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Bluff your way in the Second Law of Thermodynamics

Jos Ufnk Department of History and Foundations of Science Utrecht University, P.O.Box 80.000, 3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands e-mail: ufnk@phys.uu.nl 5th July 2001
A BSTRACT The aim of this article is to analyse the relation between the second law of thermodynamics and the so-called arrow of time. For this purpose, a number of different aspects in this arrow of time are distinguished, in particular those of time-(a)symmetry and of (ir)reversibility. Next I review versions of the second e law in the work of Carnot, Clausius, Kelvin, Planck, Gibbs, Carath odory and Lieb and Yngvason, and investigate their connection with these aspects of the arrow of time. It is shown that this connection varies a great deal along with these formulations of the second law. According to the famous formulation by Planck, the second law expresses the irreversibility of natural processes. But in many other formulations irreversibility or even time-asymmetry plays no role. I therefore argue for the view that the second law has nothing to do with the arrow of time. K EY WORDS : Thermodynamics, Second Law, Irreversibility, Time-asymmetry, Arrow of Time.


There is a famous lecture by the British physicist/novelist C. P. Snow about the cultural abyss between two types of intellectuals: those who have been educated in literary arts and those in the exact sciences. This lecture, the Two Cultures (1959), characterises the lack of mutual respect between them in a passage:
A good many times I have been present at gatherings of people who, by the standards of the traditional culture, are thought highly educated and who have

with considerable gusto been expressing their incredulity at the illiteracy of scientists. Once or twice I have been provoked and have asked the company how many of them could describe the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The response was cold: it was also negative. Yet I was asking something which is about the equivalent of: have you read a work of Shakespeare?

Snow stands up for the view that exact science is, in its own right, an essential part of civilisation, and should not merely be valued for its technological applications. Anyone who does not know the Second Law of Thermodynamics, and is proud of it too, exposes oneself as a Philistine. Snows plea will strike a chord with every physicist who has ever attended a birthday party. But his call for cultural recognition creates obligations too. Before one can claim that acquaintance with the Second Law is as indispensable to a cultural education as Macbeth or Hamlet, it should obviously be clear what this law states. This question is surprisingly difcult. The Second Law made its appearance in physics around 1850, but a half century later it was already surrounded by so much confusion that the British Association for the Advancement of Science decided to appoint a special committee with the task of providing clarity about the meaning of this law. However, its nal report (Bryan 1891) did not settle the issue. Half a century later, the physicist/philosopher Bridgman still complained that there are almost as many formulations of the second law as there have been discussions of it (Bridgman 1941, p. 116). And even today, the Second Law remains so obscure that it continues to attract new efforts at clarication. A recent example is the work of Lieb and Yngvason (1999). This manifest inability of the physical community to reach consensus about the formulation and meaning of a respectable physical law is truly remarkable. If Snows question had been: Can you describe the Second Law of Newtonian Mechanics? physicists would not have any problem in producing a unanimous answer. The idea of installing a committee for this purpose would be just ridiculous. A common and preliminary description of the Second Law is that it guarantees that all physical systems in thermal equilibrium can be characterized by a quantity called entropy, and that this entropy cannot decrease in any process in which the system remains adiabatically isolated, i.e. shielded from heat exchange with its environment. But the law has many faces and interpretations; the comparison to a work

of Shakespeare is, in this respect, not inappropriate.1 One of the most frequently discussed aspects of the Second Law is its relation with the arrow of time. In fact, in many texts in philosophy of physics the Second Law gures as an emblem of this arrow. The idea is, roughly, that typical thermodynamical processes are irreversible, i.e. they can only occur in one sense only, and that this is relevant for the distinction between past and future. At rst sight, the Second Law is indeed relevant for this arrow. If the entropy can only increase during a thermodynamical process, then obviously, a reversal of this process is not possible. Many authors believe this is a crucial feature, if not the very essence of the Second Law. Planck, for example, claimed that, were it not for the existence of irreversible processes, the entire edice of the second law would crumble [. . . ] and theoretical work would have to start from the beginning. (Planck 1897, 113), and viewed entropy increase as a universal measure of irreversibility (ibid. 134). A similar view is expressed by Sklar in his recent book on the foundations of statistical mechanics (1993, p. 21): The crucial fact needed to justify the introduction of [. . . ] a denite entropy value is the irreversibility of physical processes. In this respect, thermodynamics seems to stand in sharp contrast with the rest of classical physics, in particular with mechanics which, at least in Hamiltons formulation, is symmetric under time reversal. The problem of reconciling this thermodynamical arrow of time with a mechanical world picture is usually seen as the most profound problem in the foundations of thermal and statistical physics; see Davies (1974), Mackey (1992), Zeh (1992), Sklar (1993) and Price (1996). However, this is only one of many problems awaiting a student of the Second Law. There are also authors expressing the opposite viewpoint. Bridgman writes:
It is almost always emphasized that thermodynamics is concerned with reversible processes and equilibrium states and that it can have nothing to do with irreversible processes or systems out of equilibrium . . . (Bridgman 1941, p. 133)

It is not easy to square this view, and the fact that Bridgman presents it as prevailing among thermodynamicists with the idea that irreversibility is essential to the Second Law. Indeed, one can nd other authors maintaining that the Second Law has little to do with irreversibility or the arrow of time; in particular Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa,
Actually, in the second edition of The Two Cultures, Snow expressed regret for comparing the Second Law to a work of Shakespeare, due to the formidable conceptual problems connected with the former.

(1925, 1956, 1959), Landsberg (1956) and Jauch (1972, 1975). For them, the conict between the irreversibility of thermodynamics and the reversible character of the rest of physics is merely illusory, due to a careless confusion of the meaning of terms. For example, Landsberg remarks that the meaning of the term reversible in thermodynamics has nothing to do with the meaning of this term in classical mechanics. However, a fundamental and consistent discussion of the meaning of these concepts is rare. Another problem is that there are indeed many aspects and formulations of the Second Law, which differ more or less from the preliminary circumscription offered above. For example, consider the so-called approach to equilibrium. It is a basic assumption of thermodynamics that all systems which are left to themselves, i.e. isolated from all external inuences, eventually evolve towards a state of equilibrium, where no further changes occur. One often regards this behaviour as a consequence of the Second Law. This view is also suggested by the well-known fact that equilibrium states can be characterised by an entropy maximum. However, this view is problematic. In thermodynamics, entropy is not dened for arbitrary states out of equilibrium. So how can the assumption that such states evolve towards equilibrium be a consequence of this law? Even deliberate attempts at careful formulation of the Second Law sometimes end up in a paradox. One sometimes nds a formulation which admits that thermodynamics aims only at the description of systems in equilibrium states, and that, strictly speaking, a system does not always have an entropy during a process. The Second Law, in this view, refers to processes of an isolated system that begin and end in equilibrium states and says that the entropy of the nal state is never less than that of the initial state (Sklar 1974, p. 381). The problem is here that, by denition, states of equilibrium remain unchanged in the course of time, unless the system is acted upon. Thus, an increase of entropy occurs only if the system is disturbed, i.e. when it is not isolated. It appears then that it is not unanimously established what the Second Law actually says and what kind of relationship it has with the arrow of time. The aim of the present paper is to chart this amazing and confusing multifariousness of the Second Law; if only to help prevent embarrassment when, at a birthday party, the reader is faced with the obvious counter-question by literary companions. Or, if the reader wishes to be counted as a person of literary culture, and guard against arrogant physicists, one can also read this article as a guide to how to bluff your way in the Second Law of Thermodynamics. 4

The organization of the article is as follows. In section 2, I will describe a few general characteristics of thermodynamics, and its status within physics. Section 3 is devoted to the distinction between several meanings one can attribute to the arrow of time. Next, in sections 4, 5 and 6, I will trace the historical development of the orthodox versions of the Second Law, focussing at each stage on its relation to the arrow of time. This historical development nds its climax in the intricate arguments of Planck, which I review in section 7. Then I address two less orthodox but perhaps more vital versions of the Second e Law, due to Gibbs (section 8) and Carath odory (section 9). I will argue that these versions do not carry implications for an arrow of time (with a slight qualication for e Carath odory). In section 10, I discuss the debate in the 1920s between Born, Planck and Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa, which was triggered by the work of Carath odory. e Despite a number of original defects, the approach pioneered by Carath odory e has in recent years turned out to be the most promising route to obtain a clear formulation of the Second Law. Section 11 is devoted to the work of Lieb and Yngvason, which forms the most recent major contribution to this approach. Finally, in section 12, I will discuss some conclusions. In particular, I will discuss the prospects of giving up the idea that the arrow of time is crucially related to the Second Law.


Classical thermodynamics can be described as the study of phenomena involved in the production of work by means of heat; or, more abstractly, of the interplay of thermal and mechanical energy transformations. The theory is characterised by a purely empirical (often called phenomenological) approach. It avoids speculative assumptions about the microscopic constitution or dynamics of the considered systems. Instead, a physical system is regarded as a black box and one starts from a number a of fundamental laws (Haupts tze), i.e. generally formulated empirical principles that deny the possibility of certain conceivable phenomena, in particular various kinds of perpetual motion. The goal is then to introduce all specic thermodynamical quantities and their general properties by means of these laws. This is the approach to the theory taken by Carnot, Clausius, Kelvin, and Planck, and with some differences e also by Gibbs and Carath odory. Anyone who studies classical thermodynamics today will encounter a wide range of views on its status. In the eyes of many modern physicists, the theory has acquired a somewhat dubious status. They regard classical thermodynamics as a relic from a 5

bygone era. In particular the refusal to adopt the atomic hypothesis is seen as typical nineteenth century cold feet. Also, one often reads that thermodynamics is really a subject for engineers and therefore(?) not an appropriate vehicle for fundamental knowledge about nature. Further, the negative character of its laws, i.e. the fact that they state what is impossible rather than what is possible, seems offensive to many authors.2 Indeed, the view that thermodynamics is obsolete is so common that many physicists use the phrase Second Law of Thermodynamics to denote some counterpart of this law in the kinetic theory of gases or in statistical mechanics. However, I will not embrace this manoeuvre. In this article, the term Second Law of Thermodynamics refers to an ingredient of classical thermodynamics, and not some other theory. On the other hand, even in the twentieth century one can nd prominent physicists who appreciated thermodynamics. Einstein, whose earliest publications were devoted to the foundations of the Second Law, remained convinced throughout his life that thermodynamics is the only universal physical theory that will never be overthrown. He recommended this remark for the special attention of those who are skeptics on principle (Einstein 1948, p. 33). Other important physicists who devoted part of their work to thermodynamics are Sommerfeld, Born, Schrodinger, Pauli, Chandrasekhar and Wightman. Planck in particular reported (1948, p. 7) how strongly he was impressed by the universal and irrefutable validity of thermodynamics. As a schoolboy, he already experienced his introduction to the First Law of Thermodynamics as an evangelical revelation (wie eine Heilsbotschaft). The Second Law became, mainly through his own contributions, a proposition of comparable stature; (see e.g. Planck (1897, 136)). Similar veneration is expressed in a famous quotation by Eddington:
The law that entropy always increases, the second law of thermodynamics holds, I think, the supreme position among the laws of Nature. If someone points out to you that your pet theory of the universe is in disagreement with Maxwells equationsthen so much the worse for Maxwells equations. If it is found to be contradicted by observationwell, these experimentalists bungle things sometimes. But if your theory is found to be against the second law of
This objection, expressed again and again by many commentaries, is not easy to comprehend. Elsewhere in physics one also nds negatively formulated principles (like the light postulate, the uncertainty principle, etc.) but one never encounters this reproach. Besides it is obvious that every negative lawlike statement, can also be rephrased positively by a change of vocabulary. The issue is therefore only cosmetic. A more substantial problem that probably lurks in the background is ambivalence in the meaning of possible.

thermodynamics I can give you no hope; there is nothing for it but to collapse in deepest humiliation (Eddington 1935, p. 81).

Apparently there is, apart from the view that thermodynamics is obsolete, also a widespread belief among physicists in its absolute authority. Apart from its authority, thermodynamics is also often praised for its clear and rigorous formulation. Maxwell (1877) regarded the theory as a a science with secure foundations, clear denitions and distinct boundaries. Sommerfeld (1952) called it a Musterbeispiel of an axiomatised theory. It is also well-known that Einstein drew inspiration from thermodynamics when he formulated the theory of relativity and that he intended to construct this theory in a similar fashion, starting from similar empirical principles of impossibility (Klein 1967). But there are also voices of dissent on this issue of clarity and rigour. The historian Brush notes:
As anyone who has taken a course in thermodynamics is well aware, the mathematics used in proving Clausius theorem [i.e. the Second Law] is of a very special kind, having only the most tenuous relation to that known to mathematicians (1976, Vol. 1, p. 581).

He was recently joined by the mathematician Arnold (1990, p. 163):

Every mathematician knows it is impossible to understand an elementary course in thermodynamics.

Von Neumann once remarked that whoever uses the term entropy in a discussion always wins:
. . . no one knows what entropy really is, so in a debate you will always have the advantage (cited by Tribus and McIntire, 1971, p. 180).

an invaluable piece of advice for the true bluffer! The historian of science and mathematician Truesdell made a detailed study of the historical development of thermodynamics in the period 18221854. He characterises the theory, even in its present state, as a dismal swamp of obscurity (1980, p. 6) and a prime example to show that physicists are not exempt from the madness of crowds (ibid. p. 8). He is outright cynical about the respect with which nonmathematicians treat the Second Law:
Clausius verbal statement of the second law makes no sense [. . . ]. All that remains is a Mosaic prohibition; a century of philosophers and journalists have acclaimed this commandment; a century of mathematicians have shuddered and averted their eyes from the unclean. (ibid. p. 333).

Seven times in the past thirty years have I tried to follow the argument Clausius offers [. . . ] and seven times has it blanked and gravelled me. [. . . ] I cannot explain what I cannot understand (ibid. p. 335).

From this anthology it emerges that although many prominent physicists are rmly convinced of, and express admiration for the Second Law, there are also serious complaints, especially from mathematicians, about a lack of clarity and rigour in its formulation.3 At the very least one can say that the Second Law suffers from an image problem: its alleged eminence and venerability is not perceived by everyone who has been exposed to it. What is it that makes this physical law so obstreperous that every attempt at a clear formulation seems to have failed? Is it just the usual sloppiness of physicists? Or is there a deeper problem? And what exactly is the connection with the arrow of time and irreversibility? Could it be that this is also just based on bluff? Perhaps readers will shrug their shoulders over these questions. Thermodynamics is obsolete; for a better understanding of the problem we should turn to more recent, statistical theories. But even then the questions we are about to study have more than a purely historical importance. The problem of reproducing the Second Law, perhaps in an adapted version, remains one of the toughest, and controversial problems in statistical physics. It is hard to make progress on this issue as long as it remains unclear what the Second Law says; i.e. what it is that one wishes to reproduce. I will argue, in the last section, using the example of the work of Boltzmann, how much statistical mechanics suffered from this confusion. Since there is no clear-cut uncontroversial starting point, the only way to approach our problem is by studying the historical development of the Second Law. I will further assume that respect ought to be earned and from now on write the second law without capitals.


In order to investigate the second law in more detail, it is necessary to get a tighter grip on some of the philosophical issues involved, in particular the topic of the arrow of time itself. But rst there is an even more general issue which needs spelling out. As we have seen, the basis of the second law is a claim that certain processes are impossible. But there are various senses in which one can understand the term
But here too there are dissidents: Clausius . . . denition [of entropy] . . . appeals to the mathematician only. (Callendar 1911).

possible or related dispositional terms. At least three of these are relevant to our enterprise. (i) Possible may mean: allowed by some given theory. That is, the criterium for calling a process possible is whether one can specify a model of the theory in which it occurs. This is the sense which is favoured by modern philosophers of science, and it also seems to be the most fruitful way of analysing this notion. However, thermodynamics has a history of more than 150 years in which it did not always have the insights of modern philosophy of science at hand to guide it. So, one should be prepared to meet other construals of this term in the work of our main protagonists. (ii) The term possible may be taken to mean: available in the actual world (or in Nature). This is the view that Planck and many other nineteenth century physicists adopted. For them, e.g. the statement that it is possible to build a system which exhibits a particular kind of perpetual motion means that we can actually build one. An important aspect of reading possibility in this way is that the question of whether a process is possible or not, is not decided by the theory, but by the furniture of the world, i.e. the kinds of systems and interactions there actually are. This includes the systems and forms of interactions which we have not even discovered and for which we lack an appropriate theory. So, the claim that such a process is impossible, becomes a statement that transcends theoretical boundaries. It is not a claim to be judged by a theory, but a constraint on all physical theories, even those to be developed in the future. Clearly, the idea that the second law is such a claim helps explaining why it inspired such feelings of awe. (iii) A third sense of possible is available to us. We shall see that some authors, in particular Kelvin, were concerned with the loss of motive power available to man. This reading makes the notion dependent on the human condition. This is generally considered as a drawback. If the second law would be merely a statement expressing a human lack of skills or knowledge, it would cease to be interesting, both physically and philosophically.4 Next we consider the arrow of time. What exactly does one mean by this and related terms? For this question one can consult the relevant literature on the philosHowever, this not to say that the viewpoint is unviable. In fact, it seems to be very close to Maxwells views. He often emphasized the importance of the human condition (as opposed to the demonic condition) in writings like: . . . the notion of dissipated energy would not occur to a being who . . . could trace the motion of every molecule and seize it at the right moment. It is only to a being in the intermediate stage, who can lay hold of some forms of energy while others elude his grasp, that energy appears to be passing inevitably from the available to the dissipated state. (Maxwell 1878). Planck strongly opposed this view; see (Planck 1897, 136).

ophy of time (Reichenbach 1956, Grunbaum 1967, Earman 1967, Kroes 1985, Horwich 1987). An important aspect of time that is distinguished in this literature is the idea of the ow or progress of time. Human experience comprises the sensation that time moves on, that the present is forever shifting towards the future, and away from the past. This idea is often illustrated by means of the famous two scales of McTaggart. Scale B is a one-dimensional continuum in which all events are ordered by means of a date. Scale A is a similar one-dimensional continuous ordering for the same events, employing terms like now, yesterday, next week, etc. This scale shifts along scale B as in a slide rule. Another common way of picturing this idea is by attributing a different ontological status to the events in the past, present and future. Present events are the only ones which are real or actual. The past is gone, and forever xed. The future is no more actual than the past but still open, etc. The ow of time is then regarded as a special ontological transition: the creation or actualisation of events. This process is often called becoming. In short, this viewpoint says that grammatical temporal tenses have counterparts in reality. Is this idea of a ow of time related to thermodynamics? Many authors have indeed claimed that the second law provides a physical foundation for this aspect of our experience (Eddington 1935, Reichenbach 1956, Prigogine 1980). But accord ing to contemporary understanding, this view is untenable (Grunbaum 1967, Kroes 1985). In fact the concept of time ow hardly ever enters in any physical theory.5 In a physical description of a process, it never makes any difference whether it occurs in the past, present or future. Thus, scale B is always sufcient for the formulation of physical theory 6 and the above-mentioned ontological distinctions only play a metaphysical role. Thermodynamics is no exception to this, and therefore unable to shed any light on this particular theme. A second theme, which is much closer to the debate on the second law, is that of symmetry under time reversal. Suppose we record some process on lm and play it backwards. Does the inverted sequence look the same? If it does, e.g. a full period of a harmonic oscillator, we call the process time-symmetric. But such processes are not in themselves very remarkable. A more interesting question concerns physical
Newtons conception of absolute time which ows equably and of itself seems the only exception. This statement holds strictly speaking only for non-relativistic theories. Nevertheless, for specialrelativistic theories an analogous statement is valid, when the one-dimensional scales of McTaggart are replaced by partial orderings (Dieks 1988, Muller 1992).
6 5


laws or theories. We call a theory or law time-symmetric if the class of processes that it allows is time-symmetric. This does not mean that all allowed processes have a palindromic form like the harmonic oscillator, but rather that a censor, charged with the task of banning all lms containing scenes which violate the law, issues a verdict which is the same for either direction of playing the lm. More formally, the criterion can be phrased as follows. Many theories employ a state space which contains all possible states of a system. The instantaneous state is thus represented as a point s in and a process as a parametrised curve:

P = {s t : ti t t f }
The laws of the theory only allow a denite class of processes (e.g. the solutions of the equations of motion). Call this class W , the set of all possible worlds (according to this theory). Let now R be a transformation that turns a state s into its time reversal Rs. It is always assumed that RRs = s (i.e. R is an involution). In classical mechanics, for example, R is the transformation which reverses the sign of all momenta and magnetic elds. In a theory like classical thermodynamics, in which the state does not contain velocity-like parameters, one may simply take R to be the identity transformation. Further, the time reversal P of a process P is dened as:

P = {(Rs)t : t f t ti }.
The theory is called time-symmetric if the class W of possible worlds is closed under time reversal, i.e. if the following holds: If P W then P W . (1)

Note that this criterion is formulated without recourse to metaphysical notions like becoming etc. The mathematical form of the laws themselves (and a given choice for R) determines whether the theory is time-symmetric or not. Note also that the term time-reversal is not meant literally. That is to say, we consider processes whose reversal is or is not allowed by a physical law, not a reversal of time itself. The prex is only intended to distinguish the term from a spatial reversal. Furthermore, note that we have taken possibility here in sense (i) above; that is, it is not relevant here whether the reversed processes P occur in the actual world. It is sufcient that the theory allows them. Thus, the fact that the sun never rises in the west is no 11

obstacle to celestial mechanics qualifying as time-symmetric.7 Is this theme of time-(a)symmetry related to the second law? Even though the criterion is unambiguous, its application to thermodynamics is not a matter of routine. In contrast to mechanics, thermodynamics does not possess equations of motion. This, in turn, is due to the fact that thermodynamical processes only take place after an external intervention on the system. (Such as: removing a partition, establishing thermal contact with a heat bath, pushing a piston, etc.) They do not correspond to the autonomous behaviour of a free system. This is not to say that time plays no role. Classical thermodynamics in the formulation of Clausius, Kelvin or Planck is concerned with processes occurring in the course of time, and its second law does allow only a subclass of possible worlds, which is indeed time-asymmetric. Howe ever, in the formulations by Gibbs and Carath odory this is much less clear. We shall return in due course to the question of whether thermodynamics in these versions is time-asymmetric. As a side remark, I note that the discussion about the relation between the second law and time-asymmetry is often characterized by a larger ambition. Some authors are not satised with the mere observation that a theory like thermodynamics is timeasymmetric, but claim that this theory can be held responsible, or gives a physical foundation, for the distinction between past and future. This claim has been advanced in particular by Reichenbach. He argued that by denition we could identify our concept of future with the direction of time in which entropy increases. Reichenbachs claim has been criticized by (Sklar 1981). The main objections, in my opinion, are that the claim would entail that all other forms of time-asymmetry which might be found in other physical theories (such as cosmology, elementary particles physics, etc.) should also be characterizable in terms of a thermodynamical asymmetry. The question whether this is really the case, has often been discussed (Landsberg 1984, Savitt 1995) but an afrmative answer is not yet established. Another objection is that even if humans are placed in a local environment in which entropy decreases, e.g. in a refrigerator cell, this does not seem to affect their sense of temporal orientation. More important perhaps is the objection that the programme
Of course one may also develop notions of time-(a)symmetry in other senses. It is interesting to mention, in this context, the distinction between Loschmidts and Kelvins arguments for the timesymmetry of classical mechanics, i.e. their versions of the Umkehreinwand. Loschmidt observed that for every mechanical process P a time reversed process is also a model allowed by classical mechanics. This is possibility in sense (i). Kelvin, on the other hand, discussed the issue of actually obtaining the time reversal of a given molecular motion, by means of a physical intervention, namely by collisions with molecular cricket bats. This is closer to sense (ii).


