Ann Tutorial
Ann Tutorial
Ann Tutorial
Martin H. Luerssen
School of Informatics & Engineering Flinders University of South Australia GPO Box 2100 Adelaide 5001 Australia
Part of the assignment work for the topic COMP3007 Artificial Intelligence involves the training and evaluation of artificial neural networks on the problem of classifying characters in the UCI Artificial Characters Database. This tutorial is designed to give students the necessary background to accomplish this task. Essential MATLAB commands are introduced to the reader, as are the Neural Network toolbox (version 4) and various aspects of the UCI database. We also present a complete run-through of the required data pre-processing, neural network training, and results interpretation, with detailed instructions and hands-on examples.
1 Setup
Before continuing, please ensure that you have a copy of the UCI Artificial Characters Database in your home directory. It is available from the UCI machine learning repository at, but you can also find it in the neural/artichar subdirectory of the COMP3007 directory. cp -R /opt/teaching/comp3007/neural/artichar . Copying the entire directory requires around 18MB of disk space in your account. You can save 11MB by deleting several unnecessary files. rm m* *.zip You also need access to MATLAB R13 or R14 with the Neural Networks Toolbox Version 4.X. If you are using other versions of MATLAB or the toolbox, please note that some of the instructions, particularly in section 3, may not be correct. MATLAB can be started from any UNIX terminal and is also present on the PCs in the PC lab. In a UNIX shell, type matlab if you want the graphical user interface or matlab -nodesktop if you want to work in text mode (e.g. over Telnet). Be aware that simulating neural networks is computationally expensive, so try not to do it on a terminal in a full lab. Using the PCs is preferable in this respect, but you cannot use the convert program (see section 3.1) directly on a PC.
MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) is a programming language and a development environment for matrix-based computation. It integrates an editor, an interpreter, and numerous visualisation tools in a single, powerful application. MATLAB can be extended
with toolboxes, which implement various algorithms commonly used in science and engineering. Of particular interest to us here is the Neural Network Toolbox, which constitutes one of the most comprehensive neural network packages currently available. While it is quite easy to create and run neural networks with this toolbox, some elementary knowledge of MATLAB is necessary. The best way to learn MATLAB is to use it, so you should follow the examples in the next few subsections and then experiment a little on your own.
Figure 1: The graphical user interface of MATLAB with the most significant features highlighted.
2.1 The Basics The >> prompt in the Command Window is where statements written in the MATLAB programming language can be entered for evaluation. They can be mathematical expression such as >> 1 + 1 (i.e. you have typed 1+1 at the prompt) to which MATLAB will unsurprisingly respond with ans = 2 Variables and functions also exist in MATLAB, for example >> A = cos(0.7) A = 0.7648 assigns the return value of the cosine function to variable A. By default, MATLAB echoes the value of the assigned variable (as shown in green above). If you like to avoid this, use a semicolon after your statement. >> A = cos(0.7); The variables that have been defined are visible in the Workspace (click on the Workspace tab if the Launch Pad is in its place). You can delete all the presently defined variables with the clear command. >> clear 2
2.2 Into the Matrix Data in MATLAB, including the data that will be passed into our neural networks, is typically handled as matrices. A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers, and a matrix with R rows and C columns is referred to as an RxC matrix. The following is a 3x4 matrix: 4 7 3 1 5 6 2 9 0 8 1 4 In MATLAB, you can define this matrix and store it in a variable of your, such as A. >> A = [ 4 7 3 1; 5 6 2 9; 0 8 1 4]; The spaces between numbers here separate each column, whereas the semicolon indicates that a new row should begin. Sometimes it is useful to exchange the rows of a matrix with its columns. This is called transposing the matrix, and we can do this in MATLAB with the apostrophe () operator. >> B = A' B = 4 5 0 7 6 8 3 2 1 1 9 4 The value in a particular row and column can be accessed by using a 2-dimensional index, where the first element is the row and the second is the column. >> B(2,3) ans = 8 You can also take the entire row or column by using a colon (:) instead of a numerical index. >> B(2,:) ans = 7 6 8 A 1xC matrix (such as this) or an Rx1 matrix may also be referred to as a vector. 2.3 Help! All MATLAB functions, including those in the toolboxes, are described in help files, which are accessible with the following commands: help name helpwin name lookfor name prints the help file for name in the Command Window shows the help file in a browser (with hyperlinks) returns a list of all the commands containing the word name in their respective help files
If you just type help (or helpwin), MATLAB will give you a basic overview of the help topics, as shown below. HELP topics matlab/general matlab/ops matlab/lang (various toolboxes) nnet/nnet (various other toolboxes) General purpose commands. Operators and special characters. Programming language constructs. Neural Network Toolbox
