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Evaluation Scheme And Syllabus for M.Tech.

(VLSI Design)



Subject Code VL-511 VL-512 VL-513


Schedule of Teaching L T P Total 3 3 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 4 4 4

VL-514 VL-515

VL-516 VL-517

Semiconductor Devices VLSI Design concepts Hardware Description Languages VLSI Technology Design of Analog/Mixed Mode VLSI Circuits VLSI DesignLAB Hardware Description LanguagesLAB Grand total

Schedule of Examination Theory/ Sessional Total Practical 50 50 100 50 50 50 50 100 100

3 3

1 1

0 0

4 4

50 50

50 50

100 100

0 0

0 0

4 4

4 4

50 50

50 50

100 100







Subject Code VL-521


Schedule of Teaching L T P Total 3 1 0 4

VL-522 VL-523

VL-524 VL-525



Advanced Digital Signal Processing ASIC Design and FPGA Memory Design and Testing Embedded Systems Testing and Fault Tolerance Digital Signal Processing and Embedded Systems -LAB Designing with FPGAs LAB Grand total

Schedule of Examination Theory/ Sessional Total Practical 50 50 100

3 3

1 1

0 0

4 4

50 50

50 50

100 100

3 3

1 1

0 0

4 4

50 50

50 50

100 100




0 15

0 5

4 8

4 28

50 350

50 350

100 700


Subject Code VL-531 VL-532 VL-533


Schedule of Teaching L T P Total 3 3 0 6 1 1 0 2 0 0 20 20 4 4 20 28

Elective-1 Elective-II Thesis Seminar* Grand total

Schedule of Examination Theory/ Sessional Total Practical 50 50 100 50 50 100 100 100 200 200 200 400


S. No.


Schedule of Teaching L T P Total 3 3 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 4 4 4



System on Chip (SOC) RF Design Process and Device Characterization and Measurements Sensor Technology and MEMS

Schedule of Examination Theory/ Sessional Total Practical 50 50 100 50 50 50 50 100 100




SCHEDULE OF TEACHING AND EXAMINATION FOR M.TECH. VLSI DESIGN 4th Semester Subject Code VL-541 Subject Schedule of Teaching L T P Total 0 0 28 28 Schedule of Examination Theory/ Sessional Total Practical -


* The students will complete their Thesis work and submit copies of the Thesis report to the University as per its existing procedures. The Internal and External Examiners appointed by the University will evaluate the same through a Viva-voce examination and award Distinction / Pass / Fail to the Thesis.

M. Tech. (VLSI Design)

Core Subjects (10) Semester-I VL-511: VL-512: VL-513: VL-514: VL-515: Practical: VL-516: VL-517: VLSI Design - LAB Hardware Description Languages LAB Semiconductor Devices VLSI Design Concepts Hardware Description Languages VLSI Technology Design of Analog/Mixed Mode VLSI Circuits

Semester-II VL-521: VL-522: VL-523: VL-524: VL-525: Practical: VL-526: VL-527: Designing with FPGAs - LAB Digital Signal Processing And Embedded System - LAB Advanced Digital Signal Processing ASIC Design And FPGAs Memory Design and Testing Embedded Systems Testing and Fault Tolerance

Electives (2 out of 4) E1 E2 E3 E4 : : : : System on Chip (SOC) RF Design Process & Device Characterization and measurements Sensor Technologies and MEMS


Semiconductor Devices: Exam time : 3 Hours Marks : 50

Basics Of Semiconductor Physics: Quantum Mechanical Concepts, Carrier Concentration, Transport Equation Bandgap, Mobility and Resistivity, Carrier Generation and Recombination, Avalanche Process, Noise Sources. Modeling Bipolar Device Phenomena: Injection and Transport Model, Continuity Equation, Diode Small Signal and Large Signal (Change Control Model), Transistor Models: Ebber - Molls and Gummel Port Model, Mextram model. Circuit models for diodes, bipolar transistors MOSFET Modeling : Introduction Interior Layer, MOS Transistor Current, Threshold Voltage, Temperature Short Channel and Narrow Width Effect. Circuit models for MOS devices Passive devices like resistors and capacitors, their non-idealities Parameter Measurement: General Methods, Specific Bipolar Measurement, Depletion Capacitance, Series Resistances, Early Effect, Gummel Plots, MOSFET: Long and Short Channel Parameters, Statistical Modeling of Biopolar and MOS Transistors.

