Page 3 4 Contents Chapter One: Classifiers I. II. 4 Classifier Eligibility Purpose of Classifiers
Chapter Three: Classification IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Classification of the Quad Tennis Player Request for Classification by a Member Nation Components Utilised in Determining Player Classification Assigning Classification Protest Procedure
6 7 8 9 16 18 20 22 24
Forms Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4 Attachment 5 Attachment 6 Appendix A, ITF Wheelchair Tennis Rules and Regulations Quad Draw Classification System Explanatory Text for Functional Testing Classification Form Player Declaration Form Protest Form
Please refer to attachment 1 for the ITF Wheelchair Tennis Medical Commission Terms of Reference.
3) 4) 5) 6)
In general two Classifiers will be present at a classification tournament a Lead Classifier and an Assistant Classifier. If only one Classifier is in attendance, the ITF reserves the right to have a representative present. The Lead Classifier, if at all possible, will not be from the same country of origin as the player who is being tested. Classifiers will utilise the basic spinal cord injury classification as a guideline. This means that in addition to manual muscle tests and functional movements tests, players will be asked about sensation, spasticity and contractures. Not all players have a spinal cord injury, and it is important to consider the fact that players must also meet functional disability criteria for general eligibility. Players should be considered individually and classified appropriately to ensure fair competition in the quad draw. Classifiers may request that players demonstrate functional activities including, but not limited to, ball/racket handling and wheelchair manoeuvres. Players will also be observed during play and onsite at the tournament. V. REQUEST FOR CLASSIFICATION BY A MEMBER NATION
Member Nations are able to request classification in their own country with the following stipulations: If two classifiers are requested to visit a country for classification, then decisions will be taken in all cases. If only one classifier is requested, then decisions will only be made in clear-cut cases. If there is any doubt in the mind of the classifier, then the player will be required to be seen by another classifier at a further classification tournament. The Member Nation will be responsible for the costs of all travel, accommodation and food for the classifier(s). The Member Nation will also be required to pay a per diem of US$125 to the classifier. A US$100 classification fee must also be paid for each player.
There are currently 4 ITF classifiers from Australia, Canada, Great Britain and The Netherlands. All administration for Member Nations requesting a classifier to travel to their country must be done through the ITF Office. VI. COMPONENTS UTILISED IN DETERMINING PLAYER CLASSIFICATION
1) Bench tests: Muscle testing will be performed on all upper extremity musculature in addition to examination of range of motion, muscle tone and sensation. Muscles are graded on a five-point scale as follows: 0 Total lack of voluntary contraction; 1 Faint contraction without any movement of the limb (trace, flicker); 2 Contraction with very weak movement through full range of motion with gravity eliminated (poor); 3 Contraction with movement through the complete joint range of motion against gravity (fair); 4 Contraction with full range of movement with moderate resistance (good); 5 Contraction of normal strength through full range of motion against full resistance (normal). 2) Functional Movement tests. Pushing, turning, stopping, starting, holding wheelchair against resistance, wheelies, ball stroke and catching and throwing a tennis ball. All functional
movements will be tested. Additional functional movement tests can be performed, as needed. Please refer to attachment 3. 3) Court/play observation. Ball and racket control, grasp and release of rim, overhead service, and forehand and backhand strokes will be observed during play. 4) Video/ DVD Evidence. Videos or DVDs can now be used as evidence of quad status. If the Member Nation considers that the player fully meets all the ITF quad criteria, we would ask that they send either a video or a DVD to the ITF Office, which includes the following material: The date on the footage The player stating name, date of birth and country of residence Close up shots of hands prior to taping or wearing gloves. Match play in a Competition- footage of general play and movement around the court (e.g. a 10 minute clip) Player gripping racquet Player gripping wheel rims Footage of forehand, backhand, service and smash shots Close up shots of the front and back of the hands Close up shots of the player opening and closing their hand (i.e. attempting to make a fist several times) Close up of both flexor and extensor aspects of both forearms Close up shots of any taping used Wheelchair propulsion/ manoeuvrability Evidence of shoulder range of movement. Evidence of trunk function: 1. Athlete bends forward and with chest on the knees he tries to sit up without using his arms; 2. Arms extended to the sides player rotates trunk from side to side; 3. Arms extended to side, player leans left and right; 4. If possible player sits at front of the seat without back support (hands to the side). A copy of the passport of the player should also be included with the video/ DVD
If quad status is still not clear after reviewing the video/DVD evidence, then the player will be requested to attend classification. VII. 1. 2. 3. ASSIGNING CLASSIFICATION Following classification, a score will be determined in line with the point scoring process as laid out in attachment 2. Players will be informed of their classification score and subsequent classification status (please see attachment 1, section II B) as soon as a decision has been reached. Players are encouraged to discuss the results if necessary. When the classification status is established and the player has been informed, the ITF Wheelchair Tennis Department is responsible for ensuring that all appropriate parties are notified.
