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SA Node Potential

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SA node Action Potential Normally the pacemaker cells of the SA node has a resting membrane potential of - 60 millivolts.

At this potentials channels called If channels (Funny channels) or HCN (hyperpol arization activated secret nucleotide channels) which are actually Na/K channels (they allow more sodium to enter the cells and less potassium to exit the cells ) allow a net influx of sodium into the cells. The influx of sodium into the cells carries with it positive charge which causes the membrane potential to reach a threshold of around -45 millivolts. This even t closes the If channels and triggers the opening of another type of channel cal led the T-type Ca channels. (T stands for transient calcium channels because the y open for a very short time). The influx of calcium carries with it positive ch arge which causes the membrane potential to reach a threshold of -30 millivolts which is the threshold for opening L-type Calcium channels. This event causes th e T-type calcium channels to close and for the L-type Calcium channels to open. These are the main voltage gated channels in the pacemaker cells. Which allows m ore calcium ions to enter the cells. (L stands for long because the opening time for these channels is longer and slower to open and close). The large influx o f calcium ions brought about by the opening of the L-type calcium channels cause s the membrane potential to spike up to 0 millivolts. At this point the L type calcium channels will close. And the voltage gated pota ssium channels or the calcium dependent potassium channels will open and potassi um leaves the cell (efflux) carrying with it positive charge which cause the mem brane potential to go back to below -45 millivots. This will again reopen the If channels and sodium will again enter the cell. And the process repeats itself. The If channels are the ones responsible for the pacemaker activity of the SA no de because the open and close periodically without any external help as long as the membrane potential goes below -45 millivolts.

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