Texts / References S.M. Sze, "Physics of Semiconductor Devices", Wiley Eastern, 1981. Philip E. Allen, Douglas R.Hoberg, " CMOS Analog Circuit Design " Second Edition, Oxford Press-2002 (Unit III). E.H. Nicollian and J.K. Brews, "MOS physics and technology", John Wiley, 1982. Y. Tsibidis, Mixed Analog digital devices and technology, Mc-Graw Hill. Richard S. Muller and Theodore I. Kamins Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits, John Wiley and Sons. Edward S. Yang, Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices, Mc-Graw Hill. Pail Ric hman, MOS Field Effect Transistor and Integrated Circuits, John Wiley and Sons.


VLSI Design Concepts: Exam time : 3 Hours

Marks : 50 Introduction To MOS Circuits: MOS Transistors, MOS Transistor Switches, CMOS Logic, Circuit and System Representations, MOS Transistor Theory - Introduction MOS Device Design Equations, The Complementary CMOS Inverter-DC Characteristics, Static Load MOS Inverters, The Differential Inverter, The Transmission Gate, The Tri State Inverter, Bipolar Devices. Circuit Characterization And Performance Estimation: Introduction, Resistance Estimation Capacitance Estimation, Inductance, Switching Characteristics CMOSGate Transistor Sizing, Power Dissipation, Sizing Routing Conductors, Charge Sharing, Design Margining, and Reliability. CMOS Circuit And Logic Design: CMOS Logic Gate Design, Basic Physical Design of Simple Gate, CMOS Logic Structures, Clocking Strategies, I/O Structures, Low Power Design. Systems Design And Design Method: Design Strategies CMOS Chip Design Options, Design Methods, Design Capture Tools, Design Verification Tools, Design Economics, Data Sheets, CMOS Testing - Manufacturing Test Principles, Design Strategies for Test, Chip Level Test Techniques, System Level Test Techniques, Layout Design for Improved Testability. CMOS Sub System Design: Data Path Operations-Addition/Subtraction, Parity Generators, Comparators, Zero/One Detectors, Binary Counters, ALUs, Multiplication, Shifters, Memory Elements, Control-FSM, Control Logic Implementation.

Texts / References N. Weste and K. Eshranghian, "Principles of CMOS VLSI Design", Addison Wesley, 1998. Jacob Backer, Harry W. Li and David E. Boyce, " CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation ", Prentice Hall of India, 1998. L.Glaser and D. Dobberpuhl, "The Design and Analysis of VLSI, Circuits, Addison Wesley 1993. C.Mead and L. Conway, "Introduction to VLSI Systems", Addison Wesley, 1979. Randel & Geiger, VLSI Analog and Digital Circuit Design Techniques McGrawHill,1990. Sahib H.Gerez, Algorithms for VLSI design automation ,1998. William M. Penny, Lillian Lau, MOS Integrated Circuits- Theory, Fabrication, Design and System Applications of MOS LSI, Van Nostrand Reihold Company. Sung Ms Kang, Yusuf Lablebici, CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits Analysis & Design, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.


