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Unified Comms

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U ed com nicatio Unifie mmun ons

b TheTelep by phoneGuy o October 9, 2010 http on p://www.pho onesystemsb brisbane.net. .au U Unified com mmunication are provi ns iding signifi icant cost re eductions an productiv improve nd vity ements, l leading half of business to predic they will be the stand f ses ct dard method of busines communication in the d ss e f future. T is acco This ording to a n survey of 100 IT m new managers and chief information off d ficers in larg businesse ge es, w which found that on av d verage firms were reduc s cing commu unication costs by 10 pe ercent using the g t technology, which brin together channels su as voice email, fax instant me , ngs uch e, x, essaging, v videoconfer rencing and web collab boration. The survey wa conducted by Vanson Bourne, on behalf of IT e as d n s services pro ovider Dime ension Data. T news co The ontrasts wit a recent survey by Fo th orrester, wh found m hich many firms w testing unified were g c communica ations, but not actually b buying the t technology b because the were not sure about t cost ey the b benefits. J under h of the b Just half businesses in the new V n Vanson Bour survey a rne already had a unified c communica ations strateg in place. Those com gy mpanies note 10 percen productivity gains, an a 21 ed nt nd p percent imp provement in customer satisfaction from using the techno n n, g ology. Some six in ten b e businesses s unified communications was a key eleme in supporting the gro said d ent owth of thei company, helping wi ir , ith i internal coll laboration, g greater busi iness efficie ency, reduce travel cos and a mo flexible w ed sts ore workforce. A an indica As ation of the growth in a acceptance o unified co of ommunicati ions, 47 per rcent of busi inesses said it w would beco the de fa standar in commu ome facto rd unications a work. at M Robin Mike nson, conver rged commu unications d director at D Dimension D Data, said th the relat hat tively new t technology was catchi on well. Even the bottom line is feeling a positive im ing . e mpact: one b business r reported a 1 per cent i 15 increase in r revenues as a result of u unifying the communi eir ications. Its no wonder r t the maj that jority of IT m managers w talked to see it as cru we ucial to grow wth.

IP Gen Pty Ltd 7 Bundoo Drive 78 ora Karana Dow wns, QLD 4 4306

info@ipgen.com.au www.igen n.com.au

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