E Activity Book
E Activity Book
E Activity Book
Activity Book
is for Earmuffs
Directions: Help the elephant find his earmuffs.
is for Elephant
Directions: Draw big ears on the elephant below.
is for Eggs
Directions: Place one dozen eggs in the egg carton.
is for Easel
Directions: What is the child painting on the easel below?
is for Earth
Directions: Color our Earth. The equator is an imaginary line
around the middle of the Earth. Can you trace the equator?
is for Eagle
Directions: Trace the path from each eagle to its nest.
is for Earrings
Directions: Draw earrings on the girl below.
is for Earthworm
Directions: Help the earthworms get to their gardens. Use your
scissors to cut the line from the earthworms to their gardens.
Directions: Practice writing your Ees on the lines below.
Ee is for Elephant