to dene the distinction between past and future by means of the second law is only sensible if it turns out to be possible to introduce the second law itself without presupposing this distinction. The classical formulations of the second law certainly do not meet this criterion. Another theme concerns irreversibility. This term is usually attributed to processes rather than theories. In the philosophy of science literature the concept is however intimately connected with time-asymmetry of theories. More precisely, one calls a process P allowed by a given theory irreversible if the reversed process P is excluded by this theory. Obviously, such a process P exists only if the theory in question is time-asymmetric. Conversely, every time-asymmetric theory does admit irreversible processes in this sense. These processes constitute the hallmark of timeasymmetry and, therefore, discussions about irreversibility and time-asymmetry in the philosophy of science coincide for the most part. However, in thermodynamics, the term is commonly employed with other meanings. Therefore, in an attempt to avoid confusion, I will not use the term (ir)reversibility in this sense. In the thermodynamics literature one often uses the term irreversibility to denote a different aspect of our experience which, for want of a better word, one might also call irrecoverability. Our experience suggests that in many cases the transition from an initial state si to a nal state s f , obtained during a process, cannot be fully undone, once the process has taken place. Ageing and dying, wear and tear, erosion and corruption are the obvious examples. In all such cases, there is no process which starts off from the nal state s f and restores the initial state si completely. As we shall see in more detail in Section 7, this is the sense of irreversibility that Planck intended, when he called it the essence of the second law. Many writers have followed Plancks lead and emphasised this theme of irrecoverability in connection with the second law. Indeed, Eddington introduced his famous phrase of the arrow of time in a general discussion of the running-down of the universe, and illustrated it with many examples of processes involving irrevocable changes, including the nursery rhyme example of Humpty-Dumpty who, allegedly, could not be put together again after his great fall. In retrospect, one might perhaps say that a better expression for this theme is the ravages of time rather than its arrow. This present concept of irreversibility is different from that of time-asymmetry in at least three respects. In the rst place, for a recovery the only thing that counts is the retrieval of the initial state. It is not necessary that one species a process P in which the original process is retraced step by step in the reverse order. In this 13

respect, the criterion for reversibility is weaker than that for time-symmetry, and irreversibility is a logically stronger notion than time-asymmetry. A second difference is that in the present concept, one is concerned with a complete recovery. As we shall see, Planck repeatedly emphasised that the criterium for a complete recovery of the initial state involves, not only the system itself, but also its environment, in particular all auxiliary systems with which it interacted. This reference to states of the environment of a system already lends a peculiar twist to classical thermodynamics that we do not meet in other theories of physics.8 The problem is that the theory aims at stating conditions which allow the introduction of the notions temperature, entropy and energy, which are needed to characterise the thermodynamical state of a system. This entails that one cannot assume on pains of circularity that (auxiliary systems in) the environment already possess a thermodynamical state. We will meet several instances where this problem raises its head. However, assuming for the moment that it makes sense to attribute, at least formally, a state Z to the environment, one may give a formal criterion for the present concept of reversibility as follows. Since we are not interested in the intermediate stages of a process here, we adopt an abbreviated representation. Let P be a process that produces the transition: si , Zi s f , Z f . (Such an abbreviated representation of a process is often called a change of state.) Then P is reversible iff another process P is possible which produces the state change s f , Z f si , Zi . The third respect in which Plancks concept of irreversibility differs from timeasymmetry concerns the notion of possible. As we shall see, Planck insisted that the recovery process P is available in our actual world, not merely in some model of the theory. That is, in the question of whether the recovery of an initial state is possible, one wishes to obtain this recovery in our actual world. The idea, e.g., that
8 The reason for this is, again, that in thermodynamics processes are due to an external intervention on the system; whereas in mechanics it is natural or at least always possible to study autonomous processes of a system which is isolated from its environment. That is to say: even in those cases where interactions with external environment occur it is in principle possible to include their mechanical behaviour into the description, in order to obtain a larger, isolated system.




t f

t f

irrecoverability. Consider some processes of a ctional system in an otherwise empty universe, characterised by the time evolution of some quantity f . Process (a) is time-symmetric and recoverable; (b) is time-asymmetric and recoverable. The processes (c) and (d) are both time-asymmetric and irrecoverable. A theory allowing only these two irrecoverable processes is time-symmetric.

Figure 1: Illustrating the distinction between time-(a)symmetry and irreversibility in the sense of

a return to our youth would be permitted by a particular theory, (i.e. the theory allows a possible world in which it occurs) is a too meager solace for those who would like to see the effects of ageing undone in the actual world. In this reading, the notion of theoretically allowed models plays no role. In this respect, recoverability is stronger than time-symmetry. Taking the rst and third respect together, we see that (ir)recoverability does not imply, and is not implied by time-(a)symmetry. See Figure 1 for illustrations. However, the thermodynamical literature also uses the term reversible in yet another meaning, which is not straightforwardly connected with the arrow of time at all. It is used to denote processes which proceed so delicately and slowly that the system remains close to an equilibrium state during the entire process. This is comparable to, say, moving a cup of tea lled to the brim, without spilling. We shall see in section 6 that this is the meaning embraced by Clausius. Actually, it seems to be the most common meaning of the term, at least in the physical and chemical literature; see e.g. (Hollinger and Zenzen 1985, Denbigh 1989). A modern and more


apt name for this kind of processes is quasi-static.9 The present concept makes no direct reference to a direction of time. Indeed, the concept is neutral with respect to time reversal, because the time reversal of a (non-)quasi-static process is obviously again a (non-)quasi-static process. Still, one can easily see, at least roughly, how the terminology arose. Indeed, for simple systems, thermodynamics allows all quasi-static processes. That is to say, for any two equilibrium states s and t, and every smooth curve in the space of equilibrium states which connects them, there always is a quasi-static process (in an appropriate environment, of course) which always remains close to this curve, but also one which closely follows the curve in the opposite direction (i.e. from t to s). In this sense, the time reversal of a quasi-static process is allowed by the theory.10 This, clearly, is why quasi-static processes are traditionally called reversible. This conclusion does not hold generally for non-quasi-static curves, and, therefore, they are considered as irreversible. Note that in the present sense, a process is irreversible if and only if it involves non-negligible deviations from equilibrium. Obvious examples are turbulence and life processes. It is well-known that classical thermodynamics is inadequate to give a detailed description of such processes (or, indeed, of their time reversal). From this perspective, Bridgmans view that thermodynamics has little to say about irreversible processes becomes less puzzling. In fact, Bridgman is one of few authors who recognise a distinction between notions of (ir)reversibility:
[. . . ] reversible engines and reversible processes play an important role in the conventional thermodynamical expositions. I would like to make the comparatively minor point that the emphasis on reversibility is somewhat misplaced. [. . . ] It is not the reversibility of the process that is of primary importance; the importance of reversibility arises because when we have reversibility, we also
9 Yet another term employed for this type of process is adiabatic. This terminology probably originates from the so-called adiabatic theorem of P. Ehrenfest (1916). This usage is highly confusing, because in the terminology of thermodynamics (which is adopted here) a process is called adiabatic if it takes place without heat exchange between the system and its environment. I note that Ehrenfest formulated his theorem for what he at rst called adiabatic-reversible changes (with reversible in the sense of quasi-static). A few pages later he dropped the adjective reversible as being superuous when the process is periodic or quasi-periodic. (Obviously, he was now interpreting reversible in the sense of recoverable.) As a result, adiabatic became the stand-in terminology for quasi-static. 10 However, one should be careful not to take this statement literally. The reversal of the quasi-static process is generally not the exact time reversal of the original process, but remains close to it within a small error.


have recoverability. It is the recovery of the original situation that is important, not the detailed reversal of steps which led to the original departure from the initial situation. (Bridgman 1941, p. 122)

Note, however, that at the same instant at which he makes the distinction Bridgman also draws a close connection between the two: he claims that reversibility implies recoverability. We shall see later that this inference is incorrect. The above discussion of meanings of irreversibility is not exhaustive. Part of the physical literature on (ir)reversibility employs the term in order to denote (in)determinism of the evolutions allowed by a theory. A deterministic process is then called reversible because the evolution Ut : s Ut (s) = st is an invertible mapping (Landauer 1961, Mackey 1992). Indeterministic evolutions arise in classical mechanics in the description of open systems, i.e. systems that form part of a larger whole, whose degrees of freedom are not included in the state description. Indeed, one important approach to the foundations of thermal and statistical physics aims at explaining irreversibility by an appeal to open systems (Bergmann and Lebowitz 1955, Davies 1976, Lindblad 1983, Ridderbos and Redhead 1998). In this article, however, this view is not discussed.11 Other ramications, even farther removed from our subject, can be found in the literature on the so-called principle of microscopic reversibility. In his the Nature of the Physical World Eddington introduced the catch phrase the arrow of time. Actually he employed the term as a metaphor that could cover the whole array of themes discussed above. It is perhaps best to follow him and use the arrow of time as a neutral term encompassing both time-asymmetry and irreversibility.


Sadi Carnots Rexions sur la Puissance motrice du Feu appeared in 1824. It was this e work which eventually led to the birth of thermodynamics. Still, Carnots memoir itself does not belong to what we presently understand as thermodynamics. It was written from the point of view that heat is an indestructible substance, the so-called
Yet it is somewhat ironic that, whereas some of the above formulations of the second law pertains exclusively to isolated systems, this view regards it as essential condition for irreversible processes that the system is interacting with an environment.


calorique. This assumption proved to be in conict with empirical evidence.12 However, Carnots main theorem did agree with experience. Classical thermodynamics was born from the attempts around 1850 to save Carnots theorem by placing it on a different footing. Even though Carnots work does not belong to thermodynamics proper, it is important for our purpose for three reasons. First, his theorem became, once encapsulated in that later theory, the rst version of a second law. Secondly, the distinction between reversible and irreversible processes can already be traced back to his work. And most importantly, many commentators have claimed that Carnots work already entails an arrow of time. Carnot was concerned with heat engines: devices which operate in a cycle and produce work by absorbing heat from one heat reservoir (the furnace) with high temperature 1 and ejecting heat in another (the refrigerator) with a lower temperature 2 . Both reservoirs are assumed to be so large that their state is unaltered by their heat exchange with the engine. The engine is then capable of repeating the cycle over and over again. The operation of such an engine is comparable to that of a water mill: its power to produce work results from the transport of heat from high to low temperature, just as a mill works by transporting water from a higher to a lower level. And just as the mill does not consume water, no more does the heat engine reduce the amount of calorique. Naturally, Carnot was interested in the efciency of such heat engines: i.e., the ratio of the total work produced during a cycle and the amount of heat transported from the furnace to the refrigerator. He obtained a celebrated result, which in a modern formulation, can be stated as follows:13
C ARNOT S T HEOREM : Let the furnace and refrigerator temperatures 1 and 2 be given (with 1 > 2 ). Then: (i) all heat engines operating in a reversible cycle have the same efciency. Their efciency is therefore a universal expression depending only on the temperatures 1 and 2 .
12 After his death, papers were found in which Carnot expressed doubt about the conservation of heat. These notes were only published in 1878 and did not inuence the factual development of the theory. 13 An elaborate analysis and reconstruction of his argumentation has been given by Truesdell and Baharatha (1977),Truesdell (1980). This reconstruction differs, however, from the formulation adopted here. See also footnote 16 below.


(ii) all other heat engines have an efciency which is less than or equal to that obtained by reversible cycles.

Thus, the efciency obtained by the reversible cycle is a universal function, often called the Carnot function: C(1 , 2 ). Carnot obtained his theorem from a principle that states the impossibility of a perpetuum mobile: it is not possible to build an apparatus that produces an unlimited amount of work without consumption of calorique or other resources.14 His argument is a well-known reductio ad absurdum: If there were a heat engine A, performing a reversible cyclic process between the reservoirs with temperatures 1 and 2 , having less efciency than some other engine B, which also performs a cycle between these two reservoirs, then we should be able to combine them in a composite cycle in which the reversible engine A is employed backwards, pumping the same amount of heat from the refrigerator back into the furnace, that B had used in producing work. But since A is assumed to have a lower efciency, it needs less work to restore the heat to the furnace than produced by B. In other words, we would obtain a surplus of work, which can be used for any purpose we like. Moreover, this composite process is cyclic, because both engines and heat reservoirs return to their initial states. It is can thus be repeated as often as we like, and we would have constructed a perpetuum mobile. The most striking point about this theorem, at least for Carnot himself and for those who continued his work, was the implication that the maximum efciency should be independent of the medium used in the heat engine. It remains the same, whether the engine employs steam, air, alcohol or ether vapour, etc. This was not at all obvious to his contemporaries. The obvious next question is then to determine the function C(1 , 2 ). Because the efciency of a reversible cyclic process is independent of the construction of the engine or details of the process, one may restrict attention to the simplest version: the Carnot cycle. This is a reversible cyclic process consisting of four steps: two isothermal steps, where heat exchange takes place with the reservoirs of temperature 1 and 2 , alternating with two steps in which the system is adiabatically isolated. Carnot realised that the analogy with the water mill could not be stretched too
Carnots principle states the impossibility of what is today called the perpetuum mobile of the rst kind. This fact is remarkable because it has often been claimed that this principle immediately entails the rst law of thermodynamics (Joules principle of equivalence of work and heat), e.g. by Von Helmholtz (1847) and Planck (1897). The caloric theory employed by Carnot, which violates the rst law, is a manifest counterexample for this claim.


far. Thus, while the maximal efciency of a mill depends only on the difference in the height of the levels, we have no grounds for assuming that the efciency of a Carnot cycle simplies to a function of 1 2 alone. To avoid this difculty, Carnot specialised his consideration to Carnot cycles where the heat reservoirs have innitesimally different temperatures and + d . Let the efciency of such a cycle be ( )d where

( ) :=

C(, 2 ) 2

2 =


Assuming the cycle is performed on an ideal gas, he obtained the result:

( ) =

V R log 2 , Q V1


where Q is the amount of heat absorbed by the gas when its volume is expanded from V1 to V2 at constant temperature , and R is the gas constant. Thus, ( ) can be determined from experimentally accessible quantities. This is the closest Carnot got to the actual determination of C(1 , 2 ). The main question for my purpose is now to what extent the work of Carnot is connected with the arrow of time. I cannot nd any passage in his work in which he mentions such a connection. But it is true that his theorem introduced the dichotomy between two types of cycles, which are today called reversible and irreversible. However, he does not actually use these terms.15 So we should be cautious about the meaning of this dichotomy in this context. In actual fact, Carnots own discussion starts by giving an explicit description of a Carnot cycle for steam. In passing, he mentions that: The operations we have just described might have been performed in an inverse direction and order (Mendoza, 1960, p.11). Next, he formulates his theorem by claiming that the maximum of motive power resulting from the employment of steam is also the maximum of motive power realizable by any means whatever. (ibid. p. 12) However, he realised that a more precise formulation of this conclusion was desirable. He continued:
We have a right to ask, for the proposition just enunciated, the following questions: what is the sense of the word maximum? By what sign can it be known that this maximum is attained? By what sign can it be known whether the steam is

The name reversible is apparently due to Kelvin (1851).


employed at the greatest possible advantage in the production of motive power? (ibid. p. 12)

In answer to this question, he proposes a necessary and sufcient criterion (Mendoza 1960, p. 13): it should be avoided that bodies of different temperature come into direct thermal contact, because this would cause a spontaneous ow of heat. In reality, he says, this criterion cannot be met exactly: in order to exchange heat with a reservoir the temperature of the system needs to be slightly different from that of the reservoir. But this difference may be as small as we wish, and therefore we can neglect it. In modern terms: the condition is that the process should be quasi-static at all stages which involve heat exchange. Carnot explicitly mentions cases where the condition is not met (p. 12,14), and argues that the spontaneous heat ow occurring there is unaccompanied by the production of work, and that thus motive power is lost, just as in a mill that spills its water. Accordingly, even at this early stage, there are two plausible options for a denition of the reversible cycle. Either we focus on the property of the Carnot cycle that it can also be run backwards, and use this as a denition. This is the option later chosen by Kelvin in 1851. Of course, this is a natural choice, since this property is essential to the proof of the theorem. Or else, one can view the necessary and sufcient condition which Carnot offers as a denition of reversibility. As we shall see, this is more or less the option followed by Clausius in 1864. In that case, a cyclic process is by denition irreversible if, and only if, it involves a direct heat exchange between bodies with different temperature. However this may be, let me come back to the main question: does Carnots work imply an arrow of time, either in the sense of time-asymmetry, or in the sense of irrecoverability? Let us take these questions one by one. Is Carnots theory time-asymmetric? That is: does it allow the existence of processes while prohibiting their time reversal? And more precisely, are the above irreversible cycles examples of such processes? The answer to the rst question is easy. Carnots principle forbids devices which produce work without consuming some kind of resources. It has no qualms about their time reversals, i.e. devices that consume work without producing any effect, or leaving any trace on other resources. We conclude that the theory is time-asymmetric. The answer to the last-mentioned question, however, is less obvious. Still, I think it is afrmative. Consider some cycle C which violates Carnots criterion, and may 21

therefore be called irreversible. This cycle has less than maximum efciency. Now, suppose that its time reversal C is also allowed. Does this entail a contradiction? We may assume that the efciency of the reverse process C is the same as that of C . After all, process C would not be considered as the reversal of C , unless it requires the same amount of work to transport the same amount of heat back to the furnace. Its efciency is therefore also less than maximal. Clearly, the supposition that C exists does not by itself violate Carnots theorem. However, we do obtain a contradiction by a very similar argument. Indeed, the cycle C operates as a heat pump. Thus, less than maximum efciency means that it requires less work to transport a given amount of heat from the refrigerator into the furnace than a Carnot cycle. Hence, combining the heat pump C with a Carnot cycle in ordinary mode one obtains a perpetuum mobile of the rst kind. Thus C is not allowed by this theory.16 Yet it seems to me that Carnots work gives no indications of an irreversibility of physical processes, in the sense of irrecoverability discussed in section 3. In the rst place, Carnots theory does not imply the existence of irreversible processes: his principle and theorem would remain equally valid in a world were all cyclic processes have maximum efciency. However, this is clearly not the world we live in. Carnot explicitly acknowledged, that as a matter of fact, irreversible cycles do exist, and that, moreover, it is rather the reversible cycle which is an ideal that cannot be constructed in reality. Even so, even if we accept this fact, it is not evident whether these irreversible processes bring about irrecoverable changes. Carnot is concerned only with cycles. At the end of a cycle, all changes in the system have become undone, even if the cyclic process was (in his sense) irreversible. There is no question of a quantity of the system that can only increase. The only option for nd irreversible (irrecoverable) changes must then lie in the environment, i.e. in the heat reservoirs employed. But these are conceived of as buffers of xed temperature, whose states do not change
I note, however, that Truesdell and Baharatha (1977) and Truesdell (1980) reach the opposite conclusion. They argue that Carnot implicitly relied on a background theory of calorimetry, which involves standard differential calculus for heat and work and in which processes are always representable as differentiable curves in some state space. They call this the doctrine of specic and latent heat. Truesdell points out that all processes which can be handled by this approach are by denition reversible (by which he means that the curve can be traversed in either direction). Thus, their reconstruction of Carnots theory is completely time symmetric. As a consequence, Truesdell denies that the dichotomy between cycles with maximum efciency and those with less than maximal efciency should be identied with that between reversible and irreversible processes. His interpretation of Carnots theorem is rather that it states that Carnot cycles attain the maximum efciency among all those reversible cycles where 1 and 2 are the extreme temperatures; see (Truesdell 1980, p. 117,168,303) for details.


as a result of the working of the engine. I admit that it is possible to adopt a more liberal reading of the link between Carnots work and irreversibility. The spontaneous ow of heat, arising when two bodies of different temperatures come in thermal contact constitutes, in his words, a loss of motive power (p.13, 14). One may think that this denotes a loss in the course of time; i.e. that during the operation of an irreversible cycle, motive power somehow disappears. In this reading adopted e.g. by Kelvin, and also by later commentators e.g. Brush (1976) the power of the reservoirs to produce useful work is decreased by irreversible cycles. Irreversible cyclic processes thus bring about irrecoverable changes: a degradation of energy from useful to less useful forms.17 Apart from the fact that it is hard to make this reading precise, in view of the construal of the reservoirs as unchanging buffers, there is to my eyes a more natural explanation of these passages. One can understand the term loss as expressing only the counterfactual that if an ideal, reversible machine had been employed, a higher efciency would have been achieved. There is only loss in an irreversible cyclic process in the sense that the potential of the heat reservoirs to produce work has not been fully exploited. We are then concerned with a comparison of the actual irreversible cycle and another reversible cycle in a possible world, not with irretrievable changes in this world. But even if one accepts the liberal view, we still cannot say, in my opinion, that this irreversibility is a consequence of the theorem of Carnot. Maybe a comparison with mechanics claries the point. The rst law of Newtonian mechanics states that a free body persists in a state of uniform rectilinear motion. But free bodies are, just like the reversible cyclic process of Carnot, only an idealisation. Real bodies, as is often said, always experience friction and do not persevere in a state of uniform motion. In fact, in the long run, they lose their speed. Here too, if one so desires, one can discern an irreversibility or one-sided tendency of nature.18 But even so, it is clear that this view is an addition to, and not a consequence of, Newtons rst law. Similarly, the idea that the reversible cycle is only an idealisation, and all actual
The problem is here, that one would like to see this change in the environment reected in the state of the heat reservoirs. There are specic cases were this is conceivable. For example, consider a case where the heat reservoirs are systems of two phases, say a water/ice mixture and a liquid/solid parafne mixture. These heat reservoirs maintain their xed temperature, while at the same time, one can register the heat absorbed or lost by the heat reservoir by a shift of the boundary surface between the two phases. However, it is not easy to generalise this to arbitrary heat reservoirs. 18 One can even adduce the authority of Newton himself for this point of view: Motion is much more apt to be lost than got and is always on the decay; (cited by (Price 1996, p. 23)).


cycles are irreversible, is an addition to and not a consequence of Carnots theorem. Another argument to the same effect is the following. If Carnots theory implies irreversibility then this should also be the case when we actually apply it to water mills. The theorem that all reversible water mills operating between two given water levels have the same efciency (and that this efciency is larger than that of any irreversible mill) can be obtained by an analogous argument. But there are few authors willing to draw the conclusion that there is an arrow of time in purely mechanical/hydrodynamical systems; even if such a hydrodynamical arrow is also not excluded by this theorem (e.g. the principle: water always seeks the lowest level).




The main contributions towards the development of thermodynamics are those by Kelvin (W. Thomson) and Clausius.19 Kelvin had noted in 1848 that Carnots theorem allows the design of an absolute scale for temperature, i.e. a scale that does not depend on the properties of some special substance (water, mercury, alcohol, the ideal gas). But at this time, he was still convinced of the caloric view of heat which Carnot had adopted. The birth of the second law, or indeed of thermodynamics itself, is usually located in an article by Clausius (1850). In this work one nds, for the rst time, a clear rejection of the conservation of heat, while the validity of Carnots theorem is maintained. Clausius showed that this theorem could also be derived from another argument, in which the conservation of heat was replaced by the equivalence principle of Mayer and Joule, stating that from work heat can be produced, and vice versa, with a universal conversion rate (J =4.2 Nm/Cal). This is the rst law of thermodynamics. In order to obtain Carnots theorem the argument employing the perpetuum mobile had to be adapted. Clausius reasoning assumed the impossibility of what we today call the perpetuum mobile of the second kind: a periodically operating machine producing no other effect but the transport of heat from a lower to a higher temperature.
19 Of course the work of several other authors was also highly signicant, such as Rankine, Reech and Clapeyron. And although I agree with those historians who argue that the role of these lesser-known authors is commonly underestimated in the traditional historiography of thermodynamics, I will not attempt to do justice to them.


The argument rests, just like Carnots, on a reductio ad absurdum. If Carnots theorem were false, Clausius argues, we could build a combined machine that works in a cycle and whose only effect would be that heat is transported from a cold to a hot reservoir. But this would be absurd, says Clausius, because:
[. . . ] das widerspricht dem sonstigen Verhalten der W rme, indem sie uberall a das Bestreben zeigt, vorkommende Temperaturdifferenzen auszugleichen und also aus den w rmeren Korpern in die kaltern uberzugehen20 (Clausius 1864a, a p. 50).

