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Content Server 5.3 SP1 API Reference

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Content Server API Reference


Version 5.3 SP1

September 2005
Copyright © 1994-2005 EMC Corporation
Table of Contents

Preface .......................................................................................................................... 11
Chapter 1 Server Methods by Task ........................................................................ 13
Methods for communicating with the server ................................................ 13
Methods for system administration.............................................................. 15
Methods for handling objects ...................................................................... 18
Methods for retrieving and setting attributes ................................................ 23
Methods for searching the repository ........................................................... 25
Methods for handling content objects........................................................... 26
Methods for printing documents ................................................................. 29
Methods for handling virtual documents ..................................................... 29
Methods for handling lifecycles ................................................................... 31
Methods for handling workflows ................................................................. 32
Methods for handling workflow definitions ................................................. 33
Methods for handling activity definitions ..................................................... 34
Methods for handling work items ................................................................ 36
Methods for managing inboxes.................................................................... 36

Chapter 2 API Server Methods .............................................................................. 39

Chapter 3 Functions for Creating Plug-in Libraries ............................................. 515
Appendix A API Method Quick Reference ............................................................... 525
Appendix B System Events .................................................................................... 539
API events ............................................................................................... 539
Workflow events ...................................................................................... 543
Lifecycle events ........................................................................................ 546

Content Server API Reference Manual 3

Table of Contents

List of Figures

Figure 2–1. Virtual document for Vdmpath return value example .................................... 502

4 Content Server API Reference Manual

Table of Contents

List of Tables

Table 1–1. Methods for communicating with Content Server ............................................. 14

Table 1–2. Methods for system administration.................................................................. 15
Table 1–3. Methods for handling objects .......................................................................... 18
Table 1–4. Methods for retrieving and setting attributes .................................................... 24
Table 1–5. Methods for searching the repository ............................................................... 25
Table 1–6. Methods fo handling content oObjects ............................................................. 27
Table 1–7. Methods for printing documents ..................................................................... 29
Table 1–8. Methods for handling virtual documents ......................................................... 30
Table 1–9. Methods for handling lifecycles ....................................................................... 31
Table 1–10. Methods for handling workflows ..................................................................... 32
Table 1–11. Methods for handling workflow definitions ..................................................... 34
Table 1–12. Methods for handling activity definitions ......................................................... 35
Table 1–13. Methods for handling work items .................................................................... 36
Table 1–14. Methods for managing inboxes........................................................................ 37
Table 2–1. Abort method arguments ................................................................................ 40
Table 2–2. Acquire method arguments ............................................................................. 42
Table 2–3. Addactivity method arguments ....................................................................... 44
Table 2–4. Adddigsignature method arguments ............................................................... 46
Table 2–5. Addesignature method arguments .................................................................. 48
Table 2–6. Addlink method arguments ............................................................................ 52
Table 2–7. Addnote method arguments ........................................................................... 54
Table 2–8. Addpackage method arguments ...................................................................... 56
Table 2–9. Interaction of attributes determining package control behavior .......................... 58
Table 2–10. Addpackage method arguments ...................................................................... 60
Table 2–11. Addport method arguments ............................................................................ 64
Table 2–12. Addrendition method arguments .................................................................... 66
Table 2–13. Addroutecase method arguments .................................................................... 72
Table 2–14. Anyevent method arguments .......................................................................... 75
Table 2–15. Append method arguments ............................................................................ 77
Table 2–16. Appendcontent method arguments ................................................................. 80
Table 2–17. Appendfile method arguments ........................................................................ 82
Table 2–18. Appendpart method arguments ...................................................................... 84
Table 2–19. Appendstate method arguments...................................................................... 90
Table 2–20. Default attribute values set by appendstate ...................................................... 90
Table 2–21. Apply method arguments ............................................................................... 92
Table 2–22. Administration methods by category for the Apply method .............................. 93
Table 2–23. Archive method arguments ............................................................................. 98

Content Server API Reference Manual 5

Table of Contents

Table 2–24. Assembly method arguments ........................................................................ 100

Table 2–25. Assume method arguments ........................................................................... 106
Table 2–26. Attach method arguments ............................................................................. 111
Table 2–27. Audit method arguments .............................................................................. 115
Table 2–28. Authenticate method arguments.................................................................... 123
Table 2–29. Begintran method arguments ........................................................................ 127
Table 2–30. Bindfile method arguments ........................................................................... 129
Table 2–31. Branch method arguments ............................................................................ 131
Table 2–32. Cachequery method arguments ..................................................................... 133
Table 2–33. Changepassword method arguments ............................................................. 135
Table 2–34. Checkin method arguments .......................................................................... 138
Table 2–35. Checkinapp method arguments ..................................................................... 141
Table 2–36. Checkout method arguments ........................................................................ 146
Table 2–37. Close method arguments .............................................................................. 149
Table 2–38. Commit method arguments .......................................................................... 151
Table 2–39. Complete method arguments ........................................................................ 153
Table 2–40. Connect method arguments .......................................................................... 155
Table 2–41. Interaction of secure connection settings in Connect method ........................... 161
Table 2–42. Count method arguments ............................................................................. 164
Table 2–43. Create method arguments ............................................................................. 167
Table 2–44. Createaudit method arguments ..................................................................... 169
Table 2–45. Datatype method arguments ......................................................................... 171
Table 2–46. Delegate method arguments .......................................................................... 174
Table 2–47. Demote method arguments ........................................................................... 176
Table 2–48. Dequeue method arguments ......................................................................... 179
Table 2–49. Dereference method arguments ..................................................................... 181
Table 2–50. Describe method arguments .......................................................................... 184
Table 2–51. Destroy method arguments ........................................................................... 186
Table 2–52. Disassembly method arguments .................................................................... 190
Table 2–53. Disconnect method arguments ...................................................................... 192
Table 2–54. Dump method arguments ............................................................................. 194
Table 2–55. Dumpconnection method arguments ............................................................. 196
Table 2–56. Dumploginticket method arguments ............................................................. 198
Table 2–57. Values encoded into login tickets ................................................................... 199
Table 2–58. Values encoded into AAC tTokens ................................................................. 199
Table 2–59. Encryptpass method arguments .................................................................... 201
Table 2–60. Execquery method arguments ....................................................................... 203
Table 2–61. Execsql method arguments............................................................................ 205
Table 2–62. Execute method arguments ........................................................................... 207
Table 2–63. Fetch method arguments ............................................................................... 209
Table 2–64. Flush method arguments .............................................................................. 213
Table 2–65. Flushcache method arguments ...................................................................... 217
Table 2–66. Freeze method arguments ............................................................................. 221

6 Content Server API Reference Manual

Table of Contents

Table 2–67. Get method arguments ................................................................................. 224

Table 2–68. Getconnection method arguments ................................................................. 229
Table 2–69. Getcontent method arguments ...................................................................... 231
Table 2–70. Result object attributes for Getcontent method................................................ 232
Table 2–71. Getdocbasemap method arguments ............................................................... 235
Table 2–72. Getdocbrokermap method arguments ............................................................ 237
Table 2–73. Getevents method arguments ........................................................................ 239
Table 2–74. Getfile method arguments ............................................................................. 241
Table 2–75. Getlastcoll method arguments ....................................................................... 245
Table 2–76. Getlogin method arguments .......................................................................... 247
Table 2–77. Getmessage method arguments ..................................................................... 251
Table 2–78. Getpath method arguments ........................................................................... 253
Table 2–79. Getservermap method arguments .................................................................. 256
Table 2–80. Grant method arguments .............................................................................. 258
Table 2–81. Halt method arguments ................................................................................ 265
Table 2–82. Id method arguments ................................................................................... 267
Table 2–83. Initcrypto method arguments ........................................................................ 269
Table 2–84. Insert method arguments .............................................................................. 271
Table 2–85. Insertcontent method arguments ................................................................... 274
Table 2–86. Insertfile method arguments.......................................................................... 277
Table 2–87. Insertpart method arguments ........................................................................ 280
Table 2–88. Insertstate method arguments ....................................................................... 287
Table 2–89. Install method arguments ............................................................................. 289
Table 2–90. Invalidate method arguments ........................................................................ 291
Table 2–91. Iscached method arguments .......................................................................... 293
Table 2–92. Kill method arguments ................................................................................. 295
Table 2–93. Link method arguments ................................................................................ 297
Table 2–94. Listconnection method arguments ................................................................. 300
Table 2–95. Listmessage method arguments..................................................................... 302
Table 2–96. Locate method arguments ............................................................................. 304
Table 2–97. Lock method arguments ............................................................................... 306
Table 2–98. Lpq method arguments ................................................................................. 308
Table 2–99. Mark method arguments............................................................................... 310
Table 2–100. Mount method arguments ............................................................................ 312
Table 2–101. Movestate method arguments ...................................................................... 314
Table 2–102. Next method arguments............................................................................... 316
Table 2–103. Offset method arguments ............................................................................. 318
Table 2–104. Pause method arguments ............................................................................. 320
Table 2–105. Print method arguments .............................................................................. 321
Table 2–106. Promote method arguments ......................................................................... 323
Table 2–107. Prune method arguments ............................................................................. 326
Table 2–108. Publish_dd method arguments ..................................................................... 329
Table 2–109. Purgelocal method arguments ...................................................................... 332

Content Server API Reference Manual 7

Table of Contents

Table 2–110. Query_cmd method arguments .................................................................... 334

Table 2–111. Query method arguments ............................................................................ 337
Table 2–112. Queue method arguments ............................................................................ 339
Table 2–113. Readquery method arguments...................................................................... 342
Table 2–114. Refresh method arguments .......................................................................... 344
Table 2–115. Register method arguments .......................................................................... 346
Table 2–116. Reinit method arguments ............................................................................. 349
Table 2–117. Remove method arguments .......................................................................... 351
Table 2–118. Removeactivity method arguments ............................................................... 353
Table 2–119. Removecontent method arguments ............................................................... 355
Table 2–120. Removelink method arguments .................................................................... 357
Table 2–121. Removenote method arguments ................................................................... 358
Table 2–122. Removepackage method arguments.............................................................. 360
Table 2–123. Removepackageinfo method arguments ........................................................ 362
Table 2–124. Removepart method arguments.................................................................... 364
Table 2–125. Removeport method arguments ................................................................... 367
Table 2–126. Removerendition method arguments ............................................................ 368
Table 2–127. Removeroutecase method arguments ............................................................ 371
Table 2–128. Removestate method arguments ................................................................... 373
Table 2–129. Repeat method arguments ........................................................................... 375
Table 2–130. Repeating method arguments ....................................................................... 377
Table 2–131. Reset method arguments .............................................................................. 380
Table 2–132. Resolvealias method arguments.................................................................... 382
Table 2–133. Restart method arguments ........................................................................... 386
Table 2–134. Restore method arguments ........................................................................... 389
Table 2–135. Resume method arguments .......................................................................... 392
Table 2–136. Retrieve method arguments ......................................................................... 396
Table 2–137. Revert method arguments ............................................................................ 398
Table 2–138. Revoke method arguments ........................................................................... 400
Table 2–139. Save method arguments ............................................................................... 405
Table 2–140. Saveasnew method arguments ..................................................................... 409
Table 2–141. Seek method arguments ............................................................................... 413
Table 2–142. Set method arguments ................................................................................. 416
Table 2–143. Setbatchhint method arguments ................................................................... 422
Table 2–144. Setcontent method arguments ...................................................................... 424
Table 2–145. Setcontentattrs method arguments ................................................................ 427
Table 2–146. Setdoc method arguments ............................................................................ 432
Table 2–147. Setfile method arguments ............................................................................. 434
Table 2–148. Setoutput method arguments ....................................................................... 437
Table 2–149. Setpath method arguments........................................................................... 439
Table 2–150. Setperformers method arguments ................................................................. 441
Table 2–151. Setpriority method arguments ...................................................................... 443
Table 2–152. Setsupervisor method arguments ................................................................. 445

8 Content Server API Reference Manual

Table of Contents

Table 2–153. Shutdown method arguments ...................................................................... 447

Table 2–154. Signoff method arguments ........................................................................... 449
Table 2–155. Audit trail entry values for Signoff events ..................................................... 450
Table 2–156. Suspend method arguments ......................................................................... 453
Table 2–157. Trace method arguments .............................................................................. 456
Table 2–158. Tracing options for Trace method .................................................................. 458
Table 2–159. Tracing facilities for Trace method ................................................................ 459
Table 2–160. Truncate method arguments ......................................................................... 462
Table 2–161. Type method arguments .............................................................................. 464
Table 2–162. Unaudit method arguments ......................................................................... 466
Table 2–163. Unfreeze method arguments ........................................................................ 469
Table 2–164. Uninstall method arguments ........................................................................ 472
Table 2–165. Unlink method arguments ........................................................................... 474
Table 2–166. Unlock method arguments ........................................................................... 477
Table 2–167. Unmark method arguments ......................................................................... 480
Table 2–168. Unprint method arguments .......................................................................... 482
Table 2–169. Unregister method arguments ...................................................................... 484
Table 2–170. Updatepart method arguments ..................................................................... 486
Table 2–171. Useacl method arguments ............................................................................ 491
Table 2–172. Validate method arguments.......................................................................... 494
Table 2–173. Values method arguments ............................................................................ 497
Table 2–174. Vdmpath method arguments........................................................................ 501
Table 2–175. Example of attribute values in result objects returned by Vdmpath ................. 502
Table 2–176. Vdmpathdql method arguments ................................................................... 506
Table 2–177. Verifyaudit method arguments ..................................................................... 510
Table 2–178. Verifyesignature method arguments ............................................................. 512
Table 3–1. dm_close_all arguments ................................................................................ 516
Table 3–2. dm_close_content arguments ........................................................................ 517
Table 3–3. dm_init_content arguments ........................................................................... 519
Table 3–4. dm_open_content arguments ........................................................................ 520
Table 3–5. dm_plugin_verson arguments ....................................................................... 522
Table 3–6. dm_read_content arguments ......................................................................... 523
Table A–1. API method quick reference .......................................................................... 525
Table B–1. Events arising from API methods .................................................................. 539
Table B–2. Workflow events .......................................................................................... 544
Table B–3. LIfecycle events ........................................................................................... 546

Content Server API Reference Manual 9

Table of Contents

10 Content Server API Reference Manual


This manual is the reference manual for the DMCL API of Content Server. It is intended as a
companion to Content Server DQL Reference Manual, EMC Documentum Object Reference Manual, Content
Server Fundamentals, Content Server Administrator’s Guide, and Documentum Distributed Configuration

Intended audience
This manual is written for application developers and system administrators and any
others who want to build a content or work-group management application using the
Documentum Application Programming Interface. It assumes that you are familiar with
the concepts of document processing, object-oriented programming, and client-server
applications. It also assumes working knowledge of SQL.

This manual uses the following conventions in the syntax descriptions and examples.

Syntax conventions

Convention Identifies
italics A variable for which you must provide a value.
[ ] square brackets An optional argument that may be included only once
{ } curly braces An optional argument that may be included multiple

Terminology changes
Two common terms are changed in 5.3 and later documentation:

Content Server API Reference Manual 11


• Docbases are now called repositories, except where the term “docbase” is used in the
name of an object or attribute (for example, docbase config object).
• DocBrokers are now called connection brokers.

Revision history
The following changes have been made to this document.

Revision history

Revision date Description

September 2005 Initial publication

12 Content Server API Reference Manual

Chapter 1
Server Methods by Task

This chapter summarizes the API methods. The API methods are organized by the tasks they can be
used to accomplish. The summary includes a brief description of each method and its syntax. For a
full description of a method, refer to Chapter 2, API Server Methods .
This chapter sorts the methods by the following categories:
• Methods for communicating with the server, page 13
• Methods for system administration, page 15
• Methods for handling objects, page 18
• Methods for retrieving and setting attributes, page 23
• Methods for searching the repository, page 25
• Methods for handling content objects, page 26
• Methods for printing documents, page 29
• Methods for handling virtual documents, page 29
• Methods for handling lifecycles, page 31
• Methods for handling workflows, page 32
• Methods for handling workflow definitions, page 33
• Methods for handling activity definitions, page 34
• Methods for handling work items, page 36
• Methods for managing inboxes, page 36

Methods for communicating with the server

The following methods communicate with the server to disconnect, retrieve messages,
or manage explicit transactions.

Content Server API Reference Manual 13

Server Methods by Task

Table 1-1. Methods for communicating with Content Server

Method Purpose and syntax

Abort, page 40 Cancels all changes made in an open explicit database
Assume, page 106 Gives ownership of an existing primary repository session
to a new user.
password|login_ticket [,domain] [,user_arg]")
Begintran, page 127 Opens an explicit database transaction.
Connect, page 155 Establishes a repository session.
Commit, page 151 Saves changes made during an explicit database transaction
and closes the transaction.
Disconnect, page 192 Disconnects a session.
Encryptpass, page 201 Encrypts a password.
Getlogin, page 247 Obtains a ticket that an application can substitute for the
current user’s password as an argument to the Connect
Getmessage, page 251 Retrieves all error and informational messages from a session.
dmAPIGet("getmessage[,session] [,severity_
Initcrypto, page 269 Initializes the AEK.

14 Content Server API Reference Manual

Server Methods by Task

Method Purpose and syntax

Kill, page 295 Shuts down a particular Content Server session.
Listmessage, page 302 Returns a collection comprising all messages at or above a
particular severity level for a session.
Setbatchhint, page Defines the maximum number of rows an RDBMS call can
422 return.

Shutdown, page 447 Shuts down the Content Server connected to a particular
Trace, page 456 Returns trace information for the server for the current session.

Methods for system administration

The following methods administer the system.

Table 1-2. Methods for system administration

Method Purpose and syntax

Apply, page 92 Executes an administrative function.
dmAPIGet("apply,session,object_id, function_name
Archive, page 98 Sends a DM_ARCHIVE event to the repository operator.
[,operator][,send_mail][,due_date] [,priority]")

Content Server API Reference Manual 15

Server Methods by Task

Method Purpose and syntax

Audit, page 115 Enables auditing of the specified event.
[,audit_subtypes][,controlling_app] [,policy_
Authenticate, page Validates a user name and password.
password|ticket [,domain][,user_arg]")
Changepassword, Changes a user’s password.
page 135
dmAPIGet("changepassword,session, old_
Createaudit, page 169 Creates an audit trail entry.
dmAPIGet("createaudit,session, audited_obj_
id,event_name[,string_1] [,string_2][,string_
3][,string_4] [,string_5][,id_1][,id_2][,id_3]
Dumpconnection, Returns a list of subconnections and the repositories to which
page 196 they are connected.
Dumploginticket, Returns a login ticket or application access control token in
page 198 a readable text format.
Flush, page 213 Removes query caches, frees up memory for the server, or
removes data dictionary information.
Flushcache, page 217 Removes objects in server and client caches.
dmAPIExec("flushcache,session [,discard_
Flushconnectpool, Disconnects all free connections in the connection pool and
page 219 removes them from the pool.

16 Content Server API Reference Manual

Server Methods by Task

Method Purpose and syntax

Getconnection, page Returns the subconnection identifier for an existing connection
229 or establishes a new subconnection.
dmAPIGet("getconnection,session, scoping_
Getdocbasemap, page Returns information about all repositories known to a
235 connection broker.
Getdocbrokermap, Returns information about the connection brokers in the
page 237 installation.
Getservermap, page Returns information about the servers known to a connection
256 broker.
repository[,protocol][,host_name] [,port_
Iscached, page 293 Indicates whether an object type is in the DMCL type cache.
Listconnection, page Returns the subconnections and the repositories associated
300 with them for a specified session.
Publish_dd, page 329 Publishes data dictionary information.

Purgelocal, page 332 Removes files copied to the local common area during a
Reinit, page 349 Reinitializes the main server thread (root server process) .

Content Server API Reference Manual 17

Server Methods by Task

Method Purpose and syntax

Restart, page 386 Reinitializes a session’s server process.
dmAPIExec("restart,session [,server_config_name]
Restore, page 389 Queues a restore from archives request to the repository
[,dump_file][,operator][,send_mail] [,due_
Unaudit, page 466 Stops auditing of an event.
dmAPIExec("unaudit,session [,object_id]
,event_name[,controlling_app] [,policy_id
Verifyaudit, page 510
page 512

Methods for handling objects

The following methods manipulate objects.

Table 1-3. Methods for handling objects

Method Purpose and syntax

Adddigsignature, Creates an audit trail entry that records the signing of a
page 46 SysObject by a user.
Addesignature, page Creates a copy of the object’s content that includes a signature.

18 Content Server API Reference Manual

Server Methods by Task

Method Purpose and syntax

Addnote, page 54 Attaches a dm_note (annotation) to a document.
dmAPIExec("addnote,session,note_id, document_
Attach, page 111 Changes the lifecycle of an object.
Branch, page 131 Simultaneously checks out a document and creates a new
version branch.
dmAPIGet("branch,session,object_id [,version_
Checkin, page 138 Creates and saves a new version of a checked-out object and
removes the lock set on the previous version by the Checkout
dmAPIGet("checkin,session,object_id [,save_

Checkinapp, page 141 Creates and saves a new version of a checked-out object
and removes the lock set on the previous version by the
Checkout method. This method is intended for use internally
and by user-written applications. It differs from Checkin
by providing arguments that set the a_special_app and
a_compound_architecture attributes.
dmAPIGet("checkin,session,object_id [,save_
lock][,version_label] [,old_compound_arch_value]

[,new_compound_arch_value] [,new_special_app_
Checkout, page 146 Checks an object out of the repository and places a lock on
the object.
label][,compound_arch_value] [,special_app_
Create, page 167 Creates an object.

Content Server API Reference Manual 19

Server Methods by Task

Method Purpose and syntax

Demote, page 176 Demotes an object from its current normal lifecycle state to the
previous normal state.

Dereference, page 181 Obtains the object ID of a remote object pointed to by a local
mirror object or replica.
Destroy, page 186 Removes an object from the repository.
Dump, page 194 Returns all attribute names and values or data dictionary
information for an object.
Fetch, page 209 Retrieves an object from the repository but does not place a
lock on the object.
Freeze, page 221 Marks an object as unchangeable.
dmAPIExec("freeze,session,object_id [,freeze_
Grant, page 258 Creates an access control entry in an ACL object.
name|alias] [,permit_type][,unused][,basic_
Link, page 297 Links an object to a particular folder or cabinet.
dmAPIExec("link,session,object_id, folder_

Lock, page 306 Places a database lock on an object.


20 Content Server API Reference Manual

Server Methods by Task

Method Purpose and syntax

Locate, page 304 Returns the integer index for a particular repeating attribute
Mark, page 310 Assigns one or more symbolic labels to an object.
Offset, page 318 Returns the integer index for an attribute relative to the
number of attributes in a particular object.
Promote, page 323 Promotes an object from its current normal lifecycle state to
the next normal state.
state |to_position,test_only_flag,override_

,scheduled_date[,pattern] ,to_state|to_
Prune, page 326 Removes versions of an object.
Refresh, page 344 Refreshes the attribute values of a mirror object or replica.

Removenote, page Detaches an annotation from an object.


Reset, page 380 Resets an object’s error status.

Resolvealias, page 382 Resolves an alias, returning a user name, group, or path

Content Server API Reference Manual 21

Server Methods by Task

Method Purpose and syntax

Resume, page 392 Restarts a halted workflow, paused activity, or paused work
item, or resumes the lifecycle of an object.
dmAPIExec("resume,session,object_id [,activity_


|from_position|cancel ,return_to_base_flag
Revert, page 398 Re-fetches an object from the repository.
Revoke, page 400 Removes the access control entries or an extended permission
for a user or group.
name|alias [,permit_type][,unused] [,basic_
Save, page 405 Saves an object, overwriting the object currently in the
Saveasnew, page 409 Creates a copy of an object.
Signoff, page 449 Creates an audit trail entry containing signoff information
for an object.

22 Content Server API Reference Manual

Server Methods by Task

Method Purpose and syntax

Suspend, page 453 Suspends the lifecycle of an object by moving the object to the
exception state for its current state.

Type, page 464 Returns the object describing a particular object type or
Unfreeze, page 469 Unfreezes a frozen object.
Unlink, page 474 Unlinks an object from a folder or cabinet.
Unlock, page 477 Removes an intention lock from an object.
dmAPIExec("unlock,session,object_id [,send_
mail][,compound_arch_value] [,special_app_
Unmark, page 480 Removes one or more symbolic labels from an object.
Useacl, page 491 Assigns a default ACL to an object.

Methods for retrieving and setting attributes

The following methods manipulate object attributes.

Content Server API Reference Manual 23

Server Methods by Task

Table 1-4. Methods for retrieving and setting attributes

Method Purpose and syntax

Append, page 77 Adds a new value to a repeating attribute.
Count, page 164 Counts the number of attributes for an object.
Datatype, page 171 Returns the datatype of an attribute.

Describe, page 184 Returns a description of the attributes for an object type or
registered table.
dmAPIGet("describe,session,type, object_type")

Get, page 224 Returns the value of an attribute.
identifier,attribute [[index]][,pattern]")
Insert, page 271 Inserts a value into a repeating attribute.
Locate, page 304 Returns the integer index for a repeating attribute of a given
Remove, page 351 Removes a value from a repeating attribute.
Repeating, page 377 Determines whether an attribute is repeating or single-valued.

24 Content Server API Reference Manual

Server Methods by Task

Method Purpose and syntax

Set, page 416 Sets the value of an attribute.

Note: alias is only allowed when attribute is one of:

owner_name, acl_name, or acl_domain.
Truncate, page 462 Removes all values for a repeating attribute.
Values, page 497 Returns the number of values for an attribute.
dmAPIGet("values,session,object_id, attribute")

Methods for searching the repository

The following methods execute, process, and close DQL queries.

Table 1-5. Methods for searching the repository

Method Purpose and syntax

Cachequery, page 133 Executes a DQL query, returns the identifier for the resulting
collection, and caches the results across sessions.
Close, page 149 Closes a query.
dmAPIExec("close,session, collection_
Execquery, page 203 Executes a DQL statement longer than 255 characters.
dmAPIExec("execquery,session, [readquery_
Execsql, page 205 Executes any SQL statement except a SELECT statement.
Getlastcoll, page 245 Returns the ID of the most recent collection generated by the

Content Server API Reference Manual 25

Server Methods by Task

Method Purpose and syntax

Id, page 267 Returns the ID of the object that satisfies a particular search
Next, page 316 Returns an item from a collection.
dmAPIExec("next,session, collection_identifier")
Query, page 337 Executes a DQL query and returns the identifier for the
resulting collection. The method allows you to modify data in
the repository during query result processing.

Query_cmd, page 334 Executes a DQL query and allows you to mark the query
results for persistent client caching.
only][,persistent_cache] [,consistency_check_
value][,unused][,unused][,unused] ,dql_query")
Readquery, page 342 Executes a DQL query and returns the identifier for the
resulting collection. The method does not allow you to modify
the repository during query result processing.
Retrieve, page 396 Fetches the object that satisfies a search condition and returns
the object’s ID.

Methods for handling content objects

The following methods manipulate content objects.

26 Content Server API Reference Manual

Server Methods by Task

Table 1-6. Methods fo handling content oObjects

Method Purpose and sSyntax

Addrendition, page 66 Adds a rendition to a document. (Rendition information
is stored with content objects.)
[,keep_flag][,page_modifier] [,batch_
Appendcontent, page 80 Appends information in working memory as the last
content file for a document. (Used in applications to
append content to multipaged documents.)
Appendfile, page 82 Appends a content file to the list of files for a document.
Bindfile, page 129 Binds a content object belonging to one document to
another so the content belongs to both.
Getcontent, page 231 Retrieves a content file from the repository and places it
in working memory.
Getfile, page 241 Returns the name of the file containing content in a
particular format.
Getpath, page 253 Returns the internal path specification to a content file.

Content Server API Reference Manual 27

Server Methods by Task

Method Purpose and sSyntax

Insertcontent, page 274 Inserts information in working memory as content in
a document. (Used by applications to insert data into
multipaged documents.)
Insertfile, page 277 Inserts content in a document. (Used with multipaged
Mount, page 312 Sets the content location for an external store object.
Removecontent, page 355 Removes content from an object.
Removerendition, page Removes a rendition from a document.
,format[,page_number][,atomic] [,page_
Seek, page 413 Sets the next position (byte range) for reading a content
Setcontent, page 424 Sets data in working memory as new content or uses it to
replace content. (Used in applications to set the content
of an object.)
Setcontentattrs, page 427

28 Content Server API Reference Manual

Server Methods by Task

Method Purpose and sSyntax

Setfile, page 434 Adds a file as primary content to a document.
dmAPIExec("setfile,session,object_id, file_
name[,page_num][,format] [,other_file]")
Setpath, page 439 Adds a file in external storage as primary content to an
dmAPIExec("setpath,session,object_id, file_
name[,page_number|format] [,other_file]")

Methods for printing documents

The following methods perform print operations.

Table 1-7. Methods for printing documents

Method Purpose and syntax

Lpq, page 308 Shows the print queue for a printer.
Print, page 321 Sends a document to a printer.
[,starting_content_page] [,ending_content_
Unprint, page 482 Removes a print job from a print queue.

Methods for handling virtual documents

The following methods manipulate the components of virtual documents.

Content Server API Reference Manual 29

Server Methods by Task

Table 1-8. Methods for handling virtual documents

Method Purpose and syntax

Appendpart, page 84 Adds a new component to the end of a document’s list of
component_id[,version_label] [,use_node_
ver_label][,follow_assembly] [,copy_child]
Assemble, page 100 Creates an assembly for a virtual document.
Disassemble, page Destroys an assembly for a virtual document.
Freeze, page 221 Marks the components of a virtual document’s assembly and
the virtual document itself as unchangeable.
dmAPIExec("freeze,session,object_id [,freeze_
Insertpart, page 280 Inserts a component at a particular position in a virtual
document’s list of components.
component_id[,version_label], containment_
id|order_no,orderno_flag] [[,use_node_ver_
label][,follow_assembly] [,copy_child]
Removepart, page 364 Removes a component from a virtual document.
Setdoc, page 432 Indicates whether an object is a virtual document.
Unfreeze, page 469 Unfreezes a frozen assembly and the associated virtual

30 Content Server API Reference Manual

Server Methods by Task

Method Purpose and syntax

Updatepart, page 486 Modifies a component of a virtual document.
component_id[,version_label][,order_no] [,use_
node_ver_label][,follow_assembly] [,copy_child]
Vdmpath, page 501 Returns paths to a component in one or more virtual
documents. This method provides faster performance than
Vdmpathdql but less flexibility in choosing the paths.
Vdmpathdql, page Returns paths to a component in one or more virtual
506 documents. This method provides more flexibility in choosing
the paths but slower performance.
[,root_id][,shortest_path][,type] [,binding_

Methods for handling lifecycles

The following methods manage lifecycles.

Table 1-9. Methods for handling lifecycles

Method Purpose and syntax

Appendstate, page 90 Appends a state to a lifecycle.
Insertstate, page 287 Adds a state within a lifecycle.
Install, page 289 Installs a lifecycle.

Content Server API Reference Manual 31

Server Methods by Task

Method Purpose and syntax

Movestate, page 314 Rearranges the state definitions within a lifecycle definition
Removestate, page Removes a state from a lifecycle.
Uninstall, page 472 Moves a lifecycle from the installed state to the validated state.

Validate, page 494 Determines whether a lifecycle is valid.


Methods for handling workows

The following methods manage running workflows.

Table 1-10. Methods for handling workows

Method Purpose and syntax

Abort, page 40 Aborts a workflow.
Addpackage, page 56 Attaches a package to the start activity of a workflow.
package_name,component_ID {,component_ID}")

Execute, page 207 Starts a workflow.

Halt, page 265 Halts a workflow or activity.
dmAPIExec("halt,session,workflow_id [,activity_
Invalidate, page 291 Sets a validated workflow or activity definition to draft state.

32 Content Server API Reference Manual

Server Methods by Task

Method Purpose and syntax

Queue, page 339 Posts an event to a workflow.
[supervisor] ,event_type,[priority],
[send_mail],[due_date] [,message]")
Removepackage, Removes a package from a start activity of a workflow.
page 360
Restart, page 386 Restarts a halted workflow or activity.
Resume, page 392 Resumes a halted workflow or a paused activity.
Setoutput, page 437 Defines the output port for manual transition of a work item.
Setperformers, page Adds performers chosen from a group or all users at runtime
441 to an activity.
activity_name [,performer_list]")
Setsupervisor, page Changes the supervisor of a workflow.

Methods for handling workow denitions

The following methods manage workflow definitions.

Content Server API Reference Manual 33

Server Methods by Task

Table 1-11. Methods for handling workow denitions

Method Purpose and syntax

Addactivity, page 44 Adds an activity to a process definition.
Addlink, page 52 Creates a link connecting an output port of a source activity to
an input port of a destination activity.
Install, page 289 Installs a validated process definition.
Removeactivity, page Removes an activity from a process definition.
Removelink, page 357 Removes a link.
Uninstall, page 472 Uninstalls a validated process definition.
Validate, page 494 Validates a process definition.

Methods for handling activity denitions

The following methods manage activity definitions.

34 Content Server API Reference Manual

Server Methods by Task

Table 1-12. Methods for handling activity denitions

Method Purpose and syntax

Addpackageinfo, Adds a package to an activity port definition.
page 60
id,port_name ,package_name,package_
Addport, page 64 Adds a port to an activity definition.

Addroutecase, page Adds a route case to an activity definition.


dmAPIExec("addroutecase,session,object_id ,
Install, page 289 Installs a validated activity definition.
Removepackageinfo, Removes a package from a port.
page 362
Removeport, page 367 Removes a port added with the Addport method.
Removeroutecase, Removes a route case from a condition list.
page 371
Uninstall, page 472 Uninstalls a validated activity definition.
Validate, page 494 Validates an activity definition.

Content Server API Reference Manual 35

Server Methods by Task

Methods for handling work items

The following methods manage work items.

Table 1-13. Methods for handling work items

Method Purpose and syntax

Acquire, page 42 Acquires a task for a user.
Addpackage, page 56 Attaches a package to a work item.
Complete, page 153 Marks a work item as finished.
id[,[return_value] ,[os_error],[result_
Delegate, page 174 Reassigns a work item.
Pause, page 320 Suspends a work item.
Removepackage, Detaches a package from a start activity.
page 360
Repeat, page 375 Allows a user to repeat a work item.
Resume, page 392 Restarts a halted workflow, paused activity, or paused task.

Methods for managing inboxes

The following methods manage inboxes (user queues).

36 Content Server API Reference Manual

Server Methods by Task

Table 1-14. Methods for managing inboxes

Method Purpose and syntax

Anyevents, page 75 Determines whether there are any new items in the
user’s queue.
Dequeue, page 179 Removes an item from a user’s queue that was placed
in the queue using the Queue method.
Getevents, page 239 Returns all items in the user’s queue.

Queue, page 339 Places an item in a user’s queue.

Register, page 346 Registers a user to receive event notification for a
specific event.
Unregister, page 484 Removes an event registration.

Content Server API Reference Manual 37

Server Methods by Task

38 Content Server API Reference Manual

Chapter 2
API Server Methods

This chapter contains full descriptions of the Content Server DMCL API methods. The
description of each method includes:
• Purpose
• Syntax
• Argument descriptions
• Return value
• Usage notes
• Example
The method descriptions are ordered alphabetically.
General Note on Syntax: The arguments to all methods are positional. That is, if an
argument is optional and not the final argument in the argument list, you must include
the comma that is its place-holder in the list whether you include the argument or not. If
the argument is the final argument, it is not necessary to include the comma if you do
not include the argument.

Content Server API Reference Manual 39



Purpose Cancels an explicit transaction or terminates a workflow.



Table 2-1. Abort method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
workflow_id Identifies the workflow to abort. Use the workflow’s object ID.

Return value
The Abort method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

General notes
Use the Abort method when you want to close an explicit database transaction and
cancel any changes that were made during the transaction or to terminate a workflow.
Aborting transactions
An explicit database transaction is a transaction that was opened by executing the
Begintran method.
If the Abort method returns FALSE, it indicates a failure to accomplish the rollback in the
underlying database. This may result in an inconsistent database.
Aborting workows
You cannot abort a workflow that has active automatic work items. Only the workflow
supervisor or a user with Superuser or Sysadmin privileges can abort a workflow.
The Abort method sets the workflow’s r_runtime_state to terminated.

40 Content Server API Reference Manual


Using Abort does not delete the workflow instance or associated work items and
packages. You must use a Destroy method to remove the workflow object and the work
items and packages associated with the workflows.

Related methods
For transactions:
Begintran, page 127
Commit, page 151
For workflows:
Halt, page 265

The following example begins an explicit transaction, creates a document within the
transaction, and aborts the transaction.
status = dmAPIExec("begintran,s0")
doc_id = dmAPIGet("create,s0,dm_document");
if (doc_id == NULL)
{ err_mess = dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmAPISet("set,s0,last,object_name", "my_document")
status = dmAPIExec("save,s0,last")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmAPIExec("abort,s0")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess

The following example uses the Abort method to abort a workflow.

status = dmAPIExec("abort,s0," wflow_id)

Content Server API Reference Manual 41



Purpose Acquires a work item for the current user.



Table 2-2. Acquire method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
workitem_id Identifies the work item. Use the work item’s object ID or an
indirect reference (@object_id) that points to the object.

Return value
The Acquire method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
Using the Acquire method has the following conditions:
• The workflow must be in the running state, the activity that created the work item
must be in the installed state, and the specified work item must be in the dormant
• By default, you must be one of the following:
— The work item’s assigned performer, or if the assigned performer is a group, a
member of that group
— The workflow supervisor
— A user with either Sysadmin or Superuser privileges
If workflow_security_disabled, a server.ini key, is set to T (TRUE), any user can issue
an Acquire method against a particular work item. By default, the key set to F, which
enables the restrictions listed above.

42 Content Server API Reference Manual


The Acquire method performs the following operations:

• Changes the state of the specified work item from dormant to acquired
• Sets the actual_start_date attribute of the dmi_queue_item object (This is the object
that represents the queued inbox item.)
• Sets the work item’s r_performer_name attribute to the current user.
If the task’s assigned performer is a group, when a member of that group acquires the
task, the task is removed from the group’s queue and placed in the individual group
member’s queue.

Related methods
Complete, page 153
Delegate, page 174

status = dmAPIExec("acquire,s0," rid)
if (status != 1 )
Print "Error: The work item was not acquired"
Print "The work item was successfully acquired"

Content Server API Reference Manual 43



Purpose Adds a new activity to a process definition.



Table 2-3. Addactivity method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
process_id Identifies the process to which you want to add the activity.
Use the object ID of the process.
activity_identifier Identifies the activity. The name in activity_identifier must be
unique within the process definition.
activity_definition_id Refers to a dm_activity instance. Use the object ID of the
activity_type Identifies the type of the activity (step, begin, or end). The
default value is step.
activity_priority Priority of the activity. The value can be any integer value.

Return value
The Addactivity method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
Use the Addactivity method to add a new activity to a workflow process definition.
After you use Addactivity, use the Addlink method to link the new activity’s ports in the
process definition object.

44 Content Server API Reference Manual


Related methods
Addlink, page 52
Removeactivity, page 353

status = dmAPIExec("addactivity,"
session ",4b00007b80000100,original_request,

Content Server API Reference Manual 45



Purpose Creates an audit trail entry that records the signing of a SysObject by a user.



Table 2-4. Adddigsignature method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Object ID of the SysObject signed by the user. Use the object’s
ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points to the object.
user_name Name of the user who signed the SysObject. If not included,
the default is the currently logged-in user.
reason User-defined explanation about why the object was signed.
The explanation can be a maximum of 200 characters.

Return value
Adddigsignature returns the object ID of the audit trail entry.

Usage notes
Before executing Adddigsignature, the object identified in object_id must be checked in.
You cannot execute Adddigsignature on a checked out object.
The logged-in user executing this method must have at least Relate permission on the
Adddigsignature is intended for use in applications that use a digital signature format,
such as PKCS #7, XML Signature, or PDF Signature, to sign documents. After the
document is signed and checked in, the application calls Adddigsignature to record the
signing in an audit trail entry.

46 Content Server API Reference Manual


Executing the method creates an audit trial entry with the event name
dm_adddigsignature (Add Digital Signature). The attributes in the audit trail entry
identify the user who signed the object, the date and time at which the object was signed
(server time and UTC time), and a reason for signing if one was specified in the method.
Note: If you want the audit trail entry to be signed by the server, issue an Audit method
that designates signing for the event. For example, the following Audit method registers
all dm_adddigsignature events on SysObjects and SysObject subtypes for signature:

The first Boolean argument in the example (set to T) tells the server to include SysObject
subtypes. The second tells the server to sign the audit trail entries.

Related methods
Addesignature, page 48
Audit, page 115
Signoff, page 449

<extract signature from document and verify>
<if verification succeeds>
<then check in the document>
<if doc was signed>

Content Server API Reference Manual 47



Purpose Adds a signature to an object’s content and generates an audit trail entry recording
the operation.



Table 2-5. Addesignature method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object to be signed. Use the object’s object ID.
user_auth_name Identifies the user signing the object. Use the value in the
user’s user_os_name attribute. If specified, the value must
match that of the user for the current session.

The default is the the current user’s user_os_name value.

password Specifies the user’s password. Valid password formats are:

where plugin_id is the plugin identifier for an authentication


If the password is encrypted, the format for the password

argument is:


where encrypted_password is one of the following in encrypted


48 Content Server API Reference Manual


Argument Description

Refer to the Usage notes for details.

A password may not exceed 8,192 characters in length.

justification The justification text. This must be enclosed in single quotes.
If the text includes single quotes, the quotes must be escaped
with a single quote.
format_to_sign The format of the content to be signed. Use the name of the
format’s format object.

The default is pdf.

hash_algorithm Name of the hashing algorithm to use to generate the hash
value for the audit trail entry. The only supported algorithm is
SHA-1. The argument defaults to SHA-1 if unspecified.
presignature_hash Hash value of the document prior to signing. The argument
must be in the following format:

Refer to the Usage notes for an expanded explanation and an

sig_method_name Name of the method object representing the method used to
generate the signed copy. The default value is esign_pdf.
app_properties A comma-delimited list of attribute names and values to pass
to the signature creation method. The list is used to populate
user-defined fields on the signature page.

The list must be enclosed in single quotes. Attribute values

in the list must be enclosed in escaped single quotes. For
passthrough_arg1 and These arguments pass data specific to the method identified in
passthrough_arg2 sig_method_name.

Return value
Addesignature returns the object ID of the audit trail object created by the method.

Content Server API Reference Manual 49


Usage notes
You must have installed the server with a Trusted Content Services license to use this
You must have at least Browse permission on the object identified in object_id to sign
the object.
You cannot execute this method against an object that is checked out of the repository.
If an object has multiple primary content files, only the first page is affected by the
Addesignature method. The method does not operate on second or subsequent pages or
any renditions associated with these pages.
format_to_sign identifies the format of the content to which the signature will actually be
added. The format-to-be-signed is not necessarily the format of the document’s primary
content. The format-to-be-signed can be a rendition of the primary content. For example,
if you want to sign a Word document and are using the default signature functionality,
you must create a PDF rendition of the document and attach that rendition to page
number zero in the document. PDF is the format to be signed. The default method
attaches the signature page to the PDF rendition.
When you issue an Addesignature method, either the object’s primary content page
0 or a rendition of that page must be in the format identified in format_to_sign. The
page_modifier attribute for that content page or rendition must be blank.
After the signature page is generated, the method replaces the source content with the
generated signature page. If format_to_sign identifies the primary content format, the
signed content replaces that content in the object. If format_to_sign identifies a rendition
format, the method replaces the rendition with the signed rendition.
Note: If the signature is the first signature on the version, the source content is appended
back to the document as a rendition with the page modifier set to dm_sig_source.
For example, suppose the format of a document’s primary content is Maker (for
Framemaker files) and that its first primary page (page 0) has a PDF rendition. If
format_to_sign is PDF, the method signs the PDF rendition and replaces the PDF rendition
with the signed rendition.
Using the presignature_hash argument lets you or the application ensure that the object
that the user is signing is the same as the object in the repository. Using that argument,
you pass the name of the hashing algorithm, the format of the content to be signed,
and the hash value of the source content. The application is responsible for generating
the hash value passed in the argument. Content Server will use the specified hashing
algorithm to hash the copy of the object in the repository and compare it to the passed-in
hash value. If they are different, the method fails.
Note: Content Server currently supports only the SHA-1 hashing algorithm.

50 Content Server API Reference Manual


Related methods
Adddigsignature, page 46
Signoff, page 449

<jdpasswrd>,'Approved for Release',,

Content Server API Reference Manual 51



Purpose Creates a link within a workflow definition that connects an output port of a source
activity to an input port of a destination activity.



Table 2-6. Addlink method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
process_id Identifies the process definition. Use the process’ object ID.
link_identifier Uniquely identifies the link within the process object.
source_activity Identifies the source activity to link. Use the activity added
with the Addactivity method.
source_port Identifies the source port to link.
destination_activity Identifies the destination activity to link. Use the activity
added with the Addactivity method.
destination_port Identifies the destination port to link.

Return value
The Addlink method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
For activities added to a process definition with the Addactivity method, the Addlink
method creates a link that connects an output port of a source activity to an input port of
a destination activity. The designer creates a unique identifier for each link.

52 Content Server API Reference Manual


Related methods
Removelink, page 357

status = dmAPIExec("addlink,s0,4b00007b80000100,link_4,"
act_name3 ",port_o1," act_name4 ",port_i2")

Content Server API Reference Manual 53



Purpose Adds an annotation to a specified document (or other SysObject) or a workflow




Table 2-7. Addnote method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
annotation_id Defines which annotation you want to attach to the specified
document. Use the annotation’s object ID or an indirect
reference (@object_id) that points to the annotation.
object_id Identifies document or package to which you are attaching the
annotation. Use the object or package’s ID.
keep_permanent Indicates whether you want the annotation to remain attached
to the document when users version the document or whether
the note travels with the workflow package to all subsequent
performers. The default is FALSE.

Return value
The Addnote method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Addnote method attaches an existing annotation (dm_note object) to a document (or
other SysObject) or to a workflow package. It does not actually create the annotation.
You must do that first with the Create method.
To use Addnote, the following conditions must be true:

54 Content Server API Reference Manual


• You must have at least RELATE permit for the document to which you are attaching
the annotation or be a performer of the workflow to which the package belongs.
• You must be the owner of the annotation or have at least Write permission for the
• You must be a performer in the workflow to which the package belongs.
After issuing the Addnote method, you must issue a Save method to create the
dm_relation object that links the annotation to the document.
You can attach multiple annotations to a single document. Conversely, you can attach
one annotation to multiple documents.

Related methods
Removenote, page 358

note_id = dmAPIGet("create,c,dm_note");
if (note_id == NULL)
print dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0");

status = dmAPIExec("setfile,c,l,/home/sofia/.cshrc,text")
if (status != 1)
print dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0");

status = dmAPIExec("addnote,c,l,09000bb2800012a5")
if (status != 1)
print dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0");

status = dmAPIExec("save,c,l")
if (status != 1)
print dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0");

Content Server API Reference Manual 55



Purpose Attaches a new package to the start activity of a workflow or to a work item.

To add a package to a start activity:

To add a package to a work item:



Table 2-8. Addpackage method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the workflow or work item to which you want to add
the package. Use the object ID of the workflow or work item
or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points to the object.
start_activity_name Specifies the start activity to which to attach the package.
input_port_name Identifies the input port.
package_name Identifies the package.
package_type The type of the components (the real type or a supertype)
note_id Specifies the object ID of a note object to be delivered with
the package.
keep_permanent Set to TRUE to deliver the note object to all subsequent
recipients of the package. The default is FALSE, which delivers
the note only to the recipient of the start activity tasks.

56 Content Server API Reference Manual


Argument Description
component_id Object IDs of the components of the package. If you include
a mirror object ID, the ID is de-referenced and the resulting
object is bound to the package.

Separate multiple object IDs with commas. You must enclose

the argument value in single quotes.
component_name The object names of the components identified in component_id.
The order of the names should correspond to the order of the
object IDs.

Separate multiple object names with commas. You must

enclose the argument value in single quotes.

Return value
The Addpackage method returns the package object ID if successful or NULL if

Usage notes
To use Addpackage to add a package to a start activity, you must be the workflow
supervisor, the workflow creator, or a user with at least Sysadmin privileges. To use
Addpackage to add a package to a work item, you must be the work item’s performer,
the workflow supervisor, or a user with at least Sysadmin privileges.
Use Addpackage to add a package to a start activity only if the activity has input ports
and a defined precondition. Adding a package to an input port is like hand delivering
a package to a port. If the same package definition appears in multiple input ports,
you may have to add similar packages to each one of them, depending on how the
pre-condition is set.
You can only add packages to an active workflow or to an acquired work item.
If you want to add a note to a package added to a work item, you must call the Addnote
method after you call Addpackage.
Specifying component IDs
You can specify multiple object IDs in the component_id argument. If you include
multiple object IDs, the values must be separated by commas. You must enclose the
argument in single quotes. The object IDs are recorded in the r_component_id attribute
of the package object.

Content Server API Reference Manual 57


If you do not include one or more component object IDs, Content Server creates an empty
package. When task performers receive an empty package, they must add components
to the package before Content Server will allow them to complete the task. To add
components to the package, the performer must remove the empty package and issue
an Addpackage method that specified the components.
Specifying component names
If you use the component_name argument, include the object names in the same order in
which the components are specified by object ID in the component_id argument. Separate
multiple names with commas. You must enclose the argument in single quotes.
The names are recorded in the package object’s r_component_name attribute if package
control is turned off at the repository and workflow levels. At the repository level, setting
the r_component_name attribute is controlled by the wf_package_control_enabled
attribute of the docbase config object. At the workflow level, the behavior is controlled
by the package_control object in the process object (the workflow definition). These
attributes interact to determine whether Content Server records object names,
when specified in the component_name argument, or blanks in the package object’s
r_component_name attribute. Table 2–9, page 58, describes the interaction.

Table 2-9. Interaction of attributes determining package control behavior

package_control (process wf_package_control_enabled (docbase config setting)


T (on) F (off)
0 (off) Content Server Content Server records
records blanks in object names in
r_component_name r_component_name if
specified in Addpackage
1 (on) Content Server Content Server
records blanks in records blanks in
r_component_name r_component_name

Related methods
Removepackageinfo, page 362

58 Content Server API Reference Manual


The following example uses the Addpackage method to add a package to a running
buff = dmAPIGet("addpackage,s0," wflow_id ",act_01_0,port_i1,
pkg_00_a0,dm_document," component_id)

Content Server API Reference Manual 59



Purpose Adds a package definition to an existing port definition.



Table 2-10. Addpackage method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
activity_id Identifies the activity. Use the object ID of the activity
port_name Identifies the port.
package_name Identifies the package; must be unique for this port.
package_type Identifies the type of objects expected to be bound.
package_id Identifies the package. This can be a local object ID, replica
object ID to a foreign object, or a foreign object ID.
package_label Identifies the version of the component to add. Used for late
package_operation Identifies instructions for applications, such as a specific user
r_package_flag Indicates whether the package is visible or invisible to the
activity and whether the package may be empty. Valid values

0, meaning the package is invisible but cannot be empty

1, meaning the package is visible and cannot be empty

2, meaning the package is invisible but may be empty

3, meaning the package is visible and may be empty

60 Content Server API Reference Manual


The default is 1.

Return value
The Addpackageinfo method returns TRUE if successful and FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Addpackageinfo method adds a package definition to an existing port definition.
The new package information is appended to the end of the port and package list.
The port name and package name pair must be unique within the activity.
If a package definition already exists for the port you specify, the method returns an error.
If you specify a foreign object ID for the package_id, the server connects to the remote
repository to verify the object.
The server does not process or validate the package_operation instructions.
Package compatibility
Package definitions for linked input and output ports must be compatible. Package
compatibility, page 218, in Content Server Fundamentals provides a full description of
how compatibility is evaluated.
If you are defining a package for an output port, keep in mind that an output port is
allowed to send packages whose components are subtypes of the object type identified in
the package_type argument. Consequently, if the package type specified for an output
port is a supertype of the object type specified for its linked input port, the server will
generate a warning when you validate the process, to alert you that a runtime error
may occur on that link.
For example, suppose an output port’s package definition specifies dm_sysobject in
r_package_type and its linked input port’s package definition specifies a dm_folder
object. The link will pass validation because folders are a subtype of SysObject. However,
at runtime, the output port may send a document over the link. This will cause an error
because the input port was expecting a folder, and documents and folders have a peer
relationship in the object hierarchy rather than one of subtype and supertype.
Setting the r_package_ag argument
This argument controls whether or not the package is visible to the activity performer
and whether or not the package may be empty. Making a package invisible has the
following behavioral consequences for the package:
• Webtop and DTC Documentum clients at version levels 5.3 and higher will not
display the package to the activity performer.

Content Server API Reference Manual 61


• Removepackage and Addnote methods are not supported against an invisible

• The GET_INBOX administration method does not return objects associated with
invisible packages.
• In the text in a task_subject, package references are only resolved if the package is
visible. References to invisible packages are not resolved.
• In email templates, package references are only resolved and displayed if the
package is visible. References to invisible packages are not resolved.
Workflow Manager does not recognize the visibility setting. Consequently, making a
package invisible by setting the r_package_flag argument in Addpackageinfo has no effect
if users are managing the workflows using Workflow Manager. Similarly, the setting is
not recognized by pre-5.3 client applications.
An empty package is a package that has no components. Empty packages are generated
by calling an Addpackage method at runtime with no components specified.

Related methods
Removepackageinfo, page 362

This example uses the Addpackageinfo method to add package definitions to ports
in an activity definition.
Print "Create dm_activity"
act_id1 = dmAPIGet ("create," sess ",dm_activity")
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",object_name",
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",trigger_threshold", 1)
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",transition_type", 2)
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",exec_type", 1)
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",performer_type", 0)
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",exec_method_id",
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",exec_save_results",
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",exec_time_out", "1")
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",exec_err_handling", 1)
status = dmAPIExec ("addport,s0," act_id1 ",port_i1,I")
status = dmAPIExec ("addpackageinfo,s0," act_id1
status = dmAPIExec ("addport,s0," act_id1 ",port_o1,O")
status = dmAPIExec ("addpackageinfo,s0," act_id1
status = dmAPIExec ("addport,s0," act_id1 ",port_o2,O")
status = dmAPIExec ("addpackageinfo,s0," act_id1
",port_o2,pkg_33_a1,dm_document," & doc_id2)

62 Content Server API Reference Manual


status = dmAPIExec ("addroutecase,s0," act_id1

",route2,dm_workflow.r_runtime_state = 1, port_o2")
status = dmAPIExec ("addroutecase,s0," act_id1
status = dmAPIExec ("save,s0," act_id1)

Content Server API Reference Manual 63



Purpose Adds a new port to an activity definition.



Table 2-11. Addport method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
activity_id Identifies the activity definition to which you want to add the
port. Use the object ID of the activity.
port_name Identifies the name of the port. The designer must create
unique port names for each activity
port_type Identifies the type of the port: I(input), O (output) or R (revert).

Return value
The Addport method returns TRUE on success and FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
Use the Addport method to add a new port to an activity, and then use Addpackageinfo
method to add package information to the new port.
The Addport method returns an error if the port name has already been used in this

Related methods
Addpackageinfo, page 60
Removeport, page 367

64 Content Server API Reference Manual


This example uses the Addport method to add ports to an activity definition.
Print "Create dm_activity"
act_id1 = dmAPIGet ("create," sess ",dm_activity")
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",object_name",
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",trigger_threshold", 1)
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",transition_type", 2)
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",exec_type", 1)
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",performer_type", 0)
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",exec_method_id",
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",exec_save_results",
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",exec_time_out", "1")
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",exec_err_handling", 1)
status = dmAPIExec ("addport,s0," act_id1 ",port_i1,I")
status = dmAPIExec ("addpackageinfo,s0," act_id1
status = dmAPIExec ("addport,s0," act_id1 ",port_o1,O")
status = dmAPIExec ("addpackageinfo,s0," act_id1
status = dmAPIExec ("addport,s0," act_id1 ",port_o2,O")
status = dmAPIExec ("addpackageinfo,s0," act_id1
",port_o2,pkg_33_a1,dm_document," & doc_id2)
status = dmAPIExec ("addroutecase,s0," act_id1
",route2,dm_workflow.r_runtime_state = 1, port_o2")
status = dmAPIExec ("addroutecase,s0," act_id1
status = dmAPIExec ("save,s0," act_id1)

Content Server API Reference Manual 65



Purpose Adds a new rendition to an object.



Table 2-12. Addrendition method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object to which you want to add the rendition.
Use the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that
points to the object.
file_name Specifies the location of the file that contains the rendition you
want to add. This can be either a relative or absolute path
format Defines the format of the file. This must be an unquoted
character string that specifies one of the acceptable file
formats. If the format is the same as the format of the content
file identified in page_number, you must also include the
page_modifier argument.
page_number Identifies the page number of the content file to which you
are attaching the rendition. (Refer to Usage notes for an
explanation of page numbers.) The default is 0.
storage_name Identifies the storage area where you want to store the new
rendition. Use the name of the storage area’s storage object. If
this is not specified, the rendition is placed in the same storage
area as the document’s content.

66 Content Server API Reference Manual


Argument Description
atomic Commits any content changes to the object identified in
object_id immediately. Set this to TRUE to save the changes
automatically or FALSE if you want to require an explicit Save
operation. The default is FALSE.
keep_flag Indicates whether to keep or remove the rendition when the
content with which the rendition is associated is updated or
removed from the document or repository. TRUE means to
keep the rendition. FALSE means to remove it. The default
page_modifier Identifies the rendition when the rendition has the same
format as the content page with which it is associated. You
must set this argument if the rendition has the same format as
the content file identified in page_number. The page modifier
can be any string of no more than 32 characters.

You cannot include a page modifier if the batch_flag is set to

batch_flag Indicates whether the file identified in file_name is a tarred
batch file containing several renditions to be processed. TRUE
means the file is a batch file. FALSE means that the file is a
single file.

If batch_flag is TRUE and atomic is TRUE, then batch processing

occurs immediately. If batch_flag is TRUE but atomic is FALSE,
the batch processing occurs when the associated document is

The default for batch_flag is FALSE. Refer to Batch processing,

page 68 in the Usage notes for information about using the
batch processing capabilities of Addrendition.
other_file Specifies the file that contains the resource fork for a Macintosh
document. You can use either an absolute or a relative path. If
this is set, the path must be valid or Addrendition fails.

The other_file value is ignored when used with external stores.

Return value
The Addrendition method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Content Server API Reference Manual 67


Usage notes
Executing Addrendition creates a content object for the rendition. The content object
binds the rendition to the document and content from which the rendition is derived.
This is done by setting the parent_id, rendition, and page attributes in the content object.
The parent_id attribute is set to the object ID of the document that contains the source
content file.
The rendition attribute is set to 1, 2, or 3. A value of 1 indicates that the rendition was
generated by Content Server. A value of 2 indicates a rendition created by a client. A
value of 3 indicates that the keep_flag was set to T (TRUE) in the Addrendition method.
Setting the keep_flag to T means that when the object containing the source content is
versioned, the rendition will be kept as a rendition of the content in the new version.
The page attribute records the page number of the content file from which the rendition
is derived. Each primary content assigned to a document has a page number. This is
an integer value that defines the content’s position within the ordered list of contents
associated with the document. The first content that you associate with a document has
the page number zero. The page numbers of subsequent contents increment by one
and must be in sequence.
If the content file already has a rendition with the same format and page modifier as the
rendition you are adding, the new rendition replaces the current rendition.
Although no special permission is needed to execute the Addrendition method, to save
the changes to the object, you must have either Version permission (to check in the
object) or Write permission (to save the object). Setting the atomic argument to T requires
only Version permission.
Using the atomic argument
The atomic argument controls whether content changes are saved immediately, when the
method executes, or later, when an explicit Save or Checkin is issued. If the argument is
T, all content-related changes to the object are saved immediately. For example, if you
issued a Setfile to add a new primary content and then used Addrendition with atomic
set to T to add a rendition, both the Setfile and Addrendition changes are committed.
Batch processing
Addrendition allows you to add multiple renditions to a single content page in one
operation. The rendition content files plus a text file listing the rendition properties
must be tarred into one file, which is then included as the file_name argument in the
Addrendition method. The following procedure describes the steps in the process:

To add multiple renditions using one Addrendition method call:

1. Create a file called property.txt.

This file lists the file name, page modifier, and parameters for each rendition you
want to add. Refer to Property.txt format, page 69 for the format of this file.

