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Peopling The Americas

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News and Commentaries

sary to determine the widespread utility of this system in assaying the contribution of newly identified mutations to melanoma, this experimental model provides an interesting new platform that will not only help to delineate critical pathways in transformation but may also be leveraged for drug discovery and validation efforts that target these pathways

Boston, MA 02115, USA and Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. E-mail: William_Hahn@dfci.harvard.edu

1 Boehm JS, Hahn WC: Understanding transformation: progress and gaps. Curr Opin Genet Dev 2005; 15: 13 17. 2 Chudnovsky Y, Adams AE, Robbins PB, Lin Q, Khavari PA: Use of human tissue to assess the oncogenic activity of melanoma-asociated mutations. Nat Genet 2005; 37: 745 749. 3 Chang S, DePinho RA: Telomerase extracurricular activities. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2002; 99: 12520 12522. 4 Stewart SA, Hahn WC, OConnor BF et al: Telomerase contributes to tumorigenesis by

JS Boehm and WC Hahn are at the Department of Medical Oncology, DanaFarber Cancer Institute, 44 Binney St., Dana 710C, Boston, MA 02115-6013, USA, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Boston, MA 02115, USA, Department of Medicine and Pathology, Harvard Medical School,

a telomere length-independent mechanism. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2002; 99: 12606 12611. Bissell MJ, Labarge MA: Context, tissue plasticity, and cancer: are tumor stem cells also regulated by the microenvironment? Cancer Cell 2005; 7: 17 23. Lazarov M, Kubo Y, Cai T et al: CDK4 coexpression with Ras generates malignant human epidermal tumorigenesis. Nat Med 2002; 8: 1105 1114. Berger R, Febbo PG, Majumder PK et al: Androgen-induced differentiation and tumorigenicity of human prostate epithelial cells. Cancer Res 2004; 64: 8867 8875. Orimo A, Gupta PB, Sgroi DC et al: Stromal fibroblasts present in invasive human breast carcinomas promote tumor growth and angiogenesis through elevated SDF-1/CXCL12 secretion. Cell 2005; 121: 335 348.


...................................... Peopling the Americas

Rasmus Nielsen


European Journal of Human Genetics (2005) 13, 1100 1101. doi:10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201481; published online 10 August 2005
new study by Jody Hey,1 published in PLoS Biology, sets new standards in the analysis of human genetic data. Using new statistical methods and a combined analysis of nine genes, Hey provides a detailed picture of the events associated with the first migration of Asians into the Americas. Explorations into the use of DNA sequence data for human demographic inferences began in the late 1980s and early 1990s.2,3 The research was focused on testing the out-of-Africa hypothesis and the main inferential tool was the estimation of gene trees. However, it soon became apparent that demographic inferences cannot easily be made on the basis of an estimated gene tree, mainly because the relationship between particular demographic models and gene trees is very complex. The same gene tree may arise from multiple different demographic models. A method for connecting gene

trees with demographic models was needed. Coalescent theory4 turned out to provide this link. Using coalescent theory it is possible to calculate how likely a particular gene tree is under a particular demographic model. The coalescent framework was used to estimate population growth rates, and methods for inferring migration rates and other parameters were developed.5 8 Unfortunately, most of the models were so demographically nave that they hardly were applicable to real human data. The fundamental problem has been that the effects of various factors, such as changes in population sizes, gene flow between populations (migration), and divergence of populations from a shared ancestral population, are intertwined, making it impossible to determine the effect of one factor without taking the other into account. The only solution to this problem is to construct complex models that take all (or as many

as possible) of the relevant factors into account. The study by Hey, Rutgers University, sets the bar for such studies. His model incorporates changes in population size, gene flow, and divergence allowing new explorations into human genetic demography. Inferences are made in a coalescent-based statistical framework that takes into account the uncertainty in the data regarding the gene tree (no gene tree can be estimated with 100% accuracy) and can combine the information from many different loci. He applied this method to data from nine loci from East-Asians and Amerind-speaking Native American populations. The major objective was to determine the timing of the earliest migrations into the Americas from Asia, and determine the effective population sizes of past and present populations. The results suggest that the first wave of migration occurred relative recently but that the effective number of migrants was about 90. Although much emphasis has been put on the exact number of migrants populating the Americas, it is should be noted that the estimates obtained in genetic studies are of the effective population size at the time of migration. The actual number of people could be substantially higher than the effective number. For example, Hey found the effective population size of the number of people in the ancestral Asian population to be approxi-