This particular statement of Clausius is often regarded as the rst formulation of the second law. But, remarkably, Clausius offers the statement more or less en passant, as if it were obvious, and not as a new principle or law in the theory.21 According to the view of this paper, there are indeed two fundamental laws (Grunds tzen) for a the theory. But they are: (i) the Joule-Mayer principle and (ii) a (somewhat obscure) formulation of what he takes to be Carnots theorem:
Der Erzeugung von Arbeit [entspricht] als Aequivalent ein blosser Uebergang von W rme aus einem warmen in einen kalten Korper22 ((Clausius 1864a, p. 48)). a

In the context, he makes clear that this equivalence is intended to refer to the maximum amount of work that can be produced in a cycle by a heat transfer between two reservoirs of given temperatures. The previous statement about the natural behaviour of heat is only an element in his argument to establish this zweiten Grundsatz. Note that although Clausius argument in order to establish this theorem only deals with cyclic processes, his statement about the natural behaviour of heat ow does not explicitly mention this restriction (and nor does his version of Carnots theorem). This is our rst indication that the second law might develop into something more general. One year later, Kelvin (1851) also accepted the validity of the rst law, and similarly sought to put Carnots theorem on this new footing. In his article On the Dynamical Theory of Heat he paraphrased Clausius argument, and raised his incidental remark to an axiom:
20 [. . . ]this contradicts the further behaviour of heat, since it everywhere shows a tendency to smoothen any occurring temperature differences and therefore to pass from hotter to colder bodies. 21 The passage is apparently so inconspicious that in a recent compilation of historical papers on the second law (Kestin 1976) this article by Clausius is abridged before the author had a chance to state his seminal contribution. 22 The production of work [has] as its equivalent a mere transition of heat from a warm into a cold body.


It is impossible for a self-acting machine, unaided by any external agency, to convey heat from one body to another at a higher temperature(Kelvin) 1882, p. 181).

He also formulated a variant by means of which Carnots theorem could likewise be obtained:
It is impossible, by means of inanimate material agency, to derive mechanical effect from any portion of matter by cooling it below the temperature of the coldest of the surrounding objects (ibid. p. 179).

Either of these axioms allows one to derive what Kelvin calls the second fundamental proposition of the theory:
P ROP. II. (Carnot and Clausius) If an engine be such that, when it is worked backwards, the physical and mechanical agencies in every part of its motions are all reversed, it produces as much mechanical effect as can be produced by any thermo-dynamic engine, with the same temperatures of source and refrigerator, from a given quantity of heat (ibid. p.178).

This is a clear formulation of the rst part of Carnots theorem, i.e. the part pertaining to reversible cycles.23 In fact, Kelvin introduces this term here, referring to the condition mentioned above as the condition of complete reversibility. Kelvin then applies this proposition to an innitesimal Carnot cycle performed on an arbitrary uid, where the temperature varies between and + d , and the volume between V and V + dV. He shows that the function (2) can be written as

( ) =

1 p(V, ) , M(V, )


where M is the latent heat capacity.24 He calls this result the complete expression of the second fundamental proposition (ibid. p. 187) and emphasises the remarkable fact that the right-hand side of (4) is the same for all substances at the same temperature.
23 Although Kelvin does not explicitly mention the restriction to cyclic processes, this restriction was intended. At the beginning of the article he writes: Whenever in what follows, the work done or the mechanical effect produced by a thermo-dynamic engine is mentioned without qualication, it must be understood that the mechanical effect produced, either in a non-varying machine, or in a complete cycle, or any number of complete cycles of a periodical engine, is meant. (Kelvin 1851b, p. 177). 24 That is, M(V, )dV is the amount of heat the system takes in when its volume is changed from V to V + dV at constant temperature .


Next, Kelvin considers Carnot cycles with a nite range of variation for temperature and volume. He analyses these cycles into an innite number of cycles operating in an innitesimal temperature range. Integrating the above result, he obtains the following expression for the ratio of the work produced by the engine and the heat supplied by the source (i.e. the Carnot function): C(1 , 2 ) = 1 W = J 1 exp Q J
Z 2

( )d

Choosing the absolute temperature scale T( ) such that 1 T( ) = exp J


( )d

(a step only taken by Kelvin in 1854) and units such that J = 1, the result takes the simpler and more familiar form: T T(2 ) W = 1 2. =1 Q T(1 ) T1 (5)

The rest of his article is mainly devoted to an attempt to determine the values of R ( )d from the steam tables collected in the experiments by Regnault. Thus, for Kelvin too, the second fundamental proposition of the theory is still the Carnot theorem, or its corollaries (4) and (5) for Carnot cycles. The axioms only serve to derive these propositions. But today nomenclature has shifted. The two axioms are usually themselves seen as versions of the second law. They are commonly presented as follows (see e.g. (Born 1921, Zemansky 1937, Buchdahl 1966)).
C LAUSIUS P RINCIPLE : It is impossible to perform a cyclic process which has no other result than that heat is absorbed from a reservoir with a low temperature and emitted into a reservoir with a higher temperature. K ELVIN S P RINCIPLE : It is impossible to perform a cyclic process with no other result than that heat is absorbed from a reservoir, and work is performed.

The most striking difference from the original formulation is obviously that the explicit exclusion by Kelvin of living creatures has been dropped. Another important point is that they are concerned only with cyclic processes. It is not hard to devise examples in which heat is transmitted from a lower to a higher temperature, or used up as work, when the condition that the system returns to its original state is dropped. A further noteworthy point is the clause about no other result. A precise denition 27

of this clause has always remained a difcult issue, as we shall see in later sections. Another question is the denition of a heat reservoir.25 Kelvin already claimed that these two formulations of the second law were logically equivalent. An argument to this effect can be found in almost all text books: one shows that violation of one principle would lead to the violation of the other, and vice versa. It took three-quarters of a century before Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa (1925,1956) noticed that the two formulations only become equivalent when we add an extra axiom to thermodynamics, namely that all temperatures have the same sign. When we allow systems with negative absolute temperature and there is no law in thermodynamics that disallows that one can distinguish between these two formulations. Her observation became less academic when Ramsey (1956) gave concrete examples of physical systems with negative absolute temperatures.26 With hindsight, it is easy to see that the two formulations are not equivalent. Clausius principle makes recourse to the distinction between low and high temperature. That is to say, his formulation makes use of the idea that temperatures are ordered, and it is therefore sensitive to our conventions about this ordering. If, for example we replace T by T the statement is no longer true. The modern formulation of Kelvins principle on the other hand only mentions the withdrawal of heat from a reservoir and does not rely on the ordering of temperatures. This principle is thus invariant under a change of conventions on this topic. How is it possible that so many books prove the equivalence of these two formulations? A short look at the argumentation makes clear where the weak spot lies: one argues e.g. that the violation of Clausius formulation implies the violation of Kelvins formulation by coupling the anti-Clausius engine to a normal Carnot cycle. Such a coupling is assumed to be always possible without restriction. The idea is apparently that everything which has not been said to be impossible must be possible. But in an unusual application (such as a world in which negative temperatures
Hatsopoulos and Keenan (1965, p. xxv) argue that the denition of the concept of a heat reservoir can only be given such a content that the second law becomes a tautology. Although I have doubts about this claim I agree that the question of the denition of a heat reservoir is not trivial. The most natural conception seems to be that a heat reservoir is a system in thermal equilibrium which can take in or give off a nite amount of heat without changing its temperature or volume. This means that it must have an innite heat capacity. The question is then whether the thermodynamical state of such a system changes if it absorbs or emits heat, and how this can be represented theoretically. That is, if an innite heat reservoir exchanges a nite quantity of heat, does its own state change or not? 26 Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa argued that when we allow systems with both positive and negative temperatures the principle of Clausius, but not that of Kelvin is violated. At present, common opinion seems to be the opposite (Ramsey 1956, Marvan 1966).


occur) such an assumption is not at all evident. However this may be, let us return to the main theme of our essay. What are the implications of the second law for the arrow of time in the early papers of Clausius and Kelvin? If we consider their own original statements (the zweite Grundsatz of 1850 or the second fundamental proposition of 1851), there is none. For these are just statements of the part of Carnots theorem concerning reversible cycles. This part is time-symmetric. But what if we take the more modern point of view that their formulation of the second law is to be identied with Clausius and Kelvins principle? We can largely repeat the earlier conclusions about the work of Carnot. Both are explicitly time-asymmetric: they forbid the occurrence of cyclic processes of which the time reversals are allowed. It is much harder to connect them to the idea of irreversibility. Both versions refer exclusively to cyclic processes in which there occur no irrecoverable changes in the system. The only option for nding such changes must lie in the environment. But also in the work of Kelvin and Clausius it is not clear how the environment can be described in thermodynamical terms.27 A connection with this aspect of the arrow of time is therefore simply not present at this stage of the development of the second law. Also the negative character of both formulations gives rise to this conclusion. Brush observes that it is clear that both [Kelvins and Clausius principles] are negative statements and do not assert any tendency toward irreversibility (Brush 1976, p. 571). The objection is here that these versions of the law would also be valid in a world in which all cyclic processes were reversible.




After the original introduction in 1850/1851 by Clausius and Kelvin the second law underwent a number of transformations before it was given the form in which we
The conceptual problem that is created when the properties of the environment (a heat reservoir or perhaps the whole universe) play a role in the argument is with some sense of drama expressed by Truesdell: This kind of argument [requires that ] properties of the environment are specied along with the properties of the bodies on which it acts. Here the environment is not described by [the theory], so there is no place in the formal argument where such a proof [. . . ] could start. [. . . ] Mathematicians instinctively reject such arguments, because they stand above logic. [. . . ] This is the point in history where mathematics and physics, which had come together in the sixteenth century, began to part company (Truesdell 1980, p. 98).


recognise it today, i.e. as the entropy principle. A development which, indeed, is no less impressive than the psychological development of Macbeth, where the loyal and rather credulous general evolves into a suspicious and cruel tyrant. Here too, the metamorphosis starts with the prophecy of a foul future. In 1852 Kelvin proposed the view that there exists a one-sided directedness in physical phenomena, namely a universal tendency in nature to the dissipation of mechanical energy, and argued that this is a necessary consequence of his axiom. He expressed this tendency in the following words:
I. When heat is created by a reversible process (so that the mechanical energy thus spent may be restored to its primitive condition), there is also a transference from a cold body to a hot body of a quantity of heat bearing to the quantity created a denite proportion depending on the temperatures of the two bodies. II. When heat is created by an unreversible process (such as friction) there is a dissipation of mechanical energy, and a full restoration of it to its primitive condition is impossible. III. When heat is diffused by conduction, there is a dissipation of mechanical energy, and perfect restoration is impossible. IV. When radiant heat or light is absorbed, otherwise than in vegetation, or in chemical action, there is a dissipation of mechanical energy, and perfect restoration is impossible (Kelvin 1852).

He then considers the question how much energy is dissipated by friction when steam is compressed in a narrow pipe, and estimates that even in the best steam engines no less than 3/4 of the available motive power is wasted. He draws from this and other unspecied known facts with reference to the mechanics of animal and vegetable bodies the conclusions:
Any restoration of mechanical energy, without more than an equivalent of dissipation is impossible in inanimate material, and probably never effected by organized matter, either endowed with vegetable life or subjected to the will of an animated creature. Within a nite period of time past, the earth must have been, and within a nite time to come the earth must again be, unt for the habitation of man as presently constituted, unless operations have been, or are to be performed, which are impossible under the laws to which the known operations going on at present in the material world are subject.

Here a number of important themes in the debate on the thermodynamical arrow of time meet. It is the rst time in the history of thermodynamics that a universal 30

tendency of natural processes is mentioned, and attributed to the second law. Thus this law obtains a cosmic validity and eschatological implication: the universe is heading for what later became known as the heat death.28 All but one of the aspects that make the second law so fascinating and puzzling are present in this short paper, the only exception being the concept of entropy. At the same time the logic of Kelvins argumentation is astonishing. Many commentators have expressed their surprise at his far-reaching conclusions about the fate of humankind immediately following his consideration of the steam pipe. Further, his claim that the universal tendency towards dissipation would be a necessary consequence of his axiom, is not supported with any argument whatsoever.29 Instead, he simply reinterprets Carnots theorem as Carnots proposition that there is an absolute waste of mechanical energy available to man when heat is allowed to pass from one body to another at a lower temperature, by any means not fullling his criterion of a perfect thermo-dynamic engine . Kelvin thus apparently adopts the liberal reading of Carnot that we discussed in section 4. His addition of the phrase available to man blocks an otherwise reasonable reading of waste in terms of a comparison between possible worlds. Note that Kelvin now uses the terms reversible/unreversible in a sense which is completely different from that of the condition of reversibility in his 1851 paper. He does not consider cyclic processes but instead processes in which the nal state differs from the initial state. Such a process is unreversible if the initial state cannot be completely recovered. A cyclic process is therefore by denition reversible in the present sense, even if it is irreversible in the sense of Carnot. Obviously the necessary and sufcient criterion of Carnot for reversibility is no longer applicable to Kelvins 1852 usage of the term.30
28 Parenthetically it may be remarked that Kelvin presented his conclusion in time-symmetric form: . . . must have been . . . and must again be. . . . The idea is here probably that the temperature differences on earth were too large in the past and will be too small in the future to sustain life. 29 The only explanation for this omission I can think of is that Kelvin thought that the implication had already been demonstrated. Indeed one nds in his earlier article of 1851 (22) in discussing the case of a non-ideal machine the remark that the heat is only partly used for a useful purpose, the remainder being irrecoverably lost to man, and therefore wasted, although not annihilated. Here the idea of irrecoverable dissipation is apparently already present. A draft of this article is even more explicit about his belief in the universal directedness: Everything in the material world is progressive ((Kelvin 1851a)). But here he does not connect this opinion with the second law. See also the passage in Kestin (p. 64 = Kelvin 1849). Recent historical work suggests that Kelvins view on dissipation is to be explained by his religious convictions (Russell 1981, Smith and Wise 1989). 30 Note too that Kelvin does not consider the recovery of the state of the system but rather of the form of energy. The idea that irreversibility is a characteristic aspect of energy remained alive for a long time,





In 1854 Kelvin published another instalment of his Dynamical Theory of Heat. Here he adopts the absolute temperature scale dened in terms of the Carnot function, leading to the result (5) for the Carnot process. If Q1 and Q2 denote the quantities of heat exchanged with the heat reservoirs, with Q1 = W + Q2 , we can write this as Q Q1 2 =0 T1 T2 (6)

Adopting the convention to take the sign of heat positive when heat is taken in by the system, and negative when it is emitted, this becomes Q1 Q + 2 = 0. T1 T2 (7)

He then expands the consideration to a reversible cyclic process of a system which can exchange heat with an arbitrary number of heat reservoirs, and obtains the result:

Tii = 0.


He concludes:
This equation may be regarded as the mathematical expression of the second fundamental law of the dynamical theory of heat (p. 237).

In a following instalment (part VII, from 1878) he even calls the result (8): the full expression of the Second Thermodynamic Law (Kelvin 1882, p. 295). Thus, once again, the second law in Kelvins formulation, remains a time-symmetric statement, that only pertains to reversible cycles. His doctrine of universal dissipation apparently plays no role whatsoever! Clausius too developed his point of view. Also in 1854, he presented a modied version of the second law (now called: Hauptsatz). He put it in the form:
a a Es kann nie W rme aus einem k lteren in einen w rmeren Korper ubergehen, a wenn nicht gleichzeitig eine andere damit zusammenh ngende Aenderung eina tritt.31 (Clausius 1864a, p. 134)
e.g. in the shape of the principle of degradation of energy. It was more or less extinguished by Planck. 31 Heat cannot of itself pass from a colder to a hotter body without some other change, connected herewith, occurring at the same time.


The fact that Clausius offers this statement, which is closely related to what he had already written in 1850, as a modied formulation of the second law underlines that at that time he had not regarded this as a law. Nevertheless, his present formulation is indeed modied: instead of a sweeping but vague statement about the natural tendency of heat to ow from a hot to a cold body, he now says that heat never ows from cold to hot unless there is some accompanying change. Unfortunately, it remains unclear what one should understand by such changes. He then considers, just like Kelvin, reversible cycles in which a system exchanges heat with an arbitrary nite number of heat reservoirs of different temperatures Ti and obtains the equation (8) by an analogous argument.32 Clausius calls Qi / Ti the equivalence value (Aequivalenzwerth), of the heat exchange, and he reads the equation (8) as expressing that the heat absorbed and ejected in a Carnot process possess equal equivalence value. Clausius also discusses the case in which the heat reservoirs undergo a temperature change during the cyclic process. In this case he replaces the sum by an integral:

dQ =0 T


This is his analytical expression of the second law for reversible (umkehrbare) cyclic processes.33 In this formulation, T stands for the temperature of the heat reservoir with which the system exchanges the heat d Q. But, because of Carnots criterion, the cyclic process is reversible if and only if the heat reservoir and system have the same temperature during the exchange. Thus, if the system has a uniform temperature, the integral can be considered as referring to the system by itself, and no longer to properties of the heat reservoirs. At the end of this paper (Clausius 1864a, p. 151) Clausius gives a brief treatment of irreversible (nicht umkehrbare) cyclic processes, for which case he obtains the equation

dQ 0. T


32 The only distinction between Clausius and Kelvin is that at this time the former did not accept Kelvins denition for absolute temperature and therefore uses an indenite function f ( ) instead of T. He restricts himself to a cyclic process for an ideal gas, and expresses as a conjecture that f ( ) pV. 33 Clausius had no special notation for cyclic integrals or non-exact differentials and wrote the leftR hand side of (9) as dQ . T


His argument is as follows: for an umkehrbar cyclic process the result (9) rests on the argument that according to the modied version of the second law the integral cannot be positive. The reversed cyclic process, where the integral has the opposite sign, must also satisfy this condition, and the integral is therefore also not negative. Therefore it must vanish. In the case of the nicht umkehrbar cyclic process the second part of this argument is not applicable, but the rst part remains valid. Hence we obtain (10). A further paper (Clausius 1862) presents what in his collected work is referred to as the extended form of the second law. Here, he studies processes where the nal state of the system differs from the initial state. For convenience I will call these open processes. For this purpose Clausius needs a number of assumptions about the possible change of states of that system, and hence about its internal constitution. He characterizes the state of the system by introducing two abstruse quantities: the vorhandene W rme H and the Disgregation Z. The denition of these quantities is a not very clear (Clausius merely remarks about the Disgregation that it represents a degree of distribution, which is related to the ordering of the molecules) and for our purpose actually not very important.34 I only mention that Clausius here considers innitesimal pieces of an open process and formulates the second law as: d Q + dH + dZ = 0 T forumkehrbar and d Q + dH + dZ 0 T (11)


for nicht umkehrbar processes. He emphasizes (Clausius 1864a, p. 244) that this extension of the second law rests on additional assumptions and does not follow from the earlier versions. More important for our purpose is that, now the limitation to cyclic processes is dropped, Clausius has to be more explicit than before in stating the criterion for what he means by the term umkehrbar.
34 Apparently, Clausius was inspired by, and aimed to improve upon, Rankines 1853 formulation of thermodynamics, which adopted the quantity H (actual heat) and a quantity F which was intimately related to Z, known as the heat potential (see Hutchison, 1973). Unlike Clausius, however, Rankine employed an elaborate microscopic picture of molecular vortices in terms of which these functions could be dened. Nevertheless, the idea of separating entropy into two distinct quantities was not so weird as it may seem to modern eyes. See Klein (1969) for a clear exposition.


Wenn die Anordnungs nderung in der Weise stattndet, dass dabei Kraft und a Gegenkraft gleich sind, so kann unter dem Einusse derselben Kr fte die Aena derung auch im umgekehrten Sinne geschehen. Wenn aber eine Aenderung so stattndet, dass dabei die uberwindende Kraft grosser ist als die uberwundene, a a so kann unter dem Einusse derselben Kr fte die Ver nderung nicht im umgekehrten Sinne geschehen. Im ersteren Falle sagen wir, die Ver nderung habe in a umkehrbarer Weise stattgefunden, im letzeren, sie habe in nicht umkehrbarer Weise stattgefunden. Streng genommen muss die uberwindende Kraft immer st rker sein, als die a uberwundene; da aber die Kraftuberschuss keine bestimmte Grosse zu haben braucht, so kann man ihn sich immer kleiner und kleiner werdend denken, so dass er sich dem Werthe Null bis zu jedem beliebigen Grade n hert. Mann sieht a daraus, dass der Fall, wo die Ver nderung in umkehrbarer Weise stattndet, ein a Gr nzfall ist, den man zwar nie vollst ndig erreichen, dem man sich aber beliea a 35 big n hern kann (Clausius 1864a, p. 251). a

This denition is clearly related to, and in a certain sense a sharpening of, the necessary and sufcient criterion of Carnot. For both authors the reversible process may be regarded as a limit of a series of processes in which the disturbance from the equilibrium state become smaller and smaller. But Clausius condition is more stringent. Whereas Carnot only demanded equality of temperature for all bodies in thermal contact, Clausius demands equality for all kinds of forces. (Note that Clausius concept of force is more or less Aristotelian. It denotes any cause of change and includes temperature gradients). Thus, his criterion demands also, e.g. in a compression process, that the piston is pushed very gently, with a force which nearly balances the pressure exerted by the gas. Thus a Carnot process is not necessarily reversible in Clausius sense. Indeed, in an experimental realisation of a Carnot process, adiabaticity of the two adiabatic stages of the cycle is often secured by making them so fast that the system has no chance to exchange heat with its environment.
35 When a change of arrangement takes place in such a way that force and counterforce are equal, the change can take place in the reverse direction also under the inuence of the same forces. But if a change takes place in such a way that the overcoming force is greater than that which is overcome, the transformation cannot take place in the opposite direction under the inuence of the same forces. We may say that the transformation has occurred in the rst case in a reversible manner, and in the second case in an irreversible manner. Strictly speaking, the overcoming force must always be more powerful than the force which it overcomes; but as the excess of force is not required to have any assignable value, we may think of it as becoming continually smaller and smaller, so that its value may approach to nought as nearly as we please. Hence it may be seen that the case in which the transformation takes place reversibly is a limit which in reality is never reached but to which we can approach as nearly as we please.


The main difference with Carnot is, however, that Clausius applies the criterion to open processes. More importantly, Clausius denition differs considerably from Kelvins 1852 notion of reversibility. For Clausius, a process is called reversible when it proceeds very gently. This is very close to what we today call quasi-static. Whether the initial state of such a process is recoverable is another matter. We shall return to this distinction between Kelvins notion of reversible and Clausius umkehrbar below. In his (Clausius 1864b), he embraced the idea that the second law has implications for the direction of natural processes. For this occasion he adopts a more positive reading of this law: heat transport from bodies with high to bodies with low temperature can occur by itself, but is not possible from low to high temperature without compensation. These rather vague clauses are intended to express the same idea as the phrase without other associated changes from 1854. (See in particular the footnote p. 134-5 in (Clausius 1864a).) The clause serves to exclude both the possibility of changes of states in the environment as well as in the system itself (when it does not perform a complete cycle). He then proposes the view that his present formulation of the second law expresses a universal tendency, that will end in the heat death of the universe: In diesen S tzen [. . . ] druckt sich eine allgemein in der Natur obwaltena de Tendenz zu Ver nderungen in einem bestimmten Sinne aus. Wendet a mann dieses auf das Weltall im ganzen an, so gelangt man zu einer ei genthumlichen Schlufolgerung, auf welche zuerst W.Thomson aufmerksam machte, nachdem er [. . . ] sich meiner Auffassung des zweiten Haupta satzes angeschlossen hatte. Wenn n mlich im Weltall [. . . ] die W rme a stets das Bestreben zeigt, ihre Vertheilung in der Weise zu andern da dadurch die bestehenden Temperaturdifferenzen ausgeglichen werden, so a a mu sich das Weltall allm hlich mehr und mehr zu dem Zustand n hern, wo die Kr fte keine neuen Bewegungen mehr hervorbringen konnen, a und keine Temperaturdifferenzen mehr existiren.36 (Clausius 1864a, p. 323)
These statements [. . . ] express a generally prevailing tendency in Nature towards changes in a denite sense. If one applies this to the universe in total, one reaches a remarkable conclusion, which was rst pointed out by W. Thomson, after [. . . ] he had accepted my view of the second law. Namely, if, in the universe, heat always shows the endeavour to change its distribution in such a way that existing temperature differences are thereby smoothened, then the universe must continually get closer and closer to the state, where the forces cannot produce any new motions, and no further temperature differences exist.


