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Archimandrite Haralambos Vasilopoulos

...Here, I must thank the anonymous person who penetrated deep into the interior of Masonry and Theosophy, who revealed it to me and wrote the elements of this present book.

Introduction The History of Theosophy Theosophy in Greece Theosophy and the Rosicrucians The White Brotherhood and Theosophy Theosophist Movements in Communist Countries Theosophy and the Union of Religions Epilogue Appendix A INTRODUCTION

In this composition, I will reveal the entire infernal depth of the harsh (inhuman) nucleus of Black masonry, which is Theosophy. The Theosophical Society is an association officially recognized in Greece under Resolution #8787/7946 of the Court of First Instance, Athens. It is a department of the Universal Theosophical Society, which it acknowledges as Mother and constitutes an inseparable member. The purpose of the Universal Theosophical Society, as they say themselves, is: 1) To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or colour.

2) To encourage the study of Comparative Religion, Philosophy, and Science. 3) To investigate the unexplained laws of Nature and powers latent in man.1 However, its high time for us to say some things officially and directed at helping all people to understand. In accordance with our system, everything we say officially will be based on our own personal experience acquired at the Eastern School (Taklamakan Desert2 and Tibet) during the post-War years, and mainly upon the documents of these Masons. From the articles of the Greek Theosophists Constitution, sure evidence comes to light proving Theosophy moves about in the lines and external fanfare proclamations of Masons. Theosophy is mainly founded upon occultism, secret writings and magic. Still, it must be noted that immediately after WWI, there were tendencies of collusions between all the faculties of Masonry, which also occurred after WWII. At that time, all the faculties were subordinated to the Global Luciferian Committee of 300, the cursed-by-God Gahal.3


The Luciferian Illuminati were the forerunners of Theosophy. This clearly comes to light in Alice Leighton Cleathers book, Helena P. BlavatskyHer Life & Work for Humanity.4 From elsewhere, in 1612, the writer Hasel Meyer tells us about the Secret Brotherhood of Theosophists, Rosicrucians... The International Theosophical Society was established on November 27, 1875, by Helena P. Blavatsky and Henry S. Olcott. That was the time of its first appearance. Its Chair is in Adyar, Madras (now Chennai6), India...

H.P. Blavatsky

Henry S. Olcott

In 1831, a girl was born to the family of the baptized German Jew, Colonel Peter von Hahn in old Russia. Years passed and the girl transformed into one lively, but simultaneously strange, woman. This was strange as she did not keep company with anyone. She had no friends! Frictions started with her family and parents. Indeed, the family was also related to the known Russian author, Helena Fadeyeva (pen-name "Zeneida Rva).7 Helenas parents sent her to St. Petersburg to stay at a relatives house; Count Witte and his family. But she couldnt move about freely there, nor do whatever she wanted without being misunderstood by society. However, she found a solution: In 1848, only weeks before she turned 17, she married the 40 year old Vice-Governor of Erivan, Nikifor Vassilievich Blavatsky. Thus, as a madam, she acquired freedom in her movements. Shortly after her wedding with Blavatsky, she abandoned him and disappeared. She was very eccentric and had a great inclination towards occultism, spiritualism, and magic. A few years later, her letter arrived. Im in India, she wrote, where Im studying the occult sciences. Afterwards, she went to America. She became acquainted with Colonel Olcott there. He was a medium and occupied himself with spiritualism. From then on, her progress was truly rapid.

On November 17, 1875, the Worldwide Press reported that the Russian Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, together with Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, established the Theosophical Society in New York. The Theosophical Society made tremendous progress with abundant money coming in from an unknown source. The epoch was appropriate and New York was a suitable place. Shortly after, Blavatsky would publish the Theosophical periodical Lucifer in London.8 During the time Blavatsky arrived in America, Albert Pike was the number one leader of Masonry and Luciferianism there. From the first and all subsequent meetings with Blavatsky, Albert was convinced he was inferior to her. Thus, the age of great collaboration was started. And these Masons throughout the world remained astonished before the written encyclicals by which Albert Pike bombarded the then 23 Great Lodges of the World, of which he was the highest authority.

Albert Pike

Blavatsky and Pike collectively decided to create a female Masonic Lodge comprised of the wives, sisters and daughters of Freemasons. This order of Pike clarifies and exhortsjust as Masons continuously practise with the members of the higher lodgesto acquire absolute control of their passions

and thus be rendered immune to their carnal passions (The notorious and licentious Rasputin tried to teach this to the ladies of the Russian Court and the highest nobility). However, what really impressed Pike was Blavatskys unprecedented ability in spiritualism. She imposed Pike to implement spiritualism in all the Masonic Lodges. Perhaps she wasnt in the wrong because Blavatsky was not only an excellent medium herself, but she also took delight in discovering other powerful mediums. Heres what Pike said on October 20, 1884, to the Supreme Masonic Council that took place in Charleston: At St Louis, we operated the grand rites, and through Sister Ingersoll, who is a first class medium, received astonishing revelations during a solemn Palladian session at which I presided, assisted by Brother Friedman and Sister Warnburn. Without putting Sister Ingersoll to sleep, we saturated her with the spirit of Ariel himself, but Ariel took possession of her with 329 more spirits of fire and the seance from then on was marvellous. Sister Ingersoll, lifted into space, floated over the assembly and her garments were suddenly devoured by a flame which enfolded, without burning her. We saw her thus in a state of nudity for over ten minutes. Flitting above our heads, as though borne by an invisible cloud, or upheld by beneficent spirits, she answered all questions put to her. We thus soon had the latest news of our very illustrious brother himself, flying beside our medium and holding her hand. He breathed upon her and her clothes, returning from nowhere clothed her again. Finally, Astaroth vanished and our sister fell gently on to a chair where, with her head thrown back she gave up Ariel and the 329 spirits who had accompanied him. We counted 330 exhalations in all at the end of this most successful experiment.9 The Mason, Theosophist and Satanist Pike describes the experiment so elegantly and with such enthusiasm! However, we owe Pike thanks because he also simultaneously revealed to us the Masons actual secret pursuits as well as those in collaboration with them. Besides the above mentioned accomplishments of Madam Blavatsky, Pike himself bestowed upon her the 33rd and final degree of Freemasonry during her departure from America.

