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All Prayers

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The document contains various Hindu prayers and mantras dedicated to different deities like Ganesha, Shiva and the universal God. It emphasizes finding God within oneself and in all beings.

Some of the prayers and mantras mentioned are the Gayatri Mantra, prayers to Ganesha and Shiva, and the universal prayer 'Om Sarvesham Swasti Bhavtu'.

This prayer conveys that God is one's mother, father, relative, friend, knowledge, wealth and everything. It sees God in everyone and everything.

A Collection of Prayers adaptation from various sources

There is no single prayer in Hinduism, no one confession of faith that would be the
equivalent of the Lord's Prayer in Christianity or "Shma Yisrael" in Judaism or the Kalma
of Islam. But the Gayatri Mantra, one of the most sacred Vedic mantras recited in
virtually all Hindu homes and temples, comes close:

Aum bhur buvah swaha, tat savitur varenyam, bhargo devasya dhimahi, dhiyo yo
nah prachodayat.
Aum. Let us contemplate the wondrous spirit of the divine creator of the earthly,
atmospheric and celestial spheres. May He direct our minds toward the attainment of
dharma, artha, kama, and moksha. (Virtuous action, wealth, desires - both material and
spiritual - and liberation from all three.)
We meditate on that Isvara's (i.e., Pratyaksha Narayan's Symbol, i.e., Sun) glory
who has created the universe, who is fit to be worshiped; who is the embodiment of
Knowledge and Light, who is the remover of all sins and ignorance. May he
illuminate (enlighten) our (indeed, entire universe's) intellect.
Aum, we meditate (dhimahi) on the spiritual effulgence (bhargas) of that adorable
Supreme Divine Reality (varenyam devasya), the source or projector (savitr) of
the three phenomenal world planes the gross or physical (bhuh) the subtle or
psychical (bhuvah) and the potential or causal (suvah), both macro cosmically or
externally and micro cosmically or internally.
O God,
The Giver of Life, Remover of pains and sorrows,
Bestower of happiness, and Creator of the universe;
Thou art most luminous, pure and adorable;
We meditate on Thee;
May Thou inspire and guide our intellect in the right direction.

May the Supreme Divine Being (Tat) stimulate (prachodayat)
our (nah) intellect (dhiyah), so that we may realize the Supreme Truth.deity who is
==========lways sought before beginning a
An invocation to Bhagwan Shri Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity who is worshipped
as the remover of all obstacles. Ganesha's blessings are always sought before beginning a
journey, before undertaking a project, even before uploading a Web page! r before
undertaking a project, even before uploading a Web page!

Vakra tunda mahaakaaya, Surya koti samaprabha
Nirvighnam kuru me deva, sarva kaaryeshu sarvadaa
O Bhagwan Shri Ganesha of large body, curved trunk, with the brilliance of a
million suns, please make all my work free of obstacles- always.
O elephant headed and large bodied Bhagwan Shri Ganesh, radiant as a thousand
Suns, I ask for your grace so that all the tasks that I undertake may complete
without any hindrance.

A reminder that God is in everyone and everything:

Twameva mata cha pita twameva, twameva bandhushcha sakha twameva, twameva vidya
dravinam twameva, twameva sarvam mama deva deva.
Thou art my mother, Thou art my father, Thou art my brother (or relative), Thou
art my friend, Thou art my knowledge, Thou art my wealth, Thou art my all-in-all,
O God of gods.
The great mantra dedicated to Shiva as Mrityunjaya is found in the Rig Veda. It is called
the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra, the Great Death-Conquering mantra. It is a mantra that has
many names and forms. It is called the Rudra mantra, referring to the furious aspect of
Shiva; the Tryambakam mantra, alluding to Shiva's three eyes; and its is sometimes
known as the Mrita-Sanjivini mantra because it is a component of the "life-restoring"
practice given to the primordial sage Shukra after he had completed an exhausting period
of austerity. The Maha Mrityunjaya mantra is hailed by the sages as the heart of the
Veda. Along with the Gayatri mantra it holds the highest place among the many mantras
used for contemplation and meditation. Continuous chanting of the Mahamritunjaya
Mantra, literally the "Great death-conquering mantra", can create the power to overcome
all obstacles, even the fear of death, and obtain immortality:

Om trayambakam yajamahe sugandhim pushtivardhanam, urvarukamiva bandhanan
mrityormukshiya mamritat.
We meditate on Shiva, the three-eyed one, of sweet fragrance, who helps us grow
spiritually. Like the fully-ripened cucumber (is easily snapped) from its stem, may I be
free from the bondage of death. May I not be without the nectar of immortality.
We offer our worship to the fragrant three-eyed Lord Shiva who confers ever increasing
prosperity. Please liberate us from the clutch of death as effortlessly as an Urvaruka fruit
(watermelon) is separated from the vine; please do not let us turn away from liberation.

I take refuge in the conqueror of the fear of death and the Chief of the deities, Shiva.
May He protect me from the afflictions of birth, death, old age and disease that are the
results of binding actions.

Shree Shiv-Parvati Stuti

Karpoor Gauram Karunnaavataram Sansaar Saaram Bhujgendra Haaram.
Sadaa Vasantam Hridyaarvrinde Bhavam Bhavaani Sahitam Namaami.
I bow to that camphor-hued, white complexioned
Lord Shiva, who is compassion Incarnate,
Who is the very essence of (consciousness; the
Knowing principle) of life (of the embodied soul);
Who wears snakes as garlands, whose eternal abode
is in the heart of the devotee, I bow to Him (Lord
Shiva) and His consort Bhavaani (Uma or Parvati).

An invocation of the Divine Mother in the form of Narayani (who has three eyes, like
Shiva). One of the best-known slokas from the Devi Mahatmyam:

Sarva mangala maangalye shive sarvaartha saadhike, sharanye trayambake gauri,
Naarayani namostute.
O the most auspicious among those that are auspicious!
O the one that grants the fulfillment of all prayers!
O the one refuge of all! To Thee, Lord Sivas consort, known as Trayambaka
(three eyed ) and Gauri;To Thee, O Narayani, our salutations!
I salute the three-eyed Divine Mother Narayani (or the consort of the three-eyed Lord
Shiva), the good of all that is good, the bringer of auspiciousness and the fulfiller of all
the spiritual and material desires of Her devotees.
Mangalam Bhagawaan Vishnu
Mangalam Garuda Dhwaja
Mangalam Pundari Kaaksha
Mangalaaya Tanno Hari
Auspicious is Lord Vishnu;
Auspicious is He whose flag bears
the emblem of Garuda;
Auspicious is He who is lotus-eyed;
Hari is the abode of auspiciousness

Prayer to Bhagwan Shri Vishnu
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shaa.ntaakaaraM bhujagashayanaM padmanaabhaM sureshaM .
vishvaadhaaraM gaganasadR^ishaM meghavarNaM shubhaaN^gaM .
lakshmiikaa.ntaM kamalanayanaM yogibhidhyaa.rnagamyaM .
va.nde vishhNuM bhavabhayaharaM sarvalokaikanaatham ..
I adore Bhagwan Shri Vishnu who is the embodiment of peace, who lies on the
Shesha serpent, whose navel is the source of the Lotus, who is the God of all gods,
who supports the universe, infinite like the sky, with complexion like the clouds,
whose body shines with heavenly beauty, who is the beloved of Goddess Lakshmi,
whose eyes are like Lotus, who is meditated upon by the yogis, who is the remover of
the fear of the world-process, and who is the One God of the entire universe.

Ram is my mother, my father, my master
and my friend. Ram, the compassionate,
is verily everything to me. I do not know
anyone else but Ram.

Aum, on whose right side is Laxmana, on whose left is Sita and in front of whom
prostrates Hanuman, to that Shri Ram my salutations.

Prayers to Bhagwan Shri Krishna

* * 7 |* + *7| |* 7 * 7* ++
vasudeva sutaM devaM ka.nsa chaaNuuramardanaM .
devakii paramaana.ndaM kR^ishhNaM va.nde jagad.hguruM ..

