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Demonology & THE ELITE: -

By Robert Bruce Baird
INSPIRATIONAL COMMENTS: John von Neumann observed that... the ever accelerating progress of technology... gives the appearance of approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race beyond which human affairs, as we know them, could not continue.

2 "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860 Einstein said: "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." "I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is Mass Psychology... Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions are generated." - Bertrand Russell Jesus said: "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the kingdom is in heaven, then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside you and it is outside you. When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are the children of the living father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you dwell in poverty, and you are poverty. (From The Gospel of Thomas found in Dag Hammadi in the postwar period.) Do not put yourself in front of your Self. Mayan saying. "All of us are born for a reason, but all of us don't discover why. Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It's what you do for others." - Danny Thomas "I'm sorry, but I don't want to be an emperor. That's not my business. I don't want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone if possible - Jew, Gentile - black man white." - Charlie Chaplin, born the same year as Hitler. "The other shape, If shape it might be call'd, that shape had none, Distinguishable in member, joint, or limb; Or substance might be call'd that shadow seem'd; For each seem'd either; black it stood as night, Fierce as ten furies, terrible as Hell, And shook a dreadful dart; what seem'd his head The likeness of a kingly crown had on. Satan was now at hand; and from his seat The monster, moving onward, came as fast With horrid strides; Hell trembled as he strode." -- John Milton Reality is a shared Hallucination. Howard Bloom

3 "I have had dreams, and I have had nightmares. I overcame the nightmares because of my dreams." - Dr. Jonas Salk Discovered The First Vaccine Against Polio Fear not, nor be dismayed at the appearance that is darkness, at the disguise that is evil, at the empty cloak that is death, for you have picked these for your challenges. They are the stones on which you choose to whet the keen edge of your spirit. Know that ever about you stands the reality of love, and each moment you have the power to transform your world by what you have learned. One by Richard Bach who is the son of Marcus Bach and the erudite knowledge which came therefrom is in all of his books. "Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law."--The Kybalion What things soever ye desire, when ye pray believe that ye received them, and ye shall have them. Mark 11: 24 quoting Jesus see also Psalms 82: 6 and John 10: 34 Speaking at the meeting of the IMF in the year 2000, Vaclav Havel emphasised that the the crucial task is to fundamentally strengthen a system of universally shared moral standards that will make it impossible, on a truly global scale, for the various rules to be time and again circumvented with still more ingenuity than had gone into their invention. Art is a dialogue we have always carried out with the unknown. We have come to distinguish the contours of the unknown through the unconscious, through religion and magic and we may soon begin to understand such totally modern emotions as the feeling that we belong to the future, that our civilization is the sum of others. Andre Malraux. The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule. - H.L. Mencken "The clergy converted the simple teachings of Jesus into an engine for enslaving mankind and adulterated by artificial constructions into a contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves...these clergy, in fact, constitute the real Anti-Christ. Thomas Jefferson

INTRODUCTION: Aristotle referred to happiness as the most we can achieve. Demons and gods were interchangeable in the time of Homer when people had far less institutionalized manipulation of their thoughts and soulful understandings.

4 It is easy to be happy without all the things we obsess over. The balance of our constituent selves and the possibility of participation in creating a whole, or in conjunction with that WHOLE is going to be hard to beat for enlightenment. But most people over the last little blip of human existence have bought into systems that deny the whole or any sense of ONENESS. We have seen a 5000 year 'nightmare' as James Joyce wisely stated. The thoroughly amazing thing about this - it is those elites who have told us they speak for God or are Divine Kings who in fact have used or led us into this soulful wasteland. We find a similar paradigm exists in scientism which denies the observable outcomes or effects of the soul and ESP. Barthold Niebuhr (I think it was) said that bringing something back from the past or discovering anything is a high that is akin to the greatest creativity. It is so wonderful to learn and see the way of those we have denigrated as barbarian or primitive; as they frolic in the joy of adventure and oneness with Nature while they nurtured each other. The ability to do something that requires generations to develop was kept a secret in all areas of human endeavour in pre-history. It did not change when culture advanced to the point where people could read scrolls. In point of fact Plato observed a reduction in disciplined knowledge resulted from the writing alphabet given to the Greeks by their Danaus forbears or colonizers. But you would think writing might allow an improvement in knowledge and society. Indeed this is potentially true with any medium for sharing but would you say that TV has lead to an increase in knowledge or just an increase in wasted time and confusing inputs? The shamans and elites who developed the various disciplines and metal-working secrets gradually became the most powerful people in the world. When they met each other they were excited to share knowledge in most cases. It is hard to share knowledge with people who are not willing to put out the years of effort to learn more than some little thing, they might use or satisfy some immediate need with. Some of these families or the larger clan became adept in numerous disciplines, trades or crafts and they traveled widely around the whole earth as a result of the greater technology they had. They did not always tell the people who worshipped their knowledge all the facts. They still write histories or have their journalists and social engineers tell myths and make religions. That would be one reason that most people who have read this little bit of writing might be starting to close their mind. People generally do not want to believe that their leaders have created myths and/or lied to them. They like to believe they are smart and have common sense enough to tell when they are being hypnotized through rituals that they did not design but have had personal experience through visions or other insights that they think could not have been manufactured or CONstructed. People like me try to tell the truth as best we can but we are attacked because we say that learning requires real effort or must be tested through years of study. There have been many occasions when people like myself have been made the object of Inquisitions or other murderous campaigns as a result. Some of my intellectual forbears decided to structure hierarchies like the top-down Platonic model rather than the Dialectical questioning of Socrates. This was true long before Pythagoras learned in the Bairdic University System headed by Abaris (Rabbi) the Druid. It was probably true before the meteor that hit the area where we find the Bermuda Triangle caused worldwide tectonic and tidal upheaval leading to the death of most people on earth. Some of the people who learn a lot in one lifetime think they know it all and they start to think that they can find

5 easier ways to build conclaves or learned people. Most often they are enjoying the ego and power of the special insights they gained through prior designs and CONstructs they do not even partially understand. So when L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. blew the whistle on his Rosicrucian-trained fathers enterprises there were few if any people who could really believe that it was possible to grab or break and crack souls. Socrates experienced something worse than being bought off because he refused to stop telling the truth or leave his country and countrymen. He was branded as a conspiracy theorist and people could not grasp the possibilities he tried to lead them to question. The Druidic pantheon and Norse system is a great mythos from which one can study and learn good values. The bards told these stories but people understood they were representative of forces and not what one would call Gods. Representative deities could vary in forms they took as the elemental forces that the viewer was tapping into were affected by the viewer and vice versa. Jonathan Kirschs recent book from 2004 called God against the Gods gets this right. All people knew resurrection of a sort existed and the soul was immortal. They even loaned money to be repaid after death. By the time you get the Norse system we talk about today you had just another watered down priestly manipulation as I see it. The vascerri (priests) who flunked out of the more demanding Bardic Tradition were becoming more able to meet the needs of the masses who really wanted easy answers and the culture had been decimated or sold out to Christianity in many ways even inside the non-Christian systems. St. Columba is one of the better examples of a Bard who became a saint - the saying at his time was (which is just before the Norse started to exist as we know of them) 'Jesus is the new Druid'. Leaders saw the benefit of religion and getting people to accept these easy answers - it worked wonders for Rome - a study of the Synod of Whitby (663-4 AD) shows a murderous king turn to St. Peter in order to grab the assets of the Celtic Christian Church in Northumbria - later England became a force. Now as to the rituals of Rgnarok and the RgVeda tales - yes there is symbology that accesses these forces still. RG is an old Irish or late Keltic word for King but their kings were a meritocracy and not hereditary. I have a recent research study on their Runes that goes into this in some detail and it is part of my books. These 'constructs' or designs that are energized through prayer when properly managed by a good priest-sorcerer can lead to amazing things like the Hexham Heads. These Keltic Heads can not be photographed due to the lattices of archetypal energy that a simple cab driver who made them for his children somehow tapped into. We will address what this tapping-in is part of again in this book. People engaged in kissing have a lot of information and energy transfer, although we usually do it for the buzz and dont get into the science or mystique of it. A judgement is made and processed by the Thalami and brain. The Thalami like the Pineal gland are able to amplify all energy inputs and route them to the appropriate place in the brain. Science is now on the verge of seeing what the Third Eye of the ancients knew. To help set the stage for the proper evaluation of information and events that will doubtless fall on many unbelieving minds at times; let me quote Herbert Spencer for you. There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and

6 which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance that principle is contempt prior to investigation. The Thalami are also in charge of the endocrine system and a vital center for the immune system. It is through this psychic organ that healing and the soul operate the greatest magic of life on earth and potentiate the divine potential of each and every human as well as many other lifeforms. All people are psychic and have a responsibility to play a part of God's plan or purpose to harmonize and create. Hopefully when you kiss your sister the hormones won't be allowed to function because of a tabu or blockage. Generally speaking the more alike you are genetically and in your brain wavelength fingerprint the more affinity and real communication will happen. This research covers many modern disciplines but the most apparent truth is available in the University of Minnesota Twins study. There are few people today who aren't living in the sociological denial of the materialistic society brought about since the Industrial Revolution. Thus many people will not be able to read this book. Others will allow their interior open-mindedness and belief in ESP or the secret knowledge of their own actual experience to carry them some way towards accepting the 'possibility'; of what they will read about an alchemist (or three) and Ascended Beings from the dimensional energy that surrounds all planetary bodies. Included in the make up of planetary systems are entity and event horizons that vary from planet to planet and throughout the universe. These things are clear in the Chaos Theory and astrophysics that has gained momentum since the Hubbell telescope took a picture of the center of the 'known' universe in 1999. Superstring Theory and alternate universes or worm holes and affinity channels some call Stargates join the list of the amazing things we must now consider. The worlds of science are merged with the magic of the past adepts beyond the writings of Nobel Laureates in physics you may have found exciting in your youth, as I did. Wigner, Schrdinger and his cat, Heisenberg 'Observed', and Capra has 'Tao-ed' a lot about the Mandukya Upanishads and S-Matrix math being linked with the I Ching (Tao te Ching). Soon science will know 'The Way' (Tao) made possible by the 'white light'. NEC labs in Princeton, New Jersey produced 300X the speed of light in the summer of 2000, inside a cesium chamber. This was the missing ontological proof required to make evidence of the necessary level required in science for the existence of 'psi phenomena'. Beyond the wildest imaginations of quantum teleporting (Scientific American April 2001 Cover story) and the Big Bang, is the connection true 'love' brings. Thank you, Buddy Holly! John Lennon has 'Imagine-d a new mantra for the quantum global village and a post-Modern Age that allows people the leisure time to contemplate what preIndustrial Age Society already knew. When factories needed people to work long hours at machines they instituted education for all people, so that 'time clocks' could be punched and productivity could be measured. The prior travesties of the Inquisitions and Dark Ages were relaxed in order to enable a greater control over the minds of people. "The past and the future can be changed."(1) From the Mahabharata to the Iliad we see the hand of higher beings who played god with mere mortals wrapped in their egoistic emphasis on the dross physical senses that greedily take so much energy away from soulful pursuits. Just because time appears linear does not make it any truer than the appearance the eyes of an owl recognizes when

7 it sees in dimensions of energy our more limited eyes cannot capture. Perhaps an even more relevant acquisition technology in the animal kingdom has to do with how insects and birds find their way back to a specific territory or 'home'. Neils Bohr said something like this: - 'A great truth has an opposite which is also true. A trivial truth has an opposite which is false.' Ninety-five per cent of all the energy in the universe is made up of Dark Energy or Dark Matter. This is a scientific fact recently discovered but not considered in the everyday working world of most academic disciplines. It was always useful to those in the know and the Eastern Mystical schools used by Illuminati are part of what we must study in order to understand how Chhi and Shakti can build dimensional constructs. Here is a response to a Mason who I asked about making those constructs. He avoids saying he cannot actually DO the travel he once asked me if I did. You did not say whether they teach how to do what these 'offshoots' are able to do. If you cannot DO what is done (i.e.: make those deceptive 'constructs') then you are deceived or infiltrated as they say of many 'clandestine' types that have promoted Masonry. I know St. Germain (Rothschild/De Medicis) is still openly taught from in your craft but there are few (!) and really none in Masonry who know the tune their drummer is weaving. It is an ancient art - the Great Architect's - since before Melchizedek and his tutelage of Abraham. ML + chhi and the Zadokites are in charge. ML or Milesians (Stuart Royals and Hibernians) use the energy of the Cosmic Soup (chhi and Praha of Jan Hus) to make many zealots (Zadokites) do their bidding. Lao-Tzu went to the west of his native China as he approached his death; in order to meet the Ancient Adept Masters who we believe are those Red-Heads of the Tarim Basin/Taklamakan Desert/Altaic Mountains near the greatest recent Empire's Khan Temujin's homeland or birthplace. You can see photos of these 6'6" 'giants with their witchs hats in Discovery, National Geographic or The Mummies of Urumchi. The reason they had a pyramidal witchs hat was to focus cosmic energy to their pineal glands. Lao-Tzu is one of history's greatest philosophers and religious personages. He knew these adepts had power to affect the Trojan War and all people on earth by means never written as the Verbal Tradition was aware of the dangers of interpreters with partial knowledge and fewer ethical constructs. Today these same hats are called 'dunce caps' as teachers teach the prejudices of ego and power-mongering proselytes and politicians. Thirty other books larger than this one will be, have the reference and archaeologic proof or science that confirms these grossly general statements. These books I have written in the last three plus years have added a great deal to my certainty that man is not able to fully understand the meaning behind the Mayan saying - 'Do not put your Self, in front of YOUR self! - It means an entirely different thing when stated thusly - 'Do NOT put yourself, in front of your SELF!' There are many other ways to play with the emphasis and come up with more insights on the collective soul versus the personality and ego. The Mayans are likely right about the end of this human civilization in 2012 as we see 'terrorism' defined by one side as evil and the other as 'The Great Satan'. I have also done fictional tales incorporating the actual experiences of my life and I have done biographies as well as a three volume Encyclopedia.

8 The Holographic Paradigm (Wilber, 1982) and Wholeness and the Implicate Order (Bohm, 1982) offer a world-view that is closely linked with the Perennial Philosophy (Huxley, 1974) of the mystics of all ages. This states that Spirit is the ground of all being, that which is there in all of nature. It is our highest ideal to which we strive: we are spirit real-ising itself. It is all and everything at one and the same time. All is interlinked, all is one or as Buddhism puts it All is within the universe. We can only hope Joseph Campbell, who knew about 462,000 years of advanced human culture on earth (He might well add to that with the 800,000 year old evidence of navigation on Flores Island and the far older than HSS modern man in Australia.) was right. Campbell felt all the prophecies of the end or Armageddon would be signaling a new and better ethical behavior among all parties to the bargain man has on this earth. I like the thought expressed by James Watson in his foreword to Discovering the Brain. He said, The brain boggles the mind.. It is also true that a lot of the boggling has been done by those saying they seek God. I am in a neuroscience forum on the web where a minister of the Unitarian Universalist persuasion is a participant. We are discussing all manner of things related to the soulful sciences and I wish to have my readers see this wise older man has a lot to offer at this juncture. Here is Lindsay Kings response to me (as Robert the Bruce or RTB) in a thread dealing with healing and hypnotic effective or positive thinking potentials. There is also a man from India that NASA is convinced can gain energy from the sun to the point that he has not needed to eat for many years. They are trying to learn this and if they do they will teach it to those who are about to travel the cosmic light fantastic. BTW, RTB, to my great relief, way back when, I came to understand that--and I am not sure where I first got the idea, maybe from the writings of Milton Erickson--hypnosis is not something that a "master" does to a "subject". It is, rather, what happens between people when they interact with one another. Hypnosis is something a curious student learns from a wise teacher. For good or ill, this powerful interaction can take place between individuals and, on a one to one basis, lead to negative and/or positive things happening. Or, like the example you gave, charismatic personalities or leadership types, including entertainers, spiritual leaders, evangelists, political leaders, whoever, can "work" the audience and make positive and/or negative things happen. THE "FORCE" IS NEUTRAL For some time, now, I have been convinced--and I am always open to be persuaded otherwise--that this powerful mental/spiritual force, which I call the pneuma component and factor, is like the light and energy which comes to us from the sun. Of itself, it is neutral. It can be used to do evil or good. If I exposed myself to the blazing light and heat of the sun for too long, without mercy, it will physically kill me. If I look at it, without proper protection, it will blind me. In my opinion, if there is a powerful mental/spiritual force waiting to be understood and used, the worse thing we can do is nothing. Sure the taking of any kind of action involves risk, and the making of mistakes that could cause us some pain. However, if we allow ourselves to be motivated by fear of the unknown and other destructive emotionspowerful pneumatological tools often used by clever obscurants--and not to try to understand and to work with this "pneumatological force", evil is bound to happen. (2) TABLE OF CONTENTS: CHAPTER ONE: Napoleon blanched, Chamberlain wrote:

An Interview To Set The Stage: NAPOLEON AND THE PYRAMID: Herrs Hitler and Wagner: PROFESSOR HORBIGER: Houston Stewart Chamberlain: CECIL RHODES WROTE HIS WILL: Goethe Composed: CONSTANTINE AND THE CROSS: What St. Paul Said He Saw on the Road to Damascus: CHAPTER TWO: Saints Galore: Sins (Self-inflicted nonsense) and Demons: JOAN DARC: St. Columba: IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA: Saint Augustine: THE MAGI: Confession is Good, an Elemental: CHAPTER THREE: The Elementals and Dimensional Forces: Ed: THE DRUIDS EGGS: Tapping-in Can be Gradually Created: JIM! Findhorn and the Leprechauns: MORAVIANS LIKE WILLIAM BLAKE: Rhawn Joseph: WATER CRYSTALS: CHAPTER FOUR: Those Who Think They Are Chosen: David Koresh: RABBI SCHNEERSON: Sir William Crookes vs. Wreckers: ALPHA GALATES AND PIERRE PLANTARD DE ST. CLAIR: Charles de Gaulle: NIETZSCHE TOO? I Confess: The Catholic Encyclopedia ON DEMONOLOGY: CHAPTER FIVE: The Vienna Connection: Reichean Orgone Energy:

10 ST. GERMAIN: John von Neumann: CARL JUNG: An Exorcism I Was Involved In: UNSHEATHING THE SOUL: CHAPTER SIX: How Much Did The Ancient Secret Societies Know? THE MYSTERIES WITHIN: Pavlita Generators: GEOMANCY NAPOLEONS BOOK OF FATE: Moundbuilders: HELIOPOLITANISM: Homeopathy: INTELITAPPING: CHAPTER SEVEN: Technological Alternative Demons: THE QUARK AND THE JAGUAR: Thought-Cloning: THE HUMAN SINGULARITY AND MESMERISM: Sorcerer-General Stubblebine: COUNT RUMFORD: CHAPTER EIGHT: Esotericists with Visions: THE DEVIL IS UN-REAL: The Devils of Loudon: BEN FRANKLIN: Coleridge: CASTANEDA INTERVIEW 1976: Bill Joy the Killjoy: SEVENTH SON OF A SEVENTH SON: CHAPTER NINE: From the Intense to the Incredible: EPILOGUE:

CHAPTER ONE: Napoleon blanched, Chamberlain wrote:

11 An Interview To Set The Stage: 1. Can you briefly summarize why you think history is a weapon of war against people? Not really, except to say Sun Tzu wasnt the first to notice that propaganda was the first and most important part of conquest. Caesars won more through secret deals and blackmailing the likes of Herod and the Sanhedrin than they ever did through force of arms. We saw how guerillas work against a conqueror in Vietnam and even in Iraq at the present. I have written about forty books. The framework for a new history that is based on forensics and science or artifacts rather than priestly power-mongers is now available. 2. But surely there are many who have written a truer history since the end of the Dark Ages? Yes, but the destruction of libraries and the records of supposed beliefs in things like the Flat Earth or Kelts being barbarians is still a part of current scholarship because people quote Caesars Journals that were actually written by Hirtius or other propaganda as if these reports are actual fair reportage to some extent as they say that is all we have. Michael Parenti and others like Howard Zinn of Harvard who have often been drummed out of Universities do tell a little of what I consider is true history. There has been some earlier authors quoted in the works of Herodotus and others once considered fiction but now being supported by actual artifacts. 3. What about when war is not going on? We still get the same history dont we? I love how Joseph Campbell described the SPIN which occurred at the start of WWII in his address called Permanent Human Values to the women he taught at Sarah Lawrence University. It ended up getting him branded as a Nazi by some truly sadistic government mouthpieces in the media. In any event we have always been preparing for or engaged in war as I see it. 4. I recall having read that address, it was magnificent and should be required reading for everyone and covered before every movement of government towards more conflict. But surely you arent saying that all history is a lie, are you? Campbell didnt go that far. No, of course not. There are always lots of facts presented along with dates and data that can boggle the mind of a good statistician. Mark Twain knew a lot about lies, damn lies and statistics though. 5. Yes, and we recently saw how the standard operating procedure of passing the buck or Hide the Ball worked on the cover-up of the real reason we invaded Iraq and all that weapons of mass destruction didnt we? But lets get into the Great Pyramid which you write volumes about. You make the point that the fit of the rocks or blocks cant be explained by the scholars who say Egyptians built it as some sort of make-work program now that the slaves fiction has been thoroughly disproven due to artifacts. In fact you have built a rather intricate charge of a conspiracy to destroy and lie about these things to

12 the point of blaming WGBH and the video called This Old Pyramid. Can you substantiate these charges for my listeners? I do, but it isnt done in a sound byte. Let me say this though. I saw a letter from David Suzuki of The Nature of Things in response to formal factual presentations from Davidovits and Morris about how they used modern equipment with forklift trucks and hardened steel tools to make that puny Pyramid which they didnt even have the guts to admit shifted in the sand. He noted he had not been given the footage or facts that showed these things. And when it comes to Hawass and his trotting out weird alien theories or theorists as if that proves he is open to alternatives THAT is pure SPIN! 6. I found the part where Archaeology Magazine was printing articles saying the Sphinx and Pyramids were mere imitations of natural landforms a little bizarre. But that poured in place theory of Davidovits which you support doesnt explain the fit of the sarcophagus or the obelisks found in their quarries. I support that as just one of the technologies they used and you are right it cannot explain a 1/150th inch tolerance in the lidless sarcophagus that never had any human remains in it. In fact no Giza Pyramid had any funerary purpose and no remains of humans have been found in them. The American Research Center in Egypt did use AMS accelerators to date biologics found inside the Pyramid in some places. These biologics like straw showed the Great Pyramid is 450 years older than the Step Pyramid which Egyptology says was built before the Great Pyramid. 7. Ok, I guess we cant cover all the other possible technologies that you and the likes of Christopher Dunn have shown could have been used. You really do have a passionate stance on the matter of Hawass and the likes of Cayce the Masonic agent and his Foundation which paid to educate Hawass and Lehner though. I surely do have issues with liars and the Bible Narrative which ultimately justifies Manifest Destiny and blames G-d or attributes things to aliens when man is responsible for all these things. National Geographic and other Egyptologists outside that cabal have provided me with lots of good reading and I share these perspectives with my readers. 8. But you carry on about Kelts and Phoenicians to the point that it is almost impossible to imagine they really were all over the earth with the Red-headed League of Megalith Builders making the hundreds of Pyramids. And some of the uses of the Earth Energy Grid they are built to enhance which are located or aligned with; are really TOO fantastic to accept for someone who has not studied all the sources you quote. I know that, believe me. There are no simple or true black and white answers that you can answer tests with in order to get a better grade. There are lots of good questions and I think those questions lead to us challenging the current leadership about why we arent using free energy or Tesla Technology and many other things dont you? As to Plato and the Atlantis fiction I now have genetics to support this real history. It shows white man was in the Americas as soon as he arrived in Europe and he may even have come to

13 Northwest Europe from the Americas; before he arrived in Central Europe and Iberia or Spain. That was 30,000 years ago just shortly after the first white men (Kelts of the Caucasus) arrived in Casiberia. 9. Yes, I do see the corporate entities and names or other linguistic proofs of older scholars are soundly backed by genetics and the forensics like the cocaine from Peru in Egyptian mummies. But I am sure most people will have a hard time swallowing that their teachers have been so disingenuous. My first wife and lifelong significant other is a teacher-leader and activist of some standing. I totally understand the difficulties they face. Kaoru Yamamoto does a good expos on the testing industry and the lack of teaching thinking or a Joy of Learning in the Kuipers Social Science Encyclopedia or other articles he has written. Alfred North Whitehead gave an address at Harvard in about the same time Campbell was talking in New York to the ladies of Sarah Lawrence. He makes a good case for the kind of real education that should have been occurring as do many others since him. How can a teacher pierce the veils of propaganda and all the lies as well as baby-sit kids whose parents were never taught to teach in the first place? Is there anything more important to the future of humanity than breaking this Cycle of Violence where parents are allowed to train more deviates and dump all the same issues from generation to generation, as the system grinds down all individuality and soul? 10. Hey, I am the interviewer. I see what you mean but getting back to my question why should we believe your history rather than the one we have been taught? I ask people to consider the facts and do their own research or checking. I have the quotes from the sciences and data in the archaeological record which supports cell diffusion history dont I? Most reviews from readers certainly suggest that Diverse Druids was a major impact on their view of history. 11. You say that the builders of the Great Pyramid or arch-tectons as the Septuagint calls the family of Jesus are still connected or part of what forces really govern us today. Yet you also seem very amenable to the true teaching of Jesus. Do you really think the Merovingians and Stuart or Hesse/Battenbergs are related to the Rothschilds? It is funny how people have no difficulty with connecting the Hapsburgs with the De Medicis and Borgia but the Rothschilds are supposed to be different and were merely good financial types. Yes, I am certain the Rothschilds were passed the whole spy network and monopoly through the adopted son of the De Medicis that goes by the name St. Germain. This monopoly that the Templars once had, included secrets of esoterics and trade in the era of Solomon or Joseph of Arimathaea and probably before Melchizedek. 12. You must get a lot of people calling you a conspiracy theorist. Your assertions leads to a person having to think their whole history has been a mere puppet show and all the wars were arranged to de-populate and keep people busy rather than finding out what really is going on.


It is highly complex and yet well-orchestrated. The last 150 years have actually been worse than any other time in history when it comes to wars and what the noted journal The Economist says is inhumane bureaucracy, which they call a Napoleonic legacy. His vision and reason for going to the Great Pyramid should be made into a movie. 13. But he never told people what he saw and you are just speculating, arent you? Yes, but he was terrified and there are others who have been similarly impacted by some constructs they saw. If you read my book Hitler vs. Frabato and The Charm of Making I think you might agree my insight or speculation has some validity. NAPOLEON AND THE PYRAMID: Napoleon directed his troops to leave him alone when he went into the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid. He was there in the first place after marrying into the Merovingian lineage (through Josephine) and having become a Mason a year or so before that. There was no military reason to go to Egypt and he took many savants with his expedition which started a great increase in knowledge and archaeology itself. On the way he stopped briefly to defeat an island that had resisted tens of thousands in many attacks. He lost almost no men and gained this strategic island plus the Templar hoard of assets and who knows what kind of knowledge and books the Romans had ferreted away after the destruction of the Library at Alexandria. His time in the so-called Kings Chamber lead to him being blanched and visibly shaken. Did he go there with certain knowledge gained through books or studies to ritually perform a specific viewing? Was his genetic background and connection somehow important to this ritualistic attunement? His own Tuscan (is there a connection with the Etruscan canal or terraces and Tucsons engineering in ancient America?) heritage and possible illegitimate connection to Marboeuf and a very old noble family is worth the inspection of any historian. When he came out he told all present never to ask him what had happened or to explore the matter in any manner. On his death bed he almost told his biographer Las Casas yet, he thought even he would not believe or understand. My guess is that Napoleon saw the future, and it has been a scary one to say the least. He may also have been affected by some sorcery from his handlers. I know Nostradamus worked the hieroglyphs of the Great Pyramid for inspiration and I think Napoleon had this special advantage that Nostradamus never experienced. To be in that Chamber alone what would I do for such a gift? When I think of a Philosophers Stone and astrolabes in the hands of those who would use a crystal powered Tepaphone (the Borgias and Hitlers 99 Lodge of some Masonic offshoot) to kill remotely, I wonder how much we owe to the Allied counter psychic squad including Crowley, Dion Fortune and Ian Fleming. Here is a formal quote to contemplate: "The Egyptian Campaign had a profound effect on Napoleon as well. On the 25th of Thermidor according to the revolutionary calendar (i.e. the 12th of August, 1799) Napoleon visited the Great Pyramid with Imam Muhammed as his guide. Bonaparte asked to be left alone in the King's Chamber. This was likely a gesture dictated by the dramatic part of Napoleon's character because Alexander the Great, whom Napoleon greatly admired, had done the same thing 2000 years before. Nonetheless, Las Cases relates that Napoleon emerged pale and shaken from the Chamber. {Emphasis added} He

15 commanded that no one ever question him about what happened in the pyramid. In 'Memoirs of the Emperor Napoleon', Las Cases claims that near the end of Napoleons life, while in exile on the island of St. Helena, he seemed about to confide what had happened in the pyramid to Las Cases, but instead he shook his head and said: 'No~ Whats the use. You'd never believe me." (1) Herrs Hitler and Wagner: You might be amazed at how the use of demons as teachers by the likes of the De Medicis/Borgia/Rothschilds has affected leaders like Hitler, Rhodes, Napoleon and authors galore since Goethe and before. I know I continue to find more demons in these people's lives and it seems odd that everyone who should know about it is not talking about it. Of course these forces also allow things such as the remote poison of the De Medicis/ Borgia which is only a small part of the use of what is called occult by the true elitists who have ruled over us for a very long time. Telling us they are pious and religious while warning us about the demons or sins has a long history to be sure. I will include a little of the possible explanations of how this is done but in the most part this book will simply provide the actual histories of important people whose visions or demons have had a major impact on their and therefore your lives. Here is the conclusion of the sister book of this present research project. You can find Teutonic people of the Reich Hitler sought to re-create throughout history. With the aid of Horbiger, Dietrich Eckhart (also often found as Eckart) and other occultists who know that all Kelts or Vaner and Danubians (including those who were Emperors of Rome beefore[sic] the Ostro or Visi-Goths) had a long history of preeminence, Hitler learned these things. Long before Rome or the Greek colony and even their Egyptian colony you will learn about the BEES. But the racial tensions they had created in the divide and conquer era we call history requires going a lot further in the search for what this Reich they sought to re-create really was. This era led by BEES is a major part of ten books of mine that includes Gimbutas going back to the butterfly and bull in the Old European culture she correctly understood went back 25,000 years. Now we could say Casiberia was a force from when the white man first arrived on this planet some 5,000 years before that too. Winifred Wagner was one of the many important occultists throughout Hitlers Life. Hess was another. The value of the next quote from an officer who managed Hitler before and after the First World War and edited by Spencer Brodney has to do with the coaching and use of Mesmerism or rituals by Hess. Hess was Hitler's first {I disagree} and most successful mentor .... A dabbler in mesmerism and faith healing; Hess certainly was most successful with Hitler. Before every important speech Hitler was, sometimes for days, closeted with Hess who in some unknown way got Hitler into that frenetic state in which he came forth to address the public. Just before Hitler had appointments to receive statesman or foreign correspondents, he was minutely coached as what to say. Sometimes when unexpected questions were put to him, he just walked away, or started his senseless political rantings. (2) This editor raises the issue of the obvious bias against Hitler that the person he is quoting clearly had. It is easy to express bias and quite another thing to learn what actually was going on. Hitler had studied long and hard in matters occult while in Vienna and we have his own words as some degree of proof as well as the various relationships and acts of the man throughout his life. To close our eyes and ears to the abuse of the

16 occult that Hitler or Weishaupt and so many of the elites have engaged in is tantamount to Pollyannaish or psychological Denial. To avoid all soulful attunements which the occult (oc means not) has employed will be a worse outcome for mankind because the few who use it and abuse it become even more powerful. You get snipettes of the legends in Lord of the Rings and Conan the Barbarian. Alas Joseph Campbell has done an excellent job for me to work with as a start and we have much more artifactual evidence now as well. Campbell made it clear that the evidence from linguistics which showed a race of Aryans or Proto-Indo Europeans was at best partial evidence needing further research and yet Houston Stewart Chamberlain and his backers like FDR were using it to good political advantage. For example you might say Wagner was an Ultra-Christian and yet his 'Ring' tells of the people that also created Valhalla in legend. You have to go on a search as Hitler had his archaeologists do looking for Agarthe. There the Valkyrie of Wagner speak to channelers or trance orators like Hitler. I will reproduce a poem he wrote after years of study in Vienna where his father had studied near their benefactor and relative named Rothschild. I will try to do in 3,000 words what takes three volumes with lots of quotes and references. The need to play two sides against the middle to keep the common people in fear is still part of the Illuminized Skull & Bones agenda to this very day, as a War on Terra continues while people argue about the evils of Islam or Zionists. Did you know Hitler called himself the torch-bearer of Jesus? He was referring to the Keltic/Aryan Iesa that Jesus was named after, but he let other people run with the idea of his near messianic status for political reasons. Here is a poem written after over five years of study in Vienna where St. Germain and Kaballists reigned supreme. "I often go on bitter nights To Wotan's oak in the quiet glade With dark powers to weave a union The runic letter the moon makes with its magic spell And all who are full of impudence during the day Are made small by the magic formula." The Druids could talk to God through the leaves of the oak. This use of the word 'God' is debatable because the Druids or at least the High Druids knew nature and reality was more than just some anthropomorphed God. In this poem we see a man who makes pacts with "dark powers" to make those he meets "full of impudence" into a lesser soul or "made small by the magic" he believes he was empowered with through the "runic letter" (Ogham) of the force effects of the moon. The moon has made the cycles of emotions and the menstrual cycle, it is a powerful cosmic force that those who know how to meditate and direct their own power through or with that of the moon, may achieve great things. The person who wrote this in 1915 clearly had some study in the arts of what the Grand Master of Hitlers Freemasonic Order of the Golden Centurion knew. He was not a real Catholic as historians galore tell us, despite the fact that he would say he was. He wasn't even ex-communicated by the Pope and a church who studied the man thoroughly. Yes, this Adolf Hitler (Schiklgruber) was more than many give him credit for. Here is a little quote from Hitler to give some insight into how he and Mussolini worked with the Vatican. Secular schools can never be tolerated because such schools have no religious instruction, and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith we need

17 believing people. [Adolf Hitler, April 26, 1933, from a speech made during negotiations leading to the Nazi-Vatican Concordant of 1933] When I say Hitler was not a real Catholic I do so knowing that many Catholic leaders are Luciferians and they are well aware of the ancient Brotherhood and the trading secrets or drug-running and other tools used by the Merovingian octopus. At certain periods the battle within the Catholic inner sanctums has been intense as any student who sees how often the Jesuits were banned or worse, would know. When I first began delving deeply into the hegemony I was of the opinion that Constantine deserved the Peabody Award for marketing and especially editing. He still does, but he was one of the occultists or esoteric brethren in the genetic schooling of the power-brokers going back to at least the time of the Perpetual Sailors who met once a year off the coast of Miletus shortly after the last major Trojan War which had taken place in 18 other theatres of operation throughout the world. Nautonnier is a title still used in recent times by these people. It is the leader of the Priory of Sion or at least the titular head of it. Nautonnier means pretty much the same thing as Perpetual Sailor. Respected historians like Michael Grant would say this yearly meeting drew together the most important people or power-brokers of the Anatolian region or maybe also including Greece and some of the nearby islands like Rhodes where the Colossus would welcome the traders and pirates into its safe harbor. I think these yearly meetings are just like the Bilderberg meetings of recent date which are held mostly at Rothschild Hotels from around the world. The current meetings are arranged by ex-Fed Chairman Paul Volckers staff. The Yale influence that includes many CIA or OSS people including Bush number one is credited as having started the Bilderberg group under the titular leadership of Prince Bernhard of the Royal family in the Netherlands. Prince Bernhard is on record as saying he had a lot of fun in the Thulean Gestapo steering group during World War II. His family had oil wells in Russia and was part of the machinations or funding of Hitler and the Hegelian playing of Russia and Germany (thus the world) against each other. I personally believe the Thuleans used or were directed by the likes of Pierre Plantard de St. Clair but that requires a lot more research. The Thule name hearkens back to the pre-Trojan War Reich that Hitler sought to re-build in league with his British Royal cousins. He was genuinely surprised that the British went against him, I think. But at some level the international bankers love to have these wars and though they work closely with their Royal cousins they play them against each other. It allows a long term certainty of collecting on their debts and doing the kind of thing that the British King allowed Nathan Rothschild to do in trading British Treasury stock at the conclusion of the Battle of Waterloo. So when you hear Richard Wagner was an ultra-Christian you must ask if it is real or not just like George Bush II who says he gets instruction from a higher authority as he intimates he talks to God like Hitler. The involvement of the CIA in the Vietnam era drug trade is no new thing even if the CIA or others had not been around just like the Bilderberg name was not around. The founders of Skull & Bones at Yale are the Russell family who included a British Prime Minister that started the Opium Wars. This is the same thing that was happening before Moses as they used potions with Peruvian cocaine to hook the leaders of Egypt as shown in forensic analysis of Egyptian mummies. The Onassis Merovingian family of Smyrna in a city near Miletus where the Perpetual Sailors

18 met had probably been doing the same kind of thing with hallucinogenic potions including the native Blue Lotus even before the use of Peruvian cocaine. We know Mayer Amschel Rothschild and his front man William of Hesse were major backers of the founding of the Illuminati (just a renewal of the Alumbrados name which are the founders of the Jesuits) by the Bavarians like Adam Weishaupt in a time when the Jesuits had been outlawed. We know Goethe was part of this and that Richard Wagner supplied them with harmonic attunement symbology to add to the Grimm brothers tales of the ancient Teutonic (Thulean) legends which built a powerful pride in the people. Hitler describes how useful this occult order was in guiding the political agenda in many of his writings. Hitler is a Rothschild bastard of the same genetic schooling which includes the use of mind-fogging demons or appearance of demons. We know Houston Stewart Chamberlain openly discussed his writing demon. I have written to David Icke and told him he was similarly mind-fogged in seeing the reptoids that allow the elite to make him appear ridiculous. Needless to say people dont want to believe they are duped by such occult sorcery or techniques. They prefer to think they are being visited by God such as in the case of George Bush II. In the case of Nietzsche going insane I agree with the experts that he did not have a genetic disorder and I wonder more than a little about the use of the tepaphone by the rogue or demonic FOGC which I have briefly mentioned. I am near to certain that Spartacus (This is the nickname taken by Adam Weisthaupt.) was one of them and that this demonic group which says they have one demon in every group making the final member thus it is sometimes called a 99 group and might explain the 99 degree used by Crowley -- was part of history long before Weishaupt and even the Borgia. I can see why they would do this to Nietzsche and then use his works to support something other than what he intended. His superman was not racist but in their gentle spin it became so. I can well imagine many people who have not delved deeply into my well-researched books with quotes from top scholars and knowledgeable people, will have a very hard time stomaching some of this speculative excursion. PROFESSOR HORBIGER: The wonderful late 60s book called Morning of the Magicians was my introduction to this man that died before Hitler was fully in power but whose influence was as much as any other person. We have since found that it is likely that two dimensions of hot and cold did create all of universe as Horbiger from Aristotle forced all Germans to have to learn. I have since learned more about him and his interest in South American lost civilizations which are the most exciting things in archaeology today. Unfortunately Brazil doesnt want outside grave-diggers as I understand it thus it may be a long time before we are allowed to see all that Madre de Dios and Ingreuil offer. I have had run-ins with the Catholic elite-run nations including Mexico and I fear it will not be in my lifetime that the huge battery of Pyramids in Madre de Dios are really researched. I think Horbiger did attune himself to the ancient knowledge and do astral visits to some of these places. I am upset that the German people are blamed for the fact that they were engaged in something few people elsewhere would have been able to stop even if they were not the victims of massive occult sorcery and propaganda. Houston Stewart Chamberlain: I wonder if Neville Chamberlain and Neville Henderson who was enthralled with the Thuleans and the esoterics they employed when he was Ambassador to Germany were

19 being impacted by Hitlers psychics. Did this cause the Allies to use Crowley, Fortune, Fleming and even Hubbard (maybe) to do war in the ether? There is no doubt these battles occurred but who started it? If Plantard was part of a Priory of Sion play both ends against the middle as I suspect due to his Gestapo interrogation and alchemical associations, then anything is possible. Hitler was most inspired by this Chamberlain and his demon. "Hypersensitive and neurotic and subject to frequent nervous breakdowns, Chamberlain was given to seeing demons who, by his own account, drove him on relentlessly to seek new fields of study and get on with his prodigious writings. One vision after another forced him to change from biology to botany to the fine arts, to music, to philosophy, to biography to history. Once, in 1896, when he was returning from Italy, the presence of a demon became so forceful that he got off the train at Gardone, shut himself up in a hotel room for eight days and, abandoning some work on music that he had contemplated, wrote feverishly on a biological thesis until he had the germ of the theme that would dominate all of his later works: race and history." [William Shirer, Rise and Fall of the Third Reich] CECIL RHODES WROTE HIS WILL: In an attempt to tie together Napoleon and others including Hitler, I offer these thoughts from http://cecilrhodes.net and an author named Vincent Leroux. This idea came to him at the age of 24 with the force of a religious revelation. What is interesting is that it struck him in the hours immediately following his initiation into the Masonic Order while at Oxford University. Although Rhodes was slightly contemptuous of the organisation he had just joined - `I wonder that a large body of men can devote themselves to what at times appear the most ridiculous and absurd rites without an object and without an end' - the fact remains that whatever the Masonic induction he had gone through, it would appear to have triggered something of an epiphany in the young student. On the evening after the ceremony, Rhodes sat pondering what had happened that day. Then, as he puts it, the 'idea gleaming and dancing before one's eyes like a will-ofthe-wisp at last frames itself into a plan'. He proceeded to pen his `Confession of Faith' in which he outlined his ambition: to establish a secret society whose objective would be the furtherance of the British Empire and the uniting of the entire Anglo-Saxon race, including America, into one single empire. From that day, June 2, 1877, Rhodes was a man with a mission, with his `Confession of Faith' his guiding star and inspiration. When he had grown to trust anybody, he would confidentially reveal his 'idea' to him and expect the man's life to be changed immediately. Historians and biographers have criticised his naivety, but the fact remains that when Rhodes did reveal his 'idea' to others, it often had the same effect, resulting in them devoting themselves from then on to helping him achieve his lofty aims. There was an event in Rhodes' life, soon after his `illumination' at Oxford that is hardly mentioned by his biographers, but which may well provide a key to how Rhodes acquired the personal magnetism and power that he displayed from then on. Three months after his Masonic induction at Oxford, Rhodes was back at the diamond diggings of Kimberley, in South Africa. One night, while staying in his bachelor quarters, a very strange thing happened. `His friends', according to his biographer Sir Lewis

20 Michell, `found him in his room, blue with fright, his door barricaded with a chest of drawers and other furniture; he insisted that he had seen a ghost.' Immediately after this pivotal crisis, Rhodes had his previously penned `Confession of Faith' (which also contained his last will and testament) legally formalised by a Kimberley attorney. From then on, his star was in the ascendant. What exactly happened to him alone in his room that night? No one will ever know, except that exactly the same thing happened to another man, in the following century, who also went on to become one of the most powerful men the world has ever known Adolf Hitler. In his book, Hitler Speaks', published in 1939, Hermann Rauschning writes of an event that took place at the beginning of the 1930's prior to Hitler's seizure of power and his ascent to fame and infamy. Says Rauschning: `My informant described to me in full detail a remarkable scene - I should not have credited the story if it had not come from such a source. Hitler stood swaying in his room, looking wildly about him. `He! He! He's been here!' He gasped. His lips were blue. Sweat streamed down his face. Suddenly he began to reel off figures, and odd words and broken phrases, entirely devoid of sense. It sounded horrible. He used strangely composed and entirely un-German word formations. Then he stood quite still, only his lips moving.... gradually he grew calm. After that he lay asleep for many hours.' In 1933, soon after this strange event, Hitler seized power and the rest, as they say, is history. A clue to exactly what fearsome thing Hitler had witnessed is given by Hitler himself, who said to his circle of intimate friends, of which Rauschning was a part: `The new man is among us! He is here! I will tell you a secret. I have seen the vision of the new man - fearless and formidable. I shrank from him!' On another occasion, reported by Rauschning, Hitler remarked: `I will tell you a secret. I am founding an Order.' Which is pretty well exactly what Rhodes had set out to do after his illumination. How strange that Rhodes' secret society dedicated to ruling the world should have ultimately become a living reality in the next century in Hitler's SS (Schutzstaffel). The German scientist, Oswald Spengler, in his Decline and Fall of Civilisation in the West', described the spirit of colonial expansion which possessed Rhodes as something, `daemonic and immense, which grips, forces into service and uses up mankind.' And herein lies the clue to the careers of both Rhodes and Hitler, that at a point in their lives, they both encountered something `daemonic'. In the years after the end of the First World War, Rhodes began to receive attention from the European political right wing precisely because his career showed such an elemental will to power. In 1918 the intellectual prophet of German Nazism, Oswald Spengler, published the first volume his famous work, 'The Decline of the West'. In this book, Spengler regards Rhodes with almost mystical awe, as a prototype of a new sort of leader. 'Rhodes is to be regarded as the first precursor of a western type of Caesar. He stands midway between Napoleon and the force-men of the next centuries... in our Germanic world, the spirits of Alaric and Theodoric will come again - there is a first hint of them in Cecil Rhodes.' Hitler himself appears to have made only one reference to Rhodes: at a dinner on April 18, 1942, he discussed Britain's failure to maintain the world position it had held in the Victorian age and commented that the only person who had understood the historical

21 conditions for continuing British supremacy was Cecil Rhodes, whom the British had ignored. 'Mr. Rhodes aspired to be the creator of one of those vast semi-religious, quasipolitical associations which, like the Jesuits have played so large a part in the history of the world. To be more strictly accurate, he wished to found an Order ... and while he lived, he dreamed of being both its Caesar and its Loyola.' - W.T. Stead Goethe Composed: Goethe solved many definite scientific problems in his dreams and also composed poems. So did La Fontaine compose The Fable of Pleasures and Coleridge Kubla Khan. Bernhard Palissy made one of his most beautiful ceramic pieces on dream inspiration. Maury confessed: I have had in dream ideas an inspiration that could never have entered my consciousness when awake.' Tartini heard his Sonate del Diavolo played by Beelzebub in a dream. Holde composed La Phantasie in his sleep, Nodier's 'Lydia' was similarly born. R. L. Stevenson's most ingenious plots were evolved in the dream state. Kruder, Corda and Maignan solved mathematical problems in dream, Condillac finished an interrupted lecture. (3) Goethe is one of the founding members of the Illuminati and his involvement with Carlyle is important to my research on the Hibernians and those who create religions to dupe the masses. CONSTANTINE AND THE CROSS: The Catholic crossing ritual is a shamanistic 'protection' method that I use in conjunction with a mirroring technique and it is the reason for the crosses Constantine the pagan put on his men's shield in battle. We shall deal more with that animal of power and his tutor Lactantius who had his number. Yes, there are few Christian heroes that can stand scrutiny of real scholarship or moral judgment. This entry covers the point of what the proprietor of Rennes-le-Chateau couldn't understand in relation to St. Anthony (That Gardner is associated with) and the stained glass window images of a baby Jesus in PLAID swaddling clothes. And it also brings the Phoenician root of the symbols of magic in their sacerdotal coded language Hebrew back into view. "TAU - (Hebrew) St. Anthony's cross; a T-shaped cross patterned after the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet meaning the end of the world; this cross shape has the vibrational frequency to be a tool to protect the owner against negative vibrations. (cf. Pentacle.) (4) Rennes has a strong Templar connection and the Priory of Sion paid its original discoverer of the genealogy of the family of Jesus (Merovingian) a handsome amount of money. Did Saunier who discovered this, learn the truth that he referred to as 'Terrible' and secret? It is worth hearing another part of the myth-makers art from Gardner who has a title or association in the 'octopus' that includes this sentence from the back flap of 'Genesis of the Grail Kings'. He is formally attached to the Noble Household Guard of the Royal House of Stewart {They are the same as the Stuarts of King James and Bonnie Prince Charlie or 'Mad Mary' the witch who was honest enough to say what she was, while the others are Rosicrucians.} and is Chancellor of the Imperial and Royal Court of the Dragon Sovereignty which embodies the Knights Templar of St. Anthony." That admission of association is full to the rim with major implications as we now see the Milesians are Stuarts and are closing in on the original and pre-Jesus clans of Phoenician corporate and piratical drug dealers who became nobility when power and empire won the day. At first they may have been averse to the change and engaged in the wars of 'The Sea Peoples'; or these wars might just be convenient ways of making history suit their purposes despite the apparent historicity of the events. Many people think the

22 Semites are one race of people and they believe the Twelve Tribes of the Bible Narrative, but it was only a linguistic grouping of those who were in the Phoenician Brotherhood. This leads to a lot of confusion including the Zionist or Priory of Sions creation of the state of Israel. But - ACCORDING TO THE JEWISH FAITH AND TORAH LAW THE JEWISH PEOPLE ARE FORBIDDEN TO HAVE THEIR OWN STATE WHILE AWAITING THE MESSIANIC ERA! 'The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Greece' says this about THAT! "The earliest evidence of agriculture in Greece comes from Thessaly and at Knossos on Crete, at the beginning of the seventh millenium B.C. There are evidences of cross Aegean traffic even at this early date... {It goes back far longer than this.} Other myths of the heroes are associated with the Minoan and Mycenaean world and perhaps reflect the international contacts of the time. The Phoenician princess Europa carried off from Tyre by Zeus in the guise of a bull {Constantine was a Mithras the Bull worshipper.), was taken to Crete where she gave birth to Minos, ruler of Knossos, and to Rhadamanthys, a law giver... Despite having been favoured until quite recently, this idea of the Sea Peoples migration can no longer be accepted; there is no real evidence to support it. Essentially the Sea Peoples theory was a convenient and plausible invention of the 19th century, designed (largely by historian Gasten Maspero) to fit very limited facts. (5) Yes, there are many ways to skin the proverbial cat and fit facts together. The Sea People's with Berbers and the like acting without a civilizational base other than Troy and the Hyksos Kings of Egypt five hundred years earlier does need to be expanded to include many colonies, in many lands where Phoenician traders and corporate type operations as well as secret brotherhoods had ruled or influenced culture for millennia. However, these 'entrepreneurial priests' are still ensconced in society and still have their secrets. This whole area of 'his'-story is a potential bombshell and I do not know how much the ruling body of the major churches were either involved or aware of the agenda they are following and its long term influences by moles within; and agents they have been in bed with (like the Templars and Masons of P2). Gardner does a good job of questioning earlier myth makers than himself when he talks about Noah in the next quote. The sons of Zadok make their appearance in the Dead Sea Scrolls research that I have done in a big way. These sons of Zadok go back to Melchizedek and I think they are the Tikkun users of power in the celebration of Chanukah, but I have more work to do. There is a lot of mathematical coded symbology which I am getting help in understanding. Despite the fact that I am averse to much of what Gardner and his group says I do value his scholarship. It is better than most and he has access to a lot of Rosicrucian writings on the subject and even intimates they have books and artefacts of great antiquity thought long gone (like the Book of Thoth or The Table of Destiny). We must listen hard to every word he says and remember his agenda. "It is from the word 'tzaddik that the dynastic priestly title of 'Zadok' emerged, ostensibly from the time of King David (2 Samuel 8:17); in extant manuscripts of early New Testament texts both Jesus and his brother James are identified as 'tzaddiks. (6) The tenets of ancient Dragon lore confirm that, from the earliest of times, the Cain succession was perpetuated without any marital association with the Sethian strain. In this way, its Anunnaki blood was kept as pure as possible, and it was this Cainite kingly line, the line of the 'Rosi-crucis {The circle with the cross inside.}, that was fed with the Star Fire essence of the goddess. In contrast, the Sethian line was of a more mundane heritage, and for this reason the post-Genesis writers endeavoured to heighten the image of this strain from the time of Noah by designing a story which suggested that Noah was not the natural son of Lamech.

23 Earlier in our investigation, we saw that, from about the second century BC, a body of original Hebrew literature was embellished and rewritten to suit the emergent GrecoAlexandrian mythology of the era {He doesn't mention this was Thoth-Hermes and Imhotep-Asklepios as we have shown because this is a close kin to his own myths. He certainly knows this because he proudly claims to have the key to making the 'Philosophers' Stone' which all alchemists have an interest in.}These new writings had little to do with history, but were more concerned with romance, and their authors took the opportunity to add a little mystery to some fairly straightforward characters and events. Among these colourful works we find an Aramaic document which Israeli scholars have dubbed the 'Genesis Apocryphon'. This dates from around the turn of the BC-AD era, at the time of Herod Antipas, and it was discovered in 1948 at Qumran, Judaea. Unlike the majority of Dead Sea Scrolls unearthed at that time, the 'Apocryphon' was not preserved in a sealed jar and its sewn leather sheets were in very poor condition (7). It has been possible, though, for some fragmentary extracts to be translated. These are written in a pseudo-autobiographical style, with characters like Lamech and Abraham appearing to convey their stories in the first person. This made it entirely possible for some of the gaps in the Old Testament narrative to be filled with additional material relating to patriarchal figures, including Noah, whose birth was mentioned, but not detailed in the Bible. Here was the perfect opportunity to uplift the physical status of Noah by implying that he was perhaps the son of an angel (a Nephil or Watcher). The tale relates that Noah was so pale and beautiful when born that Lamech doubted that he was the natural father, stating, Behold, I thought in my heart that the conception was from the watchers, and that from the holy ones was the (...). And my heart was changed within me because of this child. Then I Lamech, hastened and went to BathEnosh (my) wife, and I said to her, By the Most High, by the Lord of greatness, by the King (...), tell me in truth with no lies (...). In this particular text, although the suggestion of Noah's angelic status is made, Lamech's wife responds negatively to the accusation: When Bath-Enosh my wife saw that my face upon me was changed (...), then she mastered her emotion and spoke to me {Truth would not have required any 'mastering of emotion' and thus suspicion is set. Is this a case of a 'Red-Head' getting into a harem?}, and said (...) 'I swear to thee by the great Holy One, by the King of Heaven, that this seed is truly from thee, and this conception is truly from thee, and this childbearing is truly from thee (...), and from no other; neither from any of the watchers, nor from any of the sons of heaven {How many sons of Heaven are in this pantheistic religion?}'. (8) ...The doubt was well enough cast to prompt another work on the subject, the 'Book of Noah'. This book, of which fragments are preserved in Latin and Ethiopic, makes rather more of Lamech's dilemma by explaining that the baby Noah was 'whiter than snow, and redder than the flower of the rose; the hair of his head whiter than wool, and his eyes like the rays of the sun' . (9) Yet for all this, it is said in the final event that Noah was truly the son of Lamech" (10) We are certain he is another myth-maker just as these people he is proving are mythmakers. Does that mean they are only claiming to have Dracula as one of their austere group with no reality behind it? Does that mean Napoleon and Jesus aren't in their heritage? No, it doesn't and we can be sure that many of them believe these things even if they were just myths to begin with, just as many people today still believe in the Devil the church created to keep them in line. They believe as true believers despite the Pope having said there IS no Hell. They believe because they like to threaten others who aren't doing what they want done (like their friends and children, or wives). They believe because they are ignorant and stupid heathens who worship false gods other than the

24 supreme forces that nature-worshippers know are beyond limit and without human potential to fully know. Then they blaspheme and accuse truly respectful spiritual people who actually work to 'know themself' by saying they are the heathens or castigating them and saying it is OK to rip them off because they are LESS than 'we are'! This is part of the culture that insecurity and stupidity has wrought in our antagonistic competitive and 'do unto others before they do unto you' material world. Witness that! You Biblethumping deviates! There are some truly strange bedfellows in politics as we see Straussian neo-cons like Wolfowitz and the likes of Fundamentalist Armageddon-seekers supporting Israel, but that is only a small superficial part of the issue. In 361 Julian was gradually becoming willing to break away from his cousin Constantius II who had murdered his father even though it was almost solely forced upon him through the preparations being made by Constantius to attack him. This era sees many people having visits from demons who visions. In fact the people expected their leaders to have such visits. This is true with many in the Bible so why did Christianity go away from their supposed Divine Scriptures? Why did it become a situation where only the Pope was the Lords Representative on earth? How could they have dared to say the Pope was omniscient and incredibly infallible? Even God is not infallible. So he prayed again for a sign from the gods, and he was granted not merely a sign but a visiona divine apparition manifested itself in plain sight {This sounds like a very similar thing to what might be called a demon.}and directed him to a passage in Homer that seemed to predict the death of Constantius II. To prepare himself for the coming battle, Julian again sought out the secret rite of the taurobolium, bathing himself in the blood of a slaughtered bull {Like his father Constantine the Mithras worshipper said to have converted to Christianity who never actually did.} and imploring the divine favor of the Roman goddess of war, Bellona. (11) What St. Paul Said He Saw on the Road to Damascus: Paul was a Roman and lied about having been trained by the Pharisees who were wellrespected throughout the Roman and Parthian Empire of his era for their defense of the poor and less fortunate, despite what you hear from recent pulpit pounders. He was involved in the stoning of St. Stephen and an agent for the Sanhedrin against Jesus and his brother James; who was probably the target of an assassination attempt by Paul and the Sanhedrin agents of Rome in league with the likes of Herod as part of the Roman buying of elites including Josephus. Rome got these turn-coats to write new histories and tales to allow them to maintain control in areas they hoped to conquer even before the official war. So why anyone would believe he had any real communion of spirit on the road to Damascus is beyond my ability to comprehend unless they have not read the Bible or any other scholarship.