68 Content Server API Reference Manual


2. Create a source text file.

You can give this file any name.
3. Edit the source text file to include the name of the property.txt file and the names of
the content files representing the renditions.
Each file name must be on a separate line. Include the rendition file names in the
same order in which their entries occur in the property.txt file. Do not include the
actual file, only the file name. For example:
You can use full or relative path specifications for the files. If the files are in the same
directory as the tar executable, no path specification is needed.
4. Tar the source text file.
You can use %DM_HOME%\bin\dmtar.exe on Windows or $DM_HOME/bin/tar
on UNIX platforms.
The tarred file must have a .tar extension.
5. Execute the Addrendition method including the tarred file resulting from Step 4 as
the file_name argument.
If the Addrendition is issued with the atomic flag set to T, the file is untarred and
processed and changes saved to the repository immediately. If the atomic flag is F,
the file is untarred and processed when the document is saved to the repository.
Property.txt format
Each rendition that you add in the batch must have a three-line entry in the property.
txt file in the following format:

name is the name of the content file for the rendition. modifier is the page modifier for the
rendition. If there is no modifier, specify an empty string. The page modifier dm_batch
is reserved for use by Content Server.
The parameter values you can set are the same as those allowed in the
SET_CONTENT_ATTRS administration method. (Refer to SET_CONTENT_ATTRS,
page 307 of the Content Server DQL Reference Manual for details.)
Each line in the entries must begin in the first column of the page; no spaces are
allowed before or after the equal signs; and the entries for individual renditions must
be separated by one blank line.
For example, this excerpt from a property.txt file describes three renditions:

Content Server API Reference Manual 69





Related methods
Removerendition, page 368

This example performs the following actions:
• Creates a document object
• Associates content of a particular format
• Associates a rendition of the content in a different format
• Saves the document object
doc_id = dmAPIGet("create," session ",dm_document")
if (doc_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet( "getmessage," session )
print "Error creating a document object"
print err_msg
txt_file = "myfile.txt"
err_flag = dmAPIExec("setfile," session "," doc_id "," txt_file ",text")
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error setting file contents"
print err_msg
wp5_file = "myfile.wp5"
err_flag = dmAPIExec("addrendition," session ","
doc_id "," wp5_file ",wp5")
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error adding a rendition of file contents"
print err_msg
if (dmAPIExec("save," session "," doc_id) ==0) {

70 Content Server API Reference Manual


print "Error saving the document object'" doc_id"'"

print dmAPIGet("getmessage, " session)

Content Server API Reference Manual 71



Purpose Adds a route case to an activity definition.



Table 2-13. Addroutecase method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
activity_id Identifies the activity definition to which you want to add a
route case. Use the object ID of the activity.
route_case_identifier Names the route case. The designer must create unique route
case names.
routing_condition The condition expression.
EXCEPTIONAL A reserved word that creates an exceptional route case. This
word is not case sensitive.
output_port Identifies the port or ports associated with this route case. Use
the ports’ names.

Return value
The Addroutecase method returns TRUE if successful and FALSE if unsuccessful.

72 Content Server API Reference Manual


Usage notes
The Addroutecase method appends the route case to the condition list. The first form
adds a regular route case and the second form changes the ports of an existing route case.
The third form adds an exceptional route case to an automatic transition condition.
Regular route cases are evaluated in the order in which they appear in the list, and the
exceptional route case is always evaluated last.
You must assign a unique identifier to each regular route case. Identifiers that are longer
than sixteen characters are automatically truncated.
Specifying the routing condition
The routing condition can be any valid expression. (Refer to The WHERE clause, page
142 of the Content Server DQL Reference Manual for information about valid expressions.)
If the expression references an attribute of the workflow, work item, or package object,
you can use the tokens dm_workflow, dmi_workitem, or dmi_package to reference the
object. At runtime, the server substitutes the correct object for the token.
For example, if you want the server to examine the value of the work item’s return_value
attribute, you could define the routing condition as:

At runtime, the server interprets the dmi_workitem to mean the work item referenced
by the r_last_witem_id attribute of the workflow object.
If you use dmi_package, the server chooses the first component in the package (identified
in r_package_name[0]) if there are multiple components in the package.
Additionally, when you use the package token, the condition may only reference
attribute defined for the object type specified in the package’s definition. For example, if
the package definition specifies dm_sysobject and the object type of actual component
in the package is my_subtype, only the attributes defined for dm_sysobject can be
referenced in the routing condition.

Related methods
Removeroutecase, page 371

This example uses the Addroutecase method to add routing information to an activity
Print "Create dm_activity"

act_id1 = dmAPIGet ("create," sess ",dm_activity")

Content Server API Reference Manual 73


status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",object_name",

status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",trigger_threshold", 1)
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",transition_type", 2)
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",exec_type", 1)
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",performer_type", 0)
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",exec_method_id",
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",exec_save_results",
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",exec_time_out", "1")
status = dmAPISet("set,s0," act_id1 ",exec_err_handling", 1)
status = dmAPIExec ("addport,s0," act_id1 ",port_i1,I")
status = dmAPIExec ("addpackageinfo,s0," act_id1
status = dmAPIExec ("addport,s0," act_id1 ",port_o1,O")
status = dmAPIExec ("addpackageinfo,s0," act_id1
status = dmAPIExec ("addport,s0," act_id1 ",port_o2,O")
status = dmAPIExec ("addpackageinfo,s0," act_id1
",port_o2,pkg_33_a1,dm_document," & doc_id2)
status = dmAPIExec ("addroutecase,s0," act_id1
",route2,dm_workflow.r_runtime_state = 1, port_o2")
status = dmAPIExec ("addroutecase,s0," act_id1
status = dmAPIExec ("save,s0," act_id1)

74 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Determines if there are any events waiting for the user.



Table 2-14. Anyevent method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.

Return value
The Anyevents method returns TRUE if there are events pending or FALSE if there are
no events waiting.

Usage notes
The Anyevents method looks at an internal flag to see if any items have been placed on
the user’s queue since the last time the Getevents method was called to retrieve inbox
items for the user. This flag is set whenever an item is queued to the user and unset each
time the user executes a Getevents method.

Related methods
Getevents, page 239

This example demonstrates the use of Anyevents in a polling routine:
while (1)
{sleep (10);

Content Server API Reference Manual 75


if (dmAPIExec("anyevents," session))
{coll = dmAPIGet ("getevents," session);
while (dmAPIExec("next," session "," coll);
{print"EVENT:" dmAPIGet("get,"session","coll",message")

76 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Adds a value to a repeating attribute.



Table 2-15. Append method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object that contains the attribute to which you
want to add a value. Use the object’s ID or an indirect reference
(@object_id) that points to the object.

To specify the api config object, use the keyword apiconfig

instead of the object ID.
attribute Identifies the attribute to which you are adding a value. You
must specify a repeating attribute that belongs to the specified
pattern Valid only if the attribute is a date attribute, this argument
defines a date format for the specified value. The pattern
can be any valid input format for dates. Refer to the Usage
notes, page 78 for an example and to Date literals, page 15 of
the Content Server DQL Reference Manual for a list of all valid
input formats.
value Specifies the value to append. You can use either a variable or
a character string to specify the value.

Return value
The Append method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Content Server API Reference Manual 77


Usage notes
The Append method adds the value at the end of the list of values in the repeating
If the attribute contains date values, you may want to specify an input format for the
value. This ensures that a specified value is not misinterpreted by the server. For
example, 03/04/1995 could be interpreted as March 4, 1995 (mm/dd/yyyy) or as April
3, 1995 (dd/mm/yyyy). To ensure that the value is interpreted as you wish, specify the
format’s pattern in the Append method. For example:

Related methods
Insert, page 271
Remove, page 351
Set, page 416
Note: You can also use the DQL UPDATE...OBJECT statement to add values to repeating

The following example performs the following operations:
• Creates a document object
• Associates content of the desired file
• Appends the authors’ names
• Saves the document object
doc_id = dmAPIGet("create," session ",dm_document")
if (doc_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error creating a document object"
print err_msg
the_file = "chap_1.wp5"
err_flag = dmAPIExec("setfile," session "," doc_id "," the_file ",wp5)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error setting file contents"
print err_msg
author_list = "W. Smith,J. Jones,R. Abnous,S. Ruppenthal"
count = split(author_list, author, ",")

78 Content Server API Reference Manual


for (i=1; i<=count; i++) {

err_flag = dmAPISet("append,"session","doc_id",authors",author[i])
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error appending authors' name to the 'authors' attribute"
print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("save," session "," doc_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error saving the document object"
print err_msg

Content Server API Reference Manual 79



Purpose Appends a content file to an object.



Table 2-16. Appendcontent method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object to which you are appending the content.
Use the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that
points to the object.
length Length, in bytes, of the data to be appended as content. This is
only required if the content is binary data.
set_resource For files created on Macintosh systems, indicates whether you
want the method to append the data fork (the file containing
the content) or the resource fork. FALSE (the default) appends
the data fork (the content file). TRUE appends the resource
fork (the file specified in the other_ticket attribute of the
content object).
content The location in memory of the data to be appended.

Return value
The Appendcontent method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
Use Appendcontent in an application when you want to append data that resides in
working memory. This method is not intended for direct use by a user. Instead, in an

80 Content Server API Reference Manual


application, the method should interact with the user’s system, to take data residing in
working memory and append it as content to a document. (Users wanting to add content
to an object should use the Setfile, Appendfile, or Insertfile method.)
If you are appending content created on a Macintosh machine, you must issue the
Appendcontent twice before saving the object. Issue the method once to append the data
fork (set_resource=F) and then again to append the resource fork (set_resource=T). When
you append the data fork, the content argument must identify the location in memory of
the data fork. When you append the resource fork, the content argument must identify
the memory location of the resource fork.
You cannot use the Appendcontent method with external storage areas.

Related methods
Insertcontent, page 274
Removecontent, page 355
Setcontent, page 424

doc_id = dmget("create,s0,dm_document");
if (doc_id == NULL)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmset("set,s0,last,object_name","my_document")
status = dmset("set,s0,last,a_content_type", "text")
content = "This manual is for use with the B1.1release."

status = dmset("appendcontent,s0,last", content)

if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmexec("save,s0,last")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess

Content Server API Reference Manual 81



Purpose Appends a content file to an object.



Table 2-17. Appendle method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the document to which you are adding the content.
Use the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that
points to the object.
file_name Specifies the file that you are adding as content to the object.
Use either a relative or absolute path specification.
other_file Specifies the file that contains the resource fork for a Macintosh
document. You can use either an absolute or a relative path. If
this is set, the path must be valid or the method fails.

The other_file value is ignored when used with external stores.

Return value
The Appendfile method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if not successful.

Usage notes
You must have Version permission for the document to add a new content to a document.
Note that if the content type of the object identified by object_id has not been set, you
must do so before you execute the Appendfile method. You set the object’s content
type by setting its a_content_type attribute.

82 Content Server API Reference Manual


Related methods
Insertfile, page 277
Setfile, page 434

This example performs the following operations:
• Creates a document object
• Appends files to the document object
• Saves the document object
doc_id = dmAPIGet("create," session ",dm_document")
if (doc_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error creating a document object"
print err_msg
cmd_str =
err_flag=dmAPISet("set," session "," doc_id ",a_content_type", "wp5")
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error setting content type"
print err_msg
file_list = "section1.wp5 section2.wp5 section3.wp5 section4.wp5"
count = split(file_list, file, ",")
for (i=1; i=count; i++) {
err_flag = dmAPIExec("appendfile," session "," doc_id "," file[i])
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error appending content to the document object"
print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("save," session "," doc_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error saving the document object"
print err_msg

Content Server API Reference Manual 83



Purpose Appends a component to a virtual document.



Table 2-18. Appendpart method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
document_id Identifies the virtual document to which you are appending
the new component. Use the object’s ID or an indirect reference
(@object_id) that points to the object.
component_id Identifies the component you want to add to the virtual
document. Use either the component’s object ID or its chronicle
ID (the value in the component’s i_chronicle_id attribute).

A component can be any SysObject or SysObject subtype

except a folder, cabinet, or folder or cabinet subtype.
version_label Identifies which version of the new component you want to
append. You can use either an implicit or symbolic label.
(Refer to Identifying the new component, page 86 for more
information about using version labels.)

84 Content Server API Reference Manual


Argument Description
use_node_ver_label Determines how the server chooses late-bound descendants of
a component. This is useful only if the component is a virtual

T (TRUE) directs the server to use the component’s early-bound

symbolic label to resolve late-bound descendants. F (FALSE)
directs the server to resolve the component’s descendants using
the late-bound version label specified in the IN DOCUMENT
clause. (Refer to The use_node_ver_label argument, page 87
for an expanded explanation.)

The default is F (FALSE).

follow_assembly Determines whether the server uses the containment objects
or the component’s assembly to find the component’s
descendants. This argument is only useful if the component
is a virtual document.

T (TRUE) directs the server to use the component’s assembly

(if it has an assembly). F (FALSE) directs the server to use the
containment objects.
copy_child Determines whether the Documentum client copies or
references the component when a user copies the containing
virtual document. This is an integer attribute. Valid values are:

0, which lets users decide at the time the copy operation is


1, which directs the client to reference the component

2, which directs the client to copy the component

The default value is 0.

Refer to Defining copy behavior, page 88 for more information.

Content Server API Reference Manual 85


Argument Description
containment_type Used only if the containing virtual document (identified in
document_id) is an XML document. This argument identifies
what type of reference to the component is found in the
containing document.

If you include this, you must also include containment_desc.

This argument is used primarily by the Documentum clients.

Refer to XML support, page 88 for details.
containment_desc Used only if the containing virtual document (identified in
document_id) is an XML document. This argument identifies
the text of reference to the component in the containing

If you include this, you must also include containment_type.

This argument is used primarily by the Documentum clients.

Refer to XML support, page 88 for details.

Return value
The Appendpart method returns the object ID of the containment object that describes
the relationship between the component and the virtual document.

Usage notes
The Appendpart method appends a new component to the end of the ordered list of
components in a virtual document.
Note: If you use user-defined order numbers, you cannot use the Appendpart method
because this method has no facility for handling user-defined order numbers. You must
use the Insertpart method to add all new components to the virtual document.
You must save (or check in) the virtual document after you append a new component to
save the new component as part of the virtual document. Saving the virtual document
requires Write permission on the document. Checking it in as a new version requires
Version permission on the document.
Identifying the new component
Identify the component you want to append by using either its object ID or the value in
its chronicle ID attribute and, optionally, a version label. The object ID is found in the
object’s r_object_id attribute. The chronicle ID, which identifies the root (original) version

86 Content Server API Reference Manual


of the object, is found in the i_chronicle_id attribute. (If an object has no versions, then its
r_object_id and i_chronicle_id attributes have the same value.)
Early binding
If you specify a version label, the server searches the version tree associated with
the object specified in component_id, finds that version, and appends it to the virtual
document. This is called early binding—a specific version of the object is bound to the
virtual document when the object is added.
You can specify either an implicit or symbolic version label. If you specify an implicit
label, there is an absolute link between that version and the virtual document. If you
specify a symbolic label, then whatever version of the object carries the label is linked to
your virtual document. (This means that the version that appears in your document may
change if the symbolic label is moved from one version to another. Refer to Absolute
links, page 166 and Symbolic links, page 166 of Content Server Fundamentalsfor a more
detailed discussion of absolute and symbolic linking.)
Late binding
If you specify only the component’s object ID or its chronicle ID (with no version label),
the server associates the component’s entire version tree with the virtual document.
Later, when you assemble the virtual document, you must identify which version of
the object you want to include. This is called late binding. Late binding allows you to
assemble virtual documents conditionally.
Dening assembly behavior
If the new component is a virtual document, the use_node_ver_label and follow_assembly
arguments let you define how the server chooses the component’s descendants when the
virtual document that contains the component is assembled.
The use_node_ver_label argument
The use_node_ver_label argument sets the use_node_ver_label attribute in the containment
object for the component.
If use_node_ver_label is TRUE for the component and the component is early bound to
the virtual document, the server resolves any late-bound descendants of the component
using the early-binding label specified for the component. It ignores any binding
condition specified at the time of assembly. If an early-bound descendant is found that
has use_node_ver_label set to TRUE, then that descendant’s label is used to resolve
descendants from that point in the hierarchy.
If use_node_ver_label is FALSE or if the component is late bound to the virtual
document, the server resolves the component’s late-bound descendants using the binding
condition specified at the time of assembly.
(use_node_ver_label, page 167 in Content Server Fundamentals contains an expanded
explanation of how use_node_ver_label affects the assembly of virtual documents.)

Content Server API Reference Manual 87


The follow_assembly argument

The follow_assembly argument sets the follow_assembly attribute in the component’s
containment object. If the component has an associated assembly and follow_assembly
is set to TRUE, the server will use the assembly rather than the containment objects to
determine the component’s descendants. In these cases, any binding conditions for the
descendants are ignored. The descendants are taken from the assembly.
If follow_assembly is FALSE or if the component has no assembly, the server uses
the containment objects and binding specifications to determine the component’s
Dening copy behavior
Setting the copy_child argument sets the copy_child attribute in the component’s
containment object. This attribute controls how the Documentum client handles the
component when users copy the containing virtual document. The client can either
copy or reference the component.
Copy_child is an integer attribute with three valid values:
• 0, which means that users make the decision to copy or reference the component
when they request the operation
• 1, which directs the client to reference the component in the new copy
• 2, which directs the client to copy the component for the new copy
The default value is 0.
Note: The reference is an internal pointer. It is not a dm_reference object.
XML support
The containment_type and containment_desc arguments are used internally by the DFC to
correctly set the references in the containing document when the component is added to
the containing document. The arguments set the a_contain_type and a_contain_desc
attributes in the containment object.
Although you can use these arguments to set the attributes to values you choose, if you
do, the behavior of the XML document when manipulated using DesktopClient or the
DFC is undefined.
For more information about the values set by these arguments and their use, refer to
XML support, page 165 in Content Server Fundamentals.

Related methods
Insertpart, page 280
Removepart, page 364
Updatepart, page 486

88 Content Server API Reference Manual


component_id = dmget("create,s0,dm_document");
if (component_id == NULL)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmset("set,s0,last,object_name", "Chapter1")
status = dmexec("save,s0,last")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
parent_id = dmget("create,s0,dm_document");
if (parent_id == NULL)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmset("set,s0,last,object_name", "Book")
containment_id = dmget("appendpart,s0,last,"
component_id ",,T,F,2")
if (containment_id == NULL)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmexec("save,s0,last")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess

Content Server API Reference Manual 89



Purpose Appends a state to a lifecycle.



Table 2-19. Appendstate method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id The object ID of the lifecycle.

Return value
The Appendstate method returns the new state’s index value. The index value identifies
which row in each of the repeating attributes that define states is associated with the
new state.

Usage notes
The Appendstate method is used to install a lifecycle definition. Users must have Write
permission of the object to add a new state.
The Appendstate method also sets the following default attribute values for the state:

Table 2-20. Default attribute values set by appendstate

Attribute Default
state_name null (user must provide a value)
state_class 0 (normal)
entry_criteria_id null
user_criteria_id null

90 Content Server API Reference Manual


Attribute Default
action_object_id null
user_action_id null
exception_state null
allow_attach F (user is required to ensure at least one
is set to TRUE)
allow_schedule T
return_to_base F
type_override null
allow_demote F

Related methods
Removestate, page 373

status = dmAPIGet("appendstate," sess ",l")a

Content Server API Reference Manual 91



Purpose Invokes procedures that perform system administration tasks and run external



Table 2-21. Apply method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object that is the subject of the operation you are
performing. Use the object’s object ID. You can specify this as
NULL in some instances. (Refer to Chapter 3, Administration
Methods , of the Content Server DQL Reference Manual for a
description of the syntax for individual methods.)

Important Note: You cannot use an indirect reference for this

argument when executing the Apply method. All Apply
operations must be performed locally.
admin_method_ name Specifies the operation that you want to perform. Table
2–22, page 93 lists the methods and their purposes. Refer to
Chapter 3, Administration Methods , in the Content Server DQL
Reference Manual for detailed descriptions of each method.
argument Specifies a valid argument for the specified method.
datatype Identifies the datatype of the specified argument. The datatype
is specified as a single letter. Valid datatypes are:

S or s (for String) B or b (for Boolean) I or i (for Integer) T or t

(for Time) D or d (for Double)
value Defines that value assigned to the argument. This is specified
as a string containing an appropriate value for the specified

92 Content Server API Reference Manual


Return value
The Apply method returns a collection identifier for a collection that contains the results
of the specified method.

Usage notes
Table 2–22, page 93 lists the administration methods you can invoke using the Apply
method and briefly describes the operation that each performs.
Note: The links in the second column take you to the description of the method in the
DQL Reference Manual.

Table 2-22. Administration methods by category for the Apply method

Category of Function Description

Process BATCH_PROMOTE, Promotes multiple objects to their next
Management page 175 lifecyle states.
Note: This method is not available
through Documentum Administrator
or using DQL EXECUTE.
CHECK_SECURITY, Checks a user or group’s permissions
page 186 level for one or more objects.
GET_INBOX, page 219 Returns items in user’s Inbox.
MARK_AS_ Sets the i_is_archived attribute of a
ARCHIVED, page dm_audittrail, dm_audittrail_acl, or
256 dm_audittrail_group to T.
PURGE_AUDIT, page Removes audit trail entries from the
275 repository.
RECOVER_AUTO_ Recovers work items claimed by a
TASKS, page 288 worflow agent master session but not
yet processed.
ROLES_FOR_USER, Returns the roles assigned to a user in
page 302 a particular client domain.
Execute methods DO_METHOD, page Executes system-defined procedures
197 such as lpq or who or user-defined
HTTP_POST, page 228 Directs the execution of a method to
an application server.

Content Server API Reference Manual 93


Category of Function Description

Content storage CAN_FETCH, page Determines whether content in a
management 177 distributed storage area component
can be fetched by the server.
CHECK_ Finds SysObjects in content-addressed
RETENTION_ storage that have an expired retention
EXPIRED, page 182 period or no retention period.
CLEAN_LINKS, page Provides maintenance for linked store
189 storage areas. On UNIX platforms, it
cleans up unneeded linkrecord objects,
directories, and links associated with
linked storage areas. On Windows
platforms, it cleans up unneeded
linkrecord objects and resets file
storage object security.
DELETE_REPLICA , Removes a replica from a distributed
page 193 storage area.
DESTROY_ Removes a content object and its
CONTENT, page 195 associated file from the repository.
(Do not use this for archiving; use
GET_FILE_URL, page Returns the URL to a content file.
GET_PATH, page 225 Returns the path to a particular content
file in a particular distributed storage
area component.
IMPORT_REPLICA, Imports an external file as a replica of
page 234 content already in the repository.
MIGRATE_ Moves content files from one storage
CONTENT, page 260 area to another.
PURGE_CONTENT, Deletes a content file from a storage
page 283 area. (Used as part of the archiving
PUSH_CONTENT_ Sets the content metadata in a
ATTRS, page 285 content-addressed storage system for
a document stored in that storage

94 Content Server API Reference Manual


Category of Function Description

REGISTER_ASSET, Queues a request for the creation of a
page 290 thumbnail, proxies, and metadata for
a rich media content file. The request
is queued to Media Server.

This method is only available or useful

if you have Documentum Media
Transformation Services running.
REPLICATE, page 295 Copies content in one component of
a distributed storage area to another
RESTORE_CONTENT, Moves a file or files from archived
page 300 storage to the original storage location.
SET_CONTENT_ Sets the content_attr_name and
ATTRS, page 307 content_attr_value attributes in the
content object associated with the
content file.
SET_STORAGE_ Sets the state of a storage area to
STATE, page 316 off-line, on-line, or read-only.
SYNC_REPLICA_ Synchronizes the replica record
RECORDS, page 321 objects with the current definition of a
distributed storage area.
Note: This method is not available
through Documentum Administrator.
TRANSCODE_ Queues a request for a content
CONTENT, page 325 transformation to Media Server.

This method is only available or useful

if you have Documentum Media
Transformation Services running.
Database Methods DB_STATS, page 191 Provides database operation statistics
for a session.
DROP_INDEX, page Drops an index.
EXEC_SQL, page 211 Executes SQL statements.
EXPORT_TICKET_ Exports the login ticket key.
KEY, page 213

Content Server API Reference Manual 95


Category of Function Description

FINISH_INDEX_ Completes an interrupted object type
MOVES, page 215 index move operation.
IMPORT_TICKET_ Imports a login ticket key.
KEY, page 236
MAKE_INDEX, page Creates an object type index.
MOVE_INDEX, page Moves an object type index from one
271 tablespace to another.
Note: Not supported on DB2.
REORGANIZE_ Reorganizes a database table for query
TABLE, page 292 performance.
RESET_TICKET_KEY, Resets the login ticket key
page 298
UPDATE_STATISTICS, Updates the statistics for a database
page 329 table.
Full-Text Methods ESTIMATE_SEARCH, Returns the number of results
page 208 matching a particular SEARCH
MARK_FOR_RETRY, Finds all queue items representing
page 258 objects that failed indexing and marks
them as pending indexing.
MODIFY_TRACE, Sets the tracing level for full-text
page 269 indexing operations.
Session CHECK_CACHE_ Requests a consistency check on a
Management CONFIG, page 179 particular cache config object.
GET_LAST_SQL, page Returns the last SQL statement issued.
GET_SESSION_DD_ Returns the locale in use for the
LOCALE, page 227 current session.
LIST_AUTH_ Lists the authentication plugins loaded
PLUGINS, page 238 by Content Server.
LIST_RESOURCES, Provides information about the server
page 240 operating system environment.
LIST_SESSIONS, page Provides information about current,
244 active sessions.

96 Content Server API Reference Manual


Category of Function Description

LIST_TARGETS, page Lists the connection brokers defined
248 as targets for the server.

The information is returned in a

collection with one result object whose
attributes list the connection brokers
defined as targets for the server.
LOG_ON, page 251 Turn server logging of information
and LOG_OFF, page about RPC calls on or off.
PING, page 273 Determine if a client has an active
server connection.
SET_APIDEADLOCK, Sets a deadlock trigger on a particular
page 304 API method or operation.
SET_OPTIONS, page Turn various tracing options on or off.
SHOW_SESSIONS, Provides information about current,
page 319 active sessions and a user-specified
number of timed-out sessions.
Web Publishing WEBCACHE_ Invokes the dm_webcache_publish
Management PUBLISH, page 332 method to publish documents to a
Web site.

Related methods
There are no related methods. However, you can also use the DQL EXECUTE statement
to execute the Apply functions (with the exception of PING and WEBCACHE_PUBLISH).

Refer to Chapter 3, Administration Methods, in the Content Server DQL Reference Manual
for examples.

Content Server API Reference Manual 97



Purpose Queues an archive request to the repository operator.


Argument descriptions

Table 2-23. Archive method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
predicate Identifies the object or objects you want to archive. A valid
predicate has the format:
type_name WHERE qualification

The type_name must be a SysObject subtype, and the

qualification must be a valid WHERE clause qualification.

Do not specify the (ALL) keyword with type_name. The

dmarchive utility called to execute the archive request
automatically adds (ALL) to the type name in the predicate.
operator Specifies who receives the archive request. Specify the
repository user name of the operator. If you do not include the
operator name, the request is forwarded to the inbox of the
default operator. Refer to the Usage notes for more details.
priority Specifies a priority level for the request. The server operator
does not use this value. It is solely for the convenience of end
users or user applications. The default value is zero.
send_mail Directs the server to send an electronic mail notification about
the archive request to the specified operator. The default is
due_date Informs the operator when the archive request should be
completed. The default for this is NULLDATE.

98 Content Server API Reference Manual


Return value
The Archive method returns the object ID of the dmi_queue_item for the queued archive
Because the query defined by the predicate can return more than one object, the ID
returned by the Archive method is the ID of the last object queued for archiving. To find
all the objects queued for archiving, run a query against the dm_queue view.

Usage notes
Executing the Archive method runs the query specified in the predicate to ensure that the
specified objects exist, are online, and are SysObject subtypes. If these conditions are
met, the method queues a DM_ARCHIVE event to the inbox of the repository operator,
sending the predicate as the event message.
Note: Do not include the keyword (ALL) in the type name in the predicate. The
dmarchive utility, called to process the archive requests, adds (ALL) to the type name
automatically. Consequently, if you include the keyword in the predicate, the utility
fails when it attempts to execute the query generated from the predicate because (ALL)
appears twice in the syntax.
The operator is responsible for actually archiving the requested files or files. Content
Server provides an archiving utility, called dmarchive, for this purpose. When the
operator receives the archive request, dmarchive can be executed in response, to move
the requested from file from its storage area to a designated archive area.
If you do not specify an operator, the event is queued to the default operator, who is the
user specified in the operator_name attribute of the server’s server config object.
Refer to Archiving and restoring documents, page 280 in the Content Server
Administrator’s Guide for more information about archiving and restoring content files.

Related methods
Restore, page 389

event_id = dmAPIGet("archive,c,dm_sysobject where\
owner_name = 'user',sysadmin,1,T,11/01/94");
if (sevent_id == NULL)
{error_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0");
print error_msg;

Content Server API Reference Manual 99



Purpose Selects the components for an assembly.


Argument descriptions

Table 2-24. Assembly method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
document_id Identifies a document with which you want to associate
the assembly. Use the document’s object ID or an indirect
reference (@object_id) that points to the document.
virtual_doc_id Identifies the virtual document from which you are creating
the assembly. This can be the same as the object ID provided
for document_id. Use the virtual document’s object ID or an
indirect reference in the format @object_id that points to the
virtual document.
interrupt_freq Specifies how often the system stops the assembly process and
turns control back to the user or application. Use an integer
number for this argument.

If unspecified, the default is -1, and the process continues,

without stopping, until completion. All assembly records
would attempt to be created before a commit.

If specified, the process stops whenever:

• The specified number of assembly objects (each representing
one component of the virtual document) have been created
and committed, or
• When the number of objects to create is less than the
number specified.

100 Content Server API Reference Manual


Argument Description
qualification Determines which components are selected for inclusion in
the assembly. Refer to the Usage notes for information about
the form and content of this argument.
nodesort_list Contains a comma-separated list of the attributes on which you
want to sort versions that are candidates for inclusion in the
assembly. Use this argument only if the qualification includes
an IN DOCUMENT clause that contains the NODESORT BY
option. Refer to the Usage notes for more details.

Return value
The Assemble method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.
Note: The Assemble method creates a collection of the items for the assembly. It does
not actually create an assembly. Consequently, the return value only indicates whether
the items for the collection were successfully collected. Refer to the Usage notes for more
information about the process of creating an assembly.

Usage notes
You must have at least Write permission on the specified virtual document to create
an assembly for it.
An assembly represents a virtual document at a particular point in time and under
the conditions you specify when you create the assembly. It consists of a collection of
assembly objects, each representing one component of the virtual document.
The Assemble method creates a collection of the items that will compose the assembly.
Creating the assembly is a four-step process. After you issue the Assembly method,
you use Getlastcoll to obtain the collection’s ID, and then you must iterate through the
collection using Next, and then issue a Close. For a detailed explanation of the process,
refer to Creating snapshots, page 176 in Content Server Fundamentals.
Note: Because the Assemble method opens and manages its own transaction, you cannot
issue the Assemble method or create an assembly while an explicit transaction is open.
An explicit transaction is a transaction that a user opens with a Begintran method call or
a BEGIN TRAN DQL statement.
Identifying the source and target documents
In general, you use the document_id argument to specify which virtual document is the
source of the assembly. When this argument is specified and the optional virtual_doc_id
argument is not specified, the server creates the assembly from and assigns the assembly

Content Server API Reference Manual 101


to the virtual document identified by document_id. In these instances, the document_id

must identify a virtual document.
If both the document_id and the virtual_doc_id arguments are included, the server uses the
document identified in the virtual_doc_id argument as the source of the assembly and
assigns the finished assembly to the document identified in the document_id argument.
Note that in this case, the document_id can identify a simple document. This ability to
separate the source and target of the Assemble method gives you a way to define several
different assemblies for one virtual document. Simply execute the Assemble method
once for each assembly you want to create (using a different qualification) and assign the
resulting assembly to a different document.
The virtual document identified in the document_id argument can also be the same as the
virtual document identified in the virtual_doc_id argument. This simply associates the
assembly with the virtual document specified in the virtual_doc_id argument.
Specifying the qualication
The qualification determines which components are included in the assembly. This is an
optional argument. If it is not included, the server assembles all the components of the
specified virtual document, both the directly and indirectly contained components.
The keyword DESCEND is implicit if the qualification is not included. Including the
qualification allows you to specify which of the components you want. The statement
assembles only those components that meet the criteria in the qualification.
The qualification is that portion of the SELECT statement that follows the keyword FROM
in the statement. The qualification must begin with a type name and must include either
an IN DOCUMENT or an IN ASSEMBLY clause. It can also include a SEARCH clause
and/or a WHERE clause. The qualification is specified as a character string. (Refer to The
IN DOCUMENT clause, page 134, The IN ASSEMBLY clause, page 137, The SEARCH
clause, page 138, and The WHERE clause, page 142 of the Content Server DQL Reference
Manual for more information.)
If you include an IN DOCUMENT clause that includes a NODESORT BY option,
then you must include the nodesort_list argument in the method call. This argument
must contain a comma-separated list of attributes that matches the list specified in the
NODESORT BY option in the qualification. (Refer to The NODESORT BY option, page
137 in the Content Server DQL Reference Manual for information.)
The object_id that you specify in the qualification’s IN DOCUMENT or IN ASSEMBLY
clause must match the object ID of the document that is the source of the assembly (refer
to Identifying the source and target documents, page 101 ).
If you do not specify a qualification, the server builds a SELECT statement with an
IN DOCUMENT clause and uses the object ID specified as the source document in
the Assemble method as the object_id for the clause. Also, if any of the selected direct
components were added to the virtual document using late binding, the server chooses
the root object of the version tree containing the component.

102 Content Server API Reference Manual


Interrupt frequency
The interrupt_freq argument defines how many assembly objects are created with each
execution of Next. After the specified number of objects are created, control is returned
to the application. At that time, the application can issue another Next, to process the
next batch or it can terminate the process. Specify a positive integer number. If you
do not specify the interrupt_freq, its default value is -1, which means that all chosen
components are processed before control is returned to the application.
Setting interrupt_freq commits and destroys objects in stages and thereby can keep the
database log size small, and can provide more efficient use of the log, and can shorten
the duration a component document is locked.

Related methods
Disassemble, page 190

These examples presume a virtual document called book_id that has three direct
components, called Chap_1_id, Chap_2_id, and Chap_3_id. The Chap_1_id component
has one component, called Section_id.
This example creates an assembly for the virtual document that includes components at
all levels. (DESCEND by default)
status = dmexec("assemble,s0," book_id)
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0");
print err_mess
coll_id = dmget("getlastcoll,s0")
if (coll_id == NULL)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0");
print err_mess
status = dmexec("next,s0," coll_id)
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0");
print err_mess
status = dmexec("close,s0,q0")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0");
print err_mess

Content Server API Reference Manual 103


This example creates an assembly for the top-level virtual document. It also specifies an
interrupt frequency of 2.
status = dmexec("assemble,s0," book_id "," book_id ",2, \
dm_sysobject in document id ('" book_id "')")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0");
print err_mess
coll_id = dmget("getlastcoll,s0")
if (coll_id == NULL)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0");
print err_mess
while (dmexec("next,s0," coll_id))
{ count = dmget("get,s0," coll_id ",count");
print count
status = dmexec("close,s0,q0")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0");
print err_mess

This example creates an assembly and assigns it to the new document. It also has a
WITH clause in it.
assembly_id = dmget("create,s0,dm_document");
if (assembly_id == NULL)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0");
print err_mess
status = dmset("set,s0,last,object_name", "Assembly_bok")
status = dmexec("save,s0,last")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0");
print err_mess
status = dmexec("assemble,s0," assembly_id "," book_id \
",,dm_sysobject in document id ('" book_id "')\
descend with any r_version_label = 'CURRENT'")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0");
print err_mess
coll_id = dmget("getlastcoll,s0")

104 Content Server API Reference Manual


if (coll_id == NULL)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0");
print err_mess
status = dmexec("next,s0," coll_id)
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0");
print err_mess
status = dmexec("close,s0,q0")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0");
print err_mess

This example demonstrates the use of the NODESORT option in the qualification:
status = dmexec("assemble,s0," book_id "," book_id ",, \
dm_sysobject in document id ('" book_id "')\
NODESORT by title,title")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0");
print err_mess
coll_id = dmget("getlastcoll,s0")
if (coll_id == NULL)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0");
print err_mess
while (dmexec("next,s0," coll_id))
{ count = dmget("get,s0," coll_id ",count");
print count
status = dmexec("close,s0,q0")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0");
print err_mess

Content Server API Reference Manual 105



Purpose Gives ownership of an existing repository session to a new user.


Argument descriptions

Table 2-25. Assume method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies the session for which the user wishes to assume
ownership. This must be the current primary repository
session, identified by a session identifier in the format sn; for
example, s0.
user_auth_name Identifies the user who wants ownership of the session. Use
the value in the user’s user_os_name attribute.

Do not supply this argument when attempting a Windows

unified logon.
password Specifies the user’s password. Valid password formats are:

where plugin_id is the plugin identifier for an authentication


If the password is encrypted, the format for the password

argument is:


where encrypted_password is one of the following in encrypted


Refer to the Usage notes for details.

Do not supply this argument if you are using a login ticket or

attempting a Windows unified logon.

106 Content Server API Reference Manual


Argument Description

A password may not exceed 8,192 characters in length.

login_ticket A ticket used by Content Server, in place of a password, to
authenticate the user assuming ownership of the session.
Login tickets are returned by the Getlogin method. Refer
to Using login tickets, page 109 for more information about
obtaining and using login tickets.

Do not supply this argument if you provide the user’s

password or if you are attempting a Windows unified logon.
domain Specifies the domain for the user name and password.

The domain may be provided as part of the username

argument, in the format domain\username, for any version of
the product.

On UNIX platforms, domain values are only used if the user

authentication mechanism is set up to use domains.

You must have a client library (DMCL) that is 3.1.5 or later

on the client machine if you are providing the domain as
the fourth argument (for example: repository, username,
password, domain).

Do not supply this argument when attempting a Windows

unified logon.

If you are providing a user_arg argument, you must include

the placeholding comma for the domain argument in the
command line. For example:

assume, session , user_auth_name , password ,, user_arg

user_arg Character string argument that can be used to send a value to
a user-written user-validation program.

Do not supply this argument when attempting a Windows

unified logon.

Return value
The Assume method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Content Server API Reference Manual 107


Usage notes
The Assume method lets you transfer the ownership of a particular repository session
from one user to another within an application.
When an application issues the Assume method, the server authenticates the new user
and, if the authentication succeeds, gives ownership of the session to the user. The server
automatically resets any security-related and cache information for the session as needed.
The Assume method supports application-level connection pooling. Enabling connection
pooling by setting the appropriate keys in the dmcl.ini file is not needed.
Authenticating the user
Content Server uses the values in the user_auth_name and password arguments to
authenticate the user wishing to assume the connection. If the authentication is to
be performed by an authentication plug-in module and the plug-in identifier is not
specified in the user’s user_source attribute, you must prefix the password with the
plug-in module’s identifier. (The identifier is defined by the plugin module.) The format
of a password with a plugin identifier is:

The plug-in identifier tells Content Server which authentication plug-in to use to
authenticate the user. If Content Server cannot find the module, the method fails.
If a plug-in module is not identified in the arguments, Content Server authenticates the
user by the mechanism defined in the user_source attribute of the user’s dm_user object.
• If the attribute indicates that the user is authenticated against the operating system
using the default mechanism, the user is authenticated using the default mechanism.
• If the attribute is set to LDAP, Content Server authenticates the user against the
LDAP server.
• If the attribute is set to a plug-in identifier, Content Server authenticates the user
using the plug-in module. If Content Server cannot locate the plug-in, the server
authenticates the user using the platform’s default mechanism.
On Windows platforms, the user identified in the user_auth_name argument must have
the right to logon interactively within the domain security policy.
Using encrypted passwords
If you are using encrypted passwords, the password argument must specified as

encrypted_password is the encrypted form of either of the valid password formats. The
password must have been encrypted using the Encryptpass method.
When the DMCL receives the method, it decrypts the string using the AEK. The
AEK must be initialized within the API session before the DMCL can execute the
method. The recommended way to initialize the AEK is to use an Initcrypto method.
If you do not use an Initcrypto method, the Assume method looks for the AEK

108 Content Server API Reference Manual


in the location identified in the environment variable DM_CRYPTO_FILE. If the

AEK location is not identified in DM_CRYPTO_FILE, the method assumes it is in
%DOCUMENTUM%\dba\secure\aek.key ($DOCUMENTUM/dba/secure/aek.key).
When the key is found, the method initializes the AEK before proceding.
Commas in user_auth_name and password
The value in the user_auth_name or password argument can contain commas. However,
you must enclose the argument in single quotes if the value contains a comma. For
example, suppose the user JaneDoe has the password “violet,eyes”. The Assume method
would be:
Using login tickets
The first time a user assumes ownership of a session, you must provide the user’s
password in the Assume method. After the user has ownership, use the Getlogin method
to obtain a login ticket for the user. (Login tickets are valid only for the user who issues
the method.) Then, you can use the login ticket in place of the user’s password if the user
requires subsequent connections to the repository.

Related methods
Connect, page 155
Getlogin, page 247
Initcrypto, page 269

repository = "testenv"
session = dmAPIGet("connect," & repository & ",user1,passwd1")
If session = "" Then
print "Error connecting to repository '" & repository & "'"
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," & session)
print err_msg
End If
inf_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," & session)
print inf_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("assume," & session & ",user2,passwd2")
If err_flag = 0 Then
print "Error assuming user 'user2'"
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," & session)
print err_msg
End If
inf_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," & session)
print inf_msg

Content Server API Reference Manual 109


err_flag = dmAPIExec("disconnect," & session)

if err_flag = 0 Then
print "Error disconnecting from repository '" & repository & "'"
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," & session)
print err_msg
End If

110 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Attaches an object to a lifecycle, replaces an object’s lifecycle, or removes an object’s




Table 2-26. Attach method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the SysObject to which to attach the lifecycle. Use
the object’s object ID.

If the object ID identifies a replica object or you include an

indirect reference (@objectid), the source object is affected, not
the replica or mirror object, and the value in policy_id must
reference a lifecycle in the same repository as the source object.
default Attaches the default lifecycle, as defined in the data dictionary.
policy_id Identifies the lifecycle to attach. Use the policy’s object ID.

If you do not specify default or a policy_id, the SysObject is

detached from its current policy and r_policy_id is set to
position Identifies the state to which you want to attach the object by its
position in the policy.
state_name Identifies the state to which you want to attach the object by
its name.

Content Server API Reference Manual 111


Argument Description
alias_set_position Identifies the alias set object used to resolve any aliases found
in the attached object. The alias set object must be defined
in the lifecycle. It is identified by its index position in the
alias_set_ids attribute of the policy object.

If you use this argument, do not include alias_set_name.

alias_set_name Identifies the alias set object used to resolve any aliases found
in the attached object. The alias set object must be defined in
the lifecycle. It is identified by its object name.

If you use this argument, do not include alias_set_position.

Return value
The Attach method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Attach method can:
• Attach an object with no current lifecycle to a lifecycle
• Replace an object’s lifecycle with another lifecycle
• Detach an object from its lifecycle
You must have the following permissions to use Attach:
• You must own the document that you attaching to a lifecyle or you must be a
• You must have at least Relate permission on the lifecycle (the dm_policy object) to
which you are attaching a document.
• If you are attaching a document to a lifecycle and the state to which you are attaching
the document has action procedures that change the document, the user who is
performing the action procedures must have Write permission on the document.
Note: The user performing the action procedures is determined by the
a_bpaction_run_as attribute in the docbase config object. Typically, this attribute is
set to the session user.
Attaching or replacing lifecycles
To associate a lifecycle with an object that currently has no associated policy or to replace
an object’s current lifecycle, use the following syntax:

112 Content Server API Reference Manual



To attach the object to the default lifecycle defined for the object’s type, use the keyword
default. To identify some other lifecycle, use the policy’s object ID. You can specify
any lifecycle for which the object’s type is defined as a valid type. (Valid types for a
lifecycle are defined in the included_types and include_subtypes attributes of the policy’s
definition. For details, refer to Chapter 10, Lifecycles, in Content Server Fundamentals.)
The lifecycle must be an installed lifecycle.
By default, the object is attached to the base state of the lifecycle. To attach the object to
another state in the policy, use either the position or state_name arguments. Do not use
both. The state you specify must be an attachable state.
If you attach an object to an exception state, then you can only resume the object back to
the base state.
The Attach method launches the bp_transition method to evaluate the state’s entry
criteria and perform the state’s actions.
Use the alias_set_position or alias_set_name argument to identify an alias set object.
Typically, these arguments are used in applications that create new documents and
attach the documents to a lifecycle before saving them to a repository.
The application creates a SysObject such as a document and sets any of the following
attributes to aliases: owner_name, acl_name, or acl_domain. When the object is saved to
the repository, these aliases are resolved to an actual value. If the application attaches
the object to a lifecycle and identifies an alias set in the method, the server resolves the
aliases using the alias set specified in the method.
The alias set identified in the Attach method must be listed in the alias_set_ids attribute
of the lifecycle.
Removing lifecyles
To detach an object from a lifecycle, use the following syntax:

Failing to identify a lifecycle in the method removes any attached lifecycle from the

Related methods
Demote, page 176
Promote, page 323
Resume, page 392
Suspend, page 453

Content Server API Reference Manual 113


status = dmAPIExec("attach," sess "," doc_id ","
pol_id ",0")

114 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Initiates auditing of an event.



Table 2-27. Audit method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies a particular object or object type for which the event
is audited. Use the object’s object ID for individual objects. For
object types, use the object ID of the type’s dm_type object.

The object or object type must be a valid type for the event
specified in event_name. Appendix B, System Events, lists valid
targets for system events.

If unspecified, all occurrences of the event are audited.

event_name Defines the event to audit. Valid system-defined events are
listed in Appendix B, System Events. Other valid events are:
• Application eventsApplication events, page 121 describes
application events.
• Job executionsJob executions, page 121 describes auditing
job executions.

Content Server API Reference Manual 115


Argument Description
audit_subtypes Whether to audit subtypes of the audited object type. If
object_id identifies an object type and this attribute is T (TRUE),
then the event is audited for all objects of the specified type
and its subtypes. The default is T.

You cannot include this argument if:

• object_id is set to 0 or omitted
• object_id identifies a particular object
controlling_app An application code. If this argument is set, Content Server
only audits the event for those objects whose a_controlling_app
value is set to this application code.

Setting this argument to dm_all_applications is equivalent to

not including the argument. The event is audited for all objects
of the specified type regardless of their controlling application.

You cannot include this argument if:

• object_id is set to 0 or omitted
• object_id identifies a particular object
• event_name is dm_all, all, or dm_all_workflow
policy_id Identifies a lifecycle. Use the object ID of the lifecycle’s
dm_policy object. If the event is dm_bp_attach, you can set
policy_id to the keyword default.

If policy_id is set and object_id identifies an object type, Content

Server audits the event for objects of that type that are
attached to all versions of the lifecycle. If object_id identifies an
individual object, then the object is audited for the event only
when it is attached to this lifecycle.

You cannot include this argument if:

• object_id is set to 0 or omitted
• event_name is dm_all, all, or dm_all_workflow

116 Content Server API Reference Manual


Argument Description
state_name Identifies a particular state in the lifecycle identified in
policy_id. Use the state’s name.

If state_name is included and object_id identifies an object type,

Content Server audits the event for objects of the type that
are in this particular lifecycle state. If object_id identifies an
individual object, the object is audited for this event only when
the object is in this lifecycle state.

state_name is ignored unless you also include policy_id.

You cannot include this argument if:

• object_id is set to 0 or omitted
• event_name is dm_all, all, or dm_all_workflow
sign_audit Determines whether Content Server signs audit trail entries
generated for the event registered by the method. Setting this
to T (TRUE) directs the server to sign the generated audit
trail entries. The signature is stored in the audit_signature
attribute of the entry.

You cannot include this argument if you have included the

audit_subtypes argument.

The default is False.

authentication Indicates whether the application should authenticate the user
before creating an audit trail entry for the event.

This setting must be enforced by the application in which the

event occurs. Content Server ignores this argument.

You cannot include this argument if:

• object_id is set to 0 or omitted
• event_name is dm_all or all

(You can include this argument for the dm_all_workflow


Content Server API Reference Manual 117


Argument Description
event_description Defines a user-friendly name for the event.

If included for a system-defined event, this value overrides the

event’s user-friendly name stored in the data dictionary.

You cannot include this argument if:

• object_id is set to 0 or omitted
• event_name is dm_all or all

(You can include this argument for the dm_all_workflow

attribute_list Identifies one or more attributes of the audited objects to be
recorded in the audit trail entry. Identify the attributes by
name, separate mulitple attribute names with commas, and
enclose the list in single quotes. You can include single-valued
attributes, repeating attributes, and custom attributes.

If the audited event is a workflow event, the attributes must

those defined for dm_workflow (even though object_id
identifies a process object).

The attribute’s name and value is recorded in the audit trial

entry. For details, refer to Recording attributes in an audit trail
entry, page 121 .

You cannot include this argument if:

• object_id is set to 0 or omitted
• event_name is dm_all or all

(You can include this argument for the dm_all_workflow

esignature_required Specifies whether the event requires an electronic signature.
The default is F (FALSE).

Return value
The Audit method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

118 Content Server API Reference Manual


Usage notes
You must have Config_audit privileges to use this method.
Executing Audit creates a dmi_registry object that records the auditing request. The
values you include in the Audit arguments are recorded in the registry object. Thereafter,
if the event is a system event, Content Server creates an audit trail entry whenever
the event occurs. If the event is an application event, the application can examine the
registry to determine whether to create an audit trail entry for the event. (Table 2–125,
page 368 in the EMC Documentum Object Reference describes the attributes of a registry
object. Auditing is described in detail in Auditing, page 406 in the Content Server
Administrator’s Guide. )
Auditing doesn’t generate an email notification of the event’s occurrence. To receive
an email notification of an event’s occurrence, you must use the Register method to
register for the notification. You can both audit an event and register for notification of
its occurrence.
You can execute the Audit method only once for a particular combination of event,
object, and arguments. The Audit method fails if the particular combination of event,
object, with other arguments is already being audited.
Executing the Audit method also creates an audit trail entry with the event name
dm_audit to record the execution of the Audit method.
Auditing an event on a particular object
To audit a specific event on a particular object, identify the object in the object_id
parameter of the Audit method. For example, to audit all link events on a particular
folder whose object ID is 0b0000015236712c, use:

Or, to audit all workflows created from the process definition (dm_process object)
represented by 4b000001243583cf, use:
Auditing an event on all objects of a type
To audit an event for all instances of a particular object type, identify the object type
in the object_id argument. To identify the object type, use the object ID of the type’s
dm_type object.
For example, to audit check ins on all documents, first obtain the object ID for the
dm_document type:
retrieve,s0,dm_type where name='dm_document'

Then, use the returned object ID in the Audit method:

audit,s0,returned object ID,dm_checkin

Content Server API Reference Manual 119


The object type and event must be compatible. That is, the object type must be a valid
target of the given event.
Auditing every occurrence of an event
To audit every occurrence of an event in a repository, specify 0 as the object_id value or
leave object_id empty. For example, to audit all checkins:


This example audits all workflow terminations:


API events
Table B–1, page 539 in Appendix B, System Events, lists the events associated with API
methods, the object type that is a valid target for each event and its trigger.
Workow events
All workflow events take the object ID of a process object as the target of the Audit
When you audit a single workflow event, such as dm_addnote or dm_finishworkflow,
and include an object ID, audit trail entries are created for all occurrences of the event
on any workflow instance generated from the given process definition. If you don’t
include the object ID, the method initiates auditing of all occurrences of the event in
the repository.
For the dm_all_workflow event, including the object ID audits all events that occur for
all workflows generated from the given process definition. If you don’t include an object
ID, the server audits all workflow events that occur in the repository.
Note: Auditing dm_all_workflow does not generate audit trail entries for the
dm_validate, dm_install, dm_invalidate, or dm_uninstall events.
If you audit all workflow events for a particular workflow or all workflows, you cannot
include the optional arguments when you register for auditing.
Table B–2, page 544 in Appendix B, System Events, lists the events specific to workflows
and the trigger for each. There are some events available for process objects, such
as dm_install and dm_validate, that are not specific to workflows. These are listed in
Table B–1, page 539.

120 Content Server API Reference Manual


Lifecycle events
Table B–3, page 546 in Appendix B, System Events, lists the events specific to lifecycles
and the trigger for each. There are some events available for lifecycles, such as dm_install
and dm_validate, that are not specific to lifecycles. These are listed in Table B–1, page 539.
Job executions
You can audit the start of a job’s execution by specifying dm_jobstart as event_name and
the object ID of the job object as the object_id. For example, the following method call
audits the execution start of the Content Warning job:

You can obtain the object ID of the job’s job object, if needed, using the Retrieve method.
For example:
API>retrieve,s0,dm_job where object_name='dm_ContentWarning'
. . .

Use the job’s internal name. Refer to Chapter 12, Tools and Tracing, in Content Server
Administrator’s Guide for the name of each job.
All events in a repository
If you specify all as the event name, the server creates audit trail entries for every event
in the repository. To start auditing all events, use the following syntax:


If you choose to audit all events, you cannot include the optional arguments.
Auditing all events can create very large numbers of audit trail entries because frequently
called methods, such as Fetch, are audited as part of all. If you audit all, you must
manage the audit trail carefully, to ensure that you do not run out of space.
Application events
Application events are events defined by an application. For example, suppose you want
to audit a particular operation in an application. You can define an event name for
the operation and use Audit to register that event for auditing. When the application
performs the operation, it can check the registry objects to determine whether the
operation is audited and if so, issue a Createaudit to create the audit trail entry for the
event before completing the operation.
Recording attributes in an audit trail entry
If you include the attributes_list argument, Content Server records the attribute names
identified in the argument in the event’s registry object. When the event occurs, the
server stores both the attribute names and their current values in the audit trail entry.
The names and values are stored in the audit trail entry’s attribute_list attribute.

Content Server API Reference Manual 121


The attribute_list attribute is a string datatype. If the set of names and values is too long
to store in the attribute_list attribute, the overflow is stored in a dmi_audittrail_attrs
object. The object ID of the audit trail attrs object is stored in the audit trail entry in the
attribute_list_id attribute.

Related methods
Register, page 346
Unaudit, page 466
Unregister, page 484

status = dmexec("audit," session ",0900007b80005640,dm_save")

122 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Validates a user name and password.

dmAPIExec("authenticate,session [,repository_name],user_auth_name,


Table 2-28. Authenticate method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.

If the repository_name argument is included, you must specify

apisession as the session value.
repository_name Identifies a repository.

If you include this argument, you must specify apisession as

the session.
user_auth_name Identifies the current user. Use the value in the user’s
user_os_name attribute.

Do not supply this argument when attempting a Windows

unified logon.
password Specifies the user’s password. Valid password formats are:

where plugin_id is the plugin identifier for an authentication


If the password is encrypted, the format for the password

argument is:


where encrypted_password is one of


Refer to the Usage notes for details.

Do not supply this argument if you are using a login ticket or

attempting a Windows unified logon.
Content Server API Reference Manual 123

Argument Description

A password may not exceed 8,192 characters in length.

ticket The value returned by a Getlogin method. Used by
applications to establish a session with the current repository
as the current user without providing the user’s password.

Do not supply this argument when attempting a Windows

unified logon.
domain Identifies the domain for the user_auth_name and password.

The domain may be provided as part of the username

argument, in the format domain\user_auth_name, for any
version of the product.

You must have a client library (DMCL) that is 3.1.5 or later

on the client machine if you are providing the domain as
the fourth argument (for example: repository, username,
password, domain).

Do not supply this argument when attempting a Windows

unified logon.

If you are including the user_arg argument, you must include

the placeholding comma for the domain argument. For

user_arg Character string argument that can be used to send a value to
a user-written user-validation program.

Do not supply this argument when attempting a Windows

NT unified logon.

Return value
Authenticate returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
Authenticate allows an application to authenticate a user and password against the
current repository without opening another repository session. Some applications may

124 Content Server API Reference Manual


require user authentication before proceeding with a particular operation. In such

circumstances, use Authenticate to perform the authentication. To do this, issue the
method without including the repository_name argument.
If you include the repository_name argument, the method establishes a connection to the
specified repository to perform the authentication.
Authenticating the user
Content Server uses the values in the user_auth_name and password arguments to
authenticate the user. If the authentication is to be performed by an authentication
plug-in module and the plug-in is not identified in the user’s user_source attribute, you
must prefix the password with the plug-in module’s identifier. (The identifier is defined
by the plugin module.) The format of a password with a plugin identifier is:

The plug-in identifier tells Content Server which authentication plug-in to use to
authenticate the user. If Content Server cannot find the module, the method fails.
If a plug-in module is not identified in the arguments, Content Server authenticates the
user by the mechanism defined in the user_source attribute of the user’s dm_user object.
• If the attribute indicates that the user is authenticated against the operating system
using the default mechanism, the user is authenticated using the default mechanism.
• If the attribute is set to LDAP, Content Server authenticates the user against the
LDAP server.
• If the attribute is set to a plug-in identifier, Content Server authenticates the user
using the plug-in module. If Content Server cannot locate the plug-in, the server
authenticates the user using the platform’s default mechanism.
Using encrypted passwords
If you are using encrypted passwords, the password argument must specified as

encrypted_password is the encrypted form of either of the valid password formats. The
password must have been encrypted using the Encryptpass method.
When the DMCL receives the method, it decrypts the string using the AEK. The
AEK must be initialized within the API session before the DMCL can execute the
method. The recommended way to initialize the AEK is to use an Initcrypto method.
If you do not use an Initcrypto method, the Authenticate method looks for the AEK
in the location identified in the environment variable DM_CRYPTO_FILE. If the
AEK location is not identified in DM_CRYPTO_FILE, the method assumes it is in
%DOCUMENTUM%\dba\secure\aek.key ($DOCUMENTUM/dba/secure/aek.key).
When the key is found, the method initializes the AEK before proceding.

Content Server API Reference Manual 125


Commas in user_auth_name and password

The value in the user_auth_name or password argument can contain commas. However,
you must enclose the argument in single quotes if the value contains a comma. For
example, suppose the user JaneDoe in the engr domain has the password “violet,eyes”.
The Authenticate method would be:
Using a login ticket
If there are multiple Content Servers running against the repository and you provide
a login ticket instead of a password in the method, the method must be executed by
the same server that executed the Getlogin method to obtain the ticket. This server is
identified in the ticket itself. (Refer to Getlogin, page 247, for details about the format of
a login ticket.)
To ensure that the same server is used for both the Getlogin and subsequent Authenticate
method, you can either specify a valid session with the server in the session argument or
include the repository_name argument as a fully qualified name. For example:

engineering.engr1@myengrhost is a fully qualified repository_name argument.

engineering is the repository name, engr1 is the name of the server, and myengrhost is
the name of the host machine.

Related methods
Initcrypto, page 269

This example authenticates johndoe in the engineering repository:

This example authenticates SallySue in the repository to which she is currently connected:

126 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Opens an explicit database transaction.



Table 2-29. Begintran method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.