Hardware Description Languages: Exam time : 3 Hours Marks : 50

Basic concepts of hardware description languages. Hierarchy, Concurrency, logic and delay modeling. Structural, Data-flow and Behavioral styles of hardware description. Architecture of event driven simulators. Syntax and Semantics of VHDL. Variable and signal types, arrays and attributes. Operators, expressions and signal assignments. Entities, architecture specification and configurations. Component instantiation. Concurrent and sequential constructs. Use of Procedures and functions, Examples of design using VHDL. Syntax and Semantics of Verilog. Variable types, arrays and tables. Operators, expressions and signal assignments. Modules, nets and registers, Concurrent and sequential constructs. Tasks and functions, Examples of design using Verilog. Synthesis of logic from hardware description. Case Study and Mini Project

Texts / References Douglas Perry, "VHDL", McGraw Hill International (NY), 1993, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Navabi, VHDL Analysis & Modeling of digital systems,1998, McGraw Hill . S. Palnitkar, "Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis", Prentice Hall (NJ, USA), 1996. J. Bhaskar, "Verilog HDL Synthesis - A Practical Primer", Star Galaxy Publishing, Allentown, PA) 1998. Stefan Sjoholm & Lennart Lindth,VHDL for Designers, Prentice Hall. Peter J Ashenden, The Designers Guide to VHDL , Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. "IEEE std 1364-95, Verilog Language Reference Manual", IEEE Press (NY, USA), 1995.


VLSI Technology: Exam time : 3 Hours Marks : 50

Environment for VLSI technology: clean room and safety requirements, Wafer cleaning process and wet chemical etching techniques Impurity incorporation: solid-state diffusion modeling and technology, Ion implantation: modeling, technology and damage annealing; Characterization of impurity profiles Oxidation: kinetics of silicon dioxide growth for thick, thin and ultra-thin films. Oxidation technologies in VLSI and ULSI; Characterization of oxide films; high K and low K dielectrics for ULSI. Lithographic generation. techniques: Photolithography techniques for VLSI/ULSI; Mask

Chemical Vapour deposition techniques: CVD techniques for deposition of polysilicon, silicon dioxide, silicon nitride and metal films; epitaxial growth of silicon; modeling and technology. Metalisation techniques: evaporation and sputtering techniques. Failure mechanisms in metal interconnects; multilevel Metalisation schemes. Masking Sequence and Process flow for MOS and BIPOLAR Devices Topological Design rules

Text/References S.M.Sze (Ed), "VLSI Technology", 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1988. Streetman, VLSI Technology. C.Y. Chang and S.M. Sze (Ed), "ULSI Technology", McGraw-Hill Companies Inc., 1996. S.K.Gandhi, "VLSI fabrication Principles",John Wiley Inc., New York, 1983. Sorab K. Gandhi, The Theory and Practice of Microelectronics, John Wiley & Sons B.G Streetman, VLSI Technology , Prentice Hall, 1990. A.S Grove, Physics and Technology of semiconductor devices, John Wiley & Sons, 1967.


Design of Analog/ Mixed Mode VLSI Circuits: Exam time : 3 Hours Marks : 50

Basic CMOS Circuit Techniques, Continuous Time And Low voltage Signal Processing: Mixed-Signal VLSI Chips-Basic CMOS Circuits-Basic Gain Stage-Gain Boosting Techniques-Super MOS Transistor- Primitive Analog Cells-Linear VoltageCurrent Converters-MOS Multipliers and Resistors-CMOS, Bipolar and Low-Voltage BiCMOS Op-Amp Design-Instrumentation Amplifier Design-Low Voltage Filters. Basic BiCMOS Circuit Techniques, Current -Mode Signal Processing: ContinuousTime Signal Processing-Sampled-Data Signal Processing-Switched-Current Data Converters. Sampled-Data Analog Filters, Over Sampled A/D Converters And Analog Integrated Sensors: First-order and Second SC Circuits-Bilinear Transformation - Cascade Design-Switched-Capacitor Ladder Filter-Synthesis of Switched-Current FilterNyquist rate A/D Converters-Modulators for Over sampled A/D Conversion-First and Second Order and Multibit Sigma-Delta Modulators-Interpolative Modulators Cascaded Architecture-Decimation Filters-mechanical, Thermal, Humidity and Magnetic Sensors-Sensor Interfaces. Analog VLSI Interconnects: Physics of Interconnects in VLSI-Scaling of Interconnects-A Model for Estimating Wiring Density-A Configurable Architecture for Prototyping analog Circuits. Statistical Modeling And Simulation, Analog Computer-Aided Design And Analog And Mixed Analog-Digital Layout: Review of Statistical Concepts - Statistical Device Modeling- Statistical Circuit Simulation-Automation Analog Circuit Design-automatic Analog Layout-CMOS Transistor Layout-Resistor Layout-Capacitor Layout-Analog Cell Layout-Mixed Analog -Digital Layout.

