100 Introletter2013
100 Introletter2013
100 Introletter2013
our mission
100+ Women Who Care in Rhode Island is a group of women who are dedicated to supporting the work of local charitable organizations throughout our state. Our mission and purpose is to maximize womens leadership in philanthropy by engaging and educating our membership about the community work of these organizations and strengthening their impact through our collective giving. We strive to make a difference in Rhode Island.
Join us!
Our giving model is adapted from groups already thriving in other communities across the U.S. In 2006, the first 100 women were brought together in Jackson, Mississippi by Karen Dunigan. The intention was to streamline fundraising help for local agencies. Since that time, the original group of women has grown to 245 and has distributed over $200,000 to organizations or agencies in the Jackson area. The model has been so effective that other communities have formed similar groups. There are currently more than seventeen groups meeting around the country.
Do the math: [One hour + $100 ] x 4 meetings = A huge impact in your community!
Women from all over Rhode Island have joined our group. By the end of our first year we have over 100 women and we are excited to welcome more. Joining is a commitment to attend four, one hour meetings a year, and to pledge $100 per meeting, with an annual commitment of $400 per member. Before each meeting, any member of 100+ Women RI is able to nominate a Rhode Island based, non-profit organization (501(c)3). At each quarterly meeting, three of the nominated charities are chosen randomly and members who have nominated the organizations present a five minute description of the local organization or agency. Presentations typically include information about the organization such as local impact, community served, expenses, needs and intended use of the funds. There is an opportunity for questions after the presentations. A written vote is then taken, the votes counted and the winner is announced. Each of the women writes a check for $100 to the winning agency. The meeting ends and the agency or organization receives our donation100 women = $10,000!
That is world changing! Together, our group of women in Rhode Island can significantly impact the many local organizations and agencies devoted to improving lives. By the end of our first year, One Hundred+ Women in RI will have donated over $35,000 to organizations such as:
We Share Hope, $10,000 (March 2012): A Rhode Island-based organization that is devoted to ending hunger through the recovery and distribution of surplus edible food from businesses, manufacturers, restaurants, and colleges. Our donation gave direct support for the transportation of rescued food to local food pantries, shelters and community meals programs. Reach Out and Read RI, $9,300 (June 2012): Preparing our states youngest children to succeed in school this organization partners with doctors to prescribe books and encourage families to read together. With the funds we allotted to RORRI, more than 1,000 children were provided with new books through pediatricians at the Olneyville Health Center. Providence Center, $9,700 (September 2012): The Providence Centers Home Base Program works with chronically homeless men and women who have co-occurring disorders both mental illness and at least one substance abuse disorder. Our donation directly supports the programs housing first approach, getting homeless individuals into safe, supportive housing as soon as possible.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Meade
Thank you so much for your interest in 100+ Women Who Care, RI: 2013. Please fill out the commitment form below and return it to: Marilyn Edwards, 9 Linden Drive, Providence, RI 02906. Name __________________________________________________________________
Street Address ___________________________________________________________ City, State & Zip __________________________________________________________ Telephone Home______________ Work_______________ Cell____________________
Email ___________________________________________________________________
I understand that in joining 100+ Woman Who Care in RI. I am making a personal commitment to donate $400.00 ($100.00 per quarterly meeting) to charities and non-profits serving Rhode Island.
I also understand that, even if the charity chosen is not my first choice, as a member I will donate at each meeting. If I am not able to attend the quarterly meeting I will give my check to another member to deliver to the meeting on my behalf.
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