Church History
Church History
Church History
History provides negative and positive motivation (Heb 11-12) History provides practical insight for ministry
History and the Love of God (Eph 2:11-22; Titus 2:14) History and Theological Studies
Knowledge of God supported by those who have gone before Theology deteriorates or matures over time
Church experiences purest expression, most dramatic influence Direct stamp of Jesus personal influence upon leadership Miraculous gifts of Holy Spirit Touchstone of contemporary Church
Birth of Church
Jesus ascension prerequisite to the formation of the Church by means of Holy Spirit baptism (Luke 3:16; John 16:5-15; Acts 2:1-11, 33, 38; 11:1-18; Eph 3:1-12) Church born on the Lords Day, May 24, 33 AD (Hoehner, Chronological Aspects, 143)
Maintain peace Maintain and advance boundaries Build and maintain roads
Political Theory
Tolerance Traditionalism (test of Nationalism) Piety (utter devotion to the state)
Roman Empire
Philosophical Moorings
Antiquity Philosophical Eclecticism Stoicism Platonism
Eternality of matter Fate (driven by pure rationalism) Artificer (initiates motion on matter) Forms (or Ideals or Models) Social Salvation (citizenry contemplating the Forms) Physical Salvation = deliverance from body n death
Roman Empire
Pagan Dualism Emperor Cult Mystery Religions and Societies
Challenge to Rome = divided loyalties and disrespect of empire Challenge to Christianity = not to be lumped in with superstitio persecution Benefit to Christianity = created space
Roman Rule Pompey subjects Palestine as a Roman protectorate in 63 BC and Palestine remains under Roman rule for centuries Herodian Dynasty 40 BC to 4 BC = uneasy peace for 37 yrs Kingdom divided to three sons of Herod Archelaus rules Judea and Samaria Philip rules Gentile regions E of upper Jordan, N of Lake Huleh Herod Antipas rules Galilee, Perea and Transjordan for 42 yrs (Herod the tetrarch, the Fox who beheaded John the Baptist) All three territories consolidate under the rule of Agrippa I, grandson of Herod The Great (Agrippa imprisoned Peter, executed James the brother of Jesus; the Herod of Acts 12) 50 AD, Agrippa II, son of Agrippa I made king and rules until ca AD 93 (the King Agrippa before whom Paul stood trial in Acts 25) Jewish Roman War (66-74 AD)
Ministry of Philip (Acts 8) Samaritans, Ethiopian Eunuch, up Mediterranean coast to Caesarea Ministry of Paul (Acts 9, 13-28)
Ministry of Paul
Hellenistic Jew from Tarsus, studied under Rabbi Gamaliel in Jerusalem (Acts 22:3; Gal 1:14) Persecuted church (Acts 8:1; 9:1-2; 22:4-5; Phil 3:6) Converted on way to Damascus in Arabia (Acts 9:1-22) Schooled in Arabia (southern Jordan?) for nearly 3 years (Gal 1:17-18) Returns to minister at Damascus escapes murderous plot Journeys to Jerusalem, 15 day stay with Peter, meets James (Acts 9:26-28; Gal 1:15-20), escapes murderous plot Approx 10 years in Tarsus silent years
Men of simple and sincere faith high morality Informal, practical letters and sermons Monotheistic, belief in creation Promoted humanity and deity of Christ Promoted the authority of Scripture while struggling with poor hermeneutics (i.e. allegorical interpretation) Preferred baptism by immersion, some baptismal regeneration Held to immanency of Christs return Papias and Barnabas were premillennial; no one clearly pre-trib; no one post-trib NT canon not formally fixed nor universally appreciated Loss of a homogeneous faith
Polemical Fathers
Generally = more extensive background in Christianity Addressed more to heretics with a focus on condemning heretical Christian teachings by deviant groups
Less and less concerned with persecution as time passed; more concerned with heresy Increasing appeal made to authority of NT
Emphasized OT
Reforming Sects
Reforming Groups
Montanism Novatianism Donatism
Attempts at Restoration
Diocletian (285-305)
Empire divided into four sections ruled by two Augusti and two Caesars (generals) Christianity attacked (10-20% of population)
Constantine (311-337)
Victory over Maxentius at Milvian Bridge Hoc Signo Vinces Rules eastern empire from Constantinople A Christian? A Pragmatist and Opportunist
Position Arian
Distinguishing Belief Jesus of a different (heteros) substance (ousios) than Father Jesus of a similar substance (homoiousios) as the Father Jesus of same substance (homoousios) as the Father
SemiArian Orthodox
Nicean Creed
We believe in one God the Father all-sovereign, maker of all things visible and invisible; and in one Lord Jesus Christ, the son of God, begotten of the Father, onlybegotten, that is, of the substance of the Father, God of God, light of light, true God of true God, begotten not made, of one substance with the Father, through whom all things were made And those that say there was when he was not, and , before he was begotten he was not, and that, he came into being from what-is-not, or those that allege, that the Son of God is of another substance or essence or created, or changeable or alterable, these the catholic and apostolic church anathematizes.