Text/References Paul R. Gray and Robert G.Meyer, Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, John Wiley & Sons. Mohammed Ismail, Terri Fiez, " Analog VLSI signal and Information Processing ", 1994, McGraw-Hill International Editons. Behzad Razavi, Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits, Tata Mc-Graw Hill. Y. Tsividis, Mixed Analog-Digital Devices and Technology, Mc-Graw Hill. Alan B. Gnebene, Bipolar and MOS analog integrated circuit design,John Wiley & Sons. Mohammed I. Elmasy, Digital Bipolar circuits , John Wiley & Sons. Greogorian & Tames, Analog Integrated Circuit For Switched Capacitor Circuit

VL-516 NMOS Inverter

VLSI Design - LAB

Depletion and Enhancement Mode Circuit Simulation and Adjustment of Vh parameters for NMOS inverter. CMOS Inverter



Circuit Simulation, adjustment of W / L ratio of P & N channel MOS transistor for symmetrical drive output and loading consideration. Scaling of CMOS Inverter for different technologies, study of secondary effects ( temperature, power supply and process corners). Layout of CMOS Inverter, Extraction of parasitics and back annotation and related modifications in circuit parameters and layout. Current Source / Mirror

Circuit simulation of current Mirror using BJT and MOS ( Simple, Wilson and Widler configurations ) study and modifications to improve power and load regulation. Layout of CMOS Current Mirror. 8 Bit shift register cell

Building of cell Library of logic gates and flip flops and building of 8 bit shift register from the same. Optimization of the same from layout and power considerations. Differential Amplifier

Study of specifications of Differential amplifier and Design considerations. Study of input loading and biasing techniques.

VL 517

Hardware Description Language LAB:

2 Bit-Counter

The purpose of this lab is to write a HDL description of 2-bit counter as a finite state machine (FSM). The 2-bit counter has several inputs such as clk, rst, enable, load, ... and should be able to reset, accept an input, count-up or count-down, etc...

Parallel to Serial Converter

The purpose of this lab is to write a HDL description of a parallel to serial converter as an FSMD. The parallel to serial converter will accept an eight-bit number and send one bit of data over the data line per clock cycle. There is also a go bit, which tells the converter to start transmitting data.

VHDL Calculator

The purpose of this lab is to implement a finite state machine in VHDL to perform simple calculations like addition, subtraction, and multiplication. A Simplified HDL UART

In this lab the students design a UART to send data to the PC. I2C Bus Lab

HDL implementation of I2C bus protocol Design Of A Hardware Multiplier

In this lab students are going to implement hardware multiplier using Sequential Circuit Components. ALU Design

The purpose of this lab is to build a 4/8 -bit ALU. The ALU is written behaviorally. It should take in two numbers and be able to add the numbers, subtract the numbers, NOR the numbers, or NAND the numbers.

VL 521

Advanced Digital Signal Processing: Exam time : 3 Hours Marks : 50

Review of Fourier Transforms, Z-Transforms, Discrete Fourier Transform, Fast Fourier Transform, Convolution And Correlation. Design of digital filters: introduction to filter design, types of digital filters, choosing between, fir and iir filters, filter design steps, effect of finite register length in filter design, realization of iir digital filters and fir digital filter, design of iir filters from continuous time filters, design of fir filters by windowing. Digital signal processors: general and special purpose digital signal processors, computer architecture for signal processing, selecting digital signal processors, architecture and programming of ADSP 2181 processor. Spectrum estimation: non-parametric methods correlation method, co-variance estimator, performance analysis of estimators, consistent estimators, ar, ma, ARMA signal modeling parameter estimation using Yule-walker method. Linear estimation and predication: maximum likelihood criterion efficiency of estimator, least mean squared error criterion, recursive estimators, and linear predications. Multirate digital signal processing: Mathematical description of change of sampling rate, interpolation and decimation, continuous time model, direct digital domain approach, interpolation and decimation by an integer factor, single and multistage realization, applications of sub band coding. Adaptive Filters: Applications Of Adaptive Filters, Adaptive Direct Form FIR Filters: The LMS Algorithm, Adaptive Lattice Ladder Filters, Recursive Least Squares Lattice Ladder Algorithms. Introduction to DSP ASIC Design, Configurable Logic for Digital Signal Processing, Design Methodology for DSP, VLSI Implementation of DSP Processors

