G.R. No. 145225 April 2, 2004 People of The Philippines, Appellee, vs. Salvador Golimlim at "BADONG", Appellants
G.R. No. 145225 April 2, 2004 People of The Philippines, Appellee, vs. Salvador Golimlim at "BADONG", Appellants
G.R. No. 145225 April 2, 2004 People of The Philippines, Appellee, vs. Salvador Golimlim at "BADONG", Appellants
April 2, 2004
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, appellee, vs.SALVADOR GOLIMLIM @ "BADONG", appellants. DECISION CARPIO MORALES, J.: On appeal is the Decision1 of June 9, 2000 of the Regional Trial Court of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, Branch 65 in Criminal Case No. 241, finding appellant Salvador Golimlim alias "Badong" guilty beyond reasonable doubt of rape, imposing on him the penalty of reclusion perpetua, and holding him civilly liable in the amount of P50,000.00 as indemnity, and P50,000.00 as moral damages. The Information dated April 16, 1997 filed against appellant reads as follows: That sometime in the month of August, 1996, at Barangay Bical, Municipality of Bulan, Province of Sorsogon, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court the above-named accused, armed with a bladed weapon, by means of violence and intimidation, did then and there, wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously, have carnal knowledge of one Evelyn Canchela against her will and without her consent, to her damage and prejudice. Contrary to law.2 Upon arraignment on December 15, 1997,3 appellant, duly assisted by counsel, pleaded not guilty to the offense charged. The facts established by the prosecution are as follows: Private complainant Evelyn G. Canchela (Evelyn), is a mental retardate. When her mother, Amparo Hachero, left for Singapore on May 2, 1996 to work as a domestic helper, she entrusted Evelyn to the care and custody of her (Amparos) sister Jovita Guban and her husband Salvador Golimlim, herein appellant, at Barangay Bical, Bulan, Sorsogon.4 Sometime in August 1996, Jovita left the conjugal residence to meet a certain Rosing,5 leaving Evelyn with appellant. Taking advantage of the situation, appellant instructed private complainant to sleep,6 and soon after she had laid down, he kissed her and took off her clothes.7 As he poked at her an object which to Evelyn felt like a knife,8 he proceeded to insert his penis into her
vagina.9 His lust satisfied, appellant fell asleep. When Jovita arrived, Evelyn told her about what appellant did to her. Jovita, however, did not believe her and in fact she scolded her.10 Sometime in December of the same year, Lorna Hachero, Evelyns half-sister, received a letter from their mother Amparo instructing her to fetch Evelyn from Sorsogon and allow her to stay in Novaliches, Quezon City where she (Lorna) resided. Dutifully, Lorna immediately repaired to appellants home in Bical, and brought Evelyn with her to Manila. A week after she brought Evelyn to stay with her, Lorna suspected that her sister was pregnant as she noticed her growing belly. She thereupon brought her to a doctor at the Pascual General Hospital at Baeza, Novaliches, Quezon City for check-up and ultrasound examination. Lornas suspicions were confirmed as the examinations revealed that Evelyn was indeed pregnant.11 She thus asked her sister how she became pregnant, to which Evelyn replied that appellant had sexual intercourse with her while holding a knife.12 In February of 1997, the sisters left for Bulan, Sorsogon for the purpose of filing a criminal complaint against appellant. The police in Bulan, however, advised them to first have Evelyn examined. Obliging, the two repaired on February 24, 1997 to the Municipal Health Office of Bulan, Sorsogon where Evelyn was examined by Dr. Estrella Payoyo.13 The Medico-legal Report revealed the following findings, quoted verbatim: FINDINGS: LMP [last menstrual period]: Aug. 96 ? Abd [abdomen]: 7 months AOG [age of gestation] FHT [fetal heart tone]: 148/min Presentation: Cephalic Hymen: old laceration at 3, 5, 7, & 11 oclock position14 On the same day, the sisters went back to the Investigation Section of the Bulan Municipal Police Station before which they executed their sworn statements.15 On February 27, 1997, Evelyn, assisted by Lorna, filed a criminal complaint for rape16 against appellant before the Municipal Trial Court of Bulan, Sorsogon, docketed as Criminal Case No. 6272. In the meantime or on May 7, 1997, Evelyn gave birth to a girl, Joana Canchela, at Guruyan, Juban, Sorsogon.17
Appellant, on being confronted with the accusation, simply said that it is not true "[b]ecause her mind is not normal,"18 she having "mentioned many other names of men who ha[d] sexual intercourse with her."19 Finding for the prosecution, the trial court, by the present appealed Decision, convicted appellant as charged. The dispositive portion of the decision reads: WHEREFORE, premises considered, accused Salvador Golimlim having been found guilty of the crime of RAPE (Art. 335 R.P.C. as amended by RA 7659) beyond reasonable doubt is hereby sentenced to suffer the penalty of RECLUSION PERPETUA, and to indemnify the offended party Evelyn Canchela in the amount of P50,000.00 as indemnity and another P50,000.00 as moral damage[s], and to pay the costs. SO ORDERED.20 Hence, the present appeal, appellant assigning to the trial court the following errors: I. THE COURT A QUO GRAVELY ERRED IN GIVING WEIGHT AND CREDENCE TO THE CONTRADICTORY AND IMPLAUSIBLE TESTIMONY OF EVELYN CANCHELA, A MENTAL RETARDATE, [AND] II. THE COURT A QUO GRAVELY ERRED IN FINDING THAT THE GUILT OF THE ACCUSED-APPELLANT FOR THE CRIME CHARGED HAS BEEN PROVEN BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT.21 Appellant argues that Evelyns testimony is not categorical and is replete with contradictions, thus engendering grave doubts as to his criminal culpability. In giving credence to Evelyns testimony and finding against appellant, the trial court made the following observations, quoted verbatim: 1) Despite her weak and dull mental state the victim was consistent in her claim that her Papay Badong (accused Salvador Golimlim) had carnal knowledge of her and was the author of her pregnancy, and nobody else (See: For comparison her Sworn Statement on p. 3/Record; her narration in the Psychiatric Report on pp. 47 & 48/Record; the TSNs of her testimony in open court); 2) She remains consistent that her Papay Badong raped her only once; 3) That the contradictory statements she made in open court relative to the details of how she was raped, although would seem derogatory to her credibility and reliability as a witness under normal conditions, were amply explained by the psychiatrist who examined her and supported by her findings (See: Exhibits F to F-2);
4) Despite her claim that several persons laid on top of her (which is still subject to question considering that the victim could not elaborate on its meaning), the lucid fact remains that she never pointed to anybody else as the author of her pregnancy, but her Papay Badong. Which only shows that the trauma that was created in her mind by the incident has remained printed in her memory despite her weak mental state. Furthermore, granting for the sake of argument that other men also laid on top of her, this does not deviate from the fact that her Papay Badong (the accused) had sexual intercourse with her.22 The trial judges assessment of the credibility of witnesses testimonies is, as has repeatedly been held by this Court, accorded great respect on appeal in the absence of grave abuse of discretion on its part, it having had the advantage of actually examining both real and testimonial evidence including the demeanor of the witnesses.23 In the present case, no cogent reason can be appreciated to warrant a departure from the findings of the trial court with respect to the assessment of Evelyns testimony. That Evelyn is a mental retardate does not disqualify her as a witness nor render her testimony bereft of truth. Sections 20 and 21 of Rule 130 of the Revised Rules of Court provide: SEC. 20. Witnesses; their qualifications. Except as provided in the next succeeding section, all persons who can perceive, and perceiving, can make known their perception to others, may be witnesses. xxx SEC. 21. Disqualification by reason of mental incapacity or immaturity. The following persons cannot be witnesses: (a) Those whose mental condition, at the time of their production for examination, is such that they are incapable of intelligently making known their perception to others; (b) Children whose mental maturity is such as to render them incapable of perceiving the facts respecting which they are examined and of relating them truthfully. In People v. Trelles,24 where the trial court relied heavily on the therein mentally retarded private complainants testimony irregardless of her "monosyllabic responses and vacillations between lucidity and ambiguity," this Court held: A mental retardate or a feebleminded person is not, per se, disqualified from being a witness, her mental condition not being a vitiation of her credibility. It
is now universally accepted that intellectual weakness, no matter what form it assumes, is not a valid objection to the competency of a witness so long as the latter can still give a fairly intelligent and reasonable narrative of the matter testified to.25 It can not then be gainsaid that a mental retardate can be a witness, depending on his or her ability to relate what he or she knows.26 If his or her testimony is coherent, the same is admissible in court.27 To be sure, modern rules on evidence have downgraded mental incapacity as a ground to disqualify a witness. As observed by McCormick, the remedy of excluding such a witness who may be the only person available who knows the facts, seems inept and primitive. Our rules follow the modern trend of evidence.28 Thus, in a long line of cases,29 this Court has upheld the conviction of the accused based mainly on statements given in court by the victim who was a mental retardate. From a meticulous scrutiny of the records of this case, there is no reason to doubt Evelyns credibility. To be sure, her testimony is not without discrepancies, given of course her feeblemindedness. By the account of Dr. Chona Cuyos-Belmonte, Medical Specialist II at the Psychiatric Department of the Bicol Medical Center, who examined Evelyn, although Evelyn was suffering from moderate mental retardation with an IQ of 46,30 she is capable of perceiving and relating events which happened to her. Thus the doctor testified: Q: So do you try to impress that although she answers in general terms it does not necessarily mean that she might be inventing answers only that she could not go to the specific details because of dullness? A: I dont think she was inventing her answer because I conducted mental status examination for three (3) times and I tried to see the consistency in the narration but very poor (sic) in giving details. xxx Q: May we know what she related to you? A: She related to me that she was raped by her uncle Tatay Badong. What she mentioned was that, and I quote: hinila ang panty ko, pinasok ang pisot at bayag niya sa pipi ko. She would laugh inappropriately after telling me that particular incident. I also tried to ask her regarding the dates, the time of the incident, but she could not really. I tried to elicit those important things, but the patient had a hard time remembering those dates.
Q: But considering that you have evaluated her mentally, gave her I.Q. test, in your honest opinion, do you believe that this narration by the patient to you about the rape is reliable? A: Yes, sir. Q: Why do you consider that reliable? A: Being a (sic) moderately retarded, I have noticed the spontaneity of her answers during the time of the testing. She was not even hesitating when she told me she was raped once at home by her Tatay Badong; and she was laughing when she told me about how it was done on (sic) her. So, although she may be inappropriate but (sic) she was spontaneous, she was consistent. Q: Now, I would like to relate to you an incident that happened in this Court for you to give us your expert opinion. I tried to present the victim in this case to testify. While she testified that she was raped by her uncle Badong, when asked about the details, thereof, she would not make (sic) the detail. She only answered wala (no). I ask this question because somehow this seems related to your previous evaluation that while she gave an answer, she gave no detail. Now, I was thinking because I am a man and I was the one asking and the Judge is a man also. And while the mother would say that she would relate to her and she related to you, can you explain to us why when she was presented in court that occurrence, that event happened? A: There are a lot of possible answers to that question; one, is the courts atmosphere itself. This may have brought a little anxiety on the part of the patient and this inhibits her from relating some of the details relative to the incident-in-question. When I conducted my interview with the patient, there were only two (2) of us in the room. I normally do not ask this question during the first session with the patient because these are emotionally leading questions, and I do not expect the patient to be very trusting. So, I usually ask this type of questions during the later part of my examination to make her relax during my evaluation. So in this way, she will be more cooperative with me. I dont think that this kind of atmosphere within the courtroom with some people around, this could have inhibited the patient from answering questions. xxx Q: What if the victim is being coached or led by someone else, will she be able to answer the questions? A: Yes, she may be able to answer the questions, but you would notice the inconsistency of the answers because what we normally do is that we present the questions in different ways, and we expect the same answer. This is how we try to evaluate the patient. If the person, especially a retarded, is being coached by somebody, the answers will no longer be consistent.
Q: You also mentioned a while ago that the answers given by the patient, taken all in all, were consistent? A: Yes, sir.31 (Underscoring supplied) As noted in the above-quoted testimony of Dr. Belmonte, Evelyn could give spontaneous and consistent answers to the same but differently framed questions under conditions which do not inhibit her from answering. It could have been in this light that Evelyn was able to relate in court, upon examination by a female government prosecutor and the exclusion of the public from the proceedings, on Dr. Belmontes suggestion,32 how, as quoted below, she was raped and that it was appellant who did it: Q: Lorna Hachero testified before this Court that you gave birth to a baby girl named Johanna, is this true? A: (The witness nods, yes.) xxx Q: Who is the father of Johanna? A: Papay Badong Q: Who is this Papay Badong that you are referring to? A: The husband of Mamay Bita. Q: Is he here in court? A: He is here. Q: Please look around and point him to us. A: (The witness pointing to the lone man sitting in the first row of the gallery wearing a regular prison orange t-shirt who gave his name as Salvador Golimlim when asked.) Q: Why were you able to say that it is Papay Badong who is the father of your child Johanna? A: Because then I was left at Mamay Bitas house, although I am not there now. Q: And that house where you were left is also the house of your Papay Badong? A: Yes maam.
Q: What did Salvador Golimlim or your Papay Badong do to you thats why you were able to say that he is the father of your child? A: I was undressed by him. xxx Q: What did you do after you were undressed? A: I was scolded by the wife, Mamay Bita. Q: I am referring to that very moment when you were undressed. Immediately after your Papay Badong undressed you, what did you do? xxx A: He laid on top of me. Q: What was your position when he laid on top of you? A: I was lying down. Q: Then after he went on top of you, what did he do there? A: He made (sic) sexual intercourse with me. Q: When you said he had a (sic) sexual intercourse with you, what did he do exactly? A: He kissed me. Q: Where? A: On the cheeks (witness motioning indicating her cheeks). Q: What else did he do? Please describe before this Honorable Court the sexual intercourse which you are referring to which the accused did to you. A: Initoy and he slept after that. (to Court) Nevertheless, may we request that the local term for sexual intercourse, the word Initoy which was used by the witness be put on the record, and we request judicial notice of the fact that initoy is the local term for sexual intercourse.
xxx Q: What did you feel when your Papay Badong had sexual intercourse with you? A: I felt a knife; it was like a knife. Q: Where did you feel that knife? A: I forgot. Q: Why did you allow your Papay Badong to have sexual intercourse with you? A: I will not consent to it. xxx Q: Did you like what he did to you? A: I do not want it. Q: But why did it happen? A: I was forced to. xxx Q: Did you feel anything when he inserted into your vagina when your Papay Badong laid on top of you? A: His sexual organ/penis. Q: How did you know that it was the penis of your Papay Badong that was entered into your vagina? A: It was put on top of me. Q: Did it enter your vagina? A: Yes, Your Honor. xxx Q: Madam Witness, is it true that your Papay Badong inserted his penis into your vagina or sexual organ during that time that he was on top of you? A: (The witness nods, yes.)33 (Underscoring supplied)
Appellants bare denial is not only an inherently weak defense. It is not supported by clear and convincing evidence. It cannot thus prevail over the positive declaration of Evelyn who convincingly identified him as her rapist.34 In convicting appellant under Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by Republic Act 7659 (the law in force when the crime was committed in 1996), the trial court did not specify under which mode the crime was committed. Under the said article, rape is committed thus: ART. 335. When and how rape is committed. Rape is committed by having carnal knowledge of a woman under any of the following circumstances. 1. By using force or intimidation; 2. When the woman is deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious; and 3. When the woman is under twelve years of age or is demented. The crime of rape shall be punished by reclusion perpetua. Whenever the crime of rape is committed with the use of a deadly weapon or by two or more persons, the penalty shall be reclusion perpetua or death. xxx It is settled that sexual intercourse with a woman who is a mental retardate constitutes statutory rape which does not require proof that the accused used force or intimidation in having carnal knowledge of the victim for conviction.35 The fact of Evelyns mental retardation was not, however, alleged in the Information and, therefore, cannot be the basis for conviction. Such notwithstanding, that force and intimidation attended the commission of the crime, the mode of commission alleged in the Information, was adequately proven. It bears stating herein that the mental faculties of a retardate being different from those of a normal person, the degree of force needed to overwhelm him or her is less. Hence, a quantum of force which may not suffice when the victim is a normal person, may be more than enough when employed against an imbecile.36 Still under the above-quoted provision of Art. 335 of the Rev ised Penal Code, when the crime of rape is committed with the use of a deadly weapon, the penalty shall be reclusion perpetua to death. In the case at bar, however, although there is adequate evidence showing that appellant indeed used force and intimidation, that is not the case with respect to the use of a deadly weapon. WHEREFORE, the assailed Decision of the Regional Trial Court of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, Branch 65 in Criminal Case No. 241 finding appellant, Salvador
Golimlim alias "Badong," GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of rape, which this Court finds to have been committed under paragraph 1, Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code, and holding him civilly liable therefor, is hereby AFFIRMED. Costs against appellant. SO ORDERED. Vitug, Sandoval-Gutierrez, and Corona, JJ., concur. Footnotes
On Official Leave. Rollo at 31-45. Id. at 10. Records at 29. TSN, August 12, 1998 at 12. TSN, October 14, 1998 at 6. TSN, January 27, 1999 at 9. Id. at 6. Id. at 8. Id. at 10 and 13. Id. at 10. TSN, June 2, 1998 at 7. Id. at 8. TSN, August 12, 1998 at 3. Exhibit "E", Records at 16. Exhibit "B", Records at 12. Records at 7.
Exhibit "D", Records at 127. TSN, September 20, 1999 at 4. Ibid. Rollo at 45. Id. at 80. Id. at 38-39.
People v. De Guzman, 372 SCRA 95, 101 (2001), People v. Balisnomo, 265 SCRA 98, 104 (1996) (citations omitted).
23 24
340 SCRA 652 (2000). Id. at 658 (citations omitted). People v. Delos Santos, 364 SCRA 142, 156 (2001). People v. Lubong, 332 SCRA 672, 690 (2000) (citation omitted). People v. Espanola, 271 SCRA 689, 709 (1997) (citations omitted).
People v. Agravante, 338 SCRA 13 (2000), People v. Padilla, 301 SCRA 265 (1999), People v. Malapo, 294 SCRA 579 (1998), People v. Balisnomo, 265 SCRA 98 (1996), People v. Gerones, 193 SCRA 263 (1991).
29 30
TSN, December 21, 1998 at 10. Id. at 9-21. Id. at 13-14. TSN, January 27, 1999 at 4-13.
People v. De Guzman, 372 SCRA 95, 111 (2001) (citations omitted), People v. Glabo, 371 SCRA 567, 573 (2001) (citations omitted), People v. Lalingjaman, 364 SCRA 535, 546 (2001) (citations omitted), People v. Agravante, 338 SCRA 13, 20 (2000).
People v. Lubong, 332 SCRA 672, 692 (2000) (citations omitted), People v. Padilla, 301 SCRA 265, 273 (1999) (citation omitted).
35 36
Disqualification by Reason of Death 1. Sanson v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 127745, April 22, 2003 [G.R. No. 127745. April 22, 2003]
FELICITO G. SANSON, CELEDONIA SANSON-SAQUIN, ANGELES A. MONTINOLA, EDUARDO A. MONTINOLA, JR., petitioners-appellants, vs. HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS, FOURTH DIVISION and MELECIA T. SY, as Administratrix of the Intestate Estate of the Late Juan Bon Fing Sy, respondents-appellees. DECISION CARPIO MORALES, J.: Before this Court is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court assailing the Court of Appeals Decision of May 31, 1996 and Resolution of December 9, 1996. On February 7, 1990, herein petitioner-appellant Felicito G. Sanson (Sanson), in his capacity as creditor, filed before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Iloilo City a petition, docketed as Special Proceedings No. 4497, for the settlement of the estate of Juan Bon Fing Sy (the deceased) who died on January 10, 1990. Sanson claimed that the deceased was indebted to him in the amount of P603,000.00 and to his sister Celedonia Sanson-Saquin (Celedonia) in the amount of P360,000.00.[1] Petitioners-appellants Eduardo Montinola, Jr. and his mother Angeles Montinola (Angeles) later filed separate claims against the estate, alleging that the deceased owed them P50,000.00 and P150,000.00, respectively.[2] By Order of February 12, 1991, Branch 28 of the Iloilo RTC to which the petition was raffled, appointed Melecia T. Sy, surviving spouse of the deceased, as administratrix of his estate, following which she was issued letters of administration.[3] During the hearing of the claims against the estate, Sanson, Celedonia, and Jade Montinola, wife of claimant Eduardo Montinola, Jr., testified on the transactions that gave rise thereto, over the objection of the administratrix who invoked Section 23, Rule 130 of the Revised Rules of Court otherwise known as the Dead Mans Statute which reads: SEC. 23. Disqualification by reason of death or insanity of adverse party. Parties or assignors of parties to a case, or persons in whose behalf a case is prosecuted, against an executor or administrator or other representative of a deceased person, or against a person of unsound mind, upon a claim or demand against the estate of such deceased person or against such person of
unsound mind, cannot testify as to any matter of fact occurring before the death of such deceased person or before such person became of unsound mind. (Emphasis supplied) Sanson, in support of the claim of his sister Celedonia, testified that she had a transaction with the deceased which is evidenced by six checks[4] issued by him before his death; before the deceased died, Celedonia tried to enforce settlement of the checks from his (the deceaseds) son Jerry who told her that his father would settle them once he got well but he never did; and after the death of the deceased, Celedonia presented the checks to the bank for payment but were dishonored[5] due to the closure of his account.[6] Celedonia, in support of the claim of her brother Sanson, testified that she knew that the deceased issued five checks[7] to Sanson in settlement of a debt; and after the death of the deceased, Sanson presented the checks to the bank for payment but were returned due to the closure of his account.[8] Jade, in support of the claims of her husband Eduardo Montinola, Jr. and mother-in-law Angeles, testified that on separate occasions, the deceased borrowed P50,000 and P150,000 from her husband and mother-in-law, respectively, as shown by three checks issued by the deceased,[9] two to Angeles and the other[10] to Eduardo Montinola, Jr.; before the deceased died or sometime in August 1989, they advised him that they would be depositing the checks, but he told them not to as he would pay them cash, but he never did; and after the deceased died on January 10, 1990, they deposited the checks but were dishonored as the account against which they were drawn was closed,[11] hence, their legal counsel sent a demand letter[12] dated February 6, 1990 addressed to the deceaseds heirs Melicia, James, Mini and Jerry Sy, and Symmels I & II but the checks have remained unsettled.[13] The administratrix, denying having any knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the claims, nevertheless alleged that if they ever existed, they had been paid and extinguished, are usurious and illegal and are, in any event, barred by prescription.[14] And she objected to the admission of the checks and check return slips-exhibits offered in evidence by the claimants upon the ground that the witnesses who testified thereon are disqualified under the Dead Mans Statute. Specifically with respect to the checks-exhibits identified by Jade, the administratrix asserted that they are inadmissible because Jade is the daughterin-law of claimant Angeles and wife of claimant Eduardo Montinola, Jr., hence, she is covered by the above-said rule on disqualification. At all events, the administratrix denied that the checks-exhibits were issued by the deceased and that the return slips were issued by the depository/clearing bank.[15] After the claimants rested their case, the administratrix filed four separate manifestations informing the trial court that she was dispensing with the
presentation of evidence against their claims.[16] Finding that the Dead Mans Statute does not apply to the witnesses who testified in support of the subject claims against the estate, the trial court issued an Order of December 8, 1993,[17] the dispositive portion of which reads: WHEREFORE, Judicial Administratrix Melecia T. Sy, is hereby ordered, to pay, in due course of administration, creditors-claimants Felicito G. Sanson, in the amount of P603,500.00; Celedonia S. Saquin, in the amount of P315,000.00;[18] Angeles A. Montinola, in the amount of P150,000.00 and Eduardo Montinola, Jr., in the amount of P50,000.00, from the assets and/or properties of the aboveentitled intestate estate. On appeal by the administratrix upon the following assignment of errors: I. THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN NOT DISMISSING THE CLAIM[S] FOR FAILURE TO PAY THE FILING FEES THEREON II. THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN NOT DISMISSING THE CLAIM[S] BECAUSE [THEY ARE] ALREADY BARRED BY THE LAW OF LIMITATIONS OR STATUTE OF NONCLAIMS III. THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN NOT HOLDING THAT CLAIMANT[S] EVIDENCE OF THE CLAIM IS INCOMPETENT UNDER THE DEAD MANS STATUTE, AND INADMISSIBLE IV. THE ALLEGED CHECKS ARE INADMISSIBLE AS PRIVATE DOCUMENTS,[19] the Court of Appeals set aside the December 8, 1993 Order of the trial court, by Decision of May 31, 1996, disposing as follows: WHEREFORE, the order appealed from is hereby set aside and another order is entered dismissing the claims of: 1. Felicito G. Sanson, in the amount of P603,500.00; 2. Celdonia S. Saquin, in the amount of P315,000.00;[20] 3. Angeles A. Montinola, in the amount of P150,000.00; and
4. Eduardo Montinola, Jr., in the amount of P50,000.00 against the estate of the deceased JUAN BON FING SY. No pronouncement as to costs. SO ORDERED. (Underscoring supplied) The claimants Motion for Reconsideration[21] of the Court of Appeals decision having been denied by Resolution of December 9, 1996,[22] they filed the present petition anchored on the following assigned errors: FIRST ASSIGNED ERROR RESPONDENT COURT OF APPEALS, 4TH DIVISION, ERRED IN FINDING THAT THE TESTIMONY OF JADE MONTINOLA IS INSUFFICIENT TO PROVE THE CLAIMS OF CLAIMANTS ANGELES A. MONTINOLA AND EDUARDO A. MONTINOLA, JR.. SECOND ASSIGNED ERROR RESPONDENT COURT OF APPEALS, 4TH DIVISION, ERRED IN FINDING THAT CLAIMANT FELICITO G. SANSON IS DISQUALIFIED TO TESTIFY [ON] THE CLAIM OF CELEDONIA SANSON-SA[Q]UIN AND VI[C]E VERSA. (Underscoring in the original)[23] With respect to the first assigned error, petitioners argue that since the administratrix did not deny the testimony of Jade nor present any evidence to controvert it, and neither did she deny the execution and genuineness of the checks issued by the deceased (as well as the check return slips issued by the clearing bank), it was error for the Court of Appeals to find the evidence of the Montinolas insufficient to prove their claims. The administratrix counters that the due execution and authenticity of the checks-exhibits of the Montinolas were not duly proven since Jade did not categorically state that she saw the filling up and signing of the checks by the deceased, hence, her testimony is self-serving; besides, as Jade had identical and unitary interest with her husband and mother-in-law, her testimony was a circumvention of the Dead Mans Statute.[24] The administratrixs counter-argument does not lie. Relationship to a party has never been recognized as an adverse factor in determining either the credibility of the witness orsubject only to well recognized exceptions none of which is here presentthe admissibility of the testimony. At most, closeness of relationship to a party, or bias, may indicate the need for a little more caution in the assessment of a witness testimony but is not necessarily a negative element which should be taken as diminishing the credit otherwise accorded to it.[25]
Jades testimony on the genuineness of the deceaseds signature on the checks-exhibits of the Montinolas is clear: xxx Q: Showing to you this check dated July 16, 1989, Far East Bank and Trust Company Check No. 84262, in the amount of P100,000.00, is this the check you are referring to? A: Yes, sir. Q: There appears a signature in the face of the check. Whose signature is this? A: That is the signature of Mr. Sy. Q: Why do you know that this is the signature of Mr. Sy? A: Because he signed this check I was . . . I was present when he signed this check. xxx Q: Showing to you this check dated September 8, 1989, is this the check you are referring to? A: Yes, sir. Q: Why do you know that this is his signature? A: I was there when he signed the same. xxx Q: Showing to you this Far East Bank and Trust Company Check No. 84262 dated July 6, 1989, in the amount of P50,000.00, in the name of Eduardo Montinola, are you referring to this check? A: Yes, sir. Q: Whose signature is this appearing on the face of this check? A: Mr. Sys signature. Q: Why do you know that it is his signature? A: I was there when he signed the same. x x x[26] (Emphasis supplied) The genuineness of the deceaseds signature having been shown, he is prima facie presumed to have become a party to the check for value, following Section 24 of the Negotiable Instruments Law which reads: Section 24. Presumption of Consideration. Every negotiable instrument is
deemed prima facie to have been issued for a valuable consideration; and every person whose signature appears thereon to have become a party thereto for value. (Underscoring and italics in the original; emphasis supplied), Since, with respect to the checks issued to the Montinolas, the prima facie presumption was not rebutted or contradicted by the administratrix who expressly manifested that she was dispensing with the presentation of evidence against their claims, it has become conclusive. As for the administratrixs invocation of the Dead Mans Statute, the same does not likewise lie. The rule renders incompetent: 1) parties to a case; 2) their assignors; or 3) persons in whose behalf a case is prosecuted. xxx The rule is exclusive and cannot be construed to extend its scope by implication so as to disqualify persons not mentioned therein. Mere witnesses who are not included in the above enumeration are not prohibited from testifying as to a conversation or transaction between the deceased and a third person, if he took no active part therein. x x x[27] (Underscoring supplied) Jade is not a party to the case. Neither is she an assignor nor a person in whose behalf the case is being prosecuted. She testified as a witness to the transaction. In transactions similar to those involved in the case at bar, the witnesses are commonly family members or relatives of the parties. Should their testimonies be excluded due to their apparent interest as a result of their relationship to the parties, there would be a dearth of evidence to prove the transactions. In any event, as will be discussed later, independently of the testimony of Jade, the claims of the Montinolas would still prosper on the basis of their documentary evidencethe checks. As to the second assigned error, petitioners argue that the testimonies of Sanson and Celedonia as witnesses to each others claim against the deceased are not covered by the Dead Mans Statute;[28] besides, the administratrix waived the application of the law when she cross-examined them. The administratrix, on the other hand, cites the ruling of the Court of Appeals in its decision on review, the pertinent portion of which reads: The more logical interpretation is to prohibit parties to a case, with like interest, from testifying in each others favor as to acts occurring prior to the death of the deceased. Since the law disqualifies parties to a case or assignors to a case without distinguishing between testimony in his own behalf and that in behalf of others, he should be disqualified from testifying for his co-parties. The law speaks
of parties or assignors of parties to a case. Apparently, the testimonies of Sanson and Saquin on each others behalf, as co-parties to the same case, falls under the prohibition. (Citation omitted; underscoring in the original and emphasis supplied) But Sansons and Celedonias claims against the same estate arose from separate transactions. Sanson is a third party with respect to Celedonias claim. And Celedonia is a third party with respect to Sansons claim. One is not thus disqualified to testify on the others transaction. In any event, what the Dead Mans Statute proscribes is the admission of testimonial evidence upon a claim which arose before the death of the deceased. The incompetency is confined to the giving of testimony.[29] Since the separate claims of Sanson and Celedonia are supported by checksdocumentary evidence, their claims can be prosecuted on the bases of said checks. This brings this Court to the matter of the authenticity of the signature of the deceased appearing on the checks issued to Sanson and Celedonia. By Celedonias account, she knows the signature of the deceased. xxx Q: Showing to you these checks already marked as Exhibit A to E, please go over these checks if you know the signatures of the late Juan Bon Fing Sy? on these checks? A: Yes, sir. Q: Insofar as the amount that he borrowed from you, he also issued checks? A: Yes, sir. Q: And therefore, you know his signature? A: Yes, sir. x x x[30] Sanson testified too that he knows the signature of the deceased: xxx Q: I show you now checks which were already marked as Exhibit A to G-1 Saquin, please go over this if these are the checks that you said was issued by the late Juan Bon Fing Sy in favor of your sister? A: Yes, these are the same che[c]ks. Q: Do you know the signature of the late Juan Bon Fing Sy?
A: Yes, sir. Q: And these signatures are the same signatures that you know? A: Yes, sir. x x x[31] While the foregoing testimonies of the Sanson siblings have not faithfully discharged the quantum of proof under Section 22, Rule 132 of the Revised Rules on Evidence which reads: Section 22. How genuineness of handwriting proved. The handwriting of a person may be proved by any witness who believes it to be the handwriting of such person because he has seen the person write, or has seen writing purporting to be his upon which the witness has acted or been charged and has thus acquired knowledge of the handwriting of such person. x x x, not only did the administratrix fail to controvert the same; from a comparison[32] with the naked eye of the deceaseds signature appearing on each of the checks-exhibits of the Montinolas with that of the checks-exhibits of the Sanson siblings all of which checks were drawn from the same account, they appear to have been affixed by one and the same hand. In fine, as the claimants-herein petitioners have, by their evidence, substantiated their claims against the estate of the deceased, the burden of evidence had shifted to the administratrix who, however, expressly opted not to discharge the same when she manifested that she was dispensing with the presentation of evidence against the claims. WHEREFORE, the impugned May 31, 1996 Decision of the Court of Appeals is hereby SET ASIDE and another rendered ordering the intestate estate of the late Juan Bon Fing Sy, through Administratrix Melecia T. Sy, to pay: 1) Felicito G. Sanson, the amount of P603,500.00; 2) Celedonia S. Saquin, the amount of P315.000.00;[33] 3) Angeles Montinola, the amount of P150,000.00; and 4) Eduardo Montinola, Jr., the amount of P50,000.00. representing unsettled checks issued by the deceased. SO ORDERED. Puno, (Chairman), Panganiban, Sandoval-Gutierrez, and Corona, JJ., concur.
[3] Id. at 34. [4] Exhibits A-G Saquin. [5] Transcript of Stenographic Notes (TSN), September 16, 1992 at 4-5. [6] Exhibits A-1-G-1. [7] Exhibits A-E Sanson. [8] TSN, October 1, 1992 at 2-5. [9] Exhibits A and B Angeles Montinola. [10] Exhibit A Eduardo Montinola. [11] Exhibits A-1 and B-1 Angeles Montinola; Exhibit C Eduardo Montinola. [12] Exhibit D Angeles Montinola; Exhibit B Eduardo Montinola. [13] TSN, September 18, 1992 at 4-9. [14] Joint Record on Appeal Against the Order Granting the Claims of Angeles A. Montinola and Eduardo A. Montinola, Jr. at 15 and 21; Joint Record on Appeal Against the Order Granting the Claims of Felicito Sanson and Celedonia Sanson-Saquin at 15 and 23. [15] Joint Record on Appeal Against the Order Granting the Claims of Angeles A. Montinola and Eduardo A. Montinola, Jr. at 16-17; Joint Record on Appeal Against the Order Granting the Claims of Felicito Sanson and Celedonia Sanson-Saquin at 18 and 24. [16] Rollo at 43. [17] Id. at 32-47. [18] It is noted that the total amount of checks-exhibits of Celedonia SansonSaquin is P360,000.00. She did not, however, move to reconsider the amount of P315,000.00 ordered to be paid to her. [19] Court of Appeals (CA) Rollo at 40-41, 100-101. [20] Vide footnote 18. [21] Rollo at 72-96. [22] Id. at 99. [23] Id. at 12. [24] Id. at 127-129. [25] People v. Bandoquillo, 167 SCRA 549 (1988).
[26] TSN, September 18, 1992 at 2-7. [27] Jovito R. Salonga, PHILIPPINE LAW ON EVIDENCE, 3rd Edition, 1964 at 194. [28] Rollo at 17. [29] Vide Martins Rules of Court in the Philippines, Vol. 5, p. 158 (1996). [30] TSN, October 1, 1992 at 3. [31] TSN, September 16, 1992 at 4. [32] Sec. 22 of Rule 132 provides: xxx Evidence respecting the handwriting may also be given by a comparison, made by the witness or the court, with writings admitted or treated as genuine by the party against whom the evidence is offered, or proved to be genuine to the satisfaction of the judge. xxx [33] As prayed in the Petition before this Court. III. Child Witness Examination Rule 1. People v. Canete, G.R. No. 491920, March 28, 2003 March 28, 2003
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, appellee, vs.KAKINGCIO CAETE, appellant. CALLEJO, SR., J.: Before the Court on automatic review is the Decision1 of the Regional Trial Court of Leyte, Branch 36, in Criminal Case No. 2523, convicting appellant of rape, imposing on him the death penalty and ordering him to pay damages to the victim in the amount of P50,000. Evidence of the Prosecution The spouses Paquito Caete and Sedaria Caete had three children, one of whom was Alma, who was born on March 24, 1983. In 1986, the spouses decided to live separately. Sedaria resided in Pook West, Cubala, Biliran, with some of her children by Paquito. The latter decided to live in Basey, Samar, and brought Alma with him. Thereafter, Paquito decided to live with his older brother, Kakingcio Caete, and the latters common-law wife, Alejandra Caete, whom Alma called Yaya Alejandra, and their two children, five and four years old, respectively, in Barangay Gayad, Capoocan, Leyte. After some years, Paquito and Alma decided to return to and live in Basey, Samar. In the
meantime, Paquito became blind and a paralytic. In January 1996, Kakingcio had Paquito and Alma fetched from Basey, Samar, and brought to Barangay Gayad, Capoocan, Leyte, to live with him and his family. By then, Alma was already twelve years old. She noticed that her uncle Kakingcio was nice and amiable to her. On February 1, 1996, Alejandra visited her daughter in Montebello, Kananga, Leyte, leaving behind Kakingcio and their two young children and Paquito and Alma. At about 8:00 p.m., Alma was already asleep. Paquito was sleeping near her feet. The house was dark. Momentarily, Alma was awakened when she felt someone caressing her. When she opened her eyes, she saw her uncle Kakingcio who was wearing a pair of short pants but naked from waist up. He was beside her with his left palm touching her forehead, down to her face, hand and feet. She could smell liquor from his breath. He poked an 8-inch long knife on her neck and whispered to her: "Ma, dont tell your yaya because I will do something to you." Kakingcio then removed his short pants, lifted her skirt and pulled down her panties. He threatened to kill her if she made a sound. Alma was terrified. Kakingcio then inserted his private organ into Almas vagina and made a push and pull movement of his body. Alma felt pain in her private part and could do nothing but cry as Kakingcio ravished her. In the process, Alma lost consciousness. When she regained consciousness, it was already 6:00 in the morning of February 2, 1996. She was weak and could hardly stand up. She noticed blood in her vagina. By then, Kakingcio had already left the house. Alma could do nothing but cry. Kakingcio arrived back home after lunch time. Alma hid from her uncle. On February 3, 1996, at 8:00 in the evening, Alma was asleep in the sala of their house. She was awakened when she felt her pants being pulled down. She was aghast when she saw Kakingcio beside her pulling down her pants. She resisted and ran out of the house to escape from Kakingcio. She rushed to the house of a neighbor Ka Caring to whom Alma revealed that her uncle raped her and that he was about to rape her again. Caring adviced Alma not to return to their house. Alma slept in the house of Caring. Alma returned to their house the next day, February 4, 1996. By then, Kakingcio was no longer in the house. On February 5, 1996, Alejandra went up the hill to gather camote tops. She was then armed with a bolo. Alma followed Alejandra to the hills and revealed to her that Kakingcio raped her on February 1, 1996. Alejandra was livid with rage. She rushed back to the house and confronted Kakingcio with the charge of Alma. Alejandra and Kakingcio quarreled. She berated him for having taken advantage of his own flesh and blood. She told him to leave the house. Kakingcio agreed on the condition that he would bring his personal belongings with him. After Kakingcio left, Alejandra accompanied Alma to the barangay captain and complained against Kakingcio. The Barangay Captain wrote a letter to the local police authorities requesting assistance to Alejandra and Alma. On February 9, 1996, Dra. Bibiana A. Cardente, the Municipal Health Officer of
Capoocan, Leyte, examined Alma. The doctor prepared and signed a medicolegal certificate on her examination of Alma which contains her findings: "Physical Examination Findings: Breast: normal, no abrasions, no lacerations, no hematoma normal normal scanty pubic hair noted grossly normal
Abdomen: Extremities:
Internal & Speculum Examination Findings: Introitus: Cervix: non-parous, admits 2 fingers with slight difficulty pinkish, soft hymenal healed old lacerations at 6 oclock and 9 oclock scanty brownish discharges
Alma was entrusted to the Lingap Center in Pawing Palo, Leyte. On April 26, 1996, an Information was filed with the Regional Trial Court of Leyte, Branch 36, charging Kakingcio with rape, thus: "That on or about the 1st day of February, 1996, in the municipality of Capoocan, Province of Leyte, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, with deliberate intent and with lewd designs and by use of force and intimidation then armed with the short bladed weapon, did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously have carnal knowledge with ALMA CAETE, a minor (12 years old) against her will to her damage and prejudice. CONTRARY TO LAW.3 When arraigned on September 18, 1996, Kakingcio, assisted by counsel, pleaded not guilty to the crime charged. When he testified, Kakingcio denied having sexually assaulted Alma. He interposed the defense of alibi. He claimed that he was a farmer. He planted
root crops such as banana. On February 1, 1996, he went to the house of Romulo Lukaba located at Barangay Gayad, Capoocan, Leyte, about three kilometers from his house, for the purpose of accompanying and helping Rolly Lukaba, the son of Romulo, gather coconuts in the coconut plantation of Romulo in the mountains. It took Kakingcio thirty minutes to reach the place. At about 9:00 in the evening, Kakingcio, Rolly and Romulo drank tuba. By 10:00 in the evening, Rolly and Kakingcio went to sleep. Romulo, however, left the two. The next day, Rolly and Kakingcio went back to the mountains and gathered coconuts. Kakingcio returned to their house on February 7, 1996. Kakingcio testified that he was not aware of any reason why his wife and Alma would charge him with rape. On February 4, 2000, the trial court rendered a decision finding Kakingcio guilty beyond reasonable doubt of rape and imposing on him the penalty of death in view of the presence of the special qualifying circumstance of the minority of private complainant Alma and her relationship to Kakingcio and the special aggravating circumstance of use of a deadly weapon and without any mitigating circumstance in the commission of the crime. In his appellants brief, appellant Kakingcio assails the decision of the trial court contending that: I THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN PARTICIPATING DIRECTLY AND ACTIVELY IN THE PRESENTATION AND RECEPTION OF THE PROSECUTIONS EVIDENCE THEREBY FAILING TO UPHOLD THE "COLD NEUTRALITY OF AN IMPARTIAL JUDGE." II THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN CONVICTING THE ACCUSED-APPELLANT OF RAPE DESPITE WANT OF CLEAR, POSITIVE AND CONVINCTING IDENTIFICATION. III THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN GIVING UNDUE WEIGHT AND CREDENCE TO THE INCREDIBLE TESTIMONY OF THE PRIVATE COMPLAINANT AND IN DISREGARDING THE EVIDENCE ADDUCED BY THE DEFENSE. IV ON THE ASSUMPTION HOWEVER THAT THE ACCUSED-APPELLANT IS GUILTY OF RAPE, THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN IMPOSING UPON HIM THE PENALTY OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE QUALIFYING
CIRCUMSTANCE OF RELATIONSHIP WAS NOT ALLEGED IN THE INFORMATION, HENCE, THE APPROPRIATE PENALTY SHOULD ONLY BE RECLUSION PERPETUA.4 On the first three assignments of errors, the appellant avers that the prosecution had a difficulty proving that the appellant raped the private complainant in light of her testimony that when the appellant mounted her, he still had his short pants on. When the prosecution tried to elicit from the offended party how appellants penis could have been inserted into her vagina with his pants still on and the appellants counsel objected to the question, the presiding judge himself took the cudgels for the prosecution and propounded questions on the private complainant. Worse, the presiding judge posed leading questions to the private complainant. The presiding judge was biased and partial to the prosecution. To buttress his contention, the appellants counsel cited a portion of the transcript of the stenographic notes taken during the trial on September 17, 1997: PROS. PERIDA: Q A So, after he laid himself over you with his trouser what else happened? His penis was inserted into my vagina, sir.
Q Where did he let his penis exit considering that he is then wearing a short pants? ATTY. DILOY: Objection your Honor! It is leading. COURT: Q How did he manage to have his penis inserted to your vagina?
A No, sir, because when he placed himself on top of me he pulled down his shorts and thereafter he inserted his penis into my vagina. Q A Q A Q A At that time what was your apparel going up from your vagina? I was wearing then a t-shirt and skirt, sir. About your skirt? He pulled up my skirt, sir. What about your t-shirt? He did not do anything about my t-shirt.
After placing his penis on your vagina, what else transpired? He keeps on kissing me sir.
Q At that time he keeps on kissing you, where was his penis in relation to your vagina? A It was inside my vagina sir.5
The appellant further stresses that when Alma was raped it was nighttime and the place where she was molested was dark. She could not have recognized and identified the appellant as her rapist. Furthermore, Alma failed to report the rape immediately to the police authorities. The Court does not agree with the appellants submission. In People v. Ancheta,6 this Court emphasized that a presiding judge enjoys a great deal of latitude in examining witnesses within the course of evidentiary rules. The presiding judge should see to it that a testimony should not be incomplete or obscure. After all, the judge is the arbiter and he must be in a position to satisfy himself as to the respective claims of the parties in the criminal proceedings. In People v. Zheng Bai Hui,7 this Court reiterated that: In any case, a severe examination by a trial judge of some of the witness for the defense in an effort to develop the truth and to get at the real facts affords no justification for a charge that he has assisted the prosecution with an evident desire to secure a conviction, or that he had intimidated the witnesses for the defense. The trial judge must be accorded a reasonable leeway in putting such questions to witnesses as may be essential to elicit relevant facts to make the record speak the truth. Trial judges in this jurisdiction are judges of both the law and the facts, and they would be negligent in the performance of their duties if they permitted a miscarriage of justice as a result of a failure to propound a proper question to a witness which might develop some material bearing upon the outcome. In the exercise of sound discretion, he may put such question to the witness as will enable him to formulate a sound opinion as to the ability or the willingness of the witness to tell the truth. A judge may examine or cross-examine a witness. He may propound clarificatory questions to test the credibility of the witness and to extract the truth. He may seek to draw out relevant and material testimony though that testimony may tend to support or rebut the position taken by one or the other party. It cannot be taken against him if the clarificatory questions he propounds happen to reveal certain truths which tend to destroy the theory of one party. In this case, the relevant direct-examination questions posed by the public prosecutor of the private complainant and her corresponding answers, the objections thereto by the appellants counsel and the questions propounded by the trial court were as follows:
After taking off your panty or underware (sic) what else transpired? He placed himself on top of me sir.
Q Please describe to us your uncle at that moment when he placed himself over your body! A He placed himself on top of me in a prone position.
Q What was he wearing at that time when he was carressing (sic) your face down to your arm? A Q A He was just wearing a short pants sir. What about the upper portion of his body? None sir.
Q At the time he put himself over you on a prone position, what about his short pants, was it still there? ATTY. DILOY: We request Your Honor that the question not be made in a leading manner! COURT: Place of record the comment! PROS. PERIDA: I withdraw that Your Honor! Q time? Where was the short pants which your uncle originally wearing that
ATTY. DILOY: He was wearing it Your Honor as described by the witness! PROS. PERIDA: At this moment now, when he was already on top of the victim! ATTY. DILOY: It was answered by the witness! According to the witness, accused was wearing
short pants but the upper part of his body the accused had nothing worn! PROS. PERIDA: That is agreed Your Honor. Now my question is, at the time Kakingcio Caete was already on top of Alma where was this short pants! ATTY. DILOY: It was being worn by the accused! PROS. PERIDA: Let the witness answer that Your Honor! ATTY. DILOY: We submit Your Honor! COURT: Q What were your uncle, when your uncle placed himself on top of your body as you said, in a prone position, was he wearing clothes or none? A Q A He was still wearing Your Honor. What clothes? Short pants Your Honor.
Proceed Fiscal! PROS. PERIDA: Q happened? A So, after he laid himself over you with his trouser, what else
Q Where did he let his penis exit considering that he is then wearing a short pants? ATTY. DILOY: Objection Your Honor! It is leading! COURT:
A No sir, because when he placed himself on top of me he pulled down his shorts and thereafter he inserted his penis into my vagina. Q A Q A Q A Q A At that time what was your apparel going up from your vagina? I was wearing then a T-shirt and skirt sir. About your skirt? He pulled up my skirt sir. What about your t-shirt? He did not do anything about my t-shirt. After placing his penis on your vagina, what else transpired? He keeps on kissing me sir.
Q At that time he keeps on kissing you, where was his penis in relation to your vagina? A It was inside my vagina sir.
Q While his penis was inside your vagina and the accused keeps on kissing you what else transpired? A (witness weeping in tears as been directly examined by the Public Prosecutor). COURT: Place it of record that the child witness is crying in the witness stand! PROS. PERIDA: May we ask for suspension Your Honor! I move for suspension considering the condition of the victim witness Your Honor! Hes already crying! COURT: We can come back tomorrow.8 The Court finds nothing improper in the questions posed by the trial court. Neither are the questions prejudicial to the appellant or suggestive of any
partiality of the trial court. It bears stressing that from the testimony of the private complainant, the appellant was wearing his short pants before he mounted her and even when he was already on top of her and managed to penetrate her sexual organ with his penis. The public prosecutor wanted the private complainant to explain to the court how the appellant could have inserted his penis into her vagina considering that he was still wearing his short pants. Although crudely and ungrammatically phrased, the question of the public prosecutor "where did he let his penis exit considering that he is then wearing a short pants" was not leading. The trial court should have overruled the objection and allowed the private complainant to answer the question. However, the trial court was not precluded from asking questions to avoid further wrangling between the public prosecutor and the appellants counsel which may frightened or unnerved the private complainant, a minor and who was unused to judicial proceedings. After all, the trial court was mandated to discover the truth. As it turned out, the private complainant cried profusely as she testified impelling the trial court to order a continuance. Even the counsel of the appellant agreed to a continuance. Parenthetically, under Sections 19 to 21 of the Rule on Examination of a Child Witness which took effect on December 15, 2000, child witnesses may testify in a narrative form and leading questions may be allowed by the trial court in all stages of the examination if the same will further the interest of justice. Objections to questions should be couched in a manner so as not to mislead, confuse, frighten and intimidate the child: Sec. 19. Mode of questioning. The court shall exercise control over the questioning of children so as to (1) facilitate the ascertainment of the truth, (2) ensure that questions are stated in a form appropriate to the developmental level of the child, (3) protect children from harassment or undue embarrassment, and (4) avoid waste of time. The court may allow the child witness to testify in a narrative form.9 While it may be true that it was dark when the appellant ravished the private complainant in his house, it cannot, however, be gainsaid that the private complainant could have sufficiently identified the appellant as the culprit. The appellant was the uncle of the private complainant. She and her father Paquito had been living with the appellant and his family off and on for years before she and her father were brought back with appellant in January 1996 to Capoocan, Leyte, to live anew with the appellant and his family. The private complainant was thus familiar not only with the physical build of the appellant but also with his voice and peculiar smell. A person may be identified by these factors. Once a person has gained familiarity with another, identification is quite an easy task.10 In this case, the appellant poked a knife on her neck and whispered to the private complainant before she raped her: "Ma, ayaw pagsumat kan imo yaya kay may-ada ako ha imo bubuhaton" (Ma, dont tell to your yaya because I will do something to you." "Ma" was the nickname of Alma,
the private complainant. "Yaya" was Alejandra Caete, the common-law wife of the appellant.11 Moreover, as testified to by the private complainant, the only persons left in the house in the evening of February 1, 1997 were the appellant and his two young children, Paquito, who was blind and an invalid, and the private complainant: PROS. PERIDA: Q You stated that on February 1, there was no light at the place where you were raped. How did you recognize with certainty that it was Kakingcio Caete who raped you? ATTY. DILOY: I object to that Your Honor. It should have been taken during the direct examination. PROS. PERIDA: No, Your Honor. We are already talking about lights Your Honor. COURT: Well, at least for purposes or in the interest of the trial, let the witness answer! WITNESS: A Because we were the only one staying in the house, and besides I can detect his smell. PROS. PERIDA: Q WITNESS: A Smells like a smoker.12 Why? What was his smell?