CHAPTER TWO: Saints Galore:

25 There is no black and white one way street in evaluating the role of the elites or their usages of the elemental or occult forces. The first bishop of Turin is Maximus who asks an important question when he says What should be said of us, who are forced to live piously, not by devotion but by terror? He is a lot like many Christian saints including the High Druid Columcille now mostly known as St. Columba who could do battle and affect the wind with a Druid many centuries after the good or best ones had left the area of growth in Empire. They practice magic as we see in this legend about Maximus. Legend says that a cleric one day followed him with evil intention to a retired chapel. The cleric suddenly became so thirsty that he implored Maximus for help. A roe happened to pass by, which Maximus caused to stop so the cleric could drink its milk. (1) I will put a response to a Mason who has seen enough of my stuff to realize I know more than he; and he thought he was hot stuff and even told me I should join them if I wanted to pursue my interests and really get to know what it is about. Of course they also call anyone who thinks they know about these things arrogant or worse when they are threatened. It has been a few months and he is backing off that kind of thing as hard as it is for those propped-up by deceit and ego. I think most people who will read this will not accept what I am saying here without doing a lot of checking into the facts. I tried sending through an attachment from a fellow researcher who is working on the Kaballah as derivative from Qaballa which is an ancient Verbal Tradition such as kept by the Bairds or bards and the Bardic Tradition for over 25,000 years. He finds my history is supportive and I see his sets of codes in English and other things of great value. The particular piece is 19 pages on just the letter 'E' without getting too verbose or using illustrations, which he has lots of. The Gematria is not a specialty of mine although I am pretty good a pre-history languages and not bad at Green Language and alchemical allegories in the Jung from Silberer subset derived from alchemy or Hermetics. That has usages in psychotherapy and mind control which they call Neuro Psycho Linguistics and other words and systems they often do not understand, it once was called Dream Analysis but they have gone far along the path of programming the mind. Kind of funny how psychiatrists say they do not believe in a soul and yet they use these archetypes from our collective soul. So as Dion Fortune did say - Kaballah is 'twisted'. They have built these constructs or dimensional energy designs so that Masons and other 'traveling men' as you call them will think they have stumbled upon a great truth through their 'visions'. After all who can imagine that elementals and dimensional energies are subject to such design engineering eh? As Jung says in his forward to The Tibetan Book of the Dead - the Hindu will see Shiva and that hierarchy whereas the Christian will go through the Bardol stages of Afterlife and see the likes of Gabriel then Jesus. Sins (Self-inflicted nonsense) and Demons: We all must know that the Catholic Church has used fear of demons and so-called sin to make a great deal of their power. I hope to illustrate the inner workings of the separation of church and state that is not a reality and that the state uses the same techniques. In the words of the deservedly respected historians Will and Ariel Durant we visit with the technocrats of the Jesuit Order who John Ralston Saul holds up as the forerunners of the lobbyists and other courtesans of this present enlightened age. The quotation from Rousseau and Revolution does not elucidate the agreement Charles of

26 Spain made before giving the Jesuits he expelled from Spain a small stipend. That agreement called for silence on the matters relating to their attempts to inform the people of his true nature. Various accounts say they intended to have him killed and the truth may never be known because the rest of the Catholic world allowed these hundreds of good Catholics to nearly die on a boat going from port to port seeking refuge. This was (as you will see) a time when muggers and crooks were given 'sanctuary' in the churches. Gregory of Tours in an earlier time notes how this 'sanctuary' often led to the priests making money from charging the supposed crook or the parties wishing to kill them through secret agreements. The Jesuits so expelled lived a miserable existence on a meager pension but kept their mouths shut because if even one talked all would lose their pension. In short there really is no mystery here at all - but it does dovetail with the possibilities of why we are seldom allowed to hear what really went on in the annals of what we improperly call history. "II. POPES, KINGS, AND JESUITS The power of the Catholic Church rested on the natural super-naturalism of mankind, the recognition and sublimation of sensual impulses and pagan survivals, the encouragement of Catholic fertility {Read baby-factories and 'barefoot in the kitchen' .}, and the inculcation of a theology rich in poetry and hope, and useful to moral discipline and social order. In Italy the Church was also the main source of national income, and a valued check upon a people especially superstitious, pagan, and passionate. Superstitions abounded; as late as 1787 witches were burned at Palermo--and refreshments were served to fashionable ladies witnessing the scene. (2) Pagan beliefs, customs, and ceremonies survived with the genial sanction of the Church. 'I have arrived at a vivid conviction,' wrote Goethe, 'that all traces of original Christianity are extinct here' in Rome. (3) There were, however, many real Christians left in Christendom, even in Italy. Conte Caissotti di Chiusano, bishop of Asti, gave up his rich inheritance, lived in voluntary poverty, and traveled only on foot. Bishop Testa of Monreale slept on straw, ate only enough to subsist, kept only 3,000 lire of his revenues for his personal needs, and devoted the remainder to public works and the poor. (4) {But the majority of prelates were not so inclined as they engaged in concubinage and fathering children of the parishioners wives as the church owned the majority of farms and land throughout Italy while collecting alms for the poor. The bulk of church wealth comes from guilt and estates where upon death promises of salvation are tied to a good deed by giving the wealth to the church rather than the justly deserving heirs. A wealthy 15th or 16th century ancestor of mine was dealt with in this manner leaving his children to come to America rather than continue with the family coal mine and other ghastly enterprises. Those coal mines saw children go blind having never seen the light of day from their early start in working the mines until the average death at age 15.} The Church responded in some measure to the Enlightenment. The works of Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot, Helvtius, d'Holbach, La Mettrie, and other freethinkers were of course placed on the Index Expurgatorius, but permission to read them might be obtained from the pope. {This is a perfect example of what we said about practicing one thing while excluding others access to what works. The pope also became promoted as a source of the right to learn. Is this like the situation we have in public education before reaching university?} Monsignor Ventimiglio, bishop (1757-73) of Catania, had in his library full editions of Voltaire, Helvetius, and Rousseau. The Inquisition was abolished in Tuscany

27 and Parma in 1769, in Sicily in 1782, in Rome in 1809. {Witches were still outlawed no doubt. It took until 1951 to rescind the laws against being a witch in England. There are movements afoot to re-institute blasphemy laws.} In 1783 a Catholic priest, Tamburini, under the name of his friend Trauttmansdorff, published an essay On Ecclesiastical and Civil Toleration, in which he condemned the Inquisition, declared all coercion of conscience to be un-Christian, and advocated toleration of all theologies except atheism. (5) It was the misfortune of the popes, in this second half of the eighteenth century, that they had to face the demand of Catholic monarchs for the total dissolution of the Society of Jesus. The movement against the Jesuits was part of a contest of power between the triumphant nationalism of the modern state and the internationalism of a papacy weakened by the Reformation, the Enlightenment, and the rise of the business class. {Cardinal Biffi of Bologna thinks there is an anti-Christ among us today who is a philanthropist of great wealth. This anti-Christ supports ecological, animal - and women's right while destroying the tenets of Catholicism. Biffi was a leading contender to take John Paul II's place from the conservative faction of this supranational elite. Apparently this anti-Christ is well versed in the Bible and maybe even a better Christian than Biffi, as I see it.} The Catholic enemies of the Society did not openly press their chief objection, that it had persistently upheld the authority of the popes as superior to that of kings, but they were keenly resentful that an organization acknowledging no superior except its general and the pope should in effect constitute, within each state, an agent of foreign power. They acknowledged the learning and piety of the Jesuits, {Were they jealous of their 'brothers' who actually knew more?} their contributions to science, literature, philosophy, and art, their sedulous and efficient education of Catholic youth, their heroism on foreign missions, their recapture of so much territory once lost to Protestantism. But they charged that the Society had repeatedly interfered in secular affairs, that it had engaged in commerce to reap material gains, that it had inculcated casuistic principles excusing immorality and crime, condoning even the murder of kings, that it had allowed heathen customs and beliefs to survive among its supposed converts in Asia, and that it had offended other religious orders, and many of the secular clergy, by its sharpness in controversy and its contemptuous tone. The ambassadors of the Kings of Portugal, Spain, Naples, and France insisted that the papal charter of the Society be revoked, and that the organization be officially and universally dissolved. The expulsion of the Jesuits from Portugal in 1759, from France in 1764-67, from Spain and Naples in 1767, had left the Society still operative in Central and North Italy, in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, in Catholic Germany, Silesia, and Poland. On February 7, 1768, they were expelled from the Bourbon duchy of Parma, and were added to the congestion of Jesuit refugees in the states of the Church. Pope Clement XIII protested that Parma was a papal fief; he threatened Duke Ferdinand VI and his ministers with excommunication of the edict of expulsion should be enforced {But Hitler, or should I say Schicklgruber/Rothschild, was never excommunicated and probably not even threatened. Why?!}; when they persisted he launched a bull declaring the rank and title of the Duke forfeited and annulled. The Catholic governments of Spain, Naples, and France opened war upon the papacy: {One of my ancestors was Miles Keogh who fought with the Vatican Army before his horse was the only survivor of Custer's Last Stand at the Little Big Horn. Many people have a hard time thinking of a supranational theological

28 armed superpower in so recent a time. I suspect he became a Martinist when he was engaged to a Martin of political importance.} Tanucci seized the papal cities of Benevento and Pontecorvo, and France occupied Avignon. On December 10 1768, the French ambassador at Rome, in the name of France, Naples, and Spain, presented to the Pope a demand for the retraction of the bull against Parma, and for the abolition of the Society of Jesus. The seventy-six-year-old pontiff collapsed under the strain of this ultimatum. He summoned for February 3, 1769, a consistory of prelates and envoys to consider the matter. On February 2 he fell dead through the bursting of a blood vessel in his brain. The cardinals who were called to choose his successor were divided into two factions: 'zelanti' who proposed to defy the kings, and 'regalisti' who favored some pacific accommodations. As the Italian cardinals were almost all 'zelanti', and soon gathered in Rome, they tried to open the conclave before the regalist cardinals from France, Spain, and Portugal could arrive. {Does any of this seem the least bit divinely inspired?} The French ambassador protested, and the conclave was deferred. Meanwhile Lorenzo Ricci, general of the Jesuits, compromised their case by issuing a pamphlet questioning the authority of any pope to abolish the Society. (6) In March Cardinal de Bernis arrived from France, and began to canvass the cardinals with a view to ensure the election of a pope willing to satisfy their Catholic Majesties. Later rumors (7) that he or others bribed, or otherwise induced, Cardinal Giovanni Ganganelli to promise such action if chosen have been rejected by Catholic (8) and anti-Catholic historians (9) alike. {Many apparently 'anti' positions are actually managed or double agents.} Ganganelli, by common consent, was a man of great learning, devotion, and integrity; however, he belonged to the Franciscan order, which had often been at odds with the Jesuits, {Such as the treatment of North Americas who Franciscans brutalized in ways no devil would imagine.} both in missions and in theology. (10) On May 19, 1769, he was elected by the unanimous vote of the forty cardinals, and took the name of Clement XIV. He was sixtythree years old. He found himself at the mercy of the Catholic powers. France and Naples held on to the papal territory they had seized; Spain and Parma were defiant; Portugal threatened to establish a patriarchate independent of Rome, even Maria Theresa, hitherto fervently loyal to the papacy and the Jesuits, but now losing authority to her freethinker son Joseph II, answered the Pope's appeal that she could not resist the united will of so many potentates. Choiseul, dominating the government of France, instructed Bernis to tell the Pope that 'if he does not come to terms he can consider all relations with France at an end. (11) Charles III of Spain had sent a similar ultimatum on April 22. Clement, playing for time, promised Charles soon to 'submit to the wisdom and intelligence of your Majesty a plan for the total extinction of the Society.' (12) He ordered his aides to consult the archives and summarize the history, achievements, and alleged offenses of the Society of Jesus. He refused to surrender to Choiseul's demand that he decide the issue within two months. He took three years, but finally yielded. On July 21, 1773, he signed the historic brief 'Dominus ac Redemptor Noster'. It began with a long list of religious congregations that had, in the course of time, been suppressed by the Holy See. It noted the many complaints made against the Jesuits, and the many efforts of divers popes to remedy the abuses so alleged. 'We have observed with the bitterest grief that these remedies, and others applied afterward, had neither efficacy

29 or strength to put an end to the troubles, the charges, and the complaints.' (13) The brief concluded: Having recognized that the Society of Jesus could no longer produce the abundant fruit and the great good for which it was instituted and approved by so many popes, our predecessors, who adorned it with so many most admirable privileges, and seeing that it was almost--and indeed absolutely--impossible for the Church to enjoy a true and solid peace while this order existed,... we do hereby, after a mature examination, and of our certain knowledge, and by the plenitude of our Apostolic power, suppress and abolish the Society of Jesus. We nullify and abrogate all and each of its offices, functions, administrations, houses, schools, colleges, retreats, refuges, and other establishments which belong to it in any manner whatever, and in every province, kingdom, or state in which it may be found. (14) The brief went on to offer pensions to those Jesuits who had not yet taken holy orders, and who wished to return to lay life; it permitted Jesuit priests to join the secular clergy or some religious congregation approved by the Holy See; it allowed professed Jesuits, who had taken final and absolute vows, to remain in their former houses provided they dressed like secular priests and submitted to the authority of the local bishop... This is not generally the fashion here. A murderer killing himself, in Naples; the murderer usually makes for the nearest church; once there is quite safe. Every church gave the criminal 'sanctuary'-immunity from arrest so long as he remained under its roof. The law attempted to deter crime rather by severity of punishment than by efficiency of police. Under the laws of the gentle Benedict XIV blasphemy was punished by flogging, and, for a third offence, five years in the galleys. Unlawful entry of a convent at night was a capital crime. The solicitation or public embrace of an honorable woman brought condemnation to the galleys for life. Defamation of character, even if it spoke nothing but the truth, was punishable with death and confiscation of goods." (15) One can easily imagine these people were well behaved and civilized... right?! Is my sense of disgust at the deprecation of the 'savages' and 'pagans' unwarranted? JOAN DARC: The Main of Lorraine was a prophecy attributed to Merlin. Merlin or the many Merlins and Arthurs are part of a tradition and myth that is hard to call factual due to all the pretenders who have sought to lay claim to the power of the ancients or the secrets they kept. Those secrets included the wealth and power they had as a result of trade in the Americas. Whether Jean DArc was a rich woman like the Templars who gave up her wealth to fulfill this legend and help the Dauphin or simply someone the Dauphin saw could bring people to his cause is up in the air as far as I am concerned. Her visions or demons and other visitors are also not particularly reliable stories but the Church has seen fit to make her a Saint in the 20th Century so who am I to argue. The Church requires these demonic experiences as part of the process of being sainted. Funny how that works; the sainted ones were not sinners if they are accepted by the Church and yet they (like Joan) are often burned at the stake. Here is some of the kind of research I have had to wade through or put together as I try to ascertain the nature of these things in other books. What of Merlin the Magician and the Arthurian legends that cropped up in the latter part of the first millenia A.D. and became part of the Grail quest which was Rome's effort to expunge all things related to Jesus and the source of his learning? Was Merlin a Druid? D. J. Conway brings a correct appreciation of these legends in brief along with an

30 important connection with Ireland and the Phoenicians. Merlin is a teacher/messenger deity in Celtic lore and was probably a good Druid who like Dagda became honoured and immortalized as a demi-god. She gives us 'Celtic Magic' and these words from page 98: "The British and Welsh legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table are a re-telling of the story of Finn and the Fianna. (Phoenician=Finn-ian) Excalibur, the sword drawn from the stone, is symbolic of sword-iron processed from ore and extracted by the magic smith. This was goddess, the Morrigu who became Arthur's sister, Morgan Le Fey, Merlin, or in Welsh Myrddin, was a combination of Druid Bard and priest who counseled the king. Many of the old Celtic deities appear in the Arthurian legends, thinly cloaked in Christian disguises." You could say that these authors are beating the nationalistic or Celtic drum for their own personal needs. Their opinions do not have the weight or 'matter-of-fact'-ness that you require, to judge them as correct. I would agree and I have researched the many points in great detail. I am convinced of the fact that MacDari is telling the truth as he knew it and I have found much agreement elsewhere. One of the better insights came from a library studies Professor by the name of J. D. A. Ogilvy who has no position to build or 'conventional' attitude to maintain. He is from the University of Colorado and his book is based on books available to the English in libraries from the sixth to the eleventh century. His insights on the apocrypha and Irish development of language and dialects or scripts are supportive of MacDari and Donnelly who we have quoted, often, especially for their linguistic insight The first five hundred years of the Christian era were a time when Rome and its' leaders (from the Council of Nicaea till the ninth century as we saw when St. Vigile went to Pope Zachary) were not yet powerful enough to enforce their will. The Irish had missions and monasteries such as the Iona Monastic and disciplined Order did on the Greek island named after the Irish island they took their name from. It is the Isle of Druids. They were there when the first cleric from Rome went to Jerusalem long after the Moslems took control of it. It could be said that the Irish Celtic Christian Church was actually the first to engage in the myth-making that later resulted in the very thing they hoped to avoid. Many of the scribes of this church were re-writing the Druidic and Keltic lore into Biblical apocrypha and nativity stories which caught the common man's fancy and made Rome able to see how they could format a new Bible to meet the financial and power aspirations I have laid before you. Truly it makes more sense to avoid the necessity of war and paying for your own armies when you can stay behind the scenes and get what you want. Others were set up and manipulated to do their bidding, and there was no central place for the Visi-Goths to attack (or whoever their worst enemy might become). There was a movie with Sean Connery which showed the intense re-writing that still went on in the Inquisitional times; I think it was called 'The Robe'. Here are some quotes from Ogilvy's 'Books Known To The English' starting with page 1: "The Celtic church, largely cut off from the Continent by the English settlements in Britain, had developed not only various eccentric ecclesiastical practices, but a characteristic form of writing. This script, with some modifications, was adopted as one of the common forms in early English books. Another (uncial) was used for texts of particular importance, such as bibles and gospels; but Insular as it came to be called

31 became the Standard English form in less elegant works, and was carried to the Continent by English and Irish missionaries. This script is one of the ways that recent researchers were able to demonstrate that the Roman author Cyprian was proven to not have been the writer of the Duodecim and that confirms MacDari's contentions in this instance at least. Romans were plagiarizing works of the Irish and even to the extent of claiming the whole of a particular book. MacDari made a big point about the meaning of the 'Mass' (Irish word for buttocks and sacrificing the carnal physical pleasures as well as the undisciplined nature of the Roman abbeys and monasteries.) and the degradation of religious discipline which is confirmed in this quote from Ogilvy: "In fact, monastic learning and discipline were already declining in Bede's time, and seem to have deteriorated steadily until the time of the Viking Wars, when they were almost swept away." And on page 2, he says: "The British church, as distinct from the Irish, was at first hostile to the English (Saxon invaders). In North Wales, this hostility appears to have continued unabated at least until the first Viking Wars. In the South, Celt and Saxon appear to have reached a modus vivendi of sorts fairly early British churchmen studied in Ireland (BOH, 11,196), where they met the English on neutral ground; not many of their books from our period survive (British). The Gnostics who suffered the highest price of all in the Cathar crusade of the 13th Century are mentioned in this further quote from 'Books Known'. Keep in mind the nature of the teaching of Kukulcan/Quetzalcoatl and the discipline or administrative skills as well as his request for his people to return which we heard from the mouth of Monteczuma. This is one of the reasons I suspect this time was when the Celts began to ask their colonizing forces to return and defend their homeland against the Saxon invaders and later Normans. They had seen enough to know Rome was intent on being as aggressive in their plot as any would have feared possible. It wasn't just the grab for the church property which the Council of Whitby in the 7th Century formalized in Britain. It was building up to an effort to eradicate the Irish and Welsh Celts. The beginning of this books' section on the apocrypha has this introduction on pages 66-7: "A great deal of English, and other, medieval art and literature (especially English homilies) was influenced by apocryphal writings, particularly the Gospel of Nicodemus, the Visio Pauli {Surprise! Remember Paul who claimed Pharisee stock was the one Baigent and Leigh described as the probable attempted murderer of Jesus' older brother James - this entry would make him a copyright infringing plagiarizer too.} and the Assumptio Mariae, though others were almost as popular Unlike Biblical and patristic texts, and like saints' lives, apocrypha were continually altered and edited! Sometimes the editing removed heretical e1ements (Gnostic or Docetan); sometimes it incorporated material from other apocrypha During the early Middle Ages, papal authority was pretty well limited to exhortation, and was not infrequently ignored notably the Gospel of Nicodemus, IV Ezra, and the Epistles to the Laodiceans, which were occasionally included in Bibles. On the issue or theme of the soul and the church's burgeoning control of the soul of man I would like to interject the thoughts of Carl Jung on that matter. Jung wrote a book in 1953 that was published by Bollingen Press called 'Psychology and Alchemy' that talks about the Christian concept of the soul and God, which also sheds some light on visions (Saints usually have) that psychiatrists today say are proof of insanity. The Kelts and all

32 natives of the Brotherhood value their 'vision quests', as we know. He says this on pages 10 & 11: ,so that logically the Christian is forbidden to regard the soul as a 'nothing but' (4). As the eye to the sun, so the soul corresponds to God. Since our conscious mind does not comprehend the soul it is ridiculous to speak of the things of the soul in a patronizing or depreciatory manner. Even the believing Christian does not know God's hidden ways and must leave him to decide whether he will work on man from outside or from within, through the soul. So the believer should not boggle at the fact that there are 'somnis a Deo missa' (dreams sent by God) called illuminations of the soul which cannot be traced back to any external causes. It would only be blasphemy to assert that God can manifest himself everywhere save only in the human soul. Indeed the very intimacy of the relationship between God and the soul precludes from the start any devaluation of the latter (5). It would be going perhaps too far to speak of an affinity; but at all events the soul must contain in itself the faculty of relationship to God, i.e., a correspondence, otherwise a connection could never come about (6). 'This correspondence is, in psychological terms, the archetype of the God-image." The Scientologists have a term called 'Operating Thetan' that relates to the Theta brainwave level, that 'connects' as does the soul to all things. I doubt they achieve it, because I believe this kind of 'blessing' or 'ascended master' status requires living with ethics according to RIGHT THOUGHT=RIGHT ACTION (one of three laws of the Magi). Hubbard also said that 'Jesus and Lord Buddha, are just a shade above clear', CLEAR is just their first initiatory stage. Superiority and arrogance do not sufficiently characterize these particular bigots. The Quakers and Carmelites or the Rosicrucians have had many who are recorded to have experienced these kinds of 'fantastic' things, but I can not say it is a common thing among them, as it was with the Druids and shamans. Jung continues to say these things. "Every archetype is capable of endless development and differentiation. It is therefore possible for it to be developed more or less {This is perhaps the reason he is branded an alchemist and/or atheist by those who wish us to accept that Divine things aren't alive, conscious and growing like the Doctrine of Changes or 'I Ching' states; and nature confirms.}. In an outward form of religion where all the emphasis is on the outward figure (hence where we are dealing with a more or less complete projection), the archetype is identical with externalized ideas but remains unconscious as a psychic factor. When an unconscious content is replaced by a projected image to that extent, it is cut off from all participation in and influence on the conscious mind." This is so important; I have to butt in again! Projection is a common defense of the ego, for example when people attribute their own faults or desires onto others. This is one of the aspects of EGO that makes prejudices and FEAR so contagious. The lack of participation by the mind when these 'unconscious contents' are infiltrated by external images placed there by mind controlling priesthoods are powerful negative influences that increase as people reinforce their common unreasoned actions throughout society. History as presented in conjunction with these mind-bending images which often include our God 'is the most powerful' or 'God is on our side' and the kind of invective the leader of Japan is now saying about a 'Divine Nation' really can get me upset. I recall the same talk from them in the last War to end all Wars! The whole of society becomes an

33 alienating experience for the truthful soul aware of its connectiveness. Skipping a couple of sentences Jung says: "At a certain point it even develops a tendency to regress to lower and more archaic levels. It may easily happen, therefore that a Christian who believes in all the sacred figures is still undeveloped and unchanged in his inmost soul because he has ALL GOD outside and does not experience him in the soul. His deciding motives, his ruling interests and impulses, do not spring from the sphere of Christianity but from the unconscious and undeveloped psyche, which is as pagan and archaic as ever. Not the individual alone but the sum total of individual lives in a nation proves the proof of this contention. The great events of our world as planned and executed by man do not breathe the spirit of Christianity but rather of unadorned paganism. These things originate in a psychic condition that has remained archaic and has not even been remotely touched by Christianity. (4) The term 'nothing but' (nichts als), which occurs frequently in Jung to denote the habit of explaining something unknown by reducing it to something apparently known and thereby devaluing it, is borrowed from William James, 'Pragmatism', page 16: "What is higher is explained by what is lower and treated for a case of 'nothing but' - nothing but something else of a quite inferior sort." The dogma that man is formed in the likeness of God weighs heavily in the scales of assessment of man - not to mention the Incarnation. (5) The fact that the devil too can take possession of the soul does not diminish its significance in the least. {He is not confirming the existence of the Christian hallucinatory projected FEAR that has been programmed into so many of the 'true believers'; and that the Pope has recently taken away the home of by saying there is no Hell! He is referring to observable actual possessions he has witnessed.} (6) It is therefore psychologically quite unthinkable for God to be simply the 'wholly other', for a 'wholly other' could never be one of the soul's deepest and closest intimacies - which is precisely what God is. The only statements that have psychological validity concerning the God-image are either paradoxes or antimonies." Esoterically speaking, I can say Jung is great and that Change and Form, of all manifestations including the bodies of Man, which includes the soul - have numerous applications in the creation of INTENT. There is much about Karma in all of this too, and the 'sorcerers' who seek ever-increasing power are seduced and find they aren't able to see the beauty of simple folk or other wise people who eschew power. It is not necessary as Krishnamurti has said to pursue power or 'siddhis' in order to have 'blessings' if you deserve them. Maybe the following quote from Einstein is better at describing some of the seductive aspects of power and its use by those who say they are interested in helping their fellow man but don't help him to understand all that is really going on. "Perfection of means and confusion of goals, seem to characterize our age. If we desire sincerely and passionately the safety, the welfare and the free development of the talents of all men, we shall not be in want of the means to approach such a state." St. Columba: Columcille was the recipient of re-structured and watered down Druidic knowledge. He became immersed and adept enough in this knowledge to beat a pagan Druid of Scotland in the art of wind and rain management. That so-called Druid was a denizen of the forests living away from those who Rome might pay for delivering them his head. Columcille as Columba was the arch-Druid who protected bards he had learned these arts

34 from; that was in 574-5 AD at the Synod or Council of Drumceatt, as the Dark Ages were about to become darker when the next century saw the Synod of Whitby formalize the seizure of Celtic Christian assets at this deal between Rome and a Northumbrian king/murderer. Later he was made a Saint of the Christian Church that was saying Jesus is the new Druid. Of course they were the interpreters for Jesus and it served them well to usurp his good name. Iona is known in Gaelic as Hi, Y or I, and has also been called the Isle of Dreams or Isle of Druids. It is made up of the oldest exposed rock strata of the earth, and it is obviously one of the ancient sacred centres. The name has been likened to the temple Ei of the Greek Apollo, {The Greek Islands had a Monastery of Iona even after the Muslims took Jerusalem.} An or the Self-Existing-One of the Egyptians and Yah, the I am that I am of the Hebrews. The sacred cranes of Apollo, the heralds of spring, were certainly special to Columcille. He had a young monk stand on the shore waiting for the first exhausted bird to arrive, and he promised dire {Dire was the term for specified fines or amounts in cumals from the Senchus Mor in time before St. Patrick personally burned 150 hand drawn books; and then we have some glosses showing how he or others reworked edited and censored these ancient canae.} penalties if the youth did not take special care before sending it off. The story of the saint copying out a famous manuscript, while the crane pecked out the eye of the kings son who was peeping through a hole in the door at the light inside, is a curious intermingling with the crane legend of Thoth or Hermes, or with that of Manannn Mac Lir, whose bag, in which he carries the treasures of the world, is made from the skin of a crane. Three of these sacred birds guarded Manannns home, the Isle of Man, croaking out to passing travelers: Do not enter/Keep away/Pass by. The accounts of Columcilles encounters with the Pictish Druids and the monster of the loch, of bringing young men back to life, and other associations with Mercury as healer, are unsatisfying and inconclusive in many ways. The only occasion when Columcille is said to have returned to Ireland was for the Synod of Drumceatt, held in AD 574, to defend the bards who were about to be expelled as trouble-makers. He spoke on behalf of twelve hundred of them, which suggests that he was the chief Druid (16) Imagine that! SAINT Columba, the venerated Church leader is a Druid! Just as Thomas Paine says Masonry is derived from the Druids. He was a member of the top Rosicrucian American Council of Three along with Ben Franklin. Thus we have Iona to Templar/Sion to Alumbrados/Illuminati and thence the Round Table/Bilderbergs or some new name they are using. And Iona is the likely place for many Hibernians as well as having taught other Orders in the Church such as Cistercians and Basilians. THEY claim roots back to Thoth/Hermes and Pythagoras and I agree there is a certain amount of knowledge and power that can be traced in these esoteric circles and clubs. However, I do not accept the statements they make about themselves at face value. They are very much different than they would like people to think just because they support kids who suffer burns, or orphans in the De Molay (Last leader of the Templars who was slow-roasted by the King of France.) Society. Rather than discussing Neolithic maybe we are talking about a Monolithic hierarchy of deceivers who make our lives serve their history or should I say, on behalf of women, his-story. I must tell you that when I write about these cretins I am writing about my own ilk or forbears. The Bairds are Druids in ancient times and they mysteriously end up being the

35 watchdogs of the Stuart Bank on Oak Island as well. A friend of mine has recently commented on some information I gave regarding the Patriot Act and certain draftees of it who prepared it before the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. He asked Have we hit the snooze button too many times? IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA: Lucifer is the light-bringer and just as Hitler was a torch-bearer for Jesus we have the Luciferians inside the Catholic Church to this day, as I have covered from the likes of Malachi Martin who was a Papal advisor to three Popes and taught Jewish studies (Kaballah?) at the Vatican College until recently. Indeed all the Alumbrados (means Illuminati) people are light-bearers or en-light-ened ones. That includes Rodrigo Borgia (Pope Alexander VI) who I have dealt with in many books. I have already mentioned this Idiots Guide has no mention of the Alumbrados founding the Jesuits or any intrigue related thereto; including even the mere mention of Hibernians like Thomas Carlyle, Goethe, Saint Bernard as being one, and other things related thereto. This does not surprise me one iota. Read the description of Jesus by Ignatius Loyola and think long and hard about whether I am right about his being inspired by the sun-worship or Heliopolitanism of the Druids; which is the basis of the Masons according to Thomas Paine who was higher up in the octopus. The Society of Jesus was founded by Ignatius of Loyola, who could be seen as the Catholic Reformations equivalent to Martin Luther. {Whose name is suggestive of Lucifer too.} Loyola has been referred to as one of the most importantif not the most importantfigures of the Catholic Reformation. Loyola was born Inigo de Oez y Loyola around 1491. He was born at his familys ancestral castle in Guipzcoa. When he was old enough, he entered the military service, where he served until 1521 when he was seriously wounded in battle. During his recovery from his wounds, he read about the lives of the saints of the church, and he was motivated to devote his life to spiritual service. He hung up his sword and spent a year in prayer and meditation at a cave near the Manresa monastery. While there, Loyola fasted, knelt in prayer for seven hours a day, and flagellated himself to the point of endangering his health. {I grew up near a Manresa Lodge that had some weird goings-on and I often wonder when I see them in places like Sedona or other earth-based religious areas. I am sure he spoke with them or received instruction from them at this time.} Loyola later described this time as an incredible mystical experience during which he had blinding visions of heaven and hell and Christ and Satan. He saw Jesus as a big round form shining as gold. Loyola and the Jesuits welcomed only those whose spirituality reflected his {N.B.} and those who were willing to engage in unquestioned obedience to the pope.{Giving up their possessions like the Templars too.} Any applicant who had even a hint of bad character or lack of orthodoxy was rejected. {Really? What orthodoxy might that be?} The mission of the Jesuits was to educate the young, to lead people back from Protestantism to Catholicism, and to take the Catholic message to new areas of the world. They were successful in all three endeavours. (17) The Heliopolitan sun-worship was also known to include the harmonic of light in connection with the soul of man and thus it was also thought of as son of God or man achieving his spiritual potential. Saint Augustine:

36 The rise of a lot of occultist ideology has been traced to the 19th Century revival that followed the work of Napoleon's Egyptologists. There are many sincere and interested people who are mistaken about the merit and meaning, or threat of these things. To be sure it is a complex issue, and one that could be said to be an impenetrable mystery. What makes the presentation of my insights so different? You might reasonably ask. I could wax eloquent about 'openness' and the lack of something to sell. I could say Ive never seen a reasonable, fair and comprehensive study. It could be that I have little new to add to the debate. That is not the case in my mind, but you the reader will have to decide that for yourself. One thing I will do from time to time is give the best opinion against what I think is really going on. The next authors are excellent preceptors of the connection between all these things and I am not sure I disagree with much of what they have to say. I do however; think they are missing the real reason for the rise in occult belief and interest. It was the lack of an Inquisition and the growth in opportunity to rediscover nature and its reality. They say it is a 50-year-long plot but it is a much bigger thing than they know, even though they are right about the use of it in 'psychological warfare'. This article from the internet is titled 'The Rise of the Rough Beast' and it is adapted from a lecture at the Sauniere Society Symposium (Saunier was the person who found the Merovingian genealogy at Rennes le Chateau, and I do not know if these people are associated with trying to deflect the blame this hierarchy bears. It could even be that this is a different Sauniere than the one who proclaimed his chateau had a 'TERRIBLE SECRET.), Conway Hall, London on September 19, 1999. The authors are Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince and the whole thing can be viewed at the daily grail web site. I quote a small section here for your introduction to a far larger issue than just Columbus and his Cathar/Templar roots, which are one and the same with the Merovingian. "you don't have to be a fundamentalist Christian to share the belief that the world is soon going to change, and change radically. The one thing that many of these expectations have in common is the sense that the past is catching up with us; that the transformation of our future will, in some way, be connected to the ancient past. Ancient sites around the world are the focus of 'Millenium Fever' but none more so than those of Egypt, and particularly the Giza Plateau. Many believe that some revelation connected with the Great Pyramid, or with the Sphinx, will be the trigger for a New Age. Such expectancy, such hope, such belief is very, very potent. It is wide open for exploitation: not just for financial gain, but for those who want to try to change the way we think. And that is what we believe is happening. Our book, THE STARGATE CONSPIRACY, describes a 50-year-long plot to create, and then exploit, expectation about ancient Egypt as part of what amounts to a programme of social engineering. It is a very high-level plot that, essentially, aims to hijack the very real mysteries of ancient Egypt in order to push other quasi-religious and even political ideas. Instrumental in this plot are the psychological warfare units of intelligence agencies. I agree with their comments about John Anthony West and Robert Bauvall or Graham Hancock who they think are not conscious participants in the conspiracy. I do not 'buy into' the alien origins of knowledge and gene pools of an elite nature. However, I think I very much disagree with their 'gradualist' tone that disavows the ascendant possibilities of ancient knowledge or that it must remain a mystery. To that end let me quote a couple of

37 the establishment who have begun to 'see the light' as the saying goes. Recently there have been more scholars coming to the conclusion that they have been barking up the wrong tree and unable to see the forest for the proliferation of disciplines that have been looking at this same tree. From 'Rethinking the Neolithic' by Julian Thomas in 1991 by Cambridge University Press, the cover flap says: "Nevertheless, the picture of Neolithic Britain which emerges is quite distinct from any which has been presented before. First, the agricultural background to the period is queried and the notion that the Neolithic {The old 'cave man' fiction has had a powerful prejudice.} might be as much a cultural as an economic entity is introduced... the degree of variability that existed between different areas in terms of social and cultural practices... Did any of them read Manetho? He was a Greek historian who wrote before the destruction of the Library at Alexandria. How arrogant is it of modern scholars to say 'quite distinct from any which has been presented before.'? Joseph Campbell was a top notch scholar who didn't succumb to the 'cult' of me-too think. His work has been integrated with the work of Carl Jung in the Eranos Conferences, and his friends from all areas of science are most worthy of getting to know. In 1977 Euan MacKie wrote the 'Megalith Builders' which deals with NW Europe before the North Sea returned to cover the land it does now. This fluctuating coastline is the result of up to 400 foot changes in sea levels during glacial periods. He says the following on page 174: "A quite different kind of stratified Neolithic society can be postulated, similar to that of the ancient Maya people of Central America, in which a small elite class of professional priests, wise men and rulers was supported with tribute and taxes by a predominantly rural peasant population. Such a society could have achieved all that Thom has suggested it did (far from Near East 'scientific' as well as engineering knowledge) because the members would have been free from the need to obtain their own food and build their own dwellings and could have devoted their entire time to religious, scientific or other intellectual pursuits." I like the words of Einstein as he relates to the whole panorama of human history that has existed since the empire-builders became pre-eminent. "Force always attracts men of low morality, and I believe it to be an invariable rule that tyrants of genius are succeeded by scoundrels." The Trustees of the British Museum, that includes some of the MesoAmerican work that avoided the Spanish/Franciscan carnage and cultural destruction; published a book in 1955. This book by Gordon Brotherston is titled 'Painted Books from Mexico' and it says on page 2: "Archaeology, especially in the land of the lowland Maya, assures us that the practice of book-making was at least 1,000 years old by the time Columbus arrived. Texts were written and painted, usually in a variety of colours, with brushes so fine that their line is difficult to emulate with a pen even today. Only now are we beginning to intuit the knowledge they record. When the Franciscans arrived in Mexico in 1524 they appealed to their, book, the Bible {This was the same year that the Divinely Inspired Holy Father in Rome pronounced that the North America Indian was actually human. Of course, not like the European as to the Scale of Nature.}, as justification for their need to proselytize. In their reply, the Aztecs (or Mexica as they called themselves) noted that they too had their

38 scriptures and precious books, which told another longer story of genesis and human culture, and which boasted a political tradition that stretched back far beyond the great city of Teotihuacn (flourished AD 250)... Everything that the Christian invaders sought to impose was threatened by the existence of these native books, and consequently they burned them by the hundred, ransacking library after library, often burning their owners as well." The Franciscans were following a proud tradition and they had the authority of their Pope and the Saints who went before him. Who could question such austere and Divine authority as Saint Augustine, whose evangelizing credo had been the basis of the noble Catholic Church since the time of Constantine? The North American Indians quickly learned that the double-standards of this disgusting religion allowed all kinds of immoral and evil practices. To hear them talk about celibate priests who still had the right of concubinage must have been hard for the Indians to put their minds around. The normal usage of phrases like, The White Man speaks with the tongue that is forked. must have had some other more intense or purple language associated with them. My brother John likes to point out that politicians have learned well the art of 'blowing and sucking simultaneously out of both sides of their mouths'. I agree and add their priestly brothers do it out of every orifice and a few we are yet to discover. Augustine was a master at this. His teaching is a fundamental doctrine still taught in theology seminaries to this day. In 1998 a book published by Notre Dame (The University of) Press called 'Aquinas on Matter and Form and the Elements' by Joseph Bobik says on pages 220-1: "In q.73, Aquinas asks: UTRUM competio divinorum, operum debeat septimo diei adscribi. The Scriptures say explicitly of the seventh day: 'On the seventh day God completed His work which He had made' (Genesis, 2, 2). Here, as throughout his reflections on the initial production of things by God, Aquinas proceeds with Augustine's teaching on scriptural interpretation in mind, namely THIS teaching, which emphasizes TWO points: As Augustine teaches, 'two' things are to be observed in questions of this kind. The first is this; to hold to the truth of Scripture unwaveringly. The second is this, since Divine Scripture can be interpreted in many ways; not to adhere so tenaciously to a given exposition of it as to presume to assert it as 'the meaning' of Scripture, if it has been shown with certitude to be false; lest Scripture be ridiculed by those who do not believe, and obstacles be placed in the way of their becoming believers. This male God is not YHWH of the Hebrew people in anything close to HIS original dual gender form. Pope John Paul I may have met his quick end as much because he said it was appropriate to refer to God as 'our Mother'. The Blackfriars (Some say Greyfriars) Masonic intrigue that led to the bankruptcy of Italy (devalued lire) is often said to be connected to his murder. The details are covered somewhat in a movie with Christopher Reeves. THE MAGI: I find no real fault in Constantines inclusion or plagiarization of earlier and other systems of thought or their symbology into Roman Empire social engineering. The problem I see is the nature of the knowledge that they sought to prevent average people from gaining. Knowledge is power and knowledge in the hands of the few is a corrupting power. They have used mind-fogging projections to enslave and make people live in fear of demons and other constructs.

39 Among the most famousand fiercestof the laws that Moses is shown to bring down from Mt. Sinai are the ones that criminalize the practice of magic. There shall not be found among you a soothsayer, or an enchanter, or a sorcerer, decrees Moses. Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. (From Biblio: Deut 18: 10; Exod. 22: 18.) Magic working is condemned with equal fervor in the Christian Bible, where it is explicitly kinked with all the other outrages of paganism: The fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, {Yes, and the Catholics had more idols than the pagan pantheon especially when you include the saints along with Laddio, Daddio and Spook.} and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. (From Biblio: Rev. 21: 8.) Ironically, an intriguing and illuminating clue to the function of sorcery in the pagan world is buried away in one of the most beloved passages of the Christian Bible. Three wise men come in search of the newborn Jesus, or so goes the conventional English translation of Matthew 2: 1-2, for we have seen his star in the east, and have come to worship him. The wise men are plainly called magi in the Greek text, the plural form of magus, a word that was used among the pagans of Babylonia and Persia to identify seers, soothsayers and sorcerers. Magus is the root of magic, and so we might more accurately call the men who followed a star to Bethlehem the three magicians. Magus came to be used in Jewish and Christian circles as a derogatory term to describe someone who trafficked in black magic; a sorcerer, a deceiver, even a poisoner. But the original meaning of the word in the pagan world was honorable and even exalted (18) Then there are the constant proclamations that various experts make about ESP. Stanford Research Institute included the inventor of the laser and many fine scientists that these so-called experts are seldom able to evaluate or as debunkers are paid to marginalize. Russell Targs book Limitless Mind including a foreword by Jean Houston is a great book for the truly open-minded individual. Targ's book - which is the study of consciousness and the ethereal Matrix at a high scientific level says: "...forced-choice ESP tests are an inefficient way to elicit psi functioning: they always have an additional burden of boredom and mental noise (AOL). In the above studies, the experimenters, on average, had to carry out 3,600 trials to achieve a statistically significant result. With the free-response type of experiment, such as remote viewing, we typically have to do only six to nine trials." (19) Does it not make sense to observe all the avenues for wisdom that we are blessed with? Confession is Good, an Elemental: There are numerous obsessions and addictions which prevent the soul from healing or achieving its potential. Father Leo Booth and John Bradshaw have written a book on religion as an addiction that I have quoted in many other books so I will present another side to the issue here. The esotericists like Napoleon, Hitler, Lafitte and other spies and elite paladins who passed through these initiations would see the female voice in this particular tale is a lot like the New Jersey Devil Joseph Bonaparte saw and possibly even Andrew Jacksons Bell Witch. The ancient shamans would put themselves into trances on the edge of death or in a very focused state of attunement. This could be done through Dance like you will see many New Orleans practitioners doing if you wish to learn the dark side. When you need an answer as this person did due to his addiction to what I

40 think was heroin or an hallucinogen; the answer will come to you. The shamans got the formula or way to address many illnesses this way. A Priests Confession Over the years Ive had a number of different opportunities to visit the Province of Quebec in eastern Canada. In fact, at one time I was betrothed to a woman named Louise from Sherbrooke, but the marriage never took place because of our sharp differences regarding birth control (she was for it, and I was very much opposed to it). {No doubt more control and macho issues were involved. If the Churchians actually believed in the soul they would want to make sure every soul had a good basis for this life development. They would know the soul is immortal and the flesh is just matter. If they thought we all are part of God rather than the Pope being the Lords sole representative they would know the collective or Divine Providence requires all souls to help. Please refer to Jesus in John 10:34.} During one particular trip to Montreal, I visited in the company of a Quebecois friend of mine at the Catholic parochial school. Our Lady of Pompeii Elementary on the citys north side. I can still recall the numerous crucifixes on the wall of every classroom {Fear mongering abounds and few if any priests know about mandalas and the antiquity of the cross.} and the statues of the patron saint in the corridors. When the principal entered a classroom with my friend and me, every student would stand and bid us good morning in unison (in French, of course). {How about that? Talk about robots?! The Family Compact would be proud.} Twice a week, we were informed, homeroom teachers, all of them good Catholics, set aside multiplication tables and the study of vertebrates and turned their attention to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Father Jean-Pierre Morin, the priest who then presided over this private parochial school, was an amiable host and quite friendly. We took lunch with him in the school cafeteria and visited in his private office for several hours afterwards. Ever on the prowl for useful and effective remedies, I asked him at some point in our lengthy conversations if he knew anything on this subject. The good father folded his hands out of habit (probably from the frequent praying) {Could be spelt preying.} and soberly mused on the subject for a minute or two before responding. Yes, he finally said with a sift smile, I have one for you that is very personal and that I know, for a fact, works! He then proceeded to share with us the following story. When I was a young man I became addicted to some very bad substances, which I found myself unable of shaking. He wouldnt even say what they were. When I would try to quit them for a few days or even a week, it just seemed as if my body gave in to these wicked appetites and I went right back to using them again. About this time I determined to enter the priesthood, {Thus it was not an alcohol addiction and one might suggest a form of hallucinogen.} take my vows with the church, and live the rest of my life serving God. I went down to the Immaculate Conception Church in the heart of this city and there knelt before the statues of the Virgin Mary and Christ and pleaded for their assistance. It seemed as if the Virgin Mother spoke to my mind, for I heard a female voice say ever so quietly in my head, Go use catnip and you will be cured of this affliction. To be honest with you. I didnt even know at the time what this was. But upon making some inquiries, I soon learned it was an herb. But I was faced with another

41 dilemma. Even though I knew which herb was right for my problem, I didnt know how to use it. Was I to eat it raw? Was I to make a tea out of it? Was I to soak it in alcohol and use it as a tincture that way? Or were gelatin capsules of the dried powder the way to go? I tried each and every possibility and soon discovered that the hot tea was the best course to follow. In about a quart of boiling water I would put one good-sized handful of the cut fresh catnip {Contains acetic acid, biotin, buteric acid, choline, citral, folic acid and vitamin A as well as many B vitamins including B6 and 12 which are useful in dealing with lycanthropy and other obsessive hallucinatory events.} herb and let it simmer for a few minutes before setting it aside to steep a while. I would then pour myself a couple of cups of this brew while it was still quite warm and sip it down whenever the craving came over me for more of these addictive substances. I was amazed, quite frankly, at just how well this tea worked. My withdrawal symptoms were nowhere near what they used to be before. I sincerely believe that the good Virgin Mother used this common herb to help me overcome my addiction. I then entered the priesthood where Ive served with honor and distinction ever since. He concluded. I looked up at him from my note-taking and asked with a smile, I believe this is the first time Ive ever heard a priest confess to a commoner and non-Catholic. All three of us enjoyed a hearty laugh following this remark. (20) For people who do not know the extent of control exerted by the Catholic Church in Canada and especially Quebec I highly recommend looking into the Pauline Principle as detailed in the Catholic Encyclopedia before checking out arranged marriages and all the man ways they get money from companies and force people to act according to their materialistic designs. My father was with the Judge-Advocate General Corps after the cessation of hostilities in Europe and stayed for the Nuremberg Trial of Kurt Mayer. He told of many stories where men sending all their pay back to the wife in Quebec or other Eastern Provinces had found the church had taken the children away from the mother and were using these funds (Often augmented by Black Market efforts headed by the later Governor-General and including my father.). The church would say the woman was running around and in one case the man went AWOL and was up on charges because he tried to free his children and his wife who he had an understanding with about the socalled running around. Of course now we know, and the courts have shown the church was mightily involved in many other serious and immoral acts.

42 CHAPTER THREE: The Elementals and Dimensional Forces: Ed: That evening led to the events that make this story difficult for most people to believe. At about the same time as the night before I felt Ed wanted to reach me and I told John that he was 'in touch'. Each major subject that Ed broached I told John about as best I could. ESP isn't as imperfect as words nor as specific. Knowledge is far more integrated than the cubby-holing of regurgitated pablum that most people pass between each other. The wind would pick up and beat the tree branches to strike the roof of our cabin whenever I put up defenses to try to deflect his deeper probes. If I still didn't wish to share, it rained on our roof. It only occurred at these junctures and John later thought it was someone outside with ropes and garden hoses. That is how intermittent it was. There was no rain anywhere in New England that night according to the news. It stopped when Ed was through. John was perhaps a little afraid, as he tried to exhibit total control and a knowing attitude. He wouldn't go outside to check his stupid theory. He confirmed the facts of the wind and rain for years thereafter but would never buy into my explanation of the way energies connect in levels that adepts like Ed can provide a stimulus to. Ed was not trying to affect the wind and rain. It might even be that the wind is my ally and that is why nature chose this particular way of getting its desired result. Ed and I talked on a few occasions before I left. I was trying to get him to do more with his massive prowess and knowledge. He seemed to me like he was about to 'give up'! We talked of many things that I did not fully incorporate. Sometimes I engaged in the following kind of possibility thinking. Snails have been taught how to go through a maze. The researchers then grind them up and feed them to other snails - which have never seen a maze. These snails go through the maze as if they knew all the original snail knew. Harvard has found that over a four hundred year period that 87% of the family tree of many families engage in very similar professions and life interests. A couple of mathematicians having difficulty making a baby took fertility drugs like estrogen in England in the late 60's and their offspring was able to communicate through advanced mathematical theorems before being able to speak a language; I think it was around the age of eighteen months. Some element of the human profession lineage is environmental but there may be genetic or other information transfer. The Minnesota Twins Study which I believe is still on-going was already in possession of impressive data about twins separated at birth and the commonality of their knowledge and experiences as well as dreams. To me this proves ESP and other connectiveness. But somehow that kind of thing isn't adequate to the psychiatrists and other reductivist 'world of seems to be' people who say 'if you can't see it, IT doesn't exist'. Ed was far more aware of the Hindu and Egyptian cosmogony and the elemental or dimensional forces than I was. He may have known more than I do today. He certainly was more in tune with the elemental forces. Rituals have a long term benefit that keeps the pathways open to the numerous other energies once met or communicated with. That is not to say that it is an open door or that a ritual performed once or even ten times guarantees the natural communion that Ed had with nature. COMMUNION has a ritual associated with it that some in the ecclesiastical constructs call 'transubstantiation'. The rituals of witchcraft that Ed engaged in brought him to a communion more real and far more useful on the physical plane of reference than the Catholic communion. There is a Qabalistic root to Revelations and the High Mass as well as communion that many Christians would freak if they knew. The Tree of Life that orthodox Jews like the Hassidim and Sephardic Jews study has much more than just some kind of disciplined

43 worship of a one GOD. Jungian archetypes and Campbell's anthropological influence are not at odds except by nature of cubby-holing. The Bardol Thodol or other sidpa state planes of dimensional energy out side the perceptual range of human existence are not separate from us as the old image of Heaven suggested. The cosmic soup is all around us and in the time of Christ most Mediterranean (and North American till much later) peoples set plates for the dead at the dinner table so that they might feel welcome to join this communion. People were not programmed to deny the spirit world and everyone freely associated and gave their energy to the spirits. The idea that ghosts and these spirits are EVIL is the true evil plan of those who would have us cower in fear as they exorcize these spirits in disgusting displays of power and suggestive symbology wrought with dangerous portent. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it just dissipates and reforms. The theory of entropy has been disproved at some levels just as almost all other scientific theories are only partial. Ghost and spirit world entities require our thought energy to be able to maintain at a level of ectoplasmic or lesser visual reality. THE DRUIDS EGGS: One of the ancient Seven Wonders of the World is reported (many years after all but the Great Pyramid had vanished) to be the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus. This great goddess has what many archaeologists and historians have interpreted to be nearly a thousand breasts on her body. It is being commented on in this very manner as I type this. The Discovery Channel is interviewing an esteemed Cambridge scholar who is holding forth on a symbology he does not come close to understanding despite the regenerative nature of breasts. The stupidity of such absurd explanations is not unusual but still it draws a smile from those who know better. In the past few months I have read over two hundred books in whole or in part and only the authors of Carthage have even an inkling of an idea about the import of these 'cosmic eggs'. They also wonder why the Berbers painted so many ostrich eggs and then threw them in garbage pits, near Cyrenaica. The Keltic serpent's eggs from the Druidic education might provide a little insight. This next quote mentions 'Pelota' which we mentioned in reference to a game that took place at Chichen Itza to prevent unnecessary tribal conflict. It has other meanings and depths relating to life and the passage of the soul that are touched upon in this quote from 'The Mistletoe Sacrament' by W. B. Crow in A Celtic Reader which has been a constant source of mine; for the last ten months as I have explored the origins of the 'Red-Heads' with an obsession some might call mania: "The Druids themselves were known to the Welsh bards by a word that means adders, and Lewis Spence is of the opinion that the ridiculous statements of Pliny really refer to the manner in which the Druids manufacture these eggs. Later bards also refer to a ceremony in which a ball was snatched and carried across the water. The Druidic custom just mentioned, we cannot help thinking, may have been the origin of the curious mediaeval rite of 'pelota', which took place in certain Catholic churches in France and Italy on Easter Monday. The ceremony consisted in bringing a ball of considerable size into the church and after solemnly presenting it before the altar, certain of the clergy beginning to dance and throwing the ball about in a special manner {It would be good to know if this originated in Mayan lands or if the Druids like Quetzalcoatl and the Toltecs took it there. They are the 'messengers' referred to in many Indian legends like those of Grey Owl.}. The ceremony symbolizes both the passage of the sun and the planets through the heavens and also the vicissitudes of the soul of man

44 (the causal body of the theosophists). In Egyptian mythology the trial of the soul after death is associated with the passage of the sun through the underworld. The whipping of a spinning top, representing Alleluia on the Saturday before Septuagesima, a ceremony not uncommon in this country in former times, is related to this practice. Madame Blavatsky has some interesting remarks on the connection with the serpent cult {A serpent goes up the side of the pyramid at Chichen Itza in specific ways as the sun and shadows create the effect that the building was re-built to create by the Toltec designers after the original pyramid had been built by the Jaguar cult centuries earlier. Chichen Itza became an international court of the whole of Central America if not more.}, which was at one time widespread and which is still widely practiced in South India. The serpent is a symbol of regeneration {And the orobouros of the alchemists is a serpent holding its tail and making the infinity type of immortality symbol: or the Mayan mathematical concept of zero they are credited with discovering over a century before the people of the sub-continent of India.). Not only does it lay eggs from which new life arises after having been preserved in the dormant state, but the reptile itself sloughs its skin at regular intervals. The initiate, in the ancient mystery religions, went through certain occult processes where his vehicles {Solar body, soul, allies and 'doppelganger' to name a few.} were actually renewed, and in the symbolism thereof cast off his old clothing and was clad in new vestures. What better symbolism than the serpent could be chosen to represent this change in the personality? Besides this, the regeneration by sloughing refers to the regeneration of the physical body by reincarnation and the regeneration of races and worlds of the theosophic cosmogony {Borrowed from many occult beliefs associated with the 'travelers' such as the de Danaan.} Some primitive peoples, after a death has occurred, perform a ritual in which the performers are divided into two groups and a struggle for the body takes place between the parties. This refers to the struggle between the powers of light and darkness for the spirit o the deceased, an eschatological myth of many ancient peoples. In the course of the evolution of this ritual it became a game in which the skull alone was the object of combat or had to be kicked into the goal. The various forms of the game of football and polo, and perhaps other ball games, are supposed to have originated from this {Some Arabic camel riding games still use the skulls. The Berbers mentioned earlier were from the Saharan 'finds' dating to 7,000 BC.}, the original religious significance having become lost. The Druidic ritual of snatching an egg and running away until one got over a stream (which acts as the goal) suggests a similar game and connects up with funeral games. The egg or ball is an excellent symbol of the causal body, if one can believe clairvoyants, who see it as a kind of rounded or egg-shaped structure, in fine matter {Similar to ectoplasm as seen in ghosts.} of the higher mental {I would definitely NOT use this word.} plane. After death, according to accounts of occultists, there is a kind of play of forces, good and evil, which do seem to struggle for the possession of the causal body and to determine whether it goes to a good or bad incarnation when next it descends to clothe itself with coarser matter. The Druid's egg, says Pliny, was unknown to the Greeks {They certainly knew about the Temple of Artemis with all the eggs some current Cambridge scholar thinks is breasts, and Pliny the Roman is not an initiate in the Eleusinian or Cabiri, [see the Golden Bough for more.] mysteries, to my knowledge.}. But other kinds of eggs are mentioned in Greek and Hindu mythology, and the consecration of an egg was one of the most

45 important acts in the secret ritual of the Eleusinian mysteries. The Christian Church continued the use of the same symbol, as we see in the so-called Easter eggs, and in the ostrich eggs which are still to be seen hanging in Orthodox Catholic Churches in the East. In fact a whole lecture might be devoted to the symbolism of the cosmic egg. We must delve into many things this quote engages. In some ways I am squeamish about doing so in this book. I have written about my experiences and research on the stele I found behind the Pelota at Chichen Itza in other books and that makes re-telling the story something redundant. The matter of good and evil and 'Some primitive peoples' this author is talking about is most troublesome. How can I do what millions of philosophers throughout history have been unable to fully explain? It is clear that the Christian church borrowed almost all the supposedly pagan rituals. The communion is admitted by de Vere and Gardner (Genesis of the Grail Kings and the Sarkeny Rend Rosicrucians) to be similar to their earlier adept Count Dracul or 'Vlad the Impaler' and the vampire practices. My experience with exorcisms is extensive enough to know that the Catholic Church takes advantage of some pretty easy situations and makes them a big issue for the purpose of self-promotion. I recommend reading The Devils of Loudon by Aldous Huxley for a documentary trip down that road. The matter of the fight over the soul that sounds like some of Dante Aligheri's "HELL" is not the matter of Druidic cosmogony. It is the tactic of FEAR-mongering by Christianity such as the 'sins and demons' we have touched upon in the issue of medical ailments and Paracelsus. In the last chapter (From another book) I made a brief comment 'No mean feat' after Mr. Sharkey spoke about 'representing each world within the other', as he described the Druids. There was a guided spiritual ritual part to some of what went on at the Pelota in Chichen Itza with the big ball, that goes into the realm of the time-space continuum, and free choice that students of the Nagual's Way from Castaneda might understand that I won't delve into, again. Are there really 'Other Worlds' as the quantum physics 'Many Worlds Interpretation' assures us and Wigner or Schrdinger (Nobel Laureates) say the Mandukya Upanishads describe accurately? Have you read the Tao of Physics by the physicist Fritjof Capra and seen what he says about S-Matrix theory of Math and the I Ching? Believe me this author (Mr. Crow) might have to turn into a raven if his 'whole lecture' would do the trick in explaining the cosmic egg. We have made it clear the Kelts believed in the afterlife and spirit world or they wouldn't have made loans to be repaid after death. We have said they didn't fear death and that they had no punitive 'unmerciful God. But there are leprechauns and the Fianna of the great ancient Irish king Finn who the Phoenicians liked and named themselves after. So we are caught in this quandary of making seeming conflicting statements come together. We said the spirits might take a child or their energy if the parent let the spirits know the child's name. That doesn't sound like the work of a leprechaun! You have heard about 'witches' and you know we've been defending them, too. You probably wonder if this isn't all 'hocus-pocus and barbaric things anyway. Especially if you aren't a Catholic and don't believe in the soul you are probably convinced all the science so much of our new technology is based upon must be wrong. After all they are often proven wrong (black holes, co-existing matter and anti-matter, the speed of light being unsurpassable, etc.) and not all physicists working on vacuum energy and physics believe all these things the quantum (once called atom-mysticists when the bomb was just an idea) physicists talk about.