So if you wish to know something about the Neural Network Toolbox, you can type help nnet/nnet (or just help nnet, because the help function explores all subcategories automatically). This gives you a list of the functions that make up the Neural Network Toolbox. Neural Network Toolbox Version 4.0.4 (R14SP1) 05-Sep-2004 Graphical user interface functions. nntool - Neural Network Toolbox graphical user interface. (various commands) New networks. network - Create a custom neural network. newc - Create a competitive layer. newcf - Create a cascade-forward backpropagation network. newelm - Create an Elman backpropagation network. newff - Create a feed-forward backpropagation network. (more commands) Typing help netff will provide you with instructions on how to use the netff function, which creates feed-forward backpropagation networks. These instructions are quite sufficient if you already know what youre doing, but otherwise they may seem a bit concise. It is therefore a good idea to also have a look at the proper documentation of the Neural Network Toolbox, which you can find in the Help menu or by pressing F1 and choosing the Neural Network Toolbox in the Help Navigator on the left-hand side of the Help window. 2.4 Scripting Sequences of commands can be saved as a script. You can use the M-file editor to edit scripts, but any text editor is fine. Scripting is particularly convenient if you intend to use more complex programming constructs such as while loops and if statements. A script can also be encapsulated into a function, so that parameters can be passed and values returned from the call to the script.
Figure 2: Example script that prints the first 20 numbers in the Fibonacci sequence.
A script has to be saved with a .m extension. You can then execute the script by calling its name, e.g. if the script is named fibonacci.m (as in Figure 2), you can type fibonacci at the prompt. However, you need to make sure the script is located in the working directory of MATLAB. The current working directory is revealed with the pwd command (as in a UNIX shell). You can also list the directory contents with ls and change the working directory with cd (e.g. cd /opt/teaching/comp3007/neural/artichar). A script named play.m is already present in the artichar directory. It will train and simulate a neural network, but it is in fact not a very useful script, since it was written for an earlier version of MATLAB. 2.5 You dont like me? If the above introduction to MATLAB left you confused or perhaps yearning for more, there are several excellent tutorials available on the Internet. You may want to check the following out:
3 Neural Networks
An artificial neural network is a circuit composed of many simple processing units referred to as neurons, which are inspired by their (much more complex) biological counterparts in the brain. Each neuron receives inputs from several other neurons; it then performs some basic processing on these inputs and passes the result on to other neurons. Each connection typically has a weight associated with it, which affects the strength of the signal that passes along this connection. With the right choice of neurons, connections, and weights, a neural network can do any processing you like, but 5
how would you come up with the right choice? Neural networks are so popular because researchers have devised ways of automatically learning certain aspects of network design, particularly the value of the weights, just by showing examples of the problem to the network. In order to properly understand neural networks, you really need to read up on them. There are several good books in the library, I suggest: Neural network design / Martin T. Hagan, Howard B. Demuth, Mark Beale Central Library 006.32 H141n Neural networks : a comprehensive foundation / Simon Haykin Central Library 006.32 H419n Additionally, you can find plenty of information on neural networks by searching the Internet, although the quality of the results is frequently poor. Neural network tutorials specific to MATLAB are also available, but be aware that some might refer to older versions of the relevant toolbox. Here are some suggested neural network links: A valuable resource is also:
(Hidden) Layer
(Ch ar a ct e
Output Layer
Confidence (0-1)
Is it letter A?
Is it letter C?
Is it letter D?
3.1 Character Recognition Character recognition involves the translation of handwritten or typewritten text captured by a scanner into machine-editable text. This technology has long been used by libraries to make old documents available electronically. The task is made difficult by variations in how the characters are drawn. Neural networks are particularly adept at overcoming this problem, because they can learn to extract the features that are most relevant to the recognition of the characters. Our goal hence is to create a neural network, as shown in Figure 3, that takes a picture of a character as an input and tells us which letter of the alphabet it represents. The source of our character pictures will be the UCI Artificial Characters Database. If you have completed the setup in section 1, you should already have the database in your own artichar directory. The database contains artificially distorted pictures of characters of the alphabetic letters A, C, D, E, F, G, H, L, P, and R. Each character is represented by a set of line segments stored in files in the learning and testing subdirectories. However, lines are not a suitable data format to feed into a neural network. We need something as in Figure 4: a set of points/pixels. Fortunately, we can easily convert from lines into pixels by using the convert program located in the artichar directory. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Figure 4: You can use the showpat program to show the characters of your pattern file.
