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Ivan-Damir Anić Sonja Radas

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I.-D. ANI, S. RADAS: The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes... EKONOMSKI PREGLED, 57 (11) 730-752 (2006)

Ivan-Damir Ani Sonja Radas*

UDK 339.372.5(497.5) JEL Classication L81 Izvorni znanstveni rad

This paper applies Belks taxonomy (1975) to examine the impact of situational factors on shoppers purchasing outcomes in the Croatian hypermarket setting. It explores how store environment, social surroundings, temporal perspective, shopping task and antecedent situational dimensions inuence the amount of money spent and number of items purchased. The model itself was tested with data collected from a consumer survey, carried out in the Croatian hypermarket setting. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, including one-way analysis of variance. Research results indicate that social surroundings, high perceived density and large-scale shopping were factors that signicantly contribute to higher level of purchasing outcomes. The longer a shopper stays inside the store, the more she or he spent. Shopping outcomes were shown to be the highest on Saturday and for shoppers who patronized one or two stores as compared to other days and other shopper types respectively. Contrary to expectations, no statistically signicant difference in purchasing outcomes was found across shopper types grouped by store atmospheric responses, travel time to store and time of the day shopping. By using this model, retailers may better predict the consumer response to situational factors, and thus can design a store strategy that will encourage particular pattern of shoppers behaviour. Key words: hypermarket retailer, situational factors, consumer in-store purchasing behaviour, purchasing outcomes, store management
* I.-D. Ani, Ph.D. Research Associate (danic@eizg.hr) and S. Radas, Ph.D. Senior Research Associate (sradas@eizg.hr), both from The Institute of Economics, Zagreb. Paper recieved on July 19th 2006.

I.-D. ANI, S. RADAS: The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes... EKONOMSKI PREGLED, 57 (11) 730-752 (2006)


Introduction While branding, promotion and location build brand awareness and purchase predisposition, those factors do not always translate into sales. Consumer purchasing decisions are frequently made at the point of purchase and may be heavily inuenced by what takes place there. A great many factors contribute to purchase decision, including consumer characteristics, brand features and situational factors. By identifying those factors, retailers may improve store layout and design, merchandising, atmosphere and stafng decisions signicantly. Those issues are a critical basis for developing competitive advantage in todays dynamic and competitive grocery market. The impact of situational factors on consumer purchasing behaviour has been examined in the past research extensively. There are studies that explored the impact of particular types of situational inuences, including store atmospherics, music, colours, scent, store crowding, and merchandising. Belks framework of situational factors (1975) is a useful tool in analyzing the impact of situational variables on purchasing outcomes since it includes variables that might be controlled by retailers. The framework includes physical and social surroundings, task denition, temporal perspective and antecedent states. A few studies tested Belks framework in a mall setting. Time and companionship were shown to be critical factors in purchasing behaviour of Hispanic customers in a US mall setting (Nicholls, Roslow and Dublish, 1997). Moreover, differences were found in shopping patterns across seasons and different countries observed (Roslow, Li and Nicholls, 2000; Zhuang, Tsang, Zou, Li and Nicholls, 2006). However, little is known how situational variables affect consumer purchasing behaviour in hypermarket setting in Croatia. More research on this issue is needed to help managers improve their store managemenent initiatives and enhance retail outcomes. This paper uses Belks taxonomy (1975) to examine the impact of situational factors on shoppers purchasing outcomes in the Croatian hypermarket setting. Specically, it explores how store environment, social surroundings, temporal perspective, shopping task and antecedent situational variables inuence the amount of money spent and the number of items purchased. The situational factor literature is a starting point for exploring those research questions. The paper contributes to the research literature by shedding light on the inuence of situational factors on purchasing outcomes in the Croatian hypermarket setting. As we test the Belks framework we may discover renements in the theory for grocery shopping behaviour. It has been recognized that grocery shopping behaviour is different from mall shopping behaviour and thus food retailers should consider situational factors differently from retailers of other products (Zhuang, Tsang, Zou, Li and Nicholls, 2006). While mall shopping is


I.-D. ANI, S. RADAS: The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes... EKONOMSKI PREGLED, 57 (11) 730-752 (2006)

rather hedonic and entertainment-oriented behaviour, grocery shopping is more a routine- and utilitarian-oriented shopping behaviour. Practitioners may benet from this study in several ways. Analyzing and understanding shoppers behaviour and the impacts of situational factors may reduce uncertainty in decision-making. Situational factors should be taken into consideration in designing promotional programs, store layout, merchandising and store atmosphere tailored to specic behaviours patterns and consumer situations. In order to collect data and test the model, the consumer survey was carried out in the Croatian hypermarket setting in December from 7-13, 2005. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics, including cross tabulation analysis and oneway analysis of variance (ANOVA). Sampled retailer was a high/low hypermarket store of a large grocery chain operating in Croatia. The reminder of the paper is organized as follows: (1) Literature review and hypotheses; (2) Methodology; (3) Results; (4) Conclusions with managerial implications and future research directions.