46 There are good people that I know who deny and avoid these facts like they are 'THE PLAGUE'! It isn't going to make your life easier when you open these doors and see the thousands more that await you beyond. Occultists are often 'sophists' or will engage in sophistry too. Who can say what things God might be capable of? Who really believes in such a force anyway? Most people pay lip-service to it. The Kelts we have said (and Admiral Morison ridiculed) were different. Clearly the Phoenicians demanded the greatest personal commitment to their beliefs, at least from their average person or citizen. When their kings are seen having to give their first born to the god Baal (Bel = BL) are they just babel-ing (BBL and later the Bible)? Some of these kings were front men or women and there is adequate proof they did these things, but that doesn't mean they all did it. Carthage had a democratic type of government according to Aristotle and maybe this was the cross kings had to bear like the Keltic practice of burning the leader at the end of their term in office (25 year term, and this made for less fraud and 'cronyism'). This can become pretty barbaric as we have seen with the 'Devoted Ones' but it became a celebration and the forerunner of the 'wake'. That seems proof enough that death was not feared anyMORE than the North American warriors who 'counted coup' feared their 'maker'. So what if all these cultural beliefs are shared across the oceans? What does it matter to you now if you are 'getting yours'? Why 'open a can of worms if you can't close it'? Maybe we should leave this kind of talk to another book and just point fingers at the church that hides these truths from us. Maybe our happiness and freedom are better under their ministrations. If there are spiritual forces that can mess with us. There is a lot of merit in my concerns about this and there is a law of the Magi that says 'Know, Will, Dare, Keep Silent'. We've already given a lot of places to look for the answers to esoteric questions like these and it might be best to keep this book on the academic level of ethnology or anthropological denial of the reasons and realities that actually', are the nature of everyday life. We could talk about laws and minstrels and make cute poems to amuse the reader and still have done a lot to help people see the culture was no more barbaric than we are. Why did the Druids follow this law and keep so much of their knowledge in 'verbal traditions' such as the Qabala was made from? Were they really so afraid of this knowledge being abused by unethical or un-disciplined 'posers'? Did they really think their soul would be judged as unworthy of progress if they broke this law? Surely if they could sell the knowledge of shape-shifting and the 'Lost Chord' they could have made life a lot better for a lot of people. The truth is they could have done anything or had anything they wanted at the point they rose to the highest level. In fact the moral strength to have such knowledge is more important than the mental or chemical knowledge as the VIBGYOR-rainbow illustration contemplated, in reference to the 'Stone'. I am sure money and power is a pursuit that blinds people through their ego. This 'blindness' that closes the soul to 'what is' or as Jesus said 'the living father within', will prevent any politico from getting their hands on anything really harmful you might say. That might be true, too. There were some things that they knew which could be abused though, and it was (and is) important to do what is RIGHT. That is another law of the three laws of the Magi. RIGHT THOUGHT=RIGHT ACTION! He's dodging and waffling, you might say. What about the things this guy said about the battle over the soul when we die? What kind of authority do I have to disagree with

47 occultists like Madame Blavatsky who heralded my favorite teacher Jiddhu Krishnamurti and helped Annie Besant (arguably the best and most important fighter for women's and human rights of the last century) teach him? In the final analysis you might say I'm a person engaging in 'sophistry' and ego too. We know that no one person can really know God or all these things so why read what I have to say? But I don't want the reader to think the Druids or Kelts were so ego driven or fearful as to worry about spirits capturing their souls once they had grown enough to know their name; they also were 'protected' from the lesser obsessive forces of the limbo or interstitiary state of the spirit world which may possess a soul. Yes, they had a lot of scary legends and tales about evil acts of mischievous and other forces. Sometimes these tales are like the accounts of war on the friezes or frescoes of the Mayan, who wanted people to know the stupidity of war. Sometimes there were people who needed this motivation to take the time to learn enough to protect themself. In all cases as long as the Druids were still around (before the Roman 'bounties') they had recourse to protection if something really bad occurred. At the same time there was a greater element of 'fate' and 'destiny' in this religion than I think is real. I cannot say for sure that there were people at the highest level who knew better the import of 'free will'. I cannot even be sure what degree or level of free will or 'world mind' existed in their collective unconscious (Jung). There are lots of Celts and people from post-Druidic times who write about Druids as if they know them. Some of these people are definitely 'far gone' when it comes to the inevitability of the cyclical nature of the 'forces'. The Etruscans are good examples of this and the Carthaginians who allied with them or were their 'brothers' surely had a lot of that in them too. But that is a time when the macho power-trippers had already made great inroads into the original nature-worshipping culture, too. The historians have little to go with in the records of history and we often are left with the words of Caesar in the first century BC to confirm that there were numerous schools of Druidry as the best recorded insight to earlier times. In Gaul the best knowledge seems to go back no further than the fifth century BC and ornamentation is the hardest proof. Gimbutas has the Old European alphabet that takes us back a long way but many scholars aren't convinced because they don't understand the esoteric symbology. There are those who laugh and point to Stonehenge or Carnac in Brittany, and of course the Pyramid they know its the work of the 'Red-Headed League of Megalith Builders'. But they can't prove a definite connection to the Druids. At least not in the eyes of those who establish the required standards of proof in the halls of academia. They note that the term 'goddessworship' or Wicca may not even have' existed until the 18th century. We can say the term isn't the point and the records of historians are propaganda. Tapping-in Can be Gradually Created: The way I see it there are no demons. The reports I am giving about what people think are demons do not mean I agree that they are what most people think of as demons including many of those who are experiencing them in these reports. Yes, there are projections and fears that affect the energy that is all around us and what results is very much like what they see. The visions Jung saw of the future relate to this same energy. I am inclined to think there is no such thing as para-normal but rather there are things science does not understand. There might be a conscious element to some elemental energies which has become demon-like though. For example we see Houston Stewart

48 Chamberlain had a writing demon. Could this be a guide visualization and tap-in to a knowledge bank called by some the Akashic? Is this like the World Mind or sensing a collective unconscious as Jung might have described it? Yes, I have known those who work with what they are certain is demons. In some cases the guides may be Ascended Masters or loved ones in the limbo state about to return to the earth plane because they are not ready to move along and continue a soulful growth towards Oneness in other planes or dimensions. There are ways I can describe almost every paranormal event using this approach that Quantum Physics allows. Yes, I know there are more adept people than I am who would disagree with me. It is certain that people who are members of the FOGC are quite convinced that their demons are real. Hitler and Crowley and all the rest are welcome to pay me a visit from the ether or great beyond if they have not moved on. I have challenged their fellow Dragons to do what they can in the past, and been through all the energy and rituals that more than one person who is adept can muster. The most adept people eventually need no ritual and are almost constantly tapped-in or in such a state of bliss. It takes work and a lot of growth but I am near to certain I am right about this. JIM! I took one university course before discovering I was entitled to go into a Master's Program at York University if I got over 75%-ile on the GMAT. With ten years successful business experience and by testing out of the Baccalaureate Level course (CLEP test). This one course was Logic. The professor got his doctorate by doing a thesis on 'Giving and Do-Gooders'. On the day of the final exam I brought him a one page premise in support of 'He who is least selfish, is MOST selfish.'. He read it while we wrote the exam, which I finished early enough for him to tell me all the things that were wrong with my premise. My best point in retort was 'Why didn't you consider this possibility?' He was incensed and threatened like a lot of people who deal with my 'know-it-allness'. After all, he had achieved his esteemed doctorate and I was just 29 in a first year B.A. class. So why was I wrong? Why did it upset him so much? What could I possibly have known that made him avoid me like the plague when I saw him at the racetrack (horses, and he didn't even acknowledge a wave) a couple of weeks later? How could I see something he hadn't even considered or that his thesis guides hadn't brought up? What value is there in an education where 'do-gooders' are diminished by egoists who don't even observe that humanity has higher aspirations than mere selfish recognition in the mode of such arcane and abstruse ideologues and pedagogues as Hegel? I quoted Van Dyke's poetry and Gibran (maybe the poetry and its' heart touching rather than intellect enchanting appeal was the cause): "There are those who as in yonder valley, the myrtle breathes its fragrance to the air. These are the children of GOD, and through them he smiles upon the earth!" My sense of 'Brotherhood' was offended by his narcissistic pessimism but I smiled in the confidence that I was right. That annoying look of pomposity that comes from actually learning and being interested with an open mind rather than a sheepskin from fools who 'think' they are wise men. It could easily be said that this is arrogance and it has been said more than once. The reader may think that and if they have read this far in this book they are entitled to have that opinion of me. For myself I know I am a 'fool'. THE

49 SOUL is another matter indeed. Yes, I know there are many who give in expectation of return or in hope of building fences that obligate and manipulate others to recognize their specialness. The white picket fences of fantasies have confronted my search on more than one occasion. That was an unnecessary and obvious observation that I didn't feel warranted anything more than a mere stipulation to its veracity. It was his whole thesis though buttressed by other 'me-too' scholars who can wend words and vacillate like moths to a flame or deer in the headlights of oncoming vehicles. I diminished its import as a stage like puberty in the becomingness toward bliss that comes from giving without need of return. In fact the return of a favour isn't something I would want as much as passing it along to others in need. But, there have been times when I know I've given and seen others try to negate either the gift or me, so maybe I haven't always been so truly motivated at those times. As a child I had always valued true sharing and the model my father created in his simple and wondrous gift of friendship and respect to myself and my three brothers. He never felt any need (I could see, to the most part) to control or form us in his image vicariously or otherwise. He loved to hear us call him 'JIM'! It truly was unusual and people often remarked on that fact. No higher position in his cosmogony than enabling and learning from and WITH us! He was a soul who participated without prejudice in the many wonders nature (God) provides us all. In the end, I knew LOVE was there when I 'let a bird go free'; if 'it returned' of its own accord and strong volition with hopes of adding to what I knew or sharing what it had helped others to learn - that infrequent treasure is the essence of what makes me proud. I knew it is not just in this world that we receive benefits or karmic reward. History is full of examples of those who gave openly being persecuted by those who take! Jesus, Socrates and Tesla were becoming even greater guides for my pursuit. I was finding more than I ever thought there was in the words of Shakespeare and loved Victor Hugo's appreciation of the bard when he talked about 'glimpsing the waves of the marvellous'. I had no anthropomorphed or other entity that I could demand a hearing from in my prayers. No following, no cult, not even a desire to belong to most of the human race. I was wealthy in matters material. My goals had been met in most of the driven ways we seek recognition and it was only for those I wanted to share it with that I derived benefit. I spent money like a bandit waiting to be caught. Women had shown me things that I could never have learned in books. I had been able to know others thoughts and dreams when I was close to them. They were in tune with me on many occasions in the same way. My father had told me such things were possible. He called it 'the pixiemind' and told me he loved how women could flit from topic to topic knowing each others feelings and not having to beat a subject to death with intellect. I had much more to learn - and was eagerly awaiting all that life would bring. Still - very much in stillness - I knew my life had quickened and taken a firm stand on the path towards Love and giving with no expectation of return. How could I accept his thesis that do-gooders pursue only self-gratification or Hegelian recognition? Twenty years passed before I read Aristotle's 'Nichomachean Ethics' and saw my 'contribution dynamics of day to day life' were therein contemplated. He had written this book in honour of his father, whose ethics had inspired him. Maybe that means society had screwed his father up a little in the matter of women too, I can't say it comes through in this book and I know that lots of people have wanted to put these words into the mouth

50 of great men so others would follow. My father had failed to find his equal in love and my mother was a schizophrenic. He never implicated to us that this was the way of women and it was a great sorrow to him that we might be negatively inclined towards women as a result. It did happen to my oldest brother in some weird ways that I cannot trace to my father. My own placement of women on a pedestal was no doubt partially due to a lack of a good female role model or trusted friend (that a sister might have supplied). Like fine porcelain objets d'art, I marveled at their depth and beauties as if on a pedestal by the gods they had been placed. 'Jim' was long dead when I began to write in earnest in order to attempt to express the Joy of LEARNING he had encouraged in me. All the marvels, mysteries, experiences and loves of life (except having children) had been mine. I knew my writing skills were rudimentary at best. Big words and the gift of the gab are not all it takes. With little hope of capturing the essence in style, I proceeded to do what Jim could easily have done. His wit and style, his writing skills were plentiful. I had encouraged him to take this as his purpose before his life ended. There had been two years during which our time together centered on his impending demise in the physical form. That was due to my 'occult' study of things like palm and face reading (chirogamy and physiogamy). It was clear to me that he would die around the age of 65. Unless, and it is a big word, just like 'IF'. Free will can over-ride the confluence of forces that create action if that free will is properly constructed with RIGHT THOUGHT. The best construct for me has always been helping others and giving. Thus I felt it would be for him. If he devoted himself to the path of giving to all of society the many things he knew that few apprehended. He was a truly educated man and could have been a Renaissance man if he had not devoted himself to our upbringing. He said he had poor eyesight and had no desire to cheat fate. He was also quite unconvinced that such concepts had a high degree of fact and likelihood. Like me, he had always doubted and knew the value of such skepticism. He liked the idea of a spiritual cosmology that had a plan, purpose and consciousness in collective dimensional layers that harmonize. He knew I was not a follower and that my psychic experiences had been real for me. We all try to fool ourselves with massive rationale and wishful thinking. He did not accuse me of this, but he may have thought it - it was good to talk about his life and prepare myself. Saying how much he meant to me and my brothers for many times was a balm for my soul. There were so many things to thank him for and none of them were easy for him to listen to. In the end it was enough to honour his freedom and accept his choice to take whatever happened in stride. We put him in the ground the day after he turned 65. He had a note in his wallet that gave me as the person to call in the event he died. I am the third born. He knew I knew what to say and that my story of where he was going was real and good. He had been given a clean bill of health to work after his retirement age just a couple of weeks earlier, before he went to the cottage for his vacation. He died of a heart attack and had crawled up f from where he was working on the dock, as near as we can figure. He loved that place as much as he loved us. Years earlier he had visited me in Miami and we had time together as he thought about what he would do when he retired. His time in Miami Beach led him to say it was an elephant graveyard that could not be his ending place. I stopped foretelling death!

51 Success is not my goal and no one should emulate me, it is a lonely and painful existence to be blessed with such insight. The gifts carry a heavy responsibility and separate me from those who I most enjoy. There is always the need even if I don't want to, to reach out and help someone. Being outside the materially focused 'reality' and trying to change the world like Don Quixote can also become something of a bore, when all the little things one does are crushed in the mendacity of despair and disbelief that allows the ego to deny its soul. No, I expect NO recognition and I know there is hope to see and learn for humanity. In the end if my writing has an impact it will make me have to do things that will take me away from the constant proof of ancient lovers of life that I do enjoy honoring in these words. It matters little what others think (I take a lot of pride in what they do.) because I know my soul will suffer less and enjoy more, the fruits of all I have learned, wherever I go. Findhorn and the Leprechauns: The air traffic controllers were on strike when we were in Europe. Sherry and I were forced to travel by boat and train as a result of this, on our way to Paris from London. We arrived before noon at Le Gare Du Nord which was the main Paris train station. When I spoke with Marsha upon my return I was surprised to hear she had been in Europe at the same time I was. She and I, both, had never been to Europe before. When she told me that she had been at Le Gare Du Nord at what might have been the exact same time or at least close to the same time, I knew more than ever that I was bucking the 'hand of fate'. Marsha had many stories to tell me but the most meaningful one related to her trip to Findhorn which we had spoken about seeing together at one time. She was still without any man in her life and that saddened me. I am including an excerpt from a book on Findhorn for those who are not familiar with the wondrous circumstances of this hallowed part of our planet. 'The Magic of Findhorn' by Paul Hawken in 1975, with a heading "The Extraordinary Community Where Man cooperates with Plants, Where People are Transformed, Where Nothing is Impossible and legends are Reborn." begins with the following passage: "To the Kingdom of the Wind There have been stories in the press and other media about a small community in the north of Scotland called Findhorn where people talk to plants with amazing results stories of vegetable and flower gardens animated by angelic forms where Pan's pipes are heard in the winds - stories of plants performing incredible feats of growth and endurance: 40-pound cabbages, 8 foot delphiniums and roses blooming in the snow - all a short distance from the Arctic Circle - Don Juan and Tolkein combined, where the elemental world of plants and animals cooperate with fairies, elves and gnomes in creating a land where nothing is impossible... a cold windblown peninsula jutting into the North Sea with soil as sandy and worthless as your local beach;.. With those sketchy and unbelievable tales, I left America for Scotland to search out the Findhorn Gardens. What I found seems larger than a 40-pound cabbage. Fairies and Elves seem tame stuff compared to what one experiences there. Findhorn may be a manifestation of a light and power which could transform our planet within a lifetime, or it could be an illusory bubble on the troubled waters of the world civilization that will burst, leaving no traces. A born skeptic, I can appreciate that much of what you will read will seem implausible and incredible. I do not ask that you believe this account, for it is

52 written through only one man's eyes. Every aspect of creation has as many realities as perceivers." The comment he makes about 'leaving no traces' is quite a propos when taken in historical perspectives of what has gone on throughout history. However, I will leave these matters for the next section of this book. Marsha is an Aquarius and had fully explored her psychic attributes. At this juncture I only knew a little of how important this is to me and finding my purposeful 'fit' in relations with other people. It did not surprise me that she saw the 'little people'. In reality I would have doubted their existence if she had not seen them. There were other aspects of this one and only trip to Europe that made me aware that my relationship with Sherry had major difficulties. Calling Marsha had included the thought that I would change my commitment to Sherry and marry Marsha but I never discussed this with Marsha. When I talked with her I still found my love for Sherry was strong and my refusal or stubbornness Vis a Vis the psychic or spiritual 'hand of fate' was something still rampant in my psyche. Sherry has always been able to relate to these things and has learned a great deal but there was always a gap or need for further proof that separated us. Perhaps it was a matter of ego and my need to be the teacher that didn't exist in the relationship with Marsha. Maybe I am a martyr or masochist but I continued to put Sherry on a pedestal. There was a never ending stream of psychic things happening in my life. It became ordinary and in some ways less important. It was just parlour games or tricks and traps if I wasn't going to really do something with it. That requires a great deal of courage though; people are frightened and threatened or they think you are bragging when you share these things. The resultant projections of these fears and supposed motivations upon me were not something I could easily deal with due to the real joy and ego satisfaction they have always brought me. I had a person work for me at one point who was a Rosicrucian; her name was or is, Debra Jaggard. When she came to work in Salt Lake City on her first day of work she phoned Ezra Taft Benson. This man was the second most powerful man in this organization that does not have the ethics of equality towards women. He later became the leader of the Mormon Church. She visited him the very SAME DAY! That blew me away! When she went to Los Angeles a few months later she called ahead to Marcus Bach's place in Laguna Beach. He was not home but she spent the weekend there as she made arrangements for an apartment of her own. Marcus Bach was one of the three most erudite adepts of the 20th Century according to many people. I agree that he and Krishnamurti deserve such an accolade and the other such luminary might be a Sai Baba, Dalai Lama or Yogananda. He was the father of Richard Bach who authored Jonathon Livingstone Seagull and Illusions (sub-titled 'The Messiah Handbook'). Marcus Bach was also one of the founders of the Unity Church and an associate of Blavatsky and Ledbetter whose branch of the Theosophists heralded Krishnamurti (Krishna as he was known to his friends like Joseph Campbell) as the new Messiah. I will leave the reader to ponder the possibility of an organization of Illuminati. MORAVIANS LIKE WILLIAM BLAKE: I suspect the Moravians and Quakers are alike and part of the Calvinist to Goethe expansion of religion to cause the masses to be beholding to them in a hierarchy that saw Blake rise to the level of an alchemist. The Quakers get 'direct cognition' or tap-ins to the forces and emphasize home-schooling just as his Moravians did. A Bardic site which I

53 have quoted says Blake was an alchemist of a sort along with Robby Burns and W. B. Yeats. Yeats certainly was and I think the others were Hibernians but this will take a lot of study to see. Rhawn Joseph: Adolf Hitler in His Own Words By Ken Bastida You can watch the full report Sunday at 11pm on Channel 5. As a speaker, Adolf Hitler had the power to move armies to genocide, and whip crowds into a frenzy. But to understand how Hitler moved others, a Bay Area filmmaker argues, you have to understand what moved the Fuhrer. Hitler tells us he believes he was appointed by God, said Rhawn Joseph. Joseph has poured though hundreds of hours of film and rare photographs, piecing together a new documentary that attempts to capture Hitler as the German people experienced him. Instead of short clips, Hitler's voice drives nearly the entire 90 minutes. It's the voice, Joseph believes, of a Shaman who saw the Nazi Movement in almost religious terms -- mesmerizing his audience with the abandon of a revival meeting. Hitler said national socialism was a religious movement, Joseph said. Some people watching Hitler felt like during these revival meetings that he was becoming a deity or demon. {The Mesmeric voice modulation is a technique you can use in conjunction with good things like healing and Hitler was trained to do this as well as knowing what demons can do. Again, these projections of demons might well have fooled him or he may have known what kind of energy they were. However, I think he and his fellow FOGC members were fooled by constructs and did not know the energy involved to the most part.} Hitler's hands gesture to the heavens, but Joseph says pay attention to the eyes. You see him beseeching, and he's screaming, and his eyes are rolling back in his head. And people are yelling ... losing control, Joseph said. He says the footage also captures amazing contradictions in Hitler's persona -- a voice that could range from melodic to guttural, a presence that could morph from menacing to childlike to even effeminate. Hitler can go from super-masculine to super-feminine, Joseph said. {This androgynous nature is part of the training.} The documentary, titled Hitler's Diaries, makes no excuses for Hitler or his followers - in fact it makes few judgements at all. In the end, it's strength may be to let audiences experience the personality that entranced a nation , and ultimately led it to destruction. 05-16-2003 (1) This article does not point out that Joseph is a neuroscientist. He has much in his work that I find in agreement with what is said in this book. I include a little from him that ties in with the Third Eye research of many others which I have quoted in other books. Evolution and the Neuroanatomy of Religious Experience By R. Joseph, Ph.D. Brain Research Laboratory ABSTRACT Humans have been burying and preparing their dead for the "Great Beyond" for over 100,000 years. These behaviors and beliefs are related to activation of the amygdala, hippocampus, and temporal lobe, which are responsible for religious, spiritual, and

54 mystical trance-like states, dreaming, astral projection, near death and out-of-body experience, and the "hallucination" of ghosts, demons, angels, and gods. Case studies and the evolutionary neurological foundations are presented and it is postulated that these structures evolved in order to make spiritual experience possible, and account for the sexual and violent aspects of religious behavior. Abraham, Moses, Mohammed, and Jesus Christ, and others who've communed with angels or "gods," display limbic system hyperactivity. Patients report religious "hallucinations" or out-of-body experiences when limbic structures are stimulated. As over 96% of human DNA is dormant, whereas 50% of activated DNA is devoted to the brain, these capacities may continue to evolve. (2) WATER CRYSTALS: I have reported on the Japanese researcher who studied in Sri Lanka in other books with references of a more scientific nature than this report from a Buddhist Forum. I like the interpretation of this individual as it relates to healing and this book. There are peer review types who say he has not proven anything but they have no alternative explanation that satisfies me. All of us deeply believe that the power of praying together for a common cause will give us an unimaginable response. This fact had been proven by the experiments and the tests done by the Japanese scientists. Just recently the Japanese scientist, Dr. Emoto and his colleagues published their findings on the Water Crystal. They proved that The conscious minds of the human race can change the texture and the shape of water crystals. Thus, from the same principle, we know that human consciousness has the capability of changing its entire environment. Example one: On the 2nd of February 1997 at 2 p.m., a glass of water containing the tap water from Tokyo was sitting on top of Dr. Emoto's office desk. 500 Hado instructors across Japan were invited to participate from various different locations to visualize this glass of water all at the same time by sending the signals of their feelings that they wish the water to be clean and the message of "thank you very much." Afterwards, the photos of the water crystals were taken under the microscope showing beautiful designs. This experiment proves that human thoughts can be gathered regardless how far apart they are from each other. (3)

CHAPTER FOUR: Those Who Think They Are Chosen: David Koresh:

55 Perhaps Koreshs interpretation of the first seal was only to convince us of the merit of the others. In his last poem released through his lawyer I think there might be some merit despite his megalomaniacal belief in his role in these things. He may have had some insight though the Rosh Hashana people seemed to have led him to believe they understood the seals somewhat I wonder if they do too. These people are the real makers of demons and such constructs. They definitely were encouraged to convince him of this understanding due to the government seeking to save the people he was controlling inside the Waco compound. I think this poem is speaking in Langue d'oc or the language Jesus spoke to those who might someday understand. From that exegistical viewpoint we might wish to believe that when man learns the nature of reality he will know longer NEED his egotistical manifest existence as a physical being. This could be prophetic for those who are approaching that - but that is a far cry from likely for all of the children 'chosen' or otherwise as I see it. The Branch Davidians of the Seventh Day Adventists are extremists whose masochism is part of the outgrowth of sins and demons and guilt trips so often found in the reactionary denominations that differentiate yet carry on the Catholic program they say they are not at all like. Here is a little part of one of my books on the Langue d'oc. One of the purported secrets held by the Cathars of Southern France that lead the Christian Church of Roma to carry out their genocide was the opposite of what Roma wanted. It was therefore encoded in the simplest of all codes as amor which is the opposite of Roma. We find this continued in the root of the courting and amor or amour a word we now use for love in the French language. Indeed it was the Cathars who reenergized many people to treat women and romance as desirable for more than just the pure needful release of macho animal behaviour. Rome was hell bent on control of all things relating to Jesus because Jesus preached in a language of OC which you find in the name of a major Cathar region called Languedoc or Langue (language) d' (of) oc. Occamy is a corruption of vernacular usage for alchemy. The language or code thereof is Oc. The Arians and Gnostics were heretical groups who also knew these things of the book of Mari or Love and the Cathars are their continuation into the thirteenth century. In 1934 an archaeologist named Walter Andrea found a 3200 year old statue of Mari in Syria at a temple in her honour. The fish symbol associated with Jesus or earlier Christian roots is related to the Egyptian glyph for the Phoenix (the bird of light or akh). The Phoenix was taken as part of the US symbology but was changed to an eagle because people thought it looked like a turkey with two heads. William Henry is one of those researchers who seeks to make sense of all these codes and intrigues and I highly recommend David Ovason. The Phoenix is the Phoenician brotherhood and I suspect the NWO is paramount among their intentions through time to regain control of this world. RABBI SCHNEERSON: Jesus was not only the son of Mary; He was also the Son of David. Our Lord fulfilled over 300 prophecies in the Old Testament that predicted the coming of the Messiah, the one who would be a descendent of the greatest king in Israels history and who would reign for all time and eternity. The name Christ is not a surname like Barnes, Smith, or Johnson. Rather, it is the title Jesus holds, and it identifies Him as the appointed savior-king for whom the Jews had been waiting for centuries. The word Christos is the Greek form of the Hebrew word

56 Messiah, and it literally means, "anointed one". There were three kinds of people in the Old Testament who were anointed as an evidence of their office: prophets, priests, and kings. A prophet was someone who was anointed to speak to humanity for God. A priest was someone who was anointed to speak to God for humanity. And the king was someone who was anointed to serve as a shepherd of the people, to lead, guide, and govern them in the ways of God. The Messiah was the long-awaited deliverer who had been promised throughout the history of Israel, and he was to serve as prophet, priest, and king for God's chosen people. The Messiah was the central figure in all of Jewish thought, and they longed for His appearance. Jesus followers recognized in Him the qualities and characteristics of the anointed one. However, there were many different understandings and expectations of what the coming of the Messiah would be like and what He would actually do. Even the disciples were confused on many occasions in this regard. Ultimately, I think Jesus was crucified in part because He failed to meet the expectations people had set for the Messiah. Nevertheless, Jesus is the prophet Moses predicted would come to speak God's word. Jesus is the priest who, in ways Aaron could only imagine, serves as the sacrificial Lamb of God and came to take away the sins of the world. And Jesus is the king who rules for all eternity, whose reign will never end. All this is wrapped in the title, The Son of David. I think you and I have a hard time imagining what it must have been like to the Jews of the First century when Jesus claimed to be the Messiah. Philip Yancey writes[2] that in 1993 he read a news report about a Messiah sighting in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, New York. Twenty thousand Lubavitcher Hasidic Jews live in Crown Heights, and in 1993 many of them believed the Messiah was living among them in the person of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Word of the Rabbis public appearance spread like a flash fire through the streets of Crown Heights, and Lubavitchers in their black coats and curly sideburns were soon dashing down the sidewalks toward the synagogue where the Rabbi customarily prayed. Those lucky enough to be connected to a network of beepers got a head start, sprinting toward the synagogue the instant they felt the slightest vibration. They jammed by the hundreds into the main hall, elbowing each other and even climbing pillars to create more room. The hall filled with an air of anticipation and frenzy normally found at a championship-sporting event, not a religious service. The Rabbi was nearly 91 years old. He had suffered a stroke the year before and had not been able to speak since. When the curtain finally pulled back, those who had crowded into the synagogue saw a frail old man in a long beard who could do little but wave, tilt his head, and move his eyebrows. No one in the audience seemed to mind, though. They sang over and over, building in volume, Long live our master, our teacher, and our rabbi, King, Messiah, forever and ever! Finally, the Rabbi made a small gesture with his hand, and the curtain closed. Everyone left the synagogue slowly, savoring the moment, in a state of ecstasy. When Philip first read the news account, he nearly laughed out loud. Who are these people trying to kid a 91-year-old mute Messiah in Brooklyn? And then it struck him he was reacting to Rabbi Schneerson in exactly the same way people in the First century must have reacted to Jesus. A Messiah from Galilee? Marys boy? A carpenters kid, no

57 less? Who are you kidding? And yet, Jesus was indeed the Son of David. In Matthew 21 we read that later in His life, when Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the people shouted, Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest! (Matthew 21:9). III. The Son of God Someone once turned the tables on CNNs Larry King and asked the television interviewer, If you could select any one person across all of human history to interview, who would it be? He responded, Jesus Christ. And King, a skeptical Jew, continued, I would like to ask Him if he was indeed virgin-born. The answer to that question would define history for me. [3] Our text tells us that an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream to assure him that Mary was indeed telling the truth concerning her miraculous pregnancy. Matthew adds his own commentary on these events and says that all this took place to fulfill what Isaiah the prophet predicted when he said that a virgin shall be with child and give birth to a son, and they will call Him Immanuel, which means God with us (Mt. 1:23). How is it that this is possible? How can God exist eternally as God the Father and God the Son? It is a mystery, and I don't know that I fully understand it myself. But it is one of the central doctrines of the Christian faith. Athanasius, the great church father of the fourth century, once said the following during a controversy when the church tried to clear up this matter of the relationship between God the Father and God the Son: As the spring is not the stream, so the stream is not the spring. And yet both contain the same water which flows from the spring into the stream. Even so the deity passes on from the Father to the Son without separation. [4] Make no mistake about it, throughout His earthly ministry Jesus ascribed to Himself a unique relationship with God the Father, and in so doing Jesus claimed to be God Himself. That was the reason the Jewish authorities wanted to put Him to death; it was for the cause of blasphemy -- that He claimed to be God. On one occasion the Jews in the Temple picked up stones to put Jesus to death, and when the Lord asked them why they wanted to kill Him, they said, "Because you, being a mere man, claim to be God" (John 10:33). There are many people today who believe that Jesus Christ was a figure of history -that He was the son of Mary. They are willing to concede that perhaps He was even the Son of David, the Messiah of the Jewish people, but they are not prepared to affirm that Jesus is the unique Son of God. They can affirm the power of His leadership, they can support the moral strength of His teaching, but they cannot agree with the statement that Jesus is divine. C.S. Lewis once wrote the following in order to counter such a notion: I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: 'I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept His claim to be God.' That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic - on the level of the man who says he is a poached egg -- or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon, or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God.

58 But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to. [5] It is because Jesus is Gods Son that He is uniquely able to atone for our sins. The sinless Son of God died the sinners death and paid the penalty you and I deserve. (1) I confess I still get some pubescent satisfaction from seeing how the various demagogues and those who adamantly say they know Yeshua bar Joseph and all that Iesa (Jesus is also a title and his scholarship is lacking) conveys. Sir William Crookes vs. Wreckers: The Chemist Sir William Crookes Proved Survival With Repeatable Experiments Under Laboratory Conditions - by Michael Roll Adrian Berry, the science correspondent of The Daily Telegraph, says that few subjects more infuriate scientists than claims of paranormal phenomena, because if confirmed, "the whole fabric of science would be threatened." This statement is not correct because nothing can threaten science - the Latin name for seeking after knowledge. The only thing that is threatened by uncomfortable discoveries in physics are pseudo-scientists. Their reputations will be destroyed immediately ordinary people find out that Sir William Crookes proved that we all survive the death of our physical bodies with repeatable experiments under laboratory conditions. Following this revolutionary discovery in 1874 this outstanding British scientist was knighted, made President of the Royal Society, and King Edward VII gave him the highest decoration in the land - The Order of Merit. Sir William Crookes was able to wipe the floor with contemporary professional wreckers who dared to attack him. The following is how he dealt with Professor W.B. Carpenter, a biologist from London University, who made a very unfair and anonymous attack upon him in the 'Quarterly Review'. Carpenter had been unfortunate enough to describe Crookes as "a specialist of specialists". My greatest crime (he wrote in his reply to Carpenter's diatribe in the 'Quarterly Journal of Science') seems to be that I am a 'specialist of specialists'. It is indeed news to me that I have confined my attention only to one special subject. Will my reviewer kindly say what that subject is? Is it General Chemistry, whose chronicler I have been since the commencement of the Chemical News in 1859? Is it Thallium, about which the public have probably heard as much as they care for? Is it Chemical Analysis, in which my recently published Select Methods are the result of twelve years work? Is it disinfection and the 'Prevention and Cure of Cattle Plague', my published report on which may be said to have popularized Carbolic Acid? Is it Photography, on the theory and practice of which my papers have been very numerous? Is it Metallurgy of Gold and Silver, in which my discovery of the value of Sodium in the amalgamation process in now largely used in Australia, California and South America? Is it Physical Optics, in which department I have space only to refer to papers of some Phenomena of Polarized Light, published before I was twenty one; to my detailed description of the Spectroscope and labours with this instrument, when it was almost unknown in England; to my papers on the Solar and Terrestrial Spectra; to my examination of the Optical Phenomena of Opals, and construction of the Spectrum Microscope; to my papers on the Luminous Intensity of Light; and my description of my Polarization Photometer?

59 Or is it my speciality Astronomy and Meteorology, in as much as I was for twelve months at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, where, in addition to my principal employment of arranging the meteorological department, I divided my leisure between Homer and Mathematics at Magdelen Hall, Planet-hunting and transit tracking with Mr. Pogson, now Principal of the Madras Observatory, and celestial photography with the magnificent heliometer attached to the Observatory? My photographs of the Moon, taken in 1855, at Mr. Hartnup's Observatory, Liverpool, were for years the best extant, and I was honoured by a money grant from the Royal Society to carry out further work in connection with them. These facts, together with my trip to Oran last year, as one of the Government Eclipse Expedition, and the invitation recently received to visit Ceylon for the same purpose, would almost seem to show that Astronomy was my speciality. In truth, few scientific people are less open to the charge of being a 'specialist of specialists'. There is a vast conspiracy to make sure exciting scientific discoveries never come to the attention of the general public. Genuine scientists are banned from supporting the work of Sir William Crookes in the press and on every radio and television programme that is made on the so-called paranormal. People are only allowed access to the views of "experts" who can be relied upon to play the Establishment game - suppress anything that could embarrass the orthodox scientists who hold the reins of power. Nobody is allowed to balance the opinions and conclusions of these self-styled experts on the "paranormal". These professional wreckers have unrestricted access to all media outlets, while my colleagues and I have been refused permission to write and broadcast by almost every editor and producer that we have approached. The British people are not allowed to hear the secular scientific case for survival after death in this "free" country of ours! Recent discoveries in subatomic physics confirm that Sir William Crookes was correct in his conclusions, and that he was not a liar, cheat, crank, a fraud or a sex maniac as we have been criminally led to believe. His only "crime" was to tell the truth. (2) ALPHA GALATES AND PIERRE PLANTARD DE ST. CLAIR: The octopus of a hierarchy that has played both ends against the middle since the time of the Hyksos in Egypt or before that is always coming up with new names. Here is a little about their Atlantean organization to ponder. 1937 Paul Le Cour, 'L'Ere du Verseau' (The Age of Aquarius). Quoting Peter OReilly: In it Le Cour looks forward to the future Age of Aquarius as bringing with it the return of Christ in the role of Christ the King. It is a work of esoteric and apocalyptic Christianity in which the author also voices his belief in an esoteric spiritual tradition that originated in Atlantis(and quoting from the book) The work of 'Atlantis', founded the 24th of June 1926, is inspired by the same directives as those of the director of the Hiron (i.e. de Sarachaga) whose signet ring representing Cybele was bequeathed to me by Mlle Lepine.[the book contained a drawing of an octopus subtitled] une symbole de la tradition primitive: le poulpe (a symbol of the primitive tradition: the octopus).


1942 Vaincre Nr 1, page 1 (21 September), featuring a quotation from Paul Lecour, Editor of Atlantis: When a stream is polluted it is necessary, if you are to find the pure water, to go back to the source. It's the same with tradition - it only remains pure at its origin. Vaincre was the bulletin of the Alpha Galates, an anti-Masonic, anti-Semitic RightWing organisation that stemmed from Plantards earlier Right-Wing activities of the 1930s: the Statutes of the Alpha Galates being dated 27 December 1937 (Feast Date of St John The Divine). The Alpha Galates believed that their secrets were originally derived from Atlantis, and a strain of Theosophical thinking runs through some of the Bulletins articles written by Le Comte Moncharville, who seems to have been Plantards mentor. 1949 Third edition of The Age of Aquarius', with Le Cour quoting a passage from a novel by J-K. Huysmans: I think that society has started to putrefy, that its bones are rotting, that its flesh is falling off. It has to collapse; it cannot be bandaged up or healed. It must be buried, and another one born. God alone can accomplish such a miracle... (3) They are the only ones they trust to interpret this God or G_ds intents. I personally think Plantard started to get a better idea of what they were doing when he stopped being their puppet or head of the Priory of Sion. This last quote within the above quote is instructive to why I say that. They intend to de-populate the earth and begin anew with those they think are worthy. Charles de Gaulle: Plantard convinced de Gaulle to use the Cross of Lorraine as the symbol for the Free French Movement. When he was captured by the Gestapo and held for a year during the war I propose he was working with them on a plan to re-organize Europe that he and the Thuleans had planned before the wars beginning. Yes, I think this Cistercian/Hibernian inner sanctum actually needed the war to happen in order to make a unified Europe and in some ways we can see that was a good thing. I wonder if mankind will ever get over plotting all these secret agendas and selling people on some superficial lie? De Gaulle was the front for a Committee of 300 or Rhodes plan. His top man in the Senate who filled in for him and was the head of France after De Gaulle resigned and Pompidou died is M. Poher. He might well have claim in genetics to the Merovingian crown of France. There is serious doubt about many things regarding Plantard. He seems to have fabricated a few things to say the least. Cagliostro and others before him are similarly branded and debunked. I would favor the notion that they created alter groups and people to make difficult the task of tracking their real intents and to set authorities on other trails in the event those authorities thought they understood their plans. The following excerpt is from 1995 by Michael A. Hoffmann, II who wrote 'Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare'.

61 "Since ancient times these were the goals of the Gnostic-Rosicrucian--- MasonicHermetic Academy, an elite as real and corporeal as President Bush's Skull and Bones society at Yale University; the Bohemian Grove in California; Dr. John Whiteside Parson's Ordo Templi Orient is (OTO) also in California; General Albert Pike's Scottish and Palladian Rites of Freemasonry and a host of lesser imitators. All of these cults have or had the highest possible offices, connections and old boy networks." NIETZSCHE TOO? I can show that in Canada the Family Compact flat-out stated it would do no good to make people capable of participating in government or knowing what is really going down. NO Good - for the Family Compact that is! This is all because some elites (unlike Nietzsche and Carlyle) believe in a ONE PIE competitive, dog-eat-dog, power system of the Platonic hierarchy. But the truth is we can have an earth with 10,000,000,000 millionaires and no destructive ecological predation! Will I be able to prove his break with Wagner had to do with his disgust at the manipulation of the Illuminati? Probably not. But he was institutionalized and that is one way they deal with threats to their schemes. The experts say his illness was not genetic or related to the soft brain problem of his father and whatever he had can be given to a person in a variety of ways including remotely. You will see another Wagner associate had such a demon as did Hitler. It is no easy matter to de-construct Nietzsche but with some help I must try. It would appear logical to me, that ancestor worship was a very early root to many forms of divination and spiritual attunement. When do you think man first grieved? Until recently some of our great 'thinkers' (should I say 'stinkers'?) felt man was an animal and no animal could communicate, have a soul, or grieve. That, of course, is more than simple nonsense. The first man was able to develop a close spiritual relationship with his departed and loved ones through the skull and bones of the departed. The ecstatic altered state of the meditation upon the skull or body of a loved one would cause meditative and psychic events to happen and images to come to mind. The images soon became things that people shared and developed means of communicating about. If they didn't have ESP then certainly it was a very long time ago that language started. Signs with hands and mouths or other aids would assist the intuitive compassion people feel for each other. In many ways we have lost our closeness with one another. It is highly probable that Australopithecines and other common threats led to early socialization and tribes. The high concentration of skeletons in the Olduvai Gorge is one example of a defensible (rock- rolling) area where this certainly occurred. The ability to communicate with the spirit world is not 'occult' and/or weird. The time of Jesus saw it as a 'normal' thing. Thus when Paul or Peter see Jesus that would not have made as big an impression as people today might think. However, this picture of humanity is seldom if ever presented, even as an option. We now know of at least 6 million years from the time we diverged from the ape and it is entirely possible that we were a 'quantum leap' in evolution that had no precursors. Johanson won't engage in evolutionary trees (he discovered 'Lucy'.) and agrees it could well be nine million years of hominids that have walked the face of this earth. That was before the Mungo Man DNA research hit the airwaves in 2002. Now the field is open to speculation. Mystics have spoken about 12,000,000 year old man for a long time. When we were still harboring the academic illusion that said we had been here one tenth that time; a lot of

62 the anthropological and other sciences developed numerous theories that must now be drastically changed. Some day we may learn the evolution of spirit guides and the multitude of variations of conscious energy that String Theory says is part of the one dimensional harmonic force that makes all matter. Some day we may trust our instincts and listen to our soul. We are still struggling with the meaning of these images that Jung (and the Human Genome Project seems in agreement with) called archetypes. In fact all pedantry and philosophy is far less certain or valid than the 'experts' like us to believe. Here is the professorial work of Dave Robinson who wrote Nietzsche to illustrate some of the point we hope is becoming clearer. "STRUCTURALISTS Various philosophers, linguists, anthropologists and psychologists, all conveniently called 'structuralists', proceeded to investigate these complex sign systems in order to discover what they revealed about human culture, and human ways of perceiving and thinking about the world. The systems were often thought to be 'binary', generating meanings by contrasting perceived 'opposites' like 'Reason' and 'Passion', 'Male' and 'Female', 'Nature' and 'Culture', and so on. Although these systems arent at all preordained or 'natural', structuralists originally thought they were relatively stable. {And thus began a paradigm shift away from 'thinking' and towards 'fitting'.} DERRIDA AND DECONSTRUCTION This structuralist account of how stable meanings emerge from organised signs was challenged, most famously, by Jacques Derrida (b. 1930). He pursued the insights of Saussure to their destructive conclusions. If signs are 'arbitrary', then their meanings cannot possibly be fixed, and will always be inherently unstable. Derrida is a subversive anti-philosopher whose 'deconstructive' readings of other philosophers reveal semantic instabilities. Derrida doesn't engage in arguments with philosophers, but re-reads their texts to reveal that their inconstant language can never have one set of meanings. Deconstruction shows that any collection of linguistic signs can always produce different sorts of meanings, many of which may be wholly unintentional. All writers, even the most careful and 'objective', are unconscious prisoners of the sign systems that constitute their thoughts, and will inevitably leave traces of this in their work. Creative re-readings of any text will reveal how some ideas signified by any binary system are 'privileged' over others. If it is correct to say that meaning is generated by difference, then some differences will be given priority over others, whose meanings are 'deferred'. Meanings are inherently unstable, and so will inevitably 'slip' when exchanged. There can be no 'presence' of stable meaning when communication takes place between writer and reader, speaker and listener. So Derrida subverts any claims a philosopher might make about permanent truths somehow lying outside or beyond language. Derrida's conclusion is that language is always 'metaphorical' in the uniquely Nietzschean sense. This has several serious implications. One is that philosophers {And 'experts' of over-professionalized mechanistic prejudices.} cannot go 'beyond' language to reach some kind of objective 'truth' that lies beyond their own immediate local history and culture. A text can never have one single meaning. Language can never penetrate the inner meaning or pin down the 'essences' of concepts like 'truth' or 'knowledge'. The belief that it can do this is usually known as 'essentialism'. Even more radically, Derrida's conclusion means that the fundamental human belief in identity - that A can and always

63 will be A - is no longer guaranteed. Like Nietzsche, Derrida is a great advocate of transition and transformation, and critical of the belief that language can somehow prevent change and fix ideas, a belief he calls 'logocentricity'. {Does this mean 'purpose'identified then projected to formulate social norms and manipulate behavior?} The conviction that language can generate stable and 'total' certainties is dangerous as well as misguided. Language can only be made to do this by repressing alternative readings or by excluding whatever is considered to be 'other'. In practice, this has usually meant the establishment of hegemonies that marginalise all those whose values and beliefs don't conform to some limited and contingent world view. Postmodernists like Derrida celebrate difference, diversity and the marginal, those things that flourish in a pluralist and tolerant democracy. (4) The 'experts' like Wiseman of Archaeology magazine decry the speculative ignorance of the postmodern people who actually have the nerve to challenge the 'hegemony'. The doctors who eschew honest talk about the uncertain prognosis in favour of definite diagnosis are not enthralled that clients wish to become informed consumers. The Theological pressures against authoritarianism are well underway and 'sins and demons' no longer rule the hearts and minds of most people. Still Nietzsche is a close associate in something other than the sense inherent in the common man, and like Hegel and Machiavelli appeals to base urges like power for the elite. Hopefully this lack of genuine purpose is not a product of 'Intelligent Design' or god. Nonetheless Machiavelli made it absolutely straightforward that he felt appeals to the basest of human urges was the way for power to be best garnered and maintained. Fukayama is another Hegelian who consults with the highest decision-makers after his recent move up from the US Government to a 'think-tank'! (?) Did the advent of language separate us from the meridians of energy that interconnected us or have we simply allowed it to atrophy due to early life parenting and programming? Will people ever start to think more with their own mind, body and soul or are we doomed to be 'food for thought' rather than 'feed our thought'? When do you think Derrida's ideas would be best learned? After decades of indoctrination or before learning to dump 'black and white' answers in parrot-like efficiency. This professor correctly states one of our main themes in trying to apply positive knowledge; and it deserves repetition and Capitalization: "IN PRACTICE, THIS HAS USUALLY MEANT THE ESTABLISHMENT OF HEGEMONIES THAT MARGINALISE ALL THOSE WHOSE VALUES AND BELIEFS DONT CONFORM TO SOME LIMITED AND CONTINGENT WORLD VIEW." (5) We suggest that most people who know where their 'bread is buttered' are using a different kind of common sense than what is best for all of humanity. The creative and productive application of resources would make the rich richer and the poor what they are, would only exist in the history books which would tell the unbelievable nature of what we have been doing to each other. We are not willing to salute this 'contingent world view' and we hope the pigs lined up at the elitist trough of Malthusian 'one pie' stupidity soon awake from their narcissistic or narcotic-induced state. I Confess: Of all the various things or names I have been called that are intended to hurt or be negative, there is one which I confess I may suffer to some degree. Many people have

64 commented that I would be or should be a good politician, priest or lawyer. They were usually being kind, they thought. The common thing about those who would take responsibility for the society they live in is a degree of megalomania and I certainly have that kind of intellectual and spiritual confidence. In fact I can be a good con man. I can modulate my voice to affect mesmeric influence and heal or relax the listener. I could do these things as a pre-teen even before study of any esoteric techniques. I have enjoyed spinning a yarn or telling a tale and there were periods of my life when I considered singing or entertaining as a career. I was offered my own radio show on what is called the paranormal when I was not yet twenty-four years old. At that time I was truly a golden boy in many respects. All the things I desired were thrown my way in ever-increasing number and force. I turned down that radio offer because of my sense of loyalty to my family and business which took another three years to become really profitable to the extent that I was a millionaire when being a millionaire or spending $300,000 dollars in a year on personal enjoyment really meant something. The Canadian dollar was more valued than the US dollar at that time. Throughout my twenties I was having to address why women found me attractive and avoiding those who were after something I chose not to share was sometimes hard. I usually prefer to have only one love interest at a time. This aspect of life has become easier for me as I grew older and it was not a matter of me owning a business or having money though some women were interested in those things. In fact the less I chased women the more women were interested in me. It was very important to me and unreasonably so. Having the best blond on arm was a problem in my psyche and I learned to laugh at my own stupidity about this although I confess I still enjoy aesthetic beauty of a particular sort. It does not require blond hair that is just a semi-joke. This is not what I choose to confess here in a book on Demonology. What I do wish to convey is my own personal experience at the age of nineteen when I made a ritual and fasted to bring forth whatever powers might be. I've thought about which particular powers or forces and bodies were at work and what part some higher conscious entity (such as the Tribunal or Council) might have had in bringing these kinds of occurrences into my life. Many mystics and psychics have told me that my purpose or job in this 'go around' is to prepare (in conjunction with others) the coming civilization of spirituallyfocused people. That is an onerous responsibility and I have only recently taken it seriously. That of course, makes the writing of these things important even if only as a way of creating the 'template' and integrating thought as a part of the 'World Mind'. Wow! Maybe Jung was right to doubt his sanity and maybe I should give it more serious consideration you might say?! You would not be alone if you said just that, I assure you. But much like what Malcolm Muggeridge said when he commented on society and our drugging and materially-focused paradigm - Jesus would be in a jail or a mental institution if he were alive today. Yes, the 'experts' may call me a witch while I do say I have followed the life of Jesus and studied as he did, with discipline and open heart. You can decide whether 'witches' are the only ones who actually seek all the truth available and try to live with 'Right Thought'. For myself I can think of many labels and beliefs which have such aspirations and I find merit in many who don't even aspire so high or with that level of meaning. To call me a witch and refuse to consider seriously the message of the mystics in all faiths and sciences is ultimately a fool's game. Socrates or some other ancient Greek alchemist said: 'A fool thinks he is a wise man; a wise man