Creeds Formalize Belief Numerical Growth and Expanding Influence The State Influences the Church
Constantines Sons Julian The Apostate (360-363) Theodosius I, The Great (378-395)
Ritualism Increases festivals, holy days and places, fetishism, relics, vestments Holy Living Declines Christian Architecture and Art Develop artisans supported by state, icons developed in Eastern church, church buildings Clerical Celibacy in West Creeds and Councils Formalize Belief
Ambrose Rome
Basil of Caesarea
John Chrysostom
Gregory of Nyssa
Jerome Hippo
Alexandria Athanasius
Martin Luther of the 4th C Influence
Champion of the deity and humanity of Christ and deity of Holy Spirit against Arianism Apologetics Life of St Anthony
Pastoral Ministry
Service over Politics Theological Orientation Self-Discipline and Austerity Perseverance and Courage
John Chrysostom
Chrysostom 347-407 AD
Ambrose Rome
Basil of Caesarea
Jerome Hippo
Alexandria Athanasius
Highly educated and gifted Entrance into Ministry Strong Defender of Nicene Orthodoxy Gifted Leader and Administrator of Church Affairs Church over State Hymnody Ministry to Augustine
Education in Italy Hermit in Syria Establishes Monastery in Bethlehem Prolific Linguist and Author
Masters Greek and Hebrew Biographer Exegetical Commentator Influences every theological battle of his day including Arianism
Highly Influential in Church and Western History Upbringing Devotee to Manichaeism Sojourn in Milan and Conversion to Christianity Bishop of Hippo Regius (North Africa) Labored Against Manichees, Donatists, Pagans, Pelagius Prolific Author on Christian Doctrine Theological Legacy
Council of Chalcedon
Concerning Jesus deity and humanity: The difference of the natures is in no wise taken away by reason of the union, but rather the properties of each are preserved *Christ is+ made known in two natures without confusion, without change, without division, without separation.
Barbarian Invasions
Hagia Sophia
Muhammads Teaching
Islam= Arabic for submission Muhammad believed himself to be the sixth, and greatest, in a line of major prophets sent by Allah Sought to incorporate Jews, Jews oppose him, and he turns against them Focused on Abraham as neither Jew nor Christian Rejected the Christian Trinity Jesus= true prophet of Allah, not divine
The Quran promotes a two-fold division of the earth Jihad, meaning holy struggle, is an official call to the faithful to engage in a holy war in behalf of Allah Pre-modern era- jihad oriented toward conquest; today- promotion of defensive jihad Terrorism today= radical sects who view Qurans two-fold division of the earth in a literalist manner, seeing all non-Muslim nations as the enemies of Allah
Sacral State
Muhammads system melded religion and state The caliphs are seen as guardians of Islam Islam today comprised of various sects which divide over interpretation of the holy books
Conquests of Islam
Islam benefits from war between Persian and Byzantine Empires Islam holds sway over Mesopotamia, Palestine, Syria and much of N. Africa in two decades 711 Moors cross strait of Gibraltar and conquer Visigothic Spain Islam advance checked at Constantinople
Islamic Culture
Cultural Homogeneity Cultural Assimilation
Cultural Overview
Less homogenous and populous than East, more land Classical culture and Christianity purposefully melded in the East with Christianity, in the West forcibly melded with Germanic barbarism Leads to a distinctively European culture Western Church emerges as the vanguard and guardian of intellectual life and cultural development in West
Evangelism of Barbarians
Evangelism of Barbarians
Evolution of Papacy
Political Milieu Contributes to Papacy Ecclesiastical Tradition Promotes Papacy
Evolution of belief in the supremacy of Peter and the See at Rome Matt 16:18 Refutation = Eph 2:19-22; role of James in Acts 15; 2 Cor 11:5; Gal 2:9-14) Evolution of belief in papacy Rom 15:20; Gal 2:8-11; 1 Pet 1:1
Growth of Monasticism
Response to tumultuous times St. Benedict of Nursia monastic order Monks becomes guardians of Latin learning, evangelists, managers of large tracts of land, advisors to kings, military recruiters synthesizers of classical-Christian-Germanic influences
Charlemagne (768-814)
New Invasions
England relies on kings France relies on Feudalism Germany relies on dukes Italy relies on walled city-states
Developments in Monasticism
Franciscan Friars
Founder: Francis of Assisi (1182-1226) Franciscan friars evangelize, preach, sing, and beg throughout Western Europe- famed as missionaries- characterized by emotionalism, asceticism, and disciplined piety
Initial Crisis Primary Motivation The First Crusade
Knight Orders Different Agendas
The Second Crusade The Third Crusade The Fourth Crusade Other Crusades
Crusaders Fortress
Romanesque Architecture