Convert generates two files: pattern and target. The pattern file contains all the characters you selected to convert, with each row holding a 12x8 (=96) bit array indicating the pixels that define our character. The target file specifies the identity of each character in the pattern file, so, for example, 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 indicates that the first three rows/characters of the pattern file represent the letters A (1st letter of the available alphabet), D (3rd letter), and F (5th letter). Several instances of pattern and target files are already located in artichar and its subdirectories, but you should generate your own, so you know what letters your network is trying to recognise. It is also important to create separate sets for training and testing (and validation, if you like to be thorough), each of which should hold differ7
ent characters of the same letters (i.e. different ranges, see below). gives a proper explanation of the different uses of training, testing, and validation sets.
chars-to-convert: any combination of a, c, d, e, f, g, h, l, p, and r range-begin, range-end: the range of characters of each of the above letters that you want to have converted; so 10 25 would choose characters no. 10 to no. 25 of a, c, d etc. directory: location to read characters from, either learn/ or test/; there are 100 instances of each letter in learn/ and 500 in test/. There is nothing special about either directory despite their different names, so you can pick any you like. Examples: ./convert -2c acdfgr 1 20 learn/ will convert characters 1-20 of the letters A, C, D, F, G, and R from directory learn/ ./convert -2c dgp 100 300 test/ will convert characters 100-300 of the letters D, G, and P from directory test/ NB: You dont need to use a UNIX shell to call convert (although you will need to at least run MATLAB on a UNIX terminal). In MATLAB you can call any UNIX command by putting an exclamation mark (!) in front of the command, so !./convert -2c dgp 100 300 test/ will do just the same as the example above.
3.2 Creating the Neural Network The first step in using a neural network is to create one. You can create a network using the functions listed under New Networks when you type help nnet. For now, we will focus on a standard neural network, the feedforward backpropagation network. A new instance of this network can be constructed with the newff function. As help newff informs us, NEWFF(PR,[S1 S2...SNl],{TF1 TF2...TFNl},BTF,BLF,PF) has six arguments: PR is an Rx2 matrix of min and max values for R input elements. We have 96 input elements (see section 3.1) consisting of 0s and 1s, so PR = [zeros(96,1) ones(96,1)].
[S1 S2...SNl] is a vector of layer sizes, i.e. the number of neurons in each stage of the network. For our chosen type of network, it is a good idea to have a layer in addition to the outputs. Well just make a guess and put 4 neurons into this layer. The output layer, the last value in the vector, has to be equal to the number of different letters we expect, as each output indicates a separate letter (see Figure 3). So the vector is [4 6] if we assume we called on !./convert -2c acdfgr 1 20 learn/ earlier. {TF1 TF2...TFNl} is a special kind of matrix, a cell array hence the curly brackets. It specifies for each layer what kind of processing the neurons are expected to do; see Transfer Functions in the help documentation for more on this. Lets pick logsig for all layers = {logsig logsig}. BTF is the training function, where you again have multiple choices. The default is trainlm, which is very memory hungry, so well be using traingdx instead. BLF is irrelevant for this task, so we will leave it as default. PF, the error measure, should be consistent between your experiments and/or with your method of interpreting the results, so we will leave it as default here as well. With all the network arguments having been decided upon, we can create our network and store it in a variable called mynet. >> mynet = newff([zeros(96,1) ones(96,1)], [4 6], {'logsig' 'logsig'}, 'traingdx');
Figure 5: According to the MATLAB nntool, the mynet network looks like this, with 96 inputs, 4 neurons in the hidden layer, and 6 outputs.
