Proforma - A: S. No. Degree University Month & Year of Passing % of Marks Class
Proforma - A: S. No. Degree University Month & Year of Passing % of Marks Class
Proforma - A: S. No. Degree University Month & Year of Passing % of Marks Class
(To be filled up by faculty members with M.E./M.Tech./M.Phil/Ph.D. Qualification) 1. Name 2. Date of Birth : : Age :
3. Educational Qualification : S. No. Degree University Month & Year of Passing % of Marks Class
4. a. Academic : S. No.
Name of Institution
4. b. Experience in Industry / Any other institution: S. No. Name of Institution Designation Years of Experience Period of Experience
7. Are you an author or co-author of Monographs / Books? Give details and Proof
10. Have you attended any Seminars / Workshops / Summer Institutes etc. Give details and proof and the No. of days
11. Have you presented any paper in any Seminar? Give details and proof
/3/ 12. Your contribution to i. Your Department in addition to your regular teaching :
13. Are you a member of any Academic body / (Institutional body) Give details :
Signature of H.O.D.