In his next paper (Clausius 1865) introduces the concept of entropy. Again, he considers cyclic as well as open processes. But this time, he does not resort to hypothetical physical quantities. Instead he starts from the observation that the relation (9) implies that for an open umkehrbar process, say from state si to s f , the integral
Z s f dQ

is independent of the integration path, i.e. depends only on the initial and nal state. By a standard argument, one can show that this implies the existence of a state function S such that Z s f dQ = S(s f ) S(si ). (13) T si Thus, the equivalence value of a transformation can be determined as the change of entropy between initial and nal state. Now Clausius considers a nicht umkehrbar open process P , say, again, from si to s f . He assumes that it can be closed into a cycle by some umkehrbar process R . from s f to si . For the cycle thus obtained he uses the result (10):

dQ = T

Z s f

dQ + P T

Z s i

dQ 0. T R

For the reversible piece R of the cycle one has

Z s i dQ

= S(si ) S(s f ).


Thus, for the nicht umkehrbar process P one gets:

Z s f dQ

S(s f ) S(si ).


If this process is adiabatic, i.e. if there is no heat exchange with the environment, we have d Q = 0 for the entire duration of the process and it follows that S(s f ) S(si ). Hence we obtain:
T HE E NTROPY P RINCIPLE (Clausius version) For every nicht umkehrbar process in an adiabatically isolated system which begins and ends in an equilibrium



state, the entropy of the nal state is greater than or equal to that of the initial state. For every umkehrbar process in an adiabatical system, the entropy of the nal state is equal to that of the initial state.

This is the rst instance of a formulation of the second law as a statement about entropy increase. Note that only the sign is established for nicht umkehrbar processes. One often reads the stronger view that for irreversible processes the strict inequality, i.e. with the sign in (ref5), holds but this has no basis in Clausius work. Note also that, in contrast to the common view that the entropy principle obtains for isolated systems, Clausius result applies to adiabatically isolated systems. Clausius concludes
Der zweite Hauptsatz in der Gestalt, welche ich ihm gegeben habe, sagt aus, dass alle in der Natur vorkommenden Verwandlungen in einem gewissen Sinne, welche ich als den positiven angenommen habe, von selbst, d.h. ohne Compensati on, geschehen konnen, dass sie aber im entgegengesetzten, also negativen Sinne nur in der Weise stattnden konnen, dass sie durch gleichzeitig stattndende positive Verwandlungen compensirt werden. Die Anwendung dieses Satzes auf das gesammte Weltall fuhrt zu einem Schlusse, auf den zuerst W. Thomson aufmerksam gemacht hat [. . . ] Wenn n mlich bei allen im Weltall vorkommenden a a Zustands nderungen die Verwandlungen von einem bestimmten Sinne diejeni gen vom entgegengesetzten Sinne an Grosse ubertreffen, so muss die Gesammt zustand des Weltalls sich immer mehr in jenem ersteren Sinne andern, und das Weltall muss sich somit ohne Unterlass einem Grenzzustande n hern.37 (Clausia us 1867, p. 42)

He next notes that his theory is still not capable of treating the phenomenon of heat radiation. Therefore, he restricts himself as he puts it to an application of the theory to the universe:
[. . . ] man [kann] die den beiden Haupts tzen der mechanischen W rmetheorie a a entsprechenden Grundgesetze des Weltalls in folgender einfacher Form aussprechen:
37 The second law in the form I have given it says that all transformations taking place in nature go by themselves in a certain direction, which I have denominated the positive direction. They can thus take place without compensation. They can take place in the opposite direction, that is, the negative, only when they are compensated at the same time by positive transformations. The application of this law to the universe leads to a conclusion to which W. Thomson rst called attention [. . . ] namely, if in all changes of state in the universe the transformations in one direction surpass in magnitude those taking place in the opposite direction, it follows that the total state of the universe will change continually in that direction and hence will inevitably approach a limiting state.


1.) Die Energie der Welt ist constant. 2.) Die Entropie der Welt strebt einem Maximum zu.38 (ibid. p. 44)

These words of Clausius are among the most famous and most often quoted in the history of thermodynamics. Perhaps they are also the most controversial. Even Planck, in many regards a loyal disciple of Clausius, admitted that the entropy of the universe is an undened concept (Planck 1897, 135). For example, in order to dene the entropy difference between two states of a system we need the integral (14). But if that system is the universe, it is unclear where the heat absorbed by the system might come from. Van der Waals and Kohnstamm (1927) even argued that the universe cannot be the subject of scientic study . Ironically, Clausius could have avoided this objection if he had not restricted himself to the universe but generalised his formulation to an arbitrary adiabatically isolated system (but at least beginning and ending in equilibrium). A more important objection, it seems to me, is that Clausius bases his conclusion that the entropy increases in a nicht umkehrbar process on the assumption that such a process can be closed by an umkehrbar process to become a cycle. This is essential for the denition of the entropy difference between the initial and nal states. But the assumption is far from obvious for a system more complex than an ideal gas, or for states far from equilibrium, or for processes other than the simple exchange of heat and work. Thus, the generalisation to all transformations occurring in Nature is somewhat rash. Another problem is what T refers to in an nicht umkehrbar process. As noted above, in the integral (9) this temperature refers to the environment of the system (the reservoirs with which it is in contact). In an umkehrbar process the temperature of system and environment must be the same, and one is allowed to consider T as referring to the system itself. But for arbitrary processes we cannot take this step. Moreover, Clausius applies the integral to an adiabatically isolated system, i.e. one which does not interact with any reservoir. Thus the T in the left-hand side of inequality (15) is not properly dened. This paradox is somewhat mitigated by the fact that since d Q = 0, the value of T does not matter anyway. On many occasions Clausius was criticised by his contemporaries. I do not know if, in his own time, he was criticised in particular for his famous formulation of the
One can express the fundamental laws of the universe that correspond to the two main laws of thermodynamics in the following simple form: 1. The energy of the universe is constant. 2. The entropy of the universe tends to a maximum.


second law as the increase of the entropy of the universe.39 However, Kuhn (1978, pp. 13-15, p. 260) has pointed out the remarkable fact that in the book (Clausius 1876) he eventually composed from his collected articles, every reference to the entropy of the universe and even to the idea that entropy never decreases in irreversible processes in adiabatically isolated systems is deleted! The most general formulation given to the second law in this book, which may be regarded as the mature presentation of Clausius ideas, is again the relation (10), where the system is supposed to undergo a cycle, and entropy increase is out of the question.40 We must conclude that in the work of Clausius and Kelvin the connection between the second law and irreversibility is extremely fragile. Kelvin claimed that the irreversibility of all processes in nature is a necessary consequence of his principle, but gave not a shred of argumentation for this claim. His later versions of the second law were even completely disconnected from the arrow of time. Clausius does give argumentation, but it is so untransparent and dependent on implicit assumptions that his famous general conclusion (all processes in nature proceed in the positive direction, i.e. the direction of entropy increase) cannot be considered as established. Further, we have noted that Clausius employs a denition of umkehrbar that largely coincides with quasistatic. This concept is very different from Kelvins conOne can nd some indications for this. Planck notes in his Wissenschaftliche Selbstbiographie (Planck 1948) that prominent German physicists in the 1880s rejected the application of the second law to irreversible processes. The book by Bertrand (1887) is also skeptical about the validity of the second law e e for irreversible (cyclic) processes: Je serai tr s bref sur les cycles irreversibles; les d monstrations et les enonc s m mes de leur propriet s me paraisent jusquici manquer de rigueur et de precision. (I will e e e be brief about irreversible cycles. It appears to me that the demonstrations, and even the descriptions of their properties lack rigour and precision. He discusses two favorable examples for the statement that Lentropie de lunivers tend vers un maximum, but concludes: Les examples [. . . ] nautorisent pas a regarder le th or` me general comme d montr . Il faudrai commencer par pr ciser l nonc , et, dans e e e e e e e beaucoup de cas, cela parat fort difcile. (Examples do not warrant regarding the general theorem as proved. One should start by making the statement more precise, and in many cases, that appears to be very difcult. There are also more general complaints about the writings of Clausius. Mach writes: Die Darstel lung von Clausius hat immer einen Zug von Feierlichkeit und Zuruckhaltung. Man weiss oft nicht ob Clausius mehr bemuht ist etwas mitzutheilen oder etwas zu verschweigen (Mach 4th edition, 1923). (The presentation by Clausius always has a touch of ceremoniousness and reservation. One often does not know whether Clausius is concerned more with communicating something or with concealing something.) Maxwell too had difculty swallowing the work of Clausius: My invincible ignorance of certain modes of thought has caused Clausius to disagree with me (in the digestive sense) so that I failed to boil him down and he does not occupy the place in my book on heat to which his other virtues entitle him ((Garber e.a 1995, p. 222)). 40 That is, of course, for the system itself. For the heat reservoirs this may be different. But since Clausius argument has the purpose of establishing the existence of the property to be called the entropy of the system, we cannot suppose without further ado that the reservoirs already possess entropies or even thermodynamical states.


cept of irreversibility (i.e the irrecoverability of the initial state). The question then arises whether the (Un)umkehrbarheit of processes (in the sense of Clausius) has anything at all to do the arrow of time. The deceptive nomenclature may make this seem self-evident. But Clausius also explicitly draws such a connection: in the quotation on p. 34 he claims that every umkehrbar process can be performed in the reversed direction, but a nicht umkehrbar process cannot, at least not under inuence of the same forces. An example to the contrary was given by Sommerfeld (1952, p. 17). Consider a charged condensor which is short-circuited by a resistance submersed in a heat reservoir. When the resistance is very large the discharge will take place by an arbitrarily small current, and negligible disturbance of electrostatic equilibrium. Thus, such a process is umkehrbar in the sense of Clausius. The reverse process, however, is not allowed by the second law. An example from relativistic mechanics shows that the converse is also conceivable: an unumkehrbar process of which the reversal is allowed by the theory. In order to bring a rod into motion it must be accelerated. In general this will bring about internal stress in the rod, depending on its constitution, the point where the force is applied, etc. In order to determine the relativistic length contraction, one considers a change of velocity performed so slowly that at every moment the force remains negligible, so that the rod remains almost in internal equilibrium. This is analogous to Clausius criterion for an umkehrbar change of state. Further, the time reverse of this transformation (the Lorentz transformation) is again a Lorentz transformation. Now consider the analogue of what Clausius called an irreversible change: the measuring rod is suddenly put in motion, causing internal deformations and shock waves in the rod. The length of this rod is not described by the Lorentz transformation. Still, the time reversal of this process, i.e. a sudden deceleration, is also dynamically possible, even under the inuence of the same external forces. Clearly the claim that umkehrbar processes can be reversed, but nicht umkehrbar not, is not a tautological truth. At the same time it is undeniable that the idea of grounding the irreversibility of processes in a law of nature is very suggestive and attractive. Even if for Kelvin and Clausius the idea may have been nothing more than a short irtation, many later authors, starting with Boltzmann (1872) and Gibbs (1875), have built upon Clausius famous formulation of the second law as the tendency of the universe towards an entropy maximum. In particular Planck propagated the view that the essence of the second law lies in the principle of the increase of entropy.


An example of the confusion that entered thermodynamics as a result of the confusing terminology is provided by the fate of a criticism by Rankine (1852). Rankine denied the validity of Kelvins dissipation doctrine, in particular the claim that heat radiation is an example of an irrecoverable process. His argument was straightforward. Imagine that mirrors are placed on a huge sphere around the sun, that would reect the solar radiation billions of years after its emission. The radiation would reconcentrate and reheat the sun to its original temperature, even after it had become cold and extinct, and thus undo the apparently irreversible dissipation. A response to this objection came from Clausius (1864b). Since the dissipation principle was seen as a necessary consequence of the second law, Clausius understood the objection as an attack on his own work. Clausius believed that Rankine wanted to propose a construction in which a body which absorbs radiation could be made hotter than the bodies emitting the radiation. This, of course, would be in conict with Clausius claim about the natural behaviour of heat ow and lead to a perpetuum mobile of the second kind. He argued that such a construction is impossible. But clearly Clausius had not understood Rankine. The latter was concerned with a recovery of the original state, not a perpetuum mobile of the second kind. That is, his intension was to make a radiating body just as hot as it originally was, by refocussing its own radiation. Clearly, Kelvins dissipation principle and the second law in the form of a perpetuum mobile principle are not equivalent: the supposition that the processes mentioned by Kelvin as examples of dissipation are in fact reversible does not entail the possibility of a perpetuum mobile of the second kind.


If someone can be said to have codied the second law, and given it its denitive classical formulation, that someone is Max Planck. His Vorlesungen uber Thermody namik went through eleven successive editions between 1897 and 1966 and represent the authoritative exposition of thermodynamics par excellence for the rst half of this century.41 It is no exaggeration to claim that all later writers on the topic have been inuenced by this book. Planck puts the second law, the concepts of entropy and
41 But even the Vorlesungen have not received unanimous acclaim. Truesdell (1968, p. 328) describes the work as gloomy murk, Khinchin (1949, p. 142) calls it an aggregate of logical and mathematical errors superimposed on a general confusion in the denition of the basic quantities. Still, apart from a review by Orr (1904) of the rst English translation, I do not know of any attempt to analyse the arguments in this book in some detail.


irreversibility at the very centre of thermodynamics. For him, the second law says that for all processes taking place in nature the total entropy of all systems involved increases, or, in a limiting case, remains constant. In the rst case these processes are irreversible, in the second case reversible. Increase of entropy is therefore a necessary and sufcient criterion for irreversibility. Before Plancks work there were also alternative views. We have seen that Kelvin attributed irreversibility to processes involving special forms of energy conversion. This view on irreversibility, which focuses on the dissipation or degradation of energy instead of an increase in entropy was still in use at the beginning of the century; see e.g. Bryan (1904). Plancks work extinguished these views, by pointing out that mixing processes are irreversible even though there is no energy being converted or degraded. Because of the enormous historical inuence of Plancks formulation of the second law I will attempt to analyse his arguments. However, this is not a simple task. The eleven editions of the Vorlesungen show considerable differences, in particular in the addition of footnotes. Also, the last English translation (Planck 1945) (of the seventh German edition of 1922) contains some unfortunate errors. Moreover, from the eighth edition onwards, Planck replaced his argument with a completely different one. Below, I will analyse the argument up to the seventh edition, because this is presumably the most widely known today. In section 10.1, I will consider Plancks later revision of the argument. Let us rst distinguish the meaning of two concepts that Planck uses. 7.1 P LANCK S CONCEPT OF Umkehrbarheit

We have already noted that the concept of a reversible process was used by Clausius and Kelvin with very different meanings. In Plancks work we encounter a passage which is quite similar to Clausius (1862), cited above on page 34:
Von besonderer theoretische Wichtigkeit sind diejenigen thermodynamischen Prozesse, welche, wie man sagt, unendlich langsam verlaufen, und daher aus lauter Gleichgewichtszust nden bestehen. Wortlich genommen ist zwar diea a se Ausdrucksweise undeutlich, da ein Proze notwendig Ver nderungen, also Storungen des Gleichgewichts zur Voraussetzung hat. Aber man kann diese Storungen, wenn es nicht auf die Schnelligkeit, sondern nur auf das Resultat der Ver nderungen ankommt, so klein nehmen wie man irgend will, namenta lich auch beliebig klein gegen die ubrigen Groen, welche im Zustand des betrachteten Systems eine Rolle spielen. [. . . ] Die hohe Bedeutung dieser Betrach-


tungsweise besteht darin, da man jeden unendlich langsamen Proze auch in a entgegengesetzer Richtung ausgefuhrt denken kann. Besteht n mlich ein Proze bis auf minimale Abweichungen aus lauter Gleichgewichtszust nden, so genugt a offenbar immer eine ebenso minimal passend angebrachte Anderung, um ihn in entgegengesetzter Richtung ablaufen zu lassen, und diese minimale Anderung kann durch einen Grenzubergang ebenso ganz zum verschwinden gebracht wer42 den. (7173)

Obviously, Plancks disturbance of equilibrium is intended to mean the same thing as Clausius inequality of forces. In fact, Planck immediately proceeds to call his innitely slow processes umkehrbar, just as Clausius had done before. Indeed, this name turns out to be his favourite and he uses the term innitely slow only rarely. On a closer reading there is a distinction between the passages from Clausius and Planck. Consider a container lled with gas and closed by a piston so tight that when it moves it experiences friction with the walls of the container. When we compress the gas extremely slowly, the force on the piston must be large enough to overcome this friction; but reversal of the process is not physically possible under the same force, because friction always opposes the motion. Such processes are not umkehrbar according to Clausius, even if they are performed innitely slowly, in contrast to the criterion of Planck (and Carnot). However, one may wonder whether this distinction was intended by Planck. His claim that innitely slow processes can also be performed in the opposite direction with some suitable minimal adaptions, which can be as small as we wish, suggests that the example just mentioned would not qualify as innitely slow or umkehrbar. Another difcult issue is how to judge when deviations of equilibrium are small. How to compare e.g. a small variation in the temperature of the whole system with a larger temperature variation in a small part? It is obvious that there are many ways to quantify the disturbance of equilibrium, and we cannot speak of a well-dened
Of particular theoretical importance are those thermodynamical processes which, as one says, proceed innitely slowly, and which, therefore, consist purely of equilibrium states. Strictly speaking, this terminology is unclear, because a process presupposes changes, i.e. disturbances of equilibrium. But when only the result of the changes matters, and not their speed, one can make these disturbances as small as one wishes, namely, arbitrarily small compared with the other quantities which play a role in the state of the considered system. [. . . ] The high signicance of this viewpoint is that one can think of every innitely slow process as being carried out in the opposite direction. Indeed, if a process consists purely of equilibrium states, then, obviously, a minimal change, appropriately applied, will sufce to make it proceed in the opposite direction, and this minimal change can also be made to vanish by a limiting procedure.


limit by making the disturbances smaller and smaller.43 7.2 P LANCK S CONCEPT OF REVERSIBILITY

Planck also denes the term reversibel.

Ein Proze der auf keine einzige Weise vollst ndig ruckg ngig gemacht werden a a kann, heit irreversibel, alle andere Prozesse reversibel. Damit ein Proze irreversibel ist, genugt es nicht, da er sich nicht von selbst umkehrt, das ist auch bei vielen mechanische Prozessen der Fall, die nicht irreversibel sind sondern es wird erfordert da es selbst mit Anwendung alle in der Natur vorhandenen Reagentien kein Mittel gibt, um, wenn der Proze abgelaufen ist, allenthalben genau den Anfangszustand wiederherzustellen, d.h. die gesamte Natur in den Zustand zuruckzubringen, die sie am Anfang des Prozesses besa.44 (112)

Reversibel denotes of possibility of undoing processes. It deals with the recoverability of the initial state, and is obviously closer to Kelvins (1852) reversibility than to Clausius Umkehrbarheit. The unfortunate fact that the English translation of Plancks work (but also that of Clausius (1862)) uses reversible in both cases surely bears part of the blame for the widespread confusion in the meaning of this term. The English reader of Planck is faced with a curious text which apparently ventures to dene a term in 112 that has already been used on many previous occasions, but in a different meaning. In order to keep the distinction between these two concepts, as well as with previous notions of irreversibility, I will in the sequel denote Plancks concept of reversibility by his own phrase reversibel, and, for ease, treat it and its conjuncts as if it were an English word. (Thus I will also write (ir)reversibelity, etc.) Three remarks are in order. In the rst place, Planck speaks about a complete recovery of the initial situation in die gesamte Natur. This does not merely refer to the initial state of the system. He emphasizes:
For example, consider a container, half of which contains gas, the other half being vacuum and partitioned by a large number n of parallel membranes into tiny empty volumes. If one ruptures the membranes, one by one, one can let the gas expand in n steps, until it lls the entire container. If we take n very large, so that at each rupture the gas expands over a tiny volume, and wait between ruptures until the gas attains equilibrium, there is a sense in which the disturbance from equilibrium is small at each step. Still it would be undesirable to allow this as an innitely slow process; see e.g. Callen (1960, p. 99). 44 A process which can in no way be completely undone is called irreversible, all other processes reversible. In order for a process to be irreversible, it is not sufcient that it does not reverse by it self, this is also the case for many mechanical processes, which are not irreversible rather, it is demanded that, once the process has taken place, there is no means, even by applying all the agencies available in Nature, of restoring exactly the complete initial state, i.e. to return the totality of Nature to the state which it had at the start of the process.


Die in dem Worte vollst ndig ausgesprochene Bedingung soll nur die a sein da schlielich uberall wieder genau die bekannte Anfangszustand [. . . ] hergestellt ist wozu auch notwendig gehort da alle etwa benutzten Materialien und Apparate am Schlu sich wieder in demselben Zustand benden wie am Anfang, als man sie in Benutzung nahm.45 (109) Obviously it is no mean feat to restore the initial state everywhere in the totality of Nature. Suppose we perform some process on a thermodynamical system. In the meantime, the Earth rotates, an atom on Sirius emits a photon, etc. Do we have to be able to undo all of this, before we can say that the process is reversibel? In that case Plancks completeness condition would become grotesque. It appears reasonable to assume that the recovery is complete when we restrict the gesamte Natur to all bodies that have interacted with the system in the original process. That is to say, I will understand the clause mentioned by Planck (after wozu auch notwendig gehort in the above explanation of the completeness condition as not only necessary but also sufcient. Secondly, Planck emphasises that the way in which the initial state is restored may be chosen freely; i.e. it is not necessary that the system retraces every stage of the original process in reverse order. Any procedure whatsoever that restores the initial state will do. He says: Was dabei an technischen Hilfsmitteln, Maschinen mechanischer, thermischer, elektrischer Art verwendet wird, ist ganz gleichgultig46 (109). On many occasions (Planck 1905a, Planck 1948), he emphasised the importance of this aspect of his concept of irreversibelity. It implies that the statement that a particular thermodynamical process is irreversibel has consequences, not only for thermodynamical processes, but for all types of interactions occurring in nature, including even those not yet discovered. In this respect too the concept reversibel differs from umkehrbar! In the third place, it should be noted that for Plancks criterion of reversibelity it is necessary that recovery can be obtained with in der Natur vorhandenen Reagentien. That we might conceive of a recovery process as in a thought experiment, (i.e. a process allowed by the theory in some possible world) is not good enough for Planck.
The condition expressed in the word completely will be only this: that eventually the given initial state [. . . ] is restored everywhere, and this includes necessarily that all materials and apparatuses employed are returned to the same state as they occupied initially, before they were used. 46 Whatever technical resources, apparatuses of a mechanical, thermal, electrical nature are used here is completely indifferent.


