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GNU/Linux most wanted

Summary of most useful commands

Copyright 2006-2005, Free Electrons. Free to share under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 license (http://creativecommons.org) Sources, translations, updates, command and concepts details on our free training materials: http://free-electrons.com/training/intro_unix_linux Thanks to Michel Blanc, Hermann J. Beckers and Thierry Grellier. Latest update: Oct 27, 2009

Displaying file contents

Concatenate and display file contents: catfile1file2 Display the contents of several files (stopping at each page): morefile1file2 lessfile1file2(better: extra features) Display the first 10 lines of a file: head10file Display the last 10 lines of a file: tail10file

Comparing 2 directories: diffrdir1dir2

Looking for files

Find all files in the current (.) directory and its subdirectories with log in their name: find.name*log* Find all the .pdf files in dir and subdirectories and run a command on each: find.name*.pdfexecxpdf{}';' Quick system-wide file search by pattern (caution: index based, misses new files): locate*pub*

Test (list) a compressed archive: tarztvfarchive.tar.gz tarjtvfarchive.tar.bz2 tarlzmatvfarchive.tar.lzma Extract the contents of a compressed archive: tarzxvfarchive.tar.gz tarjxvfarchive.tar.bz2 tarlzmaxvfarchive.tar.lzma tar options: c: create t: test x: extract j: on the fly bzip2 (un)compression z: on the fly gzip (un)compression Handling zip archives ziprarchive.zip<files>(create) unziptarchive.zip (test / list) unziparchive.zip (extract)


Basic system administration

Change the owner and group of a directory and all its contents: sudochownRnewuser.newgroupdir Reboot the machine in 5 minutes: sudoshutdownr+5 Shutdown the machine now: sudoshutdownhnow Display all available network interfaces: ifconfiga Assign an IP address to a network interface: sudoifconfigeth0207.46.130.108 Bring down a network interface: sudoifconfigeth0down Define a default gateway for packets to machines outside the local network: sudorouteadddefaultgw192.168.0.1 Delete the default route: sudoroutedeldefault Test networking with another machine: ping207.46.130.108 Create or remove partitions on the first IDE hard disk: fdisk/dev/hda1 Create (format) an ext3 filesystem: mkfs.ext3/dev/hda1 Create (format) a FAT32 filesystem: mkfs.vfatvF32/dev/hda2 Mount a formatted partition: mkdir/mnt/usbdisk(just do it once) sudomount/dev/uba1/mnt/usbdisk Mount a filesystem image (loop device): sudomountoloopfs.img/mnt/fs Unmount a filesystem: sudoumount/mnt/usbdisk Check the system kernel version: unamea

File name pattern matching

Concatenate all regular files: cat* Concatenate all hidden files: cat.* Concatenate all files ending with .log: cat*.log List regular files with bug in their name: ls*bug* List all regular files ending with . and a single character: ls*.?

Handling files and directories

Create a directory: mkdirdir Create nested directories: mkdirpdir1/dir2 Changing directories: cdnewdir cd..(parent directory) cd(previous directory) cd(home directory) cd ~bill (home directory of user bill) Print the working (current) directory: pwd Copy a file to another: cpsource_filedest_file Copy files to a directory: cpfile1file2dir Copy directories recursively: cprsource_dirdest_dir rsyncasource_dir/dest_dir/ Create a symbolic link: lnslinked_filelink Rename a file, link or directory: mvsource_filedest_file Remove files or links: rmfile1file2 Remove empty directories: rmdirdir Remove non-empty directories: rmrfdir

Redirecting command output

Redirect command output to a file: ls*.png>image_files Append command output to an existing file: ls*.jpg>>image_files Redirect command output to the input of another command: cat*.log|greperror

Send PostScript or text files to queue: lprPqueuef1.psf2.txt (local printer) List all the print jobs in queue: lpqPqueue Cancel a print job number in queue: cancel123queue Print a PDF file: pdf2psdoc.pdf lprdoc.ps View a PostScript file: ps2pdfdoc.ps xpdfdoc.pdf

Job control
Show all running processes: psef Live hit-parade of processes (press P, M, T: sort by Processor, Memory or Time usage): top Send a termination signal to a process: kill<pid>(number found in ps output) Have the kernel kill a process: kill9<pid> Kill all processes (at least all user ones): kill91 Kill a graphical application: xkill(click on the program window to kill)

Handling file contents

Show only the lines in a file containing a given substring: grepsubstringfile Case insensitive search: grepisubstringfile Showing all the lines but the ones containing a substring: grepvsubstringfile Search through all the files in a directory: greprsubstringdir Sort lines in a given file: sortfile Sort lines, only display duplicate ones once: sortufile(unique)

User management
List users logged on the system: who Show which user I am logged as: whoami Show which groups user belongs to: groupsuser Tell more information about user: fingeruser Switch to user hulk: suhulk Switch to super user (root): su(switch user) su(keep same directory and environment)

File and partition sizes

Show the total size on disk of files or directories (disk usage): dushdir1dir2file1file2 Number of bytes, words and lines in file: wcfile(word count) Show the size, total space and free space of the current partition: dfh. Display these info for all partitions: dfh

Changing file access rights

Add write permissions to the current user: chmodu+wfile Add read permissions to users in the file group: chmodg+rfile Add execute permissions to other users: chmodo+xfile Add read + write permissions to all users: chmoda+rwfile Make executable files executable by all: chmoda+rX* Make the whole directory and its contents accessible by all users: chmodRa+rXdir(recursive)

Listing files
List all regular files (not starting with .) in the current directory: ls Display a long listing: lsl List all the files in the current directory, including hidden ones (starting with .): lsa List by time (most recent files first): lst List by size (biggest files first) lsS List with a reverse sort order: lsr Long list with most recent files last: lsltr

Time management
Wait for 60 seconds: sleep60 Show the current date: date Count the time taken by a command: timefind_charming_princecuterich

Compress a file: gzipfile(.gz format) bzip2file(.bz2 format, better) lzmafile (.lzma format, best compression) Uncompress a file: gunzipfile.gz bunzip2file.bz2 unlzmafile.lzma

Command help
Basic help (works for most commands): grephelp Access the full manual page of a command: mangrep

Comparing files and directories

Comparing 2 files: difffile1file2 Comparing 2 files (graphical): gvimdifffile1file2 tkdifffile1file2 komparefile1file2

Create a compressed archive (tape archive): tarzcvfarchive.tar.gzdir tarjcvfarchive.tar.bz2dir tarlzmacvfarchive.tar.lzma

Misc commands
Basic command-line calculator

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