Text/Reference Monson H.Hayes, " Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling ", John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1996 Emmanuel C.Ifeachor Barrie W.Jervis, Digital Signal Processing, Pearson Education Asia Proakes Manolakis , Digital Signal Processing principles, algorithms, and applications, Prentice Hall India ADSP 2181 manuals Keshab K. Parhi, VLSI DSP Systems; Design & implementation , Wiley InterScience Publishers John G. Proakis, Charles M. Rader, Fuyun Ling, Chrysostomos L. Nikias, Marc Moonen, Ian k. Proudler, Algorithms for statistical signal processing, Pearson Education Asia


ASIC Design and FPGA: Exam time : 3 Hours Marks : 50

Introduction To ASICS, CMOS Logic And ASIC Library Design Types of ASICs - Design flow - CMOS transistors CMOS Design rules Combinational Logic Cell Sequential logic cell - Data path logic cell - Transistors as Resistors - Transistor Parasitic Capacitance- Logical effort -Library cell design Library architecture. Review of VHDL/Verilog: Entities and architectures Programmable Asics, Programmable ASIC Logic Cells And Programmable ASIC I/O Cells Anti fuse - static RAM - EPROM and EEPROM technology - PREP benchmarks Actel ACT - Xilinx LCA - Altera FLEX - Altera MAX DC & AC inputs and outputs Clock & Power inputs - Xilinx I/O blocks. Programmable ASIC Interconnect, Programmable ASIC Design Software And Low Level Design Entry Actel ACT -Xilinx LCA - Xilinx EPLD - Altera MAX 5000 and 7000 - Altera MAX 9000 - Altera FLEX - Design systems - Logic Synthesis - Half gate ASIC -Schematic entry Low level design language - PLA tools - EDIF- CFI design representation. ASIC Construction, Floor Planning, Placement And Routing System partition - FPGA partitioning - partitioning methods - floor planning placement - physical design flow - global routing - detailed routing - special routing circuit extraction - DRC. Design using Xilinx family FPGA

Text/References M.J.S .Smith, - " Application - Specific Integrated Circuits " - Addison -Wesley Longman Inc., 1997 Skahill, Kevin, VHDL for Programmable Logic, Addison-Wesley, 1996 John F. Wakherly, Digital Design: Principles and Practices, 2nd Edn 1994, Prentice Hall International Edn Charles W. Mckay, Digital Circuits a proportion for microprocessors, Prentice Hall