Please see Attachments 1 & 6 1) Players may protest the decision of a previous classifier regarding their eligibility for the quad draw. 2) Protest and future tournament site classifications will be organised through the ITF Wheelchair Tennis Office. The Lead Classifier for the protest procedure will not be the same individual as the Lead Classifier who performed the initial evaluation. 3) Protest forms will be sent automatically to players who have been deemed ineligible for the quad draw. Forms may also be obtained from the ITF Office in London or downloaded from the ITF Wheelchair Tennis website. Please see attachment 6. 4) The Protest form must be written in a concise manner regarding the rationale for the protest. If this is the first protest submitted, a cheque for the sum of US$200 must accompany the form before the protest can be processed by the ITF. If it is a second protest the accompanying fee must be US$400. This fee will be returned if the protest is successful. For full details on the protest procedure please see attachment 1 (Appendix A), section II, C.
Attachment 1
APPENDIX A I. ITF SPORTS SCIENCE AND MEDICINE COMMISSION TERMS OF REFERENCE 2. To provide advice, assistance and, where appropriate, make recommendations to the ITF on Anti-Doping Rules, policies and procedures in wheelchair tennis. 3. To provide advice on medical issues and, where appropriate, make recommendations to the ITF on medical issues. 4. To provide advice, assistance and, where appropriate, make recommendations to the ITF Wheelchair Tennis Committee on the Rules of Wheelchair Tennis and related matters. 5. To carry out such functions, including, but not limited to, reviewing proposed rule changes, as the ITF Wheelchair Tennis Committee and/or the ITF refer to the Commission from time to time. ITF Classification Panel Terms of Reference 6. To determine eligibility matters in accordance with the Rules of Wheelchair Tennis and/or to appoint classifiers to adjudicate eligibility to play wheelchair tennis and quad tennis. 7. To consider applications from players to register as a quad player and determine whether a player is eligible to play in the Quad Draw or whether a quad tennis classifier(s) should assess such player. To advise the ITF Wheelchair Tennis Committee with regard to eligibility and classification in wheelchair tennis. II. A. GENERAL ELIGIBILITY All players with a medically diagnosed permanent mobility related physical disability as defined in IV.2.a) are eligible to compete in ITF sanctioned wheelchair tennis tournaments. Players must be prepared to present medical documentation that substantiates the disability. GENERAL ELIGIBILITY CLASSIFICATION In cases where players may be uncertain over their eligibility status to play wheelchair tennis, they may request to the ITF Wheelchair Tennis Manager that they be allowed to be classified. The manager shall have the discretion to determine whether such classifications should take place and if so, the location, timing and cost of such classification. If such classification is to take place, the player may be observed by an approved classifier(s) during practice, warm-up, play and/or at any time during the tournament stay. These observations by the classifier(s) may be supplemented by a review of the player's medical history and by a physical examination of the player. Based on the evidence of the classifier(s), the ITF Classification Panel will make a decision on the eligibility of the player. For the avoidance of any doubt, save for quad eligibility and the exceptional circumstances as per above, the procedures for general eligibility remain self-certification.
