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Geochemistry: An Introduction The Exercises

` F RANCIS A LBAR EDE Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon


These exercises are designed to illustrate my book Geochemistry: An Introduction published by Cambridge University Press in 2003. The reader will nd a range of focus from low to hightemperature geochemistry and cosmochemistry, but with the constant drive to tease the reader with problems that are essential to the eld. I emphasized exercises on the very same data used for major scientic breakthroughs (e.g., the age of the Earth). As the book is targeting a broad readership, the level of mathematical difculty may occasionally exceed what a geology major is used to be confronted with, but never what he or she had been exposed to in classes of elementary calculus. The solutions have not been made available, so teachers can use this material for tests. They may eventually be posted at a later stage. I welcome requests for help on specic exercises at albarede@ens-lyon.fr. In principle, all the exercises have been fully worked out, but I will be grateful to anyone signaling errors and typos. The reader should be aware of a number of typos in the rst printing of the book itself. They will be corrected in a near future, but for the time being they are provided as an Appendix to this supplement.

Lyon August 25, 2004

Chapter 1: The Properties of the Elements

1. Give the rst three quantum numbers of an electron in a 3p orbital 2. Find the electronic formula of the elements K, Hf, and F. Compare the orbital electronic conguration for K and Rb (s block), Hf and Zr (d block), F and Cl (p block). For each element, which ionic conguration should be the most stable? 3. Plot the ionic radius and the rst ionization energy as a function of the number Z of protons 4. Which ion of Na+ , K+ , Rb+ , Mg2+ , Ca2+ has the smallest radius? Why? 5. Why is the ionic radius of Yb (0.99 A) smaller than that of La (1.16 A)? 6. Table 1 below gives the ionic radius of ions in angstroms for their most common charge and coordination number (CN). Plot (1) the ionic radius and (2) the coordination number vs charge. Comment on these two gures. The charge/radius ratio is a measure of the electrostatic eld exerted on the environment of the ion: compare the eld strength of Zr4+ and Nb5+ with that of Na+ and Mg2+ . Table 1: Ionic radius in A for different ions with coordination number CN. Ion Al3+ Al3+ Ba2+ Ca2+ Cr3+ Fe2+ Fe3+ Fe3+ CN 4 6 12 6 6 6 4 6 radius 0.39 0.54 1.61 1.00 0.62 0.61 0.49 0.55 Ion K+ La3+ Mg2+ Mn2+ Na+ Nb5+ Ni2+ P5+ CN 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 radius 1.64 1.03 0.72 0.67 1.02 0.64 0.69 0.17 Ion Si4+ Sr2+ Th4+ Ti4+ U4+ Yb3+ Zn2+ Zr4+ CN 4 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 radius 0.26 1.26 0.94 0.61 0.89 0.87 0.74 0.84

7. What is the electronic formula of Fe2+ ? Show that, depending on whether , the energy gap between the eg and t2g orbitals, is large or small with respect to the electron-pairing energy, there are two ways of lling up the orbitals. Justify why one conguration is called low-spin and the other high-spin. For octahedra Fe2+ , calculate the Crystal Field Stabilization Energy (CFSE) in units of for each case. 8. Calculate the Crystal Field Stabilization Energy (CFSE) in units of for the common ions Sc3+ , Ti4+ , V5+ , Cr3+ , Mn2+ , Fe2+ , Co2+ , Ni2+ , Cu2+ , and Zn2+ in octahedral vs tetrahedral environments. 9. The platinum group elements (PGE) consist of the following transition elements: Ru (44), Rh (45), Pd (46), Os (76), Ir (77), and Pt (78) with their proton numbers given in parentheses. Discuss how to apply the crystal eld theory to these elements and decide what you need to know to understand their crystal chemistry. 2

10. Let the length of a polyhedron edge be a and the radius the circumscribed sphere be of R. For a tetrahedron it can be shown that R = (1/4)a/ 6 while for an octahedron R = (1/2)a 2. The ionic radius of O2 is 1.4 A. Calculate the radius of the cations that closely t in a tetrahedral or octahedral site. Compare with the ionic radii of Table X. 11. Using the data listed in Table 2, draw a semi-logarithmic plot of the composition of: ordinary chondrites normalized to CI carbonaceous chondrites for decreasing 50 percent condensation temperature continental crust normalized to primitive mantle by decreasing values of the ratio the primitive mantle normalized rst to CI carbonaceous chondrites, then to ordinary chondrites using the same order

a Hawaiian basalt, a MORB, and an andesite normalized to primitive mantle using the same order 12. Using the rst plot of the previous exercise, try to evaluate the condensation temperature of the elements for which this parameter is missing. 13. Using all the plots and a periodic table, nd which group of elements is trivalent yttrium (Y) homologous to? Same question for thorium (Th) and uranium (U). 14. Equilibrium of silicate melts can be described by the reaction 2O O2 + O0 (1)

in which O0 , O , and O2 stand for bridging (Si-O-Si), singly bonded (Si-O) and free oxygen, respectively. Assuming that one mole of melt is produced from XSiO2 moles of silica and (1- XSiO2 ) mole of metal oxide MO, calculate the mole fractions of O0 , O , and O2 with the assumption that the reaction above can be described by the equilibrium constant k.

Table 2: Concentration of various trace elements (in ppm) in different materials. CI = Orgueiltype chondrites, BSE = Bulk Silicate Earth. Tcond is the 50 percent condensation temperature. Tcond K Ti Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Lu Hf Ta Pb Th U 1000 1549 1080 1592 1780 1550 1520 1500 1532 1510 1515 1450 1545 1571 1590 1455 1597 1652 1550 1545 1420 Carbonaceous chondr. (CI) 558 436 2.3 7.8 1.56 3.94 0.246 2.34 0.2347 0.6032 0.0891 0.4524 0.1471 0.056 0.1966 0.2427 0.1589 0.1625 0.0243 0.104 0.0142 2.47 0.0294 0.0081 Ordinary chondrites 798 617 3.0 10.7 2.10 6.03 0.38 4.23 0.31 0.88 0.126 0.66 0.193 0.076 0.304 0.353 0.236 0.215 0.032 0.167 0.023 0.305 0.043 0.013 Bulk Silicate Earth 240 1205 0.600 19.87 4.30 10.47 0.658 6.600 0.648 1.675 0.254 1.250 0.406 0.154 0.544 0.674 0.438 0.441 0.0675 0.283 0.0372 0.150 0.0795 0.0203 Continental Crust 15772 4197 58 325 20 123 12 390 18 42 5 20 3.9 1.2 3.6 3.5 2.2 2.0 0.33 3.7 1.1 12.6 5.6 1.42 Basalt MORB 848 8513 1.26 113.2 35.82 104.24 3.51 13.87 3.90 12.00 2.074 11.18 3.75 1.335 5.077 6.304 4.143 3.90 0.589 2.97 0.192 0.489 0.187 0.071 Basalt Hawaii 12200 1.7 2.1 221 19.5 108 8.3 60.2 6.808 17.56 2.81 13.74 3.665 1.246 3.93 3.61 1.738 1.426 0.203 2.548 0.679 0.633 0.527 0.181

Chapter 2: Mass Conservation Elemental and Isotopic Fractionation

Table 3: Concentration of major elements (in weight percent of oxide) in the different phases of a basaltic lava from the Reunion Island (Indian Ocean). glass SiO2 TiO2 Al2 O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2 O K2 O 48.81 2.68 14.40 11.07 0.17 6.65 11.65 2.74 0.79 olivine 38.79 0.047 0.026 20.02 0.269 40.56 0.297 0.04 0.024 clinopyroxene 46.63 3.8 6.27 8.25 1.03 13.5 19.64 0.59 0.05 plagioclase 52.49 0.153 29.05 0.893 0.027 0.095 12.27 4.33 0.372

