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Studio Rates-Simone Tripodi

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Simone Tripodi

Music Production/Recording Engineer/Sound Design

Full Digital Recording System Pro Tools 9 Hard Disk Recording
Film and Music Industry Standard.
Studio and Production Rates:

!O!u!r! r! !a!t!e!s! !a!r!e! !f!o!r! !a! !m!i!n!i!m!u!m! !9!-!h!o!u!r! !d!a!y! !(!n!o!r!m!a!l! l!y! !1!0!a!m! ! !7!p!m!)! !-!
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!M!o!b!i!l!e! !R!e!c!o!r!di! !n!g! !f!r!o!m! !4!9!5! !p!e!r! !d!a!y! !i!n!c!l!u!d!i!n!g! !1!s!t! !e!n!g!i!n!e!e!r!,!
!d!e!p!e!n!d!i!n!g! !o!n! !r!e!q!u!i!r!e!m!e!n!t!s! ! !p!l!e!a!s!e! !c!a!l!l! Simone at: 07849 340 795
Backing tracks:
We got an extensive range and selection of backing tracks available for
our Clients and new coming Artists.
Backing songs are: 1000 pounds per track song.
Mastering: 200 pounds x songs
(this is a an extremely key part of the process and final part of the
production which is key to deliver the highest quality industry

!T!o! !b!o!o!k! !o!n!l!i!n!e! !o!r! !v!i!e!w! !a!v!a!i!l!a!b!i!l!i!t!y!,! !please mail:

tripodi.simone@gmail.com or ring 07849 340 795
9 hours booking minimum is required.

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