Return value
The Begintran method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
If you execute a Begintran method, you open an explicit transaction. Any changes that
you Save or Checkin to the repository are not committed to the repository until you
explicitly commit them by issuing a Commit method call. (The Commit method also
closes the transaction.)
Note that you can issue an Abort method to terminate an explicit transaction. When you
do so, any changes that you Saved or Checked in are discarded.

Related methods
Abort, page 40
Commit, page 151

Content Server API Reference Manual 127


status = dmexec("begintran,s0")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
doc_id = dmget("create,s0,dm_document");
if (doc_id == NULL)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmset("set,s0,last,object_name", "my_document")
status = dmexec("save,s0,last")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmexec("commit,s0")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess

128 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Binds a content file associated with an object to another object.



Table 2-30. Bindle method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object to which you are binding the content. Use
the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points
to the object.
page_number Specifies the position of the new content in the ordered
contents of the target object (the object specified in object_id).
Specify 0 if this is the first content for the object.
src_id Identifies an object in which the content currently resides. This
can be any object to which the content is currently linked,
but the object must be in the same repository as the object
identified in object_id. Use the object’s object ID.
src_page_number Identifies the page number of the content within the source
object. (Page numbers are the ordering numbers given to the
contents of an object. Each number refers to one content file.)

Return value
The Bindfile method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Content Server API Reference Manual 129


Usage notes
The format of the specified content must match the format specified in the target object’s
a_content_type attribute. If the target object is new and has not defined content type, the
Bindfile method sets the content type to match that of the source object.
If you specify a page number that already exists for the target object, then the content
that you are binding to the object overwrites the content holding that page number.
To use Bindfile, you must have Read permission on the specified source object.
The object and the content you are binding to the object must reside in the same

Related methods
Removecontent, page 355
Setfile, page 434

This example creates a document and associates a content object with that document.
Then, the example creates a second document and binds the content of the first document
to the second.
/* Create the first document */
doc_id = dmAPIGet ("create, " session ",dm_document")
dmAPIExec("setfile," session "," doc_id ",notice.txt, text")
dmAPIExec("save," session "," doc_id)

/* Create second document*/

new_doc_id = dmAPIGet ("create," session ",dm_document")

/* Bind content of first document to the second */

dmAPIExec("bindfile," session "," new_doc_id ",0," doc_id ",0");
dnAPIExec("save," session "," new_doc_id)

130 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Creates and checks out a new version of an object.



Table 2-31. Branch method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object that you want to branch. Use the object’s
ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points to the object.
version_label Specifies the object version from which you want to branch.
(Refer to the Usage notes for an expanded description.)

Return value
The Branch method returns the ID of the new version of the object.

Usage notes
If your repository is running under folder security, you must have at least Write
permission for all the cabinets or folders where the document is stored or linked.
The Branch method is a convenient way to check out an unchangeable document. The
method creates a copy of the document, assigns the copy a branched version label, and
checks outs the copy to you. The original is not touched.
If you specify a version label, the server searches the version tree that contains the
specified object and branches from the version that has the specified version label. If the
specified version is not found on the version tree, the method does not succeed.
If the version that is the root of the branch is not unchangeable already, the Branch
method marks it as immutable.

Content Server API Reference Manual 131


The new, branched copy is stored in the storage area defined by the default_storage
attribute of the object’s type.
Executing the Branch method sets the r_lock_machine attribute for the new, branched
version of the object. This attribute records the name of the client machine on which the
user who issued the method is working.

Related methods
Saveasnew, page 409


132 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Executes a query as a read-only query and stores the results in a query cache file.



Table 2-32. Cachequery method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
dql_query Defines the DQL SELECT query to be executed. The query
must be less than or equal to 255 characters in length if you
are using DDE as the communications protocol between the
external application and Content Server.

Return value
The Cachequery method returns a collection identifier.

Usage notes
Note: The Cachequery method has been superseded by the Query_cmd, page 334
method, which was introduced with the persistent client caching functionality.
Use the Cachequery method when you are executing a SELECT query whose results
are generally static. For example, you might use Cachequery to return the users in the
repository. Query cache files are maintained within and across sessions.
The query results returned by Cachequery are cached only if the client_persistent_caching
and cache_queries keys in the dmcl.ini file are set to T. If either key is set to F
(FALSE), the results are not cached. The default values for these keys are T for
client_persistent_caching and F for cache_queries. (For instructions on setting these
keys, refer to Enabling and disabling persistent client caching, page 192, in the Content
Server Administrator’s Guide.)

Content Server API Reference Manual 133


When cached, the results are stored in a file in the client’s local area. The collection
identifier returned by the Cachequery method points to this file.
Note: If you want to execute a query other than a SELECT, use Execquery, Readquery,
or Query.

Related methods
Execquery, page 203
Readquery, page 342
Query, page 337
Query_cmd, page 334

This example:
• Queries the repository
• Processes the query results
• Closes the collection that holds the query results

cmd_str = "cachequery," session ",select name from dm_type"

query_id = dmAPIGet( cmd_str )
if (query_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error querying the repository"
print err_msg
resp_cntr = 0
while( dmAPIExec("next," session "," query_id) > 0 ) {
obj_id = dmAPIGet("get," session "," query_id ",name")
if (obj_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," sessi)
print "Error retrieving name from the query collection'
print err_msg
print ++resp_cntr " : " obj_id
err_flag = dmAPIExec("close," session "," query_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error closing the query collection"
print err_msg

134 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Changes a user’s password from his or her current password to a new password.
(This method is not supported for LDAP users if the directory server is MS Active
Directory or Oracle Directory Server).



Table 2-33. Changepassword method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
old_password Identifies the user’s old password. Valid password formats are:

where plugin_id is the identifier for an authentication plugin.

A password may not exceed 8,192 characters in length.

new_password Identifies the user’s new password. The password cannot
contain a comma. Valid password formats are:

where plugin_id is the identifier for an authentication plugin.

A password may not exceed 8,192 characters in length.

Return value
The Changepassword method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Content Server API Reference Manual 135


Usage notes
The internal behavior of the Changepassword method depends on the user
authentication mechanism in place for the user issuing the method and whether you
include a plug-in identifier in the arguments. If the user is authenticated using a plug-in
authentication module and the plug-in identifier is not specified in the user’s user_source
attribute, you must prefix the old and new passwords with the plug-in identifier. The
format of the argument with a plug-in identifier is:

If you include the plug-in identifier, the method sends the old and new passwords to the
specfied plug-in module. If the module is not found, the method fails.
If you do not include a plug-in identifier in the arguments, the method examines the
user’s user_source attribute (in the dm_user argument) to determine how to handle
the request:
• If the attribute indicates that the user is authenticated against the operating system
using the default mechanism, then the old and new passwords are passed to the
dm_change_password program.
• If the attribute is set to LDAP, Content Server performs the password change
internally. dm_change_password is not called.
• If the attribute is set to a plug-in identifier, the method passes the old and new
passwords to the module. If Content Server cannot locate the plug-in, the server
authenticates the user using the platform’s default mechanism.
The dm_change_password program is provided with Content Server and resides in
%DOCUMENTUM%\dba ($DOCUMENTUM/dba). You can write and install a custom
password changing program. For more information about the password changing
feature, refer to Installing Content Server.
For all users except LDAP users, the method fails if it cannot execute
dm_change_password or a specified plug-in module.
For information about creating plug-in authentication modules, refer to Using
authentication plug-ins, page 366 in the Content Server Administrator’s Guide.
Commas in passwords
The values in the password arguments can contain commas. However, you must
enclose the argument in single quotes if the password contains a comma. For example,
suppose the user JaneDoe wants to change her password “violet,eyes” to bigdog. The
Changepassword method would be:

Related methods
Initcrypto, page 269

136 Content Server API Reference Manual


if (status != 0)
print dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0")

Content Server API Reference Manual 137



Purpose Creates a new version of an object in the repository and removes the lock from the
previous version.



Table 2-34. Checkin method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object that you want to check in. Specify the
object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points to
the object.

You can use either a string literal or a variable.

save_lock Determines whether a lock is placed on the newly created
version. The default setting for this flag is F, which means that
no lock is placed on the new version. To set a lock, specify
T (TRUE) for this flag.
version_label Defines a version label for the new version. You can specify
more than one label.The label can be an implicit version label,
a symbolic label, or a combination. If you do not define a label,
the server automatically gives the new version an implicit
version label and the symbolic label CURRENT.

Return value
The Checkin method returns the ID of the new version.

138 Content Server API Reference Manual


Usage notes
The Checkin method unlocks an object and saves any changes you may have made to
either its attributes or its content. To use the Checkin method, you must have:
• Used the Checkout method to get the object from the repository
• At least Version permission on the object
• At least Write permission on every cabinet or folder where the object is stored if the
repository is running under folder security
If you do not assign an implicit version label, the server automatically assigns one to the
new version by incrementing the implicit label of the checked out version. For example,
if the checked out version has the label 1.4, the new version is given the label 1.5.
Similarly, if the checked out version is, the new version receives the label
If you do not assign a symbolic version label, the server assigns the symbolic label
CURRENT to the new version.
When you check in a new version, the server sets the a_archive attribute of the new
version to FALSE. This means that if you have restored an archived document and made
changes to it, you will be able to archive the new version.
The server stores the new version in the storage area defined by the default_storage
attribute for the object’s type. This means that if you want to store the new version in
an alternate location, you must explicitly issue a Set method to set the a_storage_type
attribute of the object before you check it in. For example, if you are storing a document’s
content in turbo store, you must explicitly set a_storage_type to dm_turbo_store prior
to each check in. (Note that is it not possible to set the default_storage attribute to
Executing the Checkin method clears the object’s r_lock_machine attribute. (This
attribute contains the name of the client machine on which the user was working when
the object was locked.)
When applied to a policy object, the Checkin method sets the r_definition_state to
DRAFT on the new copy, and clones the following attributes:
• entry_criteria_id
• user_criteria_id
• action_object_id
• user_action_id
• type_override_id
Related methods
Checkout, page 146
Save, page 405
Saveasnew, page 409
Unlock, page 477

Content Server API Reference Manual 139


This example performs the following operations:
• Checks out the document
• Changes the title
• Checks in the document
err_flag = dmAPIGet("checkout," session "," doc_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error checking out the document"
print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("set," session "," doc_id ",title,
"Reference Manual - Chapter One")
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error setting document title"
print err_msg
new_doc_id = dmAPIGet("checkin," session "," obj_id)
if (new_doc_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error checking in changes to document '" doc_id "'"
print err_msg

140 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Creates a new version of an object in the repository and removes the lock from the
previous version.



Table 2-35. Checkinapp method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object that you want to check in. Specify the
object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points to
the object.

You can use either a string literal or a variable.

save_lock Determines whether a lock is placed on the newly created
version. The default setting for this flag is F, which means that
no lock is placed on the new version. To set a lock, specify
T (TRUE) for this flag.
version_label Defines a version label for the new version. You can specify
more than one label. If you do so, the string of labels must be
enclosed in single quotes and the labels separated by commas.

If you do not define a label, the server automatically gives the

new version an implicit version label and the symbolic label
old_compound Sets the a_compound_architecture attribute of the checked-out
_arch_value object. Refer to Application-specific arguments, page 143 for
an extended discussion of its use.

Content Server API Reference Manual 141


Argument Description
old_special_app _value Sets the a_special_app attribute of the checked-out object.
Refer to Application-specific arguments, page 143 for an
extended discussion of its use.
new_compound_arch_ Sets the a_compound_architecture attribute of the new
value version created by the check in. Refer to Application-specific
arguments, page 143 for an extended discussion of its use.
new_special_app Sets the a_special_app attribute of the new version created by
_value the check in. Refer to Application-specific arguments, page
143 for an extended discussion of its use.

Return value
The Checkinapp method returns the ID of the new version.

Usage notes
The Checkinapp method differs from the Checkin method by providing arguments to set
application-specific attributes. To use the Checkinapp method, you must have:
• Used the Checkout method to lock the object in the repository
• At least Version permission on the object
• At least Write permission on the folder or cabinet in which the object is stored if the
repository is running under folder security
Executing the Checkinapp method clears the object’s r_lock_machine attribute. (This
attribute contains the name of the client machine on which the user was working when
the object was locked.) It also clears the r_lock_owner and r_lock_date attributes and
sets a_archive to FALSE.
Version labels
If you do not assign an implicit version label, the server automatically assigns one to the
new version by incrementing the implicit label of the checked out version. For example,
if the checked out version has the label 1.4, the new version is given the label 1.5.
Similarly, if the checked out version is, the new version receives the label
If you do not assign a symbolic version label, the server assigns the symbolic label
CURRENT to the new version.
You can assign multiple version labels by placing them in a single-quoted string. To
illustrate, the following example defines two symbolic labels for a document:

142 Content Server API Reference Manual


Note: This differs from how specifying multiple version labels is handled in the Checkin
Application-specic arguments
Every SysObject has two attributes, a_compound_architecture and a_special_app, that
are intended for internal and user-defined application use.
The a_compound_architecture attribute is used internally by the Virtual Document
Manager (VDM) to determine if the object can be structurally changed in the VDM. If
an object’s a_compound_architecture attribute is set to any value other than an empty
string, VDM assumes the object is read only and does not allow any structural changes
in the object. The a_compound_architecture attribute is a string-valued attribute with
a length of 16.
The a_special_app attribute is used by the server and some Documentum clients to
determine if the object is currently reserved for use by another application such as the
Documentum Link for Lotus Notes or Interleaf Integration applications. If this is any
value other than an empty string, the system assumes that another application currently
has control of the object. The a_special_app attribute is a string-valued attribute with
a length of 32.
User-defined applications can use these attributes by setting them on check out and
check in or when issuing the Unlock method. The Checkout and Checkinapp methods
accept arguments that set these attributes. For Checkinapp, the arguments are:
• old_compound_arch_value, which sets a _compound_architecture of the checked out
• old_special_app_value, which sets a_special_app for the checked out version
Note: If old_compound_arch_value or old_special_app_value is not set during the
checkin, the existing value for the attribute is not changed.
• new_compound_arch_value, which sets a _compound_architecture of the new version
created by the check in
• new_special_app_value, which sets a_special_app for the new version created by the
check in
Note: If new_compound_arch_value or new_special_app_value is not set for the
new version, the attribute’s value is copied from the checked out object.
When you check in a new version, the server sets the a_archive attribute of the new
version to FALSE. This means that if you have restored an archived document and made
changes to it, you will be able to archive the new version.
Specifying storage area
The server stores the new version in the storage area defined by the default_storage
attribute for the object’s type. If you want to store the new version in an alternate
location, you must explicitly issue a Set method to set the a_storage_type attribute of

Content Server API Reference Manual 143


the object before you check it in. For example, if you are storing a document’s content in
turbo store, you must explicitly set a_storage_type to dm_turbo_store prior to each check
in. (Note that it is not possible to set the default_storage attribute to dm_turbo_store.)

Related methods
Checkin, page 138
Checkout, page 146
Save, page 405
Saveasnew, page 409
Unlock, page 477

This example performs the following operations:
• Checks out the document
• Changes the title
• Checks in the document and
— Sets the version label of the new version to APPROVED and PROCEED.
— Sets the a_compound_architecture and a_special_app attributes of the new
version to Interleaf Compound and Interleaf App,
— Keeps the a_compound_architecture and a_special_app attributes of the old
version unchanged.
err_flag = dmAPIGet("checkout," session "," doc_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error checking out the document"
print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("set," session "," doc_id ",title,Chapter One")
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_flag = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error setting document title"
print err_msg
new_doc_id = dmAPIGet("checkinapp," session "," doc_id ",,'APPROVED,PROCEED' \
,,,Interleaf Compound,Interleaf App")
if (new_doc_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error checking in changes to document '" doc_id "'"
print err_msg

144 Content Server API Reference Manual


Content Server API Reference Manual 145



Purpose Places a lock on an object from the repository.



Table 2-36. Checkout method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object that you want to check out. Use the object’s
ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points to the object.
version_label Identifies the version of the object. This can be an implicit
or symbolic version label. Refer to the Usage notes for a
description of the use of this argument.
compound_arch _value Sets the a_compound_architecture attribute of the object
you are checking out to the specified value. Refer to
Application-specific arguments, page 147 for an extended
discussion of this argument.
special_app_value Sets the a_special_app attribute of the object you are checking
out to the specified value. Refer to Application-specific
arguments, page 147 for an extended discussion of this

Return value
The Checkout method returns the ID of the specified object.

146 Content Server API Reference Manual


Usage notes
You must have at least Version permission on the specified object to use the Checkout
If you specify a version label, the server searches the version tree that contains the
specified object to find and check out the version that carries the specified version label.
If the server does not find a version with the specified label, the method does not succeed.
Note: If you are checking out a remote object, including a version label in the method
overrides any version label binding in the reference link.
Executing the Checkout method sets the r_lock_machine attribute for the checked out
object. This attribute records the machine name of the client machine on which the
user is working.
Application-specic arguments
The compound_arch_value and special_app_value arguments set the object’s
a_compound_architecture and a_special_app attributes, respectively. These attributes
are intended for internal and user-defined application use.
The a_compound_architecture attribute is used internally by the Virtual Document
Manager (VDM) to determine if the object can be structurally changed in the VDM. If
an object’s a_compound_architecture attribute is set to any value other than an empty
string, VDM assumes the object is read only and does not allow any structural changes
in the object. The a_compound_architecture attribute is a string-valued attribute with
a length of 16.
The a_special_app attribute is used by the server and Documentum clients to determine
if the object is currently reserved for use by another application such as Lotus Notes
or Interleaf. If this is any value other than an empty string, the system assumes that
another application currently has control of the object. The a_special_app attribute is a
string-valued attribute with a length of 32.
User-defined applications can use these attributes by setting them on check out and
check in or during an unlock operation.

Related methods
Branch, page 131
Checkin, page 138
Checkinapp, page 141
Unlock, page 477

Content Server API Reference Manual 147


This example performs the following operations:
• Checks out the document
• Changes the title
• Checks in the document
err_flag = dmAPIGet("checkout," session "," doc_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error checking out the document"
print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("set," session "," doc_id ",title"\
"Reference Manual - Chapter One" )
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error setting document title"
print err_msg
new_doc_id = dmAPIGet("checkin," session "," obj_id)
if (new_doc_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error checking in changes to document '" doc_id "'"
print err_msg

148 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Closes a collection.



Table 2-37. Close method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
collection_identifier Identifies the collection you want to close. The collection
identifier is returned by any method that returns a collection
of objects, for example, the Query or Readquery method.

Return value
The Close method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
A collection is a non-persistent object that holds a collection of objects. These objects
can represent the results of a DQL query or a collection of objects representing items
queued to an inbox.
The methods such as Query or Getevents that generate a collection return a value that
identifies the collection holding the results of the query or the inbox items. After you
have processed the query results or finished handling the items in your inbox, you
close the collection, using the value returned by the method as the collection_identifier
argument to identify the collection that you want to close.
Note that all collections are automatically closed when you disconnect a session.

Content Server API Reference Manual 149


Related methods
Getevents, page 239
Next, page 316
Query, page 337

This example performs the following operations:
• Queries the document base
• Loops through the resulting collection, printing each respondent
• Closes the query collection
query_id = dmAPIGet("query," session ",\
select r_object_id from dm_document")
if (query_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error querying the repository"
print err_msg
resp_cntr = 0
while( dmAPIExec("next," session "," query_id) > 0 ) {
obj_id = dmAPIGet("get," session "," query_id ",r_object_id")
if (obj_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error retrieving object ID from the query collection"
print err_msg
print ++resp_cntr " : " obj_id
err_flag = dmAPIExec("close," session "," query_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error closing the query collection"
print err_msg

150 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Commits an explicit database transaction.



Table 2-38. Commit method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.

Return value
The Commit method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.
(The Commit method will return FALSE if the underlying database (RDBMS) fails to
commit the transaction for any reason.)

Usage notes
Use the Commit method to permanently save any changes that are made during an
explicit transaction. An explicit transaction is a database transaction that was opened by
executing the Begintran method. When an explicit transaction is open, all changes saved
or checked in to the repository are not permanent until a Commit method is executed.
A Commit method also closes the transaction.

Related methods
Abort, page 40
Begintran, page 127
Note: DQL has synonymous statements: BEGIN TRAN, ABORT, and COMMIT.

Content Server API Reference Manual 151


status = dmexec("begintran,s0")
doc_id = dmget("create,s0,dm_document");
if (doc_id == NULL)
{err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmset("set,s0,last,object_name", "my_document")
status = dmexec("save,s0,last")
if (status != 1)
{err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmexec("commit,s0")
if (status != 1)
{err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess

152 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Marks a work item as finished.



Table 2-39. Complete method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
workitem_id Identifies the work item to be completed. Use the object ID of
the work item or an indirect reference (@object_id) the points
to the work item.
return_value An integer value to store in the work item’s return_value
os_error A string of up to 255 characters in length to store in the work
item’s r_exec_os_error attribute.
result_id An object ID to store in the work item’s result_id attribute.
user_time Amount of time spent by user to complete the task. The value
must be an integer value.
user_cost Actual user cost spent to complete the task. The value must be
an integer value.

Return value
The Complete method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Content Server API Reference Manual 153


Usage notes
Only the performer, the workflow supervisor or a user with Sysadmin or Superuser
privileges can use the Complete method to mark a work item as finished. The work
item must be in the acquired state.
If the activity that generated the work item requires sign-off, then the Signoff method
must be successfully executed for the work item before calling Complete. (An activity
requires a signoff is its sign_off_required attribute is set to T.) The Complete method fails
if a required sign-off is not obtained before calling Complete.
The Complete method updates the number of completed work items in the work items’s
associated activity run-time instance by incrementing r_complete_witem and updates the
last performer in the associated activity run-time instance by setting r_last_performer.

Related methods
Acquire, page 42
Delegate, page 174

status = dmAPIExec("complete,s0," rid)
if (status != 1)
Print "Error: The work item was not acquired"
Print "The activity was completed"

154 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Establishes a session with a server.



Table 2-40. Connect method arguments

Argument Description
repository Identifies the repository with which you want to open a
session. The repository specification must have one of the
following formats:






repository is the name or ID of the repository.

content_server_name is the name of the server you
want to use. host_name is the name of the machine on which
the repository resides.

The repository argument value cannot be longer than 120

user_auth_name Identifies the current user. Specify the value in the user’s
user_os_name attribute.

Do not supply this argument when attempting a Windows

unified logon.

Content Server API Reference Manual 155


Argument Description
password Specifies the user’s password. Valid password formats are:

where plugin_id is the identifier for an authentication plugin.

If the password is encrypted, the format for the password

argument is:


where encrypted_password is one of


Refer to the Usage notes for details.

Do not supply this argument if you are using a login ticket or

attempting a Windows unified logon.

A password may not exceed 8,192 characters in length.

ticket A login ticket value.

Do not supply this argument if you are supplying a password

or when attempting a Windows unified logon.
domain Specifies the domain for the user_auth_name and password.

Do not supply this argument when attempting a Windows

unified logon.
user_arg Character string argument that can be used to send a value to
a user-written user-validation program.

Do not supply this argument when attempting a Windows

unified logon.

156 Content Server API Reference Manual


Argument Description
secure_mode Defines whether to establish a secure or native (unsecure)
connection. Valid values are:
• secure
• native
• try_secure_first
• try_native_first

If undefined, the value defined in the secure_connect_default

key in the dmcl.ini file is used. (The default in the dmcl.ini
key is native.)

Requesting a connection mode, page 161 describes the

argument and its interaction with the server’s connection
mode setting.
application_token An application access control (AAC) token that allows access
to the specified repository.

If the token includes an application identifier, you must

include the application_id argument in the method also.

For more information about how AAC tokens are used, refer
to the Usage notes.
application_id A user-defined string that identifies the application.

Do not include this argument unless an AAC token with

an encoded application identifier is also included in the
arguments. In such cases, the string specified for application_id
must match the application identifier encoded in the AAC
force_authenticate A Boolean flag that controls whether an authenticate method
is issued when a user uses a connection from the connection
pool that he or she had previously used.

T means that an authenticate is issued. F means that the user

is not re-authenticated. The default is F.

This argument is only effective if connection pooling is


For more details, refer to The force_authenticate argument,

page 159.

Content Server API Reference Manual 157


Return value
The Connect method returns the session identifier for the new session.

Usage notes
The Connect method establishes a session with a server on the specified repository.
If connection pooling is not enabled for the API session, the method opens a new
repository session for the specified user.
When connection pooling is enabled, the method first checks the connection pool to
determine if there is a free connection to the repository in the pool. If there is a free
connection and it was last owned by the user currently requesting access, then the
method returns the connection to the user. If the free connection was last owned by
another user, the method first authenticates the current requesting user. The connection
is returned to the user only if the authentication succeeds. If the authentication fails, the
method fails. If there is no free connection to the repository in the connection pool, the
method opens a new session, and registers that session with the connection pool.
Identifying the repository and server
The variety of formats for the repository argument gives you several options for making
the connection. If you specify only the repository name or ID, the connection broker
will choose which server your session will use. You can make that choice yourself by
specifying a server name in addition to the repository name or ID. For example:

Alternatively, you can specify a host name in addition to the repository name or ID. For
example, assuming that dingo is a host machine name, the following statement opens a
connection with the testresults repository server residing on dingo:

In a distributed repository environment, this allows you to choose which distributed

repository node you want to access.
Finally, you can control all aspects of the connection by specifying the repository name
or ID, the server name, and the host name. For example:

Whichever format you use, the repository argument cannot contain more than 120
Windows unied logon
If the system is running in Windows unified logon mode, specify only the repository
argument. Do not include the username, password or ticket, or domain. The syntax is:

158 Content Server API Reference Manual


Authenticating the user

Content Server uses the values in the user_auth_name and password arguments to
authenticate the user. If the authentication is to be performed by an authentication
plug-in module and the plug-in is not specified in the user’s user_source attribute, you
must prefix the password with the plug-in module’s identifier. (The identifier is defined
by the plugin module.) The format of a password with a plugin identifier is:

The plug-in identifier tells Content Server which authentication plug-in to use to
authenticate the user. If Content Server cannot find the module, the method fails.
If a plug-in module is not identified in the arguments, Content Server authenticates the
user by the mechanism defined in the user_source attribute of the user’s dm_user object.
• If the attribute indicates that the user is authenticated against the operating system
using the default mechanism, the user is authenticated using the default mechanism.
• If the attribute is set to LDAP, Content Server authenticates the user against the
LDAP server.
• If the attribute is set to a plug-in identifier, Content Server authenticates the user
using the plug-in module. If Content Server cannot locate the plug-in, the server
authenticates the user using the platform’s default mechanism.
The force_authenticate argument
If connection pooling is enabled, a user requesting a connection is assigned a free
connection from the pool. By default, if the user was the last user of that connection, the
user is not re-authenticated when re-using the connection. The user is only authenticated
if he or she is assigned a connection previously used by another user. If you want the
user to be authenticated even if he or she was the previous owner of the connection,
set the force_authenticate argument to T.
Using encrypted passwords
If you are using encrypted passwords, the password argument must specified as

encrypted_password is the encrypted form of either of the valid password formats. The
password must have been encrypted using the Encryptpass method.
When the DMCL receives the method, it decrypts the string using the AEK. The
AEK must be initialized within the API session before the DMCL can execute the
method. The recommended way to initialize the AEK is to use an Initcrypto method.
If you do not use an Initcrypto method, the Connect method looks for the AEK
in the location identified in the environment variable DM_CRYPTO_FILE. If the
AEK location is not identified in DM_CRYPTO_FILE, the method assumes it is in
%DOCUMENTUM%\dba\secure\aek.key ($DOCUMENTUM/dba/secure/aek.key).
When the key is found, the method initializes the AEK before proceding.

Content Server API Reference Manual 159


Commas in user_auth_name and password

The value in the user_auth_name or password argument can contain commas. However,
you must enclose the argument in single quotes if the value contains a comma. For
example, suppose the user JaneDoe in the engr domain has the password “violet,eyes”.
The Connect method would be:
Using login tickets
A login ticket is a value that is provided in place of a user’s password in a Connect
method. Login tickets are typically used when an application wants to open another
connection with either the current repository or another respository.
For complete information about login tickets and how they can be used, refer to Login
tickets, page 35, in Content Server Fundamentals. Login tickets are generated using a
Getlogin method.
Using application access control tokens
An application access control (AAC) token may be required by the server receiving the
connection request. The tokens are encoded strings that describe who can access the
repository through that server. The constraints encoded into a token may limit access to
a particular user or group or to a particular application or from a particular host.
The connection request must satisfy the constraints in the token. If it does not, the
connection request fails. For example, if the token specifies that the request must come
from a particular client host, then the Connect method must be issued from that client
host machine. Or, if the token requires a particular user to issue the request, then the
Connect method must be issued by that user.
If the token constraints limit access to a particular application, you must include the
application_id argument in the Connect method. The value specified for the argument
must match the application ID encoded into the AAC token.
The application issuing the Connect method can generate the token at runtime, using the
getApplicationToken DFC method (defined in the IDfSession interface). Alternatively,
the client library can be enabled to retrieve and append a stored token to the method.
For information about this capability and how to enable it, refer to Enabling token
retrieval by the client library, page 452, in the Content Server Administrator’s Guide. For
more information about AAC tokens, how they work, and how to generate them, refer to
Application access control tokens, page 39, in Content Server Fundamentals.
The user_arg argument
The user_arg argument lets you pass a value to a user-defined user validation program. If
the application is run in an environment that uses the default user validation program
provided with Content Server, that program will ignore any value in the user_arg

160 Content Server API Reference Manual


Trusted logins
When the installation owner is installing Content Server or using methods that depend
on connecting with trusted login, the list of domains that can be used includes the
domain of the running server process.
Requesting a connection mode
If you are connecting to a trusted Content Server, you have the option of requesting
either a native (unsecure) or secure connection. Secure connections use a Secure Socket
Layer (SSL) for communications between the server and client.
Clients have a default connection mode. This default is set in the dmcl.ini file used by
the clients, in the secure_connect_default key. Setting the secure_mode argument in the
Connect method overrides the setting in the dmcl.ini file.
How the Connect method behaves when you include the secure_mode argument
depends not only on the argument’s setting but also on the server’s secure_connect_mode
The secure_connect_mode is a attribute in the server’s server config object. Its setting
determines whether the server listens on an unsecure port, a unsecure port, or both for
client requests. The valid settings are: native, secure, or dual. The dual setting indicates
that the server is listening on both a secure and a native port. Table 2–41, page 161 lists the
possible combinations of client and server settings and the resulting Connect behavior.

Table 2-41. Interaction of secure connection settings in Connect method

Client security mode Server sSetting for Connect behavior

request secure_connect_mode
secure native The method fails because the server
is listening only on the native port
and the client is requesting the secure
secure The method succeeds if a secure
connection can be established.
dual The method succeeds if a secure
connection can be established.

Content Server API Reference Manual 161


Client security mode Server sSetting for Connect behavior

request secure_connect_mode
native native The method succeeds if a native
connection can be established.
secure The method fails because the server
is listening only on the secure port
and the client is requesting the native
dual The method succeeds if a native
connection can be established.
try_secure_first native The method succeeds if a native
connection can be established.
secure The method succeeds if a secure
connection can be established.
dual The method succeeds if either a
secure or native connection can be
established. The method attempts to
first to establish a secure connection.
If that fails, it attempts to establish a
native connection. If neither succeed,
the method fails.
try_native_first native The method succeeds if a native
connection can be established.
secure The method succeeds if a secure
connection can be established.
dual The method succeeds if either a
secure or native connection can be
established. The method attempts to
first to establish a native connection.
If that fails, it attempts to establish a
secure connection. If neither succeed,
the method fails.

Opening multiple sessions

An application or user can issue multiple Connect methods to open multiple concurrent
sessions. The maximum number of sessions than can be open concurrently is controlled
by the max_session_count key in the dmcl.ini file. This key is set to 10 by default.

162 Content Server API Reference Manual


Related methods
Assume, page 106
Authenticate, page 123
Disconnect, page 192
Getlogin, page 247
Initcrypto, page 269

This example performs the following operations:
• Connects to the server
• Activates tracing at level 1
• Disconnects from the server
cmd_str =
session = dmAPIGet("connect," repository "," user "," passwd)
if (session == NULL) {
print "Error connecting to repository '" repository "'"
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print err_msg
inf_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print inf_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("trace," session ",1")
if (err_flag == 0) {
print "Error establishing trace level '1'"
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("disconnect," session)
if (err_flag == 0) {
print "Error disconnecting from repository '" repository "'"
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print err_msg

Content Server API Reference Manual 163



Purpose Returns the number of attributes in an object.



Table 2-42. Count method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object whose attributes you want to count. Use
the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points
to the object.

Return value
The Count method returns the number of attributes in the specified object.

This example performs the following operations:
• Fetches the specified object
• Determines the number of attributes
• Loops through each attribute, retrieving its name, datatype, and value and then
prints them to the screen.
Note: If the attribute is a repeating attribute, all of its values are retrieved and
err_flag = dmAPIExec("fetch," session "," obj_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error fetching the object"
print err_msg

164 Content Server API Reference Manual


attr_cnt = dmAPIGet("count," session "," obj_id)
if (attr_cnt == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error retrieving the number of attributes"
print err_msg
for (i=0; i<attr_cnt; i++) {
attr_name = dmAPIGet("get," session "," obj_id ",_names[" i "]")
if (attr_name == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error retrieving the attribute name : " i
print err_msg
d_type = dmAPIGet("datatype," session "," obj_id "," attr_name)
if (d_type == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error retrieving datatype for attribute '" attr_name "'"
print err_msg
if (d_type == 0) d_type_str = "boolean"
if (d_type == 1) d_type_str = "integer"
if (d_type == 2) d_type_str = "string"
if (d_type == 3) d_type_str = "ID"
if (d_type == 4) d_type_str = "time"
if (d_type == 5) d_type_str = "float"

r_flag = dmAPIGet("repeating," session "," obj_id "," attr_name)

if (r_flag == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
if (err_msg != NULL) {
print \
"Error retrieving repeating flag for attribute '" attr_name "'"
print err_msg
if (r_flag == 0) {
value = dmAPIGet("get," session "," obj_id "," attr_name)
if (value == NULL) value = "NULL"
out_str = sprintf("%2s)%19s : %s", i,attr_name,d_type_str, value)
else {
cnt = dmAPIGet("values," session "," obj_id)
if (cnt == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
"Error retrieving number of values for'" attr_name "'"
print err_msg

Content Server API Reference Manual 165


out_str =
sprintf("%2s)%19s : ( %s value(s))", i, attr_name, d_type_str, cnt)
print out_str
if (r_flag != 0 && cnt > 0) {
for (j=0; jcnt; j++) {
value=dmAPIGet("get,"session"," obj_id ","attr_name"[" j "]")
if (value == NULL) value = "NULL"
out_str = sprintf("%29s : %s", j, value)
print out_str

166 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Creates an object of the specified type.



Table 2-43. Create method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_type Identifies the type of the object that you want to create. Use
the name of the type, for example, dm_document.

Return value
The Create method returns the ID of the new object.

Usage notes
To create a new cabinet, you must have the Create Cabinet user privilege.
You cannot use the Create method to create a new type; use the DQL CREATE TYPE
statement for that purpose.

Related methods
Branch, page 131
Checkin, page 138
Destroy, page 186
Saveasnew, page 409

Content Server API Reference Manual 167


This example:
• Creates a document object
• Associates content of the desired file with the document
• Saves the document object
doc_id = dmAPIGet("create," session ",dm_document")
if (doc_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error creating a document object"
print err_msg
the_file = "chap_1.wp5"
err_flag = dmAPIExec("setfile," session "," doc_id "," the_file ",wp5")
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error setting file contents"
print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("save," session "," doc_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error saving the document object"
print err_msg

168 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Creates an audit trail entry for application events.



Table 2-44. Createaudit method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
audited_obj_id Identifies the object of the audited event. Use the object’s
object ID.
event_name Identifies the audited event. Use the event’s name.
string_1 - string_5 Additional arguments used to set the user-defined string
arguments in the audit trail entry. Values in these arguments
must be character strings.
id_1- id_5 Additional arguments used to set the user-defined ID
arguments in the audit trail entry. Values in these arguments
must be object IDs.

Return value
Createaudit returns the object ID of the audit trail entry.

Usage notes
Use Createaudit in an application to create an audit trail entry of type dm_audittrail for
application events. Using Createaudit to create a dm_audittrail object automatically sets
many of the attributes in the object and saves the object when the method completes. (If

Content Server API Reference Manual 169


you used Create to create the audittrail object, you have to set each attribute individually
and issue an explicit Save.)
Createaudit does not require a Save method to save the audittrail entry. However, if you
issue Createaudit in an explicit transaction, the audit trail object is not created until
the transaction is explicitly committed.
Anyone can use Createaudit. No special permissions or privileges are needed.

Related methods


170 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Returns the datatype of an attribute.



Table 2-45. Datatype method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object that contains the specified attribute. Use
the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points
to the object.
attribute Identifies the attribute whose datatype you want to determine.
Use the attribute’s name.

Return value
The Datatype method returns a number corresponding to the datatype of the specified

0 Boolean
1 Integer
2 String
3 ID
4 Time or date
5 Double
6 Undefined

Content Server API Reference Manual 171


This example performs the following operations:
• Fetches the specified object
• Determines the number of attributes
• Loops through each attribute, retrieving its name, datatype, and value and then
prints them to the screen.
Note: If the attribute is a repeating attribute, all of its values are retrieved and
err_flag = dmAPIExec("fetch," session "," obj_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error fetching the object"
print err_msg
attr_cnt = dmAPIGet("count," session "," doc_id)
if (attr_cnt == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error retrieving the number of attributes"
print err_msg
for (i=0; i<attr_cnt; i++) {
attr_name = dmAPIGet("get," session "," obj_id ",_names[" i "]")
if (attr_name == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error retrieving the attribute name : " i
print err_msg
d_type = dmAPIGet("datatype," session "," obj_id "," attr_name)
if (d_type == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error retrieving the datatype for '" attr_name "'"
print err_msg
if (d_type == 0) d_type_str = "boolean"
if (d_type == 1) d_type_str = "integer"
if (d_type == 2) d_type_str = "string"
if (d_type == 3) d_type_str = "ID"
if (d_type == 4) d_type_str = "time"
if (d_type == 5) d_type_str = "float"

r_flag = dmAPIGet("repeating," session "," obj_id "," attr_name)

if (r_flag == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
if (err_msg != NULL) {
"Error retrieving the repeating flag for '" attr_name "'"

172 Content Server API Reference Manual


print err_msg
if (r_flag == 0) {
value = dmAPIGet("get," session "," obj_id "," attr_name)
if (value == NULL) value = "NULL"
out_str = sprintf("%2s)%19s : %s", i, attr_name, d_type_str, value)
else {
cnt = dmAPIGet("values," session "," obj_id)
if (cnt == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
"Error retrieving the number of values for '" attr_name "'"
print err_msg
out_str =
sprintf("%2s)%19s : ( %s value(s))", i, attr_name, d_type_str, cnt)
print out_str
if (r_flag != 0 && cnt > 0) {
for (j=0; jcnt; j++) {
value = dmAPIGet("get,"session","obj_id","attr_name"[" j "]")
if (value == NULL) value = "NULL"
out_str = sprintf("%29s : %s", j, value)
print out_str

Content Server API Reference Manual 173



Purpose Reassigns a work item.



Table 2-46. Delegate method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
workitem_id Identifies the work item that you want to delegate. Use the
object ID of the work item or an indirect reference (@object_id)
that points to the work item.
user_name Identifies the user or group to whom to delegate the work item.

Return value
The Delegate method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Delegate method reassigns a work item to a user or group and changes the work
item’s state to dormant. If the work item is reassigned to a group, only one member
of the group can acquire the work item.
Under default workflow security, only a work item’s performer, the workflow supervisor,
or a user with Sysadmin or Superuser privileges can execute the Delegate method. If
the performer is issuing the Delegate method, the activity definition that generated the
work item must allow delegation and the work item must be in the acquired state. If an
activity definition does not allow delegation, only the workflow supervisor or a user with
Sysadmin or Superuser privileges can delegate work items generated by the activity.
However, if the workflow_security_disabled key in the server.ini file is set to T
(TRUE), default workflow security is turn off and any user can issue a Delegate

174 Content Server API Reference Manual


method to delegate any work item. (For more information about this key, refer to The
enable_workitem_mgmt key, page 234, in Content Server Fundamentals.)
If the user identified in user_name is not available, the server sends a warning message
to the workflow supervisor.

Related methods
Acquire, page 42
Addpackage, page 56
Complete, page 153

status = dmAPIExec("delegate," sess "," r_id ",user6")
if status != 1
Print "Error: The work item was not delegated"

Content Server API Reference Manual 175



Purpose Demotes a SysObject from its current normal lifecycle state.

For unscheduled demotions:

For scheduled demotions:



Table 2-47. Demote method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
sysobject_id Identifies the SysObject to demote. Use the object’s object ID.
If you identify a replica object or use an indirect reference
(@objectid), the source object is affected, not the local copy.
to_state Is the state to which to demote the SysObject. It is required if
you specify a the scheduled_date. If specified, the SysObject’s
current state must be the previous state in the associated
policy definition; otherwise, the (scheduled or non-scheduled)
demote fails.
to_position Is the position of the state to which to demote the SysObject. If
specified, the SysObject’s current state must be the previous
state in the associated policy definition; otherwise, the
(scheduled or non-scheduled) demote fails.
return_to_base TRUE or FALSE. When set to TRUE, demotes the object to the
base state instead of the previous normal state. Otherwise,
demotes the object to the previous normal state.

176 Content Server API Reference Manual


Argument Description
scheduled_date The date and time that this demotion is scheduled for.
pattern The date-time format for scheduled_date. The pattern is
defaulted to the client-side localized date-time format if not

Return value
The Demote method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
If you are the object’s owner or a superuser, you must have Write permission to demote
an object in a lifecycle. Other users must have Write permission and Change State
permission for the object. If you have only Change State permission, Content Server
attempts to demote the object as the user defined in the a_bpaction_run_as attribute in
the docbase config object. In those instances, that user must be either the owner or
a superuser with Write permission or have Write and Change State permission on the
Additionally, the allow_demote flag in the current state’s definition must be set to TRUE.
to_state and to_position are mutually exclusive. If you do not specify to_state or to_position,
the state defaults to the previous normal state.
return_to_base indicates whether to demote the SysObject to the base state. If you specify
both return_to_base and to_state or to_position, then the position or state you specify must
be the base state.
If the current state is a normal state, the destination state must be the previous normal
state. If the current state is an exception state, the destination state must be the base state.
When an object is demoted, the entry criteria for the destination state are not evaluated.
However, the actions defined for the destination state are executed.
Scheduling demotion
If you specify a scheduled_date and do not specify cancel, the Demote method adds a
new job object whose method_name is bp_transition. The object name for the job has the
following format:
Bpsysobj_id scheduled date
The scheduled_date is in the yyyymmddhhmiss format where
• yyyy is a 4-digit year
• mm is a 2-digit month

Content Server API Reference Manual 177


• dd is a 2-digit day
• hh is a 2-digit hour
• mi is a 2-digit minute
• ss is a 2-digit second
You cannot schedule the same SysObject for more than one state transition event at a
specified time.
If you specify cancel and a scheduled_date, the Delete method cancels the scheduled delete
by deleting the job whose name is Bpsysobj_id scheduled date.

Related methods
Promote, page 323

The following example demotes the object to state number 5 in the attached lifecycle:
status = dmAPIExec("demote," session ",0900007b80000519,
6/4/99 10:40:16 AM,,5")

The following example demotes the object to the state named state1 in the attached
status = dmAPIExec("demote," session ",0900007b80000519,state1")

The following example cancels the demotion that was scheduled for June 4, 1999:
status = dmAPIExec("demote," session ",0900007b80000519,
6/4/99 10:40:16 AM,,cancel")

178 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Removes items from an inbox that were placed there using the Queue method.



Table 2-48. Dequeue method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
stamp The object ID of the dmi_queue_item object associated with
the item that you want to remove from the queue. (Refer to the
Usage notes for information about obtaining this value.)

Return value
The Dequeue method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
To remove an item from an inbox, you must have Sysadmin or Superuser privileges or
you must be the user to whom the item was queued. If the item was sent to a group, then
any user in the group can execute the Dequeue method against the item.
Every item on a user’s queue is stored as an object of type dmi_queue_item. When
you use the Queue method to put an item on a user’s queue, the method returns the
object ID of the dmi_queue_item for that queued item. If you want to remove the object
from the user’s queue, you must provide that object ID as the stamp argument to the
Dequeue method.
You can obtain the object ID of a dmi_queue_item object using the Getevents method
and retrieving the value in the stamp attribute from the results.You can also retrieve the
object ID by querying the stamp attribute in the dm_queue view. The stamp attribute
contains the object ID of the dmi_queue_item.

Content Server API Reference Manual 179


When you dequeue an item, the server sets three attributes of the queue item object
representing the item:
• dequeued_by
This attribute contains the name of the user who dequeued the item.
• dequeued_date
This attribute contains the date and time that the item was dequeued.
• delete_flag
This attribute changes to TRUE to indicate that the item was dequeued.
Note: An item can be implicitly dequeued by actions such as forwarding the task
associated with it. An implicit dequeueing sets the dequeued_by, dequeued_date,
and delete_flag attributes just as if the item was dequeued using the Dequeue
Related methods
Anyevents, page 75
Queue, page 339

This example queues an item to John’s queue and then immediately dequeues the item.
stamp = dmAPIGet("queue," session "," doc_id ",john")
if (stamp == NULL) {
print "Error queuing the document '" doc_id '" to John"
print dmAPIGet(""getmessage," session)
if (dmAPIExec("dequeue," session "," stamp) ==0) {
print "Error dequeuing the item'" stamp "'"
print dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)

180 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Returns the object ID of a remote object pointed to by a mirror object or replica
in the local repository.



Table 2-49. Dereference method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id The object ID of a mirror object or a replica in the local
repository that is associated with the original object in the
remote repository.

Return value
The Dereference method returns the object ID of the object pointed referenced by the
mirror object or replica.
Note: If the object_id argument does not identify a mirror object or replica, the method
returns the object ID specified in object_id.

Usage notes
Mirror objects are local objects that point to an object in a remote repository. They contain
a copy of the remote object’s metadata. Replicas are created by object replication jobs,
which replicate objects in one repository into another repository. Use the Dereference
method when you want to obtain the object ID of the remote object on which the mirror
object or replica is based.

Content Server API Reference Manual 181


Related methods
Refresh, page 344

This example script finds all the reference links in the Marketing cabinet, dereferences
each, and then calls FindVersions to find all versions of the source object represented
by the mirror object.
Dim cmd_str as String
Dim res_str as String
Dim err_msg as String
Dim result as Integer
Sub Main()
Dim session_id as String
Dim query_id as String
Dim obj_id as String
Dim src_id as String
Dim chron_id as String
print "Testing scoping example:"
print " - Find versions of document pointed at by reference."
print " "
print "Connect to repository 1."
cmd_str = "connect,testrepository,harvey,shme"
session_id = dmAPIGet(cmd_str)
if (session_id = "") then
print "Could not connect to repository 1"
end if
print "Query for references in Marketing Cabinet."
cmd_str = "query," + session_id + ",select r_object_id from dm_document
where folder('/Marketing') and i_is_reference=1"
query_id = dmAPIGet(cmd_str)
if (query_id = "") then
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," + session_id)
print "Error querying folder."
print err_msg
end if
while (dmAPIExec("next," +session_id+ "," + query_id) > 0)
obj_id = dmAPIGet("get," +session_id+ "," + query_id + ",r_object_id")
print "Dereference object " + obj_id + ":"
src_id = dmAPIGet("dereference," +session_id+ "," + obj_id)
if (src_id <> "") then
chron_id = dmAPIGet("get," +session_id+ "," + src_id + ",i_chronicle_id")
call FindVersions(session_id, src_id, chron_id)
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," +session_id)
print "Error dereferencing " + obj_id + "."
print err_msg

182 Content Server API Reference Manual


end if
End Sub
Sub FindVersions(session_id as string, src_id as string, chron_id as string)
Dim query_id as String
Dim version_id as String
Dim version_label as String
'# Set scope to source document repository
result = dmAPISet("set," + session_id +

cmd_str = "query," + session_id + ",select r_object_id,

r_version_label from
dm_document (all) where i_chronicle_id = '" + chron_id + "'"
query_id = dmAPIGet(cmd_str)
if (query_id = "") then
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," +session_id)
print "Error Querying for versions of " + src_id + "."
print err_msg
exit sub
end if
while (dmAPIExec("next," +session_id+ "," + query_id) > 0)
version_id = dmAPIGet("get," +session_id+ "," +
query_id + ",r_object_id")
version_label = dmAPIGet("get," +session_id+ "," +
query_id + ",r_version_label")
print " " + version_id + " " + version_label
'# Set scope back to default setting
result = dmAPISet("set," + session_id + ",sessionconfig,
docbase_scope", "")
End Sub

Content Server API Reference Manual 183



Purpose Describes the attributes of a type or registered table.




Table 2-50. Describe method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
type Identifies the object being described as a type.
object_type Specifies the type that you want to describe. Use the type’s
name, for example, dm_document.
table Identifies the object being described as a registered table.
tablename Specifies the registered table that you want to describe.

Return value
The Describe method returns the attributes and their datatypes for the specified type
or table. The description of type attributes indicates whether they are single-valued or
repeating and, for the string datatypes, includes their length.

Usage notes
The description of the attributes is returned as a formatted string intended for end users.
The lines in the output are terminated with line feeds.

184 Content Server API Reference Manual


Related methods
Dump, page 194

This example:
• Queries the repository for type definitions
• Prints an attribute list for each type definition retrieved
query_id = dmAPIGet("query," session ",select name from dm_type")
if (query_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error querying the repository"
print err_msg
resp_cntr = 0
while( dmAPIExec("next," session "," query_id) > 0 ) {
name = dmAPIGet("get," session "," query_id ",name")
if (name == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error retrieving type name from the query collection"
print err_msg
desc = dmAPIGet("describe," session ",type," name)
if (desc == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error retrieving '" name "' type description"
print err_msg
print ++resp_cntr " : " desc
err_flag = dmAPIExec("close," session "," query_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error closing the query collection"
print err_msg

Content Server API Reference Manual 185



Purpose Removes an object from the repository.



Table 2-51. Destroy method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object that you want to remove from the
repository. Use the object’s ID or an indirect reference
(@object_id) that points to the object.
force_flag Valid only when object_id represents an ACL or lifecycle object,
this flag allows Superusers to force the removal of an ACL or
lifecycle that is still in use. The default is F. Set this to T to
remove an ACL or lifecycle that is still in use.

Return value
The Destroy method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
Using the Destroy method has the following constraints:
• You cannot destroy a locked object.
• You can only destroy a lifecycle, workflow definition or activity definition that is
in draft or validated state. An installed lifecycle, workflow definition, or activity
definition must be uninstalled before you can destroy it.
• You cannot destroy a workflow definition that is in use by a workflow, an activity that
is referenced by a workflow definition, or a workflow that is not in the DORMANT,

186 Content Server API Reference Manual


• You cannot destroy an object that is part of a virtual document if:

— The virtual document is frozen, or
— The compound_integrity attribute is set to T (This attribute is found in the
server’s server config object.)
• You cannot destroy a replica of a SysObject or SysObject subtype. To remove replicas
of SysObjects or SysObject subtypes, use the Prune method.
• You cannot destroy a load record object while you are in an explicit transaction.
• To destroy a cabinet or folder, the object must be empty and you must have Create
Cabinet privilege.
• You cannot destroy an object if it is under the control of an active retention policy
or if it is stored in a content-addressed storage area and has an unexpired retention
Note: If the object is associated with an active retention policy (dm_retainer object),
you cannot remove the object using Destroy directly even if its retention period has
expired. You must use a privileged delete to delete a document under the control of
an active retention policy.
If the object is in content-addressed storage, it may have multiple content addresses,
each with its own retention period. If any of these are unexpired, Content Server
does not allow you to destroy the object. You must use a forced delete to delete a
document in these circumstances.
• To destroy audit trail entries (objects of type dm_audittrail, dm_audittrail_acl,
dm_audittrail_group, or dmi_audittrail_attrs), you must have Purge Audit
When you specify an audit trail entry as the object_id in a Destroy method, Content
Server translates the method to a PURGE_AUDIT administration method call.
If the repository is running under folder security, in addition to Delete permission on
the object you are destroying, you must have at least Write permission on the object’s
primary folder (the cabinet or folder represented in i_folder_id[0]).
This method only removes the specified object from its version tree. Consequently, if you
want to remove more than one version, you must use the Prune method.
Destroying an object removes it from any folder or cabinet in which it previously
Destroying an ACL, user, or group also removes any registry objects that have the ACL,
user, or group as the subject of the audit or event notification request.
Destroying a lifecycle
You cannot destroy an installed lifecycle. You can only destroy a draft or validated

Content Server API Reference Manual 187


If there are no SysObjects associated with the lifecycle, the Destroy method removes the
lifecycle. If there are sysobjects associated with the lifecycle, the Destroy method fails,
unless you specify force_flag=TRUE.
The objects identified by the entry_criteria_id, user_criteria_id, action_object_id,
user_action_id, type_override_id and associated with the policy are destroyed when you
destroy the policy object.
Destroying a lifecycle with associated objects
If you have Superuser user privileges, you can use the Destroy method to remove
a lifecycle which has SysObjects associated with it. Doing so, however, may cause
problems when promoting or demoting those referencing objects. Be sure to modify
the objects referencing the policy.
To destroy a lifecycle that has objects associated with it, issue the destroy method with
the force_flag argument set to TRUE. Note that the server does not send a notification
message to the owners of the SysObjects associated with the lifecycle.
Destroying the root of a version tree
If the object is the root of a version tree, the object is not actually removed from the
repository but its i_is_deleted attribute is set to TRUE and all associated objects, such as
relation objects, are removed as they would be for any destroyed object.
The object itself is unlinked from any cabinets or folders in which it is found and is
placed in the Temp cabinet.
If the object is carrying the CURRENT label, that label is moved to the version in the
version tree that has been most recently modified, that is, to the version with the highest
r_modify_date value.
Destroying ACLs still in use
If you have Superuser user privileges, you can use the Destroy method to remove an
ACL that is still referenced by one or more objects. Doing so, however, may cause
problems accessing those referencing objects. Be sure to modify the objects referencing
so that access to those objects is not impaired.
To remove an ACL that is still in use, issue the Destroy method with the force_flag
argument set to TRUE.

Related methods
Prune, page 326

This example:

188 Content Server API Reference Manual


• Creates a document object

• Saves the document object
• Destroys the document object
doc_id = dmAPIGet("create," session ",dm_document")
if (doc_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error creating a document object"
print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("save," session "," doc_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error saving the document object"
print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("destroy," session "," doc_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error destroying the document object"
print err_msg

Content Server API Reference Manual 189



Purpose Destroys an assembly.



Table 2-52. Disassembly method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
document_id Identifies the virtual document that contains the assembly. Use
the document’s object ID or an indirect reference (@object_id)
that points to the document.

Return value
The Disassemble method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
To destroy an assembly, the following conditions must be met:
• You must have at least Version permission for the document specified in document_id.
• The assembly must not be frozen. (To destroy a frozen assembly, you must first
unfreeze it with the Unfreeze method.)
Related methods
Assemble, page 100

This example destroys the assembly associated with the virtual document represented
by the assembly_id variable.

190 Content Server API Reference Manual


status = dmexec("disassemble,s0," assembly_id)

if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
exit }

Content Server API Reference Manual 191



Purpose Terminates a repository session.



Table 2-53. Disconnect method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies the session that you want to terminate. This must
be an open repository session.

Return value
The Disconnect method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Disconnect method disconnects the user from the repository session.
If connection pooling is enabled, the Disconnect method determines how many time the
session has been re-used. If the number is less than the maximum number of permitted
reuses, it sets the repository session’s status to free in the connection pool. If the session
has been re-used the maximum number of times, the method destroys the session.
If connection pooling is not enabled, the Disconnect method autmatically destroys the
Disconnecting closes any open collections and deletes from the server common area any
files that were copied to the common area during the session.

192 Content Server API Reference Manual


Related methods
Assume, page 106
Connect, page 155

This example:
• Connects to the server
• Activates tracing at level 1
• Disconnects from the server
session = dmAPIGet("connect," repository "," user "," passwd)
if (session == NULL) {
print "Error connecting to repository '" repository "'"
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print err_msg
inf_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print inf_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("trace," session ",1")
if (err_flag == 0) {
print "Error establishing trace level '1'"
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("disconnect," session)
if (err_flag == 0) {
print "Error disconnecting from repository '" repository "'"
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print err_msg

Content Server API Reference Manual 193



Purpose Lists an object’s attributes and their values.



Table 2-54. Dump method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object whose attributes and associated values
you want to list. Use the object’s ID or an indirect reference
(@object_id) that points to the object.

Do not include this argument if you include type_identifier.

type_identifier Returns data dictionary information about the specified type
or attribute of a specified type. The format of this is:

where type_name is the name of the type, and attribute is the

name of an attribute of that type. Use the type’s formal name;
for example tdm_document or tmytype.

Do not include this argument if you include object_id.

Refer to the Usage notes for more information about type


Return value
The Dump method returns the attributes and their values as a formatted string. Each line
in the output describes one attribute, and lines are separated by line feeds. The attribute
descriptions are grouped into the following categories:
• User-defined

194 Content Server API Reference Manual


• Application-specific
• System-related attributes
Usage notes
If you include the object_id argument, the method lists the attributes and their values for
a specified object.
If you include the type_identifier argument, the method returns the data dictionary
information stored for the specified object type or attribute of the object type. A type
identifier is a syntax format that returns the values in either a dmi_dd_type_info
or dmi_dd_attr_info object. These objects are the objects in which data dictionary
information is stored internally.
If you include a type identifier in the format “ttypename”, the method returns the data
dictionary information found in a dmi_dd_type_info object for the specified type. If you
use the format “ttypename.attribute_name”, it returns the data dictionary information
found in a dmi_dd_attr_info object for the specified attribute.

Related methods
Describe, page 184
Type, page 464

This example:
• Fetches the specified object
• Dumps the names and values of the object’s attributes
Note: A similar, but more flexible script, is shown in the descriptions of the Count,
Datatype, Repeating, and Values methods.
if (dmAPIExec("fetch," session "," obj_id) == 0) {
print "Error fetching the object '" object_id "'"
print dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
out_str = dmAPIGet("dump," session "," obj_id)
if (out_str == NULL) {
print "Error retrieving the formatted attribute values"
print dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
/* print out_str */

Content Server API Reference Manual 195



Purpose Provides a list of subconnections and the repositories to which they are connected.



Table 2-55. Dumpconnection method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session. Use just the session
identifier in the format Sn. For example: S0 or S1. Do not
include a subconnection identifier.

If the session is not specified, the method returns a list of

subconnections and associated repositories for all sessions the
current user has open with Content Server.

Return value
If a session is specified, the method returns a list of subconnections and the repositories
to which they are connected and the current repository scope of the session.
If the session is not specified, the method returns a list of all sessions open for the user,
the current repository scope of each session, the subconnections in each session, and the
repositories to which the subconnections are connected.
Refer to the Example for a sample of the output of Dumpconnection.

Usage notes
Any user can issue a Dumpconnection method. No special privileges are required.
The Dumpconnection method is intended for interactive use. It is not intended for use in

196 Content Server API Reference Manual


Related methods
Getconnection, page 229
Listconnection, page 300

For the following example, suppose there are two active connections: one with
test_repository and one with mktg_repository. The following IAPI excerpt illustrates
the output of Dumpconnection:
. . .
s0: current scope is test_repository
s0c0 test_repository
s0c1 mktg_repository

Content Server API Reference Manual 197



Purpose Dumps a login ticket or application access control token in a readable text format.



Table 2-56. Dumploginticket method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session. Use the session identifier
in the format Sn.
login_ticket The login ticket you want to dump. If you include a login
ticket, do not include an application access control token.
aac_token The application access control token that you want to dump. If
you include a token, do not include a login ticket.