1. Table 3 shows the major element compositions of the glass (= gl) and mineral phases (olivine = ol, clinopyroxene = cpx, and plagioclase = plag) in a basaltic lava from the R union Island hot spot (Indian Ocean). Calculate the composition of a lava with a e similar interstitial glass with 15 wt% olivine and 10 wt% clinopyroxene phenocrysts. 2. Using the same data, calculate the major element composition of a wehrlite cumulate (80 wt% olivine and 20 wt% clinopyroxene), of a gabbroic cumulate (10 wt% olivine, 40 wt% clinopyroxene, 50 wt% plagioclase). 3. Using the same data, we consider how much cumulus olivine may change whole-rock compositions. Keeping the same interstitial glass and assuming variable proportions of olivine phenocryst from 0 to 40 percent, calculate the major element contents of the whole rock and turn the MgO and FeO oxide weight percents into moles per 100 grams of rock using the following atomic weights: 55.847 for Fe, 24.305 for Mg, and 16.00 for O. It is known that, at equilibrium, (FeO/MgO)ol /(FeO/MgO)gl =0.3 and this condition can be drawn as a line in the same diagram. Plot the molar FeO/MgO ratio of the olivine vs this ratio in the whole rock for olivine with different forsterite contents (e.g., different FeO/MgO ratios). Can you suggest a method to estimate whether olivine megacrysts present in a lava are phenocrysts in equilibrium with their host glass or xenocrysts? This method should not involve the analysis of the glass itself. 4. The 18 O value of modern seawater is 0 while the average value of the polar ice cap is -45 . The ice cap holds 2 wt% of the oceanic water. Calculate the 18 O value of an ice-free ocean. Other water reservoirs can be neglected. 5

5. Table 4 shows the partial analysis (wt% of oxide) of a deep-sea sediment composed of quartz, clay, and carbonates. Calculate the abundance of each mineral phase in this sample. Table 4: Composition of a deep-sea sediment and its mineral phases oxide SiO2 Al2 O3 CaO sediment 45.7 13.2 16.5 quartz 100 0 0 clay 51.4 26.4 0 carbonate 0 0 55

6. Let us evaluate the concentration of the siderophile elements Fe and Ni and the proportion of other elements in the Earths core. We assume that the Earth is made of a silicate mantle (we neglect the crustal contribution), which is often referred to as the Bulk Silicate Earth, and a metallic core. The core makes 1/3 of the total mass of the Earth. We further assume that the Earth is made of ordinary chondrites and we will test two extreme compositions, those of the H chondrites and LL chondrites. Use data in Table 5. For each case, nd the abundances of Fe, Ni, and the unaccounted elements. Table 5: Concentration of Fe and Ni (wt%) in H and LL ordinary chondrites and for the Bulk Silicate Earth. element Fe Ni H 27.5 1.6 LL 18.5 1.0 mantle 6.3 0.020

7. Using the data of Appendix A and G and a spreadsheet, calculate the abundances of various elements in the mean mantle by removing the amounts held in the continental crust from the Bulk Silicate Earth inventory. 8. Table 6 gives the composition of water samples taken along an estuary. We assume that, because of its high solubility, Cl is a good mixing indicator between freshwater and seawater. Plot the concentration of each element vs [Cl] down the estuary. Elements Al, Si, and Fe are considered to be non-conservative. Explain why. 9. Explain why moderate contamination of a basalt by granitic rocks does not greatly change the FeO/MgO ratio of the hybrid magma with respect to the ratio of the original basalt. 10. Black smokers from mid-ocean ridges spout waters resulting from the mixing of hydrothermal solutions with seawater. Which of the following plots do you expect to produce binary mixing arrays that are straight-lines: (a)

Sr/86 Sr vs [Mg] 6

Table 6: Concentration of various cations in water samples taken from an estuary (mol l1 ). element Cl Mg Al Si Ca Fe river 2.20 102 1.69 102 1.85 2.32 102 3.75 102 7.14 101 1 1.07 105 1.05 104 0.493 1.49 102 2.36 103 9.75 102 2 2.13 105 2.08 104 0.134 1.18 102 4.35 103 1.41 102 3 3.20 105 3.11 104 0.040 1.07 102 6.34 103 2.77 103 4 4.26 105 4.15 104 0.0150 1.02 102 8.33 103 1.24 103 seawater 5.33 105 5.18 104 0.0083 1.01 102 1.03 104 1.03 103

(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

Sr/86 Sr vs [Sr] Sr/86 Sr vs [Sr]/[Mg] 87 Sr/86 Sr vs [Mg]/[Sr] 87 Sr/86 Sr vs 1/[Sr] 87 Sr/86 Sr vs [Mg]/[Sr] 87 Sr/86 Sr vs [Mg]/([Mg]+[Sr])


11. Plot the Sr concentrations and 87 Sr/86 Sr ratios vs the Mg concentrations in mixtures of hydrothermal solutions and seawater (0-100 wt% mixing ratios) using the following data: 87 Sr/86 Sr = 0.709, [Sr] = 8 ppm, [Mg] = 1260 ppm in seawater; 87 Sr/86 Sr = 0.703, [Sr] = 16 ppm, [Mg] = 0 ppm in the hydrothermal end-member. The atomic weight of Sr is 87.62 and the atomic abundance of isotope 86 is 9.86 %. 12. Partial melting of a peridotite produces basaltic liquids. We assume that the mineral composition of the residue is invariable and made of 70 wt% olivine, 20 wt% orthopyroxene and 10 wt% clinopyroxene. Calculate the concentrations of the following elements: nickel (Ni), lanthanum (La), ytterbium (Yb), and the La/Yb ratio in the melt for melt fractions F equal to 0.002, 0.01, 0.02, and 0.1 Concentrations in the peridotitic source and mineral/melt partition coefcients are given in Table 7. Table 7: Concentration Ci of Ni, La, and Yb in the peridotitic source and mineral/liquid 0 partition coefcients Ki min/liq . element i Ci 0 Ki ol/liq Ki opx/liq Ki cpx/liq Ni 2500 10 1 1 La 0.5 0 0 0.01 Yb 0.4 0 0.05 0.3

13. The melt calculated in the previous exercise for F = 0.1 rises and fractionates minerals in conduits before the residual liquids are erupted as differentiated lavas. The cumulates contain 70 wt% olivine and 30 wt% clinopyroxene. Calculate the Ni, La, and Yb 7

concentrations and the La/Yb ratios for a fraction crystallized X equal to 0.01, 0.1, and 0.2. Compare the relative evolution of these parameters resulting from partial melting and fractional crystallization. 14. Very low partition coefcients are particularly difcult to assess experimentally because their mineral concentrations are very low and prone to contamination by coexisting phases. This is the case for rare-earth elements between olivine and melt. Let us call r the ionic radius of the rare-earth elements in octahedral coordination in this mineral. ol/liq Use the partition coefcients of Sm (r = 0.96 A, KSm = 0.000424), Gd (r = 0.94 A, ol/liq KGd = 0.000973), and Yb (r = 0.87 A, KYb = 0.0196) to evaluate the olivine/liquid ol/liq partition coefcients of La (r = 1.03 A), Ce (r = 1.01 A), and Nd (r = 0.98 A). (Hint: calculate the three coefcients of the parabola relating ln Ki with r). ol/liq 15. The 18 O values of benthic carbonates decreased from -1.2 to -2.5 between the Early Eocene and the Oligocene. Assume an ice-free ocean (no salinity variation) and determine the cooling of the deep ocean over the same period using the equation 18 Ocalcite - 18 Oseawater = 2.78 106 T 2 - 2.91 where T is the absolute temperature. 16. Explain why D and 18 O in ice cores can be used to trace local precipitation temperatures. 17. Oxygen isotope thermometry of a metamorphic rock. The oxygen isotope compositions of minerals from a gneiss sample have been measured and reported in Table 8. Let us call O the value of the 18 O/16 O fractionation coefcients between minerals and min water. The temperature dependence of this coefcient can be written as 1000 ln O min = Amin T 2 + Cmin in which Amin and Cmin are mineral-dependent constant factors and T is the absolute temperature. The values of A and C are reported in Table 8 for the different minerals. What is the quartz-magnetite apparent equilibration temperature? Plot 18 O - C for each mineral vs A: what is the slope of this alignment? What is the 18 O value of the water in equilibrium with this mineral assemblage? Table 8: Temperature coefcients of 1000 ln O = Amin T 2 + Cmin for different minerals. min Third column: values of 18 O in minerals from the same gneiss samples. mineral feldspar plagioclase magnetite muscovite 106 Amin 3.38 2.76 -1.47 2.38 Cmin -2.92 -3.49 -3.70 -3.89 18 O 3.6 3.0 2.8 6.6