Gothic Architecture
Intellectual Life
Characteristics of the Age Cathedral Schools and Universities
Scholastic Method Goal Impetus Aristotle Scholastics
Leading Scholastics
Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109) Peter Abelard (1079-1142) Peter Lombard (1100-1169) John of Salisbury (1115-1180) Albertus Magnus (the Great) (1193-1280) Thomas Aquinas (ca. 1224-1274)
Summa Contra Gentiles Summa Theologica
Scholasticisms Shortcomings
Irreconcilable differences between Augustinian theology and Aristotelian philosophy Endless, rationalistic, dogmatic hair-splitting sap energies from biblical exegesis and scientific progress Creates division between those calling for removal of Augustine and church dogma and others calling for removal of Aristotle
The Renaissance
Meaning of term = French for re-birth or born again Humanism from Latin humanitas emphasizes influence of the humanities on culture (literature, philosophy, fine arts) Impetus Classical learning languishing in chains of Roman dogma interest in humanities and sciences grows in towns restless enthusiasm to break loose from dogma and embrace new freedom to pursue humanistic learning
Renaissance Spirit
Spirit of the age: As knowledge grew, fear decreased; men thought less of worshiping the unknown, and more of overcoming it. Every vital spirit was lifted up with a new confidence; barriers were broken down; there was no bound now to what man might do (Durant, Philosophy, 105)
Printing Press
Reforming Evangelicals
Peter de Bruys (d. ca. 1140) Petrobusians Peter Waldo Waldenses John Wyclif (d. 1384) Lollards John Huss (1369-1415)
Reforming Evangelicals
Petrobusians- Peter de Bruys (d. ca. 1140) Waldenses- Peter Waldo John Wyclif (d. 1384) - Lollards John Huss (1369-1415)
Corrupt Leadership Materialistic Greed Sensuality Lack of Spiritual Leadership Degenerating Theology
Compared with the persecution of heresy *by the RCC] . . . the persecution of Christians by [pagan] Romans . . . was a mild and humane procedure. - Will Durant
Veneration of Mary
Mother of God official title bestowed 431 at Council of Ephesus Mary increasingly viewed as mediator interceding with the Son for mercy on sinners Queen of Heaven 13thC designation Immaculate Conception Mary born free of original sin (declared by Pope Pius IX, 1854)
Veneration of Mary
Perpetual Virgin (Jesus brothers = cousins) Assumption taken bodily into heaven (Pope Pius XII in 1950) Pope John Paul II referred to Mary as CoRedemptrix and as Co-Operator in the Redemption (not yet official)
Seven Sacraments
Baptism Confirmation Eucharist Penance (punishment) Holy Matrimony Holy Orders Extreme Unction
Concept Purgatory a temporal place or state between heaven and hell where punishment is suffered by those who die in the grace of God, but who lack sufficient grace to enter his presence Indulgences length of punishment can be reduced by receiving indulgences from the pope Defense 2 Maccabees 12:39-45; Matt 12:3lff; 1 Cor 3: 11-15 Abuses Widespread significant source of income for Church Denial of Priesthood of Believer
From sinners perspective = the receipt (usually purchase) from the Church of absolution (in varying degrees) from the temporal suffering necessitated by sin Sin absolved by priest must receive temporal penalty and that penalty can be diminished by application of grace from the Treasury of Merits Works may include: visit to holy place, repetition of assigned prayers, performance of good works, a monetary gift to the Church in some way a good deed is substituted for a sinful deed or attitude At Dawn of Reformation Pope Leo X (1513-1521) revived the Jubilee indulgence purporting to use all revenues to fight Turks in East and help sinners in West his actual program was to finish construction on Basilica of St Peter in Rome
Vatican City
Letter of Indulgence
Europe, 1500
Martin Luther
Early Life Monastic Life at Erfurt University of Wittenberg 1510 Visit to Rome Conversion
95 Theses
Context Germany in upheaval over Pope Leos scheme with Tetzel to tax Germans by sale of indulgences Oct 31, 1517, posts debate notice for All Saints Day on door of Castle Church at Wittenberg Emphasis = proper use of Indulgences Pope Leo X + Archbishop Albrecht of Mainz + Frederick the Wise, Elector of Saxony + HRE Maximilian + Charles, king of Spain and Francis, king of France + Cajetan + Charles von Miltitz
Pope Leo X
May 4 traveling through heart of Mohra forest, Luther kidnapped by 5 masked men Taken to Wartburg castle where he lives in disguise as Knight George Luther appeals to German people through his writings from the Wartburg
On Monastic Vows September Testament
Table Talk
Luthers Music
Luthers Legacy