An example (given by Planck himself) of a reversibel process is the motion of a harmonic oscillator. This system returns after every period to its initial state without demanding any change occurring anywhere else in nature. The motion is therefore reversibel; it is not innitely slow, because the deviation from equilibrium (rest) is not negligible.47 As another example, consider a non-periodic mechanical process, say a free particle in uniform motion through empty space. To bring it back to a previous state, we must interfere with it, e.g. by means of a collision with another body. This will return the particle to its original position. Then we must also reverse its velocity, e.g. by a collision with a third body, to obtain the original mechanical state. But is this a complete restoration? The answer is not so obvious. The body has gone through at least two collisions, and thus exchanged momentum with two other bodies in its environment. In order to realize complete restoration, this exchange must be undone. One can do this, e.g., by arranging a rigid connection between these two auxiliary bodies, e.g. they are walls of a rigid box, so that the total momentum exchange vanishes. Then, the particle simply bounces to and fro periodically, and we have complete reversibelity. Planck claims that all mechanical processes are, in fact, reversibel. But it is not clear to me whether they always comply with Plancks condition of complete recoverability, especially if one demands that restoration should be achieved by in der Natur vorhandenen Reagentien. It would not seem far-fetched to me, if one argues that, by Plancks criterion, the motion of the solar system is irreversibel. These subtle aspects of Plancks concept of reversibelity have not always been noticed. The unfaithful English translation (although sanctioned by the author) surely contributed to the proliferation of confusion. It is no surprise, therefore, to nd Planck at the end of his life complaining about confusion on the true meaning of reversibelity:
der Fehler, [. . . ] den ich mein ganzes Leben hindurch unermudlich bek mpft a habe, ist, wie es scheint nicht auszurotten. Denn bis auf den heutigen Tag begegne a ich statt der obigen Denition der Irreversibilit t der folgenden: Irreversibel ist ein Proze, der nicht in umgekehrter Richtung verlaufen kann. Das ist nicht ausreichend. Denn von vornherein ist es sehr wohl denkbar, da ein Proze, der nicht in umgekehrte Richtung verlaufen kann, auf irgendeine Weise sich
47 The harmonic oscillator can be realised as a thermodynamic system e.g. as a cylinder containing two ideal gases separated by an adiathermal frictionless piston.


a a vollst ndig ruckg ngig machen l t.48 (Planck 1948, p. 10) a



In part 3 of his book, Planck sets the aim of demonstrating that the second law in the form of the principle of increase of entropy follows from Kelvins principle. At this stage he has already announced that this proof bei dem heutigen Stande der Forschung nicht leicht sorgf ltig genug gefuhrt werden kann, da theils seine Allgea meingultigheit noch mehrfach bestritten, theils seine Bedeutung, auch von seinen Anh ngern, noch recht verschieden beurtheilt wird.49 (55). a This task is nally taken up in 106136. For clarity, I have organized the argument into a number of Lemmas. Consider n moles of ideal gas in a state of equilibrium, characterized by the temperature T and volume V. Planck denes the entropy of the gas straight away as a function of these equilibrium states: S(V, T) := n(cV log T + R log V + K) (17)

where R is the gas constant and cV is the specic heat capacity at constant volume. The choice of the constant K is arbitrary, as long as it does not depend on V and T.50 Planck shows Lemma 1 In every adiabatic umkehrbar process performed on an ideal gas its entropy S remains constant. Such a process can be approximated by a succession of equilibrium states, and thus be represented as a curve in state space (i.e. (T, V)-diagram). For each innitesimal element of such a curve one can write d Q = pdV + dU = 0. For an ideal gas one has, by denition, pV = nRT and U = ncV T. Substitution gives: d Q = n(RT dV + cV dT) = V TdS = 0, which proves the lemma. Next, Planck considers a system consisting of N ideal gases in separate containers. Its state is characterised by the 2N variables: s = (V1 , T1 , . . . , VN TN ). The total
the error which I have battled against my entire life with tiring appears to be inextinguishable. Untill this very day I meet, in stead of the above denition of irreversibility the following: An irreversible process is one which cannot proceed in the reverse order. This is insufcient. Indeed, it is very well conceivable that a process which cannot proceed in the reverse direction can be fully undone in some other way. 49 cannot easily be demonstrated carefully enough, at the present stage of research, partly because its general validity is sometimes denied and partly because even its adherents interpret its meaning very differently. 50 However, K may depend on n and the units used for V and T.


entropy of such a system is dened as Stot (s) := ni (cVi log Ti + R log Vi + Ki ).



Planck shows (121 123) Lemma 2 In every adiabatic umkehrbar process performed on a system consisting of N ideal gases, which are connected by diathermal walls and remain in thermal equilibrium, the total entropy Stot remains constant. This lemma is proven as follows: when the gases are connected by diathermal walls, the condition of thermal equilibrium implies that their temperatures are equal at each stage of the process: Ti = Tj =: T. In an adiabatic process the gases can exchange heat only with each other. If the amount of heat absorbed by gas i is d Qi , one has T dSi = d Qi = 0,
i i

which implies that Stot is constant. Combining the previous Lemmas, he then argues for Lemma 3 Every pair of states s, s of a system consisting of N ideal gases in which the total entropy is the same can be transformed into each other by means of an adiabatic umkehrbar process. Proof: let s = (V1 , T1, . . . , VN , TN ) and s = (V1 , T1 . . . VN , TN ) be two arbitrary states such that Stot (s) = Stot (s ). We rst assume that each gas is adiabatically isolated from the others. By umkehrbar expansion or compression, we can change the volumes V1 , . . . , VN to any desired set of values. Since the entropies Si remain constant in such an expansion or compression, the temperatures change and can also be made to attain any desired set of (positive) values. In particular, we can perform a series of adiabatic umkehrbar expansions or compressions until all the temperatures are equal. Next, one introduces a diathermal connection between the gases, while the whole system remains adiabatically isolated. Continuing with umkehrbar changes of volume, the gases will now exchange heat and entropy, while, according to lemma 2 the total entropy remains constant. Perform such changes of volume until the entropies Si have attained the values Si = S(Vi , Ti ). At that point, one removes the diathermal contacts, so that each gas becomes adiabatically isolated as before. Finally we change the volumes again (adiabatically and umkehrbar) until they attain the values 49

Vi . Since the entropies Si are conserved in this stage too (according to lemma 1), both the volumes and the entropies of all gases are the same as in the state s . But then this holds for their temperatures too, and the nal state is identical to s . Thus we have constructed a series of adiabatic umkehrbar processes starting from s and resulting in s. Up till here the development of the argument has been straightforward. The only point worth mentioning is that the argument is constructive and relies on the availability of umkehrbar adiabatic processes by which the volume or the temperature can be made to attain any value desired. For the ideal gas this assumption is of course unproblematic, but for more general uids it is not. But now Planck argues (122, 123:) Lemma 4 All processes considered in Lemmas 1, 2 and 3 are reversibel. It is here that Plancks concept of reversibelity enters into the argument. It is also here that the argument becomes liable to confusion and misunderstanding. Plancks argument for this Lemma is exceedingly brief. Considering the processes of Lemma 2 (with N = 2) he writes:
Ein jeder derartiger mit den beiden Gasen ausgefuhrter Proze ist offenbar in allen Theilen reversibel, da er direkt in umgekehrter Richting ausgefuhrt werden kann, ohne in anderen Korpern irchendwelche Ver nderungen zu hinterlassen.51 a (122)

The claim that such processes are directly and in all parts reversibel obviously relies on the claim that every innitely slow process can be performed in the opposite direction after some minimal suitable adaptions. But in order to qualify the process as reversibel, one needs a complete restoration of the initial state of the system as well as its environment. Plancks claim that the considered processes do not leave any changes in other bodies is somewhat rash, because the argument up till now did not pay any attention to the environment of the system. Perhaps worries about the environment of the system are most easily expressed by formally assigning a state to the environment. We can then denote the complete situation with a pair of states and represent a process by a transformation (change of state) P (19) s, Z s , Z ,
Every process of this kind performed on the two gases is obviously in all parts reversibel, because it can be performed directly in the opposite direction without leaving any changes in other bodies.


where s is the thermodynamical state of the system, and Z the formal state of the (relevant part of) the environment. A process P is then reversibel just in case there exists a process P which produces the transformation: s , Z s, Z .


Apparently, Planck assumed that the processes considered in the previous Lemmas simply do not require any changes outside of the system.52 That is, one can put Z = Z in (19) and (20). In that case, Lemma 4 would be an immediate consequence of the symmetry of Lemma 3 under the interchange of s and s . However, the assumption is false. The point is, of course, that an adiabatic umkehrbar change of volume involves work, and therefore an exchange of energy with the environment. Something or somebody has exchanged mechanical energy with the system and in order to call the process reversibel there must be a restoration process which returns that energy to its previous owner. According to Orr (1904), it was Ogg, the translator of the rst edition into English, who pointed this objection out to Planck. In response, Planck included a couple of footnotes in the second edition in which the matter is discussed further. Appended a to the phrase ohne in anderen Korpern irchendwelche Ver nderungen zu hinterlassen53 of 122 quoted above, he adds the footnote:
Hier ist das Wort in zu beachten. Lagen nderungen starrer Korper (z.B. Hebung a oder Senkung von Gewichten) sind keine inneren Anderungen; wohl aber der Temperatur und der Dichte.54 (Planck 1905b, p. 89)

and when the phrase reappears one page later in the same paragraph we read the footnote:
Denn die Leistung der erforderlichen mechanischen Arbeiten kann durch Heben a oder Senkung von unver nderlichen Gewichten erfolgen, bedingt also keine innere Ver nderung.55 a

(In later editions the exact phrasing of these footnotes is altered, but their essential content remains the same.) Clearly then, Plancks strategy for avoiding the problem
52 It is clearly Plancks intention to consider such interventions as the establishing or breaking of a diathermal connection as operations requiring no or negligible effects on the environment. 53 without leaving any changes in other bodies 54 Here the word in must be emphasised. Changes of place of rigid bodies (e.g. the raising or lowering of weights) are not internal changes; in contrast to changes of temperature or density. 55 5 Since the mechanical work needed here can be obtained by the raising or lowering of inalterable weights, this does not presuppose any internal changes.


is to assume that any exchange of work is done by means of weights, and that lifting or lowering weights is not a relevant change in the environment because it is not internal. I want to make three remarks about this manoeuvre. First, it does not completely save Lemma 4, because the assumption is obviously special. One can also obtain work by means of an electrical battery, by a combustion engine, by muscle, etc. In all these cases the reversibelity of the process is at least doubtful. Thus, the claim that every adiabatic umkehrbar process in a system of ideal gases is reversibel is not proven. Secondly, coupling a thermodynamical system to a weight obviously requires the presence of a gravitational eld. This is often regarded as undesirable in thermodynamics.56 For this reason, Giles (1964) proposed to replace the weight by a ywheel, as an alternative mechanical work reservoir. Of course, one may wonder whether a change of angular velocity of a ywheel would be considered by Planck as an internal change or not. But the most important remark is that the way out of the objection chosen by Planck seems completely at odds with what he had written before. Just a few pages earlier, in his explanation of the completeness requirement in his concept of reversibelity, Planck had explicitly discussed a process where work is done on a system by means of descending weights and heat is exchanged with a reservoir. To call that process reversibel, we need to achieve the following conditions:
a a so mute, damit der Proze vollst ndig ruckg ngig wird, dem Reservoir die empfangene W rme wieder entzogen und ferner das Gewicht auf seine ursprungliche a H he gebracht werden, ohne da anderweitige Ver nderungen zuruckbleiben57 o a ( 110, emphasis added).

If we now decide that lowering or raising of a weight is not really a relevant change of state at all, it seems puzzling, to say the least, why one should insist that it is undone in a recovery process. This leaves two options. Either one understands Plancks footnotes as intending that any discussion of changes of bodies in the environment, including the explanation of the concept of reversibelity, is to be understood as restricted to internal
An obvious problem is that an ideal gas in a gravitational eld is no longer homogeneous with respect to pressure and density, and therefore, strictly speaking, not a uid. Some thermodynamicists even argue that the notion of adiabatic isolation is applicable only when gravity is excluded (Pippard 1966, p. 5). 57 in order for the process to become completely undone, the reservoir should give back the heat it received and the weight should be returned to its original heigth.


changes This would mean that one no longer requires the restoration of work done on or by the system. This interpretation of Plancks intention was adopted by Orr, who accused Planck of effectively using a different denition than the one he had stated:
It appears, then, that the enunciation of the propositions should be amended by changing the phrase without leaving changes in other bodies into without interchanging heat with other bodies, and that there should be a corresponding change in the denition of reversibility. The denition which is used by Planck appears in fact to be this, that a process is reversible (reversibel) if it is possible to pass the system back from the nal state to the initial state without interchanging heat with external bodies (Orr, 1904, p. 511).

However, Plancks reply (1905a) makes clear that he rejected this reading of his work. The other option is that one sticks to Plancks original denition of reversibelity, but allows for an exception in the formulation of the Lemmas, whenever the phrase ohne zuruckbleibende Anderungen in anderen Korpern or similar words appear. I will choose this second option, but for clarity, will insert the exception explicitly in the formulation. Instead of without leaving changes in other bodies I will speak of processes which leave no changes in other bodies except the possible displacement of a weight. In order to bring this out in the notation, I will add the height of the weight to the total state. Thus the state of the environment is from now on specied by the pair Z, h . A process P can then be represented as a transition s, Z, h s , Z , h , and P is reversibel just in case there is another process P such that: s , Z , h s, Z, h . Thus I read Planck as establishing the lemma: Lemma 4 All processes considered in Lemma 1, 2 and 3 which do not leave any changes in other bodies except the displacement of a weight are reversibel. This lemma follows from the assumption that these processes do not leave any changes 53



in other bodies except the displacement of a weight, i.e. they are of the form s, Z, h s , Z, h , and, as shown by Lemma 1 and 2, they obey S(s) = S(s ). The existence of a restoration process P with s , Z, h s, Z, h is now no longer trivial on grounds of the symmetry of the premise in lemma 3. (This only entails the existence of a process with s, Z, h as nal state.) But the proposition is still true due to the conservation of energy. That is, every process which restores the original energy to the system must also bring back the weight to its previous position. Note however, that it is crucial here that the energy is delivered by a single weight. When two or more weights are employed, or more generally, if their are more mechanical degrees of freedom in the environment than conservation laws, this argument fails. Planck concludes this stage of his argument with: Lemma 5 Every pair of states of a system consisting of N ideal gases in which the total entropy is the same can be transformed into each other by a reversibel process, without leaving any change in the environment, except the displacement of a weight. This conclusion follows by application of Lemma 3. Indeed, that Lemma showed that every two states of equal entropy can be transformed into each other by means of a umkehrbar adiabatic process. When this process is assumed to be of the form (23), Lemma 4 shows it is reversibel. Planck now (118 and 124) appeals to Kelvins principle for the next step in the argument: Lemma 6 Adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas without performance of work is an irreversibel process. Adiabatic expansion without performance of work is a process in which T is constant and V increases. One can think of a gas expanding into a vacuum after a partition



has been removed in a two-chamber container. The process proceeds without requiring any change in the environment. The lemma is arrived at by a reductio ad absurdum. Suppose the process were reversibel. Then there is a process in which the expanded gas is driven back into its initial volume, which similarly proceeds without producing any changes in the environment. Planck argues that by means of this process one could construct a perpetuum mobile of the second kind. Let us represent the adiabatic expansion process without performance of work by si , Z, h s f , Z, h where si = (T0 , V0 ), s f = (T0 , V1 ) and V1 > V0 , and we have assumed that Zi , hi = Z f , h f = Z, h , i.e. the expansion occurs without any changes in the environment. Let the hypothesis be that this process is reversibel. Then there is another process P which produces the transition: s f , Z, h si , Z, h . The combination of these two gives rise to a cycle: si , Z, h s f , Z, h si , Z, h which establishes complete recovery. But this, of course, is not yet a perpetuum mobile. Plancks argument is therefore more subtle. He assumes that the same hypothet ical recovery process (24) can also be combined with another process, P in which the gas expands isothermally with performance of work and simultaneous heat transfer. This is a process in another environment, in which the gas is not adiabatically isolated but rather in thermal contact with a heat reservoir. Let the transition in this process be: P (25) si , Zi , hi s f , Z f , h f . The nal state of the environment Z f , h f differs from Zi , hi because the system has absorbed heat from a heat reservoir and has done work by raising the weight. In order to combine the process (25) with the hypothetical process (24) into a cycle, the nal state of process (25) must be equal to the initial state of (24). We should therefore assume that Z f = Z and h f = h. In that case, performing the processes (25) and (24)



one after another yields si , Zi , hi s f , Z f , h f = s f , Z, h si , Z, h f = si , Z f , h f and we have indeed constructed a perpetuum mobile of the second kind: the system undergoes a cycle and the only effect on the environment is conversion of heat into work. Thus, we see that a crucial assumption in the argument is that states of the system and environment can be chosen independently. Planck argues next (126) that: Lemma 7 Every process in a system of gases in which entropy increases and which does not leave any changes in the environment other than the displacement of a weight is irreversibel. In other words, there is no process in which the entropy of a system of ideal gases is decreased without leaving any changes in the environment other than the displacement of a weight. The argument again proceeds by a reductio ad absurdum. Suppose there were two states s and s of the system which could be joined by a process obeying the mentioned conditions. Thus, suppose there exists a process s, Z, h s , Z, h

with S(s ) < S(s).

Let now s be a third state of the system which differs from s only in the sense that one single gas has a smaller volume, and which has the same total entropy as s . That is, if the state s of the system is: s = (V1 , T1 , V2 , T2 , , . . . , VN , TN ), the state s has the form, say, s = (V1 , T1 , V2 , V2 . . . , VN , TN ), where V1 = V1 exp Stot (s )Stot (s))/(n1 R) , so that Stot (s ) = Stot (s). According to Lemma 3, there is an adiabatic umkehrbar process which connects s and s : s , Z, h s , Z, h . 56

Performing P and Q in succession yields a process s, Z, h s , Z, h in which the only changes are that a single ideal gas has reduced its volume and a weight has been displaced. Since the energy of an ideal gas is independent of its volume, one concludes U(s) = U(s ) so that by energy conservation one has also h = h . This would be a process that brings about the complete recovery of the adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas without performance of work. The impossibility of this process has already been demonstrated by Lemma 6. His conclusion is now that equality of entropy is not only a sufcient but also a necessary condition for the reversibelity of a process if it proceeds without leaving changes in other bodies, except for the possible displacement of a weight. 7.4 T HE SECOND LAW FOR ARBITRARY SYSTEMS

The above argument has still only yielded a formulation of the entropy principle for the ideal gas, whose entropy was introduced by a conventional denition. The question is then of course how to proceed for other systems. Planck considers an arbitrary homogeneous system for which the thermodynamical state is determined by two variables (say temperature and volume). Such a system is often called a uid. By exchange of work and heat, the system can undergo cyclic processes, either reversibelly or irreversibelly. Planck assumes that the heat exchange is obtained by means of ideal gases, which act as heat reservoirs. (He does not consider the exchange of work, but it is probably easiest to assume that it is again obtained by means of an auxiliary weight.) The relevant environment then consists, apart from the weight, only of ideal gases, and this allows us, by means of denition (17) to speak about the entropy of the environment. At the end of the cyclic process the uid has returned to its initial state; but the states of the heat reservoirs have changed: at least one of them has absorbed heat and another one has lost heat. If d Q is the amount of heat absorbed by the system during an innitesimal element of the cycle from the heat reservoir with temperature T one has: I dQ 0 T In particular, if there are only two heat reservoirs involved, heat must have own from the hotter to the colder gas. 57

If the cycle is umkehrbar the special case


dQ =0 T

obtains. This implies that d Q/ T is an exact differential, which we may call dS. We can express this differential in the state variables of the uid. Since the umkehrbar process obeys d Q = dU + pdV, one obtains: dS = (dU + pdV)/ T (26)

The function S(T, V) cannot be written explicitly, if the equation of state for the uid (or rather: the equations expressing U and p as functions of V and T) is unknown. But and this is the main point according to Planck one can still conclude that for arbitrary uids there exists some function S with properties analogous to (17) for the ideal gas, which enable us to repeat the proof of the previous Lemmas.58 He is satised with stating the result: Es ist auf keinerlei Weise moglich die Entropie eines System von Korpern zu verkleinern, ohne da in andere Korpern Aenderungen zuruckbleiben.59 (132) This last clause about other bodies is simply lifted by including these other bodies in the system. The conclusion is then:
T HE E NTROPY P RINCIPLE (P LANCK S VERSION ) Jeder in der Natur stattndende physikalische und chemische Proze verl uft in der Art, da die Summe der Entropieen a s mtlicher an dem Proze irgendwie betheiligten K rper vergr ert wird. Im Grenzfall, a o o fur reversible Prozesse, bleibt jene Summe unge ndert. Dies ist der allgemeinste a a Ausdruck des zweiten Hauptsatzes der W rmetheorie. (132) [. . . Es] ist hier ausdrucklich zu betonen da die hier gegebene Form [des zweiten Hauptsatzes] unter allen die einzige ist, welche sich ohne jede Beschr nkung a fur jeden beliebige endlichen Proze aussprechen l t, und da es daher fur a die Irreversibilit t eines Prozesses kein anderes allgemeines Maass gibt als den a
58 Obviously, to extend the proof of Lemma 3 to an arbitrary uid, one needs to assume that an ample choice of adiabatic umkehrbar processes is available by which one can change its volume from any given value to any other desired value. This is not self-evident. This tacit assumption is brought out explicitly e in the formulation of Carath odory (see section 9). 59 It is in no way possible to decrease the entropy of a system of bodies, without leaving changes in other bodies.


Betrag der eingetretenen Vermehrung der Entropie.60 ( 134)

Shortly thereafter (136) Planck raises the question whether there are any restrictions to the validity of the second law. In principle, he recognises two possible restrictions. Either the starting point of his argument could turn out to be false. That is, a perpetuum mobile of the second kind can be realised after all. Or else, there might be a logical defect in his argumentation. Planck dismisses this last possibility lightheartedly. It erweist sich bei n herer Untersuchung als unstichhaltig.61 On the fora mer option only experience can give the nal answer. But Planck is full of condence. He predicts that future metaphysicians will assign the entropy principle a status even higher than empirical facts, and recognise it as an a priori truth. The quotation from Eddington in section 2 conrms that Planck was right about that. 7.5 E VALUATION

Let us summarise the weak and strong aspects of Plancks argument. A good point is that Planck, by assuming that the heat reservoirs in the environment of the system consist of ideal gases allows for an explicit thermodynamical description of their state. Thus, in contrast to previous approaches, it is now possible to conclude that, at least in this case, if a system performs an unumkehrbar cycle, the entropy of its environment increases. Less good aspects are the following. When he wants to show that one can assign an entropy to arbitrary systems, Planck restricts his discussion to beliebige homo gene Korper von der Art wie wir in 67 ff. betrachtet haben62 (128). The text in 67 makes clear that this refers to uids. In the course of the argument, this reo striction is never mentioned again. He simply refers to these systems as K rper. But uids are not to be confused with the arbitrary bodies mentioned in the re curring phrase about zuruckbleibende Anderungen in anderen Korpern63 . These other bodies in the environment include heat reservoirs, rigid bodies like stirrers and
Every physical or chemical process occurring in nature proceeds in such a way that the sum of the entropies of all bodies which participate in any way in the process is increased. In the limiting case, for reversibel processes, this sum remains unchanged. This is the most general expression of the second law of thermodynamics.. . . [It] must be explicitly emphasised that the formulation [of the second law] given here is the only one of them all which can be stated without any restriction, and that, therefore, there is no other general measure for the irreversibelity of a process than the amount of increase of entropy. 61 It turns out, after closer examination, to be untenable. 62 arbitrary bodies of the kind we considered in 67 and further. 63 remaining changes in other bodies


pistons, weights, and technische Hilfsmittel, Maschinen mechanischer, thermischer, elektrischer Art64 and maybe living creatures. The step of regarding all such bodies in the environment simply as parts of the thermodynamical system, without considering the question how their entropy is to be dened does not appear very plausible: when these bodies are more complex than a uid, or if they are not in equilibrium or if their environment is more complex than a system of ideal gases, their entropy still remains undened.65 Another objection is that Plancks general formulation of the second law states that the law is valid for arbitrary physical and chemical processes. This is surprising. Only one page earlier Planck (rightly) emphasised that the expression (26) for entropy could not be applied to chemical processes: Denn von Anderungen dieser Art [i.e. changes of mass or chemical composition] ist bei der Denition der Entropie nicht die Rede gewesen (131).66 Indeed, the entropy function (17) is dened up to a constant which may depend on the chemical nature of the substance. How this restriction can suddenly be lifted remains unclear.67 In my opinion, Plancks argumentation allows no more general conclusion than the following statement.
For any system consisting of uids which are capable of exchanging work with the environment by means of single mechanical coupling (a weight) and which can be placed at will in a heat bath or in adiabatic isolation: if irreversibel processes take place in the system whose nal result is only a change of volumes and/or temperatures of the system, leaving no changes in auxiliary systems other than the displacement of the weight, its entropy increases. And conversely, if entropy increases during such a process, it is irreversibel.

There is no argument that all natural processes are of this kind. Examples mentioned by Planck such as mechanical friction are already outside this category. Yet, there is another remarkable aspect of Plancks result worth mentioning. His version of the entropy principle is not restricted to adiabatically isolated systems, as
technical devices, apparatuses of mechanical, thermal, electrical nature Planck emphasises that the attribution of entropy is not restricted to systems in equilibrium. But concrete applications of such a non-equilibrium entropy remain restricted to the remark that as long as a system is locally in equilibrium its total entropy can be identied with a sum or integral of local entropies. But this is a meager harvest. For this application one still needs recourse to equilibrium states. For systems far from equilibrium this approach does not work. 66 Because changes of this kind were not considered in the denition of entropy. 67 In the seventh and later editions of the Vorlesungen this problem is avoided by simply dropping the reservation about chemical processes!
65 64


in Clausius version. Instead, it applies to all processes performed by a system which proceed under the condition that all auxiliary systems in the environment which are employed during the process return to their initial state, with the possible exception of a single weight. In one sense, this condition is much more general than the condition of adiabatic isolation, because it allows for heat exchange between the system and its environment. In another sense, it is more restricted, because processes in adiabatic isolation may very well proceed by interaction with auxiliary systems which do not return to their initial state. We shall see in a later section how Lieb and Yngvason adopted Plancks condition to devise a new denition of the term adiabatic Conclusion: the goal of Plancks approach is to take the phenomenon of irreversibility of natural processes as the essential element of the second law. But his claim to have derived a formulation of universal generality cannot withstand scrutiny. Besides, this emphasis on irreversibelity and the universal validity of the second law actually remains sterile in Plancks own work. The nal part of his book, which is devoted to applications of the second law, only discusses equilibrium problems.


