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Chapter-1 Nature and Scope of Marketing Research 1. Problem identification research is undertaken to: A.

Help identify problems that are not apparent on the surface and yet exist or may exist in future. B. Develop clear, concise marketing segment C. Help solve specific research problems D. Establish a procedure for development of primary research plan. 2. Which of the issues listed below would be addressed using problem-solving research? a. The need to understand market potential b. The need to understand current cultural trends c. The need to understand changes in consumer behavior d. The need to determine where to locate retail outlets 3. Marketing managers require the information from marketing research for various reasons. Which of the following is /are the reason for the requirement of that information? a. More and more companies are facing international competition. b. Consumers have become very demanding and are asking for a newer products and services all the time. c. Managers are becoming distant from consumers due to layers in organizational hierarchy. d. All of the above 4. In contrast to marketing researchers, management decision-makers are more focused on: a. Scientific and technical analysis of emerging phenomenon b. Market performance c. Proactive research d. Long-term strategic investigation of marketplace 5. Which of these counts as data? a. The number of males and females in a group b. The number of employees in an organization c. A tape recorded interview d. A poster for a brand of coffee e. All of these 6. When the research objective of a study is to gain background information and to clarify the research problems to create hypotheses, it is generally referred to as: a. Exploratory research design b. Descriptive research design c. Causal research design

d. Experimental research design e. All of the above 7. Which of the following is true? a. Secondary data are more accurate than primary data b. The researcher should attempt to gather secondary data before initiating a search for primary data. c. Primary data are gathered by the researcher and secondary data by other researcher. d. If a researcher obtains secondary data from the party who collected them, he os she using a secondary source of secondary data. e. They are all false. 8. A quantitative research study aims to achieve all of the following, except: a. Test various types of hypotheses b. Make accurate predictions about relationships between market factors and behavior c. Generate sustainable competitive advantages for an organization d. Gain meaningful insights into the relationships between variables e. Validate the existing relationships between variables 9. Qualitative research techniques perform better for which of the following issue in comparison to quantitative research techniques? a. Developing generalizable findings b. Gathering rich data c. Distinguishing small differences d. High reliability e. High validity 10. For which of the following projects would secondary data collection likely be sufficient in arriving at a conclusion? a. A bank wants to determine how the banks customers feel about the new service they have introduced. b. A fast-food franchisee wants to determine the market potential for a new type of specialty food in a certain area. c. A department store chain wants to know whether consumers will spend more money if a coffee shop was introduced. d. A pet food manufacturer wants to determine whether dogs will prefer a new type of dog food. e. None of the above

Chapter-2 Data Collection Methods 1. In what of the following situations sampling plays an important role: a. In identifying, developing, and understanding new marketing concepts that need to be investigated b. In designing questionnaires c. In reducing the time and money it will to conduct a survey d. In developing scale measurements used to collect primary data e. All of the above 2. a. b. c. d. e. 3. a. b. c. d. e. 4. a. b. c. d. 5. a. b. c. d. 6. a. b. c. d. The studies which cover all the members of Elements Population Sample Sampling frame All of the above are called census.

A is a representation of the elements of the target population. Population Sampling frame Sample Elements All of the above Which of the following is not a probability sampling technique Systematic random sampling Cluster sampling Quota sampling Stratified sampling In which sampling technique a random number table is employed Snowball sampling Simple random sampling Systematic random sampling Convenience sampling In which technique selection of sample is left entirely to the researcher. Convenience sampling Simple random sampling Stratified sampling Cluster sampling

7. Which non probability sampling technique is called as most refined non probability technique? a. Convenience sampling b. Simple random sampling c. Judgment sampling d. Quota sampling e. Snowball sapling 8. a. b. c. d. 9. a. b. c. d. e. The idea of assigning numbers can be helpful in: Allowing statistical tsting Facilitating easier communication Both a and b None Which of the following scale has assignment property? Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio All of the above

10. The interval scale possesses all of the blow properties, except: a. Assignment b. Order c. Distance d. Origin e. All of the above f. None of the above

Chapter-3 Data Collection and Field Force 1. a. b. c. d. f. Which of the following steps is not involved in fieldwork? Selection of field workers Training of field workers Supervision of fieldworkers Evaluation of fieldworkers e. All of the above None of the above

2. Which of the following is not an appropriate probing technique? a. Repeating the question b. Repeating the respondents reply

c. Forcing the respondent to remember d. Eliciting clarification e. Using objective/neutral questions or comment 3. a. b. c. d. 4. a. c. d. How can a researcher avoid and cross-check for fake interviews? Use complex scales Use dichotomous questions Use only close ended questions Use few open-ended questions What type of questions are relatively hard to code? Multiple choice questions b. Dichotomous questions Open-ended questions Likert scale based questions

5. Data cleaning involves which of the following. a. Substituting missing value with a meutral value b. Substituting an imputed response by following a pattern of respondents other responses c. Casewise deletion d. Pairwise deletion e. All of the above f. None of the above 6. Categorical variables involve what of the following scales? a. Nominal and ordinal b. Nominal and interval c. Nominal and ratio d. Ordinal and ratio e. Ordinal and interval f. Interval and ratio 7. a. b. c. d. Which of the following are advantages of individual depth interviews? They allow deeper and candid discussion They eliminate the negatives that group influences have in a focus group. None of the above Both of the above

8. Which of the following is not a project technique: a. In-depth interview b. Pictorial construction

c. Word association tests d. Sentence completion tests e. Role plays 9. a. b. c. d. e. f. Which of the following methods can be used in administering survey instruments? Personal interview Mall intercept Internet Mail interview All of the above None of the above

10. What observation method is most flexible? a. Personal observation b. Mechanical observation c. Audit d. All of the above Chapter-4 Data Analysis-I 1. Factor analysis is a multivariate statistical techniques used when, there is a. Variable interdependence b. One dependent variable c. More than one dependent variable d. Inter object similarity e. Inter object dissimilarity 2. As a Manager of a major real estate company, you have decided to segment your potential customers of a particular locality on the basis of age and income level. Which research technique would you apply for the same? a. Conjoint analysis b. Factor analysis c. Discriminant analysis d. Cluster analysis e. None of above 3. What is the most important part of formulating the clustering problem? a. Selecting the variables on which the clustering is based b. Selecting a distance measure c. Selecting a clustering procedure d. Deciding on the number of clusters e. Knowing SPSS procedures 4. Eigen Value in Factor Analysis tells about:

a. Total Variance explained by each factor. b. Partial variance. c. Correlation. d. Regression Values. e. Factor loadings. 5. Communality is: a. Proportion of variance explained by the common factors. b. Coefficients contributing to the end result. c. Correlation between variables. d. The next step to regression analysis. e. A part of Discriminant analysis. 6. In factor analysis the rotation of factors in which the axes are maintained at right angles is known as a. Orthogonal Rotation b. Oblique Rotation c. Triangular Rotation d. Linear Rotation e. None of the above 7. Which of the following applications is appropriate for using factor analysis? a. To determine if various market segments differ in their media consumption habits b. To determine if variation in market share can be accounted for by the size of the sales force and advertising expenditures c. To identify the characteristics of price-sensitive consumers d. Both (b) and (c) are correct e. Both (c) and (d) are correct 8. Which method of analysis does not classify variables as dependent or independent? a. Regression analysis b. Discriminant analysis c. Analysis of variance d. Cluster analysis e. Both (a) and (b) above 9. Cluster analysis has been used in marketing for all of the purposes below except: a. Segmenting the market based on benefits sought from the purchase of a product b. Identifying new product opportunities by clustering brands and products so that competitive sets within the market can be determined c. Selecting test markets d. Determining how strongly sales are related to advertising expenditures e. Both (a) and (b) above

10. The unstandardized coefficients are multiplied by the values of the variables. These products are summed and added to the constant term to obtain the a. Discriminant function coefficients b. Classification matrix c. Discriminant scores d. Canonical correlation e. Eigen values Chapter-5 Reporting The Results 1. a. b. c. d. e. 2. a. b. c. d. Which of the following must be kept in mind when writing a marketing research report? Empathizing skills Structure and logical argument Objectivity Professional presentation All of the above Executive summary should involve all of the following, except: Why and how the research was carried out What was done to manage fieldworkers What was found What can be interpreted and acted upon by the manager

3. Which of the following sections in report should provide background information to the research? a. Research methodology b. Results c. Conclusion d. Introduction 4. a. b. c. d. Pilot testing should be discussed in which of the following sections of the report. Introduction Research methodology Results Conclusion

5. Which of the following is not considered an aspect of report writing? a. Easy to follow b. Arrangement of data items c. Basis of measurement d. Both (b) and (c) above e. Objectivity

6. In order to determine customer needs and to implement marketing strategies and programs aimed at satisfying those needs, marketing managers need information about . a. Customers b. Competitors c. Other forces in the marketplace d. All of the above e. None of the above 7. If the discriminant function is estimated and the square of the canonical correlation is 0.81, what does it indicate? a.81% of the variance in the dependent variable is explained by the model. b. The null hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, there is significant discrimination between groups. c.90% of the explained variance is accounted for. d. (b) and (c) are correct e. None of the above 8. An analysis technique which uses methods that are heuristics based on algorithms is known as. a. Factor analysis b. Discriminant analysis c. Clustering d. Analysis of variance e. Regression analysis 9. is a lack of fit measure; higher values indicate poorer fits. a. Attribute levels b. Stress c. R-square d. KMO e. Relative importance weights 10. For conjoint analysis, when full or complete profiles of brands are constructed for all the attributes, the process is known as a. Full-profile approach b. Pair-wise approach c. Two-factor evaluations d. Both (b) and (c) e. Multifactor evaluation

Assignment - 3 1. Marketing Research, is everything except _____ a. Systematic b. Politically biased c. Objective d. Used to assist management in decision making e. None of the above 2. _____is undertaken to help identify problems that are perhaps not apparent on the surface and yet exist or are likely to arise in the future. a. Problem identification research b. Segmentation research c. Problem solving research d. Marketing information systems e. Advertising research 3. _______________________________________________________ In order to determine customer needs and to implement marketing strategies and programs aimed at satisfying those needs, marketing managers need information about __ . a. Customers b. Competitors c. Other forces in the marketplace d. All of the above e. None of the above 4. Marketing managers need the information provided by marketing research for many reasons. Which of the following is not a reason to need information provided by marketing research? a. Firms have become national and international in scope. b. Consumers have become more affluent and sophisticated. c. Competition has become more intense. d. All of the above. e. (a) and (b) above 5. ______________________________________________________ The Nielsen Television Index is a set of information of known commercial value that is provided to multiple clients on a subscription basis. The Nielson Index is an example of __ . a. Syndicated services b. Customized services c. Standardized services

d. e.

Analytical services Partial services

6. _________________________ Customized services are a. Companies that specialize in one or a few phases of the marketing research project b. Companies that use standardized procedures to provide marketing research to various clients c. Companies that collect and sell common pools of data designed to serve information needs shared by a number of clients d. Companies that tailor the research procedures to best meet the needs of each client e. Both (a) and (b) above 7. Which one of the following techniques is not a qualitative research technique? a. Depth interview b. Word association c. Focus group d. Conclusive research e. Projective technique 8. Which of the following tasks is not a component of research design? a. Design the exploratory, descriptive, and/or causal phases of the research. b. Construct and pretest a questionnaire (interviewing form) or an appropriate form for data collection. c. Specify the sampling process and sample size. d. Develop hypotheses. e. None of the above 9. As compared to primary data, secondary data are collected ______ . a. Rapidly and easily b. At a relatively low cost c. In a short time d. All of the above e. None of the above 10. a. b. c. d. e. Depth interviews are like focus group in all of the following ways except: Both are unstructured interviews Both are direct ways of obtaining information Both are qualitative research methods Both are one-on-one interviews (b) and (c) above

11. An interviewing process which uses a computerized questionnaire administered to respondents over telephone is known as a. Traditional telephone b. In-home c. Computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) d. Internet e. Mall intercept 12.In marketing research, attitudinal data obtained from rating scales are often treated as ______ data. a. Nominal b. Ordinal c. Interval d. Ratio e. Non metric 13. When used for classification purposes, the ______ scaled numbers serve as labels for classes or categories. a. Ordinally b. Intervally c. Nominally d. Ratio scale e. Rank 14.The mathematical symbols ' Xc ' and ' XS' represent a ______ for the population and the sampling distribution respectively. a. Standard error of the proportion b. Standard deviation c. Standard error of the mean d. Median e. Variance 15. Respondents have been asked to express their degree of agreement with a series of lifestyle statements on a l-to-5 scale, assuming that 9 has been designated for missing values, data values of 0, 6, 7, and 8 are out of range. Where in the data cleaning process might any out-of range data be caught? a. Consistency checks b. Returning to the field c. Treatment of missing responses d. Both (a) and (c) are correct e. Both (b) and (c) are correct

16. Which option for the treatment of missing values involves the researcher using the respondents' pattern of responses to calculate a suitable response to the missing questions? a. Returning to the field b. Case-wise deletion c. Substitute an imputed response d. Substitute a neutral value e. Pair wise deletion 17. Which of the research questions / hypotheses given below is best answered using cross tabulations? a. Is model appeal of an motorbike related to age and education levels? b. The department store is being patronized by more than 10 percent of households. c. One hotel has a more upscale image than its close competitor. d. Both (b) and (c) are correct. e. None of the above 18. The regression equation for a categorical independent variable with four categories would be modeled as: Yi=a+ bl D1+ b2 D2+ b3 D3, here Dl, D2, D3 are the a. Dependent variables b. Independent Variables c. Dummy variables d. Surrogate variables e. Trial variables 19. If the discriminant function is estimated and the square of the canonical correlation is 0.81, what does it indicate? a. 81% of the variance in the dependent variable is explained by the model. b. The null hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, there is significant discrimination between groups. c. 90% of the explained variance is accounted for. d. (b) and (c) are correct e. None of the above 20. The linear combinations of independent variables developed by discriminant analysis that will best discriminate between the categories of the dependent variable are . a. Discriminant functions b. Discriminant scores c. Characteristic profiles d. Classification matrix e. Group centroids

21. Factor analysis is a (n) in that the entire set of interdependent relationships is examined. a. KMO measure of sampling adequacy b. Orthogonal procedure c. Interdependence technique d. Varimax procedure e. Orthogonal rotation 22. The amount of variance a variable shares with all other variables included in the factor analysis is referred to as . a. Communality b. Total variance c. Shared variance d. Percentage of variance e. Eigen value 23. An analysis technique which uses methods that are heuristics based on algorithms is known as. a. Factor analysis b. Discriminant analysis c. Clustering d. Analysis of variance e. Regression analysis 24. If you are performing cluster analysis on the same data using different distance measures and then comparing the results across measures to determine stability of the solutions, you are at which stage of the cluster analysis process? a. b. c. d. e. Interpreting and profiling the clusters Assessing reliability and validity Deciding on the number of clusters Deciding on the number of factors Selecting a clustering procedure