QUAD DRAW QUAD ELIGIBILITY It is recognized that fairness for competition necessitates a Quad Draw for wheelchair tennis. Adapting from the philosophy for classification in most of the other sports for persons with a disability, function and movement potential, in addition to minimal medical criteria, now form the basis for determining the criteria for the Quad Draw as defined in IV 2. b, c. The function and movement potential criteria are those specific for wheelchair tennis. It is also understood that medical conditions other than spinal cord injury may result in upper extremity impairment, and may allow a player to be eligible for the Quad Draw if the functional criteria set out in the Rules are met. The Quad Draw may not be encompassing of all quadriplegic athletes. For avoidance of doubt, some quadriplegic athletes will be deemed eligible and some ineligible, under the criteria stipulated for quad tennis (please see Section IV, Eligibility Rules). QUAD CLASSIFICATION NEW QUAD PLAYERS Players applying for quad status may apply to register throughout the year but such applications must be received at least three (3) months prior to the event they wish to enter. Quad registration forms are available through the ITF, the players' member nation, and the ITF website. Fully completed forms will be examined by members of the Classification Panel, who, will ordinarily advise the player within six (6) weeks if the player is eligible provisionally for quad tennis (P status). The player will therefore be able to compete in a maximum of four tournaments on the NEC Wheelchair Tennis Tour (this includes only one ITF 1 event and no BNP Paribas World Team Cup, Paralympics, Super Series and Grand Slams) within any 12 month period. If a player with a P status wishes to compete in further ITF sanctioned tournaments, he must attend for classification. CLASSIFICATION Subject to paragraph B1 above, in order to ascertain whether a player is eligible to play wheelchair tennis in the Quad Draw, the player will be observed by an approved classifier(s) during practice, warm-up, play and/or at any time during the tournament stay and will be assessed on a points system as laid down in the ITF Quad Tennis Classification Manual. These observations by the classifier(s) may be supplemented by a review of the player's medical history and by a physical examination of the player to provide further information to assist in deciding whether the player is eligible to play in the Quad Draw. Training and experience do not affect movement potential and so do not have any bearing on the eligibility of the player. ELIGIBILITY CODES Following a classification, players will be informed of their classification score and subsequent eligibility status. The status will be one of the following: E Eligible Players with the E status have been classified as eligible to play quad wheelchair tennis. This status would remain unless the classification criteria are reviewed and/or there is a need for re-classification (e.g. protest).
B. 1.
R Review A player with this code is under classification review. The classifiers have been unable to reach a definite decision following the initial assessment. The player can compete but will remain under observation. The R status will expire 12 months after the player is given this status or before that time if the player has been reviewed as ineligible/eligible. It is the responsibility of the player to ensure that he attends another classification event and/or arrange classification before the 12 month period lapses. The R code may only be given once for the maximum length of 12 months. P Provisional Upon receipt of the quad registration form with the fully completed paperwork, the Classification Panel will decide if the player will receive the provisional status, which will allow him to compete in a maximum of 4 NEC Tour events (Futures Series, ITF 3 and 2 Series, and only one ITF 1 event). No player should have more than four events on their ranking at any time. However, a player assigned the P status may be required to attend classification at any time prior to this if this is deemed necessary. P and R Status players are not eligible to play in the BNP Paribas World Team Cup, Paralympics and any Super Series or Grand Slam events. U Unclassifiable Classifiers have been unable to classify the player. The testing process may not have been completed or was made impossible due to pain, spasticity or lack of co-operation from the player. This player will be given an unclassifiable status and deemed ineligible to compete in the Quad Draw. C. 1. PROTESTS PROTEST PARTIES Only the following parties are entitled to protest the eligibility of a quad wheelchair tennis player: a) A quad player (against the classification status assigned to him) b) An ITF/ IWTA (International Wheelchair Tennis Association) Member Nation (through its general secretary) c) The ITF Wheelchair Tennis Committee. FIRST PROTEST (COMMISSION) All parties presenting a protest will have to inform the ITF in writing within two weeks of being classified out and will be required to pay a fee, as determined from time to time, to the ITF to cover administration costs. If the protest is successful, this fee will then be returned. Protests to the status of a quad wheelchair tennis player shall, ordinarily, be considered by a minimum of three members of the Classification Panel . Decisions regarding the validity or lack thereof of any protest must be made with both physicians in agreement and by majority vote. Procedure i) For a protest to be valid, a protest form must be completed and be submitted to the ITF Office. The written protest must state the name and country of the quad wheelchair tennis player whose eligibility is protested and give reasons for the protest. ii) On receipt of such a protest, the matter will be referred to the Commission which shall deal with the referral in the manner it considers appropriate in the circumstances. The procedure adopted in relation to any protest shall be at the discretion of the Commission. The Commission is not bound by judicial rules governing the procedure
2. a) b)
or admissibility of evidence provided that the quad wheelchair tennis player protested is informed of the basis of the protest and given a reasonable opportunity to answer the protest and present his case. iii) The Commission may request that the party submitting the protest provide evidence and/or such additional information as the Commission believes is required in order to adjudicate on the protest. This may include, but shall not be limited to, objective written medical evidence of permanent physical disability and/or the protested quad wheelchair tennis player's pertinent medical records, including pertinent diagnostic studies. Any request for information, assistance and/or evidence must be complied with within a reasonable time limit as directed by the Commission. A failure on the part of the party making the protest to comply with a request for assistance, information or evidence upon which the protest is based within the time period designated by the Commission shall invalidate the protest. A failure on the part of the protested quad wheelchair tennis player protested to submit evidence or information and/or provide assistance within the time designated by the Commission shall result in the suspension of that player until such time as the evidence, information and/or assistance is provided. iv) The Commission may either: Accept the original classification or; Request that the quad wheelchair tennis player be subject to a further classification by one or more classifiers or; Take such other action as it considers appropriate to deal justly with the case in question. v) Costs incurred by a quad wheelchair tennis player subject to a protest in obtaining medical or any other evidence and/or providing information and/or assistance to the Commission in relation to a protest shall, ordinarily, be borne by that player. However, the Commission may require that the body protesting the quad wheelchair tennis player meet the reasonable costs necessarily incurred by the player in responding to the protest (either in whole or in part). vi) If appropriate, a quad wheelchair tennis player, deemed ineligible but who has been protested against that status shall not be entitled to play pending the outcome of the protest. A quad wheelchair tennis player who has been classified eligible shall be entitled to play pending the outcome of the protest. vii) The ITF Wheelchair Tennis Manager shall communicate the Commissions decision to the player protested and, if appropriate, the body making the protest as soon as reasonably practicable following the decision. The decision shall be binding on notification to the player protested. viii) If the Commission decides that a quad wheelchair tennis player does not satisfy the eligibility criteria then that player shall immediately be ineligible to play in wheelchair tennis events. If the Commission decides that a quad wheelchair tennis player is eligible to compete then that players eligibility may only be further protested to the Protest Panel. ix) If a player participates in an ITF sanctioned wheelchair tennis event while his eligibility is, pursuant to the procedures in Appendix A under protest and, subsequently that player is found by the Commission to be ineligible to play wheelchair tennis, no match results shall be re-assessed, except in the case of the final where such players win(s), if any, will be reversed. This may result in the player who originally lost the final being declared the Champion Nation or the Champion Player. x) In communicating its decision, the Commission shall confirm the quad wheelchair tennis players entitlement to protest to the Protest Panel. The body making the protest shall also be entitled to protest. The procedures are set out in section 3 below.
