Nursing Documentation: Your License May Depend On It!
Nursing Documentation: Your License May Depend On It!
Nursing Documentation: Your License May Depend On It!
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Taking a Poll
1. Have you been involved in a patient (client) related lawsuit ? 2. Do you have professional liability insurance? 3. Do you feel like your documentation would support you in a court of law?
A patient you cared for 9 months ago is unhappy with the outcome and has filed a malpractice lawsuit against you. Now what?
The Jury
Duty of Care
Based on existence of the nurse-patient relationship A legal status created when the nurse is legally obligated to provide nursing care to a patient Law will demand that the nurse perform as a reasonably prudent nurse
Breach of Duty
Nurses care fell below the acceptable Standard of Care Results: malpractice case compensatory $$$ loss of nurses license loss of job / ability to work
Proximate Cause
PROOF Requires that there be a reasonably close connection between the nurses conduct and the resultant injury
Nurse has a responsibility to foresee harm before it occurs and eliminate risks Admission Screens Fall Risk Suicide Risk
Illusion of Negligence
Compensated when: Suffered loss or injury through the act, omission, or negligence of another
Medical costs Loss of earnings Impairment of future earnings Past / future pain & suffering
1. Explain the importance of documentation as a health care provider. 2. Identify the legal aspects of nursing documentation. 3. Identify the basic information that is required when documenting. 4. Describe specific issues that require documentation. 5. Discuss documentation concerns regarding faxing of records. 6. Discuss computerized documentation concerns. 7. Discuss documentation Dos and Donts.
8. Identify RNs liability for LPN & CNAs. 9. Identify how the nursing process impacts nursing documentation. 10. State characteristics of reasonable documentation. 11. Explain what constitutes Nursing Malpractice related to the role of documentation. 12. Identify common charting errors. 13. Identify the consequences of poor documentation 14. Discuss the future of documentation standards. 15. Evaluate the medical record documentation issues in selected legal cases.
What do you want to know?
Who Cares?
State Regulations Federal Regulations Client / Patient Reimbursement
To avoid litigation, health care providers must comply with established standards of care.
Standards of Care
State & Federal Legislation / Statutes Practice Guidelines
North Carolina
Know your states regulations & statues
The Purpose
to clarify the legal scope of practice & accountability
Learn - CEUs
Prudent Nurse
Chain of Command?
Clear Understanding Established Philosophy Procedure & Policy
Nurses responsibility to recognize problems with patient care and take appropriate action to prevent patient injury.
Albemarles Philosophy
Albemarles Chain
Courts have held that nurses have a duty to question a physicians order if it is not consistent with standard medical practice.
unresponsive or insufficiently responsive might not return a page tells the nurse not to call again about the same problem, or informs the nurse he or she will come in later
Well known by all Improves the quality of care Improves patient outcomes
Expert Witnesses
Stay informed Hospital Policy & Procedures Board of Nursing Standards of Care
Source of Liability The medical record can change the entire climate surrounding a lawsuit Medical records, in themselves, may be the very source of a lawsuit
Case in Point
Case Scenario
Master of Charting
The Basics
Chronology: Date and Time Client History Interventions: Medical, Social and Legal Observations: Objective and Subjective Outcomes Client and Family Response Authorship: Your Signature and Credentials
Hand written
Cursive Print
Typed notes Clicks
Clients History
Including unhealthy conditions or risky heath habits such as:
scalp lice smoking failure to take prescribed medication, etc.
Client Outcomes
Expected Deviations
Documentation of Assessment
Actual Response
Evaluations Verbal Non-verbal
Your Signature
Full name Credentials Job title Initials
Client/Family Education/Instructions Referrals to Community Resources Authorizations and Consents Plans for Follow-up Discharge Plan Telephone Calls: Be Specific
Client Education
Standard Education
S Situation B Background A Assessment R - Recommendation
Phone Calls
Phone Record Phone Orders Pager Response Documentation Facility Policy
Read Back
Date and time of call Physician's name and "T/O" to indicate order Verbal order, written word-for-word Documentation that you've read back the order, to be sure you heard it correctly Documentation that you've transcribed it according to your facility's policy Your name
1. Check the number before you dial. 2. Check the number on the fax machine display. 3. Re-check the number before you press the send button.
Computerized Documentation
Easier form of communication Legible As legal as when you manually chart
The Dos
Correct Chart Reflect the Nursing Process Write Legibly Permanent Black Ink Complete / Concise / Accurate
Route Clients response
Nursing Procedures
Name of procedure When it was performed Who performed it How it was performed How well the client tolerated it Adverse reactions
Phone calls Health Care Team visits Dont wait to Chart Client refusals Clients subjective data
Medication omission Late Entry Not Applicable Charting Frequency
Facility P&P / Standards
Approved abbreviations & symbols Discharge instructions Commonly misspelled words Look-a-Like / Sound-a-Like
Continuation Triplicate / Carbonated Copies
The Don'ts
Complaints Opinions Altering the Record
Red Flags
Adding Information Dating the entry
Dates / Times conflict
Unapproved Abbreviations Shorthand Vague Excuses
Chart for someone else Chart Opinions Use Negative Language
Use vague terms Chart ahead Misspelled words Incorrect Grammar
Chart staffing problems Chart staff conflicts Chart casual conversations
White out / Eraser The word Error Correct the Entry Oops Sad Faces
Leave empty lines / spaces Write in the margins Make reference to incident reports
Use words that suggest that there is a clients safety risk Violate client confidentially
Care Plan Standardized Care Plan Clinical Pathway
Card system - readily accessible to all members of the health care team Quick reference
Computerized Kardex
Nurses Notes
Narrative SOAP SOAPIE SOAPIER APIE PIE Graphic Charting Focused Charting Charting by Exception
Universal Guideline for Charting Nursing Process Four phases of nursing care:
Assessment Planning Implementation Evaluation
Documentation Audits
Random Audits Quality / Performance Initiatives
Ms. Ketchum sued Overlake Hospital, contending that her severe mental retardation was caused by what she felt was negligent nursing care.
Pivotal Issue
Ms. Jarvis suffered a leg fracture in a skiing accident in 1981, which was subsequently surgically reduced
Pivotal Issues
Five days after quintuple coronary artery bypass graft surgery, a patient who was having respiratory problems was transferred out of the intensive care unit (ICU).
Wrongful Death
The basis for a lawsuit, which is filed due to a death caused by the negligence of another person
Nurse Expert
Breach in Standard of Care Failure to address high risk problem Failure to complete full assessment
Medical Expert
Change the Outcome
Lessons Learned
Documentation validates Nursing Care
Defensive Documentation
Documentation The right way!
Legally aware Legible Relevance Standard abbreviations, symbols, and terms Thorough Timely
National Standards
Does having my own individual professional liability insurance policy make me a more likely target for a lawsuit?
Why do I need an individual professional liability policy? Won't my employer's insurance coverage protect me?
SOB / Difficulty Breathing Chest Pain Low BP / Change in LOC Lungs wet IVF wide open
1. 2. 3. Ashley, Ruthe C. Legal Counsel. Critical Care Nurse, Dec 2004 Charting Made Incredibly Easy. 2nd Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2002 Feutz-Harter, Sheryl. Nursing Case Law Update: Faulty Documentation. Journal of Nursing Law, Vol.2 Issue Mary E. OKeefe, Nursing Practice and the Law (Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company, 2001), 14041. Medi-Smart Nursing Education Resources: Nursing Legal Issues North Carolina Board of Nursing: Nurses Service Organization:
5. 6. 7.