Lost Business Report Template
Lost Business Report Template
Lost Business Report Template
Agency/Company Location
Action Steps:
Buy Decision:
Alternative Offered:
Reporting: This form is to be completed by Reservation/Guest Service Manager/Sales/Catering anytime a piece of business is
The report is to be dated and signed with the original given to the General Manager who will keep it in a “Lost Business”
Book by date.
This way if the reason for the loss of business is “unavailability”, should space open up due to a cancellation, we can quickly
check the Lost business file and possibly book a replacement piece of business.
Should some of them be new potential clients, the Sales Department will pursue the organization for future potential.
The Lost Business Book will be kept in the Sales Office (duplicate) as well as the General Managers office.
If the lost business report is completed for a Tentative or Definite group booking, then copies must be given to both
Reservations and Catering to release space being held.