SECOND PROTEST (PROTEST PANEL) a) All parties presenting a protest will be required to pay a fee, as determined from time to time, to the ITF to cover administration costs. If the protest is successful, this fee will then be returned. a) Procedure i) To be valid, a written notice of protest must be submitted to the Wheelchair Tennis Manager of the ITF. The written protest must specify the name of the Protestor, the decision protested against, the date of the decision protested against and the specific grounds of the protest. ii) Protest Panel Members shall be appointed by the ITF Wheelchair Tennis Committee and shall not include any members of the Commission. The Protest Panel shall, ordinarily, be comprised of a senior legal practitioner who shall act as Chairman, a medical doctor and a health care practitioner knowledgeable in classification systems for wheelchair athletes. iii) The Chairman of the Protest Panel shall have the power to regulate the procedures on a protest provided that the Protestor and other relevant bodies are given a fair opportunity to submit their case(s). iv) The Chairman of the Protest Panel shall determine the basis upon which any protest will proceed. The Protest Panel may, however, in its discretion, hear the whole or any part of the evidence considered by the Commission. The Protest Panel will have full discretionary power to hear and receive such further evidence, as it thinks fit. The Protest Panel may also request that the quad wheelchair tennis player undergo a medical evaluation by an independent medical specialist for the purpose of providing a report for the consideration of the Protests Panel. There is no obligation for the Protest Panel to meet when arriving at its decision. v) If the Protest Panel considers that a hearing is required in order to adjudicate on a protest, then the Protestor is entitled to be present. The non-attendance of the Protestor (or any other party/witness) will not prevent the Protest Panel from proceeding and adjudicating on the protest. vi) Any Protest Panel hearing shall ordinarily be held in private and shall be confidential. vii) The Protest Panel shall only be entitled to consider the procedure applied in a particular players case. It shall not be entitled to make a decision contrary to that of the classifier(s) and/or Commission as the case may be, but it may: In circumstances where it considers that on the balance of probabilities that the relevant procedures have not been properly applied, require that the player concerned be subject to a further classification or; Order such other steps that it considers appropriate to deal justly with the case in question. viii) The costs incurred in any protests proceedings and/or those costs incurred in the collation of evidence or obtaining additional information relevant to a protest may be ordered at the discretion of the Protest Panel. Decisions of the Protest Panel shall be taken by majority. ix) The decision of the Protest Panel shall be communicated to the Protestor and if relevant, to the body making the protest and any other relevant parties as soon as reasonably practicable following the adjudication. The decision shall be final and binding upon notification to the Protestor. x) When a player has been found by the Commission to be ineligible to play in the Quad Draw and the player or the body who originally submitted the protest then protests against the decision, pending the determination of the players protest by the Protest Panel, the player shall not be eligible to play in any ITF sanctioned Quad Draws (as applicable).
If, after the protest, the quad wheelchair tennis player is deemed ineligible to compete, then that players eligibility may not, save in exceptional circumstances, be reconsidered for a further 3 years, provided that there is no relevant amendment to the relevant eligibility rules (subject to section II D below).