However, we should disclose and pay attention to the activity of the Satanist German Jew Helena Blavatsky in America after her return from Tibet and India. She also was active in Greece. So these are the revealing texts I found. Without a doubt, these texts fully elucidate and compliment the gap between Blavatskys first secret departure from Russia and her second emergence in Adyar, India: ...Dissenting with her family and husband, she could not return to Russia and thus she went to London. She became acquainted with the mystics and revolutionaries there, such as Karl Marx, who was also an exile at that time [he was also a baptized German Jew]. In 1856, Blavatsky was initiated into the Carbonari Movement there by Mazzini [one of the biggest Luciferians of Europe at the time] himself. According to John Yorker, she was also initiated into the Order of Druses, which is an extension of the White Brotherhood. During the same time, she became acquainted with at least two members of the highest degree of the Great White Lodge, known as Mahatma: Morya and Mahatma Koot Hoomi.10

El Morya

Koot Hoomi

Towards 1858, Madame Blavatsky decided to return to Russia; she became reconciled with her father, staying with him till 1863 when she went to the Caucasus and met her husband. A little later she was in Italy whither she seemed to have been summoned by a Carbonarist order; in 1866, she was with Garibaldi, whom she accompanied during his expeditions, she fought at Viterbo, then at Mentana, where she was seriously wounded and left on the field as dead; she recovered however and went to Paris for her convalescence. There she remained some time under the influence of a certain Victor Michal, a spiritist-magnetizer. This Michal, a journalist, was a Freemason as was also his friend Rivail (alias Allan Kardec) once founder, later director of the FoliesMarigny and the pioneer of French spiritism. It was Michal who developed the mediumistic faculties of Madame Blavatsky... Madame Blavatsky was, at that time, herself a believer in spiritism and claimed to belong to the school of Allan Kardec, from whom she preserved certain ideas, notably those concerning reincarnation.11 In 1867, after three attempts, Blavatsky returned to Tibet. Before we proceed with this formidable Satanists further activity, we should make an analysis of the situation of that time and also add some clarifications: 1) Blavatskys father and her uncle Count Vitte had come from Germany, which was then shaken by the activity of the Luciferian Illuminati. The leader and founder of the Illuminati was the notorious German Adam Weishaupt, professor of Ingolstadt University. He founded the movement in 1776. It should be noted that this name is not its real name.

2) From the beginning, the Satanist Weishaupt succeeded in attaching himself to the German princes and aristocracy, as well as the princes and aristocrats of other countries. Amongst his patrons and associates was the Duke of Saxony, Marquis Konstanz and Marquis Sabioli, etc. In this manner, Weishaupt had great means amongst many of the European Courts, owing to marriages or other causes some person proceeding from the tree of German aristocracy. While it is rumoured that the Masons and Theosophists dont have any relationship, we do see the Masons regularly advertizing in the Theosophist publication Iliso, yet they supposedly have no relationship whatsoever. In 1878, Blavatsky travelled with Olcott to India, in order to study Buddhism locally. She transported her headquarters to the suburbs of Madras, Adyar. The advertising activity of her Theosophist system spread. Many natives and some Europeans established there helped her in this.

From 1884 onwards, the weakening of her propagandist activity is observed. This is because in the Madras periodical Christian College and in the periodical Society for Psychical Research the miracles of Adyar were shown to be fake and fraudulent. Dr. Richard Hodgsons relevant research acted on behalf of the Society for Psychical Research. In his related report, he mentions that the supposed letters of Mahatmas that Blavatsky received from the afterlife, and contained their messages, were written by Blavatsky herselfeither personally or dictated by her. Two of her colleagues, K.H. and Coulomb, admitted they collaborated in the development of Blavatskys miracles. Indeed, Blavatsky herself was also forced to admit with much artlessnessif not cynicismthat it was necessary to act in this deceitful manner in order for the propagation of her ideas to succeed.12 So, the evidence concerning her con was overwhelming. Yet, despite all these things, Theosophical Movement leaders denied them and continued the drive to propagate Theosophy. Blavatsky took the material for her system from Buddhism, ancient and modern mysticism, magic, Indian philosophy and many other sources. She formed her Theosophical system in this manner. According to her, she described it as the Highest Divine Wisdom. only with her special system is man able to achieve true knowledge of the Supreme Being, that is of God, and achieve union with Him. Blavatsky maintained she was being guided and inspired by higher intellectual and ethical existing beings that had undergone many reincarnations. She called them Mahatmas, Teachers, Guides, etc. She also maintained she had a close communication with them. They co-wrote a book entitled The Secret Doctrine which is regarded as the greatest work of Theosophy.

Her close associate Olcott gives her the following characterization in the prologue of his book, Old Diary Leaves: ...who was a greater conglomeration of good and bad, light and shadow, wisdom and indiscretion, spiritual insight and lack of common sense...13 Perhaps the reader will ask, How did this happen with Blavatsky? Arent Theosophists honourable and ethical as they contend? Unfortunately, they are not. To this day, so many scandals have occurred in the Theosophical Lodge, that its impossible for us to report them all. However, Madam Blavatsky herself has been revealed as the main culprit of the sexual misconduct that occurred in them. Concerning this, we republish a photocopied page from Nesta Websters book: The Order has the true secrets and the explanations, moral and physical, of the hierogyphics of the very venerable Order of Freemasonry."14 The initiate had to swear absolute submission and unswerving obedience to the laws of the Order and to follow its laws implicitly to the end of his life, without asking by whom they were given or whence they came. "Who," asks de Luchet, "gave to the Order these so-called secrets? That is the great and insidious question for the secret societies. But the Initiate who remains, and must remain eternally in the Order, never finds this out, he dare not even ask it, he must promise never to ask it. In this way those who participate in the secrets of the Order remain the Masters." Again, as in the Stricte Observance, the same system of "Concealed Superiors"--the same blind obedience to unknown directors! Under the guidance of these various sects of Illumins a wave of occultism swept over France, and lodges everywhere became centres of instruction on

the Cabala, magic, divination, alchemy, and theosophy15; Masonic rites degenerated into ceremonies for the evocation of spirits--women, who were now admitted to these assemblies, screamed, fainted, fell into convulsions, and lent themselves to experiments of the most horrible kind.16 By means of these occult practices the Illumins in time became the third great Masonic power in France, and the rival Orders perceived the expediency of joining forces. Accordingly in 1771 an amalgamation of all the masonic groups was effected at the new lodge of the Amis Runis. The founder of this lodge was Savalette de Langes, Keeper of the Royal Treasury, Grand Officer of the Grand Orient, and a high initiate of Masonry-"versed in all mysteries, in all the lodges, and in all the plots." In order to unite them he made his lodge a mixture of all sophistic, Martiniste, and masonic systems, "and as a bait to the aristocracy organized balls and concerts at which the adepts, male and female, danced and feasted, or sang of the beauties of their liberty and equality, little knowing that above them was a secret committee which was arranging to extend this equality beyond the lodge to rank and fortune, to castles and to cottages, to marquesses and bourgeois" alike.17 ...It would be superfluous to describe in detail the wild nonsense that composes the creed of Co-Masonry, since a long series of articles was recently devoted to the subject in The Patriot and can be consulted by anyone who desires information concerning its ceremonies and the personnel directing it.18 Suffice it to say here that its course, like that of most secret societies, has been marked by violent dissensions amongst the membersthe Blavatsky-ites passionately denouncing the Besantites and the Besantites proclaiming the divine infallibility of their leaderwhilst at the same time scandals of a peculiarly unsavoury kind have been brought to light. This fact has indeed created a serious schism in the ranks of the Theosophists, which shows that a number of perfectly harmless people are to be found amongst them. Yet the peculiar recurrence of such scandals in the history of secret societies leads one inevitably to wonder how far these are to be regarded as merely deplorable accidents or as the results of secret-society methods and of occult teaching. That the men against whom charges of sexual perversion were brought were not isolated examples of these tendencies is shown by a curious admission on the part of one of Madame Blavatsky's "chelas," or disciples, who relates: I was a pupil of H.P.B. before Mrs. Besant joined the T.S. and saw her expel one of her most gifted and valued workers from the Esoteric Section for