18. Explain why even subtle variations of 18 O values in fresh basaltic glasses are said to indicate a source component processed at low temperature. 19. Let us call O the value for18 O/16 O vapor/liquid fractionation in water and D the ratio for D/H fractionation. Using the values listed in Table 9 calculate these coefcients at 5 C and 25 C. Calculate the 18 O and the D values of water vapor in equilibrium 8

with seawater at 25 C. This water vapor now condenses as rain at 5 C. Using the Rayleigh fractionation law, calculate the 18 O and the D values of of rainwater when 10, 20, 50, 80 wt% of the water vapor have condensed. Plot the corresponding D vs 18 O values and compare the slope of the alignment with the meteoritic water line. Table 9: Coefcients of 1000 ln O = AT 2 + BT 2 + C for the liquid water-vapor min oxygen and hydrogen isotope exchange reactions. 106 A 1.137 24.844 103 B -0.4156 -76.248 C -2.0667 52.612

Chapter 3: Geochronology and Radiogenic Tracers

1. What is the proportion of radiogenic 40 Ar in the total 40 Ar of a sample with a 40 Ar/36 Ar ratio of (1) 50,000 (2) 2,000 (3) 300? If the total 40 Ar content is known to within 1 %, what do you expect for the precision on the concentration of radiogenic 40 Ar in each case? Assume that atmospheric argon has a 40 Ar/36 Ar ratio of 296. 2. Calculate the age of a basalt containing 1.7 wt% K2 O and 6.0 1011 mol g1 Assume that the atomic proportion of 40 K in natural potassium is 0.0117 %.


3. Two samples are irradiated with fast neutrons in the same vial. The K-Ar age of one of them (the monitor) is known. It is observed that some of the 39 K of the samples is transformed into 39 Ar. Using the monitor to assess the yield of the nuclear reaction, devise a method to infer the K-Ar age of the unknown sample from the age of the monitor and the 40 Ar /39 Ar ratios of the sample and the monitor ( labels radiogenic argon). 4. A famous Rb-Sr isochron work: the Baltimore gneiss (Wetherill et al., 1968). Draw the whole-rock 87 Sr/86 Sr vs 87 Rb/86 Sr and the biotite-whole rock isochrons for the following samples (Table 10). Infer the emplacement age and the perturbation age of these rocks. Table 10: Rb-Sr isotopic data for the Baltimore gneiss, Maryland (Wetherill et al., 1968). sample B105 B20C B20 B41 B4

W.R W.R W.R biotite W.R biotite W.R

Rb/86 Sr 2.244 3.642 3.628 116.4 6.59 289.7 0.2313


Sr/86 Sr 0.738 0.7612 0.7573 1.2146 0.7992 1.969 0.7074

5. The Sm-Nd dating of Apollo 17 basalt 75075 (Lugmair et al., 1975). Plot the results of Table 11 in a 143 Sm/144 Nd vs 147 Sm/144 Nd isochron diagram, draw the internal (mineral isochron) and determine the eruption age of this basalt (147Sm = 0.654 1011 a1 ). 6. Write the master equation for the 187 Re-187 Os isochron using 188 Os as the stable reference isotope. 7. Introducing 40 K-40 Ca dating : the Pikes Peak granite (Wyoming). What are the respective probabilities that 40 K decays into 40 Ca and 40 Ar? What is the isochron equation of the 40 K-40 Ca system if one uses the stable isotope 42 Ca as the reference? Draw the internal (mineral) isochron for the PP 76-2 sample (Table 12). What is the age of the last homogenization of Ca in the Pikes Peak granite? 10

Table 11: Sm-Nd isotopic data for Apollo 17 basalt 75075 (Lugmair et al., 1975).

plagioclase ilmenite whole-rock pyroxene

Sm/144 Nd 0.1942 0.2416 0.2566 0.2930


Sm/144 Nd 0.51300 0.51417 0.51454 0.51542

Table 12: K-Ca isotopic data for Pikes Peak sample PP 76-2 (Marshall and DePaolo, 1982).

whole-rock plagioclase K-feldspar biotite

K/42 Ca 0.1224 0.0123 0.800 1.294


Ca/42 Ca 151.109 151.040 151.577 151.941

8. Minerals extracted from a basaltic andesite at the Soufri` re St Vincent in the Antilles e give the activity ratios listed in Table 13. Plot the Th-U isochron diagram and calculate the age of the last Th isotopic homogenization of these minerals. Beware that Eq. 3.19 (p.63) of the rst edition has two typos: a minus sign should appear before the s in the exponentials. Table 13: U-Th activity ratios of minerals in a basaltic andesite from the Soufri` re St Vincent e in the Antilles (Heath et al., 1998).

U /


whole rock olivine clinopyroxene plagioclase groundmass magnetic

Th 1.253 1.089 1.145 1.136 1.244 1.230


Th /


Th 1.496 1.183 1.259 1.244 1.450 1.458

9. Determination of the growth rate of a ferromanganese nodule from the excess of 230 Th in different layers below the nodule surface. Plot the excesses liste in Table 14 in a semi-log diagram. Find the growth rate from the slope of the alignment. Beware that Eqn 3.14 (p. 56) is missing a minus in the exponential. 10. Dating the oldest terrestrial zircons (Wilde et al., 2001). Table 15 lists the 206 Pb/238 U and 207 Pb/235 U ratios of four zircons from the Jack Hills conglomerate (Australia). Plot 11

Table 14:


Thex (excess) at different depths in a ferromanganese nodule. depth z (mm) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Thex 1242 788 488 285 180 119

the Concordia between 4.2 and 4.5 Gy and plot the Jack Hills data on the same diagram. What is the probable age of these zircons? Table 15: U-Pb isotopic data for four old zircons from Jack Hills (Australia).

1 2 3 4

Pb/238 U 0.928 0.919 0.965 0.968


Pb/235 U 69.5 68.2 71.9 74.6

11. A rather difcult one! In the mid-60s, it was proposed that an independent age of the Earth could be derived from the Pb isotope compositions of modern basalts, but this idea later proved to be incorrect. Plot x = 207 Pb /235 U and y = 206 Pb /238 U of basaltic samples from Mauna Kea, Hawaii in the Concordia diagram. The Pb isotope compositions and the U and Pb concentrations of the samples are provided in Table 16. In this context, the superscript denotes the radiogenic isotopes accumulated since the Earth formed. Suppose that at that time, the Pb isotope composition of the Earth was that of the iron sulde of the Canyon Diablo meteorite. We can safely assume a constant molar weight for Pb (207.2) and U (238.0) and the modern 238 U/235 U ratio is 137.8. What is the range of 207 Pb /206 Pb ratios of the mantle source of modern basalts (see p. 153)? Why is the age of the upper intercept of the Concordia close to the age of the Solar System? Discuss where the pitfall is. (Hint: from the Pb concentrations, calculate the moles of initial 204 Pb per mass unit present in each sample and use the Canyon Diablo values to derive the same parameter for the other isotopes). 12. Pats invaluable legacy: the age of the Solar System (Patterson, 1956). Lead isotopes were analyzed in the ve meteorites listed in Table 17. Plot the 207 Pb/204 Pb vs 206 Pb/204 Pb ratios. By trial and error, nd Clair Pattersons estimate for the age of last Pb isotopic homogenization of the Solar System as a whole. 12

Table 16: U-Pb isotopic data for basaltic samples from Mauna Kea, Hawaii.

sample SR0137-5.98 SR0157-6.25 SR0346-5.60 SR0664-5.10 SR0930-15.85 SR0967-2.75 Canyon Diablo

Pb ppm 1.0 0.593 1.525 0.765 0.521 0.695

U ppm 0.285 0.192 0.211 0.415 0.212 0.319






204 Pb

204 Pb

204 Pb

18.43 18.44 18.52 18.55 18.51 18.49 9.3066

15.48 15.48 15.48 15.49 15.49 15.48 10.293

37.97 38.00 38.10 38.14 38.13 38.11 29.475

Table 17: Pb isotopic data for ve meteorites (Patterson, 1956).