The work of Gibbs in thermodynamics (written in the years 1873-1878) is very different from that of his European colleagues. Where Clausius, Kelvin and Planck were primarily concerned with processes, Gibbs concentrates his efforts on a description of equilibrium states. He assumes that these states are completely characterised by a nite number of state variables like temperature, energy, pressure, volume, entropy, chemical potentials etc. He makes no effort to prove the existence or uniqueness of these quantities from empirical principles. Gibbs proposes:
T HE P RINCIPLE OF G IBBS : For the equilibrium of any isolated system it is necessary and sufcient that in all possible variations of the state of the system which do not alter its energy, the variation of its entropy shall either vanish or be negative. (Gibbs 1906, p.56)

He writes this necessary and sufcient condition as: ( S)U 0 Actually, Gibbs did not claim that this statement presents a formulation of the sec61

ond law. But, intuitively speaking, the Gibbs principle, often referred to as principle of maximal entropy, does suggest a strong association with the second law. Gibbs corroborates this suggestion by placing Clausius famous words (Die Entropie der Welt strebt ein Maximum zu) as a slogan above his article. Indeed, many later authors do regard the Gibbs principle as a formulation of the second law. Gibbs claims that his principle can be seen as an inference naturally suggested by the general increase of entropy which accompanies the changes occurring in any isolated material system. He gives a rather obscure argument for this inference.68 But fortunately there is no need for us to fret about the exact meaning of his words, as we did in the case of Planck. His approach has been followed by many later authors, e.g. (Maxwell 1876, van der Waals and Kohnstamm 1927, Callen 1960, Buchdahl 1966). We can follow the lead of these Gibbsians and Truesdell (1986) about how the principle is to be understood. The rst point to note is that in this view the principle of Gibbs is not literally to be seen as a criterion for equilibrium. Indeed, this would make little sense because all states characterisable by the state variables are equilibrium states. Rather, it is to be understood as a criterion for stable equilibrium. Second, the principle is interHis argument that the principle is a sufcient condition for equilibrium contains the following passage: Let us suppose [. . . ] that a system may have the greatest entropy consistent with its energy without being in equilibrium. In such a case, changes in the state of the system must take place, but these will necessarily be such that the energy and entropy will remain unchanged and the system will continue to satisfy the same condition, as initially, of having the greatest entropy consistent with its energy. Let us consider the change which takes place in any time so short that the change may be regarded as uniform in nature throughout that time. [. . . ] Now no change whatever in the state of the system, which does not alter the value of the energy, and which commences with the same state in which the system was supposed at the commencement of the short time considered, will cause an increase in entropy. Hence, it will generally be possible by some slight variation in the circumstances of the case to make all changes in the state of the system like or nearly like that which is supposed to actually occur, and not involving a change of energy, to involve a necessary decrease of entropy, which would render the change impossible. His argument that the condition (or actually the equivalent condition ( U)S 0) is necessary reads: whenever an isolated system remains without change, if there is any innitesimal variation in its state which would diminish its energy [. . . ] without altering the entropy [. . . ] this variation involves changes in the system which are prevented by its passive forces or analogous resistances to change. Now as the described variation in the state of the system diminishes its energy without altering its entropy, it must be regarded as theoretically possible to produce that variation by some process, perhaps a very indirect one, so as to favor the variation in question and equilibrium cannot subsist unless the variation is prevented by passive forces (Gibbs 1906, p. 5961).


preted as a variational principle, analogous to other variational principles known in physics such as the principle of least action, the principle of virtual work, etc. Here, a variation is to be understood as a comparison between two conceivable models or possible worlds (i.e. states or processes). The variations are virtual. That is to say, one should not think of them as (part of) a process that proceeds in the course of time in one particular world. Instead, the variational principle serves to decide which of these possible worlds is physically admissible. In the case of the principle of least action the compared worlds are mechanical processes, and admissible means: obeying the equations of motion. (The circumstance that the worlds are here themselves processes of course immediate blocks the idea that variations could be considered as processes too.) In the principle of virtual work, one considers mechanical states, and admissible means: being in mechanical equilibrium. In the case of Gibbs, similarly, the possible worlds are equilibrium states of a thermodynamical system, and admissible means stable equilibrium. According to this view, the principle of Gibbs tells us when a conceivable equilibrium state is stable. Such a proposition obviously has a modest scope. In the rst place, Gibbs principle is more restricted than previous statements of the second law in the sense that it applies to systems which are isolated (i.e. no energy exchange is allowed) and not merely adiabatically isolated. But more importantly, of course, it contains no information about evolutions in the course of time; and a direction of natural processes, or a tendency towards increasing entropy, cannot be obtained from it.69 To be sure, there is a long tradition in physics of regarding variational principles as expressing a tendency or preference, or even purpose, in Nature; see Yourgrau and Mandelstam (1955). For example, the principle of least action has often been explained as a preference for efciency. But even so it would be a mistake to interpret this as a statement about evolution in the course of time. The principle of least action does not say that mechanical processes tends to loose action during their course. Similarly, the principle of maximal entropy is no basis for the idea that entropy will increase as time goes by. In fact, a description of processes is simply not available in the approach of Gibbs. Indeed, the resulting theory is sometimes called thermostatics (Van der Waals and
Another argument for the same conclusion is that Gibbs proposes another formulation of his principle, which he claims to be equivalent. This is the principle of minimal energy, saying that in every variation which leaves the entropy of the system unaltered, the variation of energy should be positive or vanish: ( U)S 0. Does this express a tendency in Nature towards decrease of energy?


Kohnstamm, 1927). Obviously, there are no implications for the arrow of time in the second law as formulated by Gibbs. Of course this view is not completely coincident with Gibbs own statements. In some passages he clearly thinks of variations not as virtual but as actual processes within a single world, as in the quotation in footnote 68: it must be regarded as generally possible to produce that variation by some process. Some sort of connection between virtual variations and actual processes is of course indispensable if one wants to maintain the idea that this principle has implications for time evolutions. Probably the most elaborate attempt to provide such a connection is the presentation by Callen (1960). Here, it is assumed that, apart from its actual state, a thermodynamic system is characterised by a number of constraints, determined by a macroscopic experimental context. These constraints single out a particular subset C of , consisting of states which are consistent with the constraints. It is postulated that in stable equilibrium, the entropy is maximal over all states allowed by the constraints. A process is then conceived of as being triggered by the cancellation of one or more of these constraints. Examples are the mixing or expansion of gases after the removal of a partition, loosening a previously xed piston, etc. It is assumed that such a process sets in spontaneously, after the removal of a constraint. Now, clearly, the set of possible states is always enlarged by the removal of a constraint. Hence, if we assume that the nal state of this process is again a stable equilibrium state, and thus characterised by a maximum value for the entropy among all states consistent with the remaining constraints, one concludes that every process ends in a state of higher (or at best equal) entropy. I will not attempt to dissect the conceptual problems that this view brings along, except for three remarks. First, the idea of extending the description of a thermodynamical system in such a way that, apart from its state, it is also characterised by a constraint brings many conceptual problems. For if the actual state is s, it is hard to see how the class of other states contained in the same constraint set C is relevant to the system. It seems that on this approach the state of a system does not provide a complete description of its thermodynamical properties. Second, the picture emerging from Callens approach is somewhat anthropomorphic. For example he writes, for the case that there are no constraints, i.e. C = , that the system is free to select any one of a number of states (1960, p. 27). This sounds as if the system is somehow able to probe the set C and chooses its own state from the options allowed by the constraints. Third, the established result that entropy increases in a process from one equilib64

rium state to another, depends rather crucially on the assumption that processes can be successfully modeled as the removal of constraints. But, clearly, this assumption does not apply to all natural processes. For instance, one can also trigger a process by imposing additional constraints. Hence, this approach does not attain the universal validity of the entropy principle, as in Plancks approach.


e Constantin Carath odory was the rst mathematician to work on thermodynamics and to pursue its rigorous formalisation. For this purpose he developed a new version of the second law in 1909. Apparently, he had no revolutionary intentions in doing so. He emphasised that his purpose was merely to elucidate the mathematical structure of the theory, but that the physical content of his version of the second law was intimately related to the formulation by Planck. However, as we shall see, his contribution was not received with a warm welcome, especially not by Planck. Before I consider this in more detail, I want to mention some further merits of Carath odorys work. In the rst place, he is the rst to introduce the concept of e empirical temperature, before the treatment of the rst and second law. The empirical principle he proposed for this purpose was later baptised as the zeroth law of thermodynamics (by Fowler). Also, Carath odorys introduction of the rst law is e superior to the awed version by Planck (cf. footnote 3). Most modern textbooks use his formulation of these two laws, often without mentioning his name. However, I will not discuss these aspects of his work. Carath odory follows Gibbs in the idea that thermodynamics should be cone strued as a theory of equilibrium states rather than (cyclic) processes. A thermodynamical system is described by a space consisting of its possible states, which are represented by n state variables. It is assumed that this state space can be represented as a (subset of an) n-dimensional manifold in which these thermodynamic state variables serve as coordinates. Carath odory assumes that the state space is e equipped with the standard Euclidean topology. However, metrical properties of the space do not play a role in the theory. For example, it makes no sense to ask whether coordinate axes are orthogonal. Further, there is no preference for a particular system of coordinates.70
Some authors (Thomsen and Hartka 1962), (Truesdell 1986, p. 118) raise the objection that Carae th odorys formulation would demand the use of pressure and volume as coordinates for the state of a uid. These are not always suitable. For example, water of about 4o C possesses physically distinct


However the coordinates are not completely arbitrary. Carath odory distinguishes e between thermal coordinates and deformation coordinates. (In typical applications, temperature or energy are thermal coordinates, whereas volumes of the components of the system are deformation coordinates.) The state of a thermodynamic system is specied by both types of coordinates; the shape (Gestalt) of the system by the deformation coordinates alone. Although he does not mention this explicitly, it seems to be assumed that the deformation coordinates remain meaningful in the description of the system when the system is not in equilibrium, whereas the thermal coordinates are generally dened only for equilibrium states. In any case, it is assumed that one can obtain every desired nal shape from every initial state by means of an adiabatic process. The idea is now to develop the theory in such a way that the second law provides a characteristic mathematical structure of state space. The fundamental concept is a relation between pairs (s, t) of states that represents whether t can be reached from s in an adiabatic process.71 This relation is called adiabatic accessibility, and I will denote it, following Lieb and Yngvason (1999), by s1 s2 . This notation of course suggests that the relation has the properties of some kind of ordering. And indeed, given its intended physical interpretation, such an assumption would be very natural. But Carath odory does not state or rely on this assumption anywhere in his paper. e In order to introduce the second law, Carath odory starts from an empirical claim: e from an arbitrary given initial state it is not possible to reach every nal state by means of adiabatic processes. Moreover, such inaccessible nal states can be found in every neighbourhood of the initial state. However, he immediately rejects this preliminary formulation, because it fails to take into account the nite precision of physical experiments. Therefore, he strengthens the claim by the idea that there must be a small region surrounding the inaccessible state, consisting of points which are
states with the same values of (p, V). It is true that, at the beginning of his paper, Carath odory chooses e this pair of coordinates to represent the state of a system, but, as far as I can see, this is not essential to the theory. In fact he explicitly extends his treatment to general coordinates. 71 A characteristic (but for our purpose not very important) aspect of the approach is that Carath oe dory wishes to avoid the concept of heat as a primitive term. Therefore he gives a more cumbersome denition of the term adiabatic process. He calls a container adiabatic if the system contained in it remains in equilibrium, regardless of what occurs in the environment, as long as the container is not moved nor changes its shape. Thus, the only way of inducing a process in a system contained in an adiabatic vessel is by deformation of the walls of the vessel. Examples of such deformation are compression or expansion and also stirring (the stirrer is also part of the walls). Next, a process is called adiabatic if it takes place while the system is adiabatically isolated, i.e. contained in an adiabatic container.


also inaccessible. The second law thus receives the following formulation:
T HE P RINCIPLE OF C ARATH E ODORY: In every open neighborhood Us of an arbitrarily chosen state s there are states t such that for some open neighborhood Ut of t: all states r within Ut cannot be reached adiabatically from s. Formally:

s Us t Us & Ut Us r Ut : s
where Us and Ut denote open neighborhoods of s and t.



He then specialises his discussion to so-called simple systems, obeying four additional conditions. In the rst place, it is demanded that the system has only a single independent thermal coordinate. Physically speaking, this means that the system has no internal adiabatically separated subsystems since in that case it would have parts with two or more independent temperatures. For a simple system the state can thus be represented with coordinates s = (x0 , . . . , xn1 ), where x0 is, by convention, the thermal coordinate. Secondly, it is demanded that for any given pair of an initial state and nal shape of the system there is more than one adiabatic process P that connects them, differing in the amount of work done on the system during the process. For example, for a gas initially in any given state one can obtain an arbitrary nal value for its volume by adiabatic expansion or compression. This change of volume can proceed very slowly or very fast, and these two procedures indeed differ in the amount of work done. This assumption can also be found in the argument by Planck (see page 54). The third demand is that the amounts of work done in the processes just mentioned form a connected interval. In other words, if for a given initial state and nal shape there are adiabatic processes P1 , P2 connecting them, which deliver the work W(P1 ) and W(P2 ) respectively, then there are also adiabatic processes P with any value of W(P ), for W(P1 ) W(P ) W(P2 ). In order to formulate the fourth demand Carath odory considers a more special e kind of adiabatic process. He argues that one can perform a process starting in any given initial state and ending with any given nal shape, where the changes of the deformation coordinates follow some prescribed continuous functions of time: x1 (t), . . . , xn1 (t), (28)

Note that the system will in general not remain in equilibrium in such a process, and therefore the behaviour of the thermal coordinate x0 remains unspecied. 67

Consider a series of such processes in which the velocity of the deformation becomes innitely slow, i.e. a series in which the derivatives x1 (t), . . . , xn1 (t). converge uniformly towards zero. Such a limit is called a quasi-static change of state. For example, if the deformation coordinates (28) are prescribed on the interval 0 t 1, one can consider the series of processes P , dened on the time intervals [0, ], where the deformation coordinates change as: t t x1 ( ), . . . , xn1 ( ), (29)

with . The fourth demand is now that in such a series of processes the work done on the system converges to a uniquely determined value, depending only on the given initial state and nal shape, which can be expressed as a time integral: W = lim W(P ) =

Z t f


where dW denotes a differential form of the deformation coordinates: dW = p1 dx1 + + pn dxn , and p1 , . . . , pn denote some given functions on , i.e. they may depend on x0 , . . . , xn1 . This value W is the work done on the system in a quasi-static adiabatic change of state. Physically, this demand says that for adiabatic processes, in the quasi-static limit, there is no internal friction or hysteresis. By means of Carath odorys version of the rst law (which I have not discussed e here), one can then show that (30) dW = dU , and hence W = U(s f ) U(si ), or in other words, the work done on the system equals the energy difference between nal and initial state. This means that for a quasistatic adiabatic change of state between a given initial state and nal shape the thermal coordinate of the nal state is also uniquely xed. Since the choice of a nal shape is arbitrary, this holds also for all intermediate stages of the process. Thus, a quasistatic adiabatic change of state is represented by a unique curve in . 68

That is to say, it is what Planck called an innitely slow process. It represents a limit of processes performed so slowly that the system can be considered as if it remains in equilibrium for the whole duration of the process. With this concept of a simple system he obtains: C ARATH E ODORY S T HEOREM : For simple systems, Carath odorys prine ciple is equivalent to the proposition that the differential form d Q := dU dW possesses an integrable divisor, i.e. there exist functions S and T on the state space such that d Q = TdS. (31)

Thus, for simple systems, every equilibrium state can be assigned values for entropy and absolute temperature. Obviously these functions are not uniquely determined e by the relation (31). Carath odory discusses further conditions to determine the choice of T and S up to a constant of proportionality. However, I will not discuss this issue. e Because of Carath odorys rst law, i.e. relation (30), the curves representing quasi-static adiabatic changes of state are characterised by the differential equation d Q = 0, and by virtue of (31) one can conclude that (if T = 0) these curves lie on a hypersurface S(x0 , . . . xn1 ) = const. Thus, for simple systems, the entropy remains constant in adiabatic quasi-static changes of state. Next, Carath odory argues that T is suitable to serve as a thermal coordinate. In e such a coordinate frame, states with the same entropy differ only in the values of the deformation coordinates, so that all these states are mutually adiabatically accessible. Before we proceed to the discussion of the relation of this formulation with the arrow of time, I want to summarise a number of strong and weak points of the approach. Undoubtedly, a major advantage of the approach is that Carath odory proe vides a suitable mathematical formalism for the theory, and brings it in line with other theories in modern physics. The way this is done is comparable to the development of relativity theory. There, Einsteins original approach, which starts from 69

empirical principles like the invariance of the velocity of light, has been replaced by an abstract geometrical structure, Minkowski spacetime, where these empirical principles are incorporated in local properties of the metric. Similarly, Carath odory e constructs an abstract state space where an empirical statement of the second law is converted into a local topological property. Furthermore, all coordinate systems are treated on the same footing (as long as there is only one thermal coordinate, and they generate the same topology).72 Note further that the environment of the system is never mentioned explicitly in his treatment of the theory. This too is big conceptual advantage. Accordingly, nearly all attempts in the subsequent literature to produce an axiomatic formalism for thermodynamics take the work of Carath odory as their point of departure; e.g. (Giles e 1964, Boyling 1972, Jauch 1975, Hornix 1993, Lieb and Yngvason 1999). It is also remarkable that in contrast to previous authors, Carath odory needs e many special assumptions, which are packed into his concept of a simple system, in order to obtain his theorem. The reason for this distinction, is of course that Carath oe doryaims to present a formal theory, where the formalism decides what is possible. Thus, while Planck simply assumed without further ado that it is possible to perform some required process, e.g. compressing or expanding a gas to any desired volume, this is because he took possible in sense (ii) of section 3 above. For him it sufces e to observe that in the actual world provides the means to do this. But for Carath odory a process is possible if the formalism allows it. For this purpose, the theoretical assumptions which are needed to complete such arguments must be made explicit. Again, this is an important advantage of Carath odory approach. e e But Carath odorys work has also provoked less positive reactions among thermodynamicists, in particular because of its high abstraction. Many complain that the absence of an explicit reference to a perpetuum mobile obscures the physical content of the second law. The complaint is put as follows by Walter:
A student bursts into the study of his professor and calls out: Dear professor, dear professor! I have discovered a perpetual motion of the second kind! The professor scarcely takes his eyes of his book and curtly replies: Come back when you have found a neighborhood U of a state x0 of such a kind that every
72 Indeed, as Lieb and Yngvason have shown, the analogy with relativity theory can be stretched even beyond this point. Let Fs = {t : s t} be the forward cone of s. This is similar to the denition of the future lightcone of a point p in Minkowski spacetime which can similarly be characterised as the set of all points q which are causally accessible from p. Thus, Carath odorys principle implies that s is e always on the boundary of its own forward cone.


x U is connected with x0 by an adiabat (cited in (Truesdell 1986, p. 118)).73

The question has been raised (e.g. by Planck (1926)) whether the principle of Carae th odory has any empirical content at all. However, Landsberg (1964) has shown that for simple systems Kelvins principle implies Carath odorys principle, so that e any violation of the latter would also be a violation of the former. e Other problems in Carath odorys approach concern the additional assumptions needed implicitly or explicitly to obtain the result (31). In the rst place, we have seen that the result is restricted to simple systems, a restriction which involves four additional auxiliary conditions. Even the denition of quasi-static changes of states is conned to simple systems alone. Falk and Jung (1959) objected that the division of these ve assumptions into four pertaining to simple systems and one Principle, intended to express a general law of nature, seems ad hoc. Indeed, the question whether Carath odorys principle can claim empirical support for non-simple syse tems still seems to be open. Secondly, there is an implicit assumption that thermodynamic state variables can be used as differentiable coordinates on . For systems that possess phase transitions or critical states this assumption is too strong. (This objection can obviously also be raised against other approaches.) A generalization of Carath odorys work, encome passing certain non-simple systems (namely, systems composed of simple subsystems) is given by Boyling (1972). A different elaboration, avoiding assumptions of differentiability has been given by Lieb and Yngvason (1999). This is discussed in section 11. In the third place, Bernstein (1960) has pointed out technical defects in the proof of Carath odorys theorem. What Carath odorys principle actually implies for simple e e systems is merely the local existence of functions S and T obeying (31). That is, for each state s there is some environment Us in which one can nd such functions. Ss , Ts But this does not mean that there exists a single pair of functions, dened globally on , that obey (31). In fact, a purely local proposition like Carath odorys principle e is too weak to guarantee the existence of a global entropy function. As a simple-minded counterexample, consider the case where is the surface of a cylinder (see Figure 2), with coordinates (, z), 0 < 2 . Let z represent the deformation coordinate. For every point s let Ds denote a narrow strip of points just below s: Ds := {t : (s) < (t) (s) (mod 2 )} where is a positive number less than 2 . Now dene the relation by: s t if and only if t Ds .

Note that Walter only states Carath odorys preliminary version of his principle here. e


t Ut U s s


Figure 2: Carathdorys principle can be valid in a cylindrical phase space, even though there is no e
global continuous entropy function.

This relation obviously satises the principle of Carath odory. Moreover the thee orem of Carath odory is also satised: adiabatic quasi-static changes obey d = 0, e and this differential equation is integrable. Further, for every point s, one can nd a continuous differentiable coordinate function (namely itself, plus, if necessary, an appropriate constant) such that locally, in a small environment of s: s t if and only if (t) < (s). But there is no continuous function that does this globally. In fact, the relation is intransitive in this example, and every point can be reached from every other point by a series of adiabatic changes of state. Boyling (1968)) has given a more sophisticated example of a two-dimensional state space with ordinary (cone tractible) topology, which satises the principle of Carath odory, without a global entropy function. For the purpose of this essay, of course, we need to investigate whether and how this work relates to the arrow of time. We have seen that Carath odory, like Gibbs, e conceives of thermodynamics as a theory of equilibrium states, rather than processes. But his concept of adiabatic accessibility does refer to processes between equilibrium states. The connection with the arrow of time is therefore more subtle than in the case of Gibbs. e In 9 of Carath odory (1909), he gives a discussion of the notorious notion of irreversibility. Consider, for a simple system, the class of all nal states s with a given shape (x1 , . . . , xn1 ) that are adiabatically accessible from a given initial state s = (x0 , . . . xn1 ). For example, an adiabatically isolated gas is expanded from some 72

initial state (T, V) to some desired nal volume V . The expansion may take place by moving a piston, slowly or more or less suddenly. The set of nal states that can be reached in this fashion differ only in the values of their thermal coordinate x0 . For this coordinate one may choose either energy U, temperature T or entropy S. For simple systems, (due to demand 3 above) the class of accessible nal states constitutes a connected curve, parameterised by an interval on the U-axis. Carath oe dory argues that, for reasons of continuity, the values of S attained on this curve will also constitute a connected interval. Now among the states of the considered class there is the nal state, say t, of a quasi-static adiabatic change of state starting from s. And we know that S(s) = S(t). He then claims that the entropy value S(s) cannot be an internal point of this interval. Indeed, if it were an internal point, then there would exist a small interval (S(s) , S(s) + ) such that the corresponding states on the curve would all be accessible from s. Moreover, it is always assumed that we can change the deformation coordinates in an arbitrary fashion by means of adiabatic state changes. By quasi-static adiabatic changes of state we can even do this with constant entropy But then, all states in a neighborhood of s would be adiabatically e accessible, which violates Carath odorys principle. Therefore, all nal states with the nal shape (x1 , . . . , xn1 ) that can be reached from the given point s must have an entropy in an interval of which S(s) is a boundary point. Or in other words, they all lie one and the same side of the hypersurface S = const. By reasons of continuity he argues that this must be the same side for all initial states. Whether this is the side where entropy is higher, or lower than that of the initial state remains an open question. According to Carath odory, a further e appeal to empirical experience is necessary to decide this issue. He concludes:
[Es] folgt aus unseren Schlussen, da, wenn bei irgend einer Zustands nderung a der Wert der Entropie nicht Konstant geblieben ist, keine adiabatische Zustands nderung a gefunden werden kann, welche das betrachtete System aus seinem End- in sei nem Anfangszustand uberzufuhren vermag. Jede Zustand nderung, bei welcher der Wert der Entropie variiert, ist irreversibel74 a e (Carath odory 1909, p. 378).