65 knows he is a fool!' Each door we open to learn more of the real nature of nature leads to many more doors. So what is this Tribunal or Council? What commitment did I have to make? Was it as serious as letting the Devil take my soul, which is seen in the tale of Daniel Webster? Yes, I had to be willing to give my soul to whatever forces or powers might be, in order to get all the answers and things that came my way in the next seven years. Perhaps I should jump ahead a little to the last time when I was making another such deal with the Tribunal at the age of forty-five. I have made three such deals and I have fought to avoid the part I must play in the deal, a lot. I had gone to a psychic fair the summer before. While we were there I had an astral or Kirlian body photograph taken. The reader of the photos began to tell me my situation even before the photo was developed. He said he had the same experience with the Tribunal except he called it a Council. Apparently my nearly total white color in my aura is highly spiritual. He said I was one of the people who must prepare the coming civilization and that my fight against the purpose would not work. He had tried and failed in his fight to get free of the responsibility. He went so far as to try to commit suicide in a dramatic manner that certainly should have worked. It was a conversation I had heard parts of from many people before but here was written proof of how to interpret something that was definitely me. Other people's photos were very different. Before you jump to any conclusions - KNOW THIS! I did not want this task, and it is very much like banging one's head against a wall. I would rather move on to the next dimension. I wish my situation or how I had come upon it, was different from time to time. But, my life has been full and rewarding, the challenges and pleasures have filled my cup to overflowing. It has been an awesome and grand experience without a moment of depression to the level of all so many people. It especially pains me to see people wearing the game face of ego, while denying the beauty of their soul. "'My dear brothers,' Urgaya continued in a serious tone, 'as you know, light cannot exist without darkness and truth cannot exist without falsehood. According to the universal laws, the negative principle thus has the same right to exist as does the positive principle. Due to the development of science, the negative principle will gain great power over the peoples of the earth in the near future. Therefore, with the positive principle behind you, it will be your primary task to spread love and fraternity among humankind. While thus engaged, you must of course continue to observe the laws of karma, for good and evil alike are necessary for the unrestrained evolution of the human spirit.(6) If you think about what I have said about my struggle to avoid my purpose, you will see I have had to learn through experience. This builds depth of understanding to allow the triumph of good over bad to have greater chances of winning. Thus when each person joins the 'Brothers of Light' in attempting to harmonize their own negative principles a great step forward is taken for all mankind. It is also necessary to face these issues and not simply wish them away. To that end people like Crowley come to help people do the things their ego must face before their karma overcomes and transforms the energy of the negative into a balanced harmony. I have decided not to go into what I did to achieve this communion it is not particularly relevant or unusual. What I saw was not clear and involved many shadowy figures of more than mere human form. I could say it was representations of all nature and there was at least one tree. The feeling of being judged or probed was there and I made known why and what was of interest to me each time I

66 did this. I do not know that I will ever do it again or if I any longer need to do it. Certainly now that I no longer fight it and I am doing the work they wanted from me I can only imagine telling them thanks! The quote within the above is from the biography of Franz Bardon. His story-teller says he was already alive and a teenager when his spirit or soul was entered by such a 'Brother of Light'. I do not believe that. You might, according to what some say they believe. I believe work and discipline are part of each person's necessary path in life and time (even thirteen years) is but a blink of the eye in terms of the immortal and collective multi-dimensional soul. Thus each soul should experience the full physicality of this life. Now it is said that Ascended Masters such as Bardon claims to be can just materialize in whatever form or body they have been in earlier lives - this is more believable and it would fit with what you might be thinking too. But it appears (see Vivekananda or Mahiri Sarman [!] Lahasy) that such things are for short messages or periods of time. The Rosicrucian Baron and Buddhist or Eastern mystic who gave me the book or bio of Bardon for free is a used bookstore owner who I had met briefly near the start of my commitment to writing the books I hope will help the paradigm change. He thought that I was searching for answers and I had not spoken with him much at all. When I later delivered him the first draft of my book Hitler vs. Frabato and 'The Charm of Making' he was somewhat surprised but even more surprised he was after reading it. His response was refreshingly honest and did not seek to get me to join his group as I think might have been his first thought when he gave me the book. He said I (my life) made Bardon more believable. He also is from Switzerland originally and he told me he had the design of the tepaphone which he said I was right to suggest came from the ancient use of quartz and copper in such things as the sceptres of the Druids or the staff of Moses. In addition to that, he noted that the Freemasonic Order of the Golden Centurion written about in the Bardon biography that has a demon in each of the one hundred worldwide groups is like Gellis P2 group that included many world leaders. The Catholic Encyclopedia ON DEMONOLOGY: As the name sufficiently indicates, demonology is the science or doctrine concerning demons. Both in its form and in its meaning it has an obvious analogy with theology, which is the science or doctrine about God. And with reference to the many false and dangerous forms of this demonic science we may fitly adapt the well-known words of Albertus Magnus {A Dominican Bishop and alchemist of note.} on the subject of theology and say of demonology, A daemonibus docetur, de daemonibus docet, et ad daemones ducit ("It is taught by the demons, it teaches about the demons, and it leads to the demons"). For very much of the literature that comes under this head of demonology is tainted with errors that may well owe their origin to the father of falsehood, and much of it again, especially those portions which have a practical purpose (what may be called the ascetical and mystical demonology) is designed to lead men to give themselves to the service of Satan. There is, of course, a true doctrine about demons or evil spirits, namely, that portion of Catholic theology which treats of the creation and fall of the rebel angels, and of the various ways in which these fallen spirits are permitted to tempt and afflict the children of men. But for the most part these questions will be dealt with elsewhere in this work. Here, on the contrary, our chief concern is with the various ethnic, Jewish, and heretical

67 systems of demonology. These systems are so many that it will be out of the question to deal with them all or to set forth their doctrines with completeness. And indeed a full treatment of these strange doctrines of demons might well seem somewhat out of place in these pages. It will be enough to give some indication of the main features of a few of the more important systems in various lands and in distant ages. This may enable the reader to appreciate the important part played by these ideas in the course of human history and their influence on the religion and morals and social life of the people. At the same time some attempt may be made to distinguish the scattered elements of truth which may still be found in this vast fabric of falsehood -- truths of natural religion, recorded experience of actual facts, even perhaps remnants of revealed teaching that come from the Jewish and Christian Scriptures or from primitive tradition. This point has some importance at the present day, when the real or apparent agreement between heathen legend and Christian theology is so often made a ground of objection against the truth of revealed religion. Perhaps the first fact that strikes one who approaches the study of this subject is the astonishing universality and antiquity of demonology, of some belief in the existence of demons or evil spirits, and of a consequent recourse to incantations or other magical practices. There are some things which flourished in the past and have long since disappeared from the face of the earth; and there are others whose recorded origin may be traced in comparatively modern times, and it is no surprise to find that they are still flourishing. There are beliefs and practices, again, which seem to be confined to certain lands and races of men, or to some particular stage of social culture. But there is something which belongs at once to the old world and the new, and is found flourishing among the most widely different races, and seems to be equally congenial to the wild habits of savages and the refinements of classical or modern culture. Its antiquity may be seen not only from the evidence of ancient monuments, but from the fact that a yet more remote past is still present with us in the races which remain, as one may say, in the primitive and prehistoric condition. And even amid these rude races, apparently innocent of all that savours of science and culture, we may find a belief in evil spirits, and some attempts to propitiate them and avert their wrath, or maybe to secure their favour and assistance. This belief in spirits, both good and evil, is commonly associated with one or other of two widespread and primitive forms of religious worship -- and accordingly some modern folklorists and mythologists are led to ascribe its origin either to the personification of the forces of nature -- in which many have found a "key to all the mythologies" -- or else to Animism, or a belief in the powerful activity of the souls of the dead, who were therefore invoked and worshipped. On this last theory all spirits were at first conceived of as being the souls of dead men, and from this aboriginal Animism there were gradually developed the various elaborate systems of mythology, demonology, and angelology. But here it is well to distinguish between the facts themselves and the theory devised for their interpretation. It is a fact that these rude forms of worship are found among primitive peoples. But the manner in which they began and the motives of the first prehistoric worshippers are and must remain matters of conjecture. In the same way, with regard to the later phases, it is a fact that these primitive beliefs and practices have some features in common with later and more elaborate ethnic systems -- e.g. the Iranian demonology of the Avesta -- and these again have many points which find some counterpart in the pages of Scripture and Catholic theology; but it by no means follows

68 from these facts that these facile theories are right as to the nature of the connection between these various ethnic and Christian systems. And a further consideration of the subject may serve to show that it may be explained in another and more satisfactory manner. (7) An institution that has concubinage and celibacy co-existing for many centuries can not be trusted I propose. They created fear of demons just as they made women concubines or Scarlet Women for rituals and far more obscene things I care not to reiterate. The celibacy issue had nothing to do with spiritual force attunement even though it can. It had to do with making any assets of the priests and bishops become the property of the church because their employees (priests) could have no legal heir. There are many similar examples in their dogma and you can see them talking out of both sides of every orifice all the time.

69 CHAPTER FIVE: The Vienna Connection: Reichean Orgone Energy: Wilhelm Reich was one of the special students in the Vienna of Freud and St. Germain that brought humanity the alchemical insights of Silberer and Jung to make many interesting new approaches seem all the more valid. New York University hosted the second in a series of Film Symposia featuring the groundbreaking documentary film about medical orgone therapy, Room for Happiness. The event took place in February 2004 at NYUs campus in Manhattan and was attended by people from varied walks of life, from college students just discovering orgonomy to medical professionals interested in increasing their understanding of the subject matter. Participants reported that the lecture and following panel discussion were Outstanding, and The best Ive ever heard. Comments about the film include Fascinating, I couldnt take my eyes of the screen, The best introduction to medical orgone therapy, and moving and uplifting. Recent events have focused the attention of the world on Terrorism and how to understand this unprecedented attack on freedom. One branch of Orgonomy has focused on the social realm of Human functioning and has been elaborating these fundamental insights of Wilhelm Reich. (1) These energies and dimensions that surround and maintain all life and matter are connected. Too hot for Norway, Reich relocated to America and set up his Orgonon labs in Rangeley, Maine. Orgone, he declared, was everywhere - its flow the pulse of life. To harness it, Reich developed the Orgone Energy Accumulator (Orac), a box alternating organic and inorganic layers that, he theorised, would contain and amplify beneficial orgone energy. After experimentation, he stated that orgone therapy could reduce the size of cancerous tumours and relieve pain in sufferers. Countering this was Reich's discovery of anti-orgone or Deadly Orgone Radiation, produced by atomic testing (and, he later believed, UFOs). Reich developed the Cloudbuster to extract DOR from the atmosphere. It was also said to create rain and snow. { Which I suggest has something to do with the Roswell event and the government saying it was just weather balloons and top secret studies relating to their manipulation of the weather as a weapon.} When rumours spread that Orgonon housed a sex cult, the US food and drug administration grew interested. Allegations that Reich claimed to be able to cure cancer with Oracs - a claim he never made - lead to a court summons, which he unwisely ignored, and an order to stop distributing them. (2) ST. GERMAIN: In the following piece from the World Wide Web we have the likely confirmation of the Hesse and Royals interests in alchemy. The esoteric studies of the Rothschilds who were associated with the Hessians at that very castle St. Germain may have left this earthly plane. In other sources one can find a well-documented story of his making (precipitation) jewels. I am a believer in the theory that he had a Stone and the Elixir can

70 alter the telomeres just as we are becoming able to do today but I am not a believer that he lived as long as some would have us believe. We also see he was a man entrusted with the secret network of spies so often found in Templar to Rothschild and the present Illuminized groups like Yales Skull & Bones. But you must make your own mind up as to whether he and Hugo (another hermetic alchemist who headed the Priory of Sion) are just like Hoffet, Saunire and Plantard or Prince Bernard. You can see these people enjoy keeping secrets and the Hapsburg or Austrian Emperors are always connected to all of them. In fact I have good reason to know the Hapsburgs are related to the Rothschilds too. Many average, reasonable men can conceive wisdom only under the boring form of a sermon and think of the sage only in the semblance of a clergyman. For such men prudery, hypocrisy, and the most abject enslavement to ritual habit and prejudice must be the everyday virtues. When therefore it happens that a genuine sage, by way of amusing himself, mystifies his contemporaries, follows a woman, or lightheartedly raises his glass, he is condemned eternally by the army of short-sighted people whose judgment forms posterity. That is what happened in the case of the Comte de Saint-Germain. He had a love of jewels in an extreme form, and he ostentatiously showed off those he possessed. He kept a great quantity of them in a casket, which he carried about everywhere with him. The importance he attached to jewels was so great that in the pictures painted by him, which were in themselves remarkable, the figures were covered with jewels; and his colors were so vivid and strange that faces looked pale and insignificant by contrast. Jewels cast their reflection on him and threw a distorting light on the whole of his life. His contemporaries did not forgive him this weakness. Nor did they forgive him for keeping for an entire century the physical appearance of a man of between forty and fifty years old. Apparently a man cannot be taken seriously if he does not conform strictly to the laws of nature, and he was called a charlatan because he possessed a secret which allowed him to prolong his life beyond known human limits. His Lifestyle Saint-Germain seems also to have been free personally from the solemnity in which men of religion and philosophers wrap themselves. He enjoyed and sought the company of the pretty women of his day. Though he never ate any food in public, he liked dining out because of the people he met and the conversation he heard. He was an aristocrat who lived with princes and even with kings almost on a footing of an equal. He gave recipes for removing wrinkles and dyeing hair. He had an immense stock of amusing stories with which he regaled society. It appears from the memoirs of Baron von Gleichen that when Saint-Germain was in Paris he became the lover of Mademoiselle Lambert, daughter of the Chevalier Lambert, who lived in the house in which he lodged. And it appears from Grosley's memoirs that in Holland he became the lover of a woman as rich and mysterious as himself. At first sight all this is incompatible with the high mission with which he was invested, with the part he played in the Hermetic societies of Germany and France. But the contradiction is perhaps only apparent. His outward appearance of a man of the world was necessary in the first place for the purposes of the secret diplomacy in which Louis XV often employed him. Moreover, we often have an erroneous conception of the activities of a master. The possession of an opal of monstrous size, of a white sapphire as

71 big as an egg, of the treasures of Aladdin's lamp, is a harmless pleasure if these treasures have been inherited or have been made through the help of miraculous knowledge. It is no great eccentricity in a man to pull down his cuffs in order to show the sparkle of the rubies in his links. And if Mademoiselle Lambert had the ideas of her time on the subject of gallantry, the Comte de Saint-Germain can hardly be reproached for lingering one night in her room in order to open in her presence the mysterious jewelcasket and invite her to choose one of those diamonds that were the admiration of Madam de Pompadour. For pleasure in life drags a man down only when it is carried to excess. It may be that there exists a way by which a man may attain the highest spirituality and yet keep this pleasure. Moreover, on a certain plane, the chain of the senses no longer exists and kisses cease to burn; a man can no longer harm either himself or others by virtue of the power that the transformation has wrought in him. A Man Who Never Dies A man who knows everything and who never dies, said Voltaire {Another alchemist or hermeticist.}of the Comte de Saint-Germain. He might have added that he was a man whose origin was unknown and who disappeared without leaving a trace. In vain his contemporaries tried to penetrate the mystery, and in vain the chiefs of police and the ministers of the various countries whose inhabitants he puzzled, flattered themselves that they had solved the riddle of his birth. Louis XV must have known who he was, for he extended to him a friendship that aroused the jealousy of his court. He allotted him rooms in the Chateau of Chambord. He shut himself up with Saint-Germain and Madam de Pompadour for whole evenings; and the pleasure he derived from his conversation and the admiration he no doubt felt for the range of his knowledge cannot explain the consideration, almost the deference, he had for him. Madam du Housset says in her memoirs that the king spoke of Saint-Germain as a personage of illustrious birth. Count Charles of Hesse Cassel, with whom he lived during the last years in which history is able to follow his career, must also have possessed the secret of his birth. He worked at alchemy with him, and Saint-Germain treated him as an equal. It was to him that Saint-Germain entrusted his papers just before his supposed death in 1784. However, neither Louis XV nor the Count of Hesse Cassel ever revealed anything about the birth of Saint-Germain. The count even went so far as invariably to withhold the smallest detail bearing on the life of his mysterious friend. This is a very remarkable fact, since Saint-Germain was an extremely well known figure. In those days, when the aristocracy immersed itself in the occult sciences, secret societies and magic, this man, who was said to possess the elixir of life and to be able to make gold at will, was the subject of interminable talk. An inner force that is irresistibly strong compels men to talk. It makes no difference whether a man is a king or a count; all alike are subject to this force, and increasingly subject to it in proportion as they spend their time with women. For Louis XV and the count to have held out against the curiosity of beloved mistresses we must presume in them either a strength of mind that they certainly did not possess or else some imperious motive which we cannot determine. His Origins The commonest hypothesis about his birth is that Saint-Germain was the natural son of the widow of Charles II of Spain and a certain Comte (Count) Adanero, whom she knew at Bayonne. This Spanish queen was Marie de Neubourg, whom Victor Hugo took as the heroine of his Ruy Blas. Those who disliked Saint-Germain said that he was the

72 son of a Portuguese Jew named Aymar, while those who hated him said, in the effort to add to his discredit, that he was the son of an Alsatian Jew named Wolff. Fairly recently a new genealogy of Saint-Germain has been put forward, which seems the most probable of all. It is the work of the theosophists and Annie Besant, who has frequently made the statement that the Comte de Saint-Germain was one of the sons of Francis Racoczi II, Prince of Transylvania. The children of Francis Racoczi were brought up by the Emperor of Austria, but one of them was withdrawn from his guardianship. The story was put about that he was dead, but actually he was given into the charge of the last descendant of the Medici family, who brought him up in Italy. He took the name of Saint-Germain from the little town of San Germano, where he had spent some years during his childhood and where his father had estates. This would give an air of probability to the memories of southern lands and sunny palaces which Saint-Germain liked to call up as the setting of his childhood. And it would help to account for the consideration that Louis XV showed him. The impenetrable silence kept by him and by those to whom he entrusted his secret would in this event be due to fear of the Emperor of Austria and possible vengeance on his part. The belief that Saint-Germain and the descendant of the Racoczis are one and the same is firmly held by many people, who regard him as a genuine adept and even think he may still be living. The Comte de Saint-Germain was a man "of middle height, strongly built, and dressed with superb simplicity." He spoke with an entire lack of ceremony to the most highly placed personages and was fully conscious of his superiority. Said Gleichen of the first time he met Saint-Germain: He threw down his hat and sword, sat down in an armchair near the fire and interrupted the conversation by saying to the man who was speaking: 'You do not know what you are saying! I am the only person who is competent to speak on this subject, and I have exhausted it. It was the same with music, which I gave up when I found I had no more to learn.' Indeed, many people who heard him play the violin said of him that he equaled or even surpassed the greatest virtuosos of the period, and he seems to have justified his remark that he had reached the extreme limit possible in the art of music. Saint-Germain was also an accomplished artist. One day he took Gleichen to his house and said to him: I am pleased with you, and you have earned my showing you a few paintings of mine. And he very effectively kept his word, said Gleichen, for the paintings he showed me all bore a stamp of singularity or perfection which made them more interesting than many works of art of the highest order. However, he seems not to have excelled as a poet. There survive of his an indifferent sonnet and a letter addressed to Marie Antoinette (quoted by the Comtesse d'Adhemar) that contains predictions in doggerel verse. At the request of Madam de Pompadour he also wrote a rather poor outline of a comedy. The Alchemist By far the greatest obvious talents of the Comte de Saint-Germain were connected with his knowledge of alchemy. Yet if Saint-Germain he knew how to make gold, he was wise enough to say nothing about it. Nothing but the possession of this secret could perhaps account for the enormous wealth at his command, though he was not known to have money on deposit at any banker's. What he does seem to have admitted, at least ambiguously, is that he could make a big diamond out of several small stones. The diamonds that he wore in his shoes and garters were believed to be worth more than

73 200,000 francs. He asserted also that he could increase the size of pearls at will, and some of the pearls in his possession certainly were of astonishing size. If all that he said on this subject was mere bragging, it was expensive, for he supported it by magnificent gifts. Madam du Hausset tells us that one day when he was showing the queen some jewels in her presence, she commented on the beauty of a cross of white and green stones. Saint-Germain nonchalantly made her a present of it. Madam du Hausset refused, but the queen, thinking the stones were false, signed to her that she might accept. Madam du Hausset subsequently had the stones valued, and they turned out to be genuine and extremely valuable. His Amazing Youthfulness But the feature in Saint-Germain's personage that is hardest to believe is his astounding longevity. The musician Rameau and Madam de Gergy (with the latter of whom, according to the memoirs of Casanova, he was still dining about 1775) both assert that they met him at Venice in 1710, under the name of the Marquis de Montferrat. Both of them agree that he then had the appearance of a man of between forty and fifty years old. If their recollection is accurate this evidence destroys the hypotheses according to which Saint-Germain was the son of Marie de Neubourg or the son of Francis Racoczi II, for if he had been, he would not have been more than about twenty in 1710. Later, Madam de Gergy told Madam de Pompadour that she had received from Saint-Germain at Venice an elixir that enabled her to preserve, for a long time and without the smallest change, the appearance of a woman of twenty-five. A gift as precious as this could not be forgotten! It is also true, however, that Saint-Germain, when questioned by Madam de Pompadour on the subject of his meeting with Madam de Gergy fifty years earlier and of the marvelous elixir he was supposed to have given to her, replied with a smile: "It is not impossible; but I confess it is likely that this lady, for whom I have the greatest respect, is talking nonsense. (3) John von Neumann: What St. Germain and Count Rumford were to the 18th and 19th Centuries we might think John von Neumann was in the 20th Century. Some will tell you von Neumann did not die or is traveling in time. He certainly was a brilliant man with all the right connections in science and possibly elsewhere. I continue seeking more about this man and his father who I suspect taught Hitler a thing or three when he (Hitler) was studiously becoming adept in Vienna while others like Jung were learning their craft there too. The epilogue mentions some of the concerns and reasons for my interest in this man. CARL JUNG: There are many who I learn from and the things I learn are never more important than what the spirit teaches. To find people like Jung who explain the mind and spirit is a rare treat. He eschewed the reductivist urge (nichts als) to make all things seem black and white and certain. Carl Gustav Jung was more than Freud and all Freuds fears. Yet society wished to promote Freud and his purely mechanical or materialistic view of dreams. After all we couldn't allow the 'people' to return to spirituality and the kind of thing that was happening after religions were no longer able to Inquisite or destroy knowledge and people. But through the fads and cycles of psychoanalysis - JUNG stands above them all. Genetics now confirms there is a History Book in our genes. I ask you to read this little

74 excerpt from Jung and perhaps someday check his forward to the Tibetan Book of the Dead which along with the Iliad were his bedside companions for decades. I know visions are real and Jung once was nave enough to think his were signs of a failing mind before confirmation of his visions in the form of the first War to end all war came along. The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the psyche, opening into that cosmic night which was psyche long before there was any egoconsciousness, and which will remain psyche no matter how far our ego-consciousness may extend ... All consciousness separates; but in dreams we put on the likeness of that more universal, truer, more eternal man dwelling in the darkness of primordial night. There he is still the whole, and the whole is in him, indistinguishable from nature and bare of all egohood. Out of these all-uniting depths arises the dream, be it never so childish, grotesque and immoral." - Jung in Civilization in Transition. An Exorcism I Was Involved In: While working at Ed Martin Olds I made friends with a man my age named Bill Crawford. Bill took a month of observing me before he allowed I might be a sincere person. Discussions about psychic things had to be done in private due to a lay minister by the name of Herman Benge who was the top salesman, and who liked to hold forth on the Bible and Jesus. During one of Herman's sermons he said something that I couldn't stomach. I succinctly suggested that he wasn't living the life of Jesus and hadn't done any scholarly work to understand the origins of the Bible and the intent of the power mongers who wrote it. I said a little about the Holy Trinity being known in 'The Triune Nature of Man' from much more ancient times as well as the Macho domination of the current Christian attitudes or 'war on women'. The import of the soul and its' 'connectiveness' that makes it impossible for any one man to authoritatively speak FOR god seemed to appeal to Bill a great deal. God is more than anyone man or even all of mankind collectively can understand in this physically oriented frame of reference and Herman was subject to needing answers or egoistic anthropomorphism. Bill made it clear that he agreed without jeopardizing his relationship with Herman. Herman took it very well and never seemed to hold a grudge as many Christians I have known often do. Another man who worked with us at this car dealership started to come to my office away from the other people and share many psychic things. His name was Tom Bellamy and he had been through by-pass surgery (Co-enzyme Q-10 reduces the need for such surgery substantially.) a couple of years before I met him. While under the surgeon's knife he experienced an Out of Body Experience or OOBE and had seen the white light. His experiences 'fit' with the work of Moody and Kubler-Ross who Sherry and I saw at the Shrine Auditorium as moderated by Father Justin. Part of Tom's rehabilitation after the operation had included bio-feedback therapy. This therapy mimics part of the attunements of Yoga and led to him being able to sense many things of a psychic nature that were at odds with his prior beliefs. Many of the things I spoke about resonated in his soul and he was also a knowledgeable numerologist. As a leader in his Catholic Church community and because his wife would consider no things related to spiritism he was limited in expressing or using these things in his life. He only spoke about these things with me at first and was even hesitant to talk to Bill in depth. He was a conservative man through years of having grown up in a religiously oppressive system but there is much wisdom in this concern for open discussion about

75 spirits and the like, as we all know. The spirit of the Inquisitions is, after all is said and done 'still afoot' as another paranormal buff by the name of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was fond of saying. Toms' wife was suffering from some unknown neurological ailment. A total of $250,000 had been spent trying to figure it out when we first began to talk about it. He had taken her to the Mayo Clinic and McGill University in Montreal. All the local 'experts' were befuddled and had no clue. The discussions of 'psychosomatic origins' are often just ways of avoiding real explanations by blaming the person for what the practitioners refuse to admit they have little or no knowledge about. I listened to the stories of how X-rays and other techniques found no causes yet everyone agreed there was a problem. Suggestions of alternative ways to cure and solve the problem went nowhere. His wife would have nothing to do with spiritual 'healers' or other 'heresy'. I told Tom about the correlation of the psychic points chart and acupuncture charts and a point on the upper arm where they met. He touched her there one night and her body rigidly swung in that direction. He touched her on the other arm in the same spot and it caused her to return to normal. We had discussed some possibilities relating to her relationship with her father before he died. I told him that I thought her father was 'possessing' her from the grave, as those who seek to breed fear say. He had a hard time dealing with this but did not reject the possibility completely. Tom did not know what to do. We continued to talk for over three months after this event and he saw no other possibility as her condition continued to worsen. His wife had a sister who had become a 'black sheep' due to some things she said about the father and his abuse. She had some experience with witchcraft and seemed to agree with me as Tom reported back to me. His wife was on her death bed in the hospital and had been given the 'last rites'. There were doctors and nurses as well as the Monsignor and other family members in attendance. Tom had discussed my theory with the black sheep' sister and they told the other family members to join hands sance style, in a circle with their loved one in the center holding her hands on either side of the bed. The authorities watched as the sister was thrown out of this circle to the wall and almost out the window. Tom's wife came to consciousness immediately at this juncture. I told Tom this was the point where the fathers' soul was freed from the limbo state or purgatory and able to freely pursue its' soulful purpose, when I heard what had occurred. His wife was immediately better and he brought her to meet me two days later or so. I was not allowed to talk to her about what had actually occurred. Tom spoke about our exorcism with his psychologist who had witnessed the event and his psychologist or psychiatrist said there was no better explanation. The Monsignor was not so inclined to say the least. He said THEY (The Catholic church) were the only ones who could perform an exorcism. The cardinal or bishop level exorcists who inculcate the victims with dogma and fearful or hallucinatory visions have the audacity to state they are the only ones who can deal with the nature of the spiritual world. This provides an interesting insight to the way they operate in all their doctrines and dogmatic control of their 'flock'. When I was working at Tom Wood Pontiac for a year there was a contest put out by Mazda that enabled two or three RX-7's to be won by the national salesforce. Each one would occur at least a month apart and I told the other salespeople that I would win the first one, because I was a GOOD person. I never took advantage of anyone and refused to

76 use any other devices of salesmanship to screw people I sold cars to. I explained the nature of INTENT and RIGHT THOUGHT that is 'connected' and guess what? I won the car! Shortly after that I went to work with John and Swan due to the fact that there were entirely too many people in Indiana who had their eyes closed and minds shut. California was where I wanted to live. Sherry and I were having our 'fun' again and our relationship was better than ever. Still I knew I had to find my 'bliss' and a higher purpose. Bill hired a limo and came to pick Sherry and me up for our last dinner together. It was a great gesture that I appreciated a great deal. He always told me that I was the only person be could SHARE his thoughts with. Our discussions had included some negative judgments about his wife and their relationship. My opinion was that she didn't respect him and that they had little openness. The next summer I went with Bill to my family cottage for a week to do some fishing. An event occurred that was something quite 'freaky', to put it mildly. While we were at the cottage fishing and the like, Bill and I decided to go to Belleville on Friday night for a drink or two. It led to much more than that and I told Bill he was never going to be happy with his wife. He was contemplating suicide as an option and I have no taboo against freeing the spirit if it has tried and done all it can. I didn't think this was the case with Bill and I told him he should look for happiness in another relationship. He was drunk and got very angry. I asked him to drive me home and could see he had no intention of leaving so after a half hour I told him I'd be walking and hitch-hiking back to the cottage. He never came by and was actually picked up by the police and encouraged to get a motel room after leaving the bar (It might have been a motel with bars, I am not sure.). In the process of getting to the road that leads into our lake I walked about five miles and got a ride for the bulk of the near hundred mile journey. The road to our lake is 28 miles or more in length. I walked for hours and knew there was little chance of getting a ride in the middle of the night. No cars even passed me by after two o'clock. A couple of hours or so after that I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. There was a sense of fear and apprehension that went with the whole experience. I stopped walking and looked back to see two shadowy figures near a bush. They appeared to be twodimensional but upright and all black. I contemplated running up to a nearby house and asking the people to take me in. I wondered if I was hallucinating due to dehydration. I got on my hands and knees and sucked up some dew that had pooled in the road. I will grant that hallucination was a reasonable explanation though I felt no difference in consciousness after drinking the water. I think it possible that if I had not drank the water I might have died now that I know the purpose of the 'shades'. It was years before I knew about the shades and the Fetch, and what they look like. When I saw the movie 'The Crow' with Brandon Lee I understood how close I had been to death. Perhaps there is more to the reason why the spirit world doesn't want me to depart this existence as well. It was during this time after I had been living with a person who was a Doctor of Psychology in L.A. that I ran into some people on a trip I took with Sherry to Ensenada, on a gambling ship. This has played an integral part in my purpose and is my 'roots' that this section is named for. It is out of the time line in some respects but I think appropriate to talk about here.

77 One of the main themes that became part of my life from this point forward has to do with ancient and pre-historic cults of adepts who were the offspring of even more ancient civilizations such as Mu and Atlantis. Byblos is the name of a city that existed on the Persian Gulf and from which the Greeks took the word that became the Bible. It is acknowledged to have been the location of advanced shipbuilding in 2900 B.C. by the Egyptians (See World Book Encyclopedia). I should clarify that the Egyptians were the purchasers of the ships from Byblos. The Indus civilization of Ilavarta was once thought to be mere legend according to historians, until satellite photographs from space led to the discovery that the river once flowed in a different place. This civilization was over 15,000 years old and yet just an offshoot or colony, as was Sumer and Ur associated with the Phoenicians who were a joint venture of Atlantis and Mu although the difference between these two is not altogether obvious to me even now. They had other joint ventures beyond colonization or megalith building. This area of archaeology and science is most exciting and linguistics as well as solid state chemistry is proving most elucidating. My meeting with the Ogham scholars is another of the interesting stories of my life that makes me think it is difficult to avoid our true purpose. This purpose determined before we enter the womb of our mothers from the state of soulful awareness and consciousness is called many different things in different belief systems. The Akashic records of Eastern philosophy is my preferred way of calling it even though I do not believe in a karma that includes personality continuity or negative regressions due to bad acts. It is clear to me that there is some meaning that my last name includes. I did not know all that meaning when I met Philip O'Faillon on this gambling junket to Mexico when Sherry and I left San Diego that day. We sat down for a buffet lunch at a table with many other people. After introductions I could see that Philip (whose last name was anglicized to Whelan) was impressed by me. I did not know that my name 'Baird' had such meaning and was only aware of its Gaelic aspect as a 'Bard' or poet. It was clear to me that the Bard of Avon or Shakespeare had gone through some adept training and I had just finished writing a book on him and the other fathers of The Age of Enlightenment Bacon and Ben Jonson. Philip was a smallish red haired man of about 55 years of age. His smile and engaging manner endeared both Sherry and I to him almost immediately. He spoke to me directly and with an earnest intent. "What do you think is the meaning of the great Pyramid complex at Giza, Bob?" "That is a very involved conversation! I think there are many meanings and questions surrounding the Pyramid of Cheops and the Sphinx. I am aware of a number of theories and accept that there is no complete answer - which I have seen." "Yes, it is most troublesome for our view of history to have something we cannot duplicate even with today's methods. And the knowledge of the stars and mathematics as well as the engineering and a whole host of possibilities have led to many sleepless nights for those like Von Daniken. Do you accept the 'Chariots of the Gods' explanations? " "No! I don't discount the alien possibilities but I think the red-heads like us have another more reasonable part in this mystery! " "That is SO right! I am an Ogham (OM) scholar. It is the language of the ancient Kelts. That is the way it was pronounced before the Roman conquerors and empirebuilders destroyed the previous civilization."

78 I KNEW at that moment that another' blessing' was in process! I had mentioned to Sherry that my life was becoming ever more 'outer-directed' and that these synchronicities were becoming very common. I sensed that Philip's wife was not interested in discussing mystical or psychic things but it was interesting that she worked for Norman Jewison. Norman owned a home at the base of the hill that I mentioned I lived at the top of near Toronto. We talked briefly about Norman's recent movie Other People's Money that starred Danny DeVito and Gregory Peck. Sherry and I have always enjoyed going to the movies together and she is a little star struck. Phillip's wife was telling us what a kind gentleman Gregory Peck was in person. "You should have seen Sherry on the 'Night of a Thousand Stars' at Radio City Music Hall a few years ago!" "Oh. Bob. I wasn't that bad... He loves telling this story. So I'll have to endure it one more time, I guess." "Sherry and I went into a bar just up the street from the event and she had to rush to the washroom. I stood at the bar and recognized that Jack Lemmon was right in front of me beside Howard Cosell. Mel Torme was beside me at the bar and Wally Cox was there too. They left just before Sherry returned from downstairs and I hurried to tell her who had just left. She almost squealed as she grabbed my hand and led me out the door after them. Jack is very short and she was jumping up and down to get a look at them over the heads of the people in front of us." "Is that true Sherry?" Philips wife asked. "Yes, it is. Sometimes he embellishes the story a lot more, though." Philip was trying to determine the extent of my knowledge and interest relating to a project that he and an associate of his wanted to bring to fruition. He could quickly see that I had no knowledge of Ogham. I had thought he was referring to the universal sound 'OM' at first. It was also certain that he knew I was not a conventional scholar (like Sherry) within the first few minutes. He asked me what import in history I thought the pyramids had again; in a more specific manner. "They are repositories for advanced scientific research that we as yet, have not rediscovered. This knowledge includes making animate from inanimate, 'Chaos Science' like 'String Theory' and many astronomical aspects we can't explain how they knew without telescopes. Those who use this as a means of stating aliens designed them, are as wrong as the Egyptologists and the 'Bible Narrative' of Bishop Ussher of your homeland. The Egyptian fiction about mummification leading to immortality is a failed attempt to do something the real originators and designers of the Pyramids were able to do in reference to a soulful transition or ascendance. The Egyptians were probably mere 'hunters and gatherers' when this advanced colonizing force of red heads arrived. My father used to tell me that Genghis Khan was a red head and I think the Easter Island Tiki Gods have red heads. The world is not just circumnavigatable in the last 500 years. That is hogwash, to be polite!" "That is what this book we wish to republish explains! My associate Jenny Kelly who is a journalist with a degree in history found it in a Theosophical library. We are sure it has much merit. The book is by an Irishman from Boston who wrote it in 1923. His name is Connor MacDari and as far as we know there is very few of these books left in print. It is called 'Irish Wisdom' and I thought you could help us as soon as I heard your last name. You know the import of the name Baird, don't you?"

79 "It is Gaelic for Bard." "It has much more historical importance than that, although that was one of the necessary courses in schooling for everyone. There is a distinct dialect for rhyme in Ogham as well as four others. The Bairds were the rulers of the clans. Six King/Bairds comprised of women and men both ruled during the time of Atlantis and before. There is a plot or plan to eradicate this knowledge." "Such as led to the destruction of the Library at Alexandria. "Oh NO! Sherry exclaimed as she saw Philip's wife was uneasy. "Don't get him going on Atlantis." We exchanged phone numbers and agreed to meet later to discuss the project. He was certain my esoteric knowledge and interests were the right combination for the project. As the next few hours elapsed we had occasion to talk some more and Sherry enjoyed Philips' stories about growing up amongst the dolmen and learning Ogham in Ireland. We could both 'feel' the sparkle in his eyes that were set on a ruddy face with kindness evident throughout. Philips' eyes are hazel just like my own. His sister and he both taught Ogham in the California University system as guest lecturers. I do not remember if he told us about his time as a commando during the Second World War at this time. I am sure he told me about his involvement in the design of the first lunar landing crafts' telescoping arm at a later meeting. Philip looked like and talked very much like my former associate Ray Osborn. To say the least he was a remarkable man, and like many of the Irish a good story teller as well. When Sherry and I parted company with Philip and his wife, we spent a lot of time talking about the nature of the management of our human historical record. In the matter of the Pyramids she knew that the 'experts' had spent more time and money researching the truth. It turned out that MacDari knew about Direct Cognition. "I still think it is entirely possible that you don't have any better answers than the thousands of archaeologists and historians over the past thousand years who have asked these same questions." "That is a very logical point of view. However there is a truth that I have witnessed about those who maintain the fictions of our cultural heritage. They foment war and prejudice and create fictions of the most disgusting sort. Like the 'original sin' that keeps so many women 'barefoot and in the kitchen' or allow slavery and arranged marriages. I choose to call their bluff and base my perceptions on the words of Manetho and those who wrote before they destroyed the Library at Alexandria or in the Mayan lands. Campbell reports over 462,000 years of human cultural development beyond the 'hunter and gatherer' theory." "Yet you say the Egyptians were just 'hunters and gatherers' before the Pyramids were built or at least designed." "There are homeless people living in caves and under bridges today. Does that mean everyone is a 'cave man'? The Romans weren't the first to use the media to control their conquered lands. Marshall McLuhan says give me control of the media and I'll rule society in fifteen years. "Another Canadian! You guys are all a little weird. She kidded. Yes, I know there have been many lies like the 'flat earth' Bob. But you are suggesting a great deal worse than that."

80 "Five centuries before Christ there was a Chinese war lord-philosopher called Sun Tsu who said: 'Supreme excellence in warfare lies in the destruction of your enemies will to resist in advance of perceptible hostilities.' I am ready to fight City Hall as the euphemism goes." "You have no answers yet. How were the Pyramids built? When were they built and by whom you can't even PROVE. All you have is a few accounts of linguists and malcontents who claim we are still ruled by the same evil empire-builders. This is 'craziness' and your ego is out of control." "I question the safety of believing the pablum I was fed in school. I see the acts of the Cold War and nations as the same kind of hegemony that was the precursor to the Inquisitions and other major lies of our supposed history. The Flagellants and the genocide of the Cathars make for a more horrific tale than the Nazi treatment of the Jews. You don't want to admit it but your whole nation and its economy is based on ripping off the natives who were far more ethical than we are today. Manifest Destiny..." "Yes, I am teaching my students about the unethical and immoral self-serving nature of that!" "Do you say the truth of the Catholic genocide and feathering of their immense wealth in order to keep their concubines and slaves during a period when they said they believed in celibacy? You would lose your job if you told the truth and don't want to admit you are helping to keep people in ignorance for the benefit of the same evil 'status quo'." I smiled as I knew she had no come back for that. The answers were not clear to any of us at this time but it was clear that Philip and his associates had much to add to my personal quest to understand the nature of man and his culture. Sherry could see that my 'esoteric crap' might fit with the pursuit they were engaged in. Blessings and synchronicities aside, that was about as far as her logical linear mind with its comfortable lifestyle based on materialism could allow her mind to take her. It is often difficult for anyone who hears of the necessary 'loss of ego' and required 'rightness' from me, as I smile profusely; to really accept what I am talking about. I was very enthused and certain this was a 'blessing'. The moments of my serious and introspective contemplation or research are something very few people are interested in going through. It is not necessary to lose the JOY of life when one sublimates ego to a higher purpose even if our peer pressure and the status quo tell us that is so. In most situations you must gather the positions and research of both sides of the issue, or the many different perspectives such as in the case of the complex issues surrounding the building of the Pyramid known as Cheops. Its 'fit' of construction alone made one face some really uncomfortable possibilities of our history. The need to remove all grayness and uncertainty by coming up with facts that made complete sense without throwing out any relevant facts was my goal. Sherry could understand this but was tired of hearing me talk about 'Decrees and INTENT', cosmic consciousness and the World Mind etc. She was a great deal like John in this regard and I guess they thought it was impossible to imagine that I could find the answers to the mysteries of the ages. The first meeting with Philip and Jenny was to be one of many erudite and educational experiences wrapped in an aura of the magical, over the next year. I gave them the first draft of my manuscript 'Bacon and the Bard'. They gave me MacDari's masterwork and told me about 'The Story of the Irish Race' by Professor MacManus who had been one of the founders of SINN FEIN which was originally a cultural education movement. This

81 newspaper and political construct eventually became embroiled in the petty acts of war again. The Irish have fought a seemingly never-ending battle over more than 700 years and have been forced to live in peat bogs and go without reading their once great literature for centuries. The English had picked up on the age old method of controlling people by destroying their books (media) and had followed the lead of St. Patrick who personally burned a hundred and fifty books of Keltic literature. I sent a copy of this book to Father Justin in Indianapolis and he confirmed much of its Biblical history and linguistic roots. When I got his reply I made sure that I called Sherry to tell her that her respected friend had said he agreed the Irish have had their history destroyed by those with evil intent. Philip and Jenny insisted that I re-read Harvard history professor Barry Fell's work 'America B.C.' and some other books before we were to meet again to discuss re-writing MacDari's book. I had many questions about Ogham and its five dialects with very distinctive purposes. The alphabets in Barry Fell's book that showed the Ogham origins of many North American alphabets was just sticks or chicken scratches to me. Much of what Philip was saying - such as Hebrew being a coded language that had no vowels, or that Sanskrit was from the same origin - was 'Greek' to me! Becoming a linguist at the age of forty wasn't something that turned me on. MacDari's book 'Irish Wisdom' had left me with many more questions and I wasn't a hundred percent sure of his answers. Each question that was answered led to new questions but I could see there was a real key that MacDari and other linguists offered. MacDari didn't even call the original language of the Irish, Ogham. I could see that Irish came from Ogham as did Gaelic and Phoenician, it 'fit' with some of my readings of Churchward and Mu. Barry Fell referred to this enigmatic language as Ogam without the 'h'. Anne Ross, who I had read about in the Hexham Heads book by Don Robins, was a Celtic scholar who seemed to agree with Fell. Neither of them mentioned Ogham having five dialects and Anne Ross said it was only for ceremonial carvings on heads. This seemed like Fell and Ross were each talking about a different dialect of the language, to me. They certainly didn't agree. Philip and MacManus both talked about the Psaltair (or Tsaltair) na Tara' as a book of the history of the clans that recorded 25,000 years of history in one of the more precise dialects. It was a target of the Christian zealots in Bangor and the great library there just as it no doubt was one of the books destroyed at the Library at Alexandria. Another script or dialect was for keeping the Brehons (lawyers) records in the Senchus Mor. Professor MacManus shows the remnants of the Senchus Mor and its glossary that were found in Columbanuss monastery in Bobbio, Italy. The scholars who report only what they know and don't give the reader the things they don't understand do us all a great disservice. Anne Ross shows a very large wooden head made of wood in her book 'Life and Death of a Druid Prince' that made me think of the Easter Island statues. She was also a witness to a werewolf-like spirit in the Hexham Heads case. Yet she does not tie these things in with the Druidic 'Lost Chord' or ancient harmonics knowledge of imbuing objects with power of a spiritual nature. The focusing of cosmic forces might well occur outside the human brain and its' Pineal Gland as the book 'Wonder Child' documents recent research upon. Imbuing these forces with conscious intent of a trained or programmed nature is the work of many sorcerers. It is almost a joke to see people who witness these things try to explain them without any understanding of the wizards of old.

82 Ancestor worship led to skull divination and the recognition of the brain as the seat of many spiritual and magical realities. Herbal and hallucinogenics were known to many hominids millions of years ago. The modern house pet like a cat or dog has innate knowledge that grass is good for the intestinal tract. There are lots of things in every religion that connect to these things. The Christian High Mass and Communion are witchcraft of the blackest sort; most Christians don't have a clue what is going on in these rituals. The 'relics' of the Catholic Saints are gruesome beyond most people's comprehension. Do I speak heresy? Do I know what I am talking about? I assure you I do! MacDari says that many of the historians and Biblical characters are 'fabulous' or purely fictional. They are all edited and directed by their bosses and those like the Holy Roman Emperor Constantine. I had heard or read these things in other places and was only surprised by the extent of this manipulation. The Salvation ideology that replaced the law of retribution or karma in Christian teaching around the fifth century A.D. was connected to the date of the celebration of Easter and the Resurrection. This connection that finalized the Pauline victory or ascendance over the family of Jesus and James 'the Righteous' who like Thomas was probably Jesus brother was shown as the starting point of the war against Ireland. I knew the Punic Wars and other connections to the demise of the great colonizing forces of the 'Brotherhood' had begun against their colonies much earlier but it was of interest to see how the name Ireland actually means 'Lost (Ir) land'. The next chapter shall include things of recent research and relate to my brother Gord and issues related to Scientology that concern me to this very day. The extent of the misuse of adept and soulful knowledge is almost as horrifying to me as its' reverse sociological problem of apathy among those who will not open their minds to see what is going on around them. UNSHEATHING THE SOUL: There are forms of meditation in every culture and concept of man and his relationship with the soul. Many of them have little to do with symbols or intellectual processes such as the illustration that follows. This particular kind of meditation comes from witchcraft and the Qabala that was re-written into Judaism for the purpose of using approaches that have long proven themselves. It makes people think the spiritual leaders were wise or powerful but all people can do it. This particular ritual is contentious to some because it mentions the feminine aspect that is incorporated into the ancient knowledge of the Sphinx and was obliterated for many millennia by the Jehovah promoters who wanted men to dominate. The Shekhinah were once female goddesses in the Judaic religious complex. In short it knows and can show the nurturing aspect of our 'feminine' soul, and how it can open doors to major insights beyond the intellectual or social conventions. "UNSHEATHING THE SOUL PREPARE to meet your God. Prepare to devote your heart. Purify your body and select a special place where no one else in the world can hear your voice. Be totally alone. Sit in one spot in the room or the loft, and do not reveal your secret to anyone {Don't do it for peer acceptance or ego. Find you power spot by attunement to the room and earth energy, etc. The best places are in nature and you will 'feel' when it is right!}. If you can, do this by day, even for a little while, but the best way is to do it at night {Melatonin production increases at night-thus 'night-worker' is the meaning of melatonin.}. As you prepare to speak with your Creator, to seek the revelation of his power, be careful to empty your mind of all mundane vanities. Wrap yourself in your 'tallit' and put 'tefillin' on your head

83 so that you will be filled with the awe of Shekhinah, who is with you at this moment. Wear clean garments, all white if you can. All this helps immensely in focussing your awe and love. If it is night, light many candles until your eyes shine brightly. Then take hold of ink, pen and tablet. Realize that you are about to serve your God in joy. Begin to combine letters, a few or many, permuting and revolving them {This would be good training for people early in life and getting to know new languages.} rapidly until your mind warms up. Delight in how they move and in what you generate by revolving them. When you feel within that your mind is very, very warm from combining the letters and that through the combination you understand new things that you have not attained by human tradition nor discovered on your own through mental reflection, then you are ready to receive the abundant flow, and the abundance flows upon you, arousing you again and again. Now turn your thoughts to visualizing the Name and its supernal angels {What is this kind of stuff, doing in a science section of an encyclopedia? There are forces and consciousnesses as science has proven. The name angel is one way man has conventionalized his inter-reaction with these forces.}, imagining them as if they were human beings standing or sitting around you, with you in the middle like a messenger about to be sent on a royal mission, waiting to hear about it from their lips, either from the king himself or from one of his ministers. Having imagined {N.B.} this vividly, prepare your mind and heart to understand the many things about to be conveyed to you by the letters being contemplated within you. Meditate on them as a whole and in all their detail, like one to whom a parable, a riddle {Triads of the Bards.}, or a dream is being told, or like one perusing a book of wisdom, pondering a passage beyond his grasp. Interpret what you hear in an uplifting manner, approximating it as best you can {Chant}. Based on what you understand of it, evaluate yourself and others. All this will happen after you fling the tablet from your hands and the pen from your fingers, or after they fall by themselves due to the intensity of your thoughts. Realize that the stronger the mental flow, the weaker become your limbs and organs. Your entire body will begin to tremble violently. You will think that you are about to die because your soul, overjoyed at what she {N.B.} has attained, will depart from your body. Consciously choose death over life, knowing that such death affects only the body and that thereby the soul lives eternally. Then you will know that you are capable of receiving the flow. If you then wish to honor the glorious NAME {Which was not always the same force being addressed or summoned.} by serving it with the life of body and soul, hide your face, fear to gaze at God, and come no closer, like Moses at the burning bush. Return to the physical dimension, rise, eat and drink a little, inhale a fragrant aroma. Return your spirit to its sheath until another time. Rejoice in what you have, and know that God loves you. (4) Visualizing the colours of the light and breathing from Yogic disciplines is a much more commonly thought of meditation. There are as many ways to meditate as there are trees in the forest. Each one is different if only by the fact of each person being different.