Nuevo Laredo Forest City Modoc Henbury Canyon Diablo

Pb/204 Pb 50.28 19.27 19.48 9.55 9.46


Pb/204 Pb 34.86 15.95 15.76 10.38 10.34

13. Isochrons improve with age. Table 18 lists the Sr isotopic data for six samples of modern shales. Using your favorite spreadsheet or any convenient software, calculate the 87 Sr/86 Sr ratios of each sample 100 My, 2700 My and 4560 My into the future. Plot the isochrons for today and for each of these future dates. Use your software to calculate the slope and the correlation coefcients and discuss the results. Table 18: Sr isotopic data for six samples of modern shales. sample a b c d e f

Rb/86 Sr 6.2 2.7 0.5 52.5 13.1 21.4


Sr/86 Sr 0.7121 0.7102 0.7083 0.7111 0.7081 0.7096

14. Isochron or mixing line? A series of modern lavas are speculated to form by mixing (hybridization) of mingling basaltic and rhyolitic magmas. Table 19 lists the Nd isotopic 13

data of two end-member magmas. Calculate the 147 Sm/144 Nd and 143 Nd/144 Nd ratios of hybrid rocks formed by 20-80, 40-60, 60-40, and 80-20 % of basalt-rhyolite mixtures. Plot the mixing line with its end-members in the isochron diagram and age the samples by 1 Gy and 2 Gy. Calculate the apparent ages of the alignment for 0, 2, and 3 Gy into the future. Devise a strategy to decide whether an alignment in the isochron diagram is a mixing line or a true isochron. Table 19: Nd isotopic data of the basaltic and granitic end-members. [Nd] (ppm) 40 15

rhyolite basalt

Sm/144 Nd 0.11 0.17


Nd/144 Nd 0.5115 0.5128

15. Sketch the evolution of the Bulk Silicate Earth (147 Sm/144 Nd = 0.1967 and 143 Nd/144 Nd = 0.512638 today) in a 143 Nd/144 Nd vs t evolution diagram between 2 Ga and the present and the evolution of a crustal rock formed at 2 Ga from the primitive mantle with a 147 Sm/144 Nd ratio of 0.11. What is the modern Nd of this rock? 16. Compare the evolution diagram 143 Nd/144 Nd vs t and the isochron diagram 143 Nd/144 Nd vs 147 Sm/144 Nd. Plot the points representing the modern depleted mantle (147 Sm/144 Nd =0.222 and 143 Nd/144 Nd = 0.51312) and a crustal sample with 147 Sm/144 Nd =0.12 and 143 Nd/144 Nd = 0.5111. First, nd graphically in each diagram the model age at which the protolith of this crustal sample was extracted from the depleted mantle. Second, derive a common expression that will let you calculate this model age with precision.


Chapter 4: Element Transport

1. Which of these properties are conservative: total energy, kinetic energy, temperature, velocity, moles of iron content, moles of ferric iron, concentration of iron, pH, alkalinity? 2. At a given locality at the bottom of the ocean, the rate of sedimentation is 10 mm ky1 . The density of the surface sediment is 2.0 g cm3 and its phosphorus content is 0.65 wt%. What is the sedimentary (advection) ux of phosphorus in kg P m2 My1 ? 3. Explain why, during exhumation of mountain ranges, minerals should be treated as Lagrangian bodies. 4. During crystal growth from their melt, elements partition across the interface with, for i i i element i, Cmin = Kmin/liq Cliq . The position of the mineral-melt interface is set at x = 0, growth rate V is constant, and the density change during crystallization is neglected. We will assume that diffusion in the solid (x < 0) is slow enough to be neglected i and that the diffusion coefcient of i in the melt (x > 0) is Dliq . Write the advection uxes on each side of the interface, the diffusion ux in the liquid, and the overall transport balance of element i during crystallization. This situation is reminiscent of sedimentation. What is the major difference? 5. Experiments by van Orman et al. (2001) determined the parameters for Nd diffusion Nd in pyrope crystals. The pre-exponential term D0 = 109.2 m2 s1 and the activation Nd 1 energy E = 300 kJ mol . It is determined that the core of a spherical garnet of 1 cm radius contains about 1 ppm Nd. Concentration decreases in the depleted rim to a zero value at the surface and this is thought to be the result of a metamorphic pulse with a steady temperature of 800 C. The thickness of the depleted rim (diffusion boundary layer) is 0.1 micron and we assume that concentration decreases linearly between the core and the surface. The specic weight of garnet is 3.5 g cm3 . Calculate the total ux of Nd in kg s1 out of the garnet during the metamorphic pulse. 6. Helium is lost by diffusion from an apatite crystal assumed to be spherical with a radius a of 100 microns (m) during a short episode of reheating (t = 200,000 years at He 100C). The parameters for He diffusion in apatite are D0 = 0.064 m2 s1 and the He 1 activation energy E = 148 kJ mol . Calculate the parameter = DHe t/a2 and the fraction of He lost at the end of the thermal disturbance. 7. Using the parameters given in the previous exercise, what is the closure temperature of He diffusion in apatite for a cooling rate of 10 K per My ? Hint: use a guess for the temperature to calculate then Tc , and proceed by successive renements. 8. Cygan and Lasaga (1985) determined that the parameters for Mg diffusion in pyrope Mg garnet are D0 = 9.8 109 m2 s1 and the activation energy E Mg = 239 kJ mol1 . If the cooling rate is 10 K per My, what is the closure temperature of Mg exchange between a spherical garnet of 1 cm radius and its neighbors? 9. A very large number of different 39 Ar-40 Ar analyses of K-feldspar in granites and Ar gneisses showed that the Ar diffusion parameters are E Ar = 380 kJ mol1 and D0 /a2 1 = 5 s , where a is the effective diffusion radius (Harrison and McDougall, 1991). 15

Calculate the closure temperature for Ar diffusion in feldspar for a cooling rate of 20 K Mg per My. The value of D0 was also determined on homogeneous gem-quality material and by comparison with the previous data, it was shown that the effective diffusion radius a is only 6 m. Discuss the implications of these observations for chronology. 10. Discuss the signicance of the apparent temperatures given by (a) fractionation of oxygen isotopes between minerals (b) Fe-Mg fractionation between coexisting clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene. 11. Ground water percolates through the sedimentary basement at a velocity of 10 meters per year. Rock volumic porosity is one percent and we neglect the difference in density between water and sediment. Let Di be the partition coefcient of element i between the matrix and ground water. How far will ground water movement take a contamination in 10,000 years for the following elements: Cl (DCl = 0), I (DI = 0.01), Sr (DSr = 0.2), U (DU = 100), Th (DTh = 108 )? 12. Basaltic melt percolates through a matrix of molten peridotite. Let us assume that the degree of melting (F = 2 percent) does not change signicantly over the distance of interest. Discuss the relative velocity of Ni ((DNi = 10), Yb (DU = 1), and Ba (DBa = 0.0001). Discuss the behavior of major elements (e.g., Si, Al) and explain which assumption of the chromatography theory breaks down for these elements.