Last days overshadowed by Lutheran disunity Luther grows increasingly bitter and harsh Capable intellect, but not a renowned scholar, unparalleled communicator Courageous and Capable Leader Failed to divest himself of enough of Roman heresy
Luthers Grave
Translates Bible into French Many letters of counsel and encouragement Leader and Pastor at Geneva Leader of Reformed Protestantism in Europe and beyond Second Helvetic Confession of 1556 University of Geneva (1559) (Send me wood and I will send you back arrows)
Guillaume Farel
Spiritual Presence elements serve as a sign of the presence of Christ Infant baptism practiced immersion preferred but seldom practiced
Worship forms permitted only if they were found in the Bible. Congregational singing had to be Psalms. Preaching was central. State must submit to the Church which has extensive powers over everyone. Preacher who became a popular professor
Infant baptism practiced immersion preferred but seldom practiced Worship Retained RC forms unless the Bible strictly forbid them. Promoted congregational hymn singing. Preaching was central. Church & State has extensive powers over State Church. Head of state is head of Church. Occupation Professor who was a popular preacher Theology Augustinian, stressing justification of sinners by faith alone in Christ alone. Predestination to salvation and damnation. Bible translated for the sake of the common man into German
Bible Translator
Augustinian, emphasizing the sovereignty and glory of God. Predestination to salvation and damnation. Bible translated for the sake of the common man into French
Reformation Spreads
France Huguenots Synod of Paris (May 1559) adopts Gallic Confession persecution Netherlands 1561 Belgic Confession adopted as official position of Protestant Church in Netherlands (Dutch Reformed Church) Scandinavia
Denmark Norway Sweden
William Tyndale
Martyrdom of Tyndale
Henrys Successors
Edward VI (with Edward Seymour) Parliament repeals Six Articles Act, replaces Latin liturgy with Cranmers more evangelical, Book of Common Prayer in English + passes Forty-Two Articles defining Church of England along Protestant lines Bloody Mary reasserts Romanism Elizabeth I (1558-160 ) Reestablishes moderate Protestantism Act of Supremacy (1558) reasserts Englands independence from pope Thirty-Nine Articles (1563) revises Edwards Forty-Two Articles establishes Anglican Church along Protestant lines many articles nebulous so as to appease Catholics 1580 Separatist church forms under Robert Browne
Reformation in Scotland
A Backward Nation Preparatory Blood of Martyrs John Knox Scottish Civil Wars Church of Scotland
John Knox
Life Setting Martyrdom of George Wishart Flees Scotland for Geneva to avoid Marian persecution Scottish Civil War Formation of Church of Scotland through Treaty of Edinburgh 1560 (ended war and gave Knox opening to establish Protestantism as state religion Church of Scotland becomes a Presbyterian state church based on Calvins teaching)
Anabaptist = Greek term meaning to baptize again
A third distinct player in the Reformation with roots in earlier times persecuted by both sides Sought return to NT practice
Evangelical Anabaptists
The Swiss Anabaptists (Conrad Grebel, father of Swiss Anabaptist movement); George Blaurock, and Felix Mantz German Anabaptists (Balthasar Hubmaier) Dutch Anabaptists (Menno Simons) Moravian Anabaptists (Jacob Hutter)
Exclusively regenerate Church membership Believers baptism Lords Supper a memorial meal for baptized members only Stress authority of NT as well as soul liberty in the exercise of free conscience against blind submission Catholic Church Separation from the world, the RCC, and other abominations Civil government is ordained by God but operates outside the Church and is to be left largely to unbelievers Stressed simple church polity, authority of local church, and careful observance of qualifications for ministers Most rejected oath taking Many were pacifists and rejected capital punishment (due to the pervasive abuse of authority in this realm).
The rapid appearance of Anabaptist over a wide area lends confirmation to what reliable historians have asserted: small communities of pious Christians, rarely appearing in historical records but endeavoring to reproduce the NT in simple, anticlerical, nonsacramental purity, were interspersed throughout the length and breadth of Europe in the centuries before the Reformation. It would have been impossible for them to leap full-grown into the focus of history had this not been true (Baker and Estep in Paige Patterson, Why I Am a Baptist, 66-67)
As knowledge grew, fear decreased; men thought less of worshiping the unknown, and more of overcoming it. Every vital spirit was lifted up with a new confidence; barriers were broken down; there was no bound now to what man might do (p. 105) - Will Durant
Reformation Monument
Barbarian Invasions