84 CHAPTER SIX: How Much Did The Ancient Secret Societies Know? THE MYSTERIES WITHIN: Surgeon Sherwin Nuland is the author of the above titled book and many others that are decidedly not mystical; or should I say spiritual as in the case of the likes of Deepak Chopra. I find value in his thoughts on the soul which are an accurate portrayal of the superficial history of much of what we presently think the soul is about or has been the state of science regarding it. He is open-minded enough to admit science still seeks answers in regards to the soul. Here are some words of his from a chapter called The Liver: Source of Life. I hope the reader can see the detailed observation of the diviners in Etruria (who often were lesser scientist/priests called vascerri by the Druidic Order which was the prevailing structure or system of the region) would have led many to an understanding of the circulatory system which later was credited to William Harvey. We also can find antiseptics, anaesthetics, and many medical means have been around from time before recorded history. Keltic hospitals have been found going back to long before Rome was ascendant. Rome and its power-mongers proscribed the Druids while putting bounties on the heads of their former colonizers as I have detailed in other books. The word liver is described in Shipleys Origins of English Words as deriving from an Indo-European root, leip, that is associated with life, related to the ancient assumption that this structure is the seat of lifeof livingbecause it was believed to manufacture the blood. {Which it does along with the spleen and bone marrow. Why say believed rather than known?} In Middle English, spoken at the height of influence of the old Galenic doctrines, the word was lifer. Following the same pathway, the German is die Leber, in a language whose verb to live is leben. In the days when philology was a thriving academic pursuit, this sort of detective work brightened the hours of many a cloistered scholar. {Like myself.} With all of this as background, it hardly seems a coincidence that the mythological character who gave life and fire to mankind should be punished by having his liver chewed at by a ravenous vulture. Hidden as they are within the dense fabric of modern culture, the interweaving threads of a civilizations memory {Or the elite families and their history of secrets that are still maintained.} may be difficult to find, but they have not disintegrated. Based on its presumed role as the maker and reservoir of the blood, {The Nile River is named after the early Irish or late Phoenician word for blood. The Mystery Schools amalgamated by Tuthmosis are still with us in ever-changing name or identity.} the notion of the liver as the seat of life and perhaps the center of the soul {Like Giza is the center of the earths land mass.} is at least as old as the time of the great Mesopotamian city of Babylon that thrived some eighteen to twenty centuries B. C. E. It was the Mesopotamian custom to bring a live sheep to the temple for sacrifice before the statue of a god, {Such as the Mesopotamian god Bel which is the same name as the Kelts and became Baal of the Phoenician pantheon once vowels were in use.} particularly if a prediction about illness was sought. If the solicitant was too sick to be moved, he would breathe into the animals nostrils prior to the surrogates setting it. Once the sheep had been killed, its liver was removed and carefully inspected by a soothsayer of the temple, as was the cavity in which it had lain. The theory behind this was that the gods

85 acceptance of the sacrifice would make his intentions known through the organ that represented the soul. This was no haphazard process. During his novitiate, the priest would have been trained in this form of divination, using a clay model of a sheeps liver marked up into numerous rectangles by a series of intersecting lines on its surface. {Intersecting lines or vectors of force are part of the reality that I cover in all matters of science today as well. The operating esoteric law of this is As Above, SO Below.} Each of these many areas had a distinctive name and represented specific characteristics. {You might know palmistry is like this.} Archaeologists have found such models not only in Mesopotamia and surrounding lands but in Tuscany as well, indicating that the art of what historians call hepatoscopy was practiced in the Italian peninsula as late as the Etruscan period, during the sixth century B. C. E. The divination had a consistent logic about it. Each anatomical variation of the sacrificed sheeps liver was noted by the soothsayer, whether of the organ itself or of its blood vessels and bile ducts. No observation, regardless of its magnitude or nature, was neglected. Everything was considered to have meaning, according to well-defined criteria that had been recorded in scripture. Should any of the squares contain or lie over an abnormality, no matter how minor, this fact was interpreted to reveal some portent. {In other words they could see how the energy of the world was being incorporated by the individual attuned with the object being sacrificed but clearly it was not easy to attune unless the sheep had a very close relationship with the sick person pardon the suggestion.} Although the priest did not cut into the liver, the divinations depended on more than surface evidence alone. The characteristics of the gallbladder, blood vessels, and ducts as well as the size and shape of the lobes were also factors. Depending on the totality of his findings, the priest made a prediction about the petitioners health. But not only health was the purview of the soothsayer. His skills were employed as well to predict a wide range of future events and to give counsel when decisions were to be made. {Also if a new colony or enterprise needed workers and artisans the promoter could buy a prediction just as modern advertising works in the media.} Thus, in the Book of Ezekiel (21:21) we find Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon stood at the crossroads on his way to battle: For the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination: he made his arrows bright, he consulted with images, he looked in the liver. Other references exist, in scripture and later sacred writings, of the ways in which the liver was thought by the ancients to be the center of life. In all ways, the centrality of the liver among certain civilizations was unquestioned, all because of its association with the blood. {The blood rituals continued on into the Christian communion and the Rosicrucian Christian Star-Fire Ceremony which includes the blood of the moon or menses effluent hormones which increase psychic insight due to the effect of augmented melatonin on the pineal gland which we now know it produces. Nero called the Christians cannibals because like the Obscene Ritual of Skull & Bones today they also sought to eat as near to live thalami and pineal glands as possible, I have detailed these things in the words of the people themselves.} The soul is thus seen as a movable feastat various times in history it was thought to reside in the liver, the stomach, the heart, and finally the brain. We seek it still

86 The Mesopotamians, like so many other peoples, believed that the biological cycle of the earth and of individuals was determined by the positions and movements of the heavenly bodies. The cycles they saw in the heavens seemed to them coordinated with the cycles they saw on earth, of fertility {Such as the menstrual cycle duration being alike with the moon and the long evolutionary effect of tides and the ebb and flow on energy.}, maturation, death and renewal. {Marcus Aurelius was still a believer in these cycles including the long count or sidereal changes. They did have telescopes as archaeology shows in places like La Venta as well as for viewing the operas and shows in the forums through simpler lenses like emeralds that included some trade with South America.} The predictability of these cycles must have been very reassuring to the ancient mind. (1) He continues to correctly identify the cosmology of the four primary forces and the macro-microcosm that is a small part of the As Above, So Below law. In doing so he covers Plato who also mentioned that the liver can be used in divination. I do not think he could explain how the quantum world impacts all matter and how correct or incorrect Plato was. Plato also had to keep some secrets hidden from the masses. I did not see him explain Plato had some reason to write for the approval of the priests who caused his compatriot Socrates to drink hemlock. He also illustrates an understanding of the at one-ment and connectivity that is God. But for all his awareness of the ability of man to have created God in his own image I suspect if I questioned him he would illustrate he does not believe it likely that the soul collectively becomes God. Pavlita Generators: We can ask the reader to see if the T-square of the Masons which Churchward details has a 50,000 year history, which we have dealt with, has any application in this report you might remember from Psychic Discoveries Behind The Iron Curtain that formed a large part of my early knowledge in these matters. These devices had been inspired, they (Ostrander and Schroeder of the American teaching profession who wrote this remarkable book.) were told, by archaic manuscripts and forgotten discoveries. They noticed at once that the collection included forms resembling the 'ankh' (or looped cross) and the pyramid commonly associated with Ancient Egypt. PAVLITA GENERATORS When Ostrander and Schroeder first saw this collection of Pavlita generators, Robert Pavlita himself was in his mid-fifties, the design director of a Czech textile plant. He had been interested in the subtle use of energies since the twenties. Thirty years of research had taken him into several strange pathways, including a study of Ancient Egypt. Several scenes depicted in tomb paintings and wall engravings intrigued him, as they have intrigued other engineers. A common representation of a priest offering a libation to Osiris, for example shows the track of something emerging from a container and arching upwards over the god's head. A similar scene appears in a tomb at Thebes where the contents of a pot arc over the head of a mummy. Egyptologists routinely assume that what's shown emerging from the container is liquid. Bill Cox points out that, if this was so, the track of the liquid - which remains remarkably consistent in pictures of this sort - defies the laws of gravity, unless the liquid is pressurized.. .and this, given the containers shown, requires a source of energy. But there are doubts about whether liquid really is being depicted. The mummification process used in Egypt was designed to extract all moisture from a body and the last thing a servant would have done was pour liquid on a mummy. If not liquid, then what? Cox speculates that the Egyptians were actually indicating energy tracks or energy fields. Robert Pavlita went further. He decided to see if some of

87 the devices depicted might generate some sort of subtle energy in their own right. {This chapter is headed "Psychotronics Today" and he is on the right track that we have shown hundreds of years or more of a device people like the 99 Lodge and Borgias used. It is called the tepaphone and was probably originally developed from the magic wands of Druids who had the harmonics of the "Lost Chord". We covered this in Hitler vs. Frabato! & The Charm of Making.} It took him a long time to prove his point. He quickly discovered that it was nowhere near enough to create, say, a sculptured ankh' and hope that some sort of energy would manifest automatically. The metal - or, more often, specific combination of metals proved important and even then the device had to be properly primed in order to be of any use at all. None the less, he persevered, driven by what amounted to an obsession. Eventually he created a device that produced observable results. Pavlita took his machine to Hradec Kralove University near Prague {Spelt Praha or Pranha in some languages and the site of much work by medieval alchemists.} and persuaded a physicist there to put it to the test. The results were so dramatic that, within days, the entire physics department was involved. What Pavlita had carried in was a sealed metal box, through which passed a shaft attached to a small electric motor underneath. When the motor was switched on, the shaft revolved. The only other part of the machine was a small, shaped metal object in one corner of the box. This object wasn't attached to any thing and did not seem to have any function whatsoever. For their tests, the scientists balanced a T-shaped piece of copper on the top of the shaft. When the motor was switched on, the shaft rotated and so, predictably enough, did the T-shaped copper. A high-speed automatic camera kept track of the number of rotations. Pavlita positioned himself about 2 m (6 ft) from the device and stared at it. After a moment, the copper T slowed, and then stopped, even though the motor was still running and the shaft still rotating. As the startled scientists watched dumbfounded, the copper actually began to spin in the opposite direction to the rotating shaft - an apparent impossibility. The test caused a sensation in research circles, but was gracefully marred by misreporting. Almost without exception, scientists assumed that what had been demonstrated was Robert Pavlita's natural ability as a psychokinetic medium - someone capable of exerting a purely mental influence on the physical world. {Of course, science really didn't accept psychokinesis either. The reversing of spin on atomic structure like electrons is key to the high spin atomics in conjunction with 'sheman-na' stones in Egypt that Laurence Gardner attributes many of the benefits of the Philosopher's Stone to. Included among these benefits is levitation or anti-gravity. There is some question in my mind about the levitation of pyramid stones or other rocks of over 500 Tons and the on again off again nature of the weightlessness. There are other answers we will cover that make more sense to us - that does not disprove the actual performance of what may well have been done. The "White Powder" has been found at a secret manufacturing site of the Egyptians that ties in with the Biblical story of Moses and the 'burning bush'.} But Pavlita was doing nothing of the sort. The small metal shape, forgotten in the corner of the sealed box, was the world's first functioning psychotronic generator - or at least the MODERN world's first functioning psychotronic generator. It was this device that allowed Pavlita to demonstrate his 'impossible effect. (2) GEOMANCY NAPOLEONS BOOK OF FATE: "WRITING ON THE EARTH

88 Geomancy is one of the fundamental Western divinatory systems. The word comes from 'gaia-manteia', literally, 'earth-seeing'. It is used to describe two different divinatory methods, one oracular and one locational. WIND AND WATER Locational geomancy or 'geo-location' is concerned with finding the best sites for human constructions. The best example of this kind of divination is the Chinese system called 'feng shui' or 'wind-water'. It relies on an elaborate universal compass, the 'Lo P'an', and a series of ideal landscape forms to determine the optimum flow of 'ch'i' or positive energy for any particular construction. The ideal is to produce an environment that brings peace of mind, happiness, health, and prosperity. Good 'feng shui' relies on the relation of the building site to 'dragon lines' of energy that move over the earth, and to the free flow of 'ch'i' energy within the building. 'Ch'i' naturally flows in curving lines, like water. It should flow through an entire building effortlessly. If it is confined, it stifles and stagnates. If it is drawn away, the energy of the people in the building goes with it. The geomancer may propose a site in an optimum relation to hills, open spaces, and running water. He will then read the site using his c compass, which includes lucky and unlucky directions, times, days, qualities (the Five Transformative Processes), and celestial constellations. The square base is aligned with the shape of the building, and the movable compass adjusted so its needle faces south. The diviner then reads the favorable times, directions, and qualities for the building, including where to place entrances and exits. Within the building he will adjust the flow of 'ch'i' by insuring it has a free path. He may place mirrors decorated with the eight trigrams of the 'I Ching' to help direct the flow. He will above all seek to break up straight lines that draw 'sha', a negative energy that can produce accidents, illness, and a bad atmosphere. {The divination is less of a prophetic and more of a manifestation or manipulation of energy, as this case does show.} This practice, in which buildings are adjusted to coincide with an idea of sacred space, has parallels worldwide. Early European geo-diviners would 'see' psychic patterns or 'earth light' produced by electromagnetic and geothermal configurations {E.G. the Nazca Lines archaeological study underway is showing, as we have covered.} in order to site temples and cities {Thus Pope Gregory was wise to build over old sites even though his intent was certainly to destroy and eradicate as well.}. These geo-locators would then unfold their ideal pattern of 'sacred space' through a ceremony called 'killing the dragon', driving a central stake into the ground {Wouldn't it be nice if we could do this with the 'Dragons' of de Vere and Gardner?} to symbolically fix the flux of underworld forces. THE EARTH ORACLE Oracular geomancy is quite different. This system relies on 16 signs {Is it a coincidence that 24 runic letters or Oghamic alphabets might add the 8 trigrams and these 16 signs?} that were originally produced by making and counting random marks made in the earth or sand. Though in precise origins are uncertain, geomancy grew out of the same 'Alexandrian atmosphere' {Read Hellenizing plagiarization of earlier science and culture.} that gave birth to alchemy, individual astrological charts, hermetic magic, and the 'occult image of man'. According to late antique sources, the presiding genius of this system is Hermes Trismegistus ('Thrice-Greatest Hermes-'), mysterious father of all things erudite and magical.

89 The first concrete evidence of the system emerges about 800 C.E., in the Arabic 'sandscience' called 'ilm al-raml'. It was carried into North Africa by the Islamic wars of conquest, to be completely re-invented in Nigeria as 'Ifa' or 'Fon' divination and in Madagascar as 'Sikidy' or 'Vintana'. At the same time, like many other 'pagan' practices, it was reintroduced into Europe through translations from Arabic between about 900 and 1100 C.E., where it became a popular part of the underground divinatory tradition. It was, in the poet Dante's view, a false image of truth and its practitioners were assigned to the deep circles of hell. Along with alchemy and hermetic magic, it formed part of an outlawed complex of practices associated with intellectual paganism: {No wonder the Catholics didn't send their best scholars to meet the Khan with Marco Polo as the Khan had invited them to do [with guarantees of turning his Empire Catholic if these scholars could prove their superior knowledge]. We can easily imagine the science of 'feng shui' would produce better results than the 'sins and demons' of the Catholic belief system.} bird-signs, animal oracles, lots, dream-divination, moon-magic, attention to random words and sounds. {Synchronicities and what I call 'kernels' that will grow to produce results; - are useful signs or messages that we can be attentive to and influence our actions to 'fit' the energy that surrounds us.} In the 16th century, primarily through magicians and alchemists such as Cornelius Agrippa, it was associated with astrology and the chart of the houses. It became a way to manipulate astrological images and enabled magicians to make an 'instant horoscope' of an event without recourse to either books or calculations. Geomancy was carried into the Americas primarily in its African form, 'Ifa' or 'Fon', by slaves. It was associated with spirit possession cults {Orisha pantheon.} and the determination of a person's 'head' or in-dwelling spirit. It remains a vital force today in Black America. The system was magically reinterpreted as a form of 'earth' divination by the Order of the Golden Dawn in the late 19th century. At the same time a shortened version enjoyed widespread popular use throughout Europe as 'Napoleon's {N.B.} Book of Fate. (3) Moundbuilders: Let us return, finally, to the burial mounds of Ontario. These appear to be related in some complex fashion to the neolithic revolution. Their primary function, in all probability, was to mark the locations of sacred places and to establish territorial occupation. The sites they occupied were used as ceremonial centres for the loosely organized bands that occupied the surrounding areas (cf. Speck 1915). After spending the winter scattered throughout the band territory in small family groups, the people would assemble at a traditional spot, probably in the spring when fish were spawning or in the fall when beds of wild rice would be ready for harvesting. Only at those periods would food resources have been sufficiently abundant to maintain the entire band at one place. These assemblies provided an opportunity for social interaction on a broader scale than would have been possible throughout most of the year. It was during such periods, too, that the chiefs and other leaders of the group would discuss band affairs with the various family heads and elders. But above all, such occasions provided an opportunity for all of the band members to participate in those rituals and ceremonies that reaffirmed and sustained community sentiments.

90 The nature of the ceremonies themselves cannot be determined at present, although we are offered a few tantalizing clues as to the subject matter around which they revolved. Most of the available data are derived, of course, from the burials found within the mounds and in submound pits. In Northwestern Ontario, {Site of the Nipissing magi and Mediwiwin group who are influenced by Masons of the Christian Mystery School Complex or Rosicrucian Dragons.} the skulls that have openings in their occipital regions are reasonably clear evidence of power transfer. The individuals whose skulls were opened would have had some unusual and highly valued personal characteristics; the occipital openings made it possible to remove their brains and to transfer those characteristics from the dead to the living. This would have been accomplished through a religious ceremony that included eating the brain that was the seat of such wondrous powers. {I detail this in many books and the modern Thalami research that is showing merit to the Cosmic Thought Field.} The eating, of course, could have been either actual or symbolic. {The Communion and Eucharist is derived from the earlier rituals of this sort. Only the most powerful elites get to eat the thalami for the much needed melatonin, iridium and rhodium.} In either event, the highly valued qualities would not be lost to the band through death but would be preserved through reincarnation. {The living cells as close to still living as possible are most needed and some of the old seers would end their lives during this ritual as they would have known throughout their life it would happen.} Such practices were probably much more widespread that the archaeological evidence would suggest at first glance; for we know that highly valued characteristics are often located in organs other than the brain. {Thus the Biblical Devoted Ones shown in Cahills Gifts of the Jews were harvested for hearts too as in the Aztec rituals and Moshe who also became impacted by these Dragons like the Prince of Palenque.} Our own western European culture, for example, locates many of its most highly prized characteristics in the heart. The point is that power transfer was probably much more widespread than current data suggest, simply because the removal of most organs for this purpose would have left no skeletal evidence One of the major ritual acts of the people, however, was the building of the mounds themselves. For it is almost certainly an error to look upon mound-building primarily in terms of engineering. {Especially the lesser and more mundane imitations of the period he is focused upon.} We must see it, rather, as a by-product of sociological processes; that is, we should look upon mound-building as we look upon the performance of a ballet or drama in our own society. Theatres may arise as a result of our interest in such cultural pursuits but the significance of a ballet or drama resides, surely, in the performance itself. The plays the thing! Once the mound was built, of course, it would have served, as it does a theatre, as a backdrop for other rituals. For once again, it is through such rituals and ceremonies that human groups are bound together and that individual lives are shaped to ancestral patterns. The masked and painted skulls from Hungry Hall were part of one such ritual. And when it was over, the skulls, like the props of a drama that had run its course, were tossed rather carelessly into the corner of a grave. (4) Effigies and zoomorphic allies have been part of esoteric symbolism since before the human creature lived in cities. Each guild had its own special energy or force and knowledge giver or center to work with. Steiner and others trace the numerous Mystery

91 Schools in Egypt to these guilds that became Masonry. To find the same serpents and birds in Poverty Point and the Upper Mississippi from time before the building of the Pyramids is no surprise to anyone who would actually read about shamanism. HELIOPOLITANISM: Rather than include one of my excerpts that prove the worldwide influence of sun (or son) worship which stands at the root of Heliopolitanism or light-bringers in the Luciferian mythology let me include a little of the ancient sciences which might convey some similarities to String Theory and thus allow the reader room to research some more into such things as the tepaphone used by people like the Borgia or De Medicis to remotely poison those they found stood in the way of them getting all they wanted (which is more than anyone should have). "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." Einstein. My Ogham scholars told me that Einstein went to County Cork after he left Germany. In the time he was there he learned Boolean Math and knowledge Georges Boole had incorporated into his binary digitized ideas that form the basis of our modern computer age. They say that Einstein tried to give credit for much of what he learned there, but the media was determined to report it as solely his own design. I cannot confirm this from other evidence. However, I am fairly certain that the I O Torus and Ha Qabala or Table of Destiny incorporates much of the Quantum World knowledge. It has been part of the esoteric advanced learning for over 5,000 years. Here is a little quote that might relate. In the dialectic between nature and socially constructed world, the human organism is transformed. In this dialectic man produces reality and thereby produces himself --Berger Luckman, The Social Creation of Reality. Bucky Fuller called this creative realization. De Anna Emerson has written much on the subject and she includes Paris quantum physicists' confirmations to her little story. The artifact known as the Antikythera found in a ship-wreck off the Greek islands dated to pre-Pythagorean times is a calendrical computer. I have seen many pictures in various books including 'Atlantis' by Berlitz. It won a worldwide award and has some merit, even though it doesn't incorporate the real history of the Phoenicians. Harmonics is still not understood by our scientists of today, to the extent of the focused energy available in the Druidic Lost Chord. It may be that the harps were not important, and merely a guise, I cannot say. In his early thirties Tesla was a man who had a genuine desire to do what the Aspen Institute claims to want to achieve. He was being abused by Edison and others but his machines were able to actually perform and the world took heed. "He was at one with the environment itself and had a compelling, restless urge to pry all the secrets from nature and harness them, in order to help his fellow man progress towards a higher level of being. He had a vision of the cosmos as consisting of myriad octaves of electrical vibration. {Unlike Faraday who had the same vision, Tesla was able to create the machines to prove the magic. There are books that credit all his work to one fifteen minute vision he had after a near death experience. I recommend his biography White Dove.} It was his desire to be able to understand the interplay of harmonic oscillations that formed the basis of the universe. The lower octaves he had already explored with his 60 cycle per second alternating current. He was now ready to reach into the unknown and probe into the regions of ultra high frequency of light and beyond.

92 For these experiments he constructed a great range of electrical oscillators to produce high-frequency currents, and coils tuned to set frequencies or wavelengths in order to discover the characteristics of each energy level and the particular uses to which each could be applied. He found that the interlocking harmonics were similar to the musical scale {Like Pythagoras and his 'Singing of the Spheres' which he credited to his study of the Great Pyramid.} and that his coils responded not only to the transmissions of the original waveforms, but resonated at harmonic intervals above and below the original frequency. He had discovered the harmonic nature of matter. He felt ready to take the next step in the practical application of his theoretical discoveries. During an interview in 1894 he said: You will think me a dreamer and very far gone if I should tell you what I really hope for. But I can tell you that I look forward with absolute confidence to sending messages through the earth without any wires. I have also great hopes of transmitting electrical force in the same way without waste. Concerning the transmission of messages through the earth I have no hesitation in predicting success: I must first ascertain exactly how many vibrations to the second are caused by disturbing the mass of electricity which the earth contains. My machine for transmitting must vibrate as often to put itself in accord with the electricity in the earth. (5) Most people still think Marconi invented the radio. Tesla was given due credit for this invention by the U.S. Patent Office, 25 years after his death. Tesla worked on the Philadelphia Experiment. There are two movies on the subject that surprisingly has a National Historic Plaque to commemorate it. One of these movies is a subterfuge and the other has only minor merit. You could say they fictionalize and ridicule the reality of why Tesla quit the project. He knew they were engaged in creating rifts through time! Who really runs things? This piece is too fantastic to believe and yet I know it is quite right about most of what it says. I may have given Icke the original start to this Anatolian connection he is covering here. He has not given me credit. The area that is now known as Turkey played a major role in the Mystery Religions. The use of drugs to create religious experiences was developed to a fine art by various occult fraternal mystery religion groups in the Turkey area. The Assassins from where we get the word hashish controlled parts of Turkey and Lebanon in Medieval times. They used drugs to gain the allegiance of their recruits. Some of the most powerful figures for the Illuminati have been Turks. The Grand Orient has had some powerful figures in Turkey. For instance, at the Masonic Congress of all the Grand Orients (thats European Freemasonry- although several American presidents have been members of European Freemasonry) Grand Lodges, Bou Achmed came from Turkey. The Grand Lodge of Asia was represented by Sebeyck-Kadir from Asia. Bou Achmed took a big role in the Grand Orients decisions. As an aside, let me explain one example of the power of the Grand Orient in America. The Grand Orient was originally strong in Louisiana but spread itself to many other US. locations. Garfield, a very powerful man in the Grand Orient, managed to become US. President because the political process got deadlocked at the convention and the Masons suggested him as a compromise candidate. Although Garfield was an extremely powerful Mason, had been perhaps the youngest general in the US. Army during the Civil War, the Illuminati ordered him shot after he had served about a year in office as President. Garfield was reported by an eye-witness to Satanic rituals to have participated in the cannibalistic rites of Satanism done to gain the spiritual power of the

93 eaten person. The Grand Orient Freemasonry has been linked to other orders of Freemasonry that are also called Rosicrucians. Pope John XXIII joined a Rosicrucian group that had links to European Freemasonry when he was in Turkey. While the secret Grand Orient Freemasonry was very strong in Turkey in spite of its small numbers, the regular American Freemasonry granted a dispensation for a Masonic Lodge to operate in Smyrna, Turkey in May, 1863 but the charters were withdrawn on Aug. 27, 1880. However, it is interesting that of all the Turkish cities, Smyrna was definitely the best place for Freemasonry to gain recruits. Men like Achmed Pasha and many of the other Pasha family have been leaders within Freemasonry and the Illuminati. Achmed Pasha was a Satanist and had a large harem. Mehmet Talaat Pasha (1872-1921) was a Freemason and part of the Turkish revolution of 1908. He was the leader of the Young Turks, which was a joint project of the Sufis and the Frankist Satanists. (The type of Satanism led by the Frank family has had connections to Turkey for hundreds of years.) Mehmet Talaat Pasha was the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Turkey. He was held the political position in Turkey of grand vizier of Turkey (1917-18). Another Turkish Pasha was part of the Turkish royalty running Egypt when Egypt was part of the Ottoman Empire. His name was Khedive Ismail Pasha and he was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Egypt. It was this Turk, Khedive Ismail Pasha, who gave the famous Obelisk to the United States. This Obelisk was called Cleopatras Needle and was originally erected in the city of the sun, Heliopolis, about 1500 B.C. The Obelisk is a representation of a human penis, because sun worship, worship of regeneration (sex) and worship of the sun god Satan were all tied together. Masons helped with the moving of the obelisk, and its dedication when it arrived in New York City. Large obelisks have been erected by Masons in New York, Washington D.C., Paris, the Vatican, and London. (If my memory serves me correct Berlin received one too at one time.) Every morning when the United States President wakes up he can look out the window and see the Masonic obelisk and be reminded of who controls America. If the President has any training in the Mystery religion of ancient Egypt, he will also know what body part is symbolically erected in the Washington Memorial. (6) Notice the importance of Smyrna as a source of Freemasonry here. That is where the Onassis family has operated potion-pushing or altered consciousness drugs for millennia. My friend who uses the name Eternum1 on a web community has this to say about the issue. Sometimes, when my tiny head is spinning with disinfotainment and other artifacts of the mediasphere, I try to think what archaeologists and social historians 2,000 years from now might make of our particular little epoch. How, for instance, would they parse the word "drug"? Is a "drug dealer" a pharmacist or a petty criminal? When we talk about "reasonably priced drugs for seniors," are we discussing marijuana or Lipitor {or Levitra}? What would they make of the fact that the last four American administrations have declared a "war on drugs" while taking money from drug companies? Why is it bad when residents of Colombia build mansions from profits on the sale of drugs, but it's good when residents of Newport, R.I., do the same thing? When one person cannot live without "lifesaving drugs," we express great sympathy, unless that person is a "drug addict," in which case we may even throw him in jail. When a mood-altering drug is sold in pill form in stores, it's called an antidepressant and hailed as a medical

94 breakthrough. When a mood-altering drug is sold on the streets, it's called felony drug trafficking and subject to stiff criminal penalties. Because we are native speakers of Americanadianese, we can wend our way through the contradictions. We know that the bad drugs are the ones the cause euphoria and impair judgment, unless the drug is alcohol, but that's not ever called a drug, so there's no confusion there. We know that the good drugs are the ones that cure diseases or relieve symptoms, except sometimes the good drugs are ineffective or even counterproductive in achieving those goals. Street dealers do not finance experimental trials on the effectiveness of the drugs they sell. Drug companies do, but they fudge the results. Street dealers have a small feedback loop because customers can tell pretty quickly whether they're loaded or not. Drug companies have a long feedback loop because human beings can't instantly tell whether their cholesterol is being lowered or their blood thinned or their insulin production stimulated. A drug with a long feedback loop is clearly more profitable than one with a short feedback loop because the dealer can keep an ineffective drug on the shelves much longer. Interestingly, the people who sell ineffective drugs are generally said to have made "honest mistakes." If a street dealer sold you an ineffective drug, you could take five of your friends and go back and have a brisk conversation with him. If a behind-the-counter dealer sold you an ineffective drug, you'd have to hire a lawyer and file a lawsuit and maybe, maybe, 10 years later you'd get some money, although probably you'd be dead by then. Street dealers don't have patents on their drugs, which means that they'll always have plenty of competition. Drug companies do have patents, so they can set their prices without worrying about market economics. And when their patents run out, they can put out a drug with a slightly different formulation, promote it like mad and sell the new drug in a monopolistic setting {With government mandated market support in order to manage the money-trees while building bureaucracy.}. You have to wonder when street dealers are going to come up with Cocaine XR or LSD Reditabs. Since the street dealer works in a competitive atmosphere, he has to keep his prices relatively low. In order to increase his profitability, he can "step on" his product, that is, dilute it. It would be unwise for a drug company to adulterate its product, but since it owns a monopoly, it can set prices artificially high and achieve the same profitability levels. A street dealer who knowingly poisons his clientele is called "the scum of the earth." A drug corporation that knowingly poisons its clientele is called "a tobacco company." People who sell illegal drugs often rot in jail for 20 or 30 years. People who sell legal drugs are often forced to attend tedious daylong board meetings. People who take illegal drugs are called "losers." People who take legal drugs are called "everyone in America." Glad I'm not an archaeologist in 4040; my brain would ache a whole lot. One pill makes you larger, and one pill puts you in jail, and please do not operate heavy machinery with the ones that mother gives you. {My ex-roommate was being told to apply for his old job as a forklift truck operator while being given drugs for Schizophrenia which he did not have. He was no liar and could not expose a potential employer to the insurance risks or his fellow employees to the life threat this would

95 entail. Many drugs people use are impairing their driving prowess and there are laws to take away their license that go unenforced.} Driving that train, high on ethyl 4-1-piperidinecarboxylate, just like Et and the ungreatful dead. Homeopathy: It is a wonderful thing to have the Joy of Learning and to make a career that you find is related to your studies. There are so many ways to get a Doctor label and thus claim expertise in the many fields and disciplines which we have broken knowledge into. Some of this is counter to real expertise and much of it just sets people apart from knowledge and each other. But people are also being segmented into classes within the hierarchy of government backed by and for elites in all so many ways. Medicine has been one of their more dastardly tools alongside religion and the so-called education system. This next little factoid reminds me of how Edward Gibbon almost died because the British Medical system would not approve vaccinations through use of scabs as had been done by the likes of Paracelsus or others in antiquity and which was approved in the France of his era. Did Gibbons Jacobin Masons use this among their members since the time of Moses Maimonides or earlier alchemists? When the Cholera epidemic reached England, it provided another opportunity to compare homeopathic treatment with the conventional methods of the day. Regular allopathic medicine yielded a mortality rate of 59 percent compared to only 16 percent for the Homeopaths. (7) When these statistics were collected, the information was so startling that a medical commission was sent to the London Homeopathic Hospital to check the records. Though the data were duly verified, it was decided not to make them public, and the facts were not released until a hundred years later. (8) The formation of a political machine such as the American Medical Association who helped bring the FDA into control is a major issue against alternative healing or real care for people. In the late 19th Century as these issues were becoming apparent there were many who knew that the allopaths or medical doctors selling laudanum and the like were actually the Killing-trade. There are signs that stress management (dont fret sweat or exercise) and the connectiveness to the all around us are again making a play to be considered in health maintenance. Vitamins and supplements are able to prove to even the most duped person receiving medical care that they work and yet some doctors groups and the governments that back them still disqualify doctors who advise their usage. The whole area of academics is subject to a Knowledge Filter (Berkeley Law Professor Johnson) or Literary Theory (UBC English Professor Graham Good) and the outright suppression of creative or thoughtful and meaningful potentials. (9) I think the concept of Bucky Fuller that he called 'the observer of the observed' and his more detailed 'creative realization' is part of what we operates as we project upon reality. For example the things (!) we see are actually a mixture of fields of energy from the dross and less excited to the highly excited or vibrational energy inside the atomic structures. In one way of visualizing this we could SEE something including an aura which is the field of energy not usually visible but associated with the solar body and integrative centers called chakras. Perhaps we could contemplate a time when all people had the ability to see or sense auras and yet by our socially normed 'projections' that include telling our

96 children certain things do not exist, we have lost the conscious integration or incorporation of these fields of reality. When I read that the psychic surgeons of the Philippines and Brazil have had their energy measured during operations at the same vibration rate of 7.8 cycles it started me thinking of how we can alter our state and how others might perceive us in these altered states. Clearly if anyone could see all the spaces between our electrons and the nuclei or between the different atoms and molecules we wouldn't seem solid by a long shot. Thus these surgeons who use no utensils would be able to energize the infected or diseased body part or tumor to remove it at an altered vibration level. There have been solid documentaries with such credible support as X-rays before a San Francisco businessman had such a tumor removed and X-rays a year later showing it hadn't returned. The video presentation was impressive but we all know the debunkers can show how to fake these things. In the end you must decide who has the most to gain from the arguments and whether or not you want to actualize your own potential. Once you do a few things the debunkers say are impossible - then a smile will come to your face; and the intellectual conflict loses all import unless you are stupid enough to try to write a book such as this. String Theory knows about the harmonic forces that are less than solid which somehow combine to make what we perceive as a solid. The astrophysicists now have told us that 95% of the universe is 'Dark Matter' or Dark Energy - so get with it before you are invisible and don't know it! Just kidding! We fear that which we cannot fully comprehend and our experts or priests and doctors have been some of the worst perpetrators or enablers of our fears. We even allow fear to pre-empt love which is ironic because at the end of our lives its not the fears or the differences that matter the most but whether we loved and allowed ourselves to be loved as much as possible. INTELITAPPING: I wont go into the countless intricate details of the phenomenal human body, which includes trillions of smart cells and thousands of complex biochemical processes occurring each and every second, let alone the ability to think and be self aware. Its miraculous. I strongly believe that all of natures potential to develop further is based on the ability to better use the Ultimate Intelligence was all comprise. Nature constantly draws from the Intelligence for the purpose of preservation and balance. Creationists may use the above examples as proof that evolution cant account for these marvels, that only an intelligent creatorGodcould have produced that progression. But if this were exactly the case, then why didnt God, the absolute Intelligence, create animals perfectly to begin with, without the need to evolve? For example, the human brain was originally very basic. Called the reptilian brain, it consisted mainly of the brain stem and it was built to support strong survival instincts. After many years, the mammalian brain, which among other things was geared to develop emotions, emerged. It took a few million years for the neo-cortex, or the thinking brain to develop. This brain is capable of many of our day-to-day functions such as performing mathematical calculations and reasoning. Experts agree that these three brain areas are not always coordinated. In fact, in times of stress they activate in the order of their creation. First the reptilian brain reacts, then the mammalian followed by the neo-cortex. In other words, the brain responds to stressors first from the instinct region, then from emotion, and finally from reason

97 Because the brain developed only as humans needs evolved, I believe that like all of nature, development happened through the process of InteliTapping. This phenomenon can more clearly explain on the one hand the development of the most complex and sophisticated organ in the planet, and on the other a somewhat uncoordinated and to a certain extent ineffective brain. Every new perception of knowledge is always based either directly or indirectly on older knowledge. InteliTapping allows us to connect with the oldest, yet most complete source of knowledge. (10) The archetypes and their symbols that were intuited and developed by the alchemists are the SOURCE of the teaching or learning of Jesus (whoever and however many people constitute his amalgam character). The excellent PBS TV show called Nature produced a show on the origins of music and the biological and archetypal impact it has had on our evolution and emotional wherewithal. Along with reed instruments from as long ago as 60,000 years that obviously show sophisticate development of technology they had the cave operas of those who rubbed and drummed on stalactites. They posited that the treeswinging hominid that like the Sumatran Gibbon co-ordinates community for protection through territorial chants, is not so much less aware as most of our great Lockean influenced academics seem to be.

98 CHAPTER SEVEN: Technological Alternative Demons: THE QUARK AND THE JAGUAR: Murray Gell-Mann is not your average Nobel Laureate and this book's title is an illustration of why that is the case. The name 'quark' comes to him from James Joyce's Finnegan's Wake which was a subject that Joseph Campbell found most telling. In fact the symbology of this book is highly archetypical and Keltic or Druidic. The Jaguar is more than a mere ecological or environmental icon. The Cult of Kukulcan is THE Jaguar Cult. Kukulcan of the Toltecs is a white man of the Druidic leaders who escaped Roman domination and proscription. The Pyramid at Chichen Itza and a stele I discovered nearby which is not on the tour and lead to my being threatened with a Mexican jail on my second visit there is most important. It is this stele which was so important in my personal investigations of Time and our human history or culture. It is the Temple of Kukulcan when it was originally built before they re-built around the original structure. You can see the original temple from inside the altar area enclosed at the top of this structure. Who was responsible for the re-building? I think the Dragons of Rosicrucian type Mystery Schools were influential in the design of the re-building because it has a serpent shadow which appears at certain astronomical events or occasions. The serpent wends its way slowly up the side of the Pyramid. The Prince of Palenque's tomb equaled King Tut's tomb. The Prince is also a white man but more importantly he had the brooch that connects these symbols and Mystery Schools. For you see (though no academic I have read will touch this matter even if they knew it) this brooch of jade was to honor the same blood sport rituals practiced by the Christian Mystery Schools that led to Nero calling them 'cannibals'. It is admitted by HRH Nicholas de Vere in some detail and even Sir Laurence Gardner addresses these rituals though he does not (In Genesis of the Grail Kings) admit what his forwarder de Vere admits. Specifically I refer to Count Dracula or Vlad the Impaler who was a Dragon of the Catholic crusading orders. The jade brooch worn by the Prince of Palenque whose tomb is replete with other serpent symbology is the Vampire god Zotz. Today we have Skull & Bones with their Obscene Ritual to thank for keeping this ritual alive in some manner. Here is the crux of it. These noble families observed that the Third Eye connected them to knowledge most sublime. The Chanes in Central America went so far as to board their children's heads to make them appear serpent-like. The Merovingian King Dagobert trepanned his head and I think they did this to allow Cosmic Energy to access the Third Eye or Pineal gland because I have found other such things in the archaeological record in diverse areas associated with these secret cults. One of the purposes of human sacrifices such as the Biblical 'Devoted Ones' (See Cahill's Gifts of the Jews) is the harvesting of human pineal glands and thalami with melatonin and (according to Gardner) the iridium and rhodium that constitutes some 5% of the clarified brain. Melatonin means 'workers in the dark' and we all see Dracula is portrayed by Hollywood in this way but that is fiction. The truth is far more horrific. They need this human 'gold' and love to get it while the blood still courses through the Thalami organs. I provide a review of Gell-Mann's book by a teacher type who has no clue of the complex and integrative man who studied Yoruba which is the basis of Voudou, for your

99 reading enjoyment if you would like a laugh after contemplating what I have just said. (http://educ.queensu.ca/~science/main/profdev/books/PDBRAV.htm) Here is a response from a person in a forum on the web that I belong to. Hi Robert. Just two weeks ago there was a BBC program on television. The subject was African children, illegally brought into the U.K., there to disappear. Scotland Yard apparently has for several years now been on the trail of those children, as they suspect they were sacrificed in tribal ''brain-eating'' rituals performed by, among other, the Yoruba ethnics living in England. The documentary took the viewer to several African villages, and explained the why and the how of the ritual, then back to the several ways in which adults, women mostly, would be convinced to go get, and bring an ''orphaned nephew'' or ''little brother'' into the UK (or Germany, or any other country in Europe or North America, where this ritual was ''commonly'' performed). Gruesome. Of course there are many people who study Yoruba or the Orishas who would not dream of being involved in the eating of thalami. I want to make clear that I do not blame anyone for seeking knowledge wherever they may find it. But we must respect life and each other and not get into these easy answers. And when it comes to easy answers or the misuse of symbology archetypes or the energy they release I wonder how many practitioners of Neuro-Psycho Linguistics are able to handle it ethically. The Santa Fe Institute has many studies in many disciplines and I think it would be good to convey some of their perspective on linguistic focal points in an abstract from a paper by Liam Aspin. Murray Gell-Mann is part of the Santa Fe Institute. Do not worry if you do not grasp the full meaning of what this bright person says I know I dont. In this paper we introduce a unique and influential psychoanalytical theory based upon a theory of linguistics developed by Jaques Lacan. Although Lacan is primarily concerned with psychoanalytical issues, his work has already entered other theoretical realms such as sociology, philosophy and literary criticism. We argue that an application of Lacan's ideas to the concept of focal points leads us to emphasise the integration of the conceptualisation of focal points and preferences. We argue that it is insufficient to view salience as an extra or special consideration that must be in some way made commensurate with our notions of rational choice. Rather, the significance of focal points should be interpreted in terms of preferences. We argue that when an individual makes a choice, what they reveal is a psycho-social structure, or what we call a 'structure of salience.' This is to emphasise that we wish to challenge the current understanding of the term 'salient' and to draw it closer to preference analysis in general. The terminology applied by some ascribes the term salience only when it is easy to recognise that the direct connection between desire and the achievement of satisfaction through rational choice is prevented by incomplete preference. That is, at the aggregate level where focal points are exhibited by the dominance of symbols in language. We argue that the connection between desire and rational choice is always mediated by language and that language itself is a structure of salience based on psycho-social linguistic relations. It is argued that this paper provides an important comment on the nature and significance of focal points and their relationship to preferences in general. (1) Personally I interpret the focal points he refers to as archetypes and it includes things of energy which are more than psycho-social but that is one of the reasons I think NeuroPsycho-Linguists in the hands of psychiatrists is dangerous. Thought-Cloning:

100 Has any of this excremental psychology concerned you yet? The author of the report on the Phoenix Project seems much saner and credible now doesn't he/she? Continuing with this report: "Engineers solved this by feeding in all the required natural background information of the Earth to convince test subjects of a continuous stream real earth time reference so they would not experience trans-dimensional disorders. Test subjects would believe they were still in Earth 'real-time'. Dr. von Neumann was the ideal Director for the Phoenix Projects. He knew computers would have to be used if they were going to calculate the time references of specific people and replicate those references while they were in the quantum field, otherwise the test subjects would be experiencing essentially 'no reality' or a continuous nightmare reality at best." This sounds pretty nice and almost as if they were concerned about the human guinea pigs, but that is not the case according to a show I saw on cable access TV before it was yanked about nine years ago in Las Vegas. Is this von Neumann the one who the galactic space probes that will carry genetic material to other planets, is named after? Is there any consideration for other life that is already on these planets? The International Space Agency in Geneva is well along on a path towards WHAT?!! The Mars team is on a Northern Canadian Island doing maneuvers as of this month (August 2001). But by 2003 we have India, Japan and Europe all mounting independent efforts to Mars and the moon. "The computer had to be programmed to generate an electromagnetic background with which the test subjects could synchronize. If not done, the soul and the physical body time and space reference points would be out of sync, resulting in dissolution and insanity or inability to return to Earth real time. Because they were dealing with two separate and distinct entities - the spiritual human and the physical human - the time reference would be required to lock in the spirit and the electromagnetic background would be required to lock in the body. The technology, begun in 1948, was apparently fully developed by 1967, during the height of the Vietnam conflict." My friend's acquaintance (The Rambo character) who I mentioned earlier says these things we saw in 'Jacob's Ladder' by Oliver Stone were known to have been used by his associates. I believe the military certainly would have done so. I thought so when I saw the movie with my 'twin' Linda Braun. She was a Dr. of Psychology who worked on the team that developed the drugs which are said to restore 80% of true Schizophrenics to normalcy. True schizophrenics aren't the only ones receiving these drugs and the over-all results show it was better when NO drugs were given. This was the last time I saw her, due to the confrontation that ensued. Her work to get amnesty for women who killed their abusive mates was laudatory and her coping skills course of two weeks was able to reduce returning criminals (recidivism) by 50% over a fifteen year period. I have written a book called 'Doing Right - From the Wrong Side' about her, and our relationship, in the last few months. It was unconscionable to her to even consider that the Tim Robbins character was experiencing anything more than 'hallucinatory visions' as he dimensionally shifted for years after his experience in the MKULTRA type program. Even though she had been bought off and her life threatened by 'the old boy network'. They didn't want to expand this program that would have helped so many people and victims of the system; she couldn't believe they could be this evil or that there was such technology. That was ten years ago and I hope she is still not so nave as I write this book, now. "When the project's first phase was complete, a report was submitted to the Congressional committee from which funds had been appropriated. Congressional members were told that the consciousness of man could definately be affected by

101 electromagnetism and, additionally, that it would be possible to develop electronic hardware and software that could literally change the way a person thinks about anything and everything." Anton Mesmer and Rasputin, as well as many shamans had done this kind of thing without equipment for many centuries before. The story of Ben Franklin and the Paris Academy ridiculing Mesmer has made the movie screen too. Hypnosis is one of the outgrowths of his work, and we have ample evidence of its effectiveness in Scientology. "The committee, fearing they would be first on the list of new test subjects, refused to refinance and Project Phoenix was disbanded in 1969." Sweeping such knowledge under the rug doesn't make it go away. They should have de-briefed these scientists and watched them like hawks. In truth they probably expected there would be other backers but the politicians didn't want the potential exposure, I think. I would have regulated the research and funded it with an ethical control and transparency of purpose with citizen oversight or I wouldn't back any 'black ops'. But I am truly naive when it comes to such things. We need to have counteracting forces and antidotes for such technology. Is that on any list of priorities that we have seen so far? Tachyon emitters are possibly helpful against such 'mind control' EM or other weapons, according to something I saw on the web. Is that someone trying to make money on the scary aspects of all of this, or is it really effective? I do not know! "But the scientists and engineers at Brookhaven had spent too much time, effort and money on Phoenix to just scrap it and walk away. Their empire was in place, the technology was secure, and the engineers were looking for a mission. What they needed was funding from a secret agency to continue with the mind control experiments. The military seemed the most logical source." There are many others who would (and probably are) be interested. I worked as project manager for developing technologies in ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Networks) and other pattern recognition devices with an ex-military, computer 'hacker' and NASA consultant. We came up with many technologies and applications for our partner in the security business. The use of 'cloned brain wave patterns' that are involved here in projecting onto other people's minds could also be used as entry/access perimeter protection through CAD/CAM type pattern recognition. DNA and retinal scans are good but this technology would be possible to hook-up to computers and allow access to people whose specific 'reference points' and thought patterns are recorded. Further, it would allow the tracking of thoughts and comparison to known emotional states that are potentially problematical. Mind-reading of this type could be used in high stakes marketing and negotiations or in altering behavior in ways beyond anything I have read in this literature. Hiring procedures would be greatly enhanced and a truly invasive diagnostic psychological tool potential exists. Imagine the use in computer dating or social environments and lie detection! With the developing MRI based 'false memory' detection systems that are near to being used in police work there are lots of possible ways to end incarceration of innocent people but also this mind control cloning etc., would make it easier to frame someone if they wanted to fool the technology. In the early 20th Century and perhaps still today, poisons could be used that were untraceable and duplication of natural death appearances were often used in spy networks and criminal organizations of every stripe or color. This 'mind control' equipment can be a similar advantage and jury-tampering would take on new dimensions (pun). "When told a device had been developed that would alter the way people - and particularly soldiers - would think and act, military pundits were beside themselves with joy. Such a device could not only change the outcome of a battle already begun, it might be used to convince entire populations that war is not only unnecessary, but completely

102 impossible. Or that total war was the only solution to a political crisis. Phoenix had found its mission. SPINAL TAP: The intelligence community discovers mind control." It would be more appropriate to say they now knew it wasn't just 'black magic' or hype and that it was atomic level usefulness not unlike the atomic weapons that were the rage in the population at large. The truth is that biological weaponry was always more potentially devastating and few peoples bomb-shelters would have saved them. That is not true for the elite Pentagon people who could take their families under water in nuclear submarines for years if necessary. I have heard that there are safe shelters for all of Congress and bureaucrats with their families near Washington. Up to 2,000,000 people who can be housed for 25 years and then come up to do what they want with THEIR world. In Switzerland they have mountain underground cities for all their people. So, the decision-makers don't have the same risks do they? In fact some would prefer anarchy and all out war. "Exploration into telepathy, teleportation, transportation, levitation and tentative excursions backward and forward in time has continued almost without cessation from 1943 until the present time. The results of the experiments aboard the USS Eldridge, disastrous as they might have been at the time, provided fuel and data for a series of programs and black projects that now consumes a great portion of America's defense budgets." Here we see some other things - teleportation of more than just the quantum effect variety! I have heard from different sources (three well placed and credible ones) that a Navy Cruiser was teleported in the 50's and wound up in the Gobi Desert, with everyone dead or discombobulated thoroughly. Levitation through 'high-spin' atomics is written about in 'Genesis of the Grail Kings' mentioned in early chapters of this book. I would suspect they have 'fooled with' transmutation as well. "Scientists and engineers learned how to alter and direct weather, how to create storms or to vanquish natural storms by tapping into the planet's orgone energy and turning it on or off at will... (It is somewhat repetitive of history at this point.) Investigation quickly revealed that telepathic waves, while not radio waves, behaved similarly to them and could, therefore, be controlled, modulated and directed with the use of proper equipment. Scientists were elated. They had discovered (or rediscovered) electromagnetic functions unlike anything ever reported in scientific journals and textbooks. They were on the verge of wholly new discoveries in human mind power." Here we get a little insight into this scholar/journalist when he/she says 'or rediscovered'. This person probably knows things like Fulcanellis warning to the Paris Academy of Sciences when atomic fission work began in the 20's or 30's. This person is probably an esoteric devotee. I met a McDonnell-Douglas Vice President of Research & Development who worked on beyond TOP SECRET projects at Groom Lake and Tonopah. He and I spoke and competed in a drunken state at an exotic bar near McD's headquarters in Long Beach on more than one occasion. I was counseling abuse victims with palmistry and other means such as giving them 'Return To Love' by Marianne Williamson. His interests were more human and 'normal'. I can safely say he blurted out some things he shouldn't have and that he was surprised at the extent of my own knowledge in the areas of his research. One of the things we spoke about relates to some of what this author just said. The use of ESP bandwidth directional polarity interstellar or Earth atmosphere and gravity space craft, was suggested by me. He said they had already done this! By tuning the polarity by computer direction over ESP waves the ability to avoid booster rockets and the like is certainly possible to some distance. I do not know if they determined what that distance

103 might be. I have seen TV programs of a documentary nature that say we have Ram-Jet technology that can achieve .7 light speed allowing us to reach the third planet orbiting Alpha Centauri in fifteen years and believe the moon base will be the starting point for such missions to colonize space. Therefore the gravity will not be such an issue. "Because the projects were funded by and controlled by the military and federal intelligence agencies, the data gathered was delivered to them and filed away in war rooms and at secret military bases. The general public, by and large, was wholly unaware of these insidious mind-probing activities. Out of early research came the revelation that certain radio frequencies in the 410-420 MHz range could effectively block human thought patterns, leaving test subjects unable to perform their tasks. Unknown to the researchers and test subjects at the time, the military had established a secret base on the east coast and was using a jamming device in the form of a modified radar antenna that, for 14 years, from 1970 until about 1984 {I think this ties in with Montauk mentioned earlier in reference to the Las Vegas cable access TV program called Tootlevision after its host Harry Tootle.}, beamed thought altering electromagnetic frequencies toward thousands of Americans in dozens of New England communities {New England is a little far north of New Jersey and Montauk, perhaps maybe Tesla's Tower on Long Island is the site of this base???}. These thought altering waves would cause crowds to gather and then suddenly disperse in bewilderment; cause an increase in crime, including murder, in areas receiving the frequencies, and stimulated increased delinquency and rebellion among teenagers. When the signals were turned off, these communities would return to normal. The body snatchers had arrived! When the base was suddenly abandoned in 1983 or 1984, the former residents left behind nearly all their equipment, papers and military orders. Military transfer orders discovered by other researchers were complete and accurate in every detail, except that some had large words scrawled across them: GONE! This odd defacing of official government orders could not be explained until further investigation revealed what intelligence agencies had paid for at the secret base. They had been sending their test subjects, all males, some military, some civilians, back and forth through time!" This definitely sounds like Montauk. Gone - means they didn't return but it seemed to me many of these people were terribly screwed up and disassociated like we saw in 'Twelve Monkees'. I remember the photos showed a barracks of beds with a psychic picking up on the horror of the thoughts of the victims, from Tootlevision. Perhaps they sent them into one of the dimensions as a means of disposal - that would definately be the kind of thing I would expect. You may note I said dimensions rather than time. I am not convinced they are actually time traveling, from the data this author has given. In fact I am not convinced 100% that physically manifest entities from this time-line can do TIME Travel. I do believe in Time viewing and astral time travel. There are two kinds of 'viewing'. The one achieved in Nostradamus' 'Stone' is full of imagery and possibilities that are hard to translate or differentiate. The kind that Murry Hope experienced in Pyramids is almost as good as physical travel. She is of the opinion that that is what it was, if I remember correctly. What per cent of probability I place on Al Bielick having a Time Machine is hard to say. Perhaps 40%, would be right but I hear from a friend who has seen it that it really taking one through time. There are other reasons I believe can lead to a higher probability of Time Travel. "Espers found the base surrounded with unusual vibrations and images; remnants of unusual weather patterns, mind control and beings that had been created from the ether out of the thoughts of test subjects. The investigators were certain something remarkable

104 had happened at the facility and set out to discover what it was. Their focal starting point was the premise that everyone on the base had vanished at nearly the same time, perhaps the same day, and that they had no time to actually shut down the base or decommission it officially. In fact, the base did not officially exist." If you are able to find 'The Montauk Experiment' as my second wife Barbi did, in a library, then reading it will provide another 'possible' answer. There is also a possibility of fluctuating space time warps being connected with the Bermuda Triangle that is off the coast of New Jersey. This is the 'stuff' of probabilities that lead somewhere entirely different that I will not be covering here. "Except that it was in a state of general disarray when they arrived, investigators found materials, machines, supplies, reports, buildings and support gear in place as if the base might still be operational. But all the people were gone. Without a trace. Citizens in nearby cities revealed that while the base was operating, strange things, other than increased crime and delinquency, had happened. Large groups of animals would suddenly charge into town and crash through windows. It snowed in August. Hurricane force winds suddenly came from nowhere and as quickly subsided. Thunderstorms, lightning and hail would appear and vanish when no meteorological indications of such storms were present. In 1947, federal agencies in America began an extensive research project into the specific control of weather. This was the original Phoenix project and was developed from data provided by Austrian scientist Dr. Wilhelm Reich. Most of his research data was burned by the Food and Drug Administration and is no longer available for general reading. Dr. Reich was best known for his discovery of a force he called 'orgone' energy, orgasmic or life energy, the existence of which he proved in his lab. While this discovery in itself, associated with the Newtonian concept of 'the ether', was not earth-shaking, he soon ran afoul of the medical authorities when he claimed his control of the life energy, the wave-form nature of the cosmic ether, cured cancer. In 1940's America, such a proclamation was certain to be a decree of professional suicide. Still, Reich found practical uses for his wave-form energy to control and modify weather by modulating the amount of 'orgone' within a storm. Varying amounts of orgone were found to reside in biological organisms as well as in every square inch of cosmic space. By using electromagnetic force fields, Reich was ultimately able to reduce the violence of natural storms, a feat he promptly and foolishly reported to the government. But the government had been closely following Dr. Reich's experiments and already knew what he could do. They asked for and received, all his prototype equipment and research papers and quickly used the information to advance their own weather research." Reich was a student of Freud along with Jung who is called an alchemist by Time/ Life. Even before Jung worked on alchemical symbolism and archetypes another Freud student named Silberer had done great work on it. Vienna is a hotbed of esoteric knowledge and Hitler left Vienna in the same year that Jung left Freud. Hitler had studied there for over five years and had dealings with a Neumann who might well be the father/banker of John. I do go into this in other books. THERE MAY BE NO ALIENS! IT MIGHT BE A COVER-UP, and created by the US Government to lead people away from the real truth at Roswell. The same might be true of the Taos, New Mexico 'sounds' that I heard a US Congressman for the region talking about and saying they wouldn't answer his questions. The government can create fictions as the research of Dr. Persinger shows, that can implant UFO abduction and other false experience. That could also fit with real aliens being covered up as well. The world of counter-counter disinformation is such that; who can really know anything! The fact

105 that they can create these effects through geomagnetic manipulations to create results in certain regions without even interviewing or meeting people makes it hard for Alien researchers to know what they are dealing with. Bob Lazar's story is quite a different 'kettle of fish' and I am moved to believe there might be alien visitations due to the fact that I have a variety of confirming witnesses that worked at Area 51 and can confirm his descriptions. His hour long story was run on 'Showtime' after his personal history had been expunged from schools and places like Los Alamos where he worked. Still this could be a government set-up to make their real research that we are dealing with here, seem less likely and serve to diffuse 'normal' acceptance of such possibilities. "This research combined the radio meteorograph, a balloon lofted weather monitor, with Reich's 'orgone buster' and produced the devices now known as radiosondes. In the 1950's, radiosondes were lofted by balloon into the atmosphere at the rates of about 200 per day. Despite the government's cover story that the radiosondes were lofted to gather weather data, no receivers for the transmitters aboard have ever been discovered and the government was able, through a chain of disinformation, to preserve the secrecy of the weather altering devices for over forty years. Even if radiosondes were used to nullify violent storms on the eastern seaboard, the potential exists to use them to actually create violent storms and to direct them toward specific targets, communities and factories or military bases, which research has been reported in the former Soviet Union for about thirty years. According to investigators who have pursued weather control, the joint RAFB/USAFB Woodbridge-Bentwaters, just north of London, England, was partially destroyed by a man-made storm. Huge tracts of lovely forest on and around the base were literally pulled out by the roots during a sudden, violent, localized storm of great intensity, a disaster which is lamented by citizens from nearby communities to this day." Is this playing GOD? Is it new for humanity to be able to direct the forces of nature in this way? Did the walls of Jericho really come tumbling down as a result of the 'Lost Chord'? Could Druids use the harmonic force in all matter through their attunement and Harps to do these same kinds of things with the forces of the 'ether' and nature? Is this why they were decreed to die, by the Romans, or was it that the time continuum was being torn or ripped by such 'magic'? Might we be engaged in similar efforts that will screw up the time continuum? I still continue to research things like the 'Remote Poison' of the Borgias which I suspect is harmonic attacks at a distance on specific individuals through the tepaphone that is a Rosicrucian mainstay. "PHOENIX II: Research into mind control produces some dangerous and unexpected results: TIME-TRIPPING! Of all the mind-control experiments conducted in the 1970's and 1980's, those of the Phoenix Project produced some of the most bizarre and unexpected results. While they were primarily interested in altering the moods and behavior of test subjects, scientists at Phoenix quickly learned that they could beam specific controlled frequencies to produce specific mood changes and thought patterns Test subjects were bombarded with many different pulse rates and widths as scientists tried to determine which pulses made the person cry, laugh, sleep, violent, etc.. They discovered that when the equipment was operating, the mood of everyone at the facility would change. From this they concluded that the person did not have to be in the direct path of the beamed frequencies to be affected by the mind control pulses. Their newly found weapon of RF power gave them a virtual doorway to the human mind! Next on the agenda was to discover what was inside and how they could alter it permanently.