Chapter 5: Geochemical Systems

1. What is the average time spent (1) by water in the ocean before being renewed by the rivers (2) by material in the mantle before being extracted into the oceanic lithosphere? Use the data of Appendix G and neglect density differences. 2. Using the data of Appendix A and G and assuming steady-state, calculate the residence times of the following elements in the ocean: Br, Rb, Mg, Fe, Sr, Pb. Which elements do you expect to be homogeneously distributed across the ocean? Which elements should show regional or vertical variations? Do you expect the uctuations of the seawater 87 Sr/86 Sr ratio to be modulated by glacial-interglacial cycles? Why? 3. The composition of the mean mantle can be calculated by removing the amount of elements hosted in continental crust (see exercise on Chapter 1). Using the data of Table 2 on the composition of MORB and the appropriate massic data from Appendix G, calculate the mean residence times of K, Sr, Zr, La, Yb, Th, and U in the mantle before they are extracted into the oceanic crust. Discuss mantle homogeneity for these elements. 4. The diameter of a nearly circular lagoon on a Pacic atoll is 3.5 km and its mean depth 500 meter. The water ow through the inlet at a rate Q = 108 m3 y 1 . What is the residence time of water in the lagoon?

The lagoon is accidentally contaminated by strontium 90, which has a half-life of 29.1 y. If sedimentation could be ignored, what would be the residence time of this nuclide in the water of the lagoon? Reef growth leaves carbonated sediment on the oor of the lagoon. We assume a sediment density of 2000 kg m3 and a sedimentation rate v of 1 mm y1 . Calculate the sediment ux P in kg y1 . Strontium is scavenged by the sediment with a carbonate-seawater partition coefcient D of 25 m3 kg1 . Give an alternative theory in which you replace the residence times by probabilities. What is the residence time of 90 Sr in the lagoon in the presence of sedimentation?

5. Using an equation similar to Eq. 5.5, show that, if Sr concentrations do not change very signicantly through a sequence of volcanic eruptions, the resorption of a pulse in the 87 Sr/86 Sr ratio can be used to estimate the residence of Sr in the magma chamber (discuss the potential importance of plagioclase on the liquidus). Show that, if the eruption rate is known, the volume of the magma chamber can be calculated. In 1880, an unusual change of 87 Sr/86 Sr of a Hawaiian volcano was resorbed in about 30 years. What was the approximate volume of the magma chamber if the eruption rate was 0.05 km3 y1 ? 6. Strontium has a residence time in the ocean of about 4 My. What is the proportion of Sr atoms that have been in the ocean for more than 20 My? for less than 100 ky? 7. If the mean residence time of Nd in the mantle is 6 Gy, what is the proportion of Nd atoms in the mantle that have never been extracted into the ridges? 17

8. The two-box ocean model of Broecker (see Fig. 6.13). The ocean is divided into two boxes, the surface ocean and the deep ocean, separated by the thermocline. Modify equations 5.12 and 5.13 to take into account (1) the input from river ux (2) the sedimentation of particles formed in the surface ocean: a fraction of these particles are redissolved below the thermocline, the rest is rapidly exported into the sediments with no re-equilibration with deep water. 9. Another two-box ocean model. Again, the ocean is separated into two boxes, but this time horizontally, an Atlantic basin and a Pacic basin. Modify equations 5.12 and 5.13 to take into account (1) the input from river ux into the Atlantic only (a good approximation!) (2) sedimentation in each basin. 10. Discuss the oceanic cycle of Sr and its isotopic variations. Include a river ux with radiogenic Sr, carbonate precipitation, and exchange of seawater with unradiogenic basalt in ridge-crest hydrothermal systems. 11. Write the equations that were used to draw Fig. 5.5. 12. Let us dene a series of one-dimensional cells or bins between 0 and 1 (e.g., 0-0.05, 0.05-0.0.10, 0.10-0.15, etc). Use a generator of random deviates from a uniform distribution (e.g., the function RAND in Excel) to produce n pairs (e.g., start with n = 100) of values. Each sample in a pair can be labelled Rb and Sr. Sort the pairs, then bin them. The number of values in each bin is the concentration of Rb and Sr in each particular cell, and the ratio of these numbers is Rb/Sr. Build the histograms of Rb, Sr, and Rb/Sr. Redo the exercise with a different value of n (e.g., n = 500). How do you think the histograms will look when n ? Discuss different applications to the mantle and the ocean. 13. Nothing to be afraid of: let us consider a section of the ocean or the mantle as a two-dimensional enclosure x=[0-1], y=[0-1] and the position-dependent velocity eld (vx ,vy ) at steady-state: vx (x, y) = dx = cos (y [t]) sin (x [t]) dt dy vy (x, y) = = sin (y [t]) cos (x [t]) dt

so that the x-velocity is zero along the upper and lower edge and the y-velocity is zero along the left and right boundaries. Let us take two points initially positioned at x1 = 0.1, y1 = 0.1 and x2 = 0.1, y2 = 0.2, respectively. How does the distance between these two points change through time (t = 0.1, 0.2, etc)? (Hint: remember that x and y are time-independent to infer the position at t + t from the position at t and proceed by small increments, e.g., t = 0.01; use a spreadsheet or any other software).


Chapter 6: Waters Present and Past

1. Discuss how the variables CO2 , pH, Alk, and PCO2 are controlled in the following cases: (1) a parcel of surface water in equilibrium with the atmosphere at constant PCO2 (2) a parcel of surface water saturated in calcium carbonate (3) a parcel of water in the deep ocean. Assume that Ca2+ is the only metallic cation present in solution and nd, as in Section 6.2, the breakdown of the system into its components, species, and their relating equations. 2. Discuss what happens to a glass of sparkling mineral water when HCl (or a lemon twist) is added to it. Show that a plot of [H+ ] = 10pH vs the concentration of the HCl added is a way of titrating the alkalinity (Gran titration). 3. What is wrong with the following statement: in an atmosphere of increasing PCO2 , more carbonates are added to seawater, so more calcium carbonate is precipitated? Why are some springs with CO2 -rich waters turning into petrifying fountains? 4. Demonstrate Eq. 6.25 for the fractions CO2 , HCO , and H2 CO3 .
3 3

5. Use concentrations of Na, K, Mg, Ca, Cl, and from Appendix A to calculate the alkalinity of the rivers and the ocean. Use Appendix G to calculate the residence time of alkalinity in the ocean. 6. A measurement on a surface ocean sample gives [Alk]= 2.35 meq kg1 and CO2 = 2.15 mmol kg1 . A similar measurement on a deep water sample gives [Alk]= 2.45 meq kg1 and CO2 = 2.40 mmol kg1 . Calculate CO2 , HCO , and pH in each 3 3 seawater sample. Explain the differences. 7. The major component of olivine is forsterite (Mg2 SiO4 ). Write a weathering reaction of forsterite by water to serpentine Mg3 Si2 O5 (OH)4 . 8. Aqueous silica is present in freshwater as H2 SiO3 and HSiO . Silicic acid H2 SiO3 3 precipitates as amorphous silica following the reaction SiO2 (solid) + H2 O = H2 SiO3 (log K = -2.7) and dissociates following the reaction H2 SiO3 = HSiO + H+ (log K = 3 -9.6). Calculate the abundance of each soluble species in equilibrium with amorphous silica as a function of pH. 9. Complexation of Zn2+ in seawater. We dene a complexation constant n of a metal ion M in solution as: n = [M Ln ] [M ][L]n

SO2 4

For Zn2+ , the decimal logarithm of complexation constants are (1) for OH : 5.0 (n = 1), 11.1 (n = 2), 13.6 (n = 3), 14.8 (n = 4) (2) for CO2 , 10.0 (n = 1). What are 3 the relative proportions of the main species of Zn in seawater for a water sample in which [Alk]= 2.35 meq kg1 and CO2 = 2.15 mmol kg1 (assume that the second dissociation constant of carbonic acid is 9.0). Hint: write the sum of all the Zn species and factor [Zn2+ ], calculate [Zn2+ ]/Zn, then the other species. 10. What are the sources of alkalinity in river water? 19

11. Show how Eq. 6.37 giving the slope of the meteoritic D 18 O correlation in meteoritic waters can be derived from Eq. 2.32. 12. From the denition of the isotopic fractionation factor 18O between liquid water and vapor, show that D16O 1, and D18O 18O . For fractionation of oxygen isotopes during water vapor condensation, use Eq. 2.29 to show that 18 O/16 O res

O/16 O 0 f 1 , where f is the fraction of original 16 O (and therefore of original water vapor) left in the atmosphere. What is the corresponding relationship in units? Establish similar relationships for the D/H ratio. Remember that liquid water is enriched in the heavier isotope.

sat 13. In the range [0-20]C, the vapor pressure of water at saturation PH2 O changes with sat 1 temperature T as ln PH2 O = -5365.37 T + 26.06, where pressure is in Pa and temperature in K. Assume that atmospheric water vapor forms above the ocean at low latitudes at 15 C and calculate a relationship between the residual fraction f of water vapor as given by the previous exercise and temperatures at low temperature. Assuming that 1000 ln 18O = 1.0779 106 T 2 - 2.796, infer a relationship between the 18 O values of rainwater and their precipitation temperature. Find appropriate linear approximations to all these equations.

