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Robin Sharma 300secrets

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1. A life is a terrible thing to waste. So easy to beat yourself up over mistakes you've made. So many amongst us live in the past rather than loving the present and building a brilliant future. First of all, no one tries to fail or mess things up. Every one of us wakes up in the morning, walks out into the world and does the best we can do based on what we know and the skills we have. But even more importantly, every so-called "mistake' is actually a rich source of learning. An opportunity to build more awareness and understanding and gain precious experience. Just maybe what we could call failures are actually growth lessons in wolf's clothing. And just maybe the person who experiences the most, wins. 2. A world-class company puts systems in place to ensure consistency of results. If you want to get something done and if you want to see consistent results, build a system around it. Celebrate the previous days wins and then rededicate to work for the mission. Systems thinking builds structures into your life so that your best practices actually get integrated into your life. Systems allow you to live in a proactive rather than in a reactive way. And having a bunch of systems in place to keep you at your best doesn't mean that your life will be overly structured and full of stress Because nothing deprives a human being of happiness as much as seeing a life being wasted. 3. ABC. Always Be Connecting with everybody, everything around you. The best leaders build strong, strikingly well, social networks and rich communities of teammates, suppliers and customers that will help them get to where they're going (while they, in turn, reciprocate). Find ways to connect. With the people you work with. With the loved ones you live with. And with the strangers you share this journey called a life with. One should guess that you've had an elegant sufficiency of enough mess, when you say No. 1

4. APR. Absolute Personal Responsibility. Nothing changes until you make some changes. Nothing improves until you own your messes and all the things that aren't working in your life. What makes you human is your power to make decisions. To make choices to elevate the way you live, behave and lead. Right now, no matter what's going on in your life, I promise you that you have far more choices available to you than you may be recognizing. Find those choices. Then exercise them. Own your messes. Chase your dreams. And be the best you. 5. Acceptance is the Ultimate Solution. It may sound like inaction, but when you try to practice it, you'll see that it is anything but doing nothing. It sometimes requires more effort than the complaining, confronting or clamming up you would normally do. But...once you experience the freedom it brings - acceptance can become almost second nature, says Richard Carlson. Looking for the Blessing in Disguise amidst adversity. Life doesn't give you what you want but just might send you what you need. Challenge/ conflict/ confusion/ crisis and uncertainty are stunningly powerful vehicles for our growth and yes our days do get better and seasons change. 6. Achievement and getting superb things done with the gifts that are within you is one of the best ways to fill your life with more happiness. Being great - even when it's not easy to do so - is a brilliant move. That yields handsome rewards. Climbing your personal and professional mountaintop makes you feel good about yourself. Boost your self-respect. Heighten your self-image. Fills you with energy and faith. And joy. Sure it takes effort/discipline and gigantic focus to get to world-class, playing below your potential makes you feel bad about yourself. 7. Achieving longevity can be achieved by cultivating, a lust for learning, boundless curiosity, open minds, understanding that everyone your meet knows at least one thing that your 2

don't. Never stop improving spirit, not getting complacent and inefficient and stale upon success. Relentlessly stretch your personal frontiers by taking risks and by facing your fears, know that health is wealth. Finding a good Cause that is larger than yourself. Not that when you were born, you cried while the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die, the world cried while you rejoice. So choose your life. 8. Aim for the Star. Decide upon reference points. Declare the milestones. Compare yourself with the best and topmost. Aim to achieve higher than them. Do not be satisfied if it is not the best. Do not give up with mediocre. Get to the top. You will play a bigger game as a human if you pick the right people as role model. If they can get to greatness, you too can. You just have to pay the price. Learn from them the tricks, and follow their tips and principles and secret of success is out. Look at new way of seeing things and positive possibilities. Doors you never even knew existed will open for you. 9. All too often, people assume that if you are living a noble life, you will become staid and boring. We all know we need to be honorable and good and make a significant impact in the world but many of us fear that if we live like that, we'll lose the spark of life and miss out on all the fun. My definition of getting to greatness involves a boundless amount of joy, spontaneity, passion and yes...full-out fun. What's the purpose of living if you're not enjoying life? So yes, be the most honorable person you know. Present your gifts to all those around you. Lead with integrity. Treat people will exceptional respect. 10. Angels of Evolution. Everyone who is causing you stress, struggle and challenge in your life just might be an angel of sorts. They just might be the very messengers carrying the very lessons you most need to learn to get to your Next Level of Greatness. You've heard it before but the more we get exposed to good ideas, the deeper we integrate them. 3

Like reading a powerful book for a second and third time. Seems like a whole new book on every new reading. Did the book change? No. You did. Your capacity to understand got bigger. Your worldview got deeper. Your ability to take in the wisdom grew larger. The hardest stuff in your life is the perfect stuff to get you to where you've always dreamed of being. The people and events that bug, anger and hurt you are the ideal educators to help you learn the lessons that will help you shine - at work, at home and in life. 11. Any human being can live an extraordinary life. But you need to fight for it. You need to want it - with a deep degree of passion and a breathtaking level of commitment. I've never said it was easy. If it were easy, everyone would be world-class. Getting to your own unique personal and professional mountaintop takes focus, discipline and dedication (3 key traits of personal and organizational leadership). It takes daily practice around your best habits just like the great athletes derive their high performance from the practice habits. Actually, the greater the effort and sacrifices involved in the creation of something, the greater the rewards that flow. By sticking to your practice habits and devoting yourself to getting a little bit better every day (and taking small steps towards your ideals consistently), within a shorter amount of time than you can imagine, exceptional results will show up in your life. Being world-class isn't easy. But it is possible. 12. As we sailed, I noticed that no matter how much each of us tried to keep perfectly on course, we drifted. To get to where we were going then became about the constant cycling between being off course and getting back on. Between drifting and non-drift. Same thing happens in organizations. And in life, as we experience the pressures and deadlines. We get busy being busy and lose our focus. So never lose sight of where you want to end up, staying wildly focused on our highest priorities. The more you notice

the drift, the more you can make intelligent choices in the direction of your destination. 13. Ask and Then Ask Some More. You'll never know if you don't even try. There is giant power in asking for what you want. All too often, our internal chatter prevents us from taking the steps needed to get us to our own unique form of greatness The best of the best, those who live glorious lives that matter - ask like crazy And because they ask more, they get more (success always has been a numbers game). Nothing happens until you ask. People are not mind readers. They need to know what's meaningful to you, and if you ask nicely, they just might say yes, immediately or later. 14. At the end of our lives, few of us regret not having made more money. What we truly regret are the places we didn't visit and the friendships we didn't nurture and the things we didn't do with the people we love. It's human nature to take the people who love us the most for granted. If you had 30 minutes left to live, you'd be reaching for your cell phone to tell those closest to you how much you love them. Then you'd run home and, holding your heart in your hand, speak so truthfully about the love that you feel. I know you're busy. Tons to do. Places to go and people to meet. But take a minute, right here and right now to make a call. Tell your kids how much you care. Tell your wife or your husband or your Mom or your Dad or your best friend how you feel about them. You'll never regret if you do and you will if you don't!! 15. Be a Beautiful Thinker. Commit to making each of your thoughts a thing of beauty. Devote yourself to coming up with gorgeous insights and striking ideas and reflections that are masterpieces. You know that your thoughts form your world and what you think determines how brightly you shine. So today, decide that the thoughts you run through your mind will be nothing less than masterful, remarkable and beautiful. 16. Be a Good man who celebrated life. Who adored his family? And who left an incredible legacy? Remember to tell 5

your loved ones you love them. Think about your silenced dreams. Reflect on your repressed potential and what you want your life to stand for. And be kind. Because when you're gone, that'll matter more than you can ever imagine. 17. Be a Hero. You can curse the darkness or you can light a candle...and show up as a leader (regardless of your title). Life is all about how you exercise the choices available to you. And your daily choices stack up to craft your destiny. 18. Be Connected. We live in a world that is more wired than ever before yet less connected than in the history of humankind. We can send a missile across the world with pinpoint accuracy. Yet we have trouble walking across the street to meet a new neighbor. But to find real happiness and meaning in our lives, I believe we need to feel bonded to people - other human beings. We need to feel we're part of a community. Members of tribe. Couples together but not together - walking side by side yet engaged in cell phone conversations with others. Families seated at a table but each member doing their own thing on a cell phone/Blackberry/PSP. 19. Be Cool. No matter what you think, when people hear your name, they conjure up some association with it. When people see you, some emotional response gets evoked. Like it or not, you (and your good name/reputation) truly are a brand. How could you become so strikingly great at what you do and who you are and what you stand for that everyone around you adores everything about you? Something to act on. 20. Be happier human, by doing more of things that make you happier and less tired. Play your strengths. You enjoyed certain things in your youth and now your career consumes you and you do not do any of those things that you enjoy any more. List out your greatest passions and schedule them in your calendar for regular practice. Inject one of those pursuits into your daily chores, and get it done and see how 6

refreshed you are at end of day Doing things that lift your spirits lifts brings your soaring success. 21. Be honorable. Used to be that things like honesty, giving your best at work, treating everyone you meet fairly, and being a RGP (Really Good Person) were considered boring/un-sexy/bland. No longer. In an age where too many people don't discover what leadership and life's about until it's too late, rising above the crowd to shine with a blazing sense of integrity, authenticity and rare honor is cool. So today, live your truth. Play your best game. Listen to the trusted voice that resides deep within you 22. Be jokeable. Relax. Yes, go for world-class. But balance that drive with a sense of amusement and festivity. Hold on to life with a looser grip. Every setback carries the seeds of an even greater opportunity (it's taken me about 42 years to get that lesson). And life was never meant to be an ordeal. It was meant to be a joy. How often do you sit back and chuckle at life - even at the messy stuff (life's messy at times isn't it love the mess...your growth resides in it). The best amongst us don't take themselves too seriously (no one will take you seriously if you take yourself too seriously). 23. Be Like The Hip True to them. Couldn't seem to care less about what anyone else is doing. Perfect (winning - to me has nothing to do with trumping your competition to me, it's all about outperforming yourself and being so extraordinary at what you do that you make what you did yesterday obsolete). Leadership isn't about being like everyone else. It's about doing what you feel is right and staying true to your values/vision/imagination. It's about innovating and blazing new paths. Chasing new horizons and going to places no one's ever been to. If you're following, how can you be leading? 24. Be real. Be kind. Keep dreaming. Keep stepping towards your own mountaintop - no matter how hard it gets. 7

25. Be So Good They Can't Ignore You. Just like a garden reflects the care and nurturing that's gone into it, a career as well as a life reflects how much has been put in. The more you give to life, the more it will send back. It's just not possible for you to be great at what you do, always reaching for your best and representing excellence and not win in the end but every choice matters. And every step counts. Life runs according to its own agenda - not yours. Be patient. Trust. Be like the stonecutter - steadily chipping away, day after day. Eventually, a single blow will crack the stone and reveal the diamond. A good person just cannot be denied. 26. Be surrounded by good people So that the energy is stunning. And the appetite for learning and growing and Leading Without Title is huge. It catches up on you and contagiously you become great slowly. 27. Be staggeringly innovative - always getting better and dreaming bigger. And know what separates you from every one else. Because if you don't know what makes your business special, how can you tell everyone else? Have the courage to be different 28. Be the Eternal Optimist - see the best in any situation. Your thinking really does shape your reality. Value People - know that respect and putting people first are two of the most important elements of a strong relationship. Be an original - too many amongst us are afraid to be ourselves. So we give up our dreams to follow the crowd. Have the courage 'To thane own self be true' Laugh and Have Fun - Yes, reach for the mountaintop. But enjoy the climb as well. Life wasn't meant to be an ordeal. You can learn such lessons from cartoons like Sponge Bob Square Pants. 29. Be Your Best You. "There will never be a better you than you. Some might try to copy the way you think, speak and 8

do. But - no matter how hard they try, they will only be a second best you." Because you are unique. And so today, what will you do with you as you march out into a world that needs people playing boldly with their lives more than ever before? Will you exert more of your hidden potential? Will you liberate more of your natural creativity? Will you uncover more of your authenticity? And will you be more of the you that you are meant to be? 30. Begin at home. What are we teaching our children by the lives we are leading and the examples we are setting?? The big idea? Leadership begins at home. What message are you sending to those little leaders who watch your every move and model your every act? Are you showing them what's possible by being remarkable in each of your pursuits? Or are you teaching them to play small by resigning yourself to average? The fruit never falls far from the tree and your children will become a lot more like you than you would like to believe. 31. Best ways to build culture are as follows: Rituals (i.e., the Monday morning meeting where you coach around vision and values or the Friday afternoon pizza party which promotes team bonding), Celebration (again, the things you reward publicly show your people the values that are honored) and Conversation (your people become what the leaders talk about to get your vision and values into your people's hearts, you need to be talking about that stuff constantly at employee gatherings, at your weekly meetings, during your daily huddles. You need to evangelize what you stand for constantly. The final tool to build culture is training. You need to hold seminars and do workshops to instill the values and culture into their minds and hearts. People want to go to work each day and feel they are a part of a community. One of the deepest psychological needs of a human being is the need for belonging.