European Journal of Human Genetics

News and Commentaries

mately 9000, implying that the number of individuals peopling the Americas in the first wave corresponds to as much as 1% of the entire East Asian population. The results also show that there could have been substantial levels of migration between Asians and Amerindians in the years after the first wave of migration. Nonetheless, the study clearly describes a picture of demographic events that include strong growth in the population size after the first wave of migration and a very recent migration event. Some of the parameters of interest could not be estimated with great certainty. For example, the date of the first migration event was associated with much statistical uncertainty, and the relative importance of migration after the first migration event could not be determined. Although this could be seen as a weakness of the study, it really points to the strength of the methodology. The method is based on a statistical method that takes all the relevant information from the genetic data into account. So when some of the parameters are difficult to estimate, it implies that the data does not contain enough information about these parameters. In this way, the methodology significantly helps to quantify the uncertainty in the data. It also raises serious concerns about previous studies which, based on much less data, and without the use of rigorous statistical methods, have made strong claims about human demography using genetic data. What sets Heys study apart from other similar studies is the use of complex and more realistic models. While no model can be exactly true, the approach by Hey can help distinguish good models from bad ones. Genetic data in human demographic studies have often been analyzed by interpreting an estimated gene tree or network. As Hey points out, the verbal interpretations are themselves models that often are very simplistic. The method presented by Hey is an important step forward in the field of human genetic demographics, replacing Ad hoc story telling with rigorous model testing and statistical inference

1 Hey J: On the number of new world founders: a population genetic portrait of the peopling of the Americas. PLoS Biol 2005; 3: e193. 2 Vigilant L, Pennington R, Harpending H, Kocher TD, Wilson AC: Mitochondrial DNA sequences in single hairs from a southern African population. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1989; 86: 9350 9354. 3 Vigilant L, Stoneking M, Harpending H, Hawkes K, Wilson AC: African populations and the evolution of human mitochondrial DNA. Science 1991; 253: 1503 1507. 4 Hudson RR: Gene genealogies and the coalescent process; in Futuyma D, Antonovics J (eds): Oxford Surveys in Evolutionary Biology. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990, pp 1 44. 5 Hudson RR, Slatkin M, Maddison WP: Estimation of levels of gene flow from DNA sequence data. Genetics 1992; 132: 583 589. 6 Tajima F: The effect of change in population size on DNA polymorphism. Genetics 1989; 123: 597 601. 7 Griffiths RC, Tavare S: Sampling theory for neutral alleles in a varying environment. Philos Trans Roy Soc Lond B Biol Sci 1994; 344: 403 410. 8 Beerli P, Felsenstein J: Maximum-likelihood estimation of migration rates and effective population numbers in two populations using a coalescent approach. Genetics 1999; 152: 763 773.

Rasmus Nielsen is at the Department of Biology, Center for Bioinformatics, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, Copenhagen 2100 Kbh , Denmark. E-mail: rasmus@binf.ku.dk

Biological Clock

...................................... Biological clocks may modulate drug addiction

Vadim Yuferov, Eduardo R Butelman and Mary J Kreek


European Journal of Human Genetics (2005) 13, 1101 1103. doi:10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201483; published online 10 August 2005
recent study by McClungs group (2005),1 expanding on an earlier report,2 provides mechanistic insight to the timekeeper gene, Clock, which may regulate dopaminergic transmission and cocaine reward. This work provides further evidence that cocaine-induced effects have circadian influences.

McClung and colleagues studied Clock/ Clock mutant mice,3 with a single-nucleotide transversion that inactivates the CLOCK protein, and found that they have an increased level of locomotor activity with a circadian activity pattern. Consistent with the observed hyperactivity, Clock/Clock mutant mice displayed in-

creased levels of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH; a rate-limiting enzyme of dopamine synthesis) in ventral tegmental area (VTA) cells, as well as increased bursting and firing activity. TH-positive cells in the VTA were also positive for CLOCK protein, indicating potential local regulation of TH by CLOCK. Microarray studies in these mutants revealed that several target genes of CLOCK were downregulated in VTA (notably Per1 and Per2). Intriguingly, other genes involved in excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission (ie glutamatergic or GABAergic) were also regulated in these mutant mice. Several groups have shown that expression of timekeeper genes in rodents or flies increases after exposure to cocaine, amphetamines, alcohol and morphine. McClung et al1 found that Clock/Clock mutants exhibited robust sensitization to the locomotor-stimulating effects of repeated cocaine, indicating that functional

European Journal of Human Genetics

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