14. The west coast of the Americas is fringed by elevated coastal mountain ranges. Explain how, in a regime of west winds, the isotopic composition of oxygen and hydrogen in precipitations changes with elevation. 15. A core of salty seawater depleted in nutrients and relatively oxygenated is observed in the South Atlantic at a depth of 2200 m about 200 km east off the Brasilian continental slope. What is the origin of the core water? 16. Discuss the properties of the water column in the Pacic at 26 N and 160 E (Table 20) by plotting temperature, salt, O2 , and the nutrients vs depth. Identify the thermocline, the oxygen minimum. What is the halocline? Compare the prole of the soft (N,P) and hard (Si) nutrients. 17. Silicon and erbium (Er) concentrations have been analyzed in samples taken at different depths of the water column at a South Atlantic station (Table 21). Plot Si vs depth and explain the observations. Plot Er vs Si and explain why an element of no biological interest can be correlated to Si. 18. What thickness of CaCO3 sediment spread over the entire surface of the ocean would it take to remove 100 ppmv of CO2 from the atmosphere? Use data from Appendix G and a specic gravity of 2700 kg m3 for CaCO3 . 19. Explain why upwelling of deep water, such as under equatorial latitudes, reintroduces CO2 into the atmosphere. 20. What is the potential paleoceanographic use of the following records: (1) 18 O in pelagic forams? (2) 18 O in benthic forams? (3) the 13 O difference between benthic and pelagic forams of the same age? 21. Discuss the potential climatic changes and the depth of CCD upon (1) a nearly instantaneous surge in atmospheric CO2 triggered by a massive subaerial volcanic eruption 20

Table 20: Water column properties in the Pacic at 26 N and 160 E. depth m 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 151 201 252 302 403 504 605 706 807 908 1009 1111 1212 1313 1415 1516 1770 2024 2533 3043 3554 4067 4580 5095 5610 temp C 25.62 25.49 25.30 24.92 23.70 22.03 20.55 19.31 18.35 17.04 16.15 15.38 13.15 10.59 7.97 6.07 4.95 4.26 3.86 3.44 3.16 2.96 2.76 2.60 2.23 2.00 1.72 1.58 1.51 1.47 1.47 1.46 1.52 salt psu 35.05 35.07 35.07 35.08 35.10 35.07 35.01 34.94 34.89 34.79 34.71 34.64 34.46 34.25 34.12 34.13 34.18 34.25 34.34 34.40 34.46 34.49 34.51 34.53 34.58 34.62 34.65 34.67 34.68 34.69 34.69 34.70 34.69 O2 ml l1 4.84 4.81 4.82 4.90 5.01 5.06 5.00 4.86 4.79 4.73 4.74 4.66 4.46 4.26 3.31 2.35 1.55 1.28 1.03 1.05 1.09 1.23 1.43 1.57 1.90 2.21 2.65 2.90 3.31 3.50 3.78 3.83 3.99 PO4 mol l1 0.16 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.10 0.11 0.15 0.16 0.24 0.36 0.42 0.47 0.78 1.29 1.89 2.38 2.81 2.91 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.05 2.97 3.03 2.87 2.89 2.74 2.67 2.61 2.57 2.56 2.51 2.48 SiO3 mol l1 4.8 4.4 4.3 4.1 4.3 4.8 5.4 4.7 5.4 7.8 8.2 10.3 16.1 27.6 44.1 65.3 87.8 107.6 118.6 126.1 131.7 139.1 141.7 146.4 151.4 157.1 157.7 155.4 155.6 152.5 148.2 142.9 138.6 NO3 mol l1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.3 2.1 4.0 6.7 7.0 13.1 18.8 26.1 33.8 38.8 41.5 42.4 42.9 42.5 42.3 42.5 41.8 41.5 38.9 37.9 37.3 36.4 35.7 35.0 35.3 35.4

(2) the ensuing surge in riverine alkalinity ux resulting from the weathering of the lava ows (3) an increase in primary productivity (4) a strong decrease in oceanic thermohaline convection. 21

Table 21: Silica and erbium concentrations at different depths of the water column at a South Atlantic station (Bertram et al., 1993). depth (m) m 241 331 418 495 565 741 839 1082 1273 1466 1657 1841 2088 SiO3 mmol kg1 3.6 6.3 10.1 13.8 16.7 25.6 31.3 47 59.6 61.5 66.2 63.2 60.3 Er pmol kg1 3.49 3.66 3.74 3.87 3.97 4.14 4.31 4.67 4.92 5.64 5.35 5.24 5.58 depth (m) m 2332 2581 2832 3082 3330 3532 3737 3945 4202 4458 4700 4995 SiO3 mmol kg1 57.8 57.4 58.8 61.2 65.6 74.1 84.7 95.9 104.7 108.4 110.5 111.3 Er pmol kg1 6.09 5.6 5.18 5.75 5.89 6.81 6.71 6.53 7.44 8.1 7.3 7.99

22. The solubility of calcite varies in the ocean with depth. Since [Ca2+ ] is essentially constant over the residence time of this element ( 1 My), this variation is expressed as CO2 = 90 e0.16(z4) , where z is the depth in kilometers and solubility is expressed 3 in mol kg1 . Using the assumption that a change in the depth of the CCD is nearly equivalent to a change in the depth of the lysocline (saturation level) and that the relative change of HCO can be neglected with respect to the relative change of CO2 , 3 3 estimate the relative change of PCO2 associated with a shallowing of the CCD by 1 km. (Hint: consider using Eq. 6.2 and 6.31).


Chapter 7: Mineral reactions

1. Show that if the changes of enthalpy H (T, P ), entropy S (T, P ), and volume V (T, P ) of a reaction are approximately constant, Eq. 5 of Appendix C can be integrated into G (T, P ) H0 T S0 + V0 (P 1) (2)

where G (T, P ) is the free enthalpy of the reaction at T and P and the subscript 0 denotes a reference state (usually 298 K and 1 bar). Show that at equilibrium, this relation provides an equation for the reaction curve. Use the previous result to draw the reaction curve dening the onset of the eclogite facies NaAlSi3 O8 (albite) NaAl2 SiO6 (jadeite) + SiO2 (quartz)

in which the sodic plagioclase breaks down into a sodic pyroxene, which dissolves into ambient clinopyroxene, and quartz. Use the following values: H0 =-2115 J mol1 , S0 =-32.25 J mol1 K1 , and V0 =-17.0 106 m3 . 2. Aragonite is a denser polymorph of calcite CaCO3 and is therefore more stable at high pressure than calcite. Using the following values H0 =+1132 J mol1 , S0 =-0.146 J mol1 K1 , and V0 =-2.78 106 m3 for the calcite aragonite reaction, calculate the pressure of the transition at 500C. 3. Show that the constant in Eq. 7.2 is equal to S0 (T, P ) /R, the entropy of the reaction in standard conditions (hint: refer to Appendix C and use the denition of the free enthalpy to show that G0 (T, P )=H0 (T, P )-T S0 (T, P )). When the solids are maintained at a pressure > 1 bar, in particular when solid and gaseous phases are identical, a small correction for mineral expansivity is necessary but is normally very small. 4. The reaction described by Eq. 7.1 has a H0 (298, 1) of 111,090 J mol1 and a S0 (298, 1) of 188.9 J mol1 K1 . Assume that these two values remain constant, use the result of the previous exercise, and calculate PH2 O for a range of temperature of 450-650C. 5. The reaction described by Eq. 7.7 has a H0 (298, 1) of 528,600 J mol1 and a S0 (298, 1) of 235.8 J mol1 K1 . Assume that these two values remain constant and calculate P02 for a range of temperature of 800-1200C. 6. Magnesite (MgCO3 ) reacts with quartz to produce forsterite according to the reaction: 2MgCO3 + (magnesite) SiO2 Mg2 SiO4 + (quartz) (forsterite) 2CO2

