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Section PL7-1 Language

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PL7-1 Language


3 3 4 5 7 9

PL7-1 Language
1.1 Presentation 1.2 I/O Addressing 1.3 Operands 1.4 Operation Codes 1.5 PC Scan Cycles

PL7-1 Language : Structure and Functions

2.1 Characteristics 2.2 Timer 2.3 Counter 2.4 Shift Register 2.5 Step Counter 2.6 Fast Counter/Timer (TSX 17-20 only)

11 11 12 13 14 15 16

PL7-1 Language : Grafcet

3.1 Characteristics 3.2 Program Structure

17 17 18

Program Utilities
4.1 Mains Power Break/Return 4.2 Initialization of the PC 4.3 Program and Data Back-up Storage 4.4 RUN/STOP Input and SECU Output 4.5 Diagnostic Aids 4.6 Application Operating Modes 4.7 Programming Guidelines 4.8 Programming Examples and Rules

19 19 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 1


25 25 26

5.1 Operation Code/Operand Associations 5.2 Execution Times



PL7-1 Language: Structure and functions

2.1 Characteristics
Instructions A PL7-1 language instruction occupies one memory address and is composed of: A memory address An operation code + An operand Example : S 0004 A I0,03 A list of instructions is divided into 2 parts : 1 2

One part for the test instructions, One part for the action instructions.

The number of test or action instructions is not limited. Program memory The number of lines (i.e. instructions) that can be used is limited by the size of the memory, as follows : Micro-PC
TSX 17-10 TSX 17-20
of the Fast task.

8 K Memory
925 (from S0000 to SO924) 925 (*)

24 K Memory

2973 (*)

(*) If the Fast task is used, the number of lines of the Master task is reduced by the number of lines Example : With an 8 K memory : Master task = from S0000 to S0918 Fast task = from F0000 to F0006 Program scan

The processor reads and executes the instructions in the ascending order of their addresses, up to the instruction EP (end of program). Program jump : JMPi and LABi The execution of the operation code JMPi immediately jumps the program scan to the line containing the operation code LABi and the part of the program between JMPi and LABi is not executed. JMPi and LABi must have the same number; this number has no relation to the line number.

"IM function

This function simplifies the logic operations A, AN, O, ON, XO between two series of instructions. Principle: Before the execution of each L or LN instruction, the logical result is memorized in IM until the next L or LN instruction. Program Equivalent program (without the use of IM)








PL7-1 Language: Structure and functions

2.2 Timer
Presentation The Timer function permits the time-delayed control of specific actions. The value of the time-delay is programmable and can be modified by the TSX T317 terminal in the Adjust mode (ADJ). Characteristics Number Time bases (Ti,B) Preset value (Ti,P) Test operation codes L, LN, A, AN , tests of the state of the timer (running 0, or done 1). O, ON, XO Action operation codes = Ti = NTi S Ti R Ti H Ti Example start on state 1 and run while the condition = 1 start on state 0 and run while the condition = 0 start on state 1 and run till timed out initialization of the timer halts the timer while the condition = 1 32 (from T00 to T31) 4 (10ms, 100ms, 1s, 1mn) 0000 to 9999

On-delay timer Use of the operation code =

Time delay

Use of the operation codes S and R

Remarks : . A program jump over a timer, or the stopping of the PC, does not halt the running of a timer. . In the Adjust mode, the current value Ti,V is at 0 if the timer has timed out, has not been started, or has been initialized by the operation code R. . On a cold restart, the current value is reset to 0 and the preset value Ti,P is the value that was defined in the Configuration mode (the adjustment value is lost).


PL7-1 Language: Structure and functions

2.3 Counter
Presentation The counter function permits the upcounting or downcounting of external or internal events. The preset value can be modified by the TSX T317 terminal in the Adjust mode. Characteristics Number Preset value (Ci,P) Test operation codes L CiK LN CiK Action operation codes S CiK R Ci CU Ci CD Ci System bit SY17 Since equality is not always the desired condition, the system positions system bit SY17 as follows : . SY17 = 0 if the counter value constant K, . SY17 = 1 if the counter value < constant K. Thus providing 4 additional functions (>, <, , ). Examples
L C00 K00123 LN A C00 K00123 SY17

15 (from C00 to C14) 0000 to 9999.

tests of the state of counter i in relation to constant K (from 0000 to 9999)

set counter i to constant K (from 0000 to 9999) reset the counter to 0 incrementation on a rising edge decrementation on a rising edge