32. Blame or claim-that's the choice each of us has to make each day. See the best amidst adversity, claim greatness /best life. Drive a stake into the ground to mark your place under the sun. Stop being a prisoner of your past and commit to becoming the architect of your future. And remember, it's never too late to become the person you have always dreamed of being. An extraordinary life is not something only available for the chosen few-people. You and I are destined for greatness. But we need to do our part to make it all happen. Choice by choice. Step by step. Small gains eventually yield giant results. 33. Blank slate gift for tomorrow. At midnight tonight, you get a most amazing gift: a fresh set of 24 hours. These hours are pure and flawless and limitless. They offer you the opportunity to show courage and behave brilliantly and forge new habits that will get you to a new place of being. And they offer you a space to laugh. To love. And to do your dreams. Whether you'll admit it or not, tomorrow is incredible. Not everyone gets one "it's better to die standing than live your whole life on your knees." So make tomorrow ridiculously great /breathtakingly brilliant. A piece of art you can tell your grandkids about. Just amazing what one can do in a day. To be what we are meant to be 34. Break Free. You owe it to your own magnificence. When I meet great persons, I am reminded of how blessed I am to do what I do. The imperative of "breaking free" of our limiting beliefs and our false assumptions and our less than excellent behaviors. So that our natural magnificence can get a glimpse of the light of this day. 35. Build Your Power. Life's counter-intuitive. The things that we most resist carry the seeds of our greatness. The stuff that makes us feel uncomfortable makes us stronger. Being excellent on a job/project/task when no one's watching grows self-respect and inner resolve and personal honor. The hard stuff is the great stuff. The easy road gets you to a place called disappointment and 10

regret. Doing what you know you are called to do is the secret of success/mastery and inner peace "the price of discipline is less than the pain of regret." 36. Burden of Greatness. Sometimes "you've been 'blessed with a burden.'" Yes it is true for all of us. Most of the times there are no extra people on the planet. We all have gifts, resources and capacities that make us special. And with gifts come responsibilities. To use them. To refine them. To make them brighter so we create more value. To forget the burden on you to be great is to neglect the call on your life. And no failure could be bigger than that. 37. Burn your boats/bridges as you move on, so that there is no possibility to go back to your good old comfort zone and you have to win and make it at any cost - this will help you to put more of you into your cause and make it a bigger success as you fully exert due to pressure, and there can be no complacence. Success never comes to anybody on its own. We have to go to it and get it. Challenges and crisis brings out the best in you so that you give your best shot from the world. Go since failure is not a possibility and there are no options other than to Win at any cost. 38. But life's the best teacher. Each day of your life is a workshop, rich with opportunities for learning, evolving and self-correction. Workshops are great. Life's a giant adventure. Learn from your days. You'll get to the end with a smile. 39. Chasing things? The more you get, the more you want. They never fulfill their promise of happiness. Enjoy them. Just don't get caught in the trap they often set. We cannot see any higher than the level of our understanding the more we understand, the more we will see...like scaling a mountain. Spending your life in pursuits that realize your potential and awaken your talents (growing) -transcending our fears and letting go of limiting beliefs - achieving worthy 11

goals and creating success on our own terms. Rich and meaningful relationships - elevating in self-knowledge adding value to others making a positive difference and having an impact on the world around you, these bring real happiness. So yes, own things get the shiny objects of allure that call out for your attention. And once you own them enjoy them. But don't let them own you. Possess them. But don't be possessed by them. 40. Coming close to death brings a human close to what's most important in life. Brings tremendous clarity. Strips away all the accessories that we think are so important when we are younger. Connects us with the Truth. Greatness comes by creating something - with your life - that is not only bigger than yourself but outlasts your Earth walk (while impacting others long after you've gone). Legitimacy and recognition and prestige and material things are all-fine and are all very human pursuits. But there's something far more important: legacy. Making a difference. Creating something gorgeous and meaningful that outlives your days. And shows you were here. What body of work will you create over your life so the generations who will follow will know that you've been here? What bold acts and brave moves will you make to let the greatness that slumbers within you - This Very Moment - come out and visit the light of This Very Day? 41. Commitment. We live in a world seduced by the easy. We want to look great and be super fit but we don't want to have to exercise to get there. We want to be uber-successful in our careers but we wonder if there's a way to reach worldclass without having to work hard and be disciplined (every great executive is disciplined - as is every great company). We dream of living fearless, joy-filled lives but we all too often avoid doing the very best practices (like getting up early, taking risks, setting-goals and reading) that are certain to deliver us to our ideals. Nothing comes for free. The best things in life require sacrifice and devotion. Each of us - to get to our own unique forms of personal and professional greatness - must pay the price. And the more 12

we pay, the more we'll receive. Great lives don't just occur, out of the blue. They are crafted and built - like the Taj Mahal and Great Wall of China, block-by-block - day by day. And great businesses don't just appear. They are forged through daily and never-ending improvement and effort. Let's not be seduced into believing that the best things in life come without effort. 42. Communicators are Storytellers. Adults are nothing more than deteriorated children. And when we were kids - we adored stories. We learned from them. Got inspired by them. And grew through them. Human beings connect through them. Use them to teach. Use them to inspire. Use them to move people into action. Sometimes it's hard to relate to and really get a theoretical concept or big idea. Deliver it through a good story and we understand it. Deliver it through a great story and people will never forget it. 43. Community. Nice word. Every single one of us has a deep psychological need for it. We all crave to belong. To know we are part of a larger whole. Gives us a sense of security. And safety. And happiness cherishing each other and creating rich shared moments. But everyone is so into building fences these days. To block out their neighbors. To insulate themselves. To maintain privacy and foster separateness. Start creating real security - by building bridges and not fences. 44. Confucius was right: "person who chases two rabbits catches neither." So was Drucker who said "there is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all. We all want to get the important (versus trivial) stuff done. We all want to create results (rather than more paperwork). Say No to distractions and time wasters and low-leverage uses of your time. Get ultra-focused. 45. Consistency. World-class businesses are fanatically consistent. Customers can expect the same experience/service levels/quality every time they buy. Every 13

time a customer orders the same meal, it tastes the same. People they crave consistency and once you give it to them, they just might be loyal for life. Note that this in no way under means Creativity and Ingenuinity. 46. Crowd sourcing. Fast businesses are using the power of social networks to rise to all-new levels of success. They are tapping into user-generated content for solutions to many of their challenges; the world of business is changing at a dazzling - no, dizzying, pace. The way we did things is being transformed. Traditional business models are being shattered. And only the fast/smart/innovative/bold will survive. It matters for not just for business but for personal lives too. 47. Cultivate to really have impeccable manners seen as lots of pleases and thank yours. Make it a habit /culture. Because culture shapes performance. It drives behavior. It sets the norms and standards that one must live by in order to survive and thrive. Customers like doing business with people who like doing business. Never underestimate the power of friendliness to win the hearts of the people you serve 48. Daily practices bring success, world-class health, internal fulfillment and sustained happiness and elements of your best life are created. What we don't see is all the devotion and discipline that went into crafting the extraordinary results we see in the successful personalities. Elite performers make personal excellence look effortless and seem to make things happen as gracefully. But like the swan, what you don't get to see is all the hard-work taking place below the surface of water to keep moving Find your series of practices, perform them with consistency. And then go out into this beautiful world of ours and shine. 49. Deceptively simple ideas for building your human connections. We are happiest when we feel connected to others-when we are part of a community. When people 14

around us are comfortable we are happy. #1. Be the most positive person you know #2. Be candid. Speak truthfully. #3. Be on time. #4. Say please and thank you. #5. Under promise and Over deliver. #6. Leave people better than you found them. #7. Be Nice. #8. Be a world-class listener. #9. Become wildly interested in other people. #10. Smile. 50. Distinguish between worry and reflection. So many thought leaders counsel us to avoid living in the past. "Live in the now," they advise. "Enjoy the moment." Whether to revisit the past - in my mind - depends on your intention. If your intention and reason to go back into your past is to dwell on bad things and to worry over things you cannot change and to rehash painful times, then I suggest it's an unhealthy act. But, if your intention in going back in time - is to reflect on the lessons events have taught you and to grow in wisdom and to savor the precious memories that you were blessed enough to experience well then I think it's good. It's a waste of time to fret and regret over things you've done that cannot be changed. But that it's a fantastic use of time to bask in the good times, feel gratitude for them and use your past to serve your future rise. 51. Do Good To Feel Good Being kind to a co-worker not only enables and elevates them - it lifts your mood. Adding outrageous value to a customer and making them feel like the VIP that they are not only makes them your goodwill ambassador (spreading word of your services like a virus) - it unlocks a wellspring of positive sensations inside of you. Going the extra mile for your spouse or your child not only leaves them better than you found them - it helps you feel connected to the ones you love (which promotes happiness and fulfillment). Being positive and kind and excellent takes a lot more discipline and power.


52. Do it Now. Why postpone what you can do today to some time off in the distance? Why put off playing your greatest game to some point in the future. Why delay having a brilliantly good time until you are old? Take the long-view and prepare for a full life. As always, it's a balance. Do your plans. Save for retirement. Be strategic. And yet - at the same time - live in the moment. Play full out. Take daily risks. Fill your days with color. Hunt for the best that this very day will bring. Laugh a lot. Love a lot. 53. Do your job like it's the most important job in the world, and treat everyone one as if they are the most important person in your life ever. Being extraordinary amidst the ordinary is what really matters at end of day. 54. Don't think about the next job, focus on doing the best with the job you have. Learn everything you can from everyone you can. Focus on the possibilities of each job, not the limitations. But we get what we give. Not later but now. And if not now, then when? 55. Each day, life will send you little windows of opportunity. Our destiny is ultimately defined by how we respond to these windows of opportunity. Shrink from them and your life will be small. Feel the fear and run to them anyway, and your life will be large. Even with your kids, you only have a little window to develop them and champion their highest potential. And to show them what unconditional love looks like. When that window closes, it never reopens normally as opportunity seldom knocks twice. But I'm a human being, and that means sometimes I slip. Nothing wrong with it. But you should attempt to get up and keep going and ensure the same mistake is not committed again. Learn from the loss. 56. Each of us have repeater patterns that run in our minds. Both negative and positive thoughts that we can get stuck on. Your thinking forges your reality. Your thoughts form your world. And what you dwell on shapes your destiny. Why? Because the ancestor of every action is a thought. 16

Negative thoughts provoke negative actions and destructive behavior and of course, lead to negative results. What thoughts can you just not shake? And is it a superb one? 57. Early Rise. Getting up early is a gift I give myself. Waking up with the sun boosts my willpower (and willpower is so important to get to your dreams) and gives me time to think, plan, learn and self-improve. 58. Easy to get so caught up in the rush of busyness and the call of our routines that we forget the imperative of being aware of the very things we are doing. Human beings are the only creatures in the world that can step out of themselves and reflect on their thoughts and actions. Monkeys can't do this. Dogs can't. Cats can't. Only we can. Making the best of changing times. Celebrating the people around you. And being aware. Aware of your thoughts. Aware of your actions. Aware of your mission. Aware of your priorities. Aware of your talents. Aware of your fears. Aware of your passions. Aware that time is short. Aware of the brilliance presented to you by the life you get to live. 59. Every collaborator who enters our orbit brings with him or her world more strangely and complex than any we could ever hope to imagine. By listening to the details and the subtlety of their needs, desires, or ambitions, we fold their world onto our own. Neither party will ever be the same, sys, Bruce Mau. We are shaped by our conversations. We are influenced by the ideas we hear and the people we meet. Listening is a master skill for personal and professional greatness. Get behind their eyeballs and learns, grow and evolve into our highest and best. 60. Every explorer before him feared going too far from the shore. They clung to the known. They stayed stuck to security. They didn't dare. And so they never found the New World. Columbus did something different. He was brave. Went straight out to sea. Went perpendicular to the shoreline. And found a new world. Good on him. Greatness 17

as a leader and as a human sometimes requires that you leave the constraints of safety. Sometimes you just have to let go of the known. To try a new way. To think a new thought. To dare. 61. Every one of us has so many more choices than we can currently see. Remember, we see the world not as it is but as we are. Most of us see through the eyes of our fears and our limiting beliefs and our false assumptions And as you question your assumptions, you'll realize that so many of them are borne of fantasy. They are not real. Nope, not at all. Most of the things we are afraid will happen never do. Something to think about .Of all of the beautiful truths pertaining to the soul which have been restored and brought to light in this age, none is more gladdening and fruitful of divine promise and confidence than this-that you are the master of your thought, the molder of your character, and the maker and shaper of condition, environment and destiny, says James Allen . 62. Every time you say yes to something that is unimportant, you say no to something that is important. Yes men never create anything great. You can't be all things to all people. Know your priorities. Know your goals. Say no to things that do not take you closer to your goals. Clarity precedes success. 63. Everybody runs from conflict. Makes us feel bad so we avoid it. Sweep it under the rug hoping it will somehow resolve itself. Never does-just festers like a bad wound. Conflict is nothing more than an opportunity for greater growth and a deeper connection. And every conflict whether with a loved one or a customer - is a gorgeous opportunity to forge an even deeper connection with them. By turning their dissatisfaction into a wow for them. Relish in the potential it carries. Celebrate it. Because, though it can feel messy, in truth it's a gift.


64. Everyone has an obligation show to leadership daily in every possible way. It is not a popularity contest and we have to just be what we are. Leadership is more about being right and less about being liked. Be caring and respectful, treat others well, but do not mock or flatter, see the best in people around, be kind to their virtues and blind to their faults, balance being tender and tough as circumstances demand, be compassionate and courageous. Build monuments out of the stones the critics throw at you, i.e. use your feedback well. 65. Everyone needs to behave like a leader no matter what they do. So everyone needs to take responsibility for getting the results that they are accountable for generating. Everyone needs to do his or her part to shape culture. Everyone needs to be positive and inspirational. Everyone is a leader. But not everyone is the same, everyone is a leader but not everyone does the same thing. 66. Everyone's into brand-building these days. Law firms. Accounting enterprises. Retail organizations. Individuals too. Ask Tom Peters. Develop a magnificently cherished and superbly respected brand. Ask how can we get from where we now are to where we desire to be, when it comes to our brand? Study top class people. Imitate their intent. Originate your actions. Be creative. Constantly reinventing, relentlessly innovating. Endlessly improving. 67. Everything can be taken from a man but one thing, the last of the human freedoms to choose one's attitude to a given set of circumstances, to choose one's way, Viktor Frankl. Prisoners in Nazi concentration camps survived only due to highest human freedom: our ability to choose how we respond to and process any event that happens to us. We can look for some good or we can become haunted by the bad. 68. Every time you say yes to something unimportant, you are saying no to something important. One cannot be all 19

things to all people all the time. Fix your priorities, know your goals and needs and wants and desires, and say no to what doest not fit well with your priorities. Better to live your life aligned to your vision than according to the approval of others. 69. Evolution Versus Revolution. There's so much to transform and so little time to do it. And human beings don't like to change (scares us). So we drift into overwhelm. And we don't even start. I suggest to you that there's a better way to get to world-class within the important areas of your life: evolution. Small baby steps. Daily and continuous microimprovements. Steady and consistent elevations in the way you work, lead and live day by day, step by step, you can move towards your own personal mountaintop. The life you are living today can be radically different from the life you can have 3 or 6 months from now. You can easily achieve professional and personal greatness you deserve through an evolution. Not a revolution. 70. Excellence is the surest way to lasting joy and boundless self-respect. Because playing at the level of mastery will flood you with energy. Because being brilliant in the way you show up brings inner peace. The very thing that seems so hard to do is the very thing that will give us all we've been longing for. 71. Excuses. The more you fight for them, the more they'll own you. Let them go. And step into your power. Leaders don't make excuses. They create results. And no great life was ever built on a foundation of excuses /self-created delusions. Yes, beneath every excuse lives a fear. A fear of changing. A fear of the unknown. A fear of failure. A fear of success. Today can be the day you burn the bridges that lead to your excuses. Today can be the day you step up to the possibilities that lay just off the beaten path of your life. Today can be the day you Lead Without Title.