When Alejandra Caete confronted the appellant on February 5, 1997, with the claim of the private complainant that he raped the latter and demanded that the appellant leave the house, the appellant did not deny the charge and even agreed to leave the house on condition that he be allowed to take his personal belongings with him: PROS. PERIDA: Q On the following day, that was Monday, February 5, 1996, what did
you do if any? WITNESS: A That morning Monday, my auntie Yaya Alejandra went up the hill and I followed them and I told them about my ordeal that I was raped by my Yayo Kaking. PROS. PERIDA: Q WITNESS: A Her daughter Ate Belen. Who was the companion of your Yaya Alejandra who went up the hill?
PROS. PERIDA: Q WITNESS: A That her family name is the surname of her mother. Was he already married?
PROS. PERIDA: Q When you told your Yaya Alejandra, how did she react to your information? WITNESS: A Upon learning about the rape incident she was very angry and she reacted angrily and carried with her the camote tops and went down proceeding towards their house bringing with her a long bolo, in our dialect it is used for farming and cutting grass and a long pointed bolo, a sharp instrument, and upon reaching their house they have a quarrel with my uncle. PROS. PERIDA:
How about you, did you follow your Yaya in going home?
Yes, sir.
PROS. PERIDA: Q WITNESS: A My auntie, Yaya Alejandra told my uncle Yayo Kaking to leave the house because he ate his own blood, and Yayo Kaking answered in the affirmative, saying Yes, I will leave the house so long I will bring with me all my belongings.13 The credibility of the private complainant was not degraded by her and Alejandra Caetes reporting the sexual assault to the police authorities only on February 5, 1996. The evidence shows that the private complainant was only twelve years old when she was raped by the appellant. She and her father, who was completely blind and a paralytic, were living in the house of the appellant. The latter threatened to kill her if she revealed what he did to her. It was thus easy for the appellant to fulfill the threat if she divulged the violation of her honor.14 The private complainant could do nothing but cry. When the appellant tried in the evening of February 3, 1996 to violate her again, she ran to a neighbor, Ka Caring, divulged to her that the appellant tried to rape her anew and sought her help. In fact, the private complainant slept in the house of Ka Caring that evening and went back home only the next morning on February 4, 1996. On February 5, 1996, the private complainant revealed to her Yaya Alejandra, the wife of the appellant, that the latter had raped her. In People v. Bea,15 this Court held that it is not uncommon for a young girl at the tender age of sixteen years to be intimidated into silence and conceal the sexual assault on her by the appellant.16 When cross-examined by the public prosecutor, the appellant unabashedly admitted that he did not know any improper or ill-motive on the part of the private complainant for charging him with rape, and on the part of his wife Alejandra Caete for reporting the sexual assault on the private complainant by the appellant to the police authorities: Q The complainant here testified in Court that she was raped by you at 9:00 oclock in the evening of February 1, 1996. Are you aware of that? A Q No, sir. In fact the victim here testified that it was your very own wife who After they quarrel, what transpired?
accompanied her to report this matter to the barangay (sic) Chairman of Barangay Gayad, and likewise reported this matter to the PNP of Capoocan. Are you aware of that? A No, sir.
Q Do you know of any reason or reasons why your own wife would report this rape incident against your person? A I dont know sir what is her reason.
Q And you dont know likewise of any reason or reasons why your own niece, a twelve (12) year old child would accuse you of rape, right? A I dont know also, sir.17
The records show that the private complainant lived in a rural area, unaffected by the worldly ways of urban life. It is thus incredible that the private complainant would weave a story of defloration and undergo a medical examination of her private parts and charge the appellant with rape for which, if convicted, he could be meted the penalty of either reclusion perpetua or death. As this Court held: Accused failed to attribute any ill motive on the part of the victim to testify falsely and impute against him the commission of a grave offense such as rape. To the contrary, the trial court observed that the victim lived in place "more rural than most rural villages" in the country, and was still "unaffected by the wordly ways of urban life." "It is highly inconceivable for a young barrio lass, inexperienced with the ways of the world, to fabricate a charge of defloration, undergo a medical examination of her private parts, subject herself to public trial, and tarnish her familys honor and reputation unless she was motivated by a potent desire to seek justice for the wrong committed against her."18 In contrast to the positive and straightforward testimony of the private complainant, the appellants denial of the charge, which is merely a negative self-serving evidence, cannot prevail. Equally undeserving of merit is his defense of alibi. Appellant failed to prove with clear and convincing evidence that it was physically impossible for him to have been in his house at the time when the private complainant was raped.19 The only evidence adduced by the appellant to prove alibi was his own testimony. By his own admission, the appellants house was barely a thirty-minute walk to the house of Romulo Lukaba. It was thus not physically impossible for the appellant to have been in his house at 8:00 in the evening of February 1, 1996, when the private complainant was raped. Proper Penalty on Appellant
The trial court imposed the death penalty on the appellant on its finding that the appellant used a knife when committing the crime and that the private complainant was under eighteen years of age and the niece of the appellant and, hence, a relative of the private complainant within the third civil degree. This Court agrees with the trial court that the appellant used a knife in committing the crime charged and that he is the uncle of the private complainant and, hence, her relative within the third civil degree. However, as to the latter, there is no allegation in the Information that the appellant is the uncle of the private complainant as required by Section 8 of Rule 110 of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure.20 In People v. Bernaldez,21 this Court held that the minority of the private complainant and her relationship to the appellant must be alleged in the Information because these circumstances are special qualifying circumstances for rape to warrant the imposition of the death penalty. Although this rule took effect on December 1, 2000, or before the crime charged in the Information was committed, the Court has consistently applied the rule retroactively. Thus, since the relationship of the private complainant and the appellant was not alleged in the Information, the appellant cannot be convicted of qualified rape, otherwise he would be deprived of his right to be informed of the nature of the charge against him. The appellant may only be convicted of simple rape with the special aggravating circumstance of use of a deadly weapon in the commission of the crime. Rape with use of a deadly weapon is punishable by reclusion perpetua to death under the third paragraph of Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended. Since the prosecution failed to prove any aggravating circumstance in the commission of the crime, the appellant may be meted only the penalty of reclusion perpetua conformably with Article 63 of the Revised Penal Code. Civil Liability of Appellant The trial court ordered the appellant to pay P50,000 as civil indemnity but failed to award moral damages and exemplary damages considering the tender age of the private complainant and of the uncle-niece relationship of the appellant and the private complainant.22 In light of recent case law, the Court must order the appellant to pay the private complainant the amounts of P50,000 as moral damages23 and P25,000 as exemplary damages. IN LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the Decision of the Regional Trial Court of Leyte, Branch 36, in Criminal Case No. 2523, is hereby AFFIRMED WITH MODIFICATION. The appellant KAKINGCIO CAETE is found guilty beyond reasonable doubt, as principal, of simple rape under Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, and is meted the penalty of reclusion perpetua, and ordered to pay to private complainant Alma Caete the amounts of P50,000 as civil indemnity, P50,000 as moral damages and P25,000 as exemplary damages. Costs de oficio.
SO ORDERED. Davide, Jr., C.J., Bellosillo, Puno, Vitug, Mendoza, Panganiban, Quisumbing, Sandoval-Gutierrez, Carpio, Austria-Martinez, Corona, Carpio-Morales, and Azcuna, JJ., concur.Ynares-Santiago, J., on leave. Footnotes
Penned by Judge Francisco C. Gedorio. Exhibit "A." Records, p. 1. Rollo, pp. 44-45. Rollo, pp. 48-49. 64 SCRA 90 (1975). 338 SCRA 420 (2000). TSN, Alma Caete, September 17, 1997, pp. 4-7. Supra. People v. Reyes, 309 SCRA 622 (1999). TSN, Alma Caete, September 7, 1997, p. 4. TSN, Alma Caete, September 18, 1997, p. 22. Id. at 10-12. People v. Abalde, 329 SCRA 418 (2000). 306 SCRA 653 (1990). See note 15. TSN, Kakingcio Caete, January 12, 1999, pp. 7-8. See note 15. People v. Tejero, 308 SCRA 660 (1999).
SEC. 8. Designation of the offense. The complaint or information shall state the designation of the offense given by the statute, aver the acts or omissions constituting the offense, and specify its qualifying and aggravating circumstances. If there is no designation of the offense, reference shall be made to the section or subsection of the statute punishing it.
20 21
322 SCRA 462 (2000). People v. Villanueva, Jr., G.R. No. 146106, December 16, 2001. People v. Bernaldez, supra. IV. Privilege 1. Government Privilege Neri v. Senate Committee on Accountability, G.R. No. 180643, March 25, 2008
---x DECISION LEONARDO-DE CASTRO, J.: At bar is a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court assailing the show cause Letter[1] dated November 22, 2007 and contempt Order[2] dated January 30, 2008 concurrently issued by respondent Senate Committees on Accountability of Public Officers and Investigations,[3] Trade and Commerce,[4] and National Defense and Security[5] against petitioner Romulo L. Neri, former Director General of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA). The facts, as culled from the pleadings, are as follows: On April 21, 2007, the Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC) entered into a contract with Zhong Xing Telecommunications Equipment (ZTE) for the supply of equipment and services for the National Broadband Network (NBN) Project in the amount of U.S. $ 329,481,290 (approximately P16 Billion Pesos). The Project was to be financed by the Peoples Republic of China. In connection with this NBN Project, various Resolutions were introduced in the Senate, as follows: (1) P.S. Res. No. 127, introduced by Senator Aquilino Q. Pimentel, Jr., entitled RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE BLUE RIBBON COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE ON TRADE AND INDUSTRY TO INVESTIGATE, IN AID OF LEGISLATION, THE CIRCUMSTANCES LEADING TO THE APPROVAL OF THE BROADBAND CONTRACT WITH ZTE AND THE ROLE PLAYED BY THE OFFICIALS CONCERNED IN GETTING IT CONSUMMATED AND TO MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS TO HALE TO THE COURTS OF LAW THE PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ANOMALY IN CONNECTION THEREWITH AND TO PLUG THE LOOPHOLES, IF ANY IN THE BOT LAW AND OTHER PERTINENT LEGISLATIONS. (2) P.S. Res. No. 144, introduced by Senator Mar Roxas, entitled RESOLUTION URGING PRESIDENT GLORIA MACAPAGAL ARROYO TO DIRECT THE CANCELLATION OF THE ZTE CONTRACT (3) P.S. Res. No. 129, introduced by Senator Panfilo M. Lacson, entitled RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE COMMITTEE
invitations to certain personalities and cabinet officials involved in the NBN Project. Petitioner was among those invited. He was summoned to appear and testify on September 18, 20, and 26 and October 25, 2007. However, he attended only the September 26 hearing, claiming he was out of town during the other dates. In the September 18, 2007 hearing, businessman Jose de Venecia III testified that several high executive officials and power brokers were using their influence to push the approval of the NBN Project by the NEDA. It appeared that the Project was initially approved as a Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) project but, on March 29, 2007, the NEDA acquiesced to convert it into a government-to-government project, to be financed through a loan from the Chinese Government. On September 26, 2007, petitioner testified before respondent Committees for eleven (11) hours. He disclosed that then Commission on Elections (COMELEC) Chairman Benjamin Abalos offered him P200 Million in exchange for his approval of the NBN Project. He further narrated that he informed President Arroyo about the bribery attempt and that she instructed him not to accept the bribe. However, when probed further on what they discussed about the NBN Project, petitioner refused to answer, invoking executive privilege. In particular, he refused to answer the questions on (a) whether or not President Arroyo followed up the NBN Project,[6] (b) whether or not she directed him to prioritize it,[7] and (c) whether or not she directed him to approve.[8] Unrelenting, respondent Committees issued a Subpoena Ad Testificandum to petitioner, requiring him to appear and testify on November 20, 2007. However, in the Letter dated November 15, 2007, Executive Secretary Eduardo R. Ermita requested respondent Committees to dispense with petitioners testimony on the ground of executive privilege. The pertinent portion of the letter reads: With reference to the subpoena ad testificandum issued to Secretary Romulo Neri to appear and testify again on 20 November 2007 before the Joint Committees you chair, it will be recalled that Sec. Neri had already testified and exhaustively discussed the ZTE / NBN project, including his conversation with the President thereon last 26 September 2007. Asked to elaborate further on his conversation with the President, Sec. Neri asked for time to consult with his superiors in line with the ruling of the Supreme Court in Senate v. Ermita, 488 SCRA 1 (2006).
Specifically, Sec. Neri sought guidance on the possible invocation of executive privilege on the following questions, to wit: a) b) c) Whether the President followed up the (NBN) project? Were you dictated to prioritize the ZTE? Whether the President said to go ahead and approve the project after being told about the alleged bribe?
Following the ruling in Senate v. Ermita, the foregoing questions fall under conversations and correspondence between the President and public officials which are considered executive privilege (Almonte v. Vasquez, G.R. 95637, 23 May 1995; Chavez v. PEA, G.R. 133250, July 9, 2002). Maintaining the confidentiality of conversations of the President is necessary in the exercise of her executive and policy decision making process. The expectation of a President to the confidentiality of her conversations and correspondences, like the value which we accord deference for the privacy of all citizens, is the necessity for protection of the public interest in candid, objective, and even blunt or harsh opinions in Presidential decision-making. Disclosure of conversations of the President will have a chilling effect on the President, and will hamper her in the effective discharge of her duties and responsibilities, if she is not protected by the confidentiality of her conversations. The context in which executive privilege is being invoked is that the information sought to be disclosed might impair our diplomatic as well as economic relations with the Peoples Republic of China. Given the confidential nature in which these information were conveyed to the President, he cannot provide the Committee any further details of these conversations, without disclosing the very thing the privilege is designed to protect. In light of the above considerations, this Office is constrained to invoke the settled doctrine of executive privilege as refined in Senate v. Ermita, and has advised Secretary Neri accordingly. Considering that Sec. Neri has been lengthily interrogated on the subject in an unprecedented 11-hour hearing, wherein he has answered all questions propounded to
him except the foregoing questions involving executive privilege, we therefore request that his testimony on 20 November 2007 on the ZTE / NBN project be dispensed with. On November 20, 2007, petitioner did not appear before respondent Committees. Thus, on November 22, 2007, the latter issued the show cause Letter requiring him to explain why he should not be cited in contempt. The Letter reads: Since you have failed to appear in the said hearing, the Committees on Accountability of Public Officers and Investigations (Blue Ribbon), Trade and Commerce and National Defense and Security require you to show cause why you should not be cited in contempt under Section 6, Article 6 of the Rules of the Committee on Accountability of Public Officers and Investigations (Blue Ribbon). The Senate expects your explanation on or before 2 December 2007. On November 29, 2007, petitioner replied to respondent Committees, manifesting that it was not his intention to ignore the Senate hearing and that he thought the only remaining questions were those he claimed to be covered by executive privilege, thus: It was not my intention to snub the last Senate hearing. In fact, I have cooperated with the task of the Senate in its inquiry in aid of legislation as shown by my almost 11 hours stay during the hearing on 26 September 2007. During said hearing, I answered all the questions that were asked of me, save for those which I thought was covered by executive privilege, and which was confirmed by the Executive Secretary in his Letter 15 November 2007. In good faith, after that exhaustive testimony, I thought that what remained were only the three questions, where the Executive Secretary claimed executive privilege. Hence, his request that my presence be dispensed with. Be that as it may, should there be new matters that were not yet taken up during the 26 September 2007 hearing, may I be furnished in advance as to what else I need to clarify, so that as a resource person, I may adequately prepare myself. In addition, petitioner submitted a letter prepared by his counsel, Atty. Antonio R. Bautista, stating, among others that: (1) his (petitioner) non-
appearance was upon the order of the President; and (2) his conversation with President Arroyo dealt with delicate and sensitive national security and diplomatic matters relating to the impact of the bribery scandal involving high government officials and the possible loss of confidence of foreign investors and lenders in the Philippines. The letter ended with a reiteration of petitioners request that he be furnished in advance as to what else he needs to clarify so that he may adequately prepare for the hearing. In the interim, on December 7, 2007, petitioner filed with this Court the present petition for certiorari assailing the show cause Letter dated November 22, 2007. Respondent Committees found petitioners explanations unsatisfactory. Without responding to his request for advance notice of the matters that he should still clarify, they issued the Order dated January 30, 2008, citing him in contempt of respondent Committees and ordering his arrest and detention at the Office of the Senate Sergeant-At-Arms until such time that he would appear and give his testimony. The said Order states: ORDER For failure to appear and testify in the Committees hearing on Tuesday, September 18, 2007; Thursday, September 20, 2007; Thursday, October 25, 2007; and Tuesday, November 20, 2007, despite personal notice and Subpoenas Ad Testificandum sent to and received by him, which thereby delays, impedes and obstructs, as it has in fact delayed, impeded and obstructed the inquiry into the subject reported irregularities, AND for failure to explain satisfactorily why he should not be cited for contempt (Neri letter of 29 November 2007), herein attached) ROMULO L. NERI is hereby cited in contempt of this (sic) Committees and ordered arrested and detained in the Office of the Senate Sergeant-At-Arms until such time that he will appear and give his testimony. The Sergeant-At-Arms is hereby directed to carry out and implement this Order and make a return hereof within twenty four (24) hours from its enforcement. SO ORDERED. On the same date, petitioner moved for the reconsideration of the above Order.[9] He insisted that he has not shown any contemptible conduct worthy of contempt and arrest. He emphasized his willingness to testify on new matters, however, respondent Committees did not respond to his request for advance notice of questions. He also mentioned the petition for certiorari
he filed on December 7, 2007. According to him, this should restrain respondent Committees from enforcing the show cause Letter through the issuance of declaration of contempt and arrest. In view of respondent Committees issuance of the contempt Order, petitioner filed on February 1, 2008 a Supplemental Petition for Certiorari (With Urgent Application for TRO/Preliminary Injunction), seeking to restrain the implementation of the said contempt Order. On February 5, 2008, the Court issued a Status Quo Ante Order (a) enjoining respondent Committees from implementing their contempt Order, (b) requiring the parties to observe the status quo prevailing prior to the issuance of the assailed order, and (c) requiring respondent Committees to file their comment. Petitioner contends that respondent Committees show cause Letter and contempt Order were issued with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. He stresses that his conversations with President Arroyo are candid discussions meant to explore options in making policy decisions. According to him, these discussions dwelt on the impact of the bribery scandal involving high government officials on the countrys diplomatic relations and economic and military affairs and the possible loss of confidence of foreign investors and lenders in the Philippines. He also emphasizes that his claim of executive privilege is upon the order of the President and within the parameters laid down in Senate v. Ermita[10] and United States v. Reynolds.[11] Lastly, he argues that he is precluded from disclosing communications made to him in official confidence under Section 7[12] of Republic Act No. 6713, otherwise known as Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees, and Section 24[13] (e) of Rule 130 of the Rules of Court. Respondent Committees assert the contrary. They argue that (1) petitioners testimony is material and pertinent in the investigation conducted in aid of legislation; (2) there is no valid justification for petitioner to claim executive privilege; (3) there is no abuse of their authority to order petitioners arrest; and (4) petitioner has not come to court with clean hands. In the oral argument held last March 4, 2008, the following issues were ventilated: 1. What communications between the President and petitioner Neri are covered by the principle of executive privilege?
1.a Did Executive Secretary Ermita correctly invoke the principle of executive privilege, by order of the President, to cover (i) conversations of the President in the exercise of her executive and policy decision-making and (ii) information, which might impair our diplomatic as well as economic relations with the Peoples Republic of China? 1.b. Did petitioner Neri correctly invoke executive privilege to avoid testifying on his conversations with the President on the NBN contract on his assertions that the said conversations dealt with delicate and sensitive national security and diplomatic matters relating to the impact of bribery scandal involving high government officials and the possible loss of confidence of foreign investors and lenders in the Philippines x x x within the principles laid down in Senate v. Ermita (488 SCRA 1 [2006])?
1.c Will the claim of executive privilege in this case violate the following provisions of the Constitution: Sec. 28, Art. II (Full public disclosure of transactions involving public interest) all
Sec. 7, Art. III (The right of the people to information on matters of public concern) Sec. 1, Art. XI (Public office is a public trust) Sec. 17, Art. VII (The President shall ensure that the laws be faithfully executed) and the due process clause and the principle of separation of powers? 2. 3. What is the proper procedure to be followed in invoking executive privilege? Did the Senate Committees gravely abuse their discretion in ordering the arrest of petitioner for noncompliance with the subpoena?
After the oral argument, the parties were directed to manifest to the
Court within twenty-four (24) hours if they are amenable to the Courts proposal of allowing petitioner to immediately resume his testimony before the Senate Committees to answer the other questions of the Senators without prejudice to the decision on the merits of this pending petition. It was understood that petitioner may invoke executive privilege in the course of the Senate Committees proceedings, and if the respondent Committees disagree thereto, the unanswered questions will be the subject of a supplemental pleading to be resolved along with the three (3) questions subject of the present petition.[14] At the same time, respondent Committees were directed to submit several pertinent documents.[15] The Senate did not agree with the proposal for the reasons stated in the Manifestation dated March 5, 2008. As to the required documents, the Senate and respondent Committees manifested that they would not be able to submit the latters Minutes of all meetings and the Minute Book because it has never been the historical and traditional legislative practice to keep them.[16] They instead submitted the Transcript of Stenographic Notes of respondent Committees joint public hearings. On March 17, 2008, the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) filed a Motion for Leave to Intervene and to Admit Attached Memorandum, founded on the following arguments: (1) The communications between petitioner and the President are covered by the principle of executive privilege. Petitioner was not summoned by respondent Senate Committees in accordance with the law-making bodys power to conduct inquiries in aid of legislation as laid down in Section 21, Article VI of the Constitution and Senate v. Ermita. Respondent Senate Committees gravely abused its discretion for alleged non-compliance with the Subpoena dated November 13, 2007.
The Court granted the OSGs motion the next day, March 18, 2008. As the foregoing facts unfold, related events transpired. On March 6, 2008, President Arroyo issued Memorandum Circular No. 151, revoking Executive Order No. 464 and Memorandum Circular No. 108. She advised executive officials and employees to follow and abide by the Constitution, existing laws and jurisprudence, including, among others, the case of Senate v. Ermita[17] when they are invited to legislative inquiries in aid of legislation.
At the core of this controversy are the two (2) crucial queries, to wit: First, are the communications elicited by the subject three (3) questions covered by executive privilege? And second, did respondent Committees commit grave abuse of discretion in issuing the contempt Order? We grant the petition. At the outset, a glimpse at the landmark case of Senate v. Ermita[18] becomes imperative. Senate draws in bold strokes the distinction between the legislative and oversight powers of the Congress, as embodied under Sections 21 and 22, respectively, of Article VI of the Constitution, to wit: SECTION 21. The Senate or the House of Representatives or any of its respective committees may conduct inquiries in aid of legislation in accordance with its duly published rules of procedure. The rights of persons appearing in or affected by such inquiries shall be respected. SECTION 22. The heads of department may upon their own initiative, with the consent of the President, or upon the request of either House, or as the rules of each House shall provide, appear before and be heard by such House on any matter pertaining to their departments. Written questions shall be submitted to the President of the Senate or the Speaker of the House of Representatives at least three days before their scheduled appearance. Interpellations shall not be limited to written questions, but may cover matters related thereto. When the security of the state or the public interest so requires and the President so states in writing, the appearance shall be conducted in executive session. Senate cautions that while the above provisions are closely related and complementary to each other, they should not be considered as pertaining to the same power of Congress. Section 21 relates to the power to conduct inquiries in aid of legislation. Its aim is to elicit information that may be used for legislation. On the other hand, Section 22 pertains to the power to conduct a question hour, the objective of which is to obtain information in pursuit of Congress oversight function.[19] Simply stated, while both powers allow Congress or any of its committees to conduct inquiry, their objectives are different. This distinction gives birth to another distinction with regard to the
use of compulsory process. Unlike in Section 21, Congress cannot compel the appearance of executive officials under Section 22. The Courts pronouncement in Senate v. Ermita[20] is clear: When Congress merely seeks to be informed on how department heads are implementing the statutes which it has issued, its right to such information is not as imperative as that of the President to whom, as Chief Executive, such department heads must give a report of their performance as a matter of duty. In such instances, Section 22, in keeping with the separation of powers, states that Congress may only request their appearance. Nonetheless, when the inquiry in which Congress requires their appearance is in aid of legislation under Section 21, the appearance is mandatory for the same reasons stated in Arnault. In fine, the oversight function of Congress may be facilitated by compulsory process only to the extent that it is performed in pursuit of legislation. This is consistent with the intent discerned from the deliberations of the Constitutional Commission Ultimately, the power of Congress to compel the appearance of executive officials under section 21 and the lack of it under Section 22 find their basis in the principle of separation of powers. While the executive branch is a co-equal branch of the legislature, it cannot frustrate the power of Congress to legislate by refusing to comply with its demands for information. (Emphasis supplied.) The availability of the power of judicial review to resolve the issues raised in this case has also been settled in Senate v. Ermita, when it held: As evidenced by the American experience during the socalled McCarthy era, however, the right of Congress to conduct inquiries in aid of legislation is, in theory, no less susceptible to abuse than executive or judicial power. It may thus be subjected to judicial review pursuant to the Courts certiorari powers under Section 1, Article VIII of the Constitution. Hence, this decision. I The Communications Elicited by the Three (3)
Questions are Covered by Executive Privilege We start with the basic premises where the parties have conceded. The power of Congress to conduct inquiries in aid of legislation is broad. This is based on the proposition that a legislative body cannot legislate wisely or effectively in the absence of information respecting the conditions which the legislation is intended to affect or change.[21] Inevitably, adjunct thereto is the compulsory process to enforce it. But, the power, broad as it is, has limitations. To be valid, it is imperative that it is done in accordance with the Senate or House duly published rules of procedure and that the rights of the persons appearing in or affected by such inquiries be respected. The power extends even to executive officials and the only way for them to be exempted is through a valid claim of executive privilege.[22] This directs us to the consideration of the question -- is there a recognized claim of executive privilege despite the revocation of E.O. 464? AThere is a Recognized Claim of Executive Privilege Despite the Revocation of E.O. 464
At this juncture, it must be stressed that the revocation of E.O. 464 does not in any way diminish our concept of executive privilege. This is because this concept has Constitutional underpinnings. Unlike the United States which has further accorded the concept with statutory status by enacting the Freedom of Information Act[23] and the Federal Advisory Committee Act,[24] the Philippines has retained its constitutional origination, occasionally interpreted only by this Court in various cases. The most recent of these is the case of Senate v. Ermita where this Court declared unconstitutional substantial portions of E.O. 464. In this regard, it is worthy to note that Executive Ermitas Letter dated November 15, 2007 limits its bases for the claim of executive privilege to Senate v. Ermita, Almonte v. Vasquez,[25] and Chavez v. PEA.[26] There was never a mention of E.O. 464. While these cases, especially Senate v. Ermita,[27] have comprehensively discussed the concept of executive privilege, we deem it imperative to explore it once more in view of the clamor for this Court to clearly define the communications covered by executive privilege. The Nixon and post-Watergate cases established the broad contours of the presidential communications privilege.[28] In United States v. Nixon,[29] the U.S. Court recognized a great public interest in preserving the confidentiality of conversations that take place in the Presidents performance of his official duties. It thus considered presidential
communications as presumptively privileged. Apparently, the presumption is founded on the Presidents generalized interest in confidentiality. The privilege is said to be necessary to guarantee the candor of presidential advisors and to provide the President and those who assist him with freedom to explore alternatives in the process of shaping policies and making decisions and to do so in a way many would be unwilling to express except privately. In In Re: Sealed Case,[30] the U.S. Court of Appeals delved deeper. It ruled that there are two (2) kinds of executive privilege; one is the presidential communications privilege and, the other is the deliberative process privilege. The former pertains to communications, documents or other materials that reflect presidential decision-making and deliberations and that the President believes should remain confidential. The latter includes advisory opinions, recommendations and deliberations comprising part of a process by which governmental decisions and policies are formulated. Accordingly, they are characterized by marked distinctions. Presidential communications privilege applies to decision-making of the President while, the deliberative process privilege, to decision-making of executive officials. The first is rooted in the constitutional principle of separation of power and the Presidents unique constitutional role; the second on common law privilege. Unlike the deliberative process privilege, the presidential communications privilege applies to documents in their entirety, and covers final and post-decisional materials as well as pre-deliberative ones[31] As a consequence, congressional or judicial negation of the presidential communications privilege is always subject to greater scrutiny than denial of the deliberative process privilege. Turning on who are the officials covered by the presidential communications privilege, In Re: Sealed Case confines the privilege only to White House Staff that has operational proximity to direct presidential decision-making. Thus, the privilege is meant to encompass only those functions that form the core of presidential authority, involving what the court characterized as quintessential and non-delegable Presidential power, such as commander-in-chief power, appointment and removal power, the power to grant pardons and reprieves, the sole-authority to receive ambassadors and other public officers, the power to negotiate treaties, etc.[32] The situation in Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Department of Justice[33] tested the In Re: Sealed Case principles. There, while the presidential decision involved is the exercise of the Presidents pardon power, a non-delegable, core-presidential function, the Deputy Attorney General and the Pardon Attorney were deemed to be too remote from the President and his
functionally those officials were performing a task directly related to the Presidents pardon power, but concluded that an organizational test was more appropriate for confining the potentially broad sweep that would result from the In Re: Sealed Cases functional test. The majority concluded that, the lesser protections of the deliberative process privilege would suffice. That privilege was, however, found insufficient to justify the confidentiality of the 4,341 withheld documents. But more specific classifications of communications covered by executive privilege are made in older cases. Courts ruled early that the Executive has a right to withhold documents that might reveal military or state secrets,[34] identity of government informers in some circumstances,,[35] and information related to pending investigations.[36] An area where the privilege is highly revered is in foreign relations. In United States v. CurtissWright Export Corp.[37] the U.S. Court, citing President George Washington, pronounced: The nature of foreign negotiations requires caution, and their success must often depend on secrecy, and even when brought to a conclusion, a full disclosure of all the measures, demands, or eventual concessions which may have been proposed or contemplated would be extremely impolitic, for this might have a pernicious influence on future negotiations or produce immediate inconveniences, perhaps danger and mischief, in relation to other powers. The necessity of such caution and secrecy was one cogent reason for vesting the power of making treaties in the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, the principle on which the body was formed confining it to a small number of members. To admit, then, a right in the House of Representatives to demand and to have as a matter of course all the papers respecting a negotiation with a foreign power would be to establish a dangerous precedent. Majority of the above jurisprudence have found their way in our jurisdiction. In Chavez v. PCGG[38], this Court held that there is a governmental privilege against public disclosure with respect to state secrets regarding military, diplomatic and other security matters. In Chavez v. PEA,[39] there is also a recognition of the confidentiality of Presidential conversations, correspondences, and discussions in closed-door Cabinet meetings. In Senate v. Ermita, the concept of presidential communications privilege is fully discussed.
As may be gleaned from the above discussion, the claim of executive privilege is highly recognized in cases where the subject of inquiry relates to a power textually committed by the Constitution to the President, such as the area of military and foreign relations. Under our Constitution, the President is the repository of the commander-in-chief,[40] appointing,[41] pardoning,[42] and diplomatic[43] powers. Consistent with the doctrine of separation of powers, the information relating to these powers may enjoy greater confidentiality than others. The above cases, especially, Nixon, In Re Sealed Case and Judicial Watch, somehow provide the elements of presidential communications privilege, to wit: 1) The protected communication must relate to a quintessential and non-delegable presidential power. 2) The communication must be authored or solicited and received by a close advisor of the President or the President himself. The judicial test is that an advisor must be in operational proximity with the President. The presidential communications privilege remains a qualified privilege that may be overcome by a showing of adequate need, such that the information sought likely contains important evidence and by the unavailability of the information elsewhere by an appropriate investigating authority.[44]
In the case at bar, Executive Secretary Ermita premised his claim of executive privilege on the ground that the communications elicited by the three (3) questions fall under conversation and correspondence between the President and public officials necessary in her executive and policy decisionmaking process and, that the information sought to be disclosed might impair our diplomatic as well as economic relations with the Peoples Republic of China. Simply put, the bases are presidential communications privilege and executive privilege on matters relating to diplomacy or foreign relations. Using the above elements, we are convinced that, indeed, the communications elicited by the three (3) questions are covered by the presidential communications privilege. First, the communications relate to a quintessential and non-delegable power of the President, i.e. the power to enter into an executive agreement with other countries. This authority of the President to enter into executive agreements without the concurrence of the Legislature has traditionally been recognized in Philippine jurisprudence.[45] Second, the communications are received by a close advisor of the President. Under the operational proximity test, petitioner can be considered a close advisor, being a member of President Arroyos cabinet. And third, there is no adequate showing of a compelling need that
would justify the limitation of the privilege and of the unavailability of the information elsewhere by an appropriate investigating authority. The third element deserves a lengthy discussion. United States v. Nixon held that a claim of executive privilege is subject to balancing against other interest. In other words, confidentiality in executive privilege is not absolutely protected by the Constitution. The U.S. Court held: [N]either the doctrine of separation of powers, nor the need for confidentiality of high-level communications, without more, can sustain an absolute, unqualified Presidential privilege of immunity from judicial process under all circumstances. The foregoing is consistent with the earlier case of Nixon v. Sirica,[46] where it was held that presidential communications are presumptively privileged and that the presumption can be overcome only by mere showing of public need by the branch seeking access to conversations. The courts are enjoined to resolve the competing interests of the political branches of the government in the manner that preserves the essential functions of each Branch.[47] Here, the record is bereft of any categorical explanation from respondent Committees to show a compelling or citical need for the answers to the three (3) questions in the enactment of a law. Instead, the questions veer more towards the exercise of the legislative oversight function under Section 22 of Article VI rather than Section 21 of the same Article. Senate v. Ermita ruled that the the oversight function of Congress may be facilitated by compulsory process only to the extent that it is performed in pursuit of legislation. It is conceded that it is difficult to draw the line between an inquiry in aid of legislation and an inquiry in the exercise of oversight function of Congress. In this regard, much will depend on the content of the questions and the manner the inquiry is conducted. Respondent Committees argue that a claim of executive privilege does not guard against a possible disclosure of a crime or wrongdoing. We see no dispute on this. It is settled in United States v. Nixon[48] that demonstrated, specific need for evidence in pending criminal trial outweighs the Presidents generalized interest in confidentiality. However, the present cases distinction with the Nixon case is very evident. In Nixon, there is a pending criminal proceeding where the information is requested and it is the demands of due process of law and the fair administration of criminal justice that the information be disclosed. This is the reason why the U.S. Court was quick to limit the scope of its decision. It stressed that it is not concerned here with the balance between the Presidents generalized interest in confidentiality x x x and congressional demands for
information. Unlike in Nixon, the information here is elicited, not in a criminal proceeding, but in a legislative inquiry. In this regard, Senate v. Ermita stressed that the validity of the claim of executive privilege depends not only on the ground invoked but, also, on the procedural setting or the context in which the claim is made. Furthermore, in Nixon, the President did not interpose any claim of need to protect military, diplomatic or sensitive national security secrets. In the present case, Executive Secretary Ermita categorically claims executive privilege on the grounds of presidential communications privilege in relation to her executive and policy decision-making process and diplomatic secrets. The respondent Committees should cautiously tread into the investigation of matters which may present a conflict of interest that may provide a ground to inhibit the Senators participating in the inquiry if later on an impeachment proceeding is initiated on the same subject matter of the present Senate inquiry. Pertinently, in Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities v. Nixon,[49] it was held that since an impeachment proceeding had been initiated by a House Committee, the Senate Select Committees immediate oversight need for five presidential tapes should give way to the House Judiciary Committee which has the constitutional authority to inquire into presidential impeachment. The Court expounded on this issue in this wise: It is true, of course, that the Executive cannot, any more than the other branches of government, invoke a general confidentiality privilege to shield its officials and employees from investigations by the proper governmental institutions into possible criminal wrongdoing. The Congress learned this as to its own privileges in Gravel v. United States, as did the judicial branch, in a sense, in Clark v. United States, and the executive branch itself in Nixon v. Sirica. But under Nixon v. Sirica, the showing required to overcome the presumption favoring confidentiality turned, not on the nature of the presidential conduct that the subpoenaed material might reveal, but, instead, on the nature and appropriateness of the function in the performance of which the material was sought, and the degree to which the material was necessary to its fulfillment. Here also our task requires and our decision implies no judgment whatever concerning possible presidential involvement in culpable activity. On the contrary, we think the sufficiency of the Committee's showing must depend solely on whether the subpoenaed evidence is demonstrably critical to the responsible fulfillment of the Committee's functions. In its initial briefs here, the Committee argued that it has shown exactly this. It contended that resolution, on the
basis of the subpoenaed tapes, of the conflicts in the testimony before it would aid in a determination whether legislative involvement in political campaigns is necessary and could help engender the public support needed for basic reforms in our electoral system. Moreover, Congress has, according to the Committee, power to oversee the operations of the executive branch, to investigate instances of possible corruption and malfeasance in office, and to expose the results of its investigations to public view. The Committee says that with respect to Watergate-related matters, this power has been delegated to it by the Senate, and that to exercise its power responsibly, it must have access to the subpoenaed tapes. We turn first to the latter contention. In the circumstances of this case, we need neither deny that the Congress may have, quite apart from its legislative responsibilities, a general oversight power, nor explore what the lawful reach of that power might be under the Committee's constituent resolution. Since passage of that resolution, the House Committee on the Judiciary has begun an inquiry into presidential impeachment. The investigative authority of the Judiciary Committee with respect to presidential conduct has an express constitutional source. x x x We have been shown no evidence indicating that Congress itself attaches any particular value to this interest. In these circumstances, we think the need for the tapes premised solely on an asserted power to investigate and inform cannot justify enforcement of the Committee's subpoena. The sufficiency of the Committee's showing of need has come to depend, therefore, entirely on whether the subpoenaed materials are critical to the performance of its legislative functions. There is a clear difference between Congress' legislative tasks and the responsibility of a grand jury, or any institution engaged in like functions. While factfinding by a legislative committee is undeniably a part of its task, legislative judgments normally depend more on the predicted consequences of proposed legislative actions and their political acceptability, than on precise reconstruction of past events; Congress frequently legislates on the basis of conflicting information provided in its hearings. In contrast, the responsibility of the grand jury turns entirely on its ability to determine whether there is probable cause to believe that certain named individuals did or did not commit specific crimes. If, for example, as in Nixon v. Sirica, one of those crimes is perjury concerning the content of certain conversations, the grand jury's need for the most precise
evidence, the exact text of oral statements recorded in their original form, is undeniable. We see no comparable need in the legislative process, at least not in the circumstances of this case. Indeed, whatever force there might once have been in the Committee's argument that the subpoenaed materials are necessary to its legislative judgments has been substantially undermined by subsequent events. (Emphasis supplied) Respondent Committees further contend that the grant of petitioners claim of executive privilege violates the constitutional provisions on the right of the people to information on matters of public concern.[50] We might have agreed with such contention if petitioner did not appear before them at all. But petitioner made himself available to them during the September 26 hearing, where he was questioned for eleven (11) hours. Not only that, he expressly manifested his willingness to answer more questions from the Senators, with the exception only of those covered by his claim of executive privilege. The right to public information, like any other right, is subject to limitation. Section 7 of Article III provides: The right of the people to information on matters of public concern shall be recognized. Access to official records, and to documents, and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions, or decisions, as well as to government research data used as basis for policy development, shall be afforded the citizen, subject to such limitations as may be provided by law. The provision itself expressly provides the limitation, i.e. as may be provided by law. Some of these laws are Section 7 of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6713,[51] Article 229[52] of the Revised Penal Code, Section 3 (k)[53] of R.A. No. 3019, and Section 24(e)[54] of Rule 130 of the Rules of Court. These are in addition to what our body of jurisprudence classifies as confidential[55] and what our Constitution considers as belonging to the larger concept of executive privilege. Clearly, there is a recognized public interest in the confidentiality of certain information. We find the information subject of this case belonging to such kind. More than anything else, though, the right of Congress or any of its
Committees to obtain information in aid of legislation cannot be equated with the peoples right to public information. The former cannot claim that every legislative inquiry is an exercise of the peoples right to information. The distinction between such rights is laid down in Senate v. Ermita: There are, it bears noting, clear distinctions between the right of Congress to information which underlies the power of inquiry and the right of people to information on matters of public concern. For one, the demand of a citizen for the production of documents pursuant to his right to information does not have the same obligatory force as a subpoena duces tecum issued by Congress. Neither does the right to information grant a citizen the power to exact testimony from government officials. These powers belong only to Congress, not to an individual citizen. Thus, while Congress is composed of representatives elected by the people, it does not follow, except in a highly qualified sense, that in every exercise of its power of inquiry, the people are exercising their right to information. The members of respondent Committees should not invoke as justification in their exercise of power a right properly belonging to the people in general. This is because when they discharge their power, they do so as public officials and members of Congress. Be that as it may, the right to information must be balanced with and should give way, in appropriate cases, to constitutional precepts particularly those pertaining to delicate interplay of executive-legislative powers and privileges which is the subject of careful review by numerous decided cases. BThe Claim of Executive Privilege is Properly Invoked
We now proceed to the issue -- whether the claim is properly invoked by the President. Jurisprudence teaches that for the claim to be properly invoked, there must be a formal claim of privilege, lodged by the head of the department which has control over the matter.[56] A formal and proper claim of executive privilege requires a precise and certain reason for preserving their confidentiality.[57] The Letter dated November 17, 2007 of Executive Secretary Ermita satisfies the requirement. It serves as the formal claim of privilege. There, he expressly states that this Office is constrained to invoke the settled doctrine of executive privilege as refined in Senate v. Ermita, and has
advised Secretary Neri accordingly. Obviously, he is referring to the Office of the President. That is more than enough compliance. In Senate v. Ermita, a less categorical letter was even adjudged to be sufficient. With regard to the existence of precise and certain reason, we find the grounds relied upon by Executive Secretary Ermita specific enough so as not to leave respondent Committees in the dark on how the requested information could be classified as privileged. The case of Senate v. Ermita only requires that an allegation be made whether the information demanded involves military or diplomatic secrets, closed-door Cabinet meetings, etc. The particular ground must only be specified. The enumeration is not even intended to be comprehensive.[58] The following statement of grounds satisfies the requirement: The context in which executive privilege is being invoked is that the information sought to be disclosed might impair our diplomatic as well as economic relations with the Peoples Republic of China. Given the confidential nature in which these information were conveyed to the President, he cannot provide the Committee any further details of these conversations, without disclosing the very thing the privilege is designed to protect. At any rate, as held further in Senate v. Ermita, [59] the Congress must not require the executive to state the reasons for the claim with such particularity as to compel disclosure of the information which the privilege is meant to protect. This is a matter of respect to a coordinate and co-equal department. II Respondent Committees Committed Grave Abuse of Discretion in Issuing the Contempt Order Grave abuse of discretion means such capricious and whimsical exercise of judgment as is equivalent to lack of jurisdiction, or, in other words where the power is exercised in an arbitrary or despotic manner by reason of passion or personal hostility and it must be so patent and gross as to amount to an evasion of positive duty or to a virtual refusal to perform the duty enjoined or to act at all in contemplation of law.[60] It must be reiterated that when respondent Committees issued the show cause Letter dated November 22, 2007, petitioner replied immediately, manifesting that it was not his intention to ignore the Senate hearing and that he thought the only remaining questions were the three (3) questions he claimed to be covered by executive privilege. In addition thereto,
he submitted Atty. Bautistas letter, stating that his non-appearance was upon the order of the President and specifying the reasons why his conversations with President Arroyo are covered by executive privilege. Both correspondences include an expression of his willingness to testify again, provided he be furnished in advance copies of the questions. Without responding to his request for advance list of questions, respondent Committees issued the Order dated January 30, 2008, citing him in contempt of respondent Committees and ordering his arrest and detention at the Office of the Senate Sergeant-At-Arms until such time that he would appear and give his testimony. Thereupon, petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration, informing respondent Committees that he had filed the present petition for certiorari. Respondent Committees committed grave abuse of discretion in issuing the contempt Order in view of five (5) reasons. First, there being a legitimate claim of executive privilege, the issuance of the contempt Order suffers from constitutional infirmity. Second, respondent Committees did not comply with the requirement laid down in Senate v. Ermita that the invitations should contain the possible needed statute which prompted the need for the inquiry, along with the usual indication of the subject of inquiry and the questions relative to and in furtherance thereof. Compliance with this requirement is imperative, both under Sections 21 and 22 of Article VI of the Constitution. This must be so to ensure that the rights of both persons appearing in or affected by such inquiry are respected as mandated by said Section 21 and by virtue of the express language of Section 22. Unfortunately, despite petitioners repeated demands, respondent Committees did not send him an advance list of questions. Third, a reading of the transcript of respondent Committees January 30, 2008 proceeding reveals that only a minority of the members of the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee was present during the deliberation. [61] Section 18 of the Rules of Procedure Governing Inquiries in Aid of Legislation provides that: The Committee, by a vote of majority of all its members, may punish for contempt any witness before it who disobeys any order of the Committee or refuses to be sworn or to testify or to answer proper questions by the Committee or any of its members. Clearly, the needed vote is a majority of all the members of the Committee. Apparently, members who did not actually participate in the deliberation were made to sign the contempt Order. Thus, there is a cloud
of doubt as to the validity of the contempt Order dated January 30, 2008. quote the pertinent portion of the transcript, thus: THE CHAIRMAN (SEN. CAYETANO, A). For clarification. x x x The Chair will call either a caucus or will ask the Committee on Rules if there is a problem. Meaning, if we do not have the sufficient numbers. But if we have a sufficient number, we will just hold a caucus to be able to implement that right away becauseAgain, our Rules provide that any one held in contempt and ordered arrested, need the concurrence of a majority of all members of the said committee and we have three committees conducting this. So thank you very much to the members SEN. PIMENTEL. Mr. Chairman. THE CHAIRMAN (SEN. CAYETANO,A). May I recognize the Minority Leader and give him the floor, Senator Pimentel. SEN. PIMENTEL. Mr. Chairman, there is no problem, I think, with consulting the other committees. But I am of the opinion that the Blue Ribbon Committee is the lead committee, and therefore, it should have preference in enforcing its own decisions. Meaning to say, it is not something that is subject to consultation with other committees. I am not sure that is the right interpretation. I think that once we decide here, we enforce what we decide, because otherwise, before we know it, our determination is watered down by delay and, you know, the so-called consultation that inevitably will have to take place if we follow the premise that has been explained. So my suggestion, Mr. Chairman, is the Blue Ribbon Committee should not forget its the lead committee here, and therefore, the will of the lead committee prevails over all the other, you, know reservations that other committees might have who are only secondary or even tertiary committees, Mr. Chairman. THE CHAIRMAN (SEN. CAYETANO, A.) Thank you very much to the Minority Leader. And I agree with the wisdom of his statements. I was merely mentioning that under Section 6 of the Rules of the Committee and under Section 6, The Committee by a vote of a majority of all its
members may punish for contempt any witness before it who disobeys any order of the Committee. So the Blue Ribbon Committee is more than willing to take that responsibility. But we only have six members here today, I am the seventh as chair and so we have not met that number. So I am merely stating that, sir, that when we will prepare the documentation, if a majority of all members sign and I am following the Sabio v. Gordon rule wherein I do believe, if I am not mistaken, Chairman Gordon prepared the documentation and then either in caucus or in session asked the other members to sign. And once the signatures are obtained, solely for the purpose that Secretary Neri or Mr. Lozada will not be able to legally question our subpoena as being insufficient in accordance with law. SEN. PIMENTEL. Mr. Chairman, the caution that the chair is suggesting is very well-taken. But Id like to advert to the fact that the quorum of the committee is only two as far as I remember. Any two-member senators attending a Senate committee hearing provide that quorum, and therefore there is more than a quorum demanded by our Rules as far as we are concerned now, and acting as Blue Ribbon Committee, as Senator Enrile pointed out. In any event, the signatures that will follow by the additional members will only tend to strengthen the determination of this Committee to put its foot forward put down on what is happening in this country, Mr. Chairman, because it really looks terrible if the primary Committee of the Senate, which is the Blue Ribbon Committee, cannot even sanction people who openly defy, you know, the summons of this Committee. I know that the Chair is going through an agonizing moment here. I know that. But nonetheless, I think we have to uphold, you know, the institution that we are representing because the alternative will be a disaster for all of us, Mr. Chairman. So having said that, Id like to reiterate my point. THE CHAIRMAN (SEN. CAYETANO, A.) First of all, I agree 100 percent with the intentions of the Minority Leader. But let me very respectfully disagree with the legal requirements. Because, yes, we can have a hearing if we are only two but both under Section 18 of the Rules of the Senate and under Section 6 of the Rules of the Blue Ribbon Committee, there is a need for a majority of all members if it is a case of contempt and arrest. So, I am simply trying to avoid the court rebuking the Committee, which will instead
of strengthening will weaken us. But I do agree, Mr. Minority Leader, that we should push for this and show the executive branch that the well-decided the issue has been decided upon the Sabio versus Gordon case. And its very clear that we are all allowed to call witnesses. And if they refure or they disobey not only can we cite them in contempt and have them arrested. x x x [62] Fourth, we find merit in the argument of the OSG that respondent Committees likewise violated Section 21 of Article VI of the Constitution, requiring that the inquiry be in accordance with the duly published rules of procedure. We quote the OSGs explanation: The phrase duly published rules of procedure requires the Senate of every Congress to publish its rules of procedure governing inquiries in aid of legislation because every Senate is distinct from the one before it or after it. Since Senatorial elections are held every three (3) years for one-half of the Senates membership, the composition of the Senate also changes by the end of each term. Each Senate may thus enact a different set of rules as it may deem fit. Not having published its Rules of Procedure, the subject hearings in aid of legislation conducted by the 14th Senate, are therefore, procedurally infirm. And fifth, respondent Committees issuance of the contempt Order is arbitrary and precipitate. It must be pointed out that respondent Committees did not first pass upon the claim of executive privilege and inform petitioner of their ruling. Instead, they curtly dismissed his explanation as unsatisfactory and simultaneously issued the Order citing him in contempt and ordering his immediate arrest and detention. A fact worth highlighting is that petitioner is not an unwilling witness. He manifested several times his readiness to testify before respondent Committees. He refused to answer the three (3) questions because he was ordered by the President to claim executive privilege. It behooves respondent Committees to first rule on the claim of executive privilege and inform petitioner of their finding thereon, instead of peremptorily dismissing his explanation as unsatisfactory. Undoubtedly, respondent Committees actions constitute grave abuse of discretion for being arbitrary and for denying petitioner due process of law. The same quality afflicted their conduct when they (a) disregarded petitioners motion for reconsideration alleging that he had filed the
present petition before this Court and (b) ignored petitioners repeated request for an advance list of questions, if there be any aside from the three (3) questions as to which he claimed to be covered by executive privilege. Even the courts are repeatedly advised to exercise the power of contempt judiciously and sparingly with utmost self-restraint with the end in view of utilizing the same for correction and preservation of the dignity of the court, not for retaliation or vindication.[63] Respondent Committees should have exercised the same restraint, after all petitioner is not even an ordinary witness. He holds a high position in a co-equal branch of government. In this regard, it is important to mention that many incidents of judicial review could have been avoided if powers are discharged with circumspection and deference. Concomitant with the doctrine of separation of powers is the mandate to observe respect to a co-equal branch of the government. One last word. The Court was accused of attempting to abandon its constitutional duty when it required the parties to consider a proposal that would lead to a possible compromise. The accusation is far from the truth. The Court did so, only to test a tool that other jurisdictions find to be effective in settling similar cases, to avoid a piecemeal consideration of the questions for review and to avert a constitutional crisis between the executive and legislative branches of government. In United States v. American Tel. & Tel Co.,[64] the court refrained from deciding the case because of its desire to avoid a resolution that might disturb the balance of power between the two branches and inaccurately reflect their true needs. Instead, it remanded the record to the District Court for further proceedings during which the parties are required to negotiate a settlement. In the subsequent case of United States v. American Tel. &Tel Co.,[65] it was held that much of this spirit of compromise is reflected in the generality of language found in the Constitution. It proceeded to state: Under this view, the coordinate branches do not exist in an exclusively adversary relationship to one another when a conflict in authority arises. Rather each branch should take cognizance of an implicit constitutional mandate to seek optimal accommodation through a realistic evaluation of the needs of the conflicting branches in the particular fact situation. It thereafter concluded that: The Separation of Powers often impairs efficiency, in terms of dispatch and the immediate functioning of
government. It is the long-term staying power of government that is enhanced by the mutual accommodation required by the separation of powers. In rendering this decision, the Court emphasizes once more that the basic principles of constitutional law cannot be subordinated to the needs of a particular situation. As magistrates, our mandate is to rule objectively and dispassionately, always mindful of Mr. Justice Holmes warning on the dangers inherent in cases of this nature, thus: some accident of immediate and overwhelming interestappeals to the feelings and distorts the judgment. These immediate interests exercise a kind of hydraulic pressure which makes what previously was clear seem doubtful, and before which even well settled principles of law will bend.[66] In this present crusade to search for truth, we should turn to the fundamental constitutional principles which underlie our tripartite system of government, where the Legislature enacts the law, the Judiciary interprets it and the Executive implements it. They are considered separate, co-equal, coordinate and supreme within their respective spheres but, imbued with a system of checks and balances to prevent unwarranted exercise of power. The Courts mandate is to preserve these constitutional principles at all times to keep the political branches of government within constitutional bounds in the exercise of their respective powers and prerogatives, even if it be in the search for truth. This is the only way we can preserve the stability of our democratic institutions and uphold the Rule of Law. WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED. The subject Order dated January 30, 2008, citing petitioner Romulo L. Neri in contempt of the Senate Committees and directing his arrest and detention, is hereby nullified. SO ORDERED. TERESITA J. LEONARDO DE CASTRO ciate Justice Asso
DANTE O Associat
RUBEN T Associat
Associate Justice
CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, I certify that the conclusions in the above decision had been reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Court. REYNATO S. PUNO Chief Justice
[1] [2]
Rollo, pp. 12-14. Rollo, pp. 85-86. Through the Supplemental Petition for Certiorari (With Urgent Application for Temporary Restraining Order/Preliminary Injunction). [3] Chaired by Hon. Senator Alan Peter S. Cayetano. [4] Chaired by Hon. Senator Manuel A. Roxas II. [5] Chaired by Hon. Senator Rodolfo G. Biazon. [6] Transcript of the September 26, 2007 Hearing of the respondent Committees, pp.91-92. [7] Id., pp. 114-115. [8] Id., pp. 276-277. [9] See Letter dated January 30, 2008. [10] 488 SCRA 1 (2006). [11] 345 U.S. 1 (1953). [12] Section 7. Prohibited Acts and Transactions. In addition to acts and omissions of public officials and employees now prescribed in the Constitution and existing laws, the following shall constitute prohibited acts and transactions of any public official and employee and are hereby declared to be unlawful: x x x (c) Disclosure and/or misuse of confidential information. Public officials and employees shall not use or divulge, confidential or classified information officially known to them by reason of their office and not made available to the public, either: (1) To further their private interests, or give undue advantage to anyone; or
To prejudice the public interest. [13] SEC. 24. Disqualification by reason of privileged communication. The following persons cannot testify as to matters learned in confidence in the following cases. (e) A public officer cannot be examined during his term of office or afterwards, as to communications made to him in official confidence, when the court finds that the public interest would suffer by disclosure. [14] TSN of the Oral Argument, March 4, 2008, p. 455. [15] (1) Minutes of all meetings of the three (3) committees held in January and February, 2008; (2) Notice for joint meeting of three (3) committees held on 30 January 2008 duly received by the members of the committees; (3) Minute Books of the three (3) committees; (4) Composition of the three (3) committees; and (5) Other documents required of them in the course of the oral argument. [16] See Manifestation, rollo, pp.170-174. [17] Supra.. [18] Supra. [19] Ibid. [20] Ibid. [21] Arnault v. Nazareno, 87 Phil 32 (1950) [22] Senate v. Ermita, p. 58. [23] 5 U.S. C. 552 [24] 51 U.S. C. app. [25] 433 Phil. 506 (2002). [26] G.R. No. 130716, December 9, 1998, (360 SCRA 132 ). [27] Supra. [28] CRS Report for Congress, Presidential Claims of Executive Privilege: History, Law, Practice and Recent Developments at p. 2. [29] 418 U.S. 683. [30] In Re: Sealed Case No. 96-3124, June 17, 1997. [31] Id. [32] CRS Report for Congress, Presidential Claims of Executive Privilege: History, Law, Practice and Recent Developments at pp. 18-19. [33] 365 F.3d 1108, 361 U.S.App.D.C. 183, 64 Fed. R. Evid. Serv. 141. [34] See United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1, 6-8 (1953); Chicago v. Airlines, Inc. v. Waterman Steamship Corp., 333 U.S. 103, 111; Totten v. United States, 92 U.S. 105, 106-107 (1875). [35] Roviaro v. United States, 353 U.S. 53, 59-61. [36] See Friedman v. Bache Halsey Stuart Shields, Inc. 738 F. 2d 1336,1341-43 (D.C. Cir. 1984). [37] 14 F. Supp. 230, 299 U.S. 304 (1936). [38] 360 Phil. 133 (1998). [39] Supra. [40] Section 18, Article VII. [41] Section 16, Article VII. [42] Section 19, Article VII.
