Axiety in Health
Axiety in Health
Axiety in Health
S W I S S M E D W K LY 2 0 0 2 ; 1 3 2 : 3 2 1 3 2 4 w w w . s m w . c h
Anxiety in health care workers after exposure to potentially HIV-contaminated blood or body fluids
Fabian Meienberga, Heiner C. Buchera, b, Lucas Sponagela, Christine Zinkernagelc, Niklaus Gyra, Manuel Battegaya
b c
Outpatient Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Basel and Division of Infectious Diseases Institute of Clinical Epidemiology, University Hospital Basel Outpatient Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Basel
In order to measure anxiety in health care workers (HCWs) reporting occupational exposures to potentially contaminated body fluids, we enrolled 55 HCWs in a prospective study. Percutaneous and mucous membrane exposures were most frequent. 27% of study participants estimated their risk of HIV-infection as above 1%. Personality bound anxiety was not high, but acute anxiety showed a high variability. In a multiple regression model high personality bound anxiety, lower age and being a HCW other than physician independently predicted higher acute anxiety scores. No HIV or hepatitis C virus infection occurred. HCWs encounter significant anxiety after occupational exposure to potentially contaminated body fluids despite the possibility of potent post exposure prophylaxis. Key words: health care workers; HIV; exposure
Extensive measures have been undertaken to prevent transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in health care workers (HCW) [12]. Nevertheless, exposure to potentially infectious blood or other body fluids, in particular needle stick injuries, is still frequent and probably underreported [38]. The risk of HIV-transmission after percutaneous exposure to HIV-infected blood is approximately 0.3% [9]. In our experience HCWs are often subject to anxiety following occupational exposure to potentially contaminated material. Studies examining this issue are scarce or lacking, especially for the period following introduction of the potent antiretroviral therapies [1012]. Despite the dramatic reduction of morbidity and mortality of HIV-infection and effective post exposure prophylaxis, anxiety may still be high after occupational exposure [1315]. Hence, our aim was to investigate anxiety at the time of reporting occupational exposure.
This work was supported by the Cantonal Authorities of the Canton BaselStadt, Switzerland and the University Hospital Basel
Statistical analysis. We used the Mann-Whitney test for differences of scores between different subgroups. We conducted a stepwise backwards multiple regression to define factors predicting state anxiety. The following factors were included in the model: trait anxiety, gender, age, type of exposure (percutaneous versus others), self-estimated risk of HIV transmission (<1% versus >1%) and occupational group (physician versus others).
processes. We used the validated German version with two scales. State anxiety is an emotional state characterised by tension, worry, nervousness, and fear of impending events, varying in time and depending on the situation. Trait anxiety is a relatively stable property of an individual, associated with the tendency to interpret a situation as harmful. State and trait values are generated by 20 questions with answers rated from 14. The normal values of the inventory were derived in 1977 from a reference population of 2385 subjects [16].
Table 1 Demographics of health care workers (HCWs), description of exposures, and self-perceived HIV transmission risk by HCWs (n = 55).
Patient characteristics age (years) gender (male) occupational group nursing staff physician medical student nursing staff in training laboratory staff radiology staff type of exposure percutaneous mucous membrane eye mouth nonintact skin
mean 37
range 2160
27 12 6 5 3 2
49 22 11 9 5.5 3.5
40 10 8 2
73 18 14 4 59
percutaneous exposures device prior in source patients artery or vein yes no unknown / not reported type of device needle blade scissors wire others unknown depth of injury deep (local bleeding) superficial (scratch) unknown / not reported visible blood on device yes no unknown / not reported self-perceived risk* <1% 15% >5% 40 9 6 73 16 11 21 18 1 52.2 45 2.5 27 11 2 67.5 27.5 5 26 4 3 2 4 1 65 10 7.5 5 10 2.5 17 19 4 42.5 47.5 10
* Health care workers were asked to assess the risk for HIV transmission in their present situation.
In the 6-month study period 129 HCWs consulted the occupational health service (n = 57) or the emergency division (n = 72) after occupational exposure. Of the 57 HCWs, 55 participated in the study; two HCWs refused without giving a specific reason. Most participants belonged to the nursing staff (n = 27), followed by physicians (n = 12) (table 1). Time between exposure and consultation varied between less than 5 minutes and up to 6 days with a median of 90 minutes 8 1452 (range). The most frequent type of exposure was percutaneous (73%) and most of these percutaneous injuries were deep (n = 27) (table 1). In 21 cases (52%) of percutaneous exposure the object which led to the injury was contaminated with visible blood (table 1). Further details about exposures and perceived risk are given in table 1. In 51 cases the source patient was known, in four cases unknown. Though HIV-testing was performed immediately, serology results of source patients were known to physicians and HCW only after completion of the questionnaire. Beforehand, one source patient was known to be HIV-infected and another hepatitis C virus infected. Measures of trait anxiety levels are shown in table 2. The mean levels of trait anxiety of men and women were below the mean levels of the reference population. Average state anxiety scores of men showed similar levels compared to reference scores of men in the reference population, whereas state anxiety scores of women showed significantly higher levels compared to reference scores (table 2). Men experienced significantly lower levels of state anxiety than women (p = 0.04). Physicians had significantly lower state anxiety levels than other HCWs (Mann-Whitney, p = 0.01) (table 2). HCWs with a low (<1%) self-perceived HIV transmission risk tended to have lower state anxiety levels than those HCWs, who considered their risk to be higher (p = 0.09). HCWs with percutaneous exposures with or without deep injuries did not demonstrate higher state anxiety. In the two cases where HIV or hepatitis C virus infection was known beforehand, state anxiety was not particularly high. Stepwise multiple regression showed that higher trait anxiety, younger age and occupational groups other than physician independently and significantly predicted higher state anxiety
S W I S S M E D W K LY 2 0 0 2 ; 1 3 2 : 3 2 1 3 2 4 w w w . s m w . c h
Table 2 Trait and state anxiety at the time of reporting occupational exposure.