CLASSIFICATION PROTEST DEADLINE FOR THE PARALYMPIC TENNIS EVENT The ITF Wheelchair Tennis Committee has established the deadline for protests by member nations against a players minimum eligibility or status to compete in the quad division prior to the Paralympic tennis event. The deadline will be one year prior to the start of the event. The ITF will not permit any protests by ITF/IWTA member nations from this date until the conclusion of the Paralympic Tennis event to ensure certainty of preparation for all players aiming to qualify for the competition. AMENDMENTS The eligibility criteria for wheelchair tennis including the Quad Draw remain under review and may be subject to amendments from time to time. In the event that amendments are made to the eligibility criteria, then the players may be subject to re-classification and/or protest under the new eligibility criteria, notwithstanding any other provisions of this Appendix A. FIRST PROTEST The procedures set out in section III.C.2 above apply but with the following exceptions: References to quad players and the Quad Draw should refer to wheelchair tennis players in general and ITF sanctioned wheelchair tennis draws. As the procedure for general eligibility is self-certification, the first protest may or may not refer to a classified player and therefore references to the original classification (iv) may or may not be appropriate. SECOND PROTEST The procedures set out in section III.C.3 above apply but with the following exception: References to quad players and the Quad Draw should refer to wheelchair tennis players in general and ITF sanctioned wheelchair tennis draws. PHYSICAL DISABILITY/CHANGE OF CIRCUMSTANCES If a player is able to demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Commission that there has been a change of circumstances, in relation to the wheelchair tennis players physical disability then that player shall be entitled to submit a request to the Commission for reconsideration of his eligibility. Such request will be referred to ITF Wheelchair Tennis Manager. Any such request may, however, only be made after a minimum of 12 months has elapsed after the final decision on the wheelchair tennis player's eligibility (subject to Appendix A, section D). Any such request must be accompanied by relevant medical evidence and other information that the Commission may require in order to assess whether the wheelchair tennis player's eligibility should be reconsidered. If the Commission considers that the player's eligibility should be reconsidered, then the Commission shall consider the player's eligibility in accordance with the procedure set out in section IV.
GENERAL Any deviation from any provision of these rules shall not invalidate any finding, procedure or decision unless that deviation raises a material doubt as to the reliability of the finding or decision.
MATTERS NOT PROVIDED FOR AND/OR UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES In respect of any matter not provided for in this Appendix A the Commission or other appropriate person or body shall deal with the matter and/or take such action or decision as is considered appropriate having regard to general principles of justice and fairness.
Attachment 2
Quad Draw Classification System Muscle Power Definitions: Normal Good Fair Poor Non-functional Muscle power grades 4 to 5 in all muscle groups No loss of range of movement Muscle power grades 3 to 4 in all muscle groups Muscle power grade 3 in all muscle groups Muscle power grades 2 to 3 in all muscle groups Muscle power grades 1 to 2 in all muscle groups with evidence of significant muscle wasting Severe loss of range of movement
Scoring Upper limbs: Score 4 3 Observations Normal movement/function in all upper limb joints Normal shoulder movement Normal elbow movement Normal wrist movement Fair to good extrinsic finger movement Poor intrinsic finger movement Normal shoulder movement Normal elbow movement Fair to good, balanced wrist movement Poor to fair extrinsic finger movement Non-functional intrinsic finger movement Good shoulder movement Fair to good, unbalanced elbow movement Fair to good, unbalanced wrist movement Non- functional extrinsic and intrinsic finger movement Non-functional to poor movement in all/majority of upper limb joints Guide to Spinal Cord Injury Level T1 or below C8
Scoring Trunk: Score 2 1 Observations Normal trunk Good function and mobility in all planes or directions Fair to good trunk Some function in one or two planes or directions May use strap to stabilise hips in chair Unable to move trunk in all planes without repositioning hips Non-functional trunk Unable to use trunk for any physical advantage during play
Half points may be used for those players who do not fit exactly into one specific scoring group Athletes with atypical patterns of weakness or paralysis will be assessed accordingly using appropriate modifications Scoring Weighting and Eligibility: The dominant limb is weighted by doubling the score achieved The final score is determined by adding the weighted dominant limb score, the non-dominant limb score, and the trunk score Players who score more than 10 points out of a possible maximum of 14 points shall be ineligible for the quad division On court observations will still be utilised in determining and or confirming eligibility/ineligibility Scoring Example Combinations: Normal non-dominant arm + class 3 dominant arm + no trunk = eligible Normal dominant arm + class 3 non-dominant arm = ineligible Normal non-dominant arm + class 3 dominant arm + any trunk function = ineligible
Attachment 3
Quad Wheelchair Tennis Classification: Explanatory Text for Functional Testing Reduced functional ability refers to neuromuscular and skeletal potential and is not to be mistaken for skill. 1. Reduced functional ability necessary to perform an overhead service Defined as the sequential and controlled combination of the following: The ability to actively elevate the shoulder above 90 degrees in combination movements of shoulder flexion of at least 90 degrees, abduction of at least 90 degrees and external rotation of at least 90 degrees during the preparatory or windup phase. The ability to actively achieve elbow extension beyond the final 60 degrees during the forward hitting phase. The ability to actively achieve any wrist flexion in combination with ulnar deviation and forearm pronation during the forward hitting phase.