Memory Design and Testing: Exam time : 3 Hours Marks : 50

Random Access Memory Technologies Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs): SRAM Cell Structures-MOS SRAM Architecture-MOS SRAM Cell and Peripheral Circuit Operation-Bipolar SRAM Technologies-Silicon On Insulator (SOl) TechnologyAdvanced SRAM Architectures and Technologies-Application Specific SRAMs. Dynamic Random Access Memories (DRAMs): DRAM Technology Development-CMOS DRAMs-DRAMs Cell Theory and Advanced Cell Strucutures-BiCMOS DRAMs-Soft Error Failures in DRAMs-Advanced DRAM Designs and Architecture-Application Specific DRAMs. Nonvolatile Memories Masked Read-Only Memories (ROMs)-High Density ROMs-Programmable ReadOnly Memories (PROMs)-Bipolar PROMs-CMOS PROMs-Erasable (UV) Programmable Road-Only Memories (EPROMs)-Floating-Gate EPROM Cell-OneTime Programmable (OTP) EPROMS-Electrically Erasable PROMs (EEPROMs)EEPROM Technology And Arcitecture-Nonvolatile SRAM-Flash Memories (EPROMs or EEPROM)-Advanced Flash Memory Architecture. Memory Fault Modeling, Testing, And Memory Design For Testability And Fault Tolerance RAM Fault Modeling, Electrical Testing, Peusdo Random Testing-Megabit DRAM Testing-Nonvolatile Memory Modeling and Testing-IDDQ Fault Modeling and Testing-Application Specific Memory Testing. Semiconductor Memory Reliability And Radiation Effects General Reliability Issues-RAM Failure Modes and Mechanism-Nonvolatile Memory Reliability-Reliability Modeling and Failure Rate Prediction-Design for ReliabilityReliability Test Structures-Reliability Screening and Qualification. Radiation Effects-Single Event Phenomenon (SEP)-Radiation Hardening Techniques-Radiation Hardening Process and Design Issues-Radiation Hardened Memory Characteristics-Radiation Hardness Assurance and Testing - Radiation Dosimetry-Water Level Radiation Testing and Test Structures. Advanced Memory Technologies And High-Density Memory Packaging Technologies Ferroelectric Random Access Memories (FRAMs)-Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) FRAMsAnalog Memories-Magnetoresistive Random Access Memories (MRAMs)Experimental Memory Devices. Memory Hybrids and MCMs (2D)-Memory Stacks and MCMs (3D)-Memory MCM Testing and Reliability Issues-Memory Cards-High Density Memory Packaging Future Directions.

Text/Reference A.K Sharma, Semiconductor Memories Technology, Testing and Reliability, IEEE Press. Luecke Mize Care, Semiconductor Memory design & application, Mc-Graw Hill. Belty Prince, Semiconductor Memory Design Handbook Memory Technology design and testing 1999 IEEE International Workshop on: IEEE Computer Society Sponsor (S)

VL- 524

Embedded Systems: Exam time : 3 Hours Marks : 50

Introduction And Examples Of Embedded Systems, Concept Of Embedded System Design: Design challenge, Processor technology, IC technology, Design technology, Trade-offs Custom single purpose processor hardware, general-purpose processor: introduction, basic architecture, operation, super-scalar and VLSIIW architecture, application specific instruction set processors (ASIPS), microcontrollers, digital signal processors, selecting a microprocessor. Memory: Introduction, Memory write ability, Storage performance, Tradeoff s, Common memory types Memory hierarchy and cache AVR 8515 microcontroller: Architecture and Programming in assembly and C. Interfacing Analog and digital blocks: Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs), Digitalto-Analog, Converters (DACs)., Communication basics and basic protocol concepts, Microprocessor interfacing: I/O addressing, Port and Bus based, I/O, Memory mapped I/O, Standard I/O interrupts, Direct memory access, Advanced communication principles parallel, serial and wireless, Serial protocols I2C, Parallel protocols PCI bus, Wireless protocol IrDA, blue tooth. Different peripheral devices: Buffers and latches, Crystal, Reset circuit, Chip select logic circuit, timers and counters and watch dog timers, Universal asynchronous receiver, transmitter (UART), Pulse width modulators, LCD controllers, Keypad controllers. Design tradeoffs due to thermal considerations and Effects of EMI/ES etc. Software aspect of embedded systems: Challenges and issues in embedded software development, Co-design Embedded software development environments: Real time operating systems, Kernel architecture: Hardware, Task/process control subsystem, Device drivers, File subsystem, system calls, Embedded operating systems, Task scheduling in embedded systems: task scheduler, first in first out, shortest job first, round robin, priority based scheduling, Context switch: Task synchronization: mutex, semaphore, Timers, Types of embedded operating systems, Programming languages: assembly languages, high level languages Development for embedded systems: Embedded system development process, Determine the requirements, Design the system architecture, Choose the operating system, Choose the processor, Choose the development platform, Choose the programming language, Coding issues, Code optimization, Efficient input/output, Testing and debugging, Verify the software on the host system, Verify the software on the embedded system


Frankvahid/Tony Givargis, Embedded System Design- A unified Hardware/software Introduction. David E Simon, " An embedded software primer ", Pearson education Asia, 2001. Dreamteach Software team, Programming for Embedded Systems AVR 8515 manual J.W. Valvano, "Embedded Microcomputor System: Real Time Interfacing" Jack Ganssle, "The Art of Designing Embedded Systems", Newnes, 1999.