25. _____is a lack of fit measure; higher values indicate poorer fits. a. Attribute levels b. Stress c. R-square d. KMO e. Relative importance weights

26. In which approach to collecting perception data are respondents often required to rate all possible pairs of brands or stimuli in terms of similarity/dissimilarity on a 1-5 scale? (1 - Most similar, 5 - least similar) a. Direct b. Preference c. Derived d. Likert e. In direct

27. Which statement is true about using discriminant analysis to create spatial maps? a. Input data should be obtained via attribute-based approaches to obtaining perception data. b. Spatial maps are obtained by plotting brand scores on the factors. c. Discriminant weights can be used to label the dimensions. d. Both (a) and (c) are true e. None of the above. 28. Which of the following statements is not true concerning conjoint analysis? a. The underlying assumption is that any set of stimuli, such as products, brands, or stores, is evaluated as a bundle of attributes. b. Conjoint analysis relies on respondent's subjective evaluations. c. Conjoint analysis seeks to develop the part-worth or utility functions describing the utility consumers attach to the levels of each attribute. d. The stimuli in conjoint analysis are products or brands e. It is used for determining the relative importance of attributes in the consumer choice process 29. For conjoint analysis, when full or complete profiles of brands are constructed for all the attributes, the process is known as a. b. c. d. e. Full-profile approach Pair-wise approach Two-factor evaluations Both (b) and (c) Multifactor evaluation

30. Marketing research has often been described as having four stakeholders. These stakeholders have certain responsibilities to each other and to the research project. Which of the following is not one of the stakeholders? a. The marketing researcher b. The respondent c. The public d. The environment e. The research agency 31. Because of potential difficulties when seeking advice from experts, it is best to use interviews with experts when conducting marketing research . a. For industrial firms b. For products of a technical nature c. In situations where little information is available from other sources d. All of the above e. None of the above 32. The management decision problem focuses on _____ , while the marketing research problem focuses on a. Symptoms; solutions b. Symptoms; underlying causes c. Solutions; underlying causes d. Underlying causes; solutions e. None of the above 33. _______ is a type of non-sampling error arising from respondents who do respond but give inaccurate answers, or their answers are mis-recorded or mis analyzed. It may be defined as the variation between the true mean value of the variable in the net sample and the observed mean value obtained in the marketing research project. a. Random sampling error b. Non-response error c. Non-sampling error d. Response error e. Inefficiency error 34. Which of the following is a disadvantage of surveys? a. Interviewer errors; respondent errors b. Data is lacking in terms of content, quantity, and quality c. Data may not be representative; quality of data limited d. Coverage may be incomplete; matching of data on the competitive activity may be difficult e. None of the above

35. The target population for a department store project was defined as "male or female head of household responsible for most of the shopping at department stores in metro Mumbai in 2006." "Male or female head of household responsible for most of the shopping at department stores" is what part of the target population definition? a. Elements b. Sampling unit c. Extent d. Time e. Both (b) and (c) above 36. Using the same text in question number 7 "Metro Mumbai" is what part of the target population definition? a. Elements b. Sampling unit c. Extent d. Time e. Both (b) and (c) above 37. _________________ Supervisor should keep daily records of the number of calls made, number of not-at-homes, number of refusals, and number of completed interviews for each interviewer and the total for all interviewers under their control. These daily records are a part of . a. Quality control and editing b. Control of cheating c. Central office control d. Sampling control e. Both b and c above 38. a. b. c. d. e. The number of units that will have to be sampled is the Incidence rate Initial sample size Completion rate Final sample size Population size

39. Which option for the treatment of missing values involves the researcher using only cases or respondents with complete responses for each calculation? a. Returning to the field b. Case-wise deletion c. Pair-wise deletion d. Substitute a neutral value e. Using an arbitrary value 40. a. b. c. d. e. Factor analysis is a multivariate statistical techniques used when, there is Variable interdependence One dependent variable More than one dependent variable Inter object similarity Inter object dissimilarity

1. Introduction to marketing research: Scientific research approach and Problem definition Multiple choice and True or false 1. a) b) c) d) e) The process of marketing involves all of the following EXCEPT: Product Production Pricing Distribution Promotion

2. Problem identification research is undertaken to: a. Help identify problems that are not apparent on the surface and yet exist or may exist in the future. b. Develop clear, concise marketing segments. c. Help solve specific research problems. d. Establish a procedure for development of a primary research plan. 3. a. b. c. d. Which of the issues listed below would be addressed using problem-solving research? the need to understand market potential the need to understand current cultural trends the need to understand changes in consumer behavior the need to determine where to locate retail outlets

4. Every marketing research project is unique in its own sense. a. True b. False 5. Marketing managers require the information from marketing research for various reasons. Which of the following is/are the reason(s) for the requirement of that information? a. More and more companies are facing international competition. b. Consumers have become very demanding and are asking for newer products and services all the time. c. Managers are becoming distant from consumers due to layers in organizational hierarchy. d. All of the above. 6. a. b. c. d. In contrast to marketing researchers, management decision-makers are more focused on: scientific and technical analysis of emerging phenomenon market performance proactive research long-term strategic investigation of marketplace

7. A research project can involve both problem identification and problem-solving research. a. True b. False

8. To convert a management dilemma into a research question what should a manager and researcher focus on: a. The decision making environment b. Alternative courses of action c. Objectives of the decision makers d. Consequences of alternative actions e. None of the above f. All of the above 9. Conducting marketing research guarantees success. a. True b. False 10. Marketing research can assist in the decision making process a. True b. False 2. Exploratory research design Multiple choice and True or false 1. a. b. c. d. e. Which of these count as data? The number of males and females in a group The number of employees in an organization A tape recorded interview A poster for a brand of coffee All of these

2. When the research objective of a study is to gain background information and to clarify the research problems to create hypotheses, it is generally referred to as: a. Exploratory research design b. Descriptive research design c. Causal research design d. Experimental research design e. All of the above 3. Which of the following is TRUE? a. Secondary data are more accurate than primary data. b. The researcher should attempt to gather secondary data before initiating a search for primary data. c. Primary data are gathered by the researcher and secondary data by other researchers.

d. If a researcher obtains secondary data from the party who collected them, he or she is using a secondary source of secondary data. e. They are all false. 4. a. b. c. d. e. A quantitative research study aims to achieve all of the following, EXCEPT: test various types of hypotheses make accurate predictions about relationships between market factors and behaviour generate sustainable competitive advantages for an organization gain meaningful insights into the relationships between variables validate the existing relationships between variables

5. Qualitative research techniques perform better for which of the following issue in comparison to quantitative research techniques? a. Developing generalizable findings b. Gathering rich data c. Distinguishing small differences d. High reliability e. High validity 6. a. b. c. d. e. The optimal number of participants for a focus group is: 1-2 members 3-7 members 8-12 members 12-20 members 20-50 members

7. For which of the following projects would secondary data collection likely be sufficient in arriving at a conclusion? a. A bank wants to determine how the bank's customers feel about the new service they have introduced. b. A fast-food franchisee wants to determine the market potential for a new type of specialty food in a certain area. c. A department store chain wants to know whether consumers will spend more money if a coffee shop was introduced. d. A pet food manufacturer wants to determine whether dogs will prefer a new type of dog food. e. None of the above. 8. a. b. c. d. e. The basic rule for data collection process is: Always start by consulting the governmental statistics website Begin with primary data, then supplement if needed with secondary data. Begin with secondary data, then proceed if necessary to collect primary data. Always investigate external sources of secondary data first. Design a field experiment to collect primary data.

9. Which of the following are advantages of individual depth interviews? a. They allow deeper and candid discussion. b. They eliminate the negatives that group influences have in a focus group. c. None of the above d. Both of the above (a and b) 10. Which of the following is not a project technique: a. In-depth interview b. Pictorial construction c. Word association tests d. Sentence completion tests e. Role plays 3. Conclusive research design Multiple choice and True or false 1. a. b. c. d. e. f. 2. a. b. c. d. e. Which of the following methods can be used in administering survey instruments? Personal interview Mall intercept Internet Mail interview All of the above None of the above All of the following are advantages of surveys, EXCEPT: Surveys can tap into factors that are not directly observable One can accommodate large sample sizes at relatively modest costs Administration of surveys is relatively easy One can make extensive use of probing questions using a survey Survey data can be used with advanced statistical analysis

3. Most conclusive research designs involve qualitative research techniques. a. True b. False 4. What does CATI stand for in marketing research? a. Computer anonymized telephone interaction b. Computing & analysing technical information c. Computer associated telephone interaction d. Computer assisted telephone interviewing e. None of the above

5. a. b. c. d. e. 6. a. b. c. d.

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a self-administered survey? Cost per survey Respondent control Interviewer-respondent bias Flexibility Anonymity in responses What observation method is the most flexible? Personal observation Mechanical observation Audit All of the above

7. The survey method involves a structured questionnaire administered to a sample of a population and designed to elicit specific information from respondents. a. True b. False 8. Descriptive designs involve mostly experimentation. a. True b. False 9. Cross-sectional designs and longitudinal designs are at times compared with a photograph and a movie respectively. a. True b. False 10. Method of observation depends on: a. Directness of approach b. Respondents awareness of being observed c. The rigour of information and structure d. Observation recording method e. All of the above 4. Sampling Multiple choice and True or false 1. In what of the following situations sampling plays an important role: a. In identifying, developing, and understanding new marketing concepts that need to be investigated b. In designing questionnaires c. In reducing the time and money it will take to conduct a survey d. In developing scale measurements used to collect primary data

e. All of the above 2. We use sampling many times during our daily lives. a. True b. False 3. a. b. c. d. e. 4. a. b. c. d. e. The studies which cover all the members of Elements Population Sample Sampling frame All of the above A Population Sampling frame Sample Element All of the above are called census.

is a representation of the elements of the target population.

5. Non-sampling errors represent any type of bias that is attributable to mistakes in either drawing a sample or demining the sample size. a. True b. False 6. a. b. c. d. 7. a. b. c. d. 8. a. b. c. d. Which of the following is a not a probability sampling technique Systematic random sampling Cluster sampling Quota sampling Stratified sampling In which sampling technique a random number table is employed. Snowball sampling Simple random sampling Systematic random sampling Convenience sampling In which technique selection of sample is left entirely to the researcher. Convenience sampling Simple random sampling Stratified sampling Cluster sampling

9. Which nonprobability sampling technique is called as the most refined nonprobability technique? a. Convenience sampling b. Simple random sampling c. Judgement sampling d. Quota sampling e. Snowball sampling 10. In which of the sampling techniques each sampling unit has a known, nonzero chance of selection. a. Probability sampling technique b. Nonprobability sampling technique 5. Measurement and scaling Multiple choice and True or false 1. Most people use measurement in their daily lives. a. True b. False 2. a. b. d. The idea of assigning numbers can be helpful in: allowing statistical testing facilitating easier communication c. Both a and b None

3. The appropriateness of the raw data being collected depends directly on the scaling technique used by the researcher. a. True b. False 4. Which of the following scale has assignment property? a. Nominal b. Ordinal c. Interval d. Ratio e. All of the above f. None of the above 5. a. b. c. d. e. The interval scale possesses all of the below properties, except: Assignment Order Distance Origin All of the above

f. None of the above 6. The origin property refers to a numbering system where zero is the displayed or referenced starting point in the set of possible responses. a. True b. False 7. a. b. c. d. e. 8. a. b. c. d. e. Which among the following is not comparative scaling technique? Paired comparison Rank order Constant sum scale Q-sort Stapel scale Which among the following is not a noncomparative scaling technique? Likert Stapel Semantic differential Rank order None of the above

9. Respondent characteristics such as intelligence, education does not have any affect the test score. a. True b. False 10. Validity refers to scale consistency over a period of time. a. True b. False 6. Questionnaire design Multiple choice and True or false 1. A questionnaire is a formalized set of questions involving one or more measurement scales designed to collect specified secondary data. a. True b. False 2. The first step in developing a questionnaire is to specify the information needed in researchable format. a. True b. False

3. In which of the following interviewing methods most complex question scales can be used easily? a. Personal interviews b. Telephone interviews c. Mail interviews d. Online interviews 4. a. b. c. d. 5. a. b. c. d. 6. a. b. c. d. e. f. Unstructured questions are also called as: Close ended Open ended Both None Open ended questions are mostly used in: Exploratory research Conclusive research Both None What should be avoided when developing a questionnaire? Complex words Ambiguous words Leading questions Generalizations All of the above None of the above

7. Double barrelled questions should be avoided in questionnaire development. a. True b. False 8. The forward and opening questions are highly important in gaining respondents trust and making them feel comfortable with the study. a. True b. False 9. a. b. c. d. Most socioeconomic and demographic questions are defined as: Identification information Specific information Classification information All of the above

10. A questionnaire should not be used in the field survey without being adequately pilot tested. a. True b. False 7. Data preparation and preliminary data analysis Multiple choice and True or false 1. Most market research studies can be solved only by collecting secondary data. a. True b. False 2. a. b. c. d. e. f. Which of the following steps is not involved in fieldwork? Selection of fieldworkers Training of fieldworkers Supervision of fieldworkers Evaluation of fieldworkers All of the above None of the above

3. Probing helps in motivating the respondent and helps focus on a specific issue. a. True b. False 4. a. b. c. d. e. Which of the following is not an appropriate probing technique? Repeating the question Repeating the respondents reply Forcing the respondent to remember Eliciting clarification Using objective/neutral questions or comments

5. One of the major editing problem concerns with faking of an interview. a. True b. False 6. a. b. c. d. How can a researcher avoid and cross-check for fake interviews? Use complex scales Use dichotomous questions Use only close ended questions Use few open-ended questions

7. What types of questions are relatively hard to code? a. Multiple choice questions

b. Dichotomous questions c. Open-ended questions d. Likert scale based questions 8. a. b. c. d. e. f. 9. a. b. c. d. e. f. Data cleaning involves which of the following. Substituting missing value with a neutral value Substituting an imputed response by following a pattern of respondents other responses Casewise deletion Pairwise deletion All of the above None of the above Categorical variables involve what of the following scales? Nominal and ordinal Nominal and interval Nominal and ratio Ordinal and ratio Ordinal and interval Interval and ratio

10. Categorical variables involve what of the following scales? a. Nominal and ordinal b. Nominal and interval c. Nominal and ratio d. Ordinal and ratio e. Ordinal and interval f. Interval and ratio

8. Report preparation and presentation Multiple choice and True or false 1. Marketing research report is the bridge between researcher and manager with regard to the research findings. a. True b. False 2. A project can still be called successful, even if the research results are not effectively communicated using the research report. a. True b. False

