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The Sound of American

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THE DADDY VOICE Americans are culturally programmed to trust the deep voices of authority.

in a study from xxx, researcher found that men with lower-pitched voices are found to be more dominant and attractive with favorable personality traits more often than were higher-pitched voices. Listeners were asked to assess the attractiveness, honesty, leadership potential and itelligence - among other qualities - of the speakers. For nearly every attribute they were asked to rate, participants were signifficantly more likely to prefer the deeper voice. Think of national broadcasters and the deep mellifluous tones they use. If you deepen your voice, youll find that Americans become more respectfull and attentive. To capture this voice, hark back to when your Dad would call you in for dinner. Put your shoulders back, your chest out, take a deep breath and say, Hey! Get in here! Notice how that feels physically and mentally if you com in through the Daddy Voice, Youll probably have a less negative reaction than just by deepening you voice randomly, to which weve had people say, I sound Like a monster ! I sound like a gangster! this is not the direction we want to push you in, but rather the calm, reassuring voice of authority figure. Shoulders back, chin up, chest out, project from your diagraphragm, and relax your throat.

To practice the difference between high pitch and lower pitch, work on UHOH. In addition to pitch, this exercise will let you discover the difference between a tinny, nasal tone and a deep, rich, mellifluous, basso profundo tone. The tilde (~) is used to indicate a nasal sound, If you try to deepen you voice by expanding your throat, youll end up with an odd, hollow sound. Exercise 1-1: Shifting your voice position Pinch your noe closed and say AE. you should fell a high vibration in your nasal passages, as well as in our fingers. Now, continue holding your nose, and completely relax your throat -- allow and ah sound to flow form deep in your chest. There should be no vibration in your nose at all. Go back and forth several times. Next, we practice flowing, from one position to the other, so you can feel exactly when it changes from a nasal sound to a deep, tich schwa. Remember how it was imitating a mans voice when you were little? Do that, pinch you nose, and repeat after me. Nose ae -- ae -- Throat -- -e -- e Chest

Here, we will pactice the same progression, but we will stick with the same sound, ae. Nose ae -- ae -- ae Throat -- ae -ae -- ae Chest

As you will see in chapter 24, there are three nasal consonants, m, n, and ng. these have non-nasal couterparts, m/b, n/d, ng/g. were going to practice tottaly denasalizing your voice for a moment, wich means turning the nasals into the other consonants. Well read the same sentence three times. The first will be quite nasal. The second will sound like you have a cold. the third will have ap-propriate nasal consonants but denasalized vowels. repeat after me.

Nasal Normal Mry might need money. need money

Hollow Berry bite deed buddy. Mary might

THE UNDERLYING HUM the underlying hum is quite important and it, too, has to do with your throat. you want to keep the vibration going from one word to the next, gkuing the whole phrase together. if words are the train, the hum is the tracks. After applying this technique, a Lebanese doctor was told by his own wife, "your accent has changed! yourre adding extra sounds as if you are filling in the blanks between the words. Theres like this bacground music going on." Exactly! there are no blanks between the words, and there is a continuius hum. (See also Chapter 11).

Exercise 1-1: Shifting your voice position Pinch your nose closed and say AE. you should fell a high vibration in your nasal passages, as well as in our fingers. Now, continue holding your nose, and completely relax your throat -- allow an ah sound to flow form deep in your chest. There should be no vibration in your nose at all. Go back and forth several times. Next, we practice flowing, from one position to the other, so you can feel exactly when it changes from a nasal sound to a deep, tich schwa. Remember how it was imitating a mans voice when you were little?

Do that, pinch you nose, and repeat after me. Nose ae -- ae -- Throat -- -e -- e Chest

Here, we will pactice the same progression, but we will stick with the same sound, ae. Nose ae -- ae -- ae Throat -- ae -ae -- ae Chest

As you will see in chapter 24, there are three nasal consonants, m, n, and ng. these have non-nasal couterparts, m/b, n/d, ng/g. were going to practice tottaly denasalizing your voice for a moment, wich means turning the nasals into the other consonants. Well read the same sentence three times. The first will be quite nasal. The second will sound like you have a cold. the third will have ap-propriate nasal consonants but denasalized vowels. repeat after me.

Nasal Normal Mry might need money. need money

Hollow Berry bite deed buddy. Mary might

THE UNDERLYING HUM the underlying hum is quite important and it, too, has to do with your throat. you want to keep the vibration going from one word to the next, gluing the whole phrase together. if words are the train, the hum is the tracks. After applying this technique, a Lebanese doctor was told by his own wife, "your accent has changed! youre adding extra sounds as if you are filling in the blanks between the words. Theres like this bacground music going on." Exactly! there are no blanks between the words, and there is a continuius hum. (See also Chapter 11).

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