Differentiated Lead Writing Lesson
Differentiated Lead Writing Lesson
Differentiated Lead Writing Lesson
to look at lead writing similarly to filling out a Mad Lib. In this lesson, students will practice this process of lead writing. Instruction is based on three tiers of understanding. Students work to complete progressively more difficult projects as they work up the ladder. Each assignment offer students less and less scaffolding. Students struggling with the first tier will be offered additional assistance and one-on-one re-teaching. Learning Objectives: SWBAT identify the 5Ws and H in a story summary. SWBAT to construct sentences by stringing the 5Ws and H together in various orders. SWBAT explain the difference between verbs, adjectives and nouns and choose creative and effective examples of each in their writing. Hook: Complete one lead Mad Lib together in front of the class. During this time, quickly review the definition of adjective, noun and verb. Guided/Independent Practice: Students work up the three tiers by finishing the activities above. Students cannot graduate to a new tier until their work is approved by the teacher. As time goes on, students stuck on Tier 1 are given assistance from the classroom aid.
Tier 1
Low understanding level
Tier 2
Middle understanding level
Tier 3
High understanding level
Activity: Using 5Ws and H flashcards to write leads. 5Ws and H are previously identified for students. To complete the activity, students must put the elements in the order of the previously discussed formula.
Activity: Students identify the 5Ws and H in reporters notes. Students then fill in an entirely incomplete Mad Lib. Students complete three Mad Libs.
Activity: Students write different leads based on reporters notes. Students write a lead starting with Who, starting with What, starting with When, Where.
Activity: Students are given five lead Mad Libs. They fill them out with the appropriate adjectives, nouns and verbs.
Assessment: Students are informally assessed at their graduation from each tier. Students are not allowed to move up to a new activity until they demonstrate understanding by successful completing each activity. Final assessment will occur at the completion of Tier 3.