3. Many times managers judge the research by the quality of the report. a. True b. False 4. While writing the report, researcher should empathize with how the manager will be reading and interpreting the report? a. True b. False 5. a. b. c. d. e. 6. a. b. 7. a. b. c. d. Which of the following must be kept in mind when writing a marketing research report? Empathizing skills Structure and logical arguments Objectivity Professional presentation All of the above Many consider executive summary as the soul of the research report? True False Executive summary should involve all of the following, except: Why and how the research was carried out What was done to manage fieldworkers What was found What can be interpreted and acted upon by the manager

8. Which of the following sections in report should provide background information to the research? a. Research methodology b. Results c. Conclusion d. Introduction 9. a. b. c. d. Pilot testing should be discussed in which of the following sections of the report. Introduction Research methodology Results Conclusion

10. Researcher should explain any jargons used in the report succinctly. a. True b. False

Multiple choice questions 1. Marketing research is the function that links the consumer, customer, and public to the marketer through (A) a. Information b. Sales. c. Computer. d. All of the above 1. Information is used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; to generate, refine, and evaluate actions. (B) a. Sales b. Marketing c. Computer d. Database 1. a. b. c. d. MR stands for (B) Medical Research Marketing Research All of the above None of the above

1. Marketing research specifies (C) a. Business to business. b. The data, manages and implements the data-collection process, analyzes the results, and communicates the findings and their implications. c. The information, manages and implements the data-collection process, analyzes the results, and communicates the findings and their implications. d. All of the above 1. Marketing research is concerned with. (B) a. The application of theories, problem-solving methods, and techniques to identify and solve problems in organizations. b. The application of theories, problem-solving methods, and techniques to identify and solve problems in marketing. c. All of the above d. None of the above 2. In order to offset unpredictable consumer behavior, companies invest in (A) a. Market research b. Computers. c. E-Business. d. All of the above

3. Dell Computer might want to know a demographic breakdown of how many and what kinds of people or companies will purchase a new model in its personal computer line It is an example for (A) a. Market research b. Computers. c. E-Business. d. All of the above 4. Managers cannot always wait for information to arrive in bits and pieces from marketing departments. They often require studies of (A) a. Formal. b. Informal. c. Convenient d. inconvenient 1. a. b. c. d. Department provides specific information to marketing managers: (C) Marketing. Finance. Marketing research. Systems.

1. Department cannot provide specific information to a marketing manager (A) a. Marketing. b. Finance. c. Marketing research. d. Systems 2. This formal study, whether performed internally or externally, is called (C) a. Marketing. b. Finance. c. Marketing research. d. Systems .

3. The marketing research process consists of four steps they are sequentially. (D) a. defining the problem and research objectives, developing the research plan, implementing the research plan, and interpreting. b. defining the problem and research objectives, developing the research plan, implementing the research plan, and interpreting and reporting the findings. c. All of the above d. None of the above 1. Defining the problem and research objectives is often the process. (B) step in the research

a. b. c. d.

Easiest. Hardest. Cant say. All of the above.

1. must be able to help the manager define the problem and to suggest ways that research can help the manager make better decisions. (C) a. Marketing Manager b. Finance Manager c. Marketing Researcher. d. All of the above. 1. a. b. c. d. MR stands for (A) Marketing Research Marketing Relations Marketing Reporter None of the above

1. Managers who know little about the importance of research may obtain conclusions (D) a. Suitable b. relevant c. Subtle d. Irrelevant 1. Managers must know enough about marketing research to help in a. Organizing b. Controlling c. Planning d. Leading . (C)

1. When the problem has been defined, the manager and researcher must set (B) a. Research Principles b. Research objectives c. All of the above d. None of the above 1. a. b. c. d. A marketing research project might have Causal Descriptive Exploratory All of the above types of objectives (C)

1. a. b. c. d.

The second step of the marketing research process calls for determining. (C) Sample size objectives Information needed All of the above

1. A marketing researcher can gather secondary data, primary data, or both. (A) a. Yes b. No c. May be d. All of the above 1. a. b. c. d. 2. a. b. c. d. Only MNCs prefer having this department (B) Sales Department Marketing Research Production All of the above Primary data consists of information collected (C) Production In specific purpose for the specific purpose All of the above

3. data consists of information that already exists somewhere. (C) a. Environmental b. primary c. Secondary d. All of the above 1. data consists of information that doesnt exists. (B) a. Environmental b. primary c. Secondary d. All of the above 2. data collection requires more extensive research, more time, and more money. (B) a. Environmental b. Primary c. Secondary d. All of the above

3. sources can sometimes provide information that is not directly available or would be too expensive to collect.. (c) a. Environmental b. Primary c. Secondary d. All of the above 4. a. b. c. d. Researchers can rarely obtain all the data they need from Environmental Primary Secondary All of the above sources. (C)

5. is the gathering of primary data by observing relevant people, actions, and situations. (C) a. Situational research b. Marketing research c. Observational research d. All of the above 1. research is the approach best suited for gathering descriptive information (A) a. Survey b. Marketing c. Observational d. Causal 2. can be used to obtain information that people are unwilling or unable to provide. (C) a. Situational research b. Marketing research c. Observational research d. All of the above 3. is the most widely used method for primary data collection, and it is often the only method used in a research study (A) a. Survey research. a. Marketing research b. Observational research c. All of the above 2. The major advantage of survey research is its (B) a. Options b. Flexibility

c. Cheap. d. All of the above 1. Marketing Research management helps an organization in. (C) a. Reducing production costs b. Decrease the production cost c. Reduce the time it takes to make a new product d. All of the above 1. a. b. c. d. One of the example where marketing research is extensively used by organizations are (A) Consumer durables. Pharma Industry. Industrial Products. All of the above.

1. In the early and mid-1980s, some cola companies created a taste test against their competitors. This is an example of research. (A) a. Survey research. b. Marketing research c. Observational research d. All of the above 2. a. b. c. d. observation is best suited for Exploratory research. Survey research Observational research All of the above. research (A)

3. research tries to explain cause-and-effect relationships.: (D) a. Experimental research. b. Survey research c. Observational research d. All of the above. 4. a. b. c. d. Research may be collected by: (D) Mail, personal interview. Telephone, email, fax All of the above can be used to collect large amounts of information at a low cost per

5. respondent.(A) a. Mail

b. Telephone, personal interview c. email, fax d. All of the above 6. questionnaires lack flexibility in that they require simply worded questions.. (A) a. Mail b. Telephone, personal interview c. email, fax d. All of the above 7. interviewing is the best method for gathering information quickly, and it provides greater flexibility than mail questionnaires (B) a. Mail, personal interview b. Telephone, c. email, fax d. All of the above 8. a. b. c. d. 9. a. b. c. d. questionnaire can also take a long time to complete. (A) Mail Telephone, personal interview email, fax All of the above Telephone interviewing is. (A) costlier attractive Cheap All of the above

1. interviewing consists of inviting several people to talk with a trained interviewer about a companys products or services (C) a. Board b. Independent c. Personal d. All of the above 1. The interviewer needs skills (C) a. interviewing b. communication c. Objectivity, knowledge of the subject and industry, and some understanding of group and consumer behavior. d. Computer hardware and software.

1. a. b. c. d.

The main drawbacks of personal interviewing are (A) costs and sampling problems Stationary costs All of the above None of the above

2. Marketing researchers usually draw conclusions about large groups of consumers by studying a relatively sample of the total consumer population (A) a. Small b. Large c. Depends on the researcher d. All of the above 3. A is a segment of the population selected to represent the population as a whole. (B) a. Population b. Sample c. Slice d. All of the above 4. a. b. c. d. The marketing researcher must design a sampling plan, which calls for three decisions: (D) Sampling Unit. Sample Size Sampling Procedure All of the above

5. determines who is to be surveyed.: (A) a. Sampling Unit. b. Sample Size c. Sampling Procedure d. All of the above 6. determines the number of people to be surveyed (B) a. Sampling Unit. b. Sample Size c. Sampling Procedure d. All of the above 7. a. b. c. d. determines how the respondents should be chosen (C) Sampling Unit. Sample Size Sampling Procedure All of the above

8. In collecting primary data, marketing researchers have a choice of research instruments (C) a. questionnaire b. Mechanical devices. c. All of the above d. None of the above 9. a. b. c. d. consists of a set of questions presented to a respondent for his or her answers. (A) questionnaire Mechanical devices. All of the above None of the above

10.Examples of mechanical instruments are (C) a. people meters b. supermarket scanners c. All of the above d. None of the above 11. techniques are not widely used because they tend to be expensive, require unrealistic advertising exposure conditions, and are hard to interpret. (B) a. questionnaire b. Mechanical devices. c. All of the above d. None of the above 12. are the characteristics of good marketing research (C) a. Scientific Method b. Research Creativity c. Independence of Model and data d. All of the above 13.Appropriate sample means (D) a. One which gives meaning to the research undertaken. b. Depends on the topic. c. Depends on the financial constrains to the researcher. d. All of the above. 14.Diffent constraits that may crop up in a research are (D) a. Time. b. Money. c. Sample size.

d. All of the above. 15.Many managers see marketing research as only a a. Continuous operation. b. Fact-finding operation. c. All of the above. d. none of the above operation (B)

16.Regardless of the type of process, all research begins with a generalized idea in the form of a research question or a . (C) a. Doubt b. Hypothesis. c. All of the above d. None of the above 17.A hypothesis differs from a research question; it is (C) a. More specific. b. Makes a prediction. c. All of the above d. None of the above 18.Hypotheses provide the following benefits: (D) a. They determine the focus and direction for a research effort. b. Their development forces the researcher to clearly state the purpose of the research activity. c. They determine what variables will not be considered in a study, as well as those that will be considered. d. All of the above 19.The worth of a hypothesis often depends on the a. Managing Directors b. Researchers c. Marketers d. All of the above 20.A good hypothesis should (D) a. Have logical consistency b. Be in step with current literature. c. Be testable. d. All of the above skills (B)

21.Hypothesis testing is a systematic method used to evaluate data and aid the decisionmaking process. Following is a typical series of steps involved in hypothesis testing: (B)

a. State the hypotheses of interest, Determine the appropriate test statistic, specify the level of statistical significance, Determine the decision rule for rejecting or, not rejecting the null hypothesis, b. State the hypotheses of interest, Determine the appropriate test statistic, specify the level of statistical significance, Determine the decision rule for rejecting or, not rejecting the null hypothesis, Collect the data and perform the needed calculations, Decide to reject or not reject the null hypothesis c. All of the above d. None of the above 22.A research study includes at least a. one b. Two c. Three d. Cannot say 23.name the two hypothesis (C) a. Null. b. Alternate. c. All of the above. d. None of the above. 24.The hypothesis presents the alternative to the null and includes a statement of inequality (B) a. Null. b. Alternate. c. All of the above. d. None of the above. 25.Measurable observations are called a. Quantitative b. Qualitative c. All of the above d. None of the above observations. (A) hypotheses (B)

26.Example of Indian market research firms in India (D) a. Nexgen b. FKN corporation c. iElvira Infomatrix d. All of the above 27.Example of Indian market research firms outside India (A) a. Tiger research b. Nexgen

c. FKN corporation d. iElvira Infomatrix 28.Observations that cannot be measured are termed as (B) a. Quantitative b. Qualitative c. All of the above d. None of the above 29.Marketing researchers have increasingly used phenomena that are not easily measured, (B) a. Quantitative b. Qualitative c. All of the above d. None of the above statistical techniques to describe

30.These quantitative observations are further classified as (C) a. Discrete b. Continuous c. All of the above d. None of the above 31. Statistics are typically simple summary figures calculated from a set of observations.. (A) a. Descriptive b. Inferential c. All of the above d. None of the above 32. statistics are used to apply conclusions about one set of observations to reach a broader conclusion or an inference about something that has not been directly observed. (B) a. Descriptive b. Inferential c. All of the above d. None of the above 33. is a collection of any number of related observations. (A) a. Data b. Data set c. All of the above d. None of the above 34. allows for the compression of data into a table (A) a. Frequency distribution

b. T test c. Chi test d. None of the above 35.The objective of population. (B) a. Frequency distribution b. Sampling c. T test d. None of the above is to select that part which is representative of the entire

36.Sample designs are classified into (C) a. Probability b. Non-probability c. all of the above d. None of the above 37.A sample is a selected. (A) a. Probability b. Non-probability c. all of the above d. None of the above sample if each unit in the population is given some chance of being

38.A sample is a when some units in the population are not given any chance of being selected, and when the probability of selecting any unit into the sample cannot be determined or is not known. (B) a. Probability b. Non-probability c. all of the above d. None of the above 39.sampling is used in some manufacturing and distributing settings as a means of (A) a. Quality control b. Product control c. All of the above d. None of the above 40. The chi-square and t-distribution are both(B) a. Used for hypothesis testing b. Dependent on a number of degrees of freedom c. All of the above d. None of the above

41.The F ratio contains (A) a. Two estimates of population variance b. Two estimates of population mean c. One estimate of population variance and one estimate of population mean d. All of the above 42.If we want to whether the proportion of more than two populations are equal , we use (D) a. Analysis of variance b. estimation c. Variance d. None of the above 43.Which of these distributions has a pair of degrees of freedom (D) a. Poisson b. Normal c. Chi-square d. None of the above 44.A family of distributions differentiated by two parameters and used to primarily to test hypothesis regarding variances is called distribution (B) a. Poisson b. F test c. Chi-square d. None of the above 45.Marketing research information is used to take a. Long b. Short c. Medium d. all of the above 46.The major advantage of survey research is its (B) a. Options b. Flexibility c. Cheap. d. All of the above 1. a. b. c. d. Marketing Research management helps an organization in. (C) Reducing production costs Decrease the production cost Reduce the time it takes to make a new product All of the above decisions.(D)

1. a. b. c. d. 2. a. b. c. d. 3. a. b. c. d. 4. a. b. c. d. 5. a. b. c. d.