Counter C00 equal to 123 LN C00 K00123

Counter C00 less than 123 L ON C00 K00123 SY17

Counter C00 different from 123 LN AN C00 K00123 SY17

Counter C00 more than or equal to 123 L O C00 K00123 SY17

Counter C00 more than 123

Counter C00 less than or equal to 123

Remarks : . The system bit SY17 can be used several times in the program for one or more counters. It always affects the counter Ci immediately upstream of the operand SY17. . When the counter reaches its preset value (Ci,P) it is automatically reset to 0000. . On a cold restart, the current value is reset to 0000 and the preset value (Ci,P) is the value that was defined in the Configuration mode (the adjust ment value is lost).


PL7-1 Language: Structure and functions

2.4 Shift register

Presentation The shift register is a register which enables binary data bits to be moved a prescribed number of positions to the left or right as a contiguous group. Characteristics Number of registers Number of bits in a register Test operation codes L, LN, A, AN tests of a register bit, O, ON, XO Action operation codes = =N S R R CU CD Operation Initial state : SRi,j SRi,j SRi,j SRi,j SRi SRi SRi assignment of a state (or its inverse) to a register bit, sets a register bit to 1, resets a register bit to 0, resets the 16 bits of a register to 0, on a rising edge, shifts the bits one place to the left, on a rising edge, shifts the bits one place to the right. 8 (from SR0 to SR7) 16 (from SRi,00 to SRi,15)

CU SRi shifts the bits one place to the left The bit shifted out (bit 15) is lost :

Similarly, CD SRi shifts all the biits of the register one place to the right, in this case the bit shifted out is bit 00. If more than 16 bits have to be shifted, several registers can be cascaded in the program. Example Shift the register one place to the left every second. Bit 00 must take the inverse state of bit 15. Program

Remark : On a cold restart, the bits of each register are reset to 0.


PL7-1 Language: Structure and functions

2.5 Step counter

Presentation A step counter is a series of steps which can be associated with actions. The progress from one step to another can be controlled by internal or external events. Only one step of a step counter can be at state 1.

Characteristics Number of step counters Number of steps of a step counter Test operation codes L, LN, A, AN O, ON, XO Action operation codes S SCi,j sets step j of step counter i to 1 CU SCi on a rising edge, increments by one step (from 000 to 255) CD SCi on a rising edge, decrements by one step (from 255 to 000) Operation
Input CU

8 (from SC0 to SC7) 256 (from SCi,000 to SCi,255).

tests of the state of a step of a step counter

Output CD No. of step at 1


Program step counter 0 to be incremented by input I0,02 and to be reset to 0 by input I0,03 or when it reaches step 3. Step 0 controls output O0,01, step 1 controls output O0,02 and step 2 controls output O0,03. Program setting to step 000


activation of the outputs

Remark : On a cold restart, the active step is reset to 0 and step 0 of each step counter is set to 1.


PL7-1 Language: Structure and functions

2.6 Fast counter / Timer (TSX 17-20 only)

Presentation The TSX 17-20 micro-PC is equipped with a fast counter C15 which, depending on the way it is configured, can be used as a fast counter or a fast timer. The preset value is defined in the Configuration mode and can be modified by the terminal in the Adjust mode, or by the program with the operation code S. Characteristics . Fast counter (configuration by default) : The maximum frequency of the counter is 2 KHz. It has two physical inputs (a counting input and a reset input) permitting the connection of 5VDC and 24VDC sensors. Counting : 10 000 points. . Fast timer : In the fast timer, an internal time base of 0.555ms replaces the physical counting input. A rising edge on the reset input resets the current value of the timer to 0. Test and action operation codes L LN SY S C15K C15K 17 C15K tests of the state of the counter in relation to constant K (from 0000 to 9999). see Section 2.3. modification request of the preset value K. This new value is acquired after the counter has reached the preset value that it had when the modification request was made. resets the counter to 0 and resets the preset value to the value that was defined in the Adjust or Configuration modes.


System bit SY 15 When the fast counter C15 reaches its preset value : . system bit SY15 is set to 1, . the Fast task is executed if system bit SY19 has been reset to 0 in the Master task, . the counter is reset to 0. Caution: System bit SY15 must be reset to 0 by the user program. Connecting the fast counter The 9-pin D-type connector in the top left corner of the TSX 17-20 has two independent, isolated inputs : . Fast counting input : 0V = pin 1; 5V = pin 7; . Reset input : 0V = pin 5; Remarks

24V = pin 6

5V = pin 8;

24V = pin 9

. Resetting of the counter to 0 by the physical input resets the current value only (the preset value is retained). . By associating the fast counter with a step counter (in which each step is loaded with a value K), a fast counter with multiple preselections can be obtained. . On a cold restart, the current value is reset to 0 and the preset value is the value that was defined in the Configuration mode.