Return value
The Dumploginticket method returns the values encoded into a login ticket or
application access control token in a readable text format.

Usage notes
Use Dumploginticket when troubleshooting a problem with a login ticket or application
access control token. The method returns the information that is encoded into the ticket
or token. Table 2–57, page 199, lists the information returned for login tickets, and Table
2–58, page 199, lists the information returned for tokens.

198 Content Server API Reference Manual


Table 2-57. Values encoded into login tickets

Value Description
Version Version level of the repository in the ticket was created
Scope Scope of the ticket
Single Use Yes or No, depending whether the ticket was created
for single or multiple use
Create Time Date and time at which the ticket was created
Expiration Time Date and time at which the ticket expires
User Name of the user for whom the ticket was created
Domain Domain of the user for whom the ticket was created,
if applicable
Server Name of the server that issued the method to create
the ticket
Docbase Name of the repository from which the ticket was
Host Name of the host machine on which the server resides

Table 2-58. Values encoded into AAC tTokens

Value Description
Version Version level of the repository in which the token was
Scope Scope of the token

Valid values for this are server, docbase, and global.

Single Use Yes or No, depending whether the token was created
for single or multiple use
Create Time Date and time at which the token was created
Expiration Time Date and time at which the token expires
User Name of the user for whom the token was created
Domain Domain of the user for whom the token was created,
if applicable
Server Name of the server that issued the method to create
the token
Docbase Name of the repository from which the token was

Content Server API Reference Manual 199


Value Description
Host Name of the host machine on which the server resides
MachineID Host machine identification. Valid values are MAC
address of the host, a system ID, or anything that
uniquely identifies the host.
ThisMachineOnly Whether use of the token is restricted to the host
identified in MachineID. T means use is restricted to
that machine. F means the token may be used from
any host machine.
ApplicationID A user-defined string that uniquely identifies the
application that can use the token.

Related methods
Getlogin, page 247


200 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Encrypts a password.



Table 2-59. Encryptpass method arguments

Argument Description
session Use the keyword apisession.
password The password to be encrypted. This must be a text string. If
the string includes a comma, the string must be enclosed in
single quotes.

Return value
Encryptpass returns an encrypted password in the format:

The encrypted password is also Base64 encoded.

Usage notes
Encryptpass is used by the DMCL to encrypt repository passwords used by Content
Server when connecting to repositories for operations such as object replication,
federation-related jobs, surrogate get, and so forth. These passwords are stored in files
specific to the operation type. The files are created when the operations are configured.
The method is also used by some Documentum clients to encrypt the repository
passwords used by these products. The encrypted passwords are passed to the DMCL
when the client is connecting to the repository. Custom client applications can use
Encryptpass in a similar manner.

Content Server API Reference Manual 201


The method uses AEK (Administration Encryption Key) to encrypt a password. After
encrypting the password, the method Base64 encodes the encrypted string and then
prefixes the string with DM_ENCR_PASS. As a result of these operations, the encrypted
password is longer in size than the unencrypted password.
The AEK must be initialized within the API session before the Encryptpass method
can be executed. The recommended way to initialize the AEK is to use an Initcrypto
method. If you do not use an Initcrypto method, the Encryptpass method looks for
the AEK in the location identified in the environment variable DM_CRYPTO_FILE. If
the AEK location is not identified in DM_CRYPTO_FILE, the method assumes it is in
%DOCUMENTUM%\dba\secure\aek.key ($DOCUMENTUM/dba/secure/aek.key).
When the key is found, the method initializes the AEK before proceding.

Related methods
Initcrypto, page 269

The following example initializes the AEK and then calls Encryptpass to encrypt the
password foo.
Status = dmAPIExec("initcrypto,apisession,C:\Documentum\ARP\Crypto")
if (Status = 0) Then
Call DmPrint("Could not open AEK at
encrypted_password$ = dmAPIGet("encryptpass,apisession,foo")
If (encrypted_password = "") Then
Call DmPrint("Could not encrypt password")
End if
End if

This short excerpt illustrates how to quote a password that includes a comma:
encrypted_password$ = dmAPIGet("encryptpass,apisession,'furry,dog'")
If (encrypted_password = "") Then
Call DmPrint("Could not encrypt password")
End if
End if

202 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Executes a DQL statement.



Table 2-60. Execquery method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
readquery_flag Indicates that this is a read-only query. The default is F
dql_query Specifies the DQL query that you want to execute. This can
be any length.

Return value
The Execquery method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
Use the Execquery method when you want to send a long query to Content Server. A
long query is defined as a query containing more than 255 characters.
Use the readquery flag for better performance when you execute a SELECT statement
whose results will be processed without any database changes occurring during the
To obtain the ID of the collection holding the results of an Execquery execution, use the
Getlastcoll method. (Refer to Using execquery in an application, page 351 in Content
Server Fundamentals for more information about using Execquery and processing query

Content Server API Reference Manual 203


Related methods
Cachequery, page 133
Execsql, page 205
Readquery, page 342
Note: See also the EXEC_SQL administration method, which is executed by either the
Apply method or the DQL EXECUTE statement.

status = dmexec("execquery,s0,T,select subject from \
dm_document where owner_name = USER")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
query_id = dmget("getlastcoll,s0")
{ subject = dmget("get,s0," query_id ",subject")
print subject
dmexec("close,s0," query_id)

204 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Executes SQL (Structured Query Language) statements.



Table 2-61. Execsql method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
sql_statement Specifies the SQL statement that you want to execute. This can
be any SQL statement except a SELECT statement.

Return value
The Execsql method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
You cannot use this method to execute an SQL SELECT statement.
You must have the Superuser privilege to execute this method.

Related methods
Execquery, page 203
Readquery, page 342
Note: See also the EXEC_SQL administration method, which is executed by either the
Apply method or the DQL EXECUTE statement.

Content Server API Reference Manual 205


sql_stmt = "create index new_index on my_table(col_1) \
err_flag = dmAPIExec("execsql," session "," sql_stmt)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error executing sql statement '" sql_stmt "'"
print err_msg

206 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Starts or restarts a workflow.



Table 2-62. Execute method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
workflow_id Identifies the workflow that you want to start. Use the object
ID of the workflow.

Return value
The Execute method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
You must be the workflow creator or supervisor or have Sysadmin or Superuser
privileges to use the Execute method.
The Execute method generates a run-time instance for each start activity with r_act_state
set to dormant, and generates a run-time instance for each activity that requires a
pre-timer and sets r_pre_timer.

Related methods
Abort, page 40
Halt, page 265
Restart, page 386
Resume, page 392

Content Server API Reference Manual 207


status = dmAPIExec("execute," session ",4d00007b80000100")

208 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Fetches an object from the repository without placing a lock on the object.



Table 2-63. Fetch method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object that you want to fetch. Use the object’s ID
or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points to the object.
type Identifies the object’s type. Using this enhances performance
for the Fetch method but it is not required. Use the type’s
internal name, for example, dm_document.
persistent_cache Whether to put the object in the persistent client cache. T
(TRUE) means to store the object in the persistent client cache.
The default is F (FALSE), meaning not to store the object in
the cache.
consistency_check Defines how to handle consistency checking when fetching
_value the object. Valid values are:
• Name of a cache config object
• A positive integer
• One of three keywords or the integer equivalents

If you identify a cache config object, the server uses the

consistency check rules defined in the cache config object. Use
the object name of the cache config object.

A positive integer value is interpreted in seconds and defines

the length of time that the object can be used without being
checked for consistency.

The keywords are:

Content Server API Reference Manual 209


Argument Description

check_always, meaning the object is always checked and

refetched if needed. check_always is the equivalent of
specifying 0 for the argument.

check_never, meaning the object is never checked. If the object

is cached, the object in the cache is used. check_never is the
equivalent of specifying -1 for the argument.

check_first_access, meaning the object is checked if it is found

in the cache and has not been previously checked for currency
by the client application. The object is not checked on second
and subsequent accesses by the application. check_first_access
is the equivalent of specifying -2 for the argument.

The default is check_always.

Return value
The Fetch method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
To fetch a SysObject, you must have at least Browse permission on the specified object. If
you want to save the object after you fetch it, you must have at least Write permission
on the object.
When you fetch a SysObject from the repository, the server does not place a lock on
the object. This means there is no guarantee that you can save any changes you make
because another user may check out the object while you have it fetched.
Using the Fetch method does not allow you to use the Checkin method to write the
SysObject back to the repository. You must use the Save method.
Fetching audit trail entries, page 210 describes the rules for fetching audit trail entries.
You cannot modify or save fetched audit trail entries.
Fetching audit trail entries
Fetching audit trail entries is subject to the following rules:
• If you have Superuser or View_audit privileges, you can fetch any audit trail entry,
including audittrail acl and audittrail group objects.
• You must have Superuser or View_audit privileges to fetch audittrail attrs objects.

210 Content Server API Reference Manual


• If you do not have Superuser or View_audit privileges and an entry’s

i_audited_obj_class attribute value is 0, to fetch the entry, you must have Browse
privileges defined in the ACL identified by the acl_name and acl_domain attributes
of the entry. (If there is no ACL identified in the audit trail entry or the ACL does
not exist, you cannot fetch that audit trail object either.)
• If you do not have Superuser or View_audit privileges and an entry’s
i_audited_obj_class attribute value is -1, 1, 2, or 3, you cannot fetch that entry.
• If you are the owner of an audited object, you can fetch the audit trail entries that
record the events on the audited object. No special privileges are required.
• Any user can fetch audit trail entries for application events.
Caching objects
All fetched objects are placed in an in-memory cache on the client side. If persistent_cache
is set to T in the Fetch method, the object is marked for persistent caching. All objects
marked for persistent caching are written to the client disk when the session terminates.
The cache is stored in a directory identified by the name of the user who issued the Fetch
method. The cache file is loaded into memory the next time the user starts a session.
Storing objects in a persistent cache can improve performance for operations that access
the object and is most useful for objects that are infrequently changed. (Refer to Using
persistent client caching in an application, page 48 in Content Server Fundamentals for an
introduction to persistent client caching.)
Refreshing fetched or cached objects
By default, an object is checked for consistency against the object in the repository every
time the object is fetched. To change the default, set the consistency_check_value argument.
The argument defines how the fetched object is checked for consistency for that Fetch call.
Consistency checking, page 49 in Content Server Fundamentals describes in detail how
consistency checking is implemented.

Related methods
Checkout, page 146

This example:
• Fetches the specified object
• Dumps the names and values of the object’s attributes
Note: An example script that produces a similar result in a more flexible manner is
shown for the Count, Datatype, Repeating, Value methods.
if (dmAPIExec("fetch," session "," obj_id) == 0) {

Content Server API Reference Manual 211


print "Error fetching the object '" object_id "'"

print dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
out_str = dmAPIGet("dump," session "," doc_id)
if (out_str == NULL) {
print "Error retrieving the formatted attribute values"
print dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
# print out_str

212 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Removes cached queries from the client’s query caches; ACLs or groups from the
session cache; objects from the persistent client caches; or non-persistent objects
from the data dictionary cache.



Table 2-64. Flush method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
cache_keyword Identifies the objects or cache to be flushed. Valid keywords

querycache, to flush the user’s persistent query cache

aclcache, to flush the ACLs in the session cache

groupcache, to flush the groups in the session cache

ddcache, to flush the data dictionary objects cached on the

client host

registrycache, to flush registry objects in the session’s registry


persistentcache, to flush the objects and query results in the

user’s persistent client cache

persistentobjcache, to flush the objects in the user’s persistent

client cache

You can include only one cache keyword in the arguments.

If you include ddcache, you must include the cache_key

Content Server API Reference Manual 213


Argument Description
object_type Identifies an object type. Include object_type only when
cache_keyword identifies either the data dictionary cache or the
registry cache.

When the data dictionary cache is the target, Flush removes

the data dictionary objects for the specified object type and
its subtypes. When the registry cache is the target, you must
include the include_subtypes argument to flush registry objects
for subtypes of the specified object type.
reset_change_bit T (TRUE) directs Content Server to reset the change bit in the
registry cache to false for all cache entries that are marked true
when the cache is flushed. Use this only when the registry
cache is the target of the operation. For more information
about its use, refer to Flushing the registry cache, page 214.
The default is F (FALSE).
include_subtypes Whether you want to flush registry objects that reference
subtypes of the object type identified in object_type. The
default is F (FALSE), meaning not to flush objects referencing

Return value
The Flush method returns TRUE if successful and FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
Use the Flush method to
• Remove cached registry objects
• Persistent client cache files
• Free up server memory by removing cached ACLs or groups
• Remove cached data dictionary objects
Flushing the registry cache
When a Content Server is started, the server creates an in-memory cache of all the
registry objects currently in the repository. Each session started with a server creates a
copy of that server’s registry cache. When you flush a registry cache, the operation
affects your session copy and the root server’s cache. The operation does not affect the
session-level registry caches in use by other current sessions.

214 Content Server API Reference Manual


The information in the registry cache includes a change bit for each object type referenced
by a registry object. When a Register, Unregister, Audit, or Unaudit method is executed
that affects one of those object types, the change bit is set to T (TRUE). The Flush method
affects all cache entries for object types whose change bit is set to T. If you include the
include_subtypes argument set to T, the method also flushes entries for all subtypes of the
affected object types. Including the reset_change_bit argument set to T resets the change
bit to F (FALSE) for the affected object types after flushing their entries.
Flushing the persistent client cache
Flushing a persistent cache, or any part of it, flushes the cache for the user who executes
the Flush method. It is not possible to flush another user’s cache.
There are three options for flushing a persistent client cache. You can flush the entire
cache (objects and queries), only the objects in the cache, or only the query results. To
flush the entire cache, include the persistentcache keyword. To flush only the objects,
include the persistentobcache keyword. To flush only the query results, use the
querycache keyword .
If you flush the query cache files, the method removes all files from the cache file in the
user’s client local area and recreates the cache.map file without entries. (The cache.map
file maps the entries in an executed cached query to the results file.) The next time the
user executes a cached query, a new result set is cached.
Flushing the ACL or group cache
Including aclcache removes the cached ACLs from the session cache. Including
groupcache removes the cached groups from the session cache. Removing cached ACLs,
groups, or both can eliminate out of memory errors reported by the server if large
numbers of objects were created during the session.
Flushing the data dictionary cache
Include the ddcache keyword to remove the data dictionary objects for a specific object
type and its subtypes that are cached on the client host. The object_type argument
identifies the object type.

Related methods
Flushcache, page 217
Purgelocal, page 332

status = dmAPIExec("flush,c,querycache")
if (status == 0)
print dmAPIGet("getmessage,c")
status = dmAPIExec("flush,c,ddcache,dm_document")

Content Server API Reference Manual 215


if (status == 0)
print dmAPIGet("getmessage,c")

216 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Removes objects from the server and client in-memory caches. (It does not remove
objects from a persistent cache. Use Flush to remove objects from a persistent



Table 2-65. Flushcache method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
discard_changed Indicates whether you want to discard objects in the caches
that have been changed but not saved. The default is FALSE,
which retains those items. Set it to TRUE to remove them.

Return value
The Flushcache method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Flushcache method cleans objects out of the client and server caches. These
caches hold objects that the user has fetched during his or her session. If you set the
discard_changed argument to TRUE, the system removes changed objects also. Note,
however, that changed objects in the cache have not yet been saved to the repository so if
you remove them, you are losing the work done in that session.

Related methods
Flush, page 213
Purgelocal, page 332

Content Server API Reference Manual 217


status = dmAPIExec("flushcache,c")
if (status != 1)
print dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0");

218 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Disconnects all free connections in the connection pool and removes them from
the pool.


Flushconnectpool has no arguments.

Return value
Flushconnectpool returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
Flushconnectpool affects only the connection pool established by the application from
which the method is issued. When the method is executed, any free sessions in the pool
are immediately removed from the connection pool and disconnected. Any sessions that
are in use are removed and disconnected when they are released back to the connection
Use this method cautiously in an application. If the application attempts to use a
connection that has been removed from the connection pool and disconnected, undefined
behavior may occur.
Any user can issue a Flushconnectpool method.

Related methods
Flush, page 213
Flushcache, page 217

Content Server API Reference Manual 219


if (status != 1)
print dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0");

220 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Marks an object and, optionally, its components if the object is a virtual document,
as unchangeable.



Table 2-66. Freeze method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Specifies the object that you want to mark unchangeable.

Use the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that

points to the object.

If you are freezing the assembly for a virtual document (setting

freeze_components to T), object_id must identify the document
with which the assembly is associated. Generally, this is the
virtual document. However, a virtual document’s assembly is
sometimes associated with a simple document. In such cases,
specify the simple document’s object ID in this argument.
freeze_components Indicates whether you want to freeze the components
that make up the specified object’s assembly as well as the
object itself. Set this flag to TRUE to freeze the assembled
components as well as the object. This flag is only set if the
specified object is a virtual document that has an associated
assembly. The default is FALSE.

Return value
The Freeze method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Content Server API Reference Manual 221


Usage notes
Using the Freeze method, you can mark any SysObject as unchangeable. If the specified
object is a virtual document, you also have the option to freeze the components that
make up its associated assembly as well as the document itself.
When an object is frozen, you cannot change its content or its primary storage location.
Additionally, many of its attributes are made unchangeable. (For a list of those that can be
changed in frozen object, refer to Immutability, page 123 in Content Server Fundamentals.)
Finally, if the object is a virtual document, you cannot add or delete components.
If you set the freeze_components flag, the server freezes the components that make up the
assembly associated with the object. This means that you cannot modify the components
nor can you delete them from the virtual document.
Freezing an object sets two attributes of the object:
• r_immutable_flag
This attribute indicates that the object is unchangeable.
• r_frozen flag
This attribute indicates that the object is unchangeable because it was specifically
If you set the freeze_components flag, the server sets the object’s r_has_frzn_assembly
attribute also. This attribute indicates that the document’s assembly is frozen in addition
to the document itself.
When you freeze an assembly, the method sets the following attributes for each
component of the assembly:
• r_immutable_flag
• r_frzn_assembly_cnt
This attribute maintains a count of the number of frozen assemblies to which this
object belongs.
(For a detailed discussion of how frozen virtual documents and assemblies behave, refer
to Chapter 7, Virtual Documents, in Content Server Fundamentals.)

Related methods
Unfreeze, page 469

In this example, doc_id is a variable containing the object ID of the document that has the
attached assembly.

222 Content Server API Reference Manual


cmd = sprintf("freeze,c," doc_id ",T")

status = dmexec(cmd)
if (status != 1)
error_msg = dmget("getmessage,s0");
printf "%s", error_msg;
cmd = sprintf("save,c," doc_id)
status = dmexec(cmd);
if (status != 1)
{error_msg = dmget("getmessage,s0");
printf "%s", error_msg;

Content Server API Reference Manual 223



Purpose Gets the value of an attribute or information about a Content Server installation.



Table 2-67. Get method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Specifies the object that contains the attribute whose value you
are getting. Use either the object’s ID or an indirect reference
(@object_id) that points to the object. Alternatively, you can use
one of the following keywords:


Refer to the Usage notes for a description of the objects

represented by the keywords.
type_identifier Returns data dictionary information about the specified type
or attribute of a specified type. The format of this is:

where type_name is the name of the type, and attribute is the

name of an attribute of that type. Use the type’s formal name;
for example tdm_document or tmytype.

Do not include this argument if you include object_id.

224 Content Server API Reference Manual


Argument Description
attribute If you include object_id, this identifies the object attribute
whose value you want to obtain. Use the attribute’s name
specified in lowercase.

If you include type_identifier, this identifies an attribute in

either a dmi_dd_type_info object or a dmi_dd_attr_info object.

If the type_identifier references only a type name (no attribute),

this value must identify an attribute in a dmi_dd_type_info
object. If the type_identifier references a type name and
an attribute, this value must identify an attribute in a
dmi_dd_attr_info object.
[index] For repeating attributes, specifies the position in the attribute’s
value list of the value you wish to get. Do not use this
argument if attribute specifies a single-valued attribute. You
must include the square brackets (refer to the Usage notes for
an example). The default value is zero.
pattern For date attributes, defines the format in which you want the
date returned. You can specify any valid character string date
format. You must enclose the value in single quotes if the
pattern contains a comma. Refer to the Usage notes for a list of
valid patterns for dates.

By default, the server returns date values in the short date

format defined for the client.

Return value
The Get method returns the requested information as a character string.

Usage notes
The Get method retrieves an attribute value from an object. Generally, you specify which
object by specifying the object’s ID in the method’s argument list. However, the server
provides special keywords for four objects. These keywords and the objects that they
represent are:
• apiconfig
This keyword represents the api config object, a non-persistent object that is
constructed when the client issues a dmAPIInit call and is destroyed when the client
issues the dmAPIDeInit call. This object’s attributes reflect values in the client’s

Content Server API Reference Manual 225


dmcl.ini file (unless the object’s values for the session have been changed using a Set
method). Using the Get method, you can determine the client’s primary connection
broker, its backup connection brokers, and several client parameters such as the
client_cache_size, where the client’s local common area is located, which dmcl.ini file
the client is using, and so forth. Refer to Table 2–6, page 68 in the EMC Documentum
Object Reference Manual for a complete list of its attributes.
• sessionconfig
This keyword represents the session config object, a non-persistent object that is
constructed when the client connects to a repository and is destroyed when the client
disconnects from the repository. This object’s attributes represent the operating
parameters for that client’s repository session. They are a merging of some attribute
values from the client’s api config object and some from its server config object.
Refer to Session Config, page 441 in the EMC Documentum Object Reference Manual
for a list of its attributes.
You can also use this keyword to retrieve the value of the _isdeadlocked computed
attribute for the session.
• connectionconfig
This keyword represents a connection config object, a non-persistent object that
is constructed when the client establishes a subconnection within a session. It is
destroyed when the client closes the subconnection. The object’s attributes represent
the operating parameters for that repository connection. Refer to Table 2–34, page
140 in the EMC Documentum Object Reference Manual for a list of its attributes.
• docbaseconfig
This keyword represents the docbase config object, a persistent object that is part
of the repository’s configuration definition. The attributes in this object control the
repository’s security level, the location of its events directory, and the location of the
tablespace for type indexes. Refer to Table 2–46, page 181 in the EMC Documentum
Object Reference Manual for a list of its attributes.
• serverconfig
This keyword represents a server config object, a persistent object whose attributes
define the configuration for a server. They contain information about where the
server can find the directories that it needs, such as the content storage areas, the
full-text index directories, and external scripts. Refer to Table 2–153, page 426 in the
EMC Documentum Object Reference Manual for a list of its attributes.
Obtaining repeating attribute values
To get a value from a repeating attribute, you must specify the index position of that
value. The index position identifies the value’s position in the list of values that make
up the repeating attribute. Index position numbers begin at zero for the first value in
the repeating attribute and increment by one for each succeeding value. You must

226 Content Server API Reference Manual


enclose the index position value in square brackets when you specify it. For example, the
following statement gets the value in the third position of the authors attribute:

Specifying patterns for date attributes

The Get method allows you to define how you want a returned date value expressed. By
including a pattern specification on the Get method command line, you tell the server
how to format the returned date. Valid patterns are:
month dd[,] [yy]yy
mon dd [yy]yy
[dd/]mm/[yy]yy [hh:mi:ss]
[yy]yy/mm[/dd] [hh:mi:ss]
[mon-][yy]yy [hh:mi:ss]
month[,] [yy]yy [hh:mi:ss]
For example, the following method call returns the value of a document’s r_creation_date
attribute in the format dd-mon-yy:

If the document’s creation date was November 22, 1995, the example above would
return 22-Nov-95.
You must enclose the pattern specification in single quotes if the pattern contains a
Using a type_identier
If you include the type_identifier argument, the method returns the data dictionary
information stored for the specified object type or attribute of the object type. A type
identifier is a syntax format that returns the values in either a dmi_dd_type_info
or dmi_dd_attr_info object. These objects are the objects in which data dictionary
information is stored internally.
If you include a type identifier in the format “ttypename”, the method returns the data
dictionary information found in a dmi_dd_type_info object for the specified type. In this
case, the attribute argument must reference an attribute of the dmi_dd_type_info type.
If you include a type identifier in the format “ttypename.attribute_name”, the method
returns the data dictionary information found in a dmi_dd_attr_info object for the
specified type. In this case, the attribute argument must reference an attribute of the
dmi_dd_attr_info type.
For example, suppose you want to return only the default value assigned to
mycustomattr in the dm_document type. In the data dictionary, an attribute’s default
value is stored in the dmi_dd_attr_info.default_value attribute. To obtain that value, use:

Content Server API Reference Manual 227


Related methods
Getmessage, page 251
Locate, page 304

This example:
• Queries the repository
• Loops through the resulting collection, printing each respondent
• Closes the query collection
query_id = dmAPIGet("query," session ",select r_object_id from dm_document")
if (query_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error querying the repository"
print err_msg
resp_cntr = 0
while( dmAPIExec("next," session "," query_id) > 0 ) {
obj_id = dmAPIGet("get," session "," query_id ",r_object_id")
if (obj_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error retrieving object ID from the query collection"
print err_msg
print ++resp_cntr " : " obj_id

err_flag = dmAPIExec("close," session "," query_id)

if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error closing the query collection"
print err_msg

The following example retrieves the extended permissions of an object in string form
and separated by commas.

228 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Returns the subconnection identifier for a repository or establishes a subconnection

to the repository if none exists.



Table 2-68. Getconnection method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session. Use a session identifier
in the format Sn. For example: S0 or S1.
scoping_value Identifies the repository whose subconnection identifier
you want to retrieve or with which you want to establish a
connection. Valid values for scoping_value are:

A repository ID
A repository name
The object ID of an object in the repository
An indirect reference (@object_id) that points to an an object
in the repository.
connect_flag Indicates whether you want to establish a subconnection with
the repository if none currently exists. This flag is TRUE by

Return value
The Getconnection method returns the subconnection identifier for the connection to
the repository.
If no connections exists and the connect_flag is set to FALSE, the method returns a blank,

Content Server API Reference Manual 229


Usage notes
Use the Getconnection method when you want to establish a subconnection within a
current session. You must be valid user in the target repository to issue a Getconnection
requesting a connection to that repository.
Use the session identifier to define the session in which you want to establish the
subconnection. Although you can specify a subconnection within the session without
generating an error, Content Server will consider it the equivalent of only specifying
the session identifier. That is, specifying SnCn in the session argument is treated as the
equivalent of specifying Sn.
Working in environments with Trusted Content Services
The Getconnection method inherits the secure connection mode requested by the primary
connection. For example, if the primary connection was established by a Connect method
that requested a secure connection mode, then the Getconnection method is issued with
an implicit request for a secure connection. Consequently, you must ensure that the
target server is listening on a port that provides the requested connection mode.

Related methods
Dumpconnection, page 196
Listconnection, page 300

The following example issues a Getconnection method and uses the returned
subconnection identifier in a query to a remote repository:
cmd_str="query," subconnectID ",select owner_name from dm_document"

230 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Copies a content file in the repository into memory.



Table 2-69. Getcontent method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
document_id Identifies the document whose content you want to retrieve.
Use the document’s object ID or indirect reference (@object_id)
that points to the object.
format Identifies the file format in which you want the content. Use
the format’s name (the value in the name attribute of the
format’s format object). The default is the format identified in
the document’s a_content_type attribute.
page_num Identifies the content page with which the content file is
associated. The default is zero (the first content page).
page_modifier Identifies a rendition. This is a character string defined when
the rendition was created.

You must include the page modifier if there are multiple

renditions in the specified format associated with the specified
content page.

The default is an empty string.

get_resource For files created on Macintosh systems, indicates whether you
want the method to retrieve the data fork (the file containing
the content) or the resource fork. FALSE (the default) returns
the data fork (the content file). TRUE retrieves the resource
fork (the file specified in the other_ticket attribute of the
content object).

Content Server API Reference Manual 231


Return value
The Getcontent method returns a collection that has one result object. Table 2–70, page
232 lists the attributes in the result object.

Table 2-70. Result object attributes for Getcontent method

Attribute Description
buffer The address of the buffer.
buffer_size The size, in bytes, of the buffer (this was specified in
the buffer_size argument).
current_length The size, in bytes, of the retrieved segment.
content_size The size, in bytes, of the requested content file. This
attribute is correct for files up to 2GB in size.
full_content_size The size, in bytes, of the requested content file.

This attribute records the full size of files over 2GB.

seekable Indicates if this content is seekable. Refer to Seek, page
413 method.
byte_position Indicates the position of the file pointer (Useful with
Seek, page 413 method).
_content_buffer Points to the location of the file in memory.
Note: This attribute is only accessible through the
Getcontent method. The attribute is not displayed
with the Dump command, but applications can access
it using the Get method.

Usage notes
You must have at least Read permission on the object identified in document_id to use this
The Getcontent method copies a requested file in the repository into memory. This
method is intended for use by applications rather than end users.
Identifying the content le
The format, page_number, and page_modifier arguments together identify the particular
content file wanted. If you want to return the primary content for the first content page,
you can default all of these arguments. For example:

232 Content Server API Reference Manual


To return any other content file, whether a primary content or a rendition, you must
include one or more of the arguments. For example, the following statement returns
the primary content of the second page:

The next example returns the PDF rendition associated with the second page:

Suppose that there were two PDF renditions associated with the third page. The first PDF
rendition has the page modifier first and the second PDF rendition has the page modifier
second. To retrieve the second PDF rendition of the third page, the method call is:

If you include a page modifier and a rendition with that modifier isn’t found, the method
returns an error.
If you don’t include a page modifier, the server looks first for a content file or rendition
with the specified format and no modifier. If one is not found, the server looks for
a rendition in the correct format among those that have a modifier and returns the
rendition having the smallest modifier. (Smallest is defined as the page modifier that is
first if the modifiers are sorted alphanumerically in ascending order.) If the server can’t
find a rendition with the correct format among those that have a modifier, it will try to
convert the content file to the correct format.
Processing the return value
Getcontent returns a collection. To retrieve the actual file, iterate through the collection
using the Next method. The number of iterations depends on the size of the actual
content file.
When the file is larger than the buffer, the application must copy the contents of the
buffer to another file after each execution of Next. With each iteration of Next, the server
copies the next chunk of the file into the buffer.
The strings placed in the buffer are not zero terminated. To determine the actual length
of the string in the buffer, examine the current_length attribute of the collection’s result

Related methods
Getfile, page 241

coll = dmAPIGet("getcontent," session "," doc_id")
while (dmAPIExec("next," session"," coll))
{msg = dmAPIGet("get," session "," coll ",_content_buffer")

Content Server API Reference Manual 233


print msg
dmAPIExec ("close," session)

234 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Returns information about the repositories that are known to the responding
connection broker.



Table 2-71. Getdocbasemap method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open session. You can specify an open repository
session or use the keyword apisession to specify the API
session started by a dmAPIInit call. Use apisession if you want
to issue the Getdocbasemap call when you are not connected
to a repository.
protocol Identifies the protocol used to talk to the connection broker.
The only valid protocol is RPC_STATIC (uppercase).

This argument is optional. However, if you include it, it is not

effective unless you include host_name and port_number also.
host_name Identifies the host machine on which the connection broker

This argument is optional. However, if you include it, it is not

effective unless you include protocol and port_number also.
port_number Specifies the port number which the connection broker is
using for communications.

This argument is optional. However, if you include it, it is not

effective unless you include protocol and host_name also.

Content Server API Reference Manual 235


Return value
The Getdocbasemap method returns a non-persistent ID for a docbase locator object.

Usage notes
The Getdocbasemap method asks a connection broker to respond with a description of
the repositories that are known to the connection broker. The optional arguments allow
you to specify which connection broker responds. These arguments uniquely identify
a connection broker. (You can obtain the values for these attributes for the connection
brokers by issuing a Getdocbrokermap method call.)
If you do not include the arguments, the request is sent to all connection brokers defined
in the user’s dmcl.ini file. The returned repository map contains information about the
repositories known to all connection brokers responding to the request.
The returned information includes the repository IDs, their names, and a verbose
description of each. This information is returned in the attributes of a docbase locator
object. To obtain the attribute’s values, use a Get method, specifying the ID that the
method returns.

Related methods
Getdocbrokermap, page 237
Getservermap, page 256

repositorymap = dmAPIGet("getdocbasemap,c")
if (repositorymap == NULL)
print dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0");

236 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Returns information about the connection brokers that are known to the client



Table 2-72. Getdocbrokermap method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open session. You can specify an open repository
session or use the keyword apisession to specify the API
session started by a dmAPIInit call. Use apisession if you want
to issue the Getdocbasemap call when you are not connected
to a repository.

Return value
The method returns an object ID for a docbroker locator object.

Usage notes
The connection brokers that a particular client session can access are defined in the client
dmcl file used by that session. A Getdocbrokermap method call returns a non-persistent
ID for a docbroker locator object that contains, in repeating attributes, a list of the
connection brokers that are known to the client dmcl file. This information includes the
protocol used by the connection broker, which host machine it resides on, what port
number it is using and the length of time a server waits for a reply from the connection
broker before sending the request to another connection broker.
To obtain the values in the docbase locator object’s attributes, use the Get method, with
the ID returned by the Getdocbrokermap method.

Content Server API Reference Manual 237


Related methods
Getdocbasemap, page 235
Getservermap, page 256

DBMapId = dmAPIGet("getdocbrokermap," session)

238 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Returns all unread items in the user’s inbox.



Table 2-73. Getevents method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.

Return value
The Getevents method returns the collection identifier for a collection of objects of
type dmi_queue_item. (Refer to Table 2–121, page 352 in the EMC Documentum Object
Reference Manual for a description of the dmi_queue_item attributes.)

Usage notes
Each item in an inbox is stored in an object of type dmi_queue_item. Getevents returns
an identifier for the collection of all dmi_queue_item objects for the user that have a
read_flag value of 0, which indicates an unread object. Every dmi_queue_item object has
an attribute called read_flag. This attribute is set to 0 (FALSE) when the dmi_queue_item
object is created (when the object is queued to the user). Issuing Getevents retrieves all
dm_queue_items for the user that have read_flag = 0 and then resets read_flag to 1
(TRUE) for those items.
Note: When users open their Inboxes, the read_flag is also set to 1 for any new items
in the Inbox. Consequently, Getevents only returns items that users have not viewed
through their Inboxes or a previous Getevents.
Using the collection identifier, you can iterate through the collection.

Content Server API Reference Manual 239


This example retrieves all of the queued events for the current user:
coll = dmAPIGet("getevents," session);
while (dmAPIExec("next," session "," coll))
name = dmAPIGet("get," session "," coll ",name")
inst = dmAPIGet("get," session "," coll ",message")
event = dmAPIGet("get," session "," coll ",event")
stamp = dmAPIGet("get," session "," coll "_id")
printf "Event" event "has occurred on "name" stamp ("stamp")"
if (inst != "") print "Instructions: " inst
err_flag = dmAPIExec("close," session "," query_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error closing the query collection"
print err_msg

240 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Retrieves a content file from the repository.



Table 2-74. Getle method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Specifies the object with which the file is associated. Use the
object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points to
the object.
file_name Defines the location where you want to put the copy of
the retrieved content file. This is an optional argument. If
unspecified, the server places the copy in the client’s local area
or the Content Server common area.
Note: Files in the client local area or the common area
are removed when the session is closed or when the user
terminates the connection to the repository.
format Specifies the format in which you want the file. This can be
any valid file format or NULL. If you specify NULL, the server
returns the file in the format specified in the a_content_type
attribute of the object.
page_number Identifies the content page with which the content file is
associated. Use the content’s page number. The default is zero
(the first content page).

Content Server API Reference Manual 241


Argument Description
get_resource For files created on Macintosh systems, indicates whether you
want the getfile to retrieve the data fork (the file containing the
content) or the resource fork. FALSE (the default) returns the
data fork (the content file). TRUE retrieves the resource fork
(the file specified in the other_ticket attribute of the content

If the content is stored in an external storage area, the other_file

argument is ignored.
page_modifier Character string that identifies a rendition. You must include
the page modifier if there are multiple renditions in the
specified format associated with the specified content page.

The default is an empty string.

Return value
The Getfile method returns a character string that contains the location of the retrieved
file as a full-path specification.

Usage notes
Getfile retrieves content files associated with a document. Each Getfile retrieves one
content file. The file can be primary content or a rendition. You must have at least Read
permission on the document that contains the file. If the content file is not in the format
requested, the server converts the file to the specified format. If the server cannot do the
conversion, you receive an error message.
Identifying the content le
The combination of the format, page_number, and page_modifier arguments identify
which content file to return. To return the primary content of the first content page,
default these arguments. For example,

All primary content of a document have the format defined in the document’s
a_content_type attribute. Page_number defaults to zero, which represents the first
content page. And the page modifier for all primary content is an empty string.
To return any other content file associated with a document, whether it is a primary
content or rendition, you must use one or more of the arguments. For example, to return
the primary content associated with the second content page of 0900000223643ec1,
include the page_number argument:

242 Content Server API Reference Manual



To retrieve the PDF rendition of the third page of the document, include the format and
the page number:

Suppose there are two PDF renditions associated with the second page of the document.
The first has the page modifierfirst and the second has the page modifier second. To
retrieve the first PDF rendition, include the format, page number, and page modifier:

If you include a page modifier and a rendition with that modifier isn’t found, the method
returns an error.
If you don’t include a page modifier, the server looks first for a content file or rendition
with the specified format and no modifier. If one is not found, the server looks for
a rendition in the correct format among those that have a modifier and returns the
rendition having the smallest modifier. (Smallest is defined as the page modifier that is
first if the modifiers are sorted alphanumerically in ascending order.) If the server can’t
find a rendition with the correct format among those that have a modifier, it will try to
convert the content file to the correct format.
Saving the content to a le
When the server saves the file to the specified location, it substitutes a hyphen (-) for any
character in the file name that it cannot map to an ASCII character. For example, if a
user’s session code page is UTF-8 and the client_os_codepage is Shift_JIS or EUC-KR,
the server substitutes hyphens for all characters in the file name that it cannot map
to ASCII characters.

Related methods
Setfile, page 434
Setpath, page 439

This example:
• Queries the repository for current parts of Chapter 8.
• Loops through the resulting collection, printing each respondent title, checking if the
user wants the content from this document, andif so, getting the content.
• Closes the query collection.
query_str = "select r_object_id,title from dm_document"
query_str = queryd_str " where title like 'Chapter 8 -%'"

Content Server API Reference Manual 243


query_id = dmAPIGet("query," session "," query_str)

if (query_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error querying the repository"
print err_msg
resp_cntr = 0
while( dmAPIExec("next," session "," query_id) > 0 ) {
title = dmAPIGet("get," session "," query_id ",title")
if (title == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error retrieving document title from the query collection"
print err_msg
printf "Get content for " title "? (Y/N)"
getline answer < "-"
if (answer == "Y" || answer =="y") {
doc_id = dmAPIGet("get," session "," query_id ",r_object_id")
if (doc_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print `Error retrieving document ID from the query collection'
print err_msg
filename = dmAPIGet("getfile," session "," doc_id)
if (filename == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error retrieving document content"
print err_msg
print "The contents are in file '" filename "'"
err_flag = dmAPIExec("close," session "," query_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error closing the query collection"
print err_msg

244 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Returns the collection ID of the last executed query.



Table 2-75. Getlastcoll method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.

Return value
The Getlastcoll method returns a collection ID.

Usage notes
The Getlastcoll method returns the collection ID of the collection that contains the
results of the most recently executed Execquery, Query, or Readquery method. Because
the Query and Readquery methods return this ID directly, the Getlastcoll method is
primarily useful in processing the results of an Execquery method.
Refer to Using execquery in an application, page 351 in Content Server Fundamentals for
more information about using the Getlastcoll method in conjunction with the Execquery

status = dmexec("execquery,s0,T,select subject from\ dm_document where
owner_name = USER")
query_id = dmget("getlastcoll,s0")
if (query_id == NULL)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess

Content Server API Reference Manual 245


{ subject = dmget("get,s0," query_id ",subject")
print subject
dmexec("close,s0," query_id)

246 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Returns a ticket from the current session that an application can use to launch
another session as the currently logged-in user.

dmAPIGet("getlogin,session [,user][,scope]


Table 2-76. Getlogin method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies the current session.
user Identifies the user for whom to return the login ticket. You
must be a superuser to include this argument.
scope Defines the scope for the login ticket. Valid values are:

server, meaning the ticket may only be sent to the server that
issued the ticket

docbase, meaning the ticket may be used to connect to any

server servicing the repository in which the ticket was issued

global, meaning that the ticket may used to connect to any

trusted respository

The default value is global.

timeout_period Defines how long the login ticket is valid. The value is
expressed in minutes. If the value is larger than the value in
the max_login_ticket_timeout attribute of the docbase config
object, the value in max_login_ticket_timeout is used.

If unspecified, the default is the value in the

login_ticket_timeout attribute in the docbase config

Content Server API Reference Manual 247


Argument Description
single_use Indicates whether the ticket may be used only once or multiple
times. T means the ticket may be used only once. F means the
ticket may be used multiple times.

Setting this to T automatically scopes the ticket to a particular

server. If the server_name argument is included, then that is the
server that may use the ticket. If server_name is not included,
the ticket may only be used by the server issuing the ticket.

If this is F, the ticket may be used multiple times. The scope is

defined in this case by the scope argument. You cannot include
the server_name argument when single_use is set to F.

The default is F.
server_name Identifies a server for the scope of a single-use ticket. The
single_use argument must be set to T if server_name is included.

If single_use is T and server_name is not provided, the scope is

the issuing server. If server_name is included, the scope is the
specified server.

Return value
The Getlogin method returns a value that has the following format:

The ASCII-encoded_string consists of a set of values describing the login ticket and a
signature generated from those values, all encoded into one ASCII string.
The entire value (including the prefix) may be up to 350 bytes long.

Usage notes
The Getlogin method returns a unique login ticket that you can use in an application to
allow the application to open a new session with the current repository or a different
repository without specifying a user password. The ticket replaces the user’s password
in a method call.
The application using the ticket must connect as the user for whom the ticket is generated.
If the method is issued without the user argument, the ticket is issued for the user issuing
the Getlogin method. If the user argument is specified, the ticket is issued for the specified
user. You must have Superuser privileges to issue Getlogin with the user argument.

248 Content Server API Reference Manual


The sessions that you start using login tickets are counted towards the maximum
number of allowed concurrent sessions for the server. If this limit allows, you can have a
maximum of 2000 active sessions that were started through a ticketed login.
The maximum number of tickets a user can obtain at any time cannot exceed 1.25
times the number of concurrent_sessions specified in the server.ini file. For example, if
concurrent_sessions is 100, a user cannot have more than 125 tickets at a time.
Specifying the ticket scope
The scope of a login ticket identifies which server or servers accept the ticket. You can
define the scope as:
• The server that issues the ticket
• A single server other than the issuing server
In this case, the ticket is automatically a single-use ticket.
• All servers in the repository served by the issuing server
• All servers servicing trusted respositories
To define the scope as the issuing server, set the scope argument to server. If you include
the single_use argument, do not include the server_name argument.
To define the scope as a specific server other than the issuing server, set the single_use
argument to T and identify the server in the server_name argument. The server may be
any server in the issuing repository or in a trusted respository. The scope argument is
ignored in this situation.
To define the scope as all servers in the repository served by the issuing server, set the
scope argument to docbase. Do not set the single_use argument.
To define the scope as all servers serving trusted repositories, set the scope argument to
global. Do not set the single_use argument.
(For information about trusted repositories, refer to Trusted repositories, page 37,
in Content Server Fundamentals. For instructions on setting up trusted respositories,
refer to Configuring a repository’s trusted repositories, page 449, in the Content Server
Administrator’s Guide.)
Specifying the ticket’s expiration
A ticket is valid for a given period of time. After that period, the ticket expires and
cannot be used.
If you do not include the timeout argument in the Getlogin method, the period defaults to
the value defined at the repository level, in the docbase config object. If you include the
argument, that value overrides the default unless the value is greater than the maximum
allowed period specified in the docbase config object. If the argument value is greater
than the maximum allowed value, the period defaults to the maximum allowed value.
(To change the default and maximum periods, refer to Configuring login ticket use, page
450, in the Content Server Administrator’s Guide for instructions. )

Content Server API Reference Manual 249


Related methods
Assume, page 106
Authenticate, page 123
Connect, page 155

login = dmAPIGet("getlogin,c,,docbase,30")
if (getlogin == NULL)
print dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0");

250 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Returns all messages from the session at or above a specified severity level.



Table 2-77. Getmessage method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session. This argument is
optional if you are using the method to obtain the messages
associated with a failure to connect to a session. In all other
instances, you must specify the argument.
severity_level Defines the minimum severity level of the messages you want
to get. Use the integer value to specify any of the following
valid severity levels:

1, for Information messages

2, for Warning messages
3, for Error messages
4, for Fatal error messages

Return value
The Getmessage method returns all the messages at the specified level or higher. The
messages are returned as a formatted string with separating line feeds.

Usage notes
You can also use this method to obtain error messages if an attempt to open a session fails.

Content Server API Reference Manual 251


Related methods
Listmessage, page 302

This example:
• Connects to the server
• Uses Getmessage to retrieve any status or error messages associated with the
connection attempt
• Disconnects from the server
session = dmAPIGet("connect," repository "," user "," passwd)
if (session == NULL) {
print "Error connecting to repository '" repository "'"
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print err_msg
inf_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print inf_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("trace," session ",1")
if (err_flag == 0) {
print "Error establishing trace level "1'"
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("disconnect," session)
if (err_flag == 0) {
print "Error disconnecting from repository '" repository "'"
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print err_msg

252 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Retrieves the storage location of a content file.



Table 2-78. Getpath method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Object ID of the object with which the content is associated.
page The content page number with which the content file is
associated. The default is 0.
format The format of the content file. Use the format’s name as
defined in the format’s associated format object. The default is
the value in a_content_type for the object identified in object_id.
page_modifier Character string that identifies a rendition. You must include
the page modifier if there are multiple renditions in the
specified format associated with the specified content page.

The default is an empty string.

get_resource For files created on Macintosh systems, indicates whether you
want the method to retrieve the data fork (the file containing
the content) or the resource fork. FALSE (the default) returns
the data fork (the content file). TRUE retrieves the resource
fork (the file specified in the other_ticket attribute of the
content object).

If the file is stored on an external storage area, this argument’s

setting is ignored.

Content Server API Reference Manual 253


Return value
The Getpath method returns a string value containing the path to the content file. If the
content file is stored in a CA store storage area, the method returns the content address.

Usage notes
The Getpath method returns the storage location of a content file. The location is either a
content address if the content is stored in a content-addressed storage system or Content
Server’s internal representation of the storage location. For example, suppose the primary
content file for a particular document is a text file stored in a file store storage area called
engr_filestore. Assuming that the object ID of the document is 0900000328561e7c, the
following Getpath returns the internal path specification for the content file:

The returned path specification might look like this:


The first portion identifies the path to the storage area. The remaining portion is derived
from the content file’s data ticket value. (For a complete description of how internal file
paths for internal storage areas are generated, refer to Path specifications for content in
file stores, page 244 in the Content Server Administrator’s Guide.)
Using Getpath on files that are stored in encrypted storage areas does not generate an
error, but provides no useful functionality because custom applications cannot decrypt
content files.

Identifying the content le

The combination of the format, page_number, and page_modifier arguments identify
which content file path to return. To return the path to the primary content of the
first content page, default these arguments. For example, the following statement
returns the path to the primary content of the first page of the document represented by

The default format is the format in the document’s a_content_type attribute, and a
document’s primary content must have the format defined in that attribute. Page_number
defaults to zero, which represents the first content page. The default for page_modifier is
an empty string, and the page modifier for all primary content is an empty string.
To return the path to any other content file associated with a document, whether it is a
primary content or rendition, you must use one or more of the arguments. For example,
to return the path to the primary content associated with the second content page of
0900000223643ec1, include the page_number argument:

254 Content Server API Reference Manual



To retrieve the path to the PDF rendition of the third page of the document, include the
the page number and the format:

Suppose there are two PDF renditions associated with the second page of the document.
The first has the page modifierfirst and the second has the page modifier second. To
retrieve the path to the first PDF rendition, include the format, page number, and page

If you include a page modifier and a rendition with that modifier isn’t found, the method
returns an error.
If you don’t include a page modifier, the server looks first for a content file or rendition
with the specified format and no modifier. If one is not found, the server looks for a
rendition in the correct format among those that have a modifier and returns the path
to the rendition having the smallest modifier. (Smallest is defined as the page modifier
that is first if the modifiers are sorted alphanumerically in ascending order.) If the server
can’t find a rendition with the correct format among those that have a modifier, it will
return an error.

Related methods
Setpath, page 439

The following example retrieves the path to the first primary content file found the
document represented by the 0900007b8000566b object ID:
path = dmAPIGet("getpath," session ",0900007b8000566b")

Content Server API Reference Manual 255



Purpose Returns information about the servers known to a connection broker.



Table 2-79. Getservermap method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open session. You can specify an open repository
session or you can use the keyword apisession to specify
the API session. Use apisession if you want to issue the
Getservermap call when you are not connected to a repository.
repository_name Identifies the repository associated with the servers for which
you are requesting information.
protocol Specifies the protocol that the connection broker is using to
host_name Identifies the machine on which the connection broker resides.
Use the machine’s host name.
port_number Specifies the port that the connection broker is using for

Return value
The Getservermap method returns a non-persistent ID for a server locator object.

Usage notes
The Getservermap method asks a connection broker to respond with a description of the
servers that are known to it. The optional arguments allow you to specify which Register
responds. These arguments uniquely identify a connection broker. (You can obtain the

256 Content Server API Reference Manual


values for these attributes for the connection brokers by issuing a Getdocbrokermap
method call.) It is not necessary to include all the arguments. If you include only one,
for example, the port number, the request is sent to a connection broker using that port
number. However, using all three does allow you to fully control which connection
broker responds.
If you do not include the arguments, the request is sent to the connection broker defined
as the primary connection broker for the session. This information is found in the client’s
dmcl.ini file. If the primary connection broker is not available, the request is sent to each
backup connection broker, in turn, until one responds. (You will receive error messages
for those that do not respond.) A server locator object has three attributes that will tell
you which connection broker responded to the request.
The returned information about servers includes their names, the name of the host
machines on which they reside, and their process IDs as well as other information.
(Refer to Table 2–154, page 437 in the EMC Documentum Object Reference Manual for a
description of the attributes of a server locator object.) To obtain this information, use the
Get method, with the ID returned by the Getservermap method, to retrieve the values in
the attributes of the server locator object.

Related methods
Getdocbasemap, page 235
Getdocbrokermap, page 237

servermap = dmAPIGet("getservermap,c,repository")
if (servermap == NULL)
print dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0");

Content Server API Reference Manual 257



Purpose Creates an entry in an ACL object.



Table 2-80. Grant method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Directly or indirectly identifies the ACL to which you are
adding the entry. The object_id can be the object ID of the ACL
itself, for a direct identification, or it can be the object ID of a
SysObject with which the ACL is associated, for an indirect

If the object ID identifies a SysObject, you can use the object’s

ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points to the object.
Note: The behavior of the method varies depending on
whether you reference the ACL directly or indirectly. Refer
to the Usage notes for details.
permit_type Defines the kind of entry. Valid values are:


With a Trusted Content Services license, the following values

are also valid entries:


258 Content Server API Reference Manual


Argument Description

The default is AccessPermit.

accessor_name Identifies the user or group that is the subject of the entry. You
can specify any individual user or any group in the repository.

If permit_type is RequiredGroup or RequiredGroupSet, this

argument must be set to a group name.

If you include this argument, do not include alias.

alias Defines an alias in place of an actual user or group name. The
alias is resolved when the ACL is attached to an object. This
argument is intended for use in template ACLs. The format
of an alias is:


alias_set_name is the name of an alias set object.

alias_name is a value in the alias_name attribute of the alias

set object.

If permit_type is RequiredGroup or RequiredGroupSet, the

alias must resolve to a group name.
basic_permission Defines the base object-level permission you are assigning to
the user or group specified in accessor_name. Specify this as
an integer. Valid values are:

1, for None
2, for Browse
3, for Read
4, for Relate
5, for Version
6, for Write
7, for Delete

If this argument is included, permit_type must be

AccessPermit or AccessRestriction and you may not include

For information about these levels, refer to the Usage notes.

Content Server API Reference Manual 259


Argument Description
extended_permissions Defines the extended object-level permissions that you are
assigning to the user or group specified in accessor_name.
Specify this in string form. Valid values are:


If this argument is included, permit_type must be

ExtendedPermit or ExtendedRestriction and you may not
include base_permission.

For information about these levels, refer to the Usage notes.

application_permit A user-defined permission to be interpreted and enforced by
an application. Content Server ignores any permission set
using this argument.

The maximum allowed length of the permission’s name is 128


If this argument is included, permit_type must be

ApplicationPermit or ApplicationRestriction.

Return value
The Grant method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Grant method creates an access control entry in an ACL object. Access control entries
are recorded in a set of repeating attributes in the ACL. The values at corresponding
index levels across the attributes constitute the individual access control entries in the
ACL.(Managing ACLs, page 387, in Content Server Administrator’s Guide describes ACLs
and access control entries in detail.)
You can execute Grant against a particular object, to change that object’s permissions,
or you can execute Grant against an ACL, to change the permissions of all objects
controlled by that ACL. For instruction on using Grant to change an object’s permissions,
refer to Setting permissions on a particular object, page 261. For instructions on using

260 Content Server API Reference Manual


Grant to change an ACL directly, refer to Setting permissions for all objects controlled
by a particular ACL, page 261.
Permissions required to use Grant
To execute Grant against a SysObject, you must either own the object, have Change
Permit permission on the object, or have Sysadmin or Superuser privileges.
To execute Grant against an ACL, you must either own the ACL or have Superuser
Setting permissions on a particular object
To set the permissions on a particular object, set the object_id argument to the object’s
object ID.
When you specify the object ID of a SysObject (or subtype) in the Grant method
arguments, the server copies the ACL associated with the object, makes the changes to
the copy, and then applies the new copy to the object. Only the access to that object is
changed. The server does not change the original ACL associated with the object. The
access to other objects that use the original ACL is not changed.
For example, suppose there are three documents, each associated with the same ACL
and suppose that after a review, Document A is ready for public consumption but
Documents B and C need more work. To change the access for Document A only, you
reference Document A in the Grant method:

Everyone in the company now has at least Read permission on Document A (assuming
that all_company is a group that includes all company personnel). However, access to
Document B and Document C remains unchanged.
Setting permissions for all objects controlled by a particular ACL
To set permissions for all objects controlled by an ACL, you specify the ACL’s object
ID in the object_id argument. You must own the ACL or have Sysadmin or Superuser
If you specify an ACL’s object ID in the Grant method arguments, it changes the ACL
directly and, consequently, sets the access permissions for all SysObjects that use that
For example, suppose you have an ACL (acl_object_id) that controls access to Documents
A, B, and C, for the flagship project. Now, three weeks into the project, you want to
circulate the project’s documents to a marketing manager, JamesT, for review. To give
that person access to the project’s documents, you could create an entry for that person in
the ACL. You specify the ACL directly in the Grant method so that all the documents
will be affected, giving JamesT access to all of them:

Content Server API Reference Manual 261



JamesT now has Relate permission on Documents A, B, and C.

Using an alias
Use the alias argument to create an access control entry that has an alias in the
r_accessor_name attribute. Aliases are typically set in entries in template ACLs. When
the template is associated with an object, the server creates a copy of the template,
resolves the alias to a user name or group name, and applies the copy with the resolved
alias to the object.
Dening the entry type
The permit_type argument identifies which type of entry you are adding. There possible
types of entries are:
• AccessPermit
An AccessPermit entry identifies a user or group and the base permission you are
assigning to the user or group.
• AccessRestriction
An AccessRestriction entry identifies a user or group and restricts the user or group’s
access to the level specified in the entry even though that user or group may be
granted a higher access level by another entry.
• ExtendedPermit
An AccessPermit entry identifies a user or group and the extended permission you
are assigning to the user or group.
• ExtendedRestriction
An ExtendedRestriction entry identifies a user or group and restricts that user or
group’s access from the specfied extended permission.
• ApplicationPermit
An ApplicationPermit entry identifies a user or group and a user-defined permission
level granted to that user or group. Application permits are interpreted only by user
applications. Content Server does not enforce application permits.
• ApplicationRestriction
An ApplicationRestriction entry identifies a user or group and restricts that user or
group from exercising the specified application permit. Application restrictions are
interpreted only by user applications. Content Server does not enforce application
• RequiredGroup
A RequiredGroup entry identifies a group to which the user requesting access to an
object controlled by the ACL must belong.

262 Content Server API Reference Manual


• RequiredGroupSet
A RequiredGroupSet entry identifies a group. Typically, if RequiredGroupSet entries
are defined for an ACL, the ACL will have multiple entries of that type. Each entry
specifies one group. A user requesting access to an object controlled by the ACL
must belong to at least one of the groups identified by RequiredGroupSet entries.
You must have installed Content Server with a Trusted Content Services license
to grant the permit types AccessRestriction, ExtendedRestriction, RequiredGroup,
RequiredGroupSet, ApplicationPermit, and ApplicationRestriction.
Specifying the base and extended permissions
The base object-level permissions are hierarchical. That is, each level includes all
levels below it. Consequently, when you grant a base permission, you are granting all
permissions up to and including the specified permission. For example, granting Write
permission gives the user or group the rights conferred by Browse, Read, Relate, and
Version permissions in addition to Write permission.
Extended permission levels are not hierarchical. If you want a user to have an extended
permission, you must grant each individually.
Note: Users with Browse permission or above on an object have Change Location and
Execute Procedure extended permissions by default on the object.
If you are adding an access restriction entry, then specifying a base permission limits
the user to the specified permission level even if other entries in the ACL grant the
user a higher level of access. If the restrictive entry specifies an extended permission, it
prohibits the user from exercising that extended privilege even if other entries give the
user that privilege.
For more information about the object-level permissions, refer to Chapter 11, Protecting
Repository Objects, in the Content Server Administrator’s Guide.

Related methods
Revoke, page 400

err = dmAPIExec ("fetch," session "," obj_id)
if (err == 0)
print "Error fetching the object '" obj_id "'"
print dmAPIGet ("getmessage," session)
err = dmAPIExec ("grant," session "," obj_id ","\
accessor_name "," accessor_permit)

Content Server API Reference Manual 263


if (err == 0)
print "Error granting permit " accessor_permit "to\
accessor '" accessor_name "'"
print dmAPIGet ("getmessage," session)
err = dmAPIExec ("save," session "," obj_id)
if (err == 0)
print "Error saving the object '" obj_id "'"
print dmAPIGet ("getmessage," session)

Note: obj_id can be either a SysObject ID or an ACL ID.

264 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Halts the specified workflow or a specific activity.



Table 2-81. Halt method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
workflow_id Identifies the workflow that you want to halt. Use the
workflow’s object ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that
points to the object.
activity_sequence_ Identifies a specific activity to halt. Use the activity sequence
number number as defined in the workflow. If you do not specify an
activity, the method halts all activities in the workflow.
suspend_interval Length of time for which the activity is halted. If set, the
activity is automatically resumed when the interval has

The value is interpreted in minutes.

Return value
The Halt method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
To halt a workflow, you must be the workflow’s supervisor or a user with Sysadmin or
Superuser privileges. The workflow must be in the running state and cannot have any
automatic activities in the acquired state.

Content Server API Reference Manual 265


By default, to halt an activity, you must be the workflow’s supervisor or user with
Sysadmin or Superuser privileges. If workflow_security_disabled, a server.ini key, is
set to TRUE, then any user can halt a running activity.
The Halt method changes the workflow’s r_runtime_state or the activity’s r_act_state to
halted and marks all non-finished work items as paused.
Halting a workflow does not remove any queued tasks from users’ inboxes. However,
users cannot acquire or work on the tasks until the workflow has been resumed.
Using the suspend_interval argument
If you include the suspend_interval argument when halting an activity, the activity is
automatically resumed after the interval expires. If you do not include the argument, the
activity is not resumed until you do so manually or programmatically, with a Resume
If the activity is assigned to a work queue, you must provide a value for this argument
when halting the activity.
Only BPM or Webtop allows you to set this argument through a user interface. Workflow
Manager does not support this argument.