Information gathered for marketing research is from Inside the organization Outside the organization All of the above None of the above


Information gathered for marketing research is stored by. (A) Market research Information systems Database library None of the above Marketing research information is gathered by (B) Surveys Marketing personnel customers All of the above MRIS is slowly being replaced by ERP COBOL BASIC All of the above softwares(A)

People who gather information especially for MR departments are called (A) MR executive Researcher None of the above All of the above for refining of the

6. Most of the information fed into MR database is used by organization (C) a. Money management b. Marketing management c. Knowledge Management d. All of the above 7. Documenting of marketing research findings is called a. Document writing b. Report writing c. None of the above d. All of the above



MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. In 1985, Coca-Cola made a major marketing blunder by dropping their flagship brand (Coca-Cola) in favor of New Coke. Quick reaction to the blunder saved the company from potential disaster. Looking back, marketers can now see that a major problem for Coca-Cola was that it: a. did not spend enough money on advertising to make the new brand work. b. defined its marketing research problem too narrowly. c. failed to take into account the growing influence of the Internet on consumer spending. d. failed to account for the marketing power of rival Pepsi Cola. Answer: (b) Difficulty: (3) Page: 154 2. A _________________ consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers. a. management information system b. marketing information system c. financial information system d. management intelligence plan Answer: (b) Difficulty: (2) Page: 156 3. Marketing information systems begin and end with information users. They _______________, develop needed information, and distribute information. a. assess information needs b. forecast problem situations c. gather marketing intelligence d. tighten internal security over information Answer: (a) Difficulty: (2) Page: 156, Figure 5-1 4. In a marketing information system, it is necessary to develop needed information. All of the following would be primary sources of this needed information EXCEPT: a. psychoanalytical models. b. internal company databases.

c. marketing intelligence. d. marketing research. Answer: (a) Difficulty: (2) Page: 157-160 5. A good marketing information system balances the information managers would like to have against: a. information that competitors have. b. information that is available. c. what they really need and what is feasible to offer. d. what is supplied by consultants. Answer: (c) Difficulty: (2) Page: 157 6. One of the greatest problems in obtaining and accessing information that is relevant to a marketing manager is: a. the intelligence of the manager. b. the cost of obtaining the information. c. the number of people that are seeking the information. d. a cataloging system for the information. Answer: (b) Difficulty: (2) Page: 157 7. A(n) __________________ is a computerized collection of information obtained from data sources within the company. a. retrieval system b. marketing research report c. flow diagram and a PERT chart d. internal database Answer: (d) Difficulty: (1) Page: 157 8. Information in the company database can come from many sources. Which of the following would not be chief among these sources? a. the accounting department b. the manufacturing department c. the marketing department d. interviews with stockholders Answer: (d) Difficulty: (1) Page: 158 9. Which of the following information forms available to the marketing manager can usually be accessed more quickly and cheaply than other information sources?

a. b. c. d.

marketing intelligence marketing research customer profiles internal databases

Answer: (d) Difficulty: (2) Page: 158 10. One of the most common problems with using internal information is that: a. since it was probably collected for some other purpose, it may be incomplete or wrong. b. it is usually expensive to retrieve. c. top executives are usually unwilling to relinquish data, therefore, the data has limits. d. the data is almost always unsecured and, therefore, suspect as to reliability. Answer: (a) Difficulty: (2) Page: 158 11. ______________ is(are) the systematic collection and analysis of publicly available information about competitors and developments in the marketing environment. a. Marketing research b. Internal company records c. Marketing intelligence d. Competitor analysis Answer: (c) Difficulty: (2) Page: 158 12. The goal of marketing intelligence is to: a. improve strategic decision making. b. improve external security of the organization. c. prevent regulators from persecuting the company or its officers. d. monitor employees and ensure the company against leaks or fraud. Answer: (a) Difficulty: (2) Page: 158 13. The systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data relevant to a specific marketing situation facing an organization is called: a. internal company records. b. marketing research. c. marketing implementation. d. marketing intelligence. Answer: (b) Difficulty: (1) Page: 160

14. If Compaq Computers wants to know how many and what kinds of people or companies will buy its new light-weight super-fast notebook computer, it would probably undertake which of the following? a. internal company records search b. marketing research c. marketing implementation analysis d. marketing intelligence Answer: (b) Difficulty: (2) Page: 160 15. Typical situations in which ________________ is used include market potential and market share studies, assessments of customer satisfaction and purchase behavior, and/or studies of pricing, product, distribution, and promotion activities. a. marketing intelligence b. marketing control c. internal company records d. marketing research Answer: (d) Difficulty: (2) Page: 160 16. The first step in the formal marketing research process is best described as being one where the marketing manager has to: a. define the problem and research objectives. b. interpret and report the findings. c. develop the research plan for collecting information. d. implement the research plan, and collect and analyze the data. Answer: (a) Difficulty: (1) Page: 160, Figure 5-2 17. Managers believe that the hardest step to accomplish successfully in the marketing research process is the one where the marketing manager has to: a. define the problem and research objectives. b. interpret and report the findings. c. develop the research plan for collecting information. d. implement the research plan, and collect and analyze the data. Answer: (a) Difficulty: (2) Page: 160, Figure 5-2 18. When a manager knows that something is wrong, but is unsure of the specific causes, the marketing research process is most likely to be in which of the following stages? a. define the problem and research objectives b. interpret and report the findings c. develop the research plan for collecting information

d. implement the research plan, collect, and analyze the data Answer: (a) Difficulty: (2) Page: 160 19. After the problem has been defined carefully, the next step in the marketing research process is to: a. develop the product concept. b. develop the advertising campaign. c. develop the research plan for collecting information. d. proceed with collecting the information. Answer: (c) Difficulty: (1) Page: 160 20. ________________ is marketing research to gather preliminary information that will help define problems and suggest hypotheses. a. Descriptive research b. Causal research c. Exploratory research d. Experimental research Answer: (c) Difficulty: (1) Page: 160 21. The type of research used to gather preliminary information to help generate research hypotheses is called: a. descriptive research. b. causal research. c. exploratory research. d. experimental research. Answer: (c) Difficulty: (2) Page: 160 22. __________________ is marketing research to better describe marketing problems, situations, or markets. a. Descriptive research b. Causal research c. Exploratory research d. Experimental research Answer: (a) Difficulty: (1) Page: 160 23. The type of research used to describe things such as the market potential for a product is called: a. descriptive research.

b. causal research. c. exploratory research. d. investigative research. Answer: (a) Difficulty: (2) Page: 160 24. ___________________ is marketing research to test hypotheses about cause-andeffect relationships. a. Descriptive research b. Causal research c. Exploratory research d. Experimental research Answer: (b) Difficulty: (1) Page: 160

25. The type of research used to test hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships is called: a. descriptive research. b. causal research. c. exploratory research. d. investigative research. Answer: (b) Difficulty: (1) Page: 160 26. The owner of a small mens clothing store has noticed that sales for mens suits are especially high on Saturdays and at the end of the month. If he chooses to investigate this phenomenon he would probably choose which of the following research formats? a. descriptive research b. causal research c. exploratory research d. investigative research Answer: (b) Difficulty: (3) Page: 160 27. The second step of the marketing research process is ____________________. During this step an outline of sources of existing data, specific research approaches, contact methods, sampling plans, and instruments that researchers will use to gather new data are presented. a. defining the problem and research objectives b. implementing the research plan c. developing the research plan for collecting information

d. interpreting and reporting the findings Answer: (c) Difficulty: (1) Page: 160, Figure 5-2 28. Research objectives can be translated into specific information needs. Which of the following would not be a good example of such specific information needs that could be matched to research objectives as applied to consumers? a. demographic, economic, and lifestyle characteristics of users b. consumer-usage patterns c. profit margins d. attitudes toward proposed new packaging Answer: (c) Difficulty: (2) Page: 161

29. __________________ is information that already exists somewhere, having been collected for another purpose. a. Experimental information b. External information c. Primary data d. Secondary data Answer: (d) Difficulty: (1) Page: 161 30. _________________ is information collected for the specific purpose at hand. a. Experimental information b. External information c. Primary data d. Secondary data Answer: (c) Difficulty: (1) Page: 161 31. The first type of data normally collected and processed in a research effort is called ____________________ data. a. experimental b. external c. primary d. secondary

Answer: (d) Difficulty: (2) Page: 161 32. _________________ are computerized collections of information available from online commercial sources or via the Internet. a. Internal databases b. Intranet databases c. Online databases d. Synergistic databases Answer: (c) Difficulty: (1) Page: 161 33. Which of the following would be a good example of an online database? a. Linux b. LEXIS-NEXIS c. AOL d. Quicken Answer: (b) Difficulty: (2) Page: 161 34. All of the following are advantages of using secondary data EXCEPT: a. secondary data can be obtained from either internal or external sources. b. secondary data can be obtained more quickly than primary data. c. secondary data usually costs more (but is usually worth it) than primary data. d. secondary data can often provide data that an individual company cannot collect on its own. Answer: (c) Difficulty: (3) Page: 161, 163 35. Problems associated with secondary data include all of the following EXCEPT: a. consistency. b. relevancy. c. accuracy. d. current status (currency). Answer: (a) Difficulty: (3) Page: 163 36. Designing a plan for primary data collection usually calls for decisions in all of the following areas EXCEPT: a. payment methods. b. research approaches. c. contact methods. d. research instruments.

Answer: (a) Difficulty: (2) Page: 164, Table 5-2 37. ________________ research is the gathering of primary data by observing relevant people, actions, and situations. a. Questionnaire b. Observational c. Survey d. Experimental Answer: (b) Difficulty: (1) Page: 164 38. Steelcase office equipment company, when designing its highly successful Personal Harbor modular office units, set up video cameras at various companies to study motions and behavior patterns that customers themselves might not even notice. This would be an example of which of the following research approaches? a. questionnaire research b. observational research c. survey research d. experimental research Answer: (b) Difficulty: (3) Page: 164 39. A wide range of companies now use ___________ researchwhich combines intensive observation with customer interviewsto gain deep insights into how customers buy and live with their products. a. experimental b. dyad c. ethnographic d. experimental Answer: (c) Difficulty: (2) Page: 164 40. A people meter or a checkout scanner would be examples of which of the following forms of research? a. ethnographic b. survey c. experimental d. mechanical Answer: (d) Difficulty: (2) Page: 166 41. ______________ is the gathering of primary data by asking people questions about their knowledge, attitudes, preferences, and buying behavior.

a. b. c. d.

Observational research Survey research Experimental research Mechanical research

Answer: (b) Difficulty: (1) Page: 166, 167 42. The most widely used method for primary data collection is called: a. observational research. b. survey research. c. experimental research. d. mechanical research. Answer: (b) Difficulty: (3) Page: 166 43. Electronic monitoring systems that link consumers exposure to television advertising and promotion (measured using television meters) with what they buy in stores (measured using store checkout scanners) are called: a. covert intelligence devices. b. single-source data systems. c. motivational research systems. d. subliminal persuasion measurement devices. Answer: (b) Difficulty: (3) Page: 167 44. The major advantage of survey research is its: a. simplicity. b. structure. c. organization. d. flexibility. Answer: (d) Difficulty: (2) Page: 167 45. ________________ is the gathering of primary data by selecting matched groups of subjects, giving them different treatments, controlling related factors, and checking for differences in group responses. a. Observational research b. Survey research c. Experimental research d. Mechanical research Answer: (c) Difficulty: (2) Page: 167

46. Which of the following common survey methods is rated excellent for the control of the sample? a. mail b. telephone c. personal d. online Answer: (b) Difficulty: (3) Page: 167, Table 5-3 47. Which of the following common survey methods is rated poor in terms of speed of data collection? a. mail b. telephone c. personal d. online Answer: (a) Difficulty: (2) Page: 167, Table 5-3 48. Of all the survey contact methods available for the marketing researcher, the _______________ method is the only one rated as excellent in the cost category (it can collect many responses cheaply). a. mail b. telephone c. personal d. online Answer: (d) Difficulty: (2) Page: 167, Table 5-3 49. Which of the following common survey methods is rated excellent in terms of flexibility? a. mail b. telephone c. personal d. online Answer: (c) Difficulty: (3) Page: 167, Table 5-3 50. When personal interviewing involves inviting six to ten people to gather for a few hours with a trained interviewer to talk about a product, service, or organization, the method is called: a. selective sponsorship. b. probing. c. focus group interviewing.

d. the Delphi method. Answer: (c) Difficulty: (2) Page: 168 51. One of the problems with focus group interviewing is the potential for greater: a. interviewer bias. b. respondent boredom. c. respondent ignorance. d. interviewer incompetence. Answer: (a) Difficulty: (2) Page: 168 52. Sam Moise goes to a local cybercafe once a week to participate in a unique form of marketing research. He sits at one of the computers in the cafe, receives questions from a pre-programmed disk, reads the questions, and types in his answers while an interviewer is present in the cafe to monitor and assist with the process. Which of the following would be the best description of the form of research in which Sam has just been a participant? a. mechanical interviewing b. computer-assisted interviewing c. focus group interviewing d. online or Internet interviewing Answer: (b) Difficulty: (2) Page: 168 53. When a marketing research organization chooses a segment of the population that represents the population as a whole, they have chosen a _______________. a. group b. bi-variant population c. sample d. market target Answer: (c) Difficulty: (1) Page: 169 54. Designing the sample in a research process requires three decisions. Which of the following is not one of those decisions? a. Who is to be surveyed? b. How many people are to be surveyed? c. How should the people in the survey be chosen? d. Who will check the accuracy of the sample? Answer: (d) Difficulty: (2) Page: 169, 172

55. When the researcher is using a _____________, each population member has a known chance of being included in the sample. a. sampling unit b. sample size measure c. probability sample d. nonprobability sample Answer: (c) Difficulty: (2) Page: 169 56. When the sampling error cannot be calculated due to the method used to select the sample, the researcher has just used a(n): a. sampling unit sample. b. inverted sample. c. probability sample. d. nonprobability sample. Answer: (d) Difficulty: (3) Page: 169 57. If the researcher (because of time or cost constraints) selects the easiest population members from which to obtain the information, he or she has just selected a(n): a. judgment sample. b. sample random sample. c. convenience sample. d. stratified random sample. Answer: (c) Difficulty: (2) Page: 169, Table 5-4 58. If the researcher is faced with a research problem wherein the population needs to be divided into mutually exclusive groups (such as age groups), and random samples are drawn from each group, the researcher has just selected a(n): a. judgment sample. b. sample random sample. c. convenience sample. d. stratified random sample. Answer: (d) Difficulty: (3) Page: 169, Table 5-4 59. If every member of the population has a known and equal chance of being chosen to survey, then the researcher has just used a(n): a. judgment sample. b. sample random sample. c. convenience sample. d. stratified random sample.