[43] Section 20 and 21, Article VII. [44] CRS Report for Congress, Presidential Claims of Executive Privilege: History, Law Practice and Recent Developments, supra.. [45] Bernas, S.J., The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, A Commentary, 2003 Ed. p. 903. [46] 159 U.S. App. DC. 58, 487 F. 2d 700 (D.C. Cir. 1973). [47] U.S. v. Nixon, 418 U.S. 683 (1974) [48] Supra. [49] 498 F. 2d 725 (D.C. Cir.1974). [50] Citing Section 7, Article 3 of the Constitution. [51] Section 7. Prohibited Acts and Transactions. In addition to acts and omissions of public officials and employees now prescribed in the Constitution and existing laws, the following shall constitute prohibited acts and transactions of any public official and employee and are hereby declared to be unlawful: x x x ( c) Disclosure and/or misuse of confidential information. - Public officials and employees shall not use or divulge, confidential or classified information officially known to them by reason of their office and not made available to the public, either: To further their private interests, or give undue advantage to anyone; or (2) To prejudice the public interest. [52] Article 229. Revelation of secrets by an officer. Any public officer who shall reveal any secret known to him by reason of his official capacity, or shall wrongfully deliver papers or copies of papers of which he may have charge and which should not be published, shall suffer the penalties of prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods, perpetual special disqualification and a fine not exceeding 2,000 pesos if the revelation of such secrets or the delivery of such papers shall have caused serious damage to the public interest; otherwise, the penalties of prision correccional in its minimum period, temporary special disqualification and a fine not exceeding 500 pesos shall be imposed. [53] Section 3. Corrupt practices of public officers. In addition to acts or omissions of public officers already penalized by existing law, the following shall constitute corrupt practices of any public officer and are hereby declared to be unlawful: (1)
(k) Divulging valuable information of a confidential character, acquired by his office or by him on account of his official position to unauthorized persons, or releasing such information in advance of its authorized release date. [54] Sec. 24. Disqualification by reason of privileged communications. The following persons cannot testify as to matters learned in confidence in the following case: x x x (a) A public officer cannot be examined during his term of office or afterwards, as to communications made to
him in official confidence, when the court finds that the public interest would suffer by the disclosure. [55] In Chavez v. Public Estates Authority, supra., the Supreme Court recognized matters which the Court has long considered as confidential such as information on military and diplomatic secrets, information affecting national security, and information on investigations of crimes by law enforcement agencies before the prosecution of the accused. It also stated that presidential conversations, correspondences, or discussions during close-door cabinet meetings which, like internal deliberations of the Supreme Court or other collegiate courts, or executive sessions of either House of Congress, are recognized as confidential. Such information cannot be pried-open by a coequal branch of government. [56] United States v. Reynolds, supra.. [57] Unites States v. Article of Drug, 43 F.R.D. at 190. [58] Senate v. Ermita, supra., p. 63. [59] Id., citing U.S. v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1, 73 S. Ct. 528, 97 L. Ed. 727, 32 A.L. R. 2d 382 (1953). [60] Freedom from Debt Coalition v. Energy Regulatory Commission, G.R. No. 161113. June 15, 2004. [61] Trancript of the January 30, 2008 proceedings, p. 29. [62] Trancript of the January 30, 2008 Proceeding of the respondent Senate Committees, pp. 26-31. [63] Rodriguez v. Judge Bonifacio, A.M. No. RTJ-99-1510, November 6, 2000, 344 SCRA 519. [64] 179 U.S. App. Supp. D.C. 198, 551 F 2d. 384 (1976). [65] 567 F 2d 121 (1977). [66] Northern Securities Co. v. United States, 193 U.S. 197, 48 L. Ed. 679, 24 S Ct. 436 (1904). 2. Judicial Privilege Per Curiam Decision of the Supreme Court in connection with the Letter of the House Prosecution Panel to Subpoena Justices of the Supreme Court, February 14, 2012 See PDFs/folder 3. Privilege Communications (Rule 130, Section 24) Mercado v. Vitriolo, AC 5110, May 26, 2005 A.C. No. 5108 May 26, 2005
PUNO, J.: Rosa F. Mercado filed the instant administrative complaint against Atty. Julito D. Vitriolo, seeking his disbarment from the practice of law. The complainant alleged that respondent maliciously instituted a criminal case for falsification of public document against her, a former client, based on confidential information gained from their attorney-client relationship. Let us first hearken to the facts. Complainant is a Senior Education Program Specialist of the Standards Development Division, Office of Programs and Standards while respondent is a Deputy Executive Director IV of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).1 Complainant's husband filed Civil Case No. 40537 entitled "Ruben G. Mercado v. Rosa C. Francisco," for annulment of their marriage with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Pasig City. This annulment case had been dismissed by the trial court, and the dismissal became final and executory on July 15, 1992.2 In August 1992, Atty. Anastacio P. de Leon, counsel of complainant, died. On February 7, 1994, respondent entered his appearance before the trial court as collaborating counsel for complainant.3 On March 16, 1994, respondent filed his Notice of Substitution of Counsel, 4 informing the RTC of Pasig City that he has been appointed as counsel for the complainant, in substitution of Atty. de Leon. It also appears that on April 13, 1999, respondent filed a criminal action against complainant before the Office of the City Prosecutor, Pasig City, entitled "Atty. Julito Vitriolo, et al. v. Rose Dela Cruz F. Mercado," and docketed as I.S. No. PSG 99-9823, for violation of Articles 171 and 172 (falsification of public document) of the Revised Penal Code.5 Respondent alleged that complainant made false entries in the Certificates of Live Birth of her children, Angelica and Katelyn Anne. More specifically, complainant allegedly indicated in said Certificates of Live Birth that she is married to a certain Ferdinand Fernandez, and that their marriage was solemnized on April 11, 1979, when in truth, she is legally married to Ruben G. Mercado and their marriage took place on April 11, 1978. Complainant denied the accusations of respondent against her. She denied using any other name than "Rosa F. Mercado." She also insisted that she has gotten married only once, on April 11, 1978, to Ruben G. Mercado. In addition, complainant Mercado cited other charges against respondent that are pending before or decided upon by other tribunals (1) libel suit before the Office of the City Prosecutor, Pasig City;6 (2) administrative case for dishonesty, grave misconduct, conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the service,
pursuit of private business, vocation or profession without the permission required by Civil Service rules and regulations, and violations of the "Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act," before the then Presidential Commission Against Graft and Corruption;7 (3) complaint for dishonesty, grave misconduct, and conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the service before the Office of the Ombudsman, where he was found guilty of misconduct and meted out the penalty of one month suspension without pay;8 and, (4) the Information for violation of Section 7(b)(2) of Republic Act No. 6713, as amended, otherwise known as the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees before the Sandiganbayan.9 Complainant Mercado alleged that said criminal complaint for falsification of public document (I.S. No. PSG 99-9823) disclosed confidential facts and information relating to the civil case for annulment, then handled by respondent Vitriolo as her counsel. This prompted complainant Mercado to bring this action against respondent. She claims that, in filing the criminal case for falsification, respondent is guilty of breaching their privileged and confidential lawyer-client relationship, and should be disbarred. Respondent filed his Comment/Motion to Dismiss on November 3, 1999 where he alleged that the complaint for disbarment was all hearsay, misleading and irrelevant because all the allegations leveled against him are subject of separate fact-finding bodies. Respondent claimed that the pending cases against him are not grounds for disbarment, and that he is presumed to be innocent until proven otherwise.10 He also states that the decision of the Ombudsman finding him guilty of misconduct and imposing upon him the penalty of suspension for one month without pay is on appeal with the Court of Appeals. He adds that he was found guilty, only of simple misconduct, which he committed in good faith.11 In addition, respondent maintains that his filing of the criminal complaint for falsification of public documents against complainant does not violate the rule on privileged communication between attorney and client because the bases of the falsification case are two certificates of live birth which are public documents and in no way connected with the confidence taken during the engagement of respondent as counsel. According to respondent, the complainant confided to him as then counsel only matters of facts relating to the annulment case. Nothing was said about the alleged falsification of the entries in the birth certificates of her two daughters. The birth certificates are filed in the Records Division of CHED and are accessible to anyone.12 In a Resolution dated February 9, 2000, this Court referred the administrative case to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) for investigation, report and recommendation.13 The IBP Commission on Bar Discipline set two dates for hearing but complainant failed to appear in both. Investigating Commissioner Rosalina R.
Datiles thus granted respondent's motion to file his memorandum, and the case was submitted for resolution based on the pleadings submitted by the parties.14 On June 21, 2003, the IBP Board of Governors approved the report of investigating commissioner Datiles, finding the respondent guilty of violating the rule on privileged communication between attorney and client, and recommending his suspension from the practice of law for one (1) year. On August 6, 2003, complainant, upon receiving a copy of the IBP report and recommendation, wrote Chief Justice Hilario Davide, Jr., a letter of desistance. She stated that after the passage of so many years, she has now found forgiveness for those who have wronged her. At the outset, we stress that we shall not inquire into the merits of the various criminal and administrative cases filed against respondent. It is the duty of the tribunals where these cases are pending to determine the guilt or innocence of the respondent. We also emphasize that the Court is not bound by any withdrawal of the complaint or desistance by the complainant. The letter of complainant to the Chief Justice imparting forgiveness upon respondent is inconsequential in disbarment proceedings. We now resolve whether respondent violated the rule on privileged communication between attorney and client when he filed a criminal case for falsification of public document against his former client. A brief discussion of the nature of the relationship between attorney and client and the rule on attorney-client privilege that is designed to protect such relation is in order. In engaging the services of an attorney, the client reposes on him special powers of trust and confidence. Their relationship is strictly personal and highly confidential and fiduciary. The relation is of such delicate, exacting and confidential nature that is required by necessity and public interest.15 Only by such confidentiality and protection will a person be encouraged to repose his confidence in an attorney. The hypothesis is that abstinence from seeking legal advice in a good cause is an evil which is fatal to the administration of justice. 16 Thus, the preservation and protection of that relation will encourage a client to entrust his legal problems to an attorney, which is of paramount importance to the administration of justice.17 One rule adopted to serve this purpose is the attorney-client privilege: an attorney is to keep inviolate his client's secrets or confidence and not to abuse them.18 Thus, the duty of a lawyer to preserve his client's secrets and confidence outlasts the termination of the attorney-client relationship,19 and continues even after the client's death.20 It is the glory of the legal profession that its fidelity to its client can be depended on, and that a man may safely go to a lawyer and converse with him upon his rights or
supposed rights in any litigation with absolute assurance that the lawyer's tongue is tied from ever disclosing it.21 With full disclosure of the facts of the case by the client to his attorney, adequate legal representation will result in the ascertainment and enforcement of rights or the prosecution or defense of the client's cause. Now, we go to the rule on attorney-client privilege. Dean Wigmore cites the factors essential to establish the existence of the privilege, viz: (1) Where legal advice of any kind is sought (2) from a professional legal adviser in his capacity as such, (3) the communications relating to that purpose, (4) made in confidence (5) by the client, (6) are at his instance permanently protected (7) from disclosure by himself or by the legal advisor, (8) except the protection be waived.22 In fine, the factors are as follows: (1) There exists an attorney-client relationship, or a prospective attorney-client relationship, and it is by reason of this relationship that the client made the communication. Matters disclosed by a prospective client to a lawyer are protected by the rule on privileged communication even if the prospective client does not thereafter retain the lawyer or the latter declines the employment.23 The reason for this is to make the prospective client free to discuss whatever he wishes with the lawyer without fear that what he tells the lawyer will be divulged or used against him, and for the lawyer to be equally free to obtain information from the prospective client.24 On the other hand, a communication from a (prospective) client to a lawyer for some purpose other than on account of the (prospective) attorney-client relation is not privileged. Instructive is the case of Pfleider v. Palanca,25 where the client and his wife leased to their attorney a 1,328-hectare agricultural land for a period of ten years. In their contract, the parties agreed, among others, that a specified portion of the lease rentals would be paid to the client-lessors, and the remainder would be delivered by counsel-lessee to client's listed creditors. The client alleged that the list of creditors which he had "confidentially" supplied counsel for the purpose of carrying out the terms of payment contained in the lease contract was disclosed by counsel, in violation of their lawyer-client relation, to parties whose interests are adverse to those of the client. As the client himself, however, states, in the execution of the terms of the aforesaid lease contract between the parties, he furnished counsel with the "confidential" list of his creditors. We ruled that this indicates that client delivered the list of his creditors to counsel not because of the professional relation then existing between them, but on account of the lease agreement. We then held that a violation of the confidence that accompanied the delivery of that list would partake more of a private and civil wrong than of a breach of the
fidelity owing from a lawyer to his client. (2) The client made the communication in confidence. The mere relation of attorney and client does not raise a presumption of confidentiality.26 The client must intend the communication to be confidential.27 A confidential communication refers to information transmitted by voluntary act of disclosure between attorney and client in confidence and by means which, so far as the client is aware, discloses the information to no third person other than one reasonably necessary for the transmission of the information or the accomplishment of the purpose for which it was given.28 Our jurisprudence on the matter rests on quiescent ground. Thus, a compromise agreement prepared by a lawyer pursuant to the instruction of his client and delivered to the opposing party,29 an offer and counter-offer for settlement,30 or a document given by a client to his counsel not in his professional capacity,31 are not privileged communications, the element of confidentiality not being present.32 (3) The legal advice must be sought from the attorney in his professional capacity.33 The communication made by a client to his attorney must not be intended for mere information, but for the purpose of seeking legal advice from his attorney as to his rights or obligations. The communication must have been transmitted by a client to his attorney for the purpose of seeking legal advice.34 If the client seeks an accounting service,35 or business or personal assistance,36 and not legal advice, the privilege does not attach to a communication disclosed for such purpose. Applying all these rules to the case at bar, we hold that the evidence on record fails to substantiate complainant's allegations. We note that complainant did not even specify the alleged communication in confidence disclosed by respondent. All her claims were couched in general terms and lacked specificity. She contends that respondent violated the rule on privileged communication when he instituted a criminal action against her for falsification of public documents because the criminal complaint disclosed facts relating to the civil case for annulment then handled by respondent. She did not, however, spell out these facts which will determine the merit of her complaint. The Court cannot be involved in a guessing game as to the existence of facts which the complainant must prove. Indeed, complainant failed to attend the hearings at the IBP. Without any testimony from the complainant as to the specific confidential information
allegedly divulged by respondent without her consent, it is difficult, if not impossible to determine if there was any violation of the rule on privileged communication. Such confidential information is a crucial link in establishing a breach of the rule on privileged communication between attorney and client. It is not enough to merely assert the attorney-client privilege.37 The burden of proving that the privilege applies is placed upon the party asserting the privilege.38 IN VIEW WHEREOF, the complaint against respondent Atty. Julito D. Vitriolo is hereby DISMISSED for lack of merit. SO ORDERED. Austria-Martinez, Callejo, Sr., and Chico-Nazario, JJ., concur.Tinga, J., out of the country. Footnotes
Rollo, p. 1. Id. at 12. Id. at 10. Id. at 11. Id. at 16-25. Id. at 36-39. Id. at 40-46. Id. at 152-160. Rollo, Vol. IV, pp. 4-5. Rollo, p. 90. Rollo, Vol. III, p. 1. Rollo, pp. 91-92. Id. at 61. Rollo, Vol. IV, p. 21.
Regala v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 105938, September 20, 1996, 262 SCRA 122, 138, citing Agpalo, Ruben, Legal Ethics, 1992 ed., p. 136.
Hilado v. David, 84 Phil 569, 578 (1949), citing J. Wigmore's Evidence 2285, 2290, 2291 (1923).
16 17
Hilado v. David, 84 Phil 569, 579 (1949). Agpalo, Ruben, Legal and Judicial Ethics, 2002 ed., pp. 177-178. Canon 21, Code of Professional Responsibility.
Canon 37 of the Canons of Professional Ethics; In re Miller, 357 N.C. 316 (2003), citing Glover v. Patten, 165 U.S. 394, 407-408 (1897).
20 21
In re Williams, 57 Ill.2d 63 (1974), citing People v. Gerold, 265 Ill 448 (1914). 8 J.Wigmore, Evidence 2292 (McNaughton rev. 1961).
Rule 15.02, Code of Professional Responsibility A lawyer shall be bound by the rule on privileged communication in respect of matters disclosed to him by a prospective client.
Agpalo, Legal and Judicial Ethics, 2002 ed., pp. 186-187, citing Comments of IBP Committee that drafted the Code, p. 81.
24 25
Adm. Case No. 927, September 28, 1970, 35 SCRA 75. Hitpold v. Stern, 82 A2d 123, 26 ALR2d 852 (1951).
Uy Chico v. Union Life Assurance Society, 29 Phil 163, 165 (1915); City & County of San Francisco v. Superior Court, 231 P2d 26 (1951).
27 28
Brown v. Saint Paul City R. Co., 62 NW2d 688, 44 ALR 535 (1954). Uy Chico v. Union Life Assurance Society, 29 Phil 163 (1915). Hiltold v. Stern, 82 A2d 123, 26 ALR2d 852 (1951). Pfleider v. Palanca, Adm. Case No. 927, September 28, 1970, 35 SCRA 75. Agpalo, Legal and Judicial Ethics, 2002 ed., p. 267. Olender v. U.S., 210 F2d 795, 42 ALR2d 736 (1954). Agpalo, Ruben, Legal and Judicial Ethics, 2002 ed., pp. 260-261.
U.S. v. Kovel, 296 F2d 918 (1961). Radiant Burners, Inc. v. American Gas Association, 320 F2d 314 (1963).
Regala v. Sandiganbayan, First Division, Dissent by Justice R.S. Puno, G.R. No. 105938, September 20, 1996, 262 SCRA 122, 184, citing Hoffman v. U.S., 341 US 479 (1951) also cited in Arredondo v. Ortiz, 365 F.3d 778 (2004).
37 38
U.S. v. Landof, 591 F.2d 36, 38 (1978). 4. Filial Privilege (Rule 130, Section 25) People v. Invencion, G.R. No. 131636, March 5, 2003 [G.R. No. 131636. March 5, 2003]
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, appellee, vs. ARTEMIO INVENCION y SORIANO, appellant. DECISION DAVIDE, JR., C.J.: Before us for automatic review[1] is the Decision[2] dated 22 September 1997 of the Regional Trial Court of Tarlac, Tarlac, Branch 65, in Criminal Case No. 9375, finding accused-appellant Artemio Invencion y Soriano guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of rape committed against his 16-year-old daughter Cynthia P. Invencion, and sentencing him to suffer the penalty of death and to pay Cynthia the sum of P50,000 as moral damages and P25,000 as exemplary damages, as well as the costs of suit. Artemio was charged before the Regional Trial Court of Tarlac with thirteen counts of rape in separate complaints docketed as Criminal Cases Nos. 9363 to 9375, all dated 17 October 1996. The cases were consolidated and jointly tried. At his arraignment Artemio entered a plea of not guilty in each case. The witnesses presented by the prosecution in its evidence in chief were Elven Invencion, Eddie Sicat, Gloria Pagala, Dr. Rosario Fider, and Atty. Florencio Canlas. Presented as rebuttal witnesses were Gloria Pagala and Celestino Navarro. Elven Invencion, an 8-year-old grade two pupil of Sapang Tagalog Elementary School in Tarlac, Tarlac, testified that he is a half-brother of Cynthia and son of Artemio with his second common-law wife. Sometime before the end of the school year in 1996, while he was sleeping in one room with his father Artemio, Cynthia, and two other younger brothers, he was awakened by Cynthias loud cries. Looking towards her, he saw his father on
top of Cynthia, doing a pumping motion. After about two minutes, his father put on his short pants.[3] Elven further declared that Artemio was a very strict and cruel father and a drunkard. He angrily prohibited Cynthia from entertaining any of her suitors. Whenever he was drunk, he would maul Elven and quarrel with his stepfather, Celestino Navarro.[4] Eddie Sicat, a 40-year-old farmer and neighbor of Artemio in Barangay Sapang Tagalog, Tarlac, Tarlac, testified that on the second week of March 1996, between 6:00 and 7:00 a.m., while he was passing by the house of Artemio on his way to the field to catch fish, he heard somebody crying. He then peeped through a small opening in the destroyed portion of the sawali wall of Artemios house. He saw Cynthia lying on her back and crying, while her father was on top of her, doing a pumping motion. Eddie observed them for about fifteen seconds, and then he left and proceeded to the field to catch fish.[5] He reported what he had witnessed to Artemios stepfather, Celestino, later that morning.[6] Gloria Pagala, the mother of Cynthia and former common-law wife of Artemio, testified that she and Artemio started living together in Guimba, Nueva Ecija, in February 1969. Out of their common-law relationship, they had six children, one of whom was Cynthia. In March 1982, she and Artemio parted ways permanently. Later, Gloria and her children lived in Pura, Tarlac. When Artemios mother died sometime in 1996, Cynthia lived with Artemio in a small one-room dwelling owned by Celestino and located in Barangay Sapang Tagalog, Tarlac, Tarlac.[7] On 30 August 1996, her son Novelito told her that Cynthia was pregnant. Gloria then went to the house of Artemio and asked Cynthia about her condition. The latter confessed that she had been sexually abused by her father. Gloria then went to the office of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) in Tarlac and reported what Artemio had done to their daughter Cynthia.[8] Dr. Rosario Fider of Tarlac Provincial Hospital testified that she examined Cynthia on 16 September 1996. She found Cynthia to be five to six months pregnant and to have incomplete, healed hymenal lacerations at 3, 5, 8 oclock positions, which could have been caused by sexual intercourse or any foreign body inserted in her private part.[9] Atty. Florencio Canlas, an NBI agent, testified that on 18 September 1996, Cynthia, accompanied by her mother, complained before him and NBI Supervising Agent Rolando Vergara that she was raped by her father Artemio. She then executed a written statement,[10] which she subscribed and sworn to before Atty. Canlas.[11] The defense did not present Artemio as a witness. Instead, his counsel de parte, Atty. Isabelo Salamida, took the witness stand and testified for the defense. He declared that on 24 June 1997 (the same day when he testified before the court), between 10:45 and 11:00 a.m., he and his secretary went to
the house of Artemio in Barangay Sapang Tagalog. The hut was made of sawali. Its door was padlocked, and its windows were shut. When he went around the house and tried to peep through the old sawali walls on the front and left and right sides of the hut, he could not see anything inside the room where Artemio and his children used to sleep. Although it was then about noontime, it was dark inside.[12] Atty. Salamida then concluded that prosecution witness Eddie Sicat was not telling the truth when he declared having seen what Artemio did to Cynthia when he peeped through a small opening in the sawali wall of the house in the early morning sometime on the second week of March 1996. On rebuttal, Gloria Pagala testified that the house where Artemio used to live was a small hut with some destroyed portions in its sawali walls. When she went there to visit her children sometime in December 1995, there was a hole in front and at the sidewall of the hut facing a vacant lot where people passed by to fish in a nearby brook.[13] When she went to the place again sometime in September 1996 after she was informed of Cynthias pregnancy, she noticed that the destroyed portions of the huts sawali walls were not yet repaired.[14] The second rebuttal witness Celestino Navarro, stepfather of Artemio, testified that he is the owner of the small house where Artemio and his children used to reside. At the time that Artemio and his children, including Cynthia, were living in that house, the huts old sawali walls had some small holes in them, thus confirming the testimony of Eddie Sicat. After Artemio was arrested on the basis of Cynthias complaint before the NBI, Celestino made some repairs in the hut by, among other things, placing galvanized iron sheets to cover the holes at the destroyed portions of the sawali walls. Thereafter, a person named Alvin occupied the house.[15] In its Decision of 22 September 1997, the trial court convicted Artemio in Criminal Case No. 9375. It, however, acquitted him in all the other twelve cases for lack of evidence. In his Appellants Brief, Artemio contends that the trial court erred in I ... BELIEVING THE TESTIMONIES OF THE PROSECUTION WITNESSES; II NOT DISMISSING THIS CASE FOR FAILURE OF THE PROSECUTION TO PROVE [HIS] GUILT BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT. Artemio attacks the competency and credibility of Elven as a witness. He argues that Elven, as his son, should have been disqualified as a witness against him under Section 20(c), Rule 130 of the Rules of Court.[16] Besides, Elvens testimony appears not to be his but what the prosecution wanted him to say, as the questions asked were mostly leading questions. Moreover, Elven
had ill-motive in testifying against him, as he (Artemio) was cruel to him. In another attempt to cast doubt on the credibility of the prosecution witnesses, Artemio points to the following inconsistencies in their testimonies: (1) as to the time of the commission of the crime, Elven testified having seen Artemio on top of his sister one night in March 1996, while Eddie Sicat testified having seen them in the same position between 6:00 and 7:00 a.m. in the second week of March 1996; (2) as to the residence of Cynthia in 1996, Gloria testified that the former was living with her in Guimba from November 1995 to September 1996, while Elven and Eddie declared that she was in Sapang Tagalog in March 1996; and (3) as to the residence of Artemio, Jr., Gloria stated that he was living with the appellant, but later she declared that he was living with her in Pura. Artemio also argues that since his house had no electricity and was dark even at daytime, it was impossible for Elven and Eddie to see him allegedly doing pumping motion on top of Cynthia. In his Reply Brief, he likewise urges us to disregard the testimonies of rebuttal witnesses Celestino and Gloria. According to him, Celestino had an ax to grind against him (Artemio) because he had been badgering Celestino for his share of the lot where the hut stands, which was owned by Artemios deceased mother. On the other hand, Gloria wanted to get rid of Artemio because she was already cohabiting with another man. In the Appellees Brief, the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) prays for the affirmation of Artemios conviction and sentence, but recommends that a civil indemnity in the amount of P75,000 be awarded in addition to the awards of moral and exemplary damages. We find no cogent reason to overturn the findings of the trial court on the culpability of Artemio. It is doctrinally settled that the factual findings of the trial court, especially on the credibility of the witnesses, are accorded great weight and respect and will not be disturbed on appeal. This is so because the trial court has the advantage of observing the witnesses through the different indicators of truthfulness or falsehood, such as the angry flush of an insisted assertion, the sudden pallor of a discovered lie, the tremulous mutter of a reluctant answer, the forthright tone of a ready reply, the furtive glance, the blush of conscious shame, the hesitation, the yawn, the sigh, the candor or lack of it, the scant or full realization of the solemnity of an oath, or the carriage and mien.[17] This rule, however, admits of exceptions, as where there exists a fact or circumstance of weight and influence that has been ignored or misconstrued by the court, or where the trial court has acted arbitrarily in its appreciation of the facts.[18] We do not find any of these exceptions in the case at bar. As to the competency of Elven to testify, we rule that such is not affected by Section 25, Rule 130 of the Rules of Court,[19] otherwise known as the rule
on filial privilege. This rule is not strictly a rule on disqualification because a descendant is not incompetent or disqualified to testify against an ascendant.[20] The rule refers to a privilege not to testify, which can be invoked or waived like other privileges. As correctly observed by the lower court, Elven was not compelled to testify against his father; he chose to waive that filial privilege when he voluntarily testified against Artemio. Elven declared that he was testifying as a witness against his father of his own accord and only to tell the truth.[21] Neither can Artemio challenge the prosecutions act of propounding leading questions on Elven. Section 10(c) of Rule 132 of the Rules of Court[22] expressly allows leading questions when the witness is a child of tender years like Elven. The alleged ulterior motive of Elven in testifying against his father also deserves scant consideration. Such insinuation of ill-motive is too lame and flimsy. As observed by the OSG, Elven, who was of tender age, could not have subjected himself to the ordeal of a public trial had he not been compelled by a motive other than to bring to justice the despoiler of his sisters virtue. There is no indication that Elven testified because of anger or any ill-motive against his father, nor is there any showing that he was unduly pressured or influenced by his mother or by anyone to testify against his father. The rule is that where there is no evidence that the principal witness for the prosecution was actuated by improper motive, the presumption is that he was not so actuated and his testimony is entitled to full credence.[23] We find as inconsequential the alleged variance or difference in the time that the rape was committed, i.e., during the night as testified to by Elven, or between 6:00 and 7:00 a.m. per the testimony of Eddie. The exact time or date of the commission of rape is not an element of the crime. What is decisive in a rape charge is that the commission of the rape by the accused has been sufficiently proved. Inconsistencies and discrepancies as to minor matters irrelevant to the elements of the crime cannot be considered grounds for acquittal.[24] In this case, we believe that the crime of rape was, indeed, committed as testified to by Elven and Eddie. The alleged inconsistencies in the testimonies of both Elven and Gloria do not impair the credibility of these witnesses. We agree with the trial court that they are minor inconsistencies, which do not affect the credibility of the witnesses. We have held in a number of cases that inconsistencies in the testimonies of witnesses that refer to minor and insignificant details do not destroy the witnesses credibility.[25] On the contrary, they may even be considered badges of veracity or manifestations of truthfulness on the material points in the testimonies. What is important is that the testimonies agree on essential facts and substantially corroborate a consistent and coherent whole.[26] Artemios allegation that it was impossible for both Elven and Eddie to have seen and witnessed the crime because the room was dark even at daytime
was convincingly disputed by rebuttal witnesses Gloria Pagala and Celestino Navarro. Furthermore, as observed by the OSG, even if the hut was without electricity, Elven could not have been mistaken in his identification of Artemio because he had known the latter for a long time. Moreover, Elven was at the time only two meters away from Cynthia and Artemio. Even without sufficient illumination, Elven, who was jostled out of his sleep by Cynthias loud cry, could observe the pumping motion made by his father.[27] The alleged ill-motives on the part of Gloria and Celestino were not sufficiently proved. Nothing in the records suggests any reason that would motivate Gloria to testify falsely against Artemio, who is the father of her other children. Moreover, we have repeatedly held that no mother would subject her child to the humiliation, disgrace, and trauma attendant to the prosecution for rape if she were not motivated solely by the desire to have the person responsible for her childs defilement incarcerated.[28] As for Celestino, he testified that the lot where the hut stands is owned by his daughter Erlinda, and not by Artemios mother.[29] At any rate, even without Celestinos testimony, Artemios conviction would stand. The remaining issue for our resolution is the correctness of the penalty of death imposed by the trial court. The death penalty was imposed because of the trial courts appreciation of the special qualifying circumstances that Artemio is the father of the victim and the latter was less than 18 years old at the time the crime was committed. Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by R.A. No. 7659, which is the governing law in this case, pertinently reads: Article 335. When and how rape is committed. The crime of rape shall be punished by reclusion perpetua. ... The death penalty shall also be imposed if the crime of rape is committed with any of the following circumstances: 1. when the victim is under eighteen (18) years of age and the offender is a parent, ascendant, step-parent, guardian, relative by consanguinity or affinity within the third civil degree, or the common-law spouse of the parent of the victim. To justify the imposition of the death penalty in a rape committed by a father on a daughter, the minority of the victim and her relationship with the offender, which are special qualifying circumstances, must be alleged in the complaint or information and proved by the prosecution during the trial by the quantum of proof required for conviction. The accusatory portion of the complaint in Criminal Case No. 9375 reads as follows:
That on or about the month of March 1996 at Sapang Tagalog, Municipality of Tarlac, Province of Tarlac, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the said accused Artemio S. Invencion did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously by using force and intimidation have carnal knowledge of his daughter Cynthia P. Invencion who was sixteen (16) years old, in their house. CONTRARY TO LAW.[30] Although the relationship of Cynthia with her father Artemio was alleged in the complaint and duly established by evidence during trial, the allegation in the complaint regarding her age was not clearly proved. In the very recent case of People v. Pruna,[31] we set the guidelines in appreciating age either as an element of the crime or as a qualifying circumstance: 1. The best evidence to prove the age of the offended party is an original or certified true copy of the certificate of live birth of such party. 2. In the absence of a certificate of live birth, similar authentic documents such as baptismal certificate and school records which show the date of birth of the victim would suffice to prove age. 3. If the certificate of live birth or authentic document is shown to have been lost or destroyed or otherwise unavailable, the testimony, if clear and credible, of the victims mother or a member of the family either by affinity or consanguinity who is qualified to testify on matters respecting pedigree such as the exact age or date of birth of the offended party pursuant to Section 40, Rule 130 of the Rules on Evidence shall be sufficient under the following circumstances: a. If the victim is alleged to be below 3 years of age and what is sought to be proved is that she is less than 7 years old; b. If the victim is alleged to be below 7 years of age and what is sought to be proved is that she is less than 12 years old; c. If the victim is alleged to be below 12 years of age and what is sought to be proved is that she is less than 18 years old. 4. In the absence of a certificate of live birth, authentic document, or the testimony of the victims mother or relatives concerning the victims age, the complainants testimony will suffice provided that it is expressly and clearly admitted by the accused.
5. It is the prosecution that has the burden of proving the age of the offended party. The failure of the accused to object to the testimonial evidence regarding age shall not be taken against him. 6. The trial court should always make a categorical finding as to the age of the victim. In the present case, no birth certificate or any similar authentic document was presented and offered in evidence to prove Cynthias age. The statement in the medical certificate showing Cynthias age is not proof thereof, since a medical certificate does not authenticate the date of birth of the victim. Moreover, pursuant to Pruna, Glorias testimony regarding Cynthias age was insufficient, since Cynthia was alleged to be 16 years old already at the time of the rape and what is sought to be proved is that she was then 18 years old. Moreover, the trial court did not even make a categorical finding on Cynthias minority. Finally, the silence of Artemio or his failure to object to the testimonial evidence regarding Cynthias age could not be taken against him. It must be stressed that the severity of death penalty, especially its irreversible and final nature once carried out, makes the decision-making process in capital offenses aptly subject to the most exacting rules of procedure and evidence.[32] Accordingly, in the absence of sufficient proof of Cynthias minority, Artemio cannot be convicted of qualified rape and sentenced to suffer the death penalty. He should only be convicted of simple rape and meted the penalty of reclusion perpetua. As regards the civil liability of Artemio, the awards of moral damages in the amount of P50,000 and exemplary damages in the amount of P25,000 are insufficient. Civil indemnity, which is mandatory upon the finding of the fact of rape,[33] should also be awarded. In simple rape, the civil indemnity for the victim shall not be less than P50,000. WHEREFORE, the decision of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 65, Tarlac, Tarlac, in Criminal Case No. 9375 is hereby AFFIRMED with the modification that that accused Artemio Invencion y Soriano is held guilty beyond reasonable doubt as principal of the crime of simple rape, and is sentenced to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua and to pay the victim Cynthia Invencion the sums of P50,000 as indemnity; P50,000 as moral damages; and P25,000 as exemplary damages. Costs de oficio. SO ORDERED. Davide, Jr., C.J., Bellosillo, Puno, Vitug, Mendoza, Panganiban, Quisumbing, Sandoval-Gutierrez, Carpio, Austria-Martinez, Carpio-Morales, Callejo, Sr. and Azcuna, JJ., concur. Ynares-Santiago, and Corona, JJ., on leave.
[1] Pursuant to Article 47 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by R.A. No. 7659. [2] Per Judge Angel J. Parazo. Original Record (OR), 147-156; Rollo, 29-38. [3] TSN, 8 April 1997, 7-10. [4] Id., 10-11; TSN, 15 April 1997, 2. [5] TSN, 7 May 1997, 4-10 [6] Id., 19-20. [7] TSN, 15 April 1997, 6-13. [8] Id., 9-12; Sinumpaang Salaysay, OR, 6. [9] TSN, 15 May 1997, 4-5; Exhibit B, OR, 126. [10] Exhibit A, OR, 8-9. [11] TSN, 21 May 1997, 3-5. [12] TSN, 24 June 1997, 4-7. [13] TSN, 5 August 1997, 8. [14] Id., 12. [15] TSN, 7 August 1997, 4-6. [16] Section 25, Rule 130, 1991 Rules on Evidence. [17] People v. Bertulfo, G.R. No. 143790, 7 May 2002, citing People v. Abella, 339 SCRA 129, 144-145 [2000]. [18] Id., citing People v. Quejada, 223 SCRA 77 [1993]. [19] SEC.25. Parental and filial privilege. No person may be compelled to testify against his parents, other direct ascendants, children or other direct descendants. [20] See 2 FLORENZ REGALADO, REMEDIAL LAW COMPENDIUM 583 (7th rev. ed. 1995). [21] TSN, 8 April 1997, 5. [22] SEC. 10. Leading and misleading questions. A question which suggests to the witness the answer which the examining party desires is a leading question. It is not allowed, except:
When there is difficulty in getting direct and intelligible answers from a witness who is ignorant, or a child of tender years, or is a feeble mind, or a deaf-mute. [23] People v. Ramos, 312 SCRA 137, 148 [1999]. [24] People v. Matugas, G.R. Nos. 139698-726, 20 February 2002. See also People v. Alba, 305 SCRA 811 [1999]; People v. Montejo, 355 SCRA 210, 226 [2001]. [25] People v. Palomar, 278 SCRA 114, 147 [1997]. [26] People v. Gaspar, 318 SCRA 649, 671 [1999]. [27] See Appellants Brief, 14. [28] People v. Oliva, 282 SCRA 470, 482 [1997]. See also People v. Sanchez, 250 SCRA 14, 27 [1995]; People v. Dela Cruz 251 SCRA 77, 85 [1995]; People v. Alimon, 257 SCRA 658, 676 [1996]. [29] TSN, 7 August 1997, 7-8. [30] Rollo, 17. [31] G.R. No. 138471, 10 October 2002. [32] People v. Pruna, supra, citing People v. Liban, 345 SCRA 453 [2000]. [33] People v. Rebato, 358 SCRA 230, 238 [2001]; People v. Panganiban, 359 SCRA 509, 524 [2001] V. Extrajudicial Confessions/Confession 1. People v. Muit, G.R. No. 181043, October 8, 2008 SECOND DIVISION THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Appellee, Present: Chairperson, versus QUISUMBING, J., G.R. No. 181043
CARPIO MORALES, TINGA, VELASCO, JR., and MILLANO MUIT, SERGIO PANCHO, JR., EDUARDO HERMANO ALIAS BOBBY REYES, ROLANDO DEQUILLO, ROMEO PANCHO, and JOSEPH FERRAER, October 8, 2008 Appellants. x----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------x DECISION TINGA, J.: Millano Muit y Munoz (Muit), Sergio Pancho y Cagumoc, Jr. (Pancho, Jr.), Rolando Dequillo y Tampos (Dequillo), Romeo Pancho (Romeo), Eduardo Eddie Hermano alias Bobby Reyes alias Eddie Reyes (Hermano), and Joseph Ferraer (Ferraer) were charged with kidnapping for ransom with homicide[1] and carnapping[2] in two separate informations. Only Muit, Pancho Jr., Dequillo, Romeo, and Ferraer were arrested and stood trial. However, Ferraer was discharged from the criminal cases by the Regional Trial Court (RTC) and was utilized as a state witness.[3] All appellants pleaded not guilty during their arraignments. The facts as culled from the records are as follows: In the afternoon of 11 November 1997, Orestes Julaton, (Julaton), a relative of Ferraer, arrived at the latters house in Kaylaway, Nasugbu, Batangas with Sergio Pancho, Sr. (Pancho, Sr.), Pancho, Jr., Dequillo and four other men on board a gray Mitsubishi car with plate number PSV-818. Julaton introduced them to Ferraer and told the latter that Pancho, Sr. is also their relative. Pancho, Sr. told Ferraer that they wanted to use his house as a safehouse for their visitor. Ferraer was hesitant at first as he thought it was risky for him and his family. Hermano told Ferraer not to worry because they are not killers; their line of work is kidnap for ransom. Ferraer was assured that the money they will get would be shared equally among them. Ferraer and Pancho, Sr. would guard their victim. Later, five other men came and BRION, JJ. Promulgated:
they were introduced to Ferraer as Muit, Morales, alias Tony, alias David and alias Puri. They had dinner and chatted until midnight. That evening, Morales handed to Ferraer for safekeeping a folded carton wrapped with masking tape contained in a big paper bag, and a green backpack. Hermano told Ferraer that the package contained guns. Ferraer brought the package inside his room; he inspected the contents before placing them under the bed, and saw that the carton contained a shotgun and the green backpack, an Ingram folding. Morales and Udon also showed him their .45 caliber guns tucked at their waists.[4] At one oclock in the afternoon of 24 November 1997, Ferraer saw Pancho, Jr., and Hermano with a companion, seated under the tree in front of his house. Pancho, Jr. introduced their companion as Romeo. They informed Ferraer that the following day, they would proceed with their plan. Romeo would be the informant since he is an insider and a trusted general foreman of the victim. The next day, at nine oclock in the morning, Pancho, Sr. arrived at Ferraers house alone and asked Ferraer if he was already informed of the plan. Ferraer replied in the affirmative. Pancho, Sr. told him to wait for the groups return. However, the group returned without the intended victim because the latter did not show up at the construction site.[5] On 2 December 1997, the group received a call from Romeo informing them that the victim was already at the construction site. Hermano, Morales, Udon, Manuel, Bokbok, and Muit commuted to the construction site at Barangay Darasa, Tanauan, Batangas. Pancho, Jr. was on board the Mitsubishi car as back-up. At around two oclock in the afternoon of the same date, 2 December 1997, Roger Seraspe (Seraspe), the personal driver of the victim, drove a blue Pajero with plate number UDL-746 carrying Engr. Ruth Roldan and the victim to visit the Flexopac project site at Barangay Darasa, Tanauan, Batangas. At the site, Engr. Roldan and the victim alighted from the Pajero and, along with Engr. Ed dela Cruz, toured the construction site. Seraspe talked with Armand Chavez (Chavez), the warehouseman of ILO Construction, while waiting for his boss.[6] After the site inspection, the three engineers walked towards the direction of the Pajero. Seraspe was surprised to see that the three engineers who stood together suddenly lay prostrate on the ground. Seraspe and Chavez saw an unidentified man standing near the three engineers. Three more armed men surrounded the Pajero. Two of them approached Seraspe and Chavez. One of the armed men, Muit, poked a gun at Seraspe and ordered him and Chavez to lay prostrate on the ground.[7] The assailants dragged the victim towards the Pajero. They forced the victim to order Seraspe to give them the keys to the Pajero. When the victim was already on board the Pajero, Seraspe heard one of them say, Sarge, nandito na ang ating pakay.[8] They then started the Pajero and drove away, passing through the
Pag-asa Road gate. Two more persons who were waiting at the Pag-asa road boarded the Pajero.[9] At 2:30 that same afternoon, Lipa City Deputy Chief of Police, Supt. Arcadio Mission (Supt. Mission) received a radio message from the Tanauan Police Station that a kidnapping was ongoing and the kidnappers on board a Pajero with plate number UDL-746 were heading towards Lipa City. Supt. Mission immediately ordered the police posted near the Lipa City bus stop to put up a barricade. In the meantime, two teams were organized to intercept the Pajero. They proceeded to the barricade.[10] Right after Supt. Mission and the teams arrived at the barricade, the Pajero was spotted. When policemen flagged down the Pajero, the driver stopped the vehicle. While two policemen approached the Pajero, the driver and front passenger opened their car doors and started firing at the policemen. At this point, all the policemen present at the scene fired back. The cross-fire lasted for around four minutes. All the occupants of the Pajero, except the driver and the front passenger who managed to escape, died. SPO1 Rolando Cariaga apprehended one of the escapees who turned out to be Muit, the driver of the Pajero, at Barangay San Carlos, Batangas, about 200 meters from the place of the shootout.[11] On the other hand, after the assailants carried their plan into action, Pancho, Jr. proceeded to their agreed meeting place but did not find Hermanos group there. Pancho, Jr. waited along the highway in front of the construction site. He thought that he had been left behind when he did not see the group, so he left. When Pancho, Jr. returned to Ferraers house, he told Ferraer what happened to their operation. Worried that something bad might have happened to the group, Pancho, Jr. went back and looked for the rest of his group. Pancho, Jr. came back alone. At around 5:30 in the morning of 3 December 1997, Ferraer saw Pancho, Sr. and Pancho, Jr. watching the TV program Alas Singko y Medya. He joined them and saw on the news the Pajero riddled with bullets. Pancho, Sr. and Pancho, Jr. left Ferraers house at around 9:00 in the morning and they also left behind the Mitsubishi car they used. That night, Ferraer saw on the news program TV Patrol a footage showing the cadavers of Udon, Morales, Manuel, Bokbok and the victim, and the Pajero riddled with bullets. Ferraer also saw Muit in handcuffs. The prosecution presented Ignacio Ong, Sr., the father of the victim Engr. Ignacio Ong, Jr.; Seraspe; Chavez; Dr. Anthony Llamas, the PNP MedicoLegal Officer who conducted the autopsy; Supt. Mission, Ferraer, as the state witness; and Atty. Narzal Mallare[12] (Atty. Mallare), the lawyer who assisted appellants Pancho, Jr. and Dequillo in executing their respective sworn statements as witnesses. Their accounts were corroborated by the
prosecutions documentary evidence such as the extra judicial confessions of Pancho, Jr. and Dequillo, which were executed with the assistance of Atty. Mallare. Muit executed two extra judicial confessions: the first statement was dated 4 December 1997, in which he was assisted by Atty. Ernesto Vergara, and the second statement was dated 7 December 1997 in which he was assisted by Atty. Solomon De Jesus and witnessed by his uncle, Bonifacio Muit (Bonifacio), and his brother, Dominador Muit (Dominador). On the other hand, the defense presented appellants Dequillo, Pancho, Jr., and Muit. Dequillo, for his part, claimed that for the period of November to December 1997 he was working as a mason at Villanueva Construction in BF Homes. His work starts at 8:00 in the morning and ends at 5:00 in the afternoon. He stated that on 8 December 1997, he was arrested by the CIDG at his house in Purok Sto. Domingo, Barangay Holy Spirit, Quezon City. At the CIDG Detention Center, he was questioned about the guns used in the kidnapping of the victim. He was allegedly tortured when he denied any knowledge about the kidnapping and was forced to sign a statement without being allowed to read it. Atty. Mallare only came in after he had already signed the statement. He denied any participation in the crimes charged against him.[13] Pancho, Jr. claimed that he was arrested on 7 December 1997 in Calbayog, Samar. He was first brought to the Calbayog City Police Station, and then transferred to Camp Crame. He alleged that the police tortured him and forced him to sign the written confession of his participation in the crimes. He denied having participated in the commission of the offenses charged against him.[14] On the other hand, Muit claimed that on 2 December 1997 he was in Lipa City, near the place of the shootout. He had just attended a gathering of the Rizalistas and was waiting for his uncle Bonifacio when the police arrested him. He denied having any knowledge of the crime. He denied knowing the people whose name appeared in his two extra judicial confessions. He claimed that the names were supplied by the police and that he was not assisted by counsel during the custodial investigation.[15] In a decision[16] dated 22 November 2002, the RTC, Branch 83 of Tanauan City, Batangas found Muit, Pancho, Jr., Dequillo, and Romeo guilty.[17] Only the cases involving the charges of carnapping and kidnapping for ransom which resulted in the death of the victim were automatically appealed to this Court. The RTC held that mere denials and alibis of appellants cannot prevail over the positive declarations of the prosecutions witnesses. It found the prosecutions witnesses more credible than appellants, whose self-serving statements were obviously intended to exculpate themselves from criminal liability. The RTC did not give credence to the claims of appellants that their
extra judicial confessions were procured through torture as these were belied by the testimony of Atty. Mallare and appellants medical certificates which were issued during their incarceration and after the execution of their statements. And the RTC noted that even without appellants extra judicial confessions, there was still sufficient evidence on record to hold them guilty. In a resolution dated 17 January 2006, the Court referred the case to the Court of Appeals for intermediate review.[18] The Court of Appeals in a decision[19] dated 31 August 2007 affirmed the decision of the RTC.[20] The appellate court held that the RTC was correct in convicting appellants for kidnapping and carnapping. The prosecution was able to prove through Ferraer that appellants conspired with one another in the planning and execution of their plan to kidnap the victim. Moreover, appellants executed extra judicial confessions, duly assisted by their counsels, detailing their participation in the kidnapping. As for Muit, other than his extra judicial confession, he was also positively identified during the kidnapping by eyewitnesses Seraspe and Chavez. Appellants filed their notices of appeal with the Court of Appeals. Before this Court, appellants opted not to file supplemental briefs, and instead adopted the assignment of errors in their respective original briefs.[21] Taken together, appellants claim that: (i) the RTC erred in finding them guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the charges against them; (ii) the RTC erred in its finding that they acted in conspiracy in the commission of the crimes charged against them; and (iii) the RTC erred in giving credence to the extra-judicial confessions of Pancho, Jr. and Dequillo, and to the sworn statement and testimony of Ferraer in convicting them.[22] The appeals are bereft of merit. The elements of the crime of kidnapping and serious illegal detention[23] are the following: (a) the accused is a private individual; (b) the accused kidnaps or detains another, or in any manner deprives the latter of his liberty; (c) the act of detention or kidnapping is illegal; and (d) in the commission of the offense, any of the four circumstances mentioned in Article 267 is present. The essence of the crime of kidnapping is the actual deprivation of the victims liberty, coupled with indubitable proof of intent of the accused to effect the same.[24] The totality of the prosecutions evidence in this case established the commission of kidnapping for ransom with homicide. On the other hand, Republic Act No. 6539, or the Anti-Carnapping Act, as amended, defines carnapping as the taking, with intent to gain, of a motor vehicle belonging to another without the latters consent, or by means of violence against or intimidation of persons, or by using force upon things.[25] The crime was committed in this case when the victims Pajero
was forcibly taken away from him contemporaneously with his kidnapping at the construction site. The kidnapping for ransom with homicide and the carnapping were established by the direct testimony of Ferraer, Seraspe and Chavez. Ferraer testified on how the group approached and convinced him to let them use his house to keep the victim they planned to kidnap. They planned the crime in Ferraers house and waited for the call from Romeo to inform them when the victim would be at the construction site. The group received a call from Romeo on 2 December 1997 informing them that the victim was already at the construction site, and so they went there to carry out their plan. At the construction site, as testified to by Seraspe and Chavez, Muit and the other members of the group pointed their guns at the victim and his companion and ordered them to lie prostrate on the ground. After getting the keys to the Pajero from Seraspe, they forced the victim to board the vehicle with Muit driving it. They immediately reported the kidnapping of the victim to the police and the kidnappers were intercepted by the group led by Supt. Mission. Supt. Mission testified that the kidnappers refused to surrender and engaged the police in a shoot out in which the victim was among the casualties. Muit was one of the two persons who survived the shoot out, but was apprehended by the police. Pancho, Jr. returned to the house of Ferraer alone when the group did not arrive at their meeting place. Ferraer, Pancho, Jr., and Pancho, Sr. learned from the news that the group engaged the police in a shoot out and most of them were killed, and that Muit was arrested by the police. After investigation, the police were able to apprehend appellants Pancho, Jr., Romeo, and Dequillo who all took part in the botched criminal conspiracy to kidnap the victim. During the investigation, Pancho, Jr., Dequillo, and Muit, with the assistance of their counsels and family members, executed extra judical confessions divulging their respective roles in the planning and execution of the crimes. Even though Pancho, Jr., Dequillo and Romeo did not participate in the actual abduction of the victim, they should still be held liable, as the courts below did, because of the existence of conspiracy. Conspiracy is a unity of purpose and intention in the commission of a crime.[26] Where conspiracy is established, the precise modality or extent of participation of each individual conspirator becomes secondary since the act of one is the act of all.[27] The degree of actual participation in the commission of the crime is immaterial. The conspiracy to kidnap the victim was proven through circumstantial evidence. The group thoroughly planned the kidnapping in Ferraers house and patiently waited for the day when the victim would be at the construction site. Then on 2 December 1997, the group received a call from Romeo so they proceeded to the construction site and carried out their plan.