Vasudeva Sutam Devam
Kansa Chura Mardanam
Devaki Paramnandam
Krisham Vande Jagadgurum
I bow to you O Krishna, the Supreme Guru, Son of Devaki and Vasudeva, the
destroyer of demons named Kamsa and Chanur.

My salutation to Lord Krishna, the son of Vasudeva,
the Destroyer of Kansa and Chur,
the Supreme Bliss of Devaki,
the Teacher of the Universe.

Salutations to Shree Krishna, who is the
personification of Supreme Joy. By His
grace even the speech impaired can
speak with eloquence and the handicapped can cross over mountains (of obstacles in

Prayer to Hanumanji
7 |- ~-
|7|* |d| |8 +
||7 |- - *
7||- * |7| ||
Manoj avam Marut a Tulyavegam Jit endriyam
Buddhimat aam Varisht ham |
Vaat at maj am Vaanarayut ha Mukhyam Shri
Raamadut am Shirasaa namaami | |

I bow my head to him who is quick of
mind, fast as the wind, the conqueror of
the senses, the best among the wise, the
son of Vaayu, chief of the monkey clan
and the messenger of Shri Rama.

Here are two invocations to Saraswati, consort of Brahmaa the Creator, the Goddess of
language and learning, the mother of the Sanskrit language: (Kids, these are also prayers
success in academics, so be sure to recite the following ever
day before school)
for y

May Goddess Saraswati, who is fair like the Jasmine colored moon and whose pure
white garland is like frosty dew drops, who is adorned with radiant white clothes
and on whose beautiful palm and arm rests the Veena, whose throne is a white lotus,
and who is surrounded and respected by Gods including Lord Brahma, Lord
Vishnu and Lord Mahesh, protect me. I beseech Her to totally remove my laziness
and sluggishness.

Saraswati namastubhyam varade kaamarupini, vidyaarambham karishyaami
siddhirbhavatu me sadaa.

O Mother Saraswati, my humble prostrations to Thee, who art the fulfiller of all my
wishes. I begin my studies with the request that Thou wilt bestow Thy blessings on me.


karaagre vasate lakshmii karamuule sarasvatii
karamadhye tu govindaH prabhaate karadarshanaM .
The front part of the hands (the finger tips) are ascribed to Goddess Lakshmi, the
Goddess of wealth, the root (the part of hand near the wrist) to Goddess Saraswati -
the Goddess of learning and the middle part (the palm proper) to Govinda
(Krishna). Therefore, every morning, one should have a respectful look at one's
hand which symbolizes honest labor.
On the tip of the fingers is Goddess Lakshmi, On the wrist resides Goddess
Saraswati, In the centre of the palm resides lord Govinda Himself, Every morning
one should look at the palm with reverence.
Meal t i me Pr ayer s

Brahmaarpanam Brahma Havir
Brahmaagnau Brahmanaa Hutam
Brahmai Va Tena Gantavyam
Brahma Karma Samaadhina

Brahman is the oblation (offering, pious donation); Brahman is the clarified butter
etc. constituting the offerings; by Brahman is the oblation poured into the fire of
Brahman, Brahman verily (in truth) shall be reached by him who always sees
Brahman in all actions.


I , t he Supreme Spirit , abiding in t he body of living beings as t he Digest ive Fire (Vaiswanara) in
t heir st omach, l work wit h t heir Prana and Apaana (met abolic processes) t o digest t he four t ypes
of food (solid, fluid, semi-fluid and liquid; or four food groups) t hat t hey eat .


karacharaNa kR^itaM vaakkaayajaM karmajaM vaa .
shravaNanayanajaM vaa maanasaM vaaparaadhaM .
vihitamavihitaM vaa sarvametatkshamasva .
jaya jaya karuNaabdhe shriimahaadeva shambho ..

Dear Bhagwan, kindly forgive my wrong actions done knowingly or unknowingly,
either through my organs of action (hand, feet, speech) or through my organs of
perception (eyes, ears) or by my mind. Glory unto Thee O Bhagwan Shiva, who is
the ocean of kindness.