The H0 (298, 1) of this reaction is 173,000 J mol1 and the S0 (298, 1) 350.2 J mol1 K1 . Assume that these two values remain constant and calculate PCO2 for a range of temperature of 350-550C. 23

7. Calculate the PCO2 as in the previous exercise for a carbonate with equal molar proportions of calcite (CaCO3 ) and magnesite (MgCO3 ). 8. Use Eq. 7.15 to retrieve the H0 and S0 values for quartz dissolution in water at atmospheric pressure. From thermodynamic data tables, we nd that V0 between the molar volume of dissolved silica and quartz is -9.1 106 m3 . Calculate the solubility of silica at 300 C at the surface and 0.1 GPa (1 kb). Discuss the potential implications for the interpretation of the chemistry of hydrothermal solutions. 9. A difcult but important exercise. Let us assume that the only elements constituting the upper mantle are Si, Mg, Al, and O. Potential mineral phases are the magnesian olivine, or forsterite (fo = Mg2 SiO4 ), the magnesian orthopyroxene or enstatite (en = Mg2 Si2 O6 ), Al-Mg oxide or spinel (sp = MgAl2 O4 ), and the magnesian garnet or pyrope (py = Mg3 Al2 Si3 O12 ). (a) Make a 34 table with the minerals as column entries (e.g., spinel) and oxide mole fractions (e.g., [MgO]) as row entries. Convert the mineral compositions into oxide mole fractions (spinel will have, for example 0.5 for both [MgO] and [Al2 O3 ] and 0 for [SiO2 ]). (b) Make a tri-dimensional plot with oxide proportions as x = [SiO2 ], y = [MgO], and z (a mock projection will do) and report the mineral compositions in this plot. Plot the following mantle composition (x = 0.4 y = 0.55, z=0.05). (c) Refer to Eq. 2.5 and 2.6 (the = 1 on the RHS of Eq. 2.6 of the rst edition should be disregarded) and to your table to highlight the following mineral assemblages: fo-en-sp and fo-en-ga. (d) Which relationship does a fo-en-ga-sp mineral assemblage require from the columns of your table? Discuss the transition between the fo-en-sp and fo-en-ga assemblages. (e) Now add FeO to the composition knowing that Fe makes a solid solution with Mg in each phase (no need to replot anything): which constrain does this addition relieve on the existence of the olivine-orthopyroxene-oxide-garnet mineral assemblage? Discuss the transition between the spinel-peridotite and garnet-peridotite assemblages. (f) Instead of FeO, let us add CaO, which is not soluble enough in the existing minerals and therefore forms a new mineral phase, diopside (di = CaMgSi2 O6 ). What is the difference with respect to the case of FeO? (g) Use this example to discuss the geochemical controls of elements which remain below their saturation level in each mineral (Ni, Rb) and of those which quickly exceed their solubility limit (Au, Th, P). Where does H2 O stand and what does the concept of nominally anhydrous mineral refer to? 10. Olivine is a solid solution of forsterite (Mg2 SiO4 ) and fayalite (Fe2 SiO4 ). Write the simultaneous equations of weathering by pure water (hydrolysis) reactions of fayalite to magnetite (Fe3 O4 ) and of forsterite to serpentine Mg3 Si2 O5 (OH)4 and explain why low-temperature alteration of peridotites is a source of hydrogen. How many moles of mantle olivine fo90 (with 90 mole percent forsterite and 10 percent fayalite) does it take to produce one mole of H2 ? Assuming that a mass equivalent to 10 percent ( 2 km3 24

y1 ) of the annual production of oceanic crust is serpentinized, what is the annual ux of hydrogen from the mid-ocean ridges to the ocean and the atmosphere? What do you think its fate is? 11. Fresh MORB contain about 10 wt% FeO. Upon reaction with sulfate from seawater inltrated into the young oceanic crust, some of the Fe2+ is oxidized to Fe3+ . How many grams of seawater with a concentration [SO2 ] = 28.9 mmol kg1 of sulfate 4 would it take to oxidize all the Fe2+ contained in one hundred grams of MORB? 12. Hydrothermal solutions spouted by black smokers at mid-ocean ridges result from interaction between seawater and fresh basalts at temperatures of 300-400C. The 87 Sr/86 Sr ratios of the hydrothermal solutions are 0.7040 and contrast with the value of 0.7091 observed for seawater and 0.7025 for fresh MORB. The Sr content of the solution does not seem to be greatly affected by the hydrothermal process (8 ppm for both seawater and hydrothermal solutions). Fresh MORB contains about 120 ppm Sr. Assuming isotopic equilibrium between hydrothermal solutions and the host basalt, calculate the water/rock ratio controlling the hydrothermal process. Many ophiolites show 87 Sr/86 Sr ratios of about 0.708. What is the apparent water/rock ratio of the hydrothermal processes leading to the formation of these rocks? 13. List potential electron acceptors (oxidizing substances), both ions dissolved in interstitial solutions and sedimentary minerals, that will eventually be used by organisms to oxidize organic carbon in sediments. Discuss how they affect the mineral composition and oxidation state of common sediments at the surface of the Earth.


Chapter 9: The Earth in the Solar System

1. Figure 1 shows the portion of the chart of the nuclides in the Ce-Gd range. (a) Draw the path of the s process in that range. (b) Assign each stable nuclide to the most probable process (s, r, p or a mixture of these). (c) Use pure s Sm nuclides and the data of Table 22 to calculate the relative contributions of the s and r processes to 147 Sm and 149 Sm (neglect the p contributions).
1.79E+6 y


124 d


241.6 d






10.2 s

5.93 d

4.59 d

24.1 d

54.5 d

93.1 d

35.8 y


13.542 y


8.593 y

4.7611 y

15.19 d

15.18 h

8.83 m


340 d

1.03E+8 y


1.06E+11 y





90 y


46.27 h


22.3 m

9.4 h

40.5 s

265 d

363 d

17.7 y

5.53 y

2.6234 y

5.370 d

53.08 h

2.68 h

28.40 h

4.1 m

5.4 m

1.73 m

41.5 s

2.49 h






10.98 d


1.728 h


12.44 m

11.4 m

28.9 s

25.9 s

3.39 m


19.12 h

13.57 d

17.28 m

5.984 h

24.15 m

13.4 m

2.27 m

2.26 m

6.19 s

18.90 s

137.640 d



32.501 d


33.039 h

284.893 d


3.01 m

13.52 m

56.4 s

56 s

5.3 s

4.0 s

Figure 1: The chart of the nuclides in the Ce-Gd range. The solid squares represent stables nuclides or nuclides with a long half-life. 2. Show that for the 182 Hf-182 W chronometer (T1/2 = 9 My) the isochron diagram x = (180 Hf/183 W) , y = (182 W/183 W) (where stands for now) has a slope s = (182 Hf/180 Hf)t and an intercept i = (182 W/183 W)t , where t is the time at which the last equilibration of W isotopes took place while 182 Hf was still alive. 183 W and 180 Hf are stable non-radiogenic nuclides used for normalization. 3. The data listed in Table 23 give the 180 Hf/183 W and 182 W/183 W ratios measured in two whole-rock chondrites (Dhurmsala and Dalgety Downs) and their silicate and metal phases. Examination of the 180 Hf/183 W ratios shows that Hf is lithophile and W siderophile. (a) From the slope of the isochron formed by the six points, calculate the (182 Hf/180 Hf)t ratio of the chondritic material at the time its constitutive phases last equilibrated with each other. (b) Calculate the (182 W/183 W)t ratio of the mean chondritic reservoir (CHUR) at that time, given its mean 180 Hf/183 W listed in the table. (c) Using these values as those of the parent reservoir, calculate the (182 Hf/180 Hf)t ratio of the Earth at the time the core and silicate material last equilibrated. 26