Testing and Fault Tolerance: Exam time : 3 Hours Marks : 50

Physical Faults and their Modelling Stuck-at Faults, Bridging Faults Fault Collapsing; Fault Simulation Deductive, Parallel, and Concurrent Fault Simulation Critical Path Tracing ATPG for Combinational Circuits: D- Algorithm, Boolean Difference, Podem Random, Deterministic and Weighted Random Test Pattern Generation Aliasing and its Effect on Fault Coverage PLA Testing, Cross Point Fault Model and Test Generation Memory Testing - Permanent, Intermittent and Pattern Sensitive Faults, Marching Tests Delay Faults; ATPG for Sequential Circuits Time Frame Expansion; Controllability and Observability Scan Design, BILBO, Boundary Scan for Board Level Testing BIST and Totally Self checking Circuits System level Diagnosis; Introduction Concept of Redundancy, Spatial Redundancy, Time Redundancy, Error Correction Codes Reconfiguration Techniques Yield Modelling Reliability and effective area utilization.

Text/References Hideo Fujiwara, Logical testing & design for testability, The MIT Press. Mike Tien Chienlee, High level Test Synthesis of Digital VLSI circuits, Artech House Boston London. Viswani D.Agarval Michael L.Bushnell, " Essentials of Electronic Testing for Digital Memory & Mixed Signal VLSI Circuit ", Kluwer Academic Publications, 1999.


Designing with FPGAs - LAB


Designing the Specifications and circuit of a USART. Implementation of a USART on FPGA. Multiplexed Display Controller

Designing the Specifications and circuit of a Multiplexed Display Controller (MDC) Implementation of a Multiplexed Display Controller on FPGA. CRT Controller

Designing the Specifications and circuit of a CRT Controller. Implementation of a CRT Controller on FPGA. I/O Port Expander

Designing the Specifications and circuit of I/O port expander . Implementation of I/O Expander on FPGA.

Scanned Keyboard Controller

Designing the Specifications and circuit of a Scanned Keyboard Controller. Implementation of a Scanned Keyboard Controller on FPGA. Filter Implementation using MAC

Designing the Specifications and circuit of a Filter Implementation using MAC. Implementation of a MAC on FPGA.


Digital Signal Processing and Embedded System LAB:

Digital Signal Processing LAB Accessing Memory-Mapped registers and Non-Memory-Mapped Registers of ADSP 2181 In C Programming The ADSP-21xx Timer In C FFT implementation using ADSP 2181 Digital filter design using ADSP 2181. Powering up and programming the AD1847 using an ADSP-2100 Family DSP. Implementation of adaptive filters using ADSP 2181.

Embedded Systems - LAB Decimal Counter and Multiplexing the Output

The purpose of this lab is to implement a decimal counter, which counts from 0 to 99. The students will be required to write a program for the AVR 8515 micro-controller.

Watchdog Timer

In this lab the students will design a hardware watchdog timer. They are ment to write a buggy program in order to test their WDT. The 8515 program should perform some computation, e.g., write 1, 2, 3 ... to the LED and at some point enter an infinite loop. During normal operation, the 8515 program must periodically (up to 254 second long cycles) write to the WDT's initial value register to avoid unnecessary resets. AVR microcontroller UART in C

Implement AVR microcontroller UART in C Implementation of simple calculator using AVR 8515

Implement a simple calculator using AVR 8515 microcontroller with keyboard and LCD display interface. Analog to Digital Conversion