2. Reduced functional ability necessary to perform a smooth and continuous forehand and backhand Forehand is defined as the ability to: Achieve abduction to 45 degrees in combination with external rotation of 90 degrees during the preparatory or wind-up phase. Completion of stroke involves shoulder adduction and forward flexion of the shoulder joint so that the elbow can reach midline of the body in combination with flexion of the elbow. Backhand is defined as the ability to: Achieve adduction and internal rotation of the shoulder joint across the combination with elbow flexion to execute the preparatory or wind up phase. Completion of stroke includes the combination of shoulder abduction of at degrees, shoulder flexion of at least 60 degrees and external rotation of at degrees. And the ability to actively achieve elbow extension beyond the final 45 during the hitting phase. 3. Reduced functional ability necessary to manoeuvre a manual wheelchair Full wheel control is defined as the ability to: Use the hands to achieve grasp and release of the wheel rim in order to perform multidirectional stops, starts and turns during play. 4. Inability to grip the racket necessitating the need for taping and/or an assistive device Maintenance of grip is defined as the ability to: Maintain a closed grip of the racket against resistance with the wrist in 30 degrees of wrist flexion without tape or assistive device.
5. Limitation of trunk function Trunk balance is defined as the ability to: Sit unsupported and forward flex both shoulders to elevate arms straight up above head. Sit unsupported and abduct both shoulders to elevate arms straight up above head. Trunk raising is defined as the ability to: Hold a racket in both hands and lift it from in front of the wheelchair (racket on the floor) to above the head height, without using the arms to push up on either the chair or the body Trunk rotation is defined as the ability to: Reach across body with one arm and twist trunk around to an angle of 45 posterolateral to the opposite shoulder. An athlete with good trunk function should not have to reposition their hips or lean over the backrest of the chair.
Attachment 4
QUAD DIVISION TENNIS CLASSIFICATION FORM Name of Lead Classifier ______________________Signature____________________________ Name of Assistant Classifier __________________ Signature ____________________________ Name of Athlete _________________________________ Diagnosis_______________________________________ Limbs Affected L UE Dominance Pre injury__________ Current medication and dosage: Taken today: Yes / No R UE Post Injury _______ Onset_________________________ L LE Tape racket Strap for trunk support R LE Yes______ No_____ Yes______ No_____
Operations (cervical/tendon) Type/Location:_____________________________________________________________ Spasticity: Type/Location:_____________________________________________________________ Sensory Complete Incomplete level_____________________________________ Contractures: Type/Location:_____________________________________________________________ Muscle wasting: Scapular/rot cuff Deltoid Pectoralis Triceps Forearms Hypothernar Thenar Intrinsics MANUAL MUSCLE TEST ( 0-5 ) R L Shoulder Abd Shoulder Add Shoulder Ext Shoulder Flex Scapular Protract Scapular Retract IR neutral/90 abd ER neutral/90 abd Elbow Flex Elbow Ext Pronation Supination Wrist Ext Wrist Flex Ulnar deviation Radial deviation Finger extension PROM L AROM L
Shoulder IR Shoulder ER Elbow Flex Elbow Ext Pronation Supination Wrist Ext Wrist Flex
Finger extension
Finger flexion Dorsal Abduction Palmar Adduction Thumb Abduction Thumb Adduction Thumb Extension Thumb Flexion Thumb Opposition
Finger Flexion
Thumb Abduction Thumb Adduction Thumb Extension Thumb Flexion Thumb Opposition
FUNCTIONAL TESTS Trunk balance in unsupported sitting Trunk raise from forward flexion Trunk control on rotation movements Racket grip in 30 degrees of wrist flexion Tennis ball grip with thumb opposition Overhead ball toss Stroke demonstration Serve Forehand Backhand Racquet hand is: R arm score: + L arm score: + Trunk score: = Total score: Able Able Able Able Able Able Able Able Able Unable Unable Unable Unable Unable Unable with substitution Unable Unable Unable