All the appellants took active part in the criminal conspiracy and performed different roles to consummate their common plan. The roles which Muit and his other companions played in the actual abduction were described earlier. As for Dequillo, he was the one who procured the guns used by the group. Pancho, Jr. served as the driver of the back-up vehicle, and Romeo was the groups informant. Section 4, Rule 133 of the Revised Rules of Evidence states that circumstantial evidence is sufficient if: (a) there is more than one circumstance; (b) the facts from which the inferences are derived are proven; and (c) the combination of all the circumstances is such as to produce a conviction beyond reasonable doubt. The extra judicial confessions of Pancho, Jr., Dequillo, and Muit strengthened the case against them. There is nothing on record to support appellants claim that they were coerced and tortured into executing their extra judicial confessions. One of the indicia of voluntariness in the execution of appellants extra judicial statements is that each contains many details and facts which the investigating officers could not have known and could not have supplied, without the knowledge and information given by appellants. Moreover, the appellants were assisted by their lawyers when they executed their statements. Atty. Mallare testified that Pancho, Jr. and Dequillo executed their statements voluntarily and affixed their signatures after he talked with them alone and informed them of their constitutional rights.[28] Muit, on the other hand, was assisted by counsels in each instance when he executed his two extra judicial confessions; his second statement was even witnessed by his uncle, Bonifacio, and his brother, Dominador. Muit cannot just conveniently disclaim any knowledge of the contents of his extra judicial confession. Nevertheless, in Muits case, he was also positively identified by Seraspe and Chavez as the one who pointed a gun at them during the kidnapping and ordered them to lay prostrate on the ground.[29] Appellants claims of torture are not supported by medical certificates from the physical examinations done on them.[30] These claims of torture were mere afterthoughts as they were raised for the first time during trial; appellants did not even inform their family members who visited them while they were imprisoned about the alleged tortures.[31] Dequillo, for his part, also had the opportunity to complain of the alleged torture done to him to the Department of Justice when he was brought there.[32] Claims of torture are easily concocted, and cannot be given credence unless substantiated by competent and independent corroborating evidence.[33] The extra judicial confessions of Pancho, Jr., Dequillo, and Muit also strengthened the prosecutions case against Romeo. The rule that an extra judicial confession is evidence only against the person making it recognizes various exceptions. One such exception is where several extra judicial statements had been made by several persons charged with an offense and there could have been no collusion with reference to said several confessions,
the fact that the statements are in all material respects identical is confirmatory of the confession of the co-defendants and is admissible against other persons implicated therein. They are also admissible as circumstantial evidence against the person implicated therein to show the probability of the latters actual participation in the commission of the crime and may likewise serve as corroborative evidence if it is clear from other facts and circumstances that oth er persons had participated in the perpetration of the crime charged and proved. These are known as interlocking confessions.[34] Nonetheless, the RTC, in convicting Romeo, relied not only on the aforesaid extra judicial statements but also on Ferraers testimony that Romeo was introduced to him in his house as the informant when they were planning the kidnapping. As for the penalty, the RTC did not err in imposing the penalty of death since the kidnapping was committed for the purpose of extorting ransom from the victim or any other person. Neither actual demand for nor payment of ransom is necessary for the consummation of the felony. It is sufficient that the deprivation of liberty was for the purpose of extorting ransom even if none of the four circumstances mentioned in Article 267 were present in its perpetration.[35] The death of the victim as a result of the kidnapping only serves as a generic aggravating circumstance for the rule is that when more than one qualifying circumstances are proven, the others must be considered as generic aggravating circumstances.[36] The imposition of death penalty is also proper in the carnapping of the victims Pajero because it was committed by a band, which serves as a generic aggravating circumstance, without any mitigating circumstance.[37] There is band whenever more than three armed malefactors shall have acted together in the commission of the offense.[38] As planned, Muit and three other armed men kidnapped the victim and drove away with the latters Pajero while two more persons waiting near the Pag-asa road boarded the Pajero. However, pursuant to Republic Act No. 9346 which prohibits the imposition of the death penalty, the penalties imposed are commuted to reclusion perpetua with all its accessory penalties and without eligibility for parole under Act No. 4103.[39] As to damages, the RTC erred in awarding compensation for loss of earning capacity. Pursuant to jurisprudence, the Court precludes an award for loss of earning capacity without adequate proof as it partakes of the nature of actual damages.[40] The bare testimony of the father
of the deceased that, at the time of his death, the victim was earning P5,000.00 per month as an engineer is not sufficient proof.[41] But pursuant to the Courts ruling in People v. Abrazaldo[42] wherein we deemed it proper to award temperate damages in the amount of P25,000.00 in cases where evidence confirms the heirs entitlement to actual damages but the amount of actual damages cannot be determined because of the absence of supporting and duly presented receipts, the Court awards P25,000.00 temperate damages to the heirs of the victim in the present case. The civil indemnity should be increased to P75,000.00.[43] The award of civil indemnity may be granted without any need of proof other than the death of the victim.[44] In line with jurisprudence, the moral damages should also be increased to P 500,000.00.[45] Moreover, exemplary damages in the amount of P100,000.00 for the crime of kidnapping for ransom with homicide[46] and P25,000.00 for the crime of carnapping should be awarded. The law allows exemplary damages in criminal cases as part of the civil liability of the malefactors when the crime is attended by one or more aggravating circumstances.[47] WHEREFORE, the Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR-HC No. 02044 which commuted the death penalties imposed in Criminal Case Nos. P521 and P-607 to reclusion perpetua without eligibility for parole is AFFIRMED with the MODIFICATIONS that the compensation for loss of earning capacity be deleted while the civil indemnity be increased to P75,000.00 and the moral damages to P500,000.00, and that appellants shall also pay the heirs of Ignacio Earl Ong, Jr. temperate damages of P25,000.00 and exemplary damages of P100,000.00 for the crime of kidnapping for ransom with homicide and P25,000.00 for the crime of carnapping. Costs against appellants. SO ORDERED.
ATTESTATION I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Courts Division.
Associ Chairperson,
Second Division
CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, and the Division Chairpersons Attestation, it is hereby certified that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in consultation before the case was
assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Courts Division. REYNATO S. Chief Justice
[1]Records, pp. 43-44. Crim. Case No. P-521 (for Kidnapping for Ransom with Homicide). The undersigned State Prosecutor accuses SERGIO PANCHO y CAGUMOC, JR., MILLANO MUIT y MUOZ, ROLANDO DEQUILLO y TAMPOS (all under arrest), JOSEPH FERRAER, EDUARDO EDDIE HERMANO @ BOBBY REYES/EDDIE REYES and ROMEO PANCHO DOE (all at-large), and JOHN DOE, RICHARD DOE and PETER DOE (all-at-large and whose true names and identifies are unknown) of the crime of KIDNAPPING FOR RANSOM WITH HOMICIDE, defined and penalized under Article 267 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by Republic Act No. 7659, committed as follows: That on or about December 2, 1997, in the Municipality of Tanauan, Province of Batangas, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, above-named accused, being then private individuals, conspiring, confederating and mutually helping one another, acting in common accord with Sammy Pansoy @ Bukbok, @Morales, @Manuel Alfon and @Felipe Macalla (all deceased), and John Doe, Richard Doe and Peter Doe (whose true names and identities are unknown) while armed with high powered firearms, did then and there, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, kidnap, detain and abduct by force, threat and intimidation and deprive IGNACIO ONG, JR., of his liberty for the purpose of [extorting] ransom from his family in exchange for the latters liberty and as a consequenc[e] or on the occasion of the said kidnapping and detention, the said IGNACIO ONG, JR. was killed, to the damage and prejudice of his heirs.
CONTRARY TO LAW. [2]CA rollo, pp. 6-7. Crim. Case No. P-607 (for Carnapping). The undersigned Special Counsel accuses Millano Muit y Munoz alias Emi, Eduardo Eddie Hermano alias Bobby Reyes alias Eddie Ryes, Sergio Pancho y Cagumoc, Jr., Rolando Dequillo y Tampos, Romeo Pancho and Joseph Ferraer of the crime of Carnapping, defined and penalized under Republic Act No. 6539, otherwise known as the AntiCarnapping Act of 1972[,] as amended by Republic Act No. 7659, committed as follows: That on the 2nd day of December 1997, at about 2:00 oclock in the afternoon, at Barangay Darasa, Municipality of Tanauan, Province of Batangas, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the abovenamed accused, together with one John Doe, one Peter Doe, one Richard Doe and one alias Rocky Reyes whose identities and whereabouts are still unknown, armed with firearms, conspiring and confederating together, acting in common accord and mutually helping one another, with intent to gain and without the knowledge and consent of the owner thereof, did then and there [willfully], unlawfully and feloniously take, steal and carry away one (1) Mitsubishi Pajero with Plate No. UDL-746 with an undetermined amount, owned by Ignacio Ong, Jr., to the damage and prejudice of aforesaid owner and/or his heirs. [CONTRARY TO LAW]. [3]Records, p. 308. [4]TSN, 23 November 1999, pp. 16-22; 6 July 2000, pp. 3-6. [5]TSN, 6 July 2000, pp. 8-11. [6]TSN, 31 March 1998, pp. 4-5; 13 April 1998, pp. 4-5. [7]TSN, 31 March 1998, pp. 6-7, 9-10; 13 April 1998, pp. 6-7, 9-10. [8]TSN, 31 March 1998, pp. 7-8. [9]TSN, 13 April 1998, pp. 8-10. [10]TSN, 21 July 1998, pp. 3-7.
[11]Id. at 8-11, 20, 23-24. [12]See TSN, 11 February 1999. [13]TSN, 6 March 2001, pp. 6-14. [14]TSN, 27 March 2001, pp. 2-9. [15]TSN, 13 November 2001, pp. 3-11. [16]CA rollo, pp. 200-219. [17]Id. at 218-219. Penned by Judge Voltaire Rosales. The dispositive portion of the decision reads as follows: WHEREFORE, this Court finds accused MILLANO MUIT Y MUNOZ, SERGIO PANCHO Y CAGUMOC[,] JR., ROLANDO DEQUILLO Y TARIPOS, AND ROMEO PANCHO, GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of KIDNAPPING FOR RANSOM[,] resulting in the death of Ignacio Earl Ong, Jr., punished under Article 267 of the Revised Penal Code[,] as amended by Republic Act [No.] 7659, and sentences all the accused to suffer the penalty of DEATH. The accused are further directed to pay heirs of the victim Ignacio Earl Ong[,] Jr. an indemnity of FIFTY THOUSAND (P50,000.00) PESOS, actual damages in the amount of TWO MILLION TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND (P2,200,000.00) PESOS, and moral damages in the amount of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND (P200,000.00) PESOS, with subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency. In Criminal Case No. P-607, this Court finds the accused MILLANO MUIT Y MUNOZ, SERGIO PANCHO Y CAGUMOC[,] JR., ROLANDO DEQUILLO Y TARIPOS AND ROMEO PANCHO, GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of CARNAPPING punished under Republic Act [No.] 6539, and sentences all the accused to suffer the penalty of DEATH. In Criminal Cases Nos. P-534 and P-535, this Court finds the accused MILLANO MUIT Y MUNOZ guilty beyond reasonable doubt of ROBBERY with violence against or intimidation of persons, punished under Article 294 of the Revised Penal Code, and sentences accused to an indeterminate penalty of two years and six months of prision correccional, as minimum, up to eight years and six months of
prision mayor, as maximum. MILLANO MUIT is also directed to pay actual damages of P18,875.00 to the offended parties. The custodians of the accused MIL[L]ANO MUIT Y MUNOZ, SERGIO PANCHO Y CAGUMOC[,] JR., ROLANDO DEQUILLO Y TARIPOS AND ROMEO PANCHO are directed to immediately transfer detention of the accused to the National Penitentiary in the City of Muntinlupa, Metro Manila. Let the records of Criminal Cases Nos. P521 and P-607 be elevated to the Supreme Court for automatic review on appeal. SO ORDERED. [18]Id. at 298-299. [19]Rollo, pp. 2-31. Penned by Associate Justice Jose Catral Mendoza, and concurred in by Associate Justices Andres Reyes, Jr., and Ramon Bato, Jr. [20]Id. at 31. The dispositive portion of the decision reads as follows: WHEREFORE, the November 22, 2002 Decision of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 83, Tanauan, Batangas, in Criminal Case Nos. P-521 and P-607, is hereby AFFIRMED except with respect to the penalty of Death which is hereby reduced to Reclusion Perpetua in both cases. SO ORDERED. [21]Id. at 41-42. [22]CA rollo, pp. 92-93; 171-172; 244; 306. [23]Art. 267. Kidnapping and serious illegal detention.Any private individual who shall kidnap or detain another, or in any other manner deprive him of his liberty, shall suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua to death. 1. If kidnapping of detention shall have lasted more than three days. 2. If it shall have been committed simulating public authority. 3. If any serious physical injuries shall have been inflicted upon the person kidnapped or detained; or if threats to kill him shall have been made.
4. If the person kidnapped or detained shall be a minor, except when the accused is any of the parents, female or a public officer. The penalty shall be death where the kidnapping or detention was committed for the purposes of extorting ransom from the victim or any other person, even if none of the circumstances abovementioned were present in the commission of the offense. When the victim is killed or dies as a consequence of the detention or is raped, or is subjected to torture or dehumanizing acts, the maximum penalty shall be imposed. (As amended by Sec. 8, Republic Act No. 7659.) (Emphasis supplied.) [24]People v. Borromeo, 323 SCRA 547 (2000). [25]Republic Act No. 6539, Anti-Carnapping Act of 1972: Sec. 2. Definition of terms.The terms "carnapping," "motor vehicle," "defacing or tampering with," "repainting," "body-building," "remodeling," "defacing or tampering," and "overhauling," as used in this Act, shall be understood, respectively, to mean "Carnapping" is the taking, with intent to gain, of a motor vehicle belonging to another without the latter's consent, or by means of violence against or intimidation of persons, or by using force upon things. xx xx Sec. 14. Penalty for Carnapping.Any person who is found guilty of carnapping, as this term is defined in Section Two of this Act, shall, irrespective of the value of motor vehicle taken, be punished by imprisonment for not less than fourteen years and eight months and not more than seventeen years and four months, when the carnapping is committed without violence or intimidation of persons, or force upon things, and by imprisonment for not less than seventeen years and four months and not more than thirty years, when the carnapping is committed by means of violence against or intimidation of any person, or force upon things; and the penalty of reclusion perpetua to death shall be imposed when the owner, driver or occupant of the carnapped motor
vehicle is killed or raped in the course of the commission of the carnapping or on the occasion thereof. (As amended by Sec. 20, Republic Act No. 7659) [26]People v. Lising, 349 Phil. 530, 579 (1998). [27]People v. Alilio, 311 Phil. 395, 405 (1995). [28]TSN, 11 February 1999, pp. 8-13, 17-20. [29]TSN, 31 March 1998, pp. 9-10; 13 April 1998, pp. 9-10. [30]TSN, 13 March 2001, pp. 17-18; 27 March 2001, p. 8; 18 June 2001, p. 11. [31]TSN, 13 March 2001, pp. 16-18; 18 June 2001, pp. 9-10. [32]TSN, 6 March 2001, p. 10. [33]See People v. Sinoc, 341 Phil. 355 (1997); Phil. 594 (2002). People v. Sabiyon, 437
[34]See People v. Encipido, L-70091, 29 December 1986, 146 SCRA 478, 492, citing People v. Domondon, 43 SCRA 486, 490-491 (1972). [35]People v. Salimbago, 373 Phil. 56, 75 (1999). [36]People v. Reynes, 423 Phil. 363, 384 (2001) citing People v. Danico, 208 SCRA 472 (1992). [37]REVISED PENAL CODE, Art. 63. [38]REVISED PENAL CODE, Art. 14. See People v. Lee, G.R. No. 66848, 20 December 1991, 201 SCRA 900, 911; People v. Buka, G.R. Nos. 68311-13, 30 January 1992, 205 SCRA 567, 588; People v. de la Cruz, G.R. No. 102063, 20 January 1993, 217 SCRA 283, 296. [39]SEC. 2. imposed: In lieu of the death penalty, the following shall be
(a) the penalty of reclusion perpetua, when the law violated makes use of the nomenclature of the penalties of the Revised Penal Code; or (b) the penalty of life imprisonment, when the law violated does not make use of the nomenclature of the penalties of the Revised Penal Code.
Pursuant to the same law, appellant shall not be eligible for parole under Act No. 4103, otherwise known as the Indeterminate Sentence Law. [40]See People v. Panabang, 424 Phil. 596 (2002); People v. Cuenca, 425 Phil. 722 (2002). [41]TSN, 5 March 1998, p. 20. [42]445 Phil. 109, 126 (2003). See also People v. Villanueva, 456 Phil. 14, 29 (2003). [43]People v. Tubongbanua, G.R. No. 171271, 31 August 2006, 500 SCRA 727, 742-743; People v. Bangcado, 399 Phil. 768, 792 (2000); People v. SPO1 Lobitania, 437 Phil. 213 (2002). See also People v. Amion, 405 Phil. 917, 934 (2001); People v. Court of Appeals, 405 Phil. 247, 269 (2001); citing People v. Pedroso, G.R. No. 125120, July 19, 2000; People v. Go-od, 387 Phil. 628 (2000); People v. Rosalino Flores, 385 Phil. 159 (2000); People v. Mindanao, 390 Phil. 510 (2000); People v. Quijon, 382 Phil. 339 (2000); People v. Buluran, 382 Phil. 364 (2000). [44]People v. Concepcion, 409 Phil. 173, 189 (2001), citing People v. De Vera, 312 SCRA 640 (1999). [45]People v. Deang, et al., 393 Phil. 314 (2000). [46]Id. at 336. [47]See CIVIL CODE, Art. 2230. See also People v. PO3 Roxas, 457 Phil. 566, 579 (2003), citing People v. Catubig, G.R. No. 137842, 23 August 2001. See also People v. Bergante, 350 Phil. 275, 292-293 (1998); People v. Reyes, 350 Phil. 683, 699 (1998). 2. People v. Satorre, G.R. No. 133858, August 12, 2003 FIRST DIVISION [G.R. No. 133858. August 12, 2003]
Appellant Herminiano Satorre alias Emiano Satorre was charged with Murder in an information which reads: That on or about the 25th day of May, 1997 at 2:00 oclock dawn, more or less, in Sitio Kamari, Barangay Calidngan, Municipality of Carcar, Province of Cebu, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the abovenamed accused, with intent to kill, with the use of .38 paltik revolver and by means of treachery and evident premeditation, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously attack and shoot ROMERO PANTILGAN, hitting the latter at the head which caused his instantaneous death. CONTRARY TO LAW.[1] On arraignment, appellant pleaded not guilty. ensued. Trial on the merits then
Gliceria Saraum, wife of the victim Romero Pantilgan, testified that at 2:00 a.m. of May 25, 1997, she and her two children were asleep inside the house of her parents at Tagaytay, Calidngan, Carcar, Cebu. Her mother, Florida Saraum, was also in the house. Her husband, Romero, went out to attend a fiesta. While she was asleep, she was awakened by a gunshot. Gliceria got up and went out to the porch, where she found her dead husband lying on the ground. Blood oozed out of a gunshot wound on his head. Rufino Abayata, a barangay kagawad, testified that around 7:00 a.m. of May 25, 1997, his fellow barangay kagawad, Pio Alvarado, fetched him from his house and, together, they went to verify a report regarding a dead person on the porch of the Saraum residence. Upon confirming the incident, they reported the matter to the Carcar Police. Rufino further narrated that appellants father, Abraham Satorre, informed them that it was appellant who shot Pantilgan. They looked for appellant in the house of his brother, Felix Satorre, at Dumlog, Talisay, Cebu, but were told that he already left. Nevertheless, appellants brothers, Margarito and Rosalio Satorre, went to Rufinos house and surrendered the gun which was allegedly used in killing Pantilgan. Flavio Gelle narrated that he accompanied appellant and his father, Abraham, to the Barangay Captain of Can-asohan, Carcar, Cebu where appellant admitted killing Pantilgan. Thereafter, appellant was detained. Corroborating Gelles story, Cynthia Castaares, Barangay Captain of Canasuhan, Carcar, Cebu testified that Abraham Satorre and Gelle brought appellant to her residence where he confessed having killed Pantilgan. Appellant allegedly informed her that he killed Pantilgan because the latter struck him with a piece of wood. That same evening, she went to the Carcar Police Station with appellant where she executed an affidavit. She further averred that appellant voluntarily narrated that he killed Pantilgan with the use of a handgun which he wrestled from his possession.
Dr. Plebia Villanueva, Municipal Health Officer of Carcar, Cebu certified that the cause of Pantilgans death was gunshot wound.[2] Bonifacio Ayag, NBI Ballistician, testified that the deformed bullet taken from Pantilgans head wound was fired from the gun surrendered by appellants brothers to the Carcar Police.[3] Denying the charges against him, appellant claimed that he was asleep inside his house at the time of the incident. He alleged that Rufino Abayata had a grudge against him because of an incident when he tied Rufinos cow to prevent it from eating the corn in his farm. He denied having confessed to the killing of Pantilgan. He disclaimed ownership over the paltik .38 revolver and stated that he could not even remember having surrendered a firearm to Castaares. Abraham Satorre corroborated appellants testimony. He denied having accompanied appellant to Castaares house to surrender him. Appellants brother, Rosalio Satorre, claimed that he never accompanied appellant to Castaares house to surrender. His other brother, Felix, also testified that he never surrendered any firearm to anybody. After trial, the court a quo gave credence to the prosecutions evidence and rendered a decision convicting appellant of Murder,[4] the dispositive portion of which reads: WHEREFORE, IN VIEW OF ALL THE FOREGOING CONSIDERATIONS, accused Herminiano Satorre is found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Murder and is hereby imposed the penalty of RECLUSION PERPETUA, with accessory penalties of the law; to indemnify the heirs of Romero Pantilgan in the sum of P50,000.00 and to pay the costs. The accused is, however, credited in full during the whole period of his detention provided he will signify in writing that he will abide by all the rules and regulations of the penitentiary. SO ORDERED. Appellant interposed this appeal, contending that the trial court erred: (1) in giving full faith and credence to the testimonies of prosecution witnesses; (2) in proceeding with the trial of the instant case amounting to lack of due process provided by law due to its denial of accuseds motion for preliminary investigation or reinvestigation; and (3) in rejecting the testimony of the defenses witnesses. The appeal has merit. In particular, appellant claims that his alleged confession or admission, which was concocted by the Barangay Captain, is inadmissible in evidence for being hearsay and for being obtained without a competent and independent counsel of his choice. In effect, the quantum of evidence adduced by the prosecution was not sufficient to overcome the constitutional presumption of
innocence. The bare allegation that he confessed or admitted killing Romero Pantilgan is not proof of guilt. Rule 130, Section 26 of the Rules of Court defines an admission as an act, declaration or omission of a party as to a relevant fact. A confession, on the other hand, under Section 33 of the same Rule is the declaration of an accused acknowledging his guilt of the offense charged, or of any offense necessarily included therein. Both may be given in evidence against the person admitting or confessing. On the whole, a confession, as distinguished from an admission, is a declaration made at any time by a person, voluntarily and without compulsion or inducement, stating or acknowledging that he had committed or participated in the commission of a crime.[5] Evidently, appellants alleged declaration owning up to the killing before the Barangay Captain was a confession. Since the declaration was not put in writing and made out of court, it is an oral extrajudicial confession. The nexus that connects appellant to the killing was his alleged oral extrajudicial confession given to Barangay Captain Cynthia Castaares and two barangay kagawads. According to the trial court, their testimonies were positive and convincing. Appellants retraction of his oral extrajudicial confession should not be given much credence in the assessment of evidence. However, appellant disputes the admissibility and sufficiency of the testimonial evidence offered to prove the alleged oral extrajudicial confession. There is no question as to the admissibility of appellants alleged oral extrajudicial confession. Indeed, as far as admissibility is concerned, Rule 130, Section 33 of the Rules of Court makes no distinction whether the confession is judicial or extrajudicial. The rationale for the admissibility of a confession is that if it is made freely and voluntarily, a confession constitutes evidence of a high order since it is supported by the strong presumption that no sane person or one of normal mind will deliberately and knowingly confess himself to be the perpetrator of a crime, unless prompted by truth and conscience.[6] Accordingly, the basic test for the validity of a confession is was it voluntarily and freely made. The term voluntary means that the accused speaks of his free will and accord, without inducement of any kind, and with a full and complete knowledge of the nature and consequences of the confession, and when the speaking is so free from influences affecting the will of the accused, at the time the confession was made, that it renders it admissible in evidence against him.[7] Plainly, the admissibility of a confession in evidence hinges on its voluntariness. The voluntariness of a confession may be inferred from its language such that if, upon its face, the confession exhibits no suspicious circumstances tending to cast doubt upon its integrity, it being replete with details which could only be supplied by the accused reflecting spontaneity and coherence, it may be considered voluntary.[8] The problem with appraising voluntariness
occurs when the confession is an oral extrajudicial confession because the proof of voluntariness cannot be inferred from the testimony of a witness who allegedly heard the confessant since there is no written proof that such confession was voluntarily made. Neither can the confessant be appraised by the court since, precisely, it was made outside the judicial proceeding. The problem posed therefore by an oral extrajudicial confession is not only the admissibility of the testimony asserting or certifying that such confession was indeed made, but more significantly whether it was made voluntarily. On the question of whether a confession is made voluntarily, the age, character, and circumstances prevailing at the time it was made must be considered. Much depends upon the situation and surroundings of the accused. This is the position taken by the courts, whatever the theory of exclusion of incriminating statements may be. The intelligence of the accused or want of it must also be taken into account. It must be shown that the defendant realized the import of his act.[9] In the case at bar, appellant was a 19-year old farmer who did not even finish first grade. Granting that he made the confession in the presence of Barangay Captain Castaares, he may not have realized the full import of his confession and its consequences. This is not to say that he is not capable of making the confession out of a desire to tell the truth if prompted by his conscience. What we are saying is that due to the aforesaid personal circumstances of appellant, the voluntariness of his alleged oral confession may not be definitively appraised and evaluated. At any rate, an extrajudicial confession forms but a prima facie case against the party by whom it is made. Such confessions are not conclusive proof of that which they state; it may be proved that they were uttered in ignorance, or levity, or mistake; and hence, they are, at best, to be regarded as only cumulative proof which affords but a precarious support and on which, when uncorroborated, a verdict cannot be permitted to rest.[10] Main prosecution witness Castaares testified that after appellants alleged oral confession, she brought the latter to the office of the police at the Municipal Hall of Carcar, Cebu.[11] At the police station, Castaares was investigated, after which she executed her sworn statement.[12] Also at the police station, appellant allegedly admitted before policemen that he killed Pantilgan.[13] His statement was not taken nor was his confession reduced into writing. This circumstance alone casts some doubt on the prosecutions account that appellant freely and voluntarily confessed killing Pantilgan. It raises questions not only as to the voluntariness of the alleged confession, but also on whether appellant indeed made an oral confession. To be sure, a confession is not required to be in any particular form. It may be oral or written, formal or informal in character. It may be recorded on video tape, sound motion pictures, or tape.[14] However, while not required to be in writing to be admissible in evidence, it is advisable, if not otherwise recorded by video tape or other means, to reduce the confession to
writing. This adds weight to the confession and helps convince the court that it was freely and voluntarily made. If possible the confession, after being reduced to writing, should be read to the defendant, have it read by defendant, have him sign it, and have it attested by witnesses.[15] The trial court gave credence to appellants oral extrajudicial confession relying on jurisprudence which we find are not applicable. In the cases cited by the trial court,[16] the convictions were based on circumstantial evidence in addition to the appellants confessions, or the extrajudicial confessions were reduced to writing and were replete with details which only appellants could have supplied. In the case at bar, however, there was no circumstantial evidence to corroborate the extrajudicial confession of appellant. More importantly, the said confession does not contain details which could have only been known to appellant. Furthermore, the events alleged in the confession are inconsistent with the physical evidence. According to Barangay Captain Castaares, appellant narrated to her that during the struggle between him and the deceased, he fell to the ground after the latter hit him on the head with a piece of wood. In the autopsy report, however, Dr. Plebia Villanueva found that the entrance wound on the deceased was located at the top of the head or the crown, indicating that the victim was probably lying down when he was shot.[17] Indeed, an extrajudicial confession will not support a conviction where it is uncorroborated. There must be such corroboration that, when considered in connection with confession, will show the guilt of accused beyond a reasonable doubt. Circumstantial evidence may be sufficient corroboration of a confession. It is not necessary that the supplementary evidence be entirely free from variance with the extrajudicial confession, or that it show the place of offense or the defendants identity or criminal agency. All facts and circumstances attending the particular offense charged are admissible to corroborate extrajudicial confession.[18] Nonetheless, the fatal gun and the slug extracted from Pantilgans brain can not be considered as corroborative evidence. While the slug embedded in Pantilgans brain came from the fatal gun, the prosecution was not able to conclusively establish the ownership of the gun other than the bare testimony of prosecution witnesses that appellants brothers surrendered the gun to them. This was denied by appellant and his brothers and there was no other proof linking the gun to him. On the whole, it appears that the trial court simply based appellants conviction on the testimonial evidence of prosecution witnesses that appellant orally owned up to the killing. We cannot affirm appellants conviction on mere testimonial evidence, considering that the voluntariness of said confession cannot be conclusively established because of appellants personal circumstances and the failure of the police to reduce the alleged oral confession into writing. The doubts surrounding the alleged oral confession, the conduct of the investigation as well as the inapplicable jurisprudential
precedents cited by the trial court do not lead to the same moral certainty of appellants guilt. To conclude, it must be stressed that in our criminal justice system, the overriding consideration is not whether the court doubts the innocence of the accused, but whether it entertains a reasonable doubt as to their guilt. Where there is no moral certainty as to their guilt, they must be acquitted even though their innocence may be questionable. The constitutional right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty can be overthrown only by proof beyond reasonable doubt.[19] In fact, unless the prosecution discharges the burden of proving the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt, the latter need not even offer evidence in his behalf.[20] WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the decision of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 18, Cebu City, convicting appellant Herminiano Satorre alias Emiano Satorre of Murder and sentencing him to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua and to indemnify the heirs in the amount of P50,000.00 as well as costs, is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. For lack of evidence to establish guilt beyond reasonable doubt, appellant Herminiano Satorre alias Emiano Satorre is ACQUITTED and is ordered immediately RELEASED from confinement, unless he is lawfully held in custody for another cause. SO ORDERED. Vitug, Carpio, and Azcuna, JJ., concur. Davide, Jr., C.J., (Chairman), dissent, guilt of the appellant was proved beyond reasonable doubt.
[1] Rollo, p. 4. [2] TSN, July 29, 1997, pp. 4-5. [3] TSN, September 17, 1997, pp. 5-6. [4] Penned by Judge Galicano C. Arriesgado of the Regional Trial Court of Cebu City, Branch 18. [5] United States v. Corrales, 28 Phil. 362, 365-366 [1914]. [6] People v. Lara, 334 Phil. 779, 796 [1997]. [7] Evidence, Vol. VII, Part I, 1997 Ed., Francisco, p. 411. [8] People v. Licayan, G.R. No. 144222, 28 February 2002. [9] Evidence, Vol. VII, Part I, 1997 Ed., Francisco, pp. 413-414. [10] Whartons Criminal Evidence, 11th Ed., Vol. II, Wharton, Sec. 642, p. 1075. [11] TSN, July 17, 1997, pp. 4-5.
[12] Ibid., pp. 4-5. [13] TSN, July 21, 1997, pp. 13-14. [14] Evidence, Vol. VII, Part I, 1997 Ed., Francisco, p. 370. [15] Ibid. [16] People v. Lorenzo, 310 Phil. 694 [1995]; People v. Montiero, 316 Phil. 950 [1995]; People v. Nimo, G.R. No. 92533, 5 October 1993, 227 SCRA 84; People v. Ruelan, G.R. No. 106152, 19 April 1994, 231 SCRA 650; People v. Barros, 207 Phil. 32 [1983]; People v. De la Rosa, 207 Phil. 129 [1983]; People v. Carias, 207 Phil. 664 [1983]; People v. Mateo, Jr.,G.R. Nos. 53926-29, 13 November 1989, 179 SCRA 303. [17] TSN, July 29, 1997, p. 8. [18] Underhills Criminal Evidence, 5th Ed., Herrick, Sec. 402, pp. 1035-1038. [19] People v. Asis, G.R. No. 142531, 15 October 2002. [20] People v. Hilario, 348 Phil. 369 [1998]. VI. Positive Identification 1. People v. Villacorta, G.R. No. 172468, October 15, 2008 PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee, G.R. No. 172468 Present: PUNO, C.J., QUISUMBING, YNARES-SANTIAGO, CARPIO, AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, CORONA,* CARPIO MORALES, AZCUNA, TINGA, CHICO-NAZARIO, VELASCO, JR., NACHURA, REYES, LEONARDO-DE CASTRO, and BRION, JJ. Promulgated:
- versus -
October 15, 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DECISION LEONARDO-DE CASTRO, J.: Before the Court for automatic review is the Decision[1] dated February 10, 2006 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. HC CR No. 00253 which affirmed in toto the Decision[2] dated January 23, 2003 of Branch 41 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of the City of Manila, convicting accused-appellant Julie V. Gil of the crime of Destructive Arson with Homicide defined and penalized under Article 320 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, sentencing her to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua and ordering her to pay the heirs of the deceased victim Rodolfo Cabrera the amount of Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) as civil indemnity and Eighteen Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Pesos (P18,950.00) Pesos for funeral and burial expenses. The accusedappellant and the plaintiff-appellee adopted their respective briefs before the CA and both manifested to this Court that they no longer intend to file any supplemental brief.[3] The Information charging accused-appellant reads: That on or about March 1, 1998, in the City of Manila, Philippines, the said accused, did then and there willfully, unlawfully, feloniously, and deliberately set fire on a residential house located at No. 603 Sulucan St., Sampaloc, in said city, owned by ANGGE ARGUELLES, by then and there pouring kerosene on a mattress placed in a room of said house then occupied by the said accused and ignited it with a lighter, knowing it to be occupied by one or more persons, thereby causing as a consequence thereof, damage to the said house and adjacent houses in the amount of more or less P2,000,000.00, to the damage and prejudice of said owners in the aforesaid amount of P2,000,000.00, Philippine Currency; that on the occasion and by reason of said fire, one RODOLFO CABRERA, a resident/occupant of said house sustained burn injuries which were the direct and immediate cause of his death. Contrary to law. The accused-appellant pleaded not guilty upon arraignment[4]. The pre-trial conference followed and the RTC issued a pre-trial order[5] which contained the stipulation of facts and issue of the parties as follows:
In the pre-trial today, the parties stipulated that the residential house located at No. 603 Sulucan Street, Sampaloc, Manila, owned by Angge Arguelles was burned and that the same resulted into the burning of other adjacent houses causing damage in the amount of more or less Two Million (P2,000,000.00) and the death of a certain Rodolfo Cabrera. The issue to be resolved is whether the accused is the arsonist and / or responsible for the said fire. After trial, the RTC rendered its assailed decision convicting accused-appellant of the crime charged. According to the RTC, prosecution had presented sufficient circumstantial evidence, coupled with written confession of the accused-appellant, to sustain her conviction of crime charged. The RTC admitted the oral and written confessions of accused-appellant and found the prosecution witnesses more credible than accused-appellant. the the the the the the
The motion for reconsideration or new trial of the accused-appellant was denied in the Order[6] dated April 3, 2003 of the RTC. This case was directly elevated to this Court for mandatory review. In a Minute Resolution[7] dated January 11, 2005, we referred this case to the CA for proper disposition conformably with the decision rendered in People v. Mateo.[8] On review, the CA rejected the assignments of error raised by the accused-appellant and affirmed her conviction of the crime charged. A summary of the evidence adduced by the prosecution are quoted from the assailed decision of the CA as follows: William Lim, a Kagawad of Barangay 395, Zone 41 of the 4 District, Sampaloc, Manila, testified that on March 1, 1998 while eating at their store located at 843 Quezon Boulevard, his former typist in the barangay, Jonah, called him to tell that a woman wanted to surrender to a barangay official. Jonah brought him to the woman who introduced herself as Julie Gil. The latter appeared to be a lesbian, drunk and very confused. She felt bothered by her conscience and admitted that she burned her residence. He called up precinct 4 to report the incident, and was told that there was indeed a fire that took place in the area. He requested for a mobile and the accused was brought to fire station No. 4 where she forcibly took the pen from a policeman in order for her to put in writing the actual incident. At first, Lim was hesitant thinking that her testimony might not be admissible in court, but since the accused was very insistent, she was allowed to
reduce the incident in writing. Ronnie Gallardo declared that he was present during the incident. He and his mother occupied the room next to that of the accused. On March 1, 1998 at around 12:30 p.m. while lying in bed inside their room, he heard a thud (kalabog) coming from the room of the accused. He also heard the accused crying. He went out of his room and when he found the accused door open, he peeped through the door where he noticed the latter standing. When she saw him, the accused pointed to him the fire on her folding bed made of plastic with foam. At that time the fire was getting bigger. She then told him xxx pabayaan mo na iyan. Damaydamay na tayo. At hinatak na niya ako. They went out but he tried to get back to get their belongings. He, however, failed to get anything from their room because the entire house as well as the other adjacent houses was already burning. With the help of their neighbors, they tried to put off the fire which lasted for about two (2) hours, while the accused remained standing, watching it. Since the incident he never saw the accused until the latter appeared in court. Rodolfo Lorenzo, a Kagawad of Barangay 457, Zone 45 which covered the area of Sulucan Street, Sampaloc, Manila, met the accused two (2) days before the incident at around 9:00 p.m. According to him, somebody called for his help, informing that the accused was making trouble. He immediately responded by proceeding to the house of the accused at corner Sulucan and Earnshaw Streets, Sampaloc where he saw the accused in front of her house. She was drunk, and there were two (2) broken bottles of gin scattered along Earnshaw Street. He was told by the accused mother that the accused broke the bottles because she had problems with her live-in partner. He first swept the pieces of broken bottles before approaching the accused and her mother, Aling Lita. The accused told him that her live-in partner, Trining, wrote her two (2) break-up letters, which obviously she could not accept. He told the accused to stay calm, but she refused to be pacified. She even told him xxx manggugulo ako at manununog. He talked to the accused mother who confirmed to him that she had problems with her live-in partner. Again, the accused told him manununog daw po siya at damay-damay na lang daw po lahat ng mga kapitbahay niya. To appease, he told her: Julie, baka hindi mo alam ang gagawin mo magpakahinahon ka. Isipin mo muna ng makasampung beses bago mo gawin ang iniisip mo, hindi basta bastang kaso iyan. The accused just ignored him. He
noticed, however, that her eyes were red and she was gnashing her teeth. He then thought she was on drugs. The following day at around 11:00 a.m., Rodolfo chanced upon her near the basketball court. He tried to talk to her and convinced her not to do anything bad, but again she ignored him. The next day, March 1, 1998 at around noon time, while talking with a neighbor in the basketball court, his attention was called on the alleged fire that broke near the squatters area. He proceeded to the place and saw Aling Lita outside her house. He immediately looked for the accused whom he saw walking very fast along Earnshaw Street going towards Recto or Espaa. He tried to chase her, but she was very fast. It would seem he was out of his mind as she was even smiling when she saw the fire. She told, xxx damay-damay na tayo diyan, huwag ninyo ng patayin ang sunog. When he felt that he could no longer chase her, he stopped chasing her and instead helped put off the fire as he was concerned with his constituents. Unfortunately, Rodolfo did not give any statement before the police after the incident. It was SFO1 Redentor Alumno who investigated the fire incident. Upon receipt of the alarm, his team proceeded to the crime scene and conducted on the spot investigation. He talked to witnesses particularly Amparo Cabrera and Ronnie Gallardo, who gave their respective statements on the incident. At around 1:10 p.m. of the same day, March 1, 1998, Barangay Kagawad William Lim turned-over to their office the accused informing them that the latter voluntarily surrendered to him (Lim). A letter written by the accused was also handed to him. After conducting an investigation, SFO1 prepared a Crime Report in connection with the incident. On March 2, 1998, the accused was subjected to inquest. SFO1 Alumno estimated the damage caused by the fire to be P2 Million Pesos, more or less, as shown by the pictures he took after the incident. There were more or less 15 to 20 houses destroyed, one (1) man by the name of Rodolfo Cabrera died, and a certain Marites Cabrera was injured. Dr. Ma. Cristina B. Freyra of the Central Police District Crime Laboratory examined the cadaver of victim Rodolfo E. Cabrera on April 8, 1998 at around 1000H upon request of the Office of the Barangay Chairman of Barangay 411, Zone 42. Her examination shows that the cause of the victims
death was third degree burn of his entire body. As a result of the untimely demise of victim Rodolfo Cabrera, his surviving family suffered damages. According to his surviving spouse, Anacleta Cabrera, during the wake of her husband, she spent P3,175.00 for food. She also incurred expenses for his funeral and burial amounting to P7,700.00 and P5,475.00, respectively. She also paid P2,600 for the burial lot. At the time of his death, Rodolfo Cabrera was living in the same house with his common-law wife, Amparo Cabrera, for almost five (5) years. The written statement[9] executed by the accused-appellant admitting responsibility for conflagration before Kagawad William Lim reads: Volontary Statement of Julie Gil y Villacorta, 24 years old single, stell bed worker, 1st year high scool 603 Sulucan St., Sampaloc, Manila, given to Kagawad William Lim y Bedor, of legal age, Barangay 395 Zone 41, Sampaloc, Manila, this 1 March 1998 on or about 1:10 P.M. Ako po ay si Julie V. Gil ay bolontaryong sumuko kay Kagawad William Lim sa salang Panununog sa inuupahang bahay ko sa No. 603 Sulucan St., Sampaloc, kaninang mga bandang 12:00 ng tanghali. Sinunog ko po ang tinitirhan ko dahil sa Pambabastos sa akin ng mga taong kamaganak ng live in partner ko na si Trinidad Domingo 25 y old kaya ang ginawa ko ay kinuha ko ang kalan di bomba at pagkatapos ibinuhos ko and laman kerosene gas sa kutson perso bago ko sinindihan bumaba muna ako, at saka ko sila sinabihan na lumabas na sila lahat sa iskinita dahil susunogin ko na at damay damay na tayo at saka ako uli umakyat upang sindihan ang lighter at saka uli ako bumaba at saka umalis, napadpad ako sa isang barangay at kusang sumuko sa Kagawad William Lim. Nakokonsensya ako kaya sinabi ko sa kanya ang aking nagawang kasalanan. Wala ako sa sarili kong pagiisip ng sinunog ko ang aking tinitirhan dahil nakagamit po ako ng shabo. (Sgd.) Julie Gil CERTIFICATION Ang salaysay na ito ay kusang isinalaysay sa akin ng isang babaeng nangangalang Julie V. Gil at ito ay aking
pipirmahan upang sa gayon ay magamit sa kung anumang usapin. Kagawad (Sgd.) William B. Lim March 1, 1998 On the other hand, the accused-appellant relied on her lone testimony in her defense. While she admitted the authenticity of her above-quoted written confession, she denied on the witness stand that she voluntarily wrote this confession. The accused-appellant related her version of the fire incident which is quoted hereunder from the assailed decision of the CA: According to [accused-appellant], the fire resulted from her defective gas stove which suddenly caught fire while she was boiling water. When the stove caught fire, she got flustered and poured water on the stove. To her surprise, the fire got bigger. Ronnie, who was also renting a room next to her with his mother, came and they helped each other to put off the fire. When their efforts seemed unsuccessful, she told Ronnie: xxx hindi na natin kayang patayin ang apoy, baba na lang po kami para humingi ng tulong. When they went out, people were already helping each other to contain the fire. She then left the place passing through an alley. The accused averred that a day prior to the incident she was very tired. She reported for work as a spring bed maker as early as 6:00 a.m. and went home 2:00 a.m. the following day, March 1, 1998. Again, she woke up at 6:00 a.m. on the same day to report for work. According to the accused, it was William Lim who took custody of him for reasons unknown to her. Thereafter, they gave her a paper with something written on it and they instructed her to copy the same in another paper. Confused, she did what was told of her because they told her that it would be good for her. The accused-appellant[10] assails her conviction on the following grounds: I THE COURT A QUO GRAVELY ERRED IN FINDING THE
ACCUSED-APPELLANT GUILTY BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT OF THE CRIME OF ARSON WITH HOMICIDE BASED ON CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE. II THE COURT A QUO GRAVELY ERRED IN CONSIDERING AS EVIDENCE THE ALLEGED EXTRAJUDICIAL CONFESSION OF THE ACCUSED-APPELLANT. The accused-appellant contends that the circumstantial evidence of the prosecution failed to produce the required quantum of proof to hold her criminally liable for the charge. She explained that prosecution witness Ronnie Gallardo saw her mattress already on fire but never saw her deliberately burn her mattress. Ronnie Gallardo neither saw nor identified any overt act which would suggest that the accused-appellant intentionally put her mattress on fire. The accused-appellant claimed that Ronnie Gallardo might have gotten anxious after he saw the raging fire and misunderstood her remark pabayaan mo na yan, damay-damay na tayo when what she meant to say after all was pabayaan mo na yan, madadamay tayo. She would not have pulled out Ronnie Gallardo from the burning house had her intention been to cause injury to others. The accused-appellant also disputed the trial courts reliance on the testimony of Kagawad Rodolfo Lorenzo that she intentionally burned her residential house because of personal problems. She rhetorically questioned the credibility of the said prosecution witness when, as a person in authority, he failed to report to the police his supposed knowledge of what the accusedappellant was planning to do two days prior to the fire that occurred in their neighborhood. The accused-appellant also argues that her written confession is inadmissible in evidence. She claims that she was not assisted by counsel at the time she executed the same; and that she was merely led to believe, without apprising her of its legal significance, that it would help her. We find the arguments adduced by the accused-appellant untenable. This Court agrees with the plaintiff-appellee[11] that the RTC has passed upon enough circumstantial evidence to hold the accused-appellant guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime charged. The plaintiff-appellee correctly cites the ruling in People v. Gallarde,[12] which distinguished the two types of positive identification of a perpetrator of a crime and discussed their legal importance, thus: Positive identification pertains essentially to proof of identity and not per se to that of being an eyewitness to the very act of commission of the crime. There are two types of positive identification. A witness may identify a suspect or
accused in a criminal case as the perpetrator of the crime as an eyewitness to the very act of the commission of the crime. This constitutes direct evidence. There may, however, be instances where, although a witness may not have actually seen the very act of commission of a crime, he may still be able to positively identify a suspect or accused as the perpetrator of a crime as for instance when the latter is the person or one of the persons last seen with the victim immediately before and right after the commission of the crime. This is the second type of positive identification, which forms part of circumstantial evidence, which, when taken together with other pieces of evidence constituting an unbroken chain, leads to the only fair and reasonable conclusion, which is that the accused is the author of the crime to the exclusion of all others. If the actual eyewitness are the only ones allowed to possibly positively identify a suspect or accused to the exclusion of others, then nobody can ever be convicted unless there is an eyewitness, because it is basic and elementary that there can be no conviction until and unless an accused is positively identified. Such a proposition is absolutely absurd, because it is settled that direct evidence of the commission of a crime is not the only matrix wherefrom a trial court may draw its conclusion and finding of guilt. If resort to circumstantial evidence would not be allowed to prove identity of the accused on the absence of direct evidence, then felons would go free and the community would be denied proper protection. [Emphasis supplied] The circumstantial evidence of the prosecution consisted of the following: the testimony of Kagawad Rodolfo Lorenzo about the behavior and remarks of the accused-appellant at the time she caused a public disturbance and threatened to cause chaos and arson[13] and to drag her neighbors into this turmoil,[14] two days prior to the conflagration; the testimony of Ronnie Gallardo that, when he saw the burning mattress in the room of the accusedappellant, the latter said to him in the vernacular: Pabayaan mo na iyan. Damay-damay na tayo.;[15] the testimony of Kagawad Rodolfo Lorenzo that, at the time he tried to chase the accused-appellant during the fire incident, he again heard her utter a nonchalant remark: Damay-damay na tayo diyan, huwag ninyo nang patayin ang sunog.;[16] and the testimony of Kagawad William Lim that the accused-appellant approached and admitted to him immediately after the incident that she was the person responsible for the conflagration.[17] The aforementioned circumstantial evidence would constitute positive identification of the accused-appellant as the perpetrator of the crime charged, to the exclusion of others. She was the person who had the motive to commit the crime, and the series of events following her threat to cause chaos and arson in her neighborhood -- the fire that started in her room, and her actuations and remarks during, as well as immediately before and after
the fire-- sufficiently points to the accused-appellant as the author of the said crime. We are not persuaded by the bare and uncorroborated allegation of the accused-appellant that the fire was accidental, and that she was arrested and forced by Kagawad William Lim to copy the contents of her written confession from a piece of paper handed to her by the said barangay official. To quote a well-entrenched legal precept, the factual findings of the trial court, its calibration of the testimonies of the witnesses and its assessment of their probative weight are given high respect, if not conclusive effect, unless it ignored, misconstrued, misunderstood or misinterpreted cogent facts and circumstances of substance, which, if considered, will alter the outcome of the case and the said trial court is in the best position to ascertain and measure the sincerity and spontaneity of witnesses through its actual observation of the witnesses' manner of testifying, demeanor and behavior while in the witness box.[18] In this case, the trial court found that the prosecution witnesses testified consistently and truthfully. The chain of events before, during, and after the fire - - as narrated by the prosecution witnesses - - established beyond reasonable doubt that the accused-appellant committed the acts alleged in the information, which constituted the crime of arson with homicide. The accused-appellant failed to show any misconstrued, misunderstood or misinterpreted cogent facts and circumstances of substance that could alter the outcome of the case. She also did not show any credible motive why the prosecution witnesses testified against her. Thus, this Court finds conclusive the findings and observation of the trial court that the testimonies of the prosecution witnesses were candid and trustworthy, and that the testimony of the accused-appellant was not impressed with candor and honesty. Regarding her extrajudicial confession, the plaintiff-appellee correctly adverted to the ruling in People v. Andan[19] as to the admissibility of the verbal confession made by the accused-appellant, which she made not only to Kagawad William Lim but also to Kagawad Rodolfo Lorenzo while the fire was in progress. Moreover, as correctly held by the CA, even if the written extrajudicial confession is disregarded, the evidence presented by the prosecution is more than sufficient to prove the guilt of the accused-appellant beyond reasonable doubt. WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Decision dated February 10, 2006 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. HC CR No. 00253 affirming the Decision dated January 23, 2003 of Branch 41 of the RTC of Manila is hereby AFFIRMED. No costs. SO ORDERED.
CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, I certify that the conclusions in the above decision had been reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Courts Division.
* On Leave [1] Penned by Associate Justice Jose L. Sabio, Jr. with Associate Justices Jose C. Mendoza and Arturo G. Tayag concurring. Rollo, pp. 3-18. [2] CA rollo, pp. 23- 34. [3] Rollo, pp. 22, 23 and 25-26. [4] Records, p. 13. [5] Id. at p. 24. [6] Id. at pp. 36-38. [7] CA rollo, p. 128. [8] G.R. No. 147678-87, July 7, 2004, 433 SCRA 640. [9] Id. at pp. 231-232. [10] CA rollo, pp. 55-71. [11] Id. at pp. 105-124. [12] G.R. No. 133025, February 17, 2000, 325 SCRA 835, 849. [13] Records, TSN dated January 25, 2000, p. 9. [14] Id. at p. 10. [15] Records, TSN dated July 28, 1999, p. 9. [16] Records, TSN dated January 25, 2000, p. 14. [17] Records, TSN dated June 2, 1999, pp. 9-16. [18] People v. Alabado, G.R. No. 176267, September 3, 2007, 532 SCRA 189, 206207. [19] G.R. No. 116437, March 3, 1997, 269 SCRA 95, 109-110. VII. Documented Alibi 1. Lejano v. People, 2010
See hardcopy and Leas digest. XIV. Offer of Compromise 1. People V. Erguiza, G.R. No. 171348, November 26, 2008 G.R. No. 171348 November 26, 2008
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee vs.LARRY ERGUIZA, accusedappellant. DECISION AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, J.: The Court is confronted with another case of rape. The victim, a 13-year-old girl. And although the Court may be moved by compassion and sympathy, the Court, as a court of law, is duty-bound to apply the law. Basic is the rule that for conviction of a crime, the evidence required is proof beyond reasonable doubt -- conviction with moral certainty. For review before this Court is the November 18, 2005 Decision 1 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CR H. C. No. 00763 which affirmed with modification the Decision2 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Branch 57, finding Larry Erguiza (appellant) guilty of one count of rape and sentencing him to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua. The Information, dated April 10, 2000, in Criminal Case No. SCC 3282 reads as follows: That on or about 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon of January 5, 2000, at the back of the Bical Norte Elementary School, municipality of Bayambang, province of Pangasinan, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, armed with a kitchen knife, by means of force and intimidation, did then and there, willfully, unlawfully, and feloniously have sexual intercourse with AAA3, a minor of 13 years old, against her will and consent and to her damage and prejudice.4 When arraigned, appellant pleaded "not guilty".5 Thereafter trial ensued. The prosecution presented four witnesses, namely: private complainant (AAA), her mother BBB and father CCC, and Dr. James Sison. The defense presented five witnesses, namely: Joy Agbuya, Juanito Macaraeg, Juanita Angeles, Albina Erguiza, and appellant.
On November 27, 2000, the RTC found appellant guilty of the crime of rape, the dispositive portion of which reads as follows: In view whereof, the Court finds the accused LARRY C. ERGUIZA guilty of RAPE under Article 266-a paragraph 1(a) in relation to Article 266-b of R.A. 8353 and R.A. 7659 and sentences (sic) to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua and to pay the offended party, AAA P50,000 as civil indemnity, P50,000 as moral damages, P50,000 as exemplary damages, to give support to AAA's offspring and to pay the costs. SO ORDERED.6 On appeal, the CA aptly summarized the respective versions of the parties, based on the evidence presented before the trial court, thus: PROSECUTION'S VERSION: On January 5, 2000, at around 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon, AAA, a thirteenyear old first year high school student, together with her friends, siblings Joy and Ricky Agbuya, went to the mango orchard located at the back of ZZZ Elementary School to gather fallen mangoes.7 When they were bound for home at around 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon, AAA's short pants got hooked on the fence. AAA asked Joy and Ricky to wait for her but they ran away and left her.8 While AAA was trying to unhook her short pants, Larry suddenly grabbed and pulled her. Poking a knife at her neck, Larry threatened to hurt her if she would make a noise.9 Accused-appellant dragged AAA towards a place where a tamarind tree and other thorny plants grow. Then Larry removed his maong pants and forced AAA to lie down on the grassy ground. Thereafter, he removed her short pants and panty, mounted himself on top of her and inserted his penis into her private parts and made push and pull movements. He likewise raised AAA's "sando" and mashed her breast. AAA felt pain when accused-appellant entered her and she felt something sticky in her private part after Larry made the push and pull movements.10 Larry told AAA not to tell anybody about the incident otherwise he would kill her and all the members of her family and then he ran away.11 AAA lingered for a while at the place and kept crying. Having spent her tears, she wore her panty and short pants and proceeded to the adjacent store of her Aunt Beth who was asleep. After staying for some time at the store, AAA decided to come (sic) home. Upon reaching home, she directly went to bed. Fearing Larry's threat, AAA kept mum on the incident.12
On April 7, 2000, BBB brought her daughter AAA to her grandmother (BBB's mother), a hilot residing in XXX, Tarlac, to consult her on the unusual palpitation on the mid-portion of AAA's throat and the absence of her monthly period.13 After examining AAA, her grandmother told BBB that her daughter was pregnant. BBB asked AAA who was the father of her unborn child but AAA refused to talk. After much prodding, and in the presence of her Uncle, Rudy Domingo, AAA finally revealed that she was raped by accused-appellant.14 On April 8, 2000, AAA, accompanied by her mother and uncle, went to the police headquarters in YYY, Pangasinan to report the incident.15 Then the police brought her to YYY District Hospital16 where Dr. James Sison, Medical Officer III of said hospital conducted the examination on Michelle. Dr. Sison made the following findings: "Q. x x x No extragenital injuries noted. Complete healed hymenal laceration 11:00 o'clock. x x x. In layman's term, Dr. Sison found no physical injury from the breast, the body except the genital area wherein he found a significant laceration complete (sic) healed over 11:00 o'clock."17 Dr. Sison also testified that a single sexual intercourse could make a woman pregnant. BBB testified that her daughter AAA stopped going to school after she was raped and that no amount of money could bring back the lost reputation of her daughter. CCC (AAA's father), testified that on May 2, 2000, the family of accusedappellant went to their house and initially offered P50,000 and later P150,000; that in January 5, 2000, while they were repairing his house for the wedding reception18, Larry left at around 4:00 o'clock p.m. DEFENSE'S VERSION On January 5, 2000, Larry Erguiza helped in the repair of CCC's 19 house from 8:00 o'clock in the morning up to 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon. When he reached home at around 5:00 pm, his mother Albina Erguiza instructed him to fetch a "hilot" as his wife Josie was already experiencing labor pains. He proceeded to fetch the "hilot" Juanita Angeles and stayed in their house until his wife delivered a baby at around 3:00 o'clock in the morning of January 6, 2000.20 Juanita Angeles corroborated Larry's testimony that he indeed fetched her at around 5:10 pm on January 5, 2000 to attend to his wife who was experiencing labor pains and who delivered a baby at about 3:00 a.m. of January 6, 2000; and that Larry never left his wife's side until the latter gave birth.
Albina, mother of the accused-appellant, testified that AAA is the daughter of her "balae" Spouses CCC and BBB; that her son Larry, her husband and two others left CCC and BBB's residence at about 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon on January 5, 2000; that she went to Spouses CCC and BBB to talk about the charge of rape against her son; that Spouses CCC and BBB were asking for P1,000,000.00 which was later reduced to P250,000.00 and that she made a counter-offer of P5,000.00.21 Joy Agbuya testified that she and AAA were at the mango orchard of Juanito Macaraeg on January 5, 2000; that she never left AAA when her short pants got hooked; that they went together to the store of Auntie Beth where they parted.22 Juanito Macaraeg, the mango orchard caretaker, testified that the house of Larry was a walking distance of about three minutes from the mango orchard; that if one runs fast, it would only take a minute to reach his house; and that he could not recall having seen Larry in the orchard.23 (Emphasis supplied) In its Decision dated November 18, 2005, the CA affirmed the decision of the RTC, but modified the amount of the award of exemplary damages and costs as follows: WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing circumstances, the Decision of the Regional Trial Court of San Carlos (Pangasinan), Branch 57 dated November 27, 2000 in Criminal Case No. SCC-3282 is AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION. Accused-appellant Larry Erguiza is held GUILTY of Rape and is sentenced to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua. He is ordered to pay the victim AAA P50,000.00 as civil indemnity; P50,000.00 as moral damages, and P25,000.00 as exemplary damages and to give support to AAA's offspring. SO ORDERED.24 Hence, herein appeal. In his appeal Brief,25 appellant raises the following errors: 1. THE COURT A QUO GRAVLEY ERRED IN GIVING CREDENCE TO THE INCREDIBLE, THUS UNBELIEVABLE TESTIMONY OF PRIVATE COMPLAINANT AAA. 2. THE COURT A QUO GRAVELY ERRED IN CONVICTING ACCUSED APPELLANT OF THE CRIME OF RAPE DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE PROSECTUION EVIDENCE FAILED TO ESTABLISH HIS GUILT BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT. 3. THE COURT A QUO GRAVELY ERRED IN NOT APPRECIATING ACCUSEDAPPELLANT'S DEFENSE OF ALIBI CORROBORATED BY THE WITNESSES PRESENTED BY THE DEFENSE.26
The appeal is meritorious. The prosecution's evidence does not pass the test of moral certainty. This Court has ruled that in the review of rape cases, the Court is guided by the following precepts: (a) an accusation of rape can be made with facility, but it is more difficult for the accused, though innocent, to disprove it; (b) the complainant's testimony must be scrutinized with extreme caution since, by the very nature of the crime, only two persons are normally involved; and (c) if the complainant's testimony is convincingly credible, the accused may be convicted of the crime.27 In the case at bar, the CA upheld the conclusion of the RTC in finding the complainant credible, to wit: The testimonies of victims who are young and of tender age, like AAA, deserve full credence and should not be dismissed as mere fabrication especially where they have absolutely no motive to testify against the accused-appellant as in this case. Larry even admitted that AAA had no ill motive for charging him with rape. The Supreme Court in several cases, ruled that full credence is accorded the testimony of a rape victim who has shown no ill motive to testify against the accused. This being so, the trial court did not err in giving full credence to AAA's testimony.28 This Court does not agree with the CA. The Court is not unmindful of the general rule that findings of the trial court regarding credibility of witnesses are accorded great respect and even finality on appeal.29 However, this principle does not preclude a reevaluation of the evidence to determine whether material facts or circumstances have been overlooked or misinterpreted by the trial court.30 In the past, this Court has not hesitated to reverse a judgment of conviction, where there were strong indications pointing to the possibility that the rape charge was false.31 Generally, when a woman, more so if she is a minor, says that she has been raped, she says in effect all that is necessary to show that rape was committed. And so long as her testimony meets the test of credibility and unless the same is controverted by competent physical and testimonial evidence, the accused may be convicted on the basis thereof.32 After a judicious examination of the records of the case, the Court finds that there is testimonial evidence that contradicts the findings of the RTC and CA on the basis of which no conviction beyond reasonable doubt could arise. It is the unrebutted testimony of a credible defense witness. The testimony of Joy Agbuya (Joy) casts doubt as to the possibility of rape having taken place as narrated by complainant. In addition, the testimony of a disinterested defense witness, Juanita Angeles (Juanita) corroborated the alibi of appellant.
Before dwelling on the testimonies of Juanita and Joy, the Court shall first scrutinize the testimonial evidence presented by the prosecution and the defense. Aside from the testimony of complainant, the prosecution presented the following witnesses: Dr. James Sison, BBB, and CCC. The pertinent portions of their testimonies may be summarized as follows: Dr. James Sison testified that he conducted the medical examination of complainant. His diagnosis was that there was a significant laceration completely healed at the 11:00 o'clock position.33 However, Dr. Sison testified that his findings were not conclusive, but were rather suggestive that complainant was raped. Furthermore, as to the question of paternity of the child of complainant, Dr. Sison suggested doing a DNA match.34 BBB testified the she brought AAA to her grandmother, a hilot residing in XXX, Tarlac, to consult her on the unusual palpitation on the mid-portion of complainant's throat and the absence of her monthly period.35 After examining complainant, the hilot told BBB that her daughter was pregnant. AAA later revealed that she was raped by appellant.36 BBB further testified that she accompanied AAA to the police headquarters in YYY, Pangasinan to report the incident.37 Afterwards, the police brought complainant to YYY District Hospital38 where Dr. James Sison, Medical Officer III of said hospital, conducted the examination on complainant. On cross-examination, BBB testified that the family of appellant offered her money to settle the case.39 CCC, the father of AAA, was the lone rebuttal witness of the prosecution. In order to rebut the allegation made by appellant's family that the present case was filed because appellant's family did a poor job in preparing for the wedding of CCC's daughter DDD and apellant's brother Carlito, CCC testified that on the contrary, the wedding went smoothly.40 CCC further claimed that the family of appellant knelt before him crying and offered money to settle the case.41 Moreover, CCC testified that appellant left his house at 4:00 p.m. on January 5, 2000. On the other hand, the defense presented four witnesses, namely: Juanito Macaraeg (Macaraeg), Albina Erguiza (Albina), Juanita and Joy. Macaraeg, the caretaker of the mango orchard, testified that he did not see appellant on any occasion in the orchard.42 More specifically, Macaraeg emphasized that he did not see appellant on January 5, 2000.43 However, on cross-examination, he testified that the house of appellant is only a threeminute walk from the mango orchard and probably a minute if one walks fast.44 Albina, the mother of appellant, testified that on January 5, 2000, she was with appellant at the house of CCC and BBB preparing for the wedding of CCC's
daughter DDD and appellant's brother Carlito. She said that they left the house of CCC at around 5:00 p.m.45 Albina narrated that when they arrived home, at around 5:02 or 5:03 p.m., she sent appellant to fetch a hilot, as the wife of appellant was having some labor pains.46 She said that appellant and the hilot arrived at around 5:30 p.m.47 According to Albina appellant never left their house.48 On the day of the wedding, Albina testified that she had an altercation with BBB regarding the bills and that they never resolved their quarrel.49 She spoke to BBB and CCC because she learned that they were falsely accusing appellant of raping AAA.50 After talking to BBB and CCC, she and her husband confronted appellant and asked if he had raped complainant, which appellant denied.51 Albina claimed that CCC and BBB were demanding P1,000,000.00 and that they later reduced it to P250,000.00.52 Albina said that she offered P5,000.00 to BBB and CCC only to preserve their relationship as in-laws and for peace.53 In sum, with the exception of the claim of AAA that she was raped by appellant, other evidence presented by the prosecution did not identify appellant as the perpetrator of the crime. Moreover, the testimonies of the witnesses for both the prosecution and the defense conflict on certain points, more notably the claim by BBB and CCC that the family of appellant offered to settle the case. This, however, was denied by Albina, who claimed that it was BBB and CCC who demanded P1,000,000.00. The offer of compromise allegedly made by Albina is critical to the case at bar in light of law and jurisprudence that an offer of compromise in a criminal case may be received in evidence as an implied admission of guilt.54 In the case at bar, the offer of compromise was first testified to by BBB on cross-examination, to wit: Q. Is it not a fact that there was an offer by you to the mother of the accused that they pay you 1 million and you have reduced it to P250,000.00? A. No, sir, it was they who were the ones offering for settlement, but we never offer them any settlement, sir.55 On rebuttal, CCC corroborated the testimony of BBB that the family of appellant offered to settle the case, to wit: Q. And according to Larry Erguiza as well as his witnesses they told the Honorable Court that you and your wife are demanding from Larry Erguiza and his parents the amount of one million pesos so that you will not file this case against the accused, what can you say about that? A. There is no truth about that, sir.
Q. And what is the truth about it? A. It was they who went to my house, they even knelt before me crying and they were offering money, sir.56 However, Albina, the mother of appellant, denied the foregoing allegations, to wit: Q. What happened when you went to the house of BBB and CCC talking with them about their problem of the alleged rape on AAA, their daughter? A. They were asking for a settlement price for one million pesos but we have no money, sir. Q. What did you do when they were asking one million pesos from you? A. We told them that we do not have that money until they reduced the price to P250,000.00 but we have no money because we are poor, sir. Q. Were you around when BBB testified to the witness stand? A. I was here, sir. Q. Did you hear what BBB said that you were the one offering money? A. Yes, sir, I was here and I heard that. Q. What can you say to that allegation of BBB? A. That is not true, sir. She was saying that we were the ones offering money for one million to them but she was telling a lie, it was they who were asking for one million pesos, sir. Q. What is your proof that is was they who are demanding the amount of one million and reduced that to two hundred fifty thousand (P250,000.00)? A. We already left because we cannot afford to give that much, sir. Q. Aside from the fact that you do not have money, was there any reason or what was your other reason in going there? A. Our reason in talking to them was that when Larry said that he did not commit the alleged rape and so we went there to talk to them so that we could preserve our relationship as in-laws even if it is for the sake of peace we could
try our best to cope up even P5,000.00 just for the sake of peace because our intention in going to their house was to extract the truth, sir.57 On cross-examination, appellant gave the following statements: Q. Before the filing of this case with this Honorable Court, your parents and you were pleading to the parents of AAA not to continue anymore the case, is it not? A. Yes, sir, so that the case will not be filed and our relationship will not be destroyed, sir. Q. In fact you asked your parents to do so, is it not? A. No, sir. They were the ones who went to the house of AAA, sir. Q. But the family of AAA did not agree to the pleadings of your parents that the case be not filed anymore, is it not? A. They will agree if we will pay then 1 million, but we do not have 1 million, sir. Q. Did you offer them 1 million? A. No, sir. They were the ones who told that to us.58 (Emphasis Supplied) The alleged offer of the parents of appellant to settle the case cannot be used against appellant as evidence of his guilt. Appellant testified that he did not ask his parents to settle the case. Moreover, appellant was not present when the offer to settle was allegedly made. An offer of compromise from an unauthorized person cannot amount to an admission of the party himself.59 Although the Court has held in some cases that an attempt of the parents of the accused to settle the case is an implied admission of guilt,60 we believe that the better rule is that for a compromise to amount to an implied admission of guilt, the accused should have been present or at least authorized the proposed compromise.61 Moreover, it has been held that where the accused was not present at the time the offer for monetary consideration was made, such offer of compromise would not save the day for the prosecution.62 In addition, the Court, in weighing the evidence presented, may give less weight to the testimonies of Albina, on the one hand, and BBB and CCC, on the other, as they are related to the appellant and the victim, respectively 63 Their testimonies relating to the offer of settlement simply contradict each other. As
a matter of fact, even the lower courts did not consider the alleged offer of settlement in resolving the case. Thus, the Court now considers the testimonies of Juanita and Joy. Testimony of Juanita Angeles Juanita, a hilot, testified that appellant fetched her at around 5:10 in the afternoon of January 5, 2000.64 She asserted that they arrived at the house of appellant at 5:30 p.m. She said that appellant's wife gave birth at dawn at 3:00 a.m. of January 6, 2000.65 Juanita said that appellant was with her the entire time and never left the house.66 Testimony of Joy Agbuya For a better perspective on the testimony of Joy, it is necessary to repeat the testimony of AAA. AAA testified that on January 5, 2000, she was accompanied by 12-year-old Joy and the latter's brother Ricky Agbuya (Ricky) to the mango orchard at the back of the elementary school to pick fallen mangoes. Further, complainant claims that she was left behind by Joy and Ricky when her shorts got hooked to the fence and that while she was unhooking her pants from the fence, appellant grabbed her and raped her.67 This was however contradicted by Joy, to wit: Q. How many times did you go to the mango orchard of Juanito Macaraeg? A. Three (3) times, sir. Q. When you usually go to the mango orchard of Juanito Macaraeg, where did you met [sic] with AAA? A. In their house, I dropped by her house, sir. Q. Was there an occasion wherein you brought your brother Ricky when you went with AAA to the mango orchard of Juanito Macaraeg? A. No, sir. Q. Are we made to understand that Ricky, your brother did not go even once to the mango orchard of Maning Macaraeg? A. Yes, sir. Q. According to AAA in her sworn statement she stated that in [sic] January
5, 2000 you were with your brother Ricky and AAA in going to the mango orchard, what can you say about that? A. What she is saying is not true. I was not with my brother, sir. I did not tug him along with me. Q. It is also said by AAA that you left her behind in the mango orchard when her pants was hooked, what can you say about that? A. No, sir I waited for her. Q. Are we made to understand Madam Witness, that there was no instance or never that happened that you left her in the mango orchard alone? A. No, sir, I waited for her and both of us went home together, sir. Q. Going back to the occasion wherein you were with AAA, who were with you in going back home? A. Just the two (2) of us, sir. Q. In your way home, where did you part or separate with each other? A. In front of the store of auntie Beth, sir.68 xxxx Q. Is AAA your bestfriend? A. Yes, sir. Q. Since you said that AAA is your bestfriend was there an occasion wherein she told you that she was raped? A. None, sir.69 (Emphasis and underscoring supplied) On cross-examination, Prosecutor Ely Reintar elicited the following statements from Joy: Q. In the year 2000, when was the last time that you talked to AAA? A. April, sir. Q. After April, you did not talk to AAA anymore?
A. No more, sir. Q. Your friendship was severed? A. Yes, sir. Q. Will you please tell the Honorable Court why your friendship became severed? A. Because she quarreled with me, sir. Q. And because you quarreled, that is the reason why you are now testifying against her? A. Yes, sir.70 On re-direct examination, Joy clarified, thus: Q. Madam Witness, you said that you have a quarrel with the private complainant, AAA, will you please tell this Honorable Court what is the reason or cause of your quarrel with AAA? A. Because they wanted me to say another statement that I left AAA behind, sir.71 (Emphasis supplied) On re-cross examination, Joy gave the following answers to the questions of Prosecutor Reintar: Q. You said that the reason for your quarrel is that they wanted you to change your statement, that you left behind AAA, who are those they, that you are referring to? INTERPRETER No answer. Witness I, sir. PROS. REINTAR Q. Who told you to change your statement that you left AAA behind?
A. Because they are saying that I will change my statement that I left AAA but I did not sir. Q. Who are these who are telling that? A. They, sir. Q. Will you please mention them? A. BBB, only her, sir.72 The testimony of 12-year-old Joy makes it impossible for the appellant to have raped AAA the way complainant narrated it, to wit: Q. You try to understand clearly the question, Madam Witness, and may I repeat that, at the time of the rape when according to you, you were the one raped, where were Joy and Ricky Agbuya? A. They left ahead of me because my short pants was hooked at the fence so I was left behind, sir. Q. Were you able to remove the pants of yours at the fence? A. I was removing it sir, when he suddenly grabbed me. Q. And who is this person you are referring to as the one who grabbed you? A. Larry Erguiza, sir.73 Put simply, complainant could not have been raped because Joy waited for complainant when the latter's shorts got hooked to the fence and thereafter both went home together. The Court finds no cogent reason for Joy to lie and say that she had waited for complainant and that they both went home together. She had nothing to gain for lying under oath. Moreover, the records are bereft of any showing or claim that Joy was related to or was a close friend of appellant or his family. On the contrary, Joy considers herself the "best-friend" and playmate of complainant.74 When Prosecutor Reintar questioned her as to her understanding of the oath she took, Joy answered, "That I will swear to God, sir. x x x The truth, sir." 75 Furthermore, Joy did not succumb to pressure even as she was being conscientiously examined by Prosecutor Reintar. Joy boldly testified that BBB, the mother of complainant, was forcing her to change her statement. The testimony of Joy clearly lays down the following facts which are damaging
to the case of the prosecution: first, that Joy did not leave behind AAA when the latter's shorts got hooked to the fence; and secondly, that Joy and AAA left the orchard, went home together and separated at their Aunt Beth's house, indicating that no untoward incident, much less rape, was committed by appellant at the time and place that complainant had testified on. Necessarily, either Joy or AAA lied under oath. It was thus critical for the prosecution to show that Joy gave false statements. Unfortunately for AAA, the prosecution miserably failed to rebut Joy's testimony. Neither complainant nor Ricky, BBB or any other witness was called to the witness stand to refute Joy's testimony. True, it is up to the prosecution to determine who to present as witnesses.76 However, considering that the testimony of Joy critically damaged the case of the prosecution, it behooved the prosecution to present evidence to rebut the defense evidence. Witnesses such as Ricky, AAA and BBB should have been presented by the prosecution to demolish Joy's testimony. The testimony of Ricky is particularly significant, especially since AAA claimed that he was with her and his sister Joy at the mango orchard on the day of the alleged rape incident. The failure on the part of the prosecution to present Ricky or AAA bolsters the defense evidence, that no rape happened on the date and time claimed by AAA. The prosecution presented CCC, the father of complainant, as it's lone rebuttal witness.77 However, the testimony of CCC covered facts and issues not related to the testimony of Joy. The testimony of CCC merely rebutted the allegation made by appellant's family that the present case was filed because appellant's family did a poor job of preparing for the wedding of CCC's daughter DDD and apellant's brother Carlito. To this, CCC testified that on the contrary, the wedding went smoothly.78 Furthermore, CCC claimed that the family of appellant knelt before him crying and offered money to settle the case.79 In addition, CCC testified that appellant left his house at 4:00 p.m. on January 5, 2000. Thus, the testimony of CCC did not in any way rebut the testimony of Joy. Further, Joy testified that during the three times she went with AAA to the mango orchard, the time was 1:00 p.m.80 However, AAA testified that she went to the mango orchard with Joy at 4:00 p.m.81 The variance in the testimonies of Joy and AAA as to the time they went to the mango orchard on the day of the alleged rape incident may be disregarded as they are de minimis in nature and do not relate to the commission of the crime. There is a common point uniting the testimonies of both Joy and AAA; that is, that both referred to the day when AAA's short got hooked to the fence. Moreover, assuming arguendo that the variance between the testimonies of AAA and Joy as to the time they were together at the mango orchard is an indicia that AAA may have been raped by appellant on a different day, not on January 5, 2000, to still impute to appellant the crime of rape is not plausible.
The Court is not unmindful of the rule that the exact date of the commission of the crime of rape is extraneous to and is not an element of the offense, such that any inconsistency or discrepancy as to the same is irrelevant and is not to be taken as a ground for acquittal.82 Such, however, finds no application to the case at bar. AAA and Joy may differ in their testimonies as to the time they were at the mango orchard, but there could be no mistake as to the actual day when AAA was supposed to have been raped; it was the day when AAA's shorts got hooked to the fence at the mango orchard. The RTC and CA unwittingly brushed aside the testimonies of Juanita and Joy and gave full credence to the testimony of AAA. As a matter of fact, their probative weight were not considered or evaluated in the text of the lower courts' decision. As mentioned earlier, the prosecution could have rebutted the testimony of Joy, but for some reason or oversight, it chose not to do so. Consequently, in view of the unrebutted testimony of Joy, appellant's defense of alibi and denial assumes considerable weight. It is at this point that the issue as to the time that the rape was committed plays a significant factor in determining the guilt or innocence of appellant. This Court must therefore address this issue for a thorough evaluation of the case. The Court takes note that Macaraeg, the caretaker of the orchard, testified that appellant's house was only a minute away from the orchard if one would run. As earlier mentioned, CCC testified that appellant left CCC's house at 4:00 p.m. on January 5, 2000, contrary to the testimony of Albina that she and appellant left at 5:00 p.m. AAA declared that the alleged rape took place after 5:00 p.m. Q. So at 4:00 o'clock you were at the house and you left and proceeded at the back of the school to pick mangoes? A. Yes, sir. Q. That was already around 5:00 o'clock? A. Yes, sir. I asked my companion Joy. Q. What did you ask of her? A. She was wearing a wristwatch and I asked Joy what time is it and when I looked at her wristwatch, it was already 5:00 o'clock, sir.83 (Emphasis Supplied)
Moreover, on cross-examination, AAA gave the following statements, to wit: Q. So it is almost 5:00 p.m. When you went to the mango orchard with Joy Agbuya and Ricky Agbuya? A. What I only know was that, it was already about 5:00 o'clock then, sir. Q. How many minutes did you consume in getting mangoes? A. When we went there, we were not able to get some mango and when I asked sir what was the time then and when I looked at the wristwatch, it was already 5:00 o'clock, sir.84 (Emphasis Supplied) The testimony of Joy makes it impossible for AAA to have been raped at 4:00 p.m. or 5:00 p.m. or any time thereafter since it was not rebutted that Joy never left complainant at the mango orchard even when AAA's shorts got hooked to the fence, and both went home together without any other untoward incident. This Court is not unmindful of the doctrine that for alibi to succeed as a defense, appellant must establish by clear and convincing evidence (a) his presence at another place at the time of the perpetration of the offense and (b) the physical impossibility of his presence at the scene of the crime.85 In the case at bar, although the orchard is just a minute away from the house of appellant, in view of the testimony of the hilot Juanita that appellant was with her from 5:10 p.m. and never left his house from that time until his wife gave birth at 3:00 a.m.; and the testimony of Joy that she never left AAA in the orchard and that they both went home together, the defense of alibi assumes significance or strength when it is amply corroborated by a credible witness.86 Thus, the Court finds that appellant's alibi is substantiated by clear and convincing evidence. What needs to be stressed is that a conviction in a criminal case must be supported by proof beyond reasonable doubt -- moral certainty that the accused is guilty.87 The conflicting testimonies of Joy and complainant, and the testimony of Juanita that corroborated appellant's alibi preclude the Court from convicting appellant of rape with moral certainty. Faced with two conflicting versions, the Court is guided by the equipoise rule. 88 Thus, where the inculpatory facts and circumstances are capable of two or more explanations, one of which is consistent with the innocence of the accused and the other consistent with his guilt, then the evidence does not fulfill the test of moral certainty and is not sufficient to support a conviction.89 The equipoise rule provides that where the evidence in a criminal case is evenly balanced, the constitutional presumption of innocence tilts the scales in favor of the accused.90
It is the primordial duty of the prosecution to present its side with clarity and persuasion, so that conviction becomes the only logical and inevitable conclusion.91 What is required of it is to justify the conviction of the accused with moral certainty.92 Upon the prosecution's failure to meet this test, acquittal becomes the constitutional duty of the Court, lest its mind be tortured with the thought that it has imprisoned an innocent man for the rest of his life.93 WHEREFORE, the Decision dated November 18, 2005 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR H. C. No. 00763 is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Larry Erguiza is ACQUITTED and ordered immediately RELEASED from custody, unless he is being held for some other lawful cause. The Director of the Bureau of Corrections is ORDERED to implement this Decision forthwith and to INFORM this Court, within five (5) days from receipt hereof, of the date appellant was actually released from confinement. Costs de oficio. SO ORDERED. MA. ALICIA AUSTRIA-MARTINEZAssociate Justice
ATTESTATION I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Court's Division. CONSUELO YNARES-SANTIAGOAssociate JusticeChairperson
CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution and the Division Chairperson's Attestation, I certify that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Court's Division. REYNATO S. PUNOChief Justice
Footnotes In lieu of Justice Antonio Eduardo B. Nachura, per Raffle dated October 13, 2008.
Penned by Associate Justice Regalado E. Maambong with the concurrence of Associate Justice Rodrigo V. Cosico and Associate Justice Lucenito N. Tagle; rollo pp. 3-19.
1 2
The Supreme Court took note of the legal mandate on the utmost confidentiality of proceedings involving violence against women and children set forth in Sec. 29 of Republic Act No. 7610, otherwise known as, Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004; and Sec. 40 of A.M. No. 04-1011-SC, known as, Rule on Violence Against Women and Their Children effective November 15, 2004. Hence, in People v. San Antonio, Jr., G.R. No. 176633, September 5, 2007, 532 SCRA 411, citing the case of People v. Cabalquinto, G.R. No. 167693, September 19, 2006, 502 SCRA 419, this Court resolved to withhold the real name of the victim-survivor and to use fictitious initials instead to represent her in its decisions. Likewise, the personal circumstances of the victims-survivors or any other information tending to establish or compromise their identities, as well as those of their immediate family or household members, shall not be disclosed. The names of such victims, and their immediate family members other than the accused, shall appear as "AAA", "BBB", "CCC", and so on. Addresses shall appear as "xxx" as in "No. xxx Street, xxx District, City of x x x."
3 4
CA rollo, p. 6. Records, p. 30. CA rollo, p. 69. TSN, July 12, 2000, pp. 3-5.
TSN, July 12, 2000, pp. 6-7; TSN, July, 13, 2000, p.14. TSN, July 12, 2000, pp. 8-9; TSN, July 13, 2000, pp. 14-15. TSN, July 12, 2000, pp. 9-11; TSN July 19, 2000, pp. 4-5. TSN, July 12, 2000, pp. 11-12. TSN, July 12, 2000, p. 13. TSN, July 26, 2000, p. 5 TSN, July 12, 2000, p. 15 TSN, July 12, 2000, pp. 16-17. TSN, July 12, 2000, p.18. TSN, July 25, 2000, p.6.
CCC's daughter DDD (from his first marriage) got married to Larry Erguiza's brother Carlito on January 20, 2000, fifteen days after the rape incident.
18 19
TSN, September 12, 2000, pp. 4-5. TSN, August 28, 2000, pp. 3-7. TSN, August 3, 2000, pp. 4-5; TSN, August 22, 2000, pp. 3-15. TSN, August 1, 2000, p. 9. TSN, August 2, 2000, pp. 8 and 11. Rollo, p. 18. CA rollo, pp. 43-62. CA rollo, p. 45. People v. Gonzales, G.R. No. 141599, June 29, 2004, 433 SCRA 102, 108. Rollo, pp. 15. People v. Palma, G.R. Nos. 130206-08, June 17, 1999, 308 SCRA 466.
People v. Domogoy, G.R. No. 116738, March 22, 1999, 305 SCRA 75. People v. Medel, G.R. No. 123803, February 26, 1998, 286 SCRA 567. People v. Banela, G.R. No. 124973, January 18, 1999, 301 SCRA 84, 87. TSN, July 25, 2000, p. 6. TSN, July 25, 2000, p. 11. TSN, July 26, 2000, p. 5. TSN, July 26, 2000, p. 7. TSN, July 12, 2000, pp. 16-17. TSN, July 12, 2000, p. 18. TSN, July, 27, 2000, p. 9. TSN, September 12, 2000, p. 10. TSN, September 12, 2000, p. 10. TSN, August 2, 2000. p. 8. TSN, August 2, 2000, pp. 6-7. TSN, August 2, 2000, p. 11. TSN, August 2, 2000, p. 8. TSN, August 2, 2000, p. 8. TSN, August 2, 2000, p. 9. TSN, August 2, 2000, p. 9. TSN, August 22, 2000, pp. 11-12. TSN, August 22, 2000, p. 12. TSN, August 22, 2000, p. 13.
TSN, August 22, 2000, p. 13. TSN, August 22, 2000, p. 14. Rules of Court, Rule 130, Section 24. TSN, July 27, 2000, p. 9. TSN, September 12, 2000, p. 10. TSN, August 22, 2000, pp. 13-15. TSN, September 7, 2000, pp. 13-14. Wigmore, RULES ON EVIDENCE, Section 1061, p. 30.
People v. Manzano, No. L- 38449, November 25, 1982, 118 SCRA 705; People v. Manuel, G.R. No. 57061, May 9, 1988, 161 SCRA 235, 244-245.
60 61
People v. Bangcado, G.R. No. 132330, November 28, 2000, 346 SCRA 189. People v. Godoy, G.R. Nos. 115908-09, December 6, 1995, 250 SCRA 676.
See People v. Martinez, G.R. No. 124892, January 30, 2001, 350 SCRA 537, People v. Abendan, G.R. Nos. 132026-27, June 28, 2001, 360 SCRA 106.
63 64
TSN, August 3, 2000, p. 4. TSN, August 3, 2000, p. 5. TSN, August 3, 2000, p. 7. TSN, July 12, 2000, pp. 5-12. TSN, August 1, 2000, pp. 8-9. TSN, August 1, 2000, p.10. TSN, August 1, 2000, p. 19. TSN, August 2, 2000, p. 2. TSN, August 2, 2000, p. 3.
TSN, July 12, 2000, pp. 8-9. TSN, August 1, 2000, p.10. TSN, August 1, 2000, p. 13. People v. Ruedas, G.R.No. 83372, February 27, 1991, 194 SCRA 553. TSN, September 12, 2000, pp. 2-16. TSN, September 12, 2000, p. 10. TSN, September 12, 2000, p. 10. TSN, August 1, 2000, pp. 16-17. TSN, July 12, 2000. p. 5. People v. Lantano, G.R. No 176734, January 28, 2008, 542 SCRA 640. TSN, July 12, 2000, pp. 5-6. TSN, July 13, 2000, p. 13. People v. Obrique, G.R. No 146859, January 20, 2004, 420 SCRA 304. People v. Amestuzo, G.R. No. 104383, July 12, 2001, 361 SCRA 184. People v. Bautista, G.R. No. 123557, February 4, 2002, 376 SCRA 18. Tin v. People, G.R. No. 126480, August 10, 2001, 362 SCRA 594. People v. Agustin, 316 Phil. 828, 832 (1995). People v. Lagmay, G.R. No. 125310, April 21, 1999, 306 SCRA 157. People v. Fernandez, G.R. Nos. 139341-45, July 25, 2002, 385 SCRA 224, 232. Rules of Court, Rule 133, Section 2. People v. Aballe, G.R. No. 133997, May 17, 2001, 357 SCRA 802. XV. Admission by conspirator
1. Tamargo v. Awigan, G.R.No. 177727, January 19, 2010 G.R. No. 177727 January 19, 2010
HAROLD V. TAMARGO, Petitioner, vs.ROMULO AWINGAN, LLOYD ANTIPORDA and LICERIO ANTIPORDA, JR., Respondents. DECISION CORONA, J.: This is a petition for review on certiorari1 of the November 10, 2006 decision2 and May 18, 2007 resolution3 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 93610. Atty. Franklin V. Tamargo and his eight-year-old daughter, Gail Franzielle, were shot and killed at around 5:15 p.m. of August 15, 2003 along Nueva Street corner Escolta Street, Binondo, Manila. The police had no leads on the perpetrators of the crime until a certain Reynaldo Geron surfaced and executed an affidavit dated September 12, 2003. He stated that a certain Lucio Columna told him during a drinking spree that Atty. Tamargo was ordered killed by respondent Lloyd Antiporda and that he (Columna) was one of those who killed Atty. Tamargo. He added that he told the Tamargo family what he knew and that the sketch of the suspect closely resembled Columna.4 After conducting a preliminary investigation and on the strength of Gerons affidavit, the investigating prosecutor5 issued a resolution dated December 5, 2003 finding probable cause against Columna and three John Does.6 On February 2, 2004, the corresponding Informations for murder were filed against them in the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila, one assigned to Branch 27 for the death of Atty. Franklin Tamargo, and the other to Branch 29 for the death of the minor Gail Franzielle.7 Columna was arrested in the province of Cagayan on February 17, 2004 and brought to Manila for detention and trial.8 On March 8, 2004, Columna (whose real name was Manuel, Jr.) executed an affidavit wherein he admitted his participation as "look out" during the shooting and implicated respondent Romulo Awingan (alias "Mumoy") as the gunman and one Richard Mecate. He also tagged as masterminds respondent Licerio Antiporda, Jr. and his son, respondent Lloyd Antiporda.9 The former was the ex-mayor and the latter the mayor of Buguey, Cagayan at that time. When the killing took place, Licerio Antiporda was in detention for a kidnapping case in which Atty. Tamargo was acting as private prosecutor. Pursuant to this affidavit, petitioner Harold V. Tamargo (brother of Atty. Tamargo) filed a complaint against those implicated by Columna in the Office of the City Prosecutor of Manila.10
On April 19, 2004, Columna affirmed his affidavit before the investigating prosecutor11 who subjected him to clarificatory questions.12 Respondents denied any involvement in the killings. They alleged that Licerio was a candidate for mayor in Buguey, Cagayan during the May 2004 elections and that the case was instituted by his political opponents in order to derail his candidacy. The Antipordas admitted that Atty. Tamargo was their political rival for the mayoralty post of Buguey. Atty. Tamargo had been defeated twice by Lloyd and once by Licerio. Before the killing, Atty. Tamargo filed an election case against Lloyd and a kidnapping case in the Sandiganbayan against Licerio. However, they claimed that both cases were dismissed as Lloyd emerged as the winner in the elections and Licerio was acquitted by the Sandiganbayan.13 During the preliminary investigation, respondent Licerio presented Columnas unsolicited handwritten letter dated May 3, 2004 to respondent Lloyd, sent from Columnas jail cell in Manila. In the letter, Columna disowned the contents of his March 8, 2004 affidavit and narrated how he had been tortured until he signed the extrajudicial confession. He stated that those he implicated had no participation in the killings.14 Respondent Licerio also submitted an affidavit of Columna dated May 25, 2004 wherein the latter essentially repeated the statements in his handwritten letter. Due to the submission of Columnas letter and affidavit, the investigating prosecutor set a clarificatory hearing, to enable Columna to clarify his contradictory affidavits and his unsolicited letter. During the hearing held on October 22, 2004, Columna categorically admitted the authorship and voluntariness of the unsolicited letter. He affirmed the May 25, 2004 affidavit and denied that any violence had been employed to obtain or extract the affidavit from him.151avvphi1 Thus, on November 10, 2004, the investigating prosecutor recommended the dismissal of the charges. This was approved by the city prosecutor. Meanwhile, in another handwritten letter addressed to City Prosecutor Ramon Garcia dated October 29, 2004, Columna said that he was only forced to withdraw all his statements against respondents during the October 22, 2004 clarificatory hearing because of the threats to his life inside the jail. He requested that he be transferred to another detention center.16 Aggrieved by the dismissal of the charges, petitioner filed an appeal to the Department of Justice (DOJ).17 On May 30, 2005, the DOJ, through then Secretary Raul M. Gonzalez, reversed the dismissal and ordered the filing of the Informations for murder.18 He opined that the March 8, 2004 extrajudicial confession was not effectively impeached by the subsequent recantation and that there was enough evidence to prove the probable guilt of respondents.19 Accordingly, the Informations were filed and the cases were consolidated and assigned to the RTC of Manila, Branch 29.20
However, on August 12, 2005, Secretary Gonzales granted the Antipordas motion for reconsideration (MR) and directed the withdrawal of the Informations.21 This time, he declared that the extrajudicial confession of Columna was inadmissible against respondents and that, even if it was admissible, it was not corroborated by other evidence.22 As a result, on August 22, 2005, the trial prosecutor filed a motion to withdraw the Informations. On October 4, 2005, Secretary Gonzalez denied petitioners MR. The RTC, through Judge Cielito Mindaro-Grulla, granted the motion to withdraw the Informations in an order dated October 26, 2005.23 Petitioner filed an MR but the judge voluntarily inhibited herself without resolving the same. The cases were re-raffled to Branch 19, presided by Judge Zenaida R. Daguna. Judge Daguna granted the MR of petitioner in a resolution dated December 9, 2005. She ruled that, based on Columnas March 8, 2004 affidavit which he affirmed before the investigating prosecutor, there was probable cause to hold the accused for trial. She denied the MR of the Antipordas in an order dated February 6, 2006. Consequently, respondent Awingan filed a special civil action for certiorari and prohibition in the CA docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 93610. The Antipordas separately filed another certiorari case docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 94188. In a decision dated November 10, 2006 in CA-G.R. SP No. 93610, the CA ruled that the RTC judge gravely abused her discretion because she arbitrarily left out of her assessment and evaluation the substantial matters that the DOJ Secretary had fully taken into account in concluding that there was no probable cause against all the accused. It also held that Columnas extrajudicial confession was not admissible against the respondents because, aside from the recanted confession, there was no other piece of evidence presented to establish the existence of the conspiracy. Additionally, the confession was made only after Columna was arrested and not while the conspirators were engaged in carrying out the conspiracy. After this decision was promulgated, CA-G.R. SP No. 93610 was consolidated with CA-G.R. SP No. 94188. The CA denied reconsideration in a resolution dated May 18, 2007. In a decision dated August 24, 2007, the CA likewise granted the petition for certiorari of respondents Antiporda.24 Petitioner filed this petition assailing the decision in CA-G.R. SP No. 93610. Later on, he filed an amended petition impleading respondents Antiporda and likewise assailing the CA decision in CA-G.R. SP No. 94188. The Court treated this as a supplemental petition. The main issue for our resolution is whether or not the CA erred in finding that Judge Daguna had committed grave abuse of discretion in denying the withdrawal of the Informations for murder against respondents.