Related methods
Pause, page 320
Resume, page 392

status = dmAPIExec("halt,s0,4d0000013874e08a,20")

266 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Returns the ID of the object that satisfies a specified qualification.



Table 2-82. Id method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
qualification Defines the qualification that identifies the object for which
you are searching. A qualification consists of that portion of a
SELECT statement that appears after the keyword FROM. The
first term in a qualification must be the type of the object for
which you are searching. The remainder of the qualification
can include a WHERE clause, an IN DOCUMENT clause, an
IN ASSEMBLY clause, or a full-text search clause.

Return value
The Id method returns an object ID. If no object matches the qualification, the method
returns a warning.

Usage notes
You can use this method as a shortcut for a full DQL query when you want to obtain an
object ID.
Note: Use the Query_cmd method instead of the Id method if you want to cache the
query results.

Content Server API Reference Manual 267


The following example returns the object ID of the APPROVED version of the document
whose name is Style Guide.
claus = "object_name='Style Guide' and any r_version_label = 'APPROVED'"
obj_type = "dm_document (all)"
doc_id = dmAPIGet("id," session "," obj_type "where" claus)
if (doc_id == NULL) {
print "Error retrieving document complying with conditions:"
print claus
print dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)

268 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Initializes an AEK file.



Table 2-83. Initcrypto method arguments

Argument Description
location Identifies the location of the AEK file.

This is optional. Refer to the Usage notes for a description of

the behavior if location is not included.
passphrase Used to decrypt the AEK.

This is optional. Refer to the Usage notes for a description of

the behavior if passphrase is not included.

Return value
The Initcrypto method returns TRUE if successful and FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
Anyone can execute this method.
The -passphrase argument is used to decrypt the AEK identified in the -location
If -passphrase is not included, the method does the following:

1. Tries to retrieve the passphrase from shared memory.

(Typcially, a passphrase is obfuscated and placed in shared memory when multiple
products on one host are using the same passphrase for their AEKs.)

Content Server API Reference Manual 269


2. If the passphrase is not in shared memory, the method tries to retrieve the AEK
from shared memory.
(The AEK in shared memory doesn’t require a passphrase to use.)
3. If neither the passphrase or the AEK is in shared memory, the method assumes
the passphrase is the default passphrase and uses the default to decrypt the AEK
specified by -location.

If you do not include the location argument, the method examines the DM_CRYPTO_FILE
environment variable to determine the location of the AEK. If that variable is not set, the
method assumes that the AEK is found in %DOCUMENTUM%\dba\secure\aek.key
($DOCUMENTUM/dba/secure/aek.key). If the AEK is not found in that location, the
method fails.
You can call the Initcrypto method only once in a single API session.

Related methods
Encryptpass, page 201

The following example opens the AEK and then calls Encryptpass to encrypt the
password foo.
Status = dmAPIExec("initcrypto,apisession,C:\Documentum\ARP\Crypto")
If (Status = 0) Then
Call DmPrint("Could not open key store at
encrypted_password$ = dmAPIGet("encryptpass,apisession,foo")
If (encrypted_password = "") Then
Call DmPrint("Could not encrypt password")
End if
End if

270 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Inserts a value into a repeating attribute.



Table 2-84. Insert method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object that contains the repeating attribute. Use
the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points
to the object.

If the object is the api config object, use the keyword apiconfig
instead of an object ID or indirect reference.
attribute Specifies the repeating attribute into which you are inserting
the value. Use the attribute’s name.
pattern Valid only if the attribute is a date attribute, this argument
defines a date format for the specified value. The pattern can
be any valid input format for dates.
[index] Defines the inserted value’s position in the ordered list of
values in the attribute. If you do not specify an index value,
the value is inserted at position zero. You must include the
square brackets.

Return value
The Insert method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Content Server API Reference Manual 271


Usage notes
This method only inserts values into repeating attributes. You cannot use this method to
set a single-valued attribute. (Use Set to put a value in a single-valued attribute.)
If the attribute contains date values, you may want to specify an input format for the
value. This ensures that a specified value is not misinterpreted by the server. For
example, 03/04/1995 could be interpreted as March 4, 1995 (mm/dd/yyyy) or as April
3, 1995 (dd/mm/yyyy). To ensure that the value is interpreted as you wish, specify the
format’s pattern in the Insert method. For example:

Related methods
Append, page 77
Set, page 416

This example:
• Creates a document object
• Associates content of the desired file with the new document
• Inserts the authors’ names
• Saves the document object
doc_id = dmAPIGet("create," session ",dm_document")
if (doc_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error creating a document object"
print err_msg
the_file = "chap_1.wp5"
err_flag = dmAPIExec("setfile," session "," doc_id "," the_file ",wp5")
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error setting file contents"
print err_msg
author_list = "W. Smith,J. Jones,R. Abnous,S. Ruppenthal"
count = split(author_list, author, ",")
cmd_str = "insert," session "," doc_id ",authors[0]"
for (i=1; i<=count; i++) {
err_flag = dmAPIExec( cmd_str, author[i] )
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)

272 Content Server API Reference Manual


print "Error inserting authors' name to the 'authors' attribute"

print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("save," session "," doc_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error saving the document object"
print err_msg

Content Server API Reference Manual 273



Purpose Inserts a new content file into an object.



Table 2-85. Insertcontent method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object into which you are inserting the new
content. Use the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id)
that points to the object.
page_number Specifies the position of the new content in the object’s ordered
list of contents. If unspecified, this defaults to zero (the first
length Specifies the length, in bytes, of the content. This is only
required if the content is binary content.
set_resource For files created on Macintosh systems, indicates whether you
want the method to insert the data fork (the file containing the
content) or the resource fork. FALSE (the default) inserts the
data fork (the content file). TRUE inserts the resource fork.
content Specifies the location of the data in working memory.

Return value
The Insertcontent method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

274 Content Server API Reference Manual


Usage notes
Use the Insertcontent method in applications when you want to insert data residing in
working memory as content for an object. The application must interact with the user’s
system to obtain the values for the length and content arguments. This method cannot be
used directly by users. (Users wanting to add new content to an object directly should
use Setfile, Appendfile, or Insertfile.)
If you are inserting content created on a Macintosh machine, you must issue the
Insertcontent twice before saving the object. Issue the method once to add the data
fork (set_resource=F) and then again to add the resource fork (set_resource=T). When
you add the data fork, the content argument must identify the location in memory of
the data fork. When you add the resource fork, the content argument must identify
the memory location of the resource fork.
You cannot use the Insertcontent method with objects stored in external storage areas.

Related methods
Appendcontent, page 80
Appendfile, page 82
Insertfile, page 277
Removecontent, page 355
Setcontent, page 424
Setfile, page 434
Setpath, page 439

doc_id = dmget("create,s0,dm_document");
if (doc_id == NULL)
{err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmset("set,s0,last,object_name", "my_document")
status = dmset("set,s0,last,a_content_type", "text")
content = "This manual is intended for use with the B1.1 release."
status = dmset("insertcontent,s0,last,0", content)
if (status != 1)
{err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmexec("save,s0,last")
if (status != 1)

Content Server API Reference Manual 275


{err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess

276 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Inserts a new content file into an object.



Table 2-86. Insertle method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Specifies the object to which you are adding the new content
file. This must be an object, such as a document, that can have

Use the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that

points to the object.
file_name Specifies the file that you are adding to the object. Use either
an absolute or relative path to specify the file.
page_number Defines the file’s position among the ordered content files
associated with the object. Use this argument only if the
specified object has multiple content files. If you do not specify
a page number, the default is zero. (Refer to the Usage notes
for an explanation of page numbers.)
other_file Specifies the file that contains the resource fork for a Macintosh
document. You can use either an absolute or a relative path. If
this is set, the path must be valid or the method fails.

The other_file value is ignored when used with external stores.

Return value
The Insertfile method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Content Server API Reference Manual 277


Usage notes
You must have at least Version permission on the specified document to use Insertfile.
Every content file associated with an object has a page number that defines its position
within the ordered list of contents for the object. You can determine the number of
content files associated with an object by looking at the value in the object’s r_page_count
attribute. When you use Insertfile, if you specify the page number of an existing content,
the server inserts the file at that position and renumbers all pages that follow.
Note that you must specify the format of the file by setting the a_content_type attribute
of the document before you use the Insertfile method.

Related methods
Appendfile, page 82
Setfile, page 434

This example:
• Creates a document object
• Uses setfile to add a first content to the document
• Uses insertfile to add files in front of the content added with the Setfile.
• Saves the document object
doc_id = dmAPIGet("create," session ",dm_document")
if (doc_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error creating a document object"
print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPISet("set," session "," doc_id ",a_content_type", "wp5" )
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error setting content type"
print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("setfile," session "," doc_id ",section5.wp5")
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error inserting first content page"
print err_msg
file_list = "section1.wp5 section2.wp5 section3.wp5 section4.wp5"

278 Content Server API Reference Manual


count = split(file_list, file, " ")

for (i=1; i<=count; i++) {
err_flag = dmAPIExec("insertfile,"session","doc_id","file[i]"," i-1)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error inserting content page " i-1 `to the document object'
print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("save," session "," doc_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error saving the document object"
print err_msg

Content Server API Reference Manual 279



Purpose Inserts a component into a virtual document.



Table 2-87. Insertpart method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
document_id Identifies the virtual document into which you are inserting
the new component. Use the object’s ID or an indirect reference
(@object_id) that points to the object.
component_id Identifies the component you are inserting into the virtual
document. Use the component’s object ID or its chronicle ID.
(Refer to the Usage notes for a definition of a chronicle ID.)

A component can be any SysObject or SysObject subtype

except a folder, cabinet, or folder or cabinet subtype.
version_label Specifies which version of the new component you want to
insert. You can use either an implicit or symbolic label. (Refer
to the Usage notes for information about using version labels.)
containment_id Defines the inserted component’s position in the document.
Use the containment ID of the component currently at the
position where you want to insert the new component. (Refer
to the Usage notes for more information about containment

If you include this argument, do not use the order_no or

orderno_flag arguments.

280 Content Server API Reference Manual


Argument Description
order_no Defines the inserted component’s position in the document.
Use this option only if your application defines and manages
the order numbers for virtual document components itself.
Specify an integer number for order_no. If you include order_no,
you must set the orderno_flag to T and you cannot provide
a containment_id value.
orderno_flag Indicates whether the preceding argument’s value is a
user-defined order number for the inserted component.
You must set this to T (TRUE) if the preceding argument
is the order_no option. The default value for this flag is F
(FALSE), indicating that the preceding argument provides a
containment ID value.
use_node_ver _label Determines how the server chooses the late-bound descendants
of the component during assembly. This argument is only
useful if the component is a virtual document.

T (TRUE) directs the server to use the component’s early-bound

symbolic label to resolve late-bound descendants. F (FALSE)
directs the server to resolve the component’s descendants using
the late-bound version label specified in the IN DOCUMENT
clause. (Refer to the Usage notes for an expanded explanation.)
follow_assembly Determines whether the server uses the containment objects
or the component’s assembly to find the component’s
descendants. This argument is only useful if the component
is a virtual document.

T (TRUE) directs the server to use the component’s assembly

(if it has an assembly). F (FALSE) directs the server to use the
containment objects.
copy_child Determines whether the Documentum client copies or
references the component when a user copies the containing
virtual document. This is an integer attribute. Valid values are:

0, which lets users decide at the time the copy operation is


1, which directs the client to reference the component

2, which directs the client to copy the component

The default value is 0.

Note: The reference is an internal pointer. Referencing the
component does not create a dm_reference object.

Content Server API Reference Manual 281


Argument Description

This argument is only useful if the component is itself a virtual

containment_type Used only if the containing virtual document (identified in
document_id) is an XML document. This argument identifies
what type of reference to the component is found in the
containing document.

If you include this, you must also include containment_desc.

This argument is used primarily by the Documentum clients.

Refer to XML support, page 285 for details.
containment_desc Used only if the containing virtual document (identified in
document_id) is an XML document. This argument identifies
the text of reference to the component in the containing

If you include this, you must also include containment_type.

This argument is used primarily by the Documentum clients.

Refer to XML support, page 285 for details.

Return value
The Insertpart method returns the object ID of the containment object that describes the
relationship between the component and the virtual document.

Usage notes
The Insertpart method inserts a new component into the ordered list of components in a
virtual document.
You must save (or check in) the virtual document after you insert a new component.
Otherwise, the new component is not saved as part of the virtual document. Saving a
virtual document requires Write permission on the document. Checking it in as a new
version requires Version permission on the document.
If you are adding large numbers of components to a virtual document, it is recommended
that you add components and save in small batches, or use the Appendpart method.
Content Server can only add a certain number of new components between any two
existing components before a Save must be executed to reorder the components. When

282 Content Server API Reference Manual


the document is saved, the components are re-ordered and you can continue inserting
more parts (until the limit is reached again and another Save must be executed).
Identifying the new component
Identify the component you want to append by using either its object ID or the value in
its chronicle ID attribute and, optionally, a version label. The object ID is found in the
object’s r_object_id attribute. The chronicle ID, which identifies the root (original) version
of the object, is found in the i_chronicle_id attribute. (If an object has no versions, then its
r_object_id and i_chronicle_id attributes have the same value.)
Early binding
If you specify a version label, the server searches the version tree associated with the
object specified in component_id, finds that version, and binds it to the virtual document.
You can specify either an implicit or symbolic version label. If you specify an implicit
label, there is an absolute link between that version and the virtual document. If you
specify a symbolic label, then whatever version of the object carries the label is linked to
your virtual document. (This means that the version that appears in your document may
change if the symbolic label is moved from one version to another. Refer to Absolute
links, page 166 and Symbolic links, page 166 in Content Server Fundamentals for a more
detailed discussion of absolute and symbolic linking.)
Late binding
If you specify only the object ID or the chronicle ID (with no version label), then the
server associates the component’s entire version tree with the virtual document. Later,
when you assemble the document, you must identify which version of the object
you want to include. This feature, called late binding, allows you to assemble virtual
documents conditionally.
Dening the component’s position
Generally, to define a new component’s position in the virtual document, you specify
the containment ID of the component currently in the desired position. For example,
suppose a virtual document has three components and that you want to insert a
new component between the first and second components. To do so, you specify the
containment ID of the component currently in the second position.
A component’s containment ID is the object ID of the containment object that links the
component to the virtual document. You can obtain this ID with the following query:
SELECT r_object_id, CONTAIN_ID FROM dm_sysobject
IN DOCUMENT ID('virtual_doc_id')

This returns a list of the object IDs and containment IDs for all the direct components
of the virtual document.
In some cases, you may be generating and managing a user-defined numbering system
for the components of a virtual document. If this is true, when you insert a component,
use the order_no argument to specify an order number appropriate for your system.

Content Server API Reference Manual 283


You must also set the orderno_flag to T. The order_no argument can accept any integer
value. The orderno_flag informs the server that you are providing a user-defined order
number rather than a containment ID.
Dening assembly behavior
If the new component is a virtual document, the use_node_ver_label and follow_assembly
arguments let you define how the server chooses the component’s descendants when the
virtual document that contains the component is assembled.
The use_node_ver_label argument sets the use_node_ver_label attribute in the containment
object for the component.
If use_node_ver_label is TRUE for the component and the component is early bound to
the virtual document, the server resolves any late-bound descendants of the component
using the early-binding label specified for the component. It ignores any binding
condition specified at the time of assembly. If an early-bound descendant is found that
has use_node_ver_label set to TRUE, then that descendant’s label is used to resolve
descendants from that point in the hierarchy.
If use_node_ver_label is FALSE or if the component is late bound to the virtual
document, the server resolves the component’s late-bound descendants using the binding
condition specified at the time of assembly.
(use_node_ver_label, page 167, of Content Server Fundamentals contains an expanded
explanation of how use_node_ver_label affects the assembly of virtual documents.)
The follow_assembly argument sets the follow_assembly attribute in the component’s
containment object. If the component has an associated assembly and follow_assembly
is set to TRUE, the server will use the assembly rather than the containment objects to
determine the component’s descendants. In these cases, any binding conditions for the
descendants are ignored. The descendants are taken from the assembly.
If follow_assembly is FALSE or if the component has no assembly, the server uses
the containment objects and binding specifications to determine the component’s
Dening copy behavior
Setting the copy_child argument sets the copy_child attribute in the component’s
containment object. The copy_child attribute controls how the Documentum client
handles the component when users copy the containing virtual document. The client
has the option to either copy or reference the component.
Copy_child is an integer attribute with three valid values:
• 0, which means that users make the decision to copy or reference the component
when they request the operation

284 Content Server API Reference Manual


• 1, which directs the client to reference the component in the new copy
• 2, which directs the client to copy the component for the new copy
The default value is 0.
Note: The reference is an internal pointer. It is not a dm_reference object.
XML support
The containment_type and containment_desc arguments are used internally by the DFC to
correctly set the references in the containing document when the component is inserted
into the containing document. The arguments set the a_contain_type and a_contain_desc
attributes in the containment object.
Although you can use these arguments to set the attributes to values you choose, if you
do, the behavior of the XML document when manipulated using DesktopClient or the
DFC is undefined.
For more information about the values set by these arguments and their use, refer to
XML support, page 165 in Content Server Fundamentals.

Related methods
Appendpart, page 84
Removepart, page 364
Updatepart, page 486

Chap_1 = dmget("create,s0,dm_document");
if (Chap_1 == NULL)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmset("set,s0,last,object_name", "Chapter1")
status = dmexec("save,s0,last")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
Chap_2 = dmget("create,s0,dm_document");
if (Chap_2 == NULL)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmset("set,s0,last,object_name", "Chapter2")

Content Server API Reference Manual 285


status = dmexec("save,s0,last")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
parent_id = dmget("create,s0,dm_document");
if (parent_id == NULL)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmset("set,s0,last,object_name", "Book")
cont_1 = dmget("appendpart,s0,last," Chap_1 ",T,F,2")
cont_2 = dmget("insertpart,s0,last," Chap_2 ",CURRENT," cont_1)
if (cont_2 == NULL)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmexec("save,s0,last")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess

286 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Inserts a state into a lifecycle.



Table 2-88. Insertstate method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
policy_id Identifies the lifecycle to which you are inserting the new state.
Use the dm_policy object’s object ID.
position Identifies the position of the state into which the new state
will be inserted.
state_name Identifies the name of the state before which to insert the new

Return value
The Insertstate method returns the position of the new state if successful or -1 if

Usage notes
The Insertstate method inserts a new state in a lifecycle at the position specified by
the user. The server automatically renumbers the values for the state numbers at the
specified position and below.
If you do not specify a state name or position, the new state is inserted before the base
state, creating a new base state.

Content Server API Reference Manual 287


The Insertstate method inserts rows into the repeating attributes that define the lifecycle.
You must explicitly set the values of the attributes that do not have default values.

Related methods
Removestate, page 373

StatePos = dmget("insertstate," session

288 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Installs a validated lifecycle, workflow, or activity definition.



Table 2-89. Install method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the lifecycle, activity or process definition that you
want to install. Use the object ID of the lifecycle, activity, or
process definition object.
notify_flag A Boolean flag that indicates whether to inform owners
of SysObjects associated with this policy. The default is F
install_activity A Boolean flag that indicates whether to try to install a process
definition’s referenced activity definitions, if necessary. The
default is F (FALSE).
resume Indicates whether to resume or abort existing workflows that
refer to this process definition. The default is F (FALSE).

Return value
The Install method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Install method installs a validated lifecycle, process or activity. The Install method
requires the Relate permission or Sysadmin or Superuser privileges.

Content Server API Reference Manual 289


The Install method changes the definition’s state to Installed.

Installing process denitions
For process definitions, the Install method verifies that all the referenced activity
definitions are already installed. If install_activity is not set or is set to FALSE, the
Install method reports errors about any uninstalled activity definitions which it finds.
Otherwise, the Install method tries to install any uninstalled activity definitions.
The Install method does not validate any draft activity definitions.
The Install method locates existing workflows which are run-time instances of the
specified process definition and either restarts or aborts those workflows according
to the setting of resume.
Installing lifecycles
If you specify notify_flag=TRUE, the server sends mail to each owner of the SysObjects
associated with the policy.

Related methods
Uninstall, page 472

The following example installs a lifecycle.
if (dmAPIExec("install," session "," policy_id) == 0) {
print "Error installing lifecycle policy '" policy_id "'"
print dmAPIGet ("getmessage," session)

290 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Changes the state of a validated workflow definition or activity definition to draft.



Table 2-90. Invalidate method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the lifecycle, activity or process definition that
you want to invalidate. Use the object ID of the dm_policy,
dm_activity, or dm_process object.

Return value
The Install method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Invalidate method changes a validated workflow definition or activity definition to
the draft state.
The Invalidate method requires the Relate permission or Sysadmin or Superuser

Related methods
Validate, page 494
Uninstall, page 472

Content Server API Reference Manual 291


The following example invalidates a lifecycle.
if (dmAPIExec("invalidate," session "," process_id) == 0) {
print "Error invalidate workflow_def'" process_id "'"
print dmAPIGet ("getmessage," session)

292 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Indicates whether a particular object type is in the DMCL type cache.



Table 2-91. Iscached method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
cache_key Identifies the type you are checking. Use the type’s internal
name; for example, dm_document.

Return value
The Iscached method returns TRUE if the specified type is in the cache and FALSE if
it is not.

Usage notes
When changes are made to a type’s definition, Content Server’s type cache is not updated
for current sessions. Use the Iscached method to tell you whether a type you have
changed is in the server’s type cache. If the answer is TRUE, you may want to restart the
session to make the change visible to the server.

Related methods

Content Server API Reference Manual 293


print("Type is cached");
print("Type is not cached");

294 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Terminates a repository session or flushes an object from the DMCL cache.




Table 2-92. Kill method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies the current repository session.
session_to_kill Identifies the repository session you want to terminate. Use
the session’s identifier. (You can obtain the identifier using
the LIST_SESSIONS function.)
immediacy_level Defines the immediacy or impact to the end user of the
terminated session. This is a character string argument. Valid
values are:

nice, which terminates the session when there are no more

open transactions and collections

after current request, which terminates the session when it is

finished executing the current request

unsafe, which terminates the session immediately

message A user-defined message that the server will place in the session
log. The message can be up to 255 characters.
object_id Specifies an object to flush from the dmcl cache.

Return value
The Kill method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Content Server API Reference Manual 295


Usage notes
You must have Superuser user privileges to the use the Kill method.
Terminating sessions
Terminating a session nicely, after all transactions and collections are closed is the least
disruptive. Users and client are functionally unaffected, although users may notice
temporary performance degradation.
Terminating a session after the current request completes is safe and faster than waiting
for all transactions and collections to close. However, some transactions may not
complete and connections may be lost.
Terminating a session immediately, without regard for the status of transactions is
unsafe. If you stop a session the immediacy_level set to unsafe, you should monitor the
server for stability. For example, try to connect, look at some documents, or check the
server log. If the server appears compromised, shut down the server.
Flushing the DMCL cache
You can use the Kill method to flush an object from the DMCL cache. The client then
re-fetches the object. Use this to refresh an object’s attributes in a client application

Related methods
Shutdown, page 447

status = dmexec("kill," session ",0100007b80006de0,nice,
testing kill method")

296 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Associates an object with a folder or cabinet.



Table 2-93. Link method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Specifies the object that you want to link to the specified
folder. This can be any object of type SysObject or its subtypes
except cabinets.

Use the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that

points to the object.
folder_specification Defines the folder or cabinet to which you want to link the
object. You can use either the folder or cabinet’s object ID or
its folder path. This path has the format:

alias Defines an alias in place of folder_specification. The alias is
resolved when method is executed. This argument is intended
for use in applications. The format of an alias is:


alias_set_name is the name of an alias set object.

alias_name is a value in the alias_name attribute of the alias

set object.

For information about aliases, refer to Appendix A, Aliases of

the EMC Documentum Object Reference Manual.

Content Server API Reference Manual 297


Return value
The Link method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The first link that you perform for an object defines its primary cabinet; this is its primary
link. If you do not explicitly link a new object to a folder or cabinet before you save it, the
server automatically links the object to your default cabinet when you save it.
After the first link that establishes an object’s primary cabinet, you can link it to other
cabinets or folders. These links are called secondary links.
The method uses the repository named in the docbase_scope attribute of the session
config object to identify the repository in which to search for the folder specified in
the folder_specification. If the folder is not found in that repository, the method returns
an error.
Using the Link method has the following constraints:
• To create a primary link, you must have at least Write permission for the object and
Change Location permission on the object.
• To create a secondary link for the object:
— You must have at least Browse access to the object.
— You must have Change Location permission on the object.
• If the repository is running under folder security, to create either a primary or a
secondary link, you must have at least Write permission for the folder or cabinet to
which you are linking the object.
• You can link any SysObject or SysObject subtype except cabinets to a folder or cabinet.
Related methods
Unlink, page 474

This example:
• Fetches the specified folder object
• Unlinks the folder from its cabinet and links to another cabinet
• Saves the folder object
err_flag = dmAPIExec("fetch," session "," fldr)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error fetching folder '" fldr "'"
print err_msg

298 Content Server API Reference Manual


err_flag = dmAPIExec("unlink," session "," fldr "," cab1)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error unlinking folder '" fldr "' from cabinet '" cab1 "'"
print err_msg
cerr_flag = dmAPIExec("link," session "," fldr "," cab2)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error linking folder '" fldr "' to cabinet '" cab2 "'"
print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("save," session "," fldr)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error saving folder '" fldr "'"
print err_msg

Content Server API Reference Manual 299



Purpose Returns the subconnections and the repositories to which they are connected for a
specified session.

dmAPIGet ("listconnection,session")


Table 2-94. Listconnection method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session. Use a session identifier
in the format Sn. For example: S0 or S1.

Do not specify a subconnection.

Return value
The Listconnection method returns a collection whose attributes contain the identifiers
for each subconnection in the specified session and the repository to which the
subconnection is connected.

Usage notes
Listconnection and Dumpconnection return the same information for a specified session.
Listconnection differs from Dumpconnection in that Listconnection returns a collection
which you must iterate through to obtain the subconnection information and you must
specify a session. Listconnection cannot return information about all sessions open with
Content Server in one collection.

Related methods
Dumpconnection, page 196
Getconnection, page 229

300 Content Server API Reference Manual


The following example uses IAPI to execute the method to show its output. This example
supposes that there are two active connections when the method is executed.
. . .
. . .
. . .


r_docbase_id: 5552
r_docbase_name: test_repository
r_user_name: emily
. . .
. . .


r_docbase_id: 5524
r_docbase_name: mktg_repository
r_user_name: emily


Content Server API Reference Manual 301



Purpose Returns all the messages generated by a session which are at or above a specified
severity level.



Table 2-95. Listmessage method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
severity_level Defines the minimum severity level of the messages you
receive. You receive all messages at or above the specified
level. Specify the level as an integer, corresponding to one of
the following severity levels:

1, for Information messages

2, for Warning messages
3, for Error messages
4, for Fatal error messages

This is optional. If unspecified, the default is 1 (informational


Return value
The Listmessage method returns the collection identifier of a collection of objects. These
objects have three attributes that are generally useful to users:
• CODE, which is an integer datatype
• SEVERITY, which is an integer datatype
• MESSAGE, which is a string(255) datatype
Three other attributes, LOGGED_FLAG, COUNT, and STAMP are also returned. These
attributes are not generally useful to end users. LOGGED_FLAG indicates whether the

302 Content Server API Reference Manual


error has been logged, COUNT indicates how many substitutions were made into the
body of the error message, and STAMP is always blank.

Usage notes
The CODE attribute contains the actual error number.
The SEVERITY attribute contains the severity level of the message specified as an integer
(refer to the argument descriptions for a list of severity levels and corresponding
The MESSAGE attribute contains the text of the error or message.
Messages that you retrieve using the Listmessage method cannot be subsequently
obtained using the Getmessage method.
After you execute one Listmessage method, you cannot execute another until you close
the collection generated by the first Listmessage execution.

Related methods
Getmessage, page 251

if (dmAPIExec("fetch," session "," doc_id) == 0) {
# Ignore information messages
col1 = dmAPIGet("listmessage," session ",2")
while (dmAPIExec("next," session "," col1))
msg = dmAPIGet("get," session "," col1 ",MESSAGE")
print msg
dmAPIExec("close," session "," col1)

Content Server API Reference Manual 303



Purpose Searches through a repeating attribute and returns the index value that corresponds
to a specified value in the attribute.



Table 2-96. Locate method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object that contains the specified attribute. Use
the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points
to the object.
attribute Names the repeating attribute.
value Defines the repeating attribute value for which you are trying
to find the corresponding index value.

Return value
The Locate method returns the index value associated with the specified attribute value.
If the specified value does not exist in the attribute, the method returns -1.

Usage notes
Use the Locate method only for persistent objects.
You cannot use the Locate method to return index values for the special attributes. The
Locate method operates only on an object’s base attributes.

304 Content Server API Reference Manual


Related methods
Get, page 224

The following example finds a specific author in the authors attribute of a document.
if((index=dmAPIGet("locate," session "," doc_id ",authors,"\ name))==-1) {
if ((err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)) != NULL) {
print "Error locating author '"name"' in doc '"doc_id"'
print err_msg
print "Author '"name"' is author number "index

Content Server API Reference Manual 305



Purpose Places a database lock on an object.



Table 2-97. Lock method arguments

Argument Description
session An open repository session.
object_id Object on which to place the database lock. Use the object’s
repository object ID.
validate_stamp Whether to validate the version stamp on an object. The
default value is F (FALSE). Refer to the Usage notes for details
of the use of this argument.

Return value
The Lock method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Lock method places an exclusive lock at the database level on an object. A user with
Sysadmin or Superuser user privileges can place a lock on any object. Other users can
place locks only on objects for which they have at least Version permission.
This method can only be executed inside an explicit transaction begun with a DQL
BEGINTRAN statement or a Begintran method. The lock is released when the transaction
is closed with either a COMMIT or ABORT statement or a Commit or Abort method.
The validate_stamp argument determines whether the version stamp of the object in the
database is checked against the version stamp of the same object in the dmcl cache. The
argument is false by default, which means the version stamp is not checked. If you set
the argument to T (true), the method checks whether the object is in the dmcl cache and

306 Content Server API Reference Manual


if so, checks the version stamp of the object in the database against the version stamp
of the cached object. If the version stamps do not match, the method reports an error.
However, the operation is not aborted.
If the object is already locked, the method is blocked until the object is unlocked and the
method can take the lock.

Related methods

This example places a database lock on the document identified by the object ID

Content Server API Reference Manual 307



Purpose Retrieves the print queue for a specified printer.



Table 2-98. Lpq method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
printer Identifies the printer whose queue you want to see. Use the
object name of the output device object that represents the
printer. If you do not specify a printer, the default is the
system printer.

Return value
The Lpq method returns a formatted string that contains a listing of the printing jobs in
the print queue. The string contains a line feed between each job listing.

Usage notes
Part of the information returned for each print job is its print job number. You can use
this number to stop the print job with the Unprint method.

Related methods
Print, page 321
Unprint, page 482

308 Content Server API Reference Manual


print "The current print queue status is: "
print dmAPIGet("lpq," session ",engr_printer")

Content Server API Reference Manual 309



Purpose Assigns one or more symbolic version labels to an object.



Table 2-99. Mark method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Specifies the object to which you want to assign the label. Use
the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points
to the object.
label Defines the label that you want to assign to the object. You can
specify one implicit label and/or one or more symbolic labels.

Return value
The Mark method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
Before you can use the Mark method, you must either check out or fetch the specified
object. After you execute the Mark method, you must check in or save the object to keep
the new label or labels.
If you are setting an implicit label on a virtual document, you must check out the
document before issuing the Mark method. You cannot fetch a virtual document and set
its implicit label. Doing so breaks the connections to the document’s components.
If you specify an implicit label, you must specify the label in the format:


310 Content Server API Reference Manual



where n and x are an integers.

If you specify a symbolic label that is already assigned to another version of the object,
the method moves the label from that other version to the object specified. However,
if the version initially holding the label is locked, the method fails because it cannot
access the object to move the label.
If you audit the Mark method, Content Server creates one audit trail entry for each
version label included in the arguments.

Related methods
Unmark, page 480

if (dmAPIExec("ckeckout," session "," doc_id) == 0) {
print "Error checking out the document"
print dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
if (dmAPIExec("mark," session "," doc_id ",APPROVED") == 0) {
print "Error marking doc '" doc_id "' approved"
print dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)

if ((new_id = dmAPIGet("checkin," session "," doc_id)) == NULL) {

print "Error checking in document '" doc_id "'"
print dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)

Content Server API Reference Manual 311



Purpose Sets the content location for an external store object.



Table 2-100. Mount method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object ID of the external file store.
path Specifies the path of the external file store.

Return value
The Mount method returns TRUE if successful and FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Mount method sets the content location for an external store object. Use the Mount
method to change the path to content in an external file store dynamically. For example,
if you set up external file storage for access to files on a CD-ROM, you can move the
CD-ROM to a local client machine and use the Mount command to correct the path.
For client configurations where the path name specified in the client root location
is invalid or inaccessible, use the Mount method to remap the client root location
dynamically when executing the plug-in on the client.
If a client application does not execute the Mount method but issues a Getfile or a
Getcontent method, the content is retrieved on the server side if a server-side plug-in is
available and returned to the client application.

312 Content Server API Reference Manual


Related methods
Getpath, page 253
Setpath, page 439

status = dmexec("mount," session ",6100007b80000105,

Content Server API Reference Manual 313



Purpose Rearranges the state definitions within a lifecycle definition.



Table 2-101. Movestate method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the lifecycle that you want to modify. Use the
dm_policy’s object ID.
old_position The current position of the state.
new_position The new position in which to put the state.

Return value
The Movestate method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Movestate method moves a state definition within a lifecycle (a buisness policy
You cannot use the Movestate method on an installed lifecycle, and you cannot alter a
lifecycle that is attached to any SysObjects.
The Movestate method changes the policy’s state to Draft and renumbers the states at the
new position and below in the lifecycle.

314 Content Server API Reference Manual


Related methods
Appendstate, page 90
Insertstate, page 287
Removestate, page 373

Content Server API Reference Manual 315



Purpose Returns objects from collections.



Table 2-102. Next method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
collection_identifier Identifies the collection whose results you are processing.
The value that you use here is returned by the method that
generates the collection, for example, the Readquery method.

Return value
The Next method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Next method is used to retrieve query result objects in a collection that results from a
DQL statement. It also returns the objects in the collection generated by an Assemble
method call.
When you execute the Next method to retrieve query results, the server sends the values
from one query result object to the client application. You must execute the Next once for
each query result in the collection to retrieve all the values. (Refer to Chapter 4, Using
DQL, in Content Server Fundamentals for more information about processing queries.)
When you execute the Next method to retrieve the objects in a collection generated by
the Assemble method, Next retrieves some or all the objects with each execution. The
number retrieved is determined by an argument in the Assemble method call. Refer to
Chapter 7, Virtual Documents, in Content Server Fundamentals for information about
using Next to create an assembly.

316 Content Server API Reference Manual


Related methods
Assemble, page 100
Query, page 337

This example:
• Queries the repository
• Loops through the resulting collection and prints each respondent
• Closes the query collection
query_id = \
dmAPIGet("query," session ",select r_object_id from dm_document)
if (query_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error querying the repository"
print err_msg
resp_cntr = 0
while( dmAPIExec("next," session "," query_id) > 0 ) {
obj_id = dmAPIGet("get," session "," query_id ",r_object_id")
if (obj_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error retrieving object ID from the query collection"
print err_msg
print ++resp_cntr " : " obj_id
err_flag = dmAPIExec("close," session "," query_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error closing the query collection"
print err_msg

Content Server API Reference Manual 317



Purpose Determines an attribute’s position in the list of attributes that belong to an object.



Table 2-103. Offset method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Specifies the object that contains the specified attribute. Use
the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points
to the object.
attribute Identifies the attribute whose offset you are determining. Use
the attribute’s name to identify the attribute.

Return value
The Offset method returns an integer that represents the attribute’s position in the
ordered list of the object’s attributes.

Usage notes
You can use the returned integer as an index value with the special attributes. Each object
has a set of the special attributes. These are attributes that contain information about the
object and its attributes. The special attributes that contain information about the object’s
attributes are repeating attributes. All of the rows at a particular index level describe one
object attribute. You can use the Offset method to obtain an attribute’s position in the
list of object attributes; this number is also the index value of the rows that describe that
attribute in the special attributes. For example, if the Offset method returns the number
3, then you can determine the datatype of the attribute by looking at the special attribute
_datatype at the index level 3: _datatype[3].

318 Content Server API Reference Manual


Related methods

This example uses the Offset method to determine the attribute number of the authors
attribute. The attribute number is then used to find out the number of values that authors
contains. You can also use this offset number to retrieve the datatype and length with
the _datatype and _length special attributes, respectively.
index = dmAPIGet(sprintf("offset,%s,%s,authors",session,doc_id));
cmd = sprintf("get,%s,%s,_values[%s]",session,doc_id,index);
num_authors = dmAPIGet(cmd);

Content Server API Reference Manual 319



Purpose Suspends a work item.



Table 2-104. Pause method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
workitem_id Specifies the work item that you want to pause.

Return value
The Pause method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
Using the Pause method has the following constraints:
• You must be the workflow supervisor or a user with Sysadmin or Superuser
• The work item must be in the dormant state.
Work item performers cannot pause their work items.

Related methods
Halt, page 265

status = dmAPIExec("pause," session ",4a00007b80000100")

320 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Prints a specified document.



Table 2-105. Print method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Specifies the document that you want to print. Use the
document’s object ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that
points to the object.
printer Specifies the printer that you want to use. Use the object name
of the output device object that represents the printer. ID. If
you do not specify a printer, the default is the system printer.
print_cover Directs the printer to print a cover page. The default is T. If
you do not want a cover page, specify F for this flag.
save_output Directs the system to save the postscript output generated by
the printing process. The default is T. Set this flag to F if you
do not want to save the output.
num_copies Defines the number of copies that you want to print. Use an
integer number to specify this. The default value is one.
starting_ content_page Defines the content file with which to start printing. If
unspecified, the default is zero (representing the first content
in the object). Use the content’s page number.
ending_ content_page Defines the content file at which to end printing. If unspecified,
this defaults to the last content page.

Content Server API Reference Manual 321


Return value
The Print method returns the print job’s number.

Usage notes
Note: On Windows platforms, you must configure a printer in the repository before you
can use the Print method. For instructions, refer toConfiguring a repository printer on
Windows, page 81 in the Content Server System Administrator’s Guide.
When you use the Print method, the server automatically converts the content to the
page description language required by the printer. If the save_output flag is set to T
(the default setting), then this page description language output is saved as a rendition
with the content.
Every content associated with an object has a page number that defines the content’s
position within the ordered list of the object’s contents. Use this number to refer to a
particular content to define the starting and stopping points when printing a multiple
content document.
Note: You can use the print job number returned by this method in the Unprint method,
which removes a job from a print queue.

Related methods
Lpq, page 308
Unprint, page 482

The following examples shows a Print Method using default argument values.
job_id = dmAPIGet(sprintf("print,%s,%s,engr_printer", session, doc_id));

This example prints pages 1 to 5.

job_id =dmAPIGet(sprintf("print,%s,%s,engr_printer,T,,,%d,%d",\
session, doc_id, 1, 5));

322 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Promotes a SysObject from its current normal state to the next normal state defined
in the attached lifecycle.

For unscheduled promotions:

For scheduled promotions:



Table 2-106. Promote method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the SysObject to promote. Use the object’s object
ID. If you identify a replica object or use an indirect reference
(@objectid), the source object is affected, not the local copy.
test_only_flag TRUE or FALSE. When set to TRUE, Promote evaluates the
entry criteria to determine if the document can be promoted.
The default value is FALSE.
override_flag TRUE or FALSE. When set to TRUE, Promote causes the
transition to proceed even if the entry criteria of the destination
state is not satisfied. Only users with Superuser user privileges
or the lifecycle owner can specify this argument. The default

This flag is ignored if test_only_flag is set to TRUE.

scheduled_date The date and time for which this promotion is scheduled.
pattern The date-time format for scheduled_date. The pattern defaults
to the client-side localized date-time format if not specified.

Content Server API Reference Manual 323


Argument Description
to_state Identifies, by name, the state to which to promote the object.
This must be the state immediately following the current state;
otherwise the promotion fails.

to_state and to_position are mutually exclusive.

If the scheduled_date is specified, you must include to_state or

to_position Identifies, by position, the state to which to promote the object.
The implementation is the same as that for to_state.
cancel Cancels the scheduled promotion. To cancel a scheduled
promotion, provide the original scheduled date.

Return value
The Promote method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Promote method promotes a SysObject from its current normal state to the next
normal state defined in the lifecycle attached to the SysObject.
If you are the object’s owner or a superuser, you must have Write permission to promote
an object in a lifecycle. Other users must have Write permission and Change State
permission for the object. If you have only Change State permission, Content Server
attempts to promote the object as the user defined in the a_bpaction_run_as attribute
in the docbase config object. In those instances, that user must be either the owner or
superuser with Write permission or have Write and Change State permission on the
The current state must be the state previous to the state specified by to_state or to_position.
The state to which you are promoting the object cannot be the terminal state and must
not be an exception state.
If the requirements for the next state are not met, the method fails unless you specify
override_flag= TRUE. If override_flag is set to TRUE and if the user is a lifecycle owner or
has Superuser user privileges, the method sets r_current_state to destination_state and
commits the change without performing the actions associated with the specified state.
Testing before promotion
If test_only_flag is TRUE, the Promote method launches the bp_transition method to test
the requirements of the next state.

324 Content Server API Reference Manual


Scheduling promotion
If you specify a scheduled_date and do not specify cancel, the Promote method adds a new
job object whose method_name is bp_transition and with proper values for bp_transition
as arguments and due_time as scheduled_time. The object name for the job has the
following format:
Bpsysobj_id scheduled date
The scheduled_date is in YYYYMMDDHHMISS format where
YYYY is a 4-digit year
MM is a 2-digit month
DD is a 2-digit day
HH is a 2-digit hour
MI is a 2-digit minute
SS is a 2-digit second
Note that you cannot schedule the same object for more than one state transition event
at a specified time.
The bp_transition method is invoked by a job agent which periodically scans dm_job
table to execute jobs which are overdue. The default scan time is 1 minute.
If you specify a scheduled_date and cancel is specified, the Promote method deletes the
job with name equal to Bpsysobj_id scheduled date.

Related methods
Demote, page 176

The following example promotes the object to state number 5 in the attached lifecycle,
overriding the entry criteria:
status = dmexec("promote," session ",0900007b80000519,5,F,T")

The following example promotes the object to state number 5 in the attached lifecycle
on June 4, 1999, at the time, overriding the entry criteria:
status = dmexec("promote," session ",0900007b80000519,
6/4/99 10:40:16 AM,,5,T")

The following example cancels the promotion to state number 5 in the attached lifecycle
that was scheduled for June 4, 1999:
status = dmexec("promote," session ",0900007b80000519,
6/4/99 10:40:16 AM,,cancel")

Content Server API Reference Manual 325



Purpose Removes unwanted versions of an object.



Table 2-107. Prune method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Specifies the object whose version tree you want to prune. Use
the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points
to the object.
keepSLabel Directs the server to keep or remove versions having symbolic
labels. The default is T. To remove versions that have symbolic
labels, set this flag to F.

Return value
The Prune method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
You must have Delete permission for an object version that you want to prune. If the
repository is running under folder security, you must also have at least Write permission
for the object’s primary folder. (An object’s primary folder is the folder referenced
in i_folder_id[0].)
The Prune method cleans up an object’s version tree. A version tree begins with the
original object and contains all the versions derived from the original. Using the Prune
method, you can clean up the entire tree or some specified portion of it.

326 Content Server API Reference Manual


To prune the entire tree, specify the original object’s ID in the method’s argument list.
(Every object has an attribute named i_chronicle_id that holds the ID of the object’s
original version. Query this attribute to obtain the original object’s ID, if necessary.)
To prune a subset of the tree, specify the object ID of the object that begins the branch you
want to prune. For example, assume that your tree begins with Object 1 and that Object
1 has two directly derived versions, Object 1A and Object 1B. If you want to prune the
entire tree, you specify Object 1’s ID. If you want to prune only those versions derived
from version 1A, you specify the object ID of Object 1A.
If the object is a replica object, you must prune the entire tree.
Prune removes all versions that meet the following conditions:
• The version is not frozen.
• The version is not part of a virtual document.
• The version has no symbolic labels.
• The user has Delete permission on the version and, if folder security is turned on, the
user has at least Write permission on the version’s primary folder.
• The version does not have an unexpired retention period and is not associated with
an active retainer object.
If you want to remove versions that have symbolic labels, set the keepSLabel flag to F. If
you do this and the version with the CURRENT label is removed, the server automatically
reassigns the CURRENT label to the closest remaining parent of the deleted version.
Any versions that remain on the version tree after pruning are not renumbered.
If the object_id identifies the root of the version tree and that version satisfies the pruning
conditions, then the method will also remove that version if all other versions on the
tree are removed. The original version is not removed if any node on the version tree
remains in the repository.
If the compound_integrity attribute is defaulted or set to TRUE in the server’s server
config object, the system will not prune any version that is a component in a virtual
document. Additionally, the server will not prune versions that are components in
frozen virtual documents. (You cannot prune components of a frozen virtual document
even if the compound_integrity attribute is set to FALSE.)
If the dm_prune event is audited, an event is generated for each object removed from
the version tree.

Related methods
Destroy, page 186

Content Server API Reference Manual 327


This example creates a document, checks it out, saves a new version of it, and then
prunes both versions.
cron_id = dmAPIGet("create,s0," dm_document)
dmAPIExec("save,s0," cron_id)
doc_id = dmAPIGet("checkout,s0," cron_id)
doc_id1 = dmAPIGet("checkin,s0," doc_id)
dmAPIExec("prune,s0," cron_id, "F")

The next example creates a document (cron_id) and two versions of that document
(doc_id1 and doc_id2) and then prunes the original document’s version tree. In this
example, doc_id2 is a version of doc_id1, which is itself a version of cron_id. The
operation removes only the version identified as doc_id1, because the version called
doc_id2 has the symbolic label CURRENT.
cron_id = dmAPIGet("create,s0" dm_document)
dmAPIExec("save,s0," cron_id)
cron_id = dmAPIGet("checkout,s0," cron_id)
doc_id1 = dmAPIGet("checkin,s0," cron_id)
doc_id1 = dmAPIGet("checkout,s0," doc_id1)
doc_id2 = dmAPIGet("checkin,s0," doc_id1)
dmAPIExec("prune,s0," cron_id)

The final example creates a document and two versions of that document and then
prunes a subset of versions on the tree. In this example, doc_id2 is a version of doc_id1,
which is itself a version of cron_id. The argument doc_id1 in the Prune command
identifies the start of the subset. In this example, doc_id1 is the only version removed,
because the doc_id2 version has the symbolic label CURRENT and the original version
(cron_id) is not part of the specified subset.
cron_id = dmAPIGet("create,s0" dm_document)
dmAPIExec("save,s0," cron_id)
cron_id = dmAPIGet("checkout,s0," cron_id)
doc_id1 = dmAPIGet("checkin,s0," cron_id)
doc_id1 = dmAPIGet("checkout,s0," doc_id1)
doc_id2 = dmAPIGet("checkin,s0," doc_id1)
dmAPIExec("prune,s0," doc_id1)

328 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Publishes data dictionary information.



Table 2-108. Publish_dd method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies the current repository session.
locale Identifies the locale for which you want to publish data
dictionary information. You can specify a locale or the
keyword DM_SESSION_DD_LOCALE. You can specify any
locale found in the dd_locales attribute of the docbase config

Using the keyword directs the server to publish only the

information for the current session locale.

If the argument is not included, the data dictionary information

for all locales is published.
type Identifies the object type for which you want to publish data
dictionary information. Use the object type’s internal name.

If this is not included, all data dictionary information for the

specified locale is published.

Content Server API Reference Manual 329


Argument Description
attribute Identifies a specific attribute whose information you want to
publish. If you include an attribute name, you must include
the type argument, and the type argument must identify the
object type for which the attribute is defined.
force_publish Indicates whether to publish all data dictionary objects for
the object type, attribute , or locales or only those whose
resync_needed attribute is TRUE. This argument is FALSE
by default.

Return value
The Publish_dd method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Publish_dd method creates or updates dd_type_info and dd_attr_info objects. A dd
type info object contains the published data dictionary information for an object type in a
particular locale. A dd attr info object contains the published data dictionary information
for a specific attribute in a particular locale.
The method also updates or creates dd_common_info objects as needed. A dd common
info object contains the published data dictionary information that is common to an
object type and its attributes.
By default, the method publishes only the data dictionary objects that need to be
refreshed. To force the method to publish all the data dictionary objects for the object
type, attribute, or locales, set the force_publish argument to TRUE.

Related methods
Type, page 464

Sub Entry_Point(ByVal DMT_DB As String, _
ByVal DMT_USR As String, _
ByVal DMT_USP As String, _
ByVal type_name As String, _
ByVal locale As String)
sess_id$ = Connect(DMT_DB$, DMT_USR$, DMT_USP$)

330 Content Server API Reference Manual


' Publish Data Dictionary information for the

' specified type in the specified locale
status = dmAPIExec("publish_dd," & sess_id & "," &
locale & "," & type_name)
If (status = 0) Then
Print "Error publishing Data Dictionary information
for type " _
& type_name & ", locale " & locale
Call Err_Handle(sess_id, "0")
Else Print "Successfully published Data Dictionary
information for type " _
& type_name & ", locale " & locale
End If
Call Disconnect(sess_id$)
End Sub

Content Server API Reference Manual 331



Purpose Removes all files that have been copied into the local area during the current



Table 2-109. Purgelocal method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies the current repository session.

Return value
The Purgelocal method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Purgelocal cleans up files in a client’s local area. The server does not automatically
clean up a local area when a session is terminated. Instead, this must be done with
the Purgelocal method.
If the method encounters a file that it cannot delete, it does not stop but instead continues
deleting those files that it can delete.

Related methods
Flush, page 213
Flushcache, page 217

332 Content Server API Reference Manual


status = dmAPIExec("purgelocal,c")
if (status != 1)
print dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0");

Content Server API Reference Manual 333



Purpose Executes a DQL query.



Table 2-110. Query_cmd method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
read_only Whether the results are read-only or may be updated.
T(TRUE) means the results are read only. F (FALSE) means
that the results may be updated. The default is F.
persistent_cache Whether to store the results in the persistent client cache.
T(TRUE) means the results are stored in the cache. F (FALSE)
means that the results are not stored in the cache. The default
is F.
Note: Setting this flag is only effective if the the
client_persistent_caching key in the user’s dmcl.ini file is set
to T (TRUE).
consistency_check Defines how often the results should be recomputed. This
_value argument is only used if the persistent_cache argument is set to
T. The argument is ignored if persistent_cache is F.

Valid values are:

• Name of a cache config object
• A positive integer
• One of three keywords or the integer equivalents

If you identify a cache config object, the server uses the

consistency check rules defined in the cache config object to
determine whether to recompute the results. Use the cache
config’s object name to identify a cache config object.

334 Content Server API Reference Manual


Argument Description
A positive integer value is interpreted in seconds and defines
the length of time that the results can be used without being

The keywords are:

check_always, meaning the query is always rerun.

check_always is the equivalent of specifying 0 for the

check_never, meaning the results are never checked. If the

results are cached, the cached results are used. check_never is
the equivalent of specifying -1 for the argument.

check_first_access, meaning the query is run if it is the

first request by the client. Subsequent calls that specify
check_first_access return the cached results. check_first_access
is the equivalent of specifying -2 for the argument.

The default is check_never.

unused Currently unused and included for future enhancements of
the method.
dql_query Defines the DQL query to be executed. The query must be
less than or equal to 255 characters in length if you are using
DDE as the communications protocol between the external
application and Content Server.

Return value
Query_cmd returns a collection identifier.

Usage notes
Query_cmd is the recommended API to execute any DQL query through the API.
Setting the persistent_cache argument to TRUE instructs Content Server to store the
query results in a persistent file. Query cache files are maintained within and across
sessions. The collection identifier returned by the method points to that file. Setting the
persistent_cache argument to T is only effective if query caching is enabled in the user’s
repository and environment. (For instructions on enabling and managing query caching,

Content Server API Reference Manual 335


refer to Managing persistent client caches, page 192 in Content ServerAdministrator’s

The consistency_check argument is effective only if the results are persistently cached. The
argument defines how often the stored query results are checked for consistency against
the repository. If you set persistent_cache to T, to cache the results, and do not include
a consistency check value, the consistency check defaults to check_never, meaning
the cached results are always used. (For details about how consistency checking is
implemented, refer to Consistency checking, page 49, in Content Server Fundamentals.)

Related methods
Cachequery, page 133

select owner_name,object_name,title from dm_document
where subject='SOP'")

336 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Executes DQL statements.



Table 2-111. Query method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
dql_query Defines the DQL query that you want to execute.

Return value
The Query method returns a collection identifier representing the collection that contains
the query results.

Usage notes
Whenever you execute a DQL statement using the Query method, the results are
returned as a collection. This feature lets you write generic code that can process any
DQL statement whether it is a SELECT statement or not. Refer to Chapter 4, Using
DQL, in Content Server Fundamentals for a discussion of query processing and a template
for processing code.

Related methods
Cachequery, page 133
Execquery, page 203
Readquery, page 342

Content Server API Reference Manual 337


This example:
• Queries the repository
• Loops through the resulting collection and prints each respondent
• Closes the query collection
cmd_str = "query," session ",select r_object_id from dm_document"
query_id = dmAPIGet( cmd_str )
if (query_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error querying the repository"
print err_msg
resp_cntr = 0
while( dmAPIExec("next," session "," query_id) > 0 ) {
obj_id = dmAPIGet("get," session "," query_id ",r_object_id")
if (obj_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error retrieving object ID from the query collection"
print err_msg
print ++resp_cntr " : " obj_id
err_flag = dmAPIExec("close," session "," query_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error closing the query collection"
print err_msg

338 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Places an object in an inbox or posts an event to a workflow or for a work item.

To queue an object to a user:

To queue an event to a workflow or work item:



Table 2-112. Queue method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object that you want to place on the queue. Use
the object’s ID.

You cannot specify an indirect reference (@object_id) for this

workflow_id or Identifies the workflow or work item to which to post an event.
workitem_id If you are posting the event to a workflow, use the workflow’s
object ID. If you are posting the event for a work item, use the
work item’s object ID.
user_name Identifies the user who is to receive the object. Use the user’s
user name.

Content Server API Reference Manual 339


Argument Description
recipient For events posted to a workflow or work item, identifies the
recipient of the event. Use the recipient’s user name.

If the event is posted to a workflow, the default recipient is the

workflow supervisor.

If the event is posted to a work item, the default recipient is

the work item performer
event Provides information to be interpreted by the application
about the specified object. Use a character string value for this
event_type The name of the event (a character string value).
priority Defines an application- or user-interpreted priority level for
the queued item. Specify an integer number for this argument.
send_mail Directs the server to send an electronic message to the queue’s
owner. The message includes the text of the message argument.

This is an optional flag. The default is F (FALSE).

due_date Specifies a date for the completion of the work represented
by the queued object.
message Defines a message to the owner of the queue on which you are
placing the task.

If send_mail is set to T, the message is included in the

notification. The message may also be retrieved using the
Getevents method.

Return value
The Queue method returns the object ID of a dmi_queue_item object.

Usage notes
If you queue an event to a workflow or for a work item, the method automatically
sends an email notification to the user specified in the recipient argument. If the
recipient argument is not included, the notification is sent to the workflow supervisor for
workflows and to the work item’s performer for work items.

340 Content Server API Reference Manual


Related methods
Dequeue, page 179

This example places an object in John’s queue.
stamp = dmAPIGet(sprintf("queue,%s,%s,%s,dm_fetch,
0,T,,%s",session,doc_id, "john","Please review
this document."));

Content Server API Reference Manual 341



Purpose Executes DQL queries that do not require database access during query result



Table 2-113. Readquery method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
dql_query Defines the DQL query that you want to execute. The query
must be less than or equal to 255 characters in length if you
are using DDE as the communications protocol between the
external application and Content Server.

Return value
The Readquery method returns a collection identifier.

Usage notes
Use Readquery when you want to execute a SELECT statement whose results will be
processed without any database changes occurring during the processing. For such
SELECT statements, Readquery provides better performance than the Query method.
Note: Making changes in the repository while processing the results of a Readquery
execution automatically closes the collection returned by the SELECT. Consequently,
if you want to make changes in the repository while processing query results use the
Query method rather than Readquery.
You can execute non-SELECT statements with Readquery also. However, there are no
performance benefits to doing so.

342 Content Server API Reference Manual


If you want to send a query that is greater than 255 characters and you are using DDE,
use the Execquery method instead of Readquery.

Related methods
Cachequery, page 133
Execquery, page 203
Query, page 337

This example:
• Queries the repository
• Processes the query results
• Closes the collection that holds the query results
cmd_str = "readquery," session ",select r_object_id from dm_document"
query_id = dmAPIGet( cmd_str )
if (query_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error querying the repository"
print err_msg
resp_cntr = 0
while( dmAPIExec("next," session "," query_id) > 0 ) {
obj_id = dmAPIGet("get," session "," query_id ",r_object_id")
if (obj_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," sessi)
print "Error retrieving object ID from the query collection"
print err_msg
print ++resp_cntr " : " obj_id
err_flag = dmAPIExec("close," session "," query_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error closing the query collection"
print err_msg

Content Server API Reference Manual 343



Purpose Updates the attributes values of a mirror object in the repository.



Table 2-114. Refresh method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the mirror object or replica you want to refresh.

Return value
The Refresh method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
To refresh a reference link requires at least Browse permission on both the reference link
and the remote object to which the mirror object points.
To refresh a replica requires at least Browse permission on the replica.
Refreshing a reference link modifies the r_next_refresh attribute of the dm_reference

Related methods
Dereference, page 181

err = dmAPIExec ("refresh," session "," mirror_obj_id)

344 Content Server API Reference Manual


if (err == 0) {
print "Error refreshing the object '" obj_id "'"
print dmAPIGet ("getmessage," session)

Content Server API Reference Manual 345



Purpose Registers the current user to receive notification when the specified event occurs.



Table 2-115. Register method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object or object type for which you are registering
the event.

To identify a particular object, use the object’s object ID or an

indirect reference (@object_id).

To identify an object type, use the object ID of the type’s

dm_type object. The object type must be SysObject or a
SysObject subtype. Sysadmin or Superuser privileges are
required to specify an object type.

Appendix B, System Events, lists the valid object types for

system-defined events.
event Defines the event for which you want to receive notification.
Appendix B, System Events, lists the system-defined events.
priority Defines a priority level for the event. Use an integer number
for this argument. The priority is an optional argument whose
value must be interpreted by the user or application.

346 Content Server API Reference Manual


Argument Description
send_mail Directs the server to send electronic mail to the user whenever
an event is placed on the user’s queue. TRUE means to send
mail. FALSE means not to send mail. The default is TRUE.
message Defines a message sent to the user receiving the event
notification. If send_mail is set, the message is included in
the email sent to the owner. Otherwise, the message can be
retrieved using the Getevents method.

Return value
The Register method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
Any user can register to receive an event notice.
When you register for an event, the server puts a notification in your inbox when the
event occurs. With two exceptions (dm_fetch and dm_acquire), you receive notification
each time the event occurs in the same or different repository sessions. For dm_fetch
and dm_acquire, you receive only one notification in a repository session even if the
event occurs multiple times in the session.
If you register for an event on an object type, you receive a notification every time that
event occurs for an object of the type.
Registering for an event doesn’t create audit trail entries when the event occurs. To create
audit trail entries for an event, you must use an Audit method to initiate auditing. You
can both register for an event and audit the event. (Using Audit requires Config_audit
With the exclusion of router events, the system-defined events for which you can register
and those which you can audit are identical. They are listed in Appendix B, System
You can register (but not audit) the following events with routers as the target of the

Content Server API Reference Manual 347


You can register to receive notifications of router events for routers that are currently
running. Note, however that router functionality is superseded in Documentum 4.0 and
above by the workflow functionality. Documentum clients at version 4.0 and above
won’t allow you to start new routers.
For information about processing events and more information about how they work,
refer to Chapter 11, Tasks, Events, and Inboxes, in Content Server Fundamentals.