PL7-1 Language: Grafcet

3.1 Characteristics
Presentation The PL7-1 language comprises 62 Grafcet steps maximum, including the initial steps. Within this limitation, the number of simultaneously active steps is unlimited. Instructions =*= i -*- i # #i =*= POST Xi initial step i (*), step i (*), deactivation of the current step without activation of any other step, activation of step i after deactivation of the current step, start of Post-processing and end of Sequential processing, read/write bit associated with step i.
(*) The first step =*= i or -*- i that is written indicates the start of Sequential processing and therefore the end of Pre-processing.


Linear sequence
1 I0,01 2 I0,02 3

Sequence selection
4 I0,03 5 I0,05 7 6 I0,06 I0,04

Simultaneous sequences
8 I0,07 9 I0,08 11 =1 13 18 I0,14 12 10 I0,09 17 I0,12. I0,13 15 I0,11 14 I0,10 16


PL7-1 Language: Grafcet

3.2 Program Structure

PL7-1 Grafcet program A PL7-1 Grafcet program is structured in 3 parts, each of which has a specific role : Master task
Pre-processing : = a series of instructions. Role Processing of : - mains break/return, - failures, - application operating modes: . init : by system bit SY21, . reset : by system bit SY22, . prepositioning of the Grafcet by system bits SY22 and SY23, . freezing of the Grafcet by system bit SY23, - input logic.

S000 ....

L .... ....


Pre-processing ....

Sn+1 ....


Sequential processing Sj ....

Sequential processing : = a series of instructions. Role Sequential processing of the application : steps and transitions and their associated actions and conditions.

Sj+1 ....



Post-processing Sk EP

Post-processing : = a series of instructions. Role The processing of : - the commands from the Sequential processing section concerning the control of the outputs, - the output safety interlocks.

The scan cycle is defined in Section 1.5. Only the steps that are active (or to be activated or deactivated) and their associated instructions are executed in the Sequential processing section. Reminder : Grafcet instructions must not be used in the Fast task.

Conditions and actions The transition conditions associated with step i are written after the step instructions -*-i or =*=i. The actions associated with the steps can be written either : . In the Sequential processing section, after the step instruction and before the transition conditions, by using the instructions S and R (scanned when the step is active). . In the Post-processing section, after the instruction Xi (scanned on each cycle). This solution is recommended in the case of outputs linked to safety interlocks. 18

Program Utilities

4.1 Mains power Break/Return

Characteristics of mains power breaks . < the autonomy of the power supply: normal execution of the program, . > the autonomy of the power supply: processor de-energized, with : - saving of the context (program, data, I/O) if the PLC is equipped with a backup battery, - without a battery, the context is saved for a minimum of 1 hour. Hot restart : the context is coherent (program and data) Possible causes : . mains return after a break of > autonomy of the power supply, . system bit SY01 set to 1 by the terminal or the program. Consequences : . . . . system bit SY01 set to 1, all outputs reset to 0 (*), unsaved internal bits (B128 to B255) reset to 0, saved internal bits (B000 to B127) and Grafcet steps retain their states, and timers, counters, shift registers and step counters retain their values, . the scan restarts from where it stopped but without updating of outputs at the end of the cycle, the next cycle is executed normally (inputs, program, outputs) and SY01 is reset to 0 by the system. (*) with PLC software versions earlier than V1.2, all output states are saved. Cold restart : loss of context (data or program) Possible causes : . . . . back-up battery defective or absent, change of user program back-up cartridge, system bit SY00 set to 1 by the terminal or the program, initialization of the PLC by the terminal.

Consequences : . system bit SY00 set to 1, . all internal bits, I/O bits and current values of functions are reset to 0 (registers at 0, step counters at step 0, etc.), . loss of the adjustment values modified by the terminal and resetting to the values defined in the Configuration mode, . cancellation of forcings, . acknowledgement of an I/O fault, . reinitialization of the Grafcet, . the scan restarts at the start of the cycle (inputs, program, outputs) and system bit SY00 is reset to 0 by the system.

