◽  
Paquita Zuidema ◽  
Yohei Shinozuka ◽  
Gonzalo A. Ferrada ◽  

Abstract. Biomass burning smoke is advected over the southeastern Atlantic Ocean between July and October of each year. This smoke plume overlies and mixes into a region of persistent low marine clouds. Model calculations of climate forcing by this plume vary significantly in both magnitude and sign. NASA EVS-2 (Earth Venture Suborbital-2) ORACLES (ObseRvations of Aerosols above CLouds and their intEractionS) had deployments for field campaigns off the west coast of Africa in 3 consecutive years (September 2016, August 2017, and October 2018) with the goal of better characterizing this plume as a function of the monthly evolution by measuring the parameters necessary to calculate the direct aerosol radiative effect. Here, this dataset and satellite retrievals of cloud properties are used to test the representation of the smoke plume and the underlying cloud layer in two regional models (WRF-CAM5 and CNRM-ALADIN) and two global models (GEOS and UM-UKCA). The focus is on the comparisons of those aerosol and cloud properties that are the primary determinants of the direct aerosol radiative effect and on the vertical distribution of the plume and its properties. The representativeness of the observations to monthly averages are tested for each field campaign, with the sampled mean aerosol light extinction generally found to be within 20 % of the monthly mean at plume altitudes. When compared to the observations, in all models, the simulated plume is too vertically diffuse and has smaller vertical gradients, and in two of the models (GEOS and UM-UKCA), the plume core is displaced lower than in the observations. Plume carbon monoxide, black carbon, and organic aerosol masses indicate underestimates in modeled plume concentrations, leading, in general, to underestimates in mid-visible aerosol extinction and optical depth. Biases in mid-visible single scatter albedo are both positive and negative across the models. Observed vertical gradients in single scatter albedo are not captured by the models, but the models do capture the coarse temporal evolution, correctly simulating higher values in October (2018) than in August (2017) and September (2016). Uncertainties in the measured absorption Ångstrom exponent were large but propagate into a negligible (<4 %) uncertainty in integrated solar absorption by the aerosol and, therefore, in the aerosol direct radiative effect. Model biases in cloud fraction, and, therefore, the scene albedo below the plume, vary significantly across the four models. The optical thickness of clouds is, on average, well simulated in the WRF-CAM5 and ALADIN models in the stratocumulus region and is underestimated in the GEOS model; UM-UKCA simulates cloud optical thickness that is significantly too high. Overall, the study demonstrates the utility of repeated, semi-random sampling across multiple years that can give insights into model biases and how these biases affect modeled climate forcing. The combined impact of these aerosol and cloud biases on the direct aerosol radiative effect (DARE) is estimated using a first-order approximation for a subset of five comparison grid boxes. A significant finding is that the observed grid box average aerosol and cloud properties yield a positive (warming) aerosol direct radiative effect for all five grid boxes, whereas DARE using the grid-box-averaged modeled properties ranges from much larger positive values to small, negative values. It is shown quantitatively how model biases can offset each other, so that model improvements that reduce biases in only one property (e.g., single scatter albedo but not cloud fraction) would lead to even greater biases in DARE. Across the models, biases in aerosol extinction and in cloud fraction and optical depth contribute the largest biases in DARE, with aerosol single scatter albedo also making a significant contribution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
Marcus Vinicius Brandão de Oliveira ◽  
Beatris Felipe Rosa ◽  
Ana Claudia Fegies ◽  
Sonia Cristina Da Silva Belentani

Cerradomys goytaca is a cricetid rodent endemic to “Restinga” formations from southeastern Atlantic Forest. It is known from only five localities, and it is considered endangered of extinction. Herein, we furnish new data on C. goytaca from an additional locality in Rio de Janeiro state. The present record provides new data on habitat and represents the westernmost geographic limit of this poorly known species.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 643-662
Michel Barros Faria ◽  
Rayque De Oliveira Lanes ◽  
Cibele Rodrigues Bonvicino

The southeastern Atlantic Forest of the Zona da Mata Mineira is located in the extreme north of Minas Gerais state, Brazil. The Serra da Mantiqueira, is a mountainous region with a high diversity of small non-volant mammal species, several of which are rare species or endemic lineages. The presence of cryptic species in small mammals makes the karyotype an excellent tool for identification and detection of new lineages. We analyzed the karyotype of 14 species: 11 rodents – Abrawayaomys ruschii, Akodon cursor, Blarinomys breviceps, Delomys sublineatus, Juliomys ossitenuis, Oligoryzomys nigripes, Oligoryzomys flavescens, Oxymycterus dasytrichus, Rhipidomys tribei, Sooretamys angouya, and Thaptomys nigrita; and three marsupials – Monodelphis scalops, Philander quica, and Marmosops incanus. We described for the first time the fundamental autosomal number and the morphology of sex chromosomes of Abrawayaomys ruschii, a rare sigmodontine species, and described a new karyotype for Blarinomys. The revision of published karyotypes of the species herein studied enabled the expansion of the geographic distribution of Oligoryzomys nigripes and Delomys sublineatus.