Literature review and hypotheses development The present paper empirically tests Belks (1975) framework of situational factors in the Croatian hypermarket setting. The model for this research is presented in gure 1. The model itself posits that ve groups of situational factors do have impact on purchasing outcomes, but the question is how they are related to purchasing outcomes.

I.-D. ANI, S. RADAS: The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes... EKONOMSKI PREGLED, 57 (11) 730-752 (2006)



The model is based on the Stimulus organism response paradigm, where situational or object factors (stimulus), and personal characteristics (organism) are separate sources of inuence on consumer purchasing behaviour (response).1 By denition situational factors are all those factors that are spe1 Personal characteristics (organism), including personality, intellect, sex, and race are variables that are stable over a period of time and are attributed to the individual. Object factors (stimulus) are the characteristic that tend to be a lasting and general feature of the brand.


I.-D. ANI, S. RADAS: The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes... EKONOMSKI PREGLED, 57 (11) 730-752 (2006)

cic to a certain time and place of observation. Past research suggests that situational factors have a demonstrable and systematic effect on current behaviour, and can change consumer decisions once they are inside the store. This paper applies Belks (1975) framework of consumer situational factors to the Croatian market. The framework itself includes the following ve situational dimensions: (1) physical surroundings, (2) social surroundings, (3) temporal perspective, (4) task denition, (5) no. of store patronized as antecedent state. A series of hypotheses are now developed on linkages between each of situational factor and purchasing outcomes.

The relationships between physical surroundings and purchasing outcomes Physical surrounding is the most readily apparent feature of a situation. It might include location, decor, sounds, lighting, music, colour, scent, weather, visible conguration of merchandise or other material surrounding the stimulus object (Belk, 1975). In this study, we examine the impact of store atmosphere and perceived store density on purchasing outcomes. From the shoppers point of view, store atmosphere is the consumers perception of the quality of the surroundings. Although there are studies (Nicholls, Roslow and Dublish, 1997) that did not nd relationship between malls atmosphere and purchasing outcomes, the theory posits that store atmosphere does inuence purchasing behaviour in such way that pleasant store atmosphere stimulates approach behaviour, extra time spent inside the store and unplanned purchases, while unpleasant store atmosphere leads to avoidance behaviour (Donovan and Rossiter, 1982; Donovan, Rossiter, Marcoolyn and Nesdale, 1994; Tai and Fung, 1997)2. Therefore we expect the following: H 1a: Shoppers who rate store atmosphere as more enjoyable are more likely to spend more money and purchase more items than shoppers who rate the store atmosphere as less enjoyable.

Approach (avoidance) behaviour include the following behaviours: (1) a desire to physically stay in (approach) or to get out of (avoid) the environment, (2) a desire or willingness to look around and to explore the environment (approach) versus a tendency to avoid moving through or interacting with the environment or a tendency to remain inanimate in the environment (avoidance), (3) a desire or willingness to communicate with others in the environment (approach) as opposed to a tendency to avoid interacting with others or to ignore communication attempts from others (avoidance), (4) the degree of enhancement (approach) or hindrance (avoidance) of performance and satisfaction with task performances (Donovan and Rositter, 1982, p. 37).

I.-D. ANI, S. RADAS: The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes... EKONOMSKI PREGLED, 57 (11) 730-752 (2006)


Store density is a part of the overall store environment. By denition, perceived density is a subjective estimate of the number of people in a space. It is an antecedent of perceived retail crowding and purchasing outcomes (Eroglu, Machleit and Barr, 2005).3 Higher level of perceived crowding was shown to generate higher levels of negative emotions in shoppers, which negatively affect satisfaction and repatronage (Eroglu, Machleit and Barr, 2005; Machleit, Eroglu and Powell, 2000). Crowding could restrict or interfere with individuals goals and might inuence a shopper not to visit the crowded aisle and not to purchase the planned item. Due to the butt-brush effect, the shopper would move out of the crowded area and abandon the search for particular product (Underhill, 1999).4 It is expected that: H 1b: Lower store density is more likely to produce higher level of purchasing outcomes than higher density conditions.