72. Experience is the best teacher, the best way to learn is through experiencing the lesson. And sometimes you have to make the mistake and feel the "failure" before you can truly/viscerally/deeply get the lesson. You can't master it by only reading about it in books. 73. Fail Faster. You will see some failures. As we take more risks, this is something we must accept as part of the "regeneration process." Which brings me to the imperative of Failing Fast so that you can get up quick and take corrective actions. Too many of us fear failure so we don't even try. It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare. It is because we do not dare that things are difficult." Too many of us are afraid of looking silly or being embarrassed by failure so we don't take the risk and seize an opportunity. Too many of us think failure is bad. It isn't. There can be no success without failure - the companies and people who have reached the heights of success are the same ones who have failed the most. You need to fail to win. Out fail the competition. Out fail the person you once were. 74. Fail to Win. The very nature of dreaming big dreams and stretching yourself beyond the normal is dangerous. Dangerous in the sense that you leave safety, you leave routine, you leave the common world where unhappy people smile giant smiles when they are asked to pose for a picture. And as you leave your cocoon of comfort, you will certainly fail more than your neighbors and those who live a life called ordinary. One must be willing to risk greatly to reach your personal mountaintop and your authentic definition of success. And I'd rather reach high and be disappointed than not even try to reach when I fall, I get up, get back, I start again. Wiser. Stronger. And more committed. 75. Failure is the highway to success. Too many amongst us live our lives in what I call the safe harbor of the known. Same thinking for twenty years. Same conversations for twenty years. Same breakfast for twenty years. Same drive to work for twenty years. I have no judgment on that kind of 21

a life. If it makes you happy, well that's a beautiful thing. But I don't know of anyone who is happy living like that. True joy comes when you put some skin in the game and take some chances. Yes, you will start to experience more failure. But guess what, success also starts to pay more visits. Failure is just part of the process of getting to greatness. Ask for the best table in your favorite restaurant. Ask for an upgrade into first class on your next flight (good luck). Ask your teammate at work for more understanding. Ask your mate at home for more love. Do it. I dare you. And just remember, you can't win the game if you don't even play. 76. Find Pockets of Peace. Take a daily vow of silence. This one isn't just for monks. It's for smart execs, entrepreneurs, business people talking consumes a ton of energy. Be silent for 15 minutes a day (at the very least). You'll have more energy. More peace. More joy. Better performances so hunt peace down. Fight the noise. Get away from the maddening crowds as much as you can, and stay close to Silence, Solitude and Stillness. Quiet. Think. Reflect. Be. That best practice will make you so much better at work, at home, with self. 77. Find what you Seek. Every second you spend thinking about what you don't want in your life is a second denying focus and energy from getting what you do want I see more of what I look for. Clarity precedes mastery. I look for what I want, the more powerfully I generate that result in my life. By setting clear goals in the important areas, I see more of what I'm searching for. By looking for the best in others, I generally find it. And by looking for the good things in my life and expressing gratitude for my blessings, your thoughts form your world. Because you will never act against your thinking. Every action is the offspring of a thought. 78. Finest Principles for Great Relationships. The quality of your life comes down to the quality of your relationships and being a great human connector is pretty easy stuff, and success is all about a precise consistency around 22

fundamentals. Be the first one to greet, -smile a lot - get devoted to calling by first name - look people in the eye when you speak to them - listen empathetically - offer sincere compliments be nice to everyone. 79. Focus to Win. What you concentrate on, you cannot help but get great at. The more you focus, the better you get. Focus. Focus. Focus...on your burning priorities. Say no to everything else. Life's short. You only get one shot at great. Will you accept The Call? Or let the opportunity slide by you? 80. Forget what anyone's ever told you. Stop listening to the small thinkers. Muffle the voices of the critics. Get to the truth: you are meant to play big with your life. Someone from within this very community will make a decision over the coming hours to raise their standards and step up to their highest potential. Someone around us will do something - even if it appears to be a little gesture - that over time will cause breathtaking improvements and results in the way their life looks - in all its dimensions. Why not make that person you? So make this day a special and unforgettable one. One small step can have gigantic consequences over time. Remember who you truly are. And all you have been built to be. 81. Forms of Success #1: Inner Success. This includes a positive mindset, high-self respect, internal peace and a strong spiritual connection. #2: Physical Success. Your health is your wealth. What's the point of getting to a great place in your career if you get sick doing it? Why be the richest person in the graveyard? #3. Family Success. When your family life is happy, you will perform better at work. No one gets to the end of their lives and regrets making their family a top priority. #4. Career Success. Actualizing your highest potential by reaching for your best in your career is incredibly important. Getting to greatness in your profession brings a feeling of satisfaction on a job well done.


#5. Economic Success. Money is important. Makes life easier and better. Money allows you to live in a nice home. Take beautiful vacations and provide well for those you love. #6. Community Success. Human beings have a psychological need for connection and belonging. A rich network of mentors, interesting thinkers and valued friends just makes life better. #7. Adventure Success. To be fulfilled, each of us needs mystery in our lives. Challenge is necessary for happiness. The human brain craves novelty. And we are creative beings so we need to be creating constantly if we hope to feel joy. Lots of adventure (ranging from meeting new people to visiting new places) is an essential element of success. #8. Impact Success. Perhaps the deepest longing of the human heart is to live for something greater than itself. Each of us craves to be significant. To make a difference. To know that the world has somehow been better because we have walked the planet. 82. Genius Point. Focus on any area or skill with a relentless devotion to daily improvement and a passion for excellence and within three to five years, you will be operating at a level of competence (and insight) such that people call you a genius. Focus plus daily improvement plus time equals genius. Know what you can excel at - your 'genius points'. Discover your talents and then work like crazy to polish them. Know what you are really great at. Reflect on those abilities that others admire in you. Start today and in three to five years people will be writing about you. Calling you a genius. 83. Genius, both you and I are. Focus on any area of skill or talent or knowledge with a relentless devotion for daily improvement and passion for excellence and you will be operating at a level of competence nobody could dream of and will be nothing but a genius. Take what the nature gives you and then work upon it to improve further and buy the best with focus and concentration, work slowly and continuously. Practice makes perfect. Discover your talent, 24

and polish it, so that it not only flows effortlessly but those capabilities become beyond compare. Start now and Stop not developing on your strengths. 84. Get Good or Get Out. Peter Ducker's specialty is that he didn't just put out good ideas - he offered great insights. But to win/get to world-class/make your mark, something more is needed. Insight. Brilliant ones actually. See, the only way a business can become great is to be BIW: Best in the World at what you do. Well, most businesses - and people - are so busy doing so many things that they forget that focus creates mastery. Why play in a space you can't win in? Why waste your time? Instead, get to know what you're really good at. And then have the force of will to go there, and be dazzled by the rewards. 85. Getting What You Want While Loving What You Have is the best shortcut to happiness. Some pundits encourage us to enjoy the moment and appreciate what we have, suggesting that constantly striving for more is unhealthy and the primary source of our discontent. And others say that, as human beings, we were built to push beyond our comfort zones each day and reach for something higher. And yes, as we set higher dreams and raise our personal standards, we will create discontent. But this world was built by people who felt some discontent with the way things were and knew they could do better. 86. Giant Leap. Small steps become big steps. Little decisions can, over time, cause stunningly wonderful results. Tiny changes lead to real and sustained transformation. It's all about evolution rather than revolution. One decision you make over the coming hours could be the giant leap that launches a tidal wave of greatness that leads you to a place well above your boldest dreams. No decision is unimportant. Every action leads to a reaction. Each move we make creates a consequence and ripples across our destiny. Coming up with a better way to think/feel/behave at work is the giant leap that creates a new inner pathway called 25

excellence and mastery. Treating people with more respect/kindness and understanding is the giant leap that will soon install a routine called humanity. The first move is always the hardest. Everything's easier after that. Step by step, changing and elevating your game gets easier. And more of the person you were born to be. 87. Give 2 Get. Heard somebody seeking alms saying "Have you helped someone today besides yourself?" He was trying to raise money. For his Cause. But it got me thinking. About giving. Give more love to be loved. Help others reach worldclass. And they'll joyfully help you get to your best . 88. Go Get your Dreams. There will never be the ideal time to do the dreams in your heart. So get out there. Risk. Ask. Dream. Dare. Fall. Fail. And never let anyone tell you that your dreams can't come true. Push the envelope. Innovate. Elevate. Step up to greatness-in the work you do and within the life you have the privilege to live. Most of the stuff we are afraid of never even comes close to happening. 89. Go the extra mile, for leadership begins there and success waits at the end of it. People get frustrated and quit at the last mile. All their efforts go waste due to lack of persistence. Dig deeper. Go farther. Stop not till the goal is reached. You can achieve. Do it. Jog not because it is fun but because it is wise to do so for your health. Cultivate passion to perform. Extraordinary careers and spectacular lives will be yours if you start going the extra mile and deliver a little more than what is expected, every time, all the time. That is where the secret is. 90. Good manners really mean nothing more than making people feel comfortable and respected. It shows an appreciation for others. Manners matter. They are the hallmark of respect. And respect is the building glue of great relationships, organizations and human lives.


91. Good Things Take Time. I'm impatient. I move fast and love things done now. I get an idea and want it realized tomorrow. But life's not like that, is it? But the nature of business and life is more organic. A gorgeous wine takes time to mature. A precious garden takes time to bloom. Those small daily improvements that, over time, lead to stunning results. It's the small steps that matter most. Drop by drop makes an ocean. Focus more on consistent and steady improvements in the way you work and in the way you live. 92. Gratitude. What you value in your life increases in value. What you think about and focus on grows. What you appreciate begins to appreciate. Today, list 50 things you are grateful for the first ten are easy dig (the pearls always require deep diving). Be grateful and get grateful to others. Bless the farmer whose effort brought the fruit on your breakfast table the attitude of gratitude. Counting your blessings. Not taking things for granted. I'll bet you have a lot more to be thankful for than you currently see. Just think about it. Just get grateful. 93. Great Stories. People step into the stories you create for them. People generally behave in a way that meets the expectations you have of them. People generally conduct themselves in alignment with the belief, faith and trust you've developed around them. And they mostly behave in accordance with the tightly cherished perceptions that you've structured about them. For every person you meet, suggest (by your words, your tone, your behavior and your energy) that you have a story deep in your mind of how great they are. See the best in people. Look for the greatness inside them. Remind people that they were meant to shine. Do so and you've just reminded a human to be human and spread some of your stardust. 94. Greatness comes by beginning something that doesn't end with you. To live on in the minds and hearts 27

of the generations who will follow you is to cheat death. To make such a difference through the way you lead and show up is to find immortality. To have a lasting impact on human lives-by being a great champion at work or a great parent at home or a great leader in your community-is to live forever. Every one of us will die. But so few of us really live. 95. Grow the leaders, faster, smarter and better, increase employee engagement, enhance culture, boost performance, and produce superior results. Everyone can be entrepreneurial and proactive. You should work for the fist mover advantage. If you don't do now, somebody else is already working on it, and opportunity seldom knocks twice, though fortune favors the brave. Show leader ship in each of your acts. 96. Growth is the only evidence of life to grow and expand through the work we do, the actions we take and the lives we lead (don't just live your life - lead it). Growth matters. It's what ultimately makes us feel fulfilled. Energizes us (even when it's uncomfortable - and most growth is). Makes us who we truly are. 97. Guest is God. When someone comes to our home, we treat them with the highest of respect and love. Even if we have to miss eating, we make sure they are well fed. That's our culture. It brings us joy. What would your personal life look like if everyone who visited you and intersected the journey of your days were treated like a god (whether that person was a family member or a stranger on the street)? What would your professional life look like if you treated your customers with reverence and admiration? You'd be world- class. You'd be more successful. You'd be happier. 98. Habits that you espouse will define how close to your personal mountaintop you get. Ones I suggest to you include getting up early, under promising and over delivering (always give people far more than they expect and you'll win), being a passionate learner (by reading daily and 28

listening to audio programs by big thinkers), spending the first 30 minutes of each day planning (or thinking), leaving every person you meet better than you found them, working out regularly. Just a few to pick from. To get you going. To plant your seeds 99. Happiness is all about gaining a sense of proportion. And we all have lots of good in our lives. Like people who love us or work that gives us a sense of mission or healthy kids or simple gifts like food on the table and two eyes to see out of. Like the perfect moment in the parking lot. Life is short. A clich, I know, but true nonetheless. Yes, it's important to focus on getting to world-class in your career and arriving at success. I totally agree with that value. But equally important is enjoying the ride. Laughing. Having fun. Enjoying life. And not missing out on perfect moments. Mostly, they are free. 100. Harder you work, luckier you get. Fear of success and Fear of failure does hold you down, but you can work you way up to success. It is all in the choices you make decisions you make and path you take. There is an intelligent coherence in the way our life unfolds, but we can tune it and turn it towards better results, for life favors the devoted, determined and diligent. Heights by great men reached and kept were results of toils and moils all the night and not just by single flight. Efforts bring rewards. As you sow so shall you reap! Wear your passion on your sleeve and hold your heart in the palm and work really hard so that the doors open and world takes note, and life gets you the very best. Luck favors hard workers and smart workers. 101. Have you helped your neighbor remember that he was made to make a difference/realize his potential/shine? He'd forgotten who he was meant to be. Because life had hurt him a lot. Life has a habit of making us forget. We fall into routine. We take things for granted. We stop taking risks. We stop reaching for the mountaintop. We stop speaking truth. We play small with the gift of our lives. But we deserve 29

better than mediocrity. Ordinary people can do remarkable things. 102. Heart not purse influences the buying decision. If the product or service has a positive emotional appeal, customers will go for it. If the vibe is good, if the environment is nice, if you enjoy being there, if your feel at home, then you will naturally frequent that place/ persons. Feeling good is what matters for every one every time. Emotion leads to action while reason leads to conclusions. People come to you if they are made to feel cared for, good and special, and thus it is about how love and trust brings loyalty. 103. How big is your dream, how relentless are you, and fast you progress and how quick is your innovation and reaching for something better, even if you are the best, by means of timely course corrections. Take the road less traveled, face the challenges, and exploit the opportunities. Let go of the shackles and chains and stand up for yourself apart from the crowd and commit to excellence come what may. 104. How to Be a Happier Human. The things that get scheduled are the things that get done. Make a list of your 10 Greatest Passions, 10 activities that fill your heart with joy and remind you of how good life can be. And then, over the next 10 weeks, inject one of those pursuits into your weekly schedule. Greatness is built on action and flawless execution around their deliverables. When you get back to doing those things that lifted your spirit and sent you soaring, you reconnect with that state of happiness that you may have lost. And part of the purpose of life is to be happy. No point in being successful yet sad, is there? As a kid you were happy and as to started your career it consumed you and you became busy. Now regain your happiness. Today. 105. How to climber the mountain #1. Define what the mountaintop looks like. Write out what you want your reality to appear as 5 years from now. List the values you want to 30

stand for #2. Start climbing A single act done now - sets causes into play. It generates momentum. And with the action you begin to experience positive results #3. Take small incremental steps. Step by step you get to the goal. Every step gets you closer to the dream. You'll get to the end of your life anyway-why not reach that place as an extraordinary human being? 106. Human beings need mystery to be happy in life. If life is bland, we experience no joy. Good design adds that mystery. It makes life interesting. It connects with the artist that resides within each of us. It makes us go wow. And isn't being a Merchant of Wow one of the main aims of being in business? Looks do matter. Aesthetics attract. 107. I am ordinary guy who happens to keep learning the ideals and tool that have helped many humans reach their best potential, and implement them in my life. I am no different from you and have had my own share of good and painful seasons in my past. 108. I create. I express. I provoke. I honestly feel that. And so can you. Each day you step into the place where you work, you have the opportunity to nurture - and awaken - the artist that inhabits you. We all have a core craving to express who we are and to create something special. Part of being human. I encourage you to satisfy that urge by being the Picasso, who dared and showed devotion to excellence by being an outright original human and not being afraid to deconstruct and then reinvent his art over the course of his life. 109. I don't get it right the first time all the time, but I keep trying and ensure that I walk the talk, run towards the fears, catch them and kill them. Dream, dare and shine and reach your highest best. Each day life will send you little windows of opportunity. Your destiny will ultimately be defined by how you respond to these windows of opportunity Life is too 31

short to play little. Show what is unconditional love. Seize the gift that life presents to you. 110. I fail more than my friends and colleagues, that's why I am more successful than others, as is get up, take feedback, take corrective actions and start all over again, till I win the game using stumbling blocks as stepping stones. Work hard. Work smart and be consistent and persistent, plan and passionately implement. Failure is part of becoming world class. Screw-ups and burnouts are mark of excellence. The only real failure to be dreaded is the failure to dare and dream and decide. The real risk is in risk less living, which is same as reckless living. You will be more disappointed when you die for the things you have not done, more, than for the things that you have done and failed. Go ahead and stretch. Ask and you shall get it. Do it. Dare you. You cant win if you dont even play. leave alone playing well 111. I feel incredibly blessed If I get to spend my life serving others. Everything I do I do because of my love for you, so that both of us become better individuals and extraordinary citizens. Your success inspires me. Your happiness motivates me. 112. I glance at reality-TV shows that celebrate the worst within us. I've observed untalented people treated like royalty and true geniuses left to rot by the wayside. And I've noticed that respect (and impeccable manners and kindness and basic human courtesies - like helping elders) is in some circles considered un-cool. Being consistently respectful is tough. Takes inner power. Needs self-discipline. Anyone can mistreat someone. Anyone can push into traffic, put another down or place himself or herself first. Takes toughness - and mastery - to be a great human. To me, respect is hip. Nice people win. No one's suggesting you become a doormat. Just blend your courage with your compassion. Your head with your heart. Be tough when the circumstances call for it. And be tender the rest of the time.