106 Unfortunately, several people died of massive brain damage during the early tests when exposed to long periods of intense pulses of microwave energy. After this problem was solved, the scientists began compiling a data base of pulses and frequencies that produced the results they were looking for and, by 1972, had developed a non-burning, non-lethal technology and began using it almost continually on military personnel and nearby communities. A natural outcome of these experiments was changing the frequencies to see which produced the best results. From these rapid and random frequency change tests there emerged the first useful ideas and mechanics of time-tripping which would be used later to purposefully send test subjects out of this time/space continuum. By about 1975, shortly after cessation of hostilities in Vietnam, the Phoenix Project was in full swing with computers, a comprehensive data base covering a broad range of cause and effect, and all the new, powerful transmitters they required to begin beaming their subliminal transmissions over a large area of the American Northeast. We can see this author is adding more of the detail at this juncture that I made comments was lacking at an earlier point in the article. Some of the details about to be provided are more than just scary! As I proceed to cover the article I want the reader to know that the urge to not believe must be struggled with and overcome. The group of 100 in Rome was calling for an end to humanity on Earth during the 80's, that might occur by the year 2012 (according to Mayan calendrical prophecy it will be 2012). This author ends with some 'possibility thinking' that seems to end in the 90's or their insight and knowledge stops around then. That does not mean that the work stopped, and that things that would have led to our demise haven't been corrected by our 'masters'. "This pulse, when it can be heard above local noise, sounds like a diesel engine running at idle about a mile away and is just at the low end of human hearing. In some areas, a pulse attributed to Soviet experiments is at a very low frequency and sounds like a 'woodpecker' at the 5Hz to 8Hz range on shortwave radios. This low pulse has been detected from Taos, New Mexico to the Seattle, Washington area and, most recently, in the New England area... they had, by the early 1980's, built and programmed a device that would allow them access to the human mind and complete thought control over every citizen of the world but further research was required to determine which switches needed to be on and of in what order to produce the desired effect on a mass scale. ...Some contributors would gain from the manufacture and sale of the hardware and software; some would gain from sale of machines to the military; others would gain by programming consumers to purchase their advertised products and services. Apparently no one stopped to think of those who were going to lose: the people - those into whose minds the programs would be fed. Facilities were expanded, equipment upgraded, new Cray computers fed with synthetic human blood were installed to decode the messages returning from the brains of test subjects and translators were placed into the loop to convert the electrical signals into actual pictures which could be displayed on television monitors {Confirmed in other places.}. The engineers funded by some of the largest communications companies in the world {Who didn't want to see my alternative ISDN technology that was free in the first tier of service, reach market.} were able from that time to listen, read and watch the thoughts of their test subjects! They could hear and see what was going on inside their minds. They could join in conversations and record running dialogues. They could vary pulses to change the test subject's mood and actually see what the effect produced the translator was changed into a transmitter {I believe this is what Dr. Persinger is working with Verona of the DIA on still, that was reported earlier.} were going to be

107 transmitted to other test subjects who were conducting time-tripping experiments to give them a 'real-time' reference but the 'dreamers' or 'scanners' could not always lock onto images and hold them for long periods of time and several time-trippers were lost with the aid of the Cray and IBM computers and the new 'virtual reality' imaging technology. .. were able to generate continuous images to those travelling through the quantum field. But, because the computers could now generate images that appeared real and solid, the scientists realized they could project or broadcast them and cause people outside the facility to believe they were actually seeing creatures and machines interacting with them. These images were particularly apparent to people who had more than normal sensory perception and because many of those people report what they see, the scientists have been able to compile a small list of potential receptors (espers) who generally incorrectly translate the images and pass them on to non-sensitive people. The early tests, under the cover title of 'The Seeing Eye' were conducted to determine how easily espers linked with computer-generated virtual images could influence the general population. The scanner or 'Scannate' projects were born of this technology and were employed by several different agencies during the cold war to find submarines, troop staging areas and underground facilities of the enemy. Some of them continue even now at secret bases in the Western American States... The only purpose of the new technology being directed at American citizens is to load thoughts into their minds to make them do things they would not ordinarily do, including murder, suicide, madness, or purchasing items they do not want and cannot use By 1984, as predicted by George Orwell, Big Brother was inside your head and you didn't know it. The first hint of something new and exciting came early in 1980 when someone observed that an artificial event occurred before it was transmitted, and others were observed hours or days after they were broadcast the broadcasts were getting lost in time Further investigation revealed that time shifting was, indeed, occurring. By reconstructing the events and tracing the cause of the shift, they were ultimately able to isolate and control the moment and duration of the shift. They had, by accident, discovered how to manipulate or 'bend' time. ... new and more powerful equipment installed and operational by 1981. By surrounding their test subjects with powerful electromagnetic fields, they were able to create the effect produced aboard the USS Eldridge but with a great deal more control... They had found the portal into the quantum field and began tentatively to explore it, discovering in rapid succession, null time in which all things material and ethereal exists at one and the same moment in all planes as 'being' before the manifest cosmos; negative time (past); present time; positive time (future) and proof of parallel universes also having their own past, present and future times!... Immediately there were problems. People vanished and were never retrieved from the vortex... During the early phase of this refinement, and because they became worried about losing their trained psychics, it became routine to take homeless people from the alleys and project them into the vortex... When they outlived their usefulness or if the scientists feared they might remember what happened and tell someone else, they were projected in and the computer links were shut down Once the zero time and the image links were perfected and programmed into the computers, the human psychics in the loop were deemed unnecessary and they were taken out, primarily because they were unable to consistently lock in the real time images required to maintain the link between this time and 'other' time. The project was now totally controlled by vast electromagnetic generators and computers

108 Between 1981 and 1983 a large number of successful, if mostly tentative, excursions had been made forward and backward through time in parallel and alternate universes as well as projections back and forth in earth time. During the trips back into earth time, a number of significant historic political events were altered. They explored the vortex in Earth's past and future, sampling air and water and observing the evolution of society and the loss of natural resources, altering those events that would have caused natural or manmade disasters in the future. These alterations have bent the earth's time line and forced it out of its original direction and chronology. Those of us living since 1983 are not the people we would have become had not the time-trippers altered our time/space 'There was not,' claimed one scientist, 'more than a slight bending of light rays to indicate the test jumpers had gone into the vortex. They reappeared after having performed tasks for weeks, in the next second.' ... A large number of these trippers did not return to present day earth and it is to be assumed that theirs was a one-way mission through time. They were not expected to return and, indeed, must have agreed not to. From this revelation, many are led to conclude that the trippers were sent through the vortex to terraform a distant planet or, perhaps, to colonize a near celestial body such as the moon or Mars." This would require an altered manifestation of materiality in the atmosphere was not sufficient to support human life. This author is convinced something is going 'on up there' and the recent water in meteorites found from Mars as well as the now accepted plenitude of water on Mars might be related. I am as unable to explain this possibility as I am unable to explain a lot of things that government does, that we KNOW they have done. "Because the time line has already been altered, first accidentally with the Philadelphia Experiment and then purposefully during the Phoenix Project, we find ourselves in a time lock in which everything appears to be progressing normally but is, in fact, progressing through altered time. Events are getting away from us...We've jumped sideways and are having trouble finding our way back to 1943... Those who travelled to the future came back predicting the year 2000 as the beginning of the end time. Those who went farther found only desolation. What do they know that we don't?" THE HUMAN SINGULARITY AND MESMERISM: There are scientists who say that technological progress will accelerate indefinitely, causing a mind-boggling change in the basic principles of what we humans affectionately call 'home'. It is a well-known fact among Singularitarians that this event, known as the Singularity, will occur sometime before the year 2100. (2) I have yet to see a scientist talk about the impact of time viewing in any article. It will ensure the continuing exponential growth in knowledge. I think it is quite possible that this has been part of what has unleashed Pandoras Box already and it is a far better explanation for many things that the UFOlogists are talking about. There have been a number of recent Popes who say that aliens will come to teach us in this century and there is a scientist/priest who supposedly developed a chronovisor. The combination of already developing technology in Holography, nanotechnology, and quantum teleporting may make it possible to travel to various potential futures with intelligent machines that include the human brain contents which were dumped onto a computer by Stanford in 1999. How does this all too mystical reality work? For many years as we were growing up in the 50s and 60s the anti-mysticism forces denied there was ANY validity to mesmerism or hypnotism. They said there was no medicinal benefit to electricity and magnetism as

109 well. Now they are using these techniques and acting as if they understand how they work. Col. Bearden has actually made the explanations of electricity that allow us to finally replicate many wave and particle components of these force and non-force elements that paranormal events are happening through. The prevailing paradigm is using the knowledge in ways that we have expressed major concern about in respect of mind control equipment. What exactly the brain does and how the Thalami act as crystal radio receivers and amplifiers is an area of major interest in many scientific disciplines; but the halls of academia are still operating as if what was taught thirty years ago has validity. We are about to quote from a book authored by two seminar leaders on hypnosis to give a feel for what people have done to understand the brain and the mind for many millennia and probably millions of years. They correctly identify the whole field as trance combined with communication. All communication is a form of hypnosis from a certain point of view. Personally you may have met someone who has a mesmerizing voice or one that makes you relax. As a salesperson it was important for me to recognize the different kinds of voice and how the expression of whatever I wanted to say was just a part of what communicated. In the area of love-making and seduction the Romance languages seem most suitable but in reality English and voice modulation is just as good. They have a sub-title to their book that helps throw the net around the scope of the field - "NeuroLinguistic Programming and the Structure of Hypnosis". If you think about it you'll see that our entire environment is programming us at all times. "Hypnosis is a word that usually gets strong responses from people - some positive and some negative. Some people think it's a hoax or only good for making people act like chickens, some people think is will cure everything from dandruff to flat feet, and others think it is so dangerous that it should be left alone completely. Trance experiences have existed in different forms for centuries, usually surrounded by a mystique of something 'magical' and unexplainable. What is unique about this book is that it turns the 'magic' of hypnosis into specific understandable procedures that can be used not only in doing 'hypnosis' but also in everyday communication. When John Grinder and Richard Bandler do a seminar on hypnosis together, one of them usually says All communication is hypnosis' and the other says 'I disagree, nothing is hypnosis; hypnosis doesn't exist.' There is a sense in which they are both right, and both are saying the same thing." (3) They cover many techniques including touch and squeezing a person on their shoulder. The psychic body has many points that are directly related to the chakra and acupuncture charts. The act of massage and the soothing voice of a trained therapist can function to access the brain and beyond. It can access things the person often can't do for themself. I believe the trained healers who work miracles often use the delta brainwave state of their patient to send their energy through. We are fortunate to not have to go through the same kinds of inquisitional trials that Mesmer and his predecessors went through and even more fortunate that there are books like this and detailed 'how-to' books on Yoga like the Yogic Society of Chicago put out at the beginning of the 20th century. We have no real excuse for not becoming truly educated and aware except that we lost the joy of learning when we were in school being bored to a state of hypnotic disinterest. Sorcerer General Stubblebine:

110 This is a quote from THE PSYCHIC BATTLEFIELD by W. Adam Mandelbaum (pg. 177): "Sorcerer General He has a master's degree in chemical engineering from Columbia University. From 1981 to 1984 he was the head of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command. He attained general rank in his military career. Impressive, yes? Here is a quote: I will also tell you that there are machines on the surface of Mars, and there are machines under the surface of Mars that you can look at, you can find out in detail, you can see what they are, where they are, who they are... General Stubblebine, with his advanced scientific degree, with his command achievements, is perhaps the highest-ranking member of the military-occult complex. {Not to suggest Jimmy Carter was lying about seeing a UFO.} He is proof positive that the military mind can also be the magical mind... he was a big fan of Uri Geller and psychokinesis.... The General was, during his career, dedicated to the study of human performance enhancement, and had worked with the hyperkinetic infomercial motivation guru, Anthony Robbins, engaged in neurolinguistic programming, and was also behind the U.S. Army Project Jedi where soldiers used modeling techniques and mental imagery to improve their ability to shoot the .45 caliber pistol... On speaking of Remote Viewing at the symposium, Stubblebine said to the audience, I can go anywhere on this earth, I can go into any closet, I can go into any mind..." COUNT RUMFORD: FDR said that the three most important people to America and its foundation were Count Rumford, Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. He lauds their intellect and does not say why they were truly all that important. He is part of the same octopus but at a lower level or front for political purposes. Jefferson was a politician as was Franklin too, but that is not why they are so important. Ben Franklin might have been an agent or double agent for the plutocrats and oligarchs who were playing both sides of the freedom fence while expanding their power. He was a member of the Rosicrucian Council of Three along with Paine. Jefferson was a Newtonian alchemist or scientist who was selected and trained very early in life as part of the Merovingian genetic program and he went on to do a lot of miscegenating himself. Clearly none of this will be laid before you in any exam to pass your citizenship tests. But Rumford was given a Royal title by the Hapsburg or Holy Roman Emperors and worked with the British Royals they are part of a Holy Alliance (see Treaty of Verona etc.). Here is a little dribble about this alchemist and spy that also makes mention of ancient electricity even though it does not detail Numas machines which are in the British Museum. Two thousand years ago, a number of Greek and Roman philosophers (notably Thales of Miletus and Pliny who was killed while trying to study the eruption of Vesuvius of the year 79 when Pompeii and Herculaneum were buried beneath the ashes) had noticed the strange antics of bits of straw and of feather which were held near a piece of amber which was being rubbed with a bit of wool. The schoolmen of the Middle Ages had not been interested in this mysterious ``electric'' power. But immediately after the Renaissance, William Gilbert, the private physician of Queen Elizabeth, wrote his famous treatise on the character and behaviour of Magnets. During the Thirty Years War Otto von Guericke, the burgomaster of Magdeburg and the inventor of the air-pump,

111 constructed the first electrical machine. During the next century a large number of scientists devoted themselves to the study of electricity. Not less than three professors invented the famous Leyden Jar in the year 1795. At the same time, Benjamin Franklin, the most universal genius of America next to Benjamin Thomson (who after his flight from New Hampshire on account of his pro-British sympathies became known as Count Rumford) was devoting his attention to this subject. He discovered that lightning and the electric spark were manifestations of the same electric power and continued his electric studies until the end of his busy and useful life. Then came Volta with his famous ``electric pile'' and Galvani and Day and the Danish professor Hans Christian Oersted and Ampere and Arago and Faraday, all of them diligent searchers after the true nature of the electric forces. (4)

112 CHAPTER EIGHT: Esotericists with Visions: THE DEVIL IS UN-REAL: The church is not the only participant in the continuing deception of the soulful reality of other energy dimensions. In 1994 The Anthropological Review put out by Stanford University has a long article by Dr. Boddy of the University of Toronto who says on page 407: "Spirit possession commonly refers to the hold exerted over a human being by external forces or entities more powerful than she. These forces may be ancestors or divinities, ghosts of foreign origin, or entities both ontologically and ethnically alien... Recent studies (e.g. 39,114,173,210) suggest that spirit possession rests on epistemic premises quite different from the infinitely differentiating, rationalizing, and reifying thrust of global materialism and its attendant scholarly traditions. (pg. 408) In the revision of his influential book 'Ecstatic Religion: A Study of Shamanism and Spirit Possession', Lewis (138:14) responds to critics of the first edition (135) by asking, 'How else can we understand other cultures except comparatively in terms of our own concepts, constructs and language? The recognition that scholars are inextricably embedded in cultural frameworks is welcome, (pg.411) Reductive tendencies culminated in a recent, if culturally sensitive, proposal to include Trance and Possession Disorder in the official nosology of the American Psychiatric Association, Despite my perception that elemental forces can have rudimentary consciousness given to them and added to by sorcerers making constructs I do not believe in an entity such as the devil. The Devils of Loudon: If there is any doubt in the mind of the reader that other dimensions of reality exist, that is quite OK. In fact the use of these spiritual realms by unethical practitioners like the Doctor of Carthage named Augustine, who later became a Christian saint is just one small example. The transubstantiation or communion of the seemingly innocuous traditions of today are part of ritual magic which seeks to retain power over other souls to this day. I for one, certainly eschew ritual and constructs that enable anyone to gain control over others. The book 'The Devils of Loudon' by Aldous Huxley shows how in the time of Cardinal Richelieu exorcisms of spirits led to a very great addition to the fancy of what amounts to devil worship. He is totally right when he noticed the Catholic exorcists actually project the stereotypes on to the mind of the afflicted person who then enjoys the growing attention. Exorcism is easily done by freeing the person in whom an obsessed spirit is residing. The freeing of the spirit to move on to its own natural growth requires little more than a fearless recognition that it has no power accept in the hallucinatory or implanted energy of the magicians who would advantage themself. They do this by spreading fear amongst the believers and inculcating the names and images of all sorts of demons. It served a great purpose (They still claim only their own trained Monsignors and bishops can perform this vile implantation of horror and fear.) to show other people the power of the devil that gave them heightened status for eventually over-coming. BEN FRANKLIN:

113 Ben Franklin will always appear to be a great man and he was that indeed. But he was not just the founder of America or The Enlightenment Experiment. He was one of the founders of the New World Order along with Pierre Dupont de Nemours who he helped negotiate the armistice to end the British campaign against their former colony. This in fact lead to a union and alliance that still rules the world but in a far more complete manner than the British Empire ever did. I have dealt with many intrigues he was part of and I have personally enjoyed conversing with his descendants. His drawing of the line to include Isle Royale as part of the United States is very important as any reader of my book on the Old Copper culture will know. He was a man who enjoyed his sex and the rituals of the Rosicrucian Dragons a great deal more than most. In the following quote from an article in The Guardian we see trepanning again. Of course the authors of this article might think this is only part of some anatomical research but I suspect it is part of sexual and psycho-spiritual rituals just as I have shown occurred in these nether regions of esoteric behaviour for many millennia. The trepanned head of the Merovingian King Dagobert allowed him greater psychic attunement and despite Franklin having been part of the witch hunt against Anton Mesmer and his use or exposure of these secrets I know Franklin understood what trepanning really was designed to achieve. And I know they are reported to be still eating human thalami at some meetings of the Skull and Bones Society. Sir Laurence Gardner makes it clear in Genesis of the Grail Kings that store bought desiccated animal sources do not serve their needs as well as human brain parts do. The forwarder to that book is HRH Nicholas de Vere of the Dragons or Pendragons and he wrote his own book that makes it clear Count Vlad Dracul was an adept in their circles, covens or cult. He also says we are food for their table. Benjamin Franklin's house: the naked truth Restoration reveals secrets of American campaigner Maev Kennedy, arts and heritage correspondent Monday August 11, 2003 The Guardian Some time in 2005 visitors will be able to visit the tall narrow Georgian house in the heart of London where Benjamin Franklin once sat stark naked by the large first floor sash windows, "air bathing" and thinking about bifocals, electricity, economics, American politics, British diplomacy, or how to get the fire in his back room to draw better. It is a fair bet that however passionately interested the visitors are in the political history of American independence, and the intellectual history of the Age of Enlightenment, what will transfix them is the windowless basement room, once part of the garden. As restoration work by the Friends of Benjamin Franklin House began on 36 Craven Street, a Grade I listed house rescued from the brink of tottering collapse, a small pit was found in the basement room. A human thigh bone was found. The coroner and the police were notified. Excavation continued. More human bone surfaced. And more. And more, until more than 1,200 pieces of bone were recovered. Since the bones were too ancient to trouble Scotland Yard, they are now in the care of the Institute of Archaeology, where experts have already determined that they range from

114 an old man to a human baby. Several skulls have been trepanned, and arm and leg bones chopped through. The most plausible explanation is not mass murder, but an anatomy school run by Benjamin Franklin's young friend and protg, William Hewson. He had been a pupil of the most brilliant anatomist of the day, William Hunter, but the two fell out and Hewson started his own anatomy school - at the home of his mother-in-law Margaret Stephenson, just off the Strand, where Benjamin Franklin was also a lodger for 16 years. He had a rich source of subjects at hand: the resurrection men could deliver bodies stolen from graveyards to the Thames wharf at the bottom of the street, while there was a weekly public execution {But they said the bones were too old is this a cover up?} at the gallows on the other side of the garden wall. Benjamin Franklin, who was interested in absolutely everything - he was lucky to escape killing himself or his guests at the demonstrations of electricity he was wont to give during dinner parties - must have attended the public dissections. {At the dinner parties apparently. This fits with the important visitors being Dragons like the later Skull and Bones people of Yale University.} Hewson died young of blood poisoning after he cut himself during a dissection. Franklin eventually returned to the United States, but was estranged from his abandoned family, and separated from the illegitimate son who shared his London years when Franklin declared for American independence and the son was exiled for his loyalty to England. The house was less than 30 years old when Franklin came to London and rented the best first floor rooms, where he was visited by all the leading figures in radical politics, science and philosophy. (1) Franklin was also a member of The Hellfire Club and you should know about John Dee and the Necronomicon as mentioned in this excerpt. John Montagu, Lord Sandwich (the face in the halo) and George Selwyn, (a close friend of Horace Walpole who visited in 1763) were among the inner circle of twelve. One of the female members, Lady Betty Germaine, became a particular friend of Walpole's; through her Walpole acquired one of Dr. Dee's celebrated scrying stones, the Angelic Stone, now in the British Museum. Mary Wortley Montagu, Lord Sandwich's grandmother and a member of the earlier Hellfire Club, was also said to have been a member. Satirized in the novel Chrysal, or the Story of a Guinea by Charles Johnstone, and referenced in Charles Churchill's The Candidate, these Medmenhamites were a probable influence on Matthew Lewis's The Monk. Benjamin Franklin joined the group on occasion and collaborated with Sir Francis to revise the Book of Common Prayer or Franklin Prayer Book still in use in America. Franklin was also associated with the radical Lunar Society which included Erasmus Darwin, Richard Edgeworth (Maria Edgeworth's father), and William Godwin's friend, Joseph Priestley. (2) Coleridge: Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote his famous poem "Kubla Khan" directly from a dream. He was in the midst of writing down the visions he had seen in his dream when someone knocked on the door and he rose to let him in. On returning to his work,

115 Coleridge found that he could not remember the rest of the dream. That is why "kubla Khan" remains unfinished. Source: "2201 Fascinating Facts" CASTANEDA INTERVIEW 1972: Sam Keen: Castaneda Interview. 1976 SAM KEEN: As I followed don Juan through your three books, I suspected, at times, that he was the creation of Carlos Castaneda. He is almost to good to be true-a wise old Indian whose knowledge of human nature is superior to almost everybody's. CARLOS CASTANEDA: The idea that I concocted a person like don Juan is inconceivable. He is hardly the kind of figure my European intellectual tradition would have led me to invent. The truth is much stranger. I wasn't even prepared to make the changes in my life that my association with don Juan involved. KEEN: How and where did you meet don Juan and become his apprentice? CASTANEDA: I was finishing my undergraduate study at UCLA and was planning to go to graduate school in anthropology. I was interested in becoming a professor and thought I might begin in the proper way by publishing a short paper on medicinal plants. I couldn't have cared less about finding a weirdo like don Juan. I was in a bus depot in Arizona with a high-school friend of mine. He pointed out an old Indian man to me and said he knew about peyote and medicinal plants. I put on my best airs and introduced myself to don Juan and said: I understand you know a great deal about peyote. I am one of the experts on peyote (I had read Weston La Barre's The Peyote Cult) and it might be worth your while to have lunch and talk with me. Well, he just looked at me and my bravado melted. I was absolutely tongue-tied and numb. I was usually very aggressive and verbal so it was a momentous affair to be silenced by a look. After that I began to visit him and about a year later he told me he had decided to pass on to me the knowledge of sorcery he had learned from his teacher. KEEN: Then don Juan is not an isolated phenomenon. Is there a community of sorcerers that shares a secret knowledge? CASTANEDA: Certainly. I know three sorcerers and seven apprentices and there are many more. If you read the history of the Spanish conquest of Mexico, you will find that the Catholic inquisitors tried to stamp out sorcery because they considered it the work of the devil. It has been around for many hundreds of years. Most of the techniques don Juan taught me are very old. KEEN: Some of the techniques that sorcerers use are in wide use in other occult groups. Persons often use dreams to find lost articles, and they go on out-of-the-body journeys in their sleep. But when you told how don Juan and his friend don Genero made your car disappear in broad daylight I could only scratch my head. I know that a hypnotist can create an illusion of the presence or absence of an object. Do you think you were hypnotized? CASTANEDA: Perhaps, something like that. But we have to begin by realizing, as don Juan says, that there is much more to the world than we usually acknowledge. Our normal expectations about reality are created by a social consensus. We are taught how to see and understand the world. The trick of socialization is to convince us that the descriptions we agree upon define the limits of the real world. What we call reality is only one way of seeing the world, a way that is supported by a social consensus. KEEN: Then a sorcerer, like a hypnotist, creates an alternative world by building up different expectations and manipulating cues to produce a social consensus.

116 CASTANEDA: Exactly. I have come to understand sorcery in terms of Talcott Parsons' idea of glosses. A gloss is a total system of perception and language. For instance, this room is a gloss. We have lumped together a series of isolated perceptions-floor, ceiling, window, lights, rugs, etc.-to make a totality. But we had to be taught to put the world together in this way. A child reconnoiters the world with few preconceptions until he is taught to see things in a way that corresponds to the descriptions everybody agrees on. The world is an agreement. The system of glossing seems to be somewhat like walking. We have to learn to walk, but once we learn we are subject to the syntax of language and the mode of perception it contains. KEEN: So sorcery, like art, teaches a new system of glossing. When, for instance, van Gogh broke with the artistic tradition and painted "The Starry Night" he was in effect saying: here is a new way of looking at things. Stars are alive and they whirl around in their energy field. CASTANEDA: Partly. But there is a difference. An artist usually just rearranges the old glosses that are proper to his membership. Membership consists of being an expert in the innuendoes of meaning that are contained within a culture. For instance, my primary membership like most educated Western men was in the European intellectual world. You can't break out of one membership without being introduced into another. You can only rearrange the glosses. KEEN: Was don Juan resocializing you or desocializing you? Was he teaching you a new system of meanings or only a method of stripping off the old system so that you might see the world as a wondering child? CASTANEDA: Don Juan and I disagree about this. I say he was reglossing me and he says he was deglossing me. By teaching me sorcery he gave me a new set of glosses, a new language and a new way of seeing the world. Once I read a bit of the linguistic philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein to don Juan and he laughed and said: "Your friend Wittgenstein tied the noose too tight around his neck so he can't go anywhere." KEEN: Wittgenstein is one of the few philosophers who would have understood don Juan. His notion that there are many different language games-science, politics, poetry, religion, metaphysics, each with its own syntax and rules-would have allowed him to understand sorcery as an alternative system of perception and meaning. CASTANEDA: But don Juan thinks that what he calls seeing is apprehending the world without any interpretation; it is pure wondering perception. Sorcery is a means to this end. To break the certainty that the world is the way you have always been taught you must learn a new description of the world-sorcery-and then hold the old and the new together. Then you will see that neither description is final. At that moment you slip between the descriptions; you stop the world and see. You are left with wonder; the true wonder of seeing the world without interpretation. KEEN: Do you think it is possible to get beyond interpretation by using psychedelic drugs? CASTANEDA: I don't think so. That is my quarrel with people like Timothy Leary. I think he was improvising from within the European membership and merely rearranging old glosses. I have never taken LSD, but what I gather from don Juan's teachings is that psychotropics are used to stop the flow of ordinary interpretations, to enhance the contradictions within the glosses, and to shatter certainty. But the drugs alone do not allow you to stop the world. To do that you need an alternative description of the world.

117 That is why don Juan had to teach me sorcery. KEEN: There is an ordinary reality that we Western people are certain is 'the' only world, and then there is the separate reality of the sorcerer. What are the essential differences between them? Castaneda: In European membership the world is built largely from what the eyes report to the mind. In sorcery the total body is used as a perceptor. As Europeans we see a world out there and talk to ourselves about it. We are here and the world is there. Our eyes feed our reason and we have no direct knowledge of things. According to sorcery this burden on the eyes in unnecessary. We know with the total body. KEEN: Western man begins with the assumption that subject and object are separated. We're isolated from the world and have to cross some gap to get to it. For don Juan and the tradition of sorcery, the body is already in the world. We are united with the world, not alienated from it. CASTANEDA: That's right. Sorcery has a different theory of embodiment. The problem in sorcery is to tune and trim your body to make it a good receptor. Europeans deal with their bodies as if they were objects. We fill them with alcohol, Bad food, and anxiety. When something goes wrong we think germs have invaded the body from outside and so we import some medicine to cure it. The disease is not a part of us. Don Juan doesn't believe that. For him disease is a disharmony between a man and his world. The body is an awareness and it must be treated impeccably. KEEN: This sounds similar to Norman O. Brown's idea that children, schizophrenics, and those with the divine madness of the Dionysian consciousness are aware of things and of other persons as extensions of their bodies. Don Juan suggests something of the kind when he says the man of knowledge has fibers of light that connect his solar plexus to the world. CASTANEDA: My conversation with the coyote is a good illustration of the different theories of embodiment. When he came up to me I said: Hi, little coyote. How are you doing? And he answered back: I am doing fine. How about you? Now, I didn't hear the words in the normal way. But my body knew the coyote was saying something and I translated it into dialogue. As an intellectual my relationship to dialogue is so profound that my body automatically translated into words the feeling that the animal was communicating with me. We always see the unknown in terms of the known. KEEN: When you are in that magical mode of consciousness in which coyotes speak and everything is fitting and luminous it seems as if the whole world is alive and that human beings are in a communion that includes animals and plants. If we drop our arrogant assumptions that we are the only comprehending and communicating form of life we might find all kinds of things talking to us. John Lilly talked to dolphins. Perhaps we would feel less alienated if we could believe we were not the only intelligent life. CASTANEDA: We might be able to talk to any animal. For don Juan and the other sorcerers there wasn't anything unusual about my conversation with the coyote. As a matter of fact they said I should have gotten a more reliable animal for a friend. Coyotes are tricksters and are not to be trusted. KEEN: What animals make better friends? CASTANEDA: Snakes make stupendous friends? KEEN: I once had a conversation with a snake. One night I dreamt there was a snake in the attic of a house where I lived when I was a child. I took a stick and tried to kill it. In

118 the morning I told the dream to a friend and she reminded me that it was not good to kill snakes, even if they were in the attic in a dream. She suggested that the next time a snake appeared in a dream I should feed it or do something to befriend it. About an hour later I was driving my motor scooter on a little-used road and there it was waiting for me-a four foot snake, stretched out sunning itself. I drove alongside it and it didn't move. After we had looked at each other for a while I decided I should make some gesture to let him know I repented for killing his brother in my dream. I reached over and touched his tail. He coiled up and indicated that I had rushed our intimacy. So I backed off and just looked. After about five minutes he went off into the bushes. CASTANEDA: You didn't pick it up? KEEN: No. CASTANEDA: It was a very good friend. A man can learn to call snakes. But you have to be in very good shape, calm, collected-in a friendly mood, with no doubts or pending affairs. KEEN: My snake taught me that I had always had paranoid feelings about nature. I considered animals and snakes dangerous. After my meeting I could never kill another snake and it began to be more plausible to me that we might be in some kind of living nexus. Our ecosystem might well include communication between different forms of life. CASTANEDA: Don Juan has a very interesting theory about this. Plants, like animals, always affect you. He says that if you don't apologize to plants for picking them you are likely to get sick or have an accident. KEEN: The American Indians had similar beliefs about animals they killed. If you don't thank the animal for giving up his life so you may live, his spirit may cause you trouble. CASTANEDA: We have a commonality with all life. Something is altered every time we deliberately injure plant life or animal life. We take life in order to live but we must be willing to give up our lives without resentment when it is our time. We are so important and take ourselves so seriously that we forget that the world is a great mystery that will teach us if we listen. KEEN: Perhaps psychotropic drugs momentarily wipe out the isolated ego and allow a mystical fusion with nature. Most cultures that have retained a sense of communion between man and nature also have made ceremonial use of psychedelic drugs. Were you using peyote when you talked with the coyote? CASTANEDA: No. Nothing at all. KEEN: Was this experience more intense than similar experiences you had when don Juan gave you psychotropic plants? CASTANEDA: Much more intense. Every time I took psychotropic plants I knew I had taken something and I could always question the validity of my experience. But when the coyote talked to me I had no defenses. I couldn't explain it away. I had really stopped the world and, for a short time, got completely outside my European system of glossing. KEEN: Do you think don Juan lives in this state of awareness most of the time? CASTANEDA: Yes. He lives in magical time and occasionally comes into ordinary time. I live in ordinary time and occasionally dip into magical time. KEEN: Anyone who travels so far from the beaten paths of consensus must be very lonely. CASTANEDA: I think so. Don Juan lives in an awesome world and he has left routine people far behind. Once when I was with don Juan and his friend don Genaro I saw the

119 loneliness they shared and their sadness at leaving behind the trappings and points of reference of ordinary society. I think don Juan turns his loneliness into art. He contains and controls his power, the wonder and the loneliness, and turns them into art. His art is the metaphorical way in which he lives. This is why his teachings have such a dramatic flavor and unity. He deliberately constructs his life and his manner of teaching. KEEN: For instance, when don Juan took you out into the hills to hunt animals was he consciously staging an allegory? CASTANEDA: Yes. He had no interest in hunting for sport or to get meat. In the 10 years I have known him don Juan has killed only four animals to my knowledge, and these only at times when he saw that their death was a gift to him in the same way his death would one day be a gift to something. Once we caught a rabbit in a trap we had set and don Juan thought I should kill it because its time was up. I was desperate because I had the sensation that I was the rabbit. I tried to free him but couldn't open the trap. So I stomped on the trap and accidentally broke the rabbit's neck. Don Juan had been trying to teach me that I must assume responsibility for being in this marvelous world. He leaned over and whispered in my ear: "I told you this rabbit had no more time to roam in this beautiful desert." He consciously set up the metaphor to teach me about the ways of a warrior. The warrior is a man who hunts and accumulates personal power. To do this he must develop patience and will and move deliberately through the world. Don Juan used the dramatic situation of actual hunting to teach me because he was addressing himself to my body. KEEN: In your most recent book, Journey to Ixtlan, you reverse the impression given in your first books that the use of psychotropic plants was the main method don Juan intended to use in teaching you about sorcery. How do you now understand the place of psychotropics in his teachings? CASTANEDA: Don Juan used psychotropic plants only in the middle period of my apprenticeship because I was so stupid, sophisticated and cocky. I held on to my description of the world as if it were the only truth. Psychotropics created a gap in my system of glosses. They destroyed my dogmatic certainty. But I paid a tremendous price. When the glue that held my world together was dissolved, my body was weakened and it took months to recuperate. I was anxious and functioned at a very low level. KEEN: Does don Juan regularly use psychotropic drugs to stop the world? CASTANEDA: No. He can now stop it at will. He told me that for me to try to see without the aid of psychotropic plants would be useless. But if I behaved like a warrior and assumed responsibility I would not need them; they would only weaken my body. KEEN: This must come as quite a shock to many of your admirers. You are something of a patron saint to the psychedelic revolution. CASTANEDA: I do have a following and they have some strange ideas about me. I was walking to a lecture I was giving at California State, Long Beach the other day and a guy who knew me pointed me out to a girl and said: Hey, that is Castaneda. She didn't believe him because she had the idea that I must be very mystical. A friend has collected some of the stories that circulate about me. The consensus is that I have mystical feet. KEEN: Mystical feet? CASTANEDA: Yes, that I walk barefooted like Jesus and have no callouses. I am supposed to be stoned most of the time. I have also committed suicide and died in several

120 different places. A college class of mine almost freaked out when I began to talk about phenomenology and membership and to explore perception and socialization. They wanted to be told too relax, turn on and blow their minds. But to me understanding is important. KEEN: Rumors flourish in an information vacuum. We know something about don Juan but too little about Castaneda. CASTANEDA: That is a deliberate part of the life of a warrior, To weasel in and out of different worlds you have to remain inconspicuous. The more you are known and identified, the more your freedom is curtailed. When people have definite ideas about who you are and how you will act, then you can't move. One of the earliest things don Juan taught me was that I must erase my personal history. If little by little you create a fog around yourself then you will not be taken for granted and you will have more room for change. That is the reason I avoid tape recordings when I lecture, and photographs. KEEN: Maybe we can be personal without being historical. You now minimize the importance of the psychedelic experience connected with your apprenticeship. And you don't seem to go around doing the kind of tricks you describe as the sorcerer's stock-intrade. What are the elements of don Juan's teachings that are important for you? Have you been changed by them? CASTANEDA: For me the ideas of being a warrior and a man of knowledge, with the eventual hope of being able to stop the world and see, have been the most applicable. They have given me peace and confidence in my ability to control my life. At the time I met don Juan I had very little personal power. My life had been very erratic. I had come a long way from my birthplace in Brazil. Outwardly I was aggressive and cocky, but within I was indecisive and unsure of myself. I was always making excuses for myself. Don Juan once accused me of being a professional child because I was so full of self-pity. I felt like a leaf in the wind. Like most intellectuals, my back was against the wall. I had no place to go. I couldn't see any way of life that really excited me. I thought all I could do was make a mature adjustment to a life of boredom or find ever more complex forms of entertainment such as the use of psychedelics and pot and sexual adventures. All of this was exaggerated by my habit of introspection. I was always looking within and talking to myself. The inner dialogue seldom stopped. Don Juan turned my eyes outward and taught me to accumulate personal power. I don't think there is any other way to live if one wants to be exuberant. KEEN: He seems to have hooked you with the old philosopher's trick of holding death before your eyes. I was struck with how classical don Juan's approach was. I heard echoes of Plato's idea that a philosopher must study death before he can gain any access to the real world and of Martin Heidegger's definition of man as being-toward-death. CASTANEDA: Yes, but don Juan's approach has a strange twist because it comes from the tradition in sorcery that death is physical presence that can be felt and seen. One of the glosses in sorcery is: death stands to your left. Death is an impartial judge who will speak truth to you and give you accurate advice. After all, death is in no hurry. He will get you tomorrow or the next week or in 50 years. It makes no difference to him. The moment you remember you must eventually die you are cut down to the right size. I think I haven't made this idea vivid enough. The gloss-"death to your left"-isn't an intellectual matter in sorcery; it is perception. When your body is properly tuned to the world and you turn your eyes to

121 your left, you can witness an extraordinary event, the shadowlike presence of death. KEEN: In the existential tradition, discussions of responsibility usually follow discussion of death. CASTANEDA: Then don Juan is a good existentialist. When there is no way of knowing whether I have one more minute of life. I must live as if this is my last moment. Each act is the warrior's last battle. So everything must be done impeccably. Nothing can be left pending. This idea has been very freeing for me. I am here talking to you and I may never return to Los Angeles. But that wouldn't matter because I took care of everything before I came. KEEN: This world of death and decisiveness is a long way from psychedelic utopias in which the vision of endless time destroys the tragic quality of choice. CASTANEDA: When death stands to your left you must create your world by a series of decisions. There are no large or small decisions, only decisions that must be made now. And there is no time for doubts or remorse. If I spend my time regretting what I did yesterday I avoid the decisions I need to make today. KEEN: How did don Juan teach you to be decisive? CASTANEDA: He spoke to my body with his acts. My old way was to leave everything pending and never to decide anything. To me decisions were ugly. It seemed unfair for a sensitive man to have to decide. One day don Juan asked me: "Do you think you and I are equals?" I was a university student and an intellectual and he was an old Indian but I condescended and said: "Of course we are equals." He said: "I don't think we are. I am a hunter and a warrior and you are a pimp. I am ready to sum up my life at any moment. Your feeble world of indecision and sadness is not equal to mine." Well, I was very insulted and would have left but we were in the middle of the wilderness. So I sat down and got trapped in my own ego involvement. I was going to wait until he decided to go home. After many hours I saw that don Juan would stay there forever if he had to. Why not? For a man with no pending business that is his power. I finally realized that this man was not like my father who would make 20 New Year's resolutions and cancel them all out. Don Juan's decisions were irrevocable as far as he was concerned. They could be canceled out only by other decisions. So I went over and touched him and he got up and we went home. The impact of that act was tremendous. It convinced me that the way of the warrior is an exuberant and powerful way to live. KEEN: It isn't the content of decision that is important so much as the act of being decisive. CASTANEDA: That is what don Juan means by having a gesture. A gesture is a deliberate act which is undertaken for the power that comes from making a decision. For instance, if a warrior found a snake that was numb and cold, he might struggle to invent a way to take the snake to a warm place without being bitten. The warrior would make the gesture just for the hell of it. But he would perform it perfectly. KEEN: There seem to be many parallels between existential philosophy and don Juan's teachings. What you have said about decision and gesture suggests that don Juan, like Nietzsche or Sartre, believes that will rather than reason is the most fundamental faculty of man. CASTANEDA: I think that is right. Let me speak for myself. What I want to do, and maybe I can accomplish it, is to take the control away from my reason. My mind has

122 been in control all of my life and it would kill me rather than relinquish control. At one point in my apprenticeship I became profoundly depressed. I was overwhelmed with terror and gloom and thoughts about suicide. Then don Juan warned me this was one of reason's tricks to retain control. He said my reason was making my body feel that there was no meaning in life. Once my mind waged this last battle and lost, reason began to assume its proper place as a tool of the body. KEEN: The heart has its reasons that reason knows nothing of and so does the rest of the body. CASTANEDA: That is the point. The body has a will of its own. Or rather, the will is the voice of the body. That is why don Juan consistently put his teachings in dramatic form. My intellect could easily dismiss his world of sorcery as nonsense. But my body was attracted to his world and his way of life. And once the body took over, a new and healthier reign was established. KEEN: Don Juan's techniques for dealing with dreams engaged me became they suggest the possibility of voluntary control of dream images. It is as though he proposes to establish a permanent, stable observatory within inner space. Tell me about don Juan's dream training. CASTANEDA: The trick in dreaming is to sustain dream images long enough to look at them carefully. To gain this kind of control you need to pick one thing in advance and learn to find it in your dreams. Don Juan suggested that I use my hands as a steady point and go back and forth between them and the images. After some months I learned to find my hands and to stop the dream. I became so fascinated with the technique that I could hardly wait to go to sleep. KEEN: Is stopping the images in dreams anything like stopping the world? CASTANEDA: It is similar. But there are differences. Once you are capable of finding your hands at will, you realize that it is only a technique. What you are after is control. A man of knowledge must accumulate personal power. But that is not enough to stop the world. Some abandon also is necessary. You must silence the chatter that is going on inside your mind and surrender yourself to the outside world. KEEN: Of the many techniques that don Juan taught you for stopping the world, which do you still practice? CASTANEDA: My major discipline now is to disrupt my routines. I was always a very routinary person. I ate and slept on schedule. In 1965 I began to change my habits. I wrote in the quiet hours of the night and slept and ate when I felt the need. Now I have dismantled so many of my habitual ways of acting that before long I may become unpredictable and surprising even to myself. KEEN: Your discipline reminds me of the Zen story of two disciples bragging about miraculous powers. One disciple claimed the founder of the sect to which he belonged could stand on one side of a river and write the name of Buddha on a piece of paper held by his assistant on the opposite shore. The second disciple replied that such a miracle was unimpressive. My miracle, he said, is that when I feel hungry I eat, and when I feel thirsty I drink. CASTANEDA: It has been this element of engagement in the world that has kept me following the path which don Juan showed me. There is no need to transcend the world. Everything we need to know is right in front of us, if we pay attention. If you enter a state of nonordinary reality, as you do when you use psychotropic plants, it is only to draw

123 back from it what you need in order to see the miraculous character of ordinary reality. For me the way to live-the path with heart-is not introspection or mystical transcendence but presence in the world. This world is the warrior's hunting ground. KEEN: The world you and don Juan have pictured is full of magical coyotes, enchanted crows and a beautiful sorceress. It's easy to see how it could engage you. But what about the world of the modern urban person? Where is the magic there? If we could all live in the mountains we might keep wonder alive. But how is it possible when we are half a zoom from the freeway? CASTANEDA: I once asked don Juan the same question. We were sitting in a cafe in Yuma and I suggested that I might be able to stop the world and to see, if I could come and live in the wilderness with him. He looked out the window at the passing cars and said: That, out there, is your world. I live in Los Angeles now and I find I can use that world to accommodate my needs. It is a challenge to live with no set routines in a routinary world. But it can be done. KEEN: The noise level and the constant pressure of the masses of people seem to destroy the silence and solitude that would be essential for stopping the world. CASTANEDA: Not at all. In fact, the noise can be used. You can use the buzzing of the freeway to teach yourself to listen to the outside world. When we stop the world the world we stop is the one we usually maintain by our continual inner dialogue. Once you can stop the internal babble you stop maintaining your old world. The descriptions collapse. That is when personality change begins. When you concentrate on sounds you realize it is difficult for the brain to categories all the sounds, and in a short while you stop trying. This is unlike visual perception which keeps us forming categories and thinking. It is so restful when you can turn off the talking, categorizing, and judging. KEEN: The internal world changes but what about the external one? We can revolutionize individual consciousness but still not touch the social structures that create our alienation. Is there any place for social or political reform in your thinking? CASTANEDA: I came from Latin America where intellectuals were always talking about political and social revolution and where a lot of bombs were thrown. But revolution hasn't changed much. It takes little daring to bomb a building, but in order to give up cigarettes or to stop being anxious or to stop internal chattering, you have to remake yourself. This is where real reform begins. Don Juan and I were in Tucson not long ago when they were having Earth Week. Some man was lecturing on ecology and the evils of war in Vietnam. All the while he was smoking. Don Juan said, "I cannot imagine that he is concerned with other people's bodies when he doesn't like his own." Our first concern should be with ourselves. I can like my fellow men only when I am at my peak of vigor and am not depressed. To be in this condition I must keep my body trimmed. Any revolution must begin here in this body. I can alter my culture but only from within a body that is impeccably tuned-in to this weird world. For me, the real accomplishment is the art of being a warrior, which, as don Juan says, is the only way to balance the terror of being a man with the wonder of being a man. Seeing Castaneda (1976) ->reprinted from Psychology Today, 1972 Bill Joy the Killjoy: I feel there are some other things that I have touched upon that require some more discussion or 'fleshing out'. We are never safe from surprises until we are dead and

124 maybe not even then. There truly are more things in heaven and earth than you or I have ever dreamed of. After my brother John brought me the copy of Bill Joy's manifesto in Wired Magazine from early 2001 we engaged in a great deal of turmoil about the end of humanity as we know it. Joy was saying the 'Unabomber' Ted Kaczynski was a prophet who he was glad knew little about technology and how to make the kinds of things that really threaten our future. I wrote a response that I gave John to scan onto the web. I believe John did not do this due to his perception that 'Time Travel' is ridiculously 'off the wall'. I was shown correct when NEC demonstrated 300X light speed within a year's time. I suppose it is safe for me to say that John has had a rude awakening in the months since that time. Mr. Joy did an excellent job in telling some things that need to be told and as the co-founder of Sun Microsystems his influence may actually be the kind of thing that we can all take some hope from. He correctly states the issue when he says: "Knowing is not an excuse to not ACT!" The Luddites of Kaczynski's letter are acting and so are many others whose agendas might not lead to a happy future for John's children. Joy's article is titled 'Why the future doesn't need us.', with a heading or sub-title that says; 'Our most powerful 21st Century technologies - robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotech - are threatening to make humans an endangered species.' After quoting Kaczynski's Unabomber Manifesto he says: "The 21st-century technologies - genetics, nanotechnology and robotics (GNR) - are so powerful that they can spawn whole new classes of accidents and abuses. Most dangerously, for the first time, these accidents and abuses are widely within the reach of individuals or small groups. They will not require large facilities or rare raw materials. Knowledge alone will enable the use of them. Thus we have the possibility not just of weapons of mass destruction but of knowledge-enabled mass destruction (KMD), this destructiveness hugely amplified by the power of self-replication. I think it is no exaggeration to say we are on the cusp of the further perfection of extreme evil, an evil whose possibility spreads well beyond that which weapons of mass destruction bequeathed to the nation-states, on to a surprising and terrible empowerment of extreme individuals." He wasn't even addressing what 60 Minutes did a couple of months later when they told how drug lords could take out Houston by the net' without even stepping foot in the U. S. His words are strong and I think he freely accepts responsibility for his part in the 'evil empowerment'. He probably has knowledge of some of the things we have covered under 'Mind Control' though; and the fact that he doesn't mention these threats reflects what Bertrand Russell said - 'confined to the governing class'. If he is to be fully honest I would expect some reference to the FEAR he generates having some part to play in justifying the use of mind-control of a massive sort. This article should generate fear among the populace and it is good to see it. I am concerned about his lack of talk about telomeres and the immortality gene-therapy that is either with us or just around the corner. He addresses genetics but not this - he addresses the immortality robots will offer to those willing to dump their consciousness into them. Would it not also be a sociological threat to create a new type of human and have them be the upper class powerful political elite? Mr. Joy also said; "I have long realized that the big advances in information technology come not from the work of computer scientists, computer architects, or electrical engineers, but from that of physical scientists. The physicists Stephen Wolfram and Brosl Hasslacher introduced me, in the early 1980's, to chaos theory and nonlinear systems. In the 1990's, I learned about complex systems from conversations with Danny

125 Hillis, the biologist Stuart Kauffman, the Nobel-laureate Murray Gell-man, and others. Most recently, Hasslacher and the electrical engineer and device physicists Mark Reed have been giving me insight into the incredible possibilities of molecular electronics {I saw in Scientific American where another atomic research group at Oak Ridges National Laboratories developed the use of spinach chlorophyll receptors for complex computer components.} Given the incredible power of these new technologies, shouldn't we be asking how we can best coexist with them? And if our own extinction is a likely, or even possible, outcome of our technological development, shouldn't we proceed with great caution?... How soon could such an intelligent robot be built? The coming advances in computing power seem to make it possible by 2030. And once an intelligent robot exists, it is only a small step to a robot species - to an intelligent robot that can make evolved copies of itself... But if we are downloaded into our technology, what are the chances that we will thereafter be ourselves or even human? It seems to me far more likely that a robotic existence would not be like a human one in any sense that we understand, that the robots would in no sense be our children... The enabling breakthrough to assemblers seems quite likely within the next twenty years. Molecular electronics - the new subfield of nanotechnology where individual molecules are circuit elements - should mature quickly and become enormously lucrative within this decade, causing a large incremental investment in all nanotechnologies An immediate consequence of the Faustian bargain in obtaining the great power of nanotechnology is that we run at great risk - the risk that we might destroy the biosphere on which all life depends. As Drexler explained: 'Plants' with 'leaves' no more efficient than today's solar cells could out-compete real plants, crowding the biosphere with an inedible foliage. Tough omnivorous 'bacteria' could out-compete real bacteria: They could spread like blowing pollen, replicate swiftly, and reduce the biosphere to dust in a matter of days. Dangerous replicators could easily be too tough, Small, and rapidly spreading to stop - at least if we make no preparation. We have trouble enough controlling viruses and fruit flies... It is even possible that selfreplication may be more fundamental than we thought, and hence harder - or even impossible - to control. A recent article by Stuart Kauffman in NATURE titled 'SelfReplication: Even Peptides Do IT' discusses the discovery that a 32-amino-acid peptide can 'autocatalyse its own synthesis.' We don't know how widespread this ability is, but Kauffman notes that it may hint at a 'route to self-reproducing molecular systems on a basis far wider than Watson-Crick base-pairing. My letter to him deals tangentially with this, and adepthood 'attunements' with 'spiritual reality' that is fundamental to the issues raised in the very generation of thought, and 'soul' that the Mayans and others say is in everything. With the advent of replicators and robots doing our work why are our leaders teaching us to be robots still? What is the true state of planning and 'contingency planning' that secret think tanks and the Bilderbergs or others think is our best future? Mr. Joy continues: "I don't know where these people hide their fear. As an architect of complex systems I enter this arena as a generalist. But should this diminish my concerns? I am aware of how much has been written about, talked about, and lectured about so authoritatively. But does this mean it has reached people? Does this mean we can discount the dangers before us? So 'authoritatively', he says these things; and I hope you see the potential for the true authorities to avoid the MORAL issues he seems to think the 'people' have some input to make changes about. I think we must 'question authority' arid insist on a return to 'The Brotherhood of Man' or else! I hope that each of US can enable our brethren to actualize our potential and the utopian possibilities that these advancing technologies offer. It

126 seems an unlikely prospect though; when even Mr. Joy is unwilling to call for an end to sovereign rights that protect leaders against the basic rights of their citizens like women who are abused the world over. I am reminded again of what Bertrand Russell's grandmother wrote in his Bible: 'Thou shalt NOT, follow a multitude to do EVIL!' Here is my letter written before the issue of TIME TRAVEL became so apparent due to 300 times light speed, S-A's 'Quantum Teleportation' and the last chapter, on mind control. In hopes you are more than another 'guilt-ridden proselyte'! Thanks for your somewhat belated warning about the technologically enhanced moral morass we are trapped by! I want you to know it made a big impression on my older brother. I hope he will be 'moved' to committed action just as you appear to be on the verge of doing. I have reason to believe you have overlooked the extent and degree of the problem, as well as the speed with which it is descending down upon US! I also think I have some insight into potential solutions, other than uplifting the Moral Leadership and 'holding THEM in the LIGHT'. I have been committed to these efforts for some time and I welcome the ALARM you have sounded. We (the human race) have faced such things before. I am not just referring to the biologics that led to the decimation of the arguably MOST spiritual and beautiful place on earth, five hundred years ago. The 70 million Native Americans who boasted libraries, large buildings, beautiful gardens and mathematics more advanced than anywhere (zero development by Mayans, etc.) else on Earth, at that time. It is true that earlier civilizations such as that of Asoka, or what existed in the city of Alexandria (which had small steam engines, slot machines, lighthouses, multideck ocean liners, etc.) may have been even more advanced. There is plentiful evidence of even more advanced cells or cults of expertise, beyond all of these, in more remote history. This 'history' that began with the destruction of the libraries at Alexandria and Bangor has relegated the truth of a Brotherhood of Man' to the nether regions of Pre-history. The North American Indians were part of this 'Brotherhood' and even when their numbers were reduced to 4 million (from 70) by the 'plague' (which was known about 3,000 years before according to recent archaeology, and could be cured by the work of those like Paracelsus who cured the whole city of Stertzing) brought by agents and mercenaries of the church. Even though 300 tribes or cultures disappeared from our midst, and the remainder were often sparsely distributed and scarcely able to fend for themselves, they continued to behave according to the code of the 'Brotherhood' and LOVE (e.g. coup counting rather than killing). Taoist mystics such as the Dalai Lama, who you quote, are capable of fantastic attunements. I know of many adepthoods, and have met adepts, (if not by my own efforts) who can do things, that in conjunction with your 'Molecular Electronics' will enable the things you envisage before the passage of five years, with another five to work up production and work out the bugs. I was a partner of a NASA consultant who knew of Carnegie Mellons (AI) work in 1984, and we talked of fiber optic chips and other high speed computing that Space Shuttle flights would enable through light speed computing fifteen years ago. In fact these adepts have created such artificial or animate life from inanimate form, for thousands of years. The research at Sudbury, Ontario on cosmic particles included the shielding effects of the earth have an interesting 'clue' to provide you. They have spliced and separated particles of a sub-atomic nature, leading to two separate pieces of a previous whole particle. When separated by millions of their former size in distance, a MOST amazing thing was witnessed. When they energized one - the other part responded, your peptides

127 self-synthesis, is connected with this observation. This may prove the 'consciousness' (in physical terms) that Eugene Wigner and the authors of his respected Mandukya Upanishads (that deals with 'AUM') is a fact. We navely call these things ESP; they are connections that go by many different names, in our culturally vernacularized simplicity. It provides your molecular level bio-RAM technology with inherent attributes. This will accelerate TIME TRAVEL and a whole host of probabilities. You appear to be aware of some of these things. When Stephen Hawking visited the Sudbury site last summer, a reporter asked him about Time Travel. He responded by confirming particle level Time Travel is a known fact; but he said he did not believe we'd ever achieve highly complex human 'organism' Time Travel. He is wrong! You are an expert at networking (LAN, etc.) expansive terminals and know that molecular computers will be able to maintain a 'collective' like the BORG you speak of, I am sure. Thus Time Travel has a real future, even if the adepts who are doing it, only 'view' or hallucinate about time. You will find some opportunities to prolong life and the existence of humanity are existent in this potential. There is a scarier side to this knowledge than what you are contemplating, however! Albert Einstein was a great man of excellent vision morally. He pushed for an International Police Force and the end to 'Standing Armies' and their attendant secret agencies of 'Intelligence' gathering, for most of his adult life. You broach this issue with apparent desire to avoid it in favor of 'status quo' sovereignty which is just one thing that LOVE would seek to change, though it may have to be phased in. Unfortunately nations do operate at odds with the human rights of their citizens and their own laws. The immoral and barbaric treatment of women and those who have been diminished by powerful agents of hegemony between the church and patriarchal despots MUST be dealt with: If we hope to create a MORAL society with the strength to deal with these truly awesome technologies. You are right about them being out of 'Pandora's Box' and you are part of the group that has brought them out, as you admit. You are feeling the pangs of guilt in reference to this and you are taking some Karmic action to exorcise yourself, perhaps. Einstein was right and now we must go even further, by registering and ensuring the verifiable 'transparency' of all these technologies. You acknowledge this verifiability is an opportunity not yet (or likely soon) made REAL in reference to Nuclear, Biologic and Chemical issues. And you know these newer technologies you are speaking about are more accessible, lucrative and even productive so they will be harder to manage with this needed regulation. The fact that these particles or your molecules in computers are 'consciously connected' provides insight to the concepts elucidated by Jung and in the 'direct cognition' of the knowledge in the Akashic. Herein lays our greatest hope despite the 'reductivist' and conventional paradigm that denies the existence of the soul. The proper development of humanity and the proper management of the technological and ecological 'fallout' from our egoistic and competitive urges for Power (Sex) and Money (Greed), is what this is about at one level. The virtuous behavior of people willing to do more than pay 'lip service' to HOT or 'fad' issues must be brought together to address fundamental principles for change. I hope this letter will lead to a dialogue that enables you to be such a virtuous person. Many of US await your participation in this 'New Age' of MORALITY! Pretty pompous and patronizing isn't it? If I was to write it today I would have a lot more data about proven things relating to Time Travel and other threats (such as shown in the 60 Minutes expos on 'taking out Houston'). I would deal with the secrets of Mind Control and ask him if he knew about the use of the technologies he has developed in these areas or the work of Bearden and Persinger. I would point out that if he didn't know

128 these things then he is just a front for people who aren't telling him the truth. There is a real possibility we have a lot less time than he thinks. The governing forces in control of these technologies may have plans to circumvent us, and program us or empower themselves in other insidious ways. If they are really good guys and have our interests at heart then they should have no difficulty telling us what they are doing and planning. If it is rogue elements in our secret agencies or behind the politicos then they should be willing to take a serious independent look at it. In any event I hope that the issue is brought out of the darkness that will help mushrooms to grow when fed bullshit. SEVENTH SON OF A SEVENTH SON: When you see hooded Klansmen walking up Pennsylvania Avenue to meet their Grand Wizard Woodrow Wilson you are witnessing the true nature of the American peoples participation in a ghastly power play against people even in their own country. The movie, Birth of Nation, has these images that most Americans forget. How could any woman trust a man who would be so callous towards blacks? The Klansmen were also freely using black women for their pleasure and taking any number of laws into their own hands. We have seen this with the Houses in Texas and we know Edward House is the real power behind President Woodrow Wilson as well as the top agent for the New World Order formation of a one world economy and spy network. That network included the slaving and drug business that Lafitte had managed for the Merovingians before he moved up the ladder and became the founder of Communism. Actually there never was real communism and Stalin and other Russian leaders have always answered to the same Rothschild/Rhodes interests. Boris Yeltsin said they did this to Russia and I know it is the old play both ends against the middle game that keeps people like the Klansmen acting out their egos and fears. When Edward House was picking the board for The FED he was selecting the real governors of the world economy. When Wilson said House was his alter ego on many occasions, he was saying more than even he may have known. The fact that House was the seventh son of a seventh son is most relevant to the abuse of soulful sciences that these esoteric cabals have done for many millennia. It is even possible that House had possession of Wilson to the extent that Wilson was a mere alter. I hope I have provided enough on the spy network being involved in Russia for you to understand why when Russia became democratic nothing actually changed. Well, thats not entirely true. The gold backing their currency disappeared and the few who had always controlled the assets now owned the assets. It is fitting that Texas is the erstwhile home of George II and that he speaks to God rather than listening to the other leaders of the world in his pre-emptive wars that dont even require real factual evidence of the things he lies about. Despite the fingering of Prescott and George I that I have done regarding the assassination of JFK, despite the statement that George II doesnt listen to other world leaders; I do not mean to suggest George II is in fact anything more than a paladin for the international financiers. He simply carried out the plan created by Kissinger Associates in league with his Neo-Con Jewish (Rothschild) cabinet and advisors just as most American Presidents have had to do. Bucky Fuller got it right when he said: Nothing can be more pathetic than the role that has been played by the President of the United States, whose power is approximately zero. Nevertheless, the news media and most over-thirty-years-of-age U.S.A. citizens carry on as if the president had supreme power.