Answer: (b) Difficulty: (2) Page: 169, Table 5-4 60. Perhaps the most explosive issue facing online researchers concerns: a. the extremely high costs of online research. b. consumer privacy. c. lack of accuracy with respondent responses. d. difficulty in verifying sample demographics. Answer: (b) Difficulty: (3) Page: 171, Marketing at Work 5-2 61. ____________________ include all the possible answers, and subjects make choices among them. a. Closed-parameter questions b. Open-end questions c. Closed-end questions d. Conditioned response questions Answer: (c) Difficulty: (2) Page: 173 62. _________________ allow respondents to answer questions in their own words. a. Closed-parameter questions b. Open-end questions c. Closed-end questions d. Conditioned response questions Answer: (b) Difficulty: (1) Page: 173 63. If a researcher wanted to measure a respondents physical responses with a mechanical device, he or she could use a(n): a. galvanometer. b. people meter. c. scanner. d. brain probe. Answer: (a) Difficulty: (2) Page: 173 64. In recent years, many companies have acquired or developed special software and analysis techniques called ________________for integrating and applying the mountains of individual customer data contained in their databases. a. integration management b. people probes c. customer relationship management

d. psychographics Answer: (c) Difficulty: (2) Page: 175 65. Francis Smith wishes to pull psychographic data about customers wants and desires from the companys database. The company has been maintaining elaborate records about the wants and desires of its customers for years in what would now be called a data warehouse. When Francis pulls the needed data gems from the data warehouse, she has just participated in the process of: a. data research. b. nonmetric-multidimensional scaling. c. data mining. d. data probing. Answer: (c) Difficulty: (2) Page: 176 66. Increasingly, companies are allowing key customers and value-network members to access account and product information and other data on a companys _______ to update their accounts, arrange purchases, and check orders against inventories to improve customer service. a. Internet b. intranet c. Web-net d. extranet Answer: (d) Difficulty: (3) Page: 178 67. International marketing researchers follow _______________ steps as(than) domestic researchers do. a. the same b. more reduced c. more expanded d. more primitive Answer: (a) Difficulty: (1) Page: 180 68. All of the following would be among the problems faced by international researchers EXCEPT: a. the inability on the part of world consumers to understand marketing. b. the scarcity of good secondary data in the international arena. c. the respondents are more difficult to reach. d. the cultural differences in the world community.

Answer: (a) Difficulty: (2) Page: 180 69. Increasing consumer resentment has become a major problem for the research industry. For example, in a recent poll, _________ of Americans now refuse to be interviewed in an average survey. a. 10 percent b. 20 percent c. 25 percent d. 38 percent Answer: (d) Difficulty: (3) Page: 182 70. One common misuse of marketing research findings in contemporary business is the tendency for marketing research to: a. become a vehicle for pitching the sponsors products. b. become a vehicle for discriminating in the marketplace. c. become a means for raising prices. d. become a means for unfair competition. Answer: (a) Difficulty: (3) Page: 183

TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 71. A system that uses people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers is called a marketing information system. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (1) Page: 156 72. One of the components of an organizations marketing information system is marketing intelligence. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (1) Page: 156, 158, Figure 5-1 73. A good marketing information system balances the information users ability to pay against a hierarchy of their needs. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (3) Page: 157 74. By itself, information has no worth. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (2) Page: 157

75. One of the problems with internal databases is the slowness of access and cost associated with these information sources. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (2) Page: 158 76. Marketing research is the systematic collection and analysis of publicly available information about competitors and developments in the marketing environment. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (2) Page: 158 77. The first step in the marketing research process is to define the problem and research objectives. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (1) Page: 160, Figure 5-2 78. Descriptive research is marketing research to gather preliminary information that will help define problems and suggest hypotheses. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (2) Page: 160 79. The objective of causal research is to gather preliminary information that will help define the problem and suggest hypotheses. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (2) Page: 160 80. Secondary data is information collected for the specific purpose at hand. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (2) Page: 161 81. A good example of an online database is LEXIS-NEXIS. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (2) Page: 161 82. Primary data can usually be obtained more quickly and at a lower cost than secondary data. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (1) Page: 163 83. Ethnographic research is used to gain deep insights into how customers buy and live with their products. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (1) Page: 164

84. One way to conduct observational research would be to use a people meter. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (2) Page: 166 85. Observational research is the gathering of primary data by asking people questions about their knowledge, attitudes, preferences, and buying behavior. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (1) Page: 164, 166 86. The mail survey technique is rated excellent in the flexibility category. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (2) Page: 167, Table 5-3 87. The telephone survey technique is rated as being excellent in the control of sample category. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (3) Page: 167, Table 5-3 88. The only survey method that receives an excellent rating with respect to cost is the online method of survey research. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (2) Page: 167, Table 5-3 89. Because interviewers have more freedom in personal interviews while conducting a focus group, the problem of interviewer bias is very slight. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (2) Page: 168 90. With a sample random sample, the researcher finds and interviews a prescribed number of people in each of several categories. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (2) Page: 169, Table 5-4 91. With a stratified random sample, the population is divided into mutually exclusive groups and the researcher draws a random sample from each group. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (2) Page: 169, Table 5-4 92. Open-end questions allow respondents to answer in their own words. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (1) Page: 173

93. A customer touch point is a company-wide electronic storehouse of customer information. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (1) Page: 175 94. Marketing information has no value until it is used to make better marketing decisions. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (1) Page: 177 95. Because of the complexity and cost of secondary data collection, observation, surveys, and experiments, small organizations with small budgets can rarely use and benefit from marketing research done on an informal basis. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (3) Page: 180 96. Many consumers feel positively about marketing research and believe that it serves a useful purpose. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (1) Page: 182 SAMPLE MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS MARKETING IN A GLOBAL ECONOMY (From previous edition of Armstrong & Kotler) 1. Which of the following information forms available to the marketing manager can usually be accessed more quickly and cheaply than other information sources? a. Marketing intelligence b. Marketing research c. Customer profiles d. Internal databases 2. All of the following are considered to be drawbacks of local marketing EXCEPT: a. it can drive up manufacturing and marketing costs by reducing economies of scale. b. it can create logistical problems when the company tries to meet varied requirements. c. it can attract unwanted competition. d. it can dilute the brand's overall image. 3. Cognitive dissonance occurs in which stage of the buyer decision process model? a. Need recognition b. Information search c. Evaluation of alternatives d. Postpurchase behavior

4. That the company that overlooks new and better ways to do things will eventually lose customers to another company that has found a better way of serving customer needs is a major tenet of: a. innovative marketing. b. consumer-oriented marketing. c. value marketing. d. sense-of-mission marketing. 5. The biggest or greatest amount of involvement in a foreign market comes through which of the following? a. Exporting b. Joint venturing c. Licensing d. Direct investment 6. A ______________ is a good offered either free or at low cost as an incentive to buy a product. a. patronage reward b. spiff c. price pack d. premium 7. Setting call objectives is done during which of the following stages of the selling process? a. Prospecting b. Preapproach c. Approach d. Handling objections 8. Pricing to cover variable costs and some fixed costs, as in the case of some automobile distributorships that sell below total costs, is typical of which of the following pricing objectives? a. Current profit maximization b. Product quality leadership c. Market share leadership d. Survival 9. In determining salesforce size, when a company groups accounts into different size classes and then determines the number of salespeople needed to call on them the desired number of times, it is called the: a. key-size approach. b. work-load approach. c. product-need approach. d. call-service approach.

10. ____________________ are products bought by individuals and organizations for further processing or for use in conducting a business. a. Consumer products b. Services c. Industrial products d. Specialty products

11. All of the following would be ways to segment within the category of psychographic segmentation EXCEPT: a. social class. b. occupation. c. lifestyle. d. personality. 12. The __________________ is a person within a reference group who, because of special skills, knowledge, personality, or other characteristics, exerts influence on others. a. facilitator b. referent actor c. opinion leader d. social role player 13. _______________ describes changes in an individual's behavior arising from experience. a. Modeling b. Motivation c. Perception d. Learning 14. Concerns that the manufacturers of harmful products such as tobacco have influence on lawmakers to the detriment of the public interest is used as evidence of which criticism of marketing? a. Too much advertising. b. Too few social goods. c. Cultural pollution. d. Too much political power. 15. The Internet evolved from a network created by _________________ during the 1960s. a. the Commerce Department b. the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) c. Northwestern University d. the Defense Department

16. In terms of execution styles, a family seated at the dinner table enjoying the advertised product would be an example of which of the following types of advertising? a. Slice of life b. Lifestyle c. Mood or imagery d. Personality symbol 17. A child in the United States is normally exposed to all of the following values EXCEPT: a. achievement and success. b. activity and involvement. c. material comfort. d. collectivism. 18. ________________ have contractual authority to sell a manufacturer's entire output. a. Selling agents b. Rack jobbers c. Manufacturer's agents d. Purchasing agents 19. Sellers that handle their own exports are engaged in: a. direct exporting. b. indirect exporting. c. licensing. d. contract manufacturing. 20. More and more salespeople are being evaluated and compensated based on different measures than in the past. All of the following are illustrations of those measures EXCEPT: a. long-term customer satisfaction. b. competitive predatory pricing performance. c. full customer service. d. retention rates. 21. ________________ includes practices such as overstating the product's features or performance, luring the customer to the store for a bargain that is out of stock, or running rigged contests. a. Deceptive promotion b. Deceptive packaging c. Deceptive pricing d. Deceptive cost structure 22. The orange juice manufacturers know that orange juice is most often consumed in the mornings. However, they would like to change this and make the drink acceptable during other time periods during the day. Which form of segmentation would they need to work with and establish strategy reflective of their desires?

a. b. c. d.

gender segmentation benefit segmentation occasion segmentation age and life-cycle segmentation

23. The typical method of retail operation used by supermarkets and catalog showrooms is called: a. self-service retailing. b. limited-service retailing. c. full-service retailing. d. service-merchandiser. 24. A(n) __________________ are computerized collections of information obtained from data sources within the company. a. retrieval systems b. marketing research reports c. flow diagrams and PERT charts d. internal databases 25. The total number of items that the company carries within its product lines refers to the ___________ of the product mix. a. width b. depth c. length d. consistency 26. The use of price points for reference to different levels of quality for a company's related products is typical of which product-mix pricing strategy? a. Optional-product pricing b. Captive-product pricing c. By-product pricing d. Product line pricing 27. If a company's objective were to reach masses of buyers that were geographically dispersed at a low cost per exposure, the company would likely choose which of the following promotion forms? a. Advertising b. Personal selling c. Public relations d. Sales promotion 28. Using a successful brand name to introduce additional items in a given product category under the same brand name (such as new flavors, forms, colors, added ingredients, or package sizes) is called a(n):

a. b. c. d.

line extension. brand extension. multibranding. new brands.

29. Successful service companies focus their attention on both their customers and their employees. They understand ___________________, which links service firm profits with employee and customer satisfaction. a. internal marketing b. service-profit chains c. interactive marketing d. service differentiation 30. __________________ is quoted as saying that "everyone lives by selling something." a. Bill Gates b. Robert Louis Stevenson c. Arthur Miller d. Henry Ford 31. Anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need is called a(n): a. idea. b. demand. c. product. d. service.

32. The type of sales presentation approach that requires good listening and problemsolving skills is the: a. canned approach. b. formula approach. c. need-satisfaction approach. d. critical-thinking approach. 33. Yahoo, Infoseek, and Excite are all called: a. browsers. b. Webcasters. c. search engines. d. software.

34. Successful ________________ depends on how well a company blends its people, organizational structure, decision and reward systems, and company culture into a cohesive program that supports its strategies. a. marketing strategy b. marketing control c. marketing analysis d. marketing implementation 35. Wal-Mart owned Sam's club is an example of a retail form called a(n): a. factory outlet. b. super specialty store. c. seconds store. d. warehouse club. 36. ______________ is the general term for a buying and selling process that is supported by electronic means. a. Internet commerce b. Web commerce c. Computer commerce d. Electronic commerce 37. When a company enters a new product category for which its current brand names are not appropriate, it will likely follow which of the following brand strategies? a. Product extensions b. Line extensions c. Brand extensions d. New brands 38. ________________ consists of dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers on the basis of needs, characteristics, or behavior who might require separate products or marketing mixes. a. Product differentiation b. Market segmentation c. Market targeting d. Market positioning 39. _________________ are ads that appear while subscribers are surfing online services or Web sites, including banners, pop-up windows, "tickers," and "roadblocks." a. Online infomercials b. Online ads c. Online broadcasts d. Online bullets

40. In terms of special product life cycles, a _____________ is a basic and distinctive mode of expression. a. genre b. style c. fashion d. fad 41. _________________ is a principle of enlightened marketing that requires that a company seek real product and marketing improvements. a. Innovative marketing b. Consumer-oriented marketing c. Value marketing d. Sense-of-mission marketing

42. Many U.S. firms have sought relief from foreign competition by demanding protectionism policies by the U.S. government. A better way for companies to compete is to expand into foreign markets and: a. lower prices. b. increase promotion both at home and abroad. c. continuously improve their products at home. d. join into cartels at home. 43. __________________ is the process of evaluating each market segment's attractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter. a. Mass marketing b. Market segmentation c. Market targeting d. Market positioning 44. It is a fact that there are 24 million left-handed people in the United States, however, most marketers do not attempt to appeal to or design products for this group because there is little in the way of census data about this group. Therefore, this group fails in one of the requirements for effective segmentation. Which of the following is most likely to apply in this case? a. actionable b. substantial c. differentiable d. measurable

45. The fact that services are sold, produced, and consumed at the same time refers to which of the following service characteristics? a. Intangibility b. Inseparability c. Variability d. Perishability 46. _______________ factors are the most popular bases for segmenting customer groups. a. Geographic b. Demographic c. Psychographic d. Behavioral 47. A manufacturer has four sponsorship options. A _________________ is a brand created and owned by a reseller of a product or service. a. licensed brand b. manufacturer's brand c. private brand d. co-brand 48. When Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods use marketing to promote their careers and improve their impact and incomes, they are using: a. cause-related marketing. b. idea marketing. c. nonprofit marketing. d. person marketing. 49. 3M runs a Pollution Prevention Pays program that has led to a substantial reduction in pollution and costs. This would be an example of responding to which of the following? a. Nader's raiders. b. The "green movement." c. Governmental regulation. d. International competition. 50. When an international seller sells a plant, equipment, or technology to another country and agrees to take payment in the resulting products, it is called: a. barter. b. buy-back. c. counterpurchase. d. like-value exchange. 51. The stage is the product life cycle that focuses on expanding market and creating product awareness and trial is the: a. decline stage.

b. c. d.

introduction stage. growth stage. maturity stage.

52. Which of the following promotional budget methods wrongly views sales as the cause of promotion rather than as the result? a. Affordable method b. Percentage-of-Sales method c. Competitive-parity method d. Objective-and-task method 53. If the field salesforce has been supplied with new leads (via the telephone) that have been qualified, they have probably been assisted by: a. master salespersons. b. sales assistants. c. technical support persons. d. telemarketers. 54. ________________ is setting the price steps between various products in a product line based on cost differences between the products, customer evaluations of different features, and competitors' prices. a. Optional-product pricing b. Captive-product pricing c. Product line pricing d. By-product pricing 55. Rolls Royce uses which of the following distribution formats? a. Intensive distribution b. Exclusive distribution c. Selective distribution d. Open distribution 56. Drop shippers perform which of the following functions? a. Assumes title and ships coal, lumber, or heavy equipment to a buyer. b. Stocks the bread rack in a grocery store. c. Maintains, owns, and stocks a CD display in a grocery store. d. Sells jewelry out of a catalog. 57. A set of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by the consumer or business user is called a(n): a. retailer. b. wholesaler. c. distribution channel.