n Trait anxiety* Trait entire study population Trait men Trait women State anxiety** Analyses by subgroups State entire study population State men State women State physicians State non-physicians State self-perceived HIV transmission risk <1% State self-perceived HIV transmission risk >1% State percutaneous exposures State other type of exposures State deep injury State superficial injury State time to consultation <8 h State time to consultation >8 h * 15 40 15 27 11 33 6 40 55 18 37 12 43 54 18 36
std. dev.
30 26.5 32
43 38.5 50 35 44
44 43 41 44 40 40 35
Scores of the reference population; men: n = 1107, mean score 34.5 8 8.8; women: n = 1278, mean score 37.0 8 10.0. ** Scores of the reference population; men: n = 1107, mean score 36.8 8 9.8; women: n = 1278, mean score 38.1 8 10.3. *** p-values were calculated by Mann-Whitney test comparing the two subgroups.
coef. Trait anxiety score Age Non-physicians versus physicians Type of exposure (percutaneous versus others) .86 .34 8.63 2.07
* Following factors were included in the model: age, gender, occupational group (physician versus others), trait-anxiety scores, self-perceived HIV transmission risk (<1% versus >1%), type of exposure (percutaneous versus others). This table shows factors contributing to the model (R-squared = 0.3948). The type of exposure, gender and selfperceived HIV-transmission risk did not contribute to the model.
(table 3). The type of exposure, gender and selfperceived risk for HIV transmission did not contribute to the model. In six situations (11%) post exposure prophylaxis was recommended and started. In 41 cases (75%) a post exposure prophylaxis was not recommended. In the eight remaining HCWs (14%) the physician offered a post exposure prophylaxis, which was declined by all. Serological testing performed within the next 9 months demonstrated that no HIV and no HCV transmission occurred.
In this prospective study analysing anxiety of HCWs consulting the occupational health service after exposures to potentially HIV-contaminated material, the main findings were that (1) acute anxiety levels showed a high variability and that (2) an anxious personality, occupational group other than physician, and lower age independently predicted higher acute anxiety. In 1991, Cockcroft et al. using a 10 cm visual analogue scale found only a modest variability in anxiety in 100 HCWs reporting accidental exposures [12]. This is in contrast to the high variability we found in our study. This difference may be due to the different tests used to assess anxiety. It may well be that measuring both acute state anxiety and personality bound trait anxiety enabled a more in depth analysis than a visual analogue scale. Not unexpectedly, higher trait anxiety predicted higher state anxiety. Our findings are in accordance with the STAI definition and indicate that this test is a very good tool for measuring relevant aspects of anxiety in such a situation [16]. Interestingly, the measured mean trait anxiety of our study population was lower than that of the reference population [16]. This result is important since it shows that HCWs who report occupational exposures should per se not be judged as overanxious. Physicians demonstrated less acute anxiety
324 tically significant difference in state anxiety between HCWs reporting an occupational exposure earlier or later. It must, however, be mentioned, that this analysis was limited by the small number of HCWs reporting exposures after more than 8 hours (n = 6). Possibly, in a larger population other factors, e.g. self-perceived risk for HIV transmission, would also have been significantly associated with different anxiety levels. To the best of our knowledge this study is the first to prospectively examine anxiety when reporting occupational exposures to potentially contaminated material in the era of potent antiretroviral therapy. Many HCWs suffer from anxiety after occupational exposures. Hence, anxiety should be a central issue in counselling directly after an occupational exposure and during further follow up. Whether such measures improve counselling of HCWs needs to be analysed in further studies.
The authors thank the nursing team of the occupational health service, Eva Thoma, Ruth Zaugg and Astrid Recher, for additional collection of data and Michle Girard for excellent secretarial assistance.
than other occupational groups. Better knowledge about HIV and risk of transmission may possibly explain this finding. This in turn may indicate that educational efforts should be made to improve knowledge and alleviate anxiety of HCWs involved in the care of HIV infected patients [56]. Experience and knowledge as well as more mature self-reflection on life in older individuals may also explain why younger subjects were found to be more anxious in our study. Knowledge, however, was not assessed in this study and, due to the small numbers, perceived risk of transmission could not be correlated with different occupational groups. In the univariate analysis we could confirm the finding of Cockcroft et al., that female gender was associated with higher anxiety levels. This is in line with studies reporting higher anxiety levels in women in different settings [1719]. However, gender did not turn out to be an independent factor predicting anxiety. Our results indicate that the association between gender and state anxiety was confounded by occupational group and trait anxiety. The type of exposure is an important risk factor for accidental HIV transmission [78]. We found no association for acute anxiety with this risk factor. This may demonstrate that detailed knowledge about this risk factor is not prevalent among HCWs. In the same way, the self-perceived HIV transmission risk tended to predict the level of anxiety. There was a remarkable variance in time between exposure and the consultation at the occupational health service. We could not find a statis-
Correspondence: Prof. Manuel Battegay Outpatient Department of Internal Medicine University Hospital of Basel Petersgraben 4 CH-4031 Basel E-Mail:
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