113. I invite you to use each day as a platform for filling your life with more adventure, passion and energy by injecting more new things into it. It's a big, interesting world out there. And it's yours for the taking. Human beings do crave control-just the way we are and its a survival mechanism that goes right back to the days when we lived in caves, dont cave it. 114. I learned what optimism really is: it's knowing that the more painful the event, the more profound the lesson. There are so many lessons in this life we just don't want to learnYou just can't tell someone these things and expect him to become wise. Wisdom only comes the hard way, Dan Baker. 115. I sometimes get a little bothered by ingratitude. I try to treat people well, help them win and champion them, so that they reach for their best life. Sometimes, I'd just love to hear two magic words: thank you. So that I know what I did was right and I should repeat it. The number one reason an employee leaves an organization is not because they were not being paid enough money they leave because they were not given enough appreciation take a moment and think about the people in your life who need to be celebrated, appreciated and told that their support has been helpful. 116. I took time for myself. I traveled. I met fascinating people. I laughed. I learned. I fell in love-with life. I thought. I felt. I feel renewed. Sure, I get it's important to renew on a daily basis. And I do. Sometimes we just need to get away for a bit. To regain our perspective. And the love for what we do for a living. And for who we are becoming. Everybody needs a break. Earlier and more frequent the better. 117. I used to think that on delay I would be able to resolve the different drives I have in different directions, the tensions between the different people I am. Now I realize that is who I am, I do not feel I am getting closer to the song


in my head. I was not looking for grace, but luckily grace was looking for me. 118. I want a perfect ending. Now I've learned the hard way that some poems don't rhyme and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the most of it without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious ambiguity. Comedian Gilda Radner. 119. I was just thinking. About screenplays and Hollywood writers. They get to write their own stories. List the cast of characters. And determine how the whole thing concludes. So do you. True, we can't predict how life will unfold. The only thing we can expect is the unexpected. But by writing our stories in advance and then doing our best to act it out daily, we can get a lot closer to our Hollywood Endings than those who don't. And that's a beautiful thing. 120. Ideation without execution is mere delusion (I dare you to share that line at your next team meeting). In other words, an idea - no matter how big - only assumes value when it's acted upon and brought to life. This world of ours is full of great thinkers who never realized their greatness. World-class people get both rights. They are superb strategically and brilliant tactically 121. If you eat three times a day you'll be fed. If you read three times a day you'll be wise says Shimon Peres, the former Israeli Prime Minister and Nobel Prize Winner. As long as you learn something new each day, stretch your personal frontiers and improve the way you think, you cannot grow old. Aging happens if you stop growing better and bigger. Too many people have closed their minds to new insights and powerful thoughts. Always Learn something new. Read from a new book. Meet a new person or try a new type of food for lunch.


122. If everyone was satisfied with themselves, there would be no heroes. So ask yourself these Powerful Questions and answer them today. 1. Where am I playing small at work and in life? 2. What would I do if I knew I could not fail? 3. What am I resisting? 4. What can I be grateful for? 5. How do I want to be remembered? 123. If not today, then when? Too many human beings postpone living. We say that we will live our best lives when we have more time or when we finish the pressing projects that are consuming us. We tell those around us that we will be more loving and passionate when things slow down. deep within us, each one of us knows that there will never be a better time to live our biggest life than now. 124. Imagine that every conversation with every person made the same point. And imagine that every day had the same ending and that every thought reflected the same idea. Do you really get the brilliance of diversity? When you really think about it, it's the people who see the world through a different set of lenses that actually serve to stretch your thinking and provoke new understanding (and provoke they do). Sure they irritate you. They drive you crazy. Because they are not like you. No one likes to leave the shores of the home they know. Never run away from what will help you grow and step into your greatness no matter how uncomfortable it makes you feel (that's where courage and your natural bravery needs to be called into service). Those different people with different perspectives and different skin colors and different languages can equip you with your MILs (Most Important Lessons). The people and experiences that are different offer you the gorgeous opportunity to rethink the assumptions and closely held opinions you have lived your life under. But unless you are willing to empty the cup that is full, no more can enter. 125. Importance of confidence. In business - and in life. Without confidence, nothing great gets done. Sure you can have a gorgeous vision and delicious goals that set your 35

heart a flutter (I'm feeling poetic this morning as I drink my java and blog). But if you don't have the confidence to take the action steps needed to move it all forward, the dreaming has been a waste of time great ideas without the confidence to breathe life into them through near-flawless execution are mere fantasies one of the jobs of a Leader is to grow the confidence of the people who are climbing towards the mountaintop with him to genuinely lead - make it a priority to help people believe. In their potential. In their talents. In their selves. 126. Innovate. To get to world-class, it is absolutely essential to become a spectacularly good innovator relentlessly making things better and passionately discovering new ways to add value, work smarter and move faster are core creative traits that the best in business live by. And be alarmingly creative All the time. 127. Innovation and leadership is all about seeing what all see yet thinking what few think. Many see deserts as empty, barren places. In Dubai, they see it as an oasis of opportunity. What energy! What excitement! What creativity! I learned so much. 128. Invisible Fences. Think about why we play small. Why we avoid change. Why we don't innovate. Why we refuse to accept the call on our lives. We set up imaginary limits that determine its reality. Fences that are illusionary. We adopt negative beliefs and false assumptions and sabotaging fears from the world around us as we grow up. These become our Invisible Fences. We think they are real. When we bump up against them at work (and in life), we retreat. We believe the boundary is true. So we shrink from all we are meant to be/do/have. Now that you know they are not true Challenge them and Pin them down go for the greatness that waits for you. 129. Is a great life the result of luck or are there a series of natural laws at play that produce great results once we align ourselves with them? Do the 36

right things and you cannot help seeing the right results. An extraordinary life is the result of living by the laws of life. Doing things like adding value to people who surround you. Treating everyone you meet like a VIP. Being outrageously honest and surprisingly enthusiastic And remember, the more seeds you plant, the more plants you'll see. 130. It doesn't matter what other people think of you. All that matters is what you think of you. We lose so much energy worrying about the opinions of others, wanting to be liked. Leadership and personal mastery is about rising above social approval - to self approval. So long as you are living by your values, being authentic, running your own race and doing your dreams, who cares what anyone else thinks/feels/says about you? 131. It only takes a minute to tell a loved one you adore them, run towards a fear, set a big goal, drink a glass of water, read a great idea that just might rock your world), write the most beautiful thank you note you have ever sent your parents (or a teammate or a customer or a high school teacher who blessed your life), smile, connect to a friend or a co-worker, help a human being in need, raise your standards to world- class, go the extra mile at work and wow a customer, reflect on what you can do today to be better than you were yesterday, embrace change, make a new choice that will lead to your best life. Make the best of your minutes. Each one of them makes up your life. 132. It's all about their commitment to quality and their controls and their culture along with their devotion to excellence. They just refuse to play small and follow the herd and so become great businesses. 133. It's easy to spend less time with your family because they will always be there for you (or so you assume). It's easy to put off expressing your love to your loved ones because there seems to be no urgency at play. It's easy to 37

let home relationships slip because you assume there are more pressing things to deal with. But what could possibly be more important than your family? Is there any wisdom in being successful yet alone? 134. It's so easy to criticize someone and find fault with what they do. Anyone can do that with a few words or by a few keystrokes (just look at all the online critics/armchair activists - putting people down and pretending that they know better talk is cheap...let's see them do better). What's a lot harder than condemning others is doing something with your big ideas. Leaving your comfort zone. Dealing with the inevitable struggles. Chasing your dream. One of the first principles of sustained success: only those who turn deaf ears to the chattering critics can get to their best. 135. I've always believed that the person who experiences the most wins. That's because everything teaches (please think about that line). Everything influences (whether we are aware of it or not). We are formed by everything we come into contact with: every human being, every conversation, everything. 136. I've been shaped by my saddest experiences. They've brought me depth, compassion and wisdom. They've made me the man that I am. I wouldn't trade them for the world. Problems reveal genius. Worldclass organizations have a culture that sees problems as opportunities for improvement. A mistake is only a mistake if you make it twice. And world-class human beings use their stumbling blocks as stepping stones. They use their failures to bring them closer to success. They don't see problems. They see possibilities. To resist problems is to avoid growth and progress.


137. JK Rowling was a single mother struggling to pay her bills when the idea of a book about a misfit young wizard downloaded into her mind over a 4 hour train ride. She says on her website that that she feels blessed she had no pen with her at the time - writing down all the miraculous ideas that were coming to her would have slowed down the flow. Once the manuscript was done, her agent began to send Harry Potter to publishers with the hope of getting a contract. Most rejected the book instantly. Being a visionary and stepping into the higher reaches of your life necessarily means that people will question you. They will not get where you are going. They might call you odd or foolish or unorthodox. Perfect. Thank them for the compliments and keep doing what you need to do. To get to where you need to get. To live your dreams. And realize your vision. The world will be a better place once you do. The dream came true. if one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can transform a million realities. 138. Journey's as Good as The End. "It's important, when going after a goal, to never lose sight of the integrity of the journey." To put it in other words, the climb offers you far more value than getting to the mountaintop. Why? Because the climb toward your goals shapes your character and offers you opportunities to grow and tests you to see how much you want to win. It's the climb that serves to teach you and evoke the greatness that inhabits you. You get to develop The Qualities of Greatness like perseverance and courage and resilience and patience. We learn more from the times that test us than we do from times of success. The war teaches how to have more and better peace. So the next time you feel impatient or frustrated or hopeless en route to the professional and personal life that youre committed to creating, remember that precisely where you are might just be the best place you could possibly be. 139. Just Be Nice - JBN. Why don't we see "being noticeably nice" written into any job descriptions? There's a ton of stuff 39

about what needs to get done each day in those things but nice is just an accessory it seems. Being nice is the very lifeblood of a world-class business. Being nice to teammates (so they love coming to work each day) attracts and retains superb talent. Being nice to your suppliers (so they go to the wall for you) is great for operations. And being nice to your customers (so they keep coming back) is the best way to grow your community of loyal followers. like most human beings - I do business with people who treat me well. Who doesn't want to help the nice ones win? Nice got my loyalty. It got my repeat business. It generated an evangelist. 140. Just Be Yourself. What's more important in life than being yourself (and loving who you are)? Most of us live someone else's life. We act out the lives our parents wish for us. Or we behave as our neighbors expect us to. Or the way society tells us to behave. And we dismiss happiness as a result. Fulfillment comes from living your truth. Doing your values. Pursuing your dreams. To thine own self be true said that British sage Shakespeare. 141. Just think about Tiger relaxing his extraordinary commitment to never-ending refinement and improvement of his golf game? Ridiculous you say. And yet how many of us - on the playing field of business and life - are devoted to daily practice? Few. To get to world-class, you need to work at it. Daily. Relentlessly. Passionately. Success doesn't just occur - it's created. Earned. Athletes get better through practicing their sport. Leaders get better by cultivating their craft. By elevating their skills. By deepening their impact. By consciously Stepping Toward Extraordinary. Until they get there. 142. Keep perspective. Most of the problems we think are the end of the world turn out to be blessings, in hindsight we live on a small planet in just one of a vast array of galaxies in a gigantic universe. And you and I are just one of billions of people here. Are the problems we face as we walk through our days really so big? A question I 40

sometimes ask myself when I'm facing a struggle is this one: will this matter a year from now? If not, I move on - fast. Another great question to share with your team at work or your family at home is is something lost irrevocably? If not, things settle down and calmer minds generally prevail. Count your blessings. Focus on the good. Smile and laugh more. The world is small and life is short - but I've also learned it's also really really wide. 143. Language offers a framework for meaning The words you use determine the way you perceive reality. If you call a stumbling block a problem or a big mess you will create a different emotional state within you than if you call the issue an opportunity or a challenge that will only make me better. One of their core traits of greatness is that the vast majority of them understand the power of the word. Not only do they refrain from using profanities, but they use the language of passion. They use the language of possibility. They use the language of love. They use the language of leadership. 144. Lead without title, show up fully and make a difference. Reflect on what you want to stand for. Decide: until I have no breath to breathe, I will continue to do this because I think I was chosen for this, not for money, not for compensation but just to make the quality of life of my fellow human beings better. 145. Leadership and living a great life is striking the delicate balance between freedom and responsibility Life's all about a balance. And one of the most vital of all balance points is the one involving freedom and responsibility. Yes, be free. Enjoy the moment. Have a good time. Live in the now. And, yet, be responsible. Set your goals. Keep your promises. Get important things done. Because better awareness drives better choices. And better choices creates better results.