Remark The Fast task cannot be executed until system bits SY00 and SY01 have been reset to 0, i.e. not until after the execution of the first complete cycle.


Program Utilities

4.2 Initialization of the PC

Presentation The PC can be initialized by program by setting system bit SY00 to 1 which corresponds to a cold restart (see Section 4.1). During a hot restart, it may be necessary to initialize the PC, the example below shows how this can be programmed. The PC can also be initialized by the terminal.


L SY01 S SY00

If SY01 = 1 (hot restart) then set SY00 to 1 to initialize the PC. These two bits are reset to 0 by the system at the end of the next cycle.

4.3 Program and data back-up storage

Presentation The program and data are stored in the RAM memory of the PC. This memory has an autonomy of 1 hour. The autonomy of the RAM can be increased to 2 years by installing a TSX 17 ACC1 lithium back-up battery (refer to the installation manual). For permanent back-up storage, the user program can also be transferred to a TSX MC70 E38 or E324 EEPROM memory cartridge. EEPROM memory module Copying the program to an EEPROM memory cartridge is not mandatory, but is recommended since it prevents the risk of alterations to the user program due to mains breaks or battery defects. On power up, the PC compares the RAM and EEPROM programs. If they are not identical, the program in the EEPROM is automatically transferred to the RAM memory.

4.4 RUN/STOP input and SECU output

Presentation The input I0,00 and the output O0,00 of the basic PC module can each be configured either as normal I/O or for special functions : Input I0,00 Can be set in the Configuration mode to either : Normal : Normal operation as for any other input, RUN/STOP: State 1 = PC running, program being executed, State 0 = PC stopped, program halted. Output O0,00 Can be set in the Configuration mode to either : Normal : Normal operation as for any other output, SECU : State 1 = PC running, State 0 = PC stopped or failed. This output can be used in external safety circuits.
Remarks . . IO,00 and O0,00 must be used in the program only for the function that was selected in the Configuration mode. The RUN/STOP input has priority over a RUN/STOP command from the terminal.


Program Utilities

4.5 Diagnostic Aids

Presentation The operands described below can be used in the program to facilitate troubleshooting of the PC or the application. System biits SY10 = 0 : I/O module fault or configuration fault, SY13 = 1 : Back-up battery absent or defective. Fault bits Sx,j Value of x: 0 : Basic PC module, 1 : 1st extension module, 2 : 2nd extension module. Sx,0 = 1 : I/O fault or exchange fault in module x. Sx,1 = 1 : Sensor voltage fault in module x. Sx,2 = 1 : Input circuit fault in module x. Sx,3 = 1 : Short-circuit on the static outputs of module x.
Reminder : System bit SY16 at 1 requests the reconnection every 10 seconds of the static outputs disconnected by overvoltage short-circuit.

Sx,4 = 1 : Internal power supply fault of the coils of the relay outputs of module x.
Remarks . State 1 of any of these fault bits causes : - resetting to 0 of system bit SY10, - illumination of the I/O fault light. . If the I/O light stays on and SY10 stays at 0 after the fault has been corrected, use the terminal to initialize the PC.

Display of internal bits B240 to B255 The significance of the status lights on the front panel of the basic PC varies according to the state of system bit SY14 : SY14 = 0 : MD light out, display of outputs O0,00 to O0,15 (or O0,00 to O0,07 for the TSX 1710 with 20 I/O), SY14 = 1 : MD light on, display of internal bits B255 to B240 (or B255 to B248 for the TSX 17-10 with 20 I/O).


Program Utilities

4.6 Application Operating Modes

The PL7-1 software enables the operating modes of the application to be organized in three main groups : . Checking, . Operation or production, . Stopping. These different operating modes can be obtained by using the following possibilities of the Grafcet language : . Initialization of the Grafcet, . Resetting of the Grafcet, . Presetting of the Grafcet, . Freezing of the Grafcet. Use of the Pre-processing section and the system bits facilitates control of the application operating modes without complicating the program. Structure of the Pre-processing section The flowchart below shows the structure that should be given to the Pre-processing section, which is divided into three sub-assemblies as follows :
Power-up Initialization NO YES

. Power up,

Processing YES

. Change of mode request,

Change of mode request NO


. Combinational input logic

Input logic

Grafcet system bits The Grafcet system bits SY21, SY22 and SY23 must be used only in the Preprocessing section. These bits are automatically reset to 0 by the system and must be written by using operating code S only. Initialization of the Grafcet, SY21 Causes : . a hot restart (see Section 4.1), . SY21 set to 1 by the program or the terminal. Consequences : . deactivation of all the active steps and activation of all the initial steps. 22

Program Utilities
Application Operating Modes (Cont'd.)
Resetting to 0 of the Grafcet, SY22 Cause : . SY22 set to 1 by the program or the terminal. Consequences : . deactivation of all the active steps, . stopping of the scan of the Sequential processing section.

