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Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Transport
Latest Publications





Published By Vinnytsia National Technical University

2415-3486, 2413-4503

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-110
Olha Sakno ◽  
Ievgen Medvediev ◽  
Peter Eliseyev ◽  
Serhii Tsymbal ◽  

Uncertainty of data during environmental monitoring prevents with confidently and objectively assessing the current condition of the environment, the influence of factors affecting the fuel consumption of vehicles during operation. In addition, it creates a serious problem in assessing the dynamics of this condition, especially when it comes to relatively small levels of pollution that are on the verge of the sensitivity of systems and devices in the car. It is precisely these tasks that include the determination of atmospheric pollution by emissions from road transport in conditions of variable weather and climatic conditions, carrying out routine maintenance, changing a configuration of an engine or transmission. The article discusses: a) factors related to the characteristics and vehicle systems, with the maintenance of vehicles. This category focuses on fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, which depend on the technical and operational characteristics of the vehicle, its weight and aerodynamics, tires and auxiliary systems, the quality and timeliness of maintenance and repairs; b) factors related to the environment and traffic conditions (weather conditions, road morphology and traffic conditions); c) factors related to a driver of a vehicle (driver qualifications, driving style). Optimization of factors related to vehicle systems and their characteristics has been performed; by using fuel of optimum quality and driving efficiently, you can achieve savings in fuel (financial) consumption and CO2 emissions. The article proposes the solution to a complex problem of managing the transport process while minimizing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions from passenger cars, depending on the road and climatic conditions and the driver's qualifications, based on the theory of fuzzy sets. This approach made it possible to largely compensate for the lack of objective information about the process due to its uncertainty by subjective expert data.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-79
Alexander Nazarov ◽  
Vitalii Kashkanov ◽  
Roman Gumenyuk ◽  
Evgenui Kotik ◽  

The article considers the change of the radius of the instantaneous center of rotation of a car moving along a curved trajectory during braking, taking into account the lateral input of the wheels of both axles of cars, both equipped with electronic tracking systems and not equipped with such. A criterion for assessing the controllability of cars moving on a curved trajectory in a braked state, by comparing the ratio of the current speed of the car to the longitudinal base with the ratio of the coefficients of lateral tire input to the product of the longitudinal base of the car, mass and cosines. It is established that the radius of instantaneous rotation of the longitudinal axis of the car moving along a curved trajectory during braking depends on the speed of the center of mass of the car, the coefficient of axle distribution of braking force, physical characteristics of applied tires, steering wheel angle and design and weight parameters. As a result, it allows you to set controllability. The authors obtained dependences that will create new algorithms for the operation of modern electronic control systems for stabilizing the longitudinal axis of a braked car, taking into account the speed of the car, its design and weight characteristics, the main characteristics of its braking system (coefficient of axle braking force distribution), physical characteristics used tires on wheels and connect them to the angles of the steered wheels, controlling the deviation of the longitudinal axis, which allows the driver to maintain the possibility of quite sharp maneuvers directly in the braking process, moving along a curved trajectory.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 26-32
Andriy Ilchenko ◽  
Volodymyr Shumliakivskyi ◽  

This article provides statistical data on the number of road accidents and their consequences (deaths and/or injuries) in all regions of Ukraine in 2021 as compared to the same period in 2020. Regions with a decrease in road traffic accident rates (Zakarpattya region, 9.6% decrease) and their percentage increase (Zhytomyr region, 56.1% increase) are highlighted. Based on the analysis of statistical data, it is estimated that the number of road traffic accidents in the country during this period increased by 19.6%. But as a positive phenomenon, the number of injuries and/or fatalities in these road accidents decreased by 17.2%. The article analyses and gives concrete examples of the use of some legally adopted road traffic control devices in the regional center of Ukraine - Zhytomyr city (traffic lights, road signs and road markings). Shows incidents of their use which are characterized by violations of traffic rules (Sections 8.1., 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.7, Sections 33 "Traffic signs" and 34 "Traffic lanes"), DSTU 2587:2021 "Traffic lanes. General Technical Conditions", DSTU 4100:2021 "Road Safety. Road Signs". At the same time there are situations when road signs are in contradiction, which is categorically unacceptable. It also shows the cases where traffic signs are installed in a shape and design that is not included in traffic regulations and the relevant standard. It was concluded that the use of the above road traffic control devices in violation of the conditions of their installation (application) can lead to misinformation of road users, create additional informational and emotional pressure on them, contribute to increased fatigue, which consequently increases the probability of occurrence of road accidents and increases their importance.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 4-9
Viktor Aulin ◽  
Dmitrо Golub ◽  
Viktor Bilichenko ◽  
Artem Zamurenko ◽  

The approach to construction of model of a problem situation in transport system is resulted, the block diagram of its algorithm is developed. It is revealed that the transition stage from the problem to the formulation of formal tasks is a problem situation, and the tasks can be solved in different ways, forming a set of strategies. It is noted that in the general case the result of operations is uncertain, which is caused by the uncertainty of the conditions of the operation and the action of factors of different nature. It is revealed that the acquisition of values of indicators that characterize one or another result of the operation is associated with the solution of the problem of modeling operations. The stages of the problem of studying the efficiency of the operation in the transport system are given. A number of assumptions are made about the process of obtaining results, which is associated with the formation of the operation model and obtaining efficiency estimates based on modeling results, as well as the process of analyzing the results, which involves solving the selection problem based on the established efficiency criterion or system of such criteria. It is found that the model of the problem situation in transport systems reflects the relationship of the main elements of the decision-making process and the sequence of formation of partial tasks and is built to cover the problem of decision-making as a whole, to present its main elements to be finalized. about the strategy of the operation. It is shown that the presence of a certain component as an independent element in the model of the problem situation assumes that the set of values of uncertain factors in the development of solutions will be either set externally, or finding these values will be an independent task. A list of actions for solving partial problems based on this model is presented. It is shown that in many practical cases it is observed that the a priori task of one of the main criteria of efficiency leads to the selection of some set of alternatives. Therefore, the choice of the best alternative requires the formation of a compound criterion, which includes both formal and informal prescriptions for making a judgment on the basis of which the selection or return and correction of elements of the model of the problem situation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-88
Viacheslav Pavlenko ◽  
Volodymyr Manuylov ◽  
Volodymyr Kuzhel ◽  
Vladislav Listgarten ◽  

The article considers the architecture of conceptual modeling of the knowledge base, which creates a model of the subject area in the form of many concepts and relationships between them. This approach is based on the concept of a mobile software agent, which is implemented and functions as an independent specialized computer program or an element of artificial intelligence. Ensuring the use of subject area knowledge has become one of the driving forces of the recent surge in the study of artificial intelligence. For example, for models of many different subject areas it is necessary to formulate the concept of time. This representation includes the concepts of time intervals, time points, relative measures of time, etc. If one group of scientists develops a detailed knowledge base, others can simply reuse it in their subject areas using their own database. Creating explicit assumptions in the subject area, which underlie the implementation, makes it easy to change the assumptions when changing our knowledge of the subject area. The process of conceptualization of TO and P, first of all, involves the development of databases in research areas for the formalization and systematization of knowledge about the characteristics of this area of entities and phenomena. That is, the use of concepts in the field of maintenance in a consistent manner in relation to theories of knowledge. Ultimately, the paper updated mathematical modeling, algorithmization and implementation of intelligent systems in the field of maintenance, which will help automate the process of diagnosis and inspection of all car systems, facilitate fault prevention and improve the maintenance process and modernize the maintenance system itself. The approach of algorithmization of the base of knowledge of a condition of the car in each moment of time considered in work gives the chance to reduce time of stay of the car in the service center and to reduce considerably expenses for passing of MOT at service of cars.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 10-17
Volodymyr Volkov ◽  
Volodymyr Kuzhel ◽  
Tetiana Volkova ◽  
Ganna Pliekhova ◽  

In the article, using the example of a mechatronic control system for the engine and transmission of vehicles (automobiles), the features of the technology of their diagnosis are shown. In an electronic transmission control system, the object of regulation is mainly an automatic transmission. Also, the laws of control (programs) of gear shifting in an automatic transmission ensure the optimal transfer of engine energy to the wheels of the vehicle (TC), taking into account the required traction and speed properties and fuel economy. At the same time, the programs for achieving optimal traction-speed properties and minimum fuel consumption differ from each other, since the simultaneous achievement of these goals is not always possible. Therefore, depending on the driving conditions and the desire of the driver, using a special switch, you can select the "economy" program to reduce fuel consumption, the "power" program - to improve traction and speed properties, or the "manual" program to switch gears by the driver. In turn, self-diagnostic capabilities include: system identification and electronic control units (ECU) (ECU); recognition, storage and reading of information about static and single malfunctions; reading current real data, including environmental conditions and specifications; modeling of system functions; programming of system parameters. The individual programs for the test block are stored in the plug-in modules, while the correction and data transfer in the system is carried out via the data interface. Note also that the diagnostic process begins with the initialization of the systems - their detection in the electrical equipment of the vehicle. Upon successful initialization, it is possible to: read the error memory; erase the error memory; view the data of the next detected system or exit to the main menu; change the readings of the selected category; correct the current time; correct the current date and perform a number of additional functions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 46-51
Taras Krutz ◽  
Vitalij Popovych ◽  
Roman Zinko ◽  
Andriy Polyakov ◽  

The ability to move on different types of soils is one of the main indicators of the efficiency of mobile vehicles in off-road conditions. The movement of such special mobile machines is carried out due to the interaction of the propulsion with the support surface. Therefore, significant reserves to increase productivity and reduce the cost of technological and transport works are laid in reducing energy consumption when the engine interacts with the surface. On the process of interaction of the wheel drive with the deformable support surface it is established that the parameters of this interaction depend on a number of factors: normal load, angular velocity and torque. In the General case, the parameters of interaction of each engine change when changing the mode of movement of the wheeled vehicle, and the ability to change the air pressure in the tires when driving on different support surfaces allows to increase the performance of the wheeled vehicle In the study of the caterpillar, it was found that the pitch of the caterpillar, the stiffness of the caterpillar, the angular stiffness of two adjacent tracks, reducing the pitch of the caterpillar chain, reducing the stiffness of the caterpillar, increasing the angular stiffness of two adjacent tracks, affect the efficiency of the machine. The scientific novelty of the study is to develop a method of choosing the engine of a special mobile machine that works off-road, in the process of its design. Wheel or crawler solutions will mainly determine the performance and efficiency of special purpose vehicles. The choice of engine for special mobile machines is based on a set of criteria. The criteria determine the importance of the implementation of the tasks in relation to the efficiency of functioning. Knowing the sowing capacity of the soil, and taking into account the possibility of movement of a particular special mobile machine depending on the type of soil, you can choose one or another type of engine.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-102
Mikhail Podrigalo ◽  
Andriy Kashkanov ◽  
Mykhailo Kholodov ◽  
Andriy Poberezhnyi ◽  

The term "inertioid" and its first design in 1936 was invented by engineer V. N. Tolchin. Despite the demonstration of unsupported motion using a physical model, the mystery of the inertioid has existed for almost a century. There are several theories explaining the motion of the inertioid (or mechanisms with inertial motion). These theories include the theory of friction, which proves that the movement of the device occurs due to the difference between the coefficients of friction and the coefficients of rolling resistance in contact between the bottom of the machine and the road. In some works, to explain the physical nature of this phenomenon, it is often legitimate to use A. Einstein's theory of relativity from a scientific point of view. In our opinion, the approach to the study of the process of motion of the inertioid should be based on the theory of the gravitational field. In the theory of relativity, A. Einstein notes that rapidly moving frames of reference create their own gravitational fields. Rotating weights create their own potential fields, since they are affected by centripetal accelerations. When the field of rotating loads is imposed on the gravitational field of the earth, accelerations appear that cause the movement of an inertioid (machines with an inertial mover). In fact, we constantly encounter this kind of overlap of potential fields in our daily life. For example, the effect of latitude on the value of the free fall acceleration of a body above the earth's surface is explained by the imposition of the earth's gravitational field of the potential field of its rotation around its axis. In the paper an inertioid with an idealized engine, which creates a constant driving (traction) force directed towards the movement has been investigated. As a result of the study, the equations of the translational motion of a machine with an ideal inertial engine were obtained, an expression for calculating its maximum speed was determined, and the maximum required engine power for the movement of a machine with an ideal inertial engine was determined.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-130
Anatolii Soltus ◽  
Ludmyla Tarandushka ◽  
Eduard Klimov ◽  
Sergii Chernenko ◽  

The results of the study of the motion of an elastic wheel as an integral mechanism along a curvilinear and a rectilinear trajectory with a slip on the ground plane having a high adhesion coefficient are presented. The previous researches analysis has shown that the most complete theory of wheel skidless rolling without slipping on elastic pneumatics was formulated by Keldysh V. M. who proposed the equation for calculating the curvature of the motion trajectory. Due to the difficulty of this equation coefficients determining, its use is currently limited. In this paper, the dependences for determining the components of the equation of the elastic wheel motion trajectory curvature have been proposed. According to the shimmy theory, during an elastic wheel rolling along a curvilinear trajectory, the rim turn and its lateral displacement relative to the tire-ground contact patch occur simultaneously. The rim turn causes tire body torsion, and the lateral displacement causes the elastic wheel moving with a slip angle. It is established that the absolute value of the tire body torsion angle is equal to the slip angle, and their values depend on the trajectory curvature, on the tire-ground contact patch longitudinal axis, and on the existence of traction there. The condition, under which the tire body energy distribution on the rim relative rotation and on its lateral displacement during the movement along a curved trajectory is uniform, has been determined. The experimental confirmation of the hypothesis of uniform distribution of the energy supplied to the elastic wheel during its movement along a curvilinear trajectory on the rim relative turning and its lateral displacement has been obtained. When the elastic wheel moves along a rectilinear trajectory with a slip, only the rim lateral displacement occurs, this displacement is accompanied by a cornering force applied in the center of the tire-ground contact patch and by the tire alining torque relative to the vertical axis passing through the contact patch geometric center. The energy consumption for the rim lateral displacement during the wheel rolling along a rectilinear trajectory with a slip has been also determined. The results of the research can be useful to professionals improving the wheeled vehicles performance characteristics, including maneuverability, handling, and road stability.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 18-25
Oleksandr Dityatyev ◽  

Existing methods of diagnosing steering can be characterized by low efficiency. For various reasons, both declarative and actual (supported by the equipment) methods, as a rule, have low accuracy and inability to localize faults. The car's built-in diagnostics cannot affect the situation due to the small number of sensors in the steering system. The reasons for the low accuracy of the methods include design features, low availability of components (low maintainability). Difficulties in localization of malfunctions are caused by the structural scheme which is characterized by parallel - consecutive construction. The parameters of diagnostic methods are analyzed, the proposed method is based on the structure of the steering, in the implementation of which test effects are applied to the steered wheels. In total it is necessary to carry out three measurements of backlashes and as a result of mathematical processing of results it becomes possible to localize malfunction in three links of consecutive elements of the steering mechanism or a steering drive. In accordance with this approach, steering is considered as a set of three structures - parallel and two sequential. Rack and pinion steering was used as a model. Here, the parallel structure includes elements of the steering linkage: swing arm, left and right; steering rod, left and right; steering rack - left and right hinges. The sequential structure - left, includes a swing arm, left; steering rod, left; steering rack hinge, left; steering gear, steering shaft, steering wheel. Accordingly, the sequential structure of the right includes similar elements with the attribute "right". The structure of the steering play is considered in a similar way. As a result, it becomes possible to obtain a transformed system of three algebraic equations connecting clearances in three groups of mates and backlashes in parallel and two sequential steering structures. To measure the backlash, the turntables of the BOSCH FWA 4410 stand were used; in another version, the wheels were hung out. As a result of tests carried out on VW GOLF, VW PASSAT and RENAULT 25 vehicles with significant mileage, data was obtained indicating the need for technical interventions on localized groups of interfaces.

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