146. Leadership begins at home. Your family is an organization that needs to be managed, cherished and elevated to get to world-class. No matter what gifts you give what they really want is your time, you will realize. Money is the least important form of wealth. So today, love your loved ones. Celebrate your teammates. And be good to yourself. When you are world-class, everything you touch becomes extraordinary. 147. Leadership is a philosophy. It's an attitude. It's a state of mind. And it's available to each one of us. If you quickly diagnose the problem, assume personal responsibility and make the right decision and finally wow the customer in the process, not just once but always you are a true leader. Making customers feel special. Caring for the human beings that keep you in business. Treating clients like royalty. 148. Leadership is about taking action to do the right thing. It's about taking a stand for what's noble and good and honorable. By you showing up fully, you start a chainreaction that will inspire the person next to you to act. And that person will inspire the next. The family or team then gets inspired. The community then gets inspired The smallest of actions is always better than the noblest of intentions. Our fellow human beings are in need. And YOU can make a difference. Mother Teresa once said If I didn't pick up that first person in Calcutta, I wouldn't have picked up the rest all. Do your part to elevate the world and lessen the misery around. 149. Leadership is all about being excellent - when no one's looking. It's about being positive and energizing - when everyone else is complaining. And it's about influence. Influencing everyone you meet to inspire them to be great. So who you are and how you show up matters . Now, if each of the people you leave better than you find them, in turn, elevates 10 people each day by who they are, you have a splendid chance of enriching the lives of over a million people in as little as 10 years. Stunning, isn't it? Truly. 42

150. Leadership isn't about your position, it's about the way you show up each day. If your yard or home is wellorganized, I'll bet your life is well-organized. If you are attentive to details like the birthdays of your friends and sending thank you notes after every meeting, my guess is that you are attentive to the details around your big projects and best opportunities. So pay attention to the details. Sweat the small stuff (like crazy). Commit to OAD: Obsessive Attention to Detail the best people and organizations do Because the little things grow into the big things. 151. Leadership Quadrinitys from a Wise Tailor: Improve: Always be getting and doing better. Never settle for mediocrity. Observe: Talk to the people you work with. Listen to them. Keep your eyes on the business. Connect: Be good to people. Treat your customers with respect. Be caring and deal with any complaints fast. Adapt: Conditions change. Competition grows. Uncertainty is the new normal. Stay fast. Stay flexible. Stay nimble. life's incredibly short when you really think about it and each of us should not postpone reaching for all we can to some day in the future. 152. Leading is about assuming personal responsibility. It's about creating rich results. It's about taking charge to get things done, leadership occurs in moments of challenge - not during moments of ease We need to shine when things don't go as planned. And we have to take charge. 153. Learn at Intersections. Simple idea with powerful consequences: everyone who intersects your life knows something you don't. To get to world-class, don't miss any opportunity to leverage the learning/insights/experiences of the people you meet. Because we really do become our conversations. Our thoughts breed our words and our words craft our life.


154. Learn to Earn. As you learn what the best do, you will develop new awareness. With better awareness, you can make better choices. And with better choices, you are certain to see better results. Investing in learning is the smartest investment you'll ever make. Some of the busiest people I know read or listen to CDs or do online training for at least an hour a day Shift from being busy to getting results. Learn what the superstars in your profession do to stay on top. 155. Leave Behind Shoes No Man Can Fill. How big a life are you living? How bold a dream are you dreaming? How remarkable a person are you becoming? And, how large a footprint will you leave behind - such that the generations who will follow you will know that you've been here? And made your mark. And you were beyond compare !! 156. Leave People Better Than You Find Them. I'm a work in progress. Flawed - just like the rest of us. I've yet to meet the perfect human. I try to be better. I try to make other better. More than you'll ever know. 157. Less Talk, More Do. Leaders really do so, under promise and over deliver. Be impeccable with your word. And be a person of action. Because getting great things done speaks for itself. 158. Let loose. Let Go. Delegate. Leaders clearly communicate the mission, coach and develop their people and, once done, set them free, to use their own creativity and ingenuity to get the results needed, to do excellent work and find splendid solutions, to feel what it feels like to succeed, to fail (because making mistakes is part of getting to great). People really do want to be engaged and feel proud of their contribution. Will you let them - by setting them free? 159. Leverage Hard Relationships. Your most challenging relationship carries with it the seeds of your greatest 44

growth. The relationship that tests/frustrates/irritates you the most actually is one of your greatest blessings. Why? Because it reveals to you the very beliefs/fears and false assumptions that most limit you. The people you can't stand can actually transform your life. And help you become happier, healthier and more successful. Leaders have the outright bravery to go deep and see the fears that person triggers versus making it all about the other person being wrong/incompetent/ignorant or whatever other labels we generally use to avoid looking in the mirror and assuming personal responsibility. No two people see the world in precisely the same way. What a gorgeous opportunity, then, is the intersection of two people who view the world differently. We can embrace that connection to learn, grow and elevate the very people we are. And the growth and inner expansion that we experience from that one challenging relationship will change the way we relate in every other relationship. We will never be the same as we stretch and expand from what we discover in that difficult interaction. We will be stronger/wiser/bigger/better and not bitter. 160. Life is a pure adventure and the sooner we realize that, the quicker we will be able to treat life as an art Maya Angelou. 161. Life is a skill. And like any other skill, once you know the ground rules and make the time to practice, you can get better. If you really devote yourself to life, you could even reach a place of mastery 1. Pay attention to life. It's really easy to let life act on you to fall asleep to life Think about what goals you need to accomplish that day and what you would do for it, and the lessons you learnt the previous day. 2. Engage in life. The more you give to life, the more it gives to you. Just because life is so unpredictable doesn't mean you shouldn't exercise your power to do your best. Set your goals. Make your plans. Take action and chase your dreams. 3 Enjoy life. Since no 45

matter how long you will live, each of us isn't here all that long in the grand scheme of things. So let's not take ourselves too seriously. Let's enjoy the ride. 162. Life is certainly full of material pleasures that really do make the journey more delightful. No need to feel guilty about enjoying them. But don't forget about those simple treasures like a wonderful summer's breeze or a sensational sunset that will fill your soul and bring a smile to your face. Some of life's best pleasures are it's simplest ones. Fill your life with more of them and your heart will fill with happiness. 163. Life rewards the (unreasonably) devoted. Under promise and over deliver. Don't care if others were unethical - stay true to oneself. Small daily elevations compound into massive results over time. Do great work and offer great value. And it's not about the size of you're title but the depth of your commitment. 164. Life's just too short too be miserable all the time, wouldn't you agree? What's the point of doing something if you're not having fun? I've decided to keep my eye on the mountaintop but become much more attentive to enjoying the climb. There's no question that I'm still passionately chasing my dream of making the world a better place. But, these days, I make a much greater investment in having fun. 165. Life's most painful experiences are the very circumstances that introduce us to our best. During times of ease, it's easy to get caught up in shallow pursuits and pleasures. Hard times cause us to go deep. The unmeaningful stuff falls aside and we awake to what's most important. Things like family, friends, relationships, presenting our best to the world, enjoying each day's gifts, leaving the world better than we found it. Every life is terminal. We are all headed for the same end - no matter how long we get to live. When you remember that before we know it, we'll all be dust, all the things that currently keep 46

you small (like fear, pride and past disappointments) just fall away. And you discover that the time to shine - and be great - is now. (And if not now, then when?) 166. Listening is, in so many ways, the social equity of the world-class cultures that evolve into world- class organizations. Listening makes people feel special (and talent leaves organizations mainly because they didn't feel special). Listening shows respect. Listening allows you to gather the data that will improve everything you do. I guess what I'm suggesting to you is that brilliant performers are brilliant listeners. Today make the decision to listen masterfully. Don't interrupt. Don't rehearse your answer while the other person is speaking. And don't dare check your email or search for text messages while another human being is sharing their words. Just listen. Just hear. Just be there for that person. Everyone has a voice. And we all crave to be heard. Just watch the great things that unfold when you do listen. 167. Live an Intense Life. I want to live like there's no tomorrow, love like I deeply mean it and achieve the best within me. I want to do my part to elevate our world. I want to live with intensity. What a beautiful word: intensity. Live a high-volume life. Play full-out. Take risks. Reach high. Don't look back. Be authentic. Be great. Before you know it, you'll be dust. Seriously. Life's like that. By the time most people figure it out, it's too late. Your dreams have passed you by. Sure we need to enjoy the journey, tread lightly and balance our courage with compassion. But do it all with rare passion, breathtaking bravery and a sparkle in your eye. Do it all with intensity. 168. Look into the mirror and ask yourself the following question: "What thing could I do today that would get my professional and personal life its NLG: Next Level of Greatness?" Then think about that One Thing. Reflect on executing that step superbly. I believe it's strikingly important to remember that when you know better, you can 47

do better. With higher levels of awareness, you can make smarter choices. And the more clarity you get as to who you want to become, the quicker you can start making the choices need to get you there. 169. Love Your Irritations. They stretch you and make you move. The things that drive you crazy are actually giant opportunities. The people who press your buttons are actually your greatest teachers. The things that make you angry are actually your greatest gifts. Bless them. The people or circumstances that take you out of your power have extraordinary value: they reveal your limiting beliefs, fears and false assumptions The things that irritate and annoy and anger you are entry points into your evolution and elevation as a human being. They are signposts for what you need to work on and the fears you need to face. The fears you don't own become your prison bars. And as you begin to shed light on your personal weaknesses and take responsibility for them, you actually begin the process of shedding them. You become stronger. 170. Love/Lust for Growth. What comes to mind when you think about your best teacher/mentor/boss? Good thoughts, right? You appreciate the lessons/learning and growth that human being promoted in you. So, why would you feel any differently about the most trying/ challenging/ frustrating events of your life? Are those not the very events that have most shaped you? And evoked your best and highest? Taught you to what you needed to learn to get you to where you stand today? They too are your teachers. 171. Make the time to care for yourself. Get into great shape. Leadership begins within. You can't do good at work until you feel good. You can't make someone feel great about themselves until you feel good about yourself. You can't be a source of positive energy if you have no energy. Put the oxygen mask on your mouth before you try to help anyone else. Enjoy life while you chase success. By caring for yourself, you 48

will be able to give more to others. By ensuring that you are on your best game, your leadership effectiveness will be guaranteed. 172. Making the time to think is a brilliant strategy for success at leadership and in life. Too many people spend the best hours of their days solely engaged in doing, on the execution aspect of things. But what if they are executing around the wrong things? There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently, that which should not be done at all. By thinking more, you will have a better sense of your priorities and what you need to focus on. Your actions will be more crisp and deliberate and intentional. More time thinking will make you less reactive. 173. Masters make everything look so simple. The best of the best do their craft with effortless ease and grace. Or at least, because they are so brilliant at what they do, it looks that way to you and me. We can't see the machinery. We don't see all the early mornings and late nights spent working hard to be BIW (best in world). We don't see the fierce determination that was applied to overcome impossible odds and make the dream come true. And we don't hear the laughter of the critics that needed to be ignored to get to the mountaintop. World-class performers make it all look so easy. But it wasn't. They did whatever it took to make their lives special. To be unforgettable. To get to their highest. 174. Meticulosity means "an extreme attention to detail." Now I know we should do nothing to an extreme (Chinese wisdom tells us that "the bow too tightly strung is easily broken"). But I like the idea of having a masterful devotion around the details-both while we work and while we live. Ive noticed that the best companies all have an OAD-obsessive attention to detail. OAD shows you care. That you are devoted to excellence. That you and your organization are striving for mastery. In all you do. In every way. And on every day. 49

175. Michelangelo once said that he simply saw the works of art embedded within the slabs of marble and then set about chipping away at everything that wasn't of that work of art. Which brings me to you. And your ready-made-greatness. Just maybe, the main aim is to access and remember and reconnect with the best that already resides within you. Chipping away everything that is not truly you right here. Right now you can recall your personal greatness. You know that small, daily improvements stack into massive results over time (that idea just might transform your life so please let it linger). The difference between a remarkable life and a mediocre one is not nearly as large as you might imagine. Greatness comes by doing a few small and smart things each and every day. Comes from taking little steps, consistently. 176. Most of us let life act on us. A life well-lived is mostly about being surrounded by people I love, staying healthy and happy and having an impact on the world around us. Die daily. Give yourself to life. Take some risks. Open your heart a little wider. Speak your truth. Show your respect for the gift of life that's been given to you. Shine brightly today. And then, wake up tomorrow and reach even higher. At the end, people will remember you as one of the great ones. Connecting to the fact that life is short and no one knows when it will end is a great personal practice to stay engaged on your priorities. Waking up each morning and asking yourself ''how would I show up today if this day was my last?'' 177. Most people don't discover how to live until it's time to die. Ask yourself and you will know for yourself. #1: Did I dream richly? #2: Did I live fully? #3: Did I learn to let go? #4: Did I love well? #5: Did I tread lightly on the earth and leave it better than I found it? To lead a beautiful life, I suggest that you need to ask the kinds of questions that will provoke you to think deeply and connect with what matters


most. Good questions lead to excellent answers and greater clarity. 178. Most people take the limits of their own vision to be the limits of the world. A few do not-join them. So the next time you're about to do things the way you've always done them, pause and ask yourself: what would a world-class innovator do in this situation? And then reach deep into your heart and dare to be different. If people don't laugh at you and your ideas at least once a week, you're not pushing the envelope. Great companies spend far less time benchmarking than creating new ways of delivering outrageous value to their customers. The world needs more giant ideas that no one's thought of to enrich our customers and improve our communities and elevate the world. The world needs more visionaries, dreamers and revolutionaries. People pay for originality. You want to lead the field in your business? Be different. Let them laugh, call you crazy, snicker. Stay true to your vision. Reach higher. Dream bigger. Be not ordinary - it's the kiss of death as far as I can tell. 179. Most people take the limits of their vision to be the limits for their world. The life that you see before you is not the life of your future, you can change it as per your choice, as you might be now viewing it through your past experience and paradigms while a whole new set of possibilities lie outside you. Whatever you dream of has mostly been achieved by somebody somewhere and you need just to follow their footsteps, and then take the extra step to out beat the previous record. Your thinking creates your reality. Create a positive mental attitude and explore all possibilities, ask, knock and seek and search and you will definitely find your success. Do not let your 'impossibility' thinking manifest itself. Things may be difficult but never impossible. 180. Music. How much do you invite into your life. To live and work at your best, you need to be overflowing with 51

passion and a relentless desire to win. Music will help. And it will make each moment better. It is the soundtrack to a brilliant life. And you can start Now. 181. My business is to do as much good in the world as I can. Andrew Carnegie. 182. My holiday was fantastic. Have been also spending a lot of time in reflection. Rethinking so many things. To ensure the coming days are lived with authenticity, passion, innovation and a genuine devotion to creating value. Being successful is far less important to me than being a good person - and doing my best to make our world a better place, because priorities keep changing. Because you too want to realize all the gifts that lie within you. You too want to learn/live/love greatly. And you too want to break free of the chains of limitation that hold so many of us. And stand boldly amidst the possibility your life was meant to be. Be great at work and life. 183. Nelson Mandela. A visionary. A freedom fighter. A stunning example of the heights to which human beings can rise (he invited 3 of his jailers to his inauguration as president of South Africa - how's that for forgiveness?). "Every time Nelson Mandela walks into a room we all feel a little bigger, we all want to stand up, we all want to cheer, because we'd like to be him on our best day." 184. Nelson Mandela once said: After climbing a great hill, one finds that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the distance I have come. But I can only rest for a moment, for with freedom comes responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk has not yet ended. It's all about a balance. We must walk out into the world and do our best to be of greater service to others and greater citizens in the world. We must continually walk towards our fears and make more of our lives. We must constantly play a bigger game. 52

185. NEVER STOP IMPROVING NSI. There's always room to make things better. Everything's a work in progress. 186. Next Level Listening - NLL. People ache for great listening. Do you give it to them? I so passionately believe that one of the single best things you can do to get your relationships (both professional and personal) to world-class is to become alarmingly good at listening. Be just "insanely great" (Steve Jobs term) at making people feel heard. It wasn't forced. It wasn't faked. It wasn't artificial. Just a truckload of masterful, heartfelt listening every time I was with him. That makes the difference between your knowing and believing that somebody cared for you. And no human being can ever find authentic success without the help of people. And people need listening. I know you are one of the rare breed that is doing special things. And one of the most special of all is being a brilliant listener. 187. No one gets to world-class in their work or in their personal lives without a relentless devotion to not giving up. Human beings who refused to lose committed all acts of heroism. They just wouldn't let go - no matter how bad things looked, having a healthy disregard for the impossible. Sometimes life has other plans for us. We ache for something to happen and some dream to get done. Luck never smiles on us. But we continue to toil in darkness. But sometimes, you get to a point where you just know. It's not about losing hope. It's about trusting life. That there's an even better thing waiting for you. And that it's time to course-correct. do your best and let life do the rest. 188. No Try, No Win. No Pain No Gain. Yes we all know But, We start selling ourselves on all the reasons why we'll fail. Eventually, that beautiful/big/bold idea seems silly/unattainable/foolish. And so we don't act. We don't even try. Nothing happens until you move.