offences against the occult and moral law, similar to those with which Mr. Leadbeater's name has now been associated for nearly twenty years. H.P.B. was always extremely strict on this particular point, and many [my itals.] would-be aspirants for chelaship were refused on this one ground alone, while others who had been accepted "on probation" failed almost immediately afterwards.19 It would appear, then, that these deplorable proclivities are peculiarly prevalent amongst aspirants to Theosophical knowledge.20 Immorality is not something exclusively Theosophical. This is essential in all the dark heresies and Lodges because it comprises a part of the liturgical department. Usually no occultist gathering can succeed if orgies do not take place. The English socialist and author, Annie Beasant (1847-1933), who was a fanatical disciple of Blavatsky, also succeeded her.

Annie Beasant Beasant abandoned her Pastor husband as well as her children. She was implicated in the Atheist Movement of England and socialism. Indeed, she also co-wrote an atheistic book, The Freethinkers Textbook. Afterwards, for unknown reasons, she made a bolt towards Theosophy and became so dedicated with all her to the development/growth of its teachings based on the principles of Indian Buddhism. She also developed an astonishing activity in India. In 1898, she established the Theosophical School in Varanasi (Central Hindu College).21 She toured in

India and gave lectures. She co-wrote many books and surpassed Blavatsky in journalistic action. After Olcotts death in 1907, the Theosophical Convention that convened in Munich named her the Honorary President of the Theosophical Society. From that time, however, dissents arose between the Theosophical Lodges which ended in schism. And as it was shown, whatever the treasure of Theosophy that was allegedly comprised from announcements of a higher source, had actually been assembled by earthly elements. The splitting up was to result in Rudolf Steiner establishing the so-called Anthroposophy in Central Europe.

C.W. Leadbeater

C.W. Leadbeater was one of Beasants main colleagues. He was an occultist and initiated in Freemasonry. But, he advanced to the hardcore of FreemasonryTheosophy. However, the means and methods he used provoked the Theosophical Lodges against him. For many years, Beasant proclaimed the Messiah had come again to earth.22 Eventually, she found him in the person of Jiddu Krishnamurti.23 She wanted him to assert himself as the Messiah. However, this event defamed her more than anything else. She took Krishnamurti from a young age, she adopted him, and initiated him into the things of Theosophy. She paid for his studies at Oxford University and when he made his appearance in public as the Messiah, it was literally a contemporary publication\extradition of an EnglishIndian. Concerning this, Dr. Stanley Jones24 says he heard him blaspheme in perfect English. And yet, Beasant presented him as the expected Messiah who would come to help the coming New Under Race of Humanity. Indeed, Beasant established the so-called Order of the Star towards his honour. Krihnamurti was proclaimed the leader of this Order. Perhaps the reader will say these things are stupidities. They certainly are! But unfortunately these follies find people to follow them and they spend abundant amounts of money in order to move and grow. So, what mighty secret and flexible power financed Theosophy so it could move about and develop itself? I think around 1929 or so, Krishnamurti visited Athens to attract followers; the Theosophists brought him here. Anyways, in November 1931, Krishnamurti was at his Headquarters in California. He proclaimed (and it is towards his honour) that he was convinced he was not the Messiah! Since then he refused to be worshiped as the messiah. "I'm not an actor, he said. I refuse to wear Messiah dresses.

Beasant died in 1933, at the age of 86. Since then, the leadership of the Theosophists has passed definitively into the hands of various Hindus.

In 1879, four years after the Theosophical Society was founded, the first Theosophical Society was established in Corfu by Alexandro Rompote, Othona Alexandro and Demetri Sokole. As the years passed, other Theosophical Lodges were established throughout Greece. But the Theosophical Societys main activity in Greece began after 1923, when the B. Krimbas founded the Plato Lodge. Between 1929 and 1940 Kimon Prinaris was continually elected as President of the Theosophical Society. And after the polemic period, during which the Theosophical Societys operations had been suspended, Kostis Melissaropoulos was elected president. Kostis also started publishing the periodical ILISIA. This periodical is simultaneously an organ of the Masonic Lodge in Greece. As we mentioned earlier, the Theosophical Society became a registered association in 1946. This is the brief history of the Theosophists actions in Greece. However, it would be appropriate to mention that even the first Greek Masonic Lodge was established in Corfu and is still in existence. It is not difficult for anyone to understand the reason. Quite simply this is an shop directed by the same Trust! It seems that Blavatskys descent on Greece was based on the fact that with the first King of Greece, Ottos descent, numerous Bavarians came down with him. They comprised the first elite of that time. Bavaria is the cradle of the Luciferian enlightened Illuminati. If Otto was not an Illuminati member himself, then at least a number of people around him belonged to the enlightened. Blavatsky certainly descended upon Greece registered. The relatively rapid establishment of the Theosophical Society in Corfu verifies this. Though Otto had left, many Bavarians remained and did what they had to do to root the

enlightened Satanists ideas in Greece...The mere fact that Blavatsky had friendships and acquaintances with people like Karl Marx, Mazzini, Garibaldi, etc. once again testifies that the purposes of the Luciferians has always been both religious and political...


