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Journal of Computer Science and Informatics Engineering (J-Cosine)
Latest Publications





Published By Universitas Mataram

2541-0806, 2540-8895

Fahmi Syuhada ◽  
Rarasmaya Indraswari ◽  
Agus Zainal Arifin ◽  
Dini Adni Navastara

Segmentation of dental Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images based on Boundary Tracking has been widely used in recent decades. Generally, the process only uses axial projection data of CBCT where the slices image that representing the tip of the tooth object have decreased in contrast which impact to difficult to distinguish with background or other elements. In this paper we propose the multi-projection segmentation method by combining the level set segmentation result on three projections to detect the tooth object more optimally. Multiprojection is performed by decomposing CBCT data which produces three projections called axial, sagittal and coronal projections. Then, the segmentation based on the set level method is implemented on the slices image in the three projections. The results of the three projections are combined to get the final result of this method. This proposed method obtains evaluation results of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity with values of 97.18%, 88.62%, and 97.61%, respectively.

Andi Hutami Endang

The Prediction of World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that in 2030 the number of diabetics in Indonesia reached approximately 21.3 million people. Moreover, the development of medicine consumed by diabetics also varies. In this paper, we present a system that represents a diabetes expert into a knowledge based on the domain ontology. The early stage of the system is developing drugs ontology (including functions and contraindications) and patient ontology. Then, matching a weighted ontology will give drugs recommendations that are suitable with the patient's condition. The system is able to analyze diabetes symptoms to give drugs recommendations to the patient.

Djarot Hindarto ◽  
Handri Santoso

Currently adoption of mobile phones and mobile applications based  on Android operating system is increasing rapidly. Many companies and emerging startups are carrying out digital transformation by using mobile applications to provide disruptive digital services to replace existing old styled services. This transformation prompted the attackers to create malicious software (malware) using sophisticate methods to target victims of Android mobile phone users. The purpose of this study is to identify Android APK files by classifying them using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Non Neural Network (NNN). The ANN is Multi-Layer Perceptron Classifier (MLPC), while  the NNN are KNN, SVM, Decision Tree, Logistic Regression and Naïve Bayes methods. The results show that the performance using NNN has decreasing accuracy when training using larger datasets. The use of the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm with a dataset of 600 APKs achieves an accuracy of  91.2% and dataset of 14170 APKs achieves an accuracy of 88%. The using of the Support Vector Machine algorithm with the 600 APK dataset has an accuracy of 99.1% and the 14170 APK dataset has an accuracy of 90.5%. The using of the Decision Tree algorithm with the 600 APK dataset has an accuracy of  99.2%, the 14170 APK dataset has an accuracy of 90.8%. The experiment using the Multi-Layer Perceptron Classifier has increasing with the 600 APK dataset reaching 99%, the 7000 APK dataset reaching 100% and the 14170 APK dataset reaching 100%.

Nuniek Fahriani ◽  
Indah Kurniawati

At HOTSPODT (Hospital Ship for Covid Disaster) there are no stages regarding the application of the use of information technology systems, especially for securing patient data which includes personal data and patient medical records. Confidential patient data collected during the current pandemic, including the patient’s name, address, diagnosis, family history and medical records without the patient’s consent, may pose a risk to the individual concerned. The concept of patient data security is adjusted to the user’s position on the importance of data. Access to patient data authorization is one of the security gaps that the security system needs to pay attention to and guard against. So, in this case applied a data security algorithm in the form of cryptography. The algorithm used is the Blowfish Algorithm. The test results of the scenario in the application prove that it can be successfully processed from the encrypted file to ciphertext until it is returned as the original file.

Ricky Satria ◽  
Royana Afwani ◽  
Sri Endang Anjarwani

A house of worship is a place where religious people meet for the teachings of their respective religions or beliefs. Knowing the information on the location of places of worship is very important to fulfill worship obligations. In the city of Mataram, finding places of worship is still quite difficult because they cannot walk / walk around them. In terms of the Ministry of Trade, there is still no data management system for places of worship, currently data management for places of worship is still carried out using Ms. Excel which makes data collection ineffective and takes a long time to search for existing data, information media and mapping. there are no places of worship in the city of Mataram either. In this Final Project research, a Geographical Information System for Mapping the Location of Places of Worship in the City of Mataram was designed and built to provide information and layouts regarding places of worship in the city of Mataram because when searching for places of worship meant a more important geographical location was needed. With this system that has been created, it can provide benefits for the general public in viewing information and locations of places of worship in Mataram City, as evidenced by the results of the questionnaire given which can be seen in Table 4.25 showing that 40.33% strongly agree, 47.85 % agree, and 11.83% quite agree. And from the side of the Ministry of Trade it can also make it easier to collect data from systems that make management more effective and efficient, it can be proven through the results of the questionnaire in Table 4:24 showing that 66.67% strongly agree, 25% agree, and 8.33% are quite related with easy access to the application, the display is easy to understand, the application runs well, helping the Ministry of Religion in the organization of existing places of worship data. In this final project research uses the Extreme Programming method in the system development process, because it is suitable because one of the XP itself involves the client during the system development process, while in the case of this Final Project research, the Ministry of Religion of NTB as a client is directly involved in the system development process so that Minimizing errors in the system and in accordance with client needs, it can be proven in the results of the black box testing that has been carried out in Table 4:23 showing that all functions work well on the system and are accepted so that it can be said that the system created is running according to client needs.