189. Nothing fails like success. And nothing fails like failure. You are more vulnerable when you are more successful. You need to be more humble and devoted to your clients/relationships when you are successful. Dont ever get sloppy. You need to play faster and better and add more value to remain successful or else you will slide down from the hill top that you have climbed with great difficulty. 190. Nothing fails like success. The more successful you and your organization becomes, the more humble and devoted to your customers you need to be. The more committed to efficiency and innovation you need to be. The faster you need to play. Because the moment you stop doing the very things that got you to the top of the mountain is the very moment you begin the slide down to oblivion. Don let success get into your head and failure get into your heart. Everything changes. Be awake. 191. Nothing wrong with making a mistake. A powerful way we all learn and grow. Just don't make the same mistakes over again. Meet great people. Leave the inhibitions (the time to seize an opportunity will never be ideal) Foster friendships. A quick conversation that somehow will shape me - as every conversation does. Each day life sends you chances to learn, grow and step into your best. 192. One Leap. It's stunningly interesting to me how we have the power to - over the hours of this very day - make a decision/choice/commitment that can transform our professional as well as our personal lives forever. The day you stopped playing small and stood up for the poetic possibilities your life was meant to be. So my question to you is a simple one: what one leap could you make today - that if you made it - would change the game? What one Bold Step could you take that would radically alter the way you think/feel/behave? What New Move could you step into that would lift you into the realm of extraordinary/remarkable/world-class? What are you waiting


for? There will never be a perfect time to be the greatest you, never be a better time than today. 193. One of the deepest hungers of each of us is the need to belong -the need to be part of a community. Companies that win get this and create workplaces where people can have rich friendships, meaningful connections and fun-while they elevate the enterprise to success. And people who win, in the sense that they craft gorgeous and fulfilling lives for themselves, also build a community around themselves, filled with strong bonds with neighbors, friends and loved ones. An unforgettable life is created one step at a time. What step will you take today to build community at workand at home? 194. One of the primary traits of world-class performers is their ability to detach from the noise. Each day, little crises such as, minor interruptions and interesting distractions beg for our attention and stay on vision. Before your day gets noisy, close your eyes and reflect on your mission. Think about your goals. Reflect on what are your most important To-Dos today. We all face the tyranny of the urgent during our days. But the best of the best stay true to their vision, values and virtues. And they ensure that the things that truly count never get sacrificed for those seemingly pressing but unimportant ones. 195. Only leaders who are willing to think differently can outinnovate everyone around them. Thinking the same thoughts produces the same results. Leadership is all about being The Brave Creative out in front in your market space (and your career) versus doing things the way everyone else does them. Businesses needs more Dreamers. Sit on the companys management team and consistently challenge ideas that fostered the status quo. This man was paid to push the envelope. To evangelize innovation. To make things better by being unorthodox in a world where most of us are afraid to leave the crowd. So today, have conversations with


people who are Originals. Strive to leave the Safe Harbor of The Known. 196. Only thing you can expect in life is the unexpected, change is the only thing that is constant, and nothing in this world is predictable, agreed, but you can shape your future, by conscious and sincere effort, to a great extent. Lives of other successful people give clues as to what are the best principles and lessons of great life. Calculated risks. Contribution to community. Family. Friendships. Kindness through small and simple acts. Care, concern and love for one and all. These are some of those tips that make your life great. The impact you have on the people around you determines how successful you have been. What the people you leave should think of you gives you the idea about things you should do when you are alive. If today is your last day of your life, what will you do now? And why have you not yet done it? Clarity precedes success. Live your potential. Best time to plant a tree is some 20 year ago, the second best time is now here today. 197. Optimism isn't cheesy or soft or boring. Nope. It's a mission-critical tool for anyone devoted to getting to their best. Every day brings challenges to those who dare/risk/push the envelope. Being the most optimistic person in the room will help you transcend them to your next level of greatness. Infectious good cheer is what that is wanted. 198. Outperform yourself. I never take the same shot today that I took yesterday no matter how great it came out, constantly outperforming work of the previous day. Never settling for good enough when great was available. Getting better, daily. Let them say you hold yourself to an unreasonable standard. Let your critics say whatever they want to say. Don't listen to them. Don't believe them. Anyone can be a critic. What takes boldness is being great.


199. Patience Pays. We live in a world of quick fixes and shortsightedness. We want things fast, need them now and crave instant gratification. Success and winning takes time. Greatness incubates. Percolates. Drip by drip you eventually arrive at perfection. The best things in life take time to evolve, mature and reach their best state. Forget expecting everything now. Be patient. Life's timing just might not be the same as your timing. The saleswoman should have been more concerned with developing a connection with me - her customer - and giving me a reason to come back instead she went for the quick fix and the fast win. Sales pros don't sell - they help their clients buy, over a period of time. 200. People buy with their emotions and then justify the purchase with their intellect. Start evaluating the quality of your packaging. Study everything. Don't hold anything as sacred, packaging also includes the way your work environment looks, how you dress, the words you use and the way you show up. Packaging is everything on the outside, of both your professional and personal life. Make it insanely great and good things will come. 201. People want to work for a good company one that is not only well-run but that does its part to build a better world. People want to go to work each day with pride in their hearts. They want to feel good about the company they work for. They want to know life makes lives better. Become a volunteer. Give money to charities. Start to tithe 10% of your income to noble causes. And as an organization, engage in causes that help communities in need. 202. Person who chases two rabbits catches neither. Bird in hand is worth two in bush. What you focus on grows. What you concentrate on is what you see more of in your life. Think about that last line. Focus on financial mastery and you'll see your economic life improve. Focus on being more loving and your relationships will improve. Focus on your physical dimension and exercise and a superb diet. Tunnel 57

vision around their biggest To Dos. Stay strong and on course. Most people try to be all things to everyone. And so they end up being nothing to anyone. Dont do that. 203. Personal Mastery. These words have an inspirational vibe to them. They offer the sense of hope. They challenge. They provoke. They affirm (and remind us of our highest possibilities). Each of us must go out into the world each day and live our best. Yes, life doesn't always seem fair. We'll encounter difficult customers and low performing suppliers and angry commuters. That's just life happening (and each one of them can reveal something to you about yourself). But, at the same time, life offers you daily opportunities to shine. To polish your gifts. To release your chains. For personal mastery. Make a commitment today that will alter the course of your life. Forever. Dedicate yourself to personal mastery. Think about your thinking. Get to know your fears. Refuse to tolerate negativity. Read more. Learn more. Get fit no - ultra fit. Become brilliant at what you do for work. Get to be so good at your craft that your organization cannot run without you. Be nice. 204. Personal planning and goal-setting are incredibly important and central to an extraordinary experience of life. Few things focus the mind as well as setting plans on to paper and then sequencing them into goals. The very act of doing it heightens your awareness as to what's most important. And with better awareness, you will make better choices. And as you make better choices, you are certain to experience better results. Start writing about the life you want to create. It's a lot easier than you may think. It helps. 205. Personal Transformation. Too many people believe that playing their best game as a human being requires them to revolutionarize their lives. No one wants to make massive changes to the way they think, feel and behave. Human beings love staying within the comfort zone. I've realized that lasting personal change does not require you to turn your life upside down. The best way to get to your greatness 58

is through small, continuous steps-what I call the 1% Wins. Same small incremental improvements for every other area of your life, from your relationships to your career. Little by little it becomes Large. 206. Perspective - As with all matters in business and life we have a choice. To choose our perspective and how we will process the experience. I could focus on the challenges and dwell on the negatives. Leaders take small challenges as well as bigger and much more serious ones in a way that moves them forward - and fills them with energy converting problems in to possibilities. Setbacks into stepping stones. 207. Pleasure is great-but the feeling doesn't last. From a great meal, a nice glass of wine and a new car. Nothing wrong with these things-they make the experience of life better. You get it. Happiness is that grandfather of pleasurethe wise elder that pleasure dreams of becoming. Happiness comes from within. It's a state you create by choice. It's a decision. It's an act of will. You invoke it. So choose to be happy. You can't control life on the outside. Hard stuff will happen. But you can control what goes on inside. 208. Power doesn't come from forcing people to listen to you and coercing them to do what you say (because you have the right title). The more you rely/trust and believe in your team and the bigger the investment you make in getting them to their greatness, the larger will be the commitment, engagement and outright devotion they have when it comes to you. Real power comes by spreading your passion, giving people a reason to climb your strategic mountaintops and given them permission to shine/grow and Lead Without Title. Be there for people and they'll be there for you. 209. Practice Makes Perfect. How easy it is to forget that there can be no mastery without relentless, consistent and brave hearted practice (especially on the days when you don't feel like practicing). Success is no accident (big idea). Easy to forget that successful people didn't just wake up that 59

way. They started off ordinary - with a goal - and then focused on the daily small steps required to reach it. And as the days slipped into weeks and the weeks into months and the month into years, their dream became more alive. Each day, they practice. It's a discipline of the best human beings. 210. Praise within the workplace. A rare commodity. Praise, to me, is like the Sun: the more you give away, the more everything around you grows towards you. However, most people don't give praise freely (even though it's free). Giving away praise to all those around you (when they most deserve it), makes you look like more. It elevates you. It makes you look like a hero. It makes you look like a giant within the workplace. To everyone around you. Everyone craves for Recognition. 211. Procrastination the thing that I can do now, I must now do. Tomorrow may be too late. Leadership is all about doing what's right versus easy. It's about aligning your daily actions with your deepest values - and highest goals. And please remember: one of the things that define a leader (and everyone has the opportunity to show leadership behavior each day) is that leaders do the things that mediocre performers don't like doing - even though they don't like doing them either. But their commitment to their ideals is far stronger than the strength of their immediate impulses. 212. Put your family first (along with your health, and then wealth and not other way round). Lead by Example. The best way to influence your kids is to walk the talk. Practice what your preach. See yourself not just as a parent to your children but as a developer of them. You need to actively develop their minds, hearts and souls. Introduce them to cool people who produce unique ideas parents teach their children how to view the world. Parents show kids the way the world works. And if you see the world as a place of limitation, so will those little people you are raising. Introduce your children to what's possible. Inspire them to be 60

great human beings who will elevate the world in their own special way. each night before my kids sleep, I make 4 statements to them. You can do whatever you want to do when you grow up. Never give up. Whatever you do, do it well. And Remember how much your Daddy loves you. Been doing that every night for years. Sure they often say Dad, we know all this stuff now. It's getting boring. But I don't stop saying them because it will make a difference in their life. 213. Questions. A good question is powerful. Cause you to go deep, reflect and think. This weekend, in NYC, I saw a couple of ads based on excellent questions. Kenneth Cole ad: "Did you respond when you were called?" Please think about that professionally as well as personally IBM - that asks "what makes you special?" So important, as you bring greater leadership to your life, to build strikingly high levels of self- understanding to the game. Find your own answers. 214. Reading great authors, conversations with famous personalities, biographies of successful persons, will help you not only to survive on your game but also to flourish. A mind once stretched by a new great idea can never return to its original dimensions. Cut back on anything but books. One idea discovered in one book is enough to transform your life. Just like you eat thrice a day for your body read regularly to feed your mind and meditate for your soul. Knowing how and what to read and not reading is same as not knowing how to read. Flood your mind with ideas hopes dreams and inspiration. If you want to lead you need to read. 215. Reading is one of the best disciplines. I know of to stay on game and at your highest. Reading from a great book is really all about having a conversation with the author. And reading a book by someone whose life you want to be living allows some of their brilliance to rub off on you. The hand that puts down a great book will never be the same for you have learned from another's great experience and gained expertise , so cut back on anything but books. knowing how 61

to read and not reading is almost the same as not knowing how to read. 216. Reasonable man adapts himself to the world the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man says George Bernard Shaw. Don't always be so reasonable and practical and sensible that you refuse to seize glorious opportunities when they show up and push the envelope as to what's possible for you. The world needs many more dreamers. 217. Reciprocity. It's only human nature to want to help those who've helped us. Each of us have a deep-seated hunger to do unto others as they've done onto us. So I've been looking for an opportunity to show my appreciation. It starts today, by giving him my business. And then I'll be sending my friends over. And they'll tell others and so on. Because Tony deserves to win. And I want to reciprocate. 218. Refuse to accept the ordinary. Let go of the chains that have bound you to the ordinary. And definitely leave the herd (the only place you'll reach when you follow the crowd is the exit). Stand for your best. Devote to excellence. Become wildly innovative and wear your passion on your sleeve. They might call you different or weird or crazy. But please remember, every great leader (or visionary or brave thinker) was initially laughed at. Later they were honored. How big do you dream? How fast do you move? How often do you innovate? 219. Relationships matter most. Meeting people gives amazing ideas about worth of relationships. Leading by example is one of the greatest teaching for leadership. IT builds trust. And trust transcends and transforms. Consistency about fundamentals and walking the talk and being genuine will build trust and in turn good relations ships which help both the business as well as yourself personally. People do business with the people they like. Nothing great 62

