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Published By Ana Publishing Private Limited


2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Mrs. D. Thulasimani thulasimani ◽  
Dr. Ramesh Kumari ◽  
Dr. Ramesh Kumari

ABSTRACT When the working system is in demand of more efficiency, individual resource stress is felt. Perception of stress occurs when there is a mismatch between the expectations and accomplishment. Because of workload and working environment seen in hospitals, health professionals frequently suffer from stress. In India prevalence of occupational stress amongst nurses has been estimated to be 87.4%. The present study was planned for assessing factors affecting occupational stress among Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nurses. So the Nurse manager and Chief of the hospital should take initiatives to overcome this problem and help them reduce the job stress by providing commensurate workload according to their abilities and lend proper recognition to their efforts and skills, and motivate them to contribute their thoughts to take decisions in their work, assign them responsibilities to do their work and help them improve their relations with their co-workers. Key Words: Job Stress, Intensive care unit, Workload.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
mandeep kaur ◽  
kiranjit kaur

Biomedical waste or hospital waste is any kind of waste containing infectious materials. It may also include waste ass ociated with the generation of biomedical waste that visually appears to be of medical or laboratory origin (e.g. packaging, unused bandages, infusion kits etc.), as well research laboratory waste containing bio molecules or organisms that are mainly restricted from environmental release. The pre-experimental study was conducted on 40 nursing students in Chief Khalsa Diwan International Nursing College, Amritsar. Prior to structured teaching programme nursing students gave self-information and a self-structured knowledge questionnaire was used and evaluate the significant of difference between the two groups. The data obtained from study subjects was analysed and interpreted in terms of objectives and hypothesis of the study. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used for the data analysis. The study findings revealed that structured teaching programme was significantly effective in increasing the knowledge of Nursing Students of Chief Khalsa Diwan International Nursing College, Amritsar.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
arundeep kaur ◽  
shiva sharma

ABSTRACT Mother is one who gives birth of a baby, who cares for the baby and protects her baby from any harm. Kangaroo mother care is the method of care for all new born but particularly for premature babies and it is a special way of caring of low birth weight babies and it fosters their health and well-being by promoting effective thermal control, breastfeeding, prevention of infection, bonding, physical, emotional support to mother and baby also early discharge from the hospital from the hospital from the hospital. Kangaroo mother care was started in Columbia in response to shortage of incubators and serve hospital infection. This study was conducted to assess the knowledge and provide structured teaching programme to link worker to gain knowledge about kangaroo mother care which help to reduce the neonatal mortality rate to certain extent. With kangaroo mother care, we can save the babies from hypothermia and also gives the chance to babies for survive and thrive. Result revealed that in pre-test knowledge majority of link worker i.e. 65% were in below average group and 35% were having average knowledge. After STP 70% link workers came under good knowledge and 30% were under average knowledg

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
mrs rajwant kaur ◽  
Dr Krishna chauhan ◽  
Dr Krishna chauhan

ABSTRACT Retirement is the act of retiring or the state of being retired, i.e. to withdraw oneself from business, public life or and to remove from active service. However, it is important to recognize that retirement as a single life event is rarely the cause of these outcomes. Perhaps people with greater work ethic might be more prepared for retirement and might feel it to be their “just reward” for their years of hard work. Also found that retirees who had higher entrepreneurial orientations were more likely to engage in career bridge employment than in full retirement, whereas retirees who had more desire to pursue a new career were more likely to engage in bridge employment in a different field than in full retirement. A significantly negative relationship was found between loneliness, depression, hopelessness and income. Conclusion shows that institutionalization might lead to poor mental health. Key Words: Psychological problems in old age, Urban and rural area.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Ms. Ahila D L D L

ABSTRACT: A study to assess the level of stress and coping among 80 nurses working at high risk areas of selected CSI Hospitals of Kanyakurnari District was done using modified Expanded Nursing Stress Scale devised by American, National Nurses Association and modified Moo's Coping Inventory. 52.5% (42) of nurses were found to be severely stressed and 40% (32) nurses were found to be moderately stressed. Only 3.75 % (3) of nurses were having effective coping skills. The association between stress and selected demographic variables like Age, year of experience, type of wards and marital status was found to be significant with = 18.70; 20.23; 11.27; 10.04 at (p <0.05) level. The association between coping and selected demographic variables like age, year of experience and marital status was found to be significant, -14.55; 15.54; 6,54 at (p<0.05)level.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Ms. Prema latha ◽  
Dr. Sharmila Jansi Rani rani