74 [It] follows from our conclusions that, when for any change of state the value of the entropy has not remained constant, one can nd no adiabatic change of state, which is capable of returning the considered system from its nal state back to its initial state. Every change of state, for which the entropy varies is irreversible.


Without doubt, this conclusion sounds pleasing in the ears of anyone who believes that irreversibility is the genuine trademark of the second law.75 But a few remarks are in order. Irreversibel here means that the change of state cannot be undone in an adiabatic process. This is another meaning for the term, different from those of Carnot, Kelvin, Clausius and Planck. In fact, this denition is identical to the proposal by Orr, discussed on page 53. The question is then of course whether changes of states that cannot be undone by an adiabatic process, might perhaps be undone by some other process. Indeed, it is not hard to nd examples of this possibility: consider a container of ideal gas in thermal contact with a heat reservoir. When the piston is pulled out quasi-statically, the gas does work, while it takes in heat from the reservoir. Its entropy increases in this process, and the process would thus qualify as irreversible in Carath odorys sense. But Plancks book discusses this case as an example of a e reversibel process. Indeed, when the gas is recompressed equally slowly, the heat is restored to the reservoir and the initial state is recovered everywhere, i.e. for both system and environment. Thus, Carath odorys concept of irreversibility does not e coincide with Plancks. The obvious next question is whether such counterexamples can be avoided by restricting the proposition to all adiabatic changes of state of a simple system in which the entropy varies. But this does not solve the problem. Planck says explicitly in his criterion for reversibelity that in the recovery process, any auxiliary systems available may be employed. The system certainly need not remain in an adiabatic container. Even if the original process were adiabatic, it would remain reversibel as long as a non-adiabatic recovery process can be found. There seems to be no guarantee that e something like that is excluded in Carath odorys approach. e There is also another way to investigate whether Carath odorys approach cap` tures the content of the second law a la Clausius, Kelvin or Planck, namely by aske ing whether the approach of Carath odory allows models in which these formulations of the second law are invalid. An example is obtained by applying the formalism to a uid while swapping the meaning of terms in each of the three pairs heat /work, thermal/deformation coordinate and adiabatic/without any exchange of work. The validity of Carath odorys formalism is invariant under this operation, e and a uid remains a simple system. Indeed, we obtain, as a direct analog of (31):
Carath odory argues that his formulation of the second law imply Gibbs principle. Id rather not e go into this.


dW = pdV for all quasi-static processes of a uid. This shows that, in the present interpretation, pressure and volume play the role of temperature and entropy respectively. Furthermore, irreversibility makes sense here too. For uids with positive pressure, one can increase the volume of a uid without doing work by expansion into a vacuum, but one cannot decrease volume without doing work on the system. But still, the analogues of the principles of Clausius of Kelvin are false in this application. A uid with low pressure can very well do positive work on another uid with high pressure by means of a lever or hydraulic mechanism. The next point worth remarking is that the conclusion of Carath odory is fore mulated as a time-symmetric statement: not only an increase of entropy, but also a decrease cannot be undone in an adiabatic process! As we shall discuss in section 10, Planck criticised the approach by pointing out that a world where the time reverse of Kelvins principle holds, also obeys the principle of Carath odory. Although this e does not mean that the principle of Carath odory itself is time symmetrical (that e would mean that the time reversal of every possible world obeying the principle of Carath odory obeys the same principle76 ), according to Planck it is still not enough e to characterise the direction of irreversible processes. In fact Carath odory admitted e this point (Carath odory 1925). He stressed that an additional appeal to experience is e necessary to conclude that changes of entropy in adiabatic processes are always positive (if T > 0). In other words, in Carath odorys approach this is not a consequence e of the second law. Finally it is remarkable that the converse statement (i.e. that every irreversible process in a simple system is accompanied by a change of entropy) is not expressed. In this respect too the formulation of Carath odory is less far-reaching than Planck. e
76 e In order to judge the time-symmetry of the theory of Carath odory according to the criterion on page 11 it is necessary to specify a time reversal transformation R. It seems natural to choose this in such a way that Rs = s and R( ) = . (That is to say: s t in P if t s in P .) Then the theory is not timesymmetric. Indeed, the principle of Carath odory forbids that state space contains a minimal state e (i.e. states s for which Us t Us : s t. It allows models where state space possesses a maximum, i.e. a state s for which Us t Us : t s. Time reversal of such a model is in conict with the principle of Carath odory. However, this time-asymmetry manifests itself only in rather pathological cases. (For e a uid, this would mean a local maximum for its temperature and volume.) If we exclude the existence of such maxima, Carath odorys theory becomes time symmetric. Indeed a modern variation of the e theory (Giles 1964) has been given that is manifestly time-symmetric. (Giles calls this the principle of duality). The same goes for the formulation by Lieb and Yngvason (see section 11).




Carath odorys work did not immediately have much impact on the physics come munity. Only twelve years later, when Max Born (1921) formulated a popularised version of this work and explicitly presented it as a critique of the traditional formulation of thermodynamics, did the attention of the physicists awaken. I rst mention some of the simplications introduced in this paper. In the rst place, Borns formulation of Carath odorys principle is different: e C ARATH E ODORY S P RINCIPLE (B ORN S VERSION ): In every neighborhood of each state there are states that are inaccessible by means of adiabatic changes of state. In other words

s Us : t Us s


e In fact, this is the formulation of the principle which Carath odory considered as a preliminary version, and then rejected in favour of (27). Nevertheless, Borns formulation has since been adopted generally as the statement of Carath odorys principle. e This is unfortunate because it is evident that the statement by itself is inadequate for the derivation of the result (31). Indeed, ones rst association, when reading that every neighborhood of a point contains points of another kind, is about the way in which rational numbers are imbedded in the real line. In fact, if we call a real number p adiabatically inaccessible from number q just in case p q is irrational, Borns e version of Carath odorys principle is satised for = IR. But clearly such a model is not intended at all. So the formulation by Born does not sufce to obtain an interesting second law. It presupposes additional tacit assumptions about the continuity of . Next, Born does not mention the restriction to simple systems, and the subtle assumptions involved states bluntly that the approach is applicable, without any problems, to ganz beliebige Systeme, wie sie die Thermodynamik zu betrachten pegt77 (Born 1921, p. 162) Further, instead of using Carath odorys denition of irreversibility, Born calls a e process reversibel iff it is quasi-static:

completely arbitrary systems, such as usually considered in thermodynamics.


Man leitet den Proze unendlich langsam, derart, da der Zustand in jedem Momente als Gleichgewicht angesehen werden kann. Man sollte solche Vorg nge a quasi-statische nennen, aber man gebraucht gewohnlich das Wort reversibel, weil sie im allgemeinen die Eigenschaft haben umkehrbar zu sein. Wir wollen hier auf die Bedingungen, unter denen das der Fall ist nicht n her eingehen, sondern a annehmen da sie erfullt sind, und werden beide Bezeichnungen als synonym verwenden.78 (Born 1921, p. 165)

That is, he employs the term in the sense of Clausius and Plancks umkehrbar. The most striking point of Borns article is his claim that every differential form dened on a two-dimensional state space has an integrating divisor. This provides a strong and elegant objection against Plancks presentation of the second law, because it implies that the existence of an entropy function for uids, a topic which occupies a substantial part of Plancks laborious argument, is in fact trivial; i.e. an empirical justication of this result is not needed at all! Plancks work thus appears to be an attempt to crash through an open door (Kestin 1976, p. 207). But this conclusion is not completely correct.79 A different analysis was given by Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa (1925). Her interpretae tion of Carath odorys work also contains a few curious alterations. For example, she calls a process adiabatic in case there is no net exchange of heat with the environment. Thus, in this sense, a non-simple system, e.g. a composite system of gases in separate containers connected by adiabatic pistons, undergoes an adiabatic process if one part absorbs heat from a reservoir, while another ejects the same amount of heat to some other reservoir. e This choice of terminology leads her to the view that Carath odorys principle is violated for non-simple systems. All states in a neighborhood of a given initial state can be adiabatically accessible for such a system. Obviously, this view can be maintained consistently, and it inevitably leads to the conclusion that Carath odoe rys principle does not qualify as a law of nature, but only as a special assumption
One conducts the process innitely slowly, in such a way that the state at every moment can by regarded as an equilibrium. One should call such processes quasi-static, but one usually employs the word reversible, because, in general, they have the property that they can be reversed. We do not want to discuss the conditions under which this is the case, but rather assume that they are fullled, and use both terms as synonymous. 79 It is true that differential forms in two dimensions always have integrating divisors. But these can still attain the value zero at some points. In such singular points the integral curves (i.e. the adiabats) can intersect. (An example is the differential form ydx xdy in IR2 .) Kelvins principle disallows the intersection of adiabats globally. The approach of Planck is thus not empirically empty, even for uids.


for simple systems. The student mentioned in the quotation from Walter would not have to search very far in order to surprise his professor! But since Carath odoe ry used the term adiabatic with a different meaning this should not count as an objection against his work. e More important is that she correctly pointed out that Carath odorys principle is also valid in models where the time reverse of the principles of Kelvin or Clausius hold, or in worlds where only reversible processes occur. She saw this as an important advantage: it means one is able to introduce the concepts of entropy and absolute temperature and the equation (31), without being committed to a principle of universal entropy increase or appealing to the existence of irreversible processes. Finally, Planck, the main representative of the tradition criticised by Born, also responded (Planck 1926). He denied that Carath odorys version of the second law e could serve as an adequate replacement of the principle of Kelvin and rejected it as a kunstliche und unnotige Komplikation (an articial and unnecessary complication). He advanced two main objections.80 e The rst is that by speaking about arbitrarily small neighborhoods, Carath odory appeals to matters beyond the reach of observation. We cannot possibly know, with our nite experimental faculties, whether every neighborhood always contains adiabatically inaccessible states. Hence the principle is speculative, and conicts with the empiricist guidelines along which thermodynamics ought to be developed, according to Plancks point of view. I dont think this objection is fair. It may be true that the connection with exe perience is less manifest in Carath odorys approach than in that of Planck. But to conclude that it is therefore more speculative or less reliable seems incorrect. Planck too freely uses differential calculus for thermodynamical quantities, presupposing that the state space has the topological properties of a differential manifold. This is equally speculative: perhaps future experiments will teach us that, on a very small scale, state space is discrete, or that it has some other weird topology. The fact that Planck and previous authors ignored these questions should not be mistaken for a sign of superiority by empiricist standards. The second objection is more important for our purpose. Planck writes:
e . . . das Prinzip [von Carath odory] spricht nur von der Unerreichbarkeit gewisser Nachbarzust nde, es gibt aber kein Merkmal an, durch welches die erreicha
80 A third objection voiced by Planck is that in contrast to that of Kelvin, Carath odorys principle e would have to be drastically reformulated when transposed into a statistical mechanical framework. He does not substantiate this claim, however.


baren Nachbarzust nde von der unerreichbaren Nachbarzust nde zu unterscheia a den sind. Mit anderen Worten: nach dem Prinzip von Carath odory konnte e es sehr wohl moglich sein, W rme ohne Kompensation in Arbeit zu verwana deln. Dann mute nur der umgekehrte Vorgang, die kompensationslose Ver a wandlung von Arbeit in W rme, als unmoglich angenommen werden. Oder es konnte auch sein, da beide Arten von Verwandlung unmoglich w ren. Es ist a selbstverst ndlich, da auf einer solchen Grundlage der zweite W rmesatz nicht a a vollst ndig aufgebaut werden kann und da fur diesen Zweck dem durch das a e Carath odorysche Prinzip ausgedruckten Axiom noch ein zweites von jenem unabh ngiges Axiom, das sich auf irreversible Vorg nge bezieht, hinzugefugt a a werden mu. . . .81 (Planck 1926, p.455)

e The observation that Carath odorys principle is neutral with respect to the irreversibility of natural processes had already been noted by Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa. But whereas she thought of this as a major advantage, in the eyes of Planck it is a serious defect. He diagnoses the theory of Carath odory as suffering from Erg nzungsa e bedurftigkeit (need of completion). It is worthwhile to dwell on the exact nature of Plancks criticism. The rst point (viz. that Carath odorys principle is also valid in a time reverse of our world) is e rather mild: both worlds could contain irreversible processes; Carath odory only e fails to provide a Merkmal to indicate the direction in which they proceed. The second point is more serious: a principle that allows worlds in which only reversible processes occur does not imply the existence of irreversible processes. This point is correct; but it can also be raised against Kelvins or Clausius formulations of the second law. Planck then presents a new proof of the second law which, he claims, shares the advantages of Carath odorys approach (namely: that no reference is made to the e ideal gas or cyclic processes), but also hinges essentially on irreversibility. In the eighth edition of the Vorlesungen (Planck 1926), this proof replaces the careful proof discussed in section 7.
81 . . . the principle [of Carath odory] speaks only of the inaccesibility of certain neighbouring states, e but it provides no mark by which the accessible states can be distinguished from the inaccessible states. In other words, according to Carath odorys principle it could very well be possible to transform heat e into work without compensation. One only needs to assume that the reverse process, i.e. the compensationless transformation of work into heat were impossible. It is obvious that the second law cannot be built completely on this foundation and that for this purpose one needs the addition of a second, independent axiom which refers to irreversible processes.




I will discuss Plancks new proof only briey. The main difference with the argument discussed in section 7 is that one does not start with the ideal gas. Instead, the existence of a positive integrating divisor for the inexact heat differential d Q of a uid is accepted unquestioningly. Thus, one writes immediately d Q = TdS, where the entropy S and temperature T are state variables of the uid. He then introduces the statement friction is an irreversibel process, which he considers as a formulation of Kelvins principle. This view may need some explanation, because, at rst sight, this statement does not seem to address cyclic processes or the perpetuum mobile at all. But for Planck, the statement is equivalent to the proposition that there exists no process which undoes the consequences of friction, i.e., a process which produces no other effect than cooling a reservoir and doing work. The condition no other effect here allows for the operation of any type of machinery that operates in a cycle. He then considers an adiabatically isolated uid which can exchange energy with its environment by means of a weight. Planck asks whether it is possible to reach a state s of the system from a given initial state s, in a process which brings about no changes in the environment other than the displacement of the weight. Let us represent this as ? (s, Z, h) (s , Z, h ). He argues that, by means of reversibel-adiabatic82 transitions, starting from the state s, one can always reach a state s in which the volume equals that of state s and the entropy equals that of s. That is, there is a change of state (s, Z, h) (s , Z, h ), with V(s ) = V(s ) and S(s ) = S(s). Whether the intended nal state s can now be reached from the intermediate state s depends on the value of the only independent variable in which s and s differ. For

Apparently, Plancks pen slipped here. He means: umkehrbar-adiabatic.


this variable one can either choose the entropy S, energy U or temperature T. There are three cases: (1) h = h . In this case, energy conservation implies U(s ) = U(s ). Because the coordinates U and V determine the state completely, s and s must coincide. (2) h > h . In this case, the state s can be reached from s by letting the weight perform work on the system, e.g. by means of friction, until the weight has dropped to height h . According to the above formulation of Kelvins principle, this process is irreversible. (3) h < h . In this case the desired transition is impossible. It would be the reversal of the irreversible process just mentioned in (2), i.e. produce work by cooling the system and would thus realise a perpetuum mobile of the second kind.83 Now, Planck argues that in all three cases, a transition from s to s is possible by means of heat exchange in an umkehrbar process in which the volume remains xed. For such a process one can write dU = TdS. Using the assumption that T > 0, it follows that, in the three cases above, U must vary in the same sense as S. That is, the cases U(s ) < U(s ), U(s ) = U(s ) or U(s ) > U(s ), can also be characterised as S(s ) < S(s ), S(s ) = S(s ) and S(s ) > S(s ) respectively. For a system consisting of several uids the argument is analogous. Planck argues that, here too, starting from a state s, a state s can be reached by means of quasi-static-adiabatic processes in which all variables except one are equal to the values of the variables in state s , while the entropy has remained constant, etc.84 Just as in earlier editions of his book, Planck generalises his conclusions (without a shred of proof) to arbitrary systems and physical/chemical processes:
a Jeder in the Natur stattndende Proze verl uft in dem Sinne, da die Sum me der Entropien aller an dem Proze beteiligten Korper vergroert wird. Im
83 Note how much Plancks application of the perpetuum mobile differs from Carnot and Kelvin. The latter authors considered the engine, i.e. the device which performs the cycle, as the system of interest and the reservoir as part of the environment. By contrast, for Planck, the reservoir is the thermodynamical system, and the engine performing the cyclic process belongs to the environment. Related to this switch of perspective is the point that the reservoir is now assumed to have a nite energy content. Thus, the state of the reservoir can change under the action of the hypothetical perpetuum mobile device. As a consequence, the withdrawal of energy from the reservoir need not be repeatable. This is in contrast to Carnots analysis (see section 4). Indeed, there is nothing perpetual about Plancks present construal of the perpetuum mobile. 84 This is comparable to Carath odorys assumption that from every initial state one can reach all e values of the deformation coordinates by an adiabatic process.


Grenzfall, fur einen reversibeln Proze, bleibt diese Summe unge ndert. [. . . ] a Damit ist der Inhalt des zweiten Hauptsatzes der Thermodynamik erschopfend 85 bezeichnet. . . . (Planck 1926, p. 463)

The argument just presented is Plancks denitive formulation of the second law. Although in some respects clearer and simpler than the earlier proof, I do not believe it gives a substantial improvement. First, the assumption that for every uid there always exist functions S and T (with T > 0) such that d Q = TdS is problematic. (Although understandable, being a concession to Born). Secondly the generalization to arbitrary processes in arbitrary systems remains as dubious as it was in the earlier versions. There is nothing in Plancks argument that indicates that the argument is valid beyond the simple systems of Carath odory. e I conclude that Planck has not succeeded in his attempt to show that the theorem of Carath odory is nothing but an articial and unnecessary complication. All he e shows is that by adding Kelvins principle to that of Carath odory (which is still nece essary to guarantee the relation d Q = TdS), one obtains a time asymmetric statement that no longer admits both entropy increases as well as decreases in adiabatically isolated systems. Further, although it seems natural to understand the proposition friction is an irreversibel process as intended to imply that friction processes occur in our world, there is no need to assume the actual existence of irreversibel processes in the argument. Thus, Plancks formulation also allows models in which all processes are reversible, and does not repair this defect which he diagnosed in Carath odorys e work.



It goes without saying that I cannot treat all the numerous reformulations of the second law that have been attempted in the past 75 years. But this article would remain incomplete if I did not deal with a very recent contribution by Lieb and Yngvason (1999). These authors provide a new attempt to clarify the mathematical formulation and physical content of the second law. However, I cannot do justice to this important work in the context of this article: the paper is 96 pages long and employs no less than 15 axioms in order to obtain the second law. I note, however, that these
85 Every process occurring in nature proceeds in the sense in which the sum of the entropies of all bodies taking part in the process is increased. In the limiting case, for reversible processes this sum remains unchanged. [. . . ] This provides an exhaustive formulation of the content of the second law of thermodynamics


elaborate ramications are partly due to the fact the authors not only wish to obtain the second law in the form of an entropy principle but also the result that entropy is an additive and extensive function and (up to additive and multiplicative constants) unique, and numerous other results. Moreover, they wish to achieve most of these results without assuming differentiability of the state space. On the formal level, this work builds upon the approaches of Carath odory (1909) e and Giles (1964). (In its physical interpretation, however, it is more closely related to Planck, as we will see below.) A system is represented by a state space on which a relation of adiabatic accessibility is dened. All axioms mentioned below are concerned with this relation. Further, Lieb and Yngvason introduce a formal operation of considering two systems in state s and t as a composite system in state (s, t), and the operation of scaling a system, i.e. the construction of a copy in which all its extensive quantities are multiplied by a positive factor . This is denoted by a multiplication of the state with . These scaled states s belong to a scaled state space () . The main axioms of Lieb and Yngvason apply to all states s () (and compositions of such states). They read:

A1. R EFLEXIVITY: s A2. T RANSITIVITY: s A3. C ONSISTENCY: s A4. S CALE INVARIANCE : IF s t THEN s s AND t t IMPLIES (s, t) (s , t ) (34) t AND t r IMPLY s r (33) s (32)

t FOR ALL > 0


A5. S PLITTING AND RECOMBINATION : F OR ALL 0 < < 1 : s (s, (1 )s) AND (s, (1 )s) 83 s (36)


(r, t1 ) r.