really happens until you move. Show genuine interest and spread goodwill and touch the heart so that people want to help you. 220. Resistance to change is due to fear failures, forgetfulness, and faith. People fear leaving their safe harbor of the known and venturing off into the unknown. Human beings crave certainty even when it keeps them small. No one wants to fail. So many of us don't even try. We don't even take that first step to improve not knowing the only failure in life is the failure to try. No time to act , as we forget on the commitments we made for personal and professional leadership. Keep your self-promises in front of you and commitments at top of mind. Too many people have no faith. They are cynical which stems from disappointment. Rather than staying on the game, recognizing that failure is the highway to success, they shut down and stay back to avoid getting hurt again. 221. Respect is something so important for success in business and in life. It's the element that brings teams together, that fuels employee engagement and keeps families strong. Everybody needs, deserves and craves respect. So give it. 222. Robins 3 Step Success Formula: awareness precedes choice which precedes change. With better awareness you will make better choices. Those better choices lead to better results. As you know better you can do better. And as you do better, you will see better. 223. Rough conditions can bring precious gifts. Life can be hard. We all have our good seasons as well as our difficult ones. But hard times bring many blessings. Like strength of character, self-knowledge, courage, greater understanding and deeper compassion. Some of the qualities of the very best leaders that have walked before us. We grow the most as human beings during our roughest times. So why do we 63

judge them as bad - when they bring such good? Miracles that awake us. 224. Seasons change. The pace quickens. The opportunities open. So as you rise to the occasion, I ask you a question: Do You Dream? How much time to spend in solitude imagining what you want to do/have and become? How much time do you take to map out the closely cherished visions in your mind and the precious desires of your heart? You need to know where you're going if you want to get there. Ordinary people can do remarkable things. You need the hope and dream and desire and daring to make your dream come true. So, the world needs more dreamers. And Leaders Without Title but we need to start on that journey. Today. Seriously. 225. Share The Good Stuff. Sure life's uber-busy. Sure we have a ton of life to deal with. But what about taking 10 seconds a day to celebrate a teammate or encourage a child or offer good words to a person doing good. Give genuine appreciation. It rebounds multifold. 226. Sharpen the Saw. Spending all your time working will not make you more productive. Checking your email messages on your Blackberry every 60 seconds will not make you more effective. Refusing to take vacations will not make you a star performer. I get my best ideas the thoughts that have really elevated my business and revolutionized my life when I'm relaxed and having fun. There's great value in making the time to chill out and do the things that fill your heart with joy. You need to recharge your batteries of life. 227. Show up fully at work. Rock. Give your best shot, every time all the time. If anything is worth doing, it is worth doing well. Work gives meaning to our lives. Be passionate about what you do. Even if your dont get what you like, like what you have got. Being spectacularly great your work promotes personal respect and make life more interesting, as your 64

bring more and more talents and deep devotion to the job your life gets richer and more rewarding. You dont need to have the biggest title to do the best and be a leader. If a man is called to be a street sweeper he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted and sweet so well that all the host of heaven and earth should pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did is job beautifully well. 228. Showing leadership isn't about winning a popularity contest. It's about doing the right thing. Every single human being has a deep need to be appreciated and honored get that right and people will love you. Before someone will lend you a hand, you need to touch their heart. Have impeccable manners. Be the kindest person you know. Be there for people. Show them you care. And, above all else, be good. Hold yourself to a standard far higher than one could ever expect. Be first to help someone. Show kindness. What takes guts is to stand for something higher and to be of service to others. 229. Simple strategies. Use people's names. Look at them in the eye and show them you care. Say please and thank you. Listen a thousand times more than you speak (only a slight exaggeration). Be on-time. Keep your promises. Be more concerned about helping than selling (people can sniff sincerity a mile away). Be passionate about your products and services so that passion gets transferred (the first sales person had all the passion of an old shoe box). Be better than anyone else in your field at what you do (so read up on the product, learn daily, develop yourself/skills and always be improving). Treat your customers like they are visiting royalty. But remember: what separates the best from the rest is their consistent adherence to a few simple best practices that over time evolve into spectacular results. And also remember, everyone is selling something. 230. Simplify Then Focus. One of the primary reasons that people and organizations fail to get to greatness is that they 65

try to be too many things to too many people. Dont complicate. Don't digress; successful human beings are wildly focused and have very clear picture of what it is they want to create by the time they reach the end of their lives and then they have the discipline (and courage) to stick to their knitting saying no to everything that is not mission critical. Strip away all that is unimportant /non- essentials these are the things keeping you from getting to your dreams. 231. Ski lessons. We only grow on the hard runs. Ski down the easy hills and you won't fall. But you'll never get better. Learn all sorts of new stuff. Tons of new knowledge to remember. Lots of old stuff to forget. Sometimes it seems we're falling backward as we learn/grow/evolve just getting ready to breakthrough. Cancel all the noise and concentrate on your priorities. Focus or fall. 232. So easy to find excuses not to build relationships and be one of those brilliant souls who masterfully connects with human beings. A mile-long to do list, missed deadlines and forest fires to put out. Who has time to engage in face to face conversations or build rich bonds with the people we work with (or serve)? Tons of to-dos and places to be. Get to the fact that the way you treat your people is the way they'll treat your customers. Understand that when people feel great about themselves, they do great work. 233. Some of lifes best pleasures are very simple, a Sea Waves, Hill Breeze, Rain Drizle, etc. Enrich your life with more of these simple happiness boosters and your heart will be happy and mind healthy to work and achieve more. Wanting, needing and having more, is ok but these are pleasures and happiness comes from simple small incidents of care and acts of kindness. 234. Sore legs means your legs are getting stronger, while skiing. For a muscle to strengthen, it needs to first break down. That manifests as soreness and pain. Sometimes 66

things need to fall apart and get painful for us to grow. As we go through it, it seems like "a bad/sad/negative experience." But in truth, the pain is a reflection of our growth to Next Level of Greatness. 235. Speak less, hear more, as your have one mouth and two ears. As you listen you get to know more, while as your speak, you learn less. Listen to understand. Listen to empathize. Listen to lead. Listening is not waiting until the other person has finished speaking so that we can again start answering/talking, and most of us are actually rehearsing our response as we tend to listen. You can forge a deep connection with the heart if you listen intently without judging. Never talk when you can nod. Listen twice than necessary. Talk half than normal. 236. Speak your truth - even when your voice shakes. You are a leader - no matter what your title is. In the theatre they say no role is a small role. And no person is an insignificant one. There are no extra people on the planet. Each day - at work and at home - you have an opportunity to have an impact, make a difference and reveal your potential. And one of the things that separate leaders from followers is that the ones who lead speak openly, honestly, courageously and truthfully. 237. Spiderman Teachings -"we always have choice. We can always choose between right and wrong." This leadership/success/greatness stuff really is pretty simple. Simple, not easy. But the best things in life take some effort/discipline/commitment. And sure, it all seems so obvious. But what's most obvious is often most forgotten. 238. Stainless character - one that is noble, aspires for excellence in all pursuits and never gives up in pursuit of its ideals. Even better. What is within must always appear without. A person who dreams pristine dreams and who is impeccably honest/good/ethical and stands for what's best will soon act in alignment with those values. And those 67

actions cannot help but drive extraordinary results. Inner always creates the outer. 239. Stop Sleeping. Do not fall into the trap of spending some of the best hours of their lives on a mattress. They squander their potentially breathtaking gifts under the covers. They lose The Battle of The Bed. They trade their greatness for a snooze button. Ever noticed that as you sleep more, you feel sleepier? Too much to do and too many great places to explore. Life is for the living. You and I have been given a gift today: to have the opportunity to make a difference and exercise our talents and have a brilliantly fun time doing it. And we need to seize (and respect) that gift. There will be plenty of time to sleep when you're dead. 240. Stretching and expanding and reaching for personal and professional greatness is the lifeblood of a remarkable life. So today, choose boldness and bigness over playing small. You have a lot more to give and be than you can imagine. 241. Success Expansion. In principle your life will expand or contract in direct relationship to your willingness to walk directly towards the things that you fear. Do your fears and you play big. Run from them and you shrink from greatness. First, you realize that the fear was mostly a hallucination. And second, you get some kind of an unexpected reward for your bravery. I've seen it time and time again. It's a law of life. 242. Success is a by-product. To make it a goal is to set yourself up to lose the very thing you most want; If all you do is focus on being successful, you've taken your eyes of the very things that will get you to success: doing brilliant work, adding outrageous value to your customers and being extraordinary as a human being. You'll be so worried/consumed with arriving at success that you'll never reach it. So be strikingly great in all you do. Devote to becoming a genius in your work. Add more value to those 68

around you than they have any right to expect. And become the best person you can possibly be. 243. Success is all about being in the process of joyfully creating a life that reflects your highest values, your deepest beliefs and your greatest dreams. There's a lot in that statement and I invite you to break it down and reflect on it. There's the part about being joyfully moving along the journey of your life because life is meant to be fun. There's the piece about being in the process of creating life on your terms. There's the element of living under your values and beliefs...which is all about being true to yourself and authentic. And there's that aspect of chasing your dreams, as these are what gets us out of bed each day and fill our hearts with hope. 244. Success versus significance - an extraordinary life contains both. Without success, I have a sense that the best part of you will feel a little hollow. Part of what makes us human is the hunger to realize our greatest gifts and live life fully. We were built to shine. And without significance, I believe that we will feel that we have walked the planet in vain. Success is actually a creative pursuit and a reflection of healthy self-esteem. And to stay devoted to elevating the lives you touch and leaving your world better than you found it, is significance. 245. Success via simplicity - great insight. Most people in business and within their personal lives move towards complexity. More To Dos. No move in the opposite direction. Then try and make business models leaner and more focused, do fewer but smarter things, get wildly focused and wonderfully lean, and then most definitely run from trying to be all things to all people. Success will be yours. 246. Surroundings Matter. So choose them well. The people you associate and the conversations you have profoundly shape your thinking and actions. Be with people greater than you and you will become a greater person. Fill your home 69

with great books and you will rise to meet the promise (and possibilities) they offer. Eat great/healthy food and your physical life will reflect that association. Place yourself in and around the best. 247. Survival of fittest works everywhere all the time. Higher I reach, the more I get tested. But challenges are good. We grow through them. We are most alive amidst danger. The wisest amongst us the genuine leaders smile in the face of adversity. They understand that life tests the big dreamers the passionate revolutionaries. It's almost like a weeding out process only the strong (and the best) get to live their heart song. So I'll rise above any resistance I meet. I'll keep my eyes on the dream. I'll stay on message and solidly on mission. Because this world belongs to us dreamers you and I. 248. Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder. Doesn't matter what you start. Brilliant that you have the courage to take that first step (nothing changes until you change). But what's the point of starting if you don't finish? Followthrough, near-flawless execution, stay with a project/pursuit/idea with the tenacity. So right here, right now, reach deep into your heart. And commit from the best place that inhabits you - to finish the important things you start. Because anyone can take the first step. But only the remarkable ones stay on the path until they complete. 249. The best businesses walk in the customers' shoes. You know that yet it's so easy to forget. The best go the extra mile, get the details right and find a place in your heart. And once they do, a bond of trust gets forged. That lasts a long long time. Keep finding answers to how to wow a customer. How to give great value for my investment. How to be unforgettable. 250. The competitive advantage of your organization comes down to a simple imperative your ability to grow and develop leaders faster than your competition. You need to 70

develop a leadership culture if you want to win in your market space. So that where everyone thinks like an owner, like a CEO or Managing Director and focus on getting to solutions rather than on the problems, taking personal responsibility for achieving results that moving forward. This means they shape culture, stay positive and lead by example. 251. The greatest amongst us live life to the point. They work, play and live full out. With maximum passion, extraordinary vitality and a stunning intensity. When you chase your dreams, do it like there's no tomorrow. When you confront a fear, do it like you are fearless. When you step up to your Next Level of Greatness, do it like it's the only path you were meant to travel. And when you love, do it like it's impossible for you to get hurt. Imagine a world where each of us lived out the moments of our days with world-class intensity. 252. The greatest sermon in life is the one you see. Live your truth. Walk your values. Behave your philosophy. So easy to talk a great game. Far harder to live it. But the best do. Elegantly. Consistently. Passionately. Lead by example. Practice what your preach. 253. The harder I work, the luckier I get. Life helps those who help themselves. We were given free will and the power to make choices for a singular reason: to exercise them. I believe that we generally get from life what we give to life. I believe that good things happen to those willing to put in the effort, exercise the discipline and make the sacrifices that personal and professional greatness requires no demands. I've also found that actions have consequences and the more good things I do - through good old hard work the more success I see. Life favors the devoted. In back of extraordinary achievement you will always discover extraordinary effort. So plant your seeds. Be spectacularly great at what you do. Wear your passion on your sleeve and hold your heart in the palm of your hand. And work hard. 71

Really hard. Hard work opens doors and shows the world that you are serious about being one of those rare - and special - human beings. 254. The last one percent most people keep in reserve is the extra per cent champions have the courage to burn. Burn The Extra 1%. Go the last mile. Give that last shot. Persevere. Spend every bit of your energy playing at your best and creating world-class results. Spend every bit of your potential. And your talents. And your inner fire. So at the end, you can say I gave it my all. And I did my best. 255. The main competition is not for share of wallet. It's for share of your customers' hearts. In today's economy, what smart companies compete for are the emotions of the people they serve. Connect with your customers' heads and your product or service may be seen as a commodity they'll leave you when a competitor comes in at a cheaper price. But connect with their hearts and you just may have them for life. Great businesses don't have customers who like them. They have customers who love them. And that's what makes them great. 256. The most important of all of our human traits is the power we have to choose. To choose how we live. To choose what we will do. To choose how we will view and consider a circumstance. Each day we have the opportunity to make choices. And the way we choose shapes our destiny. Get excited. 257. The most important thing in life is to run your own race. Be unafraid of failure if it will produce excellence. When you don't know anything, sometimes you see things extremely clearly. Too many amongst us live our lives like the proverbial lemmings - blindly following each other as we march off a cliff. Live life on your own terms. Remember I came into this world with nothing. All I will leave it with my conscience.


258. The paradox of our wired world is that as we become more connected electronically, we become less connected physically. People spend hours each night reading blogs and emailing and surfing the Web. But they've forgotten the importance of old school conversation. They've neglected the power of breaking bread with friends. And they've lost sight of the importance of human touch. But by being loving to my family, kind to my friends and supportive to my associates you will get all the cuddling so easily. 259. The sad fact is that most people see the worst in others - they see them through the eyes of their own anger, fear and limitation. Leaders are different. They look for the best in people, see through the eyes of understanding. Very few human beings wake up in the morning and ask themselves: What can I do today to mess up someone else's day or undermine my own credibility? Most of the mistakes people make are the result of a lack of awareness. 260. The thought: people who get old and rich buy monuments and get their name put on it. Seen that a lot lately - at hospital wings, on university buildings. That's all fine (I'm sure the intention behind the gift was good). But why not worry more about making monuments than buying them? Making a monument through brilliant work and stunning innovation? Making a monument based on your impact on and development of people? 261. The very thing you most want to see more of in your life is the very thing you need to give away. Want more credit for all you do and who you are? Be the one who gives credit to others. Want more understanding from others? Be more understanding and give that out. Want more love? Give more love. Most people just get in their own way and sabotage their own success They let their limitations become their chains. They become their own worst enemies. To get all that life wants for you, apply what I call The


Boomerang Effect: give out what you most want to see come back multifold. 262. The words you use determine the way you feel. The language you choose shapes the way you perceive the world. Your vocabulary drives meaning in your life. And the way superstar business people talk reflects that devotion to being an uplifter and elevator of human beings. They wouldn't dream of calling a setback a 'problem' - they'd call it an opportunity (to create something even greater). And then, as if by magic, their positive language provokes a set of positive sensations within them that supports them in playing victor versus victim in the seemingly difficult situation. The more aware you can become of the quality of your language, the more at choice you will be. And writing things down dramatically raises your self-awareness. Articulate a series of spectacularly positive words that will serve you - words that you imagine a superstar in your field using. Why not start using these? 263. The world belongs to the visionaries. Women and men who refuse to accept what is because they are so obsessed with what can be. People - like you and me - who refuse to succumb to complacency and ordinary and good enough when they know great lives just around the next corner. Talent hits a target no one else can hit genius hits a target no one else can see. 264. There can be no authentic success and lasting happiness if your daily schedule is misaligned with your deepest values. If there is a gap between what you do and who you are, you are out of integrity. If you are not walking your talk your life can't work. Witnesses in the courtroom could say what they wanted to. But the evidence never lied. What you 'do' speaks so loudly I cannot 'hear' what you are 'saying'. Show me your schedule and I'll show you what your priorities are.