58. ______________ beliefs and values are open to some degree of change. a. Crucial b. Core c. Primary d. Secondary

59. According to Engel's law, as income rises: a. the percentage spent on food rises. b. the percentage spent on housing increases. c. the percentage spent on other categories increases. d. the percentage spent on savings remains constant. 60. The Wheeler-Lea Act gives the Federal Trade Commission the power to regulate: a. interstate commerce. b. marketing ethics. c. unfair and deceptive acts or practices. d. competitive advertising of objective product benefits. 61. In evaluating messages for advertising, telling how the product is better than the competing brands aims at making the ad: a. meaningful. b. distinctive. c. believable. d. remembered. 62. When an importing country sets limits on the amount of goods it will accept in certain product categories it is called a(n): a. quota. b. barrier. c. tariff. d. embargo. 63. According to the price/quality strategy matrix, when a company overprices its product in relation to its quality it is considered to be using which type of strategy? a. Good-value strategy. b. Premium strategy. c. Overcharging strategy. d. Snob strategy. 64. ___________________ is the practice of adopting policies and developing strategies that both sustain the environment and produce profits for the company.

a. b. c. d.

Environmentalism Environmental sustainability Consumerism Consumer accountability

65. A ________________ is a promotion strategy that calls for using the sales force and trade promotion to move the product through channels. a. push strategy b. pull strategy c. blocking strategy d. integrated strategy 66. Consumer goods with unique characteristics or brand identification often requiring a special purchase effort are called: a. custom products. b. specialty products. c. convenience products. d. shopping products. 67. Even though buying roles in the family change constantly, the ___________ has traditionally been the main purchasing agent for the family. a. wife b. husband c. teenage children d. grandparent 68. A(n) _______________________ is a retail store that carries a narrow product line with a deep assortment within that line. a. shopping goods store b. convenience store c. specialty store d. department store 69. The purpose of strategic planning is to find ways in which the company can best: a. overcome losses. b. use its strengths to take advantage of attractive opportunities in the environment. c. avoid paying taxes. d. avoid the expense of costly research and development while still getting the benefits. 70. Which of the following is NOT one of the five stages of the buyer decision process? a. need recognition b. brand identification

c. d.

information search purchase decision

71. A _____________ is a need that is sufficiently pressing to direct the person to seek satisfaction. a. motive b. want c. demand d. requirement 72. If a firm were to bid to do a "turnkey" operation where they would choose a building site, designing a cement factory to build the plant, hire construction crews, assemble materials and equipment to run the new factory, and turn over the finished factory ready to operate to the owners, the firm would be using which of the following? a. Core process products selling b. Design products selling c. Reciprocal selling d. Systems selling

73. According to the text, the most dramatic of the environments that affect marketing and appears to be now shaping our world is the ________________ environment. a. natural b. demographic c. economic d. technological 74. The "in" suppliers are most likely to get nervous and feel pressure to put their best foot forward in which of the following types of buying situations? a. modified rebuy b. new task buying c. straight rebuy d. indirect rebuy 75. All of the following are ways that marketing plays a key role in the company's strategic planning EXCEPT: a. marketing provides a guiding philosophy. b. marketing is the only discipline that can provide a formal structure for the planning effort. c. marketing provides inputs to strategic planners by helping to identify attractive market opportunities.

d. within individual business units, marketing designs strategies for reaching the unit's objectives. 76. Which of the following is foreign owned (even though it is traditionally thought of as a U.S. company)? a. IBM b. Xerox c. Kodak d. Universal Studios 77. In an example discussed in your text, Johnson & Johnson's recall of their Tylenol product following the discovery that several bottles of Tylenol had been laced with cyanide is consistent with which business philosophy? a. The marketing concept. b. The product concept. c. The selling concept. d. The societal marketing concept. 78. _________________ is the step in the selling process in which the salesperson learns as much as possible about a prospective customer before making a sales call. a. Prospecting b. Preapproach c. Approach d. Handling objections 79. A company's compensation plan should reflect its overall marketing strategy. For example, if the overall strategy is to grow rapidly and gain market share, the compensation plan should reward: a. loyalty and perseverance. b. spot selling and old product rejuvenation. c. high sales performance and encourage capturing new accounts. d. high pressure situations and competitive reaction. 80. Traditionally, companies have defined their businesses in product terms or in technological terms. However, mission statements should be all of the following EXCEPT: a. market oriented. b. a statement of religion. c. motivating. d. based on distinctive competencies. 81. A price reduction to buyers who buy in large volumes is called a(n): a. quantity discount. b. cash discount. c. seasonal discount.


trade discount.

82. R&D and engineering first produce the product concept into a physical product during which of the following stages of the new product development process? a. Concept development and testing b. Marketing strategy c. Business analysis d. Product development

83. All of the following are criticisms leveled against marketing by critics EXCEPT: a. harming consumers through high prices. b. harming consumers through deceptive practices. c. harming consumers through high-pressure selling. d. harming consumers through too many product choices. 84. If Toyota describes one of its cars of the future as being "a moderately priced subcompact designed as a second family car to be used around town; the car is ideal for running errands and visiting friends," then the company has just stated a potential new product in terms of a(n): a. product idea b. product image c. product concept d. product feature 85. The primary reason that many companies work to become the "low-cost producers" in their industry is because: a. they can generate more advertising. b. they can please top management. c. they can gain tax advantages. d. they can set lower prices that result in greater sales and profits.

86. Conflicts between different levels of the same channel of distribution are referred to as: a. horizontal conflicts. b. vertical conflicts. c. layer-based conflicts. d. parallel conflicts. 87. ________________ is a philosophy holding that a company's marketing should support the best long-run performance of the marketing system. a. Enlightened marketing b. Myopic marketing c. Fundamental marketing


Conceptual marketing

88. A company is practicing ________________ if it focuses on subsegments with distinctive traits that may seek a special combination of benefits. a. micromarketing b. niche marketing c. mass marketing d. segment marketing 89. If a consumer describes a car as being the "most economical car on the market," then this descriptor is a: a. rule. b. attitude. c. belief. d. cue. 90. All of the following are commonly recognized promotion budget formats EXCEPT: a. the affordable method. b. the LIFO method. c. the percentage-of-sales method. d. the objective-and-task method. 91. When a company reviews sales, costs, and profit projections for a new product to find out whether these factors satisfy the company's objectives, they are in which of the following new process development stages? a. Concept development and testing. b. Commercialization. c. Business analysis. d. Marketing strategy development. 92. _______________ is a strategy of using a successful brand name to launch a new or modified product in a new category. a. Duobranding b. Line extension c. Brand extension d. Multibranding 93. The fact that services cannot be stored for later use or sale is evidence of their: a. intangibility. b. inseparability. c. variability. d. perishability.

94. _________________ is the concept under which a company carefully integrates and coordinates its many communications channels to deliver a clear, consistent, and compelling message about the organization and its products. a. The promotion mix b. Integrated international affairs c. Integrated marketing communications d. Integrated demand characteristics 95. Catalog marketing is big business in the United States. The average household receives ______________ catalogs per year. a. 25 b. 50 c. 75 d. 100 96. A company faces several major decisions in international marketing. The first of these decisions is often: a. deciding whether to go international. b. looking at the global marketing environment. c. deciding which markets to enter. d. deciding how to enter markets. 97. A ____________________ is the way consumers perceive an actual or potential product. a. product idea b. product image c. product concept d. product feature 98. The American Marketing Association suggests a list of code of ethics. All of the following are ethics suggested in the area of distribution EXCEPT: a. not manipulating the availability of a product for purpose of exploitation. b. not using coercion in the marketing channel. c. using gray marketers whenever possible to save the consumer money. d. not exerting undue influence over the reseller's choice to handle a product. 99. Given recent information about growth trends and growth potential of ethnic populations within the U.S. market, which of the following ethnic groups would be a best bet to double during the next half century and become one of the U.S. market's most viable segments? a. Hispanics and Asians b. African Americans c. Western Europeans d. Middle Eastern

100. All of the following are methods by which a company can divide up its sales responsibilities EXCEPT: a. territorial sales force structure. b. pychographic trait sales force structure. c. product sales force structure. d. customer sales force structure. 101. If your company were to make a product such as a suit of clothes and sold that product to a retailer, your company would have sold to the ___________ market. a. reseller b. business c. government d. service 102. The course of a product's sales and profits over its lifetime is called: a. the sales chart. b. the dynamic growth curve. c. the adoption cycle. d. the product life cycle. 103. The type of trade-promotion discount in which manufacturers agree to reduce the price to the retailer in exchange for the retailer's agreement to feature the manufacturer's products in some way is called a(n): a. discount. b. allowance. c. premium. d. rebate. 104. The most logical budget setting method is found in the list below. Which is it? a. Affordable method b. Percentage-of-Sales method c. Competitive-parity method d. Objective-and-task method 105. The place in the business buying behavior model where interpersonal and individual influences might interact is called the: a. environment. b. response. c. stimuli. d. buying center. 106. When producers, wholesalers, and retailers act as a unified system, they comprise a: a. conventional marketing system. b. power-based marketing system. c. horizontal marketing system.


vertical marketing system.

107. One common misuse of marketing research findings in contemporary business is the tendency for marketing research to: a. become a vehicle for pitching the sponsor's products. b. become a vehicle for discriminating in the marketplace. c. become a means for raising prices. d. become a means for unfair competition. 108. ______________ is a person's distinguishing psychological characteristics that lead to relatively consistent and lasting responses to his or her own environment. a. Psychographics b. Personality c. Demographics d. Lifestyle 109. ________________ has the advantage of being high in selectivity; low cost; immediacy; and interactive capabilities. a. Direct Mail b. Outdoor c. Online d. Radio 110. The choice between high markups and high volume is part of which of the following retailer marketing decisions? a. Target market decisions b. Product assortment and services decisions c. Pricing decisions d. Promotion decisions 111. If an advertiser wants flexibility, timeliness, good local market coverage, broad acceptability, and high believability, the advertiser will probably choose which of the following mass media types? a. Newspapers b. Television c. Direct Mail d. Radio 112. If your company were to make light bulbs to be used in photocopiers, you would most likely be selling to a ________________ market. a. reseller b. business c. government d. service

113. If a government uses barriers to foreign products such as biases against a foreign company's bids, or product standards that go against a foreign company's product features, the government is using: a. protectionism. b. exchange controls. c. exchange facilitators. d. nontariff trade barriers. 114. A(n) _______________ is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of these that identifies the maker or seller of a product or service. a. product feature b. sponsorship c. brand d. logo 115. All of the following factors can affect the attractiveness of a market segment EXCEPT: a. the presence of many strong and aggressive competitors. b. the likelihood of government monitoring. c. actual or potential substitute products. d. the power of buyers in the segment. 116. A _______________ is any activity or benefit offered for sale that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. a. demand b. basic staple c. product d. service 117. If Mark Mars pays Hershey Foods Corporation for the right to use their name on his line of T-shirts, then Mr. Mars is using which type of branding? a. Licensed brand b. Manufacturer's brand c. Private brand d. Co-brand 118. When personal interviewing involves inviting six to ten people to gather for a few hours with a trained interviewer to talk about a product, service, or organization, the method is called: a. selective sponsorship. b. probing. c. focus group interviewing. d. the Delphi method.

119. The _______________ holds that consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable (therefore, work on improving production and distribution efficiency). a. product concept b. production concept c. production cost expansion concept d. marketing concept 120. If advertising constantly sends out messages about materialism, sex, power, and status, which of the following categories of social criticism most closely matches this problem? a. Too much advertising. b. Too few social goods. c. Cultural pollution. d. Too much political power. 121. A company is in the ______________ stage of the new product development process when the company develops the product concept into a physical product in order to assure that the product idea can be turned into a workable product. a. product development b. commercialization c. marketing strategy d. business analysis 122. The shrinking of distances due to technological advances such as computer and fax connections by telephone, are one characteristic of what new challenge to marketing? a. Rapid globalization. b. The changing world economy. c. The call for more socially responsible marketing. d. The micro-chip revolution. 123. Joining with foreign companies to produce or market products and services is called: a. direct exporting. b. indirect exporting. c. licensing. d. joint venturing. 124. The major advantage of survey research is its: a. simplicity. b. structure. c. organization. d. flexibility. 125. The type of salesforce structure in which the salesforce sells along product lines is called a: a. territorial salesforce.

b. c. d.

product salesforce. customer salesforce. retail salesforce.

126. A "three-day cooling off period" in which buyers can cancel a contract after re-thinking it is to protect the consumer from: a. creative selling b. high pressure selling c. detail selling d. hard core selling 127. The practice of going after a large share of a smaller market or subsets of a few markets is called: a. undifferentiated marketing. b. differentiated marketing. c. concentrated marketing. d. turbo marketing. 128. When Coca-Cola and Nestle formed a joint venture to market a ready-to-drink coffee and tea worldwide, the type of marketing system that was formed would best be described as being a(n): a. vertical marketing system b. parallel marketing system c. diversified marketing system d. horizontal marketing system 129. ________________ is screening new-product ideas in order to spot good ideas and drop poor ones as soon as possible. a. Idea generation b. Concept development and testing c. Idea screening d. Brainstorming 130. When a marketing research organization chooses a segment of the population that represents the population as a whole, they have chosen a _______________. a. group b. bi-variant population c. sample d. market target 131. The goal of the marketing logistics system should be to provide: a. a targeted level of promotional support. b. a targeted level of customer service at the least cost. c. a targeted level of transportation expense ratio.


a targeted level of field support.

132. Setting the promotion budget so as to match the budgets of the competition is characteristic of which of the following budget methods? a. Affordable method b. Percentage-of-Sales method c. Competitive-parity method d. Objective-and-task method 133. If a company (considering its options on the product/market expansion grid) chooses to move into different unrelated fields (from what it has ever done before) with new products as a means to stimulate growth, the company would be following which of the following general strategies? a. market penetration b. market development c. product development d. diversification 134. Technological advances, shifts in consumer tastes, and increased competition, all of which reduce demand for a product are typical of which stage in the PLC? a. decline stage b. introduction stage c. growth stage d. maturity stage 135. If Honda uses its company name to cover such different products as its automobiles, lawn mowers, and motorcycles, it is practicing which of the following strategies? a. new brand strategy b. line extension strategy c. multibrand strategy d. brand extension strategy

136. The process that turns marketing strategies and plans into marketing actions in order to accomplish strategic marketing objectives is called: a. Marketing strategy. b. Marketing control. c. Marketing analysis. d. Marketing implementation. 137. Each salesperson is assigned to an exclusive area in which to sell the company's full line of products or services in which type of salesforce structure?

a. b. c. d.