2020 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 334-339
Denise Monte Braz ◽  
Igor Henrique Freitas Azevedo ◽  
Erin A. Tripp

Abstract—Ruellia capotyra is described as a new species of Acanthaceae from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, occurring in the states of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais. This species was discovered during fieldwork in a natural forested area, and further details regarding its ecology and broader geographical distribution were clarified through the study of existing herbarium collections. Ruellia capotyra is a subshrub characterized by long-petiolate leaves, long-pedunculate, axillary, and compound dichasia, and rose-colored, long, and curved corollas. It differs from other species of Ruellia by its quadrangular, glabrescent branches and rachises, the absence of bracteoles, calyces with subulate, unequal lobes, and sparse, long-glandular trichomes. The new species is described and illustrated. Diagnostic characters and comments regarding its geographical distribution, phenology, and taxonomy are presented. Ruellia capotyra is compared with other species previously described in the genus and its infrageneric position is discussed. One of these species is Ruellia subsessilis, for which a lectotype is here designated and its authority corrected. An informal IUCN conservation assessment of the new species indicated that it should be considered as a threatened species, further highlighting the conservation significance of the Atlantic Forest as a whole.

2020 ◽  
Vol 530 ◽  
pp. 115944 ◽  
Peer Rahlf ◽  
Ed Hathorne ◽  
Georgi Laukert ◽  
Marcus Gutjahr ◽  
Syee Weldeab ◽  

Geology ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 47 (12) ◽  
pp. 1185-1188 ◽  
Leonardo Tamborrino ◽  
Claudia Wienberg ◽  
Jürgen Titschack ◽  
Paul Wintersteller ◽  
Furu Mienis ◽  

Abstract An exceptionally large cold-water coral mound province (CMP) was recently discovered extending over 80 km along the Namibian shelf (offshore southwestern Africa) in water depths of 160–270 m. This hitherto unknown CMP comprises >2000 mounds with heights of up to 20 m and constitutes the largest CMP known from the southeastern Atlantic Ocean. Uranium-series dating revealed a short but intense pulse in mound formation during the early to mid-Holocene. Coral proliferation during this period was potentially supported by slightly enhanced dissolved oxygen concentrations compared to the present Benguela oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). The subsequent mid-Holocene strengthening of the Benguela Upwelling System and a simultaneous northward migration of the Angola-Benguela Front resulted in an intensification of the OMZ that caused the sudden local extinction of the Namibian corals and prevented their reoccurrence until today.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (17) ◽  
pp. 11613-11634 ◽  
Lucia T. Deaconu ◽  
Nicolas Ferlay ◽  
Fabien Waquet ◽  
Fanny Peers ◽  
François Thieuleux ◽  

Abstract. Aerosols have a direct effect on the Earth's radiative budget and can also affect cloud development and lifetime, and the aerosols above clouds (AAC) are particularly associated with high uncertainties in global climate models. Therefore, it is a prerequisite to improve the description and understanding of these situations. During the austral winter, large loadings of biomass burning aerosols originating from fires in the southern African subcontinent are lifted and transported westwards, across the southeastern Atlantic Ocean. The negligible wet scavenging of these absorbing aerosols leads to a near-persistent smoke layer above one of the largest stratocumulus cloud decks on the planet. Therefore, the southeastern Atlantic region is a very important area for studying the impact of above-cloud absorbing aerosols, their radiative forcing and their possible effects on clouds. In this study we aim to analyse and quantify the effect of smoke loadings on cloud properties using a synergy of different remote sensing techniques from A-Train retrievals (methods based on the passive instruments POLDER and MODIS and the operational method of the spaceborne lidar CALIOP), collocated with ERA-Interim re-analysis meteorological profiles. To analyse the possible mechanisms of AAC effects on cloud properties, we developed a high and low aerosol loading approach, which consists in evaluating the change in radiative quantities (i.e. cloud-top cooling, heating rate vertical profiles) and cloud properties with the smoke loading. During this analysis, we account for the variation in the meteorological conditions over our sample area by selecting the months associated with one meteorological regime (June–August). The results show that the region we focus on is primarily under the energetic influence of absorbing aerosols, leading to a significant positive shortwave direct effect at the top of the atmosphere. For larger loads of AACs, clouds are optically thicker, with an increase in liquid water path of 20 g m−2 and lower cloud-top altitudes by 100 m. These results do not contradict the semi-direct effect of above-cloud aerosols, explored in previous studies. Furthermore, we observe a strong covariance between the aerosol and the water vapour loadings, which has to be accounted for. A detailed analysis of the heating rate profiles shows that within the smoke layer, the absorbing aerosols are 90 % responsible for warming the ambient air by approximately 5.7 K d−1. The accompanying water vapour, however, has a longwave effect at distance on the cloud top, reducing its cooling by approximately 4.7 K d−1 (equivalent to 7 %). We infer that this decreased cloud-top cooling in particular, in addition with the higher humidity above the clouds, might modify the cloud-top entrainment rate and its effect, leading to thicker clouds. Therefore, smoke (the combination of aerosol and water vapour) events would have the potential to modify and probably reinforce the underlaying cloud cover.

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