Returns To Scale
Returns To Scale
Returns To Scale
The changes in the Total output in response to the proportionate changes in the input.
Mathematical terms
Increasing Returns to scale if Q/ Q > F /F Constant returns to scale if Q/Q = F/F
Increasing returns to scale cannot be experienced by the firm indefinitely .Firms will slowly enter the phase of constant returns to scale.
5 : 10 6: 12
38 48
10 10
Stage II
Table 2 indicates that in case of constant returns to scale the marginal output remains constant at 10 units. Doubling in all inputs simply results in doubling the output. This the second stage or constant returns to scale.
The combination of 2A + 4 L, the output increases by 100(200-100). Second condition input combination output increases by 300 (700-400). Total output increases at an increasing rate as the result of a constant increase in input combination.
Returns to scale is a long run phenomenon which offers an opportunity to the production manager to increase the employment of all factors of production by the given percentage according to the market and resource feasibilities.