Whatever actions I perform with my body; speech , mind, senses, intellect, or by my
nature- I dedicate them all to the Lord, Narayana.

Om Sarvesham Swasti Bhavtu,
Sarvesham Shantih Bhavtu.
Sarvesham Poornam Bhavtu,
Sarvesham Manglam Bhavtu.
Om. May all become auspicious; may all attain peace; may all achieve perfection;
may all be blessed.

Aum Saha naavavatu. Saha nau bhunaktu.
Saha veeryam karavaavahai
Tejasvinaa vadhee tamastu maa vidvishavahai
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih
Aum, may He protect us both (the teacher and the taught). May He look after us
both to enjoy (the fruits of scriptural study). May we both exert together (to find the
true meaning of the sacred text). May our studies be fruitful so that we acquire
luster. May we never quarrel with each other.
Aum Peace, Peace, Peace.

Peace Prayer

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Asato maa sadgamaya.
Tamaso maa jyotir-gamaya
Mrityor-ma amritam gamaya.
Lead me from the unreal to the Real;
Lead me from darkness (ignorance) to Light (knowledge)
Lead me from death (or sense of limitations) to Immortality (freedom from
Aum Peace! Peace!! Peace!!
Om poornam-adah poornam-idam, poornat poornam udacyate
Poornasya poornam-aadaya, poornam-evaavashisyate.
That (Brahman) is Whole. This (apparent creation) is also Whole.
From Wholeness (Brahman) this whole (apparent creation) comes about.
Bringing (out) this whole (apparent creation) from Wholeness,
the Wholeness (Brahman) alone remains.
Om Peace, Peace, Peace.

Aarati (universal)
Om Jaya Jagadisha Hare Swami Jaya Jagadisha Hare
Bhakta Jano Ke Sankata Kshanamen Dur Kare - Om Jaya
Hail to Thee, O Lord of the universe, Remover of sorrows and Master of all!
Salutations and prostrations unto Thee.

Jo Dhyaave Phala Paave Dukha Vinase Manakaa
Sukha Sampati Ghara Aave Kashta Mite Tanakaa - Om Jaya
(O instant) Remover of the troubles of devotees! Thou rewardest those who sing
Thy glories and removest their sorrows.
With Thy name, happiness and prosperity dawn, and pain disappears.

Maat Pitaa Tum Mere Sharana Gahun Kisaki
Tum Bin Aur NA Dujaa Aash karun Jisaki - Om Jaya
O Lord, Thou art my mother, father and only refuge

Tuma Purana Paramaatmaa Tuma Antaryaami
Parabrahma Parameshvara Tuma Sabake Swami - Om Jay
O Indweller of all beings, Thou art perfect, absolute, omnipresent, omnipotent
and omniscient.

Tuma Karunaa Ke Saagar Tuma Paalana Katrataa
Mei Sevaka Tum Swami Kripaa Karo Bharataa - Om Jay
O ocean of compassion, Thou art the protector of all
O merciful Master, help me, who am Thy servant.

Tum Ho Eka Agochara Sabake Praanpati
Kisa Vidhi Milun Dayaamaya Tuma Ko Mei Kumati - Om Jay
O life of all lives, Thou art the only one and (still) invisible
O merciful Lord, guide ignorant beings to Thy Divine Knowledge.

Deena Bandhu Dukha Harataa Tuma Rakshaka Mere
Karunaa Hasta Badhaao Sharana Padaa Tere - Om Jay
Thou art the support (protector) of the weak (friend of the weak or poor), the
remover of sorrow and pain,
O my protector, bless me with Thy Compassionate hand, I surrender to Thee.

Vishaya Vikaar Mitaao Paap Haro Devaa
Shraddhaa Bhakti Badhaao Santan Ki Sevaa - Om Jay
Relieve me of passion and suffering (or imperfections or vices),
Bless me with ever increasing faith, Divine love and spirit of service.

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