ABSTRACT Stress is a part and parcel of human lifestyle. Stress is a bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium. Nursing is generally perceived as demanding profession. AIM: The study was carried out with the objectives to assess the knowledge of stress management techniques among pediatric nurses and to associate with their socio demographic variables. METHODS: Non experimental research design was adopted.30 nurses working in selected tertiary care hospital were selected by using convenient sampling technique. TOOL: Data was collected by using self-structured knowledge questionnaire consists of 15 questions regarding Stress management techniques as 2-items of healthy stress comprises 5-questions, and Personal stress comprises 10-questions. RESULTS: Level of knowledge among Age related was more than 30 years were 24(80%), and less than 30 years were 6(20%); there is difference in Gender and Marital Status. Regard to Working experience there was no changes in knowledge, but information of Stress management techniques during Last 2 years were very less 20(66.6%), Attended stress management course during the working period also found very less 7(23. 3%).Thus found there is a poor knowledge regarding Stress management techniques among pediatric nurses. Also there is significant association with level of knowledge on stress management techniques related to age, marital status, gender, information and course attended among pediatric nurses at the level of p<0.001. CONCLUSION: The study concludes that majority of the nurses have low knowledge in stress management techniques. It is also found that stress due to work organization and inter personal relationship at work is harder which adds up to the stress. It is evident in the present study that older age group and women were commonly low level of knowledge in stress management techniques. It is recommended to implement strategies for reducing stress, knowled

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Mr. Dugga aneel kumar

ABSTRACT Powdered cellulose etherified to primary, secondary, tertiary, and combination of primary and tertiary carbons contains halide or an epoxide compound obtains Methylcellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (OH group replaced to OR) in presence of an alkali metal hydroxide in high pressure and thermal conditions, also produced to different grades where you played a viscosity parameter. Key Words: cellulose, alkali cellulose, etherfication.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Mrs. Maninder Kaur brar ◽  
Ms. Seema Raghuvanshi ◽  
Ms. Seema Raghuvanshi

ABSTRACT Birth prevention includes various Methods and Services given by Government in order to control Pregnancy. Birth prevention approach include self-control, planned parenthood and everything Food. The Researcher selected a sample of 60 female of conceptive age group (18-45 years) using systematic random sampling technique. Analyses of facts and figures were done in accordance with the goals. Method of descriptive and inferential statistics was used, such as mean, percentage, probable error, correlation coefficient and paired t’-test, ANOVA test etc. Pie chart and graphic representations were used to describe the conclusion. Mean knowledge scores of pre-test and post-test for the subjects were used to compare by Paired ‘t’ test. ANOVA analyses were used to spot the effect of the selected variables on knowledge, and to find the statistical significance with variables. The Socioeconomic, analytical characteristics of the participant women in relation to determine the efficacy of organized guidance plan of understanding on family planning methods are shown. Structured teaching programme are the best method to impart knowledge. Key Words: Family Planning, Structured teaching Programme.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Ms. Madhusmita Sahoo sahoo ◽  
Mrs. P. Laxmi Bai bai

ABSTRACT Recovery from a burn injury requires a lot of work on the part of the client and significant others including health care professionals. The client’s health can be resumed with both positive body and positive mind by effective management of Burn injury. The study was conducted with the objective to assess the knowledge of staff nurses regarding management of burn injury, to assess the effectiveness of self-instructional module (SIM) and to compare the effectiveness of SIM on knowledge of staff nurses regarding management of burn injury with their selected demographic variables. Data was collected by using purposive sampling by taking 50 samples from the surgical department of M.K.C.G, MCH, Berhampur. The data was analysed by calculating the mean percentage, standard deviation, T-test and chi-square. The findings revealed that prior to the implementation of self-instructional module mean score was (22.56±3.3) which is 56.4% of maximum knowledge score. Highest post-test mean score was 33.3±3.43 which is 83.25% showing a difference of 26.85% of effectiveness. Area wise comparison of knowledge score shows that, during pre-test the highest mean score was 58.37% of the total score obtained from the area of burn wound care, physiotherapy and rehabilitation and the staff nurses were having lowest knowledge in the area of prevention, first aid treatment, and management of burn injury that is 52.61% of mean score. Highly Significant difference of 26.85 % was found between pre- and post-test’s knowledge score. Significant association was found between post-test knowledge score according to professional qualification, year of professional experience and year of experience in care of Burn patient. But no significant association was found according to age and previous source of knowledge. Key Words: Assess, Effectiveness, Self-instructional module, knowledge, Staff Nurse, Surgical department, Burn injury, Management.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Mrs Beula J J ◽  
Dr. Raj Rani

ABSTRACT It is an investigation to evaluate the adequacy of moderate breathing on worry among ladies with hypertension in a chosen village, in Thiruvallur region adjacent to Chennai city. Objective: The principal goal of the investigation was to survey the adequacy of moderate breathing on worry among ladies with hypertension in a chosen town in the Thiruvallur area of Tamil Nadu. Methods: Quasi-trial, one gathering pre- and post-test configuration was utilised in the current investigation. The current examination was done in a chosen town in Tamil Nadu. The sample included 30 ladies with hypertension, those that satisfied the consideration measures. Information was gathered from the members by making use of a self-controlled inquiry to gather the segment of information and an altered apparent pressure scale was used to evaluate the circulatory strain. At that point, 5 minutes of profound breathing activity (6 breaths per each minute in an agreeable position) was allowed twice every day with the immediate oversight for seven days. Results: The outcome demonstrated that pre- and post-test mean contrast was 8 with S.D of 2.20 and paired t value = 3.05, which was found factually noteworthy at p<0.05. Consequently, the score demonstrated that there was critical mean contrast between the pre- and post-test anxiety at p<0.05 level. It was presumed that the moderate breathing has an impact on controlling worry among ladies with hypertension. Keywords: Slow breathing, stress, moderate breathing, hypertension.

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