Related methods
Audit, page 115
Unaudit, page 466
Unregister, page 484

The following example registers the current user to receive notification when any type of
event occurs to the document specified by doc_id:
stamp = dmAPISet(sprintf("register,%s,%s,all", session, doc_id),
"An event has occurred on my document")

348 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Restarts the root Content Server thread (process).



Table 2-116. Reinit method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
server_config _name Specifies the server config object that you want the restarted
server to use.
send_to_docbroker Indicates whether the server should send a checkpoint to the
connection broker projection targets on reinitialization. Set the
argument to T to direct the server to send the checkpoint. The
default is F, which means that a checkpoint is not sent.

Return value
The Reinit method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
You have Sysadmin or Superuser user privileges to use the Reinit method. This method
reinitializes the root server thread (process). The ability to reinitialize the server lets you
change the server’s configuration by allowing you to change the server’s server config
object and then restart the server. If you do not specify a server config object, the method
assumes the server’s current server config object.
Issuing a Reinit also affects the behavior of the repository session that issues the Reinit

Content Server API Reference Manual 349


Related methods
Restart, page 386

status = dmAPIExec("reinit,c")
if (status != 1)
print dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0");

350 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Removes a value in a repeating attribute.



Table 2-117. Remove method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object that contains the specified attribute.

Use the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that

points to the object.

If the object is the api config object, specify the keyword

apiconfig instead of the object ID.
attribute Specifies the repeating attribute that contains the value you
want to remove.
[index] Specifies the position (in the repeating attribute) that holds the
value you want to remove. Note that you must enclose the
index value in square brackets [ ]. If unspecified, the default
is zero.

Return value
The Remove method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
Executing the Remove method removes the value at the specified position by removing
the row at that position. The remaining rows in the attribute are renumbered.

Content Server API Reference Manual 351


Related methods
Append, page 77
Insert, page 271

This example:
• Creates a document object
• Appends the names of the authors
• Removes an author’s name
doc_id = dmAPIGet("create," session ",dm_document")
if (doc_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error creating a document object"
print err_msg
author_list = "W. Smith,J. Jones,R. Abnous,S. Ruppenthal"
count = split(author_list, author, ",")
cmd_str = "append," session "," doc_id ",authors"
for (i=1; i<=count; i++) {
err_flag = dmAPIExec( cmd_str, author[i] )
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error appending authors' name to the 'authors' attribute"
print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("remove," session "," doc_id ",authors[2]")
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error saving the document object"
print err_msg

352 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Removes an activity from a workflow definition.



Table 2-118. Removeactivity method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
process_id Identifies the process definition to remove the activity from.
Use the object ID of the process.
activity_identifier Uniquely identifies the activity to remove.

Return value
The Removeactivity method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Removeactivity method removes an activity, added with the Addactivity method,
from an uninstalled workflow process definition.
You cannot remove an activity which is in use by any links. Use Removelink to remove
the links before using Removeactivity.

Related methods
Addactivity, page 44
Addlink, page 52
Removelink, page 357

Content Server API Reference Manual 353


status = dmexec("removeactivity," session ",4b00007b80000100,

354 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Deletes a content file from an object.



Table 2-119. Removecontent method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Specifies the object from which you are removing the content
file. Use the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id)
that points to the object.
page_number Identifies the content that you are removing. Use the content’s
page number. If unspecified, the default is zero (the first

Return value
The Removecontent method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
You must have at least Version permission on a document to remove its content.
A page number is a number assigned to each content in an object that indicates the
content’s position within the object’s ordered contents. Page numbers begin with zero
and increment by one for each additional content.
Removing a content renumbers any remaining content.

Content Server API Reference Manual 355


This example:
• Fetches a specified document
• Removes the first content (page number zero)
• Saves the document
err_flag = dmAPIExec("fetch," session "," doc_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error fetching the document"
print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("removecontent," session "," doc_id ",0")
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error removing the first content page"
print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("save," session "," doc_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error saving the document"
print err_msg

356 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Removes a link from a workflow definition.



Table 2-120. Removelink method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the process.
link_identifier Uniquely identifies the link to remove.

Return value
The Removelink method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Removelink method removes a link, previously added with Addlink, from a process

Related methods
Addactivity, page 44
Addlink, page 52
Removeactivity, page 353

status = dmAPIExec("removelink,s0," proc_id ",link_0")

Content Server API Reference Manual 357



Purpose Detaches an annotation from a document or other SysObject or removes a note

from a package.



Table 2-121. Removenote method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
annotation_id Specifies which annotation you want to remove from the
document. Use the annotation’s object ID or an indirect
reference (@object_id) that point to the annotation
object_id Identifies the document or package from which you want to
remove the annotation. Use the document or package’s object

Return value
The Removenote method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Removenote method destroys the relation object that links an annotation to a
document. It does not destroy the annotation itself.
The Removenote method detaches a note from a package, or destroys the relation object
that links an annotation to a document. It does not destroy the annotation itself.
To use Removenote to detach an annotation, you must have:
• At least RELATE permission on the object from which you are detaching the
annotation, and

358 Content Server API Reference Manual


• At least Write permission on the note object.

You can only use Removenote to detach a note from a package if you added the note

Related methods
Addnote, page 54

status = dmAPIExec("removenote,c,41000bb2800014a2,09000bb2800012a5")
if (status != 1)
print dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0");

status = dmAPIExec("save,c,41000bb2800014a2")
if (status != 1)
print dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0");

Content Server API Reference Manual 359



Purpose Detaches a package from a specific port of a start activity or from a work item.



Table 2-122. Removepackage method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the workflow or work item from which to remove
the package.
start_activity_name Specifies the start activity from which to remove the package,
if the workflow has more than one start activity.
port_name Identifies the port from which to remove the package.
package_name Identifies the package to remove

Return value
The Removepackage method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Removepackage method allows a workflow supervisor to detach a package from a
specific port of a start activity, and enables work item performers to detach a package
from a work item.

360 Content Server API Reference Manual


Related methods
Addpackage, page 56

buff = "removepackageinfo," sess "," wfid "," actname ","
portname ",pack1"
istatus = dmAPIExec(buff)

Content Server API Reference Manual 361



Purpose Removes a package definition from a port.



Table 2-123. Removepackageinfo method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
activity_id Identifies the activity from which to remove the package
port_name Identifies the port from which to remove the package
package_name Identifies the package to remove

Return value
The Removepackageinfo method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Removepackageinfo method removes the specified package definition from the
specified port.

Related methods
Addpackageinfo, page 60

362 Content Server API Reference Manual


buff = "removepackageinfo,s0," act_id "," portname ",pack1"
istatus = dmAPIExec(buff)

Content Server API Reference Manual 363



Purpose Removes a component of a virtual document.



Table 2-124. Removepart method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
document_id Identifies the virtual document that contains the component
you want to remove. Use the document’s object ID or an
indirect reference (@object_id) that points to the document.
containment_id Identifies the component you want to remove. Use the
component’s containment ID. This is the object ID of the
containment object that represents the link between the
document and the component. If you use this, do not set
order_no Identifies the component you want to remove. Use this
option only if your application defines and manages the order
numbers for virtual document components itself. Specify an
integer number for order_no. If you specify order_no, you
must set the orderno_flag to T and you cannot provide a
containment_id value.
orderno_flag Indicates whether the preceding argument’s value is a
user-defined order number for the inserted component.
You must set this to T (TRUE) if the preceding argument
is the order_no option. The default value for this flag is F
(FALSE), indicating that the preceding argument provides a
containment ID value.

364 Content Server API Reference Manual


Return value
The Removepart method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
To specify which component you want to remove, use either the containment_id or the
order_no argument. These arguments are mutually exclusive. Do not use both.
If you use the server’s default numbering to order virtual document components, then
use the containment_id argument to indicate which component you want to remove. The
containment_id is the object ID of the containment object that links the component to the
virtual document. You can obtain this object ID with the following query:
SELECT r_object_id, CONTAIN_ID FROM dm_sysobject
IN DOCUMENT ID('virtual_doc_id')

This returns a list of the object IDs and containment IDs for all the direct components
of the virtual document.
If you are providing and managing your own order numbers for virtual document
components, then use the order_no argument to indicate which component you want to
remove. The order_no argument takes an integer value. When you use the order_no
argument, you must also set the orderno_flag to T. This flag indicates to the server that
you have given it a user-defined order number rather than a containment ID.
It is not necessary to set the orderno_flag when you are specifying a containment ID
because the default value for the flag is F, which indicates that you have specified
a containment ID.

Related methods
Appendpart, page 84
Insertpart, page 280
Updatepart, page 486

component_id = dmget("create,s0,dm_document");
if (component_id == NULL)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmset("set,s0,last,object_name", "Chapter1")
status = dmexec("save,s0,last")
if (status != 1)

Content Server API Reference Manual 365


{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
parent_id = dmget("create,s0,dm_document");
if (parent_id == NULL)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmset("set,s0,last,object_name", "Book")
containment_id = dmget("appendpart,s0,last," component_id)
status = dmexec("save,s0,last")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmexec("removepart,s0,last," containment_id)
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmexec("save,s0,last")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess

366 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Removes a port added with the Addport method.



Table 2-125. Removeport method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
activity_id Identifies the activity definition that you want to remove the
port from. Use the object ID of the activity definition.
port_name Identifies the port to be removed

Return value
The Removeport method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Removeport method removes a port added with the Addport method.

Related methods
Addport, page 64

status = dmexec("removeport," session ",

Content Server API Reference Manual 367



Purpose Deletes a rendition from an object.



Table 2-126. Removerendition method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Specifies the object whose rendition you are removing. Use
the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points
to the object.
format Defines the format of the file you are removing. You must
specify a valid file format.
page_number Identifies the content page with which the rendition is
associated. The default is zero (the first content page).
atomic Indicates whether you want the changes to be saved to the
repository immediately. TRUE save the changes immediately.
FALSE saves the changes when the object is saved. The default
page_modifier Identifies a rendition. The page modifier is a character string
defined when the rendition is created.

If not included, the method removes all renditions of the

specified format for the specified content page.

Return value
The Removerendition method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

368 Content Server API Reference Manual


Usage notes
You must have at least Write permission on a document to remove one of its renditions.
The combination of the format, page_number, and page_modifier arguments
identify which rendition ro remove. For example, suppose you have a document,
090000022364ec1, that has three content pages and that page three has a PDF rendition
and two GIF renditions. To remove the PDF rendition, use the following statement:

It isn’t necessary to include a page_modifier because the PDF rendition has no page
The GIF renditions associated with the third page have page modifiers, to disambiguate
them. The page modfier for the first GIF rendition is rend_1 and the modifier for the
second is rend_2. To remove the first GIF rendition, use

In this case, you must include the page modifier to identify which GIF rendition you
want to remove.
If you wanted to remove both GIF renditions, you could leave out the page modifier:

When a page modifier isn’t included, the method removes all renditions in the specified
format for the specified content page.

This example:
• Fetches a specified document
• Removes the first, perhaps only, page of content of the text format
• Saves the document
err_flag = dmAPIExec("fetch," session "," doc_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session
print "Error fetching the document"
print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("removerendition," session "," doc_id ",text,0)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error removing the first text format content page"
print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("save," session "," doc_id)

Content Server API Reference Manual 369


if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session
print "Error saving the document"
print err_msg

370 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Removes a route case from the condition list.



Table 2-127. Removeroutecase method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
activity_id Identifies the activity definition from which to remove a route
case. Use the object ID of the activity.
route_case_identifier Identifies the route case. Use EXCEPTIONAL to remove the
exceptional route case.

Return value
The Removeroutecase method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The method removes the specified route case from the condition list. Use the keyword
EXCEPTIONAL to remove the exception route case.

Related methods
Addroutecase, page 72

Content Server API Reference Manual 371


status = dmAPIExec("removeroutecase,s0," act_id1 ",route1")

The following example removes the exceptional route case:

status = dmAPIExec("removeroutecase,s0," act_id1

372 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Removes a state from a lifecycle.



Table 2-128. Removestate method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id The object ID of the dm_policy object.
position The position of the state to be removed.
state_name The name of the state to be removed.

Return value
The Removestate method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Removestate method removes a state from a validated or draft lifecycle by position
or by name. You cannot remove a state from an installed policy.
You must have Write permission to remove a state.
You can remove state by position or by state name. If you do not specify a state position
or name, the base state is removed.
If you remove states from a policy that is attached to SysObjects, the server returns
a warning message when you save the changed policy.
The Removestate method destroys the objects recorded in the state’s entry_criteria_id,
action_object_id, and type_override_id attributes.

Content Server API Reference Manual 373


Related methods
Insertstate, page 287

status = dmAPIExec("removestate," session ",

374 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Allows a user to repeat a work item.



Table 2-129. Repeat method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
workitem_id Identifies the work item to repeat. Use the object’s ID or an
indirect reference (@object_id) that points to the object.
user_name Identifies the next user(s) for the work item. Use the user’s
group_name Identifies the next group(s) for the work item. Use the group’s
name. Only one member of a group can acquire the repeated
work item.

Return value
The Repeat method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Repeat method extends a work item. The original performer, the workflow
supervisor, or a user with Sysadmin or Superuser privileges can use Repeat to assign the
work item to a second set of users when the original performer completes work item.
The work item must be in the aquired state. You cannot repeat a work item generated
from an activity whose performer category is 9 (Some users in a group or some users
in the repository, sequentially).
You can repeat a work item one time.

Content Server API Reference Manual 375


Related methods
Acquire, page 42
Addpackage, page 56
Complete, page 153
Delegate, page 174

status = dmAPIExec("repeat," sess "," r_id

376 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Determines if an attribute is a repeating attribute or a single-valued attribute.



Table 2-130. Repeating method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object that contains the specified attribute. Use
the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points
to the object.
attribute Identifies the attribute. Use the attribute’s name.

Return value
The Repeating method returns 1 for a repeating attribute or 0 for a single-valued attribute.

Usage notes
The Repeating method determines if an attribute is a repeating attribute or a
single-valued attribute.

This example:
• Fetches the specified object
• Determines the number of attributes
• Uses the Repeating method to determine if the attribute is single-valued or repeating
and then gets the name, datatype, and value of each of the object’s attributes

Content Server API Reference Manual 377


• Prints the name and value of each attribute (If the attribute is a repeating attribute,
all values for the attribute are printed.)

err_flag = dmAPIExec("fetch," session "," obj_id)

if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error fetching the object"
print err_msg
attr_cnt = dmAPIGet("count," session "," doc_id)
if (attr_cnt == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error retrieving the number of attributes"
print err_msg
for (i=0; i<attr_cnt; i++) {
cmd_str = "get," session "," obj_id ",_names[" i "]"
attr_name = dmAPIGet(cmd_str)
if (attr_name == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error retrieving the attribute name : " i
print err_msg
cmd_str = "datatype," session "," obj_id "," attr_name
d_type = dmAPIGet(cmd_str)
if (d_type == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error retrieving the datatype for '" attr_name "'"
print err_msg
if (d_type == 0) d_type_str = "boolean"
if (d_type == 1) d_type_str = "integer"
if (d_type == 2) d_type_str = "string"
if (d_type == 3) d_type_str = "ID"
if (d_type == 4) d_type_str = "time"
if (d_type == 5) d_type_str = "float"
cmd_str = "repeating," session "," obj_id "," attr_name
r_flag = dmAPIGet(cmd_str)
if (r_flag == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
if (err_msg != NULL) {
"Error retrieving the repeating flag for '" attr_name "'"
print err_msg
if (r_flag == 0) {

378 Content Server API Reference Manual


cmd_str = "get," session "," obj_id "," attr_name

value = dmAPIGet(cmd_str)
if (value == NULL) value = "NULL"
out_str=sprintf("%2s)%19s:%s",i,attr_name, d_type_str, value)
else {
cnt = dmAPIGet("values," session "," obj_id)
if (cnt == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," sessio)
"Error retrieving number of values for'" attr_name "'"
print err_msg
out_str =\
sprintf("%2s)%19s : ( %s value(s))", i, attr_name, d_type_str, cnt)
print out_str
if (r_flag != 0 && cnt > 0) {
for (j=0; jcnt; j++) {
cmd_str = "get," session "," obj_id "," attr_name "[" j "]"
value = dmAPIGet(cmd_str)
if (value == NULL) value = "NULL"
out_str = sprintf("%29s : %s", j, value)
print out_str

Content Server API Reference Manual 379



Purpose Resets the _status attribute of an object.



Table 2-131. Reset method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object whose status you wish to reset. Use the
object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points to
the object.

Return value
The Reset method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
When an error condition occurs during an operation on a document or its content, the
document’s special attribute _status is set to indicate the level of error. The server does
not allow you to check in or save the object until the _status attribute is reset. The Reset
method sets the _status attribute to 0.

The following example checks the _status attribute, retrieves any status messages, and
resets _status if necessary.
status = dmAPIGet(sprintf("get,%s,%s,_status",session,id));
if (status != 0) {
msgs = dmAPIGet(sprintf("getmessage,%s",session));
if(msgs != NULL){

380 Content Server API Reference Manual


print msgs;
cmd = sprintf("reset,%s,%s",session,id);

Content Server API Reference Manual 381



Purpose Resolves an alias.



Table 2-132. Resolvealias method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies an object of type SysObject, a subtype of SysObject, a
workflow object, or a work item object.

If this is supplied, the server attempts to resolve the alias using

the scopes appropriate for the object. Refer to the Usage notes
for a detailed explanation of the resolution algorithm.
alias_set_name The name of the alias set object that contains the alias name
you want to resolve. This is optional.
alias_name The alias name that you want to resolve to a real user or group
name or folder path. This is a value found in the alias_name
attribute of the alias set object identified in alias_set_name.

Return value
The Resolvealias method returns a user or group name or a folder path.

Usage notes
If you include the alias set name as a method argument, the server searches the alias set
object identified by that argument to resolve the alias.

382 Content Server API Reference Manual


If you don’t include the alias set name as a method argument, the server searches a set
of scopes in a prescribed order to resolve the alias name.
Resolution algorithm if the object is a SysObject
If you identify a SysObject or SysObject subtype in the method call:
• The server first searches the alias set defined in the object’s lifecycle scope. This is the
alias set defined in the object’s r_alias_set_id attribute.
• If the alias is not found in the lifecycle scope, the server looks next at the alias set
object defined for the session.
• If the session’s default alias set has no match, the server looks at the alias set defined
for the user issuing the method.
• Finally, if the server hasn’t found a match in the alias sets of the lifecycle, session, user,
or user’s default group, it examines the alias set defined in the server config object.
• If the user’s alias set has no match, the server looks at the alias set defined for the
user’s default group.
Resolution algorithm if the object is a workow or work item
If you identify a workflow or work item object in the method call:
• The server first searches the alias set defined in the workflow’s r_alias_set_id
attribute for a match.
• If the alias is not found in the workflow scope, the server looks next at the alias set
object defined for the session.
• If the session’s default alias set doesn’t have a match, the server looks at the alias set
defined in the user object for the user who completed the previous work item.
• If there is no match in the alias set defined for the user, the server next examines the
alias set defined for the user’s default group.
• Finally, if the server hasn’t found a match in the workflow, session, user, or group
alias sets, it examines the alias set defined in the server config object.
For details about these alias scopes, refer to Resolving aliases in workflows, page 315
in Content Server Fundamentals.
If you do not identify an object or an alias set name
If you don’t identify an object in the method call or an alias set name in the alias
specification, the server begins the search with the alias set defined for the session, and
continues with the user’s alias set and then the alias set defined in the server config object.

# This script tests the resolvealias API as follows:
# (1) without sysobject id, i.e., resolvealias,c,,<alias>
# The alias will be resolved based on the first match
# in the following sequence where it is defined:

Content Server API Reference Manual 383


# . Session Scope
# . User Scope
# . System Scope
# (2) with sysobject id, i.e., #resolvealias,c,<sys_id>,<alias>
# The alias will be resolved based on the first match
# in the following sequence where it is defined:
# . Policy Scope
# . Session Scope
# . User Scope
# . System Scope
session = dmget("connect,test_nt_1,tuser1,password1")
if (session == NULL)
printf "Cannot connect\n"
# Create first alias set, Project 1.
alias_id_1 = dmget("create,c,dm_alias_set");
dmset("set,c,l,object_name", "Project 1");
dmset("set,c,l,alias_name", "Project Lead");
dmset("set,c,l,alias_value", "test_usr_1");
# Create second alias set, Project 2.
alias_id_2 = dmget("create,c,dm_alias_set");
dmset("set,c,l,object_name", "Project 2");
dmset("set,c,l,alias_name", "Project Lead");
dmset("set,c,l,alias_value", "test_usr_2");
# Set the session scope for aliases to Project 1
dmset("set,c,sessionconfig,alias_set", "Project 1");
# Resolve the alias %Project Lead based on session scope.
# The expected value is test_usr_1.
real_value_1 = dmget("resolvealias,c,,%Project Lead");
printf "The real value for alias %Project Lead under scope Project 1 is
%s.\n", real_value_1;
# Create a policy object with alias_set_id set to Project 2.
policy_id = dmget("create,c,dm_policy");
dmset("set,c,l,object_name", "test_alias_set");
dmset("set,c,l,included_type", "dm_document");
dmset("set,c,l,alias_set_ids", alias_id_2);
dmset("set,c,l,state_name", "S0");
dmset("set,c,l,allow_attach", "T");
# Create a document attached to the previous policy object
doc_id = dmget("create,c,dm_document");
dmset("set,c,l,object_name", "test_alias_set");
dmexec("attach,c,l," policy_id);
# Resolve the alias %Project Lead against the document
real_value_2 = dmget("resolvealias,c," doc_id ",%Project Lead");
printf "The real value for alias %Project Lead under scope Project 2 is %s.\n",

384 Content Server API Reference Manual


dmexec("disconnect," session);

Content Server API Reference Manual 385



Purpose Reinitializes a session’s server thread (process) or restarts a halted workflow.




Table 2-133. Restart method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
server_config _name Specifies the server that you want to restart. Use the object
name of the server’s associated server config object.

This argument is ignored if reset_client_flag is set to T (TRUE).

reset_client Indicates you are only changing client-side parameters. (Refer
to the Usage notes for details.) This is FALSE by default.
activity_seq_no Identifies the activity instance to restart. If no activity instance
is specified, restarts the workflow.

Return value
The Restart method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
Use the Restart method to change the server’s configuration or to restart a halted
workflow or a specific halted activity.

386 Content Server API Reference Manual


Using restart to change the server’s conguration

Use the Restart method when you want to change the server’s configuration only for the
current session or when you want to change the client’s cache size or the location of the
client’s local area. The Restart method reinitializes the server thread (process) that is
servicing your current session. It does not reinitialize the root server thread (process).
You must have Sysadmin or Superuser user privileges to use Restart to reinitialize the
Any user can use Restart to change the size of the client cache or change the location of
the client’s local area. To do this, set the appropriate attributes in the session config
object and then issue the Restart method with the reset_client flag set to T (TRUE). (This
flag is FALSE by default.)
When the reset_client flag is TRUE, the server_config_name argument is ignored if it is set.
Consequently, it is not useful or necessary to include server_config_name when you use
the reset_client flag. However, because arguments to methods are positional, you must
include the server_config_name’s comma as a place holder even when you do not include
the argument itself.
Using restart to restart a halted workow
The Restart method can also restart a halted workflow or a specific halted activity
instance. Only a workflow supervisor or a user with Sysadmin or Superuser privileges
can use the Restart method to restart a workflow or activity.
When restarting a halted workflow, the Restart method removes all run-time activities,
generated work items and involved packages, and then generates a run-time instance for
each start activity with the r_act_state attribute set to dormant. For each activity that
requires a pre-timer, Restart generates a run-time instance and sets the r_pre_timer value.
You cannot restart a workflow that is not halted. You cannot restart a workflow with any
active automatic work items exist.
If you specify an activity_sequence_no, the Restart method restarts a specific activity
instance whose r_act_state attribute value is failed.

Related methods
Reinit, page 349

status = dmAPISet("set,c,sessionconfig,local_path", "/home/user")
if (status != 1)
print dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0");

status = dmAPIExec("restart,c,,T")

Content Server API Reference Manual 387


if (status != 1)
print dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0");

388 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Queues a request to restore a content file from the archives.



Table 2-134. Restore method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
predicate Identifies the object or objects you want to restore. A valid
predicate has the format
type_name WHERE qualification

The type_name must be a SysObject subtype, and the

qualification must be a valid WHERE clause qualification.

Do not specify the (ALL) keyword with type_name. The

dmarchive utility called to execute the restore request
automatically adds (ALL) to the type name in the predicate.

If a predicate is not included, all objects in the target dump

file are restored.
dump_file Names a specific dump file as the archive to search. This
defaults to the value in the set_file attribute of the content
object representing the content you are restoring. Refer to the
Usage notes for more information.
operator Specifies who receives the restore request. Specify a valid
user name. If you do not include this, request is queued to
the user specified in the operator_name attribute of the server
config object. (By default, this attribute contains the name of
the repository owner.)

Content Server API Reference Manual 389


Argument Description
priority Specifies a priority level for the request. The server operator
does not use this value. It is solely for the convenience of end
users or user applications. The default value is zero.
send_mail Directs the server to send an electronic mail notification about
the restore request to the specified operator. The default is
FALSE—mail is not sent.
due_date Informs the operator when the restore request should be
completed. The default for this is NULLDATE.

Return value
The Restore method returns the object ID of the dmi_queue_item for queued restore
Because the query defined by the predicate can return more than one object, the ID
returned by the Restore method is the ID of the last object queued for restoration. To find
all the objects queued for restoration, run a query against the dm_queue view.

Usage notes
Executing the Restore method runs the query specified in the predicate to ensure that
the specified objects exist, are currently off-line, and are SysObject subtypes. If these
conditions are met, the method queues a DM_RESTORE event to the inbox of the
repository operator, sending the predicate as the event message.
Note: Do not include the keyword (ALL) in the type name in the predicate. The
dmarchive utility, called to process the restore requests, adds (ALL) to the type name
automatically. Consequently, if you include the keyword in the predicate, the utility
fails when it attempts to execute the query generated from the predicate because (ALL)
appears twice in the syntax.
The operator is responsible for running the dm_restore utility to actually restore the
requested file or files. The utility will read the operator’s inbox, extract the restore events,
and perform that actual operations to restore the file or files. If you do not specify an
operator, the event is queued to the default operator, who is the user specified in the
operator_name attribute of the server’s server config object.
Generally, it is not necessary to specify a dump file. When an object is archived, the
system sets its associated content object’s set_file attribute to the full path of the dump
file that contains the archived object. When a restore is done, dmarchive reads that
attribute to determine which dump file it should scan for the object.

390 Content Server API Reference Manual


If you do specify a dump file, the file you identify is used instead of the file identified
in the set_file attribute.
Refer to Archiving and restoring documents, page 280 in the Content Server
Administrator’s Guide for more information about archiving and restoring content files.

Related methods
Archive, page 98
Dequeue, page 179

event_id = dmAPIGet("restore,c,dm_document
where r_object_id = '09000bb2800012a8',,sysadmin,

if (event_id == NULL)
print dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0");

Content Server API Reference Manual 391



Purpose Restarts a halted workflow, halted activity, or paused work item, or moves a
SysObject from a lifecycle exception state back to a normal state.

To resume halted workflow, halted activity, or paused work item:

To resume a SysObject from an exception state:

[,from_state |from_position,return_to_base_flag

To resume a SysObject from an exception state at a scheduled time:

,[pattern],[from_state |from_position |cancel


Table 2-135. Resume method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the paused workflow, activity, work item, or
SysObject to resume. Use the object’s object ID.

If you are resuming an object from a lifecycle exception state,

you can use an indirect reference (@objectid) or identify a
replica in this argument. The operation affects the source
object, not the local copy.
activity_seq_no Identifies the unique sequence number of an activity run-time
from_state The state from which to resume the SysObject. You
must specify from_state or from_position if you specify a

392 Content Server API Reference Manual


Argument Description
from_position The position of the state from which to resume the SysObject.
You must specify from_state or from_position if you specify a
return_to_base_flag TRUE or FALSE. When set to TRUE, resumes the object to the
base state instead of the normal state. Otherwise, resumes
the object to the normal state.
test_only_flag TRUE or FALSE. When set to TRUE, Resume evaluates the
entry criteria to determine if the document can be promoted.
The default value is FALSE.
override_flag TRUE or FALSE. When set to TRUE, the transition proceeds
even if the entry criteria of the destination state is not satisfied.
Only users with Superuser user privileges or the lifecycle
owner can specify this argument. The default is FALSE.
scheduled_date The date and time for which this Resume is scheduled.
pattern The date-time format for scheduled_date. The pattern defaults
to client-side localized date-time format if not specified.
cancel Cancels the scheduled Resume. To cancel a scheduled Resume,
provide the original scheduled date.

Return value
The Resume method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Resume method restarts a halted workflow, halted activity, or paused work item,
or resumes the lifecycle of a SysObject by moving from the SysObject from its current
exception state to the normal state it had before suspension.
Resuming workows, activities, and work items
Using the Resume method has the following constraints:
• Only the workflow supervisor or a user with Sysadmin or Superuser privileges can
resume a halted workflow or paused work item.
• By default, only the workflow supervisor or a user with Sysadmin or Superuser
privileges can resume a halted activity. However, if workflow_security_disabled, a
server.ini key, is set to T (TRUE), any user can resume the activity.
• To resume a halted activity instance, the workflow must be in an active state.

Content Server API Reference Manual 393


When you resume a halted activity, the activity’s state changes to running and any
related work items revert to the state they were in when the activity was halted.
When you resume a halted workflow:
• The workflow’s state changes to running.
• The current activities’ states change to running.
• Any work items revert to the state they were in when the workflow was halted.
When you resume a paused work item, the work item’s state changes to dormant.
Resuming lifecyles
If you are the object’s owner or a superuser, you must have Write permission to resume
an object in a lifecycle. Other users must have Write permission and Change State
permission for the object. If you have only Change State permission, Content Server
attempts to resume the object as the user defined in the a_bpaction_run_as attribute in
the docbase config object. In those instances, that user must be either the owner or
a superuser with Write permission or have Write and Change State permission on the
You can only resume an object that has been suspended.
The current state must be the exception state defined for the normal state described by
from_state or from_position.
If the requirements for the normal state are not met, the method fails, unless you specify
overrirde_flag= TRUE, which sets r_current_state to destination_state and commits the
change without performing the actions associated with the specified state. You must be a
lifecycle owner or have Superuser user privileges to set the override_flag to TRUE.
Testing before Resume
If the test_flag is TRUE, the Resume method launches the bp_transition method to test
the requirements of the next state.
Scheduling Resume
If you specify a scheduled_date and do not specify cancel, the Resume method adds a new
job object whose method_name is bp_transition and with proper values for bp_transition
as arguments and due_time as scheduled_time. The object name for the job has the
following format:
Bpsysobj_id scheduled date
The scheduled_date is in the yyyymmddhhmiss format where
yyyy is a 4-digit year
mm is a 2-digit month
dd is a 2-digit day
hh is a 2-digit hour
mi is a 2-digit minute
ss is a 2-digit second

394 Content Server API Reference Manual


Note that the same SysObject can not be scheduled for more than one state transition
event at a specified time.
The bp_transition method is invoked by a job agent which periodically scans dm_job
table to execute jobs which are overdue. The default scan time is 1 minute.
If you specify a scheduled_date and cancel is specified, the Resume method deletes the
job with name equal to Bpsysobj_id scheduled date.

Related methods
Abort, page 40
Pause, page 320
Suspend, page 453

The following example places the specified workflow in the running state:

The following example places task number 201 of the specified workflow in the running

Content Server API Reference Manual 395



Purpose Finds the object that satisfies a specified qualification.



Table 2-136. Retrieve method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
qualification Defines an object. The definition must take the form of that
portion of a DQL SELECT statement that appears after the
keyword FROM in the statement syntax. The first word in the
qualification must be a type name. After this, the qualification
can include a WHERE clause, an IN DOCUMENT clause, or a
full-text SEARCH clause.

Return value
The Retrieve method returns the ID of the object that satisfies the specified qualification.

Usage notes
The Retrieve method is a shortcut to issuing a full DQL query when you want to retrieve
only one object. The system creates the object’s ID and type as part of the query and
fetches the object.
Note: To take advantage of persistent client caching for the returned object, use a
Query_cmd method followed by a Fetch method instead of the Retrieve method.

396 Content Server API Reference Manual


Related methods
Execquery, page 203
Execsql, page 205
Query, page 337
Readquery, page 342

The following example fetches the document that has the object name carrots and is
located in the Vegetables cabinet.
cmd = "retrieve,%s,dm_sysobject where folder('%s',descend) and object_name='%s'";
dmAPIGet(sprintf(cmd, session,"/Vegatables","carrots"));

Content Server API Reference Manual 397



Purpose Refetches an object from the repository or throws away unsaved permission

dmAPIExec("revert,session,object_id [,acl_only]")


Table 2-137. Revert method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Specifies the object that you want to re-fetch from the
repository. Use the object’s ID or an indirect reference
(@object_id) that points to the object.
acl_only Indicates whether you want to throw away only the changes
that you have made to the object’s permissions. If set to
TRUE, the server only throws away any unsaved permission
changes. If set to FALSE, the server refetches the object from
the repository.

This flag is only available if the specified object is a SysObject

or SysObject subtype.

Return value
The Revert method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The primary use of Revert is to provide a way to throw away unsaved changes that you
have made to an object.

398 Content Server API Reference Manual


The Revert method searches the user’s DMCL cache for a copy of the specified object. If
the cached copy is different from the copy in the repository or if the object is not found in
the cache, the method fetches the object from the repository.
Fetching an object using Revert is subject to the same rules and permissions as fetching
an object using Fetch. (Refer to Fetch, page 209 for a description of Fetch and its use.)
If you use Revert without the acl_only flag, it compares the local (working copy) of a
fetched object to the same object stored in the repository. If they are not the same, Revert
refetches the object from the repository. If you specify the acl_only flag, Revert throws
away only the changes that you have made to the object’s permissions. It does not refresh
the object from the repository. The acl_only flag is only available when object_id identifies
a SysObject or SysObject subtype.
Reverting a load record object does not fetch the object from the repository, but instead,
rolls back all the operations performed by the load. This means that all the objects that
were loaded into the repository are removed from the repository.
Note: You cannot issue a Revert method for a dm_load_record object while an explicit
transaction is open.

This example:
• Fetches the object
• Appends an author’s name
• Reverts the object
err_flag = dmAPIExec("fetch," session "," doc_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error fetching the object"
print err_msg
cmd_str = "append," session "," doc_id ",authors"
err_flag = dmAPISet( cmd_str, "J. Smith" )
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error appending an author's name"
print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("revert," session "," doc_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error reverting the object"
print err_msg

Content Server API Reference Manual 399



Purpose Removes access control entries from an ACL object for a specified user or group.



Table 2-138. Revoke method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Directly or indirectly identifies the ACL from which you are
removing the entry or entries. The object_id can be the object
ID of the ACL itself, for a direct identification, or it can be the
object ID of an object with which the ACL is associated, for an
indirect identification.

If the object ID identifies a SysObject, you can use the object’s

ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points to the object.
Note: The behavior of the method varies depending on
whether you use direct or indirect identification of the ACL.
Refer to the Usage notes for details.
accessor_name Identifies the user or group specified in the access control
entry that you want to remove.

If permit_type is RequiredGroup or RequiredGroupSet, this

argument must be set to a group name.

If you include this argument, do not include alias.

400 Content Server API Reference Manual


Argument Description
alias Defines an alias in place of accessor_name. Use this only when
object_id is an ACL object ID.

Use this argument to remove aliased access control entries

from template ACLs. The format of an alias is:

alias_set_name is the name of an alias set object.

alias_name is a value in the alias_name attribute of the alias

set object.

If permit_type is RequiredGroup or RequiredGroupSet, the

alias must resolve to a group name.
permit_type Identifies the type of entry that is being removed from the
ACL. Valid values are:


With a Trusted Content Services license, the following values

are also valid entries:


The default is AccessPermit.

basic_permit Identifies the base permission to be removed. Specify this as
an integer value. Valid values are:

1, for None
2, for Browse
3, for Read
4, for Relate
5, for Version
6, for Write
7, for Delete

If this argument is included, permit_type must be AccessPermit

or AccessRestriction and you may not include extended_permit
or application_permit.
extended_ permit Identifies the extended permission to remove. Valid values are:

Content Server API Reference Manual
change_state 401

Argument Description

If this argument is included, permit_type must be

ExtendedPermit or ExtendedRestriction and you may not
include basic_permit or application_permit.
application_permit A user-defined permission interpreted and enforced by an

If this argument is included, permit_type must be

ApplicationPermit or ApplicationRestriction, and you may not
include basic_permit or extended_permit.

Return value
The Revoke method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Revoke method removes access control entries from an ACL. Access control entries
are recorded in a set of repeating attributes in the ACL. The values at corresponding
index levels across the attributes constitute the individual access control entries in the
ACL.(Managing ACLs, page 387, in Content Server Administrator’s Guide describes ACLs
and access control entries in detail.)
You can execute Revoke against a particular SysObject, to change the permissions for that
object only, or you can execute Revoke against an ACL object, to change the permissions
for all objects controlled by that ACL.
If you want to change the permissions only for one object, specify that object’s ID in
the object_id argument. Content Server copies the ACL associated with the object. The
method applies your changes to the copy, and Content Server applies the new copy to
the object. The original ACL is not affected.
If you want to change the ACL directly, specify the ACL’s object ID in the object_id
argument. The method then applies your changes to the ACL, and all objects referencing
that ACL are affected by the changes.
Permissions to use Revoke
To execute Revoke against a SysObject, you must own the SysObject, have change_permit
permission on the SysObject, or have Sysadmin or Superuser privileges.

402 Content Server API Reference Manual


To execute Revoke against an ACL object, you must own the ACL or have Superuser
Identifying the entry to remove
The arguments that you include determine which entry or entries are removed.
If you include only AccessPermit as the permit_type and the accessor name, without
identifying a specific permit level, the method removes all AccessPermit entries for
that user or group, which effectively removes the user or group’s basic and extended
permissions. This occurs because the basic and extended permissions are recorded in
the same entry in the ACL. This models the behavior of prior releases and is backwards
compatible. For example, the following method call removes the AccessPermit entry for
JohnnyQ on a document:

However, if you designate a specific permission for removal by including a basic_permit

or extended_permit argument when the permit_type is AccessPermit, only that permission
is removed. For example, suppose JohnnyQ’s base permission level is 6 (Write
permission) and his extended permissions are execute_procedure, change_location,
and change_permit. The following method call removes his base permission but does
not remove the entry because only the base permit is designated for removal. The
AccesPermit entry remains in the ACL with the designated extended permissions for

The specified permit level must match the value in the entry. For example, if JohnnyQ’s
base permission is 6 and you issued the following method, the method would fail:

To remove application permissions, restricting entries, required groups, or a group

set entry, you must issue separate Revoke methods. For example, suppose JohnnyQ
has shred application permission and is restricted from the change_owner extended
permission. To remove these entries, issue two Revoke methods, one for the application
permission and one for the extended restriction:


Specifying an alias
When you want to remove an entry in a template ACL that has an alias defined as the
accessor_name, specify the alias as the accessor_name in the Revoke method.
Template ACLs are ACLs that have the acl_class attribute set to 1. Template ACLs
typically have access control entries with one or more accessor names set to aliases
in the format %[alias_set_name.]alias_name. Use the alias argument when you want to
remove such an access control entry.

Content Server API Reference Manual 403


For more information about aliases, refer to Appendix A, Aliases of the EMC Documentum
Object Reference Manual.

Related methods
Grant, page 258

err = dmAPIExec ("fetch," session "," obj_id)
if (err == 0)
print "Error fetching the object '" obj_id "'"
print dmAPIGet ("getmessage," session)
err = dmAPIExec ("revoke," session "," obj_id "," accessor_name)
if (err == 0)
print "Error revoking permit from accessor '"\
accessor_name "'"
print dmAPIGet ("getmessage," session)
err = dmAPIExec ("save," session "," obj_id)
if (err == 0)
print "Error saving the object '" obj_id "'"
print dmAPIGet ("getmessage," session)

404 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Writes an object to the repository without creating a new version of the object.



Table 2-139. Save method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Specifies the object that you want to save. Use the object’s ID
or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points to the object.
save_lock Directs the server to hold the intention lock on the saved
object. The default is F. Set this to T to hold the lock. You can
only use this argument if the specified object was obtained
from the repository using the Checkout method.
version_label Defines an implicit and/or symbolic version label for the
object. You can specify more than one label. If you are saving
a new object (not yet in the repository), the default implicit
label is 1.0 and the default symbolic label is CURRENT. If the
object is currently in the repository, there are no default labels
assigned if you do not specify any in the Save operation.

Return value
The Save method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
Using the Save method is subject to the following constraints:
• You must have Write permission on the object.

Content Server API Reference Manual 405


• The object cannot be immutable.

• You cannot use Save on existing objects of type dm_audittrail, dm_audittrail_acl,
or dm_audittrail_group.
The Save method is generally used to save a newly created object in the repository.
You can also use it when you want to save changes to an object without creating a new
version. The Save method overwrites the version identified by object_id with the local
copy of the object. If you have changed the content of the object, it also sets the object’s
a_archive attribute to FALSE.
When you save a new object, its lifecycle is set to null. Use the Attach command to
set up policy-related attributes.
Note that if the object’s special attribute _status indicates an error condition, the Save
method will not succeed. You must reset the object’s state before saving in such cases
(refer to the Reset, page 380 method description).
Additionally, a save operation might fail if you fetched the object from the repository
instead of checking it out. This happens because fetching an object does not place a lock
on the object and other users may have checked out or fetched and saved the object
while you were working on it. In such circumstances, when you try to save the object,
the operation fails.
Note: You cannot Save a load record object while you are in an explicit transaction (a
transaction started with a Begintran method).
Saving process denitions
When you save a process definition, the Save method enforces uniqueness on identifiers
of activities and links within the process definition.
Saving activity denitions
Saving a new activity definition provides default values for the repeatable_invoke and
r_definition_state attributes.
Saving an activity definition validates the following:
• Execution-related attributes
• Performer-related attributes
• Timer-related attributes
• The trigger_threshold value
The Save method enforces a unique combination of port_name and package_name.
If you change any critical attributes in an existing activity definition, the Save method
verifies that the activity definition is in the draft state.
Saving workows
To save a workflow (a dm_workflow object), you must have RELATE permission on
the process definition that the workflow references, or have Superuser or Sysadmin

406 Content Server API Reference Manual


privileges. The workflow supervisor must also have RELATE permission on the process
definition that the workflow references, or have Superuser or Sysadmin privileges.
When you save a workflow, the server validates the supervisor_name (which is the
creator_name unless set to a different name) and sets the r_runtime_state to dormant.
Saving lifecycles (dm_policy objects)
To save a lifecycle:
• The user must have Write permission.
• The included_type attribute must be parallel to the include_subtypes attribute.
• The state-related attributes must be parallel to each other.
• The object name and the state names within the policy must be unique.
Therefore, you can version an existing lifecycle, but you cannot create another
lifecyle with the same name.
Saving a new lifecycle sets the r_definition_state to DRAFT.

Related methods
Branch, page 131
Checkin, page 138
Saveasnew, page 409
Unlock, page 477

This example:
• Creates a document object
• Associates content of the specified file with the document
• Saves the document object

doc_id = dmAPIGet("create," session ",dm_document")

if (doc_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error creating a document object"
print err_msg
the_file = "chap_1.wp5"
cmd_str = "setfile," session "," doc_id "," the_file ",wp5"
err_flag = dmAPIExec( cmd_str )
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error setting file contents"

Content Server API Reference Manual 407


print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("save," session "," doc_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error saving the document object"
print err_msg

408 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Copies an object.



Table 2-140. Saveasnew method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object that you want to copy. This must be an
object of type SysObject or a SysObject subtype.

Use the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that

points to the object.
share_content Determines if the content of the source object is shared with
the new object or if the saveasnew operation creates a new
copy of the content for the new object.

TRUE indicates that the new object and its source share the
same content file. FALSE directs the server to create a new
content file for the new copy.

The defaults depend on the scope of the operation. Refer to

the Usage notes for details.

This flag is FALSE by default, indicating that the saveasnew

operation creates a new content for the new copy.
keep_storage_areas Whether to store the content files of the new copy in the same
storage area or areas as original or in the default storage area of
the new copy. This argument is only effective if share_content

keep_storage_areas is F (FALSE) by default, meaning to store the

copies in the default storage area of the new copy.

Content Server API Reference Manual 409


For a complete description of the behavior of this argument,

refer to the Usage notes.

Return value
The Saveasnew method returns the ID of the new copy.

Usage notes
If the object you are copying has content, you must have at least Read permission for the
object. If the object has no content, only Browse permission is required to copy it. If the
repository is running under folder security, you must also have at least Write permission
for every folder or cabinet to which the object is linked.
Note: The Saveasnew method uses the client local area to hold a temporary copy of the
object being saved as new. (If client local areas become full, they can be cleaned up
using Purgelocal method.)
Saveasnew and retention policies
Retention policy assignments are not carried over to the new copy created by Saveasnew.
If you want the new copy to be associated with a retention policy, you must explicitly
assign the new copy to the retention policy.
Saveasnew and virtual documents
Because the copy that you are creating is a new object, not a version of the specified
object, the Saveasnew method does not copy virtual-document containment or version
information to the new copy. This means that the new copy is not contained in any
virtual document even if the original object belongs to one or more virtual documents.
However, if you create a virtual document using Saveasnew, that virtual document
contains the same components as the document from which it was copied.
Sharing content
By default, the share_content flag is FALSE, which means that the server will make a
copy of the content file for the new document.
If the document you are copying is in the current repository (the repository to which you
are currently connected), you can set the share_content flag to TRUE. If you do, the new
object shares the same content as the source object. The operation creates a new object
and then sets its content to be the same content as that of the source object.
If two or more objects share content, when you replicate or dump and load one of the
objects, all the objects that share the content are replicated or dumped and loaded. For

410 Content Server API Reference Manual


example, suppose Doc A and Doc B share a content file in repository_1. If you replicate
Doc A to repository_3, the replication job will replicate Doc B to repository_3 also.
You cannot set the share_content flag to TRUE if you are using Saveasnew to copy an
object across repositories or if you are using it to copy a replica object.
When you use an indirect reference to identify a remote object, the new copy is created in
the repository defined in the docbase_scope attribute of the session config object. In such
cases, the share_content flag is forced to FALSE.
Specifying the storage area for new content
If the share_content argument is FALSE, the method must determine where to store the
new copies of the content and renditions. Where the content (primary or renditions)
associated with the new object is stored is dependent first on the setting of the
keep_storage_areas argument and secondly, on the values in the following two attributes:
• The default-_torage attribute of the object’s type
• The a_storage_type attribute in the object
If keep_storage_areas is FALSE
The keep_storage_areas argument is FALSE by default. In such cases, by default, any
content associated with the new object is saved in the storage area defined by the
default_storage attribute of the object’s type. If you want to store it in an alternate
location, you must explicitly set the object’s a_storage_type to the desired storage area
before you issue the Saveasnew method.
If an object is copied from a non-content addressed storage area to a content-addressed
storage area and a retention period is required by the content-addressed storage, you
must issue a Setcontentattrs method to define the retention period before issuing the
Saveasnew method.
If keep_storage_areas is TRUE
If you include the argument set to TRUE, where the content is stored depends on
whether the object is being copied within a repository or across repositories.
If the copy is within a repository, the content is saved in the same storage area as the
source of the copy operation. For example, if a document has a primary rendition in
StoreA and secondary rendition in StoreB, the new copy of the primary rendition is
placed in StoreA and the copy of the secondary rendition is placed in StoreB.
If the copy is across repositories, the method checks for the existence in the target
repository of a storage area whose name and store type matches the storage area of the
original content. If such a storage area exists, the new content is saved to that storage
area. If no match exists, an error is returned.
Default group
Which default group is assigned to the new object is controlled by a server.ini key called
saveasnew_retain_source_group. This is a Boolean key. If the key is set to T (TRUE), the

Content Server API Reference Manual 411


new object is assigned the same default group as the original object from which it was
copied. If the key is set to F (FALSE), the new object is assigned the default group of the
user who issues the Saveasnew method.
Copying folders and cabinets
If you are using Saveasnew to copy a folder or cabinet, you must change its object name
before you execute the Saveasnew method. (Content Server does not allow you to create
two folders or cabinets in the same place with the same name.)
Copying lifecyle denitions
When you use Saveasnew to copy a lifecycle definition (dm_policy object), the
Saveasnew method sets the r_definition_state to draft on the new copy and clones the
following attributes:
• entry_criteria_id
• user_criteria_id
• action_object_id
• user_action_id
• type_override_id
Related methods
Branch, page 131
Checkin, page 138
Save, page 405
Unlock, page 477

cmd = sprintf("saveasnew,%s,%s",session,obj_id);
new_id = dmAPIGet(cmd);

412 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Defines the starting position (byte range) for the next reading of a file retrieved
using a Getcontent method.



Table 2-141. Seek method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
collection Identifies a collection returned by the Getcontent method.
position Defines the byte position within the content file where you
want to start reading the file. The position can be a positive or
negative integer.
direction Specifies the direction of the read. ‘B’ for Beginning (default),
‘C’ for Current, ‘E’ for End.

If this is defined, the position value is treated as an offset

value. Refer to the Usage notes for details.

Return value
The Seek method returns TRUE if successful and FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
You can only use the Seek method if the content file is stored in a file store storage area
or content-addressed storage area. You cannot use Seek if the content is stored in turbo
storage, blob storage, or external storage. Additionally, you may not use Seek if the
storage area is configured to use compression or encryption.

Content Server API Reference Manual 413


The method is useful in applications that need to read specific portions of a content file.
The method allows you to transfer only the needed portions to the application. The Seek
method must be used in conjunction with the Getcontent and Next methods.
Issue the Getcontent content method first, which returns a collection identifier that
contains one result object. The result object has an attribute (buffer_size) that indicates
the size of the buffer used by the Next method when returning content. Each execution
of Next reads a portion of the content file into the attribute. To obtain only the needed
portion of the content, issue Getcontent followed by Seek, then issue the Next method.
When the Seek method is issued before the Next method, the Next method will read
into the buffer the portion of the content starting at the position defined by the Seek
method. (Be sure to copy the contents of the buffer to an external file or location between
Next methods. Each time you issue a Next method, the current content of the buffer is
Note: The maximum buffer size is 63000 bytes.
The starting position in the Seek method is defined by the position argument and
optionally, the direction argument. The value in position is an offset value, interpreted
as a number of bytes. The value in direction defines the starting point of the offset. The
system counts the specified number of bytes forward or backward in the file, depending
on the setting of direction and the value in position.
If direction is undefined or is defined as B, for beginning, the position value must be a
positive integer. The starting position of the next read is the offset value counted from
the beginning of the file.
If direction is defined as E, for end, the position value must be a negative integer. The
starting position of the next read is the offset value counted back from the end of the file.
If direction is defined as C, for current, the position value may be either positive or
negative. The system counts forward or backward, respectively, from the current
position within the file, to determine the starting position for the next read.
Note: After reading beyond the end of the content, it may no longer be possible to seek
to a different position in the content.

Related methods
Getcontent, page 231

q0 = dmAPIGet("getcontent,c,<object id>");
seek = dmAPIGet("get,c,q0,_seekable");

414 Content Server API Reference Manual


pos = dmAPIGet("get,c,q0,_byte_position");
/* The value of pos is 10000 here */
buf = dmAPIGet("get,c,q0,_content_buffer");
/* The first character in buf is the character
at position 10000 in the content */
/* The first character in buf is now the first
character of the content */
/* The first character in buf is now the last
character of the content */

Content Server API Reference Manual 415



Purpose Sets the value of an object’s attribute.



Table 2-142. Set method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Specifies the object that contains the attribute you want to set.
Use the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that
points to the object. For the configuration objects, use one of
the following keywords:


Refer to the Usage notes for a description of the objects

represented by the keywords.
attribute Identifies the attribute you want to set. Use the attribute’s
[index] Specifies the row in the attribute at which you want to set the
value. Use this only if the specified attribute is a repeating
attribute. Note that you must enclose the index value in square
brackets [ ].

416 Content Server API Reference Manual


Argument Description
pattern For date attributes, defines the pattern that you want the
server to use to interpret the value. Refer to the Usage notes
for a list of accepted patterns.

If a pattern is not specified, the value is interpreted using the

client’s short date format if that is defined. Otherwise, the
server uses one of the accepted character string date formats
for date literals or the formats defined by the date keywords.
value Defines the value to which you are setting the specified

If you include value, do not include alias.

alias Defines an alias as the value to which you are setting the
specified attribute. This argument is intended for use in
applications. The format of an alias is:

alias_set_name is the name of an alias set object.

alias_name is a value in the alias_name attribute of the alias

set object.

Return value
The Set method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Set method sets the value of a specified attribute of an object. Each execution of Set
sets one attribute value.
Identifying the object
To identify the object containing the attribute, specify the object’s ID or one of the
following keywords:
• apiconfig
This keyword represents the api config object, a non-persistent object that is
constructed when the client issues a dmAPIInit call and is destroyed when the client
issues the dmAPIDeInit call. This object’s attributes reflect values in the client’s
dmcl.ini file. By setting these attributes, you can override the dmcl.ini values. Setting
the connection broker-related attributes of this object affects your current session and

Content Server API Reference Manual 417


any other sessions started by Connect calls from your session. Setting the attributes
that are not connection broker-related affects only sessions started by Connect calls
from your session. Refer to Table 2–6, page 68 in the EMC Documentum Object
Reference Manual for a list of its attributes.
Any user can set these attributes.
• sessionconfig
This keyword represents the session config object, a non-persistent object that is
constructed when the client connects to a repository and is destroyed when the client
explicitly disconnects from the repository or when the application terminates. This
object’s attributes represent the operating parameters for that client’s repository
session. They are a merging of some attribute values from the client’s api config
and server config objects. Setting the server config object’s attributes affects only
your current session. It will not affect subsequent sessions opened with the same or
another repository. It is not necessary to issue a Save method after setting a session
config attribute. Refer to Session Config, page 441 in the EMC Documentum Object
Reference Manual for a list of its attributes.
Any user can set these attributes.
• connectionconfig
This keyword represents a connection config object, a non-persistent object that
is constructed when the client establishes a subconnection within a session. It is
destroyed when the client closes the subconnection. The object’s attributes represent
the operating parameters for that repository connection. Refer to Table 2–34, page
140 in the EMC Documentum Object Reference Manual for a list of its attributes.
• docbaseconfig
This keyword represents the docbase config object, a persistent object that is part
of the repository’s configuration definition. The attributes in this object control the
repository’s security level, the location of its events directory, and the location of the
tablespace for type indexes. (Refer to Table 2–46, page 181 in the EMC Documentum
Object Reference Manual for a list of its attributes.)
You must have Sysadmin or Superuser user privileges to set the attributes of the
docbase config object. After you modify an attribute and save the object, you must
execute either a Reinit or Restart to make the changes visible to the server. Reinit
reinitializes the root process server, affecting the current session and subsequent
sessions with the server, and Restart reinitializes the current session’s server.
• serverconfig
This keyword represents a server config object, a persistent object whose attributes
define the configuration for a server. Each server has a server config object.
You must have Sysadmin or Superuser user privileges to change the attributes of a
server config object. To make the changes visible to the server, execute the Reinit or
Restart method after you save the server config object. The Reinit method reinitializes

418 Content Server API Reference Manual


the root process server, affecting the current session and subsequent sessions with
the server. The Restart method reinitializes only the current sessions server.
Setting repeating attributes
If you are setting a repeating attribute, you must include the index with the attribute’s
name in the arguments. The index value identifies the new value’s position in the
attribute’s value list. Enclose the index value in square brackets. For example, the
following Set method sets the first value in the keywords attribute for a document:

Index values begin with zero and increment by one with each addition to the attribute.
You cannot skip an index value. For example, the following methods add two more
keywords to the previous example:

The Set method does not insert values into repeating attributes. If you specify an index
value for an attribute that has an existing value at that index level, the existing value is
replaced by the new value. For example, the following statement replaces the hotel
keyword with the new keyword mall:
Specifying a pattern for dates
When the attribute you are setting is a date, you may need to ensure that the server
interprets the value correctly. Some values can be interpreted as more than one date.
For example, the value 04/05/95 could be interpreted as April 5, 1995 or as May 4, 1995.
To ensure that the server interprets the date values in the Set method correctly, specify
the pattern used for the value.
Valid patterns are:
month dd[,] [yy]yy
mon dd [yy]yy
[dd/]mm/[yy]yy [hh:mi:ss]
[yy]yy/mm[/dd] [hh:mi:ss]
[mon-][yy]yy [hh:mi:ss]
month[,] [yy]yy [hh:mi:ss]
For example, the following method call sets the plan_end_date attribute to June 4, 1996:

Without the pattern specification, the server would interpret 04/06/96 as April 6, 1996.
If the pattern contains a comma, you must enclose the pattern in single quotes.

Content Server API Reference Manual 419


Using aliases
Aliases are a feature that support client applications designed to execute in a variety of
situations. For example, you can create a workflow definition that contains aliases in
place of user names for activity performers. The aliases are resolved when the workflow
is instantiated or during its runtime.
You can also write an application that creates a document or other SysObject and by
setting the document’s owner_name, acl_name, or acl_domain to an alias, ensure that the
object will have appropriate values for these attributes when the application executes
and the object is saved to the repository.
Aliases are resolved by a search through an ordered series of scopes. When the
application executes in different situations, the possible resolutions in each scope can
differ. (For a detailed explanation of how aliases are resolved, refer to Appendix A,
Aliases of Content Server Fundamentals.)
You can use Set to place aliases in the owner_name, acl_domain, or acl_name attributes
of a SysObject or the performer_name attribute of an activity object.

Related methods
Append, page 77
Insert, page 271
Remove, page 351
Truncate, page 462

This example:
• Creates a document object
• Associates the specified file content with the document
• Set the author’s name and the document’s title
• Saves the document object
doc_id = dmAPIGet("create," session ",dm_document")
if (doc_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error creating a document object"
print err_msg
the_file = "chap_1.wp5"
cmd_str = "setfile," session "," doc_id "," the_file ",wp5"
err_flag = dmAPIExec( cmd_str )
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)

420 Content Server API Reference Manual


print "Error setting file contents"

print err_msg
cmd_str = "set," session "," doc_id ",title"
err_flag = dmAPISet( cmd_str, "Reference Manual - Chapter One" )
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error setting document title"
print err_msg
cmd_str = "set," session "," doc_id ",authors"
err_flag = dmAPISet( cmd_str, "S. Ruppenthal" )
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error setting authors' name"
print err_msg
cmd_str = "save," session "," doc_id
err_flag = dmAPIExec( cmd_str )
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error saving the document object"
print err_msg

Content Server API Reference Manual 421



Purpose Defines a maximum number of rows that can be returned to the server in each
call to the underlying RDBMS.



Table 2-143. Setbatchhint method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
size Defines the maximum rows that you want returned to the
server in each call to the underlying RDBMS.

Return value
The Setbatchhint method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Setbatchhint method allows you to performance tune your session. Each query that
you make to the repository effectively queries the underlying RDBMS. If you know that
the information coming back from the RDBMS for each row is relatively small, use
Setbatchhint to set the allowed maximum number of returned rows for each RDBMS
call to a higher number, which reduces calls to the RDBMS and consequently, provides
better performance.
The server may choose to return fewer rows than the specified maximum. It will not
return more than the number set with Setbatchhint. The default batch size is 20.

422 Content Server API Reference Manual


This example sets 100 as the proposed number of rows to be returned on each call to
the database.