Territorial sales force. Product sales force. Customer sales force. Hybrid sales force.

138. The last stage in the selling process is the ________________ stage. a. approach b. handling objections c. closing d. follow-up 139. In 1985, the Coca-Cola Company made a classic marketing blunder with its deletion of its popular Coca-Cola product and introduction of what it called New Coke. Analysts now believe that most of the company's problems resulted from poor marketing research. As the public demanded their "old Coke" back, the company relented and reintroduced Coca-Cola Classic (which has regained and surpassed its former position) while New Coke owns only 0.1 percent of the market. Which of the following marketing research mistakes did Coca-Cola make? a. They did not investigate pricing correctly and priced the product too high. b. They did not investigate dealer reaction and had inadequate distribution. c. They defined their marketing research problem too narrowly. d. They failed to account for the Pepsi Challenge taste test in their marketing efforts. 140. Costs that do not vary with production or sales levels are called: a. fixed costs. b. variable costs. c. standard costs. d. independent costs. 141. All of the following are thought to be sources of new product ideas EXCEPT: a. internal sources. b. customers. c. competitors. d. the local library. 142. Today, advertising captures about ____ percent of total promotion spending. a. 15 b. 23 c. 29 d. 33 143. The first modern environmental movement in the United States began in the: a. 1940s.

b. c. d.

1950s. 1960s and 1970s. mid-1980s.

144. One of the most common problems with using internal database information is that: a. since it was probably collected for some other purpose, it may be incomplete or wrong. b. it is usually expensive to retrieve. c. top executives are usually unwilling to relinquish data, therefore, the data has limits. d. the data is almost always unsecured and, therefore, suspect as to reliability. 145. Regulations that arise to ensure that firms take responsibility for the social costs of their products or production processes stem from which reason for government legislation of business? a. To protect companies from each other. b. To protect consumers from unfair business practices. c. To protect the interests of society. d. To protect businesses from unfair consumer demands. 146. The advantages of audience selectivity, no ad competition and personalization apply to which type of media? a. Newspapers b. Television c. Direct Mail d. Radio 147. One of the most promising developments in multivariable segmentation is called _________________ where a host of demographic and socioeconomic factors are used. a. terragraphic segmentation b. fermagraphic segmentation c. geothermy segmentation d. geodemographic segmentation 148. When companies make marketing decisions by considering consumers' wants and the long-run interests of the company, consumer, and the general population, they are practicing which of the following principles? a. Innovative marketing b. Consumer-oriented marketing c. Value marketing d. Societal marketing 149. The study of human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, gender, race, occupation, and other statistics is called:

a. b. c. d.

Geothermy. Demography. Ethnography. Hemos-popography.

150. Marketers are sometimes accused of deceptive practices that lead consumers to believe they will get more value than they actually do. ______________ includes practices such as falsely advertising "factory" or "wholesale" prices or a large price reduction from a phony high retail price. a. Deceptive promotion b. Deceptive packaging c. Deceptive pricing d. Deceptive cost structure Chapter 20 THE MARKETING RESEARCH REPORT: PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION GENERAL CONCEPT MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. a. b. c. d. e. Significant findings and recommendations from research are meaningless unless you can: write them in a physically attractive final report communicate them to your client communicate them to your client in a way that your client knows what you have said provide supporting documentation in your report's appendix provide a detailed bibliography Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 597

2. A factual message that transmits research results, vital recommendations, conclusions, and other information to the client, who in turn uses the information as a basis for decision making, is known as: a. article summary b. marketing research report c. body report d. advancement report e. title fly page Answer: (b) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 598

3. a. b.

Which is true regarding the importance placed on the marketing research report? The report is the product that represents the efforts of the research team. The report communicates the research project and findings to the client.

c. d. e.

The report helps build credibility. The report may be the only part of the project that the client will see. All of the above are reasons why the report is important.

Answer: (e) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 598

4. Which of the following was mentioned in the book as the automated reporting software that helps marketing research efficiency? a. E-MR b. E-Tabs c. MR 2.0 d. ReportWare e. AutoResearch Answer: (b) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 599 5. It is often very helpful, when preparing the research report to: a. use #2 pencil b. write for the common reader and answer all possible questions c. assume the role of the reader and ask: "What's in it for me?" d. follow a previously written report carefully e. None of the above Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 600

6. a. b. c. d. e.

The written research report can be grouped into three sections, which are: body, introduction, and ending introduction, body, and end matter executive summary, appendices, bibliography front matter, body, and end matter title fly, executive summary, body

Answer: (d) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 601

7. a. b. c. d. e.

Which of the following is not a part of the front matter? introduction title fly table of contents abstract/executive summary list of illustrations

Answer: (a) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 601

8. a. b. c. d. e.

The title page does not include which of the following? the title the organization/person(s) for whom the report has been prepared the organization/person(s) who prepared the report date of submission None of the above; they are all included on the title page.

Answer: (e) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 601

9. a. b. c. d. e.

Which of the following is NOT true about the title page? The title should be as informative as possible. The title should be centered and in all caps. Items other than the title should be centered and in all caps. It should be counted as page i. No number should be shown on the page.

Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 601

10. Which of the following is the marketing research firm's certification to do the project and is optional as to whether it appears in the report or not? a. letter of transmittal b. letter of certification c. signed research proposal d. letter of authorization e. RFP Answer: (d) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 602

11. a. b. c. d. e.

The memo of transmittal is used: instead of delivering the document to deliver the document to deliver the document to a client outside the firm to deliver the document within the firm only when the document is transmitted electronically

Answer: (d) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 603

12. a. b. c. d. e.

The letter of transmittal is used: instead of delivering the document to deliver the document to deliver the document to a client outside the firm to deliver the document within the firm only when the document is transmitted electronically

Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 603

13. a. b. c. d. e.

Which of the following would help the reader locate information in the research report? letter of transmittal executive summary table of contents introduction the title fly

Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 603

14. a. b. c. d. e.

Which of the following is acceptable in a marketing research report table of contents? letter of authorization numbered with arabic numerals introduction pages are not numbered executive summary listed with arabic numerals the table of contents page should be listed title page not listed

Answer: (e) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 603

15. An aid to the reader in finding specific information that serves to graphically portray what is being said is referred to as: a. list of appendices b. list of illustrations c. table of contents d. list of tables e. list of figures Answer: (a) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 603

16. a. b. c. d. e.

Which of the following is NOT a figure? graph chart map picture table

Answer: (e) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 603

17. Which of these items provides an overview, or "skeleton," of the research report including conclusions and recommendations? a. table of contents b. title page c. appendix d. executive summary e. synopsis Answer: (d) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 603

18. a. b. c. d. e.

The body of the report does not contain the: conclusions executive summary introduction results method

Answer: (b) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 604

19. Which section of the marketing research report contains the major portion of the report and presents the findings of the research possibly organized around the objectives of the study? a. method b. body c. results d. conclusions e. None of the above Answer: (b) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 604 20. Which of the following would be included in the introduction? a. title

b. c. d. e.

executive summary general purpose as well as the specific objectives results All of the above are included in the introduction.

Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 605

21. a. b. c. d. e.

Reporting of the details as to how the research was conducted is contained in the: the method section conduct of research section appendix body conclusions

Answer: (a) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 606

22. a. b. c. d. e.

Plagiarism is derived from a Latin word for: paper taking plain theft kidnapping a Roman citizen's slave kidnapping paper thoughts copying others' words

Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 607

23. Limitations: a. should be acknowledged but in the appendix b. should be acknowledged, and a statement should be made as to how they impact the results c. should not be acknowledged as they take credibility away from the findings d. should not exist in a thorough report e. should be included in the conclusions section of the report, if at all Answer: (b) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 609

24. Research is conducted to determine which recipe of cookie mix is most preferred. Cookie recipe "D" has the highest preference ratings among four cookie mixes tested. This is: a. a recommendation b. a conclusion

c. d. e.

information that should be included in the front matter a method a methodology

Answer: (b) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 609

25. Research is conducted to determine which recipe of cookie mix is most preferred. Cookie recipe "D" has the highest preference ratings among four cookie mixes tested. The report states that cookie mix "D" should replace all existing recipes as soon as possible. This last sentence is: a. a recommendation b. a conclusion c. information that should be included in the front matter d. a method e. a methodology Answer: (a) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 609

26. In a marketing research report, recommendations should: a. always be included b. never be included c. be included if agreed upon by the researcher/client d. be carefully edited e. None of the above Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 609

27. a. b. c. d. e.

Which of the following best describes recommendations in a marketing research report? suggestions for how to proceed based upon the conclusions guidelines for how to proceed based upon the conclusions suggestions for how to proceed based upon the limitations guidelines for how to proceed based upon the limitations guidelines for how to proceed based on the methodology

Answer: (a) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 609

28. If appropriate, materials such as data collection forms or actual computer printouts should be included in the: a. printout section of the report b. table of computer printouts

c. list of illustrations d. appendix e. None of the above; computer printouts should never be included in the report given to a client. Answer: (d) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 609

29. Signals that indicate the topics of each section and act like signals and signposts along the "road" of a marketing research report are referred to as: a. headings and subheadings b. tables of contents c. tables d. visuals e. lists of illustrations Answer: (a) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 610

30. a. b. c. d. e.

Which of the following is a violation of general guidelines for headings? A heading introduces a change of topic. Headings are topic sections under subheadings. Headings should be in the form of a question. Headings serve as visual sign-posts. Kinds of heading should be chosen based on the writer's purpose.

Answer: (a) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 610

31. Visuals that systematically present numerical data or words in columns and rows are referred to as: a. figures b. charts c. pictures d. tables e. diagrams Answer: (d) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 610

32. Visuals that translate numbers into visual displays so that relationships and trends become comprehensible are referred to as: a. tables

b. c. d. e.

charts diagrams figures pictures

Answer: (d) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 610

33. Which of the following was not discussed by the authors as stylistic devices or "tips" to consider when writing the research report? a. prepare the appendix in a smaller font than that used for the report b. begin paragraphs with topic sentences c. use jargon sparingly d. proofread, but not aloud; reading aloud takes away from the concentration necessary to properly proofread e. None of the above Answer: (a) Difficulty: (Easy) Pages: 610, 612-613

34. a. b. c. d. e.

Which of the following identify exact values? tables pictures maps graphs pie charts

Answer: (a) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 613

35. In a marketing research report, the set of topics and their relationships in the process followed by Procter & Gamble to develop a new type of shampoo should be presented as a: a. table b. picture c. flow diagram d. bar graph e. pie chart Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 613

36. Pie charts are particularly useful for illustrating:

a. b. c. d. e.

relative size or static comparisons items over time detail relationships found in the data ratio-scaled data

Answer: (a) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 613

37. Which SPSS command would you use to change the format of a frequencies table generated by the command: ANALYZE; DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS; FREQUENCIES? a. FORMAT; CHANGETABLE b. FORMAT; TABLEFREQ c. FORMAT; FORMATCHANGE d. FORMAT; TABLELOOKS e. FORMAT; LOOK Answer: (d) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 614

38. a. b. c. d. e.

Which SPSS command would you use to create a pie chart? CHART; PIE GRAPHS; PIE PIEGRAPH; GO CHART; PIE; GO FORMAT; PIE CHART

Answer: (b) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 616

39. a. b. c. d. e.

When topics are sequential, which of the following visuals would be most appropriate? bar chart histogram flow diagram sequentials graph sequence graph

Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 601

40. Which SPSS command would you use to create a bar chart? a. CHART; BAR

b. c. d. e.


Answer: (b) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 618

41. Which of the following examples may result in an unethical visual presentation of research findings? a. if time is a variable, placing it on the horizontal axis b. eliminating the scales on an axis c. using a histogram rather than a pictogram d. illustrating how many respondents refused to answer the question as part of the visual e. None of the above Answer: (b) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 620 42. a. b. c. d. e. If you were asked to orally present the conclusions of a research project, you would: practice your presentation identify and analyze your audience determine the key points make sure your graphs are ethical All of the above

Answer: (e) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 621

TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 43. The marketing research report may be the only part of the project that a client sees. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 598

44. Marketing research users, as well as research suppliers, have agreed that the research report is one of the most important aspects of the marketing research process. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 598

45. Research reports are grouped into three major sections: title, letter of transmittal, results and ending.

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 600

46. Title pages should always have the Roman numeral "I" at the bottom of the page. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 601

47. Titles should be very brief because the main purpose of titles is to identify one report from another. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 601

48. The letter of authorization, because it establishes the contractual relationship between the user and supplier firm, should always be included in the report immediately following the table of contents. It is NOT optional. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 602

49. A letter of transmittal is used to release or deliver the document to an organization for which you are not a regular employee. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 603

50. A memo of transmittal is used to release or deliver the document to an organization for which you are not a regular employee. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 603

51. On the table of contents, pages contained in the front matter section of the report should be numbered with uppercase Roman numerals. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 603

52. Tables and/or figures should be noted in a "list of tables and figures." Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 603

53. The abstract or executive summary can serve as a preview or a summary depending on the reader. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 603

54. The body of the report consists of the following: introduction, research objectives, methodology, results, limitations, and conclusions and recommendations. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 604

55. Online information is so prevalent and often common sense, so it is okay to use information from Web sites without referencing the information used. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 607

56. Familiarity with a client can change the researcher's recommendations. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 609

57. Appendixes are necessary and would normally be placed in the front matter of the report. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 609

58. In a long report it is wise to use "signals and signposts" for the reader in the form of headings and subheadings. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 610

59. Long paragraphs in a report are advisable because they show thoroughness. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 610

60. In a table it would be wise to report survey data as accurately as possible; using three to four decimal places is desirable.

Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 614

61. Pie charts are circles divided into sections that are useful for illustrating trends. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 613

62. The SPSS command for changing the format of a frequencies table is: FORMAT; TABLELOOKS. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 614

63. CHARTS; PIE are the SPSS commands to create a pie chart. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 616

64. SPSS can create effective visuals that may be imported into word processing programs like Microsoft Word. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Moderate) Pages: 617, 619

65. Because visuals are produced from computer programs, there is no likelihood that they may be used in an unethical fashion. Answer: (False) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 620

66. A "good rule of thumb" for an oral presentation is to make sure that your presentation is long enough to cover everything included in the report in great detail. Answer: (True) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 621

APPLICATION QUESTIONS 67. Alyssa is organizing a written marketing research report for her client, Princess Jewelry. Princess is a well-established company that wants to update its image and become more "modern." It has hired a number of younger "hot shots" from Ivy League business schools.

