Aerodrome Signs
Aerodrome Signs
Aerodrome Signs
Pilots need a working knowledge of all aeronautical signs found at aerodromes. When used together with your aerodrome charts, they help you taxi to the right place on the aerodrome. Signs tend to be more complex at major aerodromes such as Auckland and Christchurch, but most aerodromes have some signs accompanying airfield markings. Not all of these signs are currently in use in New Zealand, but they are being introduced at all the international aerodromes. Signs are divided into two categories, mandatory and information.
Mandatory Signs
These include Runway Holding Position signs and No Entry signs. They have white characters on a red background. Pilots must not proceed beyond a mandatory sign without obtaining an ATC clearance and visually confirming that it is safe to proceed.
No Entry Signs
No Entry signs are used to indicate an area of an aerodrome that has been withdrawn from use or is not suitable for aircraft operations.
Information Signs
Information signs are provided at an aerodrome where there is an operational need. They help pilots maintain situational awareness. Information signs consist of Location and Direction signs and are often located at intersections.
Location Signs
Your location
Runway Designator
Runway Holding Position signs are located alongside the appropriate ground marking. These signs identify the holding position as well as indicate the direction in which the holding instruction applies. This example shows the holding position on taxiway Bravo for runway 23R. Where runway designators are shown on a sign, the first two digits of the runway magnetic heading rounded to the nearest whole 10 degrees will be used. Location Sign
Location signs are used to identify taxiways and where necessary runways. Location signs have yellow lettering on a black background. Taxiways are normally designated by a single letter of the alphabet, (for example A, B, C, etc). On some of the larger aerodromes in New Zealand with many taxiways, alphanumeric designators may be used in order to identify minor taxiways which join a main route, (for example A1, B6, etc). Remember: Black square, you are there.
Pilots must not proceed beyond a mandatory sign without obtaining an ATC clearance and visually confirming that it is safe to proceed.
Intersection Takeoff Sign
Direction Signs
Direction signs consist of a route or destination label accompanied by an arrow pointing in the appropriate direction. They have black characters on a yellow background and are normally accompanied by a Location sign.
An Intersection Takeoff (more commonly known as Inset Takeoff Position) sign indicates the remaining takeoff run available from that point. They have black characters on a yellow background and are located opposite an intermediate taxiway.
While Taxiing
Signage used in conjunction with an aerodrome marking will help pilots improve their situational awareness. If you are in any doubt as to a taxi clearance that you have received from ATC, then ask for clarification.
Direction Signs
Directions signs are also used to inform pilots of an exit from a runway after landing. In this situation they are called a Runway Exit sign and will not be accompanied by a location sign. Remember: Yellow array points the way.
See the November / December 2007 issue of Vector for the article Aerodrome Markings.
For further information on aerodrome signs see the CAA web site, Aerodromes Aerodrome Signage.