Jazzmass 1
Jazzmass 1
Jazzmass 1
tingesseemed the perfect liturgy for a new post-Vatican II Catholicism, an ebullient departure from stiff, musty Eurocentrism. But many clerics Williams approached expressed serious reservations. Church leaders in both Rome and New York repeatedly offered to stage recitals of the piece, but declined to accept it as a setting for the Mass. Doggedly undeterred, Williams approached New York's Cardinal Terrence Cooke (she would later recount chasing him across the campus of Fordham University), who assented, hoping such a move could help draw young people back to the church. In February 1975, "Mary Lou's Mass" was finally celebrated, and Williams left St. Patrick's in raptures. This breakthrough did not, however, mark the dawn of a new era. Williams's repeated attempts to have her composition performed as a Mass in the Vatican were unsuccessful and thirty-seven years later jazz remains, at the very best, on the periphery of liturgical music in America. This fact needs some explaining, because, as Williams always insisted, jazz is the only serious art form created exclusively in America. And it is indeed serious art; the highest achievements of jazz belong to the first tier of great Western music. So why hasn't jazz found a more central place in the liturgical life of the Catholic Church in America?
Williams herself chalked it up to racial or cultural preju- or Coltrane's. Jazz that lacks this personality feels stilted and dice. Church leaders, she believed, thought ofjazz as "pagan contrived; it is not, in other words, great jazz. Insofar as jazz music" and were not willing to grant blacks a prominent invites participation at all, it is of a passive spiritual sort, place in the church. She was right to be frustrated. While and it is a very serious question whether such participation many church leaders balked at the idea of a jazz liturgy, is ideal for a communal celebration like the Mass. they generally failed to provide good, principled reasons for Moreover, jazz is finally a humanistic art. Its grandeur their reticence. The church's lies in exploring the tragedies, overall response to her artistic triumphs, and spiritual longofferings was inarticulate and ings of human life. By way evasiveas if it were self-evof contrast, the composiident that bongo drums and At its best, jazz is always tions of Bach or Palestrina, Catholicism were mutually or the contemporary Estonian individual and personal. exclusive. composer Arvo Part, aspire There are defensible reaWe are moved not so much to touch the hem of great sons for this exclusion, even if religious mysteries, to limn by the composition of few churchmen of Williams's in sound a shadow of tranday were willing or able to "My Funny Valentine" as by scendence. These works fit articulate them. Briefly put, with the Catechism's underthe5pontaneous, particular, a great jazz performer like standing of sacred art, whose Mary Lou Williams is an irreplaceable overflow of feeling task is "evoking and glorifyexemplary specimen of the ing, in faith and adoration, in the performances of Miles artist as heroic individual. the transcendent mystery of This individualism is not of Davis, Mary Lou Williams, or God." Very little modern the isolating sort bemoaned art fits this description, and John Coltrane. by all serious observers of neither does the music of America since Tocqueville, Mary Lou Williams. What but rather a more romantic Williams accomplishes is to and ultimately communal open her soul to the listener, sort. Joseph Conrad, in his celebrated preface to The Nig- offering spiritual friendship; the final goal is interpersonal ger ofthe Narcissus, put forth a vision of the artist as one who communion, not communion with the divine. It is a music descends to the "lonely region" within himself, in order to of earth, not of heaven. study and then speak to one of this negates the greatness of jazz as an art our capacity for delight and wonder, to the sense of mystery form, or the real affinity that exists between the surrounding our lives; to our sense of pity, and beauty, and Catholic vision of reality and the profound, searchpain; to the latent feeling of fellowship with all creation ing, spiritually hungry creations of Mary Lou Williams. and to the subtle but invincible conviction of solidarity What's more, such affinity can and should open the door that knits together the loneliness of innumerable hearts: to to real friendship and collaboration. In 2009 Pope Benedict the solidarity in dreams, in joy, in sorrow, in aspirations, in XVI invited a group of prominent contemporary artists to the Ulusions, in hope, in fear, which binds men to each other, Sistine Chapel and, quoting