The meaning of these axioms is, hopefully, largely self-evident. Axiom A1 and A2 demand that adiabatic accessibility is a pre-ordering. Axiom A3 says that if subsystems of a composite system can each go through certain adiabatic changes of state, it is also possible to achieve these changes of states adiabatically in the composite system. Axiom A4 expresses an analogous statement for inated or shrunken copies of the system. Axiom A5 says that separating and recombining subsystems are adiabatic processes. One can think of the introduction or removal of a partition in a uid. The stability axiom A6 expresses, roughly speaking, the idea that if two states s and r of a system are adiabatically accessible whenever the system is expanded by a negligibly small second system, e.g. a dust particle, these states themselves must also be adiabatically accessible. The axioms above seem intuitively plausible and physically acceptable for thermodynamical systems. This is not to say that one must see them as the expression of empirical principles. Some seem to follow almost immediately from the intended meaning of the relation, and have little empirical content; others seem very well capable of violation by arbitrary physical objects. (Consider the application of Axiom 5 to near-critical masses of plutonium.) It seems reasonable, however, to regard the axioms as an implicit denition of a thermodynamical system. After stating the above axioms, Lieb and Yngvason formulate the following
7. C OMPARABILITY HYPOTHESIS : For all states s, t in the same space : s t or t s. 86 (37)

The comparability hypothesis has, as its name already indicates, a lower status than the axioms. It is intended as a characterization of a particular type of thermodynamical systems, namely, of simple systems and systems composed of such simple systems.87 A substantial part of the effort by Lieb and Yngvason is devoted to an attempt to derive this hypothesis from further axioms for these simple systems and their compositions. I will, however, not go into this.
The clause in the same space means that the hypothesis is not intended for the comparison of states of scaled systems. Thus, it is not demanded that we can either adiabatically transform a state of 1 mole of oxygen into one of 2 moles of oxygen or conversely. 87 e Beware that the present meaning of the term does not coincide with that used by Carath odory. For simple systems in Carath odorys sense the comparability hypothesis need not hold. e


The aim of the work is to derive the following result, which Lieb and Yngvason call T HE E NTROPY P RINCIPLE (L IEB AND Y NGVASON VERSION ): There exists a function S dened on all states of all systems such that a. when s and t are comparable then s t if and only if S(s) S(t). (38)

b. When s and t are states of (possibly different) systems S((s, t)) = S(s) + S(t), S(s) = S(s). (39) (40)

The relations (39) and (40) express that the entropy function is additive and extensive. For our purpose, it is relation (38) that is particularly relevant. The authors interpret the result (38) as an expression of the second law: It says that entropy must increase in an irreversible process. and: the physical content of [(38)] . . . [is that]. . . adiabatic processes not only increase entropy but an increase in entropy also dictates which adiabatic processes are possible (between comparable states, of course). (Lieb and Yngvason 1999, p. 19,20)). The question whether this result actually follows from their assumptions is somewhat involved. They show that a special case of the entropy principle follows from the assumption of axioms A1A6 and the comparability hypothesis. In particular, special conditions are needed which (physically speaking) express that mixing and chemical reactions are to be excluded. To extend the principle beyond this restriction, an additional ten axioms are needed (three of which serve to derive the comparability hypothesis). And even then, only a weak form of the above entropy principle is actually obtained, where if and only if in (38) is replaced by implies. Before considering the interpretation of this result more closely, a few general remarks on this approach are in order. This approach combines mathematical precision with clear and plausible axioms and achieves a powerful and remarkable theorem. This is true progress in the formulation of the second law. Of course it still holds that the result applies only for special kinds of systems; but this is also the case for Carath odorys approach and, when stripped from rhetorical claims, also for Plancks. e It is remarkable that the theorem is obtained without appealing to anything re85

motely resembling Carath odorys principle. This is undoubtedly an advantage for e those who judge that principle too abstract. In fact the axioms and hypothesis used above allow models which violate the principle of Carath odory (Lieb and Yngvason e 1999, p. 91). For example, it may be that all states are mutually accessible, in which case the entropy function S is simply a constant on . However, there is an additional axiom in Lieb and Yngvasons approach which makes for a closer connection with Carath odorys principle. One of the special axe ioms invoked to derive the comparability hypothesis reads: S1: I RREVERSIBLE P ROCESSES : for all s there is a t such that s and t s. t

Here the prex S denotes that it is the rst of a series of axioms intended to hold for simple systems only. We shall have more to say about what this axiom has to do with irreversibility below. For the moment, I only note that this axiom is the closest e resemblance to Carath odorys principle to be found in this approach: it says that for each state there is another adiabatically inaccessible state. In fact, the authors e prove that, in conjunction with other axioms, it implies what they call Carath odo88 rys principle. e However, the present axiom is much more liberal than Carath odorys principle. First, of course, it no longer demands that the states which are inaccessible from s occur in every local neighborhood of s. Thus, this axiom evades Plancks objection that we dont have empirical access to arbitrarily small neighborhoods. More importantly, this axiom is only intended to characterise simple systems, and actually e serves as (part of) a denition of this notion. This is in sharp contrast to Carath odorys principle, which was presented as a general law of nature. Thus, Lieb and Yngvason also evade the objection of Falk and Jung (see p. 71). Moreover, note that this axiom is not essential to the proof of the entropy principle, but only to the attempt to derive the comparability hypothesis. Anyone who accepts this hypothesis as physically plausible will obtain the above entropy principle without having to bother with Carath odorys principle. e For the purpose of this paper, the pertinent question is whether there is a connection with the arrow of time in this formulation of the second law. As before, there are two aspects to this question: irreversibility and time asymmetry. We have seen
88 Here, Lieb and Yngvason employ a formulation of Carath odorys principle which deviates from e both Carath odory own statement as well as from Borns version. It reads: s , Us t Us such e that s t or t s.


that Lieb and Yngvason interpret the relation (38) as saying that entropy must increase in irreversible processes. At rst sight, this interpretation (and also the name of the last-mentioned axiom) is curious. We have found in the discussion of section 9 that adiabatic accessibility is not the same thing as irreversibility. How then, can the present axioms on adiabatic accessibility be interpreted as having implications for irreversible processes? This puzzle is resolved when we consider the physical interpretation which Lieb and Yngvason propose for the relation :
A DIABATIC ACCESSIBILITY: A state t is adiabatically accessible from a state s, in symbols s t, if it is possible to change the state from s to t by means of an interaction with some device (which may consist of mechanical and electric parts as well as auxiliary thermodynamic systems) and a weight, in such a way that the auxiliary system returns to its initial state at the end of the process whereas the weight may have changed its position in a gravitational eld (Lieb and Yngvason 1999, p. 17).

which produces s , Z , h s, Z, h . Here, the states Z and Z are allowed to be P different from each other. For Lieb and Yngvason, a process s, Z, h s , Z , h is called adiabatic iff Z = Z . However, we have seen in section 7 that in his argument to obtain the entropy principle, Planck always restricted his discussions to such reversibel processes which leave no changes in other bodies, i.e. that obey the additional requirement Z = Z . These reversibel processes are always adiabatic in the present sense. A major difference with the conventional meaning of the term is that, in the present sense, it automatically follows that if a process P as above is adiabatic, any recovery process P is also adiabatic. Thus, we can now conclude immediately that if an adiabatic state changes is accompanied by an entropy increase, this change of state cannot be undone, i.e., it is 87

This view is rather different from Carath odorys, or indeed, from anybody elses: e clearly, this term is not intended to refer to processes occurring in a thermos ask. As the authors explicitly emphasise, even processes in which the system is heated are adiabatic, in the present sense, when this heat is generated by an electrical current from a dynamo driven by descending weight. Actually, the condition that the auxiliary systems return to their initial state in the present concept is strongly reminiscent of Plancks concept of reversibel! This is not to say, of course, that they are identical. Let Z be the state of the auxiliary system and h the height of the weight. For Planck, a process P which produces P the transition s, Z, h s , Z , h is reversibel iff there exists a recovery process P

irreversibel in Plancks sense. This explains why the result (38) can be seen as a formulation of a principle of entropy increase, and why axiom S1 is interpreted as stating the existence of irreversible processes. In fact, we can reason as follows: assume s and t are states which are mutually comparable, and that S(s) < S(t). According to (38), we then have s t and t s. This means that there exists no process from t to s which proceeds without producing any change in auxiliary systems except, possibly, a displacement of a single weight. At the same time there exists a process from s to t (under the same condition). This process is irreversibel in Plancks sense.89 Thus we have at last achieved a conclusion implying the existence of irreversibel processes by means of a satisfactory argument! However, it must be noted that this conclusion is obtained only for systems obeying the comparability hypothesis and under the exclusion of mixing and chemical processes. The weak version of the entropy principle, which is derived when we drop the latter restriction, does not justify this conclusion. Moreover, note that it would be incorrect to construe (38) as a characterisation of processes. The relation is interpreted in terms of the possibility of processes. As remarked in section 9, one and the same change of state can very well be obtained (or undone) by means of different processes, some of which are adiabatic and others not. Thus, when S(s) < S(t) for comparable states, this does not mean that all processes from s to t are irreversibel,
This conclusion, obviously, is crucially dependent on the non-standard meaning given to the term adiabatic. It is somewhat surprising, therefore, that in the published version (Lieb and Yngvason, 1999) of the manuscript (1997), a passage is included in which the authors argue that their interpretation coincides with the conventional meaning of this term after all. An example may show that this claim is misleading. Consider a compound system consisting of two simple systems, each with a onedimensional state space. Assume that these two systems are adiabatically isolated from each other. For example: take two quantities of an incompressible uid contained in calorimeters (tted with a stirring device). In the conventional sense, the only processes which can be called adiabatic, are (i) stirring and (ii) heat exchange among the two systems by a temporary diathermal connection. Under this interpretation the compound system does not obey the comparability hypothesis. For example, if the (t, s) and (t, s) (s, t); cf. (Boyling 1972, p. 38). temperatures of s and t differ, then (s, t However, in the interpretation of Lieb and Yngvason, adiabatic accessibility depends on which other systems are available as auxiliary devices. Suppose there is another system (say an ideal gas) capable of performing a Carnot cycle. By means of this system, operated as a heat pump, we can transfer entropy from one subsystem to the other, and thus increase entropy of the one at the expense of the other. This process would be adiabatic by Lieb and Yngvasons criterion. (The auxiliary system goes through a cycle and hence returns to its original state; the work needed to drive the heat pump can be provided by lowering a weight.) Thus we have (s, t) (t, s) and (t, s) (s, t). In fact, in this example of a world in which one-dimensional systems and normal uids coexist the conventional denition of adiabatic does not obey the axioms A1A6. The argument given by Lieb and Yngvason in order to conclude that the two interpretations coincide, which assumes the validity of these axioms, is therefore not applicable. (I acknowledge clarifying personal communications with Jakob Yngvason on this point.)


but only that there exists an adiabatic irreversibel process between these states. So the entropy principle here is not the universal proposition of Planck, even if we restrict ourselves to systems for which the comparability hypothesis holds and exclude mixing and chemical processes. The next question is of course about the time-(a)symmetry of this approach. There are two ways in which one may analyse this question. The rst is to consider all structures () , (, ), as candidate models, and look upon the axioms as singling out a class of possible worlds. In that case it is easy to show, using the implementation of time reversal proposed in footnote 76, that the six general axioms, as well as the comparability hypothesis, are completely time-symmetric!90 Another way of analyzing the question is to start from the interpretation proposed by the authors for the relation and note that it invokes the term possible. One may regard this as a modal relationship, to be understood in terms of a possible worlds semantics. On this reading, the statement s t does not express a manifest property of one single world, but rather commits one to the existence of possible worlds in which the state s can be transformed into t without leaving changes in auxiliary systems except the displacement of a weight. It does not, however, commit us to the existence of a possible world in which t is transformed into s under the same conditions. Thus, the class of possible worlds allowed by such a statement is time-asymmetric.91 Therefore, the answer to the question whether this approach is time-symmetric or not depends on whether one analyzes the question from the point of view of the formalism or its interpretation. Nevertheless, the fact that it is not necessary to introduce time-asymmetry into the formalism to obtain the second law, is very remarkable. As I have said, the interpretation these authors give to the term adiabatic is much wider than that of Carath odory. For the mathematical formalism, this is of e course irrelevant; but not for its physical meaning. The wider the interpretation of
This conclusion cannot be extended to the complete set of axioms proposed by Lieb and Yngvason. For example, axiom S1 (cited above) is already time-asymmetric. However, the time-asymmetry introduced by this axiom is only temporary. In the course of their presentation, axiom S1 is subsumed by a stronger axiom (called Transversality) which restores time-symmetry. (Transversality entails that for r.) Yet, there are two other axioms (called A7 and all s there is also a state r such that r s and s T1) which address mixing and equilibration processes. These axioms are explicitly time-asymmetric. (I thank Jakob Yngvason for pointing this out to me.) Note, however, that as far as the entropy principle is concerned, these axioms are needed only in the derivation of the (time-symmetric) comparability hypothesis. 91 In this view, the role of the axioms would then be to characterise a kind of second-order possibility, namely, to determine which relations between possible worlds are possible (allowed by the theory).


the relation , the stronger is the empirical content of the postulates. This raises the question whether the proposed interpretation is not, as we saw in the case of Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa, perhaps already so wide that the axioms conict with experience. As far as I can see, this is not the case. Of course, the main point responsible for this difference from Carath odorys approach is that the present axioms are, in certain e aspects, much weaker. However, this question leads immediately to one problematical aspect of the proposed physical interpretation. It refers to the state of auxiliary systems in the environment of the system. Thus, we are again confronted by the old and ugly question, when shall we say that the state of systems in the environment has changed, and when are we fully satised that their initial state has been recovered. As noted before (footnote 27), this question is rather intractable from the point of view of thermodynamics, when one allows arbitrary auxiliary systems whose states are not represented by the thermodynamical formalism. Thus, the question when the relation is applicable cannot be decided on the basis of the formalism itself.



What is the relation between the second law of thermodynamics and the arrow of time? The deeper we go into this question, the more remote a clear-cut relation appears to be. Nevertheless, I think we can summarise this study by drawing several conclusions. Moreover, I argue below that it may be more fruitful to abandon the idea that time-asymmetry or irreversibility is essential to the second law. First of all, we have seen that a distinction should be made between time-(a)symmetry and thermodynamical concepts of (ir)reversibility. Time-asymmetry, in the sense in which we used this word, refers to a law which allows some process (or possible world), while excluding its time reversal. In the stock philosophical literature, such processes are called irreversible. But in thermodynamics a plethora of other meanings are employed for this term. The two most important of these are as follows. First, one can understand reversible processes as processes which proceed so slowly that the system always remains close to equilibrium. Elaborating on conditions employed by Carnot and Kelvin (1851), Clausius (1864) and Planck (1897) dened the term umkehrbar in this sense. This concept is of crucial importance to their formulations of the second law. In the physics literature it is probably the most common usage of the term reversible, e in spite of Carath odorys proposal to use the better term quasi-static. However, 90

this concept is by itself irrelevant for the arrow of time. That is to say, the claim that there exist processes which are not reversible in this sense, or indeed, the claim that some law implies that all processes in nature are irreversible in this sense, does not imply time-asymmetry. The second meaning of reversible is the notion of a process whose initial state can be completely restored by some other process, using any auxiliary device available in our world. This is Plancks notion of reversibel, which goes back to Kelvin (1852). This concept is relevant to the arrow of time, although it is not identical with the notion of time-asymmetry. Discussions on irreversibility and the second law in the philosophy of physics seem to have largely overlooked this distinction. A second conclusion is that different presentations of classical thermodynamics vary a great deal, both in their formulations of the second law, and in their relationships with the arrow of time. The main division here is between the work of Clausius, e Kelvin and Planck on the hand, and Gibbs and Carath odory on the other. However, also inside each of these camps there are signicant distinctions. Perhaps the table below is helpful:

Version of second law Carnots theorem Clausius (1850) Kelvin (1851) Kelvin (1852) Kelvin (1855) Clausius (1865) Clausius (1876) Planck (1897) Gibbs (1875) Carath odory(1909) e Lieb & Yngvason (1999)

Applies Timeonly to asymcycles? metric? yes yes yes no yes no yes no n.a. no no yes no no yes no yes yes yes n.a. yes no

Allows irreversible processes? yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

Implies existence of irreversible processes? no no no yes no yes no yes no no no

Argues for universal irreversibility? no no no yes no yes no yes no no no

Table 1: Various aspects of the arrow of time for various formulations of the second law. Here, irreversible is taken in Plancks sense, and n.a. stands for not applicable. 91

In the tradition of Clausius, Kelvin and Planck, thermodynamics is a theory about processes. That is to say, one considers the evolution of a system in the course of time. To be sure, the role of evolutions is tiny (as the theory is mainly restricted to cyclic processes), but the question whether the theory is time-asymmetric or implies irreversibility (irrecoverability) makes sense. The answer depends on whether the second law is regarded as a statement concerning cyclic processes only, or also about open (i.e. non-cyclic) processes. We have seen that the formulations Clausius and Kelvin gave of the second law went through various changes in this respect. However, most of their formulations of the second law only concerned cycles. This is reected in the formulation known today as Kelvins and Clausius principle, or the principle of the impossibility of the perpetuum mobile of the second kind. This formulation is time-asymmetric. The negative character of these principles is no obstacle; time-asymmetry is a characterization of a theory, and not of our world. But, I have argued, they do not imply the existence of irreversible (irrecoverable) processes. However, a few exceptional publications, notably Kelvin (1852) and Clausius (1864, 1865), argued for a universal tendency of processes to proceed in one direction only. This view led, in particular in the work of Planck, to a grand universal generalization, according to which the second law says that for all processes in nature the total entropy of the systems involved never decreases, and that therefore all processes (with the exception of those in which the entropy remains constant) are irreversible. A convincing argument for this claim has never been given. The versions of the second law developed by Gibbs, Carath odory and Lieb and e Yngvason apply to equilibrium states. Here, the evolution of systems in the course of time plays no role, and a connection with any aspect of the philosophy of time is therefore much less prominent. As to Gibbs version, i.e. the entropy maximum principle, I have argued that such a connection is completely absent; it rests, in my opinion, on a confusion between virtual variations and processes. In the case of Carath odory, and authors that elabe orated his approach, the situation is more subtle. His formulation of the second law (Carath odorys principle) is a proposition intended to provide sufcient grounds for e the existence of entropy and temperature as functions of equilibrium states, at least for simple systems. There is no direct concern for time-(a)symmetry or irreversibility here. e However, Carath odorys principle employs a notion of adiabatic accessibility between states, s t, which is interpreted in terms of the possibility of an adiabatic 92

process which transforms s into t. Here, time enters the picture, because the time reversal of such a process obviously produces an adiabatic process from t to s. I have are gued that, if we construe the time reversal of any model of Carath odorys principle as one in which is replaced by , this theory is, strictly speaking, time-asymmetric. However, this asymmetry is only noticeable in rather pathological models. If the theory is applied to usual systems (like ordinary uids or systems composed of such uids), then models in which the second law according to the CKP tradition holds, as well as the time reversals of these models, are allowed. Thus, for this class no time-asymmetry emerges. The modern extension of the formalism of Carath odory e by Lieb and Yngvason, is even manifestly time-symmetric. The connection with the entropy principle and irreversibility is even more subtle. While Carath odory gives a discussion aiming at the conclusion that for all simple e systems, adiabatic processes in which entropy varies are irreversible, he only obtains this conclusion by a redenition of irreversibility: a process is called irreversible if the change of state cannot be undone adiabatically. This result is obviously far removed from Plancks universal entropy principle. Even if we restrict ourselves to simple systems, it is not guaranteed that entropy increases in irreversible processes e (in either Plancks or Carath odorys sense) nor does it follow that processes in which entropy increases should be irreversible (in Plancks sense). Also in the approach of Lieb and Yngvason, an entropy principle is obtained that holds for a restricted class of simple systems (and systems composed of these). However, their notion of simplicity does not coincide with that of Carath odory. In e order to reach a statement about irreversibility, this approach chooses the opposite strategy: these authors redene the concept of adiabatic in such a way that it (almost) coincides with Plancks concept of reversibility. The result is that for every two comparable states s and t with S(s) < S(t) there exists an irreversible process, beginning in s, and ending in t. It is striking that this version of the second law can be obtained without invoking time-asymmetry at all. However, the result does have consequences in terms of irreversibility (in the sense of recoverability). But this consequence is rather mild: it does not follow that all such processes from s to t are irreversible. Here too, the universal formulation of Planck has not been attained. One can even ask whether the result is so interesting for the philosophy of time, or threatening for the harmony between different parts of physics. After all, Hamiltonian mechanics also allows the existence of irreversible processes, for example, the motion of a free particle in an otherwise empty universe. 93

This summary leads to the question whether it is fruitful to see irreversibility or time-asymmetry as the essence of the second law. Is it not more straightforward, in view of the unargued statements of Kelvin, the bold claims of Clausius and the strained attempts of Planck, to give up this idea? I believe that EhrenfestAfanassjewa was right in her verdict that the discussion about the arrow of time as expressed in the second law of the thermodynamics is actually a red herring. The only way to evaluate such a proposal is by making up a balance-sheet. What would we loose and what would we gain? It is clear that in fact all concrete applications of the second law in classical thermodynamics, even in the work of the most outspoken proponents of the claim that this law implies universal irreversibility, are restricted to systems in equilibrium. This holds for Kelvin and Planck, but also more recent text books (e.g. (Becker 1967)). A general opinion among thermodynamicists is even that the theory is incapable of dealing with systems out of equilibrium; (see the quotation from Bridgman on page 3). Clearly, in terms of concrete applications, we would loose very little. What, then, do we gain with this proposal? The main advantage is, to my mind, that the second law would no longer represent an obstacle to the reconciliation of different theories of physics. More specically, attempts to reduce thermodynamics to, or at least to harmonise it with, a mechanistic world picture would get a new lease of life. The work of Boltzmann in kinetic gas theory is a particularly good example of this problem. Boltzmann spent the main part of his career trying to nd a mechanical underpinning of the second law. Essential for this task was, in his opinion, nding a mechanically dened function for isolated mechanical systems, which could exclusively, or at least with very large probability, increase. Every time he believed himself to have succeeded in this task, e.g. in 1872 with the H-theorem for a dilute hard spheres gas, and in 1877 with his combinatorial argument for the ideal gas, objections to his results emerged (viz. the famous Umkehreinwand and Wiederkehreinwand). The problem of avoiding these objections is still open. But apparently there is another option. If the second law does not express timeasymmetry or irreversibility, it is not necessary to nd a mechanical quantity which can only increase and still achieve reconciliation between thermodynamics and mechanics. Among philosophers of science, the themes around the second law have drawn a lot of attention; (Reichenbach, Grunbaum, etc.). Sometimes, this discussion has taken a ight which seems far removed from the original physical background. There are serious discussions about the entropy of a footprint on the beach, or about the ques94

tion whether the second law can perhaps explain the ow of time itself. It seems to me that thess discussions can only be understood if we construe terms like entropy, second law or even thermodynamics as metaphors that do not literally refer to a actually existing physical theory. According to the proposal such discussion can be avoided, or at least sharpened. With this proposal I do not wish to suggest that there is no connection between thermodynamics and the arrow of time. Therefore I conclude this study by mentioning two areas in which the connection might be analyzed with more success. In the rst place, a fundamental presupposition in classical thermodynamics is that isolated systems attain or approach an equilibrium state, and, once they reach equilibrium, they remain there as long as they are left to themselves. In fact, equilibrium is often dened as a state which will not change in the future, if the system is left to itself. Changes in the past, in contrast, are allowed or even explicitly presupposed. This gives a clear time-asymmetric character to thermodynamics. It is often said that this behaviour of thermodynamical systems (i.e. the approach to equilibrium) is accompanied by an increase of entropy, and a consequence of the second law. But this idea actually lacks a theoretical foundation: for a nonequilibrium state there is in general no thermodynamic entropy or temperature at all. We get no further than where Clausius was in 1864 (see page 33): the second law cannot be seen as a statement about the quantities of the system, but also involves its environment. Planck (1897, 112) too emphasised that the approach to equilibrium has nothing to do with the second law. This aspect of time-asymmetry is woven much deeper in the theory. Although Boltzmanns H-theorem is not necessary to reconcile the second law with mechanics, it can still be important to obtain a proper description of the approach to equilibrium. Uhlenbeck and Ford (1963) therefore associate the work of Boltzmann with a foundation of what they call the zeroth law.92 But clearly, for a mechanical explanation of the approach to equilibrium it is not necessary to prove the monotonous increase of some mechanically dened quantity. There is another interesting remark to be made in this connection. There exists, apart from the works of Carnot, Clausius, Kelvin, Gibbs and Planck, another classical tradition in the study of heat phenomena, e.g. the heat equation of Fourier, This equation shows all the aspects one would like to associate with an arrow of time: it
92 This means: every isolated thermodynamical system reaches an equilibrium state in the long run. This terminology is unfortunate since the term zeroth law is normally used to denote transitivity of thermal equilibrium. Perhaps it is better to speak of law 1 or even .


contains time explicitly; the class of solutions is not invariant when we replace t by t; they show a clear unidirectional tendency to equalise temperature differences, etc. Similar remarks hold for the diffusion equation of Fick, and other equations describing the macroscopic ow of heat and matter (often collectively called transport equations). Furthermore, transport equations form a bona de part of classical physics. The question is then: what is the relation of this tradition to thermodynamics? The answer is rather surprising. Truesdell (1980) observed that in one and a half centuries of their coexistence, not a single work has appeared in which the behaviour of heat, as described by the heat equation, and as described by thermodynamics, are related to each other.93 One has to conclude that the heat equation and other transport equations simply do not belong to classical thermodynamics! However, since the Second World War, a lot of work has been done in obtaining extensions of thermodynamics which could be applied to systems out of equilibrium. Such extensions, sometimes called thermodynamics of irreversible processes, would be able to describe the approach to equilibrium, as illustrated by the heat equation; see, e.g., de Groot (1945); Prigogine (1955). Here, a more interesting connection with the arrow of time could result. This work seems to have resulted in a large number schools, and I can therefore say little about it. It is characteristic of this type of work that it is focussed on applications and gives comparatively little attention to the foundations and logical formulation of the theory. Usually, a timeasymmetric statement about entropy production is postulated. The question how the entropy of a non-equilibrium state is to be dened, and the proof that it exists and is unique for all non-equilibrium states, still seem to be largely unexplored;94 see also (Meixner 1970, Lavenda 1978).

I have beneted a great deal from discussions with and comments by Co Broeder, Craig Callender, Elliott Lieb, Janneke van Lith, John Norton, Henk de Regt, Jakob
However, Bertrand (1887) is an exception. A typical argument (de Groot, 1945; Yourgrau et al., 1966) is that, on the one hand, orthodox thermodynamics is rejected on the grounds that it is not valid for irreversible processes, and on the other hand one justies the statement about positive entropy production for irreversible processes with an appeal to the (orthodox) second law. Another curious characterization of the foundations of this theory is by Callen (1960): Irreversible thermodynamics is based on the postulates of equilibrium thermostatics plus the additional postulate of time reversal symmetry;
94 93


Yngvason and two anonymous referees. Thanks, all of you.

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