Content Server API Reference Manual 423



Purpose Sets the content of an object.



Table 2-144. Setcontent method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object whose content you are setting. Use the
object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points to
the object.
format Specifies the file format of the content. Use any file format
recognized by Content Server.

You must specify this argument if the content is the first

content added to the object. If there is already existing
content for the object, do not specify this argument; use the
page_number argument instead.
page_number Defines the position of the new content in the ordered list of
the object’s content. If unspecified, this defaults to zero, the
first position.
length Specifies the length, in bytes, of the data that you are adding
as content.
set_resource For files created on Macintosh systems, indicates whether you
want the method to add the data fork (the file containing the
content) or the resource fork. FALSE (the default) adds the
data fork (the content file). TRUE adds the resource fork.
content Specifies the location of the data in working memory.

424 Content Server API Reference Manual


Return value
The Setcontent method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
Use the Setcontent method in an application when you want to add data residing in
working memory as content to an object. This method is not intended for direct use by a
user. Instead, in an application, the method should interact with the user’s system to
take data residing in working memory and add it as content to a specified object.
If you are adding content created on a Macintosh machine, you must issue the
Setcontent twice before saving the object. Issue the method once to add the data fork
(set_resource=F) and then again to add the resource fork (set_resource=T). When you
add the data fork, the content argument must identify the location in memory of the data
fork. When you add the resource fork, the content argument must identify the memory
location of the resource fork.
The data in working memory is not copied to the repository until a Save or Checkin is
You cannot use the Setcontent method with objects stored in external storage areas.

Related methods
Addrendition, page 66
Appendcontent, page 80
Appendfile, page 82
Bindfile, page 129
Insertcontent, page 274
Insertfile, page 277
Setfile, page 434
Setpath, page 439

doc_id = dmget("create,s0,dm_document");
if (doc_id == NULL)
{err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmset("set,s0,last,object_name", "my_document")
content = "This manual is for use with the B1.1 release"
status = dmset("setcontent,s0,last,text", content)

Content Server API Reference Manual 425


if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess
status = dmexec("save,s0,last")
if (status != 1)
{ err_mess = dmget("getmessage,s0")
print err_mess

426 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Sets the content-related attributes in a content object.



Table 2-145. Setcontentattrs method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Object ID of the document that contains the content file
represented by the content object.
format File format of the content file. Use the name of the format
object representing the format.
page_number Page number of the content in the document’s set of content
files. The default is 0.
page_modifier Identifies a rendition. Refer to the Usage notes for a detailed
description of the purpose of the page modifier.
parameters List of attribute name and value pairs. The entire list must be
enclosed in single quotes. The list has the format

value is one of:


Seperate name and value pairs with commas. Refer to the

Usage notes for examples.

Content Server API Reference Manual 427


Return value
Setcontentattrs returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
Use Setcontentattrs if you want to set the content-related attributes of an object’s content
object when you add or modify the object’s content.
Note: If you only want to change the content-related attributes without modifying
the actual content in some manner, use the SET_CONTENT_ATTRS and
PUSH_CONTENT_ATTRS administration methods. Setcontentattrs is only effective if
the actual content is also changed.
The Setcontentattrs method sets five attributes of a content object:
• content_attr_name
• content_attr_value
• content_attr_num_value
• content_attr_date_value
• content_attr_data_type
These are repeating attributes. Setcontentattrs sets them once for each name and value
pair specified in the parameters argument. The method sets content_attr_name to the
name value and content_attr_data_type to the datatype of the value. The remaining
attributes are set in accordance with the datatype of the value:
• If the value is a character string, the content_attr_value is set to the value and
content_attr_date_value and content_attr_num_value are set to the default NULL
values (NULLDATE and NULLINT).
• If the value is a numeric value, the content_attr_num_value attribute is set to the
value and content_attr_date_value and content_attr_ value are set to the default
• If the value is a date value, the content_attr_date_value attribute is set to the value
and content_attr_num_value and content_attr_ value are set to the default NULL

You must issue a Save after Setcontentattrs to commit the changes to the repository. If
the content file represented by the content object is stored in a content-addressed storage
system, saving the changes also saves the attribute values to the storage system. Content
Server calls the plugin library to save the attribute values to the content-addressed
storage area.
Note: The attributes and values whose values are actually saved to the storage area
are those that are identified in the a_content_attr_name attribute of the ca store
object. If an attribute named in the parameters argument is not also recorded in the

428 Content Server API Reference Manual


a_content_attr_name attribute of the ca store object, its value is not passed to the storage
Using the parameters argument
The parameters argument identifies the content metadata that you want to set. The
metadata is specified as a comma-separated list of name and value pairs in the
parameters argument. The format is:

Because parameters is a string argument, enclose the full string in single quotes.
Additionally, if value is a character string, enclose the individual value in double quotes.
For example:

If the value is a numeric value, use the FLOAT function to specify the value:

If the value is a date, use the DATE function to specify the value:

The values are set in the content object attributes in the order in which they are listed
in the parameters argument. If a name specified in the parameters argument matches
a name already recorded in content_attr_name, the existing value for that name is
overwritten. If the name is not found in content_attr_name, it is appended to the list
of names in content_attr_name and its value is appended to the appropriate attribute
recording values.
Using page_modier
Use the page_modifier argument if the content file represents a rendition of the
document. The page_modifier is an identifier that distinguishes the rendition from any
other rendition in the same format associated with a particular content page.
There are no constraints on the number of renditions that you can create for a document.
Additionally, you can create multiple renditions in the same format for a particular
document. To allow users or applications to distinguish between multiple renditions in
the same format for a particular document, define a page modifier.
Including the page_modifier argument in Setcontentattrs sets the page_modifier attribute
of the content object. This attribute, along with three others (parent_id, page, i_format)
uniquely identifies a rendition. Applications that query renditions can use the modifier
to ensure that they return the correct renditions.
Executing on an existing content object
You can execute Setcontentattrs on an existing content object. If you do, successful
completion of the method generates a new content address for the content file. The new
address is stored in the i_contents attribute of a subcontent object. If there already exists

Content Server API Reference Manual 429


a subcontent object that records the content addresses associated with the content file,
the new address is appended to the i_contents list in that subcontent object.

Related methods
There are no related DMCL API methods. However,
there are two related administration methods:

The following excerpt from a script creates a document whose content is to be stored in a
content-addressed storage area. The Setcontentattrs method call is shown in boldface.
Function create_doc(ByVal sess As String,
ByVal store_name As String, _
ByVal filepath As String, ByVal format_str
As String) As String

Dim buff As String

Dim status As Integer

buff = "create," & sess & ",dm_document"

id$ = dmAPIGet(buff)
If id = "" Then
Call err_handler2(sess,"create_doc",buff,"09...",id)
End If
buff = "set," & sess & "," & id & ",a_storage_type"
status = dmAPISet(buff,store_name)
If status <> 1 Then
Call err_handler2(sess,"create_doc",buuff,1,status)
End If
buff = "set," & sess & "," & id & ",object_name"
status = dmAPISet(buff, store_name)
If status <> 1 Then
Call err_handler2(sess,"create_doc",buff,1,status)
End If

buff = "setfile," & sess & "," & id & "," & f
ilepath & "," & format_str
status = dmAPIExec(buff)
If status <> 1 Then
Call err_handler2(sess,"create_doc",buff,1,status)
End If

buff = "setcontentattrs," & sess & "," & id & ","

& format_str & ",0,," & "'description=""description"",

status = dmAPIExec(buff)
If status <> 1 Then

430 Content Server API Reference Manual


Call err_handler2(sess,"create_doc",buff,1,status)
End If

Content Server API Reference Manual 431



Purpose Sets the r_is_virtual_doc attribute of a SysObject.



Table 2-146. Setdoc method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object whose r_is_virtual_doc attribute you are
setting. Use the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id)
that points to the object.
is_virtual_doc Identifies the document as a simple document or a virtual
document (virtual documents are opened using the Virtual
Document Manager).

Set this to T (TRUE) to identify the object as a virtual

document. Set this to F (FALSE) to identify the object as a
simple document.

Return value
The Setdoc method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
To use the Setdoc method, you must have either Version or Write permission on the
specified object. You need Version permission if you want to version the object. Saving
the object without versioning requires Write permission.

432 Content Server API Reference Manual


If you set an object’s r_is_virtual_doc attribute to T (TRUE), when users open the
document, the system opens the document in the Virtual Document Manager (VDM).
This happens regardless of whether the object has components.
You can set an existing virtual document’s r_is_virtual_doc attribute to FALSE. If you do,
the system continues to open the object in VDM until all the components are removed
from the object. After the object’s components are removed, the system treats the object
as a simple document.

err = dmAPIExec ("fetch," session "," obj_id)
if (err == 0)
print "Error fetching the object '" obj_id "'"
print dmAPIGet ("getmessage," session)
err = dmAPIExec ("setdoc," session "," obj_id ",T")
if (err == 0)
print "Error setting r_is_virtual_doc attribute"
print dmAPIGet ("getmessage," session)
err = dmAPIExec ("save," session "," obj_id)
if (err == 0)
print "Error saving the object '" obj_id "'"
print dmAPIGet ("getmessage," session)

Note: obj_id is a document object.

Content Server API Reference Manual 433



Purpose Adds a content file to an object or replaces an existing content.



Table 2-147. Setle method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object whose content you are setting. Use the
object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points to
the object.
file_name Specifies the file that contains the content. Use either an
absolute or relative path to specify the file.

The file must be located on the machine from which the Setfile
is issued or in a directory visible to that machine.
page_number Defines the position where you want to place the content
within the ordered contents of the object. Use this argument
when you are adding second or subsequent contents to an
object or when you want to replace an existing content. The
default is zero.
format Specifies the content’s file format. The format must be a valid
file format. You must specify this argument if you are setting
an object’s first content. Do not use this argument when you
are setting second or subsequent content for an object.
other_file Specifies the file that contains the resource fork for a Macintosh
document. You can use either an absolute or a relative path. If
this is set, the path must be valid or the Setfile will fail.

If the content is stored in an external storage area, the other_file

argument is ignored.

434 Content Server API Reference Manual


Return value
The Setfile method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
If you specify the page number of an existing content for the object, the existing content
is replaced in the object by the content specified in file_name. When you use Setfile to
replace an existing content, any renditions associated with the content you are replacing
are removed also.
The optional argument, other_file, allows you to add content files created on a Macintosh
to a document. Macintosh-created files have two parts, a data fork and a resource
fork. When you add such a file to a document, you must add both parts. The other_file
argument specifies the resource fork file. You can use either a relative path or an absolute
path. You cannot use other_file with external storage.
If a user’s session code page is UTF-8 and the client_os_codepage is Shift_JIS or EUC-KR,
the server substitutes a hyphen (-) for any character in the file name that the server
cannot map to an ASCII character.
Although no special permission is needed to issue a Setfile method call, you must have at
least Version permission on the object to check it in after you use Setfile to set its content.

Related methods
Addrendition, page 66
Appendcontent, page 80
Appendfile, page 82
Bindfile, page 129
Insertcontent, page 274
Insertfile, page 277
Setcontent, page 424
Setpath, page 439

This example:
• Creates a document object
• Associates the specified file content with the document
• Saves the document object
doc_id = dmAPIGet("create," session ",dm_document")
if (doc_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)

Content Server API Reference Manual 435


print "Error creating a document object"

print err_msg
the_file = "chap_1.wp5"
cmd_str = "setfile," session "," doc_id "," the_file ",wp5"
err_flag = dmAPIExec( cmd_str )
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error setting file contents"
print err_msg
err_flag = dmAPIExec("save," session "," doc_id)
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error saving the document object"
print err_msg

436 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Specifies the output port for manual transition of a work item.



Table 2-148. Setoutput method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
workitem_id Identifies the work item. Use the object’s ID or an indirect
reference (@object_id) that points to the object.
output_port_name Specifies one or more output port to receive packages.

Return value
The Setoutput method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Setoutput method identifies one or more output ports selected for use in a manual
transition of an activity. If an activity’s transition type is “manual”, the work item
performer chooses the output ports that receive packages when the activity is completed.
The application must provide users with a means to identify the output choices and pass
those choices to Setoutput as arguments.
The number of choices a particular performer can make may be limited by the value in
the activity’s transition_max_output_cnt attribute. This attribute defines a maximum
number of outports that the work item performer can choose for the activity. (For more
information about this attribute, refer to Limiting output choices in manual transitions,
page 220 in Content Server Fundamentals.)
The work item must be in the acquired state when you use Setoutput.

Content Server API Reference Manual 437


Only the work item performer, the workflow supervisor, or a Superuser can use

Related methods
Complete, page 153

status = dmexec("setoutput," session ",4a00007b80000101,

438 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Adds a file in an external storage area to a document as primary content.



Table 2-149. Setpath method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id The object to which you are adding the content. Use the
object’s object ID.
file_name The content file you are adding to the object. Use either an
absolute or relative path to identify the file.

The file must be located on the machine from which the

Setpath is issued or in a directory visible to that machine.
page_number Defines the position in which to place the content within the
ordered contents of the object. Use this argument when you
are adding second or subsequent contents to an object or when
you want to replace an existing content. The default is zero.
format Specifies the content’s file format. The format must be a valid
file format. You must include this argument if you are adding
an object’s first content. Do not use this argument when you
are setting second or subsequent content for an object.
other_file Specifies the file that contains the resource fork for a Macintosh
document. You can use either an absolute or a relative path. If
this is set, the path must be valid or Setpath fails.

The other_file value is ignored when the content is stored in

an external storage area.

Content Server API Reference Manual 439


Return value
The Setpath method returns TRUE if successful and FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
Use Setpath when you want to add a content file to a document and that file is stored in
an external storage area.

Related methods
Getpath, page 253
Mount, page 312
Setfile, page 434

status = dmexec("setpath," session ",0900007b80005666,

Object using the dm_filestore object type for storage:


Object using the dm_extern_file object type for storage:


440 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Sets the performer or performers for an activity.



Table 2-150. Setperformers method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id The object ID of either:
• The workflow that contains the activity identified in
• The work item whose performer is choosing the performers
activity_name Identifies the activity for which performers are being chosen.
performer_list A comma-separated list of user names, group names, or both
chosen as performers for the activity.

Return value
The Setperformers method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
To specify the object ID of a workflow in the Setperformers method, you must have
Sysadmin or Superuser privileges, be the workflow creator, or the workflow supervisor.
To specify the object ID of a work item in the method, you must be either:
• A performer of the activity whose completion is invoking the Setperformer method
• A user with Sysadmin or Superuser privileges

Content Server API Reference Manual 441


The Setperformers method is used in an application when an activity’s performer or

performers are chosen at workflow initiation or upon completion of a previous activity.
The application must present the workflow initiator or the activity performer with a
list of the possible performers. After the user chooses the performers from the list, the
application calls Setperformers to add the performers to the workflow.
Executing Setperformers sets the r_performers and r_perf_act_name attribute of the
workflow object. These are repeating attributes. The r_performers attribute records
the names of the performers and r_perf_act_name records the activity for which the
performer is chosen. For example, suppose you execute the following Setperformers
'John Kirsh',helenp,maryw

Assuming that r_performers and r_perf_act_name were empty when the method
executed, the method sets the following values:

r_performers[0]=John Kirsch r_perf_act_name[0]=review_activity

r_performers[1]=helenp r_perf_act_name[1]=review_activity
r_performers[2]=maryw r_perf_act_name[2]=review_activity

If you execute Setperformers more than once specifying the same object_id and
activity_name, the values set by previous executions are overwritten.
If you don’t include performer_list in the method or if the method isn’t executed, when
the activity identified in review_activity executes, Content Server queues the work
item to the workflow supervisor and sends the supervisor a message saying that no
performers for the activity were found.

Related methods

The following example sets performers of the activity named Activity_1 to userA and
status=dmAPIExec("setperformers,s0," & wflow_id & ",Activity_1,userA,userB")

442 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Sets the priority of a work item in a workflow.



Table 2-151. Setpriority method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session
workitem_id Object ID of the work item

The work item cannot be in the finished state and the workflow
that generated the work item must be in the running state.
priority New priority value for the work item.

Return value
The Setpriority method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
Use the Setpriority method to change the priority of a work item at runtime.
The priority value of a work item is derived from the priority value assigned to the
activity that generated the work item. Priority values assigned to manual activities are
ignored by Content Server. However, Content Server uses the priority values assigned to
automatic activities to determine an order of execution for the generated work items.
The work item cannot be in the finished state, and the workflow must be in the running

Content Server API Reference Manual 443


By default, only the workflow supervisor or a user with Sysadmin or Superuser
privileges can change a work item’s priority. A work item performer cannot change
the priority of a work item that he or she is performing. However, to allow any
user, including a work item’s performer, to change a work item’s priority, set the
workflow_security_disabled key in the server.ini file to T (TRUE).
Note: Setting workflow_security_disabled to TRUE also affects the ability to acquire and
delegate work items and the ability to halt or resume a running activity. For details, refer
to The enable_workitem_mgmt key, page 234, in Content Server Fundamentals.
Effects of changing the priority
Changing a work item’s priority has the following effects:
• Changes the priority of the work item’s associated queue item, if one exists
• Generates a dm_changepriorityworkitem event
You can audit the dm_changepriorityworkitem event.
Related methods


444 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Changes the supervisor of a workflow.



Table 2-152. Setsupervisor method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session
workflow_id Object ID of the workflow

The workflow must be in a dormant, running, or halted state.

new_supervisor Name of the new supervisor for the workflow.

This can be either an individual user or a group. The user or

group must have at least Relate permission on the process
object used to create the workflow.

Return value
Setsupervisor returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
To use the Setsupervisor method, you must be the user who created the workflow, the
workflow’s current supervisor, or a user with Sysadmin or Superuser privileges.
Executing the method sends a dm_changeworkflowsupervisor event to the new
supervisor’s inbox.
It isn’t necessary to issue a Save method after the Setsupervisor method.

Content Server API Reference Manual 445


Related methods


446 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Shuts down Content Server.



Table 2-153. Shutdown method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
immediate Directs the server to shut down either immediately, without
waiting for open transactions to finish, or when all open
transactions are finished. Setting the argument to T specifies
an immediate shutdown. The default is F, shut down after
open transactions are finished.
delete_entry Indicates if the connection broker should delete its entry
for the server. The default value is TRUE, which directs the
connection broker to delete its entry for the server when the
server shuts down. If this is set to FALSE, the connection
broker does not delete its entry for the server.

Return value
The Shutdown method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
When you execute the Shutdown method, the session’s server no longer accepts
connection requests. However, if you shut down the server gracefully, the client
processes continue to accept RPC calls until either:
• Any open transactions are completed, or
• The client process times out from lack of activity.

Content Server API Reference Manual 447


Shutting down gracefully only allows a client that has an open transaction with the
server to complete the transaction. The client cannot initiate a new transaction.
An immediate shutdown stops the server immediately without allowing client processes
to complete any open transactions.
Whenever you use shutdown to stop a server, the server sends a message to the
connection broker, notifying the connection broker that the server is going down. When
the connection broker receives the message, by default, it removes the server’s entry.
However, if you set the delete_entry flag to FALSE, the connection broker does not remove
its entry for the server, but simply sets the server’s status to down.

Caution: On Windows platforms, the Shutdown method does not use the Window
service manager to shutdown the server. Consequently, all of the associated processes
may not be shut down appropriately. Therefore, on Windows platforms, it is
recommended that you shut down a server through the Windows service manager
rather than using the Shutdown method.

This example shuts down the server connected to the specified session immediately.
dmAPIExec(sprintf("shutdown,%s,T", session_id));

448 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Creates an audit trail entry of signoff information for an object.



Table 2-154. Signoff method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Specifies the object to sign off. Use the object’s ID or an indirect
reference (@object_id) that points to the object.
user_auth_name Identifies the signer. This is the value in the user’s
user_os_name attribute.

On Windows platforms, user_auth_name is specified with a

domain name, in the following format:
domain name\user_auth_name

The default is the current user’s user_os_name value.

password Specifies the user’s password. Valid password formats are:

where plugin_id is the plugin identifier for an authentication


If the password is encrypted, the format for the password

argument is:


where encrypted_password is one of


Refer to the Usage notes for details.

Content Server API Reference Manual 449


Argument Description

A password may not exceed 8,192 characters in length.

reason Describes the purpose for which the signature is issued.

Return value
The Signoff method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
You must have Read permission on an object to sign it off. The Signoff method operates
on the CURRENT version of an object.
Executing the Signoff method creates an audit trail entry with the following information:

Table 2-155. Audit trail entry values for Signoff events

Attribute Name Description

user_name Signer’s name
string_1 The Windows OS domain and user name,
used to validate the signature
string_2 Reason for the signature
audited_obj_id The ID of the object which has been signed

Lifecycle designers can require a signature to fulfill promotion requirements. When a

user promotes an object to the next state, the server evaluates the user-defined entry
criteria to check for the required signatures by querying the dm_audittrail object tables.
Workflow designers can specify signoff of work items before the work item can be
marked complete. The server enforces the requirement by not allowing a work item to be
marked complete if it has not been signed off and the activity definition associated with
the work item requires a sign-off.
Authenticating the user
Content Server uses the values in the user_auth_name and password arguments to
authenticate the user wishing to assume the connection. If the authentication is to be
performed by an authentication plug-in module and the plug-in is not specified in the
user’s user_source attribute, you must prefix the password with the plug-in module’s
identifier. (The identifier is defined by the plugin module.) The format of a password
with a plugin identifier is:

450 Content Server API Reference Manual



The plug-in identifier tells Content Server which authentication plug-in to use to
authenticate the user. If Content Server cannot find the module, the method fails.
If a plug-in module is not identified in the arguments, Content Server authenticates the
user by the mechanism defined in the user_source attribute of the user’s dm_user object.
• If the attribute indicates that the user is authenticated against the operating system
using the default mechanism, the user is authenticated using the default mechanism.
• If the attribute is set to LDAP, Content Server authenticates the user against the
LDAP server.
• If the attribute is set to a plug-in identifier, Content Server authenticates the user
using the plug-in module. If Content Server cannot locate the plug-in, the server
authenticates the user using the platform’s default mechanism.
Using encrypted passwords
If you are using encrypted passwords, the password argument must specified as

encrypted_password is the encrypted form of either of the valid password formats. The
password must have been encrypted using the Encryptpass method.
When the DMCL receives the method, it decrypts the string using the AEK. The
AEK must be initialized within the API session before the DMCL can execute
the method. The recommended way to initialize the AEK is to use an Initcrypto
method. If you do not use an Initcrypto method, the Signoff method looks for the
AEK in the location identified in the environment variable DM_CRYPTO_FILE. If the
AEK location is not identified in DM_CRYPTO_FILE, the method assumes it is in
%DOCUMENTUM%\dba\secure\aek.key ($DOCUMENTUM/dba/secure/aek.key).
When the key is found, the method initializes the AEK before proceding.
Commas in user_auth_name and password
The value in the user_auth_name or password argument can contain commas. However,
you must enclose the argument in single quotes if the value contains a comma. For
example, suppose the user JaneDoe with the password “violet,eyes” is signing off the
document represented by 09000002523a13c. The Signoff method would be:

Related methods
Initcrypto, page 269

Content Server API Reference Manual 451



452 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Suspends the lifecycle of an object.



Table 2-156. Suspend method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
sysobject_id Identifies the object to suspend. Use the object’s ID or an
indirect reference (@object_id) that points to the object.

If the object ID identifies a replica object or you use an indirect

reference, the operation affects the source object, not the local
from_state Identifies the state from which to suspend the SysObject. It is
required for a scheduled suspend.
from_position Identifies the position of the state from which to suspend the
test_only_flag TRUE or FALSE. When set to TRUE, Suspend evaluates the
entry_criteria to determine if the document can be suspended.
Default value is FALSE.
override_flag TRUE or FALSE. When set to TRUE, Suspend proceeds even
if the requirements of the destination state are not met. Only
users with Superuser user privileges or the lifecycle owner can
specify this argument. Default is FALSE.
scheduled_date The date and time that the Suspend is scheduled for.

Content Server API Reference Manual 453


Argument Description
pattern The date-time format for scheduled_date. The pattern is
defaulted to client-side localized date-time format, if not
cancel Cancel the scheduled Suspend. To cancel a scheduled
Suspend, provide the original scheduled date.

Return value
The Suspend method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Suspend method suspends the lifecycle of an object by moving the object from its
current normal state to the exception state of its current state.
If you are the object’s owner or a superuser, you must have Write permission to suspend
an object in a lifecycle. Other users must have Write permission and Change State
permission for the object. If you have only Change State permission, Content Server
attempts to suspend the object as the user defined in the a_bpaction_run_as attribute
in the docbase config object. In those instances, that user must be either the owner or
a superuser with Write permission or have Write and Change State permission on the
You cannot suspend an object whose current state is a normal state with no exception
state, or if the object is already suspended.
The from_state or from_position must be the current state for a scheduled Suspend to
succeed. The from_state and from_position attributes are mutually exclusive, and if you
do not specify either one, the default is the current state. You must specify a from_state
or from_position for a scheduled suspend.
If the requirements for the next state are not met, the method fails, unless you specify
overrirde_flag=TRUE. If the override_flag is set to TRUE and if the user is a lifecycle
owner or has Superuser user privileges, the method sets r_current_state to the exception
state and commits the change without performing the actions associated with the
exception state.
Testing before promotion
If the test_flag is TRUE, the Suspend method launches the bp_transition method to see if
the requirements of the exception state are met.

454 Content Server API Reference Manual


Scheduling promotion
If you specify a scheduled_date, the Suspend method adds a new job object whose
method_name is bp_transition. The object name for the job has the following format:
Bpsysobj_id scheduled date
The scheduled_date is in yyyymmddhhmiss format where
yyyy is a 4-digit year
mm is a 2-digit month
dd is a 2-digit day
hh is a 2-digit hour
mi is a 2-digit minute
ss is a 2-digit second
You cannot schedule the same SysObject for more than one state transition event at a
specified time.
If you specify a scheduled_date and cancel is specified, the Suspend method deletes the
job with name equal to Bpsysobj_id scheduled date.

Related methods
Resume, page 392

status = dmAPIExec("suspend," sess "," doc_id ","
dat_tim ",,state1")

Content Server API Reference Manual 455



Purpose Turns on tracing for the session or returns information about tracing options.



Table 2-157. Trace method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
severity_level Defines a minimum severity level for the trace messages sent
to the log file. The server sends all messages at or below
the specified level to a session log file. The severity_level
is specified as an integer value. Valid values and their
corresponding severity levels are:

0, tracing is turned off

1, Level 1 trace messages
2, Level 2 trace messages
3, Level 3 trace messages
4, Level 4 trace messages
8, Dump and load object information
10, Timing information; commits after every loaded object
11, Load operation information

Turning on tracing also turns on tracing to the log file.

Informational, warning, error, and fatal error messages are

always written to the session log file, even if tracing is turned
logfile Specifies the location of the log file. If unspecified, the default
is the api.log file in the current directory.
option Returns information about the specified trace option. See
Usage notes, page 457 for a list of the options.

456 Content Server API Reference Manual


Argument Description
facility Returns information about the specified trace facility. See
Usage notes, page 457 for a list of the facilities.
all Returns information about all available trace options and

Return value
The Trace method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Trace method turns on tracing. Trace messages are sent to two types of log files:
• The session log file records messages determined by the specified severity level.
Informational, warning, error, and fatal error messages are always written to the
session log file, even if tracing is turned off.
• The api.log file, on the client, records all user API method calls and the responses
generated by the API.
The severity_level only affects the content of the session log file. For client log files, the
severity_level must be greater than 0 to turn on tracing, but has no other effect.
The session log file is stored in %DOCUMENTUM%\dba\log\hex_repository_
id\username ($DOCUMENTUM/dba/log/<hex_repository_id>/username), where
hex_repository_id is the repository ID expressed as a hexadecimal value and username
is the account under which the session is running. A separate session log is created
for each new connection.
To stop tracing, issue the Trace method and specify zero for the severity_level.
Tracing severity levels
Severity levels from 1 through 10 are additive. In addition to the messages for the level
you specify, you also receive all the other messages specified by the lower levels. For
example, if you specify tracing level 10, you also receive all the other messages specified
by the lower levels in addition to the timing information.
Severity level 8
If you set the tracing level to 8, Content Server traces every dumped and loaded object.
Severity level 10
If you set the tracing level to 10, you receive information about how long each API
method takes to execute. When you turn off level 10 tracing, you receive information
about the total time of execution.

Content Server API Reference Manual 457


To illustrate, here are a few sample commands and the timing trace information they
generate if the severity level is set to 10:
# Time0.00 sect 'OK'
# Time0.024 sec '090007d080037572'
# Time1.924 sec 'OK'
# Time0.872 sec 'OK'

Severity level 11
The severity level 11 returns information about the available trace facilities and options.
For example, to see a list of the available trace facilities and options:

To see whether the API tracing facility is on and to get instructions on how to turn on
the API tracing facility:

You can use severity level 11 in debugging if you are having a problem with a load
operation. Generally, load operations return status messages to the server log file after
every 100 objects are loaded. If you are having a problem with a load, you can set the
trace level to 11 and the operation will return status messages for each object loaded.
However, this does severely impact the performance of the load operation.
Tracing options
Options are server-based, and capture tracing information in the server log. Turn trace
options on through the Apply method.
The following table lists the tracing options.

Table 2-158. Tracing options for Trace method

Facility Meaning
debug Records session shutdown information, change check
information, launch and fork information in the server
lock_trace Records lock information for shared access in the
server log. This flag is for NT only.
sqltrace Records all SQL commands generated from DQL
commands in the server log. This flag affects
subsequent sessions b ut it does not affect the current

458 Content Server API Reference Manual


Facility Meaning
nettrace Records the connection ID, client host address, client
host name, and all Netwise calls in the server log, To
turn this flag off, disconnect all client sessions. The
change will take effect about 1 minute after the clients
are disconnected.
trace_authentication Records the authentication status for each
authentication call in the server log
net_ip_addr Records the client and server IP addresses in the
server log during back-door authentication
trace_complete_launch Records the process launch information for the parent
process in the server log.
docbroker_trace Enables connection broker trace for all sessions

Tracing facilities
Facilities are session-based, and capture tracing information in the session log. Turn
trace facilities on through the Trace method.
The following table lists the tracing facilities.

Table 2-159. Tracing facilities for Trace method

Option Meaning
DM_API Enables client API tracing. When this flag is on, the
client API method calls are traced in the api.log file
or a user specified log file.
DM_CONTENT Enables content tracing in the session log.
DM_DUMP Enables dump tracing in the session log.
DM_FULLTEXT Enables full-text tracing in the server log.
DM_LOAD Enables load tracing in the session log.
DM_QUERY Enables query tracing in the session log.
SQL_TRACE Enables session based SQL trace. When this flag is
on, all SQL commands to the underlying RDBMS are
stored in the session log.
DM_SYSOBJECT Enables system object tracing in the session log.

Content Server API Reference Manual 459


Related methods
Getmessage, page 251
Listmessage, page 302

This example starts Level 10 tracing for client API methods in the api.log file.
API> retrieve,c,dm_user
API> retrieve,c,dm_server_config
API> trace,c,0,,DM_API


Here is the corresponding API log file:

# Time: 0.000 sec 'OK'
API> retrieve,c,dm_user
# Network Requests: 10
# Time: 2.244 sec '110007b680000100'
API> retrieve,c,dm_server_config
# Network Requests: 17
# Time: 0.782 sec '3d0007b680000101'
API> trace,c,0,,DM_API
# Network Requests: 21
# Total Time: 38.686 sec ' OK '

This example shows SQL tracing and the information returned by severity level 11.
API> trace,c,11,,SQL_TRACE
API> getmessage,c
currently (off). The api command to turn on[/off]
SQL trace is: trace,<session>,1[/0],,SQL_TRACE"
API> trace,c,1,,SQL_TRACE
API> retrieve,c,dm_user
API> trace,c,11,,SQL_TRACE
API> getmessage,c

460 Content Server API Reference Manual



currently (on). The api command to turn on[/off]
SQL trace is: trace,<session>,1[/0],,SQL_TRACE"
API> trace,c,0,,SQL_TRACE
API> trace,c,11,,SQL_TRACE
API> getmessage,c
currently (off). The api command to turn on[/off]
SQL trace is: trace,<session>,1[/0],,SQL_TRACE"
API> retrieve,c,dm_server_config

Here is the corresponding session log:

Tue Aug 11 11:36:52 1998 277000
"Session 010007b680000560 started for user zhan."
select all dm_user.r_object_id from dm_user_sp dm_user
SELECT G_.I_TYPE FROM zhan.dmi_object_type G_
:handle = 110007b680000100
:handle = 110007b680000100
Tue Aug 11 11:47:28 1998 001000
"Session 010007b680000560 paused."
Tue Aug 11 11:48:47 1998 475000
"Session 010007b680000560 started for user zhan."

Here is a sample of the Trace method:

status = dmexec("trace," session ",10,c:\trace.api")

Content Server API Reference Manual 461



Purpose Removes all the values in a repeating attribute.



Table 2-160. Truncate method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object that contains the repeating attribute. Use
the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points
to the object.
attribute Specifies which repeating attribute you want to truncate. Use
the attribute’s name.

Return value
The Truncate method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
In addition to removing all values in the specified repeating attribute, the Truncate
method sets the attribute’s count to zero. (The attribute’s count is stored in the repeating
special attribute _count, in the row corresponding to that attribute.)

Related methods
Remove, page 351

462 Content Server API Reference Manual


This example:
• Creates a document object
• Appends the authors’ names
• Truncates the list of authors
doc_id = dmAPIGet("create," session ",dm_document")
if (doc_id == NULL) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error creating a document object"
print err_msg
the_file = "chap_1.wp5"
cmd_str = "setfile," session "," doc_id "," the_file ",wp5"
err_flag = dmAPIExec( cmd_str )
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error setting file contents"
print err_msg
author_list = "W. Smith,J. Jones,R. Abnous,S. Ruppenthal"
count = split(author_list, author, ",")
cmd_str = "append," session "," doc_id ",authors"
for (i=1; i<=count; i++) {
err_flag = dmAPIExec( cmd_str, author[i] )
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error appending authors' name to the 'authors' attribute"
print err_msg
cmd_str = "truncate," session "," doc_id ",authors"
err_flag = dmAPIExec( cmd_str )
if (err_flag == 0) {
err_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
print "Error truncating the authors' names"
print err_msg

Content Server API Reference Manual 463



Purpose Returns an identifier that is used in read-only calls to obtain the data dictionary
information for a type or attribute.



Table 2-161. Type method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_type Identifies the type you are inquiring about or, if you are
inquiring about an attribute, the type to which the attribute
belongs. Use the type’s name; for example, dm_document or
attribute Identifies the attribute for which you want to object data
dictionary information. Use the attribute’s name.
bus_policy_id Identifies the lifecycle associated with the type specified in
object_type. Use the policy’s object ID. bus_policy_id must
identify a policy that can be attached to objects of the type you
identify in object_type.

If you include this, you must also include the state argument.

Refer to Usage notes for an explanation of the purpose of these

state Identifies a particular state in the lifecycle.

Return value
The Type method returns an identifier of the form tdm_typename[.attribute_name] that
points to an object. If you inquired about an object type, the object is a dmi_dd_type_info

464 Content Server API Reference Manual


object. If you inquired about an attribute, the object is a dmi_dd_attr_info object. (Refer
to Chapter 2, Object Reference , in the EMC Documentum Object Reference Manual for a
description of the attributes in these objects.)

Usage notes
Use the Type method, in conjunction with a Dump or Get method, to obtain current
data dictionary information for a type or attribute. The type or attribute may have
some information that is overridden when an object is in a specific business state. If
you include the optional bus_policy_id and state arguments, the method returns the
information defined for the business state instead of the default information.
Using the identifier returned by the Type method in a Dump method returns all of the
attributes in the object represented by the identifier. For example, the following Dump
method returns all the attributes in the dd type info object for the document type:

Note: If the identifier represents a type, the returned attributes include the type’s
dm_type and dmi_type_info attributes.
The following Dump method returns all the attributes in the dd attr info object for the
document type’s subject attribute:

Using the identifier in a Get method returns the value in the object for one attribute. For
example, the following Get method returns the value in the dd attr info object of the
not_null attribute for the document type’s subject attribute:

If you request information about an attribute, you can specify any object type for which
the attribute is defined or inherited. Only the attribute’s information is returned. You do
not receive any information about the containing type. However, attribute information
can differ depending on the object type. (Because it is possible to override attribute
values, an attribute’s domain definition may differ from type to type.)

The following example uses the Type method to help determine the number of attributes
in the dm_document type.
type_id = dmAPIGet("type,"session ",dm_document");
count = dmAPIGet("get," session "," type_id ",attr_count")
print "Documents have "count" attributes";

Content Server API Reference Manual 465



Purpose Stops auditing of an event.

[,controlling_app][,policy_id ][,state_name]]")


Table 2-162. Unaudit method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the particular object or object type for which the
event is being audited. Use the object’s object ID for individual
objects. For object types, use the object ID of the type’s
dm_type object.

If this is 0 or omitted, auditing is stopped for all occurrences

of the specified event.
event_name Defines the event to stop auditing.
controlling_app An application code. If this argument is set, Content Server
stops the auditing of the event for those objects whose
a_controlling_app value is set to this application code.

Setting this argument to dm_all_applications is equivalent

to not including the argument. Auditing for the event is
stopped for all objects of the specified type regardless of their
controlling application.

You cannot include this argument if:

• object_id is set to 0 or omitted
• object_id identifies a particular object
• event_name is dm_all, all, or dm_all_workflow

466 Content Server API Reference Manual


Argument Description
policy_id Identifies a lifecycle. Use the object ID of the lifecycle’s
dm_policy object. If the event is dm_bp_attach, you can set
policy_id to the keyword default.

If policy_id is set and object_id identifies an object type, Content

Server stops auditing the event for objects of the particular
type attached to this lifecycle. If object_id identifies an
individual object, Content Server stops auditing the event for
the object when it is attached to this lifecycle.

You cannot include this argument if:

• object_id is set to 0 or omitted
• event_name is dm_all, all, or dm_all_workflow
state_name Identifies a particular state in the lifecycle identified in
policy_id. Use the state’s name.

If state_name is included and object_id identifies an object type,

Content Server stops auditing the event for objects of the type
that are in this particular lifecycle state. If object_id identifies
an individual object, the object is audited for this event only
when the object is in this lifecycle state.

state_name is ignored unless you also include policy_id.

You cannot include this argument if:

• object_id is set to 0 or omitted
• event_name is dm_all, all, or dm_all_workflow

Return value
The Unaudit method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Unaudit method stops auditing of an event and destroys the registry object
associated with the event’s auditing registration. Executing Unaudit does not destroy
any audit trail records created while the event was being audited. You must have
Config_audit privileges to use this method.
Each Unaudit method removes the audit registration created by one Audit method and
stored in the repository as a registry object. You cannot use one Unaudit method to stop

Content Server API Reference Manual 467


auditing all events against one object or object type. If there are audit registrations for
multiple events against the same object or object type, you must remove each audit
registration with a separate Unaudit method call. Auditing is initiated by issuing an
Audit method that identifies a particular event and an object or object type to be audited
when that event occurs. To stop the auditing, you must issue an Unaudit method that
identifies that same event and object or object type.
If there is no registry object that matches the parameters in the Unaudit method, the
method fails with an error.
Executing the Unaudit method also creates an audit trail entry with the event name
dm_unaudit to record the execution of the Unaudit method.

Related methods
Audit, page 115

status = dmAPIExec("unaudit," session ",0900007b80005640,

468 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Unfreezes a frozen object and, optionally, if the object is a virtual document, the
object’s associated assembly.



Table 2-163. Unfreeze method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Specifies the object that you want to unfreeze. Use the object’s
ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points to the object.

If you are unfreezing the assembly for a virtual document

(setting thaw_components to T), object_id must identify the
document with which the assembly is associated. Generally,
this is the virtual document. However, a virtual document’s
assembly is sometimes associated with a simple document.
In such cases, specify the simple document’s object ID in this
thaw_components Indicates whether you want to unfreeze the assembly
associated with the specified object. Set this to T to unfreeze
the assembly. The default is F (FALSE). You can use this flag
only if the specified object has an associated assembly. Refer
to the Usage notes for more details.

Return value
The Unfreeze method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Content Server API Reference Manual 469


Usage notes
The Unfreeze method unfreezes a frozen object. A frozen object is an object that has
been marked as unchangeable by the Freeze method. With one exception, unfreezing a
frozen object makes it changeable once again.
The exception occurs when you unfreeze an older version of an object—the object remains
unchangeable because objects that have been versioned are always unchangeable. This
situation occurs primarily in the context of virtual documents. Sometimes you might
wish to freeze an assembly created for an older version of a virtual document. In such
cases, if you later unfreeze the assembly, the document remains unchangeable.
Unfreezing an object sets the following attributes of the object to F (FALSE):
• r_immutable_flag
This attribute indicates whether the object is unchangeable. Note that if the object has
been versioned, unfreezing the object does not unset this attribute; it remains set to T.
• r_frozen_flag
This attribute indicates whether the object is unchangeable because it was specifically
If you set the thaw_components flag in the Unfreeze method, then the following attribute
of the specified document is set to F (FALSE):
• r_has_frzn_assembly
• This attribute indicates whether the document’s assembly is frozen.
When you unfreeze an assembly, the method changes the following attributes for each
component in the assembly:
• r_immutable_flag
• This attribute is set to F.
• r_frzn_assembly_cnt
This attribute, which maintains a count of the number of frozen assemblies to which
the object belongs, is decremented by one.
Related methods
Freeze, page 221

In this example, doc_id is a variable that contains the object ID of the document that has
the associated assembly.
cmd = sprintf("unfreeze,c," doc_id ",T")
status = dmAPIExec(cmd)
if (status != 1)

470 Content Server API Reference Manual


error_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0");
printf "%s", error_msg;
cmd = sprintf("save,c," doc_id)
status = dmAPIExec(cmd);
if (status != 1)
error_msg = dmAPIGet("getmessage,s0");
printf "%s", error_msg;

Content Server API Reference Manual 471



Purpose Uninstalls an installed lifecycle, workflow, or activity definition.



Table 2-164. Uninstall method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the lifecycle, activity or process definition that you
want to uninstall. Use the object ID.
notify_flag A boolean flag that indicates whether to inform owners of
SysObjects associated with this policy. The default is TRUE.

Return value
The Uninstall method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Uninstall method moves a lifecycle (also called a document life cycle), process
definition, or activity definition object from the installed state to the validated state.
Uninstalling a process or activity definition halts any running workflows that reference
the uninstalled process.
The lifecycle, process, or activity object has to be already installed.
You must have Relate permission or Sysadmin or Superuser privileges to use the
Uninstall method.
For business policies, if you specify notify_flag=TRUE, the server sends mail to each of
the owners of the SysObjects associated with the policy.

472 Content Server API Reference Manual


Related methods
Install, page 289
Validate, page 494

The following example uninstalls a lifecycle.
if (dmAPIExec("uninstall," session "," policy_id) == 0) {
print "Error uninstalling lifecycle policy '" policy_id "'"
print dmAPIGet ("getmessage," session)

Content Server API Reference Manual 473



Purpose Removes a link between an object and a folder.



Table 2-165. Unlink method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Specifies the object that you want to unlink. Use the object’s ID
or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points to the object.
location Identifies the folder or cabinet from which you want to unlink
the object. You can use either the object ID of the folder or
cabinet or its folder path. A folder path has the format:

If you include this argument, do not include alias.

alias Identifies an alias in place of a location. The alias is resolved
when the method is executed. This argument is intended for
use in applications. The alias has the format:

alias_set_name is the name of an alias set object.

alias_name is a value in the alias_name attribute of the alias

set object.

For information about aliases and their use, refer to Appendix

A, Aliases in Content Server Fundamentals.

474 Content Server API Reference Manual


Return value
The Unlink method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
Using the Unlink method has the following conditions:
• If you are unlinking the object from its primary storage location, you must have at
least Write access to the object and have Change Location permission on the object.
• To unlink secondary links:
— You must have at least Browse access to the object.
— You must have Change Location permission on the object.
• If the repository is running under folder security, you must also have at least Write
permission for the folder or cabinet from which you are unlinking the object.
Documents and folders must have at least one link to a folder or cabinet. Consequently,
if you unlink an object from its only link, you must relink it to some folder or cabinet
before saving or checking in the object.
The repeating attribute i_folder_id stores the object IDs of all folders and cabinets
to which an object is linked. The object ID stored in the first position of this attribute
(i_folder_id[0]) represents the object’s primary storage location. If you unlink the object
from the folder represented by i_folder_id[0] (or simply remove the value in this
position), the system automatically shifts the remaining values up one position. The
object ID previously in the second position (i_folder_id[1]) becomes the value in the first
position (i_folder_id[0]) and, consequently, represents the new primary storage location
of the object.
The server looks in the repository defined in the docbase_scope attribute of the session’s
session config object for the folder identified in the location argument. If the folder is not
found in that repository, the method fails.

Related methods
Link, page 297

This example:
• Fetches a specified folder object
• Unlinks the folder from its cabinet
• Links the folder to another cabinet

Content Server API Reference Manual 475


Saves the folder object

cmd_str = "fetch," session "," fldr
err_flag = dmAPIExec( cmd_str )
if (err_flag == 0) {
cmd_str = "getmessage," session
err_msg = dmAPIGet( cmd_str )
print "Error fetching folder '" fldr "'"
print err_msg
cmd_str = "unlink," session "," fldr "," cab1
err_flag = dmAPIExec( cmd_str )
if (err_flag == 0) {
cmd_str = "getmessage," session
err_msg = dmAPIGet( cmd_str )
print "Error unlinking folder '" fldr "' from cabinet '" cab1 ","
print err_msg
cmd_str = "link," session "," fldr "," cab2
err_flag = dmAPIExec( cmd_str )
if (err_flag == 0) {
cmd_str = "getmessage," session
err_msg = dmAPIGet( cmd_str )
print "Error linking folder '" fldr "' to cabinet '" cab2 ","
print err_msg
cmd_str = "save," session "," fldr
err_flag = dmAPIExec( cmd_str )
if (err_flag == 0) {
cmd_str = "getmessage," session
err_msg = dmAPIGet( cmd_str )
print "Error saving folder '" fldr "'"
print err_msg

476 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Removes an intention lock without saving any changes that may have been made
to the locked object.



Table 2-166. Unlock method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Specifies the object that you want to unlock. Use the object’s
ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points to the object.
send_mail Directs the server to send electronic mail to the lock’s owner,
notifying that user that the lock is being removed. The default
for this flag is T (TRUE). If you do not want the lock owner
notified, set this flag to F (FALSE).
compound_arch _value Sets the a_compound_architecture attribute of the object. Refer
to Application-specific arguments, page 478 in the Usage notes
for an extended discussion of this argument.
special_app_value Sets the a_special_app attribute of the object. Refer to
Application-specific arguments, page 478 in the Usage notes
for an extended discussion of this argument.

Return value
The Unlock method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
To use the Unlock method, you must be:

Content Server API Reference Manual 477


• The lock owner,

• The owner of the object that you are unlocking, or
• A user with Sysadmin or Superuser user privileges.
If you are the lock owner, the send_mail flag is ignored, regardless of its setting.
You do not have to checkout an object to unlock it, nor do you have to save the object
after you unlock it.
Executing the Unlock method clears the object’s r_lock_machine attribute. (When an
object is locked, this attribute is set to the name of the client machine on which the user
who locked the object was working.)
This method does not require a Save method call to take effect.
Application-specic arguments
The compound_arch_value and special_app_value arguments set the object’s
a_compound_architecture and a_special_app attributes, respectively. These attributes
are intended for internal and user-defined application use.
The a_compound_architecture attribute is used internally by WorkSpace’s Virtual
Document Manager (VDM) to determine if the object can be structurally changed in
the VDM. If an object’s a_compound_architecture attribute is set to any value other
than an empty string, VDM assumes the object is read only and does not allow any
structural changes in the object. A_compound_architecture is a string-valued attribute
with a length of 16.
The a_special_app attribute is used by the server and WorkSpace to determine if the
object is currently reserved for use by another application such as Lotus Notes or
Interleaf. If this is any value other than an empty string, the system assumes that another
application currently has control of the object. A_special_app is a string-valued attribute
with a length of 32.
User-defined applications can use these attributes by setting them on check out and
check in or when an object is unlocked (as in a Cancel Checkout operation). For an
unlock operation, these attributes are generally set to the values they had before the
object was checked out (locked).

Related methods
Checkin, page 138
Unfreeze, page 469

This example:

478 Content Server API Reference Manual


• Checks out a specified document

• Unlocks the document
cmd_str = "checkout," session "," doc_id
err_flag = dmAPIExec(cmd_str)
if (err_flag == 0) {
cmd_str = "getmessage," session
err_msg = dmAPIGet( cmd_str )
print "Error checking out the document"
print err_msg
cmd_str = "unlock," session "," obj_id
err_flag = dmAPIExec(cmd_str)
if (err_flag == 0) {
cmd_str = "getmessage," session
err_msg = dmAPIGet( cmd_str )
print "Error unlocking the document"
print err_msg

Content Server API Reference Manual 479



Purpose Removes symbolic labels from an object.



Table 2-167. Unmark method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Specifies the object whose label you want to remove. Use the
object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points to
the object.
label Specifies the symbolic label that you want to remove from
the object. You can specify more than one label. You cannot
specify the symbolic label CURRENT.

Return value
The Unmark method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
You must check out or fetch an object before you can use Unmark to remove any of its
symbolic labels. After you complete the Unmark operation, you must check in or save
the object to save the changes made by the Unmark method.
You cannot use Unmark to remove implicit version labels or to remove the CURRENT
label from an object version.

480 Content Server API Reference Manual


Related methods
Mark, page 310

The following example:
• Checks out a document
• Uses the Unmark method to remove one of the document’s symbolic labels
• Saves the document
doc_id = dmAPIGet("checkout," session "," obj_id)
dmAPIExec("save," session "," obj_id)

Content Server API Reference Manual 481



Purpose Removes a job from a print queue.



Table 2-168. Unprint method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
printer_name Identifies the printer associated with the print queue. Use the
object name of the output device object that represents the
printer. If you do not specify the printer, the default is the
system printer.
job_id Specifies which print job you want to remove. (Refer to Usage
notes for information about obtaining the print job number.)

Return value
The Unprint method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The job_id is the value returned by the Print method if you used that method to place the
job on the print queue. You can also obtain the job_id by executing the Lpq method—the
job_id is included in Lpq’s output.

Related methods
Lpq, page 308
Print, page 321

482 Content Server API Reference Manual


job_id = dmAPIExec(sprintf("unprint,%s,engr_prntr,%s",session, job_id));

Content Server API Reference Manual 483



Purpose Removes the current user’s registration for a specified event.



Table 2-169. Unregister method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object or object type that is the target of the event.

To identify a particular object, use the object’s object ID or an

indirect reference (@object_id).

To identify an object type, use the object ID of the type’s

dm_type object. The object type must be SysObject or a
SysObject subtype.
Note: Registering for notification on an object type requires
Sysadmin or Superuser privileges. Consequently, if you had
the privileges to register for notification on an object type, you
are allowed to unregister for notification on that type even if
you no longer have Sysadmin or Superuser privileges.

Appendix B, System Events, lists the valid object types for

system-defined events.
event Identifies the event whose registration you want to cancel.

Appendix B, System Events , lists system-defined events and

the target object types for each event.
user User who initially registered the event. Used by a user with
Sysadmin or Superuser user privileges to unregister an event
previously registered by another user.

484 Content Server API Reference Manual


Return value
The Unregister method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
Event notification registrations are defined for a specific event (or all events) on a specific
object or object type. For example, you can register to receive notification each time a
specific document is checked out or a lifecycle is validated. Consequently, cancelling an
event registration requires you to specify both the event and the object or object type
that is the target of the event. If you want to remove the registration for the document’s
checkout, you must issue the Unregister method specifying the document as the object_id
and dm_checkout as the event. ( Appendix B, System Events, lists the system-defined
events and the object types for which each can be registered.)
If you have registered for several events against the same object or object type, you
must remove each with a separate Unregister method call. For example, if you have
registered to receive notification each time a particular lifecycle is validated, installed,
or uninstalled, you must remove these registrations using separate Unregister method
calls, one for each event.
If you are not registered for the specified event, the method fails with an error.
Only a user with Sysadmin or Superuser privileges can unregister events owned by
another user.

Related methods
Audit, page 115
Register, page 346
Unaudit, page 466

This example removes the current user’s registration to receive notification whenever the
specified document is checked out:
dmAPIExec(sprintf("unregister,%s,%s,dm_checkout", session,

Content Server API Reference Manual 485



Purpose Modifies an existing component of a virtual document.



Table 2-170. Updatepart method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
virtdoc_id Identifies the virtual document that contains the component
you are modifying. Use the object’s ID or an indirect reference
(@object_id) that points to the object.
containment_id Identifies the component you want to modify. Use the
r_object_id value of the component’s associated containment
version_label Indicates which version of the component to include in
the virtual document. You can specify either an implicit or
symbolic version label.
order_no Defines the component’s position within the virtual document.

Use this argument only when the calling application bypasses

the automatic ordering management provided by the
Server and manages the component order within the virtual
document itself.

Order_no requires an integer value.

486 Content Server API Reference Manual


Argument Description
use_node_ver_label Determines how the server chooses late-bound descendants of
a component. This argument is useful only if the component
is a virtual document.

T (TRUE) directs the server to use the component’s early-bound

symbolic label to resolve late-bound descendants. F (FALSE)
directs the server to resolve the component’s descendants
using the late-bound version label specified in the IN
DOCUMENT clause.

Refer to the Usage notes for an expanded explanation.

follow_assembly Determines whether the server uses the containment objects
or the component’s assembly to find the component’s
descendants. This argument is only useful if the component
is a virtual document.

T (TRUE) directs the server to use the component’s assembly

(if it has an assembly). F (FALSE) directs the server to use the
containment objects.
copy_child Determines whether the Documentum client copies or
references the component when a user copies the containing
virtual document. This is an integer attribute. Valid values are:
• 0, which lets users decide at the time the copy operation
is requested
• 1, which directs the client to reference the component
• 2, which directs the client to copy the component
Note: The reference is an internal pointer. Referencing the
component does not create a dm_reference object.

This argument is only useful if the component is itself a virtual


Content Server API Reference Manual 487


Argument Description
containment_type Used only if the containing virtual document (identified in
document_id) is an XML document. This argument identifies
what type of reference to the component is found in the
containing document.

If you include this, you must also include containment_desc.

This argument is used primarily by the Documentum clients.

Refer to XML support, page 490 for details.
containment_desc Used only if the containing virtual document (identified in
document_id) is an XML document. This argument identifies
the text of reference to the component in the containing

If you include this, you must also include containment_type.

This argument is used primarily by the Documentum clients.

Refer to XML support, page 490 for details.

Return value
The Updatepart method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
The Updatepart method modifies how a component behaves within the virtual
document. For example, you can use Updatepart to change a component’s binding, so
that a different version is used in the virtual document. Or, you can use it to define
which of the component’s descendants to include in the virtual document. If you are
managing the order numbers in the virtual document, you can also use Updatepart to
modify a component’s position within the document.You cannot use Updatepart to
modify the content or attributes of a component.
To use Updatepart, you must have either Version or Write permission on the containing
virtual document (the object specified in the virtdoc_id argument). Version permission
is required if you want to version the object. Write permission is required if you want
to save the object.
Changes you make are not visible until you check in or save the containing virtual

488 Content Server API Reference Manual


Identifying the component

Identify the component you want to modify by using its containment ID in the
containment_id argument. A component’s containment ID is the object ID of the
containment object that links the component to the virtual document. You can obtain
this object ID with the following query:
SELECT "r_object_id", CONTAIN_ID FROM "dm_sysobject"
IN DOCUMENT ID('virtual_doc_id')

The query returns a list of the object IDs and containment IDs for all the direct
components of the virtual document.
Modifying assembly behavior
To modify assembly behavior, use the use_node_ver_label and follow_assembly arguments.
These arguments let you define how the server chooses a component’s descendants when
the virtual document that contains the component is assembled. You can set either or
both of these arguments.
The use_node_ver_label argument sets the use_node_ver_label attribute in the component’s
containment object.
If use_node_ver_label is TRUE for the component and the component is early bound to
the virtual document, the server resolves any late-bound descendants of the component
using the early-binding label specified for the component. It ignores any binding
condition specified at the time of assembly. If an early-bound descendant is found that
has use_node_ver_label set to TRUE, then that descendant’s label is used to resolve
descendants from that point.
If use_node_ver_label is FALSE or if the component is late bound to the virtual
document, the server resolves the component’s late-bound descendants using the binding
condition specified at the time of assembly.
(use_node_ver_label, page 167 of Content Server Fundamentals contains an expanded
explanation of how use_node_ver_label affects the assembly of virtual documents.)
The follow_assembly argument sets the follow_assembly attribute in the component’s
containment object. If the component has an associated assembly and follow_assembly
is set to TRUE, the server will use the assembly, rather than the containment objects, to
determine the component’s descendants. In these cases, any binding conditions for the
descendants are ignored. The descendants are taken from the assembly.
If follow_assembly is FALSE or if the component has no assembly, the server uses
the containment objects and binding specifications to determine the component’s

Content Server API Reference Manual 489


Modifying copy behavior

Setting the copy_child argument sets the copy_child attribute in the component’s
containment object. This attribute controls how the Documentum client handles the
component when users copy the containing virtual document. The client can either
copy or reference the component.
Copy_child is an integer attribute with three valid values:
• 0, which means that users make the decision to copy or reference the component
when they request the operation
• 1, which directs the client to reference the component in the new copy
• 2, which directs the client to copy the component for the new copy
The default value is 0.
Note: The reference is an internal pointer. It is not a dm_reference object.
XML support
The containment_type and containment_desc arguments are used internally by the DFC to
correctly set the references in the containing document when the component is updated.
The arguments set the a_contain_type and a_contain_desc attributes in the containment
Although you can use these arguments to update the attributes to values you choose,
if you do, the behavior of the XML document when manipulated using DesktopClient
or the DFC is undefined.
For more information about the values set by these arguments and their use, refer to
XML support, page 165 of Content Server Fundamentals.

Related methods
Appendpart, page 84
Insertpart, page 280
Removepart, page 364

result = dmAPIExec("updatepart," session "," virtual_doc_id ",
"containment_id ",CURRENT,,T,F")
if (result == 0)
print "Error updating the component's containment object"
print dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)

490 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Assigns an ACL to an object.



Table 2-171. Useacl method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object to which you are attaching the ACL. Use
the object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points
to the object.
acl_specification Specifies which ACL you want to use for the specified object.
The ACL you specify must be in the same repository as the
object identified in object_id.

Use one of the following keywords to identify the ACL:

FOLDER, to identify the ACL associated with the object’s

primary folder

TYPE, to identify the ACL associated with the object’s type


USER, to identify the ACL associated with the dm_user object

representing the creator of the object

NONE, meaning no default ACL

The keywords are not case sensitive.

Return value
The Useacl method returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Content Server API Reference Manual 491


Usage notes
When a repository is running in ACL mode, every SysObject in the repository has an
associated ACL. When you create a document or other SysObject, there are a variety of
ways to designate which ACL to use with the new object. The Useacl method is one
of those ways. (For an extended discussion of creating and assigning ACLs, refer to
Managing ACLs, page 387 of the Content Server Administrator’s Guide.)
The Useacl method lets you select which default ACL you want to associate with the
object. The default ACLs for a particular object are the ACLs associated with the object’s
primary folder, its object type definition, and the dm_user object representing its creator.
The primary folder is the folder in which the object is stored when it is created. If you
want the object to use the same ACL as the folder in which you are storing the object,
specify the keyword FOLDER in the Useacl method:

Note: If the object was placed directly in a cabinet, then its primary folder is the cabinet
and the cabinet’s ACL is used.
Each type definition has an associated ACL. This ACL does not govern access to the type
but instead serves as a potential default ACL for objects of that type. If you want to use
the type’s default with your new object, specify TYPE in the Useacl method:

The final option is the default associated with you, the user who created the object. Each
user is represented by an object of type dm_user. Each user object has an associated
ACL. Like the ACL associated with types, the user’s ACL does not govern access to the
user but is instead a potential default ACL for all objects created by the user. If you want
to use your ACL as the object’s default ACL, specify USER in the Useacl method:

For a new object, the server always uses one of the default ACLs as the basis for the
object’s ACL unless you specifically assign another ACL to the object. If you create an
object, then grant or revoke permissions, and then save the object, the server copies the
default ACL, makes the changes to the default, and assigns the new copy to the object. If
you want a new ACL for the object that contains only the permissions you assign and
does not use a default ACL as its basis, issue the Useacl method with NONE option.