Theosophy existed previously. If we investigate old manuscripts, we find that already in 1612, the German "sage" Michael Maier writes about the activities of the mysterious Brotherhood of Rosicrucian Theosophist. From this it seems that Theosophy existed at that time and collaborated with Masonry. This is the first evidence for the black Masonry of the Rosicrucians and the Theosophists operated together and were unified. As our readers will remember, after Senator Kennedys murder, the international press reported his killer, Sirhan Sirhan, was a member of the Rosicrucian Lodge. Sirhans first task to relax in prison was seeking to read Blavatsky and Leadbeaters books!25 Few people know that the Theosophists-Rosicrucians-Masons comprise a consubstantial Trinity of Satan! This is why no foreign news agency reporting the assassination mentioned that Sirhan was a member of the Jehovahs gang and also a fanatical Theosophist and Rosicrucian. Not one detail was mentioned concerning these organizations to which Sirhan belonged. The same thing happens with the Theosophists and Rosicrucians as with the other secret Luciferian organizations. For many years, sometimes it comes to the surface and sometimes it disappears leaving no trace ... Yet, this does not mean they cease to act infernally!


"Theosophy" is the invention of The White Brotherhood which is located in the depths of Asia.

... The notorious magician, pseudo-monk and fanatical theosophist Rasputin, penetrated the Tsarist palace, converted the Tsaritsa and members of the Tsarist family, and destroyed the Russian Empire... Many years had to pass before it became known that there were Commanders in the Tsars palace who were fanatical Theosophists and carried out the orders of the White Brotherhood who were collaborating with international Zionism! Later the experiment was repeated in many countries and palaces. During subsequent years, the Luciferian Illuminati organization embraced Germanys military caste. This is also the reason why nowadays, German Princes and Princess and the German military continue to be fanatical Satanists and followers of magic, spiritism, Theosophy and Buddha! We will only cite a few examples on this issue: 1) The last Tsarina of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna (before her marriage, German Princess of Hesse, where she was born on May 5th, 1872) cherished such an admiration for Buddhism and the mysteries of Tibet and India. Alexandra introduced the Satanist, Theosophist and pseudo-monk Rasputin to the Russian Royal Court. Rasputin was half Russian (from father) and half Tibetan (from mother). Rasputin also came to Greece in 1905 and went to Mount Athos. This protection of the Tasritsa later became the reason to destroy the Russian Empire from the foundations. It was later discovered that Rasputin was not only a Satanist and warlock, but also an agent of German Intelligence. In fact, this is also the reason through which Prince Felix Yusupov and Grand Duke Dmitri26 executed him. We have learnt from exploring the secret archives and reports of Foreign Services around the Tsar family murder Tsarina Alexander Feodorovna was in the habit of putting a swastika everywhere for "Luck" as well as writing Kabbalistic "protection" signs. These things were also found on the walls of her rooms at the Ipatiev House in

Yekaterinburg. As is known, this is where the entire Tsar family was executed by Jewish Communists.

Lines adapted from the German-Jewish poet Heinrich Heine (1797-1856) were found written on the wall, by the window, in the basement of the Ipatiev House, where the Romanovs were shot and bayoneted. The distich reads: "Belsatzar ward in selbiger Nacht / Von seinen Knechten umgebracht," "Belsatzar was, on the same night, killed by his slaves." Belshazzar -- the Gentile king of Babylon who, in the well-known Old Testament story, saw "the writing on the wall" foretelling his destruction (Daniel 5) -- was killed as punishment for his offenses against Israel's God. In a clever play on the Heine quotation, the unknown writer, almost certainly one of the killers, has substituted "Belsatzar" for Heine's spelling "Belsazar," in order to signal even more clearly his intended symbolism. The Heine inscription described the racial/ethnic character of the murders: A Gentile king had just been killed as an act of Jewish retribution. There is evidence that the murders were ritualistic. Thus strange cabbalistic symbols were found on the walls of the room where the crime took place which have been deciphered to mean: "Here was wounded in the heart the head of the Church, the people and the state", or: "Here, by order of the secret powers, the Tsar was offered as a sacrifice for the destruction of the state. Let all peoples be informed of this."

But there is another unsolved mystery in the entire situation of the Russian tragedy: immediately after the overthrow of Tsar Nicholas II by Kerenskys Government, 1000 ruble banknotes were placed into circulation. These banknotes had the double-headed eagle, which was now stripped of the crosses and 3 crowns. There was also some mysterious hand engraving a huge swastika on the plates of the bank.27

1000 Rubles, 1917 Empire of Russia - provisional government

2) There are many dark signs throughout the entire Russian Revolution. One of them being: How many people knew that Alexander Kerensky (Russian Jew)the former Prime Minister of the Russian Provisional Government who overthrew Tsar Nicholas and who died at a very old age in the U.S.had close family relationships and friendships with the Lenin family?28 Perhaps this is also the reason why Kerensky managed to escape through the Military Academies, where he had sought refuge from the Bolsheviks. He fled from there disguised as a common woman, leaving behind the Academys who were all slaughtered down to the last man! Either he was really lucky and managed to reach America alive or everything happened according to a prescribed plan? 3) As a third example we will mention the late grandmother of king of Belgium, known as the "Red Queen" Elizabeth (a German princess from Bavaria). She became cause of so many headaches it came through Belgian Royal Court when she was alive. She passionately occupied herself with occultism, spiritism and Buddhism. She had repeatedly visited the various dens of Buddha, rendering all honours and lighting the relevant devotional candles barefoot! Simultaneously, she was engaged with politics. After World War II, she visited Mao Tse-tung, Joseph Stalin and other chiefs of the Eastern bloc. In December 1956, she received official hospitality in the Kremlin!

I think these few examples will be enough for our readers to understand the cause of many German blue-bloods "innate" love towards the occult, Satanism and Buddhism. They will also understand why the destroyer of Europe, Hitler had chosen the accursed symbol of Hindu magiciansthe swastika--as "national symbols" of Germany. (Note: The fact that the Theosophists included the swastika in their official flag is no coincidence!) The Illuminatithe Satanists of Germanyare the White Brotherhoods bridgehead inside Europe. Recently there has been much sensation that Buddhism is a very meek and humanitarian religion, etc.! Time and space does not allow us to expand or comment much on this. But as I was found with the red Lamas and asked them, Why does the Buddha always have pointed ears? They gave me the answer that was necessary. However, let our readers ask the same question. This White Brotherhood are the Illuminati; the ancestors of todays Theosophy.