129 CHAPTER NINE: From the Intense to the Incredible: I was almost forty years old and waiting to move into my new house in Las Vegas. The previous years relationships had helped me grow in subtle ways but I wouldn't say I was mature or able to accept my purpose as yet. My 'twin' was not my 'soul mate' and that was OK, because I sensed something more was happening that had a lot to do with my purpose. Still I frequently found myself thinking about her and wondering why I was so insistent on making spiritual or psychic things so important. Looking back with 20/20 hindsight I am not sure that a committed relationship with her wouldn't have taken me farther along the Path. Who could be my 'equal' and share a world not even 'visible' with their feet still on the ground? Many people found me quite exciting and were willing to get involved or accept me. It was more a worry on my part, that I couldn't accept society and its philosophy of 'If you cant see it. It doesn't exist!' I would joke and ask people if that was true when they flushed their" 'poop' down the chute or if that was the way they saw the whole world. The 'Toilet Philosophy' seemed to affect people in so many ways that I could no longer make a part of my thought or soul. Was I able to keep my 'feet on the ground', I began to wonder if I even wanted to. The result was a mix of avoiding both the 'real world' and my 'purpose'. It was a very importance transition point in my life and the sense of a progression to a more sublime and wonderful life was all around me. I had to be FREE and OPEN, I had to LIVE and GROW! In the meantime 'Sin City' was showing me its' best and I was enjoying it. The roulette tables were good to me. My 48 inch chest and 30 inch waisted leather pants were enough to make many people wonder about what I was and some began to approach me as if I was a gigolo. It was amusing. By the time I met Lydia I had become capable of communing with many things, and therefore I believe an ascended master was sent to assist my further growth. The synchronicity of this event was clear to me even before it happened. I was sitting at the bar in the 'Shark Club' talking with a young New Zealander who was on a world tour hoping to become sophisticated before returning home and becoming married to another influential family's daughter. The discussion of respect and sexual freedom or 'how to get a woman' was almost laughable. Here I was advising a 25 year old who looked like a cross between Matthew McConaghey and Kevin Costner on how to get what he wanted. It is true he wanted the BEST, and that is hard to get when the 'showgirls' of Las Vegas get hit on by 'pretty boys' all the time. The irony was too much to handle and I almost laughed at some inappropriate times, as he told me how a stripper had taken him back to her apartment where he had been 'rolled' by what he said was her boyfriend. A year before this I would have been threatened by HIS good looks if I had been competing for the attentions of a lady with him. I don't remember if I told him that any GOOD stripper would have got most of his money before he left the club, and that any girl who would work with an associate and do muggings wasn't even 'close' to the BEST. I think I spared him the 'bragging' and I don't even remember his name, so I shall call him Sean. Sean was a proper person whose religious upbringing was in co conflict with his desire to experience the carnal pleasures of a stripper from the 'Entertainment Capital of the World'. He asked me a question about the Virgin Birth and 'original sin' after I had explained how faith and confidence lead to INTENT and thus a focus on being ready for what you want. My reply went something like this: "Origen was a Biblical scholar who lived before the time of St. Augustine; I presume you know St. Augustine was the interpreter of Genesis that brought the 'original sin' crap that women are the harbingers of EVIL and the like?"

130 With a growing sense of awe that was almost childlike, I reviewed his face as his mouth moved to say. "Oh yes! I know about the apple in the Garden of Eden." "Well, Origen wrote a book called 'Contra Celsum' which dealt with Celsus a pagan critic of early Christendom who tells how the 'nativity' and 'virgin birth' stories are borrowed from Irish infancy gospels and other easy answers as to why people of greatness become great. The Greeks called the Kelts who were the leaders or remnants of Atlantis, 'Ogygia' which means 'very ANCIENT ones'. Celsus tells how Plato who was an alchemist, had a similar story created about his birth in order that average people might regard such potential adeptness or greatness as 'Divine' rather than within every man or womans' grasp. This made it more possible for their priests to say they were the interpreters of the 'Gods' and that no mere mortal could question THEM. Some historians say that Alexander was the first to personally claim himself to be DIVINE. Can you see how being such a thing would give a great deal of POWER over the 'believers' or what are often called SHEEP, today?" Sean was paying close attention in order to hear every word over the music being played by the D.J. and he replied. "Of course, that became an often used tool of politics and war-mongers." "The myth created about the birth of Plato has Ariston who was Plato's father being hindered by Apollo from having sexual intercourse with his wife; until she had given birth to Plato who was the actual result of intercourse with Apollo." Sean smiled with appreciation for something he had already sensed was the truth, being described in terms that show the real motives of the myth-makers. "At least it had some biological reality, rather than an immaculate conception." "Yes, and I used to smile at that too. Wouldn't such a thing have made Jesus a bastard? But in reality he NEVER claimed to be DIVINE any more than anyone has the potential to be. He was from the Merovingian lineage of the house of David and Solomon who was a wise alchemist. Joseph was a metal worker not a carpenter and his family were comprised of very wise people. His tutelage and early life discipline led to him becoming an adept even though he may have come to this plane of existence as an ascended master "That makes some more sense of his life before the mission which only lasted a few months or a couple of years. I have had a hard time with knowledge coming to Jesus without him having demonstrated a willing and fertile ground for his personal growth. Do ascended masters KNOW before they learn 'To be Still, and KNOW that I AM.'?" "Very good. You are demonstrating critical thought and a modicum of wisdom. I think it is easier to create decent answers than a good question any day, Sean." I touched him on the shoulder and smiled warmly before going into an answer I knew I did not understand fully, myself. "Let me leave that question till I finish the one about the 'original sin'. The Gnostics who I highly recommend you learn about before making a soulful and lifelong commitment such as marriage, say the 'original sin' that separates us from the next or godly dimensions is IGNORANCE! They contributed a sermon in the 'Corpus Hermeticum' that might be a good place for you to start. They were the priests who fought to save the Library at Alexandria for four battles over more than a hundred years, and I think they were in Languedoc as the Cathar's later." "The wonderful work of Holy Roman Emperor Constantine and the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. has certainly a high place in the infamous acts of the Catholic Church. I know a little about the Cathars too." Sean remarked with pride and growing confidence. "Holy and Emperor speak to the FEAR and WRATH that is unwarranted by or for any GOD. That is the work of mere men to be sure eh?" I responded. "I heard a little Canadianism. EH?!" Sean smiled sincerely.

131 "Many people of greatness and presumably everyone around these times were accustomed to setting places at their dinner tables for the return of the dead souls they loved. Scipio and Augustus, the Greeks and Trojans too. There is a wealth of such reporting that some would have you believe are mere metaphors or fictions. The spiritual reality of other dimensions allows these realities to occur, but our cultural bias and programming has reduced our psychic 'openness' and made such things appear ridiculous." "You are saying' ghosts' are REAL?!" Sean allowed some of his programming to blurt out of his mouth, before he realized he was already acknowledging some concepts of a related sort and even more fabulous nature. "I have been involved in at least three exorcisms and can assure you all the Saints and high clerics of your venerable churches have such knowledge that they do not wish to 'burden the simple laity with'." "I see you don't believe in the Virgin Birth or Jesus as 'the only begotten Son of God' and I guess if you were never a Catholic, you would have been ex-communicated." Sean observed. "I never was but my father was raised as a Catholic and his father was basically excommunicated for re-marrying after my fathers' mother died. It was sad to see how much this HURT him! So sad! He was a true Christian as judged by his ACTS! He was treasurer for the Garment Worker's Union in its' formative days and cared for all the food needs of a whole street of people in Parkdale near Toronto during the depression; I have never met anyone who gave more of himself in 'Brotherhood'. It hurt or made him so alienated to not be able to receive communion, that vampire ritual some Christians call 'Transubstantiation'. I have never been able to grasp how people think these priests who are clearly just average men, can capture the essence of Jesus in bread and wine. The power of the Pope and his minions over the soul and heart of people, GOOD people; is so perverse! But their teaching and support of barefoot and in the kitchen theology of women as 'chattel' makes me almost rage! "Surely the man who turned over the money changers tables in the temple would want to die if he could see what has been wrought in his name." Sean supportively added. "I have often found difficulty rationalizing how they DO what they preach. Matthew 5:43verse 8 certainly has been transgressed in totality, I know. That is the one that has the often quoted words of Jesus, saying we must 'love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. '" "I prefer to 'Hold THEM in the Light' and hope they will stop the persecution and power-mongering. I like the fact that you are serious enough to understand the conflicting manipulative words and acts of these hypocrites. Hatred leads to projecting our own fears and weaknesses on the supposed evil 'other'. Thus we become more like t that which we hate. Jesus knew LOVE could stop this cycle of violence by seeing our enemies as objects of Gods' love too! You are a good soul Sean!" Sean thought for a moment about all that had been said before saying anything. I could see him cogitating and allowed him the time to collect his thoughts. With a smile and relaxed mood of Peacefulness he began to speak about what had happened for him during our conversation. "You are saying 'the powers that be' from Romans 13; must be understood before I commit to marry someone I may not be able to LOVE and share the SOUL of, that our families want to see come to pass. You would ask me to respect both myself and her at a soulful level that would make Jesus proud!" "Great! But it will take both of you working together to come to the point where they accept and respect your individuality enough to truly support your decision."

132 "I think she is a person who will be able to help me, and we might find we are well suited. But, if we tell our parents/we must find it out for ourselves first, that might just work." Sean seemed less desperate to experience what had led to the previous evenings debacle and I looked into his eyes deeply. "So, take it easy and let the bounty of LOVE bring you the partner you richly deserve, my young man; you will find happiness and much more than I am likely to get in a relationship. My path or way is too caught up in the 'Tao' or mystical next world. I can not stop growing for very long and must SHARE the PURPOSE too much." "I have often wondered how or why Jesus was praying to his Father in the Gospels if as some preachers say he is the Son in the Trinity and thus the equal of God." Sean asked with obvious desire to continue discussing with me, the things of TRUTH I might have insight too. I knew I had given him an easy way to end the conversation and I was a little concerned that my own reason for being there might not happen if I was too engrossed in our conversation. "So he should have, by praying or meditating on the soul 'within' and the 'living Father' we all can connect with by such centering meditation. Do not exclude the value of Jesus just because there are many proselytizers who misuse and abuse his name." Sean was happy that I didn't follow through on the possibility of ending the conversation and he agreed with my characterization of many evangelists by saying. "I know that!" "Jesus was named after a concept called Iesa which was 'The Brotherhood of Man' that kept Atlantis and ecumenicism alive in the Keltic or Phoenician time before the last Ice Age. This is the proper insight to be gained from the Gospels when Mark answers Jesus by saying 'Thou art the Christ.'. For if Jesus was asking people who they thought he was is it not likely 'the Christ' was a concept already known and that Jesus knew about these things better than the disciples who had not studied with him during his early years. He really wanted people to find their own divine potential within. The Pauline Christians who eventually became the dominant force didn't want people to be FREE to question their rule or interpretations. The Dead Sea Scrolls might give us some uncensored insights to the actual time of Christ. I am working with an Ogham scholar who has seen them at the Huntington Library and working on getting a book together that will put our cultural heritage in a useful context without all the lies of journalistic empire-builders. But getting back to the fiction of virgins and whores as well as all the other extreme 'black and white' theological underpinnings. THEY needed to present Jesus in an exalted manner and thus the Pope who is his ONLY representative here on Earth. They went so far as to say he was the center of the universe and the heavens moved around him. "The 'flat earth garbage' is sure difficult to imagine now, for sure. And I see what you are saying about making themselves the 'conscience' of all Mankind surely gave them a LOT of POWER!" Sean added. "Genesis in fact teaches the goodness of the whole created order including the feminine principle of Yin as represented by the Sphinx. Carl Jung said the cult of Mary fills a deep psychological need. I think it was something the supposedly celibate priesthood with their concubines and adulterous liaisons or pedophilia never were taught or able to understand. He called this the anima, which is significant due to his study of alchemy and Aristotle who wrote a great deal about the Anima or spirit in all things. Aristotle wrote the Secretum Secretorum in a letter to his student Alexander the Great, who by the way was gay or at least bi-sexual. So Jung could see how YHWH or Yahweh became Jehovah and was perverted to be a male deity, which also became pre-eminent in the Trinity which I sometimes jokingly call 'Laddio, Daddio and Spook'. The earlier

133 Triune Nature of Man which contemplated the nature of the Tao and yin and yang in each person, be they male or be they female was correct and the hemisphere research on the left and right brain nature of man is showing this from science today." "Man you sure are a 'trip'!" Sean remarked. "That was a common saying during the late sixties and early seventies when I was almost your age. Is it still used in New Zealand?" "Oh, I guess a little. But how did you get all this stuff?" "I'm barely able to say I am adept, I guess I am close to being knowledgeable and OPEN to TRUTH and RIGHTNESS but I'm far less than many who have opened far more doors than I have." "Where did you learn so much about the Bible?" "I knew the Bible best when I was in school and had to defend myself in the common debates that raged during the 50's and 60's about 'Is God Dead?' I was even called the Devil Incarnate because I could quote the Bible so well. They like to do that when they are beaten by someone who is a true follower of TRUTH rather than fiction, still. I have been inspired by the real life of Jesus although it is often hard to find in churches, I have found serious scholars and those like the Gnostics who were Catholics before heresy became a weapon against truth. I think the Self-Realization Buddhist people understand Jesus very well." "Is that the Maharishi?" "No, he is TM, or transcendental meditation." "So why are you going to bars and teasing all the women, does it make your ego feel good?" Sean asked a direct question without making it an affront. "That was a good question and you deserve an answer, after all I have invaded your space with, Eh?" I smiled in appreciation of his interest and knowing full well he truly was interested in the complex spiritual and loneliness issues that I often had to deal with. "I could go so far as to say you have intuited something is up with me that is important and not just a matter of a little quality sex to share with an honest woman who knows herself." "So what is the answer? Or is it really too personal?" "I answer ALL questions and hold nothing back. I hope to set an example for others. I ask all questions and usually read palms and other tricks of the trade as well. So how could I possibly NOT be honest in response to your question? You want to know why someone who has such insight needs to be in a bar, and why after so many years of life I haven't found a better way to spend my time? That is part of your question is it not?" Sean was surprised a little at the openness I demonstrated in dealing with the ego games that occur in bars. I saw that he was even more deeply concerned FOR me than that, and that he was aware of something about me that had an air of growing excitement as well. I was even surer than ever that IT was GOING to happen. I continued as he listened after ordering another drink of wine. "You aren't quite sure I'm not a smooth talking lady killer or something as well. Or should I say an ego-tripper who enjoys playing games with people's heads. These thoughts ring a bell with you as I say them, I see that but I also see there is a genuine question that goes beyond just trying to label me or put me in some cubby hole for your remembrance or whatever of this evening. "You are reading my mind, are you a sorcerer?" Sean nudged my arm to draw my attention to a beautiful woman with blond hair dressed in a black, tight-fitting evening dress with bare shoulders, who sat at the corner of the bar next to me. I had noticed her when she was standing near the entrance surveying the bar a couple of minutes before and was VERY aware of her. I did not turn to look at her, and waited until she had ordered a drink or made her mind up fully. I had a twinge of butterflies in my stomach

134 but maintained control. Then I decided to go for it, and do something I would not normally do. I said to Sean. "Why don't we let her, answer that question? I've got to go visit the little boy's room Put her drink on my tab." I stood without being 100% sure that she was interested in me and not Sean. I touched her lightly on the shoulder and asked her to answer Sean's question. "Hi! My name is Bob and this is Sean. He has just asked me a question that I'd like you to answer. Don't tell her the question Sean." "How rude, but intriguing! My name is Lydia, and I didn't hear his question." "Well, I'm going to the little boy's room or whatever it is called. And I am sure your answer will be BANG ON!" I went back through the gambling area around the corner and past the front entrance. I 'felt' my blessing had come in a very special and unusual way; the packaging was almost too good to be true! I wondered if I was wrong to assume that she was the answer to my next "GROWTH" need, but inside I was confident. The butterflies were turning to a different feeling that I was much more accustomed too. When I came back they replayed the answer to Sean's question for me. It had gone something like this, and I was certain after hearing it, that I was in 'over my head'. "Well, Sean this requires a lot of what I like to call 'charm' and some call intuition combined with 'openness'. Your friend has challenged me and I can sense he has impressed you already. I imagine this is all a little 'weird' to you." Sean smiled somewhat sheepishly and nodded as he admired her 'charms'. "So how can one describe the Beauty of the HEREAFTER to one who only lets himself 'see' the Here? Names and labels meant to segment knowledge or categorize people are the work of those who would drive a wedge between the people whose common bond may bring them the most BEAUTY. It is difficult for souls' encased in the simple body with the urges so prevalent in it and our society, to 'open' their varied selves to ALL THAT IS! He is ready to receive something more than he would have even dreamed or DARED to hope for, just a couple of years ago. You are young and will have a wonderful life with many great choices but may never be ready for what awaits him. You may think of him as a sorcerer and me as a Bodhisattva but we are both what I call 'householders'. Sean was still acting surprised and exclaimed: "You guys are too much!" "She answered BOTH of your questions didn't she Sean. Do you remember I only briefly had begun to answer why I was here, as well?" Sean look puzzled even after he remembered the earlier question. "How is this possible? Did you guys do some kind of 'set up' like last nights ordeal, Bob?" He sounded almost terrified, and Lydia smiled warmly and touched his arm as I moved to put my body next to her while still standing. "Sean, I assure you we have never met before and don't have any reason to set you up." She said as she lightly moved herself against me. "It seems too incredible. Bob was acting as if he knew an ascended master or something like you was the important thing and reason he was here tonight. These things can't be REAL?" "It WAS quite good and I do want to hear more about this word or designation 'householder', I think I know what it means, but I'm not sure. However, Sean if you consider what we were talking about, all the time we talked, you'll see that what happened 'fits' with what I AM." Sean smiled a tiny bit and asked. "Do you mean the 'I AM' conscious entity or GOD?" "Yahweh or in original vowel less Hebrew Y-H-V-H, would be more than I meant to claim. However the words of Jesus say just that. It is quite a TRIP we've been through, Lydia you'll have to understand he has witnessed something few EVER see. Most people

135 would be 'out the door' and scared a lot more." I was even feeling a little more than the usual 'buzz' myself. Lydia was enjoying the effect she was having at all levels of human existence and what transpired between us cannot in its entirety be told due to limited space and the fact that she has a husband. They have an understanding about her different approach to life due to the fact that he is an Arhat, or what I have seen called a Rishi or Mahatma. The contemplative life that some ridicule as being 'contemplating one's navel' is a valid PATH as well. It is not one that suits all people and Lydia and her husband (who I met a couple of months later) have a good relationship beyond any ordinary persons' comprehension. She spoke about what she meant by 'householder' as we both allowed Sean to let what had happened sink in, in case he needed to ask some questions. "A 'householder' needs to FILL themself with knowledge and intensity. Sometimes it is called the Bodhisattva way, but there are many ways to be a Bodhisattva like Buddha. Such titles have a lot of 'garbage' associated with them as well. I have 'dematerialized' more than once and I am not so attached to this often puerile existence of physicality. My husband and I have developed a 'sutra' and he is an Arhat." My mouth was probably more than a little open, and Sean was unable to comprehend what he was hearing. I can honestly say it required no ESP or even a minor amount of intuition to grasp the reality of his dumbfoundedness. I had felt a little confusion about a 'husband' but thought I understood an Arhat would not be 'into' jealousy and physical pleasure. I was already becoming infatuated or enchanted and later I found I was unable to handle the fact that she was committed to someone else. At this instant I was aware we needed to make some sense of the whole experience for Sean so I asked: "Do you know what a SUTRA is, Sean?" "I I've heard about the Kama Sutra and I guess it is a way to greater spiritual enlightenment." Lydia smiled and put her hand on my shoulders as I sat between them. She pushed me back a little so she could look into Sean's eyes and left her hand on my shoulder and squeezed it in a manner that comforted me greatly. "Yes, most people have heard about the Kama, and it is a path to Enlightenment I guess. Enlightenment is a never-ending pursuit and the truth is, most 'sutras' are a means to discipline the physical body and allow the spirit or soul a greater access to the individual. Then there is a kind of bridge that can avail a focus and greater INTENT that combined with a higher PURPOSE provided by the TAO or God or whatever you want to try to limit it by with words, can lead one to some truly awesome worlds or dimensions." "When you de-materialize is it greatly different from astral travel?" I asked even though I knew she was trying to get Sean settled and OK before he left our company. I really wanted to know the answer to a lot of things myself, and was being a little greedy. "See, Sean Bob needs knowledge so much he even 'butts in' when I'm talking and trying to get to where I can deal with his questions alone." She smiled a mischievous smile that made Sean feel much more comfortable in the knowledge that WE weren't after him or trying to set him up. "Anyway, as I WAS saying before I was so rudely interrupted." She squeezed the muscles on my upper arm and touched the psychic point I've talked about before. "Our sutra is mountain-climbing and it requires a great deal of discipline and training, as I'm sure you can imagine. And Bob, I'll take you to one of the other dimensions and show you that it is more like here than you might imagine. It seems a lot like astral travel and the same process of energy is involved a little. I have heard it described as a parallel universe of sorts, but there are levels and different conscious entities galore. I like to visit Aleister Crowley's favourite lake in the Swiss Alps, would you like to go there?"

136 "Of course. I'd love to go anywhere you take me." I was not being coy and neither of them remarked on it. "Sean Have you heard the name Aleister Crowley?" "Bob I think this is ALL, way over my head... I would like to know a little more about Lydia in common everyday terms like school and upbringing. I think that will help me put my mind around all of what you have said Lydia." "OK, Sean. Ill give you a prcis of my life. I was close to death just before the age of eighteen from taking drugs to deal with a marriage to a bigamist. He forced me to do things with he and his other wives or mistresses. I was raised a Mormon. Then I went on the road as a dancer and fronted for a band that Jerry Manfredi who was with the 'Doors' organized. We opened for 'Rush' on their first world tour. I notice Bob talks a little like a Canadian, and Getty Lee and I had something for a while. I left them in Japan and went to Thailand. I still own one half of a pleasure palace there; my partner backed me in an import-export business that was doing as much as $750,000,000 a year which I sold a couple of years ago. I imported Oriental furnishings to the States. After eight years in Thailand I came to live in Phoenix where we still own four lots and a house on Camelback Mountain. I took International Business Management and have my Masters degree." "You look a lot like the actress in 'Mad About You'. How old are you?" I asked as I marveled at all that she had said. Lydia smiled and said. "He doesn't have a lot of social skills does he Sean. You aren't supposed to ask a lady that question, Bob. But I am thirty two." "I think I'll leave the two of you now. Thank you very much! Both of you will be the highlight of my trip around this world, you have made me aware that it is much smaller, and the universe much more where I really live, than I ever imagined I would SEE." We said our goodbyes and wished Sean well. Lydia gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek while I shook his hand and looked him deep in the eyes. To say the LEAST I got more than an interview with an ascended master. It is hard to describe the re-working of my emotional or neural pathways and the depth of courage that I was found wanting in, or unable to face. When Lydia took me to Crowley's lake I saw her blue jeaned bum in front of me walking on a path alongside a stream leading to the lake. There were fish that jumped out of the water in large numbers and 'flipped' (as she called it) from tail to head like gymnasts. Love was abundant and in all things! I needed to challenge her and told her how I had seen some fish. She described their actions and happiness at seeing her to a tee. There is no question that she took me there during a sleep state, days in between when we were able to get together. The speed at which we traveled to this place so far away was probably light speed if not faster. It is possible it was instantaneous or a folding of space. This is not the same as what I have experienced in my normal astral travel, but similar. I cannot say with absolute certainty that she was able to 'de-materialize' in that I did not witness it. But much as a turn of the century psychiatrist by the name of R. M. Bucke recounts a 'dematerializer' who did it 29 times before all kinds of skeptics; she said each time she went there was one step closer to 'never coming back'. His book was an early eye-opener for me, and it is called Cosmic Consciousness which I wrote about in reference to Ed Zile calling me 'the Cosmic Kid' near the beginning of this book. As I would drive to San Diego early in the morning before the sun came up I could feel her getting up and doing her regular meditation when the sun rose. This is a very mystical time of day for propitious attunements. Sometimes I would be with her for most of the three hour drive, and it was MORE than if she had been an ordinary person talking with me as I drove. This went on for about a month and no longer existed after we said our goodbyes, when it became apparent I was almost 'obsessing' about her at an emotional or soulful level. I could intellectually handle the fact that our future would only

137 include occasional times together when it fit her schedule. I could handle sharing her. I guess it was the time apart and the MASSIVE and ENGULFING loneliness when she wasn't 'connecting' with me (which as I have said she did not need to be with me physically in order to do) that made thoughts of a future, less than I needed. How, for example could anyone else ever, compete with HER? How could I have an other relationship? She 'filled my chakras' and created a place where I could be with her, when I needed her, at the last time we saw each other. Where this place is, I cannot say for sure. It might be within me, or another dimension. It is not the close 'connectedness' that I had grown to cherish, or obsess about. Her 'charms' were so plentiful as to make mere words seem pubescent. It was in 'the doing' of things that she excelled, though she was very knowledgeable and able to compete intellectually or add to anything I talked about, it was her 'charms' and soulful touching that 'blew me away'. A couple of years later when Sherry visited me while Barbi was at her mothers (during her major issuefacing period that I thought would lead to our break-up) place in Panama City, Sherry and I went to Mount Charleston. We had a lunch on the patio surrounded by mountain peaks and cool breezes. These are not the same mountains that Lydia helped me to 'grok' or become friends with during my morning drives to Southern California. I had read Carlos Castaneda's works that deal with the spirit or amber rays that connect all matter and had a true wise and warm interplay with those mountains for years. This restaurant is a popular respite from the valley heat that I often enjoyed taking a half hour drive through the changing vegetation and climate to be with. I was trying to tell Sherry about the impact Lydia had had on my life and I sensed that our waiter was associated with her mountain climbing sutra. People from allover the world came to be with her and her husband and a growing community of 'seekers' that she was building. I told Sherry my feeling and she was sure I was just imagining things. He came to take our order and I asked him if he knew Lydia. "I have not met her personally but I have met her husband. Do you know her?" He asked with a somewhat reverent and almost worshipful tone in his voice. "You could say I know her. If anyone can know such a person." My response matched his sense of worship of her greatness, and Sherry saw another example of what life can be and WAS (still is) for me. In order to bring some semblance of normative 'reality' back to this discussion of things definitely other worldly I shall take a brief quote from archaeology. Then we will deal with Joyce Hood who I mentioned earlier is connected to Lydia in some way as well. In 'Secrets of the Ice Age' by Evan Hadingham from 1975 and page 75 he reports the following. "One of the most remarkable recent finds took place in the suburbs of Vladamir near Moscow, at a site known as Sungir... well preserved burials dated to 23,000 B.C... It is not known how the Paleolithic craftsmen managed to straighten the natural curvature of mammoth tusks to produce these remarkable weapons." That is true. There are many things modern science doesn't know and doesn't want to consider. How can we maintain our high opinion of ourselves in the evolutionary order or the intellect vs. soulful knowledge game of ego, if we examine the possibility of spiritual 'rocks' and other matter? We are clearly not as perfect as we should be, and perfection at a psychological or soulful level is not worth trying to achieve if one EXPECTS or stresses about it. However, it is necessary as a society for us to aim high and use the ethics of LOVE to try to achieve perfection. I have only briefly touched upon a number of things relating to the attunement with sub-atomic matter that may be connected to my mountains and these mammoth tusks. Some of these things include the Murrhine vases, 'rock-making', the 'Philosophers Stone', anti-earthquake engineering, 'laying on' of hands, psychic surgery and the biggest one of all 'direct cognition'. Findhorns

138 leprechauns and large plants of today, are only a 'glimpse' into the world of spirits, elementals and the 'consciousness' within every nucleus that quantum or 'chaos' scientists of today have recently re-embarked upon. One night about two o'clock in the morning I stopped listening to some mindexpanding 'tunes'. I stood up to conduct my 'attunement' meditation in order to express my love for Lydia. I was breathing 1 deeply and moving my outstretched arms from side to front to back while turning my torso but not my feet. My hands were turning (as receptors of energy) from the earth to the sky in coordination with the in and then out of the breathing. I thought and expressed my desire to be 'connected' to all the spirits and allies, friends and LOVE that was within my 'selves' and the world relating to me. BOO stayed on the couch where I had been sitting. It was an intense feeling that made me feel great before going to bed to 'travel' after cuddling with BOO! The next day I got a phone call from Joyce who I had not spoken to or seen since before I moved to Las Vegas, at least six months before. Joyce is the 'flat-bottom girl' with the unusual 'gift' of total sensory recall. This is the only person I have ever met or even read about who has such a 'gift' and I am not sure she had it with many other men, if any. This gift can produce some intense feeling for someone like me who enjoys pleasing a woman. I remember touching her psychic points and giving her energy after we had made love and I was worn out. I would then tell her to remember what we had done, not just that time but other times in other places as well, when different techniques or positions were involved. Each time she was about to have an orgasm I would do something to change her focus, such as kissing her while looking deep into her eyes. For those who have heard about the Indian 'rope-trick' and know the impact of withholds I am sure you can imagine how enervating this was for me. Her voice was fraught with fear and she knew that I might be the only person 'weird enough' to explain IT. IT was the event that she had been wakened by that night or early morning which she had been fretting about ever since. She told me how she awoke to the sounds of the bed she had been sleeping on moving across the floor. She described these sounds as if it were metal screeching on metal. Therefore I asked her if she was SURE she was awake. She had no knowledge of astral travel or metaphysics in general. She maintained she was sure she had been asleep and was awake when she heard these sounds. Then when she heard the noises she began to see a ghostly apparition appear in the room in front of the window, with its louvered blinds shut tight, she screamed at the top of her voice. I asked her if her friend Melanie {who had been with her the night I met Joyce and read their palms) whose place she was sleeping at, was able to confirm the screams. She said Melanie said she had heard nothing but that that didn't mean she hadn't screamed. I could she was 'fixed' on the opinion that fear had driven her to reach. She had been going over it with Melanie all morning. Melanie had suggested she get in touch with me. I had told her that we were through and that we would never see each other again so that she would try to find a new love when I had seen her last. We had only one thing going for US. I had not given her my number and I had been surprised to get her call that morning. She always maintained that I would change my opinion and settle for someone who REALLY loved me, rather than chasing psychic or spiritual 'unions'. She had called at least three other Robert Bairds before she got hold of me. This ghostly apparition seemed, from her description to be more solid than most ghosts. I questioned her to get an idea of its possible ectoplasmic nature and whether there was a chill associated with it. She said she had felt no chill and that it seemed solid beyond light in a dark room and almost like chiffon. When she explained that it seemed

139 to be turning back and forth in a 'rotating' fashion, I thought about what I had been doing before coming to bed. Then I honed in on the exact time (though blockages can delay the reception like a fax 'on hold') which was apparently simultaneous with my 'attunement' with all my loves and guides, especially Lydia. I told her that I thought she had been asleep when she heard the sounds and she had been astrally traveling (which everyone does) even if unconscious of it. The noises I told her often relate to the astral body being brought back by an unusual energy. She nearly refused to consider this because that was the thing that seemed to scare her the most. She calmed down noticeably when she heard me say that the vision was my soul or solar body that I had unwittingly sent out due to an adept I was trying to reach. In response to her varied insistences that she was awake when the noises came and she had screamed at the 'top of her lungs'; I eventually determined that she had seen the vision but was asleep for the screams. She chose the moment of our having reached each other in this way as a sign of our 'closeness' and began to remember and conduct a phone sex cum total body recall event that focused on when I had sucked her psychic point on the upper arm. This was a most pleasant end to her fright night and I have never talked to her since. Bi-location or being in two places at once is something I am sure a disciplined adept who worked on the sending of a solar body could and can achieve. Jack the Bodiless or Jesus on the road after the crucifixion, how many complex ways these different yet similar 'realities' interact and enable our souls is something the ancients knew far better than even the best adepts of today. There is a well documented case of Pythagoras being able to bi-locate. Imagine this if you can. Stanford has dumped down the total memory and maybe consciousness (1999) to a microchip. Oak Ridges National Labs have biological and chlorophyll receptor solar cells from spinach that can be wired together to make a complex entity. Can these things be interjected with genetic material like the cloning has done? Will these machines be able to harness the solar body 'collective consciousness' of every atom? In conjunction with quantum effect teleportation from April 2000's issue of Scientific American such machines will be able to do time travel of a virtual nature in conjunction with holography. The possibility of such things in our near future is not being discussed in politics, the media and especially schools. The ancient Druids were not just using hypnosis when they created 'phantom armies' and used their harps to focus 'harmonic force' such as the 'Lost Chord'. The walls of Jericho were probably brought down by this same harmonic force. The importance of the quantum physical research that recognizes "Aum' or the "Holy SPIRIT" presaged the nature of the construction of matter, and consciousness as a penultimate reality has opened the proverbial Pandora's Box. It has done this by uniting the worlds of matter and spirit under the gaze of intellectual speculation. It has done this without the necessary moral or ethical prerequisites! I had many discussions with Lydia about matter and energy as I was reading books by Murry Hope and the University of the Trees whose book Time, Energy and Matter is worth a glance or three, as well as reading some of her beloved Dharmas. I look forward to the next realm where such feelings as I shared with her are commonplace. And I do not necessarily think that my personality is what is going to feel her and all the love in those realms. In fact, I think our soul seldom is appreciated or fully understood and beyond the limbo state it is only the soul that continues the growth towards what we really are, or are part of. LIFE IS A FANTASY! A pink-eyed rabbit, fuzzy white Hops in bedrooms filled with fright A child of six with much to know

140 Her father's basest feelings show She knows of LOVE, only through him He satisfies his every whim He leaves, she wipes him from her chin! Her mother NEEDS to see the best He answered her God request To have a roof to comfort bring A yard where all the birdies sing Tell me how she could really know What source for learning could she go? Her mother regularly beaten if not worse The cycle of violence a womans curse Conflicting visions, dependencies One can endure many idiosyncrasies She could not make him defendant be Denial, avoidance she disbelieves The rabbit hides beneath tall trees. At thirteen a step-grandfatha' Finds a well-trained girl that oughta' Do what powerful men request Never knowing what is best And run away she does at last Freedom can be such a 'blast' A rabbit's foot upon a chain The FANTASY her 'safe' domain How long in life must it remain? To protect her from these men Who always for her lips, do 'yen' A state trooper in Tennessee Like every other man does see Her lips so full and luscious red Through the bars, not in a bed. This life men bring to little girls Even when their hair yet curls The visions in her soul I saw Ripped my soul - made it raw I can understand the rage and WILL To take a life and even KILL Just forgive and let it go The therapists say, what do THEY Know?

141 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND NOTES: INTRODUCTION: 1) The Montauk Project, Experiments in Time, by Preston B. Nichols with Peter Moon, Sky Books, NY, 1999, pg. 101. 2) The Rev. Lindsay G. King, also posts to several Mind-Brain.com topics. He was ordained in 1953, as a minister of the United Church of Canada, which respects freedom of thought. He served the church and had a successful ministry, until 1994--just over 40 years. Now, he likes to think of himself as re-directed, not retired. Not your typical theist-though he respects all sincerely held beliefs which contribute morally and ethically to the public good--the Rev. King advocates a fairly unique theological approach which he calls 'unitheism' similar to the Panentheism of Professor Marcus Borg and others. He supports the scientific study of all things to do with religion, including any claims made by it. [If you wish, you may refer people to my site http://www.flfcanada.com for details.] CHAPTER ONE: Napoleon blanched, Chamberlain wrote: 1) Las Cases, 'Memoirs of the Emperor Napoleon', Paris, 1841, pg. 341. from Holy Grail Across the Atlantic, by Michael Bradley, Hounslow Press, Toronto, 1988. 2) http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/people/h/hitler-adolf/oss-papers/text/oss-sb-brodney.html 3) Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, 2nd ed., by Leslie Shepard, Vol. A-G, pg.368. 4) The Donning Int'l Ency. Psychic Dictionary, by June Bletzer, Ph.D., 1986, Shiffer Publishing Ltd., West Chester, Pa., pg. 618. 5) The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Greece, by Robert Morkot, 1996, pgs.16, 19. 6) Maccabees, Zadokites, Christians and Qumrn, by Robert Eisenman, who worked with Baigent and Leigh on the 'Dead Sea Scrolls Deception' quoted earlier in Chapter 2, E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1983, pp. 2 and 40 note 10. 7) Dupont-Sommer, A., 'The Essene Writings From Qumrn', p. 284. 8) Ibid, pg. 285. 9) Ibid, pg. 283. 10) Genesis of the Grail Kings, by Laurence Gardner, 1999, Bantam Press, London, pgs.151-2. -He goes on to connect Tubal-Cain, who was his times' greatest metallurgist (as in Solomon and Jesus) to his alchemical Master Craftsmen of the GWB. 11) God against the gods: the history of the war between monotheism and polytheism, by Jonathan Kirsch, Penguin, NY, 2004, pg. 238. CHAPTER TWO: Saints Galore: 1) http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/saintm74.htm 2) From Rousseau and Revolution', by the Durants we have the next few notes: Friedlander, Ludwig, 'Life and Manners under the Early Empire', 11, 78. Goethe, Oct.27, 1786. 3) Vaussard, 84. 4) Ibid, 89. 5) Bury, J.B., 'History of Freedom of Thought', 122.

142 6) McCabe, 'The Jesuits', 346. 7) E.G., Lanfrey, 'Histoire politique des papes', 384; id., 'L'Eglise et les philosophes', 305. 8) Campbell, 'Jesuits', 536, NY, 1921. 9) McCabe, 'Jesuits', 346. 10) Ranke, 'History of the Popes', 11, 449-50. 11) Campbell, 538. 12) Ibid, 541. 13) McCabe, 355. 14) Campbell, 563. 15) Rousseau and Revolution, Will and Ariel Durant, Simon & Schuster, NY, 1967, pg. 316 16) Celtic Mysteries, The Ancient Religion, by John Sharkey, Thames & Hudson, 1975, 1997 reprint, pg. 23. 17) The Complete Idiots Guide to the Reformation & Protestantism, by James S. Bell and Tracy Macon Sumner, Pearson Education Company, 2002, pg. 236-7. 18) God against the gods: the history of the war between monotheism and polytheism, op. cit., pg. 46. 19) Limitless Mind, by Russell Targ, New World Library, California, 2004, pg. 95. 20) Folk Remedies From Around the World, by John Heinerman, Ph. D., Prentice Hall Press, Paramus, N. J., 2000, pgs. 5-7. CHAPTER THREE: The Elementals and Dimensional Forces: 1) http://cbs5.com/news/local/2003/05/16/Adolf_Hitler_in_His_Own_Words.html 2) http://brain-mind.com/BrainReligion.html Limbic System thoughts of Rhawn Joseph, Ph. D. The Findhorn Foundation website has a plethora of wisely presented theories or conspiracy possibilities at http://www.metareligion.com/Secret_societies/secret_societies.htm 3) http://forum.onecenter.com/cgi-bin/forum/forum.cgi?c=msg&fid=buddhist&mid=2977 posting made by a person using the nickname achinesegirl. CHAPTER FOUR: Those Who Think They Are Chosen: 1) http://www.fpcboulder.org/Transcripts/12-24-03.html an excerpt of a sermon from Dr. Peter Barnes who also attacks Dan Brown and makes himself appear to know what he is talking about for his sheople. 2) http://www.cfpf.org.uk/articles/scientists/crookes/crookes.html 3) http://priory-of-sion.com/psp/id72.html from an article by Paul Smith. 4) Nietzsche and Postmodernism, by Dave Robinson, Icon Books, 1999, Cambridge, pgs. 37-9. 5) Ibid. 6) Frabato the Magician, by Franz Bardon and Dieter Ruggeberg Verlag, 1982,1995, Merkur Publishing, Salt Lake City, {The World HQ of alchemists led by present-day Frater Albertus Magnus taking the name of St. Thomas Aquinas's mentor. Israel Regardie was Crowley's personal secretary who wrote The Philosopher's Stone which said there was no actual 'Stone' and it was a metaphor for spiritual growth, which it is. However, his second printing showed he was wrong about there being no 'Stone' and he had seen the

143 Spagyricists in Salt Lake City make one. This is also the site of the Mormon HQ and they have a secret society named after the alchemist of the Bible known as Melchizedek. Given that Joseph Smith was a 33rd degree Mason and they are part of Rosicrucian to alchemy knowledge of a lesser sort, it is reasonable to say there is something going on. A person in high Rosicrucian circles who worked for me in SLC in the late 70s was able to call Ezra Taft Benson the day she arrived and see him the same day. Benson became the top dog of the Mormons and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Secretary. He is a commenter on the cover of None Dare Call It Conspiracy,}, pgs.121-122. 7) http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04713a.htm CHAPTER FIVE: The Vienna Connection: 1) aco@orgonomy.org 2) A posting called Orgone: Pulse of Life at http://www.newworlddisorder.ca/blog/2003_05_25_nwd-blog_archive.html 3) http://www.alchemylab.com/count_saint_germain.htm perhaps this is written by Reginald Merton. 4) The Essential Kabbalah, the heart of Jewish mysticism, by Daniel C. Matt, Harper San Francisco, 1995, 1st paperback ed., from 1996, pgs.l03-4. CHAPTER SIX: How Much Did The Ancient Secret Societies Know? 1) The Mysteries Within, A surgeon reflects on medical myths, by Dr. Nuland, Simon & Schuster, NY, 2000, pgs. 112-4. 2) The Secret History of Ancient Egypt, Electricity, Sonics and the Disappearance of An Advanced Civilization, by Herbie Brennan, Piatkus Publ., 2000, pgs. 133-135, from a chapter headed 'Psychotronics Today'. 3) 'The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Divination', by Stephen Karcher, Element Books, Shaftesbury, 1997, pgs.118-119. 4) Mounds of Sacred Earth, W. A. Kenyon, Royal Ontario Museum, Publications in Archaeology, 1986, pgs. 80 1. 5) The Energy Grid, Harmonic 695, The Pulse of the Universe, by Bruce L. Cathie, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, Illinois,1990, 1997, pgs. 103-4. 6) http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/bloodlines/index.htm 7) From Radical Healing, by Rudolph Ballentine, M. D., Harmony Books, New York, 1999, pgs. 75-6, we have Dorothy Shepherd, The Action of the Minimum Dose, pg. 13. 8) Ibid. 9) http://www.suppressedscience.net/physics.html 10) Shortcut to Spirituality: mastering the art of Inner Peace, by Bob Gottfried Ph. D., Deeper Dimension Publishing, North York, Ontario, 2004, pgs. 53-4. CHAPTER SEVEN: Technological Alternative Demons: 1) http://ideas.repec.org/p/wuk/eaercp/_001.html abstract from a paper by Liam Aspin on focal points in social linguistic studies. 2) http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A569522 3) Trance-Formations, 1981, Real People Press, John Grinder and Richard Bandler, pg.1.

144 4) http://www.worldwideschool.org/library/books/youth/history/TheStoryofMankind/chap5 5.html an excerpt from an article by Hendrik Van Loon that includes mention of Count Rumford. CHAPTER EIGHT: Esotericists with Visions: 1) http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,12271,1016238,00.html 2) http://pluto.scs.ryerson.ca/~monica/Monks.htm CHAPTER NINE: From the Intense to the Incredible:

EPILOGUE: In further research for my book Neolithic Libraries I have made some observations that are pertinent to this book. Freud had many good students. One of them preceded Carl Jung into the realm of alchemic symbolism. His name is Silberer. Joining him with Jung is a person of great inventive science by the name of Wilhelm Reich. These three gentlemen of Vienna (to imitate the 'Bard of Avon'.) are very important by any standard or science. We have seen in The Mind of Adolf Hitler, The Secret Wartime Report from brief quotes herein that Hitler like his father Alois went to Vienna and gained great "nourishment" of an intellectual nature. We saw how this is the site of Baron S. Rothschild in the time of Alois's mother Maria Anna Schiklgruber who probably bore Alois as a result of a liaison with one of the Rothschild men. Brief mention is made of the Hesse nobility in German hierarchy and we know Mayer Rothschild was the financial minion of this family. At this juncture in history some books describe Mayer as a bookkeeper or accountant, but we wonder and want more facts. Some of this knowledge goes back to the pentagon-dodecahedron and its origin of the pentagram and harmonics knowledge in the ancient Greek times that made it punishable by death if anyone gave up its secret. We will show the connection to Reich and his Orgone energy that lead to the FDA burning his books and destroying his lab equipment; as well as the radiosondes. But before that we should expose some "mysterious" people and the hub they created in Vienna that the Hitlers learned so much from. Hitler's father would have been in Vienna before the rise of the Freudians. However the esoteric knowledge systems had been well established there by St. Germain who we show connects to Masons and De Medicis. But was St. Germain developing the Qabala into Kabballah further or the tiqqun forces of Chanukah Benjaminites? What was the esoteric knowledge Adolf studied? Is there a higher science of magic known only to the Rothschild or Benjaminites? Could that explain how Hitler learned to be a 'channeler'? No doubt he was probably

145 raised for a special purpose at the hands of his ambitious and oppressive father, who may have taken these same courses. The Pyramid technology was known to many long before Pythagoras who 'invented' the musical octaves as he developed his 'Singing of the Spheres'. Clearly it was know before the Great Pyramid was built. The Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) wavebands of megalithic structures like Stonehenge are measurably the same as the Great Pyramid's Kings Chamber though not as strong. But some people chose to claim this knowledge as if it were their secret so we must listen to learn. Gardner's Sarkeny Rend Rosicrucians (including HRH Nicholas de Vere) are a very adept and worrisome lot of secret skullduggery, to be sure; even if they are just pretenders to this knowledge. Jung and the other students of Freud have gone far in breaking alchemic symbolic codes and it is clear the Sarkeny Rend people who included Count Dracul had been aware of this over a millennium before. They are connected to the Priory of Sion who started the Knights Templar and Teuton. Today it has been refined in psycho-linguistics and the brainwashing of people. "From the linguistic viewpoint, language has an almost atomic structure that can be broken down to smaller and smaller components. If we take a sentence, for example, we can break this down into clauses, and ultimately into subject, object, verb and subsidiary groupings of adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, pronouns and so on if we adopt the 'parsing' approach. Having done this we arrive at a family tree of the sentence components and logic and the atomic components of this dissection are words. If we are a philosopher or philogist we might be happy to stop dissecting there and concentrate upon meaning and derivation of the individual words. But linguists cannot leave the word there for the primary interest now focuses on how words are put together in sentences and clauses. This involves a study of syntax, or grammar, and semantics, or meaning, and these are expressed in both the surface structure and underlying meaning of a sentence which do not necessarily mean the same thing, as anyone who 'reads between the lines' will know. Perhaps, the most puzzling aspect of the linguistic study of language is the perceived ability of people to give utterance to highly structured sentences without preparation and forethought and to understand the meaning of a stream of words without conscious effort. The rules for language seem wired into us just as studies of speech centres in the brain suggest they are. Psycholinguists are interested in going further than the linguists and they are concerned with the next, subatomic stage. This is to break words themselves into phonemes, the smallest individual unit which corresponds roughly to the pronounced letters of the alphabet in a word, and to study their production and perception. Phonetics, the isolation of the individual phonemes in words, is a natural outgrowth of this' research, as is another discipline which is quaintly termed 'pausology', which is concerned with the role of pauses between words, and intonation in speaking. {Huna the Hawaiian language of the Druidic Kahuna is an excellent chanting language to augment psychic ability through the resonance of the brain cavity before reaching the Thalami.} In our very brief summary of this whole area of psycho-linguistics we have unwittingly uncovered a paradox which takes us another stage further in uncovering the true significance of language in our quest. For while we may break speech 'production' down into small phonemic units which correspond with the action of the larynx upon air expelled from the lungs, the 'perception' of language seems to depend upon meaning

146 units, or 'syntagma', a concept discussed by Whittaker at length in his excellent article. These are pause-bounded phoneme groups clustered into intelligible syllables and the groups invariably contain seven syllables. The 'Magic Number 7' occurs in studies of short term memory where it describes the difficulty of retaining more information units in relation to out attention span. Our language patterns thus seem related to attention span, phonemic and syllabic pulses and their attendant pause boundaries. Other lines of research have worked with the concept of segmentation of speech patterns, but both approaches concur on the significance of pause boundaries in the production and perception of speech. {The Bardic or Verbal Tradition that used Ars Memoria and other techniques to accentuate 'attention span' was thus advanced beyond neurophysiology. They had five different Ogham dialects and each one allowed a 'tap in' of psychic enhancement. The pauses in their poetry were possibly encoded nature worship like ritual in pre-Christian Druidry. Magic is being made right and whole again!} From our viewpoint {Robins is a world-class solid state chemist working on decoding the henge 'macrochips' or megaliths.} the major drawback in all this research is that it has been conducted at two extremes of a continuum. At one end we have the exhaustive theoretical study of individual phoneme production and perception and at the other there is the study of 'real' speech and conversation patterns, as described in a comprehensive overview by Ellis and Beattie in their detailed but highly readable book, The Psychology of Language and Communication. What no-one seems to have considered worthy of study (and up to now there has been no compelling reason to do so because of the linguistic complexity and seeming irrelevance of the subject matter to science) is the phonemics, syntagmics and the articulatory dynamics of ritual utterance. {Yes, ritual does focus forces through harmonic utterances and the Hebrew language is the sacerdotal language of the builders of the Pyramid. Every letter or symbol has power to access just as the stones have more than placement or alignment with the heavenly movement. They connect and enable the Earth Energy grid among other things. Some people may be seeing a connection with "In the Beginning was the WORD! or the Logos. They would intuit this correctly as they 'read between the lines'.} Our previous comments in Chapter 5 identified several features in ritual utterance which are of enormous potential significance: the use of arcane language where syntactic and semantic parameters are uncoupled in prayer and ritual; the repetition of devotional cadences as aids to concentration as in mantric utterance and the subliming of speech patterns into music, instrumental and voiced, as central factors in the 'gestalt' of worship. All these now assume a paramount significance in the light of the existing knowledge of speech production and perception, for they now stand revealed as amplifying effects which feed acoustic signals into the image for coupling with the net within. {It works the same way outside the 'macrochip' of stone. The neural net also has an amplifier to augment this acoustic and cosmic energy you can read about in The Wonder Child by Peter Lorie et. al. as they describe the Cosmic Thought Field and modern research on the Third Eye or pineal gland. The stone's "net" is comprised of energy wells, lattices and vectors of forces used to make crystalline structure capture ancient imbuement of ritual energy and knowledge.} We are in a position now to predict, therefore, that careful cross-cultural study of such ritual utterance will uncover unsuspected energizing patterns of unparalleled power, for the feeding of the acoustic signals into the human neural net will provide a powerful

