Volleyball Study Guide
Volleyball Study Guide
Volleyball Study Guide
Three players are in the front row and three are in the back row. The ball is put into play with a serve by the player in the right back position. When the ball is served, the receiving person typically uses a forearm pass or overhead pass to pass the ball to the setter. The setter attempts to set the ball to a hitter. The hitter attempts to hit the ball onto an open area on the opponents side of the court. The play continues until one team is unable to return the ball, hits the ball out-of-bounds, or a fault is called by the referee. Rally scoring is used. If the serving team wins the rally, they are awarded a point and the same player will serve again. If the receiving team wins the rally, they are awarded a point AND the serve. They will rotate one position, clockwise, and the person who has rotated to the right back position will serve the ball. With rally scoring, games are played to 25 points and must be won by 2 points. VOLLEYBALL SKILLS Forearm Pass: A pass made off the forearms. Often used to pass a served ball, a hard driven spike or any low ball. Overhead Pass: Pass made by contacting the ball above the head with the pads of the fingers. Can be used to pass a served ball or any ball coming above the head. Set: An overhead pass used with the intention of placing the ball in a position to be hit/ spiked. Often the second contact made by a team. Hit/Spike: A ball hit with strong downward force into the opponents court. This is the ideal third hit because it is more difficult for the other team to return. Front row players are allowed to spike the ball from anywhere on the court. Back row players must be behind the attack line when taking off to spike a ball. Block: Placing the hands above the net in order to stop a ball that has been hit/spiked by an opponent so that ideally it will rebound back into the opponents court, or will at least lessen the force if the ball rebounds off the blocker's hands back into their own court. The block DOES NOT count as a hit. Back row players are NOT allowed to block.
Serve: The method of putting the ball into play over the net by striking it with the hand. BASIC RULES OF VOLLEYBALL The Serve 1. Players must serve in rotating order (clockwise rotation). 2. At the time of the serve all players must be in their proper position on the court. 3. After the serve, all players may move to play the ball or move to cover a different area of the court. However, a back row player may not block at the net and must be behind the attack line when taking off to jump and spike a ball.
The server may not step on or over the end line before the ball is contacted the serve. This is called foot fault. 5. On a Jump Serve, the server may not step on or over the end line during takeoff, but CAN land on or over the end line. 6. A served ball that hits the net and goes over within the boundary lines is considered a good serve. 7. In gym class, if the serve hits the basketball hoop, it is a replay (re-do). 8. A serve landing ON the boundary line is considered IN. If a served ball land out-ofbounds, the other team is given a point and awarded the next serve.
Volleying 1. During play, a player may step on the center line (the line directly under the net) but the foot cannot cross the center line entirely. If it does, it is also called a "foot fault". The center line divides the 2 sides of the court and is located directly below the net (see court diagram below). 2. No player may touch the net at any time. A player may follow through over the net when hitting or blocking a ball as long as they dont touch the net. 3. Volleyballs landing on the end line or sideline are considered IN. 4. During a volley, the ball may touch the net and be played off the net. 5. Each time a team receives the ball they may only hit it 3 times. A block is not counted as one of the 3 hits. 6. The same player may not hit the ball twice in a row. 7. When a ball crosses the net, it must cross the net between the antennas (the antennas are directly over the sidelines). If the ball crosses the net outside the antenna, it is considered out-of-bounds. 8. At anytime during play the ball hits the antenna, it is considered out-of-bounds. 9. A lift is called when the ball is hit with open hands (palms up) from underneath. A lift is also called when a player attempts to overhead pass and contacts the ball from below the forehead. 10. A carry is called when a player holds, catches or throws the ball. 11. You are not allowed to block or spike a serve.
The Court
"Ace" Fault
A serve that score a point without the opposition being able to play the ball. An infraction of the rules or failure to play the ball properly; point is awarded to the team NOT in error. When a player holds, catches, or throws the volleyball. It is a "fault".
Carry Lift
Contacting the ball from underneath with open hands, palms facing up. This term also applies to contacting the ball from below the forehead when trying to overhead pass or set the ball. Both are considered a "fault". Double Hit When a player contacts the ball twice in a row. Or, an uneven contact where the ball hits off one hand before the other or hits off one arm before the other. Both are considered a "fault". It is LEGAL to have a double contact when passing a served ball or a ball that has been hit (spiked); for example, the ball contacts the passer's forearms then bounces off the upper arms. Foot Fault Stepping on or over the end line when serving the ball. Or, when the foot of any player on the court crosses completely over the center line (the line under the net). "Stuff When a player blocks a spiked ball and the ball lands on the hitter's side of the court. Rally The period of time from when the ball is served until the play is over. Rally Scoring A method of scoring where a point is awarded after every rally, no matter which team served the ball. Kill Dig Tip A shot the opposing team is unable to return, most often a hit/spike. Passing a ball that has been forcefully hit (spiked). A one-handed soft shot hit into the opponents court using the fingertips.
Attack Line A line on the court that is 3 meters (approx. 10 ft.) away from the center line and runs from sideline to sideline (see court diagram above). Match A set of volleyball games played by one team against another team. High school varsity matches consist of the best 3 out of 5 games. Freshman and JV matches consist of the best 2 out of 3 games.