Ritesh Resume
Ritesh Resume
Ritesh Resume
Rewti kuteer, Behind picture palace Kumher Gate, Bharatpur Mob.:- 09413300064 Email:- riteshkhandelwal8@gmail.com
Objective To work in a result oriented Organization where acquired skills and education will be utilized towards continuous growth and advancement. At the same time enhance my knowledge and develop my skills. Education Qualification Professional Qualification:S.No. Examination 1. B.Tech. 1st yr B.Tech. 2nd yr 2. 3. B.Tech. 3rd yr 4. B.Tech. 4th yr
CIMMCO Limited Bharatpur, Rajasthan (June-2011to July-2011): Project Completed a project on Automatic railway gate controler.
Computer skills and proficiencies Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7. Diploma in Auto cad and Pro-e Window based application M.S.Office Internet
Extracurricular Activities Coordinated various cultural and educational activities at school level. Participated in sports event at school and college level.
Strengths Quick learner with good analytical problem solving skills. Group leading capability. Ability to adapt to newer conditions quickly & efficiently. Smart Working Person. Punctual and Sincere.
Hobbies and Special Interest Cricket. Observing People. Net surfing. Personal Details D.O.B. Sex Fathers Name Nationality Languages known : : : : : Aug. 26 1990. Male. Mr.Shyam khandelwal. Indian. English, Hindi.
I hereby declare that the above information furnished is true to the best of my knowledge and I bear the responsibility for the correctness of the above-mentioned particulars. Place: Date: (Ritesh khandelwal)