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Liver Haemangioma Resection

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Provisional diagnoses –

huge haemangioma of the liver in

an infant

Dr. Qalander Kasnazani

Consultant surgeon

Areen Star, Eight month old female, date: 17/5/2006,

Shorish hospital. Kurdistan. Sulaimani
Areen star, eight month old female. Presented with huge abdominal
distention and refused to take milk properly. Blood count and blood film
and biochemical study was raising the diagnose of iron deficiency
anaemia and imagine revealed huge haemangioma of the liver.
Exploration has been done after correction of very low hemoglobine and
extensive liver reception has been done for entire left lobe of the liver by
roof top incision. She had un-eventful recovery the histopathology was
in favour of haemangiosarcoma. There was no extra hepatic
involvement or any invasion or metastatic lymph nodes in the resected
specimen. She did well after surgery and follow up is continuing with her.
30 years old female ,presented with upper abdominal pain, sever and
constant,interferes with life style of the patient ,the main findings was a big upper
abdominal mass which was tender and firm .moves with respirations she was pale and
had pain on her expression during the exam. Previosly operated for livar mass which
has been left without interferance.and the abdomen was immediately closed.
Upper abdominal ultra has revealed big haemangioma of the liver which has been
proved by M R I .SHE HAD HER Hb of 9 gm per del.
Her liver function was all normal.and so all other investigations.
The mass was involving most of her right lobe keepin the left lobe free of any
involvement. Right hemi hepatectomy has been performed for her and she had un
eventful recovery .
The slides has been provided as follows:

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