Process Paper1-111
Process Paper1-111
Process Paper1-111
At first, we were interested in the Great Depression but it is a huge topic and we had to narrow it down. While searching things concerning the Great Depression we thought maybe we should chose something that helped during that time period. We wanted to think of something that had helped and gave people hope, something that could help them find jobs, homes and many other things they needed to survive due to the high unemployment. Thats how we found the New Deal. After we chose our topic we went to the library at our school and took notes from the encyclopedia. We started to look for resources from the Internet and found many secondary resources but not many primary resources. When we went to University of Texas at El Paso we found multiple primary resources, such as photographs, newspaper articles and documents. We went to the library and also got three books. Then we tried to find interviews and we emailed a lot of people, and got a response to some of our questions. We also interviewed Mr. Richardson; a teacher, which was helpful because it gave us a lot of information. The category that we selected is website since we thought it was the one that best that fits our information. Since a website has tabs we thought that it would be the most organized way of separating the different events, categories, and plans of the New Deal. We had thoughts about creating an exhibit, but when we compared both advantages and disadvantages to a website it came out that creating a website was much more suitable to us. To create our website we planned it out first. We started out by writing down our ideas of what we should include, then we separated the facts into different tabs. Next, we sorted out all the pictures we had gathered during our research and put them beside the section they pertained to. Lastly, we created a website, chose the design and created our website according to the plan. The theme for this years National History Day competition is Turning Points in History: People, Ideas, Events. The New Deal is seen as a turning point in the way America was governed and in the nations economic growth. It was the first time the government helped people to such extent. The government took a role in the social and economic lives of the citizens. President Roosevelt introduced the New Deal which included many programs to stimulate the economy abolishing the laissez-faire system. With the New Deal, the government addressed the issue of black poverty for the first time which was also marked a turning point in American race relations. The New Deal had far reaching impacts on many citizens by creating new rules to follow, helping them economically and socially by creating a community that helped them with relief from The Depression.