Pope Paul VI, told them, "We which binds together all humanity. need your collaboration in order to carry out our ministry, which consists, as you know, in preaching and rendering The chief healing power ofjazz, as recognized and dem- comprehensible and accessible to the minds and hearts of our onstrated by Williams, is a power of precisely this sort. It people the things of the spirit, the invisible, the ineffable, emerges when an artist feels the ugliness and beauty of life the things of God himself" and translates the feeling into melody, harmony, and rhythm. Lovely words, and welcome. But to whom could they be The sensitive listener hears all this and feels that she is realistically addressed? How many practitioners of cuttingnot alone. But for all the deep fellow-feeling that jazz can edge contemporary art could ever fathom taking "the things inspire, it is always, at its best, individual znd personal. We of God himself" as their subject matter? The rift Benedict are moved not so much by the composition of "My Funny hopes to heal is deep, and grew deeper over the second half Valentine" as by the spontaneous, particular, irreplaceable of the twentieth century, as the art world was gradually overoverflow of feeling and expression that it can occasion in the run by aesthetic theories that decreed the primary purpose performances of Miles Davis, Mary Lou Williams, or John of art was to subvert dominant paradigms, whatever and Coltrane. The listener takes in this overflow and allows it to wherever those might be. Today the Catholic Church, a resonate, but it always remains irreducibly Davis's, Williams's, favorite target for this subversive impulse, finds herself in a
theories of art, the humanistic vision of the artist expressed by Joseph Conrad is hardly more in favor than the one put forth by Pope Benedict. And yet the Conradian vision continues to animate wonderful works of art created by actual artistsand these works continue to speak to intellectually serious, aesthetically sensitive people. This brings us back to the role of artists like Mary Lou Williams. She may not be Bach or Palestrina, but a church that seriously wants to reestablish friendship with contemporary artists would find in her a close ally. Such humanistic art, though earth-bound, opposes a theory-induced aversion to meaning, authenticity, and truth, and stands humbly open to the higher mysteries of existence. Any alliance like the one proposed by Benedict would present challenges. It would require a reimagining of ecclesial art patronage, one that goes beyond the centuries-old custom of commissioning strictly sacred works. But it might repay the effort. Mary Lou Williams was a great Catholic artist who died believing that her church did not value her art. Perhaps someday we will be able to say that Williams simply died too early to see her music fully embraced by the church she loved. If so, those of us still around to see that day might be spared the spectacle of yet another pope inviting yet another group of art-world insiders to the Sistine Chapel, and pleading yet again for the reestablishment of a long-lapsed friendship.
new and uncomfortable position vis--vis the tastemakers of the Western art world. For a thousand years, the church was a principal, in fact the principal, driver of artistic achievement and progress in the West. During that time, most of the greatest composers, painters, sculptors, et al. deployed their skills in the creation of sacred art. Things have changed. The church is now an insurgent, attempting to advance a counterproposal from the margins, one very much at odds with the dominant culture. It's far from clear that she has learned how, exactly, to navigate her new position. The way forward is indeed murky, but one thing seems certain. At a moment when irony, subversion, and nihilistic game-playing are ascendant in much of the art world, beautiful papal speeches will not suffice. Nor will it suffice to focus hopes for an improved future primarily on the most famous artists, the ones who win international acclaim. The Turner Prize, the Venice Biennale, the Booker Prize recognize certain kinds of authentic achievement, but are these anything like what Benedict XVI is calling for? Elsewhere in the same speech, and again quoting Pope Paul VI, Benedict expressed his wish to "reestablish the friendship between the church and artists." If any such rapprochement is to be accomplished in the foreseeable future, the church will need to search painstakingly for signs of life in contemporary art, both within and without the institutional art world. It will not be easy. Among proponents of contemporary
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