3.3 Loading the Character Data Before showing the characters to the network, they need to be loaded into MATLAB. For this you need valid pattern and target files; section 3.1 provided you with instructions on how to go about this. For the examples below I used pattern and target files from a call to !./convert -2c acdfgr 1 20 learn/. The resulting files can be read into MATLAB with the load function. >> P = load('-ascii', 'pattern'); >> T = load('-ascii', 'target'); This reads a file called pattern into variable P and a file called target into variable T (if you are using different file names, substitute these here). Each row in the matrix P contains pixels of a character, and each row in the matrix T shows the iden-
tity of that character. However, the neural network training function requires each column (not row) to hold this information, so we need to transpose these matrices. >> P = P'; >> T = T'; Another potential problem is that the target file always specifies which of the 10 letters a particular character represents, even if youre using fewer than 10 letters in your experiment. Previously, we proposed to create a network with as many outputs as letters used, so if you want to compare network outputs against the targets in T, then T must also be reduced to only those letters actually used. >> T = T(find(sum(T')), :); 3.4 Training the Neural Network Manually setting the weights of each link between each neuron would be very challenging and tedious. Fortunately, neural networks can be automatically trained so that a particular input pattern leads to a specific target output. Typically many pattern/target pairs are needed to train a network properly. Weve loaded a fair number of those into MATLAB in the previous section. However, before we start training, we have to adjust some of the training parameters, which are stored in the trainParam structure array of the network. >> mynet.trainParam ans = epochs: 100 goal: 0 lr: 0.0100 lr_dec: 0.7000 lr_inc: 1.0500 max_fail: 5 max_perf_inc: 1.0400 mc: 0.9000 min_grad: 1.0000e-06 show: 25 time: Inf The goal is 0, i.e. no error on the problem task, but this is unlikely to be achieved, as we are only training for a maximum of 100 epochs. Each epoch is a presentation of all the pattern/target pairs to the learning network. This is not quite enough for the traingdx algorithm, however, so we will reset it to 500 epochs. mynet.trainParam.epochs = 500; Thats it! We are now ready to train the network mynet using patterns P and targets T and storing the newly trained network back into the variable mynet. mynet = train(mynet,P,T);
A curve of the performance of the network at each epoch is shown during training. Training is likely to continue until the 500th epoch, although the training algorithm may decide earlier that further training is not worthwhile.
3.5 Testing the Neural Network Figure 6 indicates that our neural network trained well, as the error at the final epoch looks pretty low. So did our network learn to recognise the chosen letters? If a large network is trained for many epochs, it can simply memorise the correct answer for each character and thus fail to recognise any new characters. This problem is known as overfitting. To properly evaluate our network, it is necessary to test it on a different set of characters than the one used for training. >> !./convert -2c acdfgr 1 20 test/ >> >> >> >> >> P T P T T = = = = = load('-ascii', 'pattern'); load('-ascii', 'target'); P'; T'; T(find(sum(T')), :);
(first 20 characters, but from the test/ directory now)
The sim function presents all the patterns in P to mynet. The output of the network can then be stored in a variable Y. >> Y = sim(mynet,P);
Neural networks produce real numbers as outputs, which are therefore rarely exactly 0 or 1. Lets be easy on the network and assume that the biggest output is the networks best guess of the presented letter. Y can be converted so that the biggest output is 1 and all other outputs are 0. >> Y = (Y == ones(size(Y,1),1)*max(Y)); Now all that is needed is to compare Y against the actual targets T to see whether mynet got them right. This can be visualised as a confusion matrix, where each column represents the predicted instances of a character, while each row represents the actual instances of a character. The following script will create such a matrix and store it in variable C. >> >> >> >> [I,x] = find(T); [K,x] = find(Y); C = zeros(size(Y,1)) for i = 1 : size(Y,2) C(I(i),K(i)) = C(I(i),K(i)) + 1; end
Since 20 characters of each letter were tested in our experiment, a perfect result would show all 20s in the main diagonal of the matrix, i.e. all the predicted letters are the actual letters. Our results arent quite that perfect. For example, the 3 (under the 18) indicates that the network thought that 3 characters were Cs when they really were Gs. Recognition performance is often given as the precision and recall of the network, which can be computed from the confusion matrix; both are around 91% for mynet. You can read more about this topic here:
4 Final Words
Can we get better results than the above? Its up to you to find out! Many different kinds of networks can be used for character recognition. Some dont require training (e.g. Radial Basis networks) and some dont need targets (e.g. Self-organising maps). There are also many parameters that can be varied, including the training function and variables, the transfer function, and the architecture of the network. For instance, networks with more neurons will train more easily, but are also more likely to overfit. Maybe you should train with more different characters instead? What is the best compromise? Go and explore!