147 stimulus for the brain to respond to at the same time as setting up the pressure wave which will trigger the power of the graven image. The strong implication that such ritual utterance will trigger brain response, perhaps through a coupling of pulse rate nerve firing and phoneme production, suggests that a devastating synergism could be unleashed, a synergism which involves the brain through all its levels from ritual through joy to the most rarified cerebration. It is to this 'visionary' or mystic state we now turn The energizing of the neural net by a stimulus pulse which can march in step, or 'phase-lock', with the neuronal firing response rate will generate a positive feedback loop which can override the sensory system and so modify the act of perception itself" (1) We have mentioned one person who knew these things through his music and artistry. This one man was heralded allover Europe and was able to do more than merely project images or 'mind fog'. Bardon also could do that - but St. Germain is the key to the Vienna cadre of the Rothschild money. He is thus of interest to our study of Hitler (A member of the F. O. G. C.) and the real causes of WWII, as well as many other things. Just take the conventional academic position such as seen on the TV Show In Search Of and see how it sets up subjects to make less mystery than really exists. There is so much more mystery to this man than just the fact he was the third son of a Hungarian noble family who sent him to the De Medici scions in Florence around 1700 A.D. after their overt power had diminished. No simple alchemist or noble was the Comte de St. Germain. We mentioned the Hesse and Rothschild connection at the start of this piece. What would you think if you knew St. Germain may have spent his last years before the age of 90 at the Hesse family castle? He was also a participant in the Vienna located education system. So it would appear he has a pedigree that includes the Romanian or Hungarian knowledge of the 'blood rituals' of Gardner's Sarkeny Rend Star Fire ceremony and the Nos Feratu as well as the Pythagorean knowledge that make his books sell to the Mason's through official books to this day. In fact he is credited with popularizing esoteric schools and establishment of them throughout Europe. He has a large following in America today as well. We know the Masons including my ancestor Rufus King established the Enlightenment Experiment in the United States and it is said St. Germain arrived to break the impasse over the founding documents at the appropriate moment. Could he have be the possessor of the De Medici money and taken it to the Merovingian Rothschild's for their use? He became a general of the Russian army of Catherine the Great. He was known to Voltaire for 50 years and Voltaire never saw him age a day. Voltaire was amply endowed with esoteric knowledge himself and he and Victor Hugo are Hermeticists of the Priory of Sion. The De Medicis took over the financial monopoly of the Templars after they were disbanded and Catherine De Medicis patronized Nostradamus who was a part of the Alumbrados founders of the Jesuit Order. The De Medicis are the Popes in Rome at various points in history. Now which side is St. Germain really on or is he part of the higher forces? He warned the nobility that the French monarchy was in peril and that they would suffer great losses as Revolution swept the world. He gave a great deal of truth and knowledge to the world. It could be said he did all one man could be expected to achieve and more. But the secret societies he established may have sought far greater power than appearances would suggest. If he was part of the Bavarian Illuminati I would think less of him. It is very possible he was just

148 that and its founding by Weishaupt towards the end of his life might have something to do with why the Russians celebrated May 1st as their national day of sanctimonious sovereignty. This is the day the Bavarian Illuminati were founded in 1776 when it is said St. Germain was in America helping form that Revolution. I see a Merovingian hand in all of this. We have much reason to say this which we have put forward in other books. Most people who are not familiar with the esoteric studies of all these things would say there is too much to prove St. Germain was a good guy, to have him founding or supporting a 99 Lodge or the acts of Stalin and Hitler. But remember they had the Philosopher's Stone insights of people like Nostradamus and Da Vinci (a head 'Nautonnier' of the Priory of Sion who also thought John the Baptist was a truer messiah). They are quite aware of the lack of good or Evil as such. They know that energy is both good and evil of necessity while it endeavours to harmonize. Could they have used Master Dietrich Eckart to search out Hitler or was Hitler trained by them in full knowledge of what he would do? The 'Stone' you see in Harry Potter is a way of seeing the future probable, and it may allow them to know many things they could advantage themselves by supporting. Hegel and his dialectic is part of how they play both sides against the middle to achieve a benefit from both sides no matter what the outcome. Machiavelli is part of this De Medici time- frame intrigue that led from Plato and his top down nobility-backed social governance to what we see in Hegel and the likes of Fukayama (Author of The End of History and The Last Man as well as a Policy Head of the U.S. before moving up to consult for 'think tanks'.). Stalin was the ally of the U.S. and he was given much of Eastern Europe by FDR despite the protests of Illuminized leaders such as Churchill who was a Druid society member as well as one of the Committee of 300 created and funded by Cecil Rhodes. It is good to have an enemy if you are the financiers and armaments manufacturers. Stalin did far more to kill the Ukrainians and his own people than Hitler. He is credited with killing 32,000,000 Ukrainians and none of his wounded lived to get any care. Yes, St. Germain may well have known the need for black magicians to bring humanity to the point where all knowledge was available and of interest to the common man. He was a spy for Louis the Fifteenth who was taught chemistry by him. In truth that is why Louis is the Sun King. He strove to know the art of the ancient alchemists who knew the Sun was our natural guiding force or the Sun of God. This is the pagan science of long before the recent classical civilizations of history back to the Shining Ones of Ba'albek. It is a worship of scientific fact and not a following of faith. It seeks truth and knows it requires more discipline and openness than most are willing to invest. Hans-Georg Gadamer is (or was in 1986) the Professor of Philosophy at Heidelberg's great University. He is known for his study of hermeneutics which is the hermetic element Aquinas added through Jesuit teaching to the Catholic dogma. It is modern metaphoric hermetics as usurped by those who seek power rather than empowerment, you could say. It might help some readers to see the state of academic knowledge and interest in what 'Good' really is, rather than what the politicos are heard to say. "The ontological aspect of the problem of the good is all the more evident in the Nichomachean Ethics. {Nichomachus was the father of the great alchemist Aristotle whose Secretum Secretorum that described operational alchemy for his student Alexander is not mentioned in most academic texts or anthologies but you can see its' import in such

149 books as Mark Haeffner's Dictionary of Alchemy.} Of course, here too the main argument, in which everything culminates, is that the idea of the good is of no practical use (EN 1096b33 ff.). But again, even the refutation implies acknowledgement of the issue. Aristotle says explicitly "ei gar kai estin hen ti to koinei kategoroumenon agathon e choriston auto kathauto" (if indeed what is said to be the good in common is one thing or separate and for itself). {I interpret Nichomachean Ethics in the general to have much to do with contribution dynamics of karma and the ethic that understands the diminishment of one diminishes all. My naive perspective or bias may have much to do with my study of alchemy and the history of their having to encode what they said if they wished to live. Aristotle appealed to his political forces through the use of code because he did not have the courage of Socrates to challenge the needs of power-mongering priests. He did greatly value Socrates and agreed with Socrates about those 'sophists' who like prostitutes display their knowledge much as prostitutes do with beauty - for money. When academic insight eschews consideration of Aristotle as an alchemist (like Aquinas) it actually is engaging the Denial of truth.} All the logical arguments against the one common good 'kata mian idean' (corresponding to one idea) (lO96b25)--the category argument as well as the argument more concerned with Plato's differentiations of the 'kath' hauto haireton' (that which is to be chosen for its own sake) (lO98b90)--prove, as it were, uncomfortably more than they should. For it cannot be the case either that "good" is a pure equivocation, that is, that there is one word for completely different things merely coincidentally. Thus Aristotle undercuts his own position, so to speak. Even though he banishes any consideration of the common element in the use of the word "good" from ethics, he indicates two possible answers to the question of what that common element might be. The first is that the common meaning of "good" being asked about could be thought of as "derived from one thing," that is to say, in such a way that everything (good) "contributes to" ('syntelein') one thing. Although there is some disparity in the expressions used, there can be no doubt that Aristotle is alluding here to the logical structure that he explicates initially in the Metaphysics Gamma 2 and which was later termed the "analogy of attribution." The multiple senses of good do not mean only that the means are good if the end or purpose is good, as the expression 'syntelein' might suggest. 'Syntelein' must obviously be taken in a wider sense to mean "contributing to a common semantic field," so to speak. The' pros hen' (to one thing) here fully accords with the 'aph'henos' (from one thing). Accordingly, in the Metaphysics, Gamma 2, we find pros hen or 'pros mian arche,' (to one principle), respectively, (Biblio: At the same time, the pros hen is characterized as a special case of the more general 'kath'he legesthai' (to speak in one regard).) and the example of "healthy," which can be said of a human being, a facial color, a medicine, and so forth. The word "good" could be multivocal in this way too. That would presuppose something privileged and primary such as Aristotle's category doctrine specifies (for "to be") when it gives priority to "substance" ('ousia'). The priority assigned to "substance" is of great significance for Aristotle's metaphysics, particularly in regard to the theology of the first mover, which for its part, is first in the order of substances. Given this fact, one might expect that here in the Nichomachean Ethics Aristotle would favor such an attributive relationship ('analogia attributiva') when he sets about grasping the manifold of agathon. The god or nous (intellect), both of which appear as examples of substance in the

150 category argument (EN 1096a24), which would then be the 'summum bonum', the highest good, in which the attribution terminates. The universal-ontological sense of the one good would fit perfectly with Aristotle's doctrine of a god. The 'theological' conclusion of the Eudemian Ethics would also lead us to expect the same thing. (Biblio: To be sure, MM 1182b9 characterizes the question about the good of the god as an 'allotria skepsis' (another consideration).) (2) Well, (!) I cannot attribute any concept of craft in clarity to this piece, as writing must endeavour to achieve something for any reader. This author has, through the constant jargon and specialized codes of philosophers, really made it difficult. I do see some merit to it. As 'god' and 'gods' more specifically were the order of 'theological' constructs I would suggest Aristotle knew the 'anima' in all things was conscious and collective. He thus would have been too scientific to state it so simply and against the need to promote fear. Galileo thus was able to ridicule his lack of science as the Church sought to keep Aristotle via Aquinas in the pre-eminent position of philosophy which they said was inclusive of all science. I do not believe the great philosophers like Aristotle were stupid. I think the "fools think they are wise men" when they seek to make Aristotle in league with Gods rather than rational understanding of our soul and its part in Divine Providence. But do I really think these "wise men" like Plato could work so viciously against the empowerment of people and their collective soul? Yes. I think the idea that good requires evil and a harmonization of both sides is required to some extent. However, it must end! No longer should we secretly manipulate knowledge for some and leave the many in such stupid distress. Hitler was after all, just another leader doing the racist rag. He was an opportunist and a nut, but so many are driven to such insane efforts as power corrupts. Plato and Hesiod before him were quite willing to go along with the social 'norm' that made women far less than men. They were unable to get education in Greece. This was not 'civilized' and it must stop - but when? The use of women to reward mercenaries and plebs in their own homes as practised by these 'civilized' slavers in Greece and Rome had taken a page from Ur and Abraham. Please (I insist!) let all men have a woman who can be their equal and thus share and balance the soul we all need to develop. Plato had a great ancestor in his noble lineage. Solon is the kind of person who we still can learn from; as we address the distribution of potential before moving to create the harmony and balance for creation we are entrusted with assisting the god/goddess in creating. That is my boiled down idea of all the arguing over who is 'chosen' and/or Divine. I am not alone any more than Socrates was. Will I end up like him? I am certain I got this idea from the work of St. Germain but I am not certain he was unable to work both sides of the fence in an era when obtuseness and deceit may even have been necessary. That is no longer the case and Urgaya is part of the forces which know this truth even if it is not 'self-evident' like the top Rosicrucian Thomas Paine would have wanted it to be when he wrote what Jefferson included in America's founding documents. These words and symbols are quite powerful and we must return them to the kind of place that existed in the common soul before alphabets differentiated literate from knowledgeable. Plato also knew the bad impact of the 'word' that made men unable to accept those who knew the truth just as much as any philosopher. Intellect has been aided at the expense of intuition and fuller awareness that comes from attunement. This is one

151 reason Pythagoras wrote nothing and Socrates railed against putting knowledge in front of knowing. The Tepaphone as an ancient Harmonic Transmitter-Neumann? Lady Morgana told me she had a device that operated to cure and create at a distance. It was something she seldom spoke about and I do believe she would use it for personal gain. She told me it could cure cancer and I am becoming more able to believe she was telling the truth after getting to know the work of Wilhelm Reich and his coined word to describe the energy it worked with (Orgone). This kind of technology is part of the ancient technology that saw the Ark of the Covenant use static electricity and pyramid power to communicate and make maps; of the whole world (like the Hadji Ahmed and other traces of maps going back 12,500 years) according to modern engineers. If she helped my enemy Jerry use it against me, then I am truly lucky to be alive. When Freud's scientific student-genius Reich started using this to cure cancer he went against the law and much more than that. He was breaking the ancient law of secret societies who knew about the Earth Energy Grid as described in the pentagondodecahedron. He was probably willing to do it despite the likely knowledge that he was going against a long held and important secret. I expect both sides of the wars to end all wars had these EMF or psychical weapons. Michael Twose of the University of Toronto's Faculty of Music is one engineer Michael Bradley worked with on the technical aspects of the Ark of the Covenant in his Grail Knights of North America. But the most important person who may have assisted in the development of the modern weapons used against man, is John Von Neumann. I think there is a good chance he was one of the Viennese group Hitler learned from or with in the five years he spent there ingesting and incorporating the knowledge of the ancients that St. Germain had been part of just before Alois Hitler was born. In The Mind of Adolf Hitler which we have quoted often in the course of this book there is a written account of Hitler's business partner in Vienna. The account is made to portray Hitler as a lazy person with no desire for money who wasted what money he had in a week spent with little more than tourist fun on his agenda. However, it appears the person he spent this whole week with was more than just a Jew and he was well known to the people in the place Hitler lived. We can assume Hitler spent a lot of time with this person. They went to museums and Hitler was tired and unwilling to work afterwards. There are many reasons Hitler would not share what he was learning with uninitiated people. As I have stated the authors of this Secret Wartime Report for the O.S.S. were not exploring that occult possibility at any point in the whole book. The Nuremburg Trials also made this area of insight 'verboten'. This person was named Neumann and I look forward to seeing if John von Neumann ever spent time in Vienna. Von is a family heirloom or title that often is dropped in normal use, such as this, I believe. They also make a large point about a Dr. Bloch who is a Jew and someone Hitler greatly respected because they have two postcards to him that express gratitude over a long period of time. The art of making light of Hitler and his knowledge does little to make sense of these important people and events. With little actual proof they make Hitler seem to be an ingrate. But Hitler also loved and lived with respect for his sister who he gave his inheritance to, as well as his involvement with the family he adopted or who inspired him. Wagner was a powerful influence on the German psyche in more ways than just his music. Because we still hear very little about Hitler

152 looking and living like a Jew and his Kabalistic or occult learning we can reasonably say there is an element of propaganda still at work. One reason might be the use of German science as developed by the use of esoteric or occult insight. The Allies all fought amongst each other to get these scientists after the war. John von Neumann was the most important of all, except perhaps Einstein who he worked with. His development of vacuum tubes for computers and his work on the Manhattan Project are the visible aspects of his far more influential career. His leadership of the Phoenix Project included the accessing of the work of Wilhelm Reich. All these tidbits are not proof and we do not need proof to make our point. If Neumann is not von Neumann the matter remains the same. There are secrets in harmonics and the 'Singing of the Spheres' that quartz crystals and the ether have availed powerful people like the Borgias to gain ever more power. The insight of Hitler's salesman Hanisch as shown in Langer's book on Hitler is even less meaningful but it makes the apparency of proof. The radiosonde was one application of the orgone energy devices developed by Reich to affect the weather. Could this energy have a use against people? The Philadelphia Experiment included Time shift and travel. That sounded ridiculous until recently but the US Army has let out contracts in later 2001 for faster-than-light informational teleporting. The quantum teleporting gates I read about in 2000's April issue of Scientific American are already reaching the marketplace. Not far behind is the bio-ram developed out of spinach chlorophyll receptors at Oak Ridges National Laboratory in 1999. They said they would have complex self-powered circuits in three years. Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden USAF (ret.) has developed the technology of Tesla and the free energy of the cosmic soup is employed in psy ops. Nothing so amazing can be disregarded. Tesla was able to do even more than we know. Why don't we see schools encouraging alternative thinking or even debating the other side of the argument? We can be fairly certain that whoever built the Pyramid knew how to make a weapon with ultrasound or harmonics that would have equaled the tepaphone used by the Grand Master against Brother Silesius and Franz Bardon. John Eric von Neumann may not have died in 1958 according to Preston Nichols and Peter Moon. They saw a man who looked like him and had his German mathematics and physics diplomas on the wall of his 'witness relocated' new home years later. They also observed the man over a period of time and saw him remember people he had worked with on the Philadelphia Experiment that had been reconfigured under Project Phoenix in the 1950s with Von Neumann as its director. Bearden has brought all of these metaphysical and biophysical insights to fruition except (perhaps) the ability to govern human time reference points. Here is a little of what they have to say that might explain von Neumann's memory difficulties. "In addition to the above, I also have equipment developed by Tesla that appears to be inspired by the FRR 24's that were sent back from the future by von Neumann. Whatever the case, radio technology was pushed way ahead in the 1930's. As an engineer and professional radio man, it is my personal conclusion that it couldn't have been done without some major help from somewhere. For example, Nikola Tesla was always upsetting the status quo by saying that he experienced communication with aliens." (3) Thus we have another explanation for Urgaya and his heavenly host of masters and adepts like Bardon. I do not see why this "major help from somewhere" isn't human

153 secrets of such people as the Borgias who could "poison" people to death at a distance without ever being in contact. The harmonics engineering knowledge of the Pyramid is what makes me most certain of this. But then the alien theorists can argue the aliens influenced that construction as well. Fine, we can accept Henry Kissinger's comments about the Intergalactic Brotherhood in 1984 to the Bilderbergs as potential fact. But we still are able to show how the more ancient hominids developed this technology from the spiritual attunements with nature and the input of the intelligent design that shows itself in things like nanotubes, manganese nodules, and meteors near Antarcticas Mt. Yamato. In fact the lattices in stones teach the basics of energy interfacing and focusing as Dr. Robins knows. This Neolithic technology started before Homo sapiens existed if the Mungo Man is as 'modern' as geneticists say. David Guyatt is a good researcher who we have quoted mightily in Neolithic Libraries and other books. Thus we will go to another input to show there is a wealth of source material for our concerns about the use of psychic weaponry and thought-cloning devices. Some of the writing in this piece from the web is almost certainly inspired by the work of Preston Nichols and Peter Moon, in fact it might be part of their work, but I assure you nothing they say has the ring of fiction for me. Even before I met Jerry or Lady Morgana I was well along my studies of Time Travel starting with Dr. Kozyrev's report in the early 1970s which I got from the Library of Congress. "Dr. John von Neumann and his research team, loaned to the Manhattan Project during the Second War, were called back and put to work on a new agenda. It was similar to Rainbow but had a different goal. They were to find out how to protect humans within an electromagnetic field so vessels and crews could be transported through space and time without harm to either or any. By the early 1950's, Project Rainbow and the radiosonde weather project were included under the same funding and "Phoenix Project" was used as a cover title to refer to all of these "black" activities. Dr. von Neumann, a mathematician and theoretical physicist who came from Germany, was placed in charge of Phoenix. He was noted for his advanced concepts of space and time. He originated and built the first vacuum tube computer at Princeton University, where he served as the head of the Institute for Advanced Study. He had the ability to apply advanced theories to technology and, because of these qualifications, he could easily communicate with Einstein and acted as liaison between him and engineers serving on the project. Von Neumann quickly learned that he was going to have to study metaphysics; to understand the metaphysical side of man. The Rainbow experiment had disassembled the physical and biological structure of human beings. Crew members had melded with bulkheads and changed beyond recognition. Those who had survived were quite mad or died later from madness and some strange internal burning. Project engineers and scientists spent nearly ten years working out why human beings had troubles with electromagnetic fields that lofted them through different times and spaces. It now appears they discovered that humans are born with what is known as a "time reference" point. {It involves more than the local planetary event horizon of time. It is best seen in the Second Ring of Power as Carlos Castaneda writes about the insight of Don Juan the Toltec/Ovate of the last Druidic family in Mexico. This is how the Chichimecs that Cynthia told me had placed my stele behind Chichen Itza's Pelota got

154 their knowledge of Time or Dimensional Travel.} At conception, an energy being (human) is attached to a time line and must begin life manifest as flesh from that point. To understand this, it is necessary to view the "energy being" or soul as completely different from the physical body. Our references as both a physical and metaphysical being appears to have origin in the time reference residing within the electromagnetic background of Earth. This time reference is the basic orientation point to the way the universe operates. Time, in the normal context, appears always to flow in one direction _forward_ at least to our limited senses. But the Rainbow technology apparently creates an alternate reality having its existence entirely within the quantum field, literally transferring material objects out of our "normal" time and space. This accounts for the light-invisibility of the USS Eldridge and her crew. {You can see a National Historical Register plaque at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard to mark the Philadelphia Experiment.} Dr. von Neumann was the ideal Director for the Phoenix Projects. He knew computers would have to be used if they were going to calculate the time references of specific people and replicate those references while they were in the quantum field, otherwise the test subjects would be experiencing essentially "no reality" or a continuous nightmare reality at best. The computer had to be programmed to generate an electromagnetic background with which the test subjects could synchronize. If not done, the soul and the physical body time and space reference points would be out of sync, resulting in dissolution and insanity or inability to return to Earth real time." (4) This is part of the process used by Bardon to access the memory of all 99 Lodge members. The soul remembers the experience of the people in ways they themselves are not able to fully capture. He called it the Akashic Record as he used his crystal ball which is part of the crystal knowledge inherent in sceptres and wands that magicians toy with and Magi use. These crystalline structures and their lattices are able to bring the person and their attention point quickly to the most deep and attuned state they have ever achieved. Thus the direction of the 99 Lodge member-energy-added to the Earth Energy crystals are vibrationally connected to; is powerful enough to kill all who are not grounded and attuned to a protective field they too understand. In the genre of Hollywood we have seen Twelve Monkees reflect the difficulty of sending people through time and the 'reference points'. Cynthia knows Al Bielek who has a machine like the one in Twelve Monkees. I am still amazed by the frontispiece to Time Travel that awaited me upon my return from the first visit I took to Chichen Itza. It is not unreasonable for me to suggest that time viewers see me in some role that is important just as they may have seen Hitler (as many say Nostradamus did) in their 'Stone' or time viewer crystalline ball. Perhaps this is why any attempt by Jerry et al to use the tepaphone or Charm of Making against me failed; I am not one who worries a lot about who is out to get me or protect me - but it may make sense of all this 'rubbish' I have laid before you in this book. "Investigation quickly revealed that telepathic waves, while not radio waves, behaved similar to radio waves and could, therefore, be controlled, modulated and directed with the proper use of equipment. Scientists were elated. They had discovered (or rediscovered) electro-magnetic functions unlike anything ever reported in scientific

155 journals and textbooks. They were on the verge of wholly new discoveries in human mind power. (5) My experiences with a Vice President of Engineering R & D from McDonnell Douglas at Fritz's near their Long Beach offices and factories are relevant here. As part of many weeks talking with him while we both got drunk and he competed to have the attention of the ladies at this exotic bar. I told him about the computer directed polar magnetic ESP bandwidth carrier (for attenuation) idea my former research partner and I came up with ten years earlier in Indianapolis. He arrogantly stated they had used this technique to achieve escape velocity from the planetary gravitational influence. Ion drive technology would then be used to accelerate in ever increasing velocity to go faster than light as spacecraft went through the universe. It is entirely possible man developed this technology and went to other places and has returned to work with modern humans on the- projects surrounding the Philadelphia Experiment and later Montauk Experiment. If this is the case the Tuatha de Danaan are likely the Norse Aliens who need further research to improve 'time reference point' complex system travel through the disassociative effects of time travel. This approach to interplanetary space travel is better than the publicly announced Ram Jet technology that achieves .7 light speed to enable travel to Alpha Centauri's third planet in fifteen years. An even freakier synchronicity occurred in 1996 as my car suddenly stopped with an electrical problem near the mountains Lydia had psychically helped me to become 'friends' with, just past Barstow in the Mojave Desert. Before I had more than one foot out of my car - another car came out of the desert near the off ramp I was parked upon. The driver was an electronics expert who had worked for years at Tonopah AFB in Nevada. He confirmed Bob Lazar had been in the cafeteria of Area 51 or Groom Lake just north of my home in Las Vegas. He had been involved in back-engineering of alien technology. The twenty nation International Space Agency headquartered in Geneva may have some connection with our mysterious Pierre Plantard de Saint Clair who was invited there after WW II. The Priory and the Rothschilds are often found having people like Voltaire in this region of the world that gets a great deal of funding as a result of wars in other nations. Could Homo sapiens already be working to terraform Mars in advance of the publicly announced mission that is training crews in Canada's Arctic? I think Reich's 'orgone' energy is akin to the Dark Energy which along with Dark Matter comprises 95% of the entire known universe's energy. This proof of Dark forces is an astrophysical fact developed through String Theory and the Hubbell Telescope in the last two years. Murry Hope documents 13,000 year old Chaos science that she used to time travel at some level that might only be time viewing despite what she says in her many books. Now that human memory has been dumped onto computer chips and nanotechnology allows complex systems to integrate through holographic and virtual reality techniques I expect to see man traveling through time. Still one must wonder if the human consciousness is part of what Stanford dumped onto a computer chip in 1999. I do not believe the soul is so transferred or that it needs this assist to travel through time. "This mind control through intermediaries (the ESPers) has been actively conducted since about 1975 or 1976 and accounts for almost all reports of alien abduction other than those incidents attributed to actual abduction by military or federal intelligence agencies for medical or psychological research.

156 The early tests, under the cover title of "The Seeing Eye" {Which is not far removed from the "All-Seeing Eye" that represents the pine-cone., shaped Pineal Gland and is represented with pointed or Pyramidal hats such as witches' hats or 'dunce caps'. You can see this on the reverse side of the American Dollar bill at the apex of the Pyramid.} were conducted to determine how easily ESPers linked with computer-generated virtual images could influence the general population. The scanner or "Scannate" projects were born of this new technology and were employed by several different intelligence agencies during the cold war to find submarines, troop staging areas and underground facilities of the enemy. Some of them continue even now at secret bases in American western states. The only purpose of the new technology being directed at American {And all other citizens of the world - which is why Russian leader Putin signed on to the SDI program so easily in recent months.} citizens is to load thoughts into their minds to make them do things they would not ordinarily do, including murder, suicide, madness, or purchasing items they do not want and cannot use. By 1984, as predicted by George Orwell, Big Brother was inside your head and you didn't even know it... The first hint of something new and exciting came early in 1980 when someone observed that an artificial event occurred before it was transmitted, and others were observed hours or days after they were broadcast. These astounding observations led the scientists and engineers to conclude that the broadcasts were getting lost in time and were being shifted or re-broadcast sooner or later than they should have been. Further investigation revealed that time shifting was, indeed, occurring. By reconstructing the events and tracing the cause of the shift, they were ultimately able to isolate and control the moment and duration of the shift. They had, by accident, discovered how to manipulate or "bend" time The project, sophisticated as it was by 1983, was not without danger. More than one tripper was abandoned in the vortex when power fluctuated or was lost. Still, both volunteers and conscripts, all males between the ages of 16 and 24 years, and in the total number of perhaps ten thousand, were being lofted into the vortex on a daily basis, many of them equipped with transmitting devices that could send messages and images back to the test facility, and many others with mining and survival equipment. A large number of these trippers did not return to present day earth and it is to be assumed that theirs was a one-way mission through time. They were not expected to return and, indeed, must have agreed not to."(6) The only real sense I can make about ancient time travel if it had reached the ability to send non-adepts physically through time is connected to the Dark Ages. Maybe the Catholic Church was providing a real value to humanity by controlling and removing all knowledge of the things that lead to this awesome ability. It appears the back-engineers who work with advanced technologies may be working on equipment either intentionally or accidentally sent through time. Thus we would be assured humanity will survive all this technology. On the other hand maybe it is aliens from other solar systems. I am not sure of any of this but the questions are worth contemplating and now that we have uses of faster than light technology in the marketplace and 300 X light speed at NEC labs in Princeton you can see a lot of study has continued where Einstein and von Neumann brought the quantum Many Worlds to our 'real' world. I am sure time is a vital part of most psychic events.

157 The Druids of the Emerald Isles and the now submerged islands of NW Europe had these harmonic insights when they built megaliths. Lyonesse in the Bay of Biscay near the megaliths of Carnac has larger stone structures than Carnac according to underwater archaeology. Lyonesse is not a continent and though it may have been part of the worldwide Atlantis culture we relate to Phoenician/Aryans in our research of the 'Travelers' it also is likely to have existed during Roman times. We include an observation from The Earth Energy Grid that we have been using as part of the harmonic proofing. He does not develop the historical contexts or even recent people who have studied these things in Vienna and Bavaria or Los Alamos and JPL as much as is needed. "Another ancient measurement of interest is the megalithic yard of 2.72 British feet, discovered by A. Thom. The unit is considered to be of Egyptian origin as it is found in the geometrical canon of Egyptian measures. {Just as the alchemist Cleopatra updated Creidne's weights and measures from the Library at Alexandria.} John Mitchell in his book The City of Revelation brings out another point in connection with this unit: "Allover the world the traditional units of length, area, weight, and capacity are related to each other and derive from ONE ORIGINAL CANON OF COSMOLOGY. Two such are the English mile and the unit which now only survive 5 in the East as the "pu" of IndoChina, its value given on page 358 of L. D'A. Jackson's Modern Metrology as 2.72727 miles, the fraction recurring. Without previous knowledge of this unit its former existence in Britain was deduced by Mr. J. F. Neal from his analysis of the intervals between ancient sacred sites, who called it the 'megalithic mile' on account of its ration to the mile being virtually the same as that of the megalithic yard to the foot. There are 14,400 feet in one megalithic mile. He points out also that the ratio between the dimensions of the earth and the moon is 10:2.72727. The key point here is that one megalithic mile is equal to 14,400 British feet. Again we have the harmonic of the speed of light, 1440, connected with the British measure. There are also mathematical indications that the unit could be connected in some way with the exponential function "e" which is taken as 2.7182818. The mathematicians could delve into this area with possibly interesting results. If it can be proved that English measure was the only form of calculation that was harmonically associated with the structure of the universe and geodetic measure, then a crime of great magnitude would be committed if this system were lost to the world. (7) The Pyramid also includes the basis for the metric system as it contemplates distances to the sun. We see mathematics has something to tell the archaeologists who deny the existence of telescopic lenses despite their discovery at La Venta in Olmec lands of Mexico. The lava quartz flows of the area produce easily formed stone much like the modern plastic extrusion machines. This is also a probable reason for the proliferation of crystal scryring skulls in Mexico. Astrology and mathematics are part of navigation which began at least 800,000 years ago when man made it to Flores Island near Indonesia. It can be debated and debunked by those who do not include all the facts but we are pretty sure they don't consider these facts for a reason. Could they be on other planets and not letting us benefit already? Could they actually be able to manipulate the future to their own benefit? Why are they trying to say the Neolithic peoples were so godawful stupid? A recent Archaeology magazine article sought to intimate the Sphinx and Pyramid are only imitations of natural landforms. It is true nature creates similar structures that result from Earth Energy vortexes and wind but not this exact.

158 Pythagoras' Golden Section that plays a large part in Masonic esoteric science is related to the decagon and its ratio of 1.618 but the real key to all Earth Energy relations is conceptualized in the pentagram and its roots. There are many ways to get energy but when it is attuned or attenuated to exact harmonic amplitudes the dissonance or interference is greatly minimized and may even pick up additional velocity through an angular release of interior high spin free energy such as superconductors achieve with electron movement. I am not an expert in these fields but I know the ancients used calcium or brushite from burned human bones in their Masonic or Masonry creations. The neolithic use of atomic energy may even have achieved better controlled release of energy than we are yet able to do and the Fleischmann-Pons 'cold fusion' experiments that made international headlines were not without merit despite proven fraudulent attacks upon their work. (See Forbidden Science.) THE PENTAGRAM AND THE STAR OF DAVID: Coded meaning and 'twisted' changes that allow safer use of power exist throughout the symbology of the Verbal Tradition. We have shown the Druid hairdo and the Iroquois hairdos are 90 degree 'twisted'. Dion Fortune was a member of the Allied Psychic squad with Aleister Crowley, Ian Fleming and some say even L. Ron Hubbard who did battle with Hitler's black magicians. He has written numerous occult books including those that deal with the Qabalistic teaching. In one of them he covers the Jewish Kabala or Kabballah. He states it is 'twisted' and I think this is not a derogatory term. In fact the 90 degree shift allows the energy to operate at a safer harmonic with the untrained mind or the soul that does not have its body aligned appropriately. In the case of the Star of David there is a 180 degree reversal and the symbology derivations suggest this has to do with an altered focus relating to gender accentuation. In the study of this I recommend Laurence Gardner's Genesis of the Grail Kings which has become an international bestseller. The following work from The Earth Energy Grid is critical to our effort to show the ancient Neolithic people had libraries that confirm they knew a great deal more than they are given credit for. In our book on this we have developed how tattoos relate to acupuncture and the steeple is a representation of man as a mandala with four primary force entry points and many other symbols or libraries of knowledge beyond pyramids and effigy mounds or henges that began in wood. When we are through with this section we hope there is little doubt the tepaphone existed long before Wilhelm Reich knew about what he called orgone energy'. We trust other researchers with a more mathematical background will look closer at Pythagoras and eschew calling his numerological understanding and bi-location "weird" as the acclaimed historian Michael Grant does in The Rise of the Greeks. We hope Wisconsin's astrolabe and the Antikythera found off Greece will demonstrate ancient computers in tune with the forces did exist, and we sincerely insist the secrets must stop. There is no good reason why all people cannot derive the utmost creative benefits available in every part of the universe. We must end the slavery of the soul and the abortion of its connective collective force for good! Pythagoras taught that all the elements contained in the physical universe were built up from geometrical figures. The most interesting of these was the pentadodecahedron, which was identified as the "sphere of the universe", or the "hull of the sphere". The construction of the world was likened to the building of a ship, by the use of geometrical shapes. Plato also referred to this in the Phaedo where we see a statement that the "true

159 earth", if looked at from above, is "many- coloured like the balls that are made of many pieces of leather". Out of the regular solids, the dodecahedron is the one that most closely approaches that of a sphere. It is a solid that is bounded by twelve surfaces, and in the case of the pentagon-dodecahedron, twelve regular pentagons. If a ball were made up of twelve pieces of leather, the pieces would be in the shape of a regular pentagon. If the pieces were not flexible, but rigid, the geometric body would be a dodecahedron instead of a sphere. The ancient philosophers regarded this geometric figure as the building-block of the universe, and the knowledge was so secret that anyone revealing it was immediately put to death. It is possible for this reason that the schools of mysticism adopted the pentagram, or pentalpha, as their symbol. There was considered to be much magic power in the five-sided figure and the Pythagoreans regarded it as the symbol of health.... A careful study of the Russian system showed that the lines tracing out their dual grid on the earth's surface coincided with the zones of active risings and depressions on the ocean floors, core faults and mid-oceanic ridges. One of the vertices of the triangles falls just east of Florida, near the centre of the infamous "Devil's Bermuda Triangle", known worldwide as an area of mysterious disappearances of numerous ships and aircraft. It is now known that there are twelve of these areas. It was also noted that at various positions on the edges of the polygons, scientists have discovered regions of seismic and volcanic activity. {He is commenting on an article in the USSR Academy of Sciences titled "Is The Earth A Large Crystal?} Magnetic anomalies are likewise found at the vertices of the polygons. The nodes of the grid are centres of great changes in atmospheric pressure and hurricanes form in these areas, veering off to follow the paths of intersection formed by the interlocking patterns. Prevailing winds and ocean currents also fit into the network. {He also notes the Tesla site near Colorado Springs that was used to demonstrate the wireless power transmission and generation was situated where the U.S. now has their Cheyenne Mountain electronics hub.} An extremely interesting point of the system is in the African republic of Gabon. According to the scientists, a "natural atomic reactor" was recently discovered there, which was active 1.7 billion years ago. This caused a mass of uranium 235 to reach a level of chain reaction. Oddly enough, this piece of evidence backs up the information published in my first two books regarding the geometric nature of atomic reactions. Certain modern-day atomic stations must be constructed on geometric locations in order to function efficiently - breeder stations in particular. An atomic bomb is a geometric device which necessitates geometric positioning for detonation. Large mother lodes of mineral ore and vast oil deposits can be found where lines of the system cross each other. A whole new science is beginning to unfold from research into the geometric makeup of the world beneath our feet. {Near Carnac and megalithic structures of Brittany and France they find uranium deposits. The Nazca Lines builders sensed deep earth fissures according to an on-going archaeological investigation. Lake Superior is the site of the purest copper and ores that made the ancient Phoenicians and/or Atlanteans rich and powerful as we showed in The Prehistoric Worldwide Import of the GREAT LAKES.} Man himself, the authors say, has not escaped the influences of the energy emitted by the grid lattice. Many of the ancient cultures seem to have flourished on intersections of

160 the system. The mind of man is evidently tapped into the very circuitry of the ball of energy that constitutes the world that provides his home. Most startling of all is the revelation in their article that to line the system up on the surface of the globe so that all these different factors could be correlated, the point they located as position one was that of the Great Pyramid of Giza, in Egypt. The "measure of light" is the key. The Germans are not to be left out in the exploration of the energy fields within the earth. They are known to be far-reaching in the realms of science and not afraid to explore, or put into practice, concepts which to most other western scientists appear fantastic. The "buzz bombs", V2 rockets and jet aircraft developed during World War Two are direct proof of this. {Not to mention the Foo Fighters.} A book written by Siegfried Wittman was published in Innsbruck, Austria, in 1952. It was titled Die Welt Der Geheimen Machte, or The World of The Secret Forces. Not much more is known to me of the German research effort at this stage as I have only sighted extracts from the book. One thing does stand out however from the scanty bits of information that I do have: the Germans carried out many of their experiments on latitude 48 degrees. What made them select this particular latitude in preference to any other? Could it be that 48 degrees happens to be 2880 minutes of arc? Have they also discovered that the harmonic of twice the speed of light is 288? The unified equation derived from this harmonic cannot be particularly a well-kept secret. This band of learned men appears to be aware of a grid complex similar to the one I described in my earlier writings. I would be most interested to be advised of their complete findings - particularly if they are now in possession of the knowledge to make use of the energy being radiated by the system. I have a feeling that there are many people, or small groups of people, in the world that know the secrets of tapping free energy from the earth grid and that the knowledge has always been available to the select few. As far back as 1919, at least one man demonstrated that he could run electric motors and lighting systems without having to pay the power companies one cent for the power he used. A young nineteen-year-old inventive genius by the name of Alfred Hubbard startled his contemporaries by powering an eighteen-foot boat around Portage Bay, not far from Seattle, by the use of a free energy device. The boat was driven by a 35hp motor without the aid of batteries. The electrical energy was supplied from a transducer within the boat. This device was in exact electrical resonance with his free energy transformer, which had been constructed on a small area of land...The information I have states that Hubbard made use of what the Chinese call the "cosmic flower". This was, according to them, the source of all power" (8) Here is an excerpt from my Encyclopedia which may add some insight to thought herein contemplated: DRAGON (FLY): - From http://www:ananova.com/news/story/sm_787639.html we have something I think ties in with the victims of Dragonflies and the first symbol of the BEE family of Benjaminites; which Marija Gimbutas noted was the butterfly symbol of this family when she did her research in the Old European culture of the Danube of Black Sea area when it was just a freshwater lake. They also would have noticed the owl and its great sensory net relating to eyesight and insight.

161 Researchers have found dragonflies know how to make themselves invisible to airborne prey and territorial rivals. They make themselves invisible by using a system even more sophisticated than the radar avoiding technology of America's stealth aircraft. Using ultra-precise positional sensing and flight control, a dragonfly can move in such a way that it appears to an enemy to be a stationary object blending into the background. The "motion camouflage" technique allows the creature to stalk its victim undetected. Scientists in Australia made the discovery after using stereo cameras to record territorial air battles between rival male dragonflies. By studying the insects in three dimensions, the researchers established how motion camouflage works. They described how an attacking dragonfly adjusts its position so that its image always occupies the same spot on the target's retina. Camouflaged against the background, the dragonfly becomes invisible even though it is moving. The scientists, led by Akiko Mizutani, from the Australian National University in Canberra, wrote in the journal Nature: Deployment of this sophisticated technique by the oldest airborne predator tricks the victim's retina into perceiving the stalker as stationary even while it darts about in pursuit. The researchers reconstructed 15 three-dimensional dragonfly flight trajectories, six of which showed clear evidence of motion camouflage. In many cases, the pursuing dragonfly flew away from its rival rather than towards it in order to maintain the disguise. Sometimes a dragonfly would imitate near and far fixed objects during a single pursuit, showing it could combine different types of motion camouflage. DREAMS OR DREAMERS?: - We are told by Herodotus that in the temple of Bel {This is the Keltic god known as Ba'al by the Phoenicians, but Bel might have been in Babylon through the Byblos city on the Persian Gulf that sold ships to the Egyptians in 2900 BC. Later Byblus in Lebanon is thought to be what some [who try to limit Phoenician interest] call Byblos as a small part of a decreasing international influence.} in Babylon, a priestess lay on a bed ready to dream visions of the second class, and that the beds of such soothsayers were often made of the skin of a ram --is well known. The ancient Hebrews obtained such dreams by sleeping among tombs, and this especial gateway to the supernatural world seems to have been, and still is known to the majority of nations, primitive and civilized, as intimately as hypnosis and other methods of reaching its planes and hearing its pronouncements. Sleep was, of course, often induced by drugs, whether the soma of the Hindus, the peyote of the ancient Mexicans, the hashish of the Arabs, or the opium of the Malays or Chinese, and these narcotics which have the property of inducing speedy sleep and of heightening inward vision were and still are greatly prized by professional dreamers allover the world, especially as they rendered dreaming almost immediately possible. (9) 'Professional dreamers' following visions from above and divining our future, quickly became willing to sell their advice to those who threatened them if they didn't. The dependence on such easy answers continues among the mass of population til this moment as 'experts' and politicians join the media in a free for all. We believe the breakdown in matriarchal influence and egalitarian governance created this cauldron of deceit in the Mediterranean after the influx created by the rising waters that formed the North Sea due to glacial effects if not sooner, when the northern 'Hyperboreans' colonized the area. The issue of what is real about dreams is open for debate to say the least but there are many who think they can interpret the chaos of these partial insights. Personally I enjoy the practice, if there is something positive to say but I regard 'free will' as the most important ingredient in what really makes the world 'go round'. William

162 James and his book 'Pragmatism' was important to Carl Jung whose work in dream interpretation sets the stage for many symbolic and archetypal interpreters to this day. "The first treatise on the subject was that of Artemidorus, who lived in the time of Antonius Pius. He differentiated between the dreams of kings and those of commoners, as he believed that the visions of royalty must have reference to the commonwealth {The Bible and the plagues predicted by Joseph, for example.} and not to the individual {No reason in common sense or science to believe this. Carl Jung was a commoner who saw the First World War in advance. Tesla's vision led to many great and useful inventions however dreams are seldom so vivid or what one can call 'flashes of illumination' - that is an entirely different phenomena.}. Dreams which represented something as happening to the individual who dreams them, show that they have a personal significance, whereas if the dream relates to another it will concern him alone. He detailed the numerous species of dreams throughout five books, and then adduced numerous examples. The rules of Artemidorus are far from clear, and according to them, any dream might signify any event, and any interpretation of the same might be considered justifiable. The method of testing dreams according to Amyraldus in his 'Discours sur les Songes divins' (Saumur, 1625) is whether the instructions and advice that they contain make for good or ill--a test it is impossible to apply until after the result is known. But Amyraldus surmounts this difficulty by proposing to test dreams by the evidence they show of divine knowledge--by asking oneself in short, whether the dream it was desired to examine gave any evidence of such things as God alone could know. It would seem from an examination of such dreams as were submitted to the diviners of antiquity that the symbolism they exhibited was of a character so profound that it could only be unriddled by an interpreter who received divine aid, such as was afforded in the case of Moses or Daniel in the Bible. It is plain, however, that the most far-fetched ' interpretations were given to many of the most epoch-making dreams of antiquity, and indeed, the oneiocritical {Greek dream interpreters} system is one of the weakest spots in the armor of occult science, and was the first of its departments to fall into disrepute and become the prey of charlatans. There are serious students of the occult who doubt entirely the occult significance of dreams, and it must be granted that no good reason exists for classing them generally with the vision, or a condition of 'second sight' or ecstasy." (10) The amount of time we live in our dream state is substantial and there are many things we can work upon in our dreams. To regard it as occult is somewhat foolish. If one learns and achieves things that are of value; that, is a higher concern. Truly some probably can gain tap-ins through the dream state, especially if they become adept at conscious dreaming and astral travel. To say it is supernatural is an appeal to ignorance. There is no such thing as 'super'-natural - it is all a matter of what we can't explain. Dream work and Yoga's 'soft focus' have answered or made sense of many things that mental blocks due to over- intellectualization might create. There are ways to become conscious and effective in dreams and the overall experiencing of life - that is how I prefer to think of it, rather than a psychic developmental thing. Psychic aspects of life usually have a more physical component. If our soul is what counts then what we interpret from the physical during the sorting out process of dream reality might be more important than what happens during the waking state. "Dreams and Psychical Phenomena Dreams of a supernormal character fall within the purview of psychical research. The dividing line between normal and supernormal dreams is not easy to draw. Subconscious elaboration often presents supernormal affects.

163 Goethe solved many definite scientific problems in his dreams and also composed poems. So did La Fontaine compose The Fable of Pleasures and Coleridge Kubla Khan. Bernhard Palissy made one of his most beautiful ceramic pieces on dream inspiration. Maury confessed: I have had in dream ideas an inspiration that could never have entered my consciousness when awake.' Tartini heard his Sonate del Diavolo played by Beelzebub in a dream. Holde composed La Phantasie in his sleep, Nodier's 'Lydia' was similarly born. R. L. Stevenson's most ingenious plots were evolved in the dream state. Kruder, Corda and Maignan solved mathematical problems in dream, Condillac finished an interrupted lecture. A dream of Professor Agassiz is frequently quoted. He had been for two weeks striving to decipher the somewhat obscure impressions of a fossil fish on the stone slab in which it was preserved. It was found impossible. In his dream he saw the fish with all the missing features perfectly restored. The image escaped him on awakening. He went to the Jardin des Plantes in the hope that an association with the fossil would recapture it. No such thing happened. Next night he again dreamed of the fish and in the morning the features of the fish were as elusive as ever. For the third night he placed paper and pencil near his bed. Towards the morning the fish again appeared in his dream. Half dreaming, half awake he traced the outlines in the darkness as best he could. On full awakening he was surprised to see details in his nocturnal sketch, features which he thought impossible. He hastened to the Jardins des Plantes, began to chisel on the surface of the stone, taking the sketch as a guide and to his surprise he found the hidden portions of the fish as indicated in the drawing." (11) I am not convinced this is dream state work. The early and late REM sleep is more akin to Beta brainwave relaxation. With bio-feedback and its creative state some ad agents like McDonald's have used this state to make and test ads. Hank Wesselmann has been studied by the University of Illinois and he is even more able to reach the 40 MGHZ brainwave state than psychic healers and yogis. He is a person who was part of the anthropological or archaeological team that found Lucy and his gift was brought out by his wife who is a shamanic teacher. It is possible to generate this kind of state while taking exams (I've often done it.) and good marks often come. Those who stay in alpha state and experience tension and pressure or stress are less able to recall, create or integrate. Intuition is also often mistaken as psychic. There can be a component of it, and as Mr. Shepard notes it is often a fine line between some of these concepts. Thus you are able to see that I am not a believer in unexplainable phenomena rather I think we are simply not able to explain it in every case because we are learning or are presently ignorant. This fossil fish recovery of information is good, but debunkers would say he was lucky or the dream was a fiction created to promote himself or his place of work. In many cases they are right about these suppositions, in the cases they are wrong they say no one can know for sure. Surely nothing is certain but reasonable judgement can be made when enough evidence supports it. Dreams are real; informational exchanges do occur across boundaries difficult to traverse physically, and the overwhelming experience of people is a great reason to say something is going on. How many people experience 'deja vu' or other psychic realities? Most do at some time in their life. Are we all crazy or is the scientists bent on what can't be seen doesn't exist' crazier? "The dream of Prof. Hilprecht, the Babylonian scholar who vainly tried to decipher two small pieces of agate, is more complicated and belongs to the clairvoyant order. {Working on decrees in dream state is a necessity for success. I have won cars, and had many answers to my decrees when they are right for the good of all. The car was a

164 demonstration for others who I told I would win in a nationwide raffle for a whole month before it happened.} As reported in the 'Proceedings' of the Society for Psychical Research (August 1900) he went to sleep tired out in vain speculation and dreamed of a tall, thin priest of the old pre-Christian Nippur who led him to the treasure-chamber of the temple and went with him into a small low-ceiled room without windows in which there was a large wooden chest, while scraps of agate and lapis-lazuli lay scattered on the floor. Here he addressed him as follows: 'The two fragments which you have published separately belong together, and their history is as follows: King Kruigalzu (c.1300 BC.) once sent to the temple of Bel, among other articles of agate and lapis-lazuli {Modern and ancient esoteric stone from which blue scarabs or beetles make great symbolic ritual and talismanic pieces.}, an inscribed votive cylinder of agate. Then we priests suddenly received the command to make for the statue of the god Nidib a pair of ear rings of agate. We were in great dismay, since there was no agate as raw material at hand. In order for us to execute the command there was nothing for us to do but cut the votive cylinder into three parts, thus making three rings, each of which contained a portion of the original inscription. The first two served as ear rings for the statue of the god; the two fragments which have given you so much trouble are portions of them. If you will put the two of them together you will have a confirmation of my words.' The continuation of the story is given by Mrs. Hilprecht who testified to having seen Prof. Hilprecht jump out of bed, rush into the study and cry out: 'It is so, it is so.' There are many authenticated cases of strange bits of information obtained in dreams. Professor William James was very deeply impressed by the Enfield case in which the discovery of the body of a drowned woman was affected through a dream of Mrs. Titus of Lebanon, a stranger to the scene. Prof. Charles Richet mentioned the following instance of dream cognition: 'I saw Stella on the 2nd of December during the day, and on leaving I said 'I am going to give a lecture on snake poison.' She at once replied: 'I dreamt last night of snakes, or rather of eels.' Then, without of course giving any reason {This story seems to be ESP.}, I asked her to tell me her dream, and her exact words were: 'It was about eels more than snakes, two eels, for I could see their white shining bellies and their sticky skin; and I said to myself I do not like these creatures, but it pains me when they are hurt.' This dream was strangely conformable to what I had done the day before December 1. On that day I had, for the first time in twenty years, experimented with eels. Desiring to draw from them a little blood, I had put them on the table and their white, shining, irridescent, viscous bellies had particularly struck me.' An authenticated case of dream clairvoyance, possibly under spirit influence, is the following: Miss Loganson, a girl of Chicago, age nineteen, saw in a dream the assassination of her brother, Oscar, who was a farmer of Marengo, about fifty miles northwest of Chicago. She was accusing a farmer neighbor named Bedford for days, without any attention being paid to her. At length she was permitted to send a telegram {Silly woman, trying to spend money foolishly!}, the reply to which was 'Oscar has disappeared.' Starting for Oscar's farm, accompanied by another brother and by the police she went directly to the house of Bedford. Traces of blood were found in the kitchen. Proceeding to the hen house the yard of which was paved the girl said: 'My brother is buried here.' Owing to the insistence of the girl and her terrible agitation consent was given to dig. Under the pavement they first found the brother's overcoat and five feet down they came upon the body. Bedford was arrested at Ellos, Nebraska and hanged in due course. Miss Loganson, in explanation, said that the spirit of her brother haunted her continually for seven days in dream.

165 Lost objects are frequently found in dreams. In most cases subconscious memory sufficiently explains the mystery. There are, however, more complicated types. Hercules appeared. {Herakles is an actual historic personage of the lineage claimed by Ptolemy in Manetho's somewhat questionable history of Egypt.} in a dream to Sophocles and indicated where a stolen crown would be found. Sophocles got the reward which was promised to the finder. The supernormal character is the clearest in telepathic and prophetic dreams. They usually produce an impression lasting for days. Sweating and trembling is often noticeable on waking from a dream of this character. They tend, too, to be repeated. One of the best authenticated cases of prophetic dreams announced the murder of Chancellor Perceval. It was thus narrated by Abercrombie: 'Many years ago there was mentioned in several of the newspapers a dream which gave notice of the murder of Mr. Perceval. Through the kindness of an eminent medical friend in England I have received the authentic particulars of this remarkable case, from the gentleman to whom the dream occurred. He resides in Cornwall, and eight days before the murder was committed, dreamt that he was in the lobby of The House of Commons, and saw a small man enter, dressed in a blue coat and white waistcoat. Immediately after, he saw a man dressed in a brown coat with yellow basket metal buttons draw a pistol from under his coat, and discharge it at the former, who instantly fell; the blood issued from a wound a little below the left breast. He saw the murderer seized by some gentlemen who were present, and observed his countenance; and on asking who the gentleman was that had been shot, he was told that it was the Chancellor. He then awoke, and mentioned the dream to his wife, who made light of it; but in the course of the night the dream occurred three times without the least variation in any of the circumstances. He was now so much impressed by it, that he felt much inclined to give notice to Mr. Perceval, but was dissuaded by some friends whom he consulted, who assured him that he would only get himself treated as a fanatic. On the evening of the eighth day after, he received the account of the murder. Being in London a short time after, he found in the print-shops a representation of the scene, and recognised in it the countenance and dresses of the parties, the blood on Mr. Perceval's waistcoat, and the yellow basket buttons on Bellingham's coat, precisely as he had seen them in his dreams.' Prof. Richet quoted a remarkable predictive dream of Mgr. Joseph de Lanyi, Bishop of Nagyvarad. He dreamed on the morning of June 28, 1914, at 4 a.m. of seeing a blackedged letter on his study table bearing the arms of the Archduke Frederic. The Bishop was professor of Hungarian language to the Archduke. In his dream he opened the letter and at its head saw a street into which an alley opened. The Archduke was seated in a motor car with his wife; facing him was a general and another officer by the side of the chauffeur. There was a crowd about the car and from the crowd two young men stepped forward and fired on the royal couple. The text of the letter ran: 'Your Eminence, dear Dr. Lanyi, my wife and I have been victims of a political crime at Sarajevo, June 28, 1914, 4 a.m.' 'Then,' stated Mgr. de Lanyi, 'I woke up trembling; I saw that the time was 4:30 a.m. and I wrote down my dream reproducing the characters that had appeared to me in the Archdukes letter (12) Of course most of these are mere anecdotal references, even if the last one is a political event of great import and intrigue. The bottom line is that there are interesting things to explore and the facts when presented in advance can't be put down to mere hit and miss luck by people accustomed to making prophecies. Many are they who I've met and heard about such things as the clock stopping when their mother died etc. It won't matter much for me to say that these things happen according to real science that most scientists are in 'denial' about, at this juncture; but I hope they are enough to open the

166 mind to the possibilities that will continue to be presented from all facets of life experience. The area of present day's Great Wall of China has brought us 6'6" Red Headed mummies whose language is most like NW Europe. Lao Tzu went to meet the Ancient Masters there as he approached the end of his life. This is a story we develop in books such as The Bards and the Bees. Now it will be dealt with as another Atlantis site to equal all but the one where the Mississippi emptied into the Gulf of Mexico as the orebearing boats brought Lake Superior 'float ore' to the world in pre-Ice Age times. This site has 2200' foot deep Pyramids and is now being researched as we await further news from this exciting home of the Chanes. It might only turn out to be El Dorado of the legends but it is certainly an exciting discovery off the coast of Cuba where my yacht stalled as I returned from Mexico in early 1998. There is so much to say and the world needs to know all there is, if we are to avoid the prophecy that the Mayans learned from the Chanes. They have been more accurate than Nostradamus and they say 2012 is the end of this civilization! EPILOGUE - BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1) The Secret Language of Stone, A New Theory, Linking Stones and Crystals With Psychic Phenomena, By Don Robins, Ph.D., Rider, London, 1988, pgs. 179-181. He is an inventor of archaeological equipment with the highest academic standing whose main area of expertise is solid state chemistry. His ley line work in the Dragon Project was my first exposure to his excellent insight. 2) The Idea of the Good in Platonic - Aristotelian Philosophy, by Hans-Georg Gadamer, Intro. and Trans. by P. Christopher Smith, 1986, Yale University Press, London, pgs. 151-2. 3) The Montauk Project, by Preston Nichols with Peter Moon, Sky Books, NY., 1992, 7th Printing, 1999, pg.122. 4) http://www.icemall.com/reports/ufo/l.html . pgs. 2 & 3 of 13. 5) Ibid, pg. 4 of 13. 6) Ibid, pgs. 9 - 11 of 13. 7) The Earth Energy Grid, by Bruce Cathie, 1990, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, Illinois, pg. 75. 8) Ibid, pgs. 92 - 97. 9) Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, 2nd ed., by Leslie Shepard, Vol. A-G, pg.368. 10) Ibid. 11) Ibid. 12) Ibid., pg.368-9. __________THE END___________

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