492 Content Server API Reference Manual


If you do not choose which default to use by explicitly issuing a Useacl method, the
server automatically uses the default ACL defined in the server’s configuration. (Refer to
The default ACLs, page 400 in the Content Server Administrator’s Guide for information
about this.)

Related methods
Grant, page 258
Revoke, page 400

err = dmAPIExec ("fetch," session "," obj_id)
if (err == 0)
print "Error fetching the object '" obj_id "'"
print dmAPIGet ("getmessage," session)
err = dmAPIExec ("useacl," session "," obj_id ", FOLDER")
if (err == 0)
print "Error using the ACL from FOLDER"
print dmAPIGet ("getmessage," session)
err = dmAPIExec ("save," session "," obj_id)
if (err == 0)
print "Error saving the object '" obj_id "'"
print dmAPIGet ("getmessage," session)

Note: obj_id is a SysObject id.

Content Server API Reference Manual 493



Purpose Validates a lifecycle, workflow, or activity definition.



Table 2-172. Validate method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the lifecycle, activity, or process definition that you
want to validate. Use the object ID.
check_activity Indicates whether to validate the activities referenced by the
process definition. Use this only if object_id refers to a process
definition. The default value is F (FALSE).

Return value
The Validate method returns TRUE if the object is valid or FALSE if not.

Usage notes
The Validate method validates a lifecycle (a dm_policy object), process definition, or
activity definition object.
The Validate method requires at least Relate permission or Sysadmin or Superuser
privileges on the target of the validation. For workflow definitions, Validate requires
Relate permission on the activities referenced by the definition. If the method succeeds,
it sets the r_definition_state of the object to Validated.
You cannot validate an object that is already validated or installed.
For activities, the Validate method verifies that all package definitions conform to the
allowable forms.

494 Content Server API Reference Manual


To validate a workflow definition, the method:

• Verifies that of all the referenced activities (by activity_def_id) exist in the installed or
validated state. Also, verifies that none of the referenced activities are foreign objects.
• Verifies that all the referenced (by link_src_activity and link_dest_activity) activities
• Makes sure that the specified port names (in link_src_port and link_dest_port) exist
in the associated activity object.
• Makes sure that the source port and the destination port are connectable. Two ports
are connectable if the following criteria are met:
— The source port specifies an output port, whereas the destination port specifies
an input port.
— The two ports are compatible.
• Validates that each input and output port takes only one link.
• Verifies activities as follows:
— There is at least one start activity
— There is only one end activity
— There are no outgoing links from the end activity
• Validates the referenced activity definitions, if check_activity is set to TRUE.
Validating a lifecycle consists of checking a subset of the lifecycle’s attributes for valid
• The r_definition_state of the policy must be draft.
• The lifecycle’s definition includes at least one attachable state.
• The primary type is specified in the included_type attribute.
• The subtypes specified in the include_subtypes exist and are all subtypes of the
primary type specified in the included_type attribute.
• The dm_aggr_domain, dm_expression, and dm_procedure objects referred to in
the lifecycle exist.
Related methods
Install, page 289
Invalidate, page 291
Save, page 405
Uninstall, page 472

The following example validates a lifecycle.
if (dmAPIExec("validate," session "," policy_id) == 0) {

Content Server API Reference Manual 495


print "Error validatinglifecycle policy '" policy_id "'"

print dmAPIGet ("getmessage," session)

496 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Returns the number of values in an attribute.



Table 2-173. Values method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Identifies the object that contains the attributes whose values
you are counting. Use the object’s ID or an indirect reference
(@object_id) that points to the object.
attribute Specifies the attribute whose values you want to count. You
can specify any attribute of the object’s type. If the object is a
virtual document, you can also specify either of the following
computed attributes:
• _componentID
• _containID

Return value
The Values method returns a number that indicates how many values are defined for an
Specifying the _componentID attribute returns a count of the number of components
in the virtual document.
Specifying the _containID attribute returns a count of the number of virtual documents
that contain the object.

Content Server API Reference Manual 497


Usage notes
This method is most useful for repeating attributes. Single-valued attributes always
return 1.
If you use this method to return the number of values in the special attributes,
_accessor_name and _accessor_permit, you must first use the Get method to obtain
the value of _accessor_name[0]. This is because the values for these attributes are not
computed until _accessor_name[0] is fetched.

Related methods
Count, page 164
Locate, page 304

This example:
• Fetches a specified object
• Determines the number of its attributes
• Loops though each attribute and gets its name, datatype, and value
• Prints the name and value of each attribute (If the attribute is a repeating attribute,
all of its values are printed.)
cmd_str = "fetch," session "," obj_id
err_flag = dmAPIExec(cmd_str)
if (err_flag == 0) {
cmd_str = "getmessage," session
err_msg = dmAPIGet( cmd_str )
print "Error fetching the object"
print err_msg
cmd_str = "count," session "," doc_id
attr_cnt = dmAPIGet(cmd_str)
if (attr_cnt == NULL) {
cmd_str = "getmessage," session
err_msg = dmAPIGet( cmd_str )
print "Error retrieving the number of attributes"
print err_msg
for (i=0; i<attr_cnt; i++) {
cmd_str = "get," session "," obj_id ",_names[" i "]"
attr_name = dmAPIGet(cmd_str)
if (attr_name == NULL) {
cmd_str = "getmessage," session
err_msg = dmAPIGet( cmd_str )

498 Content Server API Reference Manual


print "Error retrieving the attribute name : " i

print err_msg
cmd_str = "datatype," session "," obj_id "," attr_name
d_type = dmAPIGet(cmd_str)
if (d_type == NULL) {
cmd_str = "getmessage," session
err_msg = dmAPIGet( cmd_str )
print "Error retrieving datatype for attribute '" attr_name "'"
print err_msg
if (d_type == 0) d_type_str = "boolean"
if (d_type == 1) d_type_str = "integer"
if (d_type == 2) d_type_str = "string"
if (d_type == 3) d_type_str = "ID"
if (d_type == 4) d_type_str = "time"
if (d_type == 5) d_type_str = "float"
cmd_str = "repeating," session "," obj_id "," attr_name
r_flag = dmAPIGet(cmd_str)
if (r_flag == NULL) {
cmd_str = "getmessage," session
err_msg = dmAPIGet( cmd_str )
if (err_msg != NULL) {
"Error retrieving repeating flag for attribute '
" attr_name "'"
print err_msg
if (r_flag == 0) {
cmd_str = "get," session "," obj_id "," attr_name
value = dmAPIGet(cmd_str)
if (value == NULL) value = "NULL"
out_str=sprintf("%2s)%19s : %s", i, attr_name,
d_type_str, value)
else {
cmd_str = "values," session "," obj_id
cnt = dmAPIGet(cmd_str)
if (cnt == NULL) {
cmd_str = "getmessage," session
err_msg = dmAPIGet( cmd_str )
"Error retrieving the number of values
for attribute '" attr_name "'"
print err_msg
out_str=sprintf("%2s)%19s:(%s value(s))",i,
attr_name, d_type_str, cnt)
print out_str

Content Server API Reference Manual 499


if (r_flag != 0 && cnt > 0) {

for (j=0; jcnt; j++) {
cmd_str = "get," session "," obj_id "," attr_name
"[" j "]"
value = dmAPIGet(cmd_str)
if (value == NULL) value = "NULL"
out_str = sprintf("%29s : %s", j, value)
print out_str

500 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Returns the path or paths through a virtual document that lead to a particular



Table 2-174. Vdmpath method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
component_id Identifies the component you want to locate by path. Use the
object’s ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points to
the object.
root_id Identifies a virtual document that contains the component.
Use the document’s object ID.

If you include this argument, the method returns only paths

that start with the specified virtual document.

If unspecified, the method returns all paths to component.

shortest_path A flag that directs the method to return only the shortest path
to the component if set to TRUE. This argument is FALSE by
version_list Defines one or more version labels to be used to select a
version when a late-bound component is encountered in a
path. You can specify implicit or symbolic version labels.

If you include multiple version labels, separate them with

commas and enclose the list in single quotes.

Refer to the Usage notes for details.

Content Server API Reference Manual 501


Return value
The Vdmpath method returns a collection in which each result object represents one
path to the component. The result objects have four repeating attributes: r_object_id,
i_chronicle_id, object_name, and title. The values at corresponding index positions
across the attributes represent one node in the path to the component.
For example, suppose you want to determine the paths to Component D in the virtual
document shown in Figure 2–1, page 502. You issue the following Vdmpath method:

Figure 2-1. Virtual document for Vdmpath return value example

The method returns a collection that contains two result objects, each representing one
path to Component D. Table 2–175, page 502 shows the attribute values for each of
the result objects.

Table 2-175. Example of attribute values in result objects returned by Vdmpath

Index position Attributes of the result objects

r_object_id i_chroni- object_name title
First Result
Object Path
[0] 090000014672e15b Object ID Virtual Doc A Qtrly Hiring
of the first
version of
Virtual Doc

502 Content Server API Reference Manual


Index position Attributes of the result objects

r_object_id i_chroni- object_name title
[1] 090000012354e64f Object ID Component B Staffing Needs
of the first
version of
nent B
[2] 0900000174723e6f Object ID Component D New Reqs.
of the first
version of
nent D
Second Result
Object Path
[0] 090000014672e15b Object ID Virtual Doc A Qtrly Hiring
of the first
version of
Virtual Doc
[1] 09000001823762ac Object ID Component C Current
of the first Staffing
version of
nent C
[2] 0900000174723e6f Object ID Component D New Reqs.
of the first
version of
nent D

Each result object represents one path to the component. In the example, the first result
object describes the path ABD. The second result object describes the path ACD. The
values at each index position in the attributes (represented by a row in the table) describe
an individual node in the path represented by the result object.

Usage notes
Use this method instead of Vdmpathdql if performance is more important than flexibility
in choosing a path.

Content Server API Reference Manual 503


The Vdmpath method begins with the component you identify and searches up the
hierarchy of virtual documents containing the component by recursively querying
dmr_containment objects. (A dmr_containment object contains information about parent
nodes.) First, the method finds all documents that directly contain the component. Then,
it finds all documents that contain those immediate parents of the original component.
It continues the search in this manner until the top-level containing document or
documents are found. The resulting paths are returned in a collection. (Refer to the
previous section, Return value, page 502, for details about the return value.)
Permissions and returned paths
The Vdmpath method searches only documents for which the World permission is at
least Browse. If the search encounters a document for which the World permission is
None, the search on that path stops. The returned path in such a case begins with the
last document in the path for which World has at least Browse permission. For example,
suppose the path to Component E is A>B>C>D>E and that World has no permission to
Component B (that is, World’s permission to B is None). When the method encounters B
in the path to E, the search stops and the path is reported as C>D>E.
Paths that stop before the top-level containing document are not included in the results if
the root _id argument is included in the method.
Including shortest path
Setting the shortest_path flag to TRUE directs the method to return the shortest path
found. If there are multiple paths that qualify as the shortest path, the method returns
the first one it encounters.
In some instances, the shortest path may be a path that stops before reaching the
top-level containing document. If you want the path to include a top-level document,
include root_id in the method. The method will then return the shortest path through the
document identified in root_id. Note, though, that this may not be the shortest possible
path; it is only the shortest path that starts with the specified top-level document.
Specifying versions
Some of the components found in a path may be late-bound to the containing virtual
document. Late binding means that no particular version of the component is bound
to the virtual document. Instead, the component’s entire version tree is bound to the
virtual document. Use the version_list argument to identify which version to choose if a
late-bound component is encountered in a path.
You can use implicit or symbolic version labels to identify the version. If you include
multiple version labels, separate them with commas and enclose them in single quotes.
For example, the following method defines the labels approved and released for
late-bound components:

(Note the placeholder commas for the unused optional arguments.)

504 Content Server API Reference Manual


If two or more versions of a late-bound component match the specified version labels,
Content Server chooses whichever version is returned first to it by the RDBMS.
If the late-bound component doesn’t have any versions that match the specified version
labels, the path search stops. If root_id is included in the method, the path is dropped
from the results. If root_id is not included, the shortened path, up to the non-matching
component, is returned

Related methods
Vdmpathdql, page 506

This example returns the paths to Component K (09000001236487ef). All late-bound
components chosen for the paths will have either the "approved" or "released" version

The next example returns the paths to Component K found in the virtual document
identified by 0900000153457b23. All late-bound components chosen for the paths will
have either the "approved" or "released" version label.

The following example sets the shortest_path argument to TRUE and directs the server
to select late-bound components that have the version label released:

Content Server API Reference Manual 505



Purpose Returns the path or paths through a virtual document that lead to a particular



Table 2-176. Vdmpathdql method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
component_id Identifies the component you want to locate. Use the object’s
ID or an indirect reference (@object_id) that points to the object.
root_id Identifies a virtual document that contains the component.
Use the document’s object ID.

If you include this argument, the method returns only paths

that start with the specified virtual document.

If unspecified, the method returns all paths to the component.

shortest_path A flag that directs the method to return only the shortest path
to the component if set to TRUE. This parameter is FALSE by
type Identifies the object type of the parent documents in the paths
to the component. Use the object type’s internal name. For
example, dm_document. If not included, the default value
is dm_sysobject.

You must include type if the binding condition references any

attributes not defined for the dm_sysobject type.

506 Content Server API Reference Manual


Argument Description
binding_condition Defines a qualification used to select a version when a
late-bound component is encountered in the path search. The
qualification is that part of a DQL SELECT statement that
appears after the WHERE clause. Refer to the Usage notes for
syntax details particular to the Vdmpathdql method.
nodesort_by Defines a selection criteria for returned versions if more than
one version of a late-bound component meets the conditions
imposed in binding_condition.

Include this only if binding_condition is included. Refer to the

Usage notes for details.

Return value
The Vdmpathdql method returns a collection in which each result object represents one
path to the component. The result objects have four repeating attributes: r_object_id,
i_chronicle_id, object_name, and title. The values at corresponding index positions
across the attributes represent one document in the path to the component. For an
illustrated example, refer to the description of the return value for the Vdmpath method
on Return value, page 502.

Usage notes
Use Vdmpathdql when you want more flexibility in choosing late-bound components
for the paths than offered by the Vdmpath method. Both methods, Vdmpathdql and
Vdmpath, return the paths or paths to a given component by recursively searching
dmr_containment objects. However, Vdmpathdql allows you to define a more complex
condition for the selection of any late-bound components in the path.
Permissions and return results
You must have at least Browse permission on the documents in returned paths. If the
search encounters a document for which you don’t have at least Browse permission, the
search on that path stops. The returned path in such a case begins with the last document
in the path for which you have Browse permission. For example, suppose the path to
Component E is A>B>C>D>E and that you have no permission to Component B (that
is, your permission to B is None). When the method encounters B in the path to E, the
search stops and the returned path is reported as C>D>E.

Content Server API Reference Manual 507


Including shortest path

Setting the shortest_path flag to TRUE directs the method to return the shortest path
found. If there are multiple paths that qualify as the shortest path, the method returns
the first one it encounters.
In some instances, the shortest path may be a path that stops before reaching the
top-level containing document. If you want the path to include a top-level document,
include root_id in the method. The method will then return the shortest path through the
document identified in root_id. Note, though, that this may not be the shortest possible
path; it is only the shortest path that starts with the specified top-level document.
The type argument
Include the type argument if you include a binding condition that references attributes
that are not defined for the SysObject object type. The type argument must identify the
object type for which the attributes in the binding condition are defined.
Including a binding condition
Some of the components found in a path may be late-bound to the containing virtual
document. Late binding means that no particular version of the component is bound to
the virtual document. Instead, the component’s entire version tree is bound to the virtual
document. Use the binding_condition argument to identify which version to choose if a
late-bound component is encountered in a path.
The binding condition can be any valid WHERE clause qualification. (Refer to The
WHERE clause, page 142 in the Content Server DQL Reference Manual for a description
of a qualification.) Any attributes referenced in the binding condition must be fully
qualified with the object type name for which the attributes are defined. If that object
type is not dm_sysobject, you must identify the object type in the type argument.
Enclose the binding condition in single quotes.
Note: If the object type is not dm_sysobject, you must also include the type argument.
For example, suppose you want to find the paths to Component E and you want to
include only released versions of late-bound components in the paths. Issue the
following Vdmpathdql method:
'any dm_sysobject.r_version_label in

If the search encounters a late-bound document, the server chooses either the version
with the CURRENT or valid label for inclusion in the path.
If multiple versions satisfy the binding condition and the nodesort_by argument is
not included in the method, the server chooses a version randomly. If nodesort_by is
included, the server uses the instructions in that argument to select a version.
If the late-bound component has no versions that satisfy the binding condition, the path
search stops. If root_id is included in the method, the path is dropped from the results.

508 Content Server API Reference Manual


If root_id is not included, the shortened path, up to the non-matching component, is

Including nodesort_by
Include nodesort_by if you believe that two or more versions of a late-bound node
may qualify for inclusion in a path. The nodesort_by argument identifies which of the
qualifying versions to select. The format of the argument is:
object_type.attr_name {,object_type.attr_name} [ASC|DESC]

The object type must be the object type identified in the type argument or dm_sysobject
if the type argument is not included.
The qualifying versions are sorted by the values in the specified attributes. The default
sort order is ascending (ASC).

Related methods
Vdmpath, page 501

The following example chooses path components that either:
• Carry the CURRENT or VALID symbolic label and have not expired, or
• Are flagged as always good
'(webpage_type.expiration_date>DATE(TODAY) AND
ANY webpage_type.r_version_label IN
(''CURRENT'', ''VALID'')) OR
webpage_type.r_creation_date DESC")

Content Server API Reference Manual 509



Purpose Verifies that an audit trail object has not been modified.



Table 2-177. Verifyaudit method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Object ID of a dm_audittrail, dm_audittrail_acl, or
dm_audittrail_group object.

Return value
Verifyaudit returns TRUE if the audit_signature attribute of an audit trail object has a
valid value. If the signature is invalid or missing, the method returns FALSE. Anyone
can use this method.

Usage notes
Anyone can use this method. No special privileges are required.
The method decrypts the value in the audit_signature attribute and then computes the
value of the _sign_data computed attribute for the audit trail entry. It then hashes the
sign_data value, based on the audit_version value, and compares the hashed value to the
audit_signature value of the audit trail entry. If the values match, the method returns T,
indicating that the record has not been changed.
In a single repository that has multiple servers, the method fails if the servers are using
different AEKs and a server attempts to verify a signature created by another server with
a different AEK. To ensure that this does not occur, either all servers for a particular
repository must use the same AEK or the application must check that the server issuing

510 Content Server API Reference Manual


the Verifyaudit method is the same server that generated the signature. The server that
generates the signature is recorded in the host_name attribute of the audit trail entry.

Related methods
Audit, page 115
Createaudit, page 169
Unaudit, page 466

The following example verifies that the signature on the audit trail object represented by
the object ID 5f0000025c23ae1c is valid, indicating that the object has not been changed:

Content Server API Reference Manual 511



Purpose Verifies that an electronic signature added by Addesignature is valid.



Table 2-178. Verifyesignature method arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies an open repository session.
object_id Object ID of the object whose signature is to be verified. This
must be a SysObject or SysObject subtype.

Return value
Verifyesignature returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if unsuccessful.

Usage notes
You must have installed the server with a Trusted Content Services license to use this
Use Verifyesignature to verify that an electronic signature added to an object with the
Addesignature method is valid. You cannot use Verifyesignature to verify an electronic
signature created by an Adddigsignature method or a Signoff method.
You must have at least Read permission on the object identified in the object_id argument
to execute this method.
The Verifyesignature method examines the audit trail entries to find all entries for the
particular object with the event name dm_addesignature. The method computes the
hash values of the source content and the signed content. It compares the computed hash
values to the corresponding hash values stored in the most recent audit trail entry.
Verifyesignature also checks that the signatures on the object are numbered consecutively.

512 Content Server API Reference Manual


Related methods
Addesignature, page 48
Verifyaudit, page 510


Content Server API Reference Manual 513


514 Content Server API Reference Manual

Chapter 3
Functions for Creating Plug-in Libraries

The API interface between the plug-in and client or server, which retrieves content
through the plug-in, consists of C functions that Content Server or the DMCL expects in
the plug-in library for external storage content retrieval.
The functions are:
• dm_close_all, page 516
• dm_close_content, page 517
• dm_deinit_content, page 518
• dm_init_content, page 519
• dm_open_content, page 520
• dm_plugin_version, page 522
• dm_read_content, page 523
Call dm_init_content once when the plug-in is loaded. Call dm_plugin_version once
after the plug-in is loaded.
Use dm_open_content once for each Getfile or Getcontent operation. Use
dm_read_content multiple times to read the content in 16k blocks.
Use dm_close_content once for each dm_open_content call.
Use dm_close_all once per session, and call dm_deinit_content once before the plug-in is
You can find sample code for a plug-in the unsupported directory.

Content Server API Reference Manual 515



Purpose Called when a session terminates.

void dm_close_all (long session)


Table 3-1. dm_close_all arguments

Argument Description
session Identifies the terminated session.

Return value

Usage notes
When a session terminates, this function is called to let the plug-in library to cleanup any
internal data structure(s) based on the specified session.

516 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Enables the plug-in to perform internal cleanup.

BOOL dm_close_content (long handle)


Table 3-2. dm_close_content arguments

Argument Description
handle Identifies the read request.

Return value

Usage notes
To enable the plug-in to perform internal cleanup, this function is called after the read
operation for the supplied handle is complete or is interrupted in the middle.

Content Server API Reference Manual 517



Purpose Performs global internal cleanup operations.

void dm_deinit_content(void)


Return value

Usage notes
Just before the server or client unloads the plug-in library, this function is called to let the
plug-in perform any global internal cleanup operations.

518 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Use once when the plug-in library is loaded to let the plug-in to initialize any
internal data structures.

BOOL dm_init_content (long maxsession, int mode)


Table 3-3. dm_init_content arguments

Argument Description
maxsession Contains the maximum number of concurrent sessions.
mode Indicates whether the plug-in is being invoked by the client
(dmcl) or the server. A value of 1 indicates client and 0
indicates server.

Return value
The dm_init_content function returns a positive value for successful initialization. A
negative return value forces the server or client to unload the plug-in library. This
function should return a positive value when called multiple times within the same
address space.

Usage notes
This is the first function called by the server or client (depending on the value of the
a_exec_mode attribute) once the plug-in library is loaded.

Content Server API Reference Manual 519



Purpose This function is called when the server or client needs to retrieve the content for
the token.

BOOL dm_open_content ( long session, char *other_args,
char *token, char *store_object_id, void *callback,
long *handle, long errcode)


Table 3-4. dm_open_content arguments

Argument Description
session Indicates the session that needs to retrieve the content.
other_args Indicates the other_args supplied when executing a Mount
method. NULL for the dm_extern_url, dm_extern_free storage
types and when the ’token’ specified in a Setpath operation is
an absolute path.
token Is the path-translated token for which to retrieve the content.
store_object_id Indicates the external storage object ID.
callback Is a function pointer that can be called by the plug-in library
to retrieve an attribute value for the supplied external storage
object ID.
handle Identifies the read request. Filled in on initiaization and
passed for subsequent read operations.
errcode Contains error code in case of failure.

Return value
The plug-in DLL or shared library returns a positive value for successful initialization
and fills in a value for the handle. For subsequent read operations for this token, the
handle value is passed. In case of failure, the plug-in fills in an error code in errcode.

520 Content Server API Reference Manual


Usage notes
This function is called when the server or client needs to retrieve the content for the token.
The handle enables the plug-in to be a multi-threaded application with each thread
servicing a particular read request, with a dispatching mechanism based on the handle
value. For example, for dm_extern_file store objects, other_args is the root path.
For client side plug-in configurations, if the Mount method has not been issued,
the other_args parameter is a pointer to the directory location represented by the
def_client_root attribute.
For server side plug-in configurations, other_args points to the directory represented by
the a_location value for the current sever configuration. If no a_location is configured
for the current server configuration, it points to the directory represented by the
def_server_root attribute.
Call back function
The call back function (which is part of server and client) is of the form:
char *dmPluginCallback (long session, char *store_object_
id, char *attr_name, int position)

The call back function returns an attribute value in string form. The value for the position
parameter should be zero when requesting an attribute value for an single-valued
attribute and should be zero or greater for multi-valued attributes.
When this callback function is called for DM_TIME datatype attribute values, the
returned string format is mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss.
Plug-in libraries can define the function pointer type as follows:
typedef char * (*DCTMPLUGINCALLBACK)(long, char *,char *,int)

Cast the callback parameter to DCTMPLUGINCALLBACK before calling by reference.

Advanced plug-ins may start performing the actual read asynchronously and start
caching the content for performance reasons.

Content Server API Reference Manual 521



Purpose Enables backward compatibility for enhancement in future releases.

void dm_plugin_version(unsigned int *major, unsigned int *minor)


Table 3-5. dm_plugin_verson arguments

Argument Description
major Set to 1.
minor Set to 0.

Return value

Usage notes
This function enables backward compatibility for enhancement in future releases.
This function is called once immediately after the plug-in is loaded into the process
address space (by the dmcl or by the server). For the 4.0 server release, the plug-in
protocol version is 1.0. Therefore, the plug-in must set ’major’ to 1 and ’minor’ to 0.

522 Content Server API Reference Manual



Purpose Requires the plug-in to return the content data into the location pointed to by
buffer supplied.

long dm_read_content ( long handle, char *buffer,
long buffer_size, long *more_data, long *errcode)


Table 3-6. dm_read_content arguments

Argument Description
handle Identifies the read request.
buffer Contains the location to return the content data; filled with
zeros when there is no more content to be read or end-of-file
is reached.
buffer_size Contains the buffer size (16k).
more_data When positive, indicates more reading is required.
errcode Contains error code in case of failure.

Return value
Returns the number of bytes read and filled into buffer.

Content Server API Reference Manual 523


Usage notes
The plug-in must maintain its own internal book-keeping to start reading from the
next byte after the previous read.

524 Content Server API Reference Manual

Appendix A
API Method Quick Reference

This appendix contains only the formal syntax of the API server methods. For a full description of
each method and its use, refer to Chapter 2, API Server Methods .

Table A-1. API method quick reference

Method Syntax
Abort, page 40
Acquire, page 42
Addactivity, page 44
dmAPIExec("addactivity,session,process_id, activity_
identifier,activity_definition_id [,activity_
Adddigsignature, page 46
Addesignature, page 48
algorithm][,presignature_hash], sig_method_name[,app_

Addlink, page 52
dmAPIExec ("addlink,session,process_id,link_identifier,
Addnote, page 54

Content Server API Reference Manual 525

API Method Quick Reference

Method Syntax
Addpackage, page 56
dmAPIGet("addpackage,session,object_id ,start_activity_
name,input_port_name,package_name ,package_type[,note_

Addpackageinfo, page 60
Addport, page 64
Addrendition, page 66
id,file_name,format [,page_number][,storage_
name][,atomic][,keep_flag] [,page_modifier][,batch_
Addroutecase, page 72


Anyevents, page 75
Append, page 77
id,attribute[,pattern]", "value")
Appendcontent, page 80
id[,length][,set_resource]", "content")
Appendfile, page 82
Appendpart, page 84
Appendstate, page 90

526 Content Server API Reference Manual

API Method Quick Reference

Method Syntax
Apply, page 92
Archive, page 98
Assemble, page 100
id] [,interrupt_freq][,qualification][,nodesort_list]")
Assume, page 106
password|login_ticket [,domain][,user_arg]")

Attach, page 111

dmAPIExec("attach,session,object_id [,default|policy_
id[,position|state_name]] [,alias_set_position|alias_
Audit, page 115
[,audit_subtypes][,controlling_app] [,policy_
id[,state_name]][,sign_audit][,authentication] [,event_
Authenticate, page 123
dmAPIExec("authenticate,session [,repository_
name],user_auth_name, password|ticket [,domain][,user_

Begintran, page 127

Bindfile, page 129
id ,src_page_number")
Branch, page 131
Cachequery, page 133
Note: This method, while still supported, is replaced by Query_cmd.

Changepassword, page
Checkin, page 138

Content Server API Reference Manual 527

API Method Quick Reference

Method Syntax
Checkinapp, page 141
lock] [,version_label][,old_compound_arch_value]
Checkout, page 146
Close, page 149
Commit, page 151

Complete, page 153

Connect, page 155
password|ticket [,domain][,user_arg][,secure_mode]
Count, page 164
Create, page 167
Createaudit, page 169
Datatype, page 171
Delegate, page 174
Demote, page 176 For unscheduled demotions:
dmAPIExec("demote,session,sysobject_id [,to_state|to_

For scheduled demotions:

Dequeue, page 179
Dereference, page 181

528 Content Server API Reference Manual

API Method Quick Reference

Method Syntax
Describe, page 184
Destroy, page 186
Disassemble, page 190
Disconnect, page 192
Dump, page 194
Dumpconnection, page
Dumploginticket, page
Encryptpass, page 201
Execquery, page 203
Execsql, page 205
Execute, page 207
Fetch, page 209
dmAPIExec("fetch,session,object_id[,type] [,persistent_
Flush, page 213 For persistent client caches, session caches, and data dictionary caches
Flushcache, page 217 For in-memory server and client object caches
Flushconnectpool, page
Freeze, page 221
Get, page 224
identifier,attribute[[index]] [,pattern]")

Content Server API Reference Manual 529

API Method Quick Reference

Method Syntax
Getconnection, page 229
Getcontent, page 231
Getdocbasemap, page 235
Getdocbrokermap, page
Getevents, page 239
Getfile, page 241
name][,format] [,page_number][,get_resource][,page_
Getlastcoll, page 245
Getlogin, page 247
Getmessage, page 251
Getpath, page 253
Getservermap, page 256
Grant, page 258
name|alias] [,permit_type][,unused][,basic_

Halt, page 265

dmAPIExec("halt,session,workflow_id [,activity_
Id, page 267
Initcrypto, page 269

Insert, page 271


530 Content Server API Reference Manual

API Method Quick Reference

Method Syntax
Insertcontent, page 274
Insertfile, page 277
Insertpart, page 280
Insertstate, page 287
Install, page 289

Invalidate, page 291
Iscached, page 293
Kill, page 295
level] [,message]")
Link, page 297
dmAPIExec("link,session,obj_id, folder_
Listconnection, page 300
Listmessage, page 302
Locate, page 304

Lock, page 306

Lpq, page 308
Mark, page 310
Mount, page 312
Movestate, page 314

Content Server API Reference Manual 531

API Method Quick Reference

Method Syntax
Next, page 316
Offset, page 318
Pause, page 320
Print, page 321
cover] [,save_output][,num_copies][,starting_content_
page] [,ending_content_page]")
Promote, page 323 For unscheduled promotions:
position ,test_only_flag,override_flag]")

For scheduled promotions:

Prune, page 326
Publish_dd, page 329
Purgelocal, page 332
Query, page 337
Queue, page 339
priority [,send_mail],[due_date],message")

Readquery, page 342
Refresh, page 344
Register, page 346
Reinit, page 349

532 Content Server API Reference Manual

API Method Quick Reference

Method Syntax
Remove, page 351
Removeactivity, page 353
Removecontent, page 355
Removelink, page 357

Removenote, page 358

Removepackage, page 360

Removepackageinfo, page
Removepart, page 364
dmAPIExec("removepart,session,document_id, containment_
Removeport, page 367
Removerendition, page
Removeroutecase, page
Removestate, page 373
Repeat, page 375
dmAPIGet("repeat,session,workitem_id {,user_name|group_
Repeating, page 377
Reset, page 380

Content Server API Reference Manual 533

API Method Quick Reference

Method Syntax
Resolvealias, page 382
Restart, page 386

Restore, page 389
Resume, page 392

dmAPIExec("resume,session,sysobject_id [,from_
state|from_position,return_to_base_flag ,test_only_

Retrieve, page 396
Revert, page 398

Revoke, page 400

[,permit_type][,unused] [,basic_permit|extended_
Save, page 405
Saveasnew, page 409
Seek, page 413
Set, page 416
Setbatchhint, page 422
Setcontent, page 424

534 Content Server API Reference Manual

API Method Quick Reference

Method Syntax
Setcontentattrs, page 427
Setdoc, page 432
Setfile, page 434
Setoutput, page 437
dmAPIExec("setoutput,session,workitem_id {,output_port_
Setpath, page 439
Setperformers, page 441
name [,performer_list]")
Setpriority, page 443
Setsupervisor, page 445
Shutdown, page 447
Signoff, page 449
Suspend, page 453
dmAPIExec("suspend,session,sysobject_id [,from_

[pattern],from_state|from_position|cancel [,override_
Trace, page 456
Truncate, page 462
Type, page 464

Content Server API Reference Manual 535

API Method Quick Reference

Method Syntax
Unaudit, page 466
dmAPIExec("unaudit,session [,object_id],event_name
[,controlling_app][,policy_id ][,state_name]]")
Unfreeze, page 469
Uninstall, page 472
Unlink, page 474
Unlock, page 477
Unmark, page 480
Unprint, page 482
Unregister, page 484
Updatepart, page 486
[,follow_assembly][,copy_child] [,containment_
Useacl, page 491
Validate, page 494
Values, page 497
Vdmpath, page 501
Vdmpathdql, page 506

536 Content Server API Reference Manual

API Method Quick Reference

Method Syntax
Verifyaudit, page 510
Verifyesignature, page 512

Content Server API Reference Manual 537

API Method Quick Reference

538 Content Server API Reference Manual

Appendix B
System Events

This appendix lists and describes the system events recognized by Content Server. You can use an
Audit method to register any of these events for auditing. You can also use a Register method to
register to receive an Inbox notification for any of these events.

API events
Table B–1, page 539 lists the events arising from API methods. (Events arising from
methods that are specific to workflows are listed separately in Table B–2, page 544.)

Table B-1. Events arising from API methods

Event Target object type Event description Trigger

dm_all (or all) 0 or omitted All All auditable events in repository

dm_sysobject Any event on any Sysobject or the

specified Sysobject
dm_add_ dm_group Add To Dynamic Execution of an IDfSession.
dynamic_group Group addDynamicGroups call
dm_adddigsigna- dm_sysobject Add Digital Execution of the Adddigsignature
ture Signature method.
Note: Adddigsignature methods
are always audited. It is not
possible to unregister this event.

Content Server API Reference Manual 539

System Events

Event Target object type Event description Trigger

dm_addesignature dm_sysobject Add Electronic Execution of the Addesignature
Signature method.

Addesignature methods are always

audited and the entries are always
signed by Content Server.It is not
possible to modify this behavior.
dm_addnote dm_sysobject Add Note Addition of a note to a SysObject.
When the target object is a process
object, the SysObject is in a
workflow package.
dm_addrendition dm_sysobject Add Rendition Addition of a rendition to an object.
dm_addretention dm_sysobject Add Retention Object placed under control of a
retention policy
dm_appendpart dm_sysobject Apend to Virtual Addition of a component to a
Document virtual document
dm_archive dm_sysobject Archive Objects Execution of an Archive method
dm_assemble dm_sysobject Assemble Virtual Execution of Assemble method
dm_assume dm_user Assume User Execution of Assume method
dm_audit all object types Audit Event Execution of Audit method.
Note: Audit methods are always
audited. It isn’t possible to
unregister this event.
dm_authenticate dm_user Authenticate User Execution of Authenticate method
dm_branch dm_sysobject Branch Version Execution of Branch method
dm_checkin dm_sysobject Checkin Object Execution of Checkin method
dm_checkout dm_sysobject Checkout Object Execution of Checkout method
dm_connect dm_user Logon Execution of Connect method

540 Content Server API Reference Manual

System Events

Event Target object type Event description Trigger

dm_destroy dm_sysobject Destroy Object Execution of Destroy method
dm_disassemble dm_sysobject Disassemble Execution of Disassemble method
Virtual Document
dm_disconnect dm_user Logoff Execution of Disconnect method
dm_fetch dm_sysobject Fetch Object Execution of Fetch method
dm_freeze dm_sysobject Freeze Object Execution of Freeze method
dm_getfile dm_sysobject View/Export Occurs when a document is viewed
or exported or when the following
methods are executed: Getcontent
and Getpath.
dm_getlogin dm_user Get Login Execution of Getlogin method
dm_insertpart dm_sysobject Insert into Virtual Execution of an Insertpart method
dm_install dm_policy Install Execution of an Install method
dm_invalidate dm_process Invalidate Execution of an Invalidate method
dm_kill not applicable Kill Session Execution of a Kill method
Note: You cannot audit a Kill
method that flushes the cache.
dm_link dm_sysobject Link To Execution of a Link method
dm_lock dm_sysobject Lock Object Execution of a Lock method
dm_logon_failure dm_user Logon Failure User attempts to Connect using
invalid credentials.
dm_mark dm_sysobject Add Version Label Execution of a Mark method
dm_move_content dmr_content Move Content Execution of a MIGRATE_
CONTENT administration method
dm_prune dm_sysobject Prune Versions Execution of a Prune method

Content Server API Reference Manual 541

System Events

Event Target object type Event description Trigger

dm_purgeaudit dm_audittrail Purge Audit Execution of a Destroy method or
dm_audittrail_acl PURGE_AUDIT administration
dm_audittrail_ method to remove audit trail
group entries

Purging an audittrail entry is

always auditing. It is not possible
to unaudit this event.
dm_remove_ dm_group Remove From Execution of an IDfSession.
dynamic_group Dynamic Group removeDynamicGroups call
dm_removecon- dm_sysobject Remove Content Execution of a Removecontent
tent method
dm_removenote dm_sysobject Remove Note Execution of a Removenote method
dm_removepart dm_sysobject Remove from Execution of a Removepart method
Virtual Document
dm_removerendi- dm_sysobject Remove Rendition Execution of a Removerendition
tion method
dm_removereten- dm_sysobject Remove Retention Object removed from control of a
tion retention policy
dm_restore dm_sysobject Restore Object Execution of a Restore method
dm_save dm_sysobject Save Object Execution of a Save method.
Note: For new objects, Content
Server stores the value Create in
the audit trail attribute string_1.
For existing objects, the value in
the attribute is Save.
dm_saveasnew dm_sysobject Copy Object Execution of a Saveasnew method
dm_setfile dm_sysobject Set Content Execution of the following

Appendcontent Appendfile
Bindfile Insertfile Insertcontent
Setcontent Setpath
dm_setoutput dm_process Setoutput Execution of a Setoutput method.

542 Content Server API Reference Manual

System Events

Event Target object type Event description Trigger

dm_setretention- dm_retainer Set Retention Change to status of a retainer
status Status object.
dm_signoff dm_sysobject Signoff Execution of Signoff method
Note: Signoff methods are always
audited. It isn’t possible to
unregister this event.
dm_unaudit all object types Unaudit Event Execution of an Unaudit method
Note: Unaudit methods are
always audited. It isn’t possible to
unregister this event.
dm_unfreeze dm_sysobject Unfreeze Object Execution of an Unfreeze method
dm_uninstall dm_policy Uninstall Execution of an Uninstall method
dm_unlink dm_sysobject Unlink From Execution of an Unlink method
dm_unlock dm_sysobject Cancel Checkout Execution of an Unlock method
dm_unmark dm_sysobject Remove Version Execution of an Unmark method
dm_updatepart dm_sysobject Update in Virtual Execution of an Updatepart
Document method
dm_validate dm_policy Validate Execution of a Validate method

Workow events
Table B–2, page 544 lists the events specific to workflows. Note that several API events
listed in the previous table are also applicable to workflows.

Content Server API Reference Manual 543

System Events

Table B-2. Workow events

Event Target object type Event description Trigger

dm_all_workflow dm_process (or not All Workflow Events All events on
included) workflows generated
from the specified
process object or all
events in the repository
Note: This does not
include dm_validate,
dm_invalidate, and
dm_uninstall events.
dm_abortworkflow dm_process Abort Workflow Aborting a workflow
dm_addattachment dm_process Add Attachment An attachment is
added to a running
workflow or work
dm_addpackage dm_process Add Workflow Execution of an
Package Addpackage method
dm_autotransactivity dm_process Automatic Workflow An automatic activity
Activity Transition transition occurs
dm_changedactivity dm_process Change Workflow An automatic activity
instancestate Activity to Failed State changes state because
the error handling flag
is set to zero and the
work item returns a
non-zero value.
dm_changepriority- dm_process Change Workitem The priority value of a
workitem Priority work item is changed
at runtime.
dm_changestateactiv- dm_process Change Workflow An activity instance
ity Activity State changes state to a state
other than failed or
changes state due to an
automatic transition.
dm_changestatepro- dm_process Change Workflow A process definition
cess Template State changes state

544 Content Server API Reference Manual

System Events

Event Target object type Event description Trigger

dm_changestatework- dm_process Change Workflow A workflow changes
flow State state by a method other
than a Save, Execute,
or Abort.
dm_changeworkflow dm_process Change Workflow Execution of a
supervisor Supervisor Setsupervisor method
dm_completed- dm_process Complete Workitem Execution of a
workitem Complete method
dm_createworkflow dm_process Create Workflow A workflow is created.
dm_delegated- dm_process Delegate Workitem A work item is
workitem delegated.
dm_finishworkflow dm_process Finish Workflow A workflow is
dm_pauseworkitem dm_process Pause Workitem A work item is paused.
dm_portselect dm_process Select Workflow Port Selection of output
ports by a user or
Content Server upon
completion of an
Note: This event is not
triggered if the activity
has a transition type of
dm_pseudocomplet- dm_process Pseudo_Complete A work item is marked
edworkitem Workitem as pseudo-completed
by Content Server
dm_removeattach- dm_process Remove Attachment An attachment is
ment removed from a
workflow or work
dm_removepackage dm_process Remove Workflow A package is removed
Package from a workflow
dm_repeatworkitem dm_process Repeat Workflow A work item is
Work Item repeated.
dm_resumeworkitem dm_process Resume Workitem A work item is

Content Server API Reference Manual 545

System Events

Event Target object type Event description Trigger

dm_selectedworkitem dm_process Select Workitem A work item is
dm_startworkflow dm_process Start Workflow A workflow is started.
dm_startedworkitem dm_process Start Workitem A work item is
dm_wf_autodelegate_ dm_process Auto Delegation Failed Automatic delegation
failure of an activity failed.

Lifecycle events
Table B–3, page 546 lists the events specific to lifecyles.

Table B-3. LIfecycle events

Event Target object type Event description Trigger

dm_bp_attach dm_sysobject Attach Lifecycle Attaching a lifecycle to
dm_retainer an object
dm_bp_demote dm_sysobject Demote from Lifecycle Demoting an object
dm_retainer State from a lifecycle state
dm_bp_promote dm_sysobject Promote to Lifecycle Promoting an object to
dm_retainer State a lifecycle state
dm_bp_resume dm_syobject Resume Lifecycle Resuming an object’s
dm_retainer suspended lifecycle
dm_bp_suspend dm_sysobject Suspend Lifecycle Suspending an object’s
dm_retainer lifecycle

546 Content Server API Reference Manual


A Addpackageinfo method, 60
a_compound_architecture attribute, 143, Addport method, 64
147 Addrendition method, 66
a_special_app attribute, 143, 147 Addroutecase method, 72
Abort method, 40 AEK file
ACLs opening, 269
assigning, 491 aliases
cache, flushing, 213 resolving, 382
default, assigning, 492 annotations
destroying, 188 Addnote method, 54
removing entries, 400 Removenote method, 358
setting permissions, 258 removing from objects, 358
Acquire method, 42 Anyevents method, 75
activities API (Application Program Interface)
adding packages, 60 events, auditable, 120
adding ports, 64 API (Application Programming Interface)
adding route cases, 72 enabling tracing, 456
adding to workflows, 44 executing DQL queries, 337, 342
halting, 265 methods, 39
installing, 289 shutting down server, 447
removing from process syntax, 39
definitions, 353 Append method, 77
removing packages, 360 Appendcontent method, 80
removing ports from, 367 Appendfile method, 82
removing routing cases, 371 Appendpart method, 84
restarting, 387 Appendstate method, 90
resuming, 392 application access control tokens
Setoutput method, 437 Connect method, 160
Setperformers method, 441 Dumploginticket method, 198
uninstalling, 472 application events, 121
validating, 494 applications
activity definitions Checkinapp method, 141
Invalidate method, 291 processing query results, 316
methods for, 34 Seek method, 413
Addactivity method, 44 Apply method
Adddigsignature method, 46 described, 92
Addesignature method, 48 operations, 93
Addlink method, 52 Archive method, 98
Addnote method, 54 archived documents, restoring, 389
Addpackage method, 56 archiving
Archive method, 98

Content Server API Reference Manual 547


dmarchive utility, 99 passwords

Assemble method, 100 encrypting, 201
assemblies tracing, 459
Assemble method, 100
Disassemble method, 190
freezing, 221
unfreezing, 469 backing up
Assume method, 106 Archive method, 98
Windows permissions Restore method, 389
requirements, 108 Begintran method, 127
Attach method, 111 Bindfile method, 129
permissions required, 112 Branch method, 131
attributes business policies
auditing values, 121 demoting objects, 176
changing values, 416 events, auditable, 121
datatype, determining, 171 installing, 289
methods related to, 23 promoting objects, 323
number of, determining, 164 resuming, 392
position, 318 suspending, 453
removing repeating attribute uninstalling, 472
values, 351 validating, 494
Repeating method and, 375, 377
retrieving, 194, 224 C
setting values, 416
Cachequery method, 133
value of repeating, 497
attributes_list attribute, 121 flushing, 213, 217
Audit method, 115 Changepassword method, 135
attribute values, auditing, 121
Checkin method, 138
audit trail attrs objects, 121 Checkinapp method, 141
audit trail entries
Checkout method, 146
fetching, 210
chronicle ID object
Verifyaudit method, 510 destroying, 188
audit trail objects
client applications
Createaudit method, 169
flushing cache, 217
auditing virtual documents, 432
all events, 121
client machines
Audit method, 115
tracing information, 459
Createaudit method, 169
Close method, 149
events, all instances, 120 collections
job start, 121
closing, 149
lifecycle events, 121
Getevents method, 239
object types, all instances, 119 Next method, 316
Signoff method, 449
Query method, 337
stopping, 466 Commit method, 151
Verifyaudit method, 510 Complete method, 153
workflow events, 120
concurrent sessions, 519
Authenticate method, 123
Connect method, 155
connection brokers
Authenticate method, 123
Getdocbasemap method, 235

548 Content Server API Reference Manual


Getdocbrokermap method, 237 D

Getservermap method, 256 data dictionary
tracing information, 459 cache, flushing, 213
connection pooling Publish_dd method, 329
Assume method, 106 Datatype method, 171
Flushconnectpool method, 219 default ACLs, 492
force_authenticate argument for default values
connect, 159 ACLs, 492
connections Delegate method, 174
assuming ownership, 106 Demote method, 176
Flushconnectpool method, 219 Dequeue method, 179
listing, 300 Dereference method, 181
methods related to, 15 Describe method, 184
subconnection identifier, 229 Destroy method, 186
consistency checks digital signatures
fetched objects, 211 Adddigsignature method, 46
content files Disassemble method, 190
copying into memory, 231 Disconnect method, 192
inserting, 274, 277 dm_change_password program, 136
renditions, adding, 66 dm_changepriorityworkitem event, 444
retrieving, 241 dm_close_all function, 516
sharing, 129 dm_close_content function, 517
storage locations, retrieving, 253 DM_CRYPTO_FILE (environment
content objects variable), 202
methods that work with, 26 dm_deinit_content function, 518
Setcontentattrs method, 427 dm_init_content function, 519
Content Server dm_jobstart event, 121
communicating with, 13 dm_open_content function, 520
Connect method, 155 dm_plugin_version function, 522
Disconnect method, 192 dm_read_content function, 523
enabling tracing, 456 dmarchive utility, 99
flushing cache, 217 DMCL (client library)
Getservermap method, 256 Getdocbrokermap method, 237
methods for communicating with, 13 type cache, 293
Reinit method, 349 dmcl.ini file
Restart method, 386 apiconfig keyword in Set method, 417
retrieving information about, 224 Get method and apiconfig
shutting down, 447 keyword, 225
content-addressed storage areas Getdocbasemap method and, 236
copying objects to, 411 Getservermap method, 257
contents secure_connect_default, 161
reading specific portions, 413 dmi_audittrail_attr objects, 121
removing, 355 dmi_dd_attr_info objec type, 330
removing renditions, 368 dmi_dd_common_info object type, 330
Restore method, 389 dmi_dd_type_info object type, 330
Count method, 164 documents, 98
Create method, 167 See also virtual documents
Createaudit method, 169 annotations, 54
Archive method, 98

Content Server API Reference Manual 549


content files API, 120

adding with Appendcontent, 80 application-defined, 121
adding with Appendfile, 82 auditing, 115
adding with Insertcontent, 274 auditing all, 121
adding with Insertfile, 277 auditing all occurrences, 120
copying with Saveasnew method, 409 dm_changepriorityworkitem, 444
linking to cabinets/folders, 297 Getevents method, 239
methods for printing, 29 lifecycle, 121
permissions required to attach to polling for, 75
lifecycle, 112 registering for, 346
removing content, 355 removing registrations, 484
removing links, 474 system-defined, 539
renditions workflow, 120
adding, 66 exceptional route case
removing, 368 adding, 72
replacing content file, 434 removing, 371
retrieving from repository, 396 Execquery method, 203
setting content location with Execsql method, 205
Mount, 312 Execute method, 207
setting content with Setcontent, 424 external applications
setting content with Setfile, 434 Createaudit method, 169
setting content with Setpath, 439 external procedures
DQL (Document Query Language) Apply method, 92
Cachequery method and, 133 Checkinapp method, 141
Execquery method and, 203 external storage
Getlastcoll method and, 245 Mount method, 312
methods that work with, 25
queries, caching, 334
query cache, flushing, 213
query method and, 337 Fetch method, 209
Query_cmd method and, 334 audit trail entries and, 210
Readquery method and, 342 Flush method, 213
dump files Flushcache method, 217
archiving and, 390 Flushconnectpool method, 219
Dump method, 194 folders
Dumpconnection method, 196 linking to, 297
Dumploginticket method, 198 removing links, 474
contents and Bindfile method, 130
E file formats for renditions, 66
electronic signatures implicit labels for Mark method, 310
Addesignature method, 48 Freeze method, 221
Verifyesignature method, 512 functions
Encryptpass method, 201 Apply method, 93
environment variables C functions for external storage, 515
error messages
Getmessage method, 251
Listmessage method, 302 Get method, 224
events Getconnection

550 Content Server API Reference Manual


secure connections and, 230 K

Getconnection method, 229 key store
Getcontent method, 231 location, defining, 202
Getdocbasemap method, 235 Kill method, 295
Getdocbrokermap method, 237
Getevents method, 239
Getfile method, 241 L
Getlastcoll method, 245 lifecycle states
Getlogin method, 247 appending to definition, 90
Getmessage method, 251 inserting in definition, 287
Getpath method, 253 removing from definition, 373
Getservermap method, 256 reordering in definition, 314
Grant method, 258 lifecycles
groups attaching to objects, 111
granting permissions to, 260 destroying, 187
permissions to attach, 112
removing from objects, 111
H lifecyles
Halt method, 265 methods for, 31
Link method
I described, 297
Id method, 267 links
identifiers adding to process definitions, 52
session, 229 removing from process
subconnection, 229 definitions, 357
inboxes removing with Unlink method, 474
methods related to, 36 Listconnection method, 300
polling for events, 75 Listmessage method, 302
queueing items, 339 Local common area, purging, 332
removing queued items, 179 Locate method, 304
retrieving items, 239 Lock method, 306
Initcrypto method, 269 locking
Insert method, 271 Checkout method and, 146
Insertcontent method, 274 database level, 306
Insertfile method, 277 removing locks, 477
Insertpart method, 280 tracing lock information, 458
Insertstate method, 287 login tickets
Install method, 289 Dumploginticket method, 198
intention locks, removing, 477 expiration, configuring, 249
Invalidate method, 291 Getlogin method, 247
invisible packages, see packages multiple servers and, 126
Iscached method, 293 scope, defining, 249
session, 459
J tracing and, 458
jobs Lpq method, 308
auditing execution start, 121
Mark method, 310

Content Server API Reference Manual 551


maximums saving, 405

login tickets, 249 setting attribute values, 416
rows returned to server, 422 setting state, 380
methods sharing content, 129
activity definition related, 34 suspending lifecycle, 453
Initcrypto, 269 unfreezing, 469
Lock, 306 Offset method, 318
Resolvealias, 382
server communication, 13
work item related, 36
workflow definition related, 33 packages
workflow-related, 32 adding, 56, 60
mirror objects detaching, 360
Dereference method, 181 invisible, 61
Refresh method, 344 referencing in route cases, 73
Mount method, 312 removing from ports, 362
Movestate method, 314 removing notes from, 358
Changepassword method, 135
N encrypting, 201
Next method, 316 Getlogin method and, 247
notes specifying in Signoff method, 450
adding, 54 Pause method, 320
removing from packages, 358 performance
Execquery method readquery
flag, 203
O Fetch method and, 209
object types Kill method and, 296
auditing all instances of, 119 load, and trace level 11, 458
Iscached method, 293 maximum number of rows returned
objects to server, 422
assigning ACLs, 491 Readquery method, 342
attaching and removing lifecycles, 111 permissions
attributes, retrieving, 194 assigning ACLs, 491
caching on client, 211 granting, 258
copying with Saveasnew, 409 unsaved changes, 398
Create method, 167 persistent caching, 211
demoting, 176 plug-in libraries
destroying, 186 API interface, 515
fetching from repository, 209 backwards compatibility, 522
ID, retrieving, 267 global internal cleanup, 518
locking in database, 306 initializing content, 519
making immutable, 221 internal cleanup after read
methods for handling, 18 operations, 517
promoting, 323 reading content data, 523
refetching from repository, 398 retrieving content, 520
refreshing fetched, 211 terminating sessions, 516
removing annotations from, 358 ports
resuming business policies, 392 adding, 64
retrieving from repository, 396 defining with Setoutput method, 437

552 Content Server API Reference Manual


removing, 367 Refresh method, 344

removing packages from, 360, 362 Register method, 346
Print method, 321 registered tables
printing attributes of, retrieving, 184
methods related to, 29 registry cache, flushing, 213
Print method, 321 Reinit method, 349
queue status, determining, 308 Remove method, 351
removing job from print queue, 482 Removeactivity method, 353
procedures Removecontent method, 355
Apply method, 92 Removelink method, 357
process definitions Removenote method, 358
installing, 289 Removepackage method, 360
Invalidate method, 291 Removepackageinfo method, 362
removing activities from, 353 Removepart method, 364
removing links, 357 Removeport method, 367
removing ports from, 367 Removerendition method, 368
Setperformers method, 441 Removeroutecase method, 371
uninstalling, 472 Removestate method, 373
validating, 494 removing
Promote method, 323 objects with Destroy method, 186
Prune method, 326 renditions
Publish_dd method, 329 adding, 66
Purgelocal method, 332 removing, 368
Repeat method, 375
repeating attributes
Q determining number of values, 497
queries index value, determining, 304
executing from application, 337 Insert method, 271
processing with Next method, 316 removing values, 351, 462
setbatchhint method, 422 values, adding, 77
query caching Repeating method, 377
Cachequery method, 133 repositories
Query method, 337 connecting, 106
Query_cmd method, 334 Dumpconnection method, 196
Queue method, 339 Getconnection method, 229
queues, printer Getdocbasemap method, 235
listing, 308 querying with methods, 25
Print method, 321 repository sessions
removing jobs from, 482 closing, 295
queues, user, see inboxes Reset method, 380
quotes Resolvealias method, 382
date pattern specifications, 227 Restart method, 386
Restore method, 389
R Resume method, 392
RDBMS retention policies
Saveasnew and, 410
database locks, setting, 306
Retrieve method, 396
maximum number of rows returned
Revert method, 398
to server, 422
Revoke method, 400
Readquery method, 342
route cases

Content Server API Reference Manual 553


adding, 72 Shutdown method, 447

defining conditions, 73 Signoff method, 449
removing, 371 single-repository configurations
login tickets and, 126
SQL (Structured Query Language)
S executing statements, 205
Save method, 405 tracing statements, 458
Saveasnew states
retention policies and, 410 adding to policy objects with
Saveasnew method, 409 Appendstate, 90
Setcontentattrs method and, 411 demoting, 176
secure connection modes, setting, 161 inserting with Insertstate, 287
secure connections promoting objects, 323
Getconnection and, 230 rearranging, 314
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) removing, 373
using, 161 resuming from exceptional, 392
secure_connect_default (dmcl.ini subconnections
key), 161 identifier, 229
secure_connect_mode attribute, 161 listing, 300
security methods related to, 15
Adddigsignature method, 46 Trusted Content Services and, 230
Addesignature method, 48 Suspend method, 453
Verifyesignature method, 512 symbolic version labels
Seek method, 413 assigning, 310
server.ini file removing, 480
workflow_security_disabled key, 444 syntax
servers API (Application Programming
secure_connect_mode attribute, 161 Interface), 39
session log files, 459 system administration
sessions Apply method, 92
caches, flushing, 213 methods for, 15
Disconnect method, 192 system-defined events, 539
Dumpconnection method, 196
error messages, retrieving, 302
Getconnection method, 229 T
Getlogin method, 247 ticketed logins
Getmessage method, 251 Connect method, 160
terminating, 295 tokens, in routing conditions, 73
Set method, 416 Trace method, 456
Setbatchhint method, 422 transactions
Setcontent method, 424 aborting, 40
Setcontentattrs method, 427 Begintran method, 127
using with Saveasnew, 411 Commit method, 151
Setdoc method, 432 Truncate method, 462
Setfile method, 434 Trusted Content Server
Setoutput method, 437 secure connection mode, setting, 161
Setpath method, 439 type definition and default ACLs, 492
Setperformers method, 441 Type method, 464
Setpriority method, 443 types
Setsupervisor method, 445 attribute descriptions, retrieving, 184

554 Content Server API Reference Manual


obtaining information about, 464 components, adding, 84

Insertpart method, 280
locating component paths, 501, 506
U methods related to, 29
Unaudit method, 466 r_is_virtual_doc attribute, 432
Unfreeze method, 469 Removepart method, 364
Uninstall method, 472 unfreezing assemblies, 469
Unlink method Updatepart method, 486
described, 474
Unlock method, 477
Unmark method, 480 W
Unprint method, 482 work items
Unregister method, 484 acquiring, 42
Updatepart method, 486 finishing, 153
Useacl method, 491 methods for, 36
user authentication pausing, 320
passwords priority, changing, 443
encrypting, 201 Queue method, 339
users reassigning, 174
Authenticate method, 123 referencing in route cases, 73
default ACLs, 492 resuming, 392
granting permissions to, 260 workflow definitions
Addactivity method, 44
methods for, 33
V workflow_security_disabled (server.ini
Validate method, 494 key), 444
Values method, 497 workflows
Vdmpath method, 501 adding packages, 56
Vdmpathdql method, 506 events, auditable, 120
Verifyaudit method, 510 halting, 265
Verifyesignature method, 512 methods for, 32
versions Queue method, 339
assigning labels, 310 referencing in route cases, 73
creating, 131, 138, 141 restarting, 207, 387
removing multiple, 326 resuming, 392
removing symbolic labels, 480 Setperformers method, 441
versions trees starting, 207
root, destroying, 188 supervisor, changing, 445
virtual documents
Assemble method, 100

Content Server API Reference Manual 555


556 Content Server API Reference Manual

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