One of these "hot shots" asked Alyssa to conduct research to determine whether or not Princess should expand into other countries. Which of the following should she consider as she is constructing the report? a. The president of Princess doubts the effectiveness of international firms and is leery of Princess expanding. b. The expansion task force will review the report first and then pass it on to the board of directors. c. Many members of the board of directors know little to nothing about the costs and benefits of expansion. d. A and C e. All of the above Answer: (e) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 600

68. Cameron has just finished reading the written report his assistant, Grace, completed for an important client in the computer industry. Cameron thinks that the wording "just doesn't sound like Grace" and that he has read the material somewhere before. During an Internet search, Cameron discovers a report that a rival company wrote several years ago for another client in the computer industry. Grace has lifted entire paragraphs from the rival's report and placed them in her own. When confronted with the evidence, Grace doesn't understand "the big deal. It's just the Internet. They wouldn't have put it on a Web site if they didn't want us to use it." Which of the following statements about plagiarism would best refute Grace's claims? a. Plagiarism comes from the Latin word meaning to kidnap a Roman citizen's slave. b. APA gives guidelines for documenting Web sites. c. The Internet is NOT public domain. d. Plagiarism can get you fired. e. Plagiarism is unethical. Answer: (c) Difficulty: (Difficult) Page: 607

69. Rob is editing his latest marketing research report for a client outside his organization. He reads the following sentence to himself: "The performance of the investigation of the SCW that was conducted by the SEPG office showed the following end results for the 3LM." Which of the following stylistic suggestions was NOT violated? a. changing tense unnecessarily b. use jargon sparingly c. use strong verbs d. use active voice


eliminate extra words

Answer: (a) Difficulty: (Difficult) Pages: 611-612

70. A visual has been constructed to show the steps that will be taken to accomplish the merger between two companies. Which of the following visuals would best show the different steps and how they are related? a. pie chart b. picture c. histogram d. flow chart e. table Answer: (d) Difficulty: (Easy) Page: 613

71. Maria works for ABC Marketing Research Company. Her boss has a meeting with a new client, but his plane is running late. He asks Maria to give an oral progress report to the client until he can reach the meeting. Maria knows nothing of the client, and the meeting is due to start in five minutes. Maria rushes into the conference room to give the report. Maria's boss is even later than he expected, so Maria continues to talk until he gets there 45 minutes late. Though Maria seemingly had no alternatives to her predicament, which of the following oral presentation steps did she violate? a. audience analysis b. succinct presentation c. presentation practice d. early arrival e. All of the above Answer: (e) Difficulty: (Moderate) Page: 621

Chapter 1 Introduction to Marketing Research

True/False Questions
1. Problem-solving research is undertaken to help identify problems that are not necessarily apparent on the surface and yet exist or are likely to arise in the future. False (moderate, page 8) Problem-identification research involves going below the surface to identify the true underlying problem that the marketing manager is facing. True (moderate, page 8)



Problem-identification research is typically used to address pricing issues. False (moderate, page 8) Problem-identification research is the more common of the forms of research and is undertaken by virtually all marketing firms. True (moderate, page 8) According to the text, problem-solving research is typically used to assess the environment and diagnose problems. False (moderate, page 8) Research undertaken to help solve specific marketing problems is called problem-solving research. True (moderate, page 8) Market share is an example of a topic typically addressed by problem-solving research. False (moderate, page 8) The first step in any marketing research project is to formulate the research design. False (moderate, page 9) Formulating an analytical framework along with models, research questions, hypotheses, and the information needed are included in developing an approach to the problem. True (moderate, page 10) Telephone, mail, and electronic communication are forms of interviewing in the data collection stage of the research process. True (easy, page 10) Collecting and analyzing are steps involved in the data-processing stage of collected data. False (moderate, page 10) Promotion is considered an uncontrollable environmental factor. False (moderate, page 12) Pricing, promotion, and distribution are all considered controllable marketing variables. True (moderate, page 12) The information value chain consists of five parts. True (easy, page 14) "Data" is one of the parts of the information value chain. True (easy, page 14) The final part of the information value chain is "knowledge."














False (moderate, page 14) 17. Making a recommendation to a decision maker is the final link in the information value chain. False (moderate, page 14) Marketing research departments located within a firm are called internal suppliers. True (easy, page 15) Outside marketing research companies hired to supply marketing research data are called external suppliers. True (easy, page 16) According to the text, most of the research suppliers are Fortune 500 operations. False (moderate, page 16) The services of full-service suppliers can be categorized into syndicated, customized, and Internet services. True (difficult, page 16) Companies that collect and sell common pools of data designed to serve information needs that a number of clients share are called syndicated services. True (easy, page 16) Focus groups represent the main method for which data for syndicated services are collected. False (moderate, page 16) According to the text, VNU N.V. was recognized as the largest global research firm based on year 2003 global research revenues. True (easy, page 17) Synovate, TNS, and Burke, Inc. are examples of marketing research firms that offer customized services. True (moderate, page 18) Companies whose primary service offering is their expertise in collecting data for research projects are called coding and data entry services. False (moderate, page 18) Data analysis services perform services that include editing competing questionnaires, developing a coding scheme, and transcribing the data onto diskettes or magnetic tapes for input into the computer. False (moderate, page 18)












Selecting an outside supplier is always done with a formal "request for proposal." False (difficult, page 18) According to the text, the most common entry-level position in the marketing research industry for people with bachelor's degrees is assistant project director. False (moderate, page 20) A formalized set of procedures for generating, analyzing, storing, and distributing pertinent information to marketing decision makers on an ongoing basis is called a marketing information system. True (moderate, page 21) An information system that enables decision makers to interact directly with both databases and analysis models is called a decision support system. True (moderate, page 21) Hardware and a communication network are recognized as important components of a decision support system. True (moderate, page 21) The ability to improve decision making by using "what if" analysis is a characteristic of a marketing information system. False (moderate, page 22) Unstructured problems and the use of models are characteristics that describe a decision support system. True (moderate, page 22) An advanced form of decision support system, called expert systems, uses artificial intelligence procedures to incorporate expert judgment. True (moderate, page 22) The US accounts for 60 percent of the marketing research expenditures worldwide. False (difficult, page 23)









Multiple Choice
37. Marketing research involves all of the following regarding information EXCEPT: a. identification. b. collection. c. analysis. d. manipulation. (moderate, page 5) e. dissemination


Which of the following statements is most TRUE about marketing research? a. Marketing research follows an unpredictable path. b. Marketing research is systematic. (difficult, page 6) c. Marketing research cannot be planned. d. All of the answer selections are FALSE. e. a and c are both true. _______________ research is undertaken to help identify problems that are not necessarily apparent on the surface and yet exist or are likely to arise in the future. a. Problem-solving b. Problem-identification (moderate, page 8) c. Problem-manipulation d. Problem-correction e. Problem exception Which of the following classifications of marketing research involves going below the surface to identify the true underlying problem that the marketing manager is facing? a. problem-solving b. problem-manipulation c. problem-correction d. problem-identification (moderate, page 8) e. problem exception




Problem-identification research is typically used to address all of the following topics EXCEPT: a. market share. b. short-range forecasting. c. long-range forecasting. d. pricing. (difficult, page 8) e. market potential. Which of the following is the more common of the forms of research and is undertaken by virtually all marketing firms? a. problem-solving research b. problem-identification research (moderate, page 8) c. problem-manipulation research d. problem-correction research e. problem exception According to the text, ______________ research is typically used to assess the environment and diagnose problems. a. problem-solving research b. problem-manipulation research c. problem-identification research (moderate, page 8) d. problem-correction research e. problem exception




Research undertaken to help solve specific marketing problems is called ______________. a. problem-solving research (easy, page 8) b. problem-manipulation research c. problem-identification research d. problem-correction research e. problem exception All of the following are examples of topics typically addressed by problem-solving research EXCEPT: a. segmentation. b. product. c. promotion. d. market share. (difficult, page 8) e. pricing. Which of the following is NOT a step in the marketing research process? a. problem definition b. problem correction (moderate, page 9) c. research design formulation d. report generation and presentation e. report binding and shelving The first step in any marketing research project is to ______________. a. define the problem (moderate, page 9) b. develop an approach to the problem c. formulate the research design d. correct the problem e. excise the problem





If an outside agency was brought in to conduct work for a research project after the first three steps in the marketing research process were completed, which step would the agency conduct? a. define the problem (moderate, page 9) b. develop an approach to the problem c. formulate the research design d. correct the problem e. doing field work or collecting data

49. The marketing chief of Fossil is considering the introduction of a super functional, fashionable wristwatch for men and women priced at $99. For this, he decided on 30 telephonic interviews from their customer database, 50 valid survey responses from individuals whose income is greater than $60,000 and 2 focus- groups. To which of the six steps of the marketing research process do the actions of the marketing chief for Fossil fall into? a. defining the problem

b. c. d. e. 50.

developing an approach to the problem doing analysis doing field work or collecting data formulating the research design (moderate, page 9)

Which of the following is NOT a form of interviewing in the data collection stage of the research process? a. telephone interviewing b. mail interviewing c. electronic interviewing d. observational interviewing (moderate, page 10) e. personal interviewing All of the following are steps involved in the data-processing stage of collected data EXCEPT: a. editing. b. coding. c. transcribing. d. collecting. (moderate, page 10) e. initial inspection. Which of the following is NOT considered an uncontrollable environmental factor? a. competition b. social and cultural factors c. political factors d. promotion (moderate, page 12) e. economy All of the following are considered to be controllable marketing variables EXCEPT: a. competition. (moderate, page 12) b. pricing. c. promotion. d. distribution. e. product Which of the following are links in the information value chain? a. segmentation b. targeting c. research agency d. research design e. knowledge (easy, page 14)






Researchers enter the realm of the decision maker when they ______________. a. make an appointment no less than 2 weeks in advance b. state the facts c. send an invoice for professional services they have redeemed d. explain the research design e. give justification for a recommended course of action over others (moderate, page 14)


Marketing research departments located within a firm are called ______________. a. internal suppliers (moderate, page 15) b. horizontal suppliers c. virtual suppliers d. external suppliers e. smart zones A marketing research project is warranted when ______________. a. the required information is already in the organization b. the decision which the research addresses has already been made c. the research will be used for gaining political ends d. time or money are not available in adequate amounts e. the cost of the research is less than its eventual benefits (easy page 15)


58.ABC is a company which is involved in selling data that is designed to serve information needs to company's like PepsiCo and Coco-cola. The data is primarily collected through surveys, purchase and media panels and scanners. What kind of service does ABC provide in the marketing research industry? a. internet service b. data analysis service c. limited-service suppliers d. coding and data entry services e. syndicated services (moderate, page 16) 59. Outside marketing research companies hired to supply marketing research data are called ______________. a. horizontal suppliers b. vertical suppliers c. external suppliers (moderate, page 16) d. internal suppliers e. full-service suppliers According to the text, most of the research suppliers are _______________. a. multinational operations b. Fortune 500 operations c. foreign operations d. small operations (difficult, page 16) e. 501(c)(3) organizations The services of full-service suppliers can be categorized into all of the following types of services EXCEPT: a. syndicated services. b. environmental services. (moderate, page 16) c. customized services. d. Internet services. e. b and d




Companies that collect and sell common pools of data designed to serve information needs that a number of clients share are called ______________. a. environmental services b. customized services c. syndicated services (moderate, page 16) d. Internet services e. field services All of the following represent main methods for which data for syndicated services are collected EXCEPT: a. focus groups. (difficult, page 16) b. surveys. c. dairy panels. d. scanners. e. Audits. According to the text, which of the following organizations was recognized as the largest global research firm based on year 2000 global research revenues? a. NFO WorldGroup Inc. b. Arbitron Inc. c. VNU N.V. (moderate, page 17) d. Roper Starch Worldwide Inc. e. Decision Analyst, Inc. Which of the following marketing research firms does NOT offer customized services? a. Synovate b. TNS c. Burke, Inc. d. Field Work Chicago, Inc. (difficult, page 17) e. both b and d Companies whose primary service offering is their expertise in collecting data for research projects are called ______________. a. field services (moderate, page 18) b. Internet services c. coding and data entry services d. data analysis services e. research directorates Which of the following types of research suppliers perform services that include editing competing questionnaires, developing a coding scheme, and transcribing the data onto diskettes or magnetic tapes for input into the computer? a. field services b. Internet services c. coding and data entry services (moderate, page 18) d. data analysis services e. research directorates







According to the text, the most common entry-level position in the marketing research industry for people with bachelor's degrees is ______________. a. assistant project director b. project director c. operational supervisor (moderate, page 20) d. research analyst e. account executive All of the following are mentioned in the text as steps to take to prepare for a career in marketing research EXCEPT: a. acquire computer and Internet skills. b. obtain any work experience. (easy, page 20) c. take courses in statistics and quantitative methods. d. acquire effective written and verbal communication skills. e. think creatively. A formalized set of procedures for generating, analyzing, storing, and distributing pertinent information to marketing decision makers on an ongoing basis is called a(n) ______________. a. transactions processing system b. decision support system c. marketing information system (moderate, page 21) d. expert system e. research directorate



71.In order to compare the national retailers' success in selling its brands of digital cameras with the national retailers' success in selling traditional camera equipment, the marketing manager for Sony decided to use the billing information Sony has for these national retailers. This information is fed into spreadsheets formatted in tabular form and updated continuously as accounts change. In doing so, the marketing manager for Sony utilized which one of the following?: a. a rolling audit b. a functional system c. an expert system d. a decision support system e. a marketing information system (moderate, page 21) 72. An information system that enables decision makers to interact directly with both databases and analysis models is called a(n) _____________. a. transaction processing system b. decision support system (moderate, page 21) c. expert system d. marketing information system e. information load All of the following are important components of a decision support system EXCEPT: a. hardware and a communication network. b. model base. c. software base.


d. data entry procedures. (moderate, page 21) e. DSS user 74. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a marketing information system? a. structured problems b. use of reports c. information displaying restricted d. can improve decision making by using "what if" analysis (difficult, page 22) e. can improve decision making by clarifying new data. All of the following are characteristics that describe a decision support system EXCEPT: a. can improve decision making by clarifying new data. (difficult, page 22) b. unstructured problems. c. use of models. d. adaptability. e. a and b An advanced form of decision support system, called ______________, uses artificial intelligence procedures to incorporate expert judgment. a. management information systems b. transaction processing systems c. expert systems (moderate, page 22) d. marketing information systems e. total quality management According to Alvin Toffler's book The Third Wave, the third wave features a. supporting management decision with action b. summarizing underlying patterns in data c. seat of the pants decision making d. no data needed e. using decision support systems and expert systems (moderate, page 24) Which of the following stakeholders is NOT mentioned as being affected by marketing research activities? a. the government (moderate, page 25) b. the client c. the respondent d. the public e. the marketing researcher





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