Re: Docket No. 443: RLF1 7407144v.1
Re: Docket No. 443: RLF1 7407144v.1
Re: Docket No. 443: RLF1 7407144v.1
CERTIFICATION OF NO OBJECTION REGARDING SECOND MONTHLY APPLICATION OF GOWLING LAFLEUR HENDERSON LLP FOR ALLOWANCE OF COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES RENDERED AND FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES AS CANADIAN COUNSEL TO THE DEBTORS AND DEBTORS-INPOSSESSION FOR THE PERIOD FROM JULY 1, 2012 THROUGH JULY 31, 2012 The undersigned hereby certifies that, as of the date hereof, she has received no answer, objection or other responsive pleading with respect to the Second Monthly Application of Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP for Allowance of Compensation for Services Rendered and for Reimbursement of Expenses as Canadian Counsel to the Debtors and Debtors-In-Possession for the Period from July 1, 2012 Through July 31, 2012 [Docket No. 443] (the Monthly Application), filed by Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP (the Applicant) on September 20, 2012. The undersigned further certifies that she has reviewed the Courts docket in the abovecaptioned chapter 11 cases and no answer, objection or other responsive pleading to the Monthly Application appears thereon. Pursuant to the Notice of Monthly Fee Application filed with the Monthly Application, objections to the Monthly Application were to be filed and served by no later than October 10, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. (EDT).
The Debtors in these cases, along with the federal tax identification number (or Canadian business number where applicable) for each of the Debtors, are: Allied Systems Holdings, Inc. (58-0360550); Allied Automotive Group, Inc. (58-2201081); Allied Freight Broker LLC (59-2876864); Allied Systems (Canada) Company (900169283); Allied Systems, Ltd. (L.P.) (58-1710028); Axis Areta, LLC (45-5215545); Axis Canada Company (875688228); Axis Group, Inc. (58-2204628); Commercial Carriers, Inc. (38-0436930); CT Services, Inc. (382918187); Cordin Transport LLC (38-1985795); F.J. Boutell Driveaway LLC (38-0365100); GACS Incorporated (58-1944786); Logistic Systems, LLC (45-4241751); Logistic Technology, LLC (45-4242057); QAT, Inc. (592876863); RMX LLC (31-0961359); Transport Support LLC (38-2349563); and Terminal Services LLC (910847582). The location of the Debtors corporate headquarters and the Debtors address for service of process is 2302 Parklake Drive, Bldg. 15, Ste. 600, Atlanta, Georgia 30345.
RLF1 7407144v.1
The Monthly Application was filed and served in accordance with the Order Establishing Procedures for Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Professionals and Official Committee Members [Docket No. 215] (the Interim Compensation Order). Pursuant to the Interim Compensation Order, the above-captioned debtors and debtors-in-possession are authorized to pay the Applicant eighty percent (80%) of the fees and one hundred percent (100%) of the expenses requested in the Monthly Application upon the filing of this certification without the need for a further order of the Court. A summary of the fees and expenses sought by the Applicant in the Monthly Application is annexed hereto as Exhibit A. Dated: October 12, 2012 Wilmington, Delaware Respectfully submitted, /s/ Marisa A. Terranova Mark D. Collins (No. 2981) Christopher M. Samis (No. 4909) Marisa A. Terranova (No. 5396) RICHARDS, LAYTON & FINGER, P.A. One Rodney Square 920 North King Street Wilmington, Delaware 19801 Telephone: (302) 651-7700 Facsimile: (302) 651-7701 E-mail: E-mail: E-mail: -andJeffrey W. Kelley (GA Bar No. 412296) Ezra H. Cohen (GA Bar No. 173800) TROUTMAN SANDERS LLP Bank of America Plaza 600 Peachtree Street, Suite 5200 Atlanta, Georgia 30308-2216 Telephone No.: (404) 885-3000 Facsimile No.: (404) 885-3900 E-Mail: E-Mail: Counsel for the Debtors -2RLF1 7407144v.1
ALLIED SYSTEMS HOLDINGS, INC., et al. Professional Fees and Expenses Monthly Fee Application
Monthly Fees and Expenses Requested in Application $172,514.28 (Fees) $3,715.44 (Expenses)
Monthly Period
Objection Deadline
7/1/12 7/31/12
RLF1 7407144v.1