Presetting of the Grafcet, SY22 and SY23 Procedure : . reset the Grafcet to 0 by setting SY22 to 1, . preset the steps to be activated by S Xi, . validate the presetting by setting SY23 at 1.

Freezing of the Grafcet . in its initial state, by holding SY21 at 1 by the program, . in an empty state, by holding SY22 at 1 by the program, . in a predetermined state, by holding SY23 at 1.

4.7 Programming Guidelines

Use of jump instructions Jump instructions should be used with caution. Avoid upstream jumps and avoid long loops in the program which could increase the scan time. Do not make jumps from one task to another. Programming of outputs Each output bit or internal bit must be turned on or off only once in the program, since only the last state that is scanned is taken into account when the outputs are updated at the end of the scan cycle. Field safety sensors Sensors that are used in direct safety circuits must not be processed by the PC, but must be free to act directly on the corresponding actuators. Power return programming An automatic restart of the application after a mains power return could be highly dangerous. Users are therefore strongly recommended to make the restarting of the application after a mains power return conditional on a manual operation.


Program Utilities

4.8 Programming Examples and Rules
















Rules of association of the operation codes The operation requested by the code A, AN, O, ON or XO is always effected with the logical result of the previous line. The operation code L or LN always stores the logical result of the previous line in the IM memory until the next operation code L or LN is encountered.


5 Appendix
5.1 Operation Code and Operand Associations
Operands Operations L,LN A,AN O,ON XO P S R S* R* =,=N =* CU CD H JMP LAB =*=i -*-i # i =*= POST EP NOP
X = Possible associations - = Impossible associations

I/Oi,j Bi




SCi Sci,j SRi SRi,j IM [SC] [SR] X

except C15


X X X X X X X X X X -

X X X X X X X X X X X -

X X X X X X X -

X X X X X X X -

X(k) X(k) X X X X

X X X X X -

X X X -

X X X X X X X X -

X X X -

X X X X X X X X X X -

X X X X -

X -

from 1 to 127

initial steps Grafcet steps transitions Post-processing

i = 1 to 62



5.2 Execution Times

General The difference between the minimum and maximum execution times depends on the state of the operand scanned by the processor, the appearance or not of a rising or falling edge, and whether or not compilation or interpretation are necessary.

Table of execution times Operation code Operand Minimum ( sec.) 6 (*) 40 18 2 5 4 6 19 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 21 6 32 14 14 14 26 3 2 11 2 2 2 Maximum ( sec.) 6 (*) 51 18 6 6 6 6 21 6 50 35 5 6 31 35 18 19 20 21 6 50 40 19 27 28 3 23 14 14 2 2



S* R* =* =,= N CU,CD

H N JMPi LABi =*=, -*# NOP EP

I; O; B; SY; X; T; S C (kxxxx) SCi,j; SRi,j I; O; B; SY; X; IM; T; S SCi,j; SRi,j I; O; B; SY; X; IM; T; S SCi,j; SRi,j B I; O; B; SY; X T C SCi,j; SRi,j I; O; B; SY; X T C SCi,j; SRi,j I; O; B; X I; O; B; X I; O; B; X I; O; B; X T; SRi,j C SCi SRi T

(*) For a program written in the Fast task, add 8 microseconds to the above execution times for the operation codes L and LN assigned to the operands I, O, B, SY, X, T and S.




Battery Diagnostics Display of internal bits B240 to B255 Event-triggered inputs Fast task Faults Fault bits Grafcet Initialization of the Grafcet Initialization of the PC Internal bits I/O addressing Master task Mains power break/return Printing Program and data storage program jumps Program memory RUN/STOP input Scan cycles SECU (safety) output System bits Transfers to/from EEPROM memory Watchdog

19,20 21 6,21 4,10 6,10 6,20,21 5,21 6,8,9,17,19,22 22 20 5,7,21 4 9,10 6,19,20,22,23 3,5 20 8,10,11,23 11 4,20 9,10 4,20 6 20,36 9






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