Table 22: Element abundances (normalized to Si=106 ), cross-sections (in mb = millibarn or 1028 m2 ), and isotopic abundances (in percent) of the nuclides in the Ce-Gd range. abund. Si=106 1.14 (mb) isotopic abund. 88.48 11.08 100 Sm 144 Sm 147 Sm 148 Sm 149 Sm 150 Sm 151 Sm 152 Sm 153 Sm 154 Sm Eu 151 Eu 152 Eu 153 Eu 154 Eu 155 Eu Gd 152 Gd 153 Gd 154 Gd abund. Si=106 0.258 (mb) isotopic abund. 3.1 17.5 11.3 13.8 7.4 26.7 22.7 47.8 52.2

140 141

Ce Ce 142 Ce Pr 141 Pr 142 Pr 143 Pr Nd 142 Nd 143 Nd 144 Nd 145 Nd 146 Nd 147 Nd 148 Nd 150 Nd Pm 147 Pm 148 Pm 149 Pm

11 76 28 0.167 111.4 415 350 0.828 35 245 81.3 425 91.2 544 147 159 1290 2970 2510

27.13 12.18 23.8 8.3 17.19 5.76 5.64

92 973 241 1820 422 2710 473 1095 206 0.0973 3775 7600 2780 4420 1320 0.33 1049 4550 1028

0.2 21.8

(d) Calculate the apparent age of core segregation from the Bulk Silicate Earth. (e) Redo the same calculation for the Moon. 4. Dene similar isochron diagrams for other extinct radioactivities: 26 Al-26 Mg (normalize to 24 Mg and 27 Al), 53 Mn-53 Cr (normalize to 52 Cr and 55 Mn), 60 Fe-60 Ni (normalize to 58 Ni and 56 Fe), 146 Sm-142 Nd (normalize to 144 Nd and 144 Sm). Refer to Table 3.1 for the decay constants. From your knowledge of the geochemical properties of the elements of the parent and daughter isotopes and from the half-life of the radioactive nuclide, discuss some potential geochronological applications of each system. 5. Dating the Universe I. (a) Explain why the radioactive nuclides by the r process.

U and


Th must have been produced

(b) The present-day 232 Th/238 U of the Solar System is 3.7. Calculate the value of this ratio 4.56 Gy ago. Refer to Table 3.1 for the decay constants. 27

Table 23: 182 Hf-182 W results for two whole-rock chondrites and their silicate and metal phases (Yin et al., 2002).

CHUR Bulk Silicate Earth Moon Dhurmsala, Dhurmsala, Dhurmsala, Dalgety Downs Dalgety Downs Dalgety Downs

silicate metal whole rock silicate metal whole rock

Hf/183 W 2.84 36.87 53.88 16.96 0.10 3.52 6.30 0.02 2.84


W/183 W 1.8513 1.8515 1.8524 1.8507 1.8511 1.8513 1.8507 1.8510

(c) Let us assume that these two nuclides have been created at a constant rate since the formation of the Universe and call pi their production rates (i = 238 U or 232 Th). Show that the number of nuclides at time t after the Big Bang, the number Ni of nuclides in the Universe is given by: Ni = pi 1 ei t i

(d) From the ratio p232Th /p238U = 1.65, calculate the age of the Universe. 6. Dating the Universe II. We now use the slowly decaying 187 Re-187 Os chronometer. Figure 2 shows the portion of the chart of nuclides in the W-Ir range. (a) We neglect the contribution of the p process to nucleosynthesis in that range. Explain why the 186 Os and 187 Os nuclides are pure s nuclides. Draw the s process pathway on Figure 2. (b) Using the abundances shown on the gure and cross-sections of 422 (186 Os) and 896 (187 Os) millibarns (1 mb = 1028 m2 ), nd the abundance of radiogenic 187 Os which is due to the decay of 187 Re since the beginning of the Universe. (c) Using the solar abundances of Re and Os (0.0517 and 0.675 atoms per 106 Si), calculate the age of the universe. Refer to Table 3.1 for the decay constants. You will need to consider that 187 Re decays so slowly that its abundances are not affected by radioactivity. Although other solutions are easily worked out (e.g., continuous production, see previous exercise), it is easier to assume that all the 187 Re was created in one single event just after the Big Bang. 7. We assume that core formation completely eliminated the very siderophile elements, in particular Ir and Os, from the terrestrial mantle. The modern mantle nevertheless contains 3.43 ppb of Os and 3.19 ppb of Ir. What is the proportion of late veneer in the form of chondrites with 520 ppb Os and 490 ppb Ir which has contributed to the modern mantle? Neglect the contribution of the continental crust. Assuming that the 28

10.5 h

41.5 h

13.2 d

11.78 d




13.3 4.35E10 y



37.40 3E+17 y 30.67

90.64 h


16.98 h

24.3 h


75.1 d


23.72 h

69.4 d

Figure 2: The chart of the nuclides in the W-Ir range. The solid squares represent stables nuclides or nuclides with a long half-life. mantle is dry and that ocean was added by the late veneer, what is the water content of the incoming projectiles? Refer to Appendix G for the appropriate constants. 8. The acceleration of gravity g at the surface of a planet varies as g = GM/r2 where G = 6.67 1011 m3 kg1 s2 is the universal gravitational constant, and M and r the mass and radius of the planet, respectively. Calculate g at the surface of the planets listed in Table 24. Let us consider a basaltic magma formed in the shallow mantle of these planets and assume a constant mantle density. (a) If the cross-over between plagioclase and clinopyroxene (i.e., the pressure at which the order of saturation is reversed) is at 0.5 GPa, at which depth will this crossover be located? Discuss the implications in terms of the evolution of a molten planet. (b) In the terrestrial mantle, garnet is stable at pressures in excess of 2GPa. What is the equivalent depth for the other planets? Discuss the presence of garnet in the mantle of each planet.

Table 24: Radius r and density of different planets in the inner Solar System. Venus 6052 5.24 Earth 6371 5.52 Moon 1737 3.34 Mars 3390 3.93 Vesta 520 3.16

r (km) (g cm3 )


Errata to the rst printing of Geochemistry: An Introduction

Page 5: update http://www.ens-lyon.fr to http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/francis.albarede/Exercises.pdf Page 13: ( item 4) replace the difference being the number of sheets in their basic pattern by the difference being the proportions of 2+ and 3+ cations and therefore site occupancy. Page 26: equation (2.6) should not have =1 on right hand side Page 56: (eq 3.14): add a minus sign in the exponential before 230Th t Page 63: (eq 3.19): add a minus sign in both exponentials before 230Th t Page 63: (eqs 3.20, 3.21, 3.22): in the exponentials, the s should be at the same level as t but the nuclide (e.g., 235U) should appear as a superscript. See 3.19 as a reference. Page 57: (4th line of 2nd para): Should say Potassium-40 also decays by and ordinary... not Argon Page 66: rst equation should have 6.54 on denominator, not 0.654 Page 86: before equation, mean modifying (5.2) not (4.2) Page 88: replace both (n1 /Q)s by (n1 /M )s in eq. 5.11 Page 142: (7th line of 2nd para): CO2 instead of Co2 Page 144: (line 9 from bottom): Replace Fig. ?? by Fig. 8.4 Page 233: (eq. H.9) has an unnecessary dt on the rst term of the right-hand side Page 9: Figure 1.2 will be replaced Page 173: Figure 9.6 will be replaced
Thanks to Peter Kolesar, Ran Qin, and John Rudge.


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