The relationships between social surroundings and purchasing outcomes Social surroundings provide additional depth to a description of a situation. Other person present, their characteristics, their apparent roles, and interpersonal interactions occurring are potentially relevant examples (Belk, 1975). Most research indicates that shopping in company increases purchasing outcomes, although some studies suggest that this relationship may be more complex (Kollat and Willet, 1968; Zhuang, Tsang, Zou, Li and Nicholls, 2006). The relationship between companions and purchasing outcomes depends on the situation and setting. Suggestions made by friends and relatives may reinforce shoppers purchase decision, resulting in more purchases. Several studies support this relationship. Stores that attract a lot of couples, friends or groups of shoppers usually do very well (Underhill, 1999). Social shoppers (who had other people with them) tend to spend more money than solitary shoppers, those who came alone to store (Nicholls, Roslow and Dublish, 1997). Granbois (1968) found a signicant relationship between the size of shopping party, time spent shopping and number of items purchased. The role of children in purchasing behaviour is similar to companions. Accordingly, the following is proposed:
Perceived retail crowding is a psychological state, perceptions of crowding based on the number of individuals as well as the extent of social interaction. 4 Shoppers, women especially, do not like being brushed or touched from behind. They will even move away from merchandise they are interested in to avoid it. In this case, butt-brush effect lowered the rack sales in this store.


I.-D. ANI, S. RADAS: The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes... EKONOMSKI PREGLED, 57 (11) 730-752 (2006)

H 2a: Shoppers who came with the party (social shoppers) are more likely to spend more money and purchase more items than solitary shoppers who came alone. H 2b: The shoppers coming to store with children are more likely to spend more money and purchase more items than shoppers coming to store without children.

The relationships between temporal variables and purchasing outcomes By denition, temporal perspective is time of purchase which may be specied in time units ranging from time of a day to season of the year when a purchase was made (Belk, 1975). Time dimension is important in sales situations and might alter shopping behaviour. Shortage of time may reduce both planned and unplanned purchases. Travel time may inuence purchasing. Past research suggests that there is a positive association between travel time to store and purchasing outcome, in such a way that distant shoppers (who travelled for half an hour or more to mall) are more likely to purchase and spend more money than near shoppers who travelled for less than half an hour to store (Nicholls, Roslow and Dublish, 1997). Time spent shopping is an important factor in determining how much the shopper will buy. The longer the shopper remains in a store, the more he or she will buy (Underhill, 1999). If the customer is walking throughout the entire store, and is considering lots of merchandise, meaning she or he is looking, searching and thinking, a fair amount of time is required. Nicholls, Roslow and Dublish (1997) found that slow shoppers (who spent more than an hour in the mall) purchased more items and spent more money than quick shoppers (who spent less than an hour in the mall). Finally, Nicholls, Roslow and Dublish (1997) found that there is a relationship between time of the day shopping and purchasing outcomes. Early shoppers (who visited the store before 3 p.m.) purchased and spent more money than late shoppers (who visited the store after 3 p.m.). In present study we link travel time, time of the day shopping, capture time (time a shopper spent inside the store) and shopping day to money spent and the number of items purchased. Based on past research the following hypotheses are proposed: H 3a: Distant shoppers are more likely to spend more money and purchase more items than near shoppers. H 3b: Slow shoppers are more likely to spend more money and purchase more items than quick shoppers.

I.-D. ANI, S. RADAS: The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes... EKONOMSKI PREGLED, 57 (11) 730-752 (2006)


H 3c: Early shoppers are more likely to spend more money and purchase more items than late shoppers. H 3d: Shoppers coming to store on Saturday are more likely to spend more money and purchase more items than shoppers coming to store other days.

The relationships between shopping task and purchasing outcomes Task denition includes an intent or requirement to select, shop for, or obtain information about a general or specic purchase. Task may reect different buyer and user roles anticipated by the individual (Belk, 1975), as well as the shopping planning, shopping motives and shopping trip types. A shopping trip occurs when a consumer recognizes an unsatised need, and the requirements for particular goods justify his or her allocation of the necessary time, effort, and money to travel to the store to obtain required products and services (Westbrook and Black, 1985). Researchers have tended to categorize a shopping trip as being a major shopping trip or a ll-in shopping trip. By denition, major shopping trip is a trip that is conducted on a less frequent basis, on which consumers spend much time inside the store to purchase a large number of items to full short and long-term needs. On this trip, shoppers spend larger portion of their grocery budget. As opposed to major shopping trip, a ll-in-shopping trip is conducted more frequently in an average month. It is designed to satisfy more urgent needs to replenish perishables that are frequently consumed, such as milk, eggs, and bread. It involves smaller effort and time commitments, fewer items purchased, less money spent per trip, and a smaller portion of the consumers overall grocery budget (Walters and Maqbul, 2003). Next shopping task variables we are examining in this study are the use of shopping list and the way of shopping. Consumers commonly shop for groceries with list of items for purchase. The use of list represents some degree of preshopping planning. Shopping plans are purchasing decisions made before entering the store. Those are purchases that involve a greater expenditure of money, time, or effort (Cobb and Hoyer, 1986). If large scale buying is positively related to purchasing outcomes, then it might be concluded that consumers that are using shopping lists and shopping carts are more likely to purchase more items and spend more money than other shopper types. Based on theory, the following is proposed: H 4a: Shoppers visiting the store on major shopping trip are more likely to spend more money and purchase more items than shoppers visiting the store on ll-in shopping trip.


I.-D. ANI, S. RADAS: The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes... EKONOMSKI PREGLED, 57 (11) 730-752 (2006)

H 4b: The use of shopping list is positively related to money spent and the number of items purchased. H 4c: Way of shopping determines shopping outcomes in such way that consumers shopping with cart spent more money and purchased more items as compared to other two shopper types.

The relationships between number of stores visited and purchasing outcomes Zhuang, Tsang, Zou, Li and Nicholls (2006) showed that the number of store visited had the negative impact on purchasing behaviour. The more stores that a shopper visited, the less likely he or she would be to make a purchase. This may reect a consistent behaviour pattern of window shoppers, shoppers who like looking at things more than buying them. Their focus on browsing may make them visit more stores and make them less likely to buy in malls. Shopping frequency is also related to shopping loyalty. A fewer number of stores a shopper visits, more loyal a shopper is to this store and more she or he will spend in this store on a monthly basis. According to Enis and Paul (1970), the more loyal consumers allocated much larger percentage of their budget to their rst store choice than did less loyal consumers. Accordingly, the following hypothesis is proposed: H 5: Shoppers who patronized fewer stores are more likely to spend more money and purchase more items than shoppers who patronized a larger number of stores.

Methodology Consumer survey and sample prole Data for this study was obtained from the consumer survey. The survey was carried out in a hypermarket retailer in Croatia during a 6 day period from December 7 to 13, 2005. Entry and exit interviews were conducted in order to collect data. Interviewers approached customers before the entry to a store and asked them to participate in the survey and ll in a set of questions related to the type of shopping trip and their purchasing plans. After the respondents had been done with shopping, they were asked to ll-in the questionnaire containing the

I.-D. ANI, S. RADAS: The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes... EKONOMSKI PREGLED, 57 (11) 730-752 (2006)


questions on hypermarket environment, social surrounding, time variables, use of shopping list, the way of shopping and the number of store visited. The interviews required less than 15 minutes to complete. Upon completion of an interview, the interviewer immediately selected the next customer approaching the store. A sample of 300 shoppers was obtained. Summary statistics on consumer sample is presented in table 1.


1. Respondent prole 1.1. Female (%) 1.2. Average age (years) 1.3. Average household income (HRK) 2. Frequency of shopping 2.1. Total number of major shopping trips in a month 2.2. Total number of ll-in shopping trips per week 3. Total grocery expenditures/month (in HRK) 3.1. Expenditures for major shopping trips (in HRK) 3.2. Expenditures for ll-in shopping trips (in HRK) 4. Share at Hypermarket (in %) 4.1. Major shopping trips (in %) 4.2. Fill-in shopping trips (in %) 5. Purchase behaviour of respondents 5.1. Average total time spent inside the store (min.) 5.2. Average capture time (min.) 5.3. Average waiting time (min.) 5.4. Average numbers of aisles passes 5.5. Average size of shopping basket (HRK) 5.6. Average number of items purchased on the trip

58.11 35 45 6,000 9,000 1 4-5 2,411.38 1,198.63 1,212.74 58.37 68.56 48.30 42.27 35.32 5.93 16.20 295.45 10 - 20

Respondents were 58.11 per cent females and 41.89 per cent males. The average consumers age was between 35 and 45 years. The respondents reported a households monthly income ranging from HRK 6,000 to 9,000. In an average month sampled shoppers undertook 1 major shopping trip and 4-5 ll-in shopping trips during the week. Grocery budget averaged HRK 2,411.38, of which 1,198.63 were spent for major shopping trips and HRK 1,212.74 for ll-in shopping trips. Although respondents usually visit several different retailers during their shop-


I.-D. ANI, S. RADAS: The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes... EKONOMSKI PREGLED, 57 (11) 730-752 (2006)

ping trips, they spend high percentage of their grocery budget at hypermarket store (68.56 % expenditures for major shopping trips and 48.30 % expenditures for ll-in shopping trips). During the survey period, there were 45.30 % (n = 135) of shoppers undertaking major shopping trip and 54.70 % (n = 163) of shoppers on ll-in shopping trip. On average, a consumer spent 42.27 minutes inside the store, passed 16.20 aisles, purchased from 10 to 20 items and spent HRK 295.45.

Measurement and data analysis A review of relevant literature was used to develop measures for variables applied in this study. Situational variables considered in the research, their denitions and measurements are presented in table 2.


Variable name Dependent variables Purchasing outcomes (a) money spent; (b) number of items purchased Grouping variables (a) Store density was determined as interviewers perceptions of the human crowding inside the store at a particular time, and was set as follows (1) low, (2) somewhat low, (3) medium, (4) somewhat high, (5) high. (b) In determining store atmosphere respondents were asked to rate atmospheric factors on the scale ranging from 1 to 7 whether they agree or not agree with the statements, where 1 equals I strongly disagree and 7 equals I strongly agree. Store atmospheric construct was formed from the following items: new products, new event, background music, colour, and friendly atmosphere (Cronbach alpha for atmosphere construct equals 0.80). Based on individual responses on atmospheric construct, two groups of shoppers ware formed as follows: (1) shoppers that perceived store atmosphere to be not anjoyable (1-4 scores on atmosphere construct), (2) shoppers that perceived store atmosphere as enjoyable (5-7 scores on atmosphere construct). Description We asked the respondents: (a) How many items did you purchase? (1) 0, (2) 1-10, (3) 10-20, (4) 20-40, (5) 40-60, (6) 60-80, (7) 80-100, (8) more than 100; (b) How much money did you spend in this store today? (in HRK)

Hypermarket environment (a) store atmosphere (b) store density

I.-D. ANI, S. RADAS: The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes... EKONOMSKI PREGLED, 57 (11) 730-752 (2006)


Variable name Social surroundings (a)solitary vs. social shopper (b) presence of children

Temporal perspective (a) (b) (c) (d) travel time to store shopping day time of shopping capture time (time a shopper spent inside the store)

Task denition (a) shopping trip type (b) use of shopping list (c) way of shopping Antecedent state (a) no. of stores patronized

Description At the end of survey, interviewers indicated (a) whether shoppers came alone (solitary shopper) or with companions (social shoppers), and (b) recorded the presence of children, where (1) shoppers without children, (2) shoppers with children. (a) Travel time to store (in minutes) is the distance between store and home locations, where (1) distant shopper are those shoppers who needed more than 15 minutes to get to the store, while (2) near shoppers needed less than 15 minutes. (b) The day when shopping was made, where (1) Wednesday, (2) Thursday (3) Friday (4) Saturday (5) Sunday (6) Monday. (c) Time of shopping is the time when a consumer entered the store, and was set as follows (1) morning shopping up to 2 p.m., (2) afternoon shopping conducted after 2 p.m. (d) Capture time (in minutes) is the difference between the time when a shopper nished shopping and the time when a shopper entered the store. (a) The type of shopping trip was determined according to money spent and no. of items purchased, where (1) major trip equals more than HRK 200 spent on the trip and more than 10 items purchased; (2) ll-in trip equals up to HRK 200 spent on the trip and up to 10 items purchases. (b) We asked the respondents: Do you have a shopping list? (1=yes; 2=no) (c) While shopping, did the shopper use (1) shopping cart (2) shopping basket, (3) nothing Number of stores patronized is the number of different stores a shopper patronized during the last month.

Data was analyzed using different statistical techniques, including descriptive statistics, cross tabulation analysis and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). One-way ANOVA was used to test whether signicant differences existed in the statistical mean associated with the behaviours of major and ll-in shoppers. If signicant differences were identied, pairwise comparisons of the mean were conducted to explain these differences.

Results The analysis provides an understanding of specic situations affecting customers at the time of purchase. The results are presented in terms of ve situational dimensions and two purchase behaviours associated with them.


I.-D. ANI, S. RADAS: The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes... EKONOMSKI PREGLED, 57 (11) 730-752 (2006)

The relationships between physical surroundings and purchasing outcomes The ndings of one-way ANOVA, presented in table 3, show that no signicant differences existed among the two shopper types in the amount of money spent (p = 0.756) and the number of items purchased (0.502). Consumers that found store atmosphere enjoyable did not spend more money and purchased more items than shoppers who did not nd store atmosphere enjoyable. Therefore, hypothesis H1a is rejected.


Purchasing outcomes No. of items purchased Amount of money spent (in HRK) Not enjoyble atmospere* (n=151) 2.89 301.59 Enjoyable atmosphere** (n=146) 2.98 289.62 p-value p = 0.502 p = 0.756

Notes: * shoppers who perceived store atmosphere as not enjoyable; ** shoppers who perceived store atmosphere as enjoyable and inuential; No. of items purchased are set as follows: (1) 0, (2) 1-10, (3) 10-20, (4) 20-40, (5) 40-60, (6) 60-80, (7) 80-100, (8) more than 100

The ndings of our study are consistent with the study of Nicholls, Roslow and Dublish (1997) carried out in a mall setting. Past research suggesting that store atmosphere positively inuences purchasing behaviour was mostly conducted in mall and department store settings, while our study was carried out in a specic grocery store setting. It seems that store atmospheric impacts vary according to store setting. One study (Chain store age, 2004) supports this thesis by showing that grocery stores (5 %) were ranked 7th when shoppers asked to name the store in which they had been inuenced by atmosphere. Discounters (25 %) were ranked rst, followed by department stores (14 %), bookstores (11 %), home furnishings (8 %), clothing stores (6 %), and home centres (5 %). This is understandable considering that grocery is utilitarian, product-oriented shopping, as compared to mall shopping that is more hedonic-oriented. Store density was a further situational variable that was examined in this study. Data in table 4 shows the associations between store density and purchas-

I.-D. ANI, S. RADAS: The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes... EKONOMSKI PREGLED, 57 (11) 730-752 (2006)


ing outcomes. The ndings of one-way ANOVA show that signicant differences existed in purchasing outcomes across density conditions. Contrary to expectations, purchasing outcomes were signicantly higher in higher store density than in lower density level (p=0.039 and p=0.014 respectively), thus rejecting the hypothesis H 1b.


Purchasing outcomes No. of items purchased* Amount of money spent (in HRK) 1. Low 2.58 206.03 2.Somewhat low 2.77 230.79 Store density 4.Somewhat 3.Medium high 3.06 331.40 3.27 413.77 5.High 4.00 550.00 p-value p=0.039 p=0.014

Notes: * No. of items purchased are set as follows: (1) 0, (2) 1-10, (3) 10-20, (4) 20-40, (5) 40-60, (6) 60-80, (7) 80-100, (8) more than 100

As ndings suggest, in our case other situational factors inuenced shoppers behaviour, regardless of the store densitiy condition. Separate ANOVA results indicate that there were signicantly positive relationships between store density and several situational variables, including shopping trip type (density level was signicantly higher for major shopping trips than ll-in shopping trips, p = 0.002), social surroundings (density level was signicantly higher for social shoppers than solitary shoppers, p = 0.011, and for couples with children, p = 0.004), shopping day (density level was signicantly higher for Saturday shopping as compared to other shopping days, p = 0.000).

The relationships between social surroundings and purchasing outcomes The relationships between social surroundings and purchasing outcomes are shown in table 5 and table 6.

Table 5

I.-D. ANI, S. RADAS: The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes... EKONOMSKI PREGLED, 57 (11) 730-752 (2006)


Purchasing outcomes No. of items purchased* Amount of money spent (in HRK) Solitary shoppers (n=116) 2.61 186.91 Social shoppers (n=183) 3.12 360.76 p-value p = 0.000 p = 0.000

Notes: * No. of items purchased are set as follows: (1) 0, (2) 1-10, (3) 10-20, (4) 20-40, (5) 40-60, (6) 60-80, (7) 80-100, (8) more than 100


Purchasing outcomes No. of items purchased* Amount of money spent (in HRK) No children (n=245) Presence of children (n=55) 3.47 2.81 441.67 p-value p = 0.000 p = 0.000


Notes: * No. of items purchased are set as follows: (1) 0, (2) 1-10, (3) 10-20, (4) 20-40, (5) 40-60, (6) 60-80, (7) 80-100, (8) more than 100

In both cases, the ndings of ANOVA show that signicant differences existed in purchasing outcomes across solitary and social shoppers, as well as for the presence of children. Consistent with the theory, social shoppers spent more money and purchased more items than solitary shoppers. The presence of children was also shown to positively inuence purchasing outcomes. Therefore, hypotheses H 2a and H 2b are supported.

The relationships between temporal variables and purchasing outcomes The relationships between four temporal variables and purchasing outcomes are shown in table 7, table 8, table 9 and table 10.

I.-D. ANI, S. RADAS: The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes... EKONOMSKI PREGLED, 57 (11) 730-752 (2006)



Purchasing outcomes No. of items purchased* Amount of money spent (in HRK) Distant shoppers (n=92) 2.78 274.96 Near shoppers (n=201) 3.01 306.03 p-value p = 0.128 p = 0.458

Notes: * No. of items purchased are set as follows: (1) 0, (2) 1-10, (3) 10-20, (4) 20-40, (5) 40-60, (6) 60-80, (7) 80-100, (8) more than 100

Purchasing outcomes No. of items purchased* Amount of money spent (in HRK) Early shoppers (n=126) 2.94 293.06 Late shoppers (n=173) 2.93 298.51 p-value p = 0.966 p = 0.888

Notes: * No. of items purchased are set as follows: (1) 0, (2) 1-10, (3) 10-20, (4) 20-40, (5) 40-60, (6) 60-80, (7) 80-100, (8) more than 100


Purchasing outcomes No. of items purchased* Amount of money spent (in HRK) Quick shoppers (n=150) 2.45 181.98 Slow shoppers (n=139) 3.48 423.17 p-value p = 0.000 p = 0.000

Notes: * No. of items purchased are set as follows: (1) 0, (2) 1-10, (3) 10-20, (4) 20-40, (5) 40-60, (6) 60-80, (7) 80-100, (8) more than 100

Table 10

I.-D. ANI, S. RADAS: The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes... EKONOMSKI PREGLED, 57 (11) 730-752 (2006)


P u r c h a s e Wednesday Thursday behaviour (n=66) (n=41) No. of items 2,83 2,95 purchased* Amount of money spent 279,59 293,08 (in HRK) Friday (n=65) 2,63 201,41 Saturday (n=66) 3,23 420,45 Sunday (n=37) 3,27 313,73 Monday (n=25) p-value

2,64 p=0.018 233,64 p=0.007

Notes: * No. of items purchased are set as follows: (1) 0, (2) 1-10, (3) 10-20, (4) 20-40, (5) 40-60, (6) 60-80, (7) 80-100, (8) more than 100

As expected, signicant differences in purchasing outcomes were found for capture time and shopping day grouping variables. Shoppers who stayed longer inside the store spent signicantly more money and purchased more items than quick shoppers, supporting the hypothesis H 3b. Shopping day does inuence purchasing outcomes in such way that shoppers coming to store on Saturday purchased more items and spent more money than consumers shopping on other days, supporting the hypothesis H 3d. However, the results of one-way ANOVA do not support the hypotheses that distant shoppers made signicantly more purchases than near shoppers (p=0.128 for no. of items purchased and p=0.458 for amount of money spent), and that early shoppers purchased signicantly more than late shoppers (p=0.966 for no. of items purchased and p=0.888 for amount of money spent). Therefore, hypotheses H 3a and H 3c respectively are rejected.

The relationships between shopping task and purchasing outcomes This study linked shopping trip type, the use of shopping list, and the way of shopping to purchasing outcomes. The results of one-way ANOVA are presented in table 11, table 12 and table 13.

I.-D. ANI, S. RADAS: The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes... EKONOMSKI PREGLED, 57 (11) 730-752 (2006)


Purchasing outcomes No. of items purchased* Amount of money spent (in HRK) Use of shopping list (n=99) 3.20 375.22 No shopping list (n=201) 2.80 255.96 p-value p = 0.005 p = 0.003

Notes: * No. of items purchased are set as follows: (1) 0, (2) 1-10, (3) 10-20, (4) 20-40, (5) 40-60, (6) 60-80, (7) 80-100, (8) more than 100


Purchasing outcomes No. of items purchased* Amount of money spent (in HRK) Major shoppers (n=135) 3.79 540.08 Fill-in shoppers (n = 163) 2.23 93.55 p-value p = 0.000 p = 0.000

Notes: * No. of items purchased are set as follows: (1) 0, (2) 1-10, (3) 10-20, (4) 20-40, (5) 40-60, (6) 60-80, (7) 80-100, (8) more than 100


Purchasing outcomes No. of items purchased* Amount of money spent (in HRK) Use of Use of shopping cart shopping (n=174) basket (n=86) 3.42 2.33 421.95 136.87 Nothing (n=39) 2.03 58.62 p-value p = 0.000 p = 0.000

Notes: * No. of items purchased are set as follows: (1) 0, (2) 1-10, (3) 10-20, (4) 20-40, (5) 40-60, (6) 60-80, (7) 80-100, (8) more than 100


I.-D. ANI, S. RADAS: The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes... EKONOMSKI PREGLED, 57 (11) 730-752 (2006)

In each case, ANOVA shows that signicant differences existed in purchasing outcomes among shoppers grouped by shopping trip type, shopping list, and the way of shopping variables. As expected, major shoppers purchased signicantly more items and spent more money than ll-in shoppers, supporting the hypothesis H 4a. Hypotheses 4b and 4c are also supported. Therefore, consumers using shopping list and shopping carts spent more money and purchased more items than other shopper types. In general, large major shopping trips on which a large number of items are purchased and larger amount of money is spent are mostly planned in advance (implying the use of shopping list; cross tabulation analysis showed that there were more major shoppers using shopping list than ll-in shoppers, p = 0.000) and require mostly the use of carts during the shopping (cross tabulation analysis showed that there were more major shoppers using shopping carts than ll-in shoppers, p = 0.000).

The relationships between the number of store patronized and purchasing outcomes To test the last hypothesis, the number of different stores a shopper had patronized during the last month was related to the percentage of hypermarket grocery expenditures in monthly grocery budget for major and ll-in shopping trips. The results are shown in table 14.

Purchasing outcomes One or two store visited 1. Shoppers undertaking major shopping trips 1.1. percentage of hypermarket grocery expenditure for major 79.66 shopping trips 2. Shoppers undertaking ll-in shopping trips 2.1. percentage of hypermarket grocery expenditure for ll-in 61.14 shopping trips More than two store visited p-value


p = 0.000


p = 0.000

I.-D. ANI, S. RADAS: The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes... EKONOMSKI PREGLED, 57 (11) 730-752 (2006)


ANOVA ndings show that signicant differences in purchasing outcomes existed among the both shopper types for major and ll-in shopping trips. Consistent with the literature, shoppers that visited one or two stores tend to spend signicantly more in hypermarket than shoppers that visited more than two stores, supporting the hypothesis H5.

Conclusions This paper used Belks taxonomy (1975) to explore the impact of situational factors on shoppers purchasing outcomes in the Croatian hypermarket setting. Specically, it examined how store environment, social surroundings, temporal perspective, shopping task and the number of stores visited inuenced the amount of money spent and number of items purchased inside a store. In general the results of present study support the proposed theoretical framework. Research ndings indicate social surroundings, large-scale shopping, the use of shopping list and shopping cart were factors that signicantly contributed to higher level of purchasing outcomes, supporting the hypotheses H 2a, H 2b, H 4a, H 4b, H 4c. The longer a shopper stayed inside the store, the more items she or he purchased and larger amount of money spent. Shopping outcomes were shown to be the highest on Saturday and for shoppers who patronized one or two stores as compared to other shopping days and other shopper types respectively. Therefore hypotheses H 3b and H 3d were supported. Moreover, the shoppers who patronized one or two stores had signicantly higher hypermarket expenditure percentage share than shoppers who patronized more stores, supporting the hypothesis H5. However, contrary to expectations, no statistically signicant difference in purchasing outcomes was found across shopper types grouped by store atmosphere, travel time and time of the day shopping, rejecting the hypotheses H 1a, H 1b, H 3a and H 3c. The practical value of this study is that retailers may be better able to explain and predict the effects of situational factors and their changes on consumers shopping behaviour. Research results indicate that managers need to be sensitive to the fact that companions positively inuence purchasing outcomes. Thus, they should design such store environment that would attract a lot of shopping parties, parents with children, and foster discussion among them at the same time. Capture time is a further important factor in determining how much a shopper will buy. Store management initiatives should therefore address this situational variable in order to induce longer visits of their patrons. One way of getting shoppers to shop longer is to promote major shopping trips and large-scale purchases. Store loyalty


I.-D. ANI, S. RADAS: The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes... EKONOMSKI PREGLED, 57 (11) 730-752 (2006)

is a further important sales driver. Loyal customers tend to purchase more and spend greater amount of money in their primary store as compared to non-loyal customers. Retailers may attract and maintain loyal customers by implementing customer relationship programs. Although this study produced some interesting and meaningful ndings, there are some limitations as well. Like most marketing research, the study took a snapshot of a sample at upscale hypermarket store at a single point in time. The comparison of situational factors across different store formats would allow researchers to identify differences in shoppers behaviour. Several years of data in this industry would have provided further information as to how consumer behaviour have been changing and inuencing retail outcomes. Despite limitations identied, the results of this study offer useful insight into the situational factor impacts with some valuable managerial implications. There are several areas in need for further research. Research may be conducted in other store types to see whether the same patterns of situation dimensions and consumer purchasing behaviour emerge there. A more intense investigation into the factors determining the length of shoppers stay inside the store should be initiated. Research is also needed to examine the changes in situational factors over a longer period of time. More work is needed to compare consumer in-store purchasing behaviour in Croatia and both developed and developing countries.

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I.-D. ANI, S. RADAS: The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes... EKONOMSKI PREGLED, 57 (11) 730-752 (2006)

UTJECAJ SITUACIJSKIH IMBENIKA NA POTRONJU KUPACA U HIPERMARKETU U HRVATSKOJ Saetak Koristei Belkovu klasikaciju (1975), ovaj rad analizira utjecaj situacijskih imbenika na ponaanje i potronju kupaca u hipermarketu u Hrvatskoj. Rad analizira utjecaj zikog i drutvenog okruenja, vremena kupovine, zadatka u kupovini i imbenika koji su prethodili dolasku u prodavaonicu na potronju i broj kupljenih proizvoda. Anketiranje potroaa provedeno je u hipermarketu velikog trgovakog lanaca u Hrvatskoj kako bi se prikupili podaci potrebni za analizu. U testiranju modela, koritene su razliite metode deskriptivne statistike, ukljuujui analizu varijance. Drutveno okruenje, percipirana visoka gustoa kupaca i velike kupovine jesu imbenici koji su utjecali na rast potronje i broja kupljenih proizvoda. Duljina vremena provedenog u prodavaonici i kupovine obavljene u subotu takoer su vani imbenici koji utjeu na rast potronje. Signikantna veza nije identicirana izmeu grupa kupaca kod utjecaja imbenika atmosfere, vremena koje je potrebno da bi se dolo do prodavaonice i vremena kada je kupovina obavljena. Ovaj model omoguuje maloprodavaima da preciznije predvide utjecaj situacijskih imbenika na potronju i promet, i sukladno tome kreiraju maloprodajnu strategiju koja bi poticala odreene oblike ponaanja kupaca unutar prodavaonice. Kljune rijei: hipermarket, situacijski imbenici, ponaanje kupaca unutar prodavaonice, potronja kupaca, menadment prodavaonice

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