To be able to implement analog to digital conversion using the ADC0804LCN 8-bit A/D converter. You will design a circuit and program the chip so that when an analog signal is given as input, the equivalent digital voltage is displayed on an LCD display. Implementing SPI bus Using AVR 8515

The students are required to implement I2C serial communication using AVR 8515. Digital Filters with AVR

Implement digital filters using low cost microcontroller from AVR series. Converting 8-bit LCD communication to 4-bit

Interface LCD with AVR 8515 using only 4 microcontroller pins IR Remote Control Receiver

In this lab students are required to design and implement IR remote control receiver using AVR 8515 microcontroller. Step Motor Controller

In this lab students are meant to implement a compact size and high-speed interrupt driven step motor controller.

A Temperature Monitoring and Acquisition System with LCD Output and memory interface

Implement this using the SDK- 500 Kit for AVR.


System on Chip (SoC): Exam time : 3 Hours Marks : 50

System on Chip Technology Challenges System On a Chip (SOC) components. SoC Design Methodology Parameterized Systems-on-a-Chip System-on-a-chip Peripheral Cores SoC and interconnect centric Architectures System level design representations and modeling languages. Target architecture models. Intra-chip communication. Graph partitioning algorithms. Task time measurement. Interconnect latency modeling. Back annotation of lower level timing to high-level models. Synthesis of SOC components. System Level, Block Level and Hardware/Software Co-verification SOC components: emulation, co-simulation, Physical Verification.

Text/References Wayone Wolf, Modern VLSI Design: SOC Design Prakash Rashnikar, Peter Paterson, Lenna Singh System-On-A-Chip Verification methodlogy & Techniques, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Alberto Sangiovanni Vincentelli, Surviving the SOC Revolution: A Guide to Platformbased Design, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

VL-E2 531

RF Design: Exam time : 3 Hours Marks : 50

Introduction to RF Electronics. Basic concepts in RF design. MOS Review Path Loss Small Signal Model Receiver Design RF Transreceivers Low Noise RF amplifiers and Mixers. RF Power amplifiers. RF Oscillators.

Text/References Behzad Razavi, RF Microelectronics, Pearson Education. Reinhold Ludwig, Paul Bretchko,RF Circuit Design: Theory & Applications Peter b. Kenington, High Linearity RF Amplifier Design , Artech House Microwave Library. Jeremy Everard, Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design With Low Noise Oscillators, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


Process and Device Characterization & Measurements: Exam time : 3 Hours Marks : 50

Physical Characterization: Thin Film Thickness- Measurements-ellipsometry, surface profiling, spectrophotometry, FTIR Critical Dimension Measurements: Optical microscope, Scanning Electron Microscope, Transmission Electron Microscope Material and Impurity Characterization: SIMS, XRD, EDAX Electrical Characterization: Four-probe technique, Hall effect, sheet resistance C-V measurements, DLTS, Carrier lifetime, impurity profiling, I-V measurements Process and SPICE model parameter Extraction.

Text /References W.R. Reunyan, Semiconductor Measurements And Instrumentation, Mc-Graw Hill. Schroder, Semiconductor Material And Device Characterization Philips F. Kare and Greydon B. Lauabee, Characterization of semiconductor Materials, Mc-Graw Hill. K.V. Ravi, Imperfections And Impurities In Semiconductor Silicon, John Wiley And Sons.


Sensor Technologies and MEMS: Exam time : 3 Hours Marks : 50

Sensors types and classification mechanical, acoustic, magnetic, thermal, chemical, radiation and biosensors. Microsensors. Sensors based on surface-acoustic wave devices. Micromachining techniques MEMS for automative, communication and signal processing applications. Modeling and simulation of microsensors and actuators. Sensors and smart structures. Micro-opto-electro-mechanical sensors and system.

Text /References Ristic L ( ed), Sensor Technology and Devices, Artech House, London, 1994. Sze S.M. (ed), Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley, New York, 1994 Wise K.D. (Guest Editor) Integrated Sensors, Microp-actuators and micro-systems (MEMS), Special Issue of proceedings of IEEE, Vol. 86, No.8, August 1998.

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