Christos Goumopoulos
Michail Chartomatsidis
Georgios Koumanakos
Information and Communication Systems Engineering Department, University of the Aegean, Greece
Depia Automations, Thessaloniki, Greece
Frontida Zois, Patras, Greece
Exergames, Fall Prevention, Human Centered Design, Focus Group, Kinect Sensor, Virtual Reality, Smart Floor, Design Guidelines, Elderly.
Exergames provide significant health benefits for older people. In particular, reinforcing strength and balance through exercises is an effective measure to prevent falls. In addition, cognitive improvements and mental benefits for the elderly can be achieved through physical activity tasks. In this paper a new exergame platform is introduced that combines hardware and intelligent software to create adaptable gaming experiences to improve physical and cognitive functions of older people. The platform integrates different enabling technologies (motion recognition sensor, virtual reality and smart floor) to provide the user with a wider variety of interactions and exercises. The design and development of the exergames is based on the principles of human centered and participatory design as this approach is particularly suitable for the development of technological solutions targeted towards the elderly. In this context, the main methods applied are the development of prototypes and use
of qualitative research methods such as participatory development with the help of a focus group using interviews, questionnaires and end user observation. Representative exergames were presented in the form of high and low fidelity prototypes for feedback to both end users and healthcare experts. The data collected from a focus group workshop have been analyzed in order to provide the main guidelines and to record aspects that require attention in the design and implementation of the exergames.