During the last 55 years, within the hundreds of books published concerning the destructive activity of the pseudo-Starets, Satanist and Theosophist, Grigori Rasputin, the mysterious Tibetan physician, Dr. Badmaev is almost always mentioned. Dr. Badmaev not only practised the medical profession, he also had his own pharmacythe only one of its kind because it had Tibetan medicines. Indeed there were many people from the aristocracy amongst the regular patients (such as the famous spiritists and Satanists, Grand Duchess Milicia29 and Princess Anastasia-Stana,30 daughters of King Nicholas I of Montenegro, who had been married to Russian Grand Dukes). As we have already mentioned, the White Brotherhood comprises the strongest and hardest core of black Masonry. In the recent past, this Brotherhood has operated in the periphery of the Himalayas. However, part of this Brotherhood was transferred to Switzerland, where it has since then

directed all other frontal organizations such as the Rosicrucians, the World 'Inter-Orthodox' Centre, the Rotary Club, and every other known satanic hodgepodge. Another small proportion of the White Brotherhood has long been installed in India (Adyar) and the infamous San Jose, California. But the most important White Brotherhood center had been installed in the Soviet Union; with personal order of Josph Stalin himself before WWII.31 The White Brotherhood staffwhich closely directs the atheist struggle throughout the worldhas settled near a secret and strictly forbidden area, protected from the Baikal Highway. Officially, this Luciferian cavern is called Centre of Indo-Tibetan Medicine! But all fear to utter this name. Its a group of huge underground buildings, dozens of meters below the roots of the Siberian forests, and despite Lake Baikals shores, Satanic weapons are forged. In great secrecy, they have collected the Black Magic bible texts there. These were written in the 6th century BC in the Sanskrit language. Later, they were translated into a Mongolian dialect which only 13-14 people understand today as it is a dead language. A few years ago, the Soviet Secret services had unleashed the largest known manhunt to find people who understood this dialect. Eventually nine people, mostly very old, were arrested and secretly transferred to these Centre of Indo-Tibetan Medicine, where they either worked for the Red Kremlin account or more correctly they cooperated to achieve common goals. But the Soviet Secret Services constantly research in order to find other known secret books of the White Brotherhood because is not the only one. There are other books which are located in the Dalai Lamas capital, Lhasa, and were secretly moved to India, England, America, Denmark and other countries during Tibets takeover by Communist China. Two articles on this issue have been published in the newspaper Ta Nea (January 26 and 27, 1972) entitled The Ancient Enigma of and Secret Tibetan Medicine Comes to Light!

Naturally, few people know that this Occult Medicine is also accompanied by demonic invocations and are very precious to Satanist ceremonies of religious orgies!32


The creation of Womens Masonry and the introduction of spiritism to American Masonic Lodgeswhich originally followed the so-called Scottish Ritewere not the main point of success in Blavatskys mission. Her biggest success was laying the foundation for Union!

a) The Union of all the Dark Powers. Firstly they sought the union of all Masons, Luciferians, occultists, magicians, and spiritists into a single, omnipotent global center. b) The Union of Empires into a Super-Government. The next step would be the formation of a global super-government to which all the nations would be subject to. We see the attempt to attain these objectives in the League of Nations and the now operating United Nations.33 But despite all the trumpeting, the League of Nations and the UN werent nor are in a position to forestall or enforce the complete cessation of wars. The tragic-comical evidence of this is that the day the League of Nations examined stationary supplies, the Second World War was declared!34 Also, if someone examines how many wars have taken place from the time these two organizations started, hed be persuaded that indeed both the aforementioned organizations are useless. Today the war in Vietnam, the Middle East, Africa and in other parts of the world continue despite the UNs existence. With thousands of Eastern Bloc ambassadors, the UN has probably been reduced to a lair of the almighty Soviet official espionage on American soil. The leaders of the UN have been Masons, Luciferians or agents of international communism from the time of its creation until today.

It is no secret that U Nu, who is in close contact with the White Brotherhood, temporarily moved his headquarters from Tibet to the foothills of the Himalayas! Therefore not even the UN is in a position to prevent the Third World War, even if the worldwide Luciferian staff, Gahal, would decide. c) The Union of all religions into a united, accursed MRA, which the Primate of Rome is trying to actualize. And so what did the notorious C.W. Leadbeater say in his book, Ancient Mystic Rites and Freemasonry: [The student of the occult learns]...the world is ruled, under the will of the Most High, by a Brotherhood of Adepts who have Themselves attained divine union, but remain on earth to guide humanity; that all the great religions of the world were founded by Them, according to the needs of the races for which they were intended, and that with these religions there have been schools of the Mysteries to offer those who are ready a swifter path of unfoldment with greater knowledge and opportunities for service; that this Path is divided into steps and degrees: the probationary Path or the Lower Mysteries, wherein the candidates are prepared for discipleship, and the Path proper, or the Greater Mysteries, in which are conferred within the Great White Lodge itself five great Initiations, which lead the disciple from the life of earth to the life of adeptship in God, to become a living flames, as it is said, for the lighting of the world.35 On page 73, Leadbeater tells us: White Masonry [=33rd Degree]...The 33rd Degree links the Sovereign Grand Inspector general with the Spiritual King of the World Himselfthat Mighty Adept who stands at the head of the Great White Lodge, and in whose strong hands lie the destinies of earthand awakens the powers of the triple spirit as far as these can as yet be awakened.36 So we are informed by Theosophys Pope himself, the infamous Leadbeater, that the union of the leaders of all religions has already taken place in the context of the Great White Lodge, where the leaders

of all religionsnot excluding the Popeare directly in contact with the Spiritual King of the World!

Come with me noetically to India almost 25 years ago. There one morning, while chatting with an old Satanist, I heard the following, which surely very few followers know outside of here. Heres what he told me: When Turkey was in danger of being completely occupied by the accursed Greeks, we decided to do our utmost to help Mustafa Kemal Pasha ... Well we sent him plenty of money, people and the written blessing of our White Brotherhood in order to give him victory against our mortal enemy! Nesta H. Webster writes: Still further east in Europe the lodges, though revolutionary, instead of following the International Socialist line of Hungarian Freemasonry, exhibited a political and nationalist character. The Young Turk movement originated in the masonic lodges of Salonica under the direction of the Grand Orient of Italy, which later contributed to the success of Mustapha Kemal. Moreover, as we approach the Near East, cradle of the masonic system, we find the Semitic influence not only of the Jews but of other Semite races directing the lodges. In Turkey, in Egypt, in Syria now, as a thousand years ago, the same secret societies which inspired the Templars have never ceased to exist, and in this mingling of the East and West it is possible that the Grand Orient may draw reinforcement from those sources whence it drew its system and its name.38 Kemalthe son of a Crypto-Jewish customs official in Thessaloniki and a Turkish Albanianwas a Satanist, a Mason and a Theosophist; he belonged to the Grand Orient Lodge!39 This is why he escaped from all dangers and was blatantly promoted and supported by all the enemies of the Greek nation. As the Jewish Satanist Eliphas Levi40 confesses: In the early years, an offshoot of the "Gnostics" began to use not only black magic rituals and orgies, but also to worship a likeness of the devil in the form of a snake biting

its tail coiled in a circle, in the midst of which was the inscription in the ancient Greek language God-serpent-. From this inscription Satans followers named themselves with a password to mislead others.41 They themselves had proclaimed Dathan and Abiram (Sodom and Gomorrah) as well as Cain and Judas Iscariot as their saints and protagonists rebelling against the work of the Creator.

