Sample Lifting Plan and Rigging Study
Sample Lifting Plan and Rigging Study
Sample Lifting Plan and Rigging Study
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Have obstructions been identified in the lift path and swing path?
Can the outriggers be deployed as per manufacturers load chart requirements? Can rigging personnel safely control and manipulate the load throughout the lifting path? Are the cranes operational safety alarms functioning properly? Has a drawing showing the elevation of the crane during the lift as well as all clearances been developed (boom to load, and load to other obstructions)? Have all repairs or modifications to the crane been made in accordance with manufacturers written instructions, and are they so certified? Has the agreed nondestructive examination (NDE) of crane components been done and documented? Is the correct crane load chart for current lift conditions in the cab? Is there adequate headroom to ensure that the manufacturers minimum allowable two-block distance is maintained for the configuration of the reeve used? How was the weight determined when developing the lift plan? Has any contingency been added to calculated weights? Has an accurate load weight determination been made before the lift to confirm calculated weight? Has all the rigging hardware been included in the weight calculations? What are the maximum loads per unit area imposed by the cranes on the soil/facility floor? Is the soil-bearing capacity adequate to safely support crane loads?
Is there enough clearance between the load and the lifting lug/pad eye to get the nut on the shackle pin? Is there enough clearance between wire rope slings and equipment present on load skid?
Load Manifest
Description Vessel Dry Weight Lifting accessories weight Liquid weight Total Weight 10 % Contingency Total Weight to be lifted Unit Weight Kg (s)
Lift Path
Boom Length: Work Radius: Boom angle (worst case): Boom to Vessel Clearance:
Rigging Gear Detail Description 10 ton SWL, Soft eye wire rope sling, 30 ft length 17 t SWL Crosby bow shackles 40 ton SWL tubular spreader beam Hook Block Whip line weight 15 t SWL wire rope sling, length 5 ft 8.5 ton SWL Crosby bow shackles Hook Block Weight Total Weight of lifting accessories Unit Weight Kg (s) Quantity Total Weight (KGS)
Load description
Distance, M
Distance, N Weight, W
Sample Calculation: Weight of Load = 40000 kg Distance M = 1.2 m Reaction R1 = ? Distance N = 2.5 m Reaction R2 = ? We know that Moment = Force X distance And , clockwise moment = anti clock wise moment And, Upward Force = Downward Forces Taking moment at R1 ; Clockwise moment = anti clockwise moment W X M = R2 X (M+N) R2 = (W X M) / (M+N) R2 = ( 40000 X 1.2 ) / ( 1.2 + 2.5 ) R2 = 16000 kg Upward forces = Downward forces W = R1 + R2 R1= W R2 = 40000 16000 = 24000 kg
Sandy Clay
Silt Clay
2000 psf
2000 psf
Sample Calculation: Soil Type : Sandy Gravel 1 kN = 1000 N = 100 kg Mass of Crane = 55000 kgs or 550 KN Mass of Load = 15000 kgs or 150 KN Area of Cribbage = 0.65 X (550+150) / 239.4 Area of Cribbage = 1.9 m or (1.37 m by 1.37 m) or ( 4.5 ft by 4.5 ft )