Attachment 5
QUAD PLAYER DECLARATION FORM PLAYER LEAD CLASSIFIER ASSISTANT CLASSIFIER EVENT DATE THE CLASSIFICATION PROCESS: 1. Classifiers will fully explain the classification process. 2. Players are required to co-operate fully with classifier requests at all times. Players who do not co-operate fully may be deemed unclassifiable, and will therefore be ineligible to compete in the quad division. 3. Players are entitled to have one accompanying person as an observer to the process. This person must also co-operate fully with classifiers requests. If the observer fails to cooperate fully, the player may be deemed unclassifiable, and will therefore be ineligible to compete in the quad division. 4. Classification will be carried out in English. Those players who do not understand English, are responsible for providing their own interpreter. 5. The classification process consists of any or all of 3 components that may be performed in any sequence: a. Bench testing b. On-court skills testing c. On-court match play observation 6. At the conclusion of all testing and observation, players will be asked to sign the Players Declaration that follows, to indicate that they are satisfied that the correct process has been followed. 7. Classifiers may then require a period of time to deliberate on the players assessment findings. Once the final decision has been made, the player will be notified directly by the classifiers of the outcome of their classification process. 8. Players will be notified officially in writing of the decision by the ITF. I AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THE CLASSIFICATION PROCESS THAT IS DESCRIBED ABOVE:
PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING BEFORE SIGNING THE FORM AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE PLAYERS DECLARATION I acknowledge and accept that the classification procedure was carried out fairly and in accordance with the regulations in Appendix A of the Wheelchair Tennis Rules and Regulations. I confirm that I have had the opportunity to ask the classifiers the questions that I would wish to ask in relation to the process and they have explained to my satisfaction the relevant procedures. I acknowledge and accept that by signing this form, I agree that the examination by the classifiers has been carried out properly and fairly and that the ITF is entitled to rely on the classification determined by the classifiers who examined me and further that the classification and related information may be distributed and disclosed as necessary by the ITF for the purposes of applying the regulations or related matters. I also confirm that I have had the opportunity to make comments and have recorded those comments that I would wish to make on this form in the relevant section below. COMMENTS OF PLAYER OR OBSERVER:
Please delete as appropriate: I confirm that I have read, understand and agree the above declaration. I am not in agreement with the above declaration.
Attachment 6
Please indicate which of the following categories you fall into: a) b) Player (protesting against the classification status assigned to him) An ITF/IWTA Member Nation (through its general secretary) Country: ___________________
Name: ________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________ Please attach the appeal fee cheque of US$200 (first protest) or US$400 (second protest) made payable to ITF Licensing (UK) Ltd and return to the following address: ITF Limited Bank Lane Roehampton LONDON SW15 5XZ UK Office use only Date of original assessment of player:_____________________________________________ Tournament : ____________________________________________________________ Lead Classifier:__________________________________________________________________ Result of Classification: ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
Tel +44 (0) 208 878 6464 Fax: +44 (0) 208 392 4741 E-mail: wheelchairtennis@itftennis.com www.itftennis.com/wheelchair Registered address: PO Box N-272, Nassau, Bahamas