Many of the leaders of the New Age movement, I am convinced, know exactly what they are doing and who they are in touch with (demonic spirits). Many of the occult initiates directly under these leaders, on the other hand, might not be aware of the actual Lucifer worship going on at the top. They must, however, realize that the techniques and rituals, which they are practicing, relate to the occult. A majority of New Agers, I believe, fall into neither of these categories. They operate along the fringes of the movement, naively unaware of what they are involved in. Such individuals may have become associated with the movement because of one or more shared beliefs or practices such as an obsession with the environment, holistic health, world peace, the practice of Transcendental Meditation, yoga, or other forms of occult meditation. I sympathize with these people, as they have been drawn into the movement unwittingly. Traditionally, the Theosophical Society has been at the forefront of the movement, playing an important role in conditioning humanity to accept the New World Order. The organization has produced many of the most widely read occult classics, such as The Destiny of the Nations, The Reappearance of the Christ, Discipleship of the New Age, and The Secret Doctrine, written by the society's founder, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. On page 53 of The Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky quotes Milton's Paradise Lost in reference to the "Fallen One" or Satan, stating, "Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven!" On the same page, she declares, "Better be man, the crown

of terrestrial production, and king over its opus operatum, than be lost among the will-less Spiritual Hosts in Heaven."2 On page 76 of The Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky, referring to Lucifer, states,"... it is this grandest of Ideals, this ever-living symbol-nay apotheosis-of selfsacrifice for the intellectual independence of humanity..." She continues in the same section by approvingly quoting Eliphas Levi as follows: It (Satan) is that Angel who was proud enough to believe himself God; brave enough to buy his independence at the price of eternal suffering and torture; beautiful enough to have adored himself in full divine light; strong enough to still reign in darkness amidst agony, and to have made himself a throne out of this inextinguishable pyre ... the prince of anarchy, served by a hierarchy of pure spirits.3 I could continue, but it gets even worse. Some of the results of The Secret Doctrine have already been witnessed, as the book strongly influenced Hitler.4 Blavatsky clearly understood that there is a God and had clearly chosen to rebel against Him, taking the side of Lucifer. Her position was again confirmed when she decided to publish a magazine entitled Lucifer, which was in circulation for a short time before succumbing to public pressure and shutting down.5 Another leader of the Theosophical Society, Alice Bailey, would establish The Lucifer Press for the purpose of printing and distributing the society's literature (This was around 1920.) Due to public outrage, however, the name was soon changed to Lucis Press, Ltd. Until a couple of years ago, Lucis Trust, the parent organization, was appropriately headquartered at United Nations Plaza in New York. It has over six thousand members and is among the many foundations sponsoring the one-world movement.6 Some of the Luciferic organizations established by the Theosophical network of Bailey and Lucis Trust include the Arcane Schools (of New York, London, Geneva, and Buenos Aires); the Triangles; and World Goodwill-all founded during the 1920s and 30s. The Arcane Schools are special training centers that place a person on the fast track for service within the high level network of the New Age movement Lucis Trust's Triangles program is another way in which the organization helps to promote the New World Order. The Triangles consist of hundreds of

meditation groups of three people who simultaneously imagine triangles of light as they recite the Great Invocation for the return of "the Christ" (the Antichrist).7 World Goodwill, on the other hand, is composed of individuals who are collectively referred to as the "New Group of World Servers," founded in 1933 and purposed to distribute literature worldwide promoting theosophy's Luciferic views. In 1961, this group was joined with another occult organization calling itself World Union8, which is today heavily involved in the politics of planning and implementing the world government. A number of the most powerful New Age organizations, such as Lucis Trust and World Union, are well connected with the one-world political societies and feed directly into the World Constitution and Parliament Association, the organization charged with the task of actually bringing us into the New World Order.

NOTES 1) The Theosophist, Vol. 75, No.6, Page ii. 2) The Taklamakan Desert is a desert in Central Asia, in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China. It is the world's 17th largest desert. It is bounded by the Kunlu Mountains to the south, and the desert Pamir Mountains and Tian Shan (ancient Mount Imeon) to the west and north (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taklamakan_Desert). 3) Gahal (an acronym for Gush Herut-Liberalim (lit. Herut-Liberals Bloc) was the major right-wing political faction in Israel led by Menachem Begin from its founding in 1965 until it merged into Likud in 1973. http://www.knesset.gov.il/faction/eng/FactionPage_eng.asp?PG=68 ...Many years had to pass before the world learned that the Global Staff of Satanists was comprised of 300 people and called [Gahal] which means Headquarters in the secret Chaldeo-Hebrew dialect. It appears that the Hebrew word Kechillach or Gachelwhich means local headquarters proceeds from this word. However, this is called Sanhedrin mainly in Palestine. (Vasilopoulos, Arch. Haralambos, Ecumenism Without a Mask, Orthodox typos, Athens, 1988, pp. 93-94). 4) http://www.archive.org/details/hpblavatskyherli00clearich (Thacker, Spink & Co., Calcutta, 1922) 5) Gahal (an acronym for Gush Herut-Liberalim (lit. Herut-Liberals Bloc) was the major right-wing political faction in Israel led by Menachem Begin from its founding in 1965 until it merged into Likud in 1973. http://www.knesset.gov.il/faction/eng/FactionPage_eng.asp?PG=68 6) Chennai, formerly known as Madras or Madarasapatinam is the capital city of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, located on the Coromandel Coast of the Bay of Bengal. 7) Blavatsky's sister Vera Zhelikhovsky was a writer of occult/fantastic fiction.

8) The journal was first published by Blavatsky. From 1889 until Blavatsky's death in May 1891 Annie Besant was a co-editor. Besant then published the journal until September 1895, when George Robert Stowe Mead became a co-editor. The journal appeared twelve times a year and was 50 to 60 pages long. The last of twenty volumes was published in August 1897. More than 2800 articles were published in this journal between 1887 and 1897. Then the journal was renamed to The Theosophical Review. The journal published articles on philosophical, theosophical, scientific and religious topics. There were also book reviews (e.g. of Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra). http://www.blavatskyarchives.com/luciferreprints.htm 9) Dr. Bataile, Le diable au XIX siecle, (The Devil in the 19th Century) p. 360, Read also "Occult Theocracy" p. 223. 10) Don Bell Report, February 14th, 1958 11) Ren Gunon, Theosophism: history of a pseudo-religion (1921). This work was not published in English until 2003, when it appeared under the title Theosophy: History of a Pseudo-Religion. This translation is not entirely accurate. The original French title refers not to theosophy (thosophie) but theosophism (thosophisme), a word coined by Gunon to suggest that Blavatskys Theosophy had nothing to do with genuine theosophy as practiced by the Western esoteric traditions but was a counterfeit, and a dangerous one at that. 12) S.E. Brown, Modern Religions, p. 70 13) Books in Wolfstiegs list refer to the Order as the only true and genuine Freemasonry (die einzigue wahre und echte Freimaurerei). 14) Clavel, Histoire pittoresque, etc., p. 167 15) The Baron de Gleichen, in describing the Convulsionists, says that young women allowed themselves to be crucified, sometimes head downwards, at these meetings of the fanatics. He himself saw one nailed to the floor and her tongue cut with a razor (Souvenirs da Baron de Gleichen, p. 185). 16) Barruel, Memoires sur le Jacobinisme, IV, 263. 17) Nos of January 11 to March 22, 1923.

18) A.L. Cleather, H.P. Blavatskys Great Betrayal, p. 69 (Thatcher, Spink & Co., Calcutta, 1922) 19) Nesta Webster, Secret Societies & Subversive Movements, pp. 170, 306. 20) The Banaras Hindu University started functioning from October 1st, 1917 with the Central Hundu College as its first constitutional college. 21) Besant had started commenting on the possible imminent arrival of the next "emissary" in 1896, several years before her assumption of the Society's presidency in 1907. By 1909 the "coming" Teacher was a main topic of her lectures and writings. 22) In 1909, soon after Besant's inheritance of the presidency, Leadbeater "discovered" fourteen-year-old Jiddu Krishnamurti on the private beach attached to the Theosophical Society's headquarters at Adyar. Krishnamurti had been living next to the headquarters with his father and brothers for a few months prior to this. The "discovery" started years of upheaval in the Theosophical Society, as the boy was proclaimed to be the likely "vehicle" for the expected World Teacher. Jiddu Krishnamurti and his younger brother Nityananda ("Nitya") were brought up by Theosophists from that moment on, and Krishnamurti was extensively groomed for his future "mission" as the new Christ-incarnate. The boys were soon placed under the legal guardianship of Besant, following a protracted legal battle with their father. Early in their relationship, Krishnamurti and Besant had developed a very close bond and he considered her a surrogate mother - a role she happily accepted. (His biological mother had died when he was ten years old). In 1929, twenty years after his "discovery", Krishnamurti, who had grown disenchanted with the whole "World Teacher Project", repudiated the role that the leadership of the Society and many Theosophists expected him to fulfill. He denounced the concept of saviors, leaders, and spiritual teachers, and severed his ties with Theosophy. He spent the rest of his life holding dialogues and giving public talks around the world as an unaffiliated individual speaker, becoming in the process widely known as an original, independent thinker on philosophical, psychological, and spiritual subjects. However, his love for Besant never waned, as also was the case with

Besant's feelings towards him; concerned for his wellbeing after he declared his independence, she had purchased 6 acres (24,000 m2) of land near the Theosophical Society estate which later became the headquarters of the Krishnamurti Foundation India. 23) A Christian missionary to India. 24) On June 5, 1968, Sirhan fired a .22 caliber Iver-Johnson Cadet revolver at Senator Robert Kennedy and the crowd surrounding him in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles shortly after Kennedy had finished addressing supporters in the hotel's main ballroom. George Plimpton, Rosey Grier, author Pete Hamill, and 1960 Olympic gold medalist Rafer Johnson were among several men who subdued and disarmed Sirhan after a lengthy struggle. Kennedy was shot three times, once in the head and twice in the back, with a fourth bullet passing through his jacket, and died nearly 26 hours later. Five other people at the party were also shot, but all five recovered: Paul Schrade, an official with the United Automobile Workers union; William Weisel, an ABC TV unit manager; Ira Goldstein, a reporter with the Continental News Service; Elizabeth Evans, a friend of Pierre Salinger, one of Kennedy's campaign aides; and Irwin Stroll, a teenaged Kennedy volunteer A parole hearing for Sirhan is now scheduled every five years. On March 2, 2011, after 42 years in prison, Sirhan's 14th parole hearing was held, with Sirhan represented by his current attorney, William Francis Pepper. At his parole hearing, Sirhan testified that he continues to have no memory of the assassination nor of any details of his 1969 trial and confession. Pepper also repeated the claim, that Sirhan's lawyers previously stated in the past, that Sirhan's mind was "programmed" and then "wiped" by an unknown conspiracy behind the assassination which is why Sirhan has no memory of the murder or of the aftermath. His parole was denied on the grounds that Sirhan still does not understand the full ramifications of his crime. 25) The second child and son of Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich and a grandson of Alexander II of Russia; thus, he was a first cousin of Nicholas II of Russia. Dmitri Pavlovich's mother, Alexandra Georgievna of Greece was a daughter of George I of Greece and his Queen consort, Olga Konstantinovna of Russia. As such, he was also

a first cousin of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Dmitri and his sister Maria were mostly raised by their uncle and aunt, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich of Russia and his wife, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna, the elder sister of Tsarina Alexandra. 26) After 1917, socialism was imposed in Russia when the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was formed after the Russian Revolution of 1917, and the Russian Civil War of 1918-1920. The propaganda machinary introduced a new symbol for the new government: the swastika. http://rexcurry.net/ussr-socialist-swastika-cccp-sssr.html The Soviet swastika was so popular that paper money printed with the dates 1917 and 1918 carried large swastikas in the center of the bills (on denominations of 250, 1000, 5000, & 10,000). Three of the denominations bore three separate swastikas across the front (the 250 denomination bore one swastika). The Soviet swastika notes continued to be issued after the 1917 revolution(s). http://rexcurry.net/ussr-socialist-swastika1917-1000b.JPG 27) Kerensky's father was the headmaster of Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin) at a secondary school for boys in Simbirsk, and members of the Kerensky and Ulyanov families were friends. 28) Milica and her sister, Anastasia, were invited by Alexander III of Russia to be educated at the Russian Smolny Institute, which was a school for "noble maids". Both sisters were socially very influential at the Russian Imperial Court. Nicknamed jointly "the black peril", they were interested in the occult. They are discredited with introducing first a charlatan mystic named Philippe Nizier-Vashod (usually referred to merely as "Philippe"), and then (with graver consequences) Grigori Rasputin to the Imperial family. Milica was the wife of Grand Duke Peter Nikolaevich of Russia, the younger brother of Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich of Russia, whose wife was Milica's sister, Anastasia. 29) Through her second marriage, she became Grand Duchess Anastasia Nicholaievna Romanova of Russia. The marriage was childless. Both her husbands were grandsons of Emperor Nicholas I of Russia (1796 1855): the first one through a mixed line, and the second one through a direct male line. She and her sister "Militza" (Princess Milica), having married Russian royal brothers, were known colloquially as the "Montenegrin princesses" during the last days of Imperial Russia, and may have

contributed to its downfall by the introduction of Grigori Rasputin to the Empress Alexandra.

30) It was Joseph Stalin who stated, "... the amalgamation and
collaboration of nations within a single world system of economy constitutes the material basis for the victory of socialism." (Speech at Sverdlov University in April 1924 in which the mass murderer and dictator of the Soviet Empire anticipated the nature of the coming World Socialist Government, which will be a synthesis of Western Capitalism and Eastern Communism. This is being achieved by a massive social engineering effort whereby the West is being changed and conditioning such that it will be easily merged with Communism). 31) http://www.nytimes.com/1981/01/11/magazine/exploring-themysteries-of-tibetan-medicine.html http://www.globaltimes.cn/china/society/2010-11/593924.html http://www.men-tsee-khang.org/Istatus/establish.htm 32) "The League of Nations is a Jewish idea. We created it after a fight of 25 years. Jerusalem will one day become the Capital of World Peace."-Nahum Sokolow, during the Zionist Congress at Carlsbad (1922). "[We must strive to make The League of Nations] an international tool for Freemasonry."-Grand Orient of France decree (1924). http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_un04.ht m 33) After a number of notable successes and some early failures in the 1920s, the League ultimately proved incapable of preventing aggression by the Axis powers in the 1930s. Germany withdrew from the League, as did Japan, Italy, Spain and others. The onset of World War II showed that the League had failed its primary purpose, which was to prevent any future world war. The final meeting of the League of Nations was held on 12 April 1946 in Geneva. Delegates from 34 nations attended the assembly. This session concerned itself with liquidating the League: assets worth

approximately US$22,000,000 in 1946, including the Palace of Peace and the League's archives, were given to the UN, reserve funds were returned to the nations that had supplied them, and the debts of the League were settled. 34) Pp. 12-13. This book, originally written in 1926, is an in depth study of the rites of the Mystery schools of ancient Egypt, Greece and Judea from the middle ages to the 20th century - and shows how these ancient rites have since emerged in this century as Freemasonry. Based on his vast knowledge of the esoteric and almost every Masonic record available to the historian at the time, Leadbeater relates little known facts about the Mystery schools and their practices and beliefs - the origins of these schools are now for the most part lost in the mists of antiquity. 35) Ibid. P. 73. 36) Webster, Nesta H., Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, p. 284. 37) Hillel Halkin, the respected New York native turned Israeli journalist who is a regular in Commentary and a columnist for the Jerusalem Post and the New York Sun, thinks so. In a January 28, 1994 article in New York's Forward, a Jewish newspaper, entitled "When Kemal Ataturk Recited Shema Yisrael: 'It's My Secret Prayer, Too,' He Confessed," Halkin wrote: Stories about the Jewishness of Ataturk, whose statue stands in the main square of every town and city in Turkey, already circulated in his lifetime but were denied by him and his family and never taken seriously by biographers. Of six biographies of him that I consulted this week, none even mentions such a speculation. The only scholarly reference to it in print that I could find was in the entry on Ataturk in the Israeli Entsiklopedya ha-Ivrit, which begins: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk - (1881-1938), Turkish general and statesman and founder of the modern Turkish state. Mustafa Kemal was born to the family of a minor customs clerk in Salonika and lost his father when he was young. There is no proof of the belief, widespread among both Jews and Muslims in Turkey that his family came from the Doenme. As a boy he rebelled against his mother's desire to give him a traditional religious education, and at the age of 12 he was sent at his demand to study in a military academy."

The Doenme were an underground sect of Sabbetaians, Turkish Jews who took Muslim names and outwardly behaved like Muslims but secretly believed in Sabbetai Zevi, the 17th-century false messiah, and conducted carefully guarded prayers and rituals in his name. 38) http://www.scribd.com/doc/73090804/Was-Kemel-a-Freemason 39) Eliphas Levi (1810 - 1875) The pseudonym of Alphonse Louis Constant, a French occultist who was largely responsible for the revival of interest in magic in the 19th century. He had a deep impact on the magic of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and later on the ex-Golden Dawn member Aleister Crowley. He was also the first to declare that a pentagram or fivepointed star with one point down and two points up represents evil, while a pentagram with one point up and two points down represents good. It was largely through the occultists inspired by him that Lvi is remembered as one of the key founders of the 20th century revival of magic. Bro. Henry R. Evans, Litt. D. writes: IN THE LIBRARY left by Albert Pike are a number of books on the occult, by "Eliphas Levi" (Alphonse Louis Constant), which in the seventies were not translated into English. Levi was, perhaps, the greatest of French mystics and Cabalists. General Pike borrowed considerably from Levi in his degrees of "Knight of the Sun" and "Prince of the Royal Secret." The Doctrine of the Balance, which Pike elucidates in the latter degree, is obscurely hinted at in the Zohar. Levi, in his interpretation of the Cabala, says that "the science of equilibrium is the key of occult science. Unbalanced forces perish in the void." Albert Pike magnificently illustrates the Mystery of the Balance in his Morals and Dogma (pp. 838- 61). The Mystery of the Balance is the secret of the Universal Equilibrium which exists in the universe between conflicting energies and forces, whether they be mental or physical. Says Pike: "Sympathy and Antipathy, Attraction and Repulsion, are contraries in the souls of men and in the universe of spheres and worlds; and from the action and opposition of each against the other result Harmony and that movement which is the Life of the Universe and the Soul alike." (This article appeared in The Master Mason May 1925 http://www.themasonictrowel.com/Articles/General/about_individual _files/albert_pike_mystic.htm ).

40) Theosophy in Greek is . In English this would seem to be a compound of Theos=God and Sophia=Wisdom. Theosophy actually originates from the compound ---Theos=God and Ophis=Serpent or Snake and not Gods Wisdom .


1) This Appendix was taken from Kah, Gary, En Route to Global Occupation, 1996, pp. 76-77 2) John Steinbacker, Senator Robert Francis KennedyThe Man, the Mysticism, the Murder (Los Angeles: Impact Publishers, 1968), 29. 3) Ibid., 29-31. 4) Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, 2d ed., s.v. "Thule Society," and Joseph J. Carr, The Twisted Cross (Lafayette, LA: Huntington House, 1985), 107, 109. 5) Steinbacher, Senator Robert Francis Kennedy, 30. 6) Christian Warner, "World Dictatorship and the New Age Movement," Newswatch Magazine (September 1986): 26. 7) Ibid., 13. 8) Steinbacher, Senator Robert Francis Kennedy, 12.

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