Teradata 12 Exam Topics
Teradata 12 Exam Topics
Teradata 12 Exam Topics
Use the convenient matrix as a reference to Teradata 12 Certification exam objectives and requirements. A suggested range of experience and recommended Teradata courses are included for your reference. Click each exam title to view exam topics for each Teradata 12 exam. Suggested Experience
Baseline Certifications Baseline certifications are the foundation of the Teradata 12 Certification Track. These certifications reflect a strong grasp on Teradata fundamentals in the areas of key concepts, distinguishing features and market discriminators, Teradata SQL, and physical design and implementation. Baseline certifications serve as prerequisites to the more advanced job role exams that lead to higher level certifications. A range of 6 months to 2 years practical experience is suggested. Job Role Certifications
Required Exams
Teradata 12 job role certification levels are considered the premier Teradata certifications. Individuals certified at job role levels are equipped to demonstrate proficiency that extends beyond baseline certification levels into job role functionality critical to the operation of a Teradata Database. A range of 2 to 3 years practical experience is suggested.
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Suggested Experience
Mastery Certification The elite Teradata 12 Certified Master credential may be earned by Teradata Certified individuals who have achieved all Teradata 12 baseline and job role certifications. Ideal candidates have 5 or more years of practical experience as well as theoretical and applied knowledge about Teradata SQL, physical design and implementation, database administration, solutions development, and enterprise architecture; plus the ability to work effectively within diverse architectural environments, to teach and mentor others, and to provide thought leadership on Teradata technology. 5+ years hands-on experience highly recommended.
Required Exams
TE0-121 through TE0-126: Successful completion of all exams and certifications Plus: TE0-127 - Teradata 12 Comprehensive Mastery All Recommended Teradata Courses for the six core Teradata 12 exams:
Introduction to the Teradata Database Teradata SQL Advanced Teradata SQL Physical Database Design 7 Exams to be passed in sequential order* Physical Database Tuning Teradata Application Utilities *Path for V2R5 Certified Masters (only): Teradata Warehouse Management Teradata Warehouse Administration TE0-12Q - Teradata 12 Qualifying Exam Teradata Application Design and for V2R5 Masters (required to complete Development before TE0-127) Plus: TE0-127 - Teradata 12 Comprehensive 5+ years hands-on experience highly Mastery recommended
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TE0-122 Teradata 12 SQL Exam Topics include: Teradata Extensions Data Definition Language (DDL) Data Manipulation Language (DML) Data Control Language (DCL) Views and Macros Logical and Conditional Expressions Data Conversions and Computations CASE Expressions Subqueries and Correlated Subqueries Joins Attribute and String Functions Set Operations Analytical Functions Time/Date/Timestamp/Intervals (ANSI vs. TERADATA) Stored Procedures Concepts Aggregations SQL Optimization Concepts Advanced SQL Concepts
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TE0-123 Teradata 12 Physical Design and Implementation Exam Topics include: Physical Database Design Overview Table Attributes Column Attributes Statistics Primary Indexes Secondary Indexes Other Index Considerations Transaction Isolation Physical Database Operations Teradata Query Analysis Database Space Management
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TE0-124 Teradata 12 Database Administration Exam Topics include: System Software Setup and Parameters User and Security Management Session Management Load and Extract System Administration Tools System Workload Analysis and Management Performance Optimization Capacity Management and Planning Business Continuity Object Maintenance
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TE0-125 Teradata 12 Solutions Development Exam Topics include: The solutions development process: data integration and access, performance analysis tools, and data model characteristics Solutions development considerations: physical design, data integration, data access performance, partitioning, security, privacy, and APIs. The solutions development planning process: capacity, security, and data warehouse administration planning, and analyzing solution performance metrics Solutions development strategies: advanced SQL functions, table selection, transaction mode, coding constructs, transaction types, NULL processing, and recursive queries Data integration strategies: load utilities, export options, load strategies, referential integrity, and locking. Solutions optimization: performance improvement, statistics collection, secondary and join indexes, understanding EXPLAINs, and Load utility performance.
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TE0-126 Teradata 12 Enterprise Architecture Exam Topics include: General concepts System Planning and Space Management Optimization Data Integration (data source to database target) Data Protection Data Governance Information Delivery Strategies
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TE0-12Q Teradata 12 Qualifying Exam for V2R5 Masters Topics include: all topics from the six core Teradata 12 exams: Teradata 12 Basics (TE0-121) Teradata 12 SQL (TE0-122) Teradata 12 Physical Implementation and Design (TE0-123) Teradata 12 Database Administration (TE0-124) Teradata 12 Solutions Development (TE0-125) Teradata 12 Enterprise Architecture (TE0-126)
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TE0-127 Teradata 12 Comprehensive Mastery Exam NOTE: 5+ years hands-on experience highly recommended Topics include: Workload Management Performance Management and Query Optimization Database Design Configuration Management and Capacity Planning Data Availability and Security Application Integration and Optimization Data Management and Integration
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Teradata Corporation's official certification exams and credentials are developed, copyrighted and managed solely by the Teradata Certified Professional Program team. There are no other Teradata authorized exams, certifications, or legitimate credentials in the IT industry. To achieve your training and certification goals, pursue only authorized processes and approved courses of study as outlined on the official Teradata Certified Professional Program web site: www.Teradata.com/Certification
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