Petitioner argues that, based on the independent assessment of Judge Daguna, there was probable cause based on the earlier affidavit of Columna. She considered all the pieces of evidence but did not give credit to Columnas recantation. Respondents counter that Judge Daguna committed grave abuse of discretion by limiting her evaluation and assessment only to evidence that supported probable cause while completely disregarding contradicting evidence. They also contend that Columnas extrajudicial confession was inadmissible against respondents because of the rule on res inter alios acta. We find no merit in the petition. It is settled that, when confronted with a motion to withdraw an Information (on the ground of lack of probable cause to hold the accused for trial based on a resolution of the DOJ Secretary), the trial court has the duty to make an independent assessment of the merits of the motion.25 It may either agree or disagree with the recommendation of the Secretary. Reliance alone on the resolution of the Secretary would be an abdication of the trial courts duty and jurisdiction to determine a prima facie case.26 The court must itself be convinced that there is indeed no sufficient evidence against the accused.27 We agree with the CA that Judge Daguna limited herself only to the following: (1) Columnas affidavit dated March 8, 2004 wherein he implicated the respondents in the murders; (2) his affirmation of this affidavit during the April 19, 2004 clarificatory hearing; (3) his letter dated October 29, 2004 and (4) the May 30, 2005 DOJ resolution upholding the prosecutors recommendation to file the murder charges.28 She completely ignored other relevant pieces of evidence such as: (1) Columnas May 3, 2004 letter to respondent Lloyd Antiporda narrating the torture he suffered to force him to admit his participation in the crimes and to implicate the respondents; (2) his May 25, 2004 affidavit where he stated that neither he nor the respondents had any involvement in the murders and (3) his testimony during the October 22, 2004 clarificatory hearing wherein he categorically affirmed his May 3, 2004 letter and May 25, 2004 affidavit. We declared in Jimenez v. Jimenez29 that [although] there is no general formula or fixed rule for the determination of probable cause since the same must be decided in the light of the conditions obtaining in given situations and its existence depends to a large degree upon the finding or opinion of the judge conducting the examination, such a finding should not disregard the facts before the judge nor run counter to the clear dictates of reason. The judge or fiscal, therefore, should not go on with the prosecution in the hope that some credible evidence might later turn up during trial for this would be a flagrant violation of a basic right which the
courts are created to uphold.30 (Emphasis supplied) Had Judge Daguna reviewed the entire records of the investigation, she would have seen that, aside from the pieces of evidence she relied on, there were others which cast doubt on them. We quote with approval the reflections of the CA on this point: The selectivity of respondent RTC Judge for purposes of resolving the motion to withdraw the informations effectively sidetracked the guidelines for an independent assessment and evaluation of the merits of the case. Respondent RTC Judge thus impaired the substantial rights of the accused. Instead, she should have made a circumspect evaluation by looking at everything made available to her at that point of the cases. No less than that was expected and required of her as a judicial officer. According to Santos v. Orda, Jr., the trial judge may make an independent assessment of the merits of the case based on the affidavits and counter-affidavits, documents, or evidence appended to the Information; the records of the public prosecutor which the court may order the latter to produce before the court; or any evidence already adduced before the court by the accused at the time the motion is filed by the public prosecutor.31 Moreover, Judge Daguna failed to consider that Columnas extrajudicial confession in his March 8, 2004 affidavit was not admissible as evidence against respondents in view of the rule on res inter alios acta. Res inter alios acta alteri nocere non debet. The rule on res inter alios acta provides that the rights of a party cannot be prejudiced by an act, declaration, or omission of another.32 Consequently, an extrajudicial confession is binding only on the confessant, is not admissible against his or her co-accused33 and is considered as hearsay against them.34 The reason for this rule is that: on a principle of good faith and mutual convenience, a mans own acts are binding upon himself, and are evidence against him. So are his conduct and declarations. Yet it would not only be rightly inconvenient, but also manifestly unjust, that a man should be bound by the acts of mere unauthorized strangers; and if a party ought not to be bound by the acts of strangers, neither ought their acts or conduct be used as evidence against him.35 An exception to the res inter alios acta rule is an admission made by a conspirator under Section 30, Rule 130 of the Rules of Court: Admission by conspirator. The act or declaration of a conspirator relating to the conspiracy and during its existence, may be given in evidence against the co-conspirator after the conspiracy is shown by evidence other than such act or declaration.1avvphi1 This rule prescribes that the act or declaration of the conspirator relating to the
conspiracy and during its existence may be given in evidence against coconspirators provided that the conspiracy is shown by independent evidence aside from the extrajudicial confession.36 Thus, in order that the admission of a conspirator may be received against his or her co-conspirators, it is necessary that (a) the conspiracy be first proved by evidence other than the admission itself (b) the admission relates to the common object and (c) it has been made while the declarant was engaged in carrying out the conspiracy.37 Otherwise, it cannot be used against the alleged co-conspirators without violating their constitutional right to be confronted with the witnesses against them and to cross-examine them.38 Here, aside from the extrajudicial confession, which was later on recanted, no other piece of evidence was presented to prove the alleged conspiracy. There was no other prosecution evidence, direct or circumstantial, which the extrajudicial confession could corroborate. Therefore, the recanted confession of Columna, which was the sole evidence against respondents, had no probative value and was inadmissible as evidence against them. Considering the paucity and inadmissibility of the evidence presented against the respondents, it would be unfair to hold them for trial. Once it is ascertained that no probable cause exists to form a sufficient belief as to the guilt of the accused, they should be relieved from the pain of going through a full blown court case.39 When, at the outset, the evidence offered during the preliminary investigation is nothing more than an uncorroborated extrajudicial confession of an alleged conspirator, the criminal complaint should not prosper so that the system would be spared from the unnecessary expense of such useless and expensive litigation.40 The rule is all the more significant here since respondent Licerio Antiporda remains in detention for the murder charges pursuant to the warrant of arrest issued by Judge Daguna.41 Indeed, at that stage of the proceedings, the duty of Judge Daguna was only to satisfy herself whether there was probable cause or sufficient ground to hold respondents for trial as co-conspirators. Given that she had no sufficient basis for a finding of probable cause against respondents, her orders denying the withdrawal of the Informations for murder against them were issued with grave abuse of discretion. Hence, we hold that the CA committed no reversible error in granting the petitions for certiorari of respondents. WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DENIED. No pronouncement as to costs. SO ORDERED. RENATO C. CORONAAssociate JusticeChairperson
I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Courts Division. RENATO C. CORONAAssociate JusticeChairperson CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, I certify that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Courts Division. REYNATO S. PUNOChief Justice Footnotes
Penned by Associate Justice Lucas P. Bersamin (now Supreme Court Justice) and concurred in by Associate Justices Martin S. Villarama, Jr. (now Supreme Court Justice) and Monina Arevalo-Zenarosa of the Seventh Division of the Court of Appeals. Rollo, pp. 34-60.
2 3
Id., pp. 63-70. Id., p. 35. The full text of the September 12, 2003 affidavit read:
1. About a week before August 15, 2003, I was in the house of Lucio Columna at Battalan, Lasam and there we drank gin together and stayed with him for several hours since we are close friends. In the course of our conversation we talked about the chances of Atty. Franklin Tamargo to win his election protest in the election for mayor of Buguey, Cagayan, and I told him what I heard that Atty. Tamargo was winning in the protest, Lucio Columna immediately said he could bet that Atty. Tamargo could not sit and assume as mayor even if he wins. Later I learned that Atty. Tamargo was killed last August 15. 2. Last week, Lucio Columna and I were again together in the morning in our Barangay and he asked me to drink gin with him, and we continued drinking
until about noon time. When he had drunk much, he told me "Awanen ni boss mon nga Tamargon, pinapatay ni Lloyd. Dakami pay ket di ti pimmatay." (Your boss Tamargo is already gone, he was ordered killed by Lloyd. In fact, we were the ones who killed him). He also said "Tamargo ka, Antiporda ak, no kayat mo saan ka nga agusubli diay Buguey yen ta awan met ni boss mon, agdakua ta ti negosyo ditoyen." (You are for Tamargo and I am for Antiporda; if you want, do not go back to Buguey anymore since your boss is already gone so that we can be together in business here). I know he is in the business of selling "shabu" and marijuana. 3. I decided to come to Manila to tell the family what I know. I was shown the sketch of the face of suspect and I can say that the front side closely resembles that of Lucio Columna, and I am executing this freely and willingly to attest to its truth in court.
Docketed as Criminal Case Nos. 04-223270 and 04-223271. Id., pp. 72, 236237, 469.
7 8
Id., p. 36. We reproduce here the full text of the March 8, 2004 affidavit:
Na ako po ay humihingi ng tulong upang ibigay ko ang buong katunayan ng pangyayari sa pagkamatay nila ATTY. FRANKLIN TAMARGO at ng anak na babae nito habang nakasakay sa kanilang kotse; Na hindi po ako ang bumaril sa kanila; Na ang bumaril po ay si ROMULO AWINGAN Aka MUMOY na taga Aparri, Cagayan at ang nagutos ay sila MAYOR LLOYD ANTIPORDA ng Buguey, Cagayan at ang TATAY niya na si EX-MAYOR LICERIO ANTIPORDA JR. Aka BOY. Na noong July 20, 2003 habang nagmamaneho ako ng Multicab biyaheng Aparri-Dugo ay pinara ako ni MUMOY AWINGAN sa Tallungan Aparri at sinabi niya kung gusto kong sumama sa grupo nila. Sabi ko naman ay ihahatid ko lang ang pasahero ko sa Dugo. Pagkatapos noon ay binalikan ko sila sa Tallungan. Nang magkausap na kami ni MUMOY AWINGAN ay sinabi niya na may PROJECT sila at si ATTY. FRANKLIN TAMARGO na kalaban ni MAYOR ANTIPORDA sa BUGUEY. Kung gusto ko raw sumama sa PROJECT na yun. Nang sumagot ako ng OO ay isusurvey lang daw nila ang lugar. Sinabi rin niya na isasama nila ako kay MAYOR ANTIPORDA; Na noong August 10, 2003 ay inabangan ako nila MUMOY AWINGAN sa
Tallungan, Aparri Cagayan at sinama nila ako, kasama si RICHARD MECATE at isa pa na hindi ko kilala pero mamumukhaan ko ito kung makikita ko ulit. Pumunta na kami sa bahay na malaki sa POBLACION ng BUGUEY CAGAYAN. Pagdating [namin] doon ay may lumabas na lalaki na si MAYOR LLOYD ANTIPORDA at sinabihan ni MUMOY AWINGAN sa kanya ng SIR? ITO ANG MAKAKASAMA NAMIN, tapos sumagot si Mayor Antiporda ng GOOD at agad tinanong sa akin kung kilala ko si ATTY. TAMARGO at sinagot ko ng "OO" naman. Tapos nakita ko na may inabot na sobre kay MUMOY; Na noong bumalik na kami sa Aparri Cagayan ay kumuha ng pera si MUMOY at inabutan ako ng limang libong piso (P5,000.00) at sabi sa akin ay ADVANCE LANG yun para makaluwas sa Maynila agad; Na noong ding araw na iyon ay nagpunta kami ng Maynila kasama sina MUMOY AWINGAN, RICHARD MACATE at yung hindi ko alam ang pangalan. Bumaba kami bago dumating ng Terminal ng Florida Bus Line; Na noong August 14, 2003 ay sumakay kami sa isang kotse na minaneho ng isang lalaki at pumunta kami sa Quezon City Jail at kinausap [namin] si ExMayor Antiporda na nakakulong doon. Sinabi sa amin ni Ex-Mayor na masamang tao si Atty. Tamargo dahil ipinakulong siya nito na walang kasalanan at dapat lang siya maparusahan. Sinabi pa niya dadagdagan ang bayad pag natapos ang misyon [namin]; Na ang misyong iyon ay para PATAYIN si ATTY. TAMARGO; Nang humigit kumulang alas dos ng hapon petsa 15 ng August 2003 ay isinama kami sa isang bahay sa Bago Bantay Quezon City. Na sinabi na bahay ni Mayor Lloyd Antiporda at doon sa garahe ay may dalawang motorsiklo. Hindi nagtagal ay umalis din agad kami kasama si Mumoy Awingan, Richard Mecate at yung isa pa na sakay ng dalawang motorsiklo, magkaangkas sina Mumoy at Richard. Ang nagmamaneho ay si Richard at dalawa naman kami ng lalaki na hindi ko kilala sa isang motorsiklo. Nagmaneho ang lalaki na angkas ako. Pagdating [namin] sa Escolta, Manila ay bumaba si Mumoy at kami naman ay naghintay sa isang lugar na malapit sa kinaroroonan nila; Nang pasado alas singko ng hapon ng petsa ding iyon ay nakita [namin] na palapit si Atty. Tamargo sa kanyang kotse kaya kami ay pumuwesto sa kabilang [kanto]; Nang nasa loob na si Atty. Tamargo at minamaneho na ang kotse ay nakita kong lumipat na si Mumoy sa may gawing kaliwa ng kotse kung saan pumasok si Atty. Tamargo at kanya ng pinagbabaril. Na habang binabaril niya si Atty. Tamargo ay nagsilbing LOOK OUT lang kami at pagkatapos noon ay tumakas na kami sakay sa dalawang motorsiklo at tumuloy na kami sa sakayan ng bus papuntang Cagayan;
Na nang dumating na kami sa Cagayan sa Dugo Camalaniugan ay bumaba na kami at bago kami naghiwalay ay inabutan ako ulit ni MUMOY ng limang libong piso; Na nakikiusap po ako na dito na lamang makulong (Det. Jail, WPD) para sa aking proteksyon; Na ginawa ko po itong pagtatapat ng kusang loob upang patunayan ang mga naganap na pangyayari. Na panunumpaan at pipirmahan ko po iyan patunay na lahat ng sinabi ko ay [pawang] katotohanan lamang. (Id., pp. 36-38.)
Id., pp. 323, 436. Assistant City Prosecutor Venus D. Marzan. Rollo, p. 472. Id., pp. 98-99. The full text of the May 3, 2004 letter read:
October 29, 2004 KAGALANGGALANG NA FISCAL GARCIA: Ako po ay sumulat sa inyo upang humingi ng tulong sa aking kalagayan dito sa loob ng Manila City Jail kung saan ang akin pong buhay ay nalalagay sa panganib. Ito po ay dahil sa aking Sinumpaang Salaysay na kung saan ang mga Antiporda ang aking itinuro na nagutos sa pagpaslang kay Atty. Tamargo. Noong nakaraang Biyernes ako po ay ipinatawag ni Fiscal Marzan upang patunayan kong muli ang aking naunang salaysay at ako po ay [nakahanda] upang ang aking salaysay ay muli kong mapatunayan at gusto ko rin pong isiwalat ang ginawa sa akin ng ibang tao dito sa loob ng piitan nang aking pong tanggihan na pumirma sa inihanda nilang salaysay na pumapabor sa mga Antiporda at nais ko rin pong ibigay ang aking inihandang salaysay kasama ang Medical Certificate.
Sir, hindi ko po masabi kung ano ang gusto kong sabihin kay Fiscal Marzan dahil noong gabing iyon ako po ay pinagbantaang papatayin kung muli kong patunayan ang aking salaysay. Kung kaya sa pagdinig ng kaso kay Fiscal Marzan kung saan ay naroon din sina Mayor Antiporda at kanyang anak ay aking nasabi kung ano ang mga sinabi sa [akin] ng mga Antiporda. Kaya po sana sir ay mailipat po ako sa ibang piitan dahil baka ako po ay mapatay kung ako ay magsabi ng katotohanan upang mabigyan ng hustisya ang pagkamatay ni Atty. Tamargo.
Id., pp. 320-338. Id., pp. 96-104. Id., p. 102. Id., pp. 236. Criminal Case Nos. 05-237561 and 05-237562. Rollo, pp. 41, 105-107. Id., p. 71. Id., pp. 286-314. Gandarosa v. Flores, G.R. No. 167910, 17 July 2007, 527 SCRA 776, 793.
Summerville General Merchandising & Co., Inc. v. Eugenio, Jr., G.R. No. 163741, 7 August 2007, 529 SCRA 274, 282, citing Santos v. Orda, Jr., G.R. No. 158236, 1 September 2004, 437 SCRA 504, 516..
26 27
Fuentes v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 139618, 11 July 2006, 494 SCRA 478, 485. Rollo, pp. 72-75. G.R. No. 158148, 30 June 2005, 462 SCRA 516. Id., pp. 528-529 Rollo, p. 54. This is expressed in Section 28, Rule 130 of the Rules of Court.
SEC. 28. Admission by third party. The rights of a party cannot be prejudiced by an act, declaration, or omission of another, except as hereinafter provided.
People v. Tizon, Jr., G.R. No. 133228-31, 30 July 2002, 385 SCRA 364, 388, citing People v. Suarez, G.R. No. 111193, 28 January 1997, 267 SCRA 119.
34 35
Supra note 33, pp. 224-225. People v. Morial, 415 Phil. 310, 336 (2001).
People v. Tena, G.R. No. 100909, 21 October 1992, 215 SCRA 43, 48-49, citing Montoya v. Baun, 44 O.G. 4382, cited in Francisco, The Revised Rules of Court in the Philippines, Vol. VII, Part I, 1990 Edition, p. 349.
People v. Surigawan, G.R. No. 83215, 15 December 1993, 228 SCRA 458, 465, citing People v. Badilla, 48 Phil. 718, 725 (1926) and People v. Ferry, 66 Phil. 310 (1938).
R.R. Paredes v. Calilung, G.R. No. 156055, 5 March 2007, 517 SCRA 369, 395, citing Salonga v. Cruz Pano, G.R. No. L-59524, 18 February 1985, 134 SCRA 438, 461-462.
Sistoza v. Desierto, 437 Phil. 117, 138 (2002), citing Cabahug v. People, 426 Phil. 490, 510 (2002).
40 41
Rollo, p. 441. XVI. Similar Conduct 1. Bank of Commerce v. Manalo, G.R. No. 158149, February 9, 2006 FIRST DIVISION
x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
DECISION CALLEJO, SR., J.: Before us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari of the Decision[1] of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 47458 affirming, on appeal, the Decision[2] of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City, Branch 98, in Civil Case No. Q-89-3905. The Antecedents The Xavierville Estate, Inc. (XEI) was the owner of parcels of land in Quezon City, known as the Xavierville Estate Subdivision, with an area of 42 hectares. XEI caused the subdivision of the property into residential lots, which was then offered for sale to individual lot buyers.[3] On September 8, 1967, XEI, through its General Manager, Antonio Ramos, as vendor, and The Overseas Bank of Manila (OBM), as vendee, executed a Deed of Sale of Real Estate over some residential lots in the subdivision, including Lot 1, Block 2, with an area of 907.5 square meters, and Lot 2, Block 2, with an area of 832.80 square meters. The transaction was subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of OBM, and was covered by real estate mortgages in favor of the Philippine National Bank as security for its account amounting to P5,187,000.00, and the Central Bank of the Philippines as security for advances amounting to P22,185,193.74.[4] Nevertheless, XEI continued selling the residential lots in the subdivision as agent of OBM.[5] Sometime in 1972, then XEI president Emerito Ramos, Jr. contracted the
services of Engr. Carlos Manalo, Jr. who was in business of drilling deep water wells and installing pumps under the business name Hurricane Commercial, Inc. For P34,887.66, Manalo, Jr. installed a water pump at Ramos residence at the corner of Aurora Boulevard and Katipunan Avenue, Quezon City. Manalo, Jr. then proposed to XEI, through Ramos, to purchase a lot in the Xavierville subdivision, and offered as part of the downpayment the P34,887.66 Ramos owed him. XEI, through Ramos, agreed. In a letter dated February 8, 1972, Ramos requested Manalo, Jr. to choose which lots he wanted to buy so that the price of the lots and the terms of payment could be fixed and incorporated in the conditional sale.[6] Manalo, Jr. met with Ramos and informed him that he and his wife Perla had chosen Lots 1 and 2 of Block 2 with a total area of 1,740.3 square meters. In a letter dated August 22, 1972 to Perla Manalo, Ramos confirmed the reservation of the lots. He also pegged the price of the lots at P200.00 per square meter, or a total of P348,060.00, with a 20% down payment of the purchase price amounting to P69,612.00 less the P34,887.66 owing from Ramos, payable on or before December 31, 1972; the corresponding Contract of Conditional Sale would then be signed on or before the same date, but if the selling operations of XEI resumed after December 31, 1972, the balance of the downpayment would fall due then, and the spouses would sign the aforesaid contract within five (5) days from receipt of the notice of resumption of such selling operations. It was also stated in the letter that, in the meantime, the spouses may introduce improvements thereon subject to the rules and regulations imposed by XEI in the subdivision. Perla Manalo conformed to the letter agreement.[7] The spouses Manalo took possession of the property on September 2, 1972, constructed a house thereon, and installed a fence around the perimeter of the lots. In the meantime, many of the lot buyers refused to pay their monthly installments until they were assured that they would be issued Torrens titles over the lots they had purchased.[8] The spouses Manalo were notified of the resumption of the selling operations of XEI.[9] However, they did not pay the balance of the downpayment on the lots because Ramos failed to prepare a contract of conditional sale and transmit the same to Manalo for their signature. On August 14, 1973, Perla Manalo went to the XEI office and requested that the payment of the amount representing the balance of the downpayment be deferred, which, however, XEI rejected. On August 10, 1973, XEI furnished her with a statement of their account as of July 31, 1973, showing that they had a balance of P34,724.34 on the downpayment of the two lots after deducting the account of Ramos, plus P3,819.68[10] interest thereon from September 1, 1972 to July 31, 1973, and that the interests on the unpaid balance of the purchase price of P278,448.00 from September 1, 1972 to July 31, 1973 amounted to P30,629.28.[11] The spouses were informed that they were being billed for said unpaid interests.[12]
On January 25, 1974, the spouses Manalo received another statement of account from XEI, inclusive of interests on the purchase price of the lots.[13] In a letter dated April 6, 1974 to XEI, Manalo, Jr. stated they had not yet received the notice of resumption of Leis selling operations, and that there had been no arrangement on the payment of interests; hence, they should not be charged with interest on the balance of the downpayment on the property.[14] Further, they demanded that a deed of conditional sale over the two lots be transmitted to them for their signatures. However, XEI ignored the demands. Consequently, the spouses refused to pay the balance of the downpayment of the purchase price.[15] Sometime in June 1976, Manalo, Jr. constructed a business sign in the sidewalk near his house. In a letter dated June 17, 1976, XEI informed Manalo, Jr. that business signs were not allowed along the sidewalk. It demanded that he remove the same, on the ground, among others, that the sidewalk was not part of the land which he had purchased on installment basis from XEI.[16] Manalo, Jr. did not respond. XEI reiterated its demand on September 15, 1977.[17] Subsequently, XEI turned over its selling operations to OBM, including the receivables for lots already contracted and those yet to be sold.[18] On December 8, 1977, OBM warned Manalo, Jr., that putting up of a business sign is specifically prohibited by their contract of conditional sale and that his failure to comply with its demand would impel it to avail of the remedies as provided in their contract of conditional sale.[19] Meanwhile, on December 5, 1979, the Register of Deeds issued Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. T-265822 over Lot 1, Block 2, and TCT No. T265823 over Lot 2, Block 2, in favor of the OBM.[20] The lien in favor of the Central Bank of the Philippines was annotated at the dorsal portion of said title, which was later cancelled on August 4, 1980.[21] Subsequently, the Commercial Bank of Manila (CBM) acquired the Xavierville Estate from OBM. CBM wrote Edilberto Ng, the president of Xavierville Homeowners Association that, as of January 31, 1983, Manalo, Jr. was one of the lot buyers in the subdivision.[22] CBM reiterated in its letter to Ng that, as of January 24, 1984, Manalo was a homeowner in the subdivision.[23] In a letter dated August 5, 1986, the CBM requested Perla Manalo to stop any on-going construction on the property since it (CBM) was the owner of the lot and she had no permission for such construction.[24] She agreed to have a conference meeting with CBM officers where she informed them that her husband had a contract with OBM, through XEI, to purchase the property. When asked to prove her claim, she promised to send the documents to CBM. However, she failed to do so.[25] On September 5, 1986, CBM reiterated its
demand that it be furnished with the documents promised,[26] Manalo did not respond.
but Perla
On July 27, 1987, CBM filed a complaint[27] for unlawful detainer against the spouses with the Metropolitan Trial Court of Quezon City. The case was docketed as Civil Case No. 51618. CBM claimed that the spouses had been unlawfully occupying the property without its consent and that despite its demands, they refused to vacate the property. The latter alleged that they, as vendors, and XEI, as vendee, had a contract of sale over the lots which had not yet been rescinded.[28] While the case was pending, the spouses Manalo wrote CBM to offer an amicable settlement, promising to abide by the purchase price of the property (P313,172.34), per agreement with XEI, through Ramos. However, on July 28, 1988, CBM wrote the spouses, through counsel, proposing that the price of P1,500.00 per square meter of the property was a reasonable starting point for negotiation of the settlement.[29] The spouses rejected the counter proposal,[30] emphasizing that they would abide by their original agreement with XEI. CBM moved to withdraw its complaint[31] because of the issues raised.[32] In the meantime, the CBM was renamed the Boston Bank of the Philippines. After CBM filed its complaint against the spouses Manalo, the latter filed a complaint for specific performance and damages against the bank before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City on October 31, 1989. The plaintiffs alleged therein that they had always been ready, able and willing to pay the installments on the lots sold to them by the defendants remote predecessor-in-interest, as might be or stipulated in the contract of sale, but no contract was forthcoming; they constructed their house worth P2,000,000.00 on the property in good faith; Manalo, Jr., informed the defendant, through its counsel, on October 15, 1988 that he would abide by the terms and conditions of his original agreement with the defendants predecessor-in-interest; during the hearing of the ejectment case on October 16, 1988, they offered to pay P313,172.34 representing the balance on the purchase price of said lots; such tender of payment was rejected, so that the subject lots could be sold at considerably higher prices to third parties. Plaintiffs further alleged that upon payment of the P313,172.34, they were entitled to the execution and delivery of a Deed of Absolute Sale covering the subject lots, sufficient in form and substance to transfer title thereto free and clear of any and all liens and encumbrances of whatever kind and nature.[33] The plaintiffs prayed that, after due hearing, judgment be rendered in their favor, to wit: WHEREFORE, it is respectfully prayed that after due hearing:
(a) The defendant should be ordered to execute and deliver a Deed of Absolute Sale over subject lots in favor of the plaintiffs after payment of the sum of P313,172.34, sufficient in form and substance to transfer to them titles thereto free and clear of any and all liens and encumbrances of whatever kind or nature; (b) The defendant should be held liable for moral and exemplary damages in the amounts of P300,000.00 and P30,000.00, respectively, for not promptly executing and delivering to plaintiff the necessary Contract of Sale, notwithstanding repeated demands therefor and for having been constrained to engage the services of undersigned counsel for which they agreed to pay attorneys fees in the sum of P50,000.00 to enforce their rights in the premises and appearance fee of P500.00; (c) And for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable in the premises.[34] In its Answer to the complaint, the defendant interposed the following affirmative defenses: (a) plaintiffs had no cause of action against it because the August 22, 1972 letter agreement between XEI and the plaintiffs was not binding on it; and (b) it had no record of any contract to sell executed by it or its predecessor, or of any statement of accounts from its predecessors, or records of payments of the plaintiffs or of any documents which entitled them to the possession of the lots.[35] The defendant, likewise, interposed counterclaims for damages and attorneys fees and prayed for the eviction of the plaintiffs from the property.[36] Meanwhile, in a letter dated January 25, 1993, plaintiffs, through counsel, proposed an amicable settlement of the case by paying P942,648.70, representing the balance of the purchase price of the two lots based on the current market value.[37] However, the defendant rejected the same and insisted that for the smaller lot, they pay P4,500,000.00, the current market value of the property.[38] The defendant insisted that it owned the property since there was no contract or agreement between it and the plaintiffs relative thereto. During the trial, the plaintiffs adduced in evidence the separate Contracts of Conditional Sale executed between XEI and Alberto Soller;[39] Alfredo Aguila,[40] and Dra. Elena Santos-Roque[41] to prove that XEI continued selling residential lots in the subdivision as agent of OBM after the latter had acquired the said lots.
For its part, defendant presented in evidence the letter dated August 22, 1972, where XEI proposed to sell the two lots subject to two suspensive conditions: the payment of the balance of the downpayment of the property, and the execution of the corresponding contract of conditional sale. Since plaintiffs failed to pay, OBM consequently refused to execute the corresponding contract of conditional sale and forfeited the P34,877.66 downpayment for the two lots, but did not notify them of said forfeiture.[42] It alleged that OBM considered the lots unsold because the titles thereto bore no annotation that they had been sold under a contract of conditional sale, and the plaintiffs were not notified of XEIs resumption of its selling operations. On May 2, 1994, the RTC rendered judgment in favor of the plaintiffs and against the defendant. The fallo of the decision reads: WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the plaintiffs and against the defendant (a) Ordering the latter to execute and deliver a Deed of Absolute Sale over Lot 1 and 2, Block 2 of the Xavierville Estate Subdivision after payment of the sum of P942,978.70 sufficient in form and substance to transfer to them titles thereto free from any and all liens and encumbrances of whatever kind and nature. (b) Ordering the defendant to pay moral and exemplary damages in the amount of P150,000.00; and (c) To pay attorneys fees in the sum of P50,000.00 and to pay the costs. SO ORDERED.[43] The trial court ruled that under the August 22, 1972 letter agreement of XEI and the plaintiffs, the parties had a complete contract to sell over the lots, and that they had already partially consummated the same. It declared that the failure of the defendant to notify the plaintiffs of the resumption of its selling operations and to execute a deed of conditional sale did not prevent the defendants obligation to convey titles to the lots from acquiring binding effect. Consequently, the plaintiffs had a cause of action to compel the defendant to execute a deed of sale over the lots in their favor. Boston Bank appealed the decision to the CA, alleging that the lower court erred in (a) not concluding that the letter of XEI to the spouses Manalo, was at most a mere contract to sell subject to suspensive conditions, i.e., the payment of the balance of the downpayment on the property and the execution
of a deed of conditional sale (which were not complied with); and (b) in awarding moral and exemplary damages to the spouses Manalo despite the absence of testimony providing facts to justify such awards.[44] On September 30, 2002, the CA rendered a decision affirming that of the RTC with modification. The fallo reads: WHEREFORE, the appealed decision is AFFIRMED with MODIFICATIONS that (a) the figure P942,978.70 appearing [in] par. (a) of the dispositive portion thereof is changed to P313,172.34 plus interest thereon at the rate of 12% per annum from September 1, 1972 until fully paid and (b) the award of moral and exemplary damages and attorneys fees in favor of plaintiffs-appellees is DELETED. SO ORDERED.[45] The appellate court sustained the ruling of the RTC that the appellant and the appellees had executed a Contract to Sell over the two lots but declared that the balance of the purchase price of the property amounting to P278,448.00 was payable in fixed amounts, inclusive of pre-computed interests, from delivery of the possession of the property to the appellees on a monthly basis for 120 months, based on the deeds of conditional sale executed by XEI in favor of other lot buyers.[46] The CA also declared that, while XEI must have resumed its selling operations before the end of 1972 and the downpayment on the property remained unpaid as of December 31, 1972, absent a written notice of cancellation of the contract to sell from the bank or notarial demand therefor as required by Republic Act No. 6552, the spouses had, at the very least, a 60-day grace period from January 1, 1973 within which to pay the same. Boston Bank filed a motion for the reconsideration of the decision alleging that there was no perfected contract to sell the two lots, as there was no agreement between XEI and the respondents on the manner of payment as well as the other terms and conditions of the sale. It further averred that its claim for recovery of possession of the aforesaid lots in its Memorandum dated February 28, 1994 filed before the trial court constituted a judicial demand for rescission that satisfied the requirements of the New Civil Code. However, the appellate court denied the motion. Boston Bank, now petitioner, filed the instant petition for review on certiorari assailing the CA rulings. It maintains that, as held by the CA, the records do not reflect any schedule of payment of the 80% balance of the purchase price, or P278,448.00. Petitioner insists that unless the parties had agreed on the manner of payment of the principal amount, including the other terms and conditions of the contract, there would be no existing contract of
sale or contract to sell.[47] Petitioner avers that the letter agreement to respondent spouses dated August 22, 1972 merely confirmed their reservation for the purchase of Lot Nos. 1 and 2, consisting of 1,740.3 square meters, more or less, at the price of P200.00 per square meter (or P348,060.00), the amount of the downpayment thereon and the application of the P34,887.00 due from Ramos as part of such downpayment. Petitioner asserts that there is no factual basis for the CA ruling that the terms and conditions relating to the payment of the balance of the purchase price of the property (as agreed upon by XEI and other lot buyers in the same subdivision) were also applicable to the contract entered into between the petitioner and the respondents. It insists that such a ruling is contrary to law, as it is tantamount to compelling the parties to agree to something that was not even discussed, thus, violating their freedom to contract. Besides, the situation of the respondents cannot be equated with those of the other lot buyers, as, for one thing, the respondents made a partial payment on the downpayment for the two lots even before the execution of any contract of conditional sale. Petitioner posits that, even on the assumption that there was a perfected contract to sell between the parties, nevertheless, it cannot be compelled to convey the property to the respondents because the latter failed to pay the balance of the downpayment of the property, as well as the balance of 80% of the purchase price, thus resulting in the extinction of its obligation to convey title to the lots to the respondents. Another egregious error of the CA, petitioner avers, is the application of Republic Act No. 6552. It insists that such law applies only to a perfected agreement or perfected contract to sell, not in this case where the downpayment on the purchase price of the property was not completely paid, and no installment payments were made by the buyers. Petitioner also faults the CA for declaring that petitioner failed to serve a notice on the respondents of cancellation or rescission of the contract to sell, or notarial demand therefor. Petitioner insists that its August 5, 1986 letter requiring respondents to vacate the property and its complaint for ejectment in Civil Case No. 51618 filed in the Metropolitan Trial Court amounted to the requisite demand for a rescission of the contract to sell. Moreover, the action of the respondents below was barred by laches because despite demands, they failed to pay the balance of the purchase price of the lots (let alone the downpayment) for a considerable number of years. For their part, respondents assert that as long as there is a meeting of the minds of the parties to a contract of sale as to the price, the contract is valid despite the parties failure to agree on the manner of payment. In such a situation, the balance of the purchase price would be payable on demand, conformably to Article 1169 of the New Civil Code. They insist that the law
does not require a party to agree on the manner of payment of the purchase price as a prerequisite to a valid contract to sell. The respondents cite the ruling of this Court in Buenaventura v. Court of Appeals[48] to support their submission. They argue that even if the manner and timeline for the payment of the balance of the purchase price of the property is an essential requisite of a contract to sell, nevertheless, as shown by their letter agreement of August 22, 1972 with the OBM, through XEI and the other letters to them, an agreement was reached as to the manner of payment of the balance of the purchase price. They point out that such letters referred to the terms of the terms of the deeds of conditional sale executed by XEI in favor of the other lot buyers in the subdivision, which contained uniform terms of 120 equal monthly installments (excluding the downpayment, but inclusive of pre-computed interests). The respondents assert that XEI was a real estate broker and knew that the contracts involving residential lots in the subdivision contained uniform terms as to the manner and timeline of the payment of the purchase price of said lots. Respondents further posit that the terms and conditions to be incorporated in the corresponding contract of conditional sale to be executed by the parties would be the same as those contained in the contracts of conditional sale executed by lot buyers in the subdivision. After all, they maintain, the contents of the corresponding contract of conditional sale referred to in the August 22, 1972 letter agreement envisaged those contained in the contracts of conditional sale that XEI and other lot buyers executed. Respondents cite the ruling of this Court in Mitsui Bussan Kaisha v. Manila E.R.R. & L. Co.[49] The respondents aver that the issues raised by the petitioner are factual, inappropriate in a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. They assert that petitioner adopted a theory in litigating the case in the trial court, but changed the same on appeal before the CA, and again in this Court. They argue that the petitioner is estopped from adopting a new theory contrary to those it had adopted in the trial and appellate courts. Moreover, the existence of a contract of conditional sale was admitted in the letters of XEI and OBM. They aver that they became owners of the lots upon delivery to them by XEI. The issues for resolution are the following: (1) whether the factual issues raised by the petitioner are proper; (2) whether petitioner or its predecessors-in-interest, the XEI or the OBM, as seller, and the respondents, as buyers, forged a perfect contract to sell over the property; (3) whether petitioner is estopped from contending that no such contract was forged by the parties; and (4) whether respondents has a cause of action against the petitioner for specific performance. The rule is that before this Court, only legal issues may be raised in a
petition for review on certiorari. The reason is that this Court is not a trier of facts, and is not to review and calibrate the evidence on record. Moreover, the findings of facts of the trial court, as affirmed on appeal by the Court of Appeals, are conclusive on this Court unless the case falls under any of the following exceptions: (1) when the conclusion is a finding grounded entirely on speculations, surmises and conjectures; (2) when the inference made is manifestly mistaken, absurd or impossible; (3) where there is a grave abuse of discretion; (4) when the judgment is based on a misapprehension of facts; (5) when the findings of fact are conflicting; (6) when the Court of Appeals, in making its findings went beyond the issues of the case and the same is contrary to the admissions of both appellant and appellee; (7) when the findings are contrary to those of the trial court; (8) when the findings of fact are conclusions without citation of specific evidence on which they are based; (9) when the facts set forth in the petition as well as in the petitioners main and reply briefs are not disputed by the respondents; and (10) when the findings of fact of the Court of Appeals are premised on the supposed absence of evidence and contradicted by the evidence on record.[50] We have reviewed the records and we find that, indeed, the ruling of the appellate court dismissing petitioners appeal is contrary to law and is not supported by evidence. A careful examination of the factual backdrop of the case, as well as the antecedental proceedings constrains us to hold that petitioner is not barred from asserting that XEI or OBM, on one hand, and the respondents, on the other, failed to forge a perfected contract to sell the subject lots. It must be stressed that the Court may consider an issue not raised during the trial when there is plain error.[51] Although a factual issue was not raised in the trial court, such issue may still be considered and resolved by the Court in the interest of substantial justice, if it finds that to do so is necessary to arrive at a just decision,[52] or when an issue is closely related to an issue raised in the trial court and the Court of Appeals and is necessary for a just and complete resolution of the case.[53] When the trial court decides a case in favor of a party on certain grounds, the Court may base its decision upon some other points, which the trial court or appellate court ignored or erroneously decided in favor of a party.[54] In this case, the issue of whether XEI had agreed to allow the respondents to pay the purchase price of the property was raised by the parties. The trial court ruled that the parties had perfected a contract to sell, as against petitioners claim that no such contract existed. However, in resolving the issue of whether the petitioner was obliged to sell the property to
the respondents, while the CA declared that XEI or OBM and the respondents failed to agree on the schedule of payment of the balance of the purchase price of the property, it ruled that XEI and the respondents had forged a contract to sell; hence, petitioner is entitled to ventilate the issue before this Court. We agree with petitioners contention that, for a perfected contract of sale or contract to sell to exist in law, there must be an agreement of the parties, not only on the price of the property sold, but also on the manner the price is to be paid by the vendee. Under Article 1458 of the New Civil Code, in a contract of sale, whether absolute or conditional, one of the contracting parties obliges himself to transfer the ownership of and deliver a determinate thing, and the other to pay therefor a price certain in money or its equivalent. A contract of sale is perfected at the moment there is a meeting of the minds upon the thing which is the object of the contract and the price. From the averment of perfection, the parties are bound, not only to the fulfillment of what has been expressly stipulated, but also to all the consequences which, according to their nature, may be in keeping with good faith, usage and law.[55] On the other hand, when the contract of sale or to sell is not perfected, it cannot, as an independent source of obligation, serve as a binding juridical relation between the parties.[56] A definite agreement as to the price is an essential element of a binding agreement to sell personal or real property because it seriously affects the rights and obligations of the parties. Price is an essential element in the formation of a binding and enforceable contract of sale. The fixing of the price can never be left to the decision of one of the contracting parties. But a price fixed by one of the contracting parties, if accepted by the other, gives rise to a perfected sale.[57] It is not enough for the parties to agree on the price of the property. The parties must also agree on the manner of payment of the price of the property to give rise to a binding and enforceable contract of sale or contract to sell. This is so because the agreement as to the manner of payment goes into the price, such that a disagreement on the manner of payment is tantamount to a failure to agree on the price.[58] In a contract to sell property by installments, it is not enough that the parties agree on the price as well as the amount of downpayment. The parties must, likewise, agree on the manner of payment of the balance of the purchase price and on the other terms and conditions relative to the sale. Even if the buyer makes a downpayment or portion thereof, such payment cannot be considered as sufficient proof of the perfection of any purchase and sale between the parties. Indeed, this Court ruled in Velasco v. Court of Appeals[59] that:
It is not difficult to glean from the aforequoted averments that the petitioners themselves admit that they and the respondent still had to meet and agree on how and when the down-payment and the installment payments were to be paid. Such being the situation, it cannot, therefore, be said that a definite and firm sales agreement between the parties had been perfected over the lot in question. Indeed, this Court has already ruled before that a definite agreement on the manner of payment of the purchase price is an essential element in the formation of a binding and enforceable contract of sale. The fact, therefore, that the petitioners delivered to the respondent the sum of P10,000.00 as part of the downpayment that they had to pay cannot be considered as sufficient proof of the perfection of any purchase and sale agreement between the parties herein under article 1482 of the New Civil Code, as the petitioners themselves admit that some essential matter the terms of payment still had to be mutually covenanted.[60] We agree with the contention of the petitioner that, as held by the CA, there is no showing, in the records, of the schedule of payment of the balance of the purchase price on the property amounting to P278,448.00. We have meticulously reviewed the records, including Ramos February 8, 1972 and August 22, 1972 letters to respondents,[61] and find that said parties confined themselves to agreeing on the price of the property (P348,060.00), the 20% downpayment of the purchase price (P69,612.00), and credited respondents for the P34,887.00 owing from Ramos as part of the 20% downpayment. The timeline for the payment of the balance of the downpayment (P34,724.34) was also agreed upon, that is, on or before XEI resumed its selling operations, on or before December 31, 1972, or within five (5) days from written notice of such resumption of selling operations. The parties had also agreed to incorporate all the terms and conditions relating to the sale, inclusive of the terms of payment of the balance of the purchase price and the other substantial terms and conditions in the corresponding contract of conditional sale, to be later signed by the parties, simultaneously with respondents settlement of the balance of the downpayment. The February 8, 1972 letter of XEI reads: Mr. Carlos T. Manalo, Jr. Hurricane Rotary Well Drilling Rizal Avenue Ext.,Caloocan City Dear Mr. Manalo: We agree with your verbal offer to exchange the proceeds of your contract with us to form as a down payment for a lot in our Xavierville Estate Subdivision.
Please let us know your choice lot so that we can fix the price and terms of payment in our conditional sale. Sincerely yours, XA VIERVILLE ESTATE, INC. (Signed) ERITO B. RAMOS, JR. President CONFORME: (Signed) CARLOS T. MANALO, JR. Hurricane Rotary Well Drilling[62] The August 22, 1972 letter agreement of XEI and the respondents reads: Mrs. Perla P. Manalo 1548 Rizal Avenue Extension Caloocan City Dear Mrs. Manalo: This is to confirm your reservation of Lot Nos. 1 and 2; Block 2 of our consolidation-subdivision plan as amended, consisting of 1,740.3 square meters more or less, at the price of P200.00 per square meter or a total price of P348,060.00. It is agreed that as soon as we resume selling operations, you must pay a down payment of 20% of the purchase price of the said lots and sign the corresponding Contract of Conditional Sale, on or before December 31, 1972, provided, however, that if we resume selling after December 31, 1972, then you must pay the aforementioned down payment and sign the aforesaid contract within five (5) days from your receipt of our notice of resumption of selling operations. In the meanwhile, you may introduce such improvements on EM
the said lots as you may desire, subject to the rules and regulations of the subdivision. If the above terms and conditions are acceptable to you, please signify your conformity by signing on the space herein below provided. Thank you. Very truly yours, XAVIERVILLE INC. By: (Signed) (Signed) EMERITO JR. MANALO President Buyer[63] Based on these two letters, the determination of the terms of payment of the P278,448.00 had yet to be agreed upon on or before December 31, 1972, or even afterwards, when the parties sign the corresponding contract of conditional sale. Jurisprudence is that if a material element of a contemplated contract is left for future negotiations, the same is too indefinite to be enforceable.[64] And when an essential element of a contract is reserved for future agreement of the parties, no legal obligation arises until such future agreement is concluded.[65] So long as an essential element entering into the proposed obligation of either of the parties remains to be determined by an agreement which they are to make, the contract is incomplete and unenforceable.[66] The reason is that such a contract is lacking in the necessary qualities of definiteness, certainty and mutuality.[67] There is no evidence on record to prove that XEI or OBM and the respondents had agreed, after December 31, 1972, on the terms of payment of the balance of the purchase price of the property and the other substantial terms and conditions relative to the sale. Indeed, the parties are in agreement that there had been no contract of conditional sale ever executed by XEI, OBM or petitioner, as vendor, and the respondents, as vendees.[68] B. RAMOS, PERLA P. ESTATE, CONFORME:
The ruling of this Court in Buenaventura v. Court of Appeals has no bearing in this case because the issue of the manner of payment of the purchase price of the property was not raised therein. We reject the submission of respondents that they and Ramos had intended to incorporate the terms of payment contained in the three contracts of conditional sale executed by XEI and other lot buyers in the corresponding contract of conditional sale, which would later be signed by them.[69] We have meticulously reviewed the respondents complaint and find no such allegation therein.[70] Indeed, respondents merely alleged in their complaint that they were bound to pay the balance of the purchase price of the property in installments. When respondent Manalo, Jr. testified, he was never asked, on direct examination or even on cross-examination, whether the terms of payment of the balance of the purchase price of the lots under the contracts of conditional sale executed by XEI and other lot buyers would form part of the corresponding contract of conditional sale to be signed by them simultaneously with the payment of the balance of the downpayment on the purchase price. We note that, in its letter to the respondents dated June 17, 1976, or almost three years from the execution by the parties of their August 22, 1972 letter agreement, XEI stated, in part, that respondents had purchased the property on installment basis.[71] However, in the said letter, XEI failed to state a specific amount for each installment, and whether such payments were to be made monthly, semi-annually, or annually. Also, respondents, as plaintiffs below, failed to adduce a shred of evidence to prove that they were obliged to pay the P278,448.00 monthly, semi-annually or annually. The allegation that the payment of the P278,448.00 was to be paid in installments is, thus, vague and indefinite. Case law is that, for a contract to be enforceable, its terms must be certain and explicit, not vague or indefinite.[72] There is no factual and legal basis for the CA ruling that, based on the terms of payment of the balance of the purchase price of the lots under the contracts of conditional sale executed by XEI and the other lot buyers, respondents were obliged to pay the P278,448.00 with pre-computed interest of 12% per annum in 120-month installments. As gleaned from the ruling of the appellate court, it failed to justify its use of the terms of payment under the three contracts of conditional sale as basis for such ruling, to wit: On the other hand, the records do not disclose the schedule of payment of the purchase price, net of the downpayment. Considering, however, the Contracts of Conditional Sale (Exhs. N, O and P) entered into by XEI with other lot buyers, it would appear that the subdivision lots sold by XEI, under contracts to sell, were payable in 120 equal monthly installments (exclusive of the downpayment but
including pre-computed interests) commencing on delivery of the lot to the buyer.[73] By its ruling, the CA unilaterally supplied an essential element to the letter agreement of XEI and the respondents. Courts should not undertake to make a contract for the parties, nor can it enforce one, the terms of which are in doubt.[74] Indeed, the Court emphasized in Chua v. Court of Appeals[75] that it is not the province of a court to alter a contract by construction or to make a new contract for the parties; its duty is confined to the interpretation of the one which they have made for themselves, without regard to its wisdom or folly, as the court cannot supply material stipulations or read into contract words which it does not contain. Respondents, as plaintiffs below, failed to allege in their complaint the terms of payment of the P278,448.00 to be incorporated in corresponding contract of conditional sale were those contained in contracts of conditional sale executed by XEI and Soller, Aguila Roque.[76] They likewise failed to prove such allegation in this Court. that the the and
The bare fact that other lot buyers were allowed to pay the balance of the purchase price of lots purchased by them in 120 or 180 monthly installments does not constitute evidence that XEI also agreed to give the respondents the same mode and timeline of payment of the P278,448.00. Under Section 34, Rule 130 of the Revised Rules of Court, evidence that one did a certain thing at one time is not admissible to prove that he did the same or similar thing at another time, although such evidence may be received to prove habit, usage, pattern of conduct or the intent of the parties. Similar acts as evidence. Evidence that one did or did not do a certain thing at one time is not admissible to prove that he did or did not do the same or a similar thing at another time; but it may be received to prove a specific intent or knowledge, identity, plan, system, scheme, habit, custom or usage, and the like. However, respondents failed to allege and prove, in the trial court, that, as a matter of business usage, habit or pattern of conduct, XEI granted all lot buyers the right to pay the balance of the purchase price in installments of 120 months of fixed amounts with pre-computed interests, and that XEI and the respondents had intended to adopt such terms of payment relative to the sale of the two lots in question. Indeed, respondents adduced in evidence the three contracts of conditional sale executed by XEI and other lot buyers merely to prove that XEI continued to sell lots in the subdivision as sales agent of OBM after it acquired said lots, not to prove usage, habit or pattern of conduct on the part of XEI to require all lot buyers in the subdivision to pay the balance of
the purchase price of said lots in 120 months. It further failed to prive that the trial court admitted the said deeds[77] as part of the testimony of respondent Manalo, Jr.[78] Habit, custom, usage or pattern of conduct must be proved like any other facts. Courts must contend with the caveat that, before they admit evidence of usage, of habit or pattern of conduct, the offering party must establish the degree of specificity and frequency of uniform response that ensures more than a mere tendency to act in a given manner but rather, conduct that is semi-automatic in nature. The offering party must allege and prove specific, repetitive conduct that might constitute evidence of habit. The examples offered in evidence to prove habit, or pattern of evidence must be numerous enough to base on inference of systematic conduct. Mere similarity of contracts does not present the kind of sufficiently similar circumstances to outweigh the danger of prejudice and confusion. In determining whether the examples are numerous enough, and sufficiently regular, the key criteria are adequacy of sampling and uniformity of response. After all, habit means a course of behavior of a person regularly represented in like circumstances.[79] It is only when examples offered to establish pattern of conduct or habit are numerous enough to lose an inference of systematic conduct that examples are admissible. The key criteria are adequacy of sampling and uniformity of response or ratio of reaction to situations.[80] There are cases where the course of dealings to be followed is defined by the usage of a particular trade or market or profession. As expostulated by Justice Benjamin Cardozo of the United States Supreme Court: Life casts the moulds of conduct, which will someday become fixed as law. Law preserves the moulds which have taken form and shape from life.[81] Usage furnishes a standard for the measurement of many of the rights and acts of men.[82] It is also well-settled that parties who contract on a subject matter concerning which known usage prevail, incorporate such usage by implication into their agreement, if nothing is said to be contrary.[83] However, the respondents inexplicably failed to adduce sufficient competent evidence to prove usage, habit or pattern of conduct of XEI to justify the use of the terms of payment in the contracts of the other lot buyers, and thus grant respondents the right to pay the P278,448.00 in 120 months, presumably because of respondents belief that the manner of payment of the said amount is not an essential element of a contract to sell. There is no evidence that XEI or OBM and all the lot buyers in the subdivision, including lot buyers who pay part of the downpayment of the property purchased by them in the form of service, had executed contracts of conditional sale containing uniform terms and conditions. Moreover, under the terms of the contracts of conditional sale executed by XEI and three lot buyers in the subdivision, XEI agreed to grant 120 months within which to pay the balance of the purchase price to two of them, but granted one 180 months to do so.[84] There is no
evidence on record that XEI granted the same right to buyers of two or more lots. Irrefragably, under Article 1469 of the New Civil Code, the price of the property sold may be considered certain if it be so with reference to another thing certain. It is sufficient if it can be determined by the stipulations of the contract made by the parties thereto[85] or by reference to an agreement incorporated in the contract of sale or contract to sell or if it is capable of being ascertained with certainty in said contract;[86] or if the contract contains express or implied provisions by which it may be rendered certain;[87] or if it provides some method or criterion by which it can be definitely ascertained.[88] As this Court held in Villaraza v. Court of Appeals,[89] the price is considered certain if, by its terms, the contract furnishes a basis or measure for ascertaining the amount agreed upon. We have carefully reviewed the August 22, 1972 letter agreement of the parties and find no direct or implied reference to the manner and schedule of payment of the balance of the purchase price of the lots covered by the deeds of conditional sale executed by XEI and that of the other lot buyers[90] as basis for or mode of determination of the schedule of the payment by the respondents of the P278,448.00. The ruling of this Court in Mitsui Bussan Kaisha v. Manila Electric Railroad and Light Company[91] is not applicable in this case because the basic price fixed in the contract was P9.45 per long ton, but it was stipulated that the price was subject to modification in proportion to variations in calories and ash content, and not otherwise. In this case, the parties did not fix in their letters-agreement, any method or mode of determining the terms of payment of the balance of the purchase price of the property amounting to P278,448.00. It bears stressing that the respondents failed and refused to pay the balance of the downpayment and of the purchase price of the property amounting to P278,448.00 despite notice to them of the resumption by XEI of its selling operations. The respondents enjoyed possession of the property without paying a centavo. On the other hand, XEI and OBM failed and refused to transmit a contract of conditional sale to the respondents. The respondents could have at least consigned the balance of the downpayment after notice of the resumption of the selling operations of XEI and filed an action to compel XEI or OBM to transmit to them the said contract; however, they failed to do so. As a consequence, respondents and XEI (or OBM for that matter) failed to forge a perfected contract to sell the two lots; hence, respondents have no cause of action for specific performance against petitioner. Republic Act No. 6552 applies only to a perfected contract to sell and not to a contract with no binding and enforceable effect.
IN LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the petition is GRANTED. The Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 47458 is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 98 is ordered to dismiss the complaint. Costs against the respondents. SO ORDERED. ROM EO J. CALLEJO, SR. Associate Justice WE CONCUR: ARTEMIO V. PANGANIBAN Chief Justice Chairperson CONSUELO MARTINEZ Justice YNARES-SANTIAGO MA. ALICIA AUSTRIAAssociate Associate Justice
CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, it is hereby certified that the conclusions in the above decision were reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Courts Division.
Chief Justice
[1] Penned by Associate Justice Edgardo P. Cruz, with Associate Justices Oswaldo D. Agcaoili (retired) and Amelita G. Tolentino, concurring; rollo, pp. 919. [2] Penned by Judge Justo M. Sultan; records, pp. 295-304. [3] Exhibits N, O and P, folder of exhibits, pp. 37-57. [4] Exhibit L, id. at 19. [5] Exhibits N, O and P, id. at 37-57. [6] Exhibit A, id. at 1. [7] Exhibit B, id. at 2. [8] Exhibit Q-1, id. at 60. [9] TSN, May 21, 1990, p. 11. [10] Exhibit E-1, id. at 6. [11] Id. [12] Exhibit E, id. at 5. [13] Exhibit F, id. at 7. [14] Id. [15] TSN, 20 January 1992, p. 5. [16] Exhibit G, folder of exhibits, p. 8. [17] Exhibit H, id. at 9. [18] TSN, July 17, 1992, pp. 14-18. [19] Exhibit H, folder of exhibits, p. 9. [20] Exhibits 1 and 2, id. at 79-84. [21] Id. [22] Exhibit I-1, id. at 11. [23] Exhibit J-1, id. at 13. [24] Exhibit 6, id. at 91. [25] Exhibit 7, id. at 92. [26] Id. [27] Exhibit S, id. at 68. [28] Exhibit T, id. at 71. [29] Exhibit R, id. at 65. [30] Exhibit R-1, id. at 67. [31] Exhibit U, id. at 74. [32] Id. [33] Records, pp. 3-6. [34] Id. at 6-7. [35] Id. at 35-36. [36] Id. at 36-38. [37] Exhibit V, folder of exhibits, p. 77. [38] TSN, December 17, 1993, pp. 1-5. [39] Exhibit N, folder of exhibits, p. 17. [40] Exhibit O, id. at 44. [41] Exhibit P, id. at 51.
[42] TSN, 17 July 1992, pp. 7-25. [43] Records, p. 304. [44] CA rollo, p. 32. [45] Rollo, p. 85. [46] Exhibits N, O and P, folder of exhibits, p. 82. [47] Rollo, pp. 46-47. [48] G.R. No. 126376, November 20, 2003, 416 SCRA 263 (2003). [49] 39 Phil. 624 (1919). [50] Siasat v. Court of Appeals, 425 Phil. 139,145 (2002) [51] Del Rosario v. Bonga, G.R. No. 136308, January 23, 2001, 350 SCRA 101, 110. [52] Abra Valley College, Inc. v. Aquino, G.R. No. L-39086, June 15, 1988, 162 SCRA 106, 116, citing Perez v. Court of Appeals, 127 SCRA 645 (1984). [53] F.F. Maacop Construction Co., Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 334 Phil. 208, 212 (1997), citing Garrido v. CA, 236 SCRA 450 (1994). [54] See Relativo v. Castro, 76 Phil. 563 (1946). [55] GSIS v. Province of Tarlac, G.R. No. 157860, December 1, 2003, 417 SCRA 60. [56] Jovan Land, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 335 Phil. 626, 629 (1997). [57] Article 1473, New Civil Code. [58] Montecillo v. Reynes, 434 Phil. 456 (2002); San Miguel Proprietor Philippines, Inc. v. Huang, 391 Phil. 636 (2000); Co v. Court of Appeals, 349 Phil. 749 (1998); Uraca v. Court of Appeals,344 Phil. 253 (1997); Toyota Car, Inc. v. Court of Appeals,314 Phil. 201 (1995. [59] 151-A Phil. 868 (1973). [60] Id. at 887. [61] Infra. [62] Exhibit A, folder of exhibits, p. 1 (Underscoring supplied) [63] Exhibit B, id. at 2. [64] Ansorge v. Kane, 155 N.E. 683 (1927); A.M. Webb & Co. v. Robert P. Miller Co., 157 F.2d 865 (1946). [65] Boatright v. Steinite Radio Corporation, 46 F. 2d 385 (1931). [66] WILLISTON ON CONTRACTS, VOLUME I, SECTION 45, 149 (3rd ed. 1957). [67] Weigham v. Kilifer, 215 F. 168. [68] TSN, May 21, 1990, pp. 17-18; TSN, July 17, 1992, p. 25. [69] Exhibits N, O & P, folder of exhibits, pp. 37-57. [70] Supra, at note 22. [71] Exhibit G, folder of exhibits, p. 8 [72] Potter v. Leitenberger Mach. Co., 166 Pa. Super 31, 70 A. 2d 390 (1950). [73] Rollo, p. 82. [74] Id. [75] 361 Phil. 308, 317 (1999), citing Bacolod Murcia Milling Co., Inc., v. Bana Nacional Filipino, 74 Phil. 675, 680 (1944). [76] Supra, at note 66. [77] EXHIBIT N Conditional Contract of Sale executed by Xavierville Estate, Inc. in favor of Alberto Soller dated December 8, 1969, to prove that after Xavierville Estate sold its lots, it continued to execute sales contracts over same
in its name; EXHIBIT O Xerox copy of Deed of Absolute Sale executed by Xavierville Estate, Inc. in favor of Alfredo Aguila dated May 20, 1970, to prove that although the lots in said subdivision were already sold by virtue of EXHIBIT L, Commercial Bank of Manila (COMBANK) the VENDEE still allowed Xavierville Estate to sign contracts in its name; EXHIBIT P Xerox copy of Deed of Absolute Sale executed by Xavierville Estate, Inc. in favor of Elena Roque Santos dated June 29, 1970, to prove that although lots in Xavierville Estate were already sold to Combank, the latter still allowed Xavierville Estate to sign contracts in its name; [78] Records, p. 128. [79] Wilson v. Volkswagen of America, Inc., 561 F.2d 494 (1977). [80] Loughan v. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., 749 F.2d. 1519 (1985). [81] THE NATURE OF THE JUDICIAL PROCESS (THE STORRS LECTURES DELIVERED AT YALE UNIVERSITY), 64 (1963). [82] Tong v. Borstad, 231 N.W. 2d. 795 (1975). [83] Robinson v. United States, 82 U.S. 363; 20 L.ed 653 (1871). [84] Name of the purchasers [85] Majarabas v. Leonardo, 11 Phil. 272 (1908). [86] Kelley v. Creston Buick Sales Co., 34 N.W. 2d. 598 (1948). [87] Hoskins v. Mclaughlin, 161 S.W.2d 395 (1942). [88] Packard Fort Work, Inc. v. Van Zandt, 224 S.W.2d 896 (1949). [89] 334 Phil. 750,760 (1997), citing Mararabas v. Leonardo, supra. [90] See note 66. [91] 39 Phil. 624 (1919). XVII. Dying Declaration 1. People v. Tabarnero, G.R. No. 168169, February 24, 2010
FIRST DIVISION PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, PlaintiffAppellee, G.R. No. 168169 Present: PUNO, C.J., Chairperson, CARPIO MORALES, LEONARDO-DE CASTRO, BRION,* and VILLARAMA, JR., JJ. and GARY Promulgated:
- versus -
TABARNERO, AccusedFebruary 24, 2010 Appellants. x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x DECISION LEONARDO-DE CASTRO, J.: This is an appeal from the Decision[1] of the Court of Appeals in CAG.R. CR.-H.C. No. 00027 dated April 29, 2005. In said Decision, the Court of Appeals affirmed with modification the August 29, 2002 Decision[2] of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 78 of Malolos, Bulacan, in Crim. Case No. 888-M-2000, convicting herein appellants Alberto Tabarnero (Alberto) and Gary Tabarnero (Gary) of the crime of Murder. The factual and procedural antecedents of the case are as follows: Late at night on October 23, 1999, Gary went to the house of the deceased Ernesto Canatoy (Ernesto), where the former used to reside as the live-in partner of Mary Jane Acibar (Mary Jane), Ernestos stepdaughter. Gary and Ernesto had a confrontation during which the latter was stabbed nine times, causing his death. The versions of the prosecution and the defense would later diverge as regards the presence of other persons at the scene and other circumstances concerning Ernestos death. On March 3, 2000, Gary and his father, Alberto, were charged with the crime of Murder in an Information which read: That on or about the 23rd day of October, 1999, in the municipality of Malolos, province of Bulacan, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the abovenamed accused, conspiring, confederating together and mutually helping each other, armed with bladed instrument and with intent to kill one Ernesto Canatoy, did then and there willfully, unlawfully, and feloniously, with evident premeditation, abuse of superior strength and treachery, attack, assault and stab with the said bladed instrument the said Ernesto Canatoy, hitting the latter on the different parts of his body, thereby causing him serious physical injuries which directly caused his death.[3] On 27 March 2000, warrants for the arrest of Gary and Alberto were
issued by the RTC of Malolos, Bulacan.[4] On April 22, 2001, Gary surrendered to Barangay Tanod Edilberto Alarma.[5] When he was arraigned on April 30, 2001, Gary pleaded NOT GUILTY to the crime charged. [6] During this time, Alberto remained at large. On May 21, 2001, a pre-trial conference was conducted. Therein, Gary admitted having killed Ernesto, but claimed that it was an act of selfdefense. Thus, pursuant to Section 11(e), Rule 119 of the Rules of Court, a reverse trial ensued. Gary, a 22-year-old construction worker at the time of his testimony in June 2001, testified that he stayed in Ernestos house from 1997 to 1999, as he and Mary Jane were living together. Mary Jane is the daughter of Teresita Acibar, the wife[7] of Ernesto. However, Gary left the house shortly before the October 23, 1999 incident because of a misunderstanding with Ernesto when the latter allegedly stopped the planned marriage of Gary and Mary Jane, who was pregnant at that time. On October 23, 1999, Gary was allegedly in his house in Longos, Malolos, Bulacan at around 11:40 p.m. with his friend, Richard Ulilian; his father, co-appellant Alberto; his mother, Elvira; and his brother, Jeffrey. Overcome with emotion over being separated from Mary Jane, Gary then went to Ernestos house, but was not able to enter as no one went out of the house to let him in. He instead shouted his pleas from the outside, asking Ernesto what he had done wrong that caused Ernesto to break him and Mary Jane up, and voicing out several times that he loved Mary Jane and was ready to marry her. When Gary was about to leave, the gate opened and Ernesto purportedly struck him with a lead pipe. Ernesto was aiming at Garys head, but the latter blocked the blow with his hands, causing his left index finger to be broken. Gary embraced Ernesto, but the latter strangled him. At that point, Gary felt that there was a bladed weapon tucked at Ernestos back. Losing control of himself, Gary took the bladed weapon and stabbed Ernesto, although he cannot recall how many times he did so.[8] According to Gary, Ernesto fell to the ground, and pleaded, saklolo, tulungan niyo po ako three times. Gary was stunned, and did not notice his father, co-appellant Alberto, coming. Alberto asked Gary, anak, ano ang nangyari? To which Gary responded nasaksak ko po yata si Ka Erning, referring to Ernesto. Gary and Alberto fled, allegedly out of fear.[9] Gary denied that he and Alberto conspired to kill Ernesto. Gary claims that it was he and Ernesto who had a fight, and that he had no choice but to stab Ernesto, who was going to kill him.[10] Garys sister, Gemarie Tabarnero, testified that she was a childhood friend of Mary Jane. Gemarie attested that Mary Jane was Garys girlfriend
from 1995 to 1999. Sometime in 1999, however, Gary and Mary Jane were prevented from talking to each other. During that time, Gary was always sad and appeared catatonic, sometimes mentioning Mary Janes name and crying.[11] On the night of the incident on October 23, 1999, Gemarie observed that Gary was crying and seemed perplexed. Gary told Gemarie that he was going to Ernestos house to talk to Ernesto about Mary Jane. Gary allegedly did not bring anything with him when he went to Ernestos house.[12] In the meantime, on August 5, 2001, Alberto was apprehended.[13] On August 20, 2001, he pleaded NOT GUILTY to the charge.[14] However, while Albertos defense is denial and not self-defense like Garys, the court decided to proceed with the reverse trial, as it had already started that way.[15] Next on the witness stand was Edilberto Alarma (Alarma), who was a barangay tanod of Longos, Malolos, Bulacan since February 2000. Alarma testified that while he was in a meeting at around 4:00 p.m. on April 22, 2001, Gary arrived and told him of his intention to surrender to him. Gary told him that he was responsible for the incident [that] happened at Daang Riles. Together with his fellow barangay tanod Zaldy Garcia, Alarma brought Gary to the Malolos Police Station, where the surrender was entered in the blotter report.[16] Appellant Alberto, a construction worker employed as leadman/foreman of Alicia Builders, was 45 years old at the time of his testimony in September 2001. He testified that at the time of the incident, he was living in Norzagaray, Bulacan. On October 23, 1999, however, he went to visit his children, Gary and Gemarie, in Barangay Longos, Malolos, Bulacan. Before going to sleep at 11:00 p.m., he realized that Gary was not in the place where he would usually sleep. He went downstairs, thinking that Gary was just urinating. He waited for five minutes; when Gary did not show up, he proceeded to Daang Bakal, where Gary had many friends. He walked for about 10 minutes. About 400 meters from the site of the incident, he saw Gary and asked him what happened and why he was in a hurry, to which Gary replied: Wag na kayong magtanong, umalis na tayo, napatay ko po yata si Kuya Erning. Alberto and Gary ran in different directions. Alberto passed through the railways and exited in front of the capitol compound to wait for a jeepney going to Sta. Maria, his route toward his home in Norzagaray.[17] Alberto claims that he had no knowledge of the accusation that he conspired with Gary in killing Ernesto. It was three months after the incident that he came to know that he was being charged for a crime. At this time, he was already residing in Hensonville Plaza, Angeles City, Pampanga, where he was assigned when his engineer, Efren Cruz, secured a project in said place.[18] During cross-examination, Alberto repeated that he did not return to
Garys house after the incident. He said that it did not occur to him to inform the authorities about the killing of Ernesto. Later, Alberto learned from his sibling, whom he talked to by phone, that Gary had already surrendered. He did not consider surrendering because, although he wanted to clear his name, nobody would work to support his family. He said that he had no previous misunderstanding with Ernesto.[19] Answering questions from the court, Alberto stated that he immediately went home to Norzagaray because he was afraid to be implicated in the stabbing of Ernesto. It did not occur to him to stay and help Gary because he did not know where Gary proceeded after they ran away. The next time he saw Gary was three months after the incident, when Gary went to Norzagaray.[20] The first to testify for the prosecution was its eyewitness, Emerito Acibar (Emerito). Emerito, the brother of Mary Jane,[21] was inside their house in Daang Bakal, Longos, Malolos, Bulacan with his brother and his stepfather, Ernesto, at around eleven oclock on the night of the incident on October 23, 1999. He heard somebody calling for Ernesto, but ignored it. He then heard a kalabog, followed by Ernestos plea for help. Emerito was about to go outside, but, while he was already at the door of their one-room[22] house, he saw Ernesto being held by a certain Toning Kulit and another person, while Gary and Alberto were stabbing Ernesto with fan knives. Emerito lost count of the number of thrusts made by Gary and Alberto, but each inflicted more than one, and the last stab was made by Alberto. Emerito shouted for help. The four assailants left when somebody arrived, allowing Emerito to approach Ernesto and bring him to the Bulacan Provincial Hospital.[23] On cross-examination, Emerito confirmed that Gary and Mary Jane used to reside in Ernestos house. On the date of the incident, however, Gary had already left the house, while Mary Jane had moved to Abra with Teresita (the mother of Emerito and Mary Jane). According to Emerito, his family did not know that Mary Jane and Gary had a relationship because they treated Gary like a member of the family. Ernesto got mad when his wife, Teresita, found out about Gary and Mary Janes relationship. On the night of the incident, at past 11:00 p.m., Emerito was fixing his things inside their house, when he heard someone calling from outside, but was not sure if it was Gary. Emerito neither saw Ernesto leaving the room, nor the fight between Ernesto and Gary. All he saw was the stabbing, which happened seven to eight meters away from the doorway where he was standing. He was sure that there were four assailants, two of whom went to a bridge 8 to 10 meters from the incident, where they boarded a yellow XLT-type car.[24] Senior Police Officer 2 (SPO2) Ronnie Morales of the Malolos Philippine National Police testified that he was on duty at the police station on the night of October 23, 1999. During that night, Emerito reported at the police station that Ernesto had been stabbed. SPO2 Morales and Emerito proceeded to the
Bulacan Provincial Hospital, where SPO2 Morales saw Ernesto in the operating room, very weak due to multiple injuries. While in the presence of two doctors on duty, SPO2 Morales asked Ernesto who stabbed him. Ernesto answered that the assailants were the father and son, Gary and Alberto Tabarnero from Longos, Bulacan.[25] Cross-examined, SPO2 Morales clarified that it was already 1:00 a.m. of the following day when he and Emerito proceeded to the hospital. As they went to the hospital, Emerito did not inform SPO2 Morales that he witnessed the incident. SPO2 Morales did not find it odd that Emerito did not tell him who the suspects were when Emerito reported the incident, because they immediately proceeded to the hospital, considering that the victim, Ernesto, was still alive. Ernesto was not able to affix his signature on the Sinumpaang Salaysay[26] because he could no longer talk after the fourth question. Answering questions from the court, SPO2 Morales further stated that he could not remember talking to Emerito on their way to the hospital, since they were in a hurry.[27] The government physician at the Bulacan Provincial Hospital who prepared Ernestos death certificate, Dr. Apollo Trinidad, clarified that Ernesto died on October 25, 1999. However, considering the admission by the defense of the fact of death, the cause thereof, and the execution of the death certificate, the prosecution no longer questioned Dr. Trinidad on these matters.[28] Teresitas testimony was likewise dispensed with, in light of the admission by the defense that she was the common-law wife of Ernesto, and that she incurred P55,600.00 in expenses in relation to Ernestos death.[29] On August 29, 2002, the RTC rendered its Decision convicting Gary and Alberto of the crime of murder. The decretal portion of the Decision reads: WHEREFORE, the foregoing considered, this Court hereby finds accused Alberto Tabarnero and Gary Tabarnero GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the Crime of Murder defined and penalized under Art. 248 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, and sentences them to suffer the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua and to pay private complainant Teresita Acibar the amount of P55,600.000 (sic) as actual damages[,] P50,000.00 as indemnity for the death of Ernesto Canatoy[,] P50,000.00 as moral damages, and the costs of suit.[30] Gary and Alberto appealed to this Court. After the parties had filed their respective briefs, this Court, in People v. Mateo,[31] modified the Rules of Court in so far as it provides for direct appeals from the RTC to this Court in cases where the penalty imposed is death, reclusion perpetua or life
imprisonment. Pursuant thereto, this Court referred[32] the case to the Court of Appeals, where it was docketed as CA-G.R. CR.-H.C. No. 00027. On April 29, 2005, the Court of Appeals affirmed the conviction with modification as regards exemplary damages, disposing of the case in the following manner: WHEREFORE, the decision of the Regional Trial Court of Malolos, Bulacan, Branch 78 dated 29 August 2002 is hereby AFFIRMED with the modification that exemplary damages in the amount of P25,000.00 is awarded because of the presence of treachery.[33] From the Court of Appeals, the case was elevated to this Court anew when Gary and Alberto filed a Notice of Appeal on May 13, 2005.[34] In its Resolution on August 1, 2005, this Court required both parties to submit their respective supplemental briefs, if they so desire. Both parties manifested that they were adopting the briefs they had earlier filed with this Court. Gary and Alberto, in their brief filed in this Court before the referral of the case to the Court of Appeals, assigned the following errors to the RTC: I. THE COURT A QUO GRAVELY ERRED IN NOT CONSIDERING THE JUSTIFYING CIRCUMSTANCE OF SELF-DEFENSE AND THE MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCE OF VOLUNTARY SURRENDER INTERPOSED BY ACCUSED-APPELLANT GARY TABARNERO II. THE COURT A QUO GRAVELY ERRED IN FINDING THAT THERE WAS CONSPIRACY IN THE CASE AT BAR III. ASSUMING ARGUENDO THAT ACCUSED-APPELLANTS ARE CULPABLE, THE COURT A QUO GRAVELY ERRED IN APPRECIATING THE QUALIFYING CIRCUMSTANCE OF TREACHERY[35] The justifying circumstance of self-defense on the part of Gary cannot be considered
The requisites for self-defense are: 1) unlawful aggression on the part of the victim; 2) lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the accused; and 3) employment of reasonable means to prevent and repel aggression.[36] The defense invokes the said justifying circumstance, claiming that all of the above three elements are present in the case at bar. There was allegedly unlawful aggression on the part of Ernesto when the latter delivered the first blow with the lead pipe. According to the defense, the means Gary used to defend himself was reasonable, and the shouted professions of his feelings for Mary Jane could not be considered provocation sufficient for Ernesto to make the unlawful aggression. The Court of Appeals noted that the only evidence presented by the defense to prove the alleged unlawful aggression was Garys own testimony. Citing Casitas v. People,[37] the Court of Appeals held that the nine stab wounds inflicted upon Ernesto indicate Garys intent to kill, and not merely an intent to defend himself. The number of wounds also negates the claim that the means used by Gary to defend himself was reasonable. We agree with the Court of Appeals. Unlawful aggression is an indispensable requirement of self-defense.[38] As ruled by the Court of Appeals, the evidence presented by Gary to prove the alleged unlawful aggression, namely, his own testimony, is insufficient and self-serving. The alleged sudden appearance of Ernesto and his first attack with the lead pipe the very moment Gary decided to leave seems to this Court to be all too convenient, considering that there was no one around to witness the start of the fight. The RTC, which had the opportunity to observe the demeanor of the witnesses, found Garys account concerning the alleged unlawful aggression on the part of Ernesto to be unconvincing. Factual findings of the trial court, especially when affirmed by the Court of Appeals, as in this case, are binding on this Court and are entitled to great respect.[39] It also bears to emphasize that by invoking self-defense, Gary, in effect, admitted killing Ernesto, thus, shifting upon him the burden of evidence to prove the elements of the said justifying circumstance.[40] A plea of self-defense cannot be justifiably appreciated where it is not only uncorroborated by independent and competent evidence, but also extremely doubtful in itself.[41] The defense further argues that assuming that Gary is not qualified to avail of the justifying circumstance of self-defense, he would nevertheless be entitled to the mitigating circumstance of incomplete self-defense under Article 13(1) of the Revised Penal Code, which provides: Art. 13. Mitigating circumstances. The following are mitigating circumstances:
1. Those mentioned in the preceding chapter, when all the requisites necessary to justify the act or to exempt from criminal liability in the respective cases are not attendant. We disagree. Unlawful aggression is a condition sine qua non, without which there can be no self-defense, whether complete or incomplete.[42] There is incomplete self-defense when the element of unlawful aggression by the victim is present, and any of the other two essential requisites for self-defense.[43] Having failed to prove the indispensable element of unlawful aggression, Gary is not entitled to the mitigating circumstance, even assuming the presence of the other two elements of selfdefense. Gary is not entitled to the mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender The first assignment of error presents another issue for the consideration of this Court. The defense argues that Garys yielding to Alarma should be credited as a mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender. The Solicitor General agreed with the defense on this point. The Court of Appeals, however, disagreed, and held that the delay of six months[44] before surrendering negates spontaneity,[45] a requisite for voluntary surrender to be considered mitigating. We agree with the Court of Appeals. In order that the mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender may be credited to the accused, the following requisites should be present: (a) the offender has not actually been arrested; (b) the offender surrendered himself to a person in authority; and (c) the surrender must be voluntary. A surrender, to be voluntary, must be spontaneous, i.e., there must be an intent to submit oneself to authorities, either because he acknowledges his guilt or because he wishes to save them the trouble and expenses in capturing him.[46] In People v. Barcimo, Jr.,[47] the pending warrant for the arrest of the accused and the latters surrender more than one year after the incident were considered by the Court as damaging to the plea that voluntary surrender be considered a mitigating circumstance. Thus: The trial court did not err in disregarding the mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender. To benefit an accused, the following requisites must be proven, namely: (1) the offender has not actually been arrested; (2) the offender surrendered himself to a person in authority; and (3) the
surrender was voluntary. A surrender to be voluntary must be spontaneous, showing the intent of the accused to submit himself unconditionally to the authorities, either because he acknowledges his guilt, or he wishes to save them the trouble and expense necessarily incurred in his search and capture. Voluntary surrender presupposes repentance. In People v. Viernes [G.R. No. 136733-35, 13 December 20010], we held that going to the police station to clear ones name does not show any intent to surrender unconditionally to the authorities. In the case at bar, appellant surrendered to the authorities after more than one year had lapsed since the incident and in order to disclaim responsibility for the killing of the victim. This neither shows repentance or acknowledgment of the crime nor intention to save the government the trouble and expense necessarily incurred in his search and capture. Besides, at the time of his surrender, there was a pending warrant of arrest against him. Hence, he should not be credited with the mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender. The records show that Gary surrendered on April 22, 2001.[48] The commitment order commanding that he be detained was issued on April 24, 2001.[49] The surrender was made almost one year and six months from the October 23, 1999 incident, and almost one year and one month from the issuance of the warrant of arrest against him on March 27, 2000.[50] We, therefore, rule that the mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender cannot be credited to Gary. Alberto is a principal by direct participation in the killing of Ernesto In insisting upon Albertos innocence, the defense claims that there was no conspiracy between him and his son, Gary. The defense asserts that Alberto just happened to be near the scene of the crime as he was looking for his son, whom he saw only after the altercation. The basis of Albertos conviction, however, is not solely conspiracy. A review of the proven facts shows that conspiracy need not even be proven by the prosecution in this case, since Alberto was categorically pointed by the eyewitness, Emerito, as one of the assailants who actively and directly participated in the killing of Ernesto: Q Those 2 persons whom you saw and who stabbed your stepfather in the evening of October 23, 1999, if
they are now in court, will you be able to identify them? Yes, sir. Would you please point to those 2 persons? (Witness pointing to the persons who, when asked answered to the name of Alberto Tabarnero and Gary Tabarnero) What was the position of Alberto Tabarnero in that stabbing incident? He was the one whom I saw stabbed last my stepfather.
Q A xxxx
COURT (TO THE WITNESS): Q A How many times did you see Gary stabbed your father? I cannot count how many stabs Gary made.
PROS. SANTIAGO: Q A Q A Was it many times or just once? I cannot count but more than 1. How about Alberto Tabarnero, how many times did you see him stabbing your stepfather? I cannot count also but he was the last one who stabbed my stepfather.[51]
Having actually participated in the stabbing of Ernesto, it was adequately proven that Alberto is a principal by direct participation. Even more persuasive is the statement of the victim himself, Ernesto, as testified to by SPO2 Morales, that it was the father and son, Gary and Alberto Tabarnero from Longos, Bulacan who stabbed him.[52] While Ernesto was not able to testify in court, his statement is considered admissible under Section 37, Rule 130 of the Rules of Court, which provides: Sec. 37. Dying declaration. The declaration of a dying person, made under the consciousness of an impending death, may be received in any case wherein his death is the subject of inquiry, as evidence of the cause and surrounding circumstances of such death.
In applying this exception to the hearsay rule, we held as follows: It must be shown that a dying declaration was made under a realization by the decedent that his demise or at least, its imminence -- not so much the rapid eventuation of death -is at hand. This may be proven by the statement of the deceased himself or it may be inferred from the nature and extent of the decedents wounds, or other relevant circumstances.[53] In the case at bar, Ernesto had nine stab wounds which caused his death within the next 48 hours. At the time he uttered his statement accusing Gary and Alberto of stabbing him, his body was already very rapidly deteriorating, as shown by his inability to speak and write towards the end of the questioning. We have considered that a dying declaration is entitled to the highest credence, for no person who knows of his impending death would make a careless or false accusation. When a person is at the point of death, every motive of falsehood is silenced and the mind is induced by the most powerful consideration to speak the truth.[54] It is hard to fathom that Ernesto, very weak as he was and with his body already manifesting an impending demise, would summon every remaining strength he had just to lie about his true assailants, whom he obviously would want to bring to justice. The killing of Ernesto qualified by treachery is
Emerito had testified that he saw Ernesto being held by two persons, while Gary and Alberto were stabbing him with fan knives: Q A Q A Q A When you said lalabas po sana, what do you mean by that? I am at the door and saw what happened. What did you see? I saw my stepfather being held by two persons and being stabbed. Will you describe the appearance of your stepfather and the 2 persons whom according to you were stabbing your stepfather at that time? My stepfather is lupaypay and he was being stabbed.
When you said lupaypay, will you describe to this Honorable Court his position and appearance? When I saw my stepfather he was about to fall on the ground. Could you describe their appearance? They were helping each other in stabbing my grandfather. (sic) Those two persons whom you saw and who stabbed your stepfather in the evening of October 23, 1999 if they are now in Court, will you be able to identify them? Yes, sir. Could you please point to those 2 persons? (Witness pointing to the persons who, when asked answered to the name of Alberto Tabarnero and Gary Tabarnero) What was the position of Alberto Tabarnero in that stabbing incident? He was the one whom I saw stabbed last my stepfather. What about Gary, what is his position? He was helping in the stabbing.
Q A Q A xxxx Q A Q A
What kind of weapon or instrument were used by Gary and Alberto? Fan knife, sir. Both of them were armed by a knife? Yes, sir.[55]
From said testimony, it seems uncertain whether Emerito saw the very first stabbing being thrust. Thus, the defense asseverates that since Emerito failed to see how the attack commenced, the qualifying circumstance of treachery cannot be considered, citing People v. Amamangpang,[56] People v. Icalla,[57] and People v. Sambulan.[58] In said three cases, this Court held that treachery cannot be appreciated as the lone eyewitness did not see the commencement of the assault.
Treachery is defined under Article 14(16) of the Revised Penal Code, which provides: There is treachery when the offender commits any of the crimes against the person, employing means, methods, or forms in the execution thereof which tend directly and specially to insure its execution, without risk to himself arising from the defense which the offended party might make. The Solicitor General argues that treachery was amply demonstrated by the restraint upon Ernesto, which effectively rendered him defenseless and unable to effectively repel, much less evade, the assault.[59] We agree with the Solicitor General. In the cases cited by the appellants, the eyewitnesses were not able to observe any means, method or form in the execution of the killing which rendered the victim defenseless. In Amamangpang, the first thing the witness saw was the victim already prostrate on the bamboo floor, blood oozing from his neck and about to be struck by the accused. In Icalla, the witnesses merely saw the accused fleeing from the scene of the crime with a knife in his hand. In Sambulan, the witness saw the two accused hacking the victim with a bolo. Since, in these cases, there was no restraint upon the victims or any other circumstance which would have rendered them defenseless, the Court ruled that it should look into the commencement of the attack in order to determine whether the same was done swiftly and unexpectedly. However, the swiftness and unexpectedness of an attack are not the only means by which the defenselessness of the victim can be ensured. In People v. Montejo,[60] the prosecution witnesses testified that after challenging the victim to a fight, the accused stabbed the victim in the chest while he was held in the arms by the accused and a companion. Not requiring a swift and unexpected commencement to the attack, the Court held: Thus, there is treachery where the victim was stabbed in a defenseless situation, as when he was being held by the others while he was being stabbed, as the accomplishment of the accused's purpose was ensured without risk to him from any defense the victim may offer [People v. Condemena, G.R. No. L-22426, May 29, 1968, 23 SCRA 910; People v. Lunar, G.R. No. L-15579, May 29, 1972, 45 SCRA 119.] In the instant case, it has been established that the accused-appellant stabbed the victim on the chest while his companions held both of the victim's arms.
In People v. Alvarado,[61] the accused and his companions shouted to the victim: Lumabas ka kalbo, kung matapang ka. When the victim went out of the house, the accuseds companions held the victims hands while the accused stabbed him. Despite the yelling which should have warned the victim of a possible attack, the mere fact that the accuseds companions held the hands of the victim while the accused stabbed him was considered by this Court to constitute alevosia. We, therefore, rule that the killing of Ernesto was attended by treachery. However, even assuming for the sake of argument that treachery should not be appreciated, the qualifying circumstance of abuse of superior strength would nevertheless qualify the killing to murder. Despite being alleged in the Information, this circumstance was not considered in the trial court as the same is already absorbed in treachery. The act of the accused in stabbing Ernesto while two persons were holding him clearly shows the deliberate use of excessive force out of proportion to the defense available to the person attacked. In People v. Gemoya,[62] we held: Abuse of superior strength is considered whenever there is a notorious inequality of forces between the victim and the aggressor, assessing a superiority of strength notoriously advantageous for the aggressor which is selected or taken advantage of in the commission of the crime (People vs. Bongadillo, 234 SCRA 233 [1994]). When four armed assailants, two of whom are accused-appellants in this case, gang up on one unarmed victim, it can only be said that excessive force was purposely sought and employed. (Emphasis ours.) In all, there is no doubt that the offense committed by the accused is murder. The award of damages should be modified to include civil indemnity ex delito In the Decision of the RTC convicting Gary and Alberto, it awarded the amount of P55,600.00 as actual damages, P50,000.00 as indemnity for the death of Ernesto, P50,000.00 as moral damages and an unidentified amount as costs of suit.[63] The Court of Appeals modified the RTC Decision by awarding an additional amount of P25,000.00 as exemplary damages on account of the presence of treachery.[64] The Solicitor General claims that the award of P55,600.00 in actual
damages is not proper, considering the lack of receipts supporting the same. However, we held in People v. Torio[65] that: Ordinarily, receipts should support claims of actual damages, but where the defense does not contest the claim, it should be granted. Accordingly, there being no objection raised by the defense on Alma Paulos lack of receipts to support her other claims, all the amounts testified to are accepted. (Emphasis supplied.) In the case at bar, Teresita Acibars testimony was dispensed with on account of the admission by the defense that she incurred P55,600.00 in relation to the death of Ernesto.[66] This admission by the defense is even more binding to it than a failure on its part to object to the testimony. We therefore sustain the award of actual damages by the RTC, as affirmed by the Court of Appeals. The Solicitor General likewise alleges that a civil indemnity ex delito in the amount of P50,000.00 should be awarded. Article 2206[67] of the Civil Code authorizes the award of civil indemnity for death caused by a crime. The award of said civil indemnity is mandatory, and is granted to the heirs of the victim without need of proof other than the commission of the crime.[68] However, current jurisprudence have already increased the award of civil indemnity ex delicto to P75,000.00.[69] We, therefore, award this amount to the heirs of Ernesto. Finally, the Court of Appeals was correct in awarding exemplary damages in the amount of P25,000.00. An aggravating circumstance, whether ordinary or qualifying, should entitle the offended party to an award of exemplary damages within the unbridled meaning of Article 2230[70] of the Civil Code.[71] WHEREFORE, the Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR.-H.C. No. 00027 dated April 29, 2005 is hereby AFFIRMED, with the MODIFICATION that appellants Alberto and Gary Tabarnero are further ordered to pay the heirs of Ernesto Canatoy the amount of P75,000.00 as civil indemnity. SO ORDERED.
ARTURO D. B Associate Ju
CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, it is hereby certified that the conclusions in the above Decision were reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Courts Division.
Associate Justice Arturo D. Brion was designated to sit as additional member replacing Associate Justice Lucas P. Bersamin per Raffle dated 18 January 2010. Penned by Associate Justice Andres B. Reyes, Jr. with Associate Justices Lucas P. Bersamin (now a member of this Court) and Celia C. Librea-Leagogo, concurring; rollo, pp. 3-27. Records, pp. 139-150. Id. at 2. Id. at 8-9. TSN, Aug. 20, 2001, p. 5.
[6] [7]
Records, pp. 18-19. Gary testified that Ernesto was Teresitas husband (TSN, June 4, 2001, p. 4), but Teresitas testimony for the prosecution would later be dispensed with on the admission by the defense that Teresita is Ernestos common-law wife. [8] TSN, June 4, 2001, pp. 2-9. [9] Id. at 9. [10] Id. at 9-10. [11] TSN, July 23, 2001, pp. 4-5. [12] Id. at 5-6. [13] TSN, August 20, 2001, p. 2; TSN, September 3, 2001, p. 5. [14] TSN, August 20, 2001, p. 2. [15] Id. at 3-4. [16] Id. at 5-11. [17] TSN, September 3, 2001, pp. 2-4. [18] Id. at 4-6. [19] Id. at 7-10. [20] Id. at 10-11. [21] TSN, November 5, 2001, p. 2. [22] Id. at 2. [23] TSN, October 8, 2001, pp. 2-7. [24] TSN, November 5, 2001, pp. 2-9. [25] TSN, December 3, 2001, pp. 2-6. [26] Exhibit C; records, p. 125. [27] Id. at 7-13. [28] TSN, January 7, 2002, pp. 1-4. [29] Records, p. 145. [30] Id. at 150. [31] G.R. Nos. 147678-87, July 7, 2004, 433 SCRA 640. [32] Rollo, p. 2. [33] Id. at 27. [34] CA rollo, p. 153. [35] Id. at 51-52. [36] Baxinela v. People, G.R. No. 149652, March 24, 2006, 485 SCRA 331, 342. [37] 466 Phil. 861, 870 (2004). [38] Baxinela v. People, supra note 36. [39] Garcia v. Court of Appeals, 441 Phil. 323, 332 (2002). [40] Baxinela v. People, supra note 36. [41] People v. De la Cruz, 353 Phil. 363, 381 (1998). [42] Baxinela v. People, supra note 36. [43] Senoja v. People, 483 Phil. 716, 724 (2004). [44] The Court of Appeals and the Solicitor General miscomputed the length of time before Gary surrendered himself. [45] CA rollo, p. 129. [46] People v. Saul, 423 Phil. 924, 936 (2001). [47] 467 Phil. 709, 720-721 (2004).
[48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65] [66] [67]
TSN, Aug. 20, 2001, p. 5. Records, p. 13. Id. at 11. TSN, October 8, 2001, pp. 4-6. TSN, December 3, 2001, p. 5. People v. Santos, 337 Phil. 334, 349 (1997). People v. Lamasan, 451 Phil. 308, 321 (2003). TSN, October 8, 2001, pp. 4-6. 353 Phil. 815, 832 (1998). 406 Phil. 380, 394 (2001). 352 Phil. 336, 350 (1998). Rollo, p. 103. G.R. No. L-68857, November 21, 1988, 167 SCRA 506, 515. 341 Phil. 725, 737 (1997). 396 Phil. 213, 221-222 (2000). Records, p. 150. CA rollo, p. 147. 452 Phil. 777, 800 (2003). Records, p. 145. Art. 2206. The amount of damages for death caused by a crime or quasi-delict shall be at least three thousand pesos, even though there may have been mitigating circumstances. In addition: (1) The defendant shall be liable for the loss of the earning capacity of the deceased, and the indemnity shall be paid to the heirs of the latter; such indemnity shall in every case be assessed and awarded by the court, unless the deceased on account of permanent physical disability not caused by the defendant, had no earning capacity at the time of his death; (2) If the deceased was obliged to give support according to the provisions of Article 291, the recipient who is not an heir called to the decedent's inheritance by the law of testate or intestate succession, may demand support from the person causing the death, for a period not exceeding five years, the exact duration to be fixed by the court; (3) The spouse, legitimate and illegitimate descendants and ascendants of the deceased may demand moral damages for mental anguish by reason of the death of the deceased. [68] People v. Honor, G.R. No. 175945, April 7, 2009, 584 SCRA 546, 560. [69] People v. Amodia, G.R. No. 173791, April 7, 2009, 584 SCRA 518, 545; People v. De Guzman, G.R. No. 173477, February 4, 2009, 578 SCRA 54. [70] Art. 2230. In criminal offenses, exemplary damages as a part of the civil liability may be imposed when the crime was committed with one or more aggravating circumstances. Such damages are separate and distinct from fines and shall be paid to the offended party. [71] People v. Catubig, 416 Phil. 102, 120 (2001); see People v. Beltran, Jr., G.R. No. 168051, 27 September 2006, 503 SCRA 715, 741.
XVIII. Res Gestae 1. G.R. No. 163217 Marturillas v. People, G.R. No. 163217, April 18, 2006 April 18, 2006
CELESTINO MARTURILLAS, Petitioner vs.PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Respondent. DECISION PANGANIBAN, CJ: Well-rooted is the principle that factual findings of trial courts, especially when affirmed by the appellate court, are generally binding on the Supreme Court. In convicting the accused in the present case, the Court not merely relied on this doctrine, but also meticulously reviewed the evidence on record. It has come to the inevitable conclusion that petitioner is indeed guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime charged. The Case Before us is a Petition for Review1 under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, seeking to set aside the November 28, 2003 Decision2 and the March 10, 2004 Resolution3 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-GR CR No. 25401. The CA affirmed, with modifications as to the award of damages, the Decision4 of Branch 10 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Davao City. The RTC had found Celestino Marturillas guilty of homicide in Criminal Case No. 42091-98. The assailed CA Decision disposed as follows: "WHEREFORE, subject to the modification thus indicated, the judgment appealed from must be, as it hereby is, AFFIRMED. With the costs of this instance to be assessed against the accused-appellant."5 The challenged CA Resolution denied petitioners Motion for Reconsideration.6 Petitioner was charged with homicide in an Information7 dated November 5, 1998, worded as follows: "[T]hat on or about November 4 1998, in the City of Davao, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-mentioned accused, armed with a gun, and with intent to kill, wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously shot one Artemio Pantinople, thereby inflicting fatal wound upon the latter which caused his death."8
The Facts Version of the Prosecution The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) summarized the Peoples version of the facts: "4. The prosecution presented Lito Santos, Ernita Pantinople, PO2 Mariano Operario, Alicia Pantinople and Dr. Danilo Ledesma as its witnesses from whose testimonies, the following facts were established. "Lito Santos, a forty-three-year old farmer and resident of Barangay Gatungan, Bunawan District, Davao City, testified that about 6:00 oclock in the afternoon of November 4, 1998, he saw his neighbor and kumpare Artemio Pantinople arrive on board a jeepney from Bunawan, Davao City. Artemio was carrying a truck battery, some corn bran and rice. They talked for a while concerning their livelihood afterwhich, Artemio proceeded to connect the battery to the fluorescent lamps in his store. Artemios store was located about five (5) meters away from Litos house. "After installing the battery to the fluorescent lamps, Artemio sat for a while on a bench located in front of his store. Then, Cecilia Santos, Litos wife, called him and Artemio for supper. Artemio obliged. Lito, opting to eat later, served Artemio and Cecilia the food. After eating, Artemio returned to the bench and sat on it again together with his tree (3) children, namely: Janice, Saysay and Pitpit. "Lito was eating supper in their kitchen when he heard a gunshot. From a distance of about ten (10) meters, he also noticed smoke and fire coming from the muzzle of a big gun. Moments later, he saw Artemio clasping his chest and staggering backwards to the direction of his (Litos) kitchen. Artemio shouted to him, Tabangi ko Pre, gipusil ko ni kapitan, meaning Help me, Pre, I was shot by the captain. However, Lito did not approach Artemio right after the shooting incident because Cecilia warned him that he might also be shot. "Lito did not see the person who shot Artemio because his attention was then focused on Artemio. "Shortly, Lito saw Ernita Pantinople, the wife of Artemio, coming from her house towards the direction where Artemio was sprawled on the ground. Ernita was hysterical, jumping and shouting, Kapitan, bakit mo binaril and aking asawa. She also repeatedly cried for help. "Lito then went out of their house and approached Artemio who was lying dead near a banana trunk more than five (5) meters from his house. Some of their neighbors, namely: Antenero, Loloy Libre and Lapis answered Ernitas call for help and approached them.
"When the shooting incident happened about 7:30 in the evening of November 4, 1998, Litos house was illumined by a lamp. Their kitchen has no walls. It is an open-type kitchen giving him an unobstructed view of Artemio who was about five (5) meters away from where he was positioned at that time. Although there was a gemilina tree growing in the space in between his house and the store of Artemio, the same did not block his view of Artemio. Likewise, the coconut trees and young banana plants growing at the scene of the crime did not affect his view. "At the same instance, Ernita was also in their kitchen preparing milk for her baby. Her baby was then lying on the floor of their kitchen. When she was about to put the bottle into the babys mouth, she suddenly heard the sound of a gunburst followed by a shout, Help me Pre, I was shot by the captain. She immediately pushed open the window of their kitchen and saw appellant wearing a black jacket and camouflage pants running towards the direction of the back portion of Litos house. From there, appellant crossed the street and disappeared. "Ernita saw appellant carrying with him a long firearm which looked like an M14 rifle. Ernita also sensed that appellant had some companions with him because she heard the crackling sound of the dried leaves around the place. Ernita had a clear view of appellant at that time because their place was wellillumined by the full moon that night and by the two (2) fluorescent lamps in their store which were switched on at the time of the incident. "Ernita immediately went out of their house and ran towards Artemio. Artemio tried to speak to her but he could not do so because his mouth was full of blood. Upon seeing the pitiful sight of her husband, Ernita shouted several times, Kapitan, ngano nimo gipatay and akong bana. She also repeatedly called her neighbors for help but only Lito Santos, Eufemio Antenero, Norman Libre and some residents of Poblacion Gatungan responded to her calls and approached them. She noted that no member of the CFO and CAFGU came to help them. Also, no barangay tanod came to offer them to help. "While waiting for the police, Ernita did not allow Artemios body to be touched by anybody. After more than two (2) hours, the police arrived, together with a photographer by the name of Fe Mendez of Bunawan District, Davao City who took pictures of the crime scene. "PO2 Mariano Operario, Investigation Officer of the Investigation Section of the Bunawan Police Station, Philippine National Police, Davao City, testified that about 9:05 in the evening of November 4, 1998, he received a report of an alleged shooting incident at Barangay Gatungan, Bunawan District in Davao City. Together with SPO1 Rodel C. Estrellan and a member of the mobile police patrol on board their mobile car, PO2 Operario proceeded immediately to the crime scene. They reached the crime scene about 10:00 oclock in the evening of the same date. They found the lifeless body of Artemio sprawled on the ground.
Ernita and Lito then approached PO2 Operario and informed him that appellant was the one responsible for the shooting. "PO2 Operario stayed at the crime scene for about one (1) hour and waited for the funeral vehicle to pick up the body of Artemio. When the funeral hearse arrived, PO2 Operario told the crew to load Artemios body into the vehicle. Thereafter, he then boarded again their mobile car together with Lito Santos. "Armed with the information that appellant was the one responsible for the shooting of Artemio, PO2 Operario proceeded to the house of appellant and informed him that he was a suspect in the killing of Artemio. He then invited appellant to go with him to the police station and also to bring along with him his M-14 rifle. Appellant did not say anything. He just got his M-14 rifle and went with the police to the police station where he was detained the whole night of November 4, 1998. Appellant did not also give any statement to anybody about the incident. The following day, appellant was transferred by the police to Tibungco Police Station where he was detained. "Alicia Pantinople, the 44-year old sister of Artemio, testified that on the night of November 4, 1998, she was at home watching television. She heard a gunshot but did not mind it because she was already used to hearing the sound of guns fired indiscriminately in their place. "After a few minutes, Junjun, a child and resident of Sitio Centro, Barangay Gatungan, Bunawan District, Davao City came knocking at their door. Junjun informed them that: Yoyo, Uncle Titing was shot, referring to Artemio. "Upon hearing the report, Alicia looked for some money thinking that it might be needed for Artemios hospitalization because she expected Artemio to be still alive. Artemios two (2) children, namely: Jonel and Genesis who were staying with her hurriedly left. She then ran to the place where her brother was shot and found Artemios dead body on the ground surrounded by his four (4) children. "At the Bunawan Police Station, Alicia was informed by the police that appellant was at Tibungco Police Station. She sent her male cousin to proceed to Tibungco Police Station to find out if appellant was indeed in the said place. However, her cousin immediately returned and informed her that appellant was not in Tibungco Police Station. She then went around the Bunawan Police Station and noticed a locked door. When she peeped through the hole of the said door, she saw appellant reclining on a bench about two and a half (2 ) meters away from the door. Appellants left leg was on top of the bench while his right leg was on the ground. Appellant was wearing a brown shirt, black jacket and a pair of camouflage pants. He was also wearing brown shoes but he had no socks on his feet. "At the police station, Alicia confronted appellant: Nong Listing I know that
you can recognize my voice. It is me. Why did you kill my brother? What has he done wrong to you? "Appellant did not answer her. Nevertheless, she was sure that appellant was awake because he was tapping the floor with his right foot. "Dr. Danilo Ledesma, a medico-legal officer of the Davao City Health Department, conducted an autopsy on Artemios cadaver about 9:30 in the morning of November 5, 1998 at the Rivera Funeral Homes located at Licanan, Lasang. His findings are summarized in his Necropsy Report No. 76: POSTMORTEM FINDINGS Pallor, marked generalized. Body in rigor mortis. Wound, gunshot, ENTRANCE, 0.9 x 0.8 cm. Ovaloid located at the anterior chestwall, rightside, 1.0 cm; from the anterior median line, at the level of the third (3rd) intercoastal space and 131.0 cms. above the right heel, directed backwards, upwards, medially crossing the midline from the right to left, involving the soft tissues, perforating the body of the sternum, into the pericardial cavity, perforating the heart into the left thoracic cavity, perforating the heart into the left thoracic cavity, perforating the upper lobe of the left lung, forming an irregular EXIT, 1.5 x 1.1 cms. at the posterior chest wall left side, 13.0 cms. from the posterior median line and 139.0 cms. above the left heel. Hemopericadium, 300 ml. Hemothorax, left, 1,000 ml. Stomach, filled with partially digested food particles. Other visceral organs, pale. CAUSE OF DEATH: Gunshot wound of the chest. Signed by: DANILO P. LEDESMAMedico-Legal Officer IV "During the trial, Dr. Ledesma explained that Artemio died of a gunshot wound, 0.9 x 0.8 centimeters in size located about one (1) inch away from the centerline of Artemios Adams apple down to his navel and about 1:00 oclock from his right nipple. "The trajectory of the bullet passing through Artemios body indicates that his assailant was in a lower position than Artemio when the gun was fired. Dr.
Ledesma also found the wound of Artemio negative of powder burns indicating that the assailant was at a distance of more than twenty-four (24) inches when he fired his gun at Artemio. He did not also find any bullet slug inside the body of Artemio indicating that the bullet went through Artemios body. Artemios heart and lungs were lacerated and his stomach contained partially digested food particles indicating that he had just eaten his meal when he was shot. "In the certificate of death of Artemio, Dr. Ledesma indicated that the cause of his death was a gunshot wound on the chest. "5. After the defense presented its evidence, the case was submitted for decision."9 Version of the Defense On the other hand, petitioner presented the following statement of facts: "9. This is a criminal case for Homicide originally lodged before the Regional Trial Court, Branch 10 of Davao City against herein Petitioner Celestino Marturillas, former Barangay Captain of Gatungan, Bunawan District[,] Davao City and docketed as Criminal Case No. 42,091-98. The criminal charge against Petitioner was the result of a shooting incident in Barangay Gatungan, Bunawan District, Davao City which resulted in the slaying of Artemio Pantinople while the latter was on his way home in the evening of November 4, 1998. "10. On that same evening at around 8:30 p.m. herein Petitioner former Barangay Captain Celestino Marturillas was roused from his sleep at his house in Barangay Gatungan, Bunawan District, Davao City by his wife since Kagawads Jimmy Balugo and Norman Libre (Barangay Kagawads of Gatungan, Bunawan District, Davao City) wanted to see him. Dazed after just having risen from bed, Petitioner was rubbing his eyes when he met the two Kagawads inside his house. He was informed that a resident of his barangay, Artemio Pantinople, had just been shot. Petitioner at once ordered his Kagawads to assemble the members of the SCAA (Special Civilian Armed [Auxiliary]) so that they could be escorted to the crime scene some 250 meters away. As soon as the SCAAs were contacted, they (Petitioner, Kagawads Libre and Balugo including Wiliam Gabas, Eddie Loyahan and Junior Marturillas - the last three being SCAA members) then proceeded to the crime scene to determine what assistance they could render. "11. While approaching the store owned by the Pantinoples and not very far from where the deceased lay sprawled, Petitioner was met by Ernita Pantinople (wife of the deceased-Artemio Pantinople) who was very mad and belligerent. She immediately accused Petitioner of having shot her husband instead of Lito Santos who was his enemy. Petitioner was taken aback by the instant accusation against him. He explained that he just came from his house where he was roused by his Kagawads from his sleep. Not being able to talk sense with Ernita Pantinople, Petitioner and his companions backed off to avoid a
heated confrontation. Petitioner instead decided to go back to his house along with his companions. "12. Upon reaching his house, Petitioner instructed Kagawad Jimmy Balugo to contact the Bunawan Police Station and inform them what transpired. Not knowing the radio frequency of the local police, Kagawad Balugo instead radioed officials of nearby Barangay San Isidro requesting them to contact the Bunawan PNP for police assistance since someone was shot in their locality. "13. Moments later, PO2 Mariano Operario and another police officer arrived at the house of Petitioner and when confronted by the latter, he was informed by PO2 Operario that he was the principal suspect in the slaying of Artemio Pantinople. Upon their invitation, Petitioner immediately went with the said police officers for questioning at the Bunawan Police Station. He also took with him his government-issued M-14 Rifle and one magazine of live M-14 ammunition which Petitioner turned over for safe keeping with the Bunawan PNP. The police blotter showed that Petitioner surrendered his M-14 rifle with live ammunition to SPO1 Estrellan and PO3 Sendrijas of the Bunawan PNP at around 10:45 p.m. of November 4, 1998. "14. When the shooting incident was first recorded in the Daily Record of Events of the Bunawan PNP it was indicated therein that deceased may have been shot by unidentified armed men viz: Entry No. Date Time Incident/Events 2289 110498 2105H SHOOTING INCIDENTOne Dominador Lopez 43 years old, married, farmer and a resident of Puro[k] 5, Barangay Gatungan, Davao City appeared at this Precinct and reported that shortly before this writing, one ARTEMIO PANTINOPLE, former barangay kagawad of Barangay Gatungan was allegedly shot to death by an unidentified armed men at the aforementioned Barangay. x x x. "15. The extract from the police blotter prepared by SPO2 Dario B. Undo dated November 9, 1998 already had a little modification indicating therein that deceased was shot by an unidentified armed man and the following entry was made. 2105H: Shooting Incident: One Dominador Lopez, 43 years old, married, farmer and a resident of Purok 5, Barangay Gatungan Bunawan District, Davao City appeared at this Police Precinct and reported that prior to these writing, one Artemio Pantinople, former Barangay Kagawad of Barangay Gatungan was allegedly shot to death by unidentified armed man at the aforementioned barangay. x x x. "16. On November 5, 1998 at around 7:15 a.m. PO2 Mariano Operario indorsed
with the Bunawan PNP an empty shell fired from a carbine rifle which was recovered by the said police officer from the crime scene in the night of the incident. Owing to his pre-occupation in organizing and preparing the affidavits of the Complainant and her witnesses the previous evening, he was only able to indorse the same the following morning. At the same time, P/Chief Insp. Julito M. Diray, Station Commander of the Bunawan PNP made a written request addressed to the District Commander of the PNP Crime Laboratory requesting that a paraffin test be conducted on Petitioner and that a ballistics examination be made on the M-14 rifle which he surrendered to Bunawan PNP. "17. At around 9:30 a.m. of November 5, 1998, Dr. Danilo P. Ledesma, M.D., Medico-Legal Officer for Davao City conducted an autopsy on the cadaver of deceased and made the following Post-Mortem Findings contained in Necropsy Report No. 76 dated November 6, 1998, viz: Pallor, marked, generalized Body in rigor mortis Wound, gunshot, ENTRANCE, 0.9-0.8 cm. ovaloid located at the anterior chest wall, right side, .0 cm. from the anterior median line, at the level of the third (3rd) intercostal space and 131.0 cms. above the right neck, directed backwards, upwards, medially, crossing the midline from the right to left, involving the soft tissues, perforating the body of the sternum into the pericardial cavity, perforating the heart into the left thoracic cavity, perforating the upper lobe of the left lung forming an irregular EXIT, 1.5x1.1 cms. at the posterior chest wall, left side, 13.0 cms. from the posterior median line and 139.0 cms. above the left neck. Hemopericadium, 300 ml. Hemothorax, left 1,000 ml. Stomach filled with partially digested food particles. Other visceral organs, pale CAUSE OF DEATH: Gunshot wound of the chest. "18. After the fatal shooting of deceased, Celestino Marturillas was subjected to paraffin testing by the PNP Crime Laboratory in Davao City at 10:30 a.m. November 5, 1998. The next day, November 6, 1998, the PNP Crime Laboratory released Physical Sciences Report No. C-074-98 regarding the paraffin test results which found Petitioner NEGATIVE for gunpowder nitrates based on the following findings of the PNP Crime Laboratory: FINDINGS:
Qualitative examination conducted on the above-mentioned specimen gave NEGATIVE result to the test for the presence of gunpowder nitrates. x x x CONCLUSION: Both hands of Celestino Marturillas do not contain gunpowder nitrates[.] "19. After preparing all the affidavits of Ernita Pantinople and her witnesses PO2 Mariano R. Operario Jr., the police officer as[s]igned to investigate the shooting of the deceased, prepared and transmitted, on November 5, 1998, a Complaint to the City Prosecution Office recommending that Petitioner be indicted for Murder, attaching therewith the Sworn Affidavits of Ernita O. Pantinople (Complainant), Lito D. Santos (witness) and the Sworn Joint Affidavit of SPO1 Rodel Estrellan and PO2 Mariano R. Operario Jr. of the PNP. "20. The following is the Affidavit-Complaint of Ernita Pantinople as well as the supporting affidavits of her witnesses all of which are quoted in full hereunder: Ernita Pantinoples Affidavit-Complaint dated November 5, 1998: That last November 4, 1998 at about 7:30 in the evening, I was attending and caring my baby boy at that time to let him sleep and that moment I heard first one gun shot burst after then somebody shouting seeking for help in Visayan words tabangi ko Pre gipusil ko ni Kapitan I estimated a distance to more or less ten (10) meters away from my house; That I immediately peep at the windows, wherein I very saw a person of Brgy. Capt. Celestino Marturillas of Brgy. Gatungan, Bunawan District, Davao City, wearing black jacket and camouflage pants carrying his M-14 rifle running to the direction to the left side portion of the house of Lito Santos who was my neighbor respectively; That I hurriedly go down from my house and proceeded to the victims body, wherein when I came nearer I got surprised for the victim was my beloved husband; That I was always shouting in visayan words kapitan nganong imo mang gipatay and akong bana; That I let my husband body still at that placed until the police officers will arrived and investigate the incident; That I know personally Brgy. Capt. Celestino Marturillas for he is my nearby neighbor at that placed; That I am executing this affidavit to apprise the authorities concern of the truthfulness of the foregoing and my desire to file necessary charges against
Celestino Marturillas. Witness-Affidavit of Lito Santos dated November 5, 1998 reads: I, LITO D. SANTOS, 43 yrs. old, married, farmer, a resident of Purok 5, Brgy. Gatungan, Bunawan District, Davao City after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law do hereby depose and say: That last November 4, 1998 at about 7:30 in the evening I was taking my dinner at the kitchen of my house and after finished eating I stood up then got a glass of water and at that time I heard one gun shot burst estimated to more or less ten (10) meters from my possession then followed somebody shouting seeking for help in Visayan words tabangi ko pre gipusil ko ni Kapitan; That I really saw the victim moving backward to more or less five (5) meters away from where he was shot then and there the victim slumped at the grassy area; That I immediately go out from my house and proceeded to the victims body, wherein, when I came nearer I found and identified the victim one Artemio Pantinople who was my nearby neighbor sprawled on his own blood at the grassy area; That no other person named by the victim other than Brgy. Capt. Celestino Marturillas of Brgy. Gatungan, Bunawan District, Davao City; That I am executing this affidavit to apprised the authorities concern of the true facts and circumstances that surrounds the incident. "21. Based on the Affidavits executed by Ernita Pantinople and Lito Santos, then 2nd Asst. City Prosecutor Raul B. Bendigo issued a Resolution on November 5, 1998 finding sufficient evidence to indict Appellant for the crime of Homicide and not Murder as alleged in Private Complainants Affidavit Complaint. The Information states: Above-mentioned Accused, armed with a gun, and with intent to kill, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously shot one Artemio Pantinople, thereby inflicting fatal wound upon the latter which caused his death. CONTRARY TO LAW. xxxxxxxxx "23. The theory of the Defense was anchored on the testimony of the following individuals: 23.1 Jimmy Balugo, was one of the Barangay Kagawads who went to the house
of Petitioner after receiving a radio message from Brgy. Kagawad Glenda Lascua that a shooting incident took place in their barangay. He also testified that together with Kagawad Norberto Libre, he proceeded to the house of Petitioner to inform him of the shooting incident involving a certain Artemio Titing Pantinople. After informing Petitioner about what happened, the latter instructed him and Norberto Libre to gather the SCAAs and to accompany them to the crime scene. He also narrated to the court that Petitioner and their group were not able to render any assistance at the crime scene since the widow and the relatives of deceased were already belligerent. As a result of which, the group of Petitioner including himself, went back to the formers house where he asked Petitioner if it would be alright to contact the police and request for assistance. He claimed that he was able to contact the Bunawan PNP with the help of the Barangay Police of Barangay San Isidro. 23.2) Norberto Libre testified that in the evening of November 4, 1998, he heard a gunburst which resembled a firecracker and after a few minutes Barangay Kagawad Jimmy Balugo went to his house and informed him that their neighbor Titing Pantinople was shot. Kagawad Balugo requested him to accompany the former to go to the house of then Barangay Captain Celestino Marturillas; that he and Kagawad Balugo proceeded to the house of Petitioner and shouted to awaken the latter; that Barangay Captain Marturillas went out rubbing his eyes awakened from his sleep and was informed of the killing of Artemio Pantinople; that Petitioner immediately instructed them to fetch the SCAA and thereafter their group went to the crime scene. 23.3) Ronito Bedero testified that he was in his house on the night Artemio Pantinop[l]e was shot. The material point raised by this witness in his testimony was the fact that he saw an unidentified armed man flee from the crime scene who later joined two other armed men near a nangka tree not far from where deceased was shot. All three later fled on foot towards the direction of the Purok Center in Barangay Gatungan. This witness noticed that one of the three men was armed with a rifle but could not make out their identities since the area where the three men converged was a very dark place. After the three men disappeared, he saw from the opposite direction Petitioner, Barangay Kagawad Jimmy Balugo and three (3) SCAA members going to the scene of the crime but they did not reach the crime scene. A little later, he saw the group of Petitioner return to where they came from. 23.4) Police C/Insp. Noemi Austero, Forensic Chemist of the PNP Crime Laboratory, testified that she conducted a paraffin test on both hands of Petitioner on November 5, 1999 at around 10:30 a.m. She also testified that Petitioner tested NEGATIVE for gunpowder nitrates indicating that he never fired a weapon at any time between 7:30 p.m. of November 4, 1999 until the next day, November 5, 1999. She also testified that as a matter of procedure at the PNP Crime Laboratory, they do not conduct paraffin testing on a crime suspect seventy two (72) hours after an alleged shooting incident. She also testified that based on her experience she is not aware of any chemical that
could extract gunpowder nitrates from the hands of a person who had just fired his weapon. 23.5) Dominador Lapiz testified that he lived on the land of the victim, Artemio Pantinople for ten (10) years. He was one of the first persons who went to the crime scene where he personally saw the body of deceased lying at a very dark portion some distance from the victims house and that those with him at that time even had to light the place with a lamp so that they could clearly see the deceased. He also testified that there were many coconut and other trees and bananas in the crime scene. He also testified that the house of Lito Santos was only about four (4) meters from the crime scene, while the house of victim-Artemio Pantinople was about FIFTY (50) meters away. He testified that there was no lighted fluorescent at the store of deceased at the time of the shooting. He was also the one who informed Kagawad Glenda Lascuna about the shooting of Artemio Pantinople. His testimony also revealed that when the responding policemen arrived, Lito Santos immediately approached the policemen, volunteered himself as a witness and even declared that he would testify that it was Petitioner who shot Artemio Pantinople. On cross-examination, this witness declared that the crime scene was very dark and one cannot see the body of the victim without light. On crossexamination, this witness also testified that Lito Santos approached the service vehicle of the responding policemen and volunteered to be a witness that Petitioner was the assailant of the victim, Artemio Pantinople. This witness further testified that immediately after he went to the crime scene, the widow of the victim and the children were merely shouting and crying and it was only after the policemen arrived that the widow uttered in a loud voice, Kapitan nganong gipatay mo and akong bana? 23.6) Celestino Marturillas, former Barangay Captain of Barangay Gatungan, Bunawan District, Davao City testified that he learned of Pantinoples killing two hours later through information personally relayed to him by Kagawads Jimmy Balugo and Norberto Libre. He intimated to the Court that he did try to extend some assistance to the family of the deceased but was prevented from so doing since the wife of deceased herself and her relatives were already hostile with him when he was about to approach the crime scene. He also testified that he voluntarily went with the police officers who arrested him at his residence on the same evening after the victim was shot. He also turned over to police custody the M-14 rifle issued to him and voluntarily submitted himself to paraffin testing a few hours after he was taken in for questioning by the Bunawan PNP. Petitioner, during the trial consistently maintained that he is innocent of the charge against him."10 Ruling of the Court of Appeals The CA affirmed the findings of the RTC that the guilt of petitioner had been established beyond reasonable doubt. According to the appellate court, he was
positively identified as the one running away from the crime scene immediately after the gunshot. This fact, together with the declaration of the victim himself that he had been shot by the captain, clearly established the latters complicity in the crime. No ill motive could be ascribed by the CA to the prosecution witnesses. Thus, their positive, credible and unequivocal testimonies were accepted as sufficient to establish the guilt of petitioner beyond reasonable doubt. On the other hand, the CA also rejected his defenses of denial and alibi. It held that they were necessarily suspect, especially when established by friends or relatives, and should thus be subjected to the strictest scrutiny. At any rate, his alibi and denial cannot prevail over the positive testimonies of the prosecution witnesses found to be more credible. The appellate court upheld petitioners conviction, as well as the award of damages. In addition, it awarded actual damages representing unearned income. Hence, this Petition.11 The Issues In his Memorandum, petitioner submits the following issues for the Courts consideration: "I The Court of Appeals committed a reversible error when it gave credence to the claim of the solicitor general that the prosecutions witnesses positively identified petitioner as the alleged triggerman "II The Court of Appeals was in serious error when it affirmed the trial courts blunder in literally passing the blame on petitioner for the lapses in the investigation conducted by the police thereby shifting on him the burden of proving his innocence "III The Court of Appeals committed a serious and palpable error when it failed to consider that the deceased was cut off by death before he could convey a complete or sensible communication to whoever heard such declaration assuming there was any "IV
Petit[i]oners alibi assumed significance considering that evidence and testimonies of the prosecutions witnesses arrayed against petitioner failed to prove that he was responsible for the commission of the crime."12 In sum, petitioner raises two main issues: 1) whether the prosecutions evidence is credible; and 2) whether it is sufficient to convict him of homicide. Under the first main issue, he questions the positive identification made by the prosecution witnesses; the alleged inconsistencies between their Affidavits and court testimonies; and the plausibility of the allegation that the victim had uttered, "Tabangi ko pre, gipusil ko ni kapitan" ("Help me pre, I was shot by the captain"), which was considered by the two lower courts either as his dying declaration or as part of res gestae. Under the second main issue, petitioner contends that the burden of proof was erroneously shifted to him; that there should have been no finding of guilt because of the negative results of the paraffin test; and that the prosecution miserably failed to establish the type of gun used in the commission of the crime. The Courts Ruling The Petition is unmeritorious. First Main Issue: Credibility of the Prosecution Evidence According to petitioner, the charge of homicide should be dismissed, because the inherent weakness of the prosecutions case against him was revealed by the evidence presented. He submits that any doubt as to who really perpetrated the crime should be resolved in his favor. We do not agree. This Court has judiciously reviewed the findings and records of this case and finds no reversible error in the CAs ruling affirming petitioners conviction for homicide. Basic is the rule that this Court accords great weight and a high degree of respect to factual findings of the trial court, especially when affirmed by the CA, as in the present case.13 Here, the RTC was unequivocally upheld by the CA, which was clothed with the power to review whether the trial courts conclusions were in accord with the facts and the relevant laws.14 Indeed, the findings of the trial court are not to be disturbed on appeal, unless it has overlooked or misinterpreted some facts or circumstances of weight and substance.15 Although there are recognized exceptions16 to the conclusiveness of the findings of fact of the trial and the appellate courts, petitioner has not convinced this Court of the existence of any.
Having laid that basic premise, the Court disposes seriatim the arguments proffered by petitioner under the first main issue. Positive Identification Petitioner contends that it was inconceivable for Prosecution Witness Ernita Pantinople -- the victims wife -- to have identified him as the assassin. According to him, her house was "a good fifty (50) meters away from the crime scene,"17 which was "enveloped in pitch darkness."18 Because of the alleged improbability, he insists that her testimony materially contradicted her Affidavit. The Affidavit supposedly proved that she had not recognized her husband from where she was standing during the shooting. If she had failed to identify the victim, petitioner asks, "how was it possible for her to conclude that it was [p]etitioner whom she claims she saw fleeing from the scene?"19 All these doubts raised by petitioner are sufficiently addressed by the clear, direct and convincing testimony of the witness. She positively identified him as the one "running away" immediately after the sound of a gunshot. Certain that she had seen him, she even described what he was wearing, the firearm he was carrying, and the direction towards which he was running. She also clarified that she had heard the statement, "Help me pre, I was shot by the captain," uttered after the shooting incident. Accepting her testimony, the CA ruled thus: "Ernitas testimony that she saw [petitioner] at the crime scene is credible because the spot where Artemio was shot was only 30 meters away from her house. Undoubtedly, Ernita is familiar with [petitioner], who is her neighbor, and a long-time barangay captain of Barangay Gatungan, Bunawan District, Davao City when the incident took place. Ernita was also able to see his face while he was running away from the crime scene. The identification of a person can be established through familiarity with ones physical features. Once a person has gained familiarity with one another, identification becomes quite an easy task even from a considerable distance. Judicial notice can also be taken of the fact that people in rural communities generally know each other both by face and name, and can be expected to know each others distinct and particular features and characteristics."20 This holding confirms the findings of fact of the RTC. Settled is the rule that on questions of the credibility of witnesses and the veracity of their testimonies, findings of the trial court are given the highest degree of respect.21 It was the trial court that had the opportunity to observe the manner in which the witnesses had testified; as well as their furtive glances, calmness, sighs, and scant or full realization of their oaths.22 It had the better opportunity to observe them firsthand; and to note their demeanor, conduct and attitude under grueling examination.23 Petitioner doubts whether Ernita could have accurately identified him at the scene of the crime, considering that it was dark at that time; that there were
trees obstructing her view; and that her house was fifty (50) meters away from where the crime was committed. These assertions are easily belied by the findings of the courts below, as borne by the records. Ernita testified on the crime scene conditions that had enabled her to make a positive identification of petitioner. Her testimony was even corroborated by other prosecution witnesses, who bolstered the truth and veracity of those declarations. Consequently, the CA ruled as follows: "x x x Ernitas recognition of the assailant was made possible by the lighted two fluorescent lamps in their store and by the full moon. x x x. In corroboration, Lito testified that the place where the shooting occurred was bright. "The trees and plants growing in between Ernitas house and the place where Artemio was shot to death did not impede her view of the assailant. To be sure, the prosecution presented photographs of the scene of the crime and its immediate vicinities. These photographs gave a clear picture of the place where Artemio was shot. Admittedly, there are some trees and plants growing in between the place where the house of Ernita was located and the spot where Artemio was shot. Notably, however, there is only one gemilina tree, some coconut trees and young banana plants growing in the place where Artemio was shot. The trees and banana plants have slender trunks which could not have posed an obstacle to Ernitas view of the crime scene from the kitchen window of her house especially so that she was in an elevated position."24 This Court has consistently held that -- given the proper conditions -- the illumination produced by a kerosene lamp, a flashlight, a wick lamp, moonlight, or starlight is considered sufficient to allow the identification of persons. 25 In this case, the full moon and the light coming from two fluorescent lamps of a nearby store were sufficient to illumine the place where petitioner was; and to enable the eyewitness to identify him as the person who was present at the crime scene. Settled is the rule that when conditions of visibility are favorable and the witnesses do not appear to be biased, their assertion as to the identity of the malefactor should normally be accepted.26 But even where the circumstances were less favorable, the familiarity of Ernita with the face of petitioner considerably reduced any error in her identification of him.27 Since the circumstances in this case were reasonably sufficient for the identification of persons, this fact of her familiarity with him erases any doubt that she could have erred in identifying him. Those related to the victim of a crime have a natural tendency to remember the faces of those involved in it. These relatives, more than anybody else, would be concerned with seeking justice for the victim and bringing the malefactor before the law.28 Neither was there any indication that Ernita was impelled by ill motives in positively identifying petitioner. The CA was correct in observing that it would be "unnatural for a relative who is interested in vindicating the crime to accuse
somebody else other than the real culprit. For her to do so is to let the guilty go free."29 Where there is nothing to indicate that witnesses were actuated by improper motives on the witness stand, their positive declarations made under solemn oath deserve full faith and credence.30 Inconsistency Between Affidavit and Testimony Petitioner contends that the testimony of Ernita materially contradicted her Affidavit. According to him, she said in her testimony that she had immediately recognized her husband as the victim of the shooting; but in her Affidavit she stated that it was only when she had approached the body that she came to know that he was the victim. We find no inconsistency. Although Ernita stated in her testimony that she had recognized the victim as her husband through his voice, it cannot necessarily be inferred that she did not see him. Although she recognized him as the victim, she was still hoping that it was not really he. Thus, the statement in her Affidavit that she was surprised to see that her husband was the victim of the shooting. To be sure, ex parte affidavits are usually incomplete, as these are frequently prepared by administering officers and cast in their language and understanding of what affiants have said.31 Almost always, the latter would simply sign the documents after being read to them. Basic is the rule that, taken ex parte, affidavits are considered incomplete and often inaccurate. They are products sometimes of partial suggestions and at other times of want of suggestions and inquiries, without the aid of which witnesses may be unable to recall the connected circumstances necessary for accurate recollection.32 Nevertheless, the alleged inconsistency is inconsequential to the ascertainment of the presence of petitioner at the crime scene. Ruled the CA: "x x x. They referred only to that point wherein Ernita x x x ascertained the identity of Artemio as the victim. They did not relate to Ernitas identification of [petitioner] as the person running away from the crime scene immediately after she heard a gunshot."33 Statements Uttered Contemporaneous with the Crime Ernita positively testified that immediately after the shooting, she had heard her husband say, "Help me pre, I was shot by the captain." This statement was corroborated by another witness, Lito Santos, who testified on the events immediately preceding and subsequent to the shooting. It should be clear that Santos never testified that petitioner was the one who had actually shot the victim. Still, the testimony of this witness is valuable, because it validates the statements made by Ernita. He confirms that after
hearing the gunshot, he saw the victim and heard the latter cry out those same words. Petitioner insinuates that it was incredible for Santos to have seen the victim, but not the assailant. The CA dismissed this argument thus: "x x x. The natural reaction of a person who hears a loud or startling command is to turn towards the speaker. Moreover, witnessing a crime is an unusual experience that elicits different reactions from witnesses, for which no clearcut standard of behavior can be prescribed. Litos reaction is not unnatural. He was more concerned about Artemios condition than the need to ascertain the identity of Artemios assailant."34 It was to be expected that, after seeing the victim stagger and hearing the cry for help, Santos would shift his attention to the person who had uttered the plea quoted earlier. A shift in his focus of attention would sufficiently explain why Santos was not able to see the assailant. Petitioner then accuses this witness of harboring "a deep-seated grudge,"35 which would explain why the latter allegedly fabricated a serious accusation. This contention obviously has no basis. No serious accusation against petitioner was ever made by Santos. What the latter did was merely to recount what he heard the victim utter immediately after the shooting. Santos never pointed to petitioner as the perpetrator of the crime. The statements of the former corroborated those of Ernita and therefore simply added credence to the prosecutions version of the facts. If it were true that he had an ulterior motive, it would have been very easy for him to say that he had seen petitioner shoot the victim. The two witnesses unequivocally declared and corroborated each other on the fact that the plea, "Help me pre, I was shot by the captain," had been uttered by the victim. Nevertheless, petitioner contends that it was highly probable that the deceased died instantly and was consequently unable to shout for help. We do not discount this possibility, which petitioner himself admits to be a probability. In the face of the positive declaration of two witnesses that the words were actually uttered, we need not concern ourselves with speculations, probabilities or possibilities. Said the CA: "x x x. Thus, as between the positive and categorical declarations of the prosecution witnesses and the mere opinion of the medical doctor, the former must necessarily prevail. "Moreover, it must be stressed that the post-mortem examination of the cadaver of Artemio was conducted by Dr. Ledesma only about 9:30 in the morning of November 5, 1998 or the day following the fatal shooting of Artemio. Evidently, several hours had elapsed prior to the examination. Thus, Dr. Ledesma could not have determined Artemios physical condition a few
seconds after the man was shot."36 Dying Declaration Having established that the victim indeed uttered those words, the question to be resolved is whether they can be considered as part of the dying declaration of the victim. Rule 130, Section 37 of the Rules of Court, provides: "The declaration of a dying person, made under the consciousness of impending death, may be received in any case wherein his death is the subject of inquiry, as evidence of the cause and surrounding circumstances of such death." Generally, witnesses can testify only to those facts derived from their own perception. A recognized exception, though, is a report in open court of a dying persons declaration made under the consciousness of an impending death that is the subject of inquiry in the case.37 Statements identifying the assailant, if uttered by a victim on the verge of death, are entitled to the highest degree of credence and respect.38 Persons aware of an impending death have been known to be genuinely truthful in their words and extremely scrupulous in their accusations.39 The dying declaration is given credence, on the premise that no one who knows of ones impending death will make a careless and false accusation.40 Hence, not infrequently, pronouncements of guilt have been allowed to rest solely on the dying declaration of the deceased victim.41 To be admissible, a dying declaration must 1) refer to the cause and circumstances surrounding the declarants death; 2) be made under the consciousness of an impending death; 3) be made freely and voluntarily without coercion or suggestions of improper influence; 4) be offered in a criminal case, in which the death of the declarant is the subject of inquiry; and 5) have been made by a declarant competent to testify as a witness, had that person been called upon to testify.42 The statement of the deceased certainly concerned the cause and circumstances surrounding his death. He pointed to the person who had shot him. As established by the prosecution, petitioner was the only person referred to as kapitan in their place.43 It was also established that the declarant, at the time he had given the dying declaration, was under a consciousness of his impending death. True, he made no express statement showing that he was conscious of his impending death. The law, however, does not require the declarant to state explicitly a perception of the inevitability of death.44 The perception may be
established from surrounding circumstances, such as the nature of the declarants injury and conduct that would justify a conclusion that there was a consciousness of impending death.45 Even if the declarant did not make an explicit statement of that realization, the degree and seriousness of the words and the fact that death occurred shortly afterwards may be considered as sufficient evidence that the declaration was made by the victim with full consciousness of being in a dying condition.46 Also, the statement was made freely and voluntarily, without coercion or suggestion, and was offered as evidence in a criminal case for homicide. In this case, the declarant was the victim who, at the time he uttered the dying declaration, was competent as a witness. As found by the CA, the dying declaration of the victim was complete, as it was "a full expression of all that he intended to say as conveying his meaning. It [was] complete and [was] not merely fragmentary."47 Testified to by his wife and neighbor, his dying declaration was not only admissible in evidence as an exception to the hearsay rule, but was also a weighty and telling piece of evidence. Res Gestae The fact that the victims statement constituted a dying declaration does not preclude it from being admitted as part of the res gestae, if the elements of both are present.48 Section 42 of Rule 130 of the Rules of Court provides: "Part of the res gestae. -- Statements made by a person while a startling occurrence is taking place or immediately prior or subsequent thereto with respect to the circumstances thereof, may be given in evidence as part of the res gestae. So, also, statements accompanying an equivocal act material to the issue, and giving it a legal significance, may be received as part of the res gestae." Res gestae refers to statements made by the participants or the victims of, or the spectators to, a crime immediately before, during, or after its commission. 49 These statements are a spontaneous reaction or utterance inspired by the excitement of the occasion, without any opportunity for the declarant to fabricate a false statement.50 An important consideration is whether there intervened, between the occurrence and the statement, any circumstance calculated to divert the mind and thus restore the mental balance of the declarant; and afford an opportunity for deliberation.51 A declaration is deemed part of the res gestae and admissible in evidence as an exception to the hearsay rule, when the following requisites concur: 1) the principal act, the res gestae, is a startling occurrence; 2) the statements were
made before the declarant had time to contrive or devise; and 3) the statements concerned the occurrence in question and its immediately attending circumstances.52 All these requisites are present in this case. The principal act, the shooting, was a startling occurrence. Immediately after, while he was still under the exciting influence of the startling occurrence, the victim made the declaration without any prior opportunity to contrive a story implicating petitioner. Also, the declaration concerned the one who shot the victim. Thus, the latters statement was correctly appreciated as part of the res gestae. Aside from the victims statement, which is part of the res gestae, that of Ernita -- "Kapitan, ngano nimo gipatay ang akong bana?" ("Captain, why did you shoot my husband?") -- may be considered to be in the same category. Her statement was about the same startling occurrence; it was uttered spontaneously, right after the shooting, while she had no opportunity to concoct a story against petitioner; and it related to the circumstances of the shooting. Second Main Issue: Sufficiency of Evidence Having established the evidence for the prosecution, we now address the argument of petitioner that the appellate court had effectively shifted the burden of proof to him. He asserts that the prosecution should never rely on the weakness of the defense, but on the strength of its evidence, implying that there was no sufficient evidence to convict him. We disagree. The totality of the evidence presented by the prosecution is sufficient to sustain the conviction of petitioner. The dying declaration made by the victim immediately prior to his death constitutes evidence of the highest order as to the cause of his death and of the identity of the assailant.53 This damning evidence, coupled with the proven facts presented by the prosecution, leads to the logical conclusion that petitioner is guilty of the crime charged. The following circumstances proven by the prosecution produce a conviction beyond reasonable doubt: First. Santos testified that he had heard a gunshot; and seen smoke coming from the muzzle of a gun, as well as the victim staggering backwards while shouting, "Help me pre, I was shot by the captain." This statement was duly established, and the testimony of Santos confirmed the events that had occurred. It should be understandable that "pre" referred to Santos, considering that he and the victim were conversing just before the shooting took place. It was also established that the two called each other "pre," because Santos was the godfather of the victims child.54
Second. Ernita testified that she had heard a gunshot and her husbands utterance, "Help me pre, I was shot by the captain," then saw petitioner in a black jacket and camouflage pants running away from the crime scene while carrying a firearm. Third. Ernitas statement, "Captain, why did you shoot my husband?" was established as part of the res gestae. Fourth. The version of the events given by petitioner is simply implausible. As the incumbent barangay captain, it should have been his responsibility to go immediately to the crime scene and investigate the shooting. Instead, he avers that when he went to the situs of the crime, the wife of the victim was already shouting and accusing him of being the assailant, so he just left. This reaction was very unlikely of an innocent barangay captain, who would simply want to investigate a crime. Often have we ruled that the first impulse of innocent persons when accused of wrongdoing is to express their innocence at the first opportune time.55 Fifth. The prosecution was able to establish motive on the part of petitioner. The victims wife positively testified that prior to the shooting, her husband was trying to close a real estate transaction which petitioner tried to block. This showed petitioners antagonism towards the victim.56 These pieces of evidence indubitably lead to the conclusion that it was petitioner who shot and killed the victim. This Court has consistently held that, where an eyewitness saw the accused with a gun seconds after the gunshot and the victims fall, the reasonable conclusion is that the accused had killed the victim.57 Further establishing petitioners guilt was the definitive statement of the victim that he had been shot by the barangay captain. Clearly, petitioners guilt was established beyond reasonable doubt. To be sure, conviction in a criminal case does not require a degree of proof that, excluding the possibility of error, produces absolute certainty.58 Only moral certainty is required or that degree of proof that produces conviction in an unprejudiced mind.59 That some pieces of the above-mentioned evidence are circumstantial does not diminish the fact that they are of a nature that would lead the mind intuitively, or by a conscious process of reasoning, toward the conviction of petitioner.60 Circumstantial, vis--vis direct, evidence is not necessarily weaker.61 Moreover, the circumstantial evidence described above satisfies the requirements of the Rules of Court, which we quote: "SEC. 4. Circumstantial evidence, when sufficient. -- Circumstantial evidence is sufficient for conviction if: (a) There is more than one circumstance;
(b) The facts from which the inferences are derived are proven; and (c) The combination of all the circumstances is such as to produce a conviction beyond reasonable doubt."62 Paraffin Test Petitioner takes issue with the negative results of the paraffin test done on him. While they were negative, that fact alone did not ipso facto prove that he was innocent. Time and time again, this Court has held that a negative paraffin test result is not a conclusive proof that a person has not fired a gun.63 In other words, it is possible to fire a gun and yet be negative for nitrates, as when culprits wear gloves, wash their hands afterwards, or are bathed in perspiration.64 Besides, the prosecution was able to establish the events during the shooting, including the presence of petitioner at the scene of the crime. Hence, all other matters, such as the negative paraffin test result, are of lesser probative value. Corpus Delicti Petitioner then argues that the prosecution miserably failed to establish the type of gun used in the shooting. Suffice it to say that this contention hardly dents the latters case. As correctly found by the appellate court, the prosecution was able to give sufficient proof of the corpus delicti -- the fact that a crime had actually been committed. Ruled this Court in another case: "[Corpus delicti] is the fact of the commission of the crime that may be proved by the testimony of eyewitnesses. In its legal sense, corpus delicti does not necessarily refer to the body of the person murdered, to the firearms in the crime of homicide with the use of unlicensed firearms, to the ransom money in the crime of kidnapping for ransom, or x x x to the seized contraband cigarettes."65 To undermine the case of the prosecution against him, petitioner depends heavily on its failure to present the gun used in the shooting and on the negative paraffin test result. These pieces of evidence alone, according to him, should exculpate him from the crime. His reliance on them is definitely misplaced, however. In a similar case, this Court has ruled as follows: "Petitioner likewise harps on the prosecutions failure to present the records from the Firearms and Explosives Department of the Philippine National Police at Camp Crame of the .45 caliber Remington pistol owned by petitioner for comparison with the specimen found at the crime scene with the hope that it would exculpate him from the trouble he is in. Unfortunately for petitioner, we have previously held that the choice of what evidence to present, or who should testify as a witness is within the discretionary power of the prosecutor and definitely not of the courts to dictate.
"Anent the failure of the investigators to conduct a paraffin test on petitioner, this Court has time and again held that such failure is not fatal to the case of the prosecution as scientific experts agree that the paraffin test is extremely unreliable and it is not conclusive as to an accuseds complicity in the crime committed."66 Finally, as regards petitioners alibi, we need not belabor the point. It was easily, and correctly, dismissed by the CA thus: "[Petitioners] alibi is utterly untenable. For alibi to prosper, it must be shown that it was physically impossible for the accused to have been at the scene of the crime at the time of its commission. Here, the locus criminis was only several meters away from [petitioners] home. In any event, this defense cannot be given credence in the face of the credible and positive identification made by Ernita."67 Third Issue: Damages An appeal in a criminal proceeding throws the whole case open for review.1avvphil.net It then becomes the duty of this Court to correct any error in the appealed judgment, whether or not included in the assignment of error.68 The CA upheld the RTC in the latters award of damages, with the modification that unearned income be added. We uphold the award of P50,000 indemnity ex delicto69 to the heirs of the victim. When death occurs as a result of a crime, the heirs of the deceased are entitled to this amount as indemnity for the death, without need of any evidence or proof of damages.70 As to actual damages, we note that the prosecution was able to establish sufficiently only P22,200 for funeral and burial costs. The rest of the expenses, although presented, were not duly receipted. We cannot simply accept them as credible evidence. This Court has already ruled, though, that when actual damages proven by receipts during the trial amount to less than P25,000, the award of P25,000 for temperate damages is justified, in lieu of the actual damages of a lesser amount.71 In effect, the award granted by the lower court is upheld. As to the award of moral damages, the P500,000 given by the RTC and upheld by the CA should be reduced to P50,000, consistent with prevailing jurisprudence.72 We also affirm the award of loss of earning capacity73 in the amount of P312,000; attorneys fees of P20,000; and payment of the costs. WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED and the assailed Decision and Resolution are AFFIRMED, subject to the modification in the award of damages set forth here. Costs against petitioner.
Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, I certify that the conclusions in the above Decision were reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Courts Division. ARTEMIO V. PANGANIBAN Chief Justice Footnotes
Id. at 3971. First Division. Penned by Justice Renato C. Dacudao and concurred in by Justices Cancio C. Garcia (then presiding justice and Division chair, now a member of this Court) and Danilo B. Pine (member).
2 3
Id. at 85-86. Written by Judge Augusto Breva. Assailed CA Decision, p. 32; rollo, p. 70. Rollo, pp. 72-84.
CA rollo, p. 8. Signed by 2nd Assistant City Prosecutor Raul B. Bendigo and approved by City Prosecutor Calixto A. Esparagoza.
7 8
Id. Respondents Memorandum, pp. 3-13; rollo, unnumbered. Petitioners Memorandum, pp. 6-21; id. at 173-188.
This case was deemed submitted for decision on May 30, 2005, upon this Courts receipt of respondents Memorandum, signed by Solicitor General Alfredo L. Benipayo, Assistant Solicitor General Amparo M. Cabotaje-Tang, and
Solicitor Edilberto R. Rebato, Jr. Petitioners Memorandum, signed by Atty. Israelito P. Torreon of Torreon De Vera-Torreon Law Firm, was filed on May 6, 2005. Petitioners Memorandum, pp. 22-23; rollo, pp. 189-190. Original in uppercase.
People v. Delmo, 439 Phil. 212, October 4, 2002; People v. Jalon, 215 SCRA 680, November 13, 1992; People v. Timtiman, 215 SCRA 364, November 4, 1992; People v. Pletado, 210 SCRA 634, July 1, 1992.
Mariano v. People, 216 SCRA 541, December 14, 1992; Caubang v. People, 210 SCRA 377, June 26, 1992.
Sullon v. People, 461 SCRA 248, June 27, 2005, People v. Norrudin, 425 Phil. 453, January 25, 2002; People v. Francisco, 389 Phil. 243, June 19, 2000.
15 16
"1) when the factual findings of the Court of Appeals and the trial court are contradictory; 2) when the findings are grounded entirely on speculation, surmises, or conjectures; 3) when the inference made by the Court of Appeals from its findings of fact is manifestly mistaken, absurd, or impossible; 4) when there is grave abuse of discretion in the appreciation of facts; 5) when the appellate court, in making its findings, goes beyond the issues of the case, and such findings are contrary to the admissions of both appellant and appellee; 6) when the judgment misapprehension of facts; of the Court of Appeals is premised on a
7) when the Court of Appeals fails to notice certain relevant facts which, if properly considered, will justify a different conclusion; 8) when the findings of fact are themselves conflicting; 9) when the findings of fact are conclusions without citation of the specific evidence on which they are based; and 10) when the findings of fact of the Court of Appeals are premised on the absence of evidence but such findings are contradicted by the evidence on
record." (Fuentes v. CA, 268 SCRA 703, February 26, 1997; Geronimo v. CA, 224 SCRA 494, July 5, 1993; Angelo v. CA, 210 SCRA 402, June 26, 1992).
Petitioners Memorandum, p. 25; rollo, p. 192. Id. at 23; id. at 190. Id. at 25; id. at 192. Assailed CA Decision, p. 17; rollo, p. 55.
Siccuan v. People, 457 SCRA 458, April 28, 2005; People v. Sevilleno, 425 SCRA 247, March 10, 2004; People v. Guihama, 452 Phil. 824, June 25, 2003.
Siccuan v. People, supra, April 28, 2005; Reyes, Jr. v. CA, 424 Phil. 829, January 18, 2002; People v. Tropa, 424 Phil. 783, January 17, 2002; People v. Cledoro, Jr., 412 Phil. 772, June 29, 2001.
Rivera v. People, 462 SCRA 350, June 30, 2005; People v. Corral, 446 Phil. 652, February 28, 2003; People v. Wad-as, 440 Phil. 924, November 21, 2002.
23 24
People v. Escote, 431 SCRA 345, June 8, 2004; People v. Caraang, 418 SCRA 321, December 11, 2003; People v. Coca, Jr., 432 Phil. 264, May 29, 2002.
People v. Escote, supra; People v. Torrecampo, 423 SCRA 433, February 23, 2004; People v. Caraang, supra.
People v. Abes, 420 SCRA 259, January 20, 2004. See also People v. Colonia, 451 Phil. 856, June 12, 2003.
People v. De la Cruz, 446 Phil. 549, February 28, 2003; People v. Gallego, 392 Phil. 552, August 15, 2000.
Assailed CA Decision, pp. 17-18; rollo, pp. 55-56. See People v. Tulop, 352 Phil. 130, April 21, 1998.
People v. Abes, supra note 27; People v. Surio, 435 Phil. 586, August 7, 2002; People v. Ebrada, 357 Phil. 345, September 25, 1998.
People v. Caraang, supra note 25; People v. Cueto, 443 Phil. 425, January 16, 2003.
People v. Delmindo, 429 SCRA 546, May 27, 2004; People v. Caraang, supra note 25; People v. Sara, 417 SCRA 431, December 10, 2003.
Assailed CA Decision, p. 18; rollo, p. 56. Italics supplied. Id. at 19; id at 57. Id. Id. at 27; id. at 65.
People v. Medina, 435 SCRA 610, July 30, 2004; People v. Leonor, 364 Phil. 766, March 25, 1999.
37 38
People v. Manguera, 446 Phil. 808, March 5, 2003. People v. Manguera, supra.
People v. Latayada, 423 SCRA 237, February 18, 2004; People v. Cortezano, 425 Phil. 696, January 29, 2002; People v. Bautista, 344 Phil. 158, September 5, 1997.
People v. Manguera, supra note 38 citing People v. Sagario, 121 Phil. 1257, June 29, 1965.
People v. Medina, supra note 37; People v. Comiling, 424 SCRA 698, March 4, 2004; People v. Latayada, supra note 40; People v. Dungca, 428 Phil. 682, March 7, 2002; People v. Maramara, 375 Phil. 641, October 22, 1999; People v. Umadhay, 355 Phil. 289, August 3, 1998.
42 43
See RTC Decision dated January 16, 2001, pp. 1-2; CA rollo, pp. 16-17.
People v. Latayada, supra note 40; People v. Gonzales, 210 SCRA 44, June 16, 1992.
People v. Latayada, supra note 40; People v. Calago, 431 Phil. 168, April 22, 2002; People v. Marollano, 342 Phil. 38, July 24, 1997.
People v. Montaez, 425 SCRA 675, March 17, 2004; People v. Tanaman, 152 SCRA 385, July 28, 1987.
46 47
F. Regalado, Remedial Law Compendium, Vol. II, 649-650 (2001); citing People v. Balbas, 207 Phil. 734, June 24, 1983.
People v. Fegidero, 392 Phil. 36, August 4, 2000; People v. Mansueto, 391 Phil. 611, July 31, 2000; People v. Palmones, 390 Phil. 1208, July 18, 2000; People v. Cleopas, 384 Phil. 286, March 9, 2000; People v. Sanchez, 213 SCRA 70, August 28, 1992.
People v. Jorolan, 452 Phil. 698, June 23, 2003; People v. Sanchez, supra. People v. Jorolan, supra; People v. Manhuyod, Jr., 352 Phil. 866, May 20, 1998.
Regalado, supra note 48. See also People v. Guillermo, 420 SCRA 326, January 20, 2004; People v. Dela Cruz, 412 SCRA 503, October 1, 2003; People v. Ignas, 412 SCRA 311, September 30, 2003; People v. Lobrigas, 442 SCRA 503, December 17, 2002.
52 53
People v. De las Eras, 418 Phil. 509, September 28, 2001. Assailed CA Decision, p. 3; rollo, p. 41.
People v. Mamarion, 412 SCRA 438, October 1, 2003; People v. Gallo, 419 Phil. 937, October 19, 2001.
55 56
People v. Ignas, supra note 52; People v. Sesbreo, 372 Phil. 762, September 9, 1999; People v. Salveron, 228 SCRA 92, November 22, 1993.
57 58
People v. Bernal, 437 Phil. 11, September 2, 2002; People v. Oliva, 349 SCRA 435, January 18, 2001; People v. Acuram, 387 Phil. 142, April 27, 2000.
People v. Matito, 423 SCRA 617, February 24, 2004; People v. Asis, 439 Phil. 707, October 15, 2002; People v. Felixminia, 429 Phil. 309, March 20, 2002.
61 62
People v. Brecinio, 425 SCRA 616, March 17, 2004; People v. Pascual, 387 Phil. 266, April 28, 2000; Abalos v. CA, 378 Phil. 1059, December 22, 1999.
63 64
Rieta v. People, 436 SCRA 273, 282-283, August 12, 2004, per Panganiban, J. (now CJ). Italics supplied.
Ungsod v. People, G.R. No. 158904, December 16, 2005, per Chico-Nazario, J. Italics supplied. Citations omitted.
66 67
Assailed CA Decision, p. 26; rollo, p. 64. Ungsod v. People, supra note 66; Cabuslay v. People, G.R. No. 129875,
September 30, 2005; People v. Pansensoy, 437 Phil. 499, September 12, 2002; People v. Lab-eo, 424 Phil. 482, January 16, 2002. Guiyab v. People, G.R. No. 152527, October 20, 2005; Senoja v. People, 440 SCRA 695, October 19, 2004; People v. Magbanua, 428 SCRA 617, May 20, 2004
Cabuslay v. People, supra note 68; People v. Bernabe, 448 Phil. 269, April 1, 2003; People v. Calabroso, 394 Phil. 658, September 14, 2000.
People v. Garin, 432 SCRA 394, June 17, 2004; People v. Werba, 431 SCRA 482, June 9, 2004; People v. Villanueva, 408 SCRA 571, August 11, 2003.
People v. Vasquez, 430 SCRA 52, May 28, 2004; People v. Magbanua, supra note 69; People v. Ramos, 427 SCRA 299, April 14, 2004.
See Tuburan v. People, 436 SCRA 327, August 12, 2004; People v. Caratao, 451 Phil. 588, June 10, 2003; People v. Visperas, Jr., 443 Phil. 164, January 13, 2003.
[CUT-OFF BEFORE MIDTERMS] XIX. Entries in the Regular Course of Business 1. XX. Security Bank v. Gan, G.R. No. 150464, June 27, 2006
Commercial List 1. Meralco v. Quisumbing, G.R. No. 127598, February 22, 2000
Opinion Rule 1. Domingo v. Domingo, G.R. No. 150897, April 11, 2005
Character Evidence 1. People v. Lee, G.R. No. 139070, May 29, 2002
Burden of Proof 1. Manongsong v.Estimo, G.R. No. 136773, June 25, 2003
XXIV. Conclusive Presumption 1. 30, 2006 Datalift Movers v. Belgravia Realty, G.R. No. 144268, August
Adverse Party Witness 1. Chua Gaw v. Gaw, G.R. No. 160855, April 16, 2008
XXVI Public Documents 1. Suerte-Felipe v. People, G.R. No. 170974, March 3, 2008
XXVII Formal Offer of Evidence 1. 2. Atlas Consolidated v. CIR, G.R. No. 159490, February 18, 2008 Dizon v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 140944, April 30, 2008
XXVIII. Tender of Excluded Evidence 1. Cruz-Arevalo v. Layosa, A.M. RTJ- 06-2005, July 14, 2006
XXIX Preponderance of Evidence 1. Raymundo v. Lunaria, G.R. No. 171036, October 17, 2008
XXX. Corpus Delicti 1. Rimorin v. People, G.R. No. 146481, April 30, 2003
XXXI. Circumstantial Evidence 1. People v. Quizon, G.R. No. 142532, November 18, 2003