265. Think to Win. Leaders are always big on making time each day to think (and plan and dream and reflect). Business people need to spend more time thinking. They run around answering phones, writing e-mails and talking to customers, but they don't ask themselves "Is the business strategically better positioned at the end of the day than it was at the beginning? 266. Think, take time for it. Meet interesting people and enrich with superior thoughts and ideas. Thinking about it. Thoughts create the world. Be silent and still and think and reflect. This will ensure not only you are at the top of the hill, but you are moving in right fashion and also you are at the right hill. There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not done at all in the first place says Peter Drucker. Clarity precedes claims for success. Let your thought word and deed be more crisp and deliberate and intentional. You should know what you are going to do and why and how and when. So thinking inspires dreams and plans with better choice and detailed decisions. Alice in wonderland queen says, I believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast in a day. 267. This day is so very special. Sure, it arrives like all the others. Looks the same. Might even feel the same. But it is unique. It'll never come again. Time's like that. Comes full of promise and leaves before you know it. What you do between today's sunrise and sunset is creating your destiny, your future, your legacy. And a single choice you make today can change your life over the coming months if consistently acted upon. Time is the scarcest resource. Use it well and life sends you the extraordinary. Waste it and your heart feels empty. And your life looks hollow. Do something great today. I know you can. Will you? 268. Thoughts shape reality - you become what you think about. And the thoughts you use become self-fulfilling prophecies. Expect extraordinary things to unfold for you, 75

and they will. And since every action you take has been preceded by a thought (thinking truly is the ancestor of performance), what you focus on really does drive your reality. You will never go higher than your thinking. Think people are good and you walk through your days with an open heart. And that behavior actually becomes your reality because people do good things for good people. Think you deserve the best and your actions will reflect that confidence. Better actions will then drive better results. Your thoughts shape your reality. Your thinking forms your world. What you focus on expands. And what you dwell on determines your destiny. 269. Time Flies Fast. Don't blink. Before you know it, your kids will be gone - off living lives of their own. Time's like that. Goes too fast. Slips through our fingers like grains of sand. So today, love your loved ones. Give your best at work. Go the extra mile in all you do. Speak truthfully. Live with honor. And have some fun. Because one day, your time will run out. 270. Title. A gentle reminder for you today: greatness inhabits each one of us - whether you are an entrepreneur in Moscow or a teacher in Tel Aviv or a student in Bogota or a manager in Dubai. Let's not forget that. Let's not cover up our brilliance. Let's not bury it so deep that we neglect the essence of who we are. Let's be a role model . Let's be A Leader Without Title. Anytime Every time All the time. 271. To Do Before I Die ... to live with a greater sense of passion, purpose and urgency. Decide upon the things that you are absolutely committed to doing before you die. Clarity clearly does precede success. Written words are more powerful than verbal ones or thoughts. And with heightened awareness of what's most important comes wiser choices and shut out useless mediocrity. 272. To me, business is about loving the people who do business with you and giving them more value than they have any right to expect. Excellent service, excellent 76

facilities and excellent amenities. Care for your clientsno...WOW them... and your success and sustainability will be guaranteed and... they loose if .. I'm a client, one of the people that keeps them in business. But they don't seem to get that. No greeting. No smile. No warmth. Just don't care anymore. So ensure that you dont slip when you get successful. 273. Too may of us are afraid to be ourselves so we give up our dreams to follow the crowd. Be optimistic eternally and see the opportunities in each problem. Value people and respect relationships, people are more important than process or profits. Be yourself and do not always follow the crowd but be original, to think own self be true, there can't be two yous. Laugh and have fun. Cultivate ability to laugh at yourself and take lightly jokes on you. Life is not meant to be an ordeal but to be a celebration. Reaching for the mountaintop is important but enjoy the climb and have big time as you chase. 274. Traveling gives great perspective. Offers a world-class education and reminds me that no matter where I go people are people. We all have dreams and hopes. We all want to work and live with purpose. And we all want to realize that best that inhabits us. 275. Trust. One of the things I took away from Hilary Swank's new movie "Freedom Writers" is that leadership is all about believing in others (and yourself) when no one else does. The kids in the movie were gang members. Tough lives. Hard hearts. But their teacher saw them for what they truly were: smart/good/caring human beings who'd given up (and been knocked down). The school wouldn't even give them new books - didn't think they were worth it. Their teacher did. Treated them with respect. She challenged them. Celebrated them. Believed in them. And they transformed. Because when you see the best in people, they'll give you their best. Its about an ordinary woman who dreamed. Who saw


possibility where others saw none. It'll move you. It'll energize you. It'll help you remember why we're here. 276. Uncomfortable Friends. Find them. Appreciate the importance of surrounding yourself with people who cause you to leave the SHK: Safe Harbor of The Known. Why spend time with people at work who play small? Why have friends in your personal life who resign themselves to being ordinary. We do become our conversations. We really will become our associations. So invite people into your professional and personal life who inspire you. Or who see the world through a different set of eyes than you. Who challenge you. And push you. And even irritate you (a little). So that you grow. And reach. 277. Victim speak. Use world-class words and you'll get closer to your world-class life. Recognize the power of words - to shape the way you feel. And to form your reality No matter what life sends us - from a raging customer to a heartbreaking disappointment to an out-of-stock chai latte, we are responsible. Yup. We are. We can own our reaction. We can own what we do with the situation. We can be bitter or show up better. Tons of choices. Starting with our words. 278. We all face challenges. It's the human condition. Everyone, on this very day, is dealing with something they wish they weren't dealing with. In some ways, leadership is a mind game. Positive thinking is a lot more important than the cynics would suggest. What ordinary people view as stumbling blocks, the best amongst us see as stepping stones. 279. We all know that ideas are the currency of success these days. To win in your market space, it's mission-critical to outthink, out innovate and out create your competition. The person with the biggest ideas then blended with the best execution will lead the field. By reinventing the business model for winning in the industry showing us what 78

innovation and imagination is all about in the change-crazy economy we find ourselves operating within. 280. We all know that if you treat your people well, they'll treat your customers well. We all know that employees shine when they feel cared for, trusted and valued. We all get that everyone wants to work within an organization where it's safe to be human. Or do we? People who felt most respected were also the ones who felt the most loyalty to the companies they worked for. To Do's-say please and thank you - be on time - reward people for great performance become a brilliant listener (people will LOVE you for it) coach the people you work with (we all want to get better) write thank you notes -promote candor and truth-telling give people permission to take sensible risks and the freedom to fail - encourage creativity and authenticity. When people feel respected, they feel better about themselves. If u feel good u do good. 281. We all know these truths. The key is to live by them. #1. Life seems to pass more quickly the older we get. #2. Don't wait until you retire to start enjoying life. #3. Your health is the most important thing. Thank God we took care of ourselves. #4. It seems like yesterday that we were young. 282. We become excellent by doing excellent things. Every time to practice a weakness, you feed it. And the things you feed grow in your life. Every time you don't live your values, The Integrity Gap widens. Every time you run from a fear, the fear expands. Every time you mistreat another person, your capacity to mistreat becomes more powerful. 283. We believe most organizations don't fall apart as a result of one big blow. Most relationships don't end because of one grand argument. Most lives don't fall to pieces due to one sad event. But sustained failure happens as the consequence of small, daily acts of neglect that stack up over time to lead to a blow up - and break down. Pieces of 79

straw kept on getting piled onto the poor guy's back. Each piece alone - was light and caused little harm. But every hour, piece after piece got put on the camel's back until it was ready to break. And then, one day, a single additional piece broke the camel's back. The best get the seemingly insignificant details right and have the discipline to shine at the baby things which they get gives birth to spectacular giant things. 284. We must apply technology to advance our dreams - not spoil our days. Technology must be used with discernment, discretion and old fashioned common sense (that means turn off your mobile when you are having dinner with your kids and don't check your text or email messages when another human being is standing in front of you (it's rude) and never answer a cell phone call in a movie theatre. Whatever happened to pockets of peace? Times where we could simply relax, reflect and think? To me, those are the very times that make you a more interesting, effective and successful person Be disciplined and staggeringly focused around their best opportunities and the smartest uses of their time Go to places of quiet. Reflect. Contemplate. 285. What are you doing to help build a new and better world? Don't blame others but you. Blaming others is excusing yourself. Telling yourself that you as an army of one cannot have an impact is giving away your power. What don't you like about your life or the organization you work for or the country you live in? Make a list. Write it down. Shout it out. And then do something to improve things. Anything. Start small or go big. Just do something. Today. Now. 286. What happened to quiet? I shut out the world courtesy of my iPod. Thanks Steve Jobs. But I shouldn't have had to. I love technology. Helps us work better and live better - if used intelligently. But whatever happened to silent spaces and noiseless places? Blackberries, PSP, Plasma TVs. Too


much noise gets in the way of dreaming and good conversations and time to just be. 287. When people trust you, they help you win. When they trust you, they give you their business (or their friendship or their love). When people trust you, they'll stand for you, through thick and thin. But lose the trust of your stakeholders and it all falls apart. Fast. So nurture the trust bonds with the people you work with. Build strikingly strong trust connections with those you get to serve. And do whatever it takes to earn the trust of the human beings you share your life with. Because one of the greatest properties you can own is the trust of those that matter. 288. Without enthusiasm, energy and passion, you cannot lead your field and an organization cannot get to world-class. The people I love to be around are often those that have a simple, heartfelt quality: they are enthusiastic. They are open to life. They are curious. They love to learn. They smile when they see me. And they have a lot of fun. See the best in people. Go the extra mile to wow your customers. See the opportunity amidst a seeming setback. Embrace change as an opportunity to grow. Learn something new. Have a laugh with a teammate. 289. Yes, success comes through a delicate balance between making things happen and letting things happen. In other words - do your best - then let life do the rest. If you've tried everything possible to get an outcome and it just hasn't worked out as planned, stop trying so hard. Relax. Maybe while one door seems to be closing, another (window) opening, once we let go of what we thought we wanted, space is created for something even better to arrive. 290. You and me and everyone you meet have this spectacular potential to shine ever so brightly resting within us. A beautiful life and a brilliant career are not the sole domain of special people. Actually, no matter where you live or who you are - YOU are one of those special people. 81

We should be helping so-called ordinary people get to extraordinary. And they do. By doing the right things. By thinking the right things. By taking baby steps each day (that lead to giant results over time). And it pains me when people forget what they are meant to be. 291. You can get whatever you want so long as you help enough people get what they want. All of your most highly cherished dreams can become reality as long as you help enough of those around you get to their personal mountaintops. Shift from me to we and watch your career and your life - become shockingly successful. Be a Value Creator - for every stakeholder in the world you inhabit .The problem with society today is that people are too focused on themselves to care about the needs of others. Ordinary people filling ordinary needs bring about great change. 292. You can have whatever you want so long as it doesn't matter who gets the credit. Leave your ego at the front door when you go into work tomorrow morning and just do great work. Its so human to crave applause and recognition and acclaim. But leadership is about standing for a Cause. It's about being excellent as you do your work (no matter what your title is). It's about leaving people better than you found them. And it's about not worrying who gets the credit for a job well done. The cream always rises to the top. 293. You know I've never claimed to be perfect. I just have this aching need to get great things done. Can't stand slow change. Need to have my impact - and spend my talents. Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands. Exactly. Sure, work with your team. Collaborate. Delegate to others who have strengths where you don't. But sometimes, you just need to be the one to drive the change when everyone else is waiting for someone else to take the first step. 294. You need to stand for something. Ferociously. Passionately. Viscerally. To get to world-class. Or don't play 82

at all. Who try to be all things to all people end up being nothing to anyone. Be Different. Be Special. Be Unique. BE. 295. You only have a short period of time in your life to make your mark. It's so easy to get caught up in the daily administration that you forget about building your legacy. So easy to become so focused on your problems that you forget about chasing your dreams. So easy to get pulled into the ordinary pursuits of life that you lose sight of The Extraordinary. 296. You'll never know if you don't try, that's an organizing principle. If you dont ask you dont get. Be polite not pushy. People are willing to help. Claim dont blame. 297. Your awareness shapes your choices. And your choices shape your results. Think about the importance of symbolic reminders - tokens we can strategically put at the important places of our lives to help us remember what's most important. What matters? What we want to stand for. Put your 3 most important commitments on a 3 X 5 card that gets posted on your bathroom mirror so you see them first thing in the morning. World-class people are dramatically focused on the best To Dos. It's all they think, talk and dream about. And so they get to where they need to be. With fewer detours. What tokens of excellence can you find that will quickly help you get back to your priorities when the crush of daily events clamor for your attention? Start by finding your symbols. You deserve to live an extraordinary life. 298. Your days are your life in miniature. As you live your days, so you craft your life. What you do today is actually creating your future. The words you speak, the thoughts you think, the food you eat and the actions you take are defining your destiny shaping who you are becoming and what your life will stand for. The best among us just take small steps each day as they march towards their biggest life. Practice makes you Extraordinary. 83

299. Your days define your life. It is the small achievements and accomplishments of the small moments that makes life lively. As you live your hours so you create your years. What you do today creates your tomorrow and shapes your future and crafts your life, if we choose, we can have a significant impact on our own and our surroundings, by consciously working on our present to make a better future, for we have the unquestionable ability to elevate ourselves by conscious endeavor. For every person with the stuff the one out of hundred who goes to a rarefied place is the one who says why not me and goes for it, but never asks why me. Take a little step each day to so that you can take a giant leap. 300. Your expectations for yourself - and your life - become self-fulfilling prophecies. What you intend shapes what you become. So make a commitment, today, to be remarkable. Live full out. Vow to be brilliant at your work. Devote to getting into world-class health. Take positive risks to grow into your greatness. Love like there's no tomorrow. And enjoy every moment. Lifes an incredible adventure. Tons of highs - lots of lows. But all of it - is precious. Gorgeous. And designed with your best interests in mind.


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