Ahmad Zafrullah Mardiansyah ◽  
Ariyan Zubaidi ◽  
I Gde Putu Wirarama Wedaswhara W ◽  
Andy Hidayat Jatmika

Keamanan merupakan bagian yang penting dalam hal transaksi elektronik. Sistem informasi di Universitas Mataram secara umum menggunakan metode username dan password untuk melakukan autentikasi (Single Factor Authentication - SFA). Metode SFA rentan dengan serangan brute force terhadap layanan Single Sign On (SSO). Untuk menangkal serangan brute force, penelitian ini mengusulkan implementasi Two Factor Authentication (TFA) berbasis SMS pada SSO. Penelitian ini menemukan pengujian yang dilakukan dengan melakukan analisa pada simulasi serangan brute force tidak dapat menembus akses dari akun pengguna. Pengujian lainnya dengan menggunakan metode User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) menemukan skor pada aspek Pragmatis adalah 1,927 (Excellent), pada aspek Hedonis adalah 1,667 (Excellent), dan secara keseluruhan adalah 1,797 (Excellent).

Nur Shabrina Meutia ◽  
Apol Pribadi Subriadi

The citizen's complaint handling system aims to make citizens easily file a complaint against the condition and development of the city so that it can be followed up immediately, but the implementation of this Smart City program is less than optimal. The real condition shows that there are still many citizens who have not used this application. This study aims to evaluate what factors influence the citizen's intention to use the complaint handling application. The methodology used in this study is a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. This study conducted in-depth interviews with six research informants, then the results of the interviews were tested and analyzed, and the interview data was encoded. The results of this study found factors that influence the intention to use complaint handling applications. These factors are citizen awareness, social influence, perceived usefulness, and trust. The expected result is a new model that can be implemented to improve the use of complaint handling applications and similar e-government services.   

Annisa Mujahidah Robbani ◽  
I Gede Pasek Suta Wijaya ◽  
Fitri Bimantoro

Abstract-The literature shows that Graphology is common and relatively useful in our life. For example, as one of the job requirements. Professional organizations hire a professional handwriting analyst called Graphologist to analyze the characteristic traits of the candidates by identified their handwriting. However, the accuracy of handwriting analysis depends on how skilled the graphologist is, two graphologists which predict the same handwriting may give us a different result of the prediction. To improve the accuracy, we develop a system that can automatically predict a person’s personality based on the shape of the handwriting of the letters "i", "o", and "t" using the Levenberg Marquardt Backpropagation method. Based on this research we got the maximum accuracy by using 2 hidden layers. We got 71,42% of accuracy for the letter “i”, 76,92% of accuracy for the letter “o”, and 60% of accuracy for letter the “t”.

I Gede Pasek Suta Wijaya ◽  
Ditha Nurcahya Avianty ◽  
Fitri Bimantoro ◽  
Rina Lestari

COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by thecoronavirus family, namely severe acute respiratorysyndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The fastest methodto identify the presence of this virus is a rapid antibody or antigen test, but confirming the positive status of a COVID-19 patient requires further examination. Lung examination using chest X-ray images taken through X-rays of COVID-19patients can be one way to confirm the patient's conditionbefore/after the rapid test. This paper proposes a featureextraction model to detect COVID-19 through chestradiography using a combination of Discrete WaveletTransform (DWT) and Moment Invariant features. In thiscase, haar wavelet transform and seven Hu moments wereused to extract image features in order to find unique featuresthat represent chest radiographic images as suspectedCOVID-19, pneumonia, or normal. To find out theuniqueness of the proposed features, it is coupled with thekNN and generic ANN classification techniques. Based on theperformance parameters assessed, it turns out that thewavelet-based and moment invariant thorax radiographicimage feature model can be used as a unique featureassociated with three categories: Normal, Pneumonia, andCovid-19. This is indicated by the accuracy value of 82.7% inthe kNN classification technique and the accuracy, precision,and recall of 86%, 87%, and 86% respectively with the ANNclassification technique.

Media Isti Azzizah ◽  
Nadiyasari Agitha ◽  
Ida Bagus Ketut Widiartha

Treatment for outpatient installations (IRJA) NTB provincial hospitals have used hospital management information systems, but this is still not effective. The information system is not effective because registration centred in the main hall. The centralized registration caused the accumulation of patient queues that occurred in each IRJA polyclinic, and this was due to the absence of an integrated queue number between registrations carried out in the main hall and IRJA polyclinics. Therefore, the governance of information architecture processes needs to be applied to optimize information systems. We use COBIT 4.1 to conduct governance. The aim is to get existing and expected outpatients from Prov. NTB Hospital. So, it can help to manage information architecture to perform quality and competitive outpatient services. The results showed the IT processes selected in PO2 (Determine Information Architecture) and AI4 (Activate and Use). We reach the maturity level of all IT processes at level 3 (the specified process) for conditions as they are and 5 (optimized) for conditions that will